#he's happy jjong will come w him
beenbaanbuun · 3 months
hi bunny! <33 i wanted to ask if you could do a little fic of how the ateez boys (specifically jjong) would be like during aftercare ❤️ after a rougher session— i’m in need of comforty cute stuff rn lmao 😭 no pressure ofc! luv u bun bun 🫶
aftercare w/ateez
i feel like hongjoong is very prepared for aftercare, especially if he knows in advance that it’s going to be a rougher session
like he already has a glass of water and a snack bar on the nightstand ready to go
coos and praises you as he breaks the bar into tiny pierces and slides them between your lips with his fingers
will absolutely force you to pee and shower once he thinks you’ve got your energy up enough to walk to the bathroom
stays with you the whole time you pee, and slides into the shower beside you to wash your hair
unlike some of the others i don’t believe that the shower will to anything else because hongjoong has a modicum of self control and can see you naked without going feral…
seonghwa’s first instinct is to go and grab a washcloth from the bathroom so he can wipe down the mess between your legs
of course, while he’s in the bathroom, he kills two birds with one stone and begins to draw a bath for you
wipes down your sticky skin with the warm cloth, all while whispering praises
‘i know you’re sensitive but you’re being such a good girl by letting me clean you! just a little more and it’ll be over, my darling.’
once you’re somewhat clean he guides you to the bathroom and helps you into the bath before going to chance the sheets
comes back the second they’re changed and in the washer so he can sit on the side of the tub and watch you with a pretty smile
cuddly boy!!
will literally just hold you to his chest and stroke his hand up and down your spine while the two of you return your breathing to normal
isn’t so fussy about the ‘clean’ aspect of it all, but will definitely make you go pee because we do not want any UTI’s in this house!
and once you’re finished peeing, he just ticks you back into his nice strong arms and lets you fall to sleep in his grasp
he trusts you enough to know that you’ll tell him if you need anything else; water, a snack, all that jazz
he also knows you enough to know that is so incredibly rare that you’ll want anything other than him and his warm cuddles
because let’s be real, lying on top of yunho with your head tucked into his neck and his long arms holding you in place is actually the best feeling in the world
you know my thoughts on yeosang’s sex style so i also have to assume that he takes his job of aftercare very seriously
it’s half a guilt thing because baby boy went so hard that now he has to take care of you; he needs to know that you’re okay and he didn’t do too much
he starts by wiping you down and you’re guaranteed to be oversensitive, but he just shushes you and tells you how well you’re doing
ideally he’d like you to shower, but you’re too boneless right now and he doesn’t want to leave you for long enough to run a bath
and when he’s all done cleaning you up, he’ll hold a straw to your mouth, watching you as gulp down the water he brought you
i can see him needing his own validation as well so he asks you plenty of questions
did he go to far? did you like it when he did that one thing? were you having as much fun as he was? he really is desperate to know that you were having a good time
san is so fucking clingy that from the moment he goes soft, he will not let you out if his sight
he won’t send you to the bathroom yourself with promises of cuddles when you get back; why would he when he can follow you in there to hold your hand while you pee?
and while you’re in the shower you better let this man wash your hair, your body, your face, anything he can, unless you want him to pout
sits you on the toilet seat while he brushes your teeth; it’s cute but you can’t help but feel shy as he holds your jaw and looks down at you
and then when he’s sure you’re squeaky clean and happy, he bundles you up in his arms and drags you back to bed with him
from which there will be no escape, by the way; if you even dream about getting out of bed, san will be pouting and complaining
i like to think that he puts his mind, body and soul into sex, so he’s probably just as tired as you when it’s over
ideally, he’d just like to stay in bed with you, but he knows you have to replenish yourself, so he sets you little tasks
“can you go get a wash cloth from the bathroom so i can wipe you down?”, “go piss, girl. i’ll be right here waiting for you.”
and you best believe that after every single task you complete, he’s praising you like you’ve just cured world hunger or something
lips pressed against yours, letting you know just how good you are for him and how proud he is of you for doing what he asks
it’s safe to say youre leave your submissive headspace any time soon, not when mingi has you in his grasp, whispering sweet praises in your ear
wooyoung likes to do everything for you and if he even catches you lifting a finger he will become the most annoying person to ever walk this earth
like he’ll be getting you a glass of water and he’ll come back to the bedroom to see you with a tissue between your legs and all he can thing is how dare you?
literally storms over and takes it away from you before continuing the job himself, muttering under his breath as he cleans you up
“you weren’t so independent when you were begging for my dick, hm?” he scowls, “you need me to fuck you properly, so what makes you think you don’t need to help you with this too?”
like honestly, he’s kind of mean with it but with his gentle touch and the tiny kisses that he’s pressing to your thighs, you know he isn’t actually mad
just being his regular wooyoung-ish self…
oh you think he’s a teddy bear? wrong; during aftercare you’re his teddy bear and there’s nothing you can do about it!
because he’s way too strong for you to escape from the grasp he has on you, no matter how much wriggling you do
it’s fine though, because jongho always keeps. a bottle of water by his bed and a few snacks in his drawer and a pack of baby wipes too
you literally don’t even have to move from his arms for him to take care of you; everything you need is right there!
of course when you tell him you need to use the bathroom he’s pouting, but then you tell him he can come with you and he’s happy again
he doesn’t consider the fact that he can’t squeeze you to death when you’re actually on the loo, so when he realises that he’s pouting again
literally clings to you the moment you stand up, wasting no time in dragging you back to bed for more cuddles
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vampiresavior2 · 4 years
this is such a random minho rant but minho. man. only valid sag that has ever existed in entertainment and that is coming from a sag. like bitch this man has always been shinee's ROCK, the choreo for good evening where they all lean on him has always made me emotional bc they depend on him so much and idk why im so emo but he's back! like shit! it just hit me! little late to the party but fuck! shinee's back!!!
