#he's also bi bc Im bi and I think hes hot and I project onto all my OCs somehow sOOOOOOOOO
nyaskitten · 2 years
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WHOAH what the fuck is that the evil LGBT squad ???? whoaa no way!!!!
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vaugarde · 2 years
Sending another warrior bc of warriors brainrot but how about breezepelt?
sorry this is so late xmx i had this open in a tab and forgot about it
sexuality headcanon: hmmm idk tbh. i'll go with bi ace but he doesnt know it yet
gender/pronouns headcanon: nonbinary but also doesnt know it so goes by he/him for now but will eventually be comfortable w he/she/they
rate them out of ten: it has been a hot minute. i'm gonna go with like a 6 or 7 because the discourse about him is exhausting but also fans are not normal abt him so i kinda feel inclined to like him out of spite.
favorite thing about them: can't tell if this should technically be a bad thing because the erins absolutely wrote him the way they did to be like "oh look how much WORSE crowfeathers life is. dont you wish he was present in the three's lives and still with leafpool?? they arent as annoying as him!" but i do like that he's an unconventional abuse victim. like in fiction, authors like to portray abuse victims as only quiet and meek. which like, those people exist in real life so that's not an issue, per say, but people are VERY quick to suddenly say that a child deserves to be abused if that kid lashes out instead. so, personally i like breezepelt for defying that, but at the same time it wasn't meant to be subversive so like, fuck you erin hunter im stealing him
least favorite thing about them: uhhh kinda the above, its like a double edged sword.
why i first started liking/disliking them: it was half the scene where they say that no one in windclan likes him because. uh oh thats me. and half spite
do i relate/project onto/kin them?: sort of. i kind of understand the sheer rage he feels because of how he's treated in windclan even if its not seen as a "big deal", tho not to a murderous degree obviously. i also understand being seen as the obnoxious kid that no one likes and everyone thinks hes a baby that complains, and people saying that they're glad that he's gone because they think he's exhausting. like. uh oh family and school memories flooding back. dont relate to the dad issues tho
favorite quote/moment: not much comes to mind, hes just kind of a sad character so it feels weird to pick one. ig the scene where brokenstar manipulates him bc its a good representation of how fucked up he's become
my fav ship: idk tbh. ive seen breezeblossom get thrown around but i dont really like blossomfall that much tbh. which one of his ships gets the most vitriol (without age gaps or incest)? bc i wanna do that one to be funny
my fav platonic friendship idk how i feel abt breezeheather but i do at least like em as friends. im fine either way w them tho
a ship i hate: not much comes to mind
do i prefer canon or fanon?: well fanon is kinda weird so ig canon idk. i like the version of him in my head ig?
random headcanon:
what color do i picture them as: orange is what i associate, otherwise he's pitch black
cat breed headcanon: oriental cat
unpopular opinion: honestly i don't know why people take him trying to kill poppyfrost as like an end all thing to saying hes a bad character and not someone you should "side with" over crowfeather. like, i do know why but like this is the murder cat book. most of them kill. the book acts like its both scary and epic. like why are you mocking shadowclan and calling them stupid for mourning russetfur's death at lionblaze's hand after thunderclan invaded them and also clutching your pearls over this? when is it ok to kill in this society? and its also an outlandish action not grounded in reality, while crow's neglect hits closer to home. also breeze is a villain at that point lol hes supposed to do fucked up shit while crow's neglect is painted as misunderstood and uwu sad for him at the end of the day. so yeah i do think its fucked that he did that, but at the same time yeah im not gonna "side with crowfeather" and say he deserved the neglect over it. wtf
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sodascribbles · 2 years
hello would people like sly cooper gender and sexuality headcanons bc i have figured out the truth and as we all know the truth is lava-proof /ref
slyfox is t4t sly and carmelita told me themselves /j
sly (he/him + neos) is transmasc and bisexual (hes just like me fr) though personally i also think he's grayromantic possibly demi. he doesnt think abt it too hard tho! trades neos w bentley like pokemon cards
carmelita (she/her) is transfem btw also. bisexual queen we love to see it.
murray (he/him) is like the only cis one of the cooper gang but hes also like canonically gay (bi at the very least) hes a gay man ok
hot take but. trans girl bentley (she/they + neos). also under the aro umbrella i think and i think shes ace. penelope and them are qpps. them and sly trade neopronouns around like pokemon cards
penelope (they/she) is also transfem actually. demigirl <3 theyre aroace her and bentley are qpps still. they had a whole sexuality crisis over sly but NOPE it was the aesthetic attraction come to kick them in the ass
HOT TAKE. dimitri (he/it) is a trans man. hes gay i think. possibly aro and homosexual but is not opposed to being in a relationship.
