#he's got blood on his fangs too but don't think that stuff is his lol
bonkalore · 1 year
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I always wanted to do a pic when he first got that horn broken lol Wasn’t pretty. Tried 2 versions with the eyes since I did want him conscious while it happened but he probably switched over to feral mode pretty soon after. Was an ugly fight.
Had to look it up to make sure, but horns do very much bleed and do not work like antlers. There’s nerves and veins that run into it and if it’s deep enough into that it will be messy and it will hurt.
I also am gonna say that I’m just gonna be tagging my AU for this just as “Bleeding Magic AU” bc the song Bleed Magic by IDKHOW is one of the reasons I ended up thinking more about his character in the first place and I think it just kind of fits! 😂
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
Do u read webcomics? If so any recommendations? I need new stuff to read so I’m asking around lol thnx!
I do, lovely anon! ^u^
My top three favorite webcomics/manwha are Killing Stalking, Bloody Sweet, and Dreaming Freedom.
I actually just started reading Dreaming Freedom a few days ago. And I'm hooked! Maybe it's just me ... but every time I look at Siyun's adorable face, I can't stop myself from imagining Yandere!Solomon (from Obey Me! obviously lol)
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I am simping HARD for this man! And not just because he's beautiful... I am seriously in love with his entire personality! I tore down the red flags and raced towards Siyun without looking back lol
There's also the fact that Siyun is a lowkey(?) Yandere, which is a major selling point for me. Honestly... He reminds me of an overprotective puppy dog, which is actually a huge compliment even though it may not sound like it
Not to mention the fact that I ALWAYS have a thing for characters with tragic/sad backstories, especially characters that have white hair at one point or another (for some unknown reason... it usually just works out that way xD )
Plus Siyun says things like this :
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Oof! My heart!~ 💙
Next : I was extremely happy to find out that Bloody Sweet is getting a physical release. And you can bet I picked up Volume One the first chance I got!
Naerim is super relatable, and Fetechou is beyond adorable. He can have my blood anytime >:3
I've only read Bloody Sweet once before online, and as far as I can recall.... Fetechou also has a very tragic past.
He also says things like this ~ :
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Oof!! *clutches my chest* My heart!!! 💙
Fetechou's heterochromatic eyes and lil' fangs are everything. And I ADORE his personality <3
Then there's Killing Stalking. Not exactly a wholesome, heartwarming story by any means. It's actually loaded with plenty of potentially triggering content. But I still love it.
Killing Stalking is another manhwa that I was sooooo surprised to hear was getting a physical release. I'm all caught up (three volumes have been released so far), and I cannot wait to finally own the entire series! ^^
To be fair, I was rooting for YoonBum the entire time. I wanted the absolute best for him. I wanted him to get a happy ending. YoonBum deserved someone who could give him a stable, loving, nurturing home filled with patience, acceptance, and understanding. Someone who could shower him with positive affection, boost his confidence, and give him a sense of self worth in the best ways possible.
Sangwoo, on the other hand... I have mixed feelings about him lol
I really do feel bad for him. But thinking in a realistic sense.... Sangwoo's personality would keep me on eggshells, I don't know how I would be able to comfortably manage a situation like that.
Although, when he comes off with lines like this :
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Bad enough you shatter legs, but then you have to go and mess with my heart and mind too?! 💙
Not gonna lie.... I'd rather stay with YoonBum. At least I'd be able to trust him better and rest easier near him haha xD
Anyway! Judging from my picks and these characters, can you see the overwhelming desperation that resides within me to receive any form of genuine intimacy and the crushing desire to feel truly needed due to being deprived of such things for so long? Because it's there! Just look closely and you'll definitely see it! Hahaha! Haha...ha.... T^T
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 6 months
Ok this request was from one of my online Friends, she requested one of my own OCs! A very popular one at that. FLASH/FELIX!
They wanted an x reader prompt with a date. This is an in general thing so I'll make it somewhat mostly in a modern setting.
I hope this would be a good mini fic!
