#he's back on whale island after the fact. but honestly i doubt they would
Feel like making people miserable today. Anyways, here's Gon experiencing like. Textbook symptoms of trauma in the CAA, in case there was any lingering doubt about this or anything:
Initial denial that the experience happened or was traumatic
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[ID: A screenshot from episode 85 of HxH 2011. Gon, eyes bright and with a smile, says "Kite is alive!" End ID.]
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[ID: Two screenshots from episode 95, and a third from episode 110. In the first, Kite's arm is shown in the foreground, bleeding and blurred. In the second, a close of Pitou's wide eyes, looking animalistic. In the last, puppet Kite's mangled and scarred face stares emptily ahead - the scene is greyed out. End ID.]
Intense distress at real or symbolic reminders of the trauma
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[ID: Two screenshots from episode 116. In the first, Gon's fist can be seen in the foreground, with Pitou shielding an unconscious Komugi just barely seen. The narrator says "The girl lying before them brought back". In the second, Komugi has a medical respirator on. The narrator continues "images of a broken Kite to Gon's mind". End ID.]
Physical sensations such as pain, sweating, nausea or trembling
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[ID: A screenshot from episode 116. Gon's fists slam into the ground as he says "That isn't fair...". Sweat drips down his arms. End ID.]
Extreme alertness/hypervigilance
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[ID: A screenshot from episode 116. Part of Pitou can be seen in the foreground as Gon stares at them intensely, crouched on the ground with his arm resting on his knee, obscuring his lower face. End ID.]
Angry outbursts or other extreme behaviour
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[ID: Two screenshots, one from episode 116, and the other from episode 127. In the first, Gon shouts "Is something wrong with you?!" as his face contorts with rage. His aura floats black around him. In the second, Gon, his face shadowed eerily with thin lines, says "The next time you try to delay me, I'll kill her." End ID.]
Feeling like you have to keep busy
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[ID: A screenshot from episode 94. A close up of Gon's face from the side as he says "I want to focus on my training." End ID.]
Doing things that are reckless and self-destructive
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[ID: Three screenshots, one from episode 95 and the other two from episode 131. The first is stylized as a black outline of Gon's figure over a background like parchment or a projector - he's been hit in the face and sent to the right from the force of the blow. The second is a close up of Gon's face, almost completely shadowed, with intense and vacant eyes - he says "I don't care". The third continues with a close up of his eye filling with darkness - "if this is the end..." End ID.]
Feeling like nobody understands ("since it means nothing to you")
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[ID: A screenshot from episode 116. In a whitish-room with a crack on the wall between them, Gon stands ahead of Killua, facing away from him. They are both in shadow. End ID.]
Ignoring offers of help and shutting out loved ones... poor Killua :(
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[ID: A screenshot from episode 136. A spotlight on both Killua, in the foreground, and Gon, walking away from him in the background. Killua thinks "I wanted you to ask for my help in defeating Pitou!" End ID.]
Self-loathing, self-punishment, and lack of self regard
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[ID: Three screenshots, two from episode 110 and the third from episode 131. The first is a close up of Gon's face over Morel asking "When would you try to hurt yourself?" The second is a continuation. Morel looks down at Gon who is facing away from the camera as Gon replies "When I couldn't forgive myself." In the last, adult Gon, staring ahead, is animated in black and white with the only colour being the blood from the stump of his right arm. His left hand grips his shoulder. End ID.]
Blaming yourself for what happened
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[ID: Two screenshots, one from episode 95 and the other from episode 130. In the first, Gon hugs puppet Kite around his waist. In the second, Gon stares blankly ahead with tears streaming down his face as he thinks "I killed Kite." End ID.]
Overwhelming feelings of anger, sadness, guilt, and shame
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Another favourite scene
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I’m writing more Kermadec fic and had to read back to fact check what I had written before and came across this scene. It had me smiling, so I thought I’d post it here in the hope it would cause a few more smiles.
There’s a little shippyness in this, so if that is not your thing...
Five brothers, camped on a rocky beach on Macauley Island (photo above, though by 2060, the vegetation has returned, so add pokey trees to the picture) at sunset of Day Two in their voyage home. Brothers will be brothers :D
It was a very satisfied group of brothers who watched the sun dip below the horizon sometime later. The cube temperature had been lowered, but not entirely extinguished. They weren’t in tropical latitudes yet and although the days were warm, the nights got chilly. The sea breeze was gentle and the ocean only mumbled against the rocks.
Virgil had slipped into bit of a stupor, his body determined to digest and removing resources from his brain to do it. Consequently, he missed the beginning of the conversation between his brothers while he stared after the disappearing sun.
“So how long has this been going on?”
“It is just a bit of friendly recreation, Alan.”
A Gordon snort. “Yeah, John, but how friendly and what kind of recreation?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Gordon.”
“I’m only following yours, spacebro.”
“There is nothing untoward occurring between Captain O’Bannon and myself.”
“Ooh, ‘untoward’ no, but there are two lonely space souls stuck up there together, none other than each other’s company.”
This time it was Scott’s snort. “Oh, only the resident AI who sees and hears all, and about twenty-odd GDF specialists.”
“Oh, yes, Eos!” Virgil arched an eyebrow as he realised his fishbrother was tapping his collar comms. “Hey, Eos, are you willing to share the goss on your Dad and Captain Ridley O’Bannon.”
“Hello, Gordon. What would you like to know?”
“Does John have a ‘thing’ for the girl next door?”
“Most definitely.”
“Eos!” John shot up ramrod straight in his seat as Gordon cracked up laughing.
“It is true, John. You have sixteen processors, four electronic clipboards and twenty-three bottles of moisturiser set aside for Captain O’Bannon. These are all things you have for the girl next door.”
Virgil couldn’t help himself and had to smother a laugh.
The expression on Gordon’s face was a mixture of confusion and incredulity. “Twenty-three bottles of moisturiser?”
“It is her favourite brand and she was unable to purchase it before beginning her last rotation, so I acquired some for her.” He glared at his aquanaut brother. “Just like friends do.”
“But twenty-three bottles?” Even Scott was staring at John as if he was a little weirded out.
“You obviously like her. Why don’t you ask her out?” Trust Gordon to poke the issue further.
John shrugged. “Hasn’t come up.”
Gordon groaned. “Really?” His hands dropped to his knees. “I thought it would be obvious.”
John’s glare was acidic. “I can’t see why you can talk. How long did it take you to ask Penny out? Hmm, let me think, oh, yes, that’s right. You didn’t. She asked you.”
“Hey, I was bedridden!”
“Excuses, excuses...”
“Well, at least I’m making progress. Please tell me at least one of you guys has a possibility in your back pocket. Hell, we’re all tough and buff and saving people. Hasn’t anyone swooned for any of you?” Gordon’s eyes raked around the circle and to Virgil’s horror landed on him. “What about you, Virg. You and Tin have a bit of thing happening, don’t you?”
His heart missed a beat. “What? No!”
“Virg and Kayo? Are you kidding me?” Alan was glaring at Gordon, but then seemed to second guess himself and turned that glare on Virgil. “She’s our sister, bro.”
Virgil held up his hands. “Hey, it wasn’t me who postulated the idea.”
“Postulated? Really, Virg? Me thinks you be hiding behind a dictionary.”
“Shut up, Gordon.”
“I think he doth protest too much.”
“I think you should look into the fact she is spending the next month with Wayne Rigby and not entirely for mission related reasons.”
There was no satisfaction in seeing Gordon freeze like that, or Scott’s “What?”
“She’s with us for New Years, but then it is onto Siberia on the third of January. Something about the possibility of a Chaos Crew tech lab infiltration.” Virgil grabbed the carafe of hot chocolate off the heat cube and poured himself a good dose. He ignored the voice in the back of his head that wished it was something ever so much stronger.
“She hasn’t told me about any mission.” Scott was frowning at him.
Virgil hid behind his mug. “Only just came in apparently. She only mentioned it in passing while she was saying goodbye. I have no doubt she will brief you when we get home.”
Gordon was staring at him. He opened his mouth but failed to say anything.
Virgil took another sip and just stared straight back. It took a moment, but eventually Gordon appeared to shake it off, frowning just a little before turning to Scott. “What about you, bro? You’ve always been our leader in the girlfriend department. What’s the count now?”
“Thirty-two.” John was smug behind his own mug of hot chocolate.
His eldest brother shifted in his seat as if suddenly uncomfortable. “Okay, I’m with Virgil on this - shut up, Gordon.”
Gordon held up his hands in all his innocent glory. “Hey, I’m just brotherly bonding around the fire.”
“Go bond with the volcano.” John’s voice was dry. “Or a whale, I hear a few pass through on occasion.”
“Hey, you were the one keeping count.”
“I can’t help it, I’m good with numbers.”
Virgil snorted. “Not good enough. You’re at least two out.”
The glare Scott shot him could have scorched his hair off.
“Don’t worry, Scott, I’m not going to tell them about Petunia.”
“Shut it or lose it.”
“Hey, I said I wasn’t going to tell them.”
“Tell us what?” Both Alan and Gordon were about ready to fall off their chairs with glee.
John just rolled his eyes.
“About Petunia.”
“Who is Petunia?”
“You’re an idiot, Virg.” Scott’s glare was becoming more resigned and flatter by the second. “I am so gonna let them know about Gertrude now.”
Virgil snorted. “As if I’d care. She really wanted you anyway.”
“Not true, you were her favourite.”
“Yeah, sure, she’d turn to anyone who would give her what she wanted. I just had it more often than you.”
“You planned it that way.”
“I thought you of all people would appreciate a few tactics. With you around, I need all the help I can get.”
Okay, so that had come out a little too serious for Petunia talk, but then Virgil’s count was far smaller than thirty-two or thirty-four depending on how you counted. Early on he had tried to get out and about like his eldest brother, but honestly it wasn’t in him. He wasn’t a one-nighter like Scott. Besides standing next to the heir of Tracy Industries, tall and female magnet was like trying to catch moths while standing next to a bug zapper.
