#he's actually...sooooooooooo
grahamcarmen · 1 year
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yugiohz · 1 day
i mentioned this on my other blog a few hours ago but last reblog reminded me of the sports tournament again and my issues with how adults do not respect bakugo's feelings, just because he might not have the regulatory skills yet to express himself better, my point is that lrb is so true in the sense that bakugo takes deku very seriously like this shit is so serious to him and he is entitled to feeling so srtongly about their dynamic, so it's disappointing that a lot of adults invalidate his feelings and his principles just because he's a kid (he's not even a kid he's 16 and a bright one at that like you could clearly have a chat with him), my point is he shouldn't have been put on a pedestal in a literal sense & with a muzzle too like that was public humiliation, you rlly can't blame bakugo for letting this get to him and struggling so much with having a normal relationship with deku when no one rlly bothers to understand where his emotions are ocming from like there are reasons for why that weird blond guy is so easily irritaed by that weird green-haired guy let's unpack!!!!!!!!!
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sammygender · 14 days
THANK YOU OLI I don't get the season 8 hype. No Cas, Sam and Dean have the same conflict they've been having the entire show with no new angles like why????
YEAH LITERALLY. inital conflict is literally dean being angry at sam for trying to move on and heal which is just so intensely unlikeable and for some reason i was shocked by it and it made me genuinely dislike him. to me dean is at his most awful in s8..... like he's not. he's definitely not. gadreel possession in s9 and like most of s9/10 with the mark is much worse than anything he does in s8 and killing amy in s7 was sooo awful too. but dean is just so intensely a dick in s8 and i was so angry with him and not even in a fun way. like in s9/10 he is AWFUL but i enjoyed the drama. i didnt even enjoy the interpersonal drama in s8. which is when you know something is wrong
then again. im probably too harsh on it and am basing it off memories of sitting through the first half because i LOVE the trials and sacrifice and the great escapist so so much. and i love kevin <3 he's s8 right. but. to me s8 will always be the worst season. maybe i just hate what it brings to the shows canon. sam leaving dean for a girl and a dog (which is NOT EVEN WHAT HAPPENED... and if it WAS it wouldve been justified.... id support sam even if i thought he abandoned dean unprovoked idc.....) is constantly brought back like the worst of his sins even as late as like. s11. SHUT UP. first half of s8 is just upsetting for sam reasons and not in a fun way
#i was fully a dean hater for a while back in s8#i still love and support dean haters i just could never manage being one myself. god bless.#self recognition through the other (derogatory) but i would never pull his s8 shit at least#i just. HATE the whole. omg sam is in the wrong for trying to move on even though thats what he wanted dean to do while he was gone#and he thought its what dean would want because surely he would want sam to be happy (no he wanted sam to destroy his life looking for him)#and deans going to punish him for the evil crime of Wanting His Own Life and Getting Free and the narrative is also going to condemn him fo#this and its going to be treated like yet ANOTHER thing he needs to repent for. season four all over again except season four was really#fucking GOOD it was just emotionally devastating. s8 isnt even GOOD. the episodes were fucking boring half the time#tbf i also didnt like s6 very much because i hated the campbells being brought back so much i found it devastatingly boring#and apparently s6 and s8 are some of the most popular seasons. so. shrug#i preferred s10 a hell of a lot to both of them.. am i crazy..... s10 wasnt good but like. it was entertaining and i liked watching dean ge#worse and worse and it had rowena and claire and sure its thematically a mess but it was enjoyable to me. plus i liked the finale a lot#spn#s8#objectively i do actually think some of s8 is much better than anything else but emphasis on SOME#i find dean entirely uninteresting also when hes just Sooo sooooooooooo angry all the time unless its coming out in more interesting fucked#up possessiveness or hes actually killing people. so s8 dean was so boring#anyway. s8 haters of the world unite#asks#oliver talks
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navyhyuck · 3 months
not a single damn smoothie was drunk
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aizenat · 29 days
God the more I watch of blood of Zeus the more unimpressed and irritated I am by anything around the mc.
First off, idk if I missed something, but why was the sword in some giant metal robot thing? Also, and this is most important, why the FUCK would the big sword they had been Herons entire mission to retrieve all season (for some reason) be pulled out and retrieved by Herons two travel mates instead of Heron himself?!?!?! He’s being squeezed to death and survived thanks to them but is he not the lead? Was retrieving the sword not HIS mission? When the Amazonian hands him the sword, it’s weird moment because like how weird for the mc to just be handed a sword others almost died for and he did nothing himself to obtain. What sort of hero’s journey is this?
Like literally this man just had things happening around and to him. You can’t have him see people dead and have this dramatic moment where he says he won’t die like them only for him to spend this entire season just having things done to him. Goes to his home and Zeus happened to make a secret basement with a holograms with instructions how convenient. He goes to visit his mothers grave and not only is human seraphim there for him to save (as he was told to do by Gaia lol) but so is this material he needs to locate the sword he needs for reasons. Again how convenient. Is out in the middle of the ocean and not only does a magical giant robot with the sword attack but it does so right where an Amazonian ship is sailing, FOR SOME FUCKING REASON, to pick them out of the water after the fight. HOW FUCKING CONVENIENT.
