#he's literally ovulating the entire run of the show
sweatyrickgrimes · 1 year
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minheeskitten · 11 months
absolutely agreed, and seven sins was a disaster all around when it comes to the entire group's boundaries about showing skin comes into question 💢💢💢 i want him to show his tummy because i love it, but i want him to be comfortable showing it 🥲 please sir, your tummy ... your tits...
my god these boys! so cute, so fuckable 🫠🔥 hyeop making a puddle on the floor? he needs to take it until his legs are wobbling, until he's sobbing and can't take anymore at all 🥲 i think it'd be cute if he couldn't even cum anymore 😊🩷 that's what he gets for being such a tease 😊
oohhhhhh being able to smell that you're turned on 🔥🔥🔥 and we all know cats love to play with their food, so messing with you and getting you all wound up until you're begging to be fucked while they still pretend like they have no clue, are pretending to be all aloof 😖💗
sleep well and good night 💫 ~🩷
I'm gonna be honest i heard ab Minseo being uncomfortable with it and got so upset. Not my bias being uncomfy! Noo!!! Seriously fuck woolim ent. Let the boys go back to their cuter n sweeter concepts! Minaeo is def built for those!
Honestly i think removing Alex may have been purely so they could force them to do more mature concepts.. but thats my theory. Because alex is only 19 rn. And in korea thats not even a legal adult yet. But everyone else is a legal adult.
Either way, when they're comfy showing, they will! Until then we can make sure they're comfy!
N yes hyeop has to have the cutest tummy. It would be so adorable...
Making a puddle of cum until he just runs dry n it starts hirting but it feels so good to be run through orgasm after orgasm and of xourse he loves how the strap feels in him. Sliding in and out, hitting his most sensitive spot perfectly repeatedly, make him so weak n shaky that he's just limp after n you gotta draw him out of that cutr subspace of his where he only begs for more and more until he literally can't speak.
Just seeing his eyes all glassy as he pouts bcs you stopped, even though it was very clear you shouldn't continue. He just wants to feel good, but you have to let him rest so you can do it again tomorrow
Hed pout at that, pretty bunny just wants to get absolutely wrecked aa long as possible, but you can't always be pounding him so hard there's a puddle of cum beneath him, or on his cute tummy <3
Just so absolutely upset that he can't get continuously railed bca it feels so much better than anything else <3
The cats will always know when you're needy, they can smell it, they can see it in how you act, hell they can even smell the pheromones you let off, and they drive them absolutely wild.
All my hybrids are capable of smelling pheromones but some can smell them stronger
But the cats can smell them, and love making you put off more n more :3
They'd be able to smell when a partner is ovulating and would be clingy as hell and very much ready to fuck if they smelled it :3
Oh and the amount of barbs varies but it's always there, ans the barbs rub against anyone's insides in such a way that even if they aren't aiming for the spots, well they're hit anyways :3
And if they get caught bcs of them, guess what? More fucking until they truly can say you've been bred :3
I slept well! Thank you :3 Hope your day/night went well too!
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enigma-im · 5 years
Heat of the moment
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Demon X Female!Human Warning: Demon sex, Sexual harassment, Breaking arms, Pushing boundaries, Begging, ovulation meaning heat
I wrote this story about a year ago, it was a short to a much larger story i never bothered finishing. its very indulgent on my behalf, I had fun writing this at 1am a long time ago. its about when a lady hit their peak furtility and shows signs. Her demon boyfriend then can smell it. This story is 18+ and has some boundary-pushing, so viewer discretion is advised?
    I rest my tired body on the couch, work was hellish today. Everyone was complaining or just being insufferable. My entire being aches from running around doing everyone’s commands. My lower body feels heavy and worn while my arms desire nothing more than to be still.
      As I lay with my arms over my face I feel something grab my feet. The feeling, as light as it is, feels great. The hand goes from my ankle up my leg and stops at my thighs.
     “You smell good,” a voice croaks out.
     “I doubt that,” I grumble. I probably smell like food and sweat, which in my mind is a terrible combination. I don’t know much about demons despite living with one. I have no idea what smells he finds appealing.
     “Smell sweet, and nice,” he mumbles as he pulls my body down the couch. he rests my legs on his lap and continues stroking my thigh. A sigh escapes me as he loosens the aches. Once he hears that he lets out a huff of laughter then travels further up. He makes it to my hips then adjust himself, so he is between my legs. he grinds into me and I let out an annoyed groan.
     “No, I’m too tired,” I swat at his hands. He ignores me like usual and continues pressing himself against me. you would think I’d be used to his attention by now, but man got way too much love to give. I enjoy what he is doing but I’m just too exhausted to want to put any effort into fucking him tonight.
     I get off the couch and slip out of his grasp. I trudge up the stairs and to the bathroom. Using the small amount of energy I have to remove my clothes and get in the shower. As I begin scrubbing myself he makes himself known by stealing the soap from me. he then immediately drops it and lets out a short yelp.
     “Cold,” he groans as he turns the nozzle on the wall. I turned the shower cold in hopes of waking me up a bit, also I just enjoy cold showers. Helps the muscles tighten and less sores for tomorrow. I guess I can throw that idea out the window because he didn’t seem to care for it.
     Steam fills the room and once the water is too his liking he grabs at me again. He runs his first set of hands up my stomach to my chest and the second pair wraps around my waist. He begins grinding once again into me and gropes at my breast like a horny teenager.
      “Either help me wash up or get out,” I snap as I try to wiggle out of his grip. I immediately give up as I really don’t have the energy for this. I just wanna wash up and go to bed. he doesn’t really care for what I want right now because he is still smashing his cock into my back.
      “Smell good,” he mumbles into my neck. I roll my eyes, he is getting real annoying right now.
     “Oh yea, what do I smell like then,” I fire back.
      He buries his nose into my neck and takes a big whiff, “Sin.” Ok that was a little hot but I’m still not having this. I choose to ignore him and continue on my own agenda. I grab the shampoo and squirt some into my hand. I lather it in my hair and he continues pawing at me. my arms bump against him a few times till he gets annoyed and takes control of washing my hair. I always enjoy when he does, he is very talented with his fingers.
     As he massages my scalp a soft sigh leaves me. he grinds into me and lets out his own sigh. I ignore the hard on he has pressing into my back and just enjoy the pampering. He guides me under the water and lets the soap rinse out. Once that’s done he turns off the shower and rips back the curtain.
    “Hey, I wasn’t done,” I shout. He as usual ignores me and wraps me in a towel before hoisting me over his shoulder. Within a blink we are in our room, god I hate when he teleports me. he throws me on the bed and climbs over. He goes back to grabbing any part of me he can and grinding against me.
   “Stop it, you are acting like a horny teenager,” I snap as I push against him. he doesn’t pay me any mind as he removes the towel and admires me. I gotta admit, he does have his ways of making me feel cute. He sits straddling my hips and runs a few fingers over my torso. One hand gloss over my neck while another traces over my ribs.
    “Pretty,” he mumbles. I soften a bit at his words. Fuck, why does he have to be so cute. I’m really trying not to be persuaded but his little actions never fail to warm me. I reach out and run a hand from his stomach to as high up his chest I can reach. “Pretty,” I mumble back. he leans forward onto two hands and grabs mine. he kisses each finger before nuzzling into my palm. I lean forward and peck him on the head, “Stop being so adorable.” He chuckles as he rubs his face more into my palm. He drops my hand then he lowers his head to my neck where he peppers me with kisses and nibbles. I allow him this, and only this. I really do need to get to sleep and knowing him this is going to be an all-night endeavor.       After a moment I push at his chest and he lifts up with no resistance. Still he looks at me with a bit of annoyance. I shake my head at him and move to get up. He growls and tugs me back so I’m laying on his front.
     “No, I need to get dressed and go to bed,” I groan. He growls again which does nothing for my fight against him. I think he knows that too, he knows I can barely resist his growls. I still stand strong and wiggle out of his grip. Once I’m standing I turn towards him. he is reaching for me again and I slap his hand away.
     “No, not tonight,” I snap. He drops his hand and glares at me. with an annoyed huff he is gone. I roll my eyes at his childish behavior. I mean I’m just glad he knows no means no. you would think a demon wouldn’t have those kinds of boundaries but damn if I aint glad he does.
     I get dressed and snuggle back into bed. instinctually I reach out to the other side of my bed. I sigh in disappointment. I still want him here, I just can’t fuck tonight. I roll over onto my back and huff.
     “I’m sorry babe, I really have to get up early. We both know you like to make these things an all-night event. I promise we can have all the wonderful nasty sex you want tomorrow night,” I say into the empty room. I hear nothing back. fine if you want to be a child then go ahead. I roll to my side and try to get some sleep. As I’m on the cusp of slumber I feel an arm snake around my waist and pull me closer to the middle of the bed. 
    “Sorry,” he whispers into my back. I hold his hand in mine and rub my thumb against his. I guess I can find it in my heart to forgive him. not that it really took much.
    I wake up early the next morning. I untangle myself from the demon next to me and begin my day. I get dressed, make breakfast, and gather my things. The entire time I’m doing this he is up my ass following me around. I bump him a few times as I make my way around. He doesn’t layup, he is just on me. we have been living together for a long time and this is an unheard-of behavior. Yet I ignore it because I need to get to work. This is something I will deal with later.
   I get to work at the restaurant on time and begin my shift. It’s a Saturday so I’m kept on my toes moving from one table to the next. To the kitchen and back out to the customers. The morning shift wasn’t too bad. mostly elders or respectable adults, it when mid shift starts that my day begins to drop. A school bus of high schoolers comes in making business begin to back up. After that I deal with some rather unsavory business men in for lunch. It’s usual that men try to flirt with me, I let it by because they give better tips. Yet today I’m ready to sucker punch someone.
    One of the well-dressed men begins straight up harassing me. He starts off small, calling me pet names. It isn’t a big deal but I’m not a huge fan. Then when his appetizers come out he gets more inappropriate. When I bend over to set down their food he blatantly looks down my shirt. I snap back up and give him a glare which he returns with a grin. Then when I pass by he drops his utensils on the floor. Making me grab them and he stares at my ass like it some sort of roast.
    When I give the group their food I see out the corner of my eye his hand reaching out to grab at me. before he could make contact his hand jerks to the side with a harsh snap. I jump back and look at the man’s arm that is bending in a different direction than it should. He lets out a loud shout of pain and I also hear a soft chuckle beside my ear.
    The man is rushed to the hospital and one of his buddies pays for the meal. I get questioned by my managers on what happened, and I tell them all I know. They get all they could before sending me on my break. Once I make it to the staff room I glare into the space.
     “I know you’re here,” I snap. I feel hands wrap around me and I’m pulled into a hard chest.
      “red looks nice on you,” he mumbles. I glance down out my red top then twist in his grip to look at him.
     “You didn’t need to break his arm,” I say into his chest. He rubs my back and nestles the top of my head.
     “Yes, I did,” he whispers. I sigh into his chest and shake my head. what am I going to do with this idiot?
     “Thank you,” I whisper. He gives me a gentle squeeze and we just stand there. He rubs my back and pets my hair as I relax. I really shouldn’t be ok with what happened, but I know he has done worse for less. The man deserved it, hell I wanted to be the one to break his arm.
      “Smell good,” he says again. I look up at him,
      “Why do you keep saying that?”
       “Heat,” he answers. Well, that means literally nothing to me, heat? What does that mean?
     “Babe, I need you to elaborate please, I have no idea what you’re on about,” I say as I let him go. I try to step back but he just keeps me still.
    “Heat, sex, fertile,” he attempts again. He has never been a man of many words and it really shows right now. I think I have an idea what he is talking about but as far as I know humans don’t go into heat. Unless you count ovulation but is that really going into heat? I guess it is but not as extreme as other creatures that go into heat.
     “I smell fertile,” I joke. He nods his head as one of his hands goes down to my rear. He gives a squeeze as he grinds into me. fucking horny bastard. “why is this now a problem,” I ask.
     “Not a problem,” he smiles at me. I roll my eyes as he tries to sneak his hand under my shirt. I take a step back and surprisingly he lets me.
     “Go home, ill be off work in two hours. Then we can do whatever your heart desires.” He doesn’t seem so happy with that plan. He grabs me again and growls into my neck. He gropes my ass and nibbles my neck. Ok change of plans I guess, “Ill tell my boss I’m going home and then we can leave.” I hope that one works for him. instead I feel the familiar rush of being teleported. “Oh, for fuck sakes, at least let me tell my boss I was leaving,” I snap.
     He wastes no time getting me undressed and on the bed. but he does take his time to make sure no part of me is without his touch. He has me pressed against the bed, his hips keeping me down. I look down at his cock and sigh in bliss. He gets on my nerves more than anything alive but god I adore his dick. Its perfectly thick and long, it isn’t over doing it but just right.
