#he's my scrunkly and i wish him the very best but that would be pretty spicy
theskoomacat · 10 months
do you think it's possible for Alan to take on a more antagonistic role in AW3 (the stakes are higher with Alice around, so it's possible he might turn to even more drastic measures than kickstarting the Hiss invasion), and what would your opinion on that be?
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temmtamm · 2 years
My godshshshddd I just read the tails fic and 𝘐 𝘓𝘖𝘝𝘌 𝘐𝘛
I don't know if your taking request/ask for sonic but can you another one but with tails realising that sonic and the reader are dating? How would he react seeing the reader liking the fake (or real?) sonic and asking him for help? Pretty much like Amy's situation.
Love that scrunkly pathetic meow meow (𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶) :}
Ofc I am!! I am hyperfixating on sonic and sonic parody media so hard so feel free to bombarde me with all that jazz!! Sorry if it strays a bit from the ask, I got too into the moment with it.
Secret History Tails x Reader Who Likes Sonic
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Tw: violence, needles, Yandere themes, all around horror.
"--It's just--He's so kind, yknow??" (Y/N)'s hands came up, hiding their face as a flustered chuckle left their lips. "And today we were having one of those back and forth moments again and he called me a 'Dummy', but like he said it with such emotion and i--"
Tail's grip tighten on his screwdriver, threatening to stab it right through the Tornado's insides the he was working on. "Yknow, I don't really think a guy who calls you a 'Dummy' is all that into you.. No offense."
"No, no!! It's one of his more playful moments, yknow like how he likes to trash talk with Shadow or Knuckles when the two are rough housing?? It's like that." (Y/N) sighed, letting their arms fall to their side once again as they seem to fall into their many many daydream like states. One of the curses of pining for someone.
If you asked Tails, (Y/N) would be the last person he'd suggest for Sonic to go out eith--Hell, Big the cat and Froggy would be a better couple than the two!!
It's not that he doesn't think (Y/N) is good enough--Hell, it was kind of a miracle someone of (Y/N)'s caliber even really hung around the group.
And it's not that he didn't think Sonic wasn't fit for them either--Hell, his Sonic could charm the pants off of any living creature with enough elbow grease.
It's just....
He didn't think they'd be the best paired together, is all.
That's the reason.
"It just kinda...stinks, though. I mean, he has Amy practically glued to his side and everyone knows that she is absolutely smitten with him. Doesn't help she's all he can talk about to me too. It's always, " How should I give Amy this gift??" and "What type of flowers would Amy like??" when I made all the signs SO CLEAR!!" (Y/N)'s love-drunk rants quickly turned to annoyed ramblings, their face scrunching up in disdain as they did so.
"Geez, (Y/N). You really feel strongly about this, huh??" Tails' ears flicked at the sounds of (Y/N)'s complaints, a small smile forming on his lips though he his it by keeping himself nose deep in his work.
"Yea, well. Yknow the whole 'Love' thing isn't a very subtle feeling, Miles." With a tired sigh, (Y/N) leaned back in the designated seat that Tails always kept free for them in his lab. "I wish that just for once, I could know what Amy feels like. Must be nice being pined for--Especially by a hero such as Sonic."
Tails paused, a lightbulb shooting off in his brain. He was quick to seize the moment, putting his brain to work. "Yknow, I think that could be possible..."
(Y/N) paused shooting Tails a inquisitive look. "What do you mean by that, Miles??"
The orange furred fox grinned cheekily, his fingers pausing all movement across the machinery before him. "Well, You already know all the stuff he likes about Amy, right??" He set down his tools and turned to face them, watching as the morbian eyed him down with curiosity.
"Your point??" (Y/N) cocked their head ever so slightly.
"Let's use it!! Use it to your advantage!! Help Sonic see the good in you!!" For someone who was usually so indifferent to (Y/N)'s ramblings of Sonic, Tails actually seemed pretty interested at the moment.
"Say, (Y/N). Have you ever heard of little white lies??
The morbian fidgeted with the hem of their top, swallowing thickly as their footsteps came to an abrupt stop. Just before them, the blue blur himself was there. He was distracted by a conversation with a fairly familiar red echidna, allowing (Y/N) to go unnoticed. (Y/N)'s gaze glanced back at some bushes behind them, rethinking on if they should go through with this plan they and Tails had crafted, but when the orange furred fox popped his head out of said bushes to give the morbian a toothy grin and thumbs up, that managed to strum enough confidence out of (Y/N) to take the necessary steps forward to enter Sonic's line of vision.
"HE--!! Crap-I mean...hey, Sonic.." (Y/N) coughed, the start of their sentence being unnecessarily loud, causing them to quickly backtrack and make their voice as meek as possible, which only gave it the appearance of a voice crack. Sonic raised a brow over at the morning, clearly weirded out by the 'crack' which made (Y/N) feel like just crawling in a hole and dying.
"Hey…?? Weren't expecting to see you here, (Y/N). I thought you were back over in the Green Hills Zone." Sonic spoke up, resting his left hand on his hip while he used the other to wave around as he spoke, talking with his hands.