“Petunia was a goose.”
“What?!” It was choral from both Alan and Gordon and quickly followed by a “Virgil!” from Scott.
“She used to follow him around everywhere about the farm. It was hilarious.
“Yeah, well, Gertrude was goat and she once ate Virgil’s pants. He’s lucky he didn’t lose more.”
Scott and Virgil glared at each other across the heat cube while Gordon and Alan played eyeball tennis between them.
John just drank his chocolate, a vaguely amused expression on his face.
Virgil held his brother’s furious gaze as long as he could, but he had to bite his lip. The moment he realised Scott was doing the same, it became oh so much harder.
Two seconds later he cracked up laughing. Scott followed not a moment after and both of them laughed even harder when they caught sight of the expressions on Gordon and Alan’s faces.
Virgil laughed so hard he had to hold his stitches in place.
Which of course Scott saw and it drew the night to a close as big brother shifted gears into smother brother.
They cleared off the island leaving no mark behind. Gordon clucking like a hen and claiming death threats from Melissa Fisher if they left anything behind.
Making it back to the boat in the dark was easily done, but awkward and a little painful for Virgil and by the time he made it to his bed, he was worn out.
Regardless, he didn’t fall asleep immediately, despite the gentle rocking of the boat. Thoughts of what could be, what could have been and what he actually wanted bounced around the inside of his skull.
It took a long time for them to fall quiet.
We’ll be home for Christmas
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98prilla · 4 years
Changing Tides
He was already down by the beach when they arrived. He’d left a note saying where he was going, just in case, but it didn’t seem like Virgil would be waking up anytime soon.
           “So? Is he ok? Has he said anything? Did he eat? He seems skinny.” Roman asked, tail flicking nervously as he perched on a rock near the shore.
           “He can’t possibly answer all those questions at once. You need to calm down.” Logan replied huffily.
           “Well excuuuse meee for being worried about him!”
           “He’s fine. He’s woken up a couple times, never for long. Logan’s healing can really take it out of you, and he is running a low fever, so I’d expect him to be in and out for a while yet. He did… well, he did have an incident last night.” Patton explained what had happened, the panic attack.
           “He didn’t say what it was about, exactly but… he said enough. I think you guys were right. About his home life.” Logan’s eyes hardened, and Roman flipped his tail, sending water spraying over Patton.
           “How could they? He’s so small, how could anyone-“ Roman cut himself off with a low growl, too angry to keep talking.
           “I know. He’s adjusting well, though. Honestly he’s taking you two in stride. Most humans would have gone nuts by now. He’s rather matter of fact about it, to be honest.” Patton commented, trying to draw away Roman’s attention.
         “He is young, they’re usually more likely to adjust easily to changes in their world view. Do you know anything more about him, personally?” Logan asked. Patton brightened up a bit.
           “He told me his name. It’s Virgil. I didn’t get an age, but he can’t be older than fifteen, I’d guess.”
           “He’s just a baby…” Roman murmured, looking absently at the waves. Logan snorted.
            “Don’t let him hear you say that. Humans of that age are notoriously stubborn and prideful, thinking themselves capable of making life decisions far outside their realm of understanding. Calling him a baby would be a definite insult.” Logan replied.
           “He’ll be glad to see you again, when he wakes up.” Patton said softly, ignoring Logan’s commentary. The mer turned to him, confused.
           “What? Why? How do you know? He probably barely remembers us.”
           “The one thing he asked me was if you two were real, and when you were leaving, he called out after you. I think he remembers you quite clearly, Roman.” Roman blushed a little.
           “You know me, I’m unable to resist a fellow in need.”
           “Much to my dismay.” Logan grumbled, though it was plain he didn’t really mean it.
           Music. His world was filled with beautiful, heart breaking music. Notes soared like leaves on the wind, dropped as low as canyons, spiraled and fractured like light through a prism, notes melding and breaking and spinning off into a dozen melodies that all wove together in perfect harmony.
           It was dazzling and spectacular and it called to him in his heart, in his soul. He reached towards it, trying to swim through this darkness, trying to reach the light that was that well of sound.
           He heard the swell of ocean waves, the rocking of the sea, the smell of salt, the mist of sea spray. He flew over the ocean, across the sun streaked sky, chasing that music, that so familiar music-
           The door closed and he jolted awake, heart racing. He could still hear the sound of music drifting through his mind, the final echoes of an aria trailing into silence. He knew, in his bones, that the music had been calling him, trying to lead him somewhere, but he didn’t understand why, didn’t know where. He shook his head, shaking away the thoughts.
           “Hmm, that was not like that before, was it?” Patton asked, pausing in the entrance to the room, looking over Virgil.
           “What? What are you talking about?” He asked, arms crossed tight. Patton hummed, getting a silver plate from the kitchen, holding it up in front of Virgil as a makeshift mirror.
           His eyes widened, looking at his reflection. His hair, which had previously been a dull, dark brown, was now a deep peacock violet, shimmering to lighter purples at the tips. His eyes were brighter, too, almost electric purple, somehow.
           “What the hell… What did… did you do that? Did… did they?” He asked breathlessly. Patton shook his head, setting down the plate and sitting in his chair across from Virgil.
           “Nope. Neither one of them have color changing magic, not to mention I can’t imagine them using it without your permission.” Virgil ran his hand through his hair with a sigh.
           “whatever. Not like it’s the weirdest thing that’s happened to me this… well, how long has it been?” he asked.
           “You’ve been in and out for about four days.” Patton paused, looking the kid over. He looked healthier, more comfortable, less curled in on himself. More confident, already. “How are you feeling?” Virgil shrugged, looking away at the ground.
           “alright. Better, I guess.” He replied softly.
           “Do you mind… telling me about yourself? I want to get to know you, if you’re gonna be staying here.” The kid’s eyes snapped to his for a moment, before darting away again.
           “am I? staying here?” There was a hitch in the kid’s voice, at the question his voice rose an octave.
           “Only if you want to, I mean. No one’s keeping you here, we can get you back to the mainland if you want, your family…” Patton blurted, trailing off at his headshake.
           “no. it’s not like I have anywhere to go, anyway. I don’t…” He let out a heavy breath. “I’m 14. I lived and worked on my father’s boat. He fished and did whale watching tours and stuff. When he was sober enough, anyway. When he wasn’t… well.” He bit his lip.
           “What about your mom?” Patton asked gently. Virgil shrugged.
           “I don’t know. I don’t really remember her. There’s not exactly photos around. She left when I was little, six or so, and he never got over it. That’s why he hated me, I look like her, I guess. I ran away a few times, but I never got far. I look too young to pass as an adult. They always brought me back. It always got worse after that.” He shivered, pulling his knees to his chest.
           “Hey. You’re safe here.” Patton said softly, wishing he could reach out to the kid, but knowing that would only scare him away. He didn’t want to do that now, not when he was opening up.
           “… why do you care?” Patton barely heard the whispered question, brows creasing in confusion.
           “Why wouldn’t I? You needed help, and I could give it. What more reason is there?” A noise from the shore cut off anything Virgil would have said in response, though he seemed to stunned to reply. “That’s them! They’ve been dying to see you, y’know. Do you… do you wanna come?” Patton asked hurriedly, a bit nervous. To his surprise the kid gave him a small half smile.
            “yeah. Just to make sure they’re real, if nothing else.” Patton clapped his hands excitedly, apologizing as the kid flinched at the noise, but he waved it off.
           “I haven’t gone swimming in days, you don’t mind, do you?” Patton asked, grabbing his seal skin from the hook near the door. Most selkies guarded their skin jealously while in human form, as humans had been known to steal them, trapping the selkie on land as their slave, until they could reclaim their skin. Until now, though, there had never been any humans on the island, and he doubted Virgil would take it. He was lucky, not having to worry.
           “no. sorry, for being an inconvenience.” Virgil apologized, following him out the door.
           “Nonsense. Stop worrying so much, Virg, I didn’t mind looking after you and I still don’t.” Patton replied, skipping down to the shore, missing the suddenly stricken look flash across Virgil’s face.
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zilpaeden · 5 years
Limerence or Redamancy?
“To recall something Nostalgic.”
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Synopsis:  (100 Day-Challenge) Xion is her own person now, and she wants more than anything to cherish that fact... and yet she can't help but struggle with who she is, or feels as though she is. With a well meaning Princess of Hearts visiting her often, Xion tries to come to terms with her identity.
A/N: I also put it on AO3
Xion liked to think of herself as an expert in shell hunting. After all, she had spent everyday along the beaches of Destiny Island sifting through the ebb and flow of the ocean for such ornaments for as long as she housed Sora’s memories. I.e the entirety of her existence. However, it never bothered her to think her existence as a whole thus far has been short; She awoke to everyday eager to live her life to the fullest. On the account of the fact her still being alive was a gift onto itself.
Beneath her pillow, in the room she had just recently received in Twilight Town—courtesy of the King himself—she hid a small notepad, it wasn’t extravagant by any means, as it were merely a slide-stitch journal with a soft leather outside. Its only distinguishing feature besides being entirely black, was the metal stars attached to each corner of the binding. It was simple, and sweet, it was all Xion needed. Afterall, it was not as though she would ever bring herself to show the journal to another… not with what she had written inside.
A bucket list.
Xion wouldn’t blame Roxas and Axel if they at some point or another forgotten, but among their days with the Organization eating sea-salt ice cream and living life like a dead-man walking mentality, they would shoot the wind with random things they would do if they had more time. What they would do if they were somebodies. She had no way of knowing if they recalled any of the things she mentioned desiring to do, she was far too embarrassed to ask either way, still little by little she checked off each event in her notebook.
