#he's not this gentle giving cinnamon roll holy crap!!!!
greenfiredragonfly · 1 year
every day I log onto tumblr.com and see some absolutely batshit takes about good omens
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
your roommate hcs are so cute, can i request for naib, demi, tracy, andrew, kurt, patricia, and victor?
:0 holy crap yes! I’m so glad you enjoyed the roommate hcs!! Me and the other mods hope you enjoy these! Thank you for requesting :))
(i added melly because why not? lmao hope you don’t mind.)
Part 1!
Naib Subedar
This man deadass didn’t know you were living with him
Even when people told him about it, he wasn’t rlly paying attention and didn’t rlly care
Your stuff in his room? He thought it was his or someone just broke into his room and left it there
When he saw you on the toilet however, he just freaked out.
“Why the hell are you shitting in my room!?” “Your room? I’ve been living here for 2 months!”
Once he found out you lived with him, he made sure you knew what was his and what was yours
also, since he’s very protective of his things-- you being one of them-- he would totally get jealous if he caught you tallking to someone that wasn’t him.
he would probably give you the silent treatment and act like a pissy baby
He hates it when you touch his stuff
especially his photos, the photos were special to him because they were of him and his army friends.
You’d sometimes catch him looking at the photos with a longing in his eyes, it was highkey sad.
having you live with him meant lots and lots of training
he made sure you were always prepared for matches and that you don’t get downed early
when you got downed early however, He would scold you but he would still rescue you anyways because he’s soft
“You’re such an idiot, you’d better do better next time! Or else I’ll kick your ass.” 
one time he got cocky while kiting because you were watching him
he forgot to turn on his elbow pads and face palmed into the wall.
“...You saw nothing.” He turned around, a bit woozy from hitting his head on a wall. He flipped the hunter off before stumbling wooshing away
When you first get to know naib, he’d probably come off as intimidating and menacing
but once you get to know him--the real him--, you start to understand that even though he may be tough on you, its because he wants you to be the best
he has good intentions
During matches he’d let you handle yourself and made sure you didn’t rely on him too much
One time you needed to shower but you ran out of your shampoo so you used his.
When he questioned you, you simply responded “What? You don’t need it anyways, you’re bald!”
He didn’t rescue you the next round.
should’ve seen that coming
though he forgives you when you braid his luscious long existent hair for him
Kurt Frank
The amount of times you almost stepped on this man is astronomical.
he would constantly be in his tiny form because he would lose a lot of his things
his tiny form helped him find his things easily
Though when you first moved in with him, you had no idea what his ability was
so when you first saw a tiny version of your roommate you thought he was just a weird doll
until you heard him say a tiny, “Hey can you move your ginORMOUS foot? You’re stepping on my book.”
You fucking screeched and took off your shoe to try and kill him
After he explained to you about his ability you calmed down a bit and spared this tiny man but only this time!
Frank loves books, he probably filled your shared rooms with stacks on stacks of books
You’d often see him tiny, waving at you while you’re decoding
Once you overhead Kurt arguing with First Officer over who was the rightful owner of some sort of treasure map
They fought for days,
kurt would constantly complain about it to you
turns out it was just a game on the back of a Cereal box.
sorry this is short like kurt
Tracy Reznik
Would be a little awkward at first, but the awkwardness slowly fades away when you both make bad jokes
she gives me childhood best friend vibes
Has her doll sitting in the corner of your shared room room, it’s lifeless eyes scare the living shit out of you in the dark you try not to make eye contact, afraid it’ll curse you or smth
if she was mad at you she would move the bot in a way that looked like it was flipping you off you off in your direction before you went to bed.
Always making little robot things that are super fun to play with
Loves sharing her things. Has no problem with it
you wanna wear her clothes? sure
you want to wear her underwear? evEN BETTER-
Pulling all nighters, trying to get her machines to work like how she wanted it to work.
Would live off of kraft Mac n cheese and junk food in the modern day
Pretty hyper, chugs pink monster energy drinks while pulling all nighters, also, in the modern day
would probably be a bruh girl
Her room is a mess, covered with blueprints and scrap metal
her room is practically a safety hazard
Sometimes she dresses her doll up a bit, putting wigs or her old clothes on it (which scares you half to death)
Once she made her doll dress up like her
and you almost went up to it to ask what it wanted for dinner.
Has a photo of her and her dad
You never wanted to bring it up, worried it might make her upset :(
Sometimes she’d feel really guilty about being downed in the first 30 seconds
please comfort her, she feels super bad
She always relies on you to rescue her
She gets really happy and thankful when you body block for her but she still gets a bit concerned when you do it randomly
“i wasn’t even kiting-” “Protecc the mecc.”