"Oh, well I was actually in the area!! I was–" (Y/N) paused, a bit of uncertainty about lying to Sonic washing over them, though when a familiar two tailed fox got caught in their peripheral vision, they were reminded of why exactly they were doing this.
"I was just…in the area!! Saving…kittens from..uh...burning buildings…?" Sonic squinted suspiciously at the morning, making them fight back a sweat in an attempt to look as normal as possible.
Just as quickly as he was suspicious though his facial features shifted into a more proud look, and before (Y/N) knew it, he had leaned in and placed a hand on their shoulder, damn near giving them a heart attack.
"Well, well, Looks like we have more than one 'hero', huh?? Gotta keep my game up so you don't take my title." Sonic teased, bringing a flush of heat to the morbians face.
(Y/N) reveled in the moment, more in the fact that Sonic was LEANING into them than the others. Of course though, you can't have shit in Angel Island, and the universe was quick to remind (Y/N) of that.
"Wait…but I just saw you and you were with Tails, not saving any animals." Knuckles spoke up, reminding (Y/N) and Sonic of his existence.
"Oh, well, I uh–" (Y/N)'s face flushed up even more so, but this time it was out of the stinging feeling of embarrassment rather than any warm fuzzy feelings for any certain blue hedgehog.
"I uh…" (Y/N) gulped nervously and forced a smile.
"I JUST REMEMBERED I HAVE AN EXCUSE WAITING FOR ME IN MY HOUSE, GOTTA GO!! BYE!!" With that, the morbian took off in speeds that'd even make the blue blues head spin.
"It was a bust, Miles!! All I did was make a fool of myself!!" (Y/N) whined out, face buried in their arms from the sheer embarrassment of the moment that they kept reliving in their head on repeat.
"Now Sonic probably thinks I'm a no good cheap hack just tryna' gain some brownie points!" (Y/N)'s voice was muffled from their arms but still somewhat comprehensible.
"Oh, geez. I should've known better than to suggest that. There's no way Sonic would fall for a lie, no matter how small." Tails placed a hand on (Y/N)'s back, reveling just a tad in how the morbian leaned into his touch, seeking comfort.
"I'll tell you what, I'll come up with another plan for you!! This time, it'll be fool-proof!! I promise!!" Tails spoke up, persuading the morning to lift their head up to look up at their yellow-ish furred friend. "Really??"
Tails nodded, his usual lopsided grin placed tightly on his lips. "Really." With that conformation, (Y/N) practically flung themselves into their small friends arms to give them a death hug that could knock the wind out of even the most strongest and fearless monsters ever.
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!" (Y/N) buried their face into the chest fur of Tails, much to the two tailed friends delight.
"Dont mentioned it."He patted his friends back, his gloved touch lingering for just a few minutes longer than socially acceptable.
"After all....
𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳??"
"Tails...Are you sure this is going to work..?" (Y/N) raised a brow at their compassion, unsure of his plan as he held up a very well burnt piece of toast.
"It works in the shows, doesn't it??" Tails shrugged, limply holding the bread with two fingers as if it were poisoned as he did so. "Just bump into him on my go, and it'll work for sure!!" The morning released a sigh but took the bread nonetheless.
"If you say so.." With that said, (Y/N) placed the bread into their mouth, cringing just slightly at the crunchy texture. With that said and done, they peered over the corner of the building that both them and Tails were hiding behind.
A blue blue, one all to familiar was zipping past, just over the horizon on some far away bumps, but knowing the speeds of the beast it belonged to, it would only be a matter of seconds before it was go time.
With that in mind, the antsiness that came with anticipation filled (Y/N) to the core, making it hard to stay still for long.
Barely letting the words get out of his mouth, (Y/N) zoomed out from their hiding spot, far too much momentum in their "light jog" to the point where they looked as if they were a morbian on a mission.
And with momentum, came force.
A sharp pain shot through (Y/N)'s head and a yell croaked out of their throat, accompanied by a yell coming from the front of them. With that harsh collide, (Y/N) went tumbling to the ground, along with their victim. They groaned, still recovering from the pain that throbbed in their head but took this chance to reach out to their victim and grab to lift them up, taking the time to seem as gentle and caring as possible. Gotta put your best foot forward, even if it was after accidentally headbutting your crush to the ground.
"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, Soni--" (Y/N) cut themselves off, opening their eyes to see just a normal, everyday morbian instead of the blue hero they had expected. "Wha--" (Y/N) whipped their head around, attempting to catch the blue blue again. Whipping their head behind them, they got the lingering blue of Sonic's speedy form extending out as he zipped up and down hills far, far behind them; having been too fast to bump into.
"Oh, for the love of--"
(Y/N) growled out, dropping the morbian hand in a fit of anger, making the poor civilian fall back down to the harsh ground.
"I don't get it, Miles!! I've been doing everything you told me!" (Y/N) whined out, years threatening to spill from just the sheer anger of it all as they sat still, arms extended as the fox worked on the scrapes they gained from the previous stunt the two pulled.