as a fellow sagittarius u had me shook in the first half ngl shhdhdjdjd but ur right ur right sags aint shit lmfao but especially being a MALE sagittarius he’s truly amazing and wonderful, no one like him !!! truly shinee’s rock !!! he’s always so supportive of his members (n friends) he goes to all their solo concerts/fanmeets, music shows, bnr w jjong, he would send flowers n food trucks, anything he can to show support. he truly has a big heart full of love 🤧 you can see how happy shinee r to have him back n be all together again n so am i 🥺💖
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minhoandthebabes · 6 years
Jongho bored during study hall
It’s long so under a readmore~~
Jonghyun felt his desk bouncing up and down slightly. It was almost too rhythmic and after a moment of thought, he knew exactly the cause of this annoyance. He was about to glance behind him and give Minho an annoyed glare when he decided it would be more entertaining to mess with the taller boy that seemed so keen on disrupting him during study hall. He scribbled a short message on a sheet of paper:
“Hey, did I tell you I met a cute boy yesterday?”
He crinkled it up and tossed it back to Minho. As soon as Jonghyun heard the crinkle of paper, he felt his chair stop bouncing and smirked. So far the distraction was working. His goal was to bother Minho, so what would be better than telling a little white lie. Minho tossed back the same note and under his question was written:
“Really?? Who is it? Do I know him?”
Jonghyun tapped his pen on his desk, thinking of a reasonable response. He already got Minho to stop moving his chair, so now it was just for fun. In all honesty, Jonghyun had had a little crush on Minho for the longest time but, of course, he knew it would be pointless to tell Minho of this development in their relationship. Minho seemed as straight as they come, so he could either tease him more or give him the name of one of their friends just to mess with him (and maybe make him jealous if that was even possible…):
“I don’t know if you know him..”
He wrote back and handed the note to Minho this time, buying himself a bit more time before he truly had to answer the question. That time was cut short when he heard Minho scoff behind him and hand him back the paper:
“So you’re not gonna even tell me?”
Jonghyun read the note and decided to lie, because why not:
“Fine, it’s a freshman named Taemin. He’s in choir with me~ and he’s super cute~ you would like him.”
Jonghyun hesitated before he passed the note to Minho. He didn’t want to seem too eager, but he also didn’t want to seem too shy either. He had brought this on himself and he would have to pay the consequences.
It took Minho a couple of minutes to respond. It seemed as if he struggled with what to say and Jonghyun was getting impatient. He heard paper ripping behind him and after a moment of folding, a larger note was passed to him:
“Jjong, I’m saying this as your friend, but a freshman? Doesn’t that seem young? Also, what if he isn’t gay.. I don’t know, it just seems.. You should be careful, I don’t want you to get hurt if he isn’t gay, and you’re graduating soon… you should really think about this stuff first.”
Jonghyun read over the message once, then twice and on his third readthrough, he was pretty annoyed. He couldn’t understand why Minho was responding like this, it wasn’t like he had even done anything with the guy, he hadn’t even talked to him and this was one big lie anyway. He turned around and looked at Minho with a frown. Minho barely even noticed, too invested on texting secretly under his desk. He was about to say something but remembered his teacher requested that this be a quiet study hall for the day and anyone who talked would get a warning.
He groaned and scribbled a short message back to Minho:
“Why do you even care about my love life? You didn’t seem to care when I dated Kibum last year..”
Dating Kibum, another mistake in his life. Kibum was his best friend and they decided to push things beyond just friendship only to experience a painful breakup a few months after their first kiss. Now the two barely talked.
Minho sent back a reply after only a few moments while Jonghyun remembered his past failure of a relationship:
“Yeah, but I minded when you broke up.. You were a mess jjong, I didn’t like that.”
Minho’s words were almost touching to Jonghyun and read over them a few times. He wasn’t sure how to respond and he must have waited a little too long because he was being poked by Minho handing him another note:
“Jonggie, you can do whatever you want.. Just follow your heart. If it tells you that you like that guy and you trust it, then go for it. Don’t let what I say stop you.”
Jonghyun felt warm reading the message, it made his heart flutter. Why did Minho have to be so perfect all the time when he wasn’t even gay. It only served as an annoyance for Jonghyun. He found himself regretting sending the message in the first place and decided to send Minho a different response to his message:
“I was just messing with you.. I don’t like Taemin. I mean, he’s cute, but… I like someone else, that’s all.”
Jonghyun read his message once before deciding to erase his confession at the end. With pink ears, he balled up the note and sent it back to Minho before lying his head on his desk. It suddenly felt like study hall was an hour longer than usual, he wanted to see if Minho had a response to what he said, but at the same time was too scared to see what would be written. After what felt like a lifetime, Jonghyun felt a folded piece of paper poke his back.
He turned and took it from Minho, before returning to his balled-up position. He unwrapped the paper in the dark shroud off his arms, reading it in the low light. Minho’s handwriting was difficult to read, but after a moment he could make out the message:
“You know.. I have a crush too..”
Jonghyun immediately sat up and turned around to look at Minho with wide eyes. For as long as Jonghyun knew him, Minho had never had a crush on anyone, male or female, yet despite that, girls still tried. He received the most gifts of any single man in their grade during the big holidays. He was always polite in thanking them but reciprocated their love, just took the gifts politely. Because of this, Jonghyun spent most holidays envious of Minho and would make fun of Minho just to make up for the feeling.
With this new information, he scribbled down a message:
“Describe her..
Favorite Food:”
Jonghyun knew Minho would never just tell him her name, but he knew that in having him describe her would give him more of an opportunity to guess. After a surprisingly long amount of time, Minho returned the same paper, this time it was folded nicely in half, hiding his answers:
“Describe her
Eyes: soft like a puppy
Hair: short and dyed
Style: cozy
Hobbies: music
Favorite food: I dk but they get cravings for strange things like fish bread..”
Jonghyun read the responses and frowned, most were too vague, but the last one was oddly specific… he found himself drawing parallels to himself naturally but only blamed his own feelings for clouding his opinions.