Warnings/rating: no nasty, flirting, Flash/Felix being bold as usual. Still trying to be gentleman-like. (Some mentions of blood but not actually blood n stuff)
You're on a date with a gender fluid person who is also a dragon person and a royal in their universe. Goes by either or but mostly shape shifts into either gender too. (Also you can imagine yourself as any other race in my story or just some sort of DND races too lol. You can be human too)
It's a quiet night upon the harbor of the Kingdom of Yoitz. You and your date, Flash, ride in on their bike to go to dinner. You were on basically a set up date/Tinder date with this dapper young person. She treats you to a lavish dinner. You think that this will be normal, possibly minimal drinking as well since she drove you here on the bike. Their features were sharp yet soft and the beaming gaze of their hooded gaze made Flash look fierce like a dragon.
Once inside the lavish yet simple restaurant, Flash tries to be polite and help you into your seat and used proper manners when addressing the waiter for drinks but something seemed out of place when you got your food as well.
"is something wrong?" You tilted your head.
"Yeah yeah everything's fine, just...never been one for these types of dates. Don't worry I'm still paying" Flash sighed.
"oh I'm not worried about paying or anything. Your profile seemed to be more...wild and party-like." You questioned.
"Yeah but my sisters insisted I'd be more gentleman-like especially on a first date. I've always been the more bold kind but never one for feelings half the time." Flash rubbed the back of their neck.
"why don't we go to a club or something after dinner, just try not to get wasted. It's up to you" you suggested. You've been to bars and concerts before but not as often as you think they've been to.
"I'll think about it over dinner, can't think on a empty stomach" Flash winked. "Maybe I might surprise you if we do go"
You chuckled and smiled as the drinks and dinners you ordered arrived. When dinner was done and you thank for the meal. Flash pulls up on their bike and you get on. Flash chuckled as you held on tightly with the spare helmet over your head. You two soon rode up to a performance bar club. It was well known to host famous people from all over the world. Actors, singers, band groups, etc came here to have a good time.
"Why are we here? This is an expensive and popular place..." You questioned.
"trust me with this, if you wanna see the real me like you wanted, then this is the place" Flash parked the bike in a special parking spot and the bike was protected with a spell. They lead you to the VIP lounge in full view of the stage as a band group performed for the hour or so they were there.
"I'm gonna go get dressed, you watch over the balcony. I'm gonna rock the house and shake it to the core" Flash smirked a toothy grin before disappearing.
You sighed and thought to yourself what could possibly be going on. The band soon finished up their skit before a familiar emblem showed up on the monitors. The Black Fangs. It was one of your favorite bands. Then a dragon roar echoed in the club and everyone cheered as smoke and fire filled the stage. Then a male voice.
"Alright your drunken party goers! Who's ready to rock the house with Crimson Death?" The male voice spoke like velvet with a hit of a gruff undertone. Everyone is yelling and cheering the name Felix as he takes off his shirt and begins to sing.
"it can't be...did she..." You smiled with excitement as the song began to play.
Do you ever think the world is cruel
Dark and damp unto we shall rule
Fire and smoke fill the crowds
Shining in gold, the tyrant crown
Roar like a dragon until the skies turn black
Hear my song, my brutal attack
Splatter the ground with my red passion
Not giving up until we finish the mission
My power is nothing to dismiss....
My blood is boiling...
My eyes aflame...
I'll show you what I'm made of!
Power's my calling and it won't back off!
The passion ignites and all I hear are screams!
Burn! Burn! Burn!
Let me hear your dreams...
Torn from grace and I'm falling down
Looking up with a busted ass frown
Tears crawling, bruised and battered
Picking myself up, what's the matter
Woah, I can't look at the past
Time passing by way too fast
The sands of time spinning in my head
Now all I see is black and red.
Isn't this world so cruel
Dark and damp, we shall rule
Fire and smoke fill the crowds
Shining in gold, my tyrant crown
My power is rising up....
The blood upon my brow....
My eyes blazing...
I'll show you what I'm made of
Power's my calling and I won't back off.