    He catches me staring so he grabs my hand and rest it on his stomach. Leaving me to decide what to do next. I trail slowly down before changing course and heading up. He groans with displeasure but quickly discards it as I sit up. His hands grab at me and sets me on his lap. I glide my hands up his chest and around his neck. I pull him down and give a gentle kiss. He loves it when I’m gentle. I slowly pull away and trail soft kisses down from his lips to his cheek then down his neck. As I trail on I push him to rest on his elbows. 
     Once he is down I trace my tongue along the curves of his chest. I follow every contour in worship till I’m face to face with his erection. I look up at him, his mouth open in awe. I grip his cock in a soft grasp before giving his tip a quick peck. 
     “Pretty,” I gasp as I give a long lick from sack to tip. He lets out a shaky sigh as his head rest on his shoulder. I lazily begin stroking while I pepper kisses along his thighs. He doesn’t seem to care for my teasing for he grabs at my hair and presses my lips to his cock. I chuckle at his frustration. I give pity but not too much and just take the tip in. I suck and swirl my tongue. I slide my tongue back and forth over his slit and under the crown. I take him far enough in my teeth graze over and under the crown, so I can gently tug him. he hisses at my ministrations and jerks forward. I snap my head out of reach and smirk up at him.
     He rolls his eyes before dragging me up knowing I’m going to just tease him all night. I can’t help it, he makes such adorable faces. He pulls me into a kiss not waiting to shove his tongue in my mouth. he gropes at me again, one set of hands grabbing at my ass while another is on my tits. He sneaks a hand from my ass to my front. He catches me a bit off guard as he slips a finger between my folds. Spreading my slick over my clit making me gasp in the kiss. I pull back and rest my head on his shoulder while he does quick flicks over my clit. my breath catches a bit every time he rubs. my legs bounce, and I find it hard to stay over him. he catches on and sets me on my back. he lays on his stomach between my legs. one set of hands spreads my legs while the other spread my lips. he stares at my cunt with nothing but sin on the mind.
     “Pretty,” he moans out. He lazily rubs my clit with his finger before pressing a digit into me. I sigh as I feel him crook and drag his finger over a pile of nerves. He was extremely proud of himself when he found this out. I was just as excited as he was. he adds another finger and rubs over the nerves again making my breath catch and my eyes shut. I gasp out again as he picks up the pace, pressing just a bit harder. I run my finger through my hair and flex my toes. He chuckles at me before he stops his sliding and instead presses rhythmically. He bounces his fingers to an unknown beat. At this point I’m gasping and writhing. He knows it isn’t enough to make me cum but just enough to have me struggling.
    I drag my hand down my body and try to help myself along. Before I could make it one of his hands grab mine. the fucker is just going to tease me. I look down at him and down right plead with him. he just smirks up at me, not laying up as I grind my hips to get some sort of relief. I know what he wants, he wants me to beg. I can’t give him the satisfaction, but god I’m so close. I shake my head at him and he frowns. He removes his fingers making me whimper. God, I know I’m going to regret being so needy later. I reach out for him to pull him close, but he isn’t having it. I reach my other hand down to finish myself, but he snatches it and forcing my hands above my head. he gets up in my face and kisses my cheek. I feel his cock nudge my folds and I gasp. I thrust my hips to catch another touch, but he forces my hips down.
     “Beg,” he whispers in my ear. I groan in frustration, it really isn’t that big of a deal to beg but I know he will hold this against me later. Saying how needy I was for him. once he notices I’m not going to do what he asks he grabs his cock and nudges the tip into me. I give out a soft moan and try to bounce my hips against him. he pulls back enough so I can’t take more of him in. I seethe at his teasing, fucking asshole. He repeats his action making sure this time I’m secured to the bed. once his tip is just enough in he starts stroking himself.
   “Fucker,” I grumble as I try to fight his hands and thrust up. He just chuckles then gasp as he gets himself off. His one free hand trails around my chest, grasping my tit then tweaking my nipple. He kisses my cheek and neck making sure I’m thoroughly annoyed. I hear his gasp between kisses and feel short nudges of his cock. I can’t let him finish, not without me.
     “Fine, please,” I grumble. He stops his personal pleasure and looks at me. he lets a hum in question, a ‘what was that’. I roll my eyes and repeat,” please.” He looks to ponder his options before ignoring me and continuing his motions. I groan and try again, “babe please, I need you to make me cum.” He stops once again, he kisses back up my neck and gives a rather rough kiss before bottoming out. I twist my head and open my mouth in awe. God, did I mention his cock was divine, downright sinful.
     He begins a slow pace building his way up. Sliding his cock all the way then gliding it back out. He nibbles on my neck over the scar he made. He picks up pace making me groan and yank against his hold. I need him to touch me, I can’t deal with this ache anymore. I nuzzle his head, licking his horn making him shudder. I whimper out, begging without words. He catches on and traces his free hand between my breast and down between my legs. he circles my clit teasing me just a bit more before giving a quick flick. I hiccup at the immediate striking pleasure. I feel him smirk into my neck before he does it again. This time I clench down making him lose his rhythm. He can’t help but chuckle and gives me what I need.
     I bounce my hip in match with his as he strums my clit. I slam my head back and bite back a whimper which he responds with harsh thrust. I cry out while he rewards me with a soft bite on my neck. I don’t stop myself at this point knowing he loves hearing my moans, especially when he is the one who is making me do it. He doesn’t hold back, doing everything he can to make me cum before he does. I can feel he is getting close because he stops assaulting my neck and sticks with gasping in my ear. I hold his head close to me and grind with him. I cry out as I’m nearing my peak, the wonderful ache starting to spread. I dig my nails into his back and grip his horn as I whisper his name like a prayer. He grunts and begins just plowing into me. I feel my whole body suddenly let go, I’m feel like I’m floating before I’m crashing back down. My whole-body clenches as I bite down onto his neck. He mumbles my name into my hair before he grunts and buries himself fully. We both remain still in a state of pure bliss. Only the sound of our breathing is heard.
     I’m first to unclench my jaw and let go of his shoulder. I wince at the damage for my canines, they seem to have pierced his skin. He pulls away from me and gives me a once over. then he leans down and gives me a fervent kiss.
    “Beautiful,” he whispers. He then pulls out and rolls over onto his back. he drags me closer to him and wraps me in his arms. I snuggle into his side before giving a peck to his chest. As I begin to drift off he whispers, “again?” I roll my eyes, always an all-night thing with him.
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rebelskylar · 5 years
Namgi in Heat (Hybrid!Yoongi x Hybrid!Namjoon x Reader)
Type: Headcannon
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader, Yoongi x Reader, Namjoon x Yoongi
Word Count: 2k +
A/N: Who wants some Daddy Joon and Yoongi oppa?
To the anon who requested a Hobi oneshot ages ago: idk if you’re even here anymore, I’m sooooo sorry, I’m definitely going to write it, please accept this till I do? 
·        You were not the type of person that commanded a lot of attention when you walked into a room. With your small stature and unassuming look, you could blend in quite easily in a crowd. Your h/c coloured hair cascaded down your shoulders in soft waves, making you seem even smaller than you were and your large e/c coloured eyes, despite being one of your best features, were not domineering enough for people to notice you. Simply put, you were a meek girl who was quite often overlooked in the grand scheme of things
·        At least, that was what you were hoping for
·        All of this changed when your two bulky testosterone filled alpha male hybrid boyfriends walked in behind you. There was no way in hell that anybody could not notice them. Their very presence brought about a horde of awestruck gazes, accompanied by a certain amount of fear, truth be told. You suppose this was not completely unaccounted for. You felt the same way when you first met them, but that’s a story for another time.
·        Kim Namjoon was a Wolf hybrid. As a human, he was a calm and collected guy but since his personality traits were also ruled by his animal side, his cunningness and passive aggressiveness were also quite noticeable. He stood at a good height of 6 feet and 2 inches, and even his now freshly coloured blonde hair (which you had insisted on) did not do much in the way of making him appear a bit softer. His tall, structure usually scared off people from the get-go. His usual attire consisted of a black leather jacket with his hair swept off his forehead in a perfect curl, and thick rimmed glasses
·        Min Yoongi was a good few inches shorter than Namjoon, but could, in no way, be overlooked. He was a Siberian husky hybrid with small ears peeking out from his head of fluffy black hair, but that was just about the only thing anybody could label as cute about him. He was more muscular than Namjoon was, and still taller than you (and most other people). Tattoos adorned one entire arm of his and extended all the way down to his torso, and the one that he was most proud of was the bold lettering of your name scrawled across his chest. He had a silver nose ring, and one instance of eye contact with him was enough for people to run for cover. Might be a little insensitive of you to say, but he was the kind of guy that people would cross the road to avoid.
·        You have no idea how you ended up with them.
·        Despite their appearances, what people failed to realize was that in reality, these two were actually just pure balls of fluff. They were sweet, caring, and highly appreciative of you. They were never rude or violent to anyone unless absolutely necessary, even though both their breeds had these tendencies. Namjoon’s favourite food was spaghetti, for God’s sake. Yoongi loved babies. If that wasn’t enough to convince someone, you don’t what would be.
·        The only way they had ever displayed their anger was sulking around the house, or giving you large sad puppy eyes until you caved in and finally bought them whatever junk they were craving (or spaghetti, in Namjoon ‘s case). After that, they would huddle around you all night and nuzzle against your neck to show their appreciation. You couldn’t have wished for sweeter hybrids.
·        *coughs* Their heats, however, were a different story altogether.
·        It was a Friday evening. You had just returned home from a tiring day at work and wanted nothing more than a warm bath and a cup of tea to lull you to sleep. The constant stupidity of your employees was beginning to bug you, and you don’t think you could have taken any more of it.
·        On stepping into the house, you were pleasantly surprised to find Jungkook on your couch, squeezed between your boyfriends, engaged in a heated video game. You almost cooed at how adorable the baby bunny hybrid looked between them, undoubtedly trying his best to beat them.
·        You announced your presence and before Namjoon and Yoongi even got to acknowledge you, Jungkook jumped out of the sofa and leaped over to hug you. He may have been timid around you at first, but now had no inhibitions whatsoever about barrelling to you and asking for cuddles. You were pretty sure he considered you one of his most favourite human beings on the planet (aside from Jimin, of course). Your boyfriends didn’t mind him most of the time, usually not too swayed when he cuddled with you and practically had his chin on your head half the time when he was with you, so you didn’t hesitate to envelop him in a hug and fluff his hair affectionately. You didn’t even flinch when he nosed his way into your neck, used to the habits of hybrids by now.
·        That was, until a loud growl  ripped from Yoongi’s throat.
·        Jungkook and you froze, slowly turning your heads to look at the source of the sound. You were a bit confused, he had never done that before. “Do you smell her?”, he asked. You opened your mouth to ask him what he was talking about, but then realized that his question was directed to Namjoon.
·        “Yes”, Namjoon replied, his voice just as low and hoarse as Yoongi’s. “Do you think Jungkook’s doing it on purpose?”. His eyes were trained on the male in question, who by now had his ears flattened to the back of his head.
·        “No, of course not”, Yoongi replied. “I don’t think he can smell her. And even if could, it wouldn’t matter. He’s mated to Jimin.”
·        “Guys.” You had finally mustered up the courage to speak. Both Namjoon and Yoongi turned to look at you, their eyes dark. “What is going on? Why are you growling at Kookie?”
·        Your question was met with silence for a while, until finally, Namjoon decided to speak up. “Jungkook, you need to leave. Call up Jimin and tell him to pick you up, but for now, lock yourself in Yoongi’s room. Don’t come out. Y/N’s ovulating, and we have some…stuff to do.”
·        Jungkook’s cheeks turn pink at his words. “He doesn’t have to lock himself in the room”, you say. “This has happened before. I’m pretty sure you can control yourselves until Jimin comes over, right?”
·        “No, Y/N.”, Yoongi says. “What hasn’t happened before, is your ovulation period and both of our heats falling in the same period. We know Jungkook is mated with Jimin, but we can’t stand the presence of another male, and we’re barely controlling ourselves right now. I personally want nothing else but to rip his head off.”
·        Jungkook lets go of you at Yoongi’s statement and quickly situates himself next to  the front door. “Y/N”, he squeaks. “I’ll go wait outside for Jimin. He’ll hardly take any time to come here. Bye.” He’s gone before you can blink, and you slowly turn to face your boyfriends.
·        Yoongi is gripping the couch so hard you’re pretty sure he’s ripped it. “Namjoon”, he says. “Can I please go first?”
·        “Go ahead. You have really bad self control.”, Namjoon snickers.  
·        “I would have argued, but I’m way too gone right now.”,says Yoongi. “ Y/N, sweetheart, won’t you come here and sit on your oppa’s lap?”
·        You gulp at his sugary sweet tone, and slowly make your way over to them. They’re looking at you like you’re their prey, eyes following each small movement right up until you reach them. You quickly situate yourself on Yoongi’s lap, and let him sniff your neck and lap at it. It doesn’t take too much for you to start feeling aroused, and you start panting as his ministrations at your neck start getting heavier. His hands leave your back to roughly rip open the top few buttons of your blouse, taking your bra with them. He wastes no time in cupping both of your tits as he starts suckling on a particular spot on your neck, and you can literally feel the slick flowing out of you.