"Maybe I'm just--" (Y/N)'s gaze fell to the steel flooring of the fox's lab, watching the shine that glistened off of the metal. "Maybe I'm just not good enough for Sonic?? I mean, he's saved the world like what, a billion times?? What have I ever done?? Hang around and drag you guys down??" (Y/N) threw their hands up in frustration, though flinched when the bandaging on their arm tightened due to pulling away from Tails' work.
"Maybe he's right to love Amy, at least she actually fights by his side. She actually helps out." Their voice became softer as they trailed off, causing a cold silence to fall upon the room as it hit them that maybe, just maybe, they just had to cope with the fact that them and Sonic is incompatible. They've been doing all this and yet, all it really did for them was either give them some scrapes and bruises or negatively effect their relationship with Sonic.
Maybe, they couldn't force someone to love them.
"...You're right, (Y/N). There's no way he can notice you in this state. You're weak--Or, at least he thinks it." Tails voice was...different from before. It was cold, it lacked them love it once held almost minutes before. His hands paused, if only for a few seconds before pulling away from his work to instead place themselves on the morbians shoulders.
"It's not all pointless, though. There is a way to show him just how string and capable you can be--And it could get rid of the...competition." (Y/N) froze, the coldness and strangeness of his tone not lost on them, their gut feeling sending alarm bells in their head though they tried to keep it down. Tails is their friend, it'd be so shallow of them to be suspicious of their friend of 3 years over just a strange shift in tone.
"What do you mean by that, Miles...?" They asked, voice now laced with suspicion.
Tails paws dug slightly into the morbians shoulders, almost like how a massage artist would find pressure points. "What good has Any ever done for us, hm?? There's probably a million other Amy's out there. But how many of there are you?? Maybe you just need to...make this one Amy in particular disappear, to help shift Sonic's focus onto the right person."
His paws lowed slightly, down to (Y/N)'s forearms, much to the morbians discomfort. "It's not like you're putting a dent into the the overpoluted ocean of girls her caliber. It's like just picking out a weed where it doesn't belong, yes??"
At first, (Y/N) didn't respond, trying to figure out exactly what Miles was saying. But as the more the fox talked about it, the more (Y/N) started to connect the dots and get passed. Real pissed.
They stood up abruptly, making Tails hands pull back from their form due to the harshness of their action. "Excuse me??" (Y/N) whipped around, turning to face the small friend who kept his calm half-lidded expression as he held a small grin on his lips, as if (Y/N) we're speaking the most mundane of things and not yelling at him.
"Am I jealous?! Sure!! But I'm not gonna kill over it!! You're sick, Miles!! Sick!!" They hissed out, face scrunching up in a expression of disdain at the fact that their friend who usually is so bright and cheery would suggest something so volatile and disturbing. "I don't know if this is some sick joke or what, but you need some help of you thought that was an acceptable thing to say at a time like this."
"Calm down, calm down. It was only a suggestion." Miles raised his hands up in a defensive stance, though his movements were lazed and relaxed. "If you want to live with being the second choice, then be my guest. I just couldn't stand to see my friend suffer."
(Y/N) paused, features softening for just a split second, pain at the feeling of both being rejected as well as being the second choice. The pain was almost enough to consider accepting Tails' offer, though they were quick to snap out of it.
"Miles...Are you.." (Y/N)'s brows furrowed as they took a step closer to the two tailed 'friend' before them. "Are you trying to manipulate me??"
Tails froze, expression faltering into one of surprise. He hadn't really expected (Y/N) to realize his tactics so easily, especially after all that time he spent pushing and toying with his limits to make sure that he could get away with such blatant acts as that. And yet, all it took was a heated moment for (Y/N) to figure it out.
He was impressed.
He knew his (Y/N) was smart, but he hadn't known they were THAT smart.
"Just like that, huh?? I knew you get defensive about your friends, but seriously? Just that? You're a tough cookie to crack, (Y/N)." He dropped the act. He didn't need it anymore, it'd do him no good. With the act came the voice, him letting his real voice break through out of the annoying mold that he got in the habit of using to recreate the other Tails' tone.
"You..." (Y/N) locked up for just a minute, pupils shrinking at the display as their mind seemed to connect dots. Lucky for the two tailed fiend, (Y/N) had verbalized said thoughts, leaving nothing to the imagination. "You're not Miles, are you...?....Who-Who are you??"
"Isn't it obvious?? I'm--" A sick crack escaped him, almost like his bones had snapped, and with the noise came the sickening sight of his body contorting and twisting, as if breaking out of a box it had been contained in.
It was a painful experience, (Y/N) knew it just from the sounds of his flesh and muscles tearing as well as his bones desperately trying to find where they belonged to repair themselves into his new form. His lankier, more unsettling form. (Y/N) took a few steps back, but couldn't stop themselves from looking. It was like watching a train wreck unfold before your very eyes, something about it forced you to stay, to watch the outcome even though you knew it would leave some mental scars on your psyche.
"BEST FRIEND!!" Tails gripped harshly on the lab table behind him, using that to keep himself upright, his gaze flickering over to (Y/N), showing the morbian that they too had changed. The once large dark brown orbs of the fox now were now shrunken into a permanently surprised look, his pupils now in the shapes of stars and having many vibrant colors that were organic looking, despite not belonging on any morbians body.