tbf im aro so maybe im just projecting onto these guys but who's to say. :3
nb panda king (they/he but rlly doesnt care) for the win im an agender panda king truther. does not mind any gendered terms or pronouns. doesnt label their sexuality but does have a wife (er. used to have a wife)
also nb guru (any) but in the other direction. hot take pangender guru. tends to use masculine terms for herself but switches it up every once in a while. i think they're also aroace but again IM aroace so maybe im just projecting. either all or nothing w it i think either pan or aroace /hj but hes probably the one ive thought the least abt
and a bonus round of just me speedrunning other chars and not explaining
raleigh is transmasc and transphobic and also gay and homophobic
muggshot is a closeted gay w a lot of internalized homophobia
i think mz ruby is a lesbian
youve heard my opinion on panda king
clockwerk stopped thinking about it after version 2 i dont think they care
youve heard my opinion on dimitri
rajan. cishet i think. probably not intolerant but not an ally just indifferent yknow
contessa. aroace i think. married her husband for money and money alone. cis i think?????? but i could also see her as transfem
jean bison is a homophobe and i just think that's canon
we dont see enough of arpeggio for me to get a good read on him but based on like the way he talks alone i think hes cis and gay but i can also see him as transmasc whoops
neyla i think just doesnt care. aroace and agender made one choice and it was No but is not above flirting/whatever to get what she wants
octavio is either gay or homophobic w no inbetween
also fun fact i think bentley figures herself out as trans tm between sly 2 and 3
anyway what's the 2nd villain
the mask of dark earth is. end sentence
ok uhhh 3 is the black baron that's just Penelope boymoding /hj
homophobic a transphobe AND a misogynist
dont ask how much trouble i had spelling misogynist
id call him a terf but hes not a feminist of ANY kind thank you
lefwee is a pirate and that's pretty gay in general. pansexual. the most accepting villain of the bunch /hj again
dr m is again either homophobic or gay w no inbetween. probably a transphobe tho
using that tag a lot
update apparently the species of bird that he is only the females are red w black beaks so hes also trans heart emoji
"cooper?? no you must be the coopers daughter!" "yyyyyyyyyeah about that" <- real conversation between him and sly /j
you get exactly 5 comments on 4 bc i know exactly 5 new characters
el jefe is a homophobe i think
rioichi is cishet but an ally
toothpick is gay sorry not sorry
tennessee is a trans man and i will die on this hill
le paradox. is a terf i think. ive met him exactly once and know little to nothing about him but just based on Vibes
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samsflannel · 4 years
survey results are in!
sorry, this is gonna be a long post. yesterday i posted a survey with a list of polls regarding Supernatural, and it was SO much fun. I got over 300 responses, which was A LOT to sort through for the short responses, but I’ve gathered all the “data” and here it is! My responses to each poll will be under the screenshots (they are in groups of 2). I’m going to include the short answer responses in another post. ENJOY!
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1. Starting off strong.
2. Pleased with this one as well.
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3. Yep, I expected this response from most of us.
4. Sami, I made the wincest and destiel response just for you. YW.
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5. CMON YOU GUYS......live a little!!! samjack sexy
6. I’m not really surprised that Playthings got the bulk of votes here, but I think my vote would have been 8x23.
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7.  :)
8. i’m disappointed that more people didn’t choose the yellow one tbh
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9. it is sexy. it is. wake up.
10. i love Dean, but he’s definitely an asshole. and that’s what makes him a great character!
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11. hehe.....i understand why not a lot of people picked noncon bait....u r valid its ok im gross.
12. WHO THE FUCK PICKED NO......have you ever consumed media
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13. WBK.
14. damn, Dean kinda got the short end here! a lot of samgirls took this survey
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15. i get why you wouldn’t like Bugs bc it does have harmful stereotypes about native ppl but the rest of it is peak season 1 wdymmm
16. almost 50/50 here! old vs new fans we love to see it. I am definitely wincest old guard.
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17. YEP. Eric Kripke needs shock therapy for that one
18. The fact that some people admitted to being dry.....tragic. I think Eileen is a great character but they are NOT endgame.
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20. ugh. yeah. same.
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21. who tf picked blue. cmon. red meat incest agenda.
22. SAM MOMMY MILKERS!!!!! hucow sam <3
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23. Mixed on this one! My response is obviously yellow :)
24. I do think Bobby favored Dean somewhat.
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25. Johnzazel agenda so true
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27. someone requested a combination of blue and yellow and you’re so right i apologize.