It was on the pleasant morning, when the sun hid behind a thin layer of stratus clouds, and the ocean felt chilling to the touch that Xion attempted to fulfill her next goal: Find a Lightning Whelk shell! Legend has it the Whelk shell can contain a fragment of time within it, more often than not a moment when the ocean was at piece, or in great distress. In some ironic way, she found something in common with the crustacean’s abandoned abode. Ironic may have been tame…
She filtered her fingers through the salty water slowly, feeling a myriad of shells graze her fingertips—but she was experienced, and keen to recognize each shape, she ignored each in favor of the one she sought. Her white whale. Xion continued deeper into the marine, the waves lapping at her knees wildly, thank Kingdom Hearts she decided to wear a pair of shorts that morning. Along with a black tank top, she brought a pair of flip flops the same color, long forgotten at the sea-bank. She hadn’t thought she would run into anyone that morning, nor would she run into anyone until she returned home to Twilight Town where no doubt Roxas and Axel would have a new story from the countless worlds they visited.
It wasn’t as though she wasn’t invited to travel along with them, quite the opposite in fact. The King had asked if she, Roxas and Axel would be interested in revisiting the worlds the Organization had left in disarray, and if they would be willing to undo their muddle. And yet, of her own volition declined. To say it baffled her friends profusely would be an understatement, however she expressed to them she wished to experience life a little more before diving back into the fray. She requested a hundred days, she just desired a mere hundred days dedicated to existing alone. Sympathetic as always, the King agreed and wished her nothing but the best. Roxas had his reservations, as even still he hasn’t particularly on the most hospitable of terms with Riku, and would much rather had her instead of the Silver haired Key-blade Master. But he made due… that is until everyday when they’d regroup at home, he was sure to remind her and plead with her to join them. And each time she would remind him that he had leisure, and experienced the life of a normal boy in the digital twilight town, thus it was her turn. It always ended the same, with him reluctantly agreeing with a grumble before cycling back the next day.
Xion brushed off these thoughts, it was her first day in a hundred after all. She wouldn’t let her poor sport of a best friend raining on her parade. It honestly saddened her to think he would be opposed to it… well… she was sure he wasn’t opposed, per say, just excited to adventure with her. There was time for adventuring later! For now, she was determined to focus purely on finding a Lightning Whelk! And more so determined to not allow herself any distractions whatsoever! No Roxas, no Axel, no cleaning up for the Organization, and most of all not to be distracted by the lovely humming dancing through the air…
Despite herself, the raven-haired puppet’s ears perked as the lovely melody entered into her eardrums. It was and smooth and sweet as honey, yet as passionate and sorrowful as a day’s end. The song held no words, only jumbles of incoherent syllables and sounds as though the voice had no words to express its feelings with… no. Her feelings with. Today wasn’t supposed to be dedicated the Lightning Whelk, nothing more, nothing less. And yet… and yet… and yet…
And yet she still found herself following the sound to the shore, behind rows of palm trees, upon a lone dock, a pair of legs hung down above Xion. She stepped out from under the dock to catch sight of the vocalist—not that she hadn’t already realized whom the voice belonged. The realization came just as instantly as the voice had to her.
Her vivid vermillion hair danced about her, framing her soft porcelain face. Her azure amethyst eyes watched the ocean, glazed with unshed, remorseful tears. Adorned in pure white sun dress that reached her knees, and a violet shawl draped across her shoulders, a pair of silver sandals hung idly from her toes. The Princess of Hearts, she truly lived up to her title. Nonetheless even in all her angelic glory, in the eyes of Xion she was, and always would be just Kairi. The very same Kairi she grew up beside… no… the very same Kairi Sora grew up beside.
It mattered not how much she wanted to stay there, and perhaps drink in more of the radiant image before her, it was hardly her place to. Kairi didn’t know her… not that well at least. Ever since returning to Destiny Island from the world of waking, without Sora with her, she had been extremely reclusive. Spending most of her time alone, or at school(even then she hardly spoke to anyone). According to Axel, she said Sora was with her and then simply vanished. Master Yin Sid theorizes he was taken to a world very well outside of their jurisdiction; for the time being it remains a mystery. Riku advised everyone to give her space, or if to ever come across her be kind and sympathetic.
Xion would do just that without so much as a second thought. Afterall, she sacrificed her heart to save that very princess! No… Sora did… not her.
This wasn’t a thought she had a pleasant time coming to terms with as often as it dwelled in her mind. It also quite honestly attributed to her wishes to spend time dedicated to herself. To make a person of herself. The memories she held close to her heart, were not hers. They were Sora’s… and yet… and yet… she wanted to scratch at something, tear it to shreds, anything! Maybe even scream until her voice grew horse. And yet she never did, not matter how madden it was for her to think this:
She was Xion. She never was that spiky haired boy with Key-blade in his hands, and shell charm in his pocket. But she felt as though she was, and it was tearing her apa-
“Xion. You’re Xion, right?”
Xion blinked blankly, awareness returning back to her just as quickly as a feverish blush to her cheeks—How long had she been staring??? Turning her head away in hopes of hiding her embarrassed flush, she nodded her head reluctantly.
“I see, Axel has told me a bit about you. I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.” Kairi’s voice came again, Xion out of mortification could not for the life of her turn to see her however.
“No, I don’t think we have.” Xion confirmed quickly, immediately regretting how utterly offhanded she may have came across as. She was supposed to be delicate with her, for pete’s sake!!
“Just a moment, I’ll come down to you.” This was followed by the sound of creaking wood growing further away, the puppet could only panic within a moment’s pause to prepare herself. She smoothed down her hair(Why hadn’t she thought to brush it??), and flattened out the wrinkles on her shorts, all with anxious fiddling as her meeting grew nigh. It came far too soon for comfort, as she hardly had the chance to catch her breath before a familiar scent wafted through her nostrils. So incredibly nostalgic and comforting, she recognized that perfume. She could distantly recall a sleepover she had where she woke up to find her nose feet buried in her red tresses, and arms laid lazily around her waist. Naturally she was rattled at first, but eventually decided to given in and enjoy the warm sensation of Kairi in her arms—safe a sound. She of course also recalled Riku waking to find them like that and swore to blackmail her with that key event at any given time. Of course he had yet to ever make good of his threat but—
No, there she went again. That happened to Sora, not her. Stupid, stupid puppet…
“Xion, you’re Sora’s second nobody right?” Kairi asked, Xion immediately regretted meeting her gaze. It was a trap!
“Well…” Xion wanted to correct her, but thought better of it. It was far too complicated… “Basically.” She reluctantly lied, praying to Kingdom Hearts Kairi’s ability to distinguish when she Sora lied to just this once fail her. And by sheer will of luck, she seemed to buy it.
“Wow, I didn’t know that was possible. Well, I’m Kairi… though I’m sure someone has already told you that much…” Kairi said with an awkward giggle.
“Yes, Axel’s told me about you too.” Again with the lies, may Kingdom Hearts have mercy on her soul(Or lack thereof).
“Only good things I hope!” Kairi smirked, a playful wink following her words. How little she knew…
“Of course, nothing but the best for a princess.” Xion assured, grinning wide at the girl. Kairi of course returned the gesture freely.
“Oh please, I’m hardly a princess anymore. I’m just Kairi.” Like that’s a bad thing.
“Kairi it is.” The puppet chirped, a pink hue still ever present on her features. She would be ever grateful the Destiny’s Embrace wielder girl took no notice of this attribute of her. She did however take notice of her shoeless form, damp jean shorts and sweat glazed forehead.
“Are you up to something in particular?” She inquired curiously, tilting her head slightly as she spoke. The individual strands of her hair grazing her jawline. It was almost artistic—Answer the question, you useless puppet!!
“Just looking for shells, my entire day is dedicated to that if you would believe it.” Xion responded surprisingly smoothly, it was natural for her to talk to Kairi… it only felt awkward when she thought about how much she didn’t belong doing so… but maybe just for today, she’d allow herself that small indulgences.
“Oh I can, I can’t tell you how long I’ve spent looking for matching Thalassa Shells to make jewelry and charms. Pink is the rarest shade you know!” Kairi explained passionately, waving her hands animatedly. Xion nodded understandingly—Shell collecting was something she picked up on her own after all.
“No kidding, but those are my favorite.”
“Mine too!!” Kairi exclaimed, clearly pleased by that small trait they had in common. Xion hadn’t the heart to reveal the real reason were not for the color itself but by association with a charm she once… damn it, no.
“You don’t say… do you maybe…” If it’s just for today anyways… “Do you want to join me? I’m looking for a Lightning Whelk.”
Kairi’s eyes—for lack of better words—lit up at this offer. Stars were practically forming inside her pupils. “For real?” She grasped Xion’s hand between her own. They were the same size… that would require getting used to…
“Of course, but only if you wan-“
“I do! I do!” Kairi cut in, nodding her head so fast she almost looked like she was headbanging to a metal song. Thus, shyly Xion repositioned their hands so that she could lead her back towards the sea with her. Sure, she hadn’t needed to continue holding onto her hand, but once again as she kept reminding herself—it was just for today!
Amongst the tide, the two girls began to sift through the water alongside one another. A warm sensation welled up in Xion’s chest as water flicked off her fingers playfully at Kairi. Immediately catching onto the decoration of war, she splashed back with more fury. Clearly experienced. Not as much so as Xion(or the experience Sora left on her). Ripping a violent wave in the Princess of Heart’s direction, Xion summoned her Key-blade to her side—magic began to instantly rush through her veins, allowing her weightless grace to platform the water surface.
Not allowing Kairi enough time to react she made quick slashes that sent hoards of water in her direction. In retaliation, Kairi summoned her own that rendered the projectile waves clouds of steam. Xion smiled impression, as well as intensely proud. Attempting to cast the same spell Xion did to ride the surface of the water a flurry of glitter burst from her blade, just as vibrantly the girl flushed completely mortified by her unfortunate failure.
Gracefully strolling over, Xion lent a gracious hand, “It’s okay, it took me awhile to master that spell too, so no-“ No, she wasn’t expecting this… no Kairi, anything but tears… anything but that.