Demi Bourbon
Always out at the bar
Smells like alcohol constantly
tipsy 24/7
she’s never 100% sober
You have to hold her hair out of her face when she comes back to your shared room to hurl
Likes bringing back hard vodka or weird flavoured alcohols back for you guys to get wasted try together
Room is bit cluttered, but she doesn’t have much in her room since she’s always out in bars or matches
Usually latches onto you like a parasite when she’s drunk.
it gets a bit awkward when her face is a bit close to yours,
“Are we about to kiss right now-? BLeurghgrhgherrgh.”“...*audible sigh*”
You’d go to her expecting her to heal you like a normal person but no
instead she shoves dovlin down your throat
She likes to do your makeup, and always adds a matching beauty mark
unless you don’t wear makeup, then she’d ask you to do hers 
always loves how she looks afterwards
more than sometimes demi would get into bar fights, 
so you know she’s about to throw hands when she starts takes off her earrings-
10/10 would fight for you <3
She’s gives me cool wine aunt vibes
Probably a lesbian too (check out our Demi smut fic ;))
Or bi, idk
Just straightn’t
She’s really good at hyping you up, especially when you’re taking shots
Andrew Kreiss
Would be very shy at first, opens up a little when you get to know him
Totally a night owl, can’t sleep at night from all the guilt and “what if’”s
if you see this baby awake at night, hug him, he really needs it
You’ve never seen the other side of his face
How does he see with hair in his eyes?
He’s albino, which is super dope
Sometime you fear he’s thinking about burying you
You always see him thwacking Luca with his shovel
Barely talks
Room is moderate
He doesn’t want you to find out too much about him
He may seem bland, but he loves sweet food
You’d bake him cookies and other sweets
He’d act as if he’s not embarrassed and brush it off
“Are you blushing?”“No, I-I’m sunburnt.” “On your face?” “....I stare into the hot red sun sometimes because it eases me.”
to keep his lie going, every time he catches you staring at him he would fry his eye balls by staring into the sun until you left
partially the reason why he can’t see well
When he’s not looking, you stare at him while he’s eating the stuff you made because he looks so happy :’)
One time you found him down in the dumps so you made him a cup of coffee, and when you handed it to him you said-
“Depresso espresso?”
*sniff* ”..are you oka-” “IM NOT CRYING, YOU ARE”
he actually cried
it was such a nice gesture(?), that he started ugly crying
You’d ask him if he wanted hugs during matches when you see him get stressed
He’d be flushed and kinda confused
hug... him? why tho lmao
he’d definitely agree tho, to be fair, with some hesitation 
if y’all ever cuddled in bed, i feel like he’d be a little spoon
poor boy needs the comfort, he wouldn’t mind if you wanted to be little spoon tho
he just wants to be close to you
Victor Grantz
You love playing with his dog, Wick
Super nice and polite, but a little guarded
The type to be too afraid to call people out when they do something wrong but would totally trash them in his head
You write him little letters everyday and leave them on his bed to make him happy :))
He’d a be a little spoon
Wick would always join you guys while cuddling
Kisses would be soft and gentle
Usually sends you the first letter in matches
Loves to cuddle
He bb 🥰
You always get him a birthday present AND a Christmas present
You also get a gift for Wick
He loves giving you surprise hugs
Likes to read with you while cuddling
Literally a cinnamon roll
Once he was eating a cinnamon roll
And you whispered
“C a n n i b a l i s m .”
He was very confused
and kind of scared- were you going to eat him?
Patricia Dorval
Room always smells like herbs
She could literally smoke weed and you’d think it’s some magical healing herb
it magically makes you feel better
Always there to stun the hunter when you’re ballooned
The mature one
Her room is organized, with boxes labeling what herbs and magic stuff that are in them
You were cooking dinner for the day and you accidentally used one of her fancy herbs in your soup
She didn’t realize until she tried the soup
She wasn’t mad just disappointed
She lectured you on how you shouldn’t touch her stuff or use it for cooking
Gotta admit tho, the soup was pretty good
she acts like the mom everyone wishes they had
totally the type to be like, “dude we should think this through.” before doing something risky
and then five seconds later, “cowABUNGA MY DUDES”
one time she caught kreacher leaving the mens washroom without washing his hands
seeing as she was the mother of this manor, she had to protect her children from diseases
so she yeeted her monkey skull at kreachers head, cleanly knocking him out
and everybody cheered.
Melly Plinius
When you heard melly was going to be your roomie, you couldn’t have been more excited.
you finally had a victim for the many insect pick up lines!