"Miles...Miles, you're not okay..We-We need to get you to a doctor, or-or a therap--" (Y/N), although frenzied and panicked to the point where having a heart attack was a very real fear that could happen, tried their best to keep their cool, trying to cling onto the idea that this was still their friend of 3 years who was just having psychotic break rather than an imposter who had been masquerading as their friend.
Before their sentence could truly be finished though, 'Miles' had grabbed them by their arms, pulling them closer to him and closing any possible gap they had made when they had time to back up. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!! DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN!!" His shrill yell was short lived, though did it's job in throughly scaring the ever loving daylights out of (Y/N) if that's what it set out to do.
A smile placed itself onto his lips, acting as though he hadn't just bursted out in anger moments prior. "Don't...Don't call me that again, okay, Dear??" Despite his cheery tone and smile, his chest heaved up and down from the energy his previous yell had exerted, showing that he had been and probably still is very pissed about it. "I'm Tails, Sonic's best friend. Not that whiney, shit for brains imposter!!" His grip tightened, threatening to place bruises along (Y/N)'s arms.
Ironic choice of words, considering he was the imposter. But, not wanting to anger this clearly deranged and dangerous individual, (Y/N) nodded frantically, agreeing to whatever he'd say as long as it kept them out of harm's way.
"Right, Right. Tails, my apologies." (Y/N)'s tone was shaky and full of fear, not that Tails seemed to notice--Or maybe he didn't even care. Neither of these options seemed that far of a reach.
"Good." Tails' grin widened, if that was even a possibility, and with that came the flash of his gums, drawing (Y/N)'s attention to his mouth, or more specifically his teeth.
They were crooked, misplaced, and appeared to be rotting. It looked as though when he was being made, whoever had made him had used if as a playground to go ham on all the possibilities of where teeth could be, and that's not even getting started on the smell of his breath.
"Yknow, I waited so long for this moment," His grip loosened on (Y/N)'s arms, making relief wash over the morbian, though the feeling was brief as he soon would replace his previous hold with another, now wrapping his arms around the morbian and pulling them into an air-tight embrace where the breakage of their ribs was a very real possibility. "When I could finally show myself to you--My real self. I think you'll find you like me better this way--Much better than that phoney vermin that came before me!!" His grip tightened as he spoke about Miles, making a pained noise involuntarily escape (Y/N)'s throat.
Tails took notice to this, and then loosened his grip as one of his gloved hands came up to stroke (Y/N)'s hair, bringing a sickening feeling to the morbians chest. "Though, I wished that it was on better terms, I guess this will have to do." (Y/N) froze, staying as stiff as a board, they didn't know what to do, no words left their throat, and they didn't even know how they could start to respond to this man's insane ramblings, much less his touches and--Did he just sniff their hair.
After what felt like centuries, (Y/N)'s fight or flight kicked in and they started to fight back. Hard. They kicked and thrashed, attempting to scratch out the imposters eyes and break free from his grip. "Wha--Cut this out!!" Tails, obviously fought back, though he only tried to keep his grip on the morbian tight, making it hard for them to let go--Though, he also did let warnings or threats of sorts slip out. "I don't want to get physical, but if I need to, I will, Darling."
(Y/N) finally managed to break free after biting down on Tails' arm, breaking the fur and skin and even drawing blood. They pushed Tails away, giving them enough space in between the two to break off into a sprint for the lab's doors, making a break for it.
They were so close, their hand right on he handle when suddenly a steel shield of sorts came down, blocking the outside as the lab had went into a lockdown type of state. Whipping their head around, they saw the reason for this.
Tails stood there, a remote in one hand with a thumb pressing down on one of its many many buttons. "Don't tell me you thought it'd be that easy. I thought you were smarter than that."
"Miles, let me go." (Y/N), despite their fear, spoke in a stern and commanding tone, hoping that would be enough to persuade Tails, despite knowing it very well couldn't. "If you kill me, people will notice I'm gone. I won't speak a word of this, I swear. Just let me go."
"Kill you??" A small giggle croaked out the Fox's throat, little at first, but soon escalated into a hysterical laughing fit. "Kill you?! No, I couldn't dare lay a finger on you. You and Sonic are one of the only good hings about these sick dimensions." He chuckled again, breathlessly this time around.
"No, no. I have much bigger plans for you, my sweet." Then he set his remote down, hand reaching behind him to grab for something that his body obscured from (Y/N)'s vision. "Though, I doubt you'd go through it willingly. You're such a fighter!! It's like playing hard to get for you!"
(Y/N) didn't need a rocket scientist to figure out the possibilities this could lead down. All were definitely not in their best interest. They were quick to reach over, to try and grab something, anything they could use to defend themselves. Their fingers brushed against a small screwdriver sitting near the edge of a toolbox, and they quickly snatched it up, gripping onto it tightly in their hand.
(Y/N) attacked first, using the screwdriver as a dagger of sorts to stab at Tails. It made a slice, but not one deep enough to stab, let alone deter the two tailed fiend. Before (Y/N) could even really process all that the lightly furred fox had done, they were sent to the ground with a pounding feeling in the back of their skull and a gloved hand tightly clutching at their throat with their attacker, Tails, mounted on top of them.