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28. mixed on this one for top vs bottom fans! almost a 50/50 split
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30. I can’t believe this one is almost 50/50. Ruby girlboss you guys are haters
31. again. admitting you’re dry. THEY FUCKED
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32. yeah :(
33. Q-anon level conspiracy theory.
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34. I actually fall into the blue. I do believe Cas was in love with Dean, but not the other way around. I think Cas loving Dean makes wincest so much more spicy
35. I love sam so much
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36. those of you who answered yes........join my movement.
37. c’mon. even if you don’t ship wincest you need to admit this one.
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38. sorry this one was self-indulgent.
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40. idk, i personally think Cassie deffo pegged Dean. She has top energy.
41. So all the people who answered no have definitely not read the fic (were too young to remember it) or are squicked by underage which is ok! its one of those fics i read back in 2010 so i have fond memories of it
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42. hahahah you guys were mean on this one
43. it’s canon bro sorry
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44. thank god this one was majority yellow
45. i give wincestiel a valid pass! dean has multiple holes
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46. Jack is hole <3
47. I actually think both are great (and ppl were mad I didn’t have that option srry) but deanpussy is incredible and underrated.
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48. SEXY>>>>>>
49. thank you for enabling me.
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50. can you guess the redacted part? it was: insert various objects into himself :))))
51. ok heres the big question! i’m not surprised ilysmmbb won, but i personally vote for “yeah, there he is” !! i think its underrated and such a tender moment.
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52. i’m in the blue. i like cas.
53. i actually am in the yellow on this one. i think its more realistic, although blue is hot forsure
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54. top 3 cas moment right there.
55. objectively yes on this one. thank god for COVID- *gets shot at*
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56. sorry this was shady i’m not really like this usually haha. i think death is my fave besides Rowena
57. obviously i’m in the red. i’m shocked that so many people said Yes.......
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58. Clearly.
59. I enjoyed fan fiction! i love campy episodes as you all know (like Dog Dean afternoon and such) so i loved fan fiction. it was a nice nod to someone like me who has been watching for a long time.
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60. HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU NOT KNOW WHO ANDY IS. i wish he would have been in the show longer........
61. uh....yeah.
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62. Yeah c’mon. Dean would and you know it.
63. Thank god you guys didn’t fuck this up. I would agree, but Corbett is a close second for me.
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65. we love a man bleeding out. we do.
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66. i actually think misha is chill with J2 but.....you can’t deny J3 have more chemistry.
67. I uh......don’t think Dean would be a great father. is this me projecting my own issues with my father onto Dean? maybe,,,,
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68. i’m surprised this was so negative! I think i would be interested
69. thanks for reading my shitty poetry!! i also had s4 dean in mind when writing this
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70. CMON.....ITS KINDA SEXY CMON.......that spice of battered wife syndrome.......violent man in the house.......sam beaten down....im barking
71. haha yessss go yellow.
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72. go yellow again.
73. I think I would actually vote yellow on this one. what a sweet and beautiful thing to say to someone, and its so very DEAN.
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74. mhm. i think so. 
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76. no idea why people answered yes to this one. that punch was fucked up. was it sexy? thats another story,,
77. WOKE. 
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78. I do. I love pilot Dean.
79. Dean is a carfucker. any side of the fandom can recognize that
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80. thank you GREEN!!!!!!
81. Sam is bi wtf! Sera Gamble erasure
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82. Padackles commune <33333 they all fuck and they don’t know whose kid is whose!!!! (not really but this is sexy)
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poppy-metal · 3 years
Besides self inserts do you often think of smut between the AoT characters themselves? I used to only really read smut for Eremin but recently I've become obsessed with Erehisu, not even necessarily the ship itself but just them fucking tbh. They're perfect for projecting my size kink and breeding kink onto. Eren's just so big, angry and dominant whilst Historia's so small yet dignified and elegant, he'd absolutely ruin her in bed 💀. Idk I just think their sex would be incredibly fucking hot and I'd pay a lot to see it ngl 👀. Not to mention the whole aspect of Historia being queen and all the interesting dynamics that can come out of that, like secret relationships, fucking behind peoples backs, Eren getting a big power high / ego boost as he dominates the most powerful person on Paradis Island, the Queen. The person who everyone else kneels and bows to and obeys her every order, meanwhile he takes her whenever he wants and bounces her tiny body on his big cock as if she's nothing more than his personal fleshlight, reducing her to a screaming, sobbing mess. Sorry I'm very horny for them rn I hope you don't mind please accept this filth 😔
I ship eremika more then erehisu <///3 just bc im a brunette n i kin mikasa more and i see historia in more of wlw context, she's bi and im bi but seeing her canon romance w ymir has me more inclined to want to ship her w women!!