·        You gasp when you feel another set of cold hands brushing up your thighs. They slip your panties off your legs and you can’t help but moan at the sight of Namjoon holding them up to his nose and breathing in deeply. “Sorry baby”, Namjoon grins, “Daddy needed something to help him get by.”
·        Yoongi’s mouth has moved to your boobs, and his hands are now pulling up your skirt to claw at your ass. He grunts as he involuntarily ruts himself against you, and you whine as you feel the material of his jeans stimulating your clit. Your juices are soaking his pants, and he just loves how good you smell.  
·        You start humping him in earnest, and that’s when he knows he needs to be inside of you, now. He quickly picks you up, only to set you down on the floor on your back, and pauses momentarily to zip down his jeans and pull himself out. He’s so thick that you can already feel your mouth water. He glides his cock across your folds, gathering all your slick and spreading it across his head. A whimper leaves you.  You can’t wait for him to be inside you.
·        Just as he pops the head of his cock in, Namjoon pulls Yoongi back by his shoulder and stops him. You whine as you feel his girth leaving you, and Yoongi, just as confused as you, turns back to ask Namjoon what the hell he thinks he’s doing. “Don’t look at me like that”, Namjoon chuckles. “I have an idea. Why don’t you sit on the couch and fuck her, and I’ll sit on the floor and watch.”
·        Yoongi’s mouth curves into a smile. Without warning, he picks you up by your arms and takes you with him as he sits on the couch. Then he turns you around so that you are facing Namjoon. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as he pulls you onto his hips, pushing his cock into you without preparation.
·        “Fuck baby”, he groans. You swallow a moan. “I barely kissed you, and you’re so wet? So fucking wet for your oppa?”. His hands dig into your hips as he feels you trying to grind your pussy against him.” “Stop it, slut. Sit still and take it. “. It takes you everything not to pout at his sudden rough words. “Show Daddy your pussy.”
·        Namjoon looks in hunger as you spread your legs, exposing yourself to him. His tongue flicks out and licks his canines. He has already pulled his dick out of his pants and is stroking himself. “How does it look, Joon?”,asks Yoongi. “How does my cock look in her pussy?”. “It looks fucking delectable.”, Namjoon replies, leaning forward to lick a strip up from Yoongi”s dick to your folds. Your brain stops functioning as you feel his tongue on you. Yoongi jolts, loving the feeling against his balls.
·        Namjoon delves right back in, lapping at the place where you and Yoongi are joined. A blush creeps onto your cheeks as the squelching sound fills the room, but you can’t bring yourself to care. You keen as his nose brushes against your clit and start rutting yourself against Yoongi’s dick, unable to help it. Namjoon moves down to completely envelop Yoongi’s balls into his mouth, earning a grunt and a few curse words from the older man.
·        As soon as he starts bouncing you on his dick, Namjoon chooses to move upwards and start licking at your nipples. You bring your hands to his head, threading your fingers in his hair and pushing him closer to you, shuddering. When he has given your boobs equal attention, he goes  to kiss you. He shoves his tongue into your mouth, sucking hard on your tongue. Your hand wraps around his dick, pumping rapidly.
·        Yoongi grunts as his thrusts become more rapid. He pulls Namjoon’s mouth to his own, licking into it as his hand joins your own as he plays with the younger boy’s balls. Namjoon shivers and comes with a growl, covering your hands with his release. The image of both of your boyfriends kissing is enough for you too, and everything fades to white as you come.
·        Feeling you squeezing his cock, Yoongi groans, and he frantically thrusts into you, desperate for his own orgasm. You reach behind him with your hand to stroke his tail, and he makes an animalistic noise as his dick slips out of you and sprays cum over Namjoon’s chest.
·        All of you are panting by the time Yoongi’s done. Namjoon gently picks you up from the other male’s lap, and you slowly drift off to sleep in his arms as he carries you to the bedroom. You barely register Yoongi’s lips against your forehead as you fall into a deep slumber.
A/N: This is not edited. Lemme know if you’d like a part 2!
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aureumjeon · 6 years
Pitter-Patter (M) || KNJ
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♡ Domestic!Au ♡ Husband!Namjoon x Reader ♡ !! WARNING !! Mention of miscarriage, depression, Fluff, Angst, Light smut. ♡ Words: 5.1K
a/n: *Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nurse, midwife or anything. This was based on my own knowledge (I gave birth twice.) and of course, Google. I literally cried while writing the miscarriage scene. I have no intention of offending women who went through a mc. For those who experienced it recently or 10, 20, or even 30 years ago, I am so sorry for your loss. I will hold a special spot in my heart for you and your child. I am a mere stranger to you but I want you to know that there's a rainbow always after the rain.  🌈
“You’re not going to go through this alone,  I’m with you all the way.”
You were huddled up in thick blankets on the living room couch watching Marvel's Thor: Ragnarok with your loving husband, Namjoon. Too immersed in the comedic yet action-packed plot, you did not feel your husband's hand slither its way down to the apex of your thigh. "Babe..." You whined, wiggling your thigh, trying to shake off his venturing hand. "I'm trying to watch here." You said, completely unamused. He chuckled and retorted "But we've watched this movie THREE times now." With a heavy emphasis on the three. Giggles were the only thing you replied, waving your hands in his face trying to dismiss his logical argument. He snickered at your response and rested his head on your lap, looking up at you and admiring the view. He genuinely felt happy that he gets to spend his entire life with you, for better or for worst. There was only one thing he thought was missing. "Y/N..." He hummed your name sweetly, his voice low and smooth, and it felt like feathers titillating your eardrums. "Yes, love?" You hummed back while brushing your fingers through his silver tinted hair, eyes still focused on the television.  "Maybe..." He paused. Namjoon nervously swallowed a lump in his throat and carried on with what he was saying, “I think we could try again, Y/N. It's been 8 months." Your husband firmly stated, washing off any trace of hesitancy.
It took you a while to process what he was suggesting when it did sink in, the playfulness of your voice dissipated. Your face stone hard and a frown was embossed on your lips. With eyes cold as ice, you stared him down like he murdered someone. You stood up abruptly, causing his head to hit the seat cushion. "Ouch." He hissed. "Good thing its soft and we weren't lying on the floor." going over the back of his head with his fingers. You marched straight up to your shared bedroom and shut the door as loudly as you could. SLAM!
"Aish.." Namjoon sighed, pulling himself up and trailed over to where you headed. "Y/N." He knocked on the wood door twice but to no avail. "Love." He called you again, this time by your term of endearment for each other. You know you can't resist when he calls you that. The way the word escapes his lips, like a hot knife gliding through cold butter. Yes, it’s that smooth. When Namjoon heard the sound of the lock clicking, he slowly held the doorknob and nudged it open. “Y/N...” He whispered, inching closer to the side of the bed where you were seated. “Are you okay?” he inquired, rubbing circles on your back trying to soothe you. “I’m sorry...” you apologized, feeling guilty at your sudden outburst. It wasn’t his fault, and he definitely did not deserve that. You clasped his hand, lightly tugging at it, encouraging him to sit down beside you. He precisely did what you asked, wrapping his arms around you. You felt the warm, comforting heat radiate from his body.
“It’s not your fault, love...” He replied, voice gentle and soft. “Sorry for being insensitive.” He settled his hand on your face, thumb caressing the apple of your cheek. “Sorry if it seemed like I was rushing you.” Namjoon leaned closer to you and placed a kiss chaste kiss on your forehead. [Past] Rewind to the day you found out that you were carrying a little angel in your womb. "Love!" You shouted from the bathroom, your voice was quivering from excitement. Namjoon thought there was something wrong or that you were in trouble, he barged right through the door and exclaimed "Y/N! What's wrong?!” Tears were welling up in your eyes. You held up the at home pregnancy test kit in your hand, two solid red lines showed. After years and years of trying to conceive, the exhausting days filled with mapping out your ovulation period, ingesting an unhealthy amount of supplement that promised to enhance your fertility, and going back and forth with your not-so-affordable OB-GYNE finally paid off. "We're pregnant?" Your thunderstruck of a husband gleefully asked. "We're pregnant!" You jumped into his arms, feeling his familiar embrace. "We're... We're pregnant." He sighed in positive disbelief, tightening his hold on you. "I can't believe it!" He whimpered as his face dived deeper in the crook of your neck, "Finally." You softly hummed. The excitement of knowing that you will become a mother tickled you inside, setting off tiny, little butterflies. The following day you went to the clinic to professionally confirm that you were indeed pregnant. Your doctor delightfully congratulated both of you and enlightened you with everything you needed to know for the next 9-10 months. You took note of everything she advised, from 'what to eat and what not to eat' to 'sleeping facing the left was suggested, because it provided better blood circulation for the child." (A/n: Fun fact, this is true. My doctor advised me to sleep on the left side with both of my pregnancies. ) You were ecstatic, you undeniably were.
The moment you and your husband walked out of the building, your mind was focused on one thing, one thing alone. You looked at Namjoon with sparkly eyes and chimed "Baby clothes, bottles, binkies, shoes, bouncer, toys---" You were interrupted by your dimpled husband "Calm down, love. Isn't too early to buy those?" He chuckled, to which you replied with a pout. "And we don't know our baby's gender yet." His argument was convincing, but your stubbornness was stronger. You crossed your arms in a child-like manner, again pouting your lips into a c-shape while you stomp your feet. Indeed, like a 5-year old who was not allowed to use her tablet because screen time was over. "Come on, Y/N..." Namjoon stated, his hand was on your shoulders, trying to overpower you rebellious stance. "No." You huffed, cheeks puffed out. "Yah. You know you're absolutely gonna be the death of me, Y/N." He worded jokingly, raising his hands up in defeat "Fine." Your eyes grew 10 times wider at his surrender. "We can get a few things--," You yelled in excitement, cutting him off. "On one condition..." He continued, your grin turned upside down. "We will only get essential things." You face was like a clock, changing its direction every second. "Deal!" You joyfully replied, hooking arms with him. - "Look at this, love!" You exclaimed at amazement, pointing at the compact stroller that magically folds into a cube no more than 20 inches in height and width. Namjoon coiled his arm around your waist and kissed the top of your head. You reached the clothing section for 3 months and below. With wandering eyes, you gazed at all the lovely clothes stacked against one another, row after row, and aisle after aisle. They were just as adorable as you expected them to be. Varying from the palest shade of pink to the deepest shade of blue. Onesies, jumpers, sweaters, hats with fluffy cat ears on top, you name it. "Only what's necessary." Namjoon prompted you with a smile on his face, seeing you happy made him happy. "Yes, sir!" You replied. Your husband does have a point; it really was too early for this. You were just excited at the whole ordeal, and you were thankful that your husband was very kind, loving and understanding enough to let you do what you want. "These!" You plucked the 6-set whites onesies from the display hook. "And these, too!" A cute 3-piece pyjama set littered with doodles of cats, dogs and rabbits accordingly. You tossed them in the basket that was held by your husband. He walked behind you, following every twist and turn you took. Humming a song as he observed you with love-struck eyes. You, the love of his life, is now bearing his child. A family, he thought to himself, together the three of you will become a family. After getting what you needed, you hurriedly hauled your husband to the counter to pay for everything you bought. You got to the car and sat in the passenger seat, holding the bag of baby stuff. "You happy?" Namjoon smiled, his free hand resting on your thigh. "Very!" You lovingly replied, clutching on the bag. The first three months were hell, the doctor told you that this period is where your body will start to feel the surge of hormones. Some women feel nothing at all, while others experience nausea, vomiting, fatigue, cravings, smell sensitivity, and many, many more unpleasant thing. Unfortunately, you represent the latter.
You wouldn't survive it if it wasn't for you very supportive husband. He'd remind you when it was time to take your prenatal pills, cook you a full balanced meal, sing you lullabies when you had trouble sleeping, massage your back, legs and feet whenever you feel them ache, and run to the 24-hour convenience store when you want to eat weird combination of food like chocolate covered sausage. He was heaven sent, you looked at him with luminous eyes while he cradled your growing bump in his arms, kissing it more than a hundred times. What have you done in your past life to deserve a man like him? He was an amazing husband, and he will be an amazing father too. "We got a monthly check up tomorrow right?" You asked your husband at you scanned your phone's calendar. "Yes..." He hummed as he placed another kiss on your tummy. "I'm excited to see how much our little one has grown." You smiled. Namjoon crawled beside you, spooning you in. "Sleep, love. It's harmful to stay up late." He stated. You closed your eyes and felt your body drift into dreamland. Tomorrow comes, you were seated at the waiting area with your husband, waiting for your names to be called. "Mr. and Mrs. Kim?" The nurse at the reception desk stated, she smiled and added: "Mrs. Park is ready to see you now." You bowed and entered the room, greeting the familiar face of the doctor you've been seeing for almost 3 years. "How are you feeling, darling?" Your sweet doctor inquired as she gestured for your maternity booklet. "Have you eaten well and are you getting enough sleep?" You nod, while she scanned your previous record. "By the look of it, you're 16 weeks in today, congratulations again." She grinned from ear to ear. Happy to see that the Kims, one of her favorite couple has come a long way. She rose from her seat and guided you over to her examination table, helping you lie down. "Let's see how much the baby has grown." She clapped, reaching for her handy dandy tape measure and measured your bump. "Good, good. This is an appropriate size for a 16th week gestational age." You smiled and looked over your to your right, you husband giving you the thumbs up. "Next, we'll count the baby's heartbeat." She opened the drawer next to the examination table and pulled her Doppler foetal monitor. She uncapped the tube of Aquasonic 100 Ultrasound gel and spread it on the tip of the gadget. You jolt at the sudden coldness you felt. "Okay, stay still mommy. Let's find your angel's heartbeat.