So you decided to make some good first impressions by waiting for her in your room.
so when she arrived to your room and greeted you, you happily greeted her back, and slipped in the pick up line.
“Hello, my name is Melly. I believe I will be your ro-?”“Yeah nice to meet you too, say, what do bees make?”
She kinda thought you were a bit rude so much for first impressions
“...Erm, honey?” she replied hesitantly
... okay maybe you weren’t thaaaat bad.
after that she kind of developed a teensy crush on you 
so it was hard living with you because of her crush, since she was constantly flustered 
you loved her reactions, she constantly got red.
it was funny watching her try to keep her cool and fail.
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undermoonlightst · 6 years
First Time (Woozi/Lee Jihoon) (Smut)
A/N: I rewrote this sucker fOUR times. I also got carried away and made it extremely long on accident. When I found out this was over 5,000 words I choked on my coffee a little.... anyway. About the Jicheol part of this request, I have never written a boy x boy smut before, in fact, this story is only my third time writing smut. So for now, I am still struggling learning to write just regular smut and make it good so I don’t yet feel comfortable writing any SVT ship smuts yet. I am not against the idea at all, and would love to write them in the future once I get more settled in here. Anyway, thanks so much for your request!! I hope you enjoy this! <3
Request: Can we have a first time with JIcheol? (No reader involved just jicheol) if not then a first time with Jihoon?    
➵ Pairing: Woozi/Lee Jihoon x Reader
➵ Theme: Smut, slight dom!Jihoon (only for a moment...then he goes back to being a cinnamon roll)
➵ Words: 5,163 (holy cRAP!)
*credits to gif owner, not mine*
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Jihoon was slow as molasses when it came to your relationship. You were friends long before you dated and it literally took him years to slowly fall in love with you. But that’s what made it so beautiful. His steady pace of falling in love with you over time meant that by the time he finally admitted it to you, he was smitten. Terribly smitten. Jihoon was usually very stoic and didn’t show much emotion. But in private, when he felt an emotion, he was passionate about it. Especially around you. He never failed to express to you how much he loved you, even when he was away on tour or stressed out making music. You felt extremely proud that you were basically the only one that got to see Jihoon’s real emotions.
Since he was so slow, so careful with your relationship, it took him a very long time to be ready for sex. He wanted it, oh he definitely wanted it, but he was weary of bringing it up to you. All these months of being together and you still hadn’t talked about sex with him, nor had you done anything with him that could be considered, well... sexy. What if you didn’t even want sex? It was a stupid thought, yet Jihoon thought it.
He fiddled with the tv remote, not paying attention to his show, but instead thinking about you. His thoughts were running wild. He wanted you, badly, but if you didn’t want sex and he brought it up to you... Jihoon didn’t want you to think he was some hormonal horn dog. But, holding back had started to become more and more difficult for him. He began to have dreams at night about you, about making love to you passionately. And every time he would see you during the day, along with his extreme adoration and love for you, a slight ache would gnaw at him from somewhere deep inside. He recognized it as sexual desire, and it was becoming more unbearable as time went on. Every little thing that you did made his emotions go into a frenzy and his fingers would be itching to touch you, to just get a taste of your soft skin.
“I’m home!” You walked into the living room, placing your keys down on the counter and Jihoon was startled out of his thoughts. What he didn’t know, was that you had been having very similar thoughts about him. Your growing desire to have sex with Jihoon had been rising, yet you hadn’t mentioned it to him. What he also didn’t know was that you were tired of holding yourself back from him. You had secretly noticed Jihoon’s gazes at you the past few weeks, watching him bite his lip as he eyed you from a distance, his mind obviously full of unclean thoughts. His recent kisses with you lingered longer than they usually did, his hands holding onto you tightly like he might lose you. You were tired of letting sexual tension make things uneasy for the both of you. You wanted him. You wanted his long, slender fingers to feel your skin, you wanted them tracing lazy shapes on your lower stomach before finding your soaking clit-
You cleared your throat and turned to see Jihoon looking at you.
“Hi.” He hummed, and your heart warmed up at the loving gaze he was giving you. As soon as he saw you, Jihoon’s body instantly filled with want. He cursed himself for being so weak for you. Yet, you were so beautiful, so soft. Every inch of him adored you, and he yearned to show you how crazy you made him. His mind wandered to what you might sound like sighing in pleasure, begging him to touch you, begging him to give it to you faster...harder. He felt something rise inside of him and he scanned your gorgeous body quickly. He swallowed, suddenly becoming very aware of how aroused he had gotten so quickly, just at the fucking sight of you.