"Well done, Darling! I really don't see why Sonic skipped out on you, you certainly are the whole package!" He was grinning from ear to ear, teeth gleaming dangerously as the scarce lighting of the room reflected off of his teeth as well as his eyes. "Beautiful, intelligent, and a fighter!! There really is only one flaw with you!"
(Y/N) gasped for air, coughing and wheezing as they tried desperately to get some form of oxygen to fill their lungs, their hands instinctively went for the one that was wrapped tightly around their throat, trying to pry it off though that only made the fox's fingertips indent themselves deeper into the morbian's neck.
Tails leaned I'm close, half lidded eyes watching them and reveling in the sight of them. "You just don't know when to quit." That's when (Y/N) saw it. The glisten of light hitting the slim blade of a needle that he held tightly in his right hand, preparing to strike (Y/N) with it, inserting the mysterious liquid that the needle was holding into them.
"Tails--Tails, wait!! You don't have to do this, We can--" (Y/N) was cut short, a chaste kiss being planted on their lips with sharp teeth threatening to cut them before the fox made his move, inserting the needle into the little amount of (Y/N)'s neck that wasn't before squeezed by his hand.
Inserting the liquid and pulling back, Tails' grinned and admired his handiwork. His grip loosened, allowing (Y/N) to catch their breath, though that didn't matter much when the liquid had already started to take its effects, draining away at their energy until they were in an almost slumber like state.
"Sleep. Sleep now, and once you're awake, you'll be just like me. We can finally live like we were meant too--Not collecting dust with all these vermin. You'll have no need for this imposter 'Sonic' you busy your thoughts with. You'll be with me, and the 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 Sonic."
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andro-dino · 2 years
sending a few scrunklies your way for the bingo :clap:
tithi, king, demure, teru >:]
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TITHI BELOVED. simply a little guy. baby boy. I love him he’s the sweetest. Literally it is impossible to not like Tithi how could you hate that face hes so lovely. I don’t think abt him all too often (it’s the fury effect I am so sorry to all the good fury characters I neglect </3) but every time I see art of him or anyone talks abt him I get very happy he’s literally the best I would die for him in an instant
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KING OHHHH MY GOD. There’s obvs the blorbo in law status for him but also, last time I picked fury back up, I realized how much I really like him. He’s a really fun character and just has such a likable personality and is really well written and I just like him a lot he’s lovely. He is also unfortunately a victim of the fury effect but I really should draw him more I love he
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DEMUREEEEE OH MY GOD I DO NOT THINK OR TALK ABOUT DEMURE ENOUGH BECAUSE I LOVEEEEEE HIM. HES SO HES SO HES SO ARGEGGFFFG. I want to pick him up like a little plush doll and tuck him tenderly into bed he’s so sweet and pretty and kind and I just love how he’s written and I think his whole insane eyesight thing and being a really strong support with his quick analyzing and strategies is so cool and I so badly wish the series utilized him more BECAUSE HES SO COOL AND I LOVE HIM
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and last but not least, teru my love <3 hes just hes just hes just augfghdhhdhdhd <333333 I lov him. He’s just such a sweet character and I really like his backstory and the building of his personality and I love coming up with ideas abt him. He’s just such a likable character that no matter who you pair him off with, it’s bound to make some super fun interactions. Obvs I love him with the dss trio but literally put him with anyone and he’s wonderful I love him
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lackadaisicalnereid · 3 years
Whilst we're on the subject... WicDiv for the ask game <3
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
I will not even attempt a different answer, it's Laura fucking Wilson. The girl who was presented with a lose-lose situation and found a win scenario and ended a millenia spanning power-and-greed-motivated-godhood pyramid scheme. If she's depressed, she will fuck your romantic partners, tho.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Dio. Not a lover or a fighter, he's a dancer. SO CUTE. SO CUTE.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Look, I'm not much in WicDic fandom but I'm pretty sure Cassandra's unappreciated and she was my first real fave, y'all. She's so angry and so disappointed and she hates the whole pantheon, both the concept and the specific people in it, and she wants to dismantle it so bad - both because it's bad AND because she wants to desperately to be a part of it and I loved her since her first scene. I thrive on contradictions, what can I say. Can't get me enough Cass.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Gee I don't even know who I'd consider obscure in WicDiv? I was always ecstatic to see all the Norns, tho. I wish we got more of the Norns. I'm a sucker for triple-goddesses.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
I don't know if people consider Baphomet pathetic, but I DO AND I LOVE HIM FOR IT. Best pathetic straight-on-thin-ice I've encountered in many years. Legit biggest surprise for me in the series, did not expect to care for him one tenth of what I actually ended up caring. Sob.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Honestly when I think about who I'd torment for fun, Baal's the first that comes to mind? I loved Baal, but just, you know, I feel like he'd very easily cooperate with being manipulated and pushed down into compliance and just saying, when Ananke did it, it was fun, who's to say we couldn't have a good repeat?
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Woden. Sigh. Definitely Woden.