Your doctor furrowed her brows after 6 minutes of searching for your little one's thumping heart. "That's odd." She obscurely said. The look of worry both flooded you and Namjoon's faces. "Is something wrong, Mrs. Park?" Your husband, who was presently standing to your right, impatiently asked while clasping your hand. "I'm having a hard time locating it." She answered, "It is possible your baby's in a very snug position, that might be the reason why my Doppler can get a hold of his/her heartbeat." You exhaled a profound sigh of relief, looking at each other with weary eyes. "It's going to be alright, love," Namjoon assured you, kissing your knuckles. "I'll ask my assistant to prepare the ultrasound room for us. We require a more powerful machine so we will use big Al, that's what we call him here." She smiled. "Please wait a moment Mr. and Mrs. Kim." She then left the room. "Everything's gonna be alright, I promise." Your husband assured you once more, as he felt your hands tremble in fear. "I hope so..." You sighed. You were finally in the ultrasound room, Big Al stood before you. "Okay. This will do the job." Mrs. Park affirmed, "Please." She gestured to the examination table, this time it was a bigger one. "With this, we will be able to locate it 10 times faster." You breathe in and out to release the tension in your body. The sonographer gave Mrs. Park the go signal, she slid the now mightier machine on your stomach again for a solid 3 minutes. You crossed your fingers and hoped for the best, anticipating only positive things. You train of thought was then cut short by the sonographer. "Mrs. Park, for a while." The young lady called to the elder woman. You and Namjoon's eyes were stuck on the both of them. She then muttered something into her ear, causing her happy demeanor to melt into a gloomy one. She cleared her throat and stood firm and professional. "Mrs. Kim." Her voice was laced with sadness, and you felt your own heart rate shoot up a hundred times. "I'm sorry." She outstretched her hand to hold yours, squeezing it tightly. Your mind went dull. "What?" You asked, utterly terrified at what she was about to say next. "The baby doesn’t have a heartbeat." You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces inside your chest, piercing you lungs making you unable to breathe properly. "What?!" Your husband yelled furiously, Mrs. Park was trying to calm him down. It felt like a gun was aimed at your head, and reality pulled the trigger. Big, heavy tears instantaneously fell from your eyes without a warning. You felt the ground swallow you whole. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY?!
You suddenly burst into a desperate cry. You hopped off the table and fell to the ground with a loud thud; Namjoon rushed over and held you in his arms. The pain from the fall was no way near the pain you felt at the moment. Hearing the news with your own two ears felt like a death sentence. "Why?!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. "W-w-?!" sobbing endlessly. Words were not enough to express all the emotions stirring up inside you. If felt painful; it felt horrible; it felt terrifying; it felt excruciatingly unbearable; it felt like you no longer had a reason to live; it felt like all the sense in your mind, and your body was stripped off with just one sentence. "Why?! I did everything right!" You bawled, using your husband as a punching bag. "Why?! Why did it turn out like this?!" Your screams grew harsher that other nurses fled to the room to determine what all the commotion was about. You looked at Mrs. Park and wept "Why?" She bowed her and went down to your level. "I'm extremely sorry, Y/N." Her eyes filled with guilt as she failed you, in the sense that it was her responsibility to take care of the mother and child during the miraculous process of conceiving up to delivering. She did not see your future, and the future of your child turn out this way. "I'm sorry." She truly was. You and your husband were escorted to a private room, where you could take a rest. Your eyes were still bloodshot, red and swollen. You were shivering uncontrollably from head to toe. You were not in the right state for a conversation at the moment, so Namjoom was the one who discussed with Mrs. Park about the next step. Namjoon calmly explained to you that they scheduled you for a labor induction a week from now. Mrs. Park said it would be better to give you time to adjust, time to accept the reality as it is. There was nothing you or he could do to prevent it. Miscarriages happen, even to the healthiest of women. You headed home later that day, you haven't said a single word. It pained your husband to see you like this so he decided to take a whole month off of work, he was fortunate that his boss was kind enough to. He allotted his time to take care of you, making sure you knew you were loved, even at your darkest moments. The cursed day came, and you we're nothing but scared. Your husband looked at you with hopeful eyes "You're not going to go through this alone. I'm with you all the way." He assured you, giving you one last kissed before they wheeled you to the delivery room. "I love you." He voiced out enough for you to hear.
After two gruelling hours that felt like forever, you were able to deliver your child. He was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. You held him in your arms. He was tiny and fragile, no less than 5 inches long. You looked at his face; he's got Namjoon's eyes and your nose. You gently touch his little feet; you were in complete awe at his cute toenails. "Look, love." You hummed to your husband who carried the same face as yours. "Beautiful." He smiled through his faltering voice, "Our baby is beautiful." You looked at you husband and said "Byeol." You smiled faintly, "Let's name him Kim Byeol." He merely nodded "I think that's a lovely name." You tried holding back the tears, for these were moments that needed to be cherished. A mother and child moment that can never be replaced. You were celebrating the birth of your child, your beautiful child. He might not be here physically, but spiritually he is. He was in your heart, in your mind, and in your soul. And he always will be. He was a part of you that can never be taken away. You loved him the day he was created, you love him the day he was taken, and you’ll love him until your last breath. "Byeol." So that every time the sun goes down and the moon takes over its throne, you know he's there. Watching over you while you sleep and dream about him. There may come certain times when the skies are cloudy or filled with rain, he will hide. For just like you, he is terrified. Once the storm calms and there's no more need to be scared, he will show himself. He will show you and teach you that the darker the sky, the brighter your little star will shine. It was time to say goodbye. You were not ready, you were not ready to say goodbye yet. You knew he could not stay with you forever, but when they took him from you, you felt empty. Your life felt empty. It's like a huge shadow was cast over you, engulfing you in darkness. 'No, please.' You whispered to yourself as they took your baby away. You feel asleep almost immediately, your body was tired, of course. You needed to rest, your mind and your body needed to rest. You woke up to the next day. Your husband happily prepared breakfast for you, his eyes were still red and swollen from all the crying he did last night. You were silent; you were confused; you were lost. He was worried you didn't want to eat anything, but he still pushed it upon himself to get you to eat something even if it's a small piece of bread and a glass of water. Once your meal was finished, he handed you a white frame. Two little footprints in the middle of the page, the name "Byeol Kim" written in beautiful calligraphy just above it, and below it, the words "Forever in my heart" pulled a heart string. Each corner was decorated in white lace with intricate design, a pair of angel wings at each side. "A gift." He interjected. "From the hospital." You were still silent, but he knew deep down in your heart that the simple gift meant the world to you. After your induction, she advised you to stay at home, take all the rest you need, eat healthily and take care of yourself. She wished you a speedy recovery.
 The car drive home was quiet. No words, no tears, no nothing. He watched as you aimlessly walk around the house, clutching onto your stomach, mumbling incoherent words. He did not mind he had to feed you, bathe you, clothe you, and brush your hair. He didn't mind any of those things because this was the way he could help your recovery. He loved you, and he wanted to do everything in his power to help you get back up on your feet, even if it's one day at a time. Namjoon woke up with the sound of your cries. He ran to where the sound came from and discovered you on the floor in tears, holding on the clothes that you bought not so long ago. "Byeol..." You sobbed, looking at the baby clothes. "My Byeol.." Striking your hands on the floor. "My baby's gone." You mourned endlessly. "What's the point of living if my baby didn't get to experience it?" The sound of your broken cries echoed inside the entire house. Namjoon picked you, bridal style and carried you to your room. "Hush now, love." He sang, rocking you in his arms. "Byeol's not gone." Namjoon squeezed your hand and placed it against your chest, just above your heart. "He's here." Then he transferred it to his "And here, too." He smiled, "As long as we're here, he will be here, too." His voice was like a lullaby that alleviated your pain. You thought you were alone, that there was nobody that could understand your pain. You carried that child. You carried that burden. You felt sad you forgot about the other most important person in your life, Namjoon. You harmoniously pranced with him through the better, now, you're defying all odds through the worse. Your previous flare-ups with your husband were nothing compared to this, this was a level beyond any other level. You were grateful, extremely. You fell in love with the man who's willing to move mountains for you, search high and low just to make you happy. He would gladly surrender his life in exchange for yours to be spared, eternally, you were grateful.
You ran your fingers through his locks, looking intensely at his black orbs. "I love you." He leaned in closer and captured you with a kiss. His hands traveled to the hem of your shirt, lifting it in one fell swoop, you giggled in surprise. Namjoon pushed you further to the bed with hungry kisses, his instincts kicked in when he plopped you, back flat on the mattress. He looked at your shirtless figure below him, and he bit his lip and said: "You’re fucking beautiful." And continued with the interrupted kiss. It felt like a lifetime; it really did. You were so frightened of another heartbreak and going through the same experience again that you cut off all sexual involvement besides kissing and cuddling for 8 months. You were amazed at your husband's strong will but felt bad, too. Because you were blocking something that comes so natural between two people that love each other. He understood where you coming from, of course. There were just times that his naughty little hands found it's under your shirt or inside your panties, it was cute but still. You weren't ready then. You are now. "Oh my god." You hummed. You missed the way his breath felt your neck while he was kissing you there; you missed the way your hands clung onto his shoulders, your digits digging in to his skin; you miss the way your back would arch every time he would suck on your supple flesh, drawing out purple bruise; you simple miss him. "Is... Is this okay?" He broke the kiss, making sure you wanted this as much as he did. "Yes." You mused, shimmying your shorts and panties down. Your action caused his pupils to dilate, breath heavy. "I love you, Namjoon." "I love you too, Y/N." His mouth inched closer to your perked nubs, his warm breath fanning over your skin as he sucked more marks, sending your senses into overdrive. "Uggh-" You moaned, hands curling into a fist. "You enjoying yourself?" He chuckled lowly, taking in your nipple in his mouth which earned another loud moan from you. He sucked on it, tweaking it between his teeth. "Don't... Stop..." You whined. His hands came up and cupped both of your breasts, kneading it with his huge palm and long fingers. Your body once again contorted into an arch, as the bolt of electricity ran through your entire boy. You hustled him away, for a second there he thought you wanted to back out, but to his surprise, you grabbed his shirt and plucked it over his body. "I like seeing you naked." You huffed, scanning his entire figure. He then untied the lace of his sweatpants and pulled it down to his knees before kicking it off. "Me, too." He boasted his hard 7-inch member meeting you tip to eye. His head was glossy due to the beads of pre-cum coming out of its narrow slit. "Wow." You mouthed, eyes still affixed on his dick. "What can I say, it missed you, a lot." He joked while pumping himself. "Want me to stretch you out first? It's been so long." He suggested. You shyly nod and wait for him to descend to you soaked womanhood. "I guess someone misses it, too." He growled, his face mere centimetres away from your core. "You smell as amazing as the day I ate you out for the first time." He groaned through close nit teeth, wanting to eat you whole. "F-fuck!" You whipped when he licked a stripe over you juice stained core. "You're so wet for me, Y/N," He pridefully stated. "And only for me." He was ravenous, like a carnivore that hasn't had a meal in days chomping down on its prey. Boy, he ate you the right way. He managed to pull himself off of your inviting pussy because of the need to fuck you was taking over his body. "Is that okay? You're pretty lubed up now." He gave you a certain glance that could only refer to one thing. You spread your legs, coaxing him to dive right in. Right away, his body hovered over yours, he lined himself next to your dripping core. "Tell me if it hurts, Okay?" He said before gradually pushing the tip of his cock. He went in nice and steady, "God, I forgot you were so fucking tight." He pushed in further, you pussy was swallowing his member inch by inch. Your walls were clenching around his shaft. You yelped at the delicious stretch, his pulsating dick in filling you up so good. The sound of your wanton moans reverberated in his ears making him pulled away and then snap his back into you so fucking hard. "Namjoon-ah!" You screamed as he thrashed you onto the mattress. You grabbed a fistful of his locks; you tuck your butt in and raised your pelvis a bit higher, giving him a better angle to penetrate you. "Shit." His voice was cracked, breathing heavy. "I think I'm about to come... " He whined, quickening his pace. "Cum with me, Y/N." With his words, your velvet walls hugged his hard member perfectly, his thrust we sloppy, an indication of him approaching his climax. "Fuuuuck!" He groaned out loud when he spilled his seed inside of your warm hole. "Fuck indeed." You playfully hummed while he rode out both of your highs. He managed to squeeze in one last push before his member turned flaccid. His body dropped on your own. "You're heavy..." You grumbled, his sweat mixed with yours "Sweaty, too! Ewww!" You joked. Namjoon looked at you and said "Shower?" with a big grin on his face. "Yes please!"