The passion ignites and all I hear are screams!
Burn! Burn! Burn!
Let me hear your dreams....
"Thank you everyone! That was a demo of our upcoming song called "Burning Dreams". Make sure to watch out for the music video coming out soon!" Felix smirked and looked up at the balcony and winked.
You were taken aback until you saw the tattoo, the hand part looked exactly like the tattoos Flash had. What was going on you didn't know. You were curious then when Felix came through the door with the same shirt Flash was wearing you were confused.
"so? How did I do?" Felix chuckled.
"YOU'RE CRIMSON DEATH?!" You smiled brightly.
"that I am, I can shape shift into these forms or into other people, but I like to be in this form a lot. Makes me feel tall" he smirked
You smiled with a blush, "can I have...your autograph...your music is amazing and unique"
"sure, where should I sign?" He pulled out a sharpie.
You raised your sleeve and pointed to your arm. He signed it with a hum and added a little heart under it.
"it'll be awesome if you get that tattooed, make this little date worth it." Felix said in a smooth tone.
You blushed, "I'll think about it, but I'll be sure to send evidence"
"you better" Felix smirked before "or I'd charge double for that"
You chuckled as he went back to perform some more after a quick break and a few drinks. When the night ended and it was well after midnight. He drove you home that was a bit outside the main city. You waved goodbye from your doorstep and went inside. After a few minutes you heard revving and tired squealing. You look outside your upstairs window to see Felix doing donuts and turns to make a heart on the road and zoom off back to the city. You didn't know what to make of this date but you knew one thing.
"definitely getting this tattooed..."
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(not my gif BUT this does kinda looks like Flash/Felix does it not lol) (it's a character from Tokyo revengers)
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emileesaurus · 2 years
MORE AMC RAMBLING some positive, mostly negative, I'd cut this for length but I'm on mobile and I don't know how to do that 🤡
I have to admit to being charmed by the cast in interviews almost entirely against my will, and particularly the enthusiasm with which they talk about the books. I still think all three of them are way too old for the parts, but their passion for the roles absolutely shows through. I think they'll do a great job with whatever they're given.
I'll be really interested to see them talk about the changes to Louis's character in particular, because the Louis in the leaks I've seen couldn't be more different from the Louis in the book, like, all the way down to his motivation for becoming a vampire (grief and religious despair vs the desire to escape the restrictions of life as a Black man in the '20s, apparently). There's the scene of him in the confessional in the trailer, and that's sort of on the right track, but that's the closest I've seen to canon Louis, and it's a wholly made up scenario... idk! I mostly get the sense that they didn't like his character in the books, and wanted him to be less sensitive/philosophical/sad and more assertive/confident/combative (the "more of a spine" comment pisses me off, lol). We'll see when there's actual clips out whether or not they kept any of his book personality intact -- I hope so! I'd like to see Jacob's take on Louis's gentler more sensitive side, if it makes it into the show.
I'm skeptical about the approach they're taking to the relationship, even if it is explicitly queer, because I think taking too much of Lestat's word for how the relationship happened plays into real life patterns of taking the abuser's side and downplaying the victim's. Again, we'll see. They've said some cute/promising stuff, though, and I'd love to believe that it'll look like the relationship I enjoy, but I'm worried they've changed the setup and personalities and backstories (oof, 100+ year old Lestat) too much for me to see it as the ship instead of just a ship.
I just wish I got any sense of the same reverence for the books from the showrunners! The cast seems so sincerely passionate, but RJ and MJ are talking up the show like it'll replace the movie and maybe even the original book, lol. I feel like I'm being gaslit every time I see them say it'll be more accurate to the books than the movie was, because so far we've seen literally nothing from the books whatsoever. I'd honestly be more confident if they went into what they changed and why, and how they expect it to effect the story... but all I'm hearing right now is "it's no big deal, just trust me bro." And I don't, because I've seen Rolin's last reboot, and it was exactly the same as this one looks so far, but less gay.