i see the dynamic tho and i like it, i just personally don't ship it bc in my head im like....what abt mikasa where is she in this scenario why isn't she being taken care of LOL (that's also just me self projecting and being like ofc eren would go for the blonde and ditch the brunette 😐)
If anything i ship them tg if its poly and mikasa is involved, if that makes sense.
otherwise my other canon ships are eremin, jeankasa, levi n erwin, mikahisu, eren n reiner, pieck n eren, porco n pieck
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dovewingz · 4 years
tbc protagonists?
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian....... my comfort hc
Gender Headcanon: cis shecat? she/her
A ship I have with said character: bristleneedle is neat! enemies to friends to lovers, of course :) everyones favourite. needletail thinking she hates bris when she just has a crush on her is soo funny
A BROTP I have with said character: im super fond of her relationship w rosepetal... obsessed w the concept of rose helping her come to terms with her identity. unrelated i also LOVE the idea of her and shadowsight bringing ivypool n dovewing back together :]
A NOTP I have with said character: bristleroot !!! ive never liked them
A random headcanon: its something shes working onnnn, but she relies on outside approval to validate her own self-worth. its part of the reason it was so easy for imposterstar to manipulate her, he praised her constantly and made her believe she was doing the morally just thing, and therefore had worth
General Opinion over said character: shes my fave of the tbc trio i think... def project onto her <3
Sexuality Headcanon: gay
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary, he/it/they
A ship I have with said character: rootshadow!!!!!! they have unwavering respect and certainty in each other (which is something nobody except maybe its parents give shadow), they can rlly relate to each other, and idk !!! theyre just rlly cute !!!
A BROTP I have with said character: im looking forward to the day when jayfeather appreciates shadow and is like “im proud of u, good job :)” like that time with alderheart, but for now !! this is random, but blazefire from the guardian cats. prob bc hes v high energy and sweet, and knew dove/tiger well. also that one time they interacted, blazefire wasnt mean to shadow, which most cats are so u know. bare minimum has been met good job blazefire
A NOTP I have with said character: UHHH i think ive seen shadow x imposter once ??? hate that beyond words
A random headcanon: it likes the cold. i know thats basically the only thing its experienced its whole life but once life goes back to normal, i mean, it prefers the cold. the summer is TOO HOT !!! plus it likes the snow, and seeing its breath in the air, and fluffing up its fur so its just like. a big ball
General Opinion over said character: babie. babie boy. i love him so so much!! hes literally just trying his best, erins be nice to him for once !!!! 
Sexuality Headcanon: bi!
Gender Headcanon: tranz guy, he/him
A ship I have with said character: rootshadow <3 root trusts shadow with his life, im pretty thats implied canon. i do know that in canon whenever they see each other they, like, instantly smile. they are happier around each other
A BROTP I have with said character: root doesnt really talk to anybody other than his family, mentor and bristlefrost but uhh !! turtlecrawl !! i would rlly rlly like them to eventually become friends. i know they had a ROUGH start but i think a friendship would just be neat :) and of course i rlly like him n bris as friends! like overcoming any awkwardness and being friends, that would be so cute
A NOTP I have with said character: bristleroot, of course, also root x turtle or root x kite. i like them as friends but i just cant imagine anything romantic, makes me feel weird
A random headcanon: he. he constantly has at least one stick in his fur. all the time. his fur sticks out everywhere and he has sticks in his fur. the stickman
General Opinion over said character: little weirdo. i love him. hes trying his best, even if he makes dumb choices sometimes
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musette22 · 4 years
you're getting flooded with these + it must be exhausting + im SO sorry to add to the workload but i wanted to say: i'm not sure how much you can relate to this as a straight woman with maybe questionable gaydar but seb was quite a queer fixture in my life, mostly because of the filmography i consumed but also because i had clocked him as bi when i was first into him? that had been really important for young bi me only in the sense that i had someone to project onto that was hot + magnetic (1/3)
it had been such a “duh” thing for most of my high school years + only recently have i looked back + thought “oh god, he really is Straight, capital S” bc he’s talked about liking women in heels because he'd think abt them w/o anything else on + that read to me EXACTLY like a guy who was trying to sound straight w/o being it and now im realizing. no. he’s just. a Straight man. and seeing him in ibiza cemented that for me and it’s just doing weird things for me to see it happen i guess? (2/3)