No matter the puppet’s miserable, albeit mental pleads, tears pooled in her luminous Violet eyes, brimming over and running down her face in a messy jumble of emotions. She desperately tried to ignore them, sniff violently, and attempt the spell a second time. A third time, a fourth. All only amounting to a burst of pink mana running amuck the air. She was practically drowning in her only tears and ragged breathing. Xion felt nothing but helpless as she watched, her spell failing her and slowly descending her back down into the water.
If Sora was there, he would scoop her up in his arms, lovingly pet her head, and coo soothing nothings into her ears until she calmed down. Just as he did every time she thought of the family she lost years past, when they hadn’t even known it was at the hands of Darkness. It mattered little as with or without explanation he would still comfort her, promise he’d use his weak little wooden sword to protect her and kiss her booboos better… but Xion wasn’t Sora. She wasn’t. And Kairi didn’t know her, not like how she knew her…
And yet…
And yet…
And yet…
And yet she still scooped her up in her arms—despite their similar height and proportions--, loving pet her head, a cooed soothing nothings into her ears. Kairi could soak her shirt with tears, and even snot as much as she liked, she didn’t care much for her clothing anyway. Just for today… she would be her Sora.
Burying her face into the crook of her neck, Kairi moaned out a despairing cry. “Why can’t I just cast one simple spell?? Why can’t I just be as strong as everyone else?? It’s like none of it mattered, no matter how much training I endured I wasn’t strong enough to keep anyone safe… I couldn’t even keep him safe… I promised…. I promised.”
Xion allowed her eyes to close, she drew her closer, as close as she physically could. She wished more than anything there was something she could say, anything! Anything at all to make it all better… but she knew there wasn’t… there was nothing else to be said… except maybe…
“A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory... a far-off memory that's like a scattered dream... I…” Xion’s words died in her throat as Kairi’s legs gave out, cursing her similar form for not being strong enough for the both of them, they sunk into the water together. “I want to line the pieces up... yours and mine… I know that one day, no doubt about it, you’ll find him again… more than anything I know he wants to get back to you too.” She struggled to pull the widest, happiest smile she could. For Kairi’s sake, she knew she very well could.
And seemingly, it cheered her up ever so slightly. Only to vanish again without a trace to be replaced with discomfort. “I-I’m sorry, it’s not you, just,” She squirmed away from the spot her backside had been previously planted in. Digging her hand into the sand, Kairi drew forth a shell no bigger than the palm of her hand. With a pointed tip, and spikes running down its spiral, the white hue of it was lightly tinted adjoining its highest peak.  The color, as if destiny itself, was pink.
“A Lightning Whelk!” Xion proclaimed, eyes gleaming with unsaturated wonder. Kairi smiled softly at this display, gently moving Xion’s hand with her own free one, she adjusted it palm up to delicately place the Lightning Whelk safely into her grasp.
“You can have it.” Kairi said softly, a fondness glimmer in the depths of her eyes. Xion promptly recognized the gesture as a silent act of gratitude.
“Thank you, Kairi.” Xion said with a softness to rival Kairi’s. Her pesky heart chose that moment to beat rapidly in her chest, she brought the shell closer to her chest in hopes of easing it. To no evade.
A familiar ringing of bells danced through the air, Kairi’s laugh. It felt like forever since she last heard it, and an eternity since she last had the pleasure of taking in Kairi’s smile. A real smile. “Don’t thank me, not when I’m supposed to be thanking you!” Xion narrowed her eyes at this, the more irritated by how her expression alone quickened the speed of her heart.
“You’re going to accept my thank you, whether you like it or not!” Xion scolded half-heartedly grinning from ear to ear as Kairi stubbornly shook her head.
“Nuh-uh!” Kairi protested with an equally wide smile. Xion liked her like this far better… smiling, the way she should be.
“Don’t be so spoiled, princess!” Kairi pouted at Xion’s words, and she immediately knew why. But she was far too stubborn to take her words back—not when the pounding in her chest was deafening!
“Fine! Then I’ll take the shell back!!” As soon as these words escaped her lips she lunged for the shell, but Xion was sure to keep it away from her(no matter how much she seemed to want it)—she was careful not to harm her when pushing her away. Their back and forth seemed to last an eternity, and an instant all the while. The tide had shifted into low, and the sky a gradient of marigold and burgundy. Laid across the sand, they gasped for air with wide smiles just as glued to their face as their wet clothing to their bodies. As though it were attached to her hand like a piercing, Xion grasped the shell tightly to her chest. Her heart was finally at rest…
Kairi sat up onto her elbows, she gazed down at Xion with a fond smile. So much for Xion’s heart being at rest… “Thanks for today… I… I really needed it.” She brushed aside a few crimson strands behind her ears, “If you ever need me to return the favor, you only have to ask.”
A blush warped her face, a favor she consider asking was for the girl to forget was red she must’ve appeared in that moment—surely it could rival Kairi’s hair.
“You’re welcome.” Xion blew out, her soft voice barely above the sound of the wind. Slowly rising to her feet, shaking out her sandals, and squeezing her dress and shawl of any remaining seawater, Kairi provided Xion one last wave goodbye. The raven haired girl watched her fade from view, with each step, seeing to her safe return. Once she was gone completely, she released a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. No wanted to acknowledge she was holding… how could she..? It was just like how she remembered it, spending time giggling over nonsense and spewing hilarious quips.
She argued with herself it was something she had with Roxas and Axel as well. She spent far more time with them, eating sea-salt ice cream and humoring each other over various things about their life. This should be no different. But… but… but Kairi was just so fucking charming! And so beautiful, and earnest, and funny, and sweet, and clever, and determined, and creative… there were not enough words to express all Xion had to about her feelings regarding the princess… her princess….
Sora’s princess…
Her smile faded, and her eyes closed. What was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she have been content with the life she had, the life she fought to keep. Why must she be so utterly and completely envious of a boy so many mourned over the absence of? It was unfair to him. She was no longer him… Even if he possessed things she too desired to have…
At least, the shell clutched between her fingers were her own. A Lightning Whelk, it was even pink! And Kairi gave it to her, not Sora. She slowly raised it to her ears, eager to see if the legend held true… even prepared to find it did not… however, instantly a soft ambience met her ears, returning a smile back to her lips. A subtle ringing of bells, similar to that of a certain blonde pixie friend from years past. But unique all the same, and worth far more to her than any other sound.
It was the sound of Kairi laughing.
And it was all hers.
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icharchivist · 7 years
You know you'd think Kurapika's temper would have come out of his trauma or something because it's so severe. But I remember in his backstory chapter when those guys called Pairo a slur, cripple, Kurapika was 100% ready to literally kill those people. Like he wasn't just beating them up he said "die" like holy shit. Makes me think that even back then Kurapika wasn't as happy go lucky as Gon. (if we're comparing 12 year old Kurapika to 12 year old Gon).
Ooooh ye Kurapika had a really quick temper even as a kid.
I think there’s still some things to compare him with Gon with as a kid. They both grew up in the wilderness, wanting more, wanting to see the world, admiring Hunters. They get excited when talking about the stuff they love.
Even there, they would both get really angry if you threaten people they love - just looking at how Gon reacted to Illumi after the incident with Killua. And in anger, they don’t exactly think through, Gon was ready to climb the wall of the Zoldyck family and Kurapika….. would lash out.
But I think that’s where the comparaison may stop, at least for them as kid, not mentioning their revenge journeys.
Kurapika is really over-protective and have a high sense of justice. He has shown that since for ever. And I think that might be a result also of growing up in such a sheltered village. 
He mentions he used to know all 128 people of his village, he knew them all personally. He was a kid, and it was his whole world. So for him, i think it was clear people would care about each other and like, not be douchebags?
We don’t know much of the Kurta’s culture, but we know this society settled rules to care about each other. In case of danger, they would move out. But also even the Elder mentions when Kurapika talks about how he wants to see the outside world and says “Why don’t i just do what I want then?” and the Elder replies “If that’s what you want to do, then go ahead,but if you break the rule, it’s your family left behind that receives the punishment you know?”
I don’t know how much is a threat  to control a kid who’s ready to run away from home and how much is an actual rule, especially since Kurapika mentions “Leaving the forest is the gravest infraction that can be committed, but no one knows what kind of punishment there is for breaking the rule - No one has ever broken it, after all.” I’d personally say it’s just a threat and that they wouldn’t really hurt anyone, but I guess we can doubt.
Besides we also know that it’s a taboo amoung the Kurta to mention the Non-pureblood Kurta’s eyes. Pairo mentions that he had to press his father to talk about it. It’s a secret, the kids aren’t supposed to know that they would be in danger outside, they shelter their kids so they can feel their emotions frely without feeling like the monsters the legends of the outside world make them out to be.
What we can deduce of that is that therefore the Kurta lives in a really big community that cares for each other, all know each other, have a set of rules, and those rules are set to protect each other.
It explains why Kurapika has such a high sense of justice when it comes to protecting his own in a way. It’s really the community’s lifestyle, always caring about your fellow.
As for Pairo’s disability, adding to that, it’s to remember that… Kurapika feels responsible for it, too. Pairo is his best friend so also Kurapika shares a lot with him, but it’s to remember Pairo’s disability happened because Pairo tried to save Kurapika from falling up the cliff, they fell together, but Kurapika was barely hurt while Pairo got a lifelong disability that the village doesn’t know how to cure.
Pairo never blamed Kurapika for it, even, he calls out Kurapika when Kurapika mentions he wants to find him a doctor, because what Pairo want is Kurapika to be happy. 
Also, there’s an understanding between Pairo and Kurapika have this way to talk about his disability too. Early in the story Kurapika asks Pairo if he wants to see the outside world with him, Pairo says that his health would get in the way of that, and Kurapika enthusiastically replies that it doesn’t matter. Because Pairo can do anything he wants.But also later, when they are doing shopping together, Kurapika seems concerned about Pairo having to carry stuff around, and Pairo calls him out for how Kurapika should not overprotect him that much (”Trust your partner a little bit more!!”) and Kurapika apologizes immediatly, which make me think it’s possible Kurapika feels the need sometimes to accomodate to Pairo’s disability and Pairo can calls him out about it to tell him he can handle himself.(there’s a similar scene earlier with Pairo dropping the eyedrops and insisting he wants to do it by himself, but knowing this is when he switched the eyedrops it can be argued it was just so he was sure he could trick everyone).