“How was your day?” He forced himself to ask, his tone hoarse. You lifted a brow slightly at the sound of his voice. It sounded slightly weak, like something had drained the energy from him.
“Boring.” You chuckled. “It’s better now that I’m home with you.” You smiled, strutting over to the couch, swaying your hips slightly. Jihoon had to force himself to keep his eyes on yours instead of drifting them to your swinging hips as you approached him. You sat down, instantly leaning an arm over Jihoon’s shoulders so your fingers could play with his soft hair. He hummed in approval, leaning into your touch a little too quickly, giving away his desperateness for you. He turned his face to look at you, and you almost melted at the urgent look in his eyes. He was anxious to get more physical attention from you than you just playing with his hair, so he leaned in suddenly, connecting your lips in a searing kiss. It deepened almost instantly as you wrapped both arms around Jihoon’s neck.
His kisses quickly became frantic and you were beginning to feel very aroused by just the sound of Jihoon’s wet lips parting from yours repeatedly with small pops, just to be reconnected to them again a millisecond later. He repeated this action over and over again, giving you quick, frenzied pecks that, though they were quick, were deep, and they had you squeezing your thighs together in arousal.
“Jihoon...” You whispered, and he swallowed at the sultry sound of your voice. His hand was gripping your thigh and you knew that at this point, you had to say or do something to let Jihoon know, you wanted sex. Now.
“Jihoon.” You said his name again, and he pulled away from your lips, giving you his full attention. You didn’t know how to word what you wanted so you settled for moving to straddle his lap. Jihoon looked surprised but he adjusted quickly, his hands naturally smoothing to hold your hips. You gently grabbed both his cheeks, leaning in close.
“Kiss me again.” You begged, your hot breath hitting Jihoon’s face, causing him to shiver. He didn’t say a word, but instead obeyed your request, slamming his lips into yours and gripping your hips so tight you thought you might have bruises later. The kissing instantly became a heated make out session, your tongue battling Jihoon’s for dominance, yet he was winning easily. The whole thing was a blur of pleasure and crazy hormones, both of you breathing heavily on each other’s lips, and your hands wandering each other desperately.
You didn’t mean for it to happen but it did. As soon as Jihoon gave your bottom lip a gentle, yet sultry bite, you involuntarily ground your hips down against his. He immediately gasped and threw his head back at the feeling of you pushing against his half-hard cock.
“O-oh.” He sighed, his eyes closing, and your cheeks instantly flushed at the sight and sound of him experiencing sexual pleasure. You had never heard him make such a gorgeous noise before. Wanting to hear it again, you rolled your hips down on him again, this time jolting slightly at the feeling of Jihoon’s hard cock rubbing against your clit. He groaned and then chuckled lowly at your reaction to feeling his cock against you. You had frozen, your eyes wide as you stared at him.
“Are you surprised?” He laughed and you blushed, looking down at your lap. “Do you even know what you do to me?” He purred, leaning in close to your face and a shiver ran down your body. You gripped his shoulders.
“W-what do I do to you?”
“This.” Jihoon growled and shifted without warning, pinning you down on your back on the couch so fast that it took your breath away from you temporarily. Before you could recover, Jihoon smashed his lips into yours, instantly biting down roughly. You let a whimper at his sudden roughness, your heart racing with excitement. Jihoon’s delicate hands were exploring your body with fervor, grabbing at anything and everything he could as you squirmed underneath him. His free hand that wasn’t holding himself up over you, eventually found one of your breasts and when he gave it a gentle squeeze, you instinctively arched your back, pushing yourself into Jihoon’s touch and moaning softly. He smiled at your noise of pleasure, continuing to fondle your breast as he resumed kissing you eagerly. His fingers eventually danced down to the bottom of your shirt, tugging at the hem of it. He pulled away from your lips hesitantly so he could look you in the eyes. You wanted to melt at the sight of him above you, staring at you with hooded eyes that screamed ‘lust’. Yet, behind it was a sparkle of deep affection and love for you. Only you.
“May I?” He referred to your shirt and you nodded eagerly. He sighed in relief and pulled it over your head, revealing your almost-bare chest. Jihoon had to swallow back his desire as his eyes landed on your beautiful chest for the first time.
“You’re so gorgeous, (Y/N).” He breathed and you laughed.
“I barely have gotten any clothes off!”
“Yes, but even looking at you like this drives me insane.” Jihoon smirked, leaning down to nibble at your ear. He immediately wanted your bra off, and he assured you that it was pretty... but it was in the way. You arched your back, letting him slip his nimble fingers behind you so he could undo your bra and toss it wherever he pleased. You watched his eyes widen in awe at the sight of you.