don't get me wrong, i'm so happy he's happy, i think this dorky dude whose horny on main deserves his lovin' + i dont think just cause he's with a girl he can't be bi, the Vibes have just been hitting me different. anyway i also clocked chris evans as bi and ig now my gaydar record isn’t as reliable anymore lol, so he like has a bi kids seal of approval but also can you trust me? and maybe i shouldn't be speculating abt these guys' sexualities anyways. love you + your words!! (3/3)
Hi, darling! Thanks for your messages <3 You know, I hear you, and I get what you’re saying, but I do have to be honest and admit that for me, this Ibiza thing isn’t a decisive factor in whether or not I think he’s straight or not. Although I have no idea if I as a mostly straight woman even can say I have a gaydar, but  am with you in that I’ve always gotten a bi vibe from him, whether that’s true or not (which, like I’ve said before, is information he does not owe us and we have no right to, but we do naturally have some personal thoughts about), and this doesn’t change that. I’m not at all surprised that we’ve only ever seen him with women so far, because you know how Hollywood is and he’s still building his career, so if he was actually bi, then we most likely wouldn’t know about it anyway. Does that make sense? Of course, it’s totally valid if for you this does cement the idea that he’s straight, because that’s a personal feeling! But I personally still feel the same as I did before, even though I recognise I might well be wrong and it’s essentially none of my business, lol! I don’t know it that’s at all reassuring or helpful, but I hope so! Thank you for your kind words, take care, love! ❤️
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wanderingpages · 4 years
Anon M (CEO AU) Part 2
(My [wanderingpages] responses are in this color!)
Chapter starts with cardans hand over judes mouth
Always a great beginning (I can’t believe I do this in rockstar au too smh. Originality, where?)
Hahahahha drunk jude is such a mood (drunk Jude is smarter than sober Jude 😔)
“I wasn’t staring” sure cardan
I got lightly annoyed with the descriptions of dark cardans eyes but im living for the CEO eye description (I legitimately think nobody can be as biased as me) (lmao tired of dark Cardan slander on this here blog 😤 just bc hes like 🙄🙄a murderer and a 🤭🤭kidnapper and snorts coke 😑😑sometimes 🥺🥺🥺like he’s an angel despite all that !!)
I LOVE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH (my fave. My most original concept lmao making oak a teenager 🥲✌🏼)
Senile bastard should I be laughing
Balekin??? Okay I love oak and these misconceptions are awesome
Drop that link sis
Judes reaction to this is great
Hahahahah using his toothbrush PEAK ROMANCE (lmao my favorite gross trope. Sharing a toothbrush❤️ disgusting ❤️but romantic ❤️)
Cardan? Dramatic? Noooooooooo
(I have a tshirt that says “Me? Sarcastic? Nahhhhhhhh” so you can see where im coming from here)
““No,” he says, warningly. “Jude, I will fire you on the spot.” I narrow my eyes at him, daring him to do just that. He sighs in defeat and slumps against the wall. “Okay, okay, let’s all take a deep breath here, and calm down. Do you want coffee? I can get you some coffee. Maybe a bagel? I don’t think you ate much last night except for all the Oreo’s you raided in my pantry.” He pats his pants and find his phone, probably ready to call his assistant to get said coffee and bagel. I fold my arms across my chest and wait for him to realize that I’m his assistant. “Oh,” he says quietly.”
I love this entire fucking para so much (both of them share a brain cell. They take turns using it. Clearly Jude is using it atm)
Horny teens lol
Geez so many thoughts but imma just say PEAK ROMANCE
No, jude. Not rolling in dirt
You poor dumbass child, fuck your boss already (at this rate it’ll never happen lol)
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy its kaye and roiben (my parents)
Aw kaye finds it endearing
…jude is so dumbass (runs in the family 😔)
However, I do headcanon bi cardan in canon and everywhere else (you know, I self project onto fucking everyone) (Cardan and roiben on a date would end in so many disasters. Most common scenario would be roiben finding and killing balekin for some reason)
“You’re the reason my little brother got some girl pregnant!” im dying I forgot how funny this was
Cardans gonna get pissed at this stuff
Cardan is a funny hypocrite
This is hot ngl
Three will get her screaming I can assure you of this (me from the future says yes also)
Ofc youre disappointed just admit you want to fuck him
Get her some kombucha
NOT THE ACOTAR SERIES (omg she didn’t coin the term)
I stop now (thank u)
I wanna see eldred pop a blood vessel
And I cannot believe you made me like dain and locke (I just made them not evil lmao)
Aw dains interruption is so good
Yes dain he is obviously whipped
Jude is best assistant
The memories are flooding back lol
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