Five weeks have passed, and you were 4 days late for your period. You had been experiencing sudden mood swings and cravings the past week, your breast felt more tender than the usual and morning sickness plague you every single day. You searched for your spare Pregnancy test kit in your medicine cabinet. You peed on the stick, thinking nothing of it, not expecting anything. "Positive" You uttered, speechless at the sight of two red lines. "It's positive." You lowered your voice, hoping your husband didn't hear you. You wanted to surprise him and what great timing you thought, his birthday was just right around the corner. You stuffed the test in your pocket and ran upstairs. Rummaging through your closet, you found the box of your engagement ring. You pulled out all of the foam contents, making sure the small test would fit inside. "Yes!" It was a perfect fit. You couldn't wait for six more, so you had to tell him now. "Love??" You yelled. "Come up here for a second. I need to show you something." "In a minute!" He was hanging the clothes you had finished washing together. "What is it?" He stepped into the room and was greeted by you with a mischievous grin on your face. "Okay..." He cautiously shut the door behind him and continued "What are you up to?" He asked with a doubtful tone in his voice. "You birthday's coming up, and I got you an early gift!" You cheerfully stated. "You know you didn't have to." He tucked the strand of hair behind your ear. "You're already the best gift I received." Placing a gentle kiss on your lips. Your grin grew wider as you said: "I found something better!" You handed him the small box, and he looked confused. "Your? Ring?" He chuckled at your antics. "Open it, c'mon!" The moment he opens the box and laid eyes on whatever was inside, no words were spoken, he hugged you so tight, oh so very tight and said "Okay. This is probably the best birthday gift anybody has ever given me." Fast forward to a year and a half later with you sitting on the living room floor. Same old house, same old car, same old couch, but... Something was different... You were thankful your prayers had been answered as you heard the pitter-patter of little footsteps on the hardwood floor. End.
a/n: somewhat edited. idk 11/22/18
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roseonhissleeve · 7 years
A blurb where you an Harry have been trying to have a baby for a while, and it just doesn't happen, and one day you are showing the symptoms so you decide to take a pregnancy test and as you wait for it in the bathroom he is just outside the room waiting for the good news, and it comes out positive and you go outside and just nod at him and he knows, and you just share a big hug and grin
“Harry…are you sure?”
Your voice was a soft croak as you looked up at your husband from over your shoulder, the cold tile of the bathroom pressing against your bare thighs.
You had just spent the past ten minutes throwing up into the toilet bowl, with Harry holding your hair back behind your shoulders as he pressed soft kisses to the top of your head. It had been four days now that you’d been getting up in the early morning to throw up—you knew what it possibly meant, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up. Not again.
You and Harry had been trying for almost half a year to get pregnant. The countless negative pregnancy tests, ovulation strips, and trips to the doctor had just about drained you of all hope of having a child naturally—the two of you had the money to go through artificial means, but that didn’t stop the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Your body had failed you.
It had taken you weeks to finally feel like yourself again—to be able to look at a baby in the street and not feel like someone had punched you in the gut.
Which is why when Harry suggested taking a pregnancy test, you really didn’t want to get your hopes up.
“m’sure…” he murmured, nuzzling his nose into your tangled locks. “It’s your choice…but I think we should, love.”
Your lower lip trembled a little as you nodded your head, holding back the bit of nausea that resided in your stomach.
Despite yourself, you felt a small ray of hope.
It’s four a.m. and you wait for Harry as he runs to the twenty-four hour pharmacy, not knowing that he’s just about breaking all the speed limits and runs about three red lights on the way there and back. In the meantime you’re sipping on a glass of water that he’s left for you. 
Ten minutes later he’s back, and you hear him stumble a little bit as he went up the stairs before appearing in the doorway of the bathroom. 
 The look on his face was filled with hope, and that’s when you realized that despite your reservations, you were as well.He steps outside of the bathroom as you take the test, giving you some privacy.A minute later you set the stick on the counter and set the timer on your phone, staring at yourself in the mirror.
It was the longest five minutes of your life. 
Your eyes scanned your body as you waited, and they narrow in specifically on the slight bit of pudge on your belly that wasn’t there a month ago. It’s so small that it could literally be a food baby, or just a little bit of weight gain. 
But it could also be your baby. 
Your hands fly instinctively to your belly as you sucked in a breath, and everything didn’t quite fall into place like it used to.Your heartbeat was pounding in your ears as you kept your hands against your stomach, as if it was their new home. 
Five minutes go by and your breath catches in your throat at the sound of the timer go off. 
You tap your phone screen quickly and it takes you a good thirty seconds because you can will yourself to look down at the little stick that had your fate in its hands.Once you do, tears spring to your eyes. 
Seven minutes after he leaves you in the bathroom you emerge to look at Harry—his eyes are wide and he’s standing in the middle of your bedroom, obviously having been pacing the entire time. His hands are in his hair and he’s looking at you like you’re the center of the universe. 
Your lips immediately spread into the biggest of smiles, and he swears that he can see a nod of your head. 
He covers his mouth with his palms suddenly, his own eyes shining with tears. He takes a small step backwards, almost as if catching himself from a fall—his shoulders rise and fall a little bit as his eyes lower to your belly, where your hands now permanently reside. 
And suddenly, he’s rushing towards you. 
His arms wind around your body and squeeze you tight, you and the new love of his life.His features bury in your shoulder and you nuzzle against his hair, sniffing quietly. His tears are staining your shirt but you couldn’t care in the slightest, and you tangle your fingers in the soft locks at the back of his neck. 
You stand there for what seems like ages, holding each other and occasionally swaying side to side. It was the moment that the two of you had been waiting for for so long. The challenge of getting pregnant had only made your relationship stronger—Harry had never been more understanding, kind, and empathetic to your worries and your insecurities. Where some couples might have fallen apart, the two of you had found solace in each other.
But this was the greatest gift you could have ever received at the end of that incredibly difficult tunnel.
Eventually Harry’s hand finds its place at your belly, his voice a soft murmur. 
“We’re gonna have a baby,” he exhales almost in disbelief, his voice shaky yet confident all at the same time.
A soft hiccup of a sob escapes your lips at his words. It didn’t really hit you until then, until he said the words out loud and you realized that your lives would be forever changed. 
“You’re gonna be a daddy,” you sighed contently, exhaling a soft giggle. You pull away from your embrace only enough to look at his features, and the both of you are grinning ear to ear—he presses his palms on either side of your face ever so gently, leaning in to pepper your cheeks and your lips with kisses.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he murmurs repeatedly, and he’s suddenly kneeling in front of you, nuzzling his nose against your belly. It makes a fresh set of tears appear in your eyes, and you reach down to gently massage his scalp through his brown curls. 
You had never been more in love.
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Hi, what made you so certain that Lucrecia recently gave birth during her confrontation with Hojo about Vincent? I'm still a teen with no sexual experience whatsoever so I'm curious.
Hey there! This actually isn’t something that requires sexual experience to figure out, just comprehension of the plot. xD; It’s not like I went, “Ah yes, due to my sexual experience I can certainly deduce that Lucrecia has just had a baby.”
Firstly, we all know it’s not in question that Lucrecia had a baby, yeah? I mean, basically the plot of FF7 can be boiled down to “Lucrecia had a baby, and it went badly.” Ok? Ok.
Her pregnancy is established in the scene that begins with “Is it true?”, when Vincent confronts Hojo and Lucrecia about experimenting on the unborn child. In English, he says, “But using your own child for an experiment?!” but in Japanese it’s something more like “Using the child inside your stomach for an experiment?!” that implies that she is already pregnant.
Later, we see Lucrecia and Hojo arguing in front of a pickling Vincent (sorry, I love referring to deadTurk!Vincent as “pickling”) inside his tank. She says, “Give him back! Give my son back!” This establishes that Sephiroth has already been born.
So, we know she had a pregnancy and gave birth at some point between those two scenes, but not exactly when. There would also need to be some time for her to recover from the childbirth before she could be up and about and before she would look non-pregnant again.
My deduction that the entire pregnancy and birth took place before the shooting scene rather than after it is a result of generously allowing the storytellers the concession that she doesn’t look pregnant when she walks into the library and stumbles upon Hojo shooting Vincent because she isn’t pregnant, and not because they were just lazy af about their game models. (Not airtight logic given the antics of Squeenix, I grant you.)
Due to the rate at which the scenes following that progress, as well as later dialogue like “What’s wrong with me…? Maybe I’ve been working too hard lately” when she collapses (instead of attributing her physical weakness to, oh I don’t know, a pregnancy that she knows she currently has), I think it’s more likely that the pregnancy we don’t see occurred before the shooting than after.
We’re talking about like 6 months of visible pregnancy that we never see, after all, and maybe about 2–3 that could feasibly be visually undetectable before she starts showing and after that scene where it’s mentioned that she’s pregnant and they’re going to experiment on the baby. It doesn’t seem likely that Vincent’s death, Hojo experimenting on him, then Lucrecia stealing him from Hojo and working on him herself, and all the scenes we see of her in the lab could have happened during that time—and that then there would be 6–7 months during which we don’t see Lucrecia in any scenes at all, until many months later we see her in the lab again, arguing with Hojo about the baby?
No, it’s far more likely that the storytelling lull during which not enough happened to show Lucrecia in any scenes for 6–7 months occurred between the pregnancy being established and Vincent being shot. Because after he gets shot, all hell breaks loose. (Um, kind of literally? Lawllll sorry Vince. >.> )
Also, in the corresponding OG flashback, the order of these events is this:
shot of Lucrecia alone in a room rubbing her tummy, establishing to the player that she is pregnant.
Vincent runs up to Hojo and says he’s against the experiments.
Vincent narrates that the child was born and he was named Sephiroth.
Lucrecia collapses.
Vincent confronts Hojo and gets shot.
So, as long as it is accepted that DoC is trying to tell more or less the same events (even if they reinterpreted them a bit), then it would follow that the pregnancy mostly occurs during a span of time between Vincent voicing his dissent about the experiments and Vincent getting shot.
But you probably heard me claiming that she had just given birth in that scene while making a case that she was emotionally and hormonally compromised. (I don’t know which posts of mine you just read that you’re asking about, but off the top of my head that’s the context I can think of me pointing that out in.) And even if you headcanoned that she was still pregnant (which isn’t really heavily supported by canon but isn’t outright contradicted by it either), then those statements would still apply.
For what it’s worth, I have never been pregnant myself either, nor does sexual experience give you magical insight into pregnancy. From what I understand, pregnancy is usually detected around 1 month or a little later from the start of the pregnancy (which is actually counted from the first day of the last period, not ovulation or conception), and when a woman starts “showing” can vary but is usually around 3 months or so? (Lucrecia is a pretty thin woman so it seems to me that concealing a pregnancy on her would be like trying to hide a grape on a popsicle stick.) I could be slightly off about the timeline of a pregnancy, but not by a significant enough amount for it to make any difference in arguing that her visible pregnancy + post-childbirth recovery time would have taken too long to occur at any time between Vincent being shot and, say, her collapsing in the lab and wondering what’s wrong with her health (at which point I believe we can rule out that she is still pregnant, because then she wouldn’t be wondering).
Oh, but what I do posit which is a little more open to interpretation is that she was actually only just recently “up and about again” when the shooting happened, rather than the birth having occurred quite some time before this. This is primarily because Hojo expresses that he heard someone in her lab but didn’t immediately know that it would have been her, and I believe this may be because it was the first time she was back to working in the lab since being out of commission having a baby (and maybe even sooner than she should have been returning). This is also congruent with her holding her stomach when she ambles into the library, experiencing poor health and being surprised by it like these developments are new to her, and also gives her a distraction from Sephiroth’s absence from the outset. But then we’re getting into headcanon. :)
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i love you (jake x amy)
So i was having the Feels™ and i came across the prompt ‘Describe how it feels in your mouth to say I love you’ and I wanted to explore that so I started writing this but it kind of spiraled out of control and yeah. :D This is set during 4x11 and it contains spoilers, so if you haven’t watched it, be warned! Also this is also posted on AO3, so if you want you can go read there and show some love if you like it: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9182590
He makes the mistake of turning to look at her.