And like as an aside, why the fuck did the Amazonian straight ask why there was an Amazonian ship out where they were (indicating that it was weird they were there) only for a fight to break out and no answer to that weird fucking coincident? Like this is what I mean with this show. The writing is all off. Logically it would make sense for the heroes to find the ship, land and talk to the Amazonians, let the one with them reunite with her people, and then when the robot attacks I’m invested in the fight because it’s not just about getting the sword but also about keeping their new friends safe. It’s how you properly raise the stakes and build tension. Who the fuck is writing this show because all offense they suck and don’t seem to understand basic storytelling concepts. Like you know writing linearly and fucking have the protagonist fucking do something for himself instead of existing while the fucking plot happens around and to him!
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rpfisfine · 5 months
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MY DAD JUST TEXTEDME ???????FGBGGH123;&/@& “what’s going on with RPF? still no video?”
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rose-lalondde · 10 months
the difference between the tumblr and twitter reactions to the boruto time skip designs has been so funny omg
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kellerybird · 4 months
I have so much other stuff I should be working on
but my brain decided it’s time to hyperfocus on a comic about the scene with abdirak?
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soo-won · 1 year
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hm I want to end it all
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roaringheat · 9 months
collapses to the ground and destroys everything within a 5 mile radius with how distraught and heartbroken I am
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#vark posts#v live blogging#HOOOOW AM I SUPPOSED TO COPE#i cant even put my thoughts into words#i am just all emotion and nothing else#oh my god#Arthur........#ohhhhhh my goddddddd#im about to start tearing up the drywall#fuck man he literally gave his all to save who he could#literally every last bit right until the end#him laying on the ground wheezing actually crushed my soul u dont understand#AND HE DIED ALONE#im glad he was able to save who he could and help john get out and shit#knowing Arthurs character and how self sacrificing he is im sure he was happy to die to keep them safe so at least theres that closure#IM SOOOOO MAD MICAH DIDNT DIE#SOOOOOOOOOOO MAD#I CANNOT BELIEEEEEVE HES MADE IT OUT ALIVE#and theyre just gonna TIME SKIP?#LET ME SEE THE OTHERS AT LEAST#im gonna crumble into a million pieces what happened to charles and sadie and karen and tilly#i hope to fuck im gonna see them again in however long this whole playing as john thing goes#i cannot fuckin believe I didn't cry#if theres anything to prove im near incapable of crying its this bullshit cause i felt like my soul was leaving my body#i did tear up DEFINITELY#fuck man i just want Arthur back#i need him to just fuck off on a self care run and for him to be genuinely happy and not used#extremely good story telling 11/10 i feel like i got ripped apart but its ok im ok im normal#such an incredible and heartbreaking ending for such a complex caring man#the doomed by the narrative trope written in literally the best way ive ever seen
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enluv · 7 months
MATCHING NAILS WITH JAY 😭😭 eating my fist rn i can’t take it he would 100% love it i also think that while he’d be the type to match his accessories to your outfit all the time so like even when he’s away from you, he asked for you to send him your ootd and he responds back with pics of his earrings, rings, necklaces, etc that he put on to match with you :((
you’re actually so right and if I ever publish the jay as your boyfriend hc post I have sitting in my drafts you’ll know just how much I agree with you 😭🙏💔
can you imagine him gifting you a ring or maybe a bracelet and then showing you his very own matching jewelry to it !!! like for example he gifts you a pretty gold chain or ring with his initials and later he shows you that he has a chain with your initials or like a matching bracelet I would fr fall over and die 😭‼️
or he has a designated chain with your promise ring hanging around it and he NEVER takes it off 😞💔 literally going insane at the thought of this rn omfg
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infernalisa · 1 year
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i finally got it!!
kaito can, with the use of his UM-- control another person. by manipulating the blood in their body. the only requirement, is that he bites them first. so long as he has bitten them once, his magic will work with 100% effectiveness. it is very similar to blood bending, as seen in ATLA. the subject is completely aware of what's happening, and can still speak. but otherwise, their body is entirely under kaito's control. the movements disjointed and strange. some who are physically strong can fight it. but it's painful to do so, and can lead to injury.
he really does not use this spell often. as due to it's power, it can leave him exhausted. the more people he controls, the more drained he becomes. and unbeknownst to him-- the more blot he accrues. controlling enough people at the same time can lead to him having a full blown OB episode lmao. and tbh, i don't even want to think about that hfgksjdhfgkjhg.
fortunately, kai is a very easy going person, very laid back. there really is no reason to use his UM without being pressured to do so. he isn't offended easily, and doesn't really start fights or conflicts intentionally. the only only times he ever used this spell were at home, in the abyss. to protect himself, and kill sea serpents that thought to make a meal of him.
i think the most dangerous aspect of this, is the fact no one knows what his signature spell is. he doesn't talk about it, doesn't use it. in fact, most anyone is convinced kai doesn't have one. he's already got a multitude of talents, and strengths. plenty of other things that makes him quite strong.
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wikipediagf · 1 year
I know it’s meant to be existential or whatever but at times this book is honestly so silly like the way that kalfka just thinks that half of the unexplained things that have happened to him are just metaphors like sir there was fish falling from the sky and you may/may not have just killed ur dad what do you MEAN it’s a metaphor
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
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(Where did THIs come from?) 
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He just whips out his gun LOL 
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Homie, do NOT poke the hornet’s nest 
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I like how he just generally cares
He rlly is over here like, ‘You two??? I said I could handle this, what about Tsubasa?’ 
Idk I just think its really sweet. 
Like maybe he originally would have accepted their help, but he knew the three of them needed to take care of Tsubasa (as he knows all three of their identities) and so he told them to leave. 
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