Anyway every time I see one of the actors saying something, I'm like "maybe it will be good???" But then I remember how little control actors have over the finished product, and I look at the sweeping structural and narrative changes and how nothing about Louis's life or personality is the same and how Claudia is eternally mid puberty and how Lestat apparently spent the entire 19th century just fucking around by himself and how they meet 120 years after the book is supposed to be set and how the setup for Louis and Lestat meeting is wildly different and how they can be awake during the day and how they have retractable fangs and get blood everywhere when they eat and how Daniel fucked up the first interview so bad he never became a vampire and has to do a second interview in 2022 in Louis's Dubai penthouse while he's dying of cancer or something and how the showrunner says this is more accurate than the movie script Anne wrote even though there's nothing from the books actually in it as far as we've seen and I just don't know, man.
I also desperately wish there were uhhhhh literally any women on the writing/directing/producing team 💀💀💀 my dudes it is 2022 and you've chosen to set this in a Storyville brothel and make one of your characters a teenage girl experiencing forever-puberty and also the book was written by a woman and idk, it just makes me feel reeeeeally really skeptical, all things considered.
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nach0 · 3 years
hi hello i hope youre doing well and i would very much like to see the gem does get bitten au ideas
hello there, I am and same to you! it is your lucky day because last night when I posted it a few friends also wanted to know and I wrote out a giant thing is discord so I'm just going to copy paste that with some edits lol (under a readmore because it's longish)
So not much changes about the night, except for one thing. At the very start Gem trips and falls and Ren manages to lightly bite her before he gets kicked off, it barely draws blood and Gem forgets about it in the chaos, the bite mark specifically doesn't get noticed because of all the other cuts and stuff she got on her legs from running through the forests.
The nights leading up to the full moon she gets weaker, (first time transformation) but she doesn't think too much of it, she's probably just getting sick or something. She goes to Pearl's like planned and is sitting on the roof with her, watching the moon rise. She starts to tell Pearl that she can go inside and sleep but gets cut off by the worst pain she's ever felt. It shoots through her body and she can feel her bones snapping and regrowing as she changes. Pearl flies her down to the ground while this is happening, worried but unsure of what to do, and she can only stumble backwards as Gem shifts.
She's bigger than Ren was, her fur a bright orange with streaks of light brown near her head, and her now amber eyes convey no recognition of Pearl, who is on the ground and trying to back away. She slowly advances and Pearl doesn't have enough room to escape, until a howl sounds out and she her head snaps up, ears flicking to it. She answers one back and runs off, leaving a shocked Pearl to quickly send a warning out to all the other hermits.
For people eating beasts Gem and Ren don't really get up to much damage, they mostly just run around the forest and kill the occasional sheep or cow. Ren has to teach Gem a lot of wolf stuff because even if she's got some instincts that won't get her everywhere. The night is pretty fun for the two wolves, which is an extreme contrast to when they wake up.
As soon as they're both awake and aware of their surroundings they're both horrified until Ren rounds on Gem growling and demanding to know why she didn't say anything, to which she starts to cower back at but then gains confidence and growls right back, saying she didn't know! She slaps a hand to her mouth and apologises and Ren explains that it's going to be happening a lot more, especially around him.
They leave the forest and meet up with the search party that had been looking for them and Gem suddenly loses all her confidence, pushing Ren forward slightly to explain. It would be funny, 250 Gem hiding behind 190 Ren if the situation weren't so serious. He does end up explaining that Gem didn't realise she had been bitten and there was nothing anyone could do but be careful and award her the same precautions they do him. Gem apologises to Pearl who waves it off, she didn't mean to after all.
Even outside of the transformation Gem experiences changes. She keeps her antlers, but her once deer ears shift to those of a wolf, the same orange as her hair. She grows sharp fangs, and her eyes flash amber when she's angry. The first time any of these changes showed up she ran straight to Ren who reassured her that it was a normal part of the transformation. It didn't stop her from feeling terrible because her deer features were part of who she was. She thanks every god she has ever heard of (including Xelqua) that she kept her antlers because she didn't know what she would do without them.