He splutters and the words he has memorized since his days at the academy die on his lips. He does a sort of double take, his mouth stays open and he doesn’t care that the awful smell of the sewers is invading his mouth and will probably make him gag later. She has that determined and focused expression on her face, she’s racing through the Miranda rights, her brows furrowed and her hands steadily holding her gun towards the perp. She’s there and she’s awesome and she wants to move in with him.
The thought makes him feel the words on the tip of his tongue. At first it starts out in his chest, a warm wave that at the same time makes his chest constrict and fill with air which Jake realizes is literally impossible but he swears that’s what it feels like. The wave then spreads through his entire body, sending pleasant chills down his spine, arms and legs until finally he feels it in his toes and has the urge to curl them or skip which would totally ruin the moment because he has his gun drawn in front of a perp, so he’s totally nailing the badass thing.
He can’t help but be madly in love with Amy Santiago, damn it.
“Why did you stop?”
Jake’s aware he has this dumbstruck expression on and that both Terry and Charles are here to witness him making heart eyes at Amy but he finds he doesn’t care because she has confusion written all over her face and it’s so adorable and so Amy that his heart could burst right out of his chest. Absentmindedly Jake figures that would be bad because blood would be all over the place and the heart would probably hit someone in the face and he definitely doesn’t want any member of the squad seeing his insides but he figures it’s not that bad of a way to go, considering his last image would be that amazing expression on Amy Santiago’s face.
“I’m done. You win,” Jake says. He feels the corners of his lips turn upwards just a fraction at the sight of Amy blinking because she doesn’t get it.
His mouth is dry, this whole time it’s been open because of the awesome oozing out of Amy, but he doesn’t need to swallow or wet his lips in order to easily form the words. His voice is steady and sure, his gaze unwavering and while two years ago Jake would look everywhere but at the person he’s talking to and stumble spectacularly through a simple sentence (I’m uncomfortable with emotions) there isn’t a single damn thing stopping him now from assuring Amy that he means what he is about to say. His tongue hits the roof of his mouth gently, not like when he says You’re under arrest! or Noice! when it slams on it quickly and roughly, no, this is different. It’s soft and it’s pleasant and after that his tongue moves smoothly back to its resting place and stays there in peace while his jaw moves so that his lower lip can slightly touch the upper row of his teeth without digging into it because this word doesn’t need that kind of roughness. Other times when he’s frustrated or he’s trying to concentrate the two collide so harshly that his lip is chapped for like a week which is super dumb because he knows Amy feels it when he kisses her and he feels like he’s just ruining the experience for her.
Done with that (huge) word he moves on to the next which is also super important because it’s her, it’s always been her and he wants her to know it. His mouth moves so that it can form the shape of a small, disfigured, not-what-it-actually-is circle and he keeps his voice steady but soft simultaneously, after which it dies out but not in a disappointing way.
“I love you.”
Jake knows he felt it before he said it but now that he has it multiplies like a bajillion times which always happens whenever he says it to Amy. The constricting of his chest is somehow more intense immediately after but at the same time he feels so lightweight, like a feather off to the blue skies in search of its destiny.
He’s gonna have to remember that one, Charles always appreciates his genius.
He doesn’t know how he doesn’t drop his gun because of the chills running through his arms once again but he’s rooted to the spot, a small dopey smile plastered on his face because he knows that no matter how much delight winning their bet would bring him it would be nothing compared to the satisfaction of knowing that he made this beautiful creature he is damn lucky to call his girlfriend happy.
“I wanna move into your apartment.”
Amy’s eyebrows shoot up in disbelief and her mouth opens and if Jake wasn’t so mesmerized by her beauty and adorableness he would’ve gotten a little bit frustrated that she can’t believe that he would literally shoot the stars off the sky if she asked if it meant she would be happy.
Like, a tiny bit frustrated but frustrated nonetheless.
(He can almost hear her saying Are you kidding?! You’re Orangina! and his chest feels tight once more.)
Amy’s expression softens and she smiles through her open mouth and Jake realizes that her eyebrows are still raised in confusion which urges him to spill the explanation from his mouth so he can see her fully smile. She manages to speak before him though, her voice so small like he’s saying something that is unbelievable but she still wants to believe it and Jake wonders if young Amy had the same look on her face and the same tone when she got a gift she really wanted as a child.
Because he’s such an awesome multitasker, Jake files away that thought for when he finally meets Amy’s mother and can ask as many questions about her childhood as he wants.
“Really?” Her smile widens and damn it, is his vest too tight? “I love you, too.”
Jake’s fully grinning now because he loves the tilt of her voice when she says it, he loves how her face is filled with endearment for him, he loves how her mouth moves gracefully around the words and he loves how she feels the same as him. He hopes that she doesn’t feel exactly as he does though because honestly, he feels like he can rip his vest with just his breathing which would be bad for both of them and Charles and Terry.
Just as Jake realizes that he and Amy are having a moment in front of their colleagues and a dangerous convict but can’t quite stop himself from gazing lovingly into Amy’s eyes, Charles’ voice carries through the sewer.
“Oh my God, what a beautiful moment! And you guys, Amy’s ovulating as we speak!” he chatters excitedly, his gaze darting left and right to him and Amy. Jake can practically see him twitch with the effort it takes for Boyle not to jump in happiness but then he realizes just what his best friend said.
“What?” Jake says, his expression contorting into a confused grimace and at the same time Amy replies exasperated: “Charles!” He figures she knows what Boyle is talking about but he also decides that he doesn’t want to know so he just shakes it off and holsters his gun, falling into step with Amy while they follow the Sarge, Charles and the perp through the sewer.
It’s dark and weirdly warm, the excited conversation of Terry and Boyle the only sound besides the splashes they all make with each step carrying around like an echo through the tunnel and Jake has the desperate urge to take off his vest and hurl it somewhere because man, does his chest feel tight. But then Amy discreetly takes his hand and on instinct he interlocks their fingers and looks over to her which was his mistake in the first place but seeing her content smile and the sparkle in her eyes, multiplied by the darkness of the atmosphere, brings an easy grin on his lips and suddenly the pressure in his chest decreases ten times so that he can barely feel it and Jake feels like the king of the world because Amy Santiago is in love with him and he’s moving into her apartment.
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doyouthatknow · 5 years
How are mushrooms grown
How are mushrooms grow
The article that everyone waited curiously came; How to grow mushrooms. Mushroom cultivation in many Third World countries has been a pity that mushroom cultivation has contributed to nurturing its populations so much that it has been ignored because the mushrooms we use in our meals are valuable as delicious and nutritious.
How are mushrooms grow
Biologically speaking, they contain better quality protein than green plants, important minerals such as iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, and almost all vitamins, including vitamin D. The edible fungus is particularly rich in vitamin B and B2. Furthermore, they contain fibers that promote digestion in humans as well as other health-friendly elements. It is a coincidence that some mushrooms were used for healing purposes in Europe and the Far East centuries ago. Another advantage is that it can be grown at home without any effort.
Which mushroom species should be grown?
In the last 25 years, several types of edible mushrooms have been grown. For the following important reasons, some Pleurotus strains (pleurotus sp.) Were selected from them.
Pleurotus sp. Incil Primary separation ”. They can settle on many agricultural waste products before being subjected to complex treatment. • There are several Pleurotus species that are not sensitive to temperature and fruit between 25 ° and 27 ° C. Even if the temperature sometimes falls below 10 ° C, they continue to grow.
• The same culture method can be used for various Pleurotus species.
• The taste of oyster mushrooms is exquisite, has a high nutritional value and is boiled, fried, fried, dried and preserved.
What should be the culture medium for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms?
Almost all kinds of agricultural waste products can be used as compost if many cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin contain. For example, wheat, rye, barley or rice straw, dried stalks of corn, sunflower and millet, cocoa husk and coffee bean husk, peanut kernel and husk husk, tobacco stems, cotton leaves and stems and many more. Regardless of agricultural waste, it is important to be well dried and healthy. It must not be rotten, moldy or rotten; because oyster mushrooms can hardly grow in this material.
What is necessary in mushroom growing
Compost should also be pretreated for Pleurotus cultivation; Simple though. This requires a container for water storage. It doesn’t matter what the container does. If not sealed, primed with thick plastic coating. However, it is important that the container is at least 60 cm deep. The simplest solution we can recommend is to dig a 60 cm deep hole in the ground and combine it with a plastic coating.
How are mushrooms grown
The size of the water container depends on how large the mushroom culture is; In other words, how much substrate will need to be treated at a time. A container with a capacity of between 100 and 2001 is sufficient for micro-cultivation to meet household needs. Large Pleurotus cultures will require 5–10 m² containers.
The water container must have a sturdy lid that fits into the container (see Figure 2). The lid helps to press the substrate into the water container. However, since the substrate is lighter than water and floats to the surface, the weight of the lid should be weighed. Heavy stones, scrap iron or the like are suitable for this purpose.
Long agricultural waste products (straw, stalks) are used to plant Pleurotus 3–6 cm long before being cut into pieces is extremely useful. The blocks of the substrates can be made much more easily than the material divided into small pieces. The straw knife is the best tool for cutting straw and stalks.
Other agricultural wastes suitable for cultivation of Pleurotus (coffee bean nuts shells and cocoa shells, peanut shells, etc.) can be used without pretreatment.
Transparent, strong plastic bags are required for storage after surface treatment. The best sacks are 30 to 40 cm in diameter when filled; In other words, if they are laid flat, they are 50 to 60 cm wide. When flattened, the sacks should be between 100–150 cm. Bags of this size will hold approximately 20–30 kg of compost (as in Figure 2).
Processes to be applied when
growing mushrooms
First, the water container is three-quarters filled with compost. Here, the advantage of separating the material into small pieces is about twice as clear as the long lasting straw or stalks can be filled into the container.
The lid is then placed into the container while the base material is still drying. The lid is then weighed evenly distributing the weights.
The water is now filled into the container until the water level is about 10 cm above the lid. In doing so, one eye must be kept on the weight surface because the substrate material floats and rises if the cover is not evenly distributed.
The water adds a selective fungicide. This prevents mold, but does not inhibit the growth of Pleurotus. This mold inhibitory effect is a great advantage in the initial growth stage of Pleurotus. He keeps the opponents away from the substrate until settled by Pleurotus. When the fungicide decomposes later, there will be no residue on the Pleurotus fruit bodies.
In our experience, Du Pont’s Benomyl (Benlate) is very suitable for this purpose. The required concentration is 100–150 ppm; In other words, 10 to 15 9 of Benomyl is needed for 1001 water. First, a suspension (mixture) of Benomyl, which needs about three or four liters of water, should be prepared and then the entire suspension should be poured into the water container as soon as possible before the required water level is reached. Benomyl powder should not be poured directly into the water container as it will form lumps and cannot be evenly distributed afterwards.
It is extremely important that the substrate remain submerged in the following time. A good culture for pleurotus cultivation can only be made from agricultural waste products in this way. Semi-anaerobic fermentation takes place under water. This is a process in which most of the bacteria involved act without oxygen. Furthermore, animal pests that prevent growth of the cultivated edible fungus in the lower floor were killed under water.
The fermentation continues for the duration of time, the compost is submerged for the entire time.
Two days after starting the fermentation, the water level is checked again. Since the substrate will absorb a lot of water in the meantime, the water level will be reduced, and the substrate may run out of water in pieces. If so, water should be poured immediately to restore the level to its original state. However, no further addition of Benomyl is required.
There is no evidence that water quality has any effect on the fermentation process. Experience so far has shown that any water is suitable. The temperature has little effect on the fermentation process, which runs smoothly at temperatures ranging from 8 ° to 28 ° C.
compost seeding stage
After ten days, water is either drained or the substrate removed from the container. Now it smells a lot, but it disappears after a day or two.
The residual substrate is allowed to stand for another day, so that excess water can be drained. It is best to spread it on a clean plastic coating on a slightly sloping surface. The lower layer is then inoculated. Vaccination involves pleurotus fungus stacking downstairs and then mixing evenly.
How to produce mushroom seed (Misel)
One is a pure Pleurotus mushroom culture, spawning, also called “mushroom seed”. It is usually produced in a sterile wheat bed. Rye or millet. Mushroom growers buy eggs, such as harvesting seeds from arable farmers.
The biggest problem of mushroom growers in developing countries is the production of high quality mushrooms. With a few exceptions, spawning from Europe or the United States can be both very expensive and unreliable. Therefore, mushroom cultivation should be grown in every country that wants to grow edible mushrooms.
Ovulation of mushroom production is not a very complex technique, but we have to work in a sterile environment. These sterile environments are found only where certain technical and architectural prerequisites exist, and mushroom producers are therefore not considered to be spawning producers. However, each country has a university with appropriate rooms and facilities. The production of mushroom spawning should therefore be done first in a university. The university staff will learn the rapid production technique with a scientific education. By selling mushrooms that spawn to producers, or the university can even open a profitable source of income.
We will be glad to help you with the transfer of know-how to remove obstacles to growing edible mushrooms in developing countries.