What I’m trying to come accross there is that, Kurapika cares a lot about Pairo’s well being, but he knows how to keep his limits to not be overcaring. He does everything so Pairo feel like his disability doesn’t stop him from doing anything, even if sometimes he gets worried about it.
Adding to the fact that Kurapika feels responsible and guilty for what happened to Pairo, and knows Pairo doesn’t blame him, so he blames himself even more in secret. 
So we can put all of that together. Kurapika’s strong sense of community and justice, his guilt toward Pairo’s disability, how he wants to look after Pairo, all without making Pairo feel less able because of that. 
And then a guy come out of nowhere to call Pairo a slur on that direct subject.
All of that together? Of course Kurapika would explode. I’m pretty sure no one in his village would have ever insulted Pairo because of his disability. I’m pretty sure no one called him a burden that clearly, with this much of being mean spirited.
It was a real first for Kurapika. Before those bullies, he always had admiration for the Outside World, believing it couldn’t be that bad, that people didn’t want to actually hurt them like the Elder would be saying. And the lovely people that helped them probably comforted him in that idea.
But them? I don’t think Kurapika ever saw anything like that before. Now also, the bully just kicked Pairo in the leg to make him fall, Kurapika was ready to attack and didn’t only because Pairo said it was an accident. It’s when the bully made it clear he meant it with all kind of mean spirit that Kurapika lost it and wanted to kill them.
How could some people do that?? none of the 128 people in his village would have done that. D-Hunter, Sheila, they wouldn’t have done that. The outside world he learnt about shouldn’t have done that. But there the bully just proved the Bad Side of the Outside World Kurapika was not as much acknowledging.
Honestly Kurapika almost attacked them at different times. Every time those assholes were doing something, he was getting angry, and Pairo was 100% of his impulse control, knowing that the Elder sent them. 
When they attacked Pairo, it became personal. Attacking Pairo could only be seen by Kurapika like the worst thing one could have done. And he didn’t think straight anymore and he attacked.
I even wonder if that’s why he asked the bullies if the Elder told them about Pairo’s disability. It’s like for him, you couldn’t have actually insulted Pairo on that for another reason than to directly piss them off, so it had to be part of a bigger plan, not something anyone would say. 
I think that’s where the big difference can lay between Kurapika and Gon. They both had a guilt to overcome as a child (Gon with what happened with Kon and Kite, Kurapika with what happened to Pairo), but they grew on such different environment. Hell, Kite reminded Gon that it was his fault that he had to kill Kon’s mom, meanwhile Kurapika, who still felt guilty, kept hearing he wasn’t to blame.
In a way it’s where Gon started to try to fix his mistakes no matter what, and where Kurapika started to try to fix his mistakes all alone since no one else seemed to get it as much as he did.
Again, Kurapika lived in a secluded, sheltered community where everyone knew each other, while Gon lived on an Island with only a couple of people he was used to see a lot, and mostly travellers. Gon could see all kind of people, so in the end he would just think that those who are not a direct harm to him and the people he cares about are just passing by and move on. Kurapika didn’t have this mentality since unlike Whale Island, Kurapika was stuck with the same people, and the same people had to react accordingly to their rules and their respect of each other.
Going to the outside world would have been an entiere new adventure for Kurapika in term of understanding the Outside World’s not as sheltered culture. We never got to see that though, since the Massacre happened and Kurapika’s trauma over come everything.
His cynism or his way to push people away can come from how the massacre made him more bitter, realizing how much people could kill because of greed, but it could also be slightly from his desillusions about the outside world.
I rambled much more than i expected but i love Kurapika’s past chapters a lot and I love to think about the Kurta. I really think that the cultural impact of living a sheltered, closed community who cares all a lot about each other, where no one would have been mean to Pairo because of his disability (concerned, yes, mean? no) is why he couldn’t take people being rude for no reason, for people to make Pairo feel like a burden, like lesser of a being.
And for someone who wasn’t expecting this kind of despicable attitude, no wonder Kurapika overreacted directly.
And Kurapika tends to not really think through when he’s angry. He can sometimes, he can force himself to think, but a lot of time, he doesn’t.
And his sense of justice in general is still there, ofcourse with his quest with the spdiers, but not only. It’s like when he threatened to kill Mitanji in the Prison exam, when he pretented to be a spider, and Kurapika told him he would kill him if he ever did that again. It was again a disrespect, impersonating the horrible people who hurt him and his family that way, but this time Kurapika still managed to calm down enough to keep it as a threat. Maturity i guess?
So ye, as much as they have a lot in common, on this point i’m not surprised Kurapika was… more extreme.
Take care!!!
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suitairbus3-blog · 5 years
Based on numerous requests from you (my loyal followers!) I’ve put together a recap of my 2 weeks in Maui. This is basically a (super thorough!) review of everything: from where I stayed and what I did, to places I ate, what I liked, didn’t like...and more.
Before we head to the island:
This trip was unique and special to me for a few reasons. I booked this trip just 5 days before I left because I hit a wall. So, you’ll notice that this quickly-planned excursion runs the full gamut of Hawaiian experiences—for example, I stayed in both a hostel and a high-end resort while I was there. It’s all about balance, right?
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Quick backstory on WHY I booked this trip: I was completely burned out, I’d never been to Hawaii and always wanted to go, and I had a decade’s worth of credit card points to use before they expired (that would cover this trip in its entirety).
Quick backstory on HOW I booked this trip: When I was in Utah the prior weekend, I made a new friend named Beth. She and her family were going to be in Maui, and my friend Jeff chimed into our conversation saying that he’d be there the weekend after. It made sense to bookend my trip with the plan to meet up with each of them, and fill in the time in between. That’s why I stayed in Lahaina (to coincide with Beth’s trip) and Wailea (at the same resort as Jeff). Also, the original plan was to do this trip solo, but to my (joyful!) surprise, my friend Maddy decided to join me for 4 nights, which was a blast, and we packed a lot of adventures into those 4 nights, which I’ll share with you.
The BEST resource throughout my trip was Maui Revealed: The Ultimate Guidebook. My friend Roger gifted me with this gem and it made all the difference! Highly recommend it.
Lastly, this is not a sponsored post. No one has paid me to mention or review any product or locations. I simply wanted to give my honest review to help you plan your amazing (and healthy!) trip to Maui, whenever the mood strikes YOU!
Okay, onto the fun stuff!
Where I stayed (The Lodging):
Over my 14-night vacation, I bounced around 5 different hotels, hostels, and resorts. Phew! That was a lot (too much) unpacking, repacking, and repeat. But the good news is that you get the inside scoop about multiple lodging options instead of just one!
1) Hakuna Matata Hostel: I realize the hostel life isn’t for everyone, but if it’s your thing, then I highly recommend this place! They have everything you need from free parking to excellent wifi to breakfast. I also love that they have a beautiful backyard with hammocks and free rentals of bikes and I think even surfboards.
I stayed here my first couple of nights in hopes of making some friends at the beginning of my solo trip. It’s a nice community feel... and only a block from the ocean!
I remember crashing at hostels the month I backpacked across Europe back in 2011. Even though I really enjoyed my stay here, I realized that I might just be “over” the hostel experience. I don’t know, maybe it’s just the fact that I’m older and highly value my personal space (2 bathrooms for 24 people is ...well, an experience), but I doubt I’d stay here again. If you’re in your twenties or just love rocking out the close community feel, then this is your joint!
2) Puunoa Beach Estates: From the hostel I landed here. Talk about a night and day comparison!  The condo is incredible. I even felt a little guilty about how much space I had! I stayed here 4 nights and had the entire place all to myself— with a full kitchen, outdoor patios, separate wing with extra bedroom and bathroom (which didn’t even get used). I think this place is perfect for families. This was at the beginning of my trip, so I was still taking work calls on the patio near the beach (however, the wifi was a bit spotty.) If you’re looking for more of a secluded experience, then you might consider this place. It has a beautiful beachfront property and a lovely hot tub that I almost always had to myself. Just be warned that there is a lot of coral at this beach. While I was jumping waves and swimming in the ocean here, I got into a battle with some coral reef, and hurt my leg. A week later I almost went into urgent care since it was still throbbing and didn’t look to be healing very well, but that same day I was introduced to 2 wound nurses staying at the same hotel. Love how life works!
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3) Royal Lahaina Resort: I am a sucker for the ocean, and while I enjoyed Baby Beach at the Puunoa Beach estates (until the coral got me), I’m glad I stayed there first, because once going to Kaanapali, it’d be tough to go back! It’s crazy how this beach—located in technically the same city as the other 2 places I stayed—felt completely different and so much nicer.
By this time, my friend Maddy had joined me. The one night we stayed here we took advantage of everything, including a great dinner (food was good, service was better), yummy drinks, beach time, hot tub time, and a jog around the golf course on the path. The ocean was cleaner, bluer… I witnessed dolphins come out of nowhere and start swimming with people on the beach! I watched whales jumping from the comfort of the hot tub which overlooked the ocean. The only downfall is that the bungalow room was super tiny—the smallest room of all of the places I stayed, and the hot tub was small too. That said, the grounds were incredible, and I wish I’d had more than a night here!
4) Kohea Kai Resort Maui: I don’t really have too much to say about this hotel, other than it was very average. Perhaps I was spoiled after staying at the Royal Lahaina Resort, but I think even with an unbiased set of eyes, I wasn’t impressed. It wasn’t nearly as nice as I thought it’d be, and for the price (credit card points), it felt like a pretty big letdown. I did appreciate that they had a hot breakfast in the morning. I’d get scrambled eggs and also grab some hard boiled ones for snacks later, fruit, peanut butter and they even had gluten free bread. This resort is just across the street from the ocean, but the beach wasn’t nearly as nice as the previous and next resort. There also weren’t as many people around, but maybe for some people that would be a positive. The hot tub was small, but there was never anyone else around, so that was nice.