(Ren overhears this and has so much guilt)
When Moon Big happens Gem and Ren start spending more time at each others bases without realising it, their transformations happen earlier and finish later, their wolf habits start to carry over a lot more (growling, eating raw meat, etc) and they're a lot bigger and more powerful. They get bolder in wolf form, venturing further beyond their forest than they ever had before. (They make sure to stay away from Cleo's area after she fought them over it, Zombies can't become werewolves after all)
When MOON BIG (aka the finale) happens Gem drags Ren away from his whole thing with Doc because she's going to save the people in her pack dammit and she drags him through the portal with her. (aka I always have massive empires brainrot and the crossovers are really interesting (go read puddle jumpers by @/sixteenth-days it's really good and the last chapter comes out tomorrow I think) and I really want to see how this changed Gem and Ren interact with empires.)
damn I really want to make a whole nother post about werewolf!Gem and Ren in empires now so maybe expect that soonish? (and for those who know me as fox anon from empires headcanons you already know that I'm going to be adding in my favourite empires au thing ;) )
pspsps send in asks for the au? Either about their time in hermitcraft or in empires I'm not fussy I just wanna talk about it more now haha
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k-s-morgan · 4 years
Hi Kat, what do you think of Dumbledore? IMHO, he's one of the most fascinatingly morally grey characters I've ever read about.
A lot of fanfic writers love to bash him and portray him as an idiotic senile old man who likes to poke his nose in others' business. They conveniently forget that he outwitted the most Slytherin out of all of Slytherin House. Granted, Voldemort was amazingly short-sighted and JK could have written a more terrifyingly cunning Dark Lord.
Well, there was Dumbledore’s Wizard Nazi youth with Grindelwald. Perfectly understandable because Ariana's childhood was completely ruined and he learnt just how Muggles can be dangerous. I don't think he ever forgot this epiphany.
For a long time, I wondered how Dumbledore, knowing perfectly well how the Dursleys were pre-disposed to magic, would think they would welcome Harry with open arms. He must have known that emotional abuse and neglect could make Harry an Obscurial. No blood-protection could have ever saved him from that. It's only Harry's innate stubbornness and his contempt of the Dursleys that saved him from what Ariana went through. This is quite possibly the worst thing Dumbledore could have done, along with sending Tom Riddle back to Wool's during the Blitz. Even though it was Dippet who made the decision, he was heavily influenced by Dumbledore and could have, at the very least, arranged to have Tom live in The Leaky Cauldron.
Many times I wondered why Dumbledore didn't simply threaten the Dursleys to treat Harry better. Thinking about it, I could only come to the conclusion that the power disparity between him and the Dursleys made him uncomfortable. As it comes down to, he is a strong wizard who coerced Muggles to look after a child they didn't want.
Another fascinating thing about him is his fear of power. Dumbledore didn't trust himself to hold power and he extended the same mistrust to many others, making himself rather emotionally detached from even those who sincerely loved and admired him. I think Dumbledore trusted himself to do right by the Wizarding World as a whole but not enough for personal gain. Dumbledore was weak to temptations personally (keeping the Invisibility cloak for nearly 10 years and falling prey to the compulsions on the Gaunt Ring when he saw the Resurrection Stone). So I think the only person Dumbledore truly admired and envied was Harry who was strong-willed inna way Dumbledore and Voldemort could never hope to be.
Related ask: I'm very curious if you have any headcannons about grindelwald and dumbledore's relationship that you'd like to share. I've always been drawn to the grindeldore ship for similar reasons that i like tommary (ex: enemies/lovers, moral angst) and i've always been disappointed that so many tommary shippers resent dumbledore, so I really like to hear you talk about the moral complexities of his character (and to hear that someone other than me can sympathize with him lol)
Hope you both don't mind that I combined your asks because parts of them concern the same topic!