Amount of seed (micelle) required
But now he returned to the growing Pleurotus. The amount of spawning required corresponds to three percent by weight of the moist substrate; In other words, 3 kg spawning is used per 100 kg surface. In most cases, it is impossible to weigh the floor and therefore its weight is only estimated. According to the density, one cubic meter of a fermented, moist layer weighs between 300��400 kg. This guide should help make predictions almost accurate. In addition, it should be noted that spawning equal to one third of the total weight is a good average value.
Two percent of the total weight is already sufficient and it is not wrong to add up to a quarter of the total weight spawn. Therefore, it is unimportant that the substrate does not overestimate or overestimate, as it is between 20–30% by weight.
Packaging in bag
An egg is best made using a shovel or fork, mixed evenly on the surface, filled into clear plastic bags. However, they must have holes first. The sacks are laid, for example, on a wooden board and the holes are drilled with a hole punch. The holes should be 1 cm to 1.5 cm wide and approximately 20 cm apart. The manner in which the holes should be placed on the sacks is shown in Figure 2. 2. As can be seen, the top one-third of the sack is not perforated. Approximately 24 holes are drilled in each bag.
The inoculated layer is now filled into perforated sacks and squeezed so that the sacks are filled firmly and evenly. The bags are filled so that they can still be attached very comfortably. The sacks are tightly bonded so that the layer covers the substrate as tightly as possible.
It is important to prevent gaps between the substrate and the substrate. However, if gaps are formed, the full sack falls to the floor several times from a lower height and the bottom layer spreads evenly. The sack is then firmly fastened once more.
Micelle winding phase
Most work has been done after being filled into grafted compost sacks. The colonization phase begins, where the thin white strings (mycelium) of the Pleurotus fungus slowly begin to collapse, all the compost. Approximately three weeks are required for the colonization stage of the mushroom culture, which requires no care. The only thing to watch is the temperature. During the colonization phase, the temperature of the compost should not exceed 23 ° C and 31 ° C. If the temperature in the substrate increases for a longer period of time to 33 ° C and 35 ° C, you may have to wait for the oyster mushroom threads to die. It should be noted that the rapidly growing Pleurotus mycelium itself will produce a certain increase in the temperature of the compost about seven to ten days after the onset of the colonization phase.
When the wheter is kept outdoors or in the shelter, the compost bags should be kept at a maximum air temperature of 25 ° C during the colonization phase. They should not be on top of each other or very close to each other. Instead, it should ensure that the air circulates freely around them. If this rule is stored during the colonization phase, the compost will not heat up at all.
How to harvest mushrooms
Three weeks later, compost turns white as a result of the widespread, thick mycelium of the Pleurotus fungus. After that, the first small fruit-body bud is seen in the holes of the plastic sacks. According to the temperature, they are transformed into harvested mature clusters of large, corpses grown in 5–10 days.
During this time, it is best to have the substrate sacks in a shaded location outdoors or in the shelter. It should be noted that most mushrooms grow naturally in damp, shady places or occur after rain. This rule also applies to Pleurotus. Optimum fungal growth can only be achieved in a culture where shade and sufficient moisture are provided. Given these conditions, temperatures can sometimes rise to 30 ° C from time to time (compost is no longer active in this phase), and may even repeatedly fall below 10 ° C several times.
This does not disrupt the growth of mushrooms; Growth slows down at low temperatures. However, if the air is dry, small fruit-body buds can be dried automatically. There should be sprayed gently with water into the sacks once or twice a day. Finally, since Pleurotus needs light, it is important that you never store the pouches in a dark place. Without light, only deformed fruit bodies grow or do not suffice.
Pleurotus mushrooms should be harvested from the substrate when most of the fruit bodies in the house are more or less horizontal than the edge. For harvesting, the entire fruit-body cluster is separated from the bag. If the mushroom looks like shallow food, if the edges of the fruit bodies are facing upwards, then they become overripe. Soon they will become numb and slowly begin to rot.
Within eight to twelve weeks new fruit bodies will reappear. Total yield can range from three to four kilos per sack. Eventually, the mushroom stops growing, because the compost is more or less tired. Culture is no longer used. The sole use of the spent Pleurotus substrate is for loosening of arable soil, where it is at least a better organic fertilizer than simple cereal straw.
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jewelsmemory · 6 years
Trying to believe in his timing despite everything
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Seeing this earlier and realizing after my appointment last Monday I needed this, a reminder to trust in his timing when I feel like I’m running out of time constantly and everything I’ve ever wanted has been taken from me & is continuously being taken from me. My appointment on one hand went exactly how I expected and at the same time was entirely different than I thought it would go. It was something I needed to approach on my own and had wanted to for awhile but didn’t get the courage to until my pelvic pain got to a severe point recently & my OBGYN suggested another follow up with my Reproductive Endocrinologist after my initial ultrasound findings came back that my uterus was slightly enlarged & had shifted to the left side causing me significant pain. My original ultrasound results a month ago weren’t an accurate indication of what my specialist saw when he did another ultrasound himself during my appointment. My uterus isn’t enlarged in a typical sense or completely against the left side as thought, he had trouble visualizing my left ovary but my ovaries are higher and everything is atypical from where it typically should be and the exam felt extra weird and uncomfortable 😣 in a different way than I was use to. My BP and pulse were high but my BP went back to normal when rechecked and my pulse dropped significantly but remained elevated. My uterus is still quite small, it’s just increasing slightly in size due to trapped menstrual blood that can’t get out because I have a uterine horn blocking the one side which is likely the source of my left sided severe lower pelvic pain. This was something they had wondered about before but I wasn’t having cyclic pain before and I didn’t have this uterine horn either as prior to diagnosis they were expecting . Also the pain should have been occurring all this time as I was having “regular cycles” and ovulating instead of within the last few years. He was also my surgeon 8 years ago and while they have photos of me about to ovulate from one of my appointments back then and he was able to visually show me my eggs 🥚 in each ovary and comparison photos they didn’t visualize any uterine lining in my uterus before I guess but now suddenly in my last two recent ultrasounds I have some. Like my body knows what it’s suppose to do now and didn’t before. He’s not sure why this is, and seems perplexed by this happening at this point. For someone that’s honestly the best at what he does in the area he didn’t seem 100% like he knew what was going on now in comparison to then. He does believe my uterus is causing me severe pain and the best course of action is to remove it along with one or both of my Fallopian tubes but leaving my ovaries so I’m still ovulating and not thrown into early menopause. Anyone who has followed me knows how much this is like having every single one of my irrational fears thrown back into my face. Even if I can’t carry I can’t conceive the possibility of accepting my fate and having that surgery at 26. It’s not something I’m emotionally ready for at this point and I’m so conflicted because I want the pain to stop but that’s so scary and permanent. Almost a week has gone by and I’m still unsure as to what to do about this. I keep reminding myself I don’t have to do it and I have options even if they are limited. When I think about doing it I isolate myself, cry a lot, don’t eat (after my appointment I saw no one and didn’t eat anything all day). My heart is literally so broken thinking about it and it’s a huge surgery with serious complications and recovery time and has the potential to make everything that I love and that means the most to me super triggering (potentially forever).
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Got my Peak Fertility OPK earlier today and should be ovulating tomorrow. Another potential treatment option would be taking birth control pills as means of cycle suppression and skipping the inactive pills to stop my cycle & ovulation by keeping my hormones so low so I’m not having any pain from it as well as getting another MRI done. My specialist is retiring in a month exactly and he wants to be the one to do my surgery if he’s able to borrow more surgery time basically to be able to take care of me as I’ve been his patient. I think I need to start seeking outside second opinions. Decisions, Decisions, Mama just wants her rainbow baby. 😢💕❤️I know I’m meant to be a mom again, so why does it have to be so damn impossible and difficult!?
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Title Lyric from “Patience” by Guns and Roses
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We really aren’t sure what to do with this ep. (I vote cry, rage, and then pick up the pieces and move forward.—Marge) On the one hand, it was a really good episode, beautifully written by Robert Berens and a perfect setup for the backdoor pilot to Wayward Sisters, the much anticipated SPN spin-off. On the other hand, they fucking killed one of our favorite BAMF WOC characters, and they did it off-screen AGAIN, and they kinda fridged her AGAIN. Yes, her death was noble and she was bad ass to the very end, but it still felt a lot like we—and she—got screwed.
Anyway. So apparently there is a wraith (one of those creepy-ass human-looking things with the stabby-spiky-appendage that descends from their wrist so they can eat your brains. Remember the ‘Pudding’ episode – 5×11?) and he eats nothing but psychics. Real psychics, mind you, not the ones that litter every major thoroughfare of every street from the suburbs to the big cities, with the neon hands of fate and TAROT CARDS and quite often “for rent” signs, which always make us wonder how they didn’t see that coming, hahaha. But this is Supernatural, so there are real psychics, and he eats them.
DAWN: How many REAL psychics can there be, though, even in SPN-land? That wraith looks pretty well-fed for someone whose only food source is relatively rare. MARGE: I wondered about that too but then I thought about how many we’ve seen in comparison to how many we’ve seen of other creatures… Seems like psychics might be plentiful? Possible, not probable? ERICA: Y’all think of things much differently than I do. My main thought was “what happens when he runs out?” MARGE: I mean, I think it’s just a taste he’s acquired. He can go back to eating us regular old humans, I guess. It just won’t be as satisfying for him. Poor little-dissatisfied wraith… Ugh. ERICA: I don’t know though…the way he phrased it, it struck me as an addiction thing, sooo…. MARGE: Wraith rehab? No? lol
Back at the bunker, Dean is isolated in his room, listening to music, drinking lots of beer, and being sad in general. Sam is checking on Jack, who hasn’t left his room since they got there and he got settled in. Sam gives Jack the video message that Kelly recorded for him while she was still pregnant. Just as Jack begins watching his mom, which was so very sad, Sam’s phone rings.
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This psychic-eating-wraith from the opening scene is the lead-in for the return of our favorite BAMF-but-soon-to-be-dead character who is also our backdoor for the Wayward Sisters spin-off: none other than Missouri Moseley, folks, played by the inimitable Loretta Devine (yas queen). We’ve missed her and we’ve always wanted her back so the fandom was THRILLED to learn that she was going to re-appear this season. She tells Sammy she’s been out of the life for a while but now she needs some help on a case with which she has a personal connection.
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We’re just gonna come right out and say it. No point in teasing this one out. Missouri comes back for this one episode, y’all, and they kill her ass off in the first 20 minutes without breaking a sweat, breaking the hearts of the entire fandom and enraging more than a few, us included.
MARGE: I actually threatened to riot on Twitter… It was an emotional moment. DAWN: I am displeased. Very displeased. ERICA: “Displeased”….such a gentle word for the rage that consumes me. MARGE: I also scream-tweeted at Robert Berens. Oops. Sorry, sir… ERICA: Ditto, fam.  
So it was awful, it hurt, but did she go out like the badass that she is? Yes. Yes, did she ever. She chose her death, in order to save her son and granddaughter from the wraith because she saw that it was the only way they would live—literally she saw that, because Missouri is psychic AF, and she checked to make sure. And then she sends Dean into the fray, with the directive to save her family. So, he did. Kinda. Really, her family sort of saved her family, with Dean’s assistance, but we’ll get there in a minute.
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Missouri sent Dean and Jody to find her son James Turner (played by Adrian Holmes), and granddaughter, Patience (played by Clark Backo), and to protect them while she stayed behind at the murder scene of her protege, Dede, knowing that she was going to die. Then she basically told the wraith to get fucked:
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DAWN: Their last name is Turner, not Mosely. Rufus’ last name was Turner. Headcanon accepted. MARGE: Definitely! I LOVE the idea that Missouri and Rufus were a thing… Maybe that’s why Rufus was such a hateful old cuss. He had an awesome thing with someone as badass as Missouri and lost it?… I wanna feel like they had the kind of love folks write fairytales about. Ok, enough speculation on that or I’m gonna get all misty-eyed. DAWN: Yeah, I’m going to need that fanfic in a hurry. Somebody get on that. MARGE: We should add it to our ever-growing list of things we want to write… LOL
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SO, Jody and Dean run off, find James and Patience, who Missouri believed was psychic before James cut her out of their lives (initially because Missouri ‘incorrectly’ predicted that James’ wife would survive an illness but also for fear that Missouri would ‘influence or poison’ Patience).
MARGE: Total speculation, but I think Missouri probably told her boy his wife was gonna live because she didn’t want to break his heart… maybe that was it. Geez.
Patience dreams of being attacked by the wraith and then goes to school, which is where she was attacked in the dream, and just so happens to be… guess what… attacked by a wraith. Everything looked a little deja-vu-ish, of course. Who would’ve thought? Channeling a little of granny’s badassery, Patience knees the wraith in the dangly-bits and then breaks off his stabby-spiky-thing. Signs of spunk—we like it. Patience is pretty cool so far. The acting could use a little bolstering, but we definitely believe she’ll get there. It’s hard to judge based on first appearances but who are we kidding, we do it anyway. Dean and Jody show up just in time to confront the wraith but he manages to elude them and almost hits Dean with his van while escaping.