Jonghyun then noticed that Minho had crossed out the “she,” making him curious as to why. Before Jonghyun could turn and ask, the bell rang, signaling them to leave. Jonghyun groaned and stood, stretching. Minho reached out and poked him in the belly, making Jonghyun recoil. “Hey, stop that..” Jonghyun grumbled, his voice scratchy from the hour of no use. He reached down and picked up his textbooks, pocketing Minho’s last note for reference later.
“You’re going to PE, right?” Minho asked, following Jonghyun from the classroom.
Jonghyun nodded, “yeah, on the other side of the building..” he said in disgust, “why didn’t they take that into account when they made our schedules.. some of us have short legs, I’ve been late a few times because of it.”
Minho grinned, “Well, I have long legs, so I’ll walk you there.”
Jonghyun furrowed his brow at Minho despite the flutter in his heart, “what made you decide to be such a gentleman today…?”
“Aren’t I a gentleman always?” Minho asked with a grin, his arm linking with Jonghyun’s in a playful way. The contact made Jonghyun’s heart beat faster and he had to hide the blush on his cheeks.
“You don’t seem to be with all those girls crushing on you..” Jonghyun said back, looking at the heads of the other students in front of them. He paused before speaking again, this time his voice a little soft, “You know, this is one of your first crushes during homecoming season.. you should ask your crush to the dance.” He didn’t want to plant the idea in Minho’s head, too afraid of seeing Minho on the dance floor with someone other than himself, but at the same time, he wanted Minho to be happy.
“Are you planning on going?” Minho asked just as softly, his arm staying secure around Jonghyun’s despite the change in mood.
Jonghyun looked up at Minho, “depends on who’s going..” he didn’t want to tell Minho he wouldn’t attend if Minho had a date. The last thing he wanted to be was a lonely third wheel with this mystery lover.
Minho hummed, “then do you want to go with me?” He asked, looking down to meet Jonghyun’s eyes.
Jonghyun felt his heart explode at the request he just stared at Minho with wide eyes as he tried to process the information. “W- what? But.. your crush..?”
Minho cracked up, his eyes sparkling as he let out higher pitched guffaws, “you’re so dense Jjong.. you told me to ask my crush, so I did.. just now..” he let Jonghyun look at him in utter disbelief for a while before the two of them stopped walking. When Jonghyun looked up, he noticed they were standing in front of the men’s locker room. “I’ll drop you off here.. you think about it during class, okay? I’ll pick you up after and you better have a response for me..” he said playfully, but Jonghyun could hear the anxious hesitation I’m his voice.
Minho left Jonghyun standing at the men’s locker room. The next period Jonghyun was in a complete daze. The PE teacher had to tell him his shirt was on inside out and he returned to the locker room to change it, only to stand I front of his locker for 5 minutes, replaying what he had just experienced in his mind, playing it back, over and over. The look Minho gave him, the letters they had written— Jonghyun slapped himself, trying to snap out of it, wake himself up from dreaming in study hall, but it didn’t change anything, the memory was real.
After class, Jonghyun left in a daze, he barely noticed Minho until the tall lanky man was walking beside him.
“Oh my god,” Jonghyun whispered as he jumped, surprised to see Minho beside him.
Minho grinned stupidly next to him, “Sorry, did I scare you?”
Jonghyun nodded, “Uh huh..” He looked away from Minho briefly before he turned back to him, looking over Minho’s features that had relaxed to more of a natural position as he looked back at Jonghyun. The two had stopped walking at this point, standing in a more secluded part of the hallway. “Yes,” He said after a long pause, “I’ll go with you.”
Minho’s lips spread into a warm smile and he took Jonghyun’s hand into his own. “I would kiss you, but I don’t like the idea of my first kiss being during passing periods.”
Jonghyun bit his lip, feeling shy when Minho looked at him like that, and now with their hands together he felt himself getting even happier.
“It would still be better than my first kiss..” Jonghyun said with a soft laugh, his hand squeezing Minho’s, “Let’s go to my place after school, we can kiss there.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Minho whispered, kissing Jonghyun’s easily accessible forehead while they were alone and continued to hold his hand until they made it back to Jonghyun’s class. He let go reluctantly when the bell rang and Jonghyun gave him a little wave before he sat down at his desk. For that next class, Jonghyun only drew hearts on his notes, completely in love.
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jinkisbelly · 6 years
Day 2 of my Jjong Month fic ^-^  My Masterlist    All Jjongsmonth 
You used to only dream but now you’ll see 
All the things you only guessed and imagined
They’ll be so close you can touch them
Then pinch my cheek to check if it’s a dream
Pairing: Onjongho~
w/c: 1.35k
Waiting in his seat for the airplane to come to a complete stop increased his nerves ten fold. The longer it took the further his mind took his thoughts. This would be the first time meeting Jinki and Minho in person. Dating two years, so many dreams and wishes shared over texts, phone and video calls, and finally they’d be realized. He was so excited to see them he couldn’t stay still in his seat, his legs starting to jiggle as he stared out the window. His hands were shaking a little when the announcement came they were finally at the gate and at a full stop, and people began to get their carry-ons and make their way off the plane.
His knuckles were turning white around the handle of his suitcase as he rolled it behind him out of the terminal, eyes quickly scanning the waiting people for the two faces he knew oh so well. His heart seemed to stop for a moment when he spotted them. Minho was standing behind Jinki, arms tight around his middle and chin on his shoulder, both looking extra comfy in their sweaters and big knitted hats, compliments of the older man’s hobby. The smile spreading across Jinki’s face as he found him was so much more breathtaking than over the camera, the piece of technology not doing it a bit of justice. Minho’s soft look of confusion was so cute, until he was smiling too as he followed Jinki's lifted hand and whispered instructions to find him.
When he was a few steps away Jinki was biting his bottom lip, eyes a little blurry as he tried not to cry as they promised not to at the airport. “Jonghyunie.”