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5) Fairmont Kea Lani, Maui: Hands down my favorite place to stay—by far. The service was exceptional, room was enormous (all rooms are suites), had a balcony (I think all rooms do), they have a nice hot tub and several pools. The grounds are gorgeous and the ocean views and sunsets are to-die for. I think a lot of people come to the island, check in and never leave the resort- which is totally cool if that’s your type of vacay. Part of me can see why that’s so appealing, because after checking in here, it was hard to leave. I had many activities planned over the time I was there, and would have loved to just chill and have a couple legit “beach days” there with the sole purpose of reading and relaxing. That’s my one regret: not being able to enjoy this resort more! But I’m so glad I ended my my Hawaiian vacation here. The perfect grand finale. I’d start my day with yoga near the beach, and end it watching the sunset from somewhere on the beautiful grounds —or one night I ended it with the (free) lavender body mud mask in their spa! While paradise is a word that could be used to describe the whole island, this resort fully embraced it in every way.
What I did (The Adventures):
Nearly every activity I did was based on a verbal recommendation, a suggestion from an Instagram follower (thanks for all those!), or something I read about in the Maui Revealed Guidebook.
Surfing: One of the main highlights of my trip! I’d never surfed, and honestly never really had a huge interest in it, but after the first minute or two, I pretty much considered myself hooked.
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I love the ocean, I love being active and I love a challenge. This was an epic combo of all of these things. I especially love how present and mindful you need to be when surfing, and I learned a really important lesson that I shared in this short post.
I did a group lesson through Maui Surfer girls, which was a great experience. They ended up rescheduling my lesson twice (once because they didn’t have enough people signed up, and once due to windy conditions). But thankfully I was able to still make it work. There were 4 of us in my group lesson, and the instructor was great. They had a portrait package option with the lesson, which was totally worth it to get footage of my first time surfing.
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After my lesson, I felt comfortable going out by myself, so I spent a couple more days surfing, and am seriously considering moving near the ocean to get to make this part of my lifestyle.
Whale Watching: My hairdresser in Minneapolis recommended I do this, and do it through the Pacific Whale Foundation. It’s a non-profit, so the proceeds go back to the whales. He said to make sure to do the raft—not the big boat. I’m so glad I followed his advice! This was INCREDIBLE. Like, WAY cooler than I’d ever imagined! Obviously your experience would be different if you didn’t see any whales, but I did! In 2 hours, we must have seen 40 whales, several which came almost too close to our raft for my comfort! The guides leading the excursion were super knowledgeable and passionate. I learned a lot. I highly recommend doing this.
The Grand Luau at Honua'ula: I was told that in Hawaii, the one thing I MUST do is attend a Luau! After chatting with both locals and visitors and doing my own research online, the consensus is that the top 2 luaus on the island are Old Lahaina Inn and The Grand Luau at Honua'ula. Both are booked quite far in advance due to high demand, but thankfully The Grand Luau at Honua'ula had tickets available, and happened to be within walking distance of the Fairmont. It was a great outing to do as a group—me, Maddy, my friend Jeff and our new friend Jason all went together. And while I’m glad we went, I don’t feel the need to do it again. It was entertaining and a neat experience, but $108 for so-so food and drinks, I’d probably pass and go for a nice dinner. Also, I’ve been asked on social media if it was family friendly: absolutely.
Nakalele Blowhole: This was recommended by a young couple I met, and I’m sooooo glad we took the time to do this. The Blowhole was spectacular, and the drive up to the north end of Maui to get there was crazy. I’ve never been standing in a windier place in my entire life. As I attempted to take photos and videos, my phone practically blew out of my hand! I’m glad I waited for Maddy to do this, because I wouldn’t have hiked down as far without someone else with me. It’s a bit of a sketchy hike to get very close to blowhole, but I recommend it if you can. Protip: be sure to not wear flip flops!
So, what is the blowhole? “A blowhole is a hole in the ground that connects to an underground, partially submerged ocean cave. The cave and opening are shaped in such a way that when the ocean rises or waves crash into it, a jet of water and air is violently forced out through the hole,” according to MauiGuidebook.com. The guys from Maui Revealed Guidebook said once they were there when it wasn’t blowing a thing, and four hours later they returned and found it viciously shooting 70 feet into the air every few seconds. There are signs all over saying that you are risking death if you get too close… and while we were the most adventurous out of anyone else that was there at the same time as us, we kept our distance. The wind was so crazy that it made it hard to communicate (and even hard to think)! After about a half hour of hiking down, hanging out, attempting to get some pics and videos, I was definitely ready to head out! So the other nice thing about this excursion is that this does not require a lot of time (just depends on how far you need to drive). We saw one couple get out of their car, take a peek, have her dress blown up to her neck, and leave...hehe.
Haleakala National Park Sunrise Tour + Cycle Downhill:
The sunrise was majestic... but it ended up being my least favorite excursion. Allow me to explain... 
The sunrise at Halekala, the 10,023 foot summit, is the most beautiful sunrise I’ve ever seen… You’re watching the sun rise above the clouds from the rim of the crater, and you can feel the temperature warm up as the sun rises. Incredible. But you have to work for it. First of all, it’s VERY cold and windy up there. And even with my Minnesota blood, I didn’t bring enough warm clothes to make this comfortable—even with hats and gloves! We froze. Secondly, in order to get all the way up the mountain in time to see the sunset, you need to get up EARLY (or just don’t ever go to bed… like we did…). Commit to leaving extra early because we saw cars pull up just after the sun had risen. That would be such a bummer to have not been there in time!
The tour we booked drove us up there in a bus. On the way back, they dropped us off part way down the volcano, where there were bikes and motorcycle helmets (you read that right!) waiting for us on the side of the road. We then cycled 23 miles down the mountain. As cool as this sounds (you know I love to bike!!), I did not enjoy it. The road is one single lane and it wraps around the mountain, which is not the safest to begin with. Plus, you’re biking down as cars try to pass you. Unfortunately, if you’re looking for a workout in any way, this isn’t it; you have to pump your brakes the entire way down! My experience was staring at the biker in front of me and trying to gracefully brake without hitting them or braking too hard and flying off my bike… for 23 miles. I was going very cautiously at first, until the tour guide told us we had to speed up—it’s too dangerous to go too slow. I did not like trying to go down this mountain in the first place, and with speed—no thanks! The bikes were already old and rickety, and to me, it was more dangerous and tedious than it was worth… and that’s coming from someone who loves to skydive, cliff jump, rock climb and do plenty of other risky things. Plus, it was cold.
Overall, this excursion was talked up more than it was worth, and also waaaay longer than we anticipated: by the time all was said and done, we were dropped off at our hotel 10 ½ hours after we were picked up. This whole sunrise/bike tour lasted that long! There was waaaaay too much downtime and waiting before, after and between the activities. Okay, this Negative Nancy is done.
Crossfit: Exercise is a priority for me—even on vacation. I enjoy moving my body. I never feel like I “have to” workout. It makes me feel good. Beach runs along the shoreline were amazing. Also, one of my favorite parts of traveling is trying new gyms and meeting new people. During my time in Hawaii, the Crossfit open was happening. It’s an annual worldwide competition that practically everyone in the crossfit community participates in. There are 5 workouts to be done over the course of 5 weeks. You have to do them in a certain time frame and be scored by a qualified judge to submit your score. So, I attended 2 different gyms based on the location of where I was staying, and had awesome experiences at both! It was such a great way to connect with other active people with similar interests—many of which were local. And from my experience, Crossfit gyms always cultivate a warm, welcoming community (more on that in this post). I enjoyed visiting Lahaina Crossfit and Makena Crossfit in Kihei.
Photoshoots: I regularly do photoshoots for our brand, and the look and feel we aim to achieve with our photography is freedom, confidence and beauty...and what better place to accomplish this than the island of Hawaii!? The very first thing I did after booking my plane ticket was start researching photographers on the island (and there are a LOT). I also had to decide what type of photoshoot I wanted. An amazing thing about photography on the island is the endless range of scenery available. Sunrise shoot on the beach? Sunset photos in the rainforest? Lava rocks? Sea turtles? Waterfalls? Black sand? Red sand? How to decide!?
I narrowed it down to doing a sunrise shoot, and a jungle shoot, and I couldn’t decide between 2 different photographers, so I decided to book one shoot with each. I’m so glad I did because the experiences ended up being so different—in both style and scenery!
Both of these shoots were absolute highlights of my trip. Both photographers took me to places off the beaten path that I would have never known about or experienced on my own, and helped me see Hawaii through their unique lens (pun intended!)—as transplants who moved to the island and are now residents.
Love + Water Sunrise Shoot: Rated one of the top wedding photographers on the island, I knew I couldn't go wrong. They lived up to the hype! Adam made a 6:15am land + sea photoshoot not just tolerable, but actually super fun! He made me laugh, came up with really creative pose ideas, and we just had a great time. He also took me to a secluded location with lava rocks that I wouldn't have known about, had me splashing and swimming in the water, and the photos turned out gorgeous.
Amy Jayne Photography Jungle shoot: Amy was amazing—not only did she offer to drive to the location for this jungle shoot, but she even went out of her way to show me some other spots in the area after we were done with the shoot. This shoot was much more strenuous than the other one: I climbed rocks and trekked through mud, swam through streams, splashed through waterfalls and really got the full jungle experience. We hiked back so far through the mud into the jungle that there wasn’t another soul to be seen. It was a really spiritual experience. Amy was so patient with me as I changed my outfits behind bamboo stalks, and took my time carefully climbing to the boulders she wanted me to pose on. It was a hardcore workout, which got pretty intense, even on the edge of dangerous at times—between the slippery rocks, rain and mud—which is right up my alley, but I will warn you: this type of photoshoot is not for the light hearted. I love adventure so I was all for it!
