#he's cute. very funny in that smart/witty way. GREAT singing voice. and very easy to talk to. theatre kid confidence but not a jerk.
not me catching feelings for one of my castmates...
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JiminXReader - In One Week, Part - 6
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5;
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How are you?
Who are you?
I am Zarna, daughter of King Xerob and the one who will kill the last human, Vivi.
I’m currently at her hideout. I say hideout quite liberally. It’s basically a dump. It’s messy and dirty. Perfect for her.
She isn’t here right now. I have no idea where she is but I know she’ll be back. She has to be. All her tapes are here. I listened to a few of them. They are very entertaining, and hey, since i’m here, might as well try it out.
I have to admit, it makes me feel…nostalgic. My family used to have a tradition where my dad would put in his old cassette tapes and we’d all sing along to Earth’s famous songs. It was nice. We’d all sit by the fireplace, my mom would pick up this wooden instrument called the ukulele and play along to the music. She was partially deaf, yet played like a rockstar, and we didn’t stop her, even if her playing was atrocious. My baby brother was only a few months old, almost a year. He would cry and whine through the day, raise a living hell in our lives, but once that music was on, he was so happy and cheerful, which made the dog become just as excited and she would go around licking everyone’s faces. I guess creatures as dumb as animals and human babies know when to shut up and just…enjoy the moment.
I was young, a child when they found us. My human parents were on a bloody heap on the ground, their heads busted open. Funny how something as important as a human brain is so small and wound up inside a person’s skull. My mother had crawled towards me, a broken, bloody mess, a leg torn off. She was in pain, so much pain. She was crying, and screaming, struggling to make her way to the closet she had hidden me in. She wretched the doors open, an animalistic look in her eyes and yet, her last words to me was: “We love you so much, don’t believe a word he tells you.” and then she died. Along with my father, brother and that dumb dog.
Xernob took me, my biological father. He told me that the humans kidnapped me when i was a baby and have been using me as means of blackmailing him. He apologised for the trauma they must have inflicted on me, but promised to make things right. He promised to dispose of every single human being in this universe, and he would use me as his number one weapon.
No hug. No tears. No, nice to see that you’re ok. No empathy.
I’m not human, not really. I’m a different species altogether, one that’s superior, one that is better in every way, and yet…i hate it.
My father, my biological one, reared into my head that humans are disgusting, vile, pathetic creatures that must be killed, and for a brief period in my life, i believed him, which is why i am on this mission, which is why i am going to kill Vivi, the last…the last human ever.
…I miss them. Humans might be pathetic and weak, but its amazing how well they can love and care and protect. I have never been so happy as i was when i was with them…when i was human. They never treated me any differently, they showered me with love and praise, gave me a home, food, and education. They brought home a baby brother only after they knew i was going to be ok with having another child in the house. I was their baby, i was his big sister. My father, my real one, used to read me bedtime stories and would fall asleep before i did. My mother and i used to have hour long tickle fights. My brother was stupid, couldn’t go to the bathroom on his own, but my God, if he wasnt cute.
That level of compassion, love and acceptance, is not something the rest of us can do. That’s something special, something pure and good, something only humans can do…and i miss it. I miss having that primal nature where your leg is gone, you’re bleeding to death and yet, your last words are of love. That sort of a thing isn’t allowed here. I know for a fact that they never kidnapped me for blackmail, they did it to save me, to protect me. They gave me a life, a purpose, a family.
…I miss being human.
I hear footsteps. She’s back. Someone else is with her, a male. Quite handsome. Disposable.
She doesn’t know I’m here. The minute she walks in, I’m going to finish this. I’m going to end this torment that we both suffer. This is where she dies.
And it ended.
The said man looked up, broken out of his thoughts. Hoseok was looking at him, seemingly worried.
“You ok?”
“Yeah.” he said, straightening his back to seem more composed, “why wouldn’t I be?”
The older boy raised an eyebrow, “because I called your name over five times to come dance with me but you didn’t respond. You’ve just been sitting on the floor with your head in your hands, staring at the floor.”
Jimin flushed, embarrassed. He couldn’t help it though. The day started off great! It was the one year anniversary of “What makes us Human” and the creator released two new things. One was a small FAQ where she gave a bit of information about herself,
(        What’s your name?
I’m afraid I can’t say.
How old are you?
I’m a 95 liner, so depends on when you’re reading this
Why did you create your podcast?