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Cut to the Turner home where Dean, Jody, and Patience break the news to James about the attack and the likelihood that Patience is, in fact, possibly psychic (DUH! Missouri Moseley is like never wrong.—Marge) He decides it’s time to run, sends Patience to her room to collect her things, and then, gee, what do you know, the fucking wraith is hiding in the closet. Cue – classic-horror-genre-girl-scream and Dean, Dad, and Jody scrambling upstairs to find an open window. The wraith has kidnapped Patience so Dad uses a little divination he learned from his mama to find her… yes… the skeptical father who cut MISSOURI MOSELY out of her granddaughter’s life is like, meh, desperate times… let’s do some magic real fast to find my girl. Which is reasonable… but still. What an asshole.
Patience is in what appears to be an abandoned warehouse, tied up, and the wraith is being a total fucking creep—talking about how he’s going to feed on her over and over and really draw it out… just…ewwwww. And then, what a shock, Patience has a vision… in which her father, Jody, and Dean all get stabbed to death. It doesn’t look like a vision at the time though, so yano, we think everyone just died horribly painful deaths. It was sort of awful but then we realize quickly it was actually a vision and Dean, Jody, and Dad are just arriving on the scene to save the day. This is the part about how Missouri’s family actually saved themselves with Dean’s assistance. Because of her vision, even though she is tied up and can’t fight, Patience is able to warn her Dad, Dean, and Jody all before the wraith can land the stabbing blows that supposedly killed each of them earlier. Dean manages to take the wraith out and Patience is freed. Hooray for happy endings… except MISSOURI IS STILL DEAD.
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Meanwhile, back at the Bunker, Sam is trying to “train” Jack to use his powers and Jack is basically a surly teenager who doesn’t want to do his homework. Sam pressures him; Jack freaks out; Sam leaves him alone to cool off.
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And then we see Sam, reading a book about parenting gifted children while surveilling Jack via his laptop, which honestly was the cutest thing ever and very likely caused the entire fandom to spontaneously ovulate. Even the men.
MARGE: That takes talent.
Sam is distracted by his reading, so it takes him a few minutes to notice that Jack is no longer on-camera. Cue Dad-panic at it’s finest from Sam Winchester. He runs to the library and finds Jack hiding in the corner.
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They have a heartbreaking talk about being different and misunderstood, how hard it is, and why Dean can’t deal, and honestly, Sam would have been such an amazing daddy and it’s horrible that he will (probably) never get that chance. *SOBS* Jack confesses that he already believes he is probably evil because his powers have never presented unless something negative was happening. Sammy gives him a little bit more sunshine and rainbows and Jackieboy seems to be feeling better about things.
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MARGE: Seriously folks, we talk a lot about Jensen Ackles’ award-worthiness, but for real Jared Padalecki deserves just as many accolades. He is just as capable of an amazing emotional portrayal of Sam Winchester and it hits us in the feels just as hard as Jensen’s Dean. This scene was so incredibly well done.  Also, while we’re throwing praise, Alexander Calvert, is absolutely killing it as Jack so far! Excellent casting choice, for sure! ERICA: I think this is the point in our live-tweeting that I thought about what a good dad Sammy would’ve made if only JOHN WINCHESTER HADN’T DISAPPEARED DURING A FUCKING HUNT. GodDAMNIT John. MARGE: I tweeted something about how Sammy and Jessica’s kids would have turned out. *crying in the corner*
Back to Dean, Jody, James, and Patience. They’re back at the Turner house and discussing the future, of course, because Patience has just found out she’s psychic… Dad tells her to bury her gift (proving that he has learned NOTHING from all of this), Dean gives the typical ‘this life is nothing but “pain, horror, and death” so if you’ve got a shot at normal you better take it’ speech, and Jody, (ALWAYS mother of the year even when they aren’t her kids) drops some truth about what happens when you try to suppress some part of yourself to please others. She lets Patience know if she ever needs anything, Jody is just a phone call away.
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And this is how you set up a spin-off folks! We are SO PUMPED about Wayward Sisters. Dean and Jody head out and we are left to wonder what will come of Patience Turner.
Dean returns to the bunker, he and Sammy briefly discuss the case and Missouri’s death. Then Dean asks Sam if Jack’s gone dark yet, of course. Sam confronts Dean about telling Jack he would kill him if need be and then we have another emotional brotherly battle because Dean lets loose about his animosity towards Jack. He tears into Sam about how he shouldn’t pretend to care about Jack since he only cares about what he can use him for. He says Sam just wants to use Jack as a “can-opener” to the dimension where Mary is trapped with Lucifer. Dean screams at Sammy about how he can’t even look at Jack because when he does “all he sees is everyone they’ve lost”. Sam remarks that their Mom took her shot—she chose her path. Dean replies with “What about Cas?”. Ouch. This is where we see broken-boy Dean Winchester at his finest. He lets Sammy know that the reason he can’t get on board with being Jack’s care-taker is because Jack is the reason they lost Castiel. That Jack made Cas promises, Cas believed everything he said, and what did it get him?
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ERICA: Let me preface this next comment by saying that I love Jensen Ackles and his acting–it’s exceptional. But I’m not gonna lie–I’m having a REALLY hard time with Dean this season. Like. We get it. You’re pissed at the world. We get it. Guess what, booboo, this is the life you signed up for. This is the life you dragged Sammy into 13 years ago. You flat out told Patience that it’s all death and horror and blah blah, and yet here you are, acting like you DIDN’T drag your brother into that life. Time to stop acting like a child. I expected this 13 years ago, but you’ve grown from here. Time to act like it. (Addendum: I’m also super salty lately, so there’s that.) MARGE: I’m with you on a lot of that. I just wanna scream STOP BEING MEAN TO SAMMY in order to process your grief. I know it’s a normal psychological response, and that he doesn’t have anyone but Sam to take his frustrations out on, but come on man, Sam loves Cas too… Sam just lost his mom too, AGAIN! What makes your pain more important, Dean? End rant.
Jack is in the hallway, listening to every single word of this heated exchange of course and somehow, through his powers that are yet to be determined, he reaches out to Castiel. Final scene: CASTIEL IS ALIVE! We actually get to see Cas alive (at least he appears to be). We don’t know where he is, but he looks relatively normal, if a bit confused. At first he’s on the floor looking dead, but evidently, he is actually asleep, knocked out, or ???, and as Jack whispers his name, he wakes.
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We didn’t get to see any apocalypse world action in this episode, which made us sad since that is what we’ve been living for so far this season. We did, however, get the promise that it is coming via a few interactions on Twitter (Fan-girl Squeal!):
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Roll credits. I guess there’s some hope left from this episode after all.
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“All we need is just a little Patience” Supernatural recap 13×3, “Patience” Title Lyric from “Patience” by Guns and Roses Courtesy canonspngifs.tumblr.com We really aren’t sure what to do with this ep.
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drthestrainlove · 7 years
Episode 2: “The Blood Tax”, or “Raining Dumb”
I’d like to attach a picture here, a picture that more accurately summarizes how colossally dumb this show is better than any words I could ever use: 
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That’s our dude Eichorst, the Nazi-Vampire-Right Hand to the Master-Evil Mastermind wearing a cowboy hat Crocodile Dundee said was too ostentatious and sunglasses that can charitably described as belonging to your grandmother that frequented opium dens back in the day.  I have no idea who this guy is he’s talking to, all I know is this is probably supposed to be a discreet meeting and yet if anybody actually saw Eichorst they’d report him to the cops because he just LOOKS like he’s carrying out an apocalyptic plan.  You know what’s not hard to find?  A fedora, or a shepherd’s cap, or literally anything other than what a depressed Louisville housewife wears to the Kentucky Derby.  You know what else isn’t hard to find?  Any pair of sunglasses that doesn’t look like they belong to Bono but for fancy occasions only.  This is a layup that the Strain fires into the second deck.  It’s a little thing, but it’s indicative of how this show can screw up just about anything it puts its mind to.
Keep in mind, this is just in the Previously On segment, we haven’t even gotten to the title credits yet.  But this theme of snatching idiocy out of the jaws of good ideas permeates this episode through all three plots this week, none of which make any God damn sense.  Let’s look at them from least inexplicable to most, keeping in mind they are all inexplicable:
We start of with Gus, the hispanic ex-con with a heart of gold.  Well strike that, we don’t start with Gus, we start with Raul.  Raul is just a guy getting by in the apocalypse, working for the Partnership making the nutrition bars that feed all the humans.  It’s not a great gig but it keeps him alive and sometimes that’s all you can ask for.  It’s a great vignette into what life is like for the layperson in this particular dystopian future.  Which is why it’s so frustrating when Gus shows up, mugs Raul, it’s revealed that the two are cousins, and after the briefest “So how you doin’ man?” in history, Gus demands Raul help him rob Raul’s place of work, placing Raul at great personal jeopardy, all in the name of family.  This raid of course goes poorly and now Raul is on the run with Gus.  This entire plot did nothing but introduce a new character to compliment an existing character and exhibit no agency throughout the entire process.  Raul is less a character than a human who’s main contribution to proceedings is saying “I can’t do that” or “no!”.  Real glad we’re getting introduced to this guy with 8 episodes to go in the entire show.
I waffled on who to put second, but I have to go with Dutch.  We presumably haven’t seen Dutch yet, and we open with her getting... some kind of transvaginal procedure explaining her ovulation schedule.  it’s revealed momentarily that she’s in some kind of forced breeding facility, because again apparently this show believes that tentacle faced vampires bent on world domination aren’t evil enough so they have to make it WORSE.  It’s revealed that she got captured after she and Setrakian were away from his apartment, Strigoi invaded it, and then she went in trying to save the MacGuffin Book.  Yes, a show that devoted a whole season to a magical book that did absolutely nothing to prevent the thing it was explicitly introduced to prevent is still somehow a major plot point.  ANYWAY I’m pretty sure this show is trying to do One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest with forced breeding programs which, yeah.  The thing that kills me is Dutch, who every time I mention her I’m reminded that she HACKED THE ENTIRE INTERNET OF NYC, has a meeting with the mysterious gentleman in the photo above that’s apparently running the program and he kinda sorta maybe starts to talk to her about how screwed up this thing is... only to say that the people that aren’t on board with it are selfish and this is the future and blah blah blah.  There’s some real, honest-to-god potential in that conversation!  The moral deliberating about doing what you can to survive in a hellish world, even if that means doing evil, is an interesting question!  And yet as soon as this show introduces this, it punts it away and Mr. Mystery Dr. Man reverts to carrying water for the strigoi like they have some kind of moral imperative.  Dutch ends this cringe inducing segment by hatching her escape plan, which involves smuggling her out in a chest freezer breathing through a straw hoping nobody will notice the chest freezer is slightly open, only to hesitate when a fellow prisoner has a miscarriage which leads Dutch to want her friend to get smuggled out in her stead.  This leads to what felt like an eight hour “No YOU go” session until they are all predictably found out.
But the most, and I mean the MOST baffling thing in a deeply silly episode is the story of Eph.  As you may remember, our plucky hero was blown up in a bus but saved by the people blowing up said bus last episode.  Turns out the folks that blew up the bus are part of a larger resistance movement taking potshots at the strigoi while they can and waiting for a better plan to come around.  You would think this would make Eph ecstatic, right?  WRONG.  He spends his entire time with them sulking and being a haughty dick to them for no reason whatsoever.  He ends up saving them from a strigoi attack and afterwards, when they’re trying to thank him, is where the real mind boggling begins.  He basically tells them that they’re not doing anything in the grand scheme of things, that their efforts don’t matter, and that if they REALLY wanted to make a difference they’d do something big like poison the tankers full of blood that he’s discovered.  It is at this point, in one of the most surreal things I’ve ever seen in a television show, that the head rebel looks at him and goes “so why don’t we do that?” and Eph looks at them and goes “My god you’re right, let’s do that!” LIKE IT’S A REVELATION.  There are two explanations for this.  One is that the writers are trying to convey that Eph is such a mopey, self-absorbed sack of bullshit that he’s legitimately never thought of this before.  Two is that the writers realized halfway through writing this episode that they should have had Eph be looking for someone to help him do this all along and convince this motley crew to join him all along, hadn’t done so, and had to scramble to get this to work as their endgame.  Again, this is a layup.  This is easy.  And yet they’ve written it in such an asinine fashion that now everybody looks like the biggest idiots possible.  Earlier in the episode Setrakian mumbles some garbage about how “This is our fault, we as humans lost our way” like the strigoi taking over is some kind of moral failing on the part of humanity.  Setrakian, buddy, I’m going to have to disagree with you on this one: Humanity in this universe isn’t doomed because of some moral failing, it’s because they’re all inexplicable idiots and it’s a miracle they’ve made it this far.
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