Colie Lennox: For hair and makeup, I can’t recommend this sweet human more! I would hire her again and again. She did both my hair and makeup for both shoots, she came to ME where I was staying (in 2 different cities both times), both at the crack of dawn (4:30 & 5am!), and was much more reasonable than anyone else I’d contacted. Plus, she was such a joy to work with. Not only is her work great, but so is her personality. I’ve stayed in touch with her since leaving, and would seriously come back to the island even just to work with her again! (I can actually say that about not just Colie, but both photographers, too: I’d come back to Hawaii just to work with all of them again!)
Where I ate (The Food):
I love food, but I love food more when it’s with good company. So, the first leg of my trip (when I was by myself the most), I didn’t eat out much (I bought groceries since I had a full kitchen in the condo). I did experience some restaurants, so I’ll share my feedback on these with you. Despite what I’d heard and the expectations I had, I found it to be rather easy to eat healthy. There are so many options!
Choice Health Bar: This was a recommendation from someone on Instagram, and it was a great one! I had lunch here once—a delicious “plate meal”— I can’t even remember what all it contained, but it was all delicious, along with a really yummy iced coffee. Everything looked fresh and healthy, there were SO many options, and I only wish I’d found out about it sooner.
Kimo’s Maui: I met up with Beth for a delicious fish dinner at Kimo’s. We loved the food, and the environment (outdoor seating is always my fave!). Afterwards, we stopped at Dirty Monkey with the intention of having a drink and doing a little dancing, but we ended up not staying very long. The vibe felt a little… dark(?) for our liking, and we just weren’t feeling it.
Cool Cat Cafe: This rooftop cafe is on Front Street In Lahaina, and the atmosphere was fun! It had a diner vibe and was a little noisy, but it was a fun place to go after surfing, and my hunger was satisfied with some fish tacos.
Coconuts Kitchen: This place was recommended by Colie, who said the food was amazing and the owner, Brian, is super nice. Maddy and I both had the fish tacos, which were tasty, but after having a taste of Jason’s macadamia-nut crusted mahi mahi, I swore I’d be back. (I didn’t make it here a second time on this trip, but perhaps later this year. :)) We also had the pleasure of meeting Brian, who was just as friendly as expected, and I love supporting places run by good people!
Mama’s Fish House: “If you only eat at one restaurant, eat here” was the advice I was given by many! I called to make a reservation and in my entire two weeks on the island, they had one available for two people on a Friday for lunch, so that made the itinerary! It was an awesome experience—from walking the beautiful grounds to a few surprise tastings and special touches. Overall, the food was decent, but nothing I’d rave about… although I would go back for the experience.
Paia Fish Market: This place was on our to-do list because of the raving reviews, and it lived up to the hype. Fish tacos seemed to be my thing on the island, and they were as yummy as I’d hoped. It was also quick and reasonable. There are a couple locations, and the one I went to and liked is in Ono/Kihei.
MonkeyPod: This place was highly recommended, and it was only okay. I wouldn’t go back unless it was for Happy Hour (we weren’t there for this, but that may have been the main reason it was recommended), but I will say the outdoor seating is lovely.
Four Seasons Spago: My nicest dinner on the island was here, at Chef Wolfgang Puck's Hawaiian restaurant, with the company of my friend, Jeff (thanks, Jeff!). We ordered the Chef’s Tasting menu, a 1989 bottle of wine, all accompanied by sunset views. We got to try everything from sushi to risotto to 4 different kinds of desserts. It was an amazing experience, and I’d definitely go back.
Food trucks: There were a few food trucks that I had a bite at, and while I can’t remember which ones, they were all great. I’m still surprised at how some of the best food seemed to be from the food trucks, and was excited to enjoy a couple great meals from ones that popped up when I was hungry.
You know I love my cup o’joe, and just like my love for checking out new gyms when I travel, I love checking out new coffee shops—especially on foot! So, coffee gets its own section.
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To my surprise, cute yummy coffee shops are something this island is absolutely lacking. Thankfully, I did find a couple awesome spots, but not until the end of my trip.
Now, full disclosure is that I’m a little picky when it comes to coffee: they need to have either heavy cream (first choice), coconut milk (second choice), or oat milk or hemp milk (or I won’t order).
I tried several different coffee spots, and instead of reviewing them all, I’ll just tell you my top three picks! My favorite coffee drink ended up being at the cafe at the Fairmont (which was convenient and unexpected)! The other place I found and visited a couple of times was Hawaiian Moons Natural food, a pretty awesome health foods store. This was also a great spot to pick up some groceries: they have an awesome salad bar, all sorts of fun snacks, and kombucha on tap (love!) And when I was in Lahaina, my favorite spot was Cafe Cafe Maui, which was the best place to hang out—either outside or inside, and use wi-fi and chat with the baristas. I ordered breakfast here a few times, too—options are limited, but it was nice that they had eggs, smoothies and a few other items.
On my list for next time (things I didn't get to do):
There’s so much I didn’t get to do that my next trip could be a completely different experience! From snorkeling to ziplining to the Road to Hana.. I can’t wait to go back!
Here are 3 things for sure making the list for my next Maui trip:
Snorkel at Seafire Charters-Molokini: I was told that this is like swimming in an aquarium, and that I’ll love snorkeling after this! (I am a bit afraid of the whole breathing while underwater thing)
Road to Hana (maybe): I know people say you HAVE to do this when you’re in Maui… and maybe I did miss out, but I feel like I got a good taste of the drive from my trip to the Blowhole, and the jungle from my photoshoot with Amy. And, while I loved the adventures I had and exploring I did on this trip, I was content with just one day of that road and the jungle, and spending the rest of my time near the beaches, in the ocean and under the sun.
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Sunset Dinner Cruise: I really wanted to do one of these, but we just didn’t have enough evenings! You can find some really good deals on these, especially if you’re willing to listen to a little pitch—like you would a timeshare (I think).
A few Personal Takeaways:
1) I’ll be back! I will most definitely be back… perhaps even later this year. I knew Hawaii would be amazing, but it was even better than I’d imagined. From the scenery to the vibes to the good energy and friendly people.. I loved it all.
2) Length of this trip: Everyone said I needed at least 10 days in Hawaii, and they were spot-on right. Two weeks felt waaaaay too long to me at first, especially since I’m not used to taking vacations. But, I realized I needed a solid 5-7 days to get into “vacation mode.” I know it’s a luxury to be able to take a 2-week vacation, but a week wouldn’t have sufficed.
3) Next time: more relaxing. I wish I’d hunkered down a bit more… maybe had 1 or 2 actual beach days. Between all of the excursions we booked and the photo shoots (which took a lot of prep, and half to full days on the actual days), it didn’t leave a whole lot of downtime. I don’t regret doing anything, but next time I’d make sure to tack on a couple days to just chill.
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4) I vow to love myself more. Like, *really* love myself to the point of booking a 2 week vacation on an island by myself or even with a friend (or both) to take some time to breathe and reconnect with my inner child and play and laugh and journal and pray and be grateful and learn something new and meet new people and relax and be inspired and refreshed and play some more and pray some more and fall in LOVE with myself.
Sometimes we need to hit the RESET button. I say this when we do our 10-Day Reset program every 4 months. But, it’s not just your body, nutrition and hormones that we need to reset! I’ve come to believe that we need to do this with our pace of life, too —> for our mental, emotional, spiritual, and even physical health. It’s all connected! I was practically 100% burned out in every possible way before arriving in Maui. And to tell the truth… I shouldn’t have let it get that far. I wish I’d allowed myself to hit the reset button earlier, and more often in my daily life. And now, after 2 weeks of hitting that reset button HARD, I’m rejuvenated, refreshed and back into creative mode!!!
I hope you were able to take something from my experience—whether it’s taking note of places you want to visit, getting the epic guidebook, or even just the inspiration to put some self-care on your calendar, whether that’s a 2-week adventure to Maui, a weekend staycation, or a 30-minute massage.
Let’s remember to take time for ourselves, and prioritize rest (and play!), even (*especially!) in the midst of our hectic, fast-paced world. Mahalo!
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Source: https://www.cassie.net/feed/
0 notes
Heyyy I'm sorry if you don't do these things but,,,, if you ever have time maybe could you write some more killugon with Ging involved?? Your writing it to good!!
No, its okay!!! I definitely do these things haha
I’m actually not too confident with my Ging but I tried my best ^^; I hope this is okay!
This is canon universe still, the boys are 18 here! This takes place a few days after the last part of this story. Previous parts of the ‘Gon and Killua deal with an intrusive Ging Freecss’ saga: one & two
It was supposed to be a peaceful evening, just him and Killua spending the night out exploring Whale Island like they used to when they were younger- just two kids with stars in their eyes and no understanding of things like spiders and ants and separations that left holes the size of canyons in the center of their chests.
Gon had wanted to go because there was going to be a meteor shower, and it was the first really clear night since they’d arrived here. Killua hadn’t said why he’d agreed to come along besides the undeniable fact that he would follow Gon everywhere and anywhere in the world.
But Gon knew the truth: Killua wanted to get away from Ging for a few hours. And Gon honestly didn’t blame him.
Ging wasn’t…as horrible as Gon had been worried he might be upon meeting Gon’s most important person. But he wasn’t exactly making the visit easy either with the snide remarks and suggestive commentary that left both Killua and Aunt Mito shrieking.
So a change of scenery and some distance would have done some good. If not for Ging somehow magically popping out of the underbrush behind Gon and Killua’s makeshift camp halfway through the night.
“Oh.” Ging straightened as Gon gaped at his father. “Ah. Its you two…”
“Oh, god,” Killua groaned and pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes. His head was currently resting in Gon’s lap, starlight hair pushed off his forehead in a way that was just begging Gon to play with the silky strands.
“Please,” Killua begged. “Please, Gon, tell me I’m hallucinating and that’s not your father over there.”