Their vow to not cry was shattered at the gentle said word, and they were rushing into each other's arms. Minho was slow on the uptake, but soon his long arms were curling around them both as he stood behind him, making him the filling of their soft hug sandwich. His deep voice rumbled from his throat. “It's so nice to feel you, Baby.”
“We love you so much,” Jinki whispered against his hair, hand cradling the back of his head. “We were so excited we've been here since 8.”
“I couldn't sleep last night I was too excited.” Jonghyun softly confessed as he pulled away enough to look between them. “I can't believe I'm finally here.”
“Us either.” Minho kissed his hair and smiled, “Come, I bet you're tired from the flight.”
Minho took his suitcase so both of his hands were free and they kept their hands clasped the entire way to the car.
They spent a few moments showing him around their home, a really nice house bought by the two men some years before. The tour didn't last long as Minho let the dogs out from their bedroom upstairs and Jonghyun's eyes lit up like a Christmas Tree. “Truffles! Peanut!”
The corgi and dachshund almost tumbled down the stairs in their excitement. Jinki was leaning against the wall, smiling so big and fond at how happy Jonghyun was at meeting their dogs finally. Minho was stepping around the scene when they heard the deep, slow bark. All eyes lifted to find the golden retriever sitting at the top of the stairs. “Oh Sorry Baby I forgot.”
Jinki's touch was soft on the man's shoulder, stopping him from taking the steps again to carry the elderly dog down the stairs. “I got him.”
Carefully he wrapped his arms around the dog and carried him down the stairs to gently place him on the floor. Jonghyun was absolutely glowly as he sat on the floor. Both little dogs jumped into his lap, and he giggled as the big dog lapped at his face. “Well Hi, Koa. Yes Hi!”
Minho laid his arm around Jinki’s shoulders, leaning his head over on the man’s as he quietly commented, “I told you as soon as the dogs came out he’d forget we were here.”
Jinki hummed, hooking his arm around Minho’s waist. Jonghyun looked over at them with a frown, “I know you’re here, but doggos.”
After pulling away from Minho’s embrace Jinki softly kissed Jonghyun’s head, “They’ll let you pet them as long as you want to. Especially our old man Koa. I bet you’re hungry. We’ll get something started. Feel free to explore the home. What’s ours is yours Baby.”
As they walked down the hall to their kitchen they could hear the soft yips of Peanut, the whines of Koa when the pettings stopped, Truffles paws tapping on the wood as he wiggled, and Jonghyun’s soft baby tones of voice as he talked to them. Jinki chuckled at the sounds, working to get pots out for ramen and to cook the eggs for the top. Minho was leaning against the counter, arms crossed over his chest as he glanced down the hall at Jonghyun surrounded by their dogs. “I can’t believe he’s here.” He softly stated. With a soft sigh he continued, “How many nights did we spend on Skype wishing we could hold him? How many times did we talk about our dream of living together and being in the same place together? I don’t know I just- It doesn’t seem real yet.”
Jinki smiled softly as he turned the heat down just a little and put the noodles into the pot. He gazes over at him, “Well, you hear his soft laughter just down the hall.” He reached over and gently pinched Minho’s arm, causing him to yelp. “See. It’s real.
Minho scowled at him, frowning as Jinki laughed. “You’re mean. I’m leaving.”
“Yeah yeah.”
The flames flickered over the wood in the fireplace, their socked feet tangled together on the feet rests of the recliners they were laying on. Jonghyun was snug between them, his head was leaning against Jinki’s shoulder and Minho was curled up against him on the other side. There was a movie playing on the large tv above the fireplace, Ferdinand, and Jonghyun wiggled a little to get more comfy every so often. “You’re just as bad as Peanut.” Minho softly commented. At his name the Dachshund lifted his head from the large dog bed he was laying with the other two dogs.
“Small things need to get comfy more often.” Jinki snorted at the mumbled words, but softened as Jonghyun’s cheek nuzzled against his shoulder.
“We’re so happy you’re here.” Jinki whispered, smiling so pretty as Jonghyun shifted his head to gaze up at him. “I was starting to believe it wouldn’t happen.”
Jonghyun pushed up, cupping the man’s jaw with his left hand and gently kissing him, pressing their foreheads together for just a moment. “I should have happened earlier. I’m sorry my schedule never allowed it.”
“Our home is always open for you whenever you finish school,” Minho’s deep, sleepy voice added. “Jinki and I have talked about it. I know we’ve mentioned it before in talks, but.. We love you a lot and can’t wait for you to be here with us if you want it.”
“You want me to move in?” Jonghyun whispered, eyes wide as he relaxed back against the cushion. He was so small and vulnerable.
“We know you still have about a year and it’s a big step,” Jinki hummed, eyes looking at his hands for a moment before flicking back to find the two men he loved. “But, we always mentioned how we wanted to be able to live together, dreamed of building a life together. I know Minho and I have started, but you’re what this place.. What we.. need. If you want it that is.”
“Of course I want it,” Jonghyun covered his mouth with palm as his voice broke. Jinki’s eyes widen at the onslaught of emotion, but he was quickly wrapping his arms around him and bringing him close with soft shushing noises, Minho joining in a moment later. “Of course I’m crying.”
A soft kiss was pressed against his forehead as Jinki laughed a little. “You’re just sensitive.”
Jonghyun grumbled, happiness and warmth bubbling in his chest.