It’s a bit embarrassing, but I’m a very shy person and stuttered a lot when I talked to people. So to get over my shyness I created the podcast to help me speak better.
Who voices the characters?
So far, I have voiced every character in the podcast. However, if there is a male character who ends up having to speak i’ll need to get someone else to do it. I’m not that talented XD
What do you identify as?
Where are you from?
I currently live in South Korea.  
How do you come up with the ideas for your podcast?
I’ve always been a fan of stories that took place in space! I’ve been writing this story ever since i was a little girl, so it was easy for me to decide what the podcast was going to be about since most of the material was already written down. )
And a new episode, which really hit him hard. The character of Zarna was one he hated with a passion. She was always hunting down Vivi, tormenting her to the point where the protagonist forgo sleeping because she was too paranoid of the cyborg. Jimin cursed Zarna and wanted nothing more that Vivi to be safe from her. She was introduced within the first few episodes and was always the one who created problems. The episode where Vivi had to walk through a sewer, bleeding to death due to the gunshot to her shoulder caused by Zarna was one of the most frightful ones he’d heard. Listening to Vivi groaning and panting in pain as she dragged herself to any kind of safety broke his heart. Not to mention the part where she started to list off her dying wishes in case whoever finds her dead body would have the heart to fulfil it. She started to cry, painful, giants sobbing was all one could hear until the episode ended. Obviously, Vivi managed to survive but that moment on was when Jimin absolutely hated Zarna.
So when the latest episode got released, the day of the one year anniversary, Jimin didn’t know what to think anymore. His heart was filled with sadness, guilt and empathy for Zarna. A character who he despised was suddenly someone he wanted to console and hug. She sounded so…sad and desperate, Jimin couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. That was messing with his head.
He was about to answer Hoseok when suddenly, the door to the dance practice room opened.
“Hello boys!” a voice cried out, “how’s it going?”
Jimin looked up and smiled as his partner walked into the room, a smile on her face. She had a sling bag tossed over her shoulder, complementing the casual look she had chosen to go by today, a simple pair of ripped blue jeans, a white t-shirt and an olive green jacket.
“Hey!” Hoseok replied, smiling at her fondly, “not to good. Jimin-ie here is going through a crisis.”
“Oh no,” she said, walking towards them, “what happened?”
“Yah!” Jimin yelled, smacking Hoseok’s leg in annoyance, “i’m not going through a crisis.”
She looked down at him, raising an eyebrow, before she sat down next to him.
“Take care of him kiddo.” Hoseok said, moving away from the two of them, “I need to practice, try your best to not stare.”
She blushed in embarrassment, flipping him the bird which made Hoseok laugh.
Opening the bag, she pulled the laptop out.
“You sure you’re ok?” she asked, working on switching the device on, “Wanna talk about it?”
“I’m fine,” Jimin said smiling, “Nothing happened, i just…can i ask you a question?”
She nodded immediately as the laptop booted up.
“Have you…ever seen someone in a particular way for a long time but then found out that they’re not at all what you thought they were?”
She smiled, a look of nostalgia within her eyes. “Yeah,” she said, “I have. It feels weird, doesn’t it?”
“It is…” Jimin said, “how do you deal with it?”
The girl scoffed and looked at him, an eyebrow raised, “Deal with it?” she repeated, “what are you dealing with? The fact that someone isn’t how you thought they were is difficult for you?”
She continued, “People are never what you think they are, Jimin. The idea you have of them changes once you get to know them.That’s not something you deal with, that’s something you accept.”
“Wow…” Jimin said quietly, “you seem to have really experienced that, huh?”
She simply shrugged in response, “I guess so. I mean, look at us.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” she said, “I’m sure you had an impression of me before we became friends, was your idea of who I am exactly the same as to who I really am?”
He paused for a second, thinking it over. He thought she was this weird, quiet, timid and reserved girl with no close friends, who preferred to read books all the time, but now, he knows that she’s a quirky, witty, sarcastic, kind and smart person who has friends (who Jimin isn’t convinced aren’t gangsters) and family willing to die for her, who prefers to read books all the time.
Smiling, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him.
“No,” he said, “I guess not.”
Unknown to the both of them, Jimin’s blatant show of affection did not go unnoticed by a certain blonde girl who was glaring at them as she watched their interaction through the glass panel in the door.
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