Gon winced. “I, uh, can’t tell you that, unless I’m hallucinating, too. And I don’t think I am.”
“Then push him off the cliff.”
Ging snorted. “I’m taking it I’m not exactly wanted here?”
“No shit!” Killua spat out and Gon curled his hands in Killua’s hair to keep him from hurling himself at Ging. “Leave! How the hell did you even find us?!”
“If you think you know Whale Island better than I do, you’ve got another thing coming, kid. This place isn’t exactly a secret.”
Then, to Gon’s shock, Ging began to make his way over to their campfire. Gon watched as the older man dropped gracelessly onto the cold ground opposite them, folding his arms and legs immediatley. The disgruntled expression on his face told Gon that Ging would rather be anywhere than here.
So, why was he?
“This is a good place for star gazing,” Ging said in the tense silence.
“…that’s why we came here,” Gon said awkwardly. Killua hadn’t moved an inch away from his current position- Killua was kind of weird in the sense that he wouldn’t get embarrassed around people that irritated him, like Ging- and his thin lips were pressed together tightly. It was obvious he wasn’t going to acknowledge Ging’s presence from here on out.
Gon wasn’t too upset by that. It meant he could keep running his fingers through Killua’s incredibly soft locks without Killua voicing a word of protest. He liked it best when Killua was like this: pliant, easy, subdued. And the pink hue on Killua’s cheeks was more than enough to fill Gon’s chest with a bursting warmth.
Ging didn’t comment on their current pose. Instead, he just said, “Did you know that I used to bring Mito up here?”
Gon blinked. “You did?”
Ging nodded. He squinted up at the sky, saying, “She used to make a big fuss about it, too. She didn’t like going out at night. But she always stopped complaining the second she saw the view.”
“Did you explore Whale Island a lot with Aunt Mito?” Gon asked as he continued to play with Killua’s hair. He could feel his friend slowly relaxing under his touch and Gon couldn’t help the gentle smile that tugged at his lips. Killua’s eyes were closed, so he couldn’t see the look on Gon’s face, but that was okay.
Just being with Killua again was enough. And the fact that they were dating- that Killua belonged to him, that Killua had still chosen Gon after everything that happened, that Killua loved him- made everything ten times better.
“Nah, not too much,” Gon heard Ging said distantly in the background. “She was younger than me. That made it hard for her to do some of the things I would go after. Plus, I was stronger so I went off on my own most of the time. Still, she was pretty upset when I left.”
“Well, duh,” Killua spoke up suddenly, startling the other two. “Saying goodbye to someone you care about is never easy. How did you think she’d react?!”
Ging leaned back on his hands. “I never thought much about it, to be honest.”
“How could you not think about that?!” Killua snapped and Gon’s heart twisted. He knew what goodbye Killua was thinking about, and it wasn’t Ging’s departure with Aunt Mito.
“I just didn’t,” Ging said flatly. “I don’t think about stuff like that. I have myself and what I want to do in life; Mito has her own life, too. We’re different people with different priorities. That doesn’t mean I never thought about her, though.”
Killua seethed quietly. He looked like he was about to say more but Gon pressed his hand over Killua’s fist before he could open his mouth.
Blue eyes met brown. Gon shook his head slightly and Killua deflated with an annoyed huff.
“You’re crazy,” Killua said to Ging. “You do know that, right?”
“If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be a Freecss,” Ging shot back.
Gon laughed out loud at that as Killua scowled. Trust Ging to be brutally honest.
They spent the rest of the night like that, exchanging banter and random facts about their lives. Ging told them several stories of his and Mito’s adventures while Killua complained about some inconveniences during his travels with Alluka around the world. Gon didn’t say much for the most part. He simply listened to the grin in Killua’s voice, the obnoxious lilt in Ging’s, and kept brushing his hands through Killua’s fluffy locks.
He didn’t remember falling asleep. But when he woke up, eyes bleary from hours-long rest and muscles sore from sitting up all night, Ging was gone.
“Where did he go?” Gon asked as Killua crouched next to the spot where Ging had sat just hours earlier.
“Dunno…oh, wait. There’s a note.”
Gon lurched to his feet and scrambled over to Killua. 
Together, they read the words written in scrawly handwriting:
Its been fun. See you two soon.
“There’s no signature,” Gon said. 
“Well its not like there’s any doubt who left it, you know?” Killua stretched his arms over his head with a yawn. Gon had to tear his gaze away from the tiny strip of white skin that appeared above Killua’s waistband as Killua’s shirt rode up. “And its Ging we’re talking about, here. Out of all the crap he’s pulled, leaving Whale Island in the middle of the night isn’t the weirdest.”
Gon grinned, cheeks warm from his blush. “True. Last night was fun, though.”
Killua shrugged but Gon could still see the hidden smile in the corner of his mouth. “I guess it wasn’t too bad.”
Happiness bubbled up inside of Gon. He was glad. Killua hadn’t hated Ging in the end, and Ging hadn’t hated Killua. Not that it would’ve mattered much, because he wasn’t going to part from Killua’s side any time soon, but still. It was nice to know that his whole family knew each other now.
“Ready to head back?” Gon asked and held out his hand.
Killua’s eyes softened. He wrapped his fingers around Gon’s and squeezed them lightly.
“Yeah. Let’s go. Maybe your aunt will have lunch made by the time we get back.”
And off they went.
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beif0ngs · 8 years
someone, who requested to not be named, asked me to try to convince them in a post as to why Jinbei should join the Straw Hat crew. first, i’d like to start off by saying that i, personally, have been rooting for Jinbei to join the Straw Hats ever since Luffy popped the question back on Fishman Island. and there was no doubt in my mind that Jinbei would eventually be a part of the Straw Hat crew, and it really only became a matter of when will he join since then. 
so... to those who oppose to or express their dislike of Jinbei as the next Straw Hat member for reasons such as, “he’s not ‘straw hat material’!!” or “he’s too serious to be a Straw Hat...” or “Character A, B, or C should join the Straw Hats instead of Jinbei!!” blah blah blah... and to that, my initial reaction is:
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but on a more serious note, when some of you say Jinbei’s not ‘straw hat material’, what exactly do you mean by ‘straw hat material’?? last i checked, there was never a specific set of qualities a character had to have in order for them to become a Straw Hat member. literally, and i mean LITERALLY, the only thing that made one a Straw Hat is based on whether Luffy had invited you to join his crew or not (with Robin being a special case, but that’s not the point here). everyone in the crew has very distinct personalities, so i don’t get this whole ‘straw hat material’ reasoning. 
and let me just break this down for those who come up with the reason of not wanting Jinbei to join because he’s “too serious” to be a member of the Straw Hats. so, we were first officially introduced to Jinbei’s character back in Impel Down, and learned that he was imprisoned because he was opposed to the impending war between the Marines and the Whitebeard Pirates. being surrounded in such a grim situation, where you’re trying to prevent a whole damn war from happening, there was no time for Jinbei to even be fooling around. then next, the story delved more deeply into his character during the Fishman Island arc. however, this time he’s found in a sort of similar situation where he’s trying to prevent history from repeating itself. so yes, to some, he may have come across as being a rather serious character up to this point. but if you think about it, there haven’t really been many instances where Jinbei could let loose and show other less serious sides of himself, but that doesn’t mean that his seriousness is all there is to him. in fact, Jinbei has shown that he can be kind of a dork at times too, and his devil-may-care attitude. (***SPOILER ALERT!!!*** for those who haven’t read the manga) we hear from Aladdin that Jinbei has been talking incessantly about Luffy for over the past 2 years since the timeskip, to which Jinbei actually BLUSHED when he realizes he’s been talking about Luffy that often (reminds me of two certain older brothers of Luffy who can’t stop talking about their lil bro either...). and Jinbei also literally laughed in the face of danger while blatantly telling Nami that he’s rebelling against Big Mom. it’s been mentioned time and time again throughout the current arc that no one who ever walked away from Big Mom’s crew has ever lived to tell the tale, and yet here Jinbei is, LAUGHING as he outright declares he’s rebelling against Big Mom. (***END SPOILERS***) so yeah, Jinbei has often showed his serious side when it’s time to be serious, but that’s definitely not all there is to him. and frankly speaking, i think when it comes down to it, if there has to be one absolute requirement to become a Straw Hat, it should be based on whether one is an inherently good person or not; it should go without saying that Jinbei is probably one of the most selfless characters in One Piece.
oh, and let’s not forget how many times Jinbei has saved Luffy’s life too. not once, when he tried to protect an already unconscious Luffy, who just lost Ace, from a direct attack by Akainu... not twice, when he stayed by Luffy’s side during his lowest point and reminded Luffy that he still had reason to live despite just losing Ace in the war... not thrice, when he donated his blood to Luffy, who at the time desperately needed a blood transfusion after losing a large amount of blood back on Fishman Island... and (*SPOILER ALERT*) last but not least, when he saved Luffy from ripping his arms off in a desperate attempt to get out of Mont D’or’s book... (*END SPOILERS*) all in all, Jinbei has saved Luffy 4 times in total... has anyone else saved Luffy from the brink of death more than 4 times, HMMM??? yeah, i didn’t think so.
if you ask me, i honestly think Jinbei is MORE than qualified to be a Straw Hat... like can you just imagine, despite being such a small crew, how much their strength as a whole would multiply with an ex-shichibukai joining them??? what’s more, he can call upon whale sharks too. that’ll surely come in handy with 4 DF users on board, though i’m sure Jinbei is more than capable of easily saving all of them if they were to ever be thrown overboard. and with Jinbei joining, he’ll take over Brook and become the tallest among the crew! Brook will finally have someone to literally look up to. it’ll also be very interesting to see someone like Jinbei being part of the Straw Hat shenanigans!! but most importantly... LARGE FISH UNCLE GIVING HIS TINY (by comparison) CREW MEMBERS A RIDE ON HIS BACK/SHOULDERS!!! 
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