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how the different SHINee pairings hug each other?💎💚I’m feeling a lil soft today😌
guess who is also feeling hecka soft today bc Cute English Boy wasn’t wearing his signature ballcap in class today and he looked!!!! so soft with his hair down nd unstyled i Nearly Fucking Cried
jongyu: jinki backhugging jonghyun v softly nd burying his head in the crook of jjong’s neck nd leavin v soft kissies on the skin there uwu nd big spoon lil spooning when jjong can’t sleep with roo as the Littlest Spoon nd when jjong is writting jinki will just kinda come up nd sit behind him nd rest his head on jjong’s shoulder and listen all contet while jjong hums real soft nd jinki probably puts his hands v gently on jjong’s waist just to have even more contact even tho his chest is already flush to jjong’s back
onkey: so kibum’s in the kitchen cookin smth nd jinki has his hands on his hips nd his like… layed against kibum’s back but kibum doesn’t mind bc it’s just real soft nd cute nd then when he’s donw cooking they hold hands which turns into them holding Both Hands which turns into them kissin a lil which turns into them hugging with jinki’s arms around kibum’s waist and kibum’s arms around jinki’s neck with one hand in jinki’s hair n the other grippin the back of jinki’s shirt nd they’re probably like…. gross romantic slow dancing while jinki hums smth
onho: jinki bein tired and :((( so min comes nd pulls him up from the couch nd wrapsa secure arm aroud his waist and takes him out to go walk around the park at sunrise nd they hold hands to Keep Warm nd they go to the lake and feed some ducks nd jinki is sittin between min’s legs nd min is messaging jinki’s neck nd shoulders and jinki is pullin grass out of the ground nd makin a lil bouqette before throwin the grass into the lake nd Starting Again nd they’re not talking or anythin they’re just sittin nd watching the sunrise
ontae: taem hugs jinki all the time it’s just!! v comforting for our anxious boy to have contact Especially with jinki nd so you’ll catch them like… in the grocery store or smth nd taem is huggin jinki with his face buried in jink’s neck bc jinki smells like nice flowery cologne and clean clothes and like a lil sweaty and he just smells…. Like Home and jinki is rubbin taem’s back probably nd smiling uwu really softly to himself bc he Really Really Loves his lil chaotic fairy boy nd just wants him to be happy always nd forever :’)
jongkey: kibum is probably complainin about smth nd jjong just kinda :
jongho: HEIGHT DIFFERENCE jjong is :( tired nd min just kinda D: nd hugs him v tigthly nd jjong rubs his cheeks against min’s chest nd wraps his lil arms around min’s Whole Entire Waist n grabs entire handfuls of the back of min’s shirt and just… smiles heckin softly nd takes some deep breaths nd they just kinda…… keep standin there nd hugging for a whole long gay time
jongtae: taem bein jjong’s child and also The Love Of His Entire Life jjong is always huggin taem like at the convenience store? huggin. backstage at a concert? Super Soft Hugs. ONstage at a concert? Still Huggin Real Soft. all the softest hugs all the time okay they Love each other they’re so so soft @ each other like taem: breathes. jjong: !!!!!! the owner of my entire soul i love u sm im so proud of u my Love
minkey: okay so!!!! backstage @ one of kibum’s shows min came to support His Love nd kibum is lowkey (highkey) real nervous so min !!!!!!!!!!!!! nd hugs him like !!! i love u i believe in u babe ur so talented i know you’ll do amazingly nd kibum sighs into the hug nd wraps his arms around min’s waist too nd probably touchies his butt a bit bc like….. yall but it’s!!! good nd soft nd min is such a supportive bf i love Him
taekey: okay so like,,,, kibum is sittin behind taem nd taem is leanin his back against kibum’s chest nd they’re probably drinkin *soft baby taem voice 6v6* hot chocolate nd gossiping bc That’s Who They Are nd taem is wigglin his lil toes nd when he’s done with his hot coco he takes kibum’s hands nd starts fidgeting w/ them nd they’ve stopped talkin at this point it’s just real soft silence and kibum is uwu watchin taem be real pretty nd soft
2min: so yall these Goofy Boys will be play fighting in the living room nd then min tackles taem to the ground bc he’s Extra and Has To Win nd then taem gets rolled over so he’s on top and they like ?? silently agree to stop fightin idk and they just kinda lay there on the carpet and min wraps his arms All The Way around taem’s waist nd hugs him real close nd taem clutchies at min’s shirt bc :( he wants kissies so min kisses his forehead nd his hair nd his nose nd then taem buries his face in min’s necl like uwu nd they just stay there until min’s back starts to hurt
bonus !!!:
ot5: jjong in the middle nd taem cuddled up to his left arm grippyin his bicep nd rubbin his cheek against his shoulder nd jinki against his right side with his arms around jjong’s waist with one hand also holdin onto one of taem’s pinkies nd another holdin onto min’s hand nd kibum is plastered against jjong’s front holdin him gently with on hand grippin jinki’s wrist with his face buried in jjong’s neck nd min is against his back with his head in jjong’s hair breathing in his eucalyptus n peppermint shampoo nd his arms are just warpped around everyone bc he loves them all so much nd they all love each other so so much 
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somaybeimbiased · 7 years
One More Night
It was a Friday night the first time someone found out about his problem.
Taemin was hanging out with Jonghyun and Kibum at the dorms while Minho and Onew finished their schedules for the day. They were in the living room, messing around with an old twister mat they had found while sorting out a junk closet. The mat was laid across the floor, and Taemin was tangled up with Jonghyun their limbs twisting this way and that.
"Left foot green." Kibum said, and the two playing moved their feet onto one of the green circles. They continued to follow the simple instructions, and in no time Taemin was spread out completely, right foot on green, left on red with both hands on yellow. Jonghyun's face right by Taemin's bum, and he was teetering on the edge of the mat, trying not to tip over as they moved our left hands to red. The room was filled with laughter and jokes until there was a small gasp. Jonghyun's smile had disappeared within a millisecond, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion and what could've been anger. Taemin tilted his head back to get a better look at his hyung.
"What's wrong Jjong?" Kibum asked quietly, slipping onto the floor from his spot on the sofa. The other two boys had now dropped their game positions and Taemin was laying propped up on my elbows, watching the concerned looks his hyungs were giving each other as Jonghyun slid closer to were Kibum now sat across the mat from Taemin. Jonghyun shook his head a little bit. "Taemin-ah..... lift you shirt and turn around."