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tailung · 3 years
Tf animated
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
optimus! i think the distinct spin on the usual leader archetype that prior incarnations fell into served well to differentiate and also provide a new perspective on relationships to authority that was briefly explored in tfa, especially in regards to his team and high command ALSO i just think he's a sweet and noble character that does his absolute best with the cards he's dealt :] everyone that treats him like an uwu baby is getting drawn and quartered
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
i HATE to refer to bee as my baby even by proximity because only very weird people tend to do this but he's pretty cute. i like this fun teenager. holding him like a ferret
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
despise how bulkhead can fit into this category considering he's a main character but! i love him! i genuinely enjoy every time he's on the screen especially when he's given the spotlight for an episode, he has an endearing personality + more depth than some give him credit for and i just wish he was allowed to assert himself more in s3 i get that he's the comic relief character but everyone's such a dick to him in that season after his space building skills were revealed 😭
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
cliffjumper he looks funny and doesnt die <3
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
i like sentinel. i enjoy sentinel immensely, actually. he is the funniest character on the show. i am not sorry. also i like blackarachnia but she's only hated because she's a girl that's also ostensibly getting in the way of m//egop so i dont think she counts
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
using blurr cube in a pinball machine to make him become blurr sphere
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
blitzwing your fans are fucked in the head i'm sorry but i dont want to deal with that anymore it's been far too long!
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gaybarbiegirl · 2 years
retj for the fandom ask and obviously you get to differenciate the character by 2010 retj or italian retj <33 or if it's not enough characters you can take french musicals as a whole it Works
Let's go girl!! I'll try to stick to retj as much as possible here but if I feel like there's an item that fits another musical better we're making a little switch
Blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Italian Mercutio my beloved!! You know I absolutely love him girl!! His energy is spot on, and his personality, sluttiness and little crush on Romeo were amazing. I couldn't focus on anything else whenever he was on screen because he just stole the show that hard, and the fact that he managed to make me cry laugh AND almost scream with excitement AND to break my heart in just one single scene still has me in awe. He's the absolute best, Shakespeare wishes he wrote him <3
Scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Italian Romeo my wholesome dumbass boy!! He was so so sweet and I mean so was Juliet, but maybe because he got more focus as a character I feel like specifically his little crush on Juliet could really nail down that energy of a sweet, innocent first love that never should have ended this way. He was very cute and earnest and very naive and oblivious too and it just makes for a very lovable mix.
Scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
I'm going with Benvolio for this one. I totally understand why he's the least popular of the main characters and ends up a little forgotten, he really doesn't have the big personalities of Mercutio and Tybalt or the intense dramatic storylines of Romeo and Juliet, but he's still a very good voice of reason character to have around and the official braincell holder of the group. AND he sings the saddest song in the entire musical that I also absolutely love so you know, I really appreciate what he adds to the story.
Glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Sorry to break away from retj but Leia from La Légende du Roi Arthur my beloved!!! I swear this character is so funny because I mean really she does fuck all the entire musical and she's still my favorite. Like she stands around Morgana and Guinevere pretty often, she does little evil grins at the audience while the other villains are doing the action part, at one point she picks a handkerchief off the ground and then places it back on the ground a few cm to the left...................... and yet. It's the power of being a hot goth dancer I guess.
Poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Girl you know how this goes if you said pathetic fave you said italian Tybalt absolutely <3 little loser emo kid who has a wolf inside him and it's himself, what else could I ask for here?
Horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Can I just say Tybalt again 😭 though to shake things up I'm going with 2010 Tybalt this time, and I mean judging by what we saw in the musical at every minor inconvenience this guy goes on a long musical soliloquy about how his parents didn't love him where the chorus is just him repeating his own name so. Yeah I'm in for a fun time here.
Eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Girl I genuinely have no clue I don't think there were any musical characters yet that I've hated this much.
Thank you so much for the ask!!!
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sharkface-daydreams · 3 years
(for the favorites) Pokemon~ your choice of what you know better, the anime or a specific game (like Yellow, or Sun/Moon, ect)
ooh this is fun!! honestly I remember the older ones the best but sword and shield were kind of refreshing in a way. Arceus Legends is turning out to be a breath of fresh air too (something something breath of the wild joke) ANYWAY I only ever watched like the original pokemon anime so I'll toss that in with the games as well haha
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) honestly? cyrus from Diamond and Pearl. dramatic little bitch. moody. astronomically grand goals that seem so far out there i just wanna dig into his brain and see what makes him tick
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) WALLY!!! from the original Ruby/Sapphire/emerald games. God i love that kid. What a glow-up!! I was rooting for him to beat me every time! very sad you had to beat him to progress. He is SO SHAPED!!!! his frail little heart is so STRONG and full of willpower and LOVE
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) Sidney from the RSE Elite Four!!!! I loved his hair, his style, and also Dark type pokemon. He's also kind of an odd looking dude, not the sort of guy most people would give more than a second thought to, but he's like. also gender goals lmao that's probably why he stuck in my brain like a nettle
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) MISTER BRINEY!!!!!!!!!!!! from RSE :D him and Peeko oh my god. even now, like twenty years later I sometimes randomly utter "Anchors aweigh! Peeko, we're setting sail my darling!" when I start something or go somewhere lmao ah i just. his heart is so full of love for little Peeko and I hope they're still sailing about together :')
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) Silver, the rival from Gold/Silver. I got pretty into Yellow which was my first pokemon game ever, but I got Gold the christmas I was 12 and it poured itself into the wrinkles of my brain like concrete and solidified forever. I love this little asshole so much. Why are you such a dickhead? What's your issues? A little kid catches you peeping on their neighbor and you shove them in the dirt? You steal pokemon and use them to intimidate people? Oh I want to put you in a glass jar and shake you and write a case study on you.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) Oh my god. Archie and Max. The Team Aqua and Magma guys. And all the Team Galactic admins. Horse plinko for all of you. What the fuck are you wearing. Look at your life, look at your choices!!