First, about Grindelwald and Dumbledore. I like the idea of their relationship, but for some reason, I'm not really interested in them, so I don't have any specific headcanons.  I do enjoy the idea that they were It for each other and that they could have made it if given another chance, but both had to be more mature and less obsessed with their life goals. I also tend to think that Dumbledore locked himself away for a while after their duel and cried from heartbreak.
As for Dumbledore as a character: I understand what drives him, the decisions he makes, and I have respect for him and his brilliant mind. I can't say I like him a lot, but I also don't dislike him - in my eyes, his worst actions clash with his most vulnerable moments, and so they balance each other out and my attitude is neutral.
@anyariddle, I fully agree with you about Dumbledore being one of the most fascinating morally grey characters. I'm in awe at how excellent his long-term thinking is and how he's capable of calculating everything years, if not decades, ahead; how coldness co-exists with empathy and deep sorrow.
Personally, I have no doubts that Dumbledore left Harry with the Durlseys deliberately to break him down. He heard Minerva's concerns, he must have conducted his own research. He also had Arabella watch Harry for years, and she definitely saw the abuse and reported everything back to him. But this time, unlike how it was with Tom, I believe Dumbledore tried to make sure it's a controlled abuse. If Harry proved to be a sullen boy with dark displays of magic, like Tom was, Dumbledore would have likely removed him from the Dursleys early and tried another approach before it's too late.
But Harry showed the response Dumbledore had been hoping for: he was the perfect material just waiting for someone to show him love and acceptance, eager to give them all his fierce devotion in return. Dumbledore needed someone who'll be ready to sacrifice himself for humanity, someone who never had a home, who'll see Hogwarts and people there as the only light in his life, and who'll cling to it with desperation only lonely and neglected children could show. Dumbledore started early: all the letters he sent to Harry were meant to humiliate the Dursleys and make his first contact with magic pleasant. Harry started to laugh and feel a little bit more powerful; then he got a room, and he quickly linked the letters with something good and welcoming. After getting a home and meeting friends, Harry would die in an instance to protect them.  
Every year, Dumbledore tested Harry to see if he'd be ready to sacrifice himself at the end. In CoS, I believe Dumbledore tried to remove the Horcrux from him via the fang, but it didn't work and he realized Harry would indeed have to die. I have no doubts it broke his heart because he was still harboring hope that one day, Harry would live freely and happily.
In regard to Harry, most his decisions were manipulative in nature, and it's horrifying. In regard to the rest of the world, though, it makes sense because if Harry's death helps save many other people, then it's worth it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Obscurials came later, in the Fantastic Beasts? I don't really consider these later additions canon - to be honest, there are so many plot-holes there that it drives me mad, and I have no doubts stuff like this wasn't planned from the start, so I don't take it into consideration in my interpretations and analysis. With Blood Magic, it's pretty ineffective as a whole. It doesn't protect Harry outside, and since he spends half of the day (if not longer) there, anyone interested could grab him. Him living at Hogwarts or with one of trusted Order Members would have been far more safe, but in my opinion, Dumbledore wanted a broken child with low self-esteem, and it affected his decisions.
At the same time,  I have no doubts Dumbledore hated himself for this. He sacrificed people, but it was never easy for him. He was confident that he was doing the right thing, and this confidence helped him go on, but it tormented him all the same.
And I agree with you that he didn't trust himself with power and this affected some of his choices. He never became the Minister; he was wary of powerful people. This partly explains his mistakes with Tom: instead of helping a traumatized (albeit creepy) child, Dumbledore kept his distance and remained suspicious. He didn't lift a finger to help, not even when he could (and he had to know Tom was the heir of Slytherin after hearing about talking to snakes yet he still left him in he dark). I don't think Dumbledore hated Tom himself from the first sight, but rather he saw a mirror to himself and Grindelwald - someone young, powerful, and eager for public recognition. And it horrified him.
I think after Grindelwald, Dumbledore dedicated himself to protecting the world from this specific threat so thoroughly that he gave up everything for it. He sacrificed others, but he also sacrificed himself. I doubt he even hoped for Harry's forgiveness, but he still got it because that's who Harry is.  
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