The maknae froze as soon as the words left Jonghyun's mouth. Taemin's breathing picked up, gasping softly, blinking his eyes rapidly to rid them of the tears that were quickly forming. Kibum glaced worriedly between the two, completely lost.
"Kibum, help me" Jonghyun said before lauching himself onto the crying boy. Kibum quickly followed suit, maneuvering around them to take hold of Taemin's upper body. Limbs flailed and hit eachother until Kibum got both of Taemin's arms under his legs with both of his has placed firmly on the boy's shoulders to hold him down. Meanwhile, Taemin kicked at Jonghyun with all his energy, missing most of his attempted kicks apart from one good kick at the chest of his elder. When the fight left the maknae he was left with Key holding his arms and with Jonghyun perched on his lap, straddling him. Jonghyun wasted no time pulling the shirt off of the youngest. Two gasps filled the room as Taemin's elders looked at his stained torso. Kibum let go of Taemin, pushing away from him and covering his mouth to muffle the sobs that left his mouth at the sight of his best friend. There were several purple and yellow marks littering his torso mixed with other fading ones.
"Tae...baby... who did this? Are you doing this to yourself? Did you start harming yourself again?" Kibum asked, sprouting off a million questions at once, sounding angry and confused. Taemin shuddered and vigorously shook his head. All three in the room didn't want to remember the way the Maknae had been plauged with anxiety and self doubt in the past.
"Then who was it?" Jonghyun asked in a hushed voice, looking calmer than you would expect. Taemin looked at him, tears in his eyes, but could only look back down in shame and sadness. Soon the maknae felt a set of arms wrap him in a loving hug, he turned into the person's chest and breathed deeply, his nose was filled with a rasberry vanilla scent. Kibum.
"Was it another idol?" Jonghyun questioned looking at where Kibum and I sat. My eyes widened slightly and I shook my head vigorously.
"Manager hyung?" He asked and again he got a shake of the head.
"Was it Minho..?" Jonghyun asked quietly, knowing that the younger had a tendency to loose his temper easily and over silly things, so this was not an absurd question.
"I.... I think I forgot that I um, have a schedule and I have to go now." Taemin said, standing up and reaching for his discarded shirt in a hurry. The maknae's eyes were red and puffy, tears still in his eyes. "You don't have a schedule today, we all checked. Besides, you aren't going anywhere until you tell us what happened. Was it, or was it not Minho?" Jonghyun threatened, grabbing Taemin's wrist as the boy grabbed for his shirt. Taemin sighed and clenched his fists.
"Fine! Fine! I, uh, I got the bruises from practice? Um yeah, I kept messing up on this dance part, and I got bruised because of it." The youngest said, sending a tearful glare towards the eldest in the room. Jonghyun let go of his wrist. "Thank you, that's all I wanted. Why make it so hard?" He said.
Taemin breathed a sigh as relief hit him, he'd gotten away with it.
"Nonsense!" Kibum shouted from where he sat on the floor. Taemin turned and looked at him "W-What do you mean Key hyung?" He asked softly.
"Taeminnie, don't you ever mistake me for a fool like Jjong here." Jonghyun pouted softly, but didn't interrupt the younger, "You don't get bruises like that from dancing. One of them even looks like a goddamn hand-print for Christ's sake! You're better than that, and I know you better than that! Plus, if it was just from dancing you wouldn't have cried and made a big scene over it just now! And you wouldn't have-" Key was cut off by Taemin's yelling.
"Fine! It was Minho! Are You happy now?" He cried, falling back to his knees with his face in his hands, sobs falling out of the boy. There was a minute of silence, the only sounds were Taemin's cries before the hyungs sprang into action, both cradling Taemin on either side, sandwiching the boy in between them.
"Baby.... how long has this been going on?" Kibum whispered softly, petting the maknae's hair gently.
"A while.... I-I mean, It's normally an accident, like play fighting that gets out of hand, o-or just a playful push and I fall. But really, I-it's okay...he doesn't mean to." Taemin said, keeping his head down in shame.
"Taemin, this isn't healthy. Minho is hurting you. How does he not see that?" Jonghyun questioned, sounding more angry than upset, and Taemin flinched at the words.
"He doesn't, I hide it. I don't want him to get all sad or upset about it. I know he loves me, and why would he hurt me intentionally if he loved me?" Taemin said, confident in what he was saying. He was downplaying the problem and reality, but he was sure that Minho loved him.
"That doesn't make it okay! I'm going to call for Minho." Jonghyun argued, taking out his phone.
"Please.... please don't. I-I'll talk to him myself. Just please leave it be. I don't want to interupt his filming, you know how important this drama is to him." Taemin said, reaching out for Jonghyun's phone. He hoped that lying to them about his intentions to tell Minho would get them off his back about it, and maybe they'd forget that it was a problem in they think it was resolved.
"Good, you have until the end of the day tomorrow, and if you don't tell him, Hyung and I will do it for you." Kibum said, giving Taemin his shirt back. Taemin nodded stiffly and then stood after putting the shirt on.
"I'm going to head to bed I guess." He said quietly, turning to leave.
"What do you mean go to bed? The night is still young!" A new voice said entering the room. Minho.
"H-Hyung! When did you get home?" Taemin asked nervously, looking down at his hands. Jonghyun and Kibum frowned at the interaction from their spot near the forgotten Twister mat
"Just a second ago. I was going to call, but my phone is dead. I got invited to a party with some other idols tonight, and they wanted to know if you lot would come too!" Minho said, flashing them all a charismatic smile.
"Actually, Jjongie and I were about to head out to a late night movie, so you two have the night to yourselves. What you do with it is completely up to you." Kibum lied, standing and pulling Jonghyun out of the room and towards the bedrooms.
Minho watched them leave and then gave Taemin a weird look. "What's with them?" he asked the younger, walking towards him. Before Taemin could think of an answer, Minho's lips were on his and his eyes were fluttering shut, his arms gripping onto Minho's shoulders. Sooner than Taemin would've liked, Minho pulled away. "What do say babe? How about that party?" He whispered, holding his boyfriend close to him.