Oddly enough I don't want to plinko Silver, I just want to know what makes him tick. lol Oh. But I almost want to dangle Professor Laventon (Arceus Legends) over the plinko while threatening to send him through unless he changes that fucking hat -_- i'm sorry I just. I can't take him seriously I know he's supposed to kind of be a doofus academic but BLEASE that fucking hat at least wear a matching jacket!!!
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) I don't remember... I think it was Black/white?? But that Ghetsis guy. The abusive cult dad. Fuck him. I don't even remember what his shtick was but I'm glad his kid was able to have like. positive character growth.
I really wish I could find my X/Y cartridges, I lost them some years ago and I remember really enjoying that gen :( thank you for asking!! look out, I'm going to go to your askbox next >:D
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princeasimdiya12 · 3 years
Miraculous Ladybug c:
Thank you so much for sending one! ^_^
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Alya Cesaire. I love her character and how involved she is in the Miraculous world, both in her civilian form and as Rena Rouge. She's very down to Earth and knows how to talk to people while still having that touch of kindness to her. I also loved her embracing her super hero persona in both her use of Illusions and her witty banter with her hero compatriots. And I honestly enjoy Alya getting more involvement in Season 4 which made the season so fun for me. While I don't agree with most of the writing decisions done to her character, especially she is unfortunately stuck in the "Black Best Friend" archetype, I still appreciate her for who she is and I wish her only the best in future seasons.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): The closest that comes to mind would have to be Rose. She's so precious given her adorable personality, her pink aesthetic and how she's always thoughtful to her friends and girlfriend. Plus I love that she's a metalhead singer for her friends' band and that just makes her even more precious.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng. I just think they're genuinely sweet and wholesome people. They do care about their daughter and try to be understanding of her needs and recognizing her faults. Their personal dynamic is also pretty wholesome and I love how caring they are to each other.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): A tie between Chloe's butler and Adrien's bodyguard. They have small parts but they've done so much in being actual parental figures to the kids they watch over then their actual parents and I appreciate them for that.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Style Queen as my problematic fave. Along with having a cool design, I just love how wicked and over the top she is when she's in her villain persona. She's so ridiculous and fun to watch, especially because of how dangerous she is on her own.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason). Gabriel. If Marinette's personal life has to be ruined because of her Miraculous lifestyle then I think it's only fair that Gabriel's life should suffer just as much. Especially since he's the root cause to begin with. I'd also include Chloe. Sometimes I imagine alternate scenarios that would force Chloe to realize that being a selfish, entitled brat can have genuine consequences in the real world.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Gabriel "Garbage Bag" Agreste. For being an abusive father, a deranged terrorist and making no effort to stop himself. Nathalie can join him since she's just as involved in his schemes, and contributing to Adrien's miserable home life, and doesn't try to change things. Also Su-Han. The guy is supposedly an experienced warrior dedicated to the Miraculous that you'd THINK would be of some help to Ladybug yet he's done absolutely NOTHING to help her in stopping Hawk Moth. Why are you even here if you're just going to be a useless egoist who yells at kids?
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rahabs · 3 years
The Tudors for the brain-hurting Tumblr ask
blorbo (favourite character, character I think about the most)
Cromwell. Thomas Cromwell in The Tudors is the single best, most nuanced portrayal of Cromwell I have ever seen in any piece of Tudor-related media, ever, and, to be frank, blows Wulf Hall out of the water. James Frain did an amazing job and this is the portrayal I hold all other Cromwell appearances against. We got to see more than just "scheming statesmen" and I thought, again, the portrayal was really nuanced, giving a very well-rounded, complex interpretation of the character such that I bawled my eyes out when he was executed. The fact that they actually included his children... Oh, owie. Still not over it.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Robert Testwood. He was in the show for .2 seconds but he was baby and I was devastated when he was tortured. (And because I know people are going to have no idea who I'm talking about: historically, Robert Testwood was a Protestant martyr under Henry VIII, and was eventually burned at Windsor. In the show, he's the man at the organ who runs when Gardiner's men burst in and start arresting people. He runs to Edward Seymour and Anne Stanhope for help, but ultimately they are no help at all and he gets arrested and tortured. He's shaped like baby :c He did not deserve that.)