Taemin sighed and rested his head in the crook of Minho's neck. He knew exactly what would happen if he went to that party with Minho tonight and he shuddered at the thought.
"Hyung, why don't we just stay in tonight? I'm kind of tired..." He said quietly, closing his eyes.
Minho groaned "Babe, you always want to stay in. Lets go have fun tonight and you can dance your little heart out. We can stay in next time, okay? And if you're good tonight, maybe we can go get ice cream tomorrow since we have the day off. " He said, squeezing Taemin slightly. "Now go get dressed, I have to shower and change, and then we can go." He finished, letting Taemin out of the embrace and making his way down the hall to his room.
Taemin was left standing in the main room at a loss of words. What should he do? He weighed his options, but figured making Minho happy was his best option in this case, keep him happy.
A/N Hello guys! This is an older piece I wrote a while back, and I thought I would post it to see if anyone wanted the next part. The intention was to have it be a chaptered story, but I’ve never been one for writing long pieces, but if there is demand, I can certainly try! Thanks!
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topconfessions · 4 years
[2/2] just wanted to add a disclaimer about my recent ask about jonghyun. I still love shinee even after hes gone. They did a rlly good job on Story of Light. I do catch myself thinking how jjong would sound rlly good in some parts of the songs but they did so well regardless. I’ve seen shawols fight about bringing him up on YouTube saying that other shawols are associating sadness w/ shinee now. Not trying to be negative or anything I can’t help how I feel 😞
And yes I 100% agree with you. Shinee is strong and carrying on well in their music without him. I'm truly happy about it because I dont feel Jonghyun would want shinee to come to an end because he's gone. For a split second I really thought Shinee was over back then when his death was still fresh those first 3 months. But they were allowed to grieve respectfully then came together in a beautiful way.
I think we have to stop excluding Johnghyun and associating Jong with sadness. He was a family member to shinee. They loved him and would probably think of him often when recording. We can't ignore even the fact that no offense but Jong was the strongest voice aside from Key and Onew. Losing the best voice will have an impact in the music.
Shinee music is still great. It's missing that powerhouse highlight in its tone that added that extra color. Key seems to have stepped up as well Onew staying steady.
I hate to say this
Nut it's like if Chao never left AOA and passed away or if Taeyeon from SNSD passed away when they were still active. That's a huge blow to the vocal line up and path of the music.
I think Jonghyun should be celebrated still and positivity should be added when mentioning him. But it's okay to express grief. Some memories don't go away with time. He's a permanent part of Shinee and shouldn't be ignored. I miss him but think he would be overjoyed with their direction. Thats what mattered most.
Plus with all respect...Jonghyun treated music as his life despite wanting to be a poet as his true dream. He really cared on and off stage. So I know he would be pleased to see them carry on and not disband.
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dawnofdaybreak · 7 years
Unfinished/WIP Jongho Fics
As I try to get back into the gist of writing, here’s a few Jongho fics I’ve worked on in the past that aren’t finished but there’s a possibility that they could be finished? Not to quote Jonghyun but Inspiration is needed.
#001 - something new years related
Jonghyun really should stop drinking.
It’s bad enough that he’s emotional when he’s sober but does he have to be an emotional drunk too?
He’d come to this party to take his mind off of all the shit things that have happened in his life lately, to let loose and have a good time. But instead he ends up sobbing on the rooftop of whoever’s fancy apartment and feeling worse than he had when he was sober.
Perfect. Just perfect.
“Oh sorry I didn’t think anyone was up here…”
Jonghyun looks up at the unfamiliar voice. It’s a guy and the first thing Jonghyun notices is how big his eyes are. He then takes in his sharp nose and generally small face. The guy’s lips are stained a pretty red presumably from drinking alcohol and his ash blonde hair is framing his forehead rather nicely. Jonghyun’s (inebriated) brain finally alerts him that this dude is really attractive, and so he rushes to rid his eyes of the tears gathered in the corners.  
“W-wait are you crying?”
“N-no,” Jonghyun replies but his voice comes out all hoarse and wobbly. He curses inwardly.
The guy ignores him, instead choosing to sit next to Jonghyun on the ledge.
“Dude why are you crying…you shouldn’t be crying.”
Jonghyun doesn’t answer the other male. He covers his face, hoping the male will leave and allow him to shrivel up and die from embarrassment.
“It’s New Year’s Eve, and if you spend tonight crying then you’ll enter the New Year all sad and no one should be sad on New Year’s.”
Jonghyun chuckles mirthlessly at the statement. “Is that so?” he croaks out.
“Yep!” The other man says enthusiastically. “So I’ve got twenty minutes to make you happy or my name isn’t Choi Minho.”
Jonghyun removes his hands from his face, brows furrowing over the familiar name.
“Choi Minho? As in Kibum’s Choi Minho?”
Minho smiles at him. “You know my best friend?”
Jonghyun knows Kibum all too well. They went to high school together, probably made out a few times amongst other things, but Minho doesn’t need to know that. Jonghyun instead is wondering why the Kibum never mentioned that this Minho was so hot.
#002 - Professor Jjong & Student Minho
It’s hard being a young, single and handsome, teacher.
Especially when your classroom is filled with college freshman who are surprisingly more hormonal than high school seniors.
Most kids sat in his class and tried to earn their grades, but there was also your small group of students who tried to flirt their way to the top. Jonghyun thought that sort of thing only happened in cheap pornos – but at the end of his first semester when a female student had bent over his desk and asked “Can you please bump me up a letter grade Professor Kim,” practically shoving her B cup boobs in his face, had Jonghyun realized that those pornos he’d watched in middle school weren’t that far from reality.
That was the first time Jonghyun had actually felt proud about the fact that he was gay. He was able to reprimand the young girl without contemplating what she was clearly offering or getting flustered to the point that she thought he was considering it.
After that incident, he was able to listen to the whispers in the halls about how sexy he was, with just a smile of appreciation and nothing more.  
Until Choi Minho arrived that is.
Choi Minho was a freshman in his second semester when he entered Jonghyun’s class. He was a Physical Education Major – the only one of Jonghyun’s students who was taking his course as an elective. Jonghyun had no problem with that, he liked those who took his classes as electives. It was exhilarating to teach the beauty of music to those who had no prior interest in the subject. What he did have a problem with however was the fact that Choi Minho was always 10-15 minutes late, with his jet black hair still dripping wet from the shower he always takes before Jonghyun’s class. He’d come in with this sheepish little grin on his face and say “Sorry I’m late Professor Kim, it won’t happen again,” and Jonghyun would just roll his eyes because he knows that’s a lie.
Jonghyun couldn’t stay mad at him though.
#003 - Smut that I can’t really remember where I was going with...
Minho likes, no loves, to please Jonghyun.
He loves to reduce the older man to a whimpering mess.
He loves when Jonghyun buries his head in Minho’s neck when the pleasure becomes too much and his moans get too loud.
He loves having Jonghyun’s naked body pressed up against his own, with the shorter man’s arms wrapped securely around Minho’s neck.
What Minho doesn’t love however is the fact that Jonghyun only allows Minho to please him with his hands.
Now don’t get him wrong, he loves touching Jonghyun.
He loves rubbing his thumbs over those perky nipples and squeezing fistfuls of Jjong’s ass in his palms. He loves fingering the other male and stroking his cock when his orgasm seems too far to reach.
But Minho is so sure he could make Jonghyun completely fall apart if he could get his mouth on him – if he could kiss those sinful lips and suck that hard cock. If he could just circle Jonghyun’s entrance with his tongue, the other male would have no choice but to beg for Minho’s lips whenever he came to the younger man.
Minho is sure if he could use his cock to really stuff Jonghyun, the older man’s moans would be loud enough for the entire dorm to hear. Jonghyun would then come to him more eager and more desperate, pleading to be fucked.
But since Jonghyun only allows him to use his hands, that’s what Minho’s forced to do.
When the shorter man opens his bedroom door on a late Friday night, Minho takes one look at his eyes and knows exactly what he wants.
“Are you busy?”
Minho puts the book he was reading down and opens his arms for the shorter male.
Jonghyun bites his lip and then quickly strips out of his clothes. He crawls onto the bed and rests his naked body on top of Minho’s clothed one.
This is Jonghyun’s favourite position when he comes to Minho. It’s easier to avoid eye contact this way.
Minho guides Jonghyun’s hands around his neck and then he reaches downward to squeeze Jonghyun’s ass.
Jonghyun hitches at the contact, and then nuzzles into Minho’s neck.
“It’s been a while,” he murmurs.
Minho silently agrees by squeezing a little harder.
“We’ve been so busy,” Jonghyun breathes against his neck. It’s ticklish, but Minho doesn’t want him to stop. “I missed you…”
Minho tenses at that and pulls Jonghyun away from his neck, eyes searching for the true meaning behind those words.
“I m-mean I missed your t-touch.” The shorter man avoids eye contact.
“Hyung, why won’t you let me have proper sex with you?”
Jonghyun squirms at the question.
#004 - More unfinished smut
Minho isn’t too sure how he’s ended up here…
One minute he was eyeing platinum blond hair from across the bar. The next he was grinding into the man’s ass on the dance floor. Jonghyun – he’d said his name was, was a delicious little thing, short with bits of muscle. The perfect size for Minho to manhandle. The dance floor had gotten so hot, so constricting as their bodies had moved together – Jonghyun’s ass pressing back against Minho’s pelvis, while Minho’s large hands gripped the shorter male’s pecs, pulling Jonghyun back into his body whenever he got too far away.
Now as Minho has the shorter man pressed against the hard surface of a bathroom stall, he finds that Jonghyun does like being manhandled – if the whimpers that leave his lips every time Minho tugs on his hair or spanks his ass are anything to go by.
He still doesn’t know if it was the alcohol or pure unaltered lust that ended up with them here, but right now he isn’t complaining.
“F-fuck Minho I’m not going to fucking break, fuck me already,” Jonghyun whines trying to get Minho to remove his fingers from his tight heat.
Minho chuckles, “I want you to break baby,” he whispers in Jonghyun’s ear before tugging lightly on the pierced cartilage.
Jonghyun whimpers in response, throwing his head back against the wall of the stall.
“Shit, please Minho.”
#005 - Jonghyun’s struggles while dating a Minho who’s poly...dialogue only...Probably won’t ever be finished
“Are you sleeping over tonight?”
 “I always sleep over on Friday nights bub.”
 “Yeah but remember last week, when Junmyeon was sick and you stayed over at his to take care of him.”
 “I just spoke to him today, he’s fine. Don’t worry I’m not going anywhere.”
 “Taemin and Kibum staged an intervention for me today.”
 “Really…what about?”
 “About you actually. They told me they think you’re cheating on me.”
 “So what did you say to them?”
 “I told them that you’re poly.  And that I don’t care because I know you can love me wholeheartedly.”
 “What’s wrong.”
 “It felt like I was lying to myself.”
 “H-hyung we’ve been through this.”
 “I’ve been with you from we were in diapers. I was your first kiss, I was there when your dad kicked you out because you told him you were gonna play soccer instead of going to college. I was there when you got your heart broken for the first time. I’ve been to every one of your soccer games, I’ve taken care of you when you were sick. I’m the first person you call when you get into trouble. I was the one you had your first time with. Am I really not enough?”
 “J-jong you know I-I can’t help the way I am. But I love you, my love for you has never faltered no matter how many people I date”
 “I know Minho and I r-respect that but I can’t help the way I feel whenever I know you’re out with someone else, probably treating them the same way you treat me. Can’t you at least try to stay with only me.”
 “I-I can’t”
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