Also, MARY.  I edited to come back and say MARY how could I forget Mary Tudor?  Love of my life, Mary I of England?  Who does not deserve any of the vitriol that comes her way when the same people spitting on her praise her family?  When she was the most merciful of all the Tudor monarchs, when she just wanted so badly to be a mother, when she was so caring for her siblings this is my hill you will not move me--
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Underappreciated fav... Charles V is a contender, because as a historical character he really is a lot of fun, and also he's played by Sebastian Armesto who has an uncanny ability to appear in all the historical media I watch and also Star Wars for some reason. The Tudors? He's there as Charles V. The Terror? That little rat Charles Des Voeux. The Virgin Queen? Charles Blount. (Why are all these men named Charles?) Marie Antoinette? Comte de Provence. Pirates of the Caribbean? Ferdinand VI of Spain. I can go on.
Otherwise... Katherine Howard. As a historian, and as someone who wrote her postgraduate dissertation on the Tudors, I understand why people slam the portrayal but honestly... I enjoyed it? I liked her. I wish Henry VIII had been portrayed as varyingly grotesque as he historically was by that point, which would, I think, have made her portrayal make a bit more sense/add nuance, but on the whole I just? She was sweet. I liked her.
Also honourary mention to Anne of Cleves because a thousand and one hearts.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Robert Testwood... baby... Sir, ma'am he's baby... Also Mark Smeaton, as everyone knows. Hello, it's me, waving my Mark Smeaton flag, I still have that URL hoarded >:}
And Anthony Knivert. Early in my tumblr career I ran a roleplay blog for him. Love him. Adore him. Where did he go I know he was an amalgamation of two historical figures into one character but hello! He just? Vanished? At least Compton died. Knivert just was never heard from again.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
O h Edward Seymour... Edward Seymour. I love him. Max Brown doesn't age in real life but they did make him age in this and I really liked that we got any portrayal of Edward Seymour. It made me happy. I thought it was pretty accurate re: accounts of him as a person. I could go on about him forever. I love that we got so much of him and wish we got more of the Duke of Norfolk to go with it. I yell and I shout that The Tudors is the best piece of Tudor-media out there because it is unique on focusing not just on Henry and his wives, but also the other figures at court, and giving them screentime and motives and developing the politics and yes some key figures randomly vanish and it's bizarre (Norfolk, fucking Cranmer) but? They do so much. The Tudors crushes Wulf Hall (and anything based on anything Philippa Gregory has ever written) any and every day of the week, no contest.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Charles Brandon. I'd torment him so that his fans would stop flooding the main tag. I'm so over-saturated in Charles Brandon media and I'm bitter here. There are so many more interesting characters and people generally only like him because it's Henry Cavill, which is completely fair, but he really does saturate all the tags.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
In a show filled with Absolute Jerks I'm still going to have to pick Gardiner. He goes straight to turbo hell for being an icky jerk >:c Also because for my dissertation on Mary I's government/effectiveness I spent so much time in TCD's archives/old book room reading his letters and I'm... bitter. Turbo hell for Stephen Gardiner!
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silverislander · 3 years
arcane for the fandom ask
hell yes anon let's GO
blorbo: vi, to nobody's surprise! she has been semi-permanently living in my brain since december now, i am stealing her gender and i would also like to kiss her on the mouth. i'm so predictable istg, you show me a lesbian who could beat the shit out of me and i'll imprint on them like a duckling
scrunkly: ms caitlyn kiramman,, she has such a good heart and she's trying SO hard and she's doing so well considering all the shit from her upbringing that she's learning from... and she's very cute........ love her lil tooth gap, love the fact that she is Six Feet Tall(!!!!!), love her stupid little cop hat
scrimblo bimblo: mel!! i hate how people think she's Evil and this manipulative witch bc she just. is not! she's smart as hell and in the end she does the right thing, and i think that in particular is what matters. she isn't evil that makes me so frustrated (also my god her DESIGN)
glup shitto: hmmm idk... not as much of a background character but i think sevika is pretty cool! i feel like she's going to be the one to fill the power void in zaun after silco's death considering she's his second in command, so hopefully we'll see more of her in s2 👀 plus EVERY fight she's in fucking slaps
poor little meow meow: ofc it has to be jinx... yeah she's a sweetheart yeah she's a serial arsonist/career criminal yeah i love her w my whole heart. the explosions and murder are ok bc she's small and sad. if you had told me last year that the next character i would be wishing the best for would be jinx leagueoflegends i would have physically attacked you but here we fuckin are
horse plinko: silco! i'm fascinated with him in a "he's a terrible person but he's clearly a Person with thoughts and motives and morals and i want to understand him so bad" kinda way. he's so plainly wrong about every method he uses and yet so many of his actual goals are pretty solid. loving your new adopted crime daughter? great! maybe try it without the manipulation and get her a lil help for her severe mental illness/childhood trauma! standing for the independence of zaun? awesome! why did you flood the lanes with shimmer you dumb fuck that does the opposite of help
eeby deeby: jayce. i'm sorry he's shady as fuck i just get weird vibes and i don't trust him as far as i could throw him (which is not very far bc i have the worst noodle arms and he is a Big Man)
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