“Oh God, baby.” He breathed, letting his fingers trace your nipples softly, causing you to jerk slightly. “I’ve dreamed about this moment for so long.”
“So have I.” You were breathless, even at his simple touches to your breasts. Jihoon smiled softly at your response and gave your nipples a few more flicks before leaning down, wrapping his lips around one of them and sucking gently. You couldn’t contain your mewl, arching your back as pleasure raced through your body. His lips felt heavenly on your breast, sucking and kissing the sensitive bud, his hand palming the other breast. You had felt wetness pooling between your thighs the minute you began kissing Jihoon, but now you were so wet that it was unbearable and you were aching to get out of your pants. Your back would arch deeply any time Jihoon swirled his tongue around your nipple and you were becoming more and more desperate.
“P-please.” You finally whimpered, and Jihoon made eye contact with you while keeping his lips on your breast. He felt his cock twitch as he saw the pleading look in your eyes, and it turned him on to no end that you were as desperate as he was to do this. He parted from your nipple with a soft ‘pop’.
“We’ll get there baby, hold on. We’re in no rush.” He soothed you, moving his lips to give your other nipple the same amount of blissful attention. You were becoming impatient, your core aching with anticipation, but Jihoon was working sinful magic on your body and you knew you still had a long ways to go before it was finally time for the main event. You suddenly felt Jihoon’s fingers sliding underneath the waistband of your leggings, pulling them down gently. You sighed in relief and helped kick them off your legs. You shivered as Jihoon slowly slid a hand up your thigh as he stared at you.
“Are you wet for me?” He whispered sultrily and you felt your core clench around nothing. You couldn’t reply, your mind instead intensely focused on Jihoon’s hand creeping up your thigh, getting closer and closer to where you needed him the most. You nodded your head meekly.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.” His tone was sharp and you shot your eyes up to meet his, shocked and aroused by his sudden change in personality.
“Y-yes.” You replied.
“Good girl. Let me see just how wet you are for me.” He began to dip a finger into your panties but you put a hand on his chest to stop him.
“Wait, Jihoon. Please take off your clothes.” You requested. Jihoon chuckled but obliged, your mouth beginning to water as he undressed, your eyes finding his boxers and his erection pressing against them, begging for release. Your hands immediately found Jihoon’s chest, massaging the toned muscles gently, earning a groan of satisfaction from him. You were expecting him to continue his mission of sliding his fingers into your panties, like he had been doing before you asked him to remove his clothing. Yet, it seemed he had changed his mind, his mouth now instead wandering your almost-bare body. His lips kissed and sucked angry red marks down your chest and stomach, not planning on stopping any time soon. As he worshipped your body with his lips, his free hand reached for yours, instantly intertwining your fingers and squeezing lovingly. You were utterly confused by the way his demeanor kept changing throughout the whole thing. One minute, he was demanded you to speak up, the next, he was holding onto your hand with a gentle grip that seemed to convey the message that he would never let go of you.
You loved both sides of him, but his dominating side was one that you had only seen glimpses of, mainly when he was jealous or feeling possessive. Curiosity and mischief ran through your body, your mind wondering what he would be like if he switched in bed and fully dominated you. You let your curiosity take over and you decided to test him. You took your knee as Jihoon began kissing your abdomen, and softly brushed it against his straining cock. He let out a low groan, his lips pulling away from your stomach for only a moment before they returned again. You repeated your acting, pushing your knee against him a bit harder.
“(Y/N)...don’t tease me.” He was looking at you now, and you almost couldn’t hold back your smile. You disobeyed, rubbing his cock thoroughly with your knee.
“Don’t.” He begged breathlessly. You weren’t listening. Wanting to push him over the edge of his patience, you tried to grind your leg against him one more time-
Jihoon snapped up to sit on his knees in-between your legs, his hand finding your thigh and pushing your leg up into the air so fast that you gasped in shock, his other hand immediately coming down with a harsh smack to your exposed ass. You cried out.
“You’re so stubborn.” He hissed with a hint of admiration in his tone, rubbing the spot on your ass that he had just slapped.
“Are you trying to drive me crazy?”
All you could do was stare at him and at the way he was holding one of your legs close to your chest so it lifted your butt off the couch, his other palm massaging your stinging cheek. His concealed dominant side was slipping out slightly. 
“Answer me.” He demanded. Yes. You thought. God yes. You were loving this side of him. You were nervous to see his dominating side, yet exhilarated at the same time.
“No.” You lied. Jihoon hummed.
“Are you lying to me, baby girl?” He purred. You swallowed, not wanted to admit to him that you were trying to get him to snap. It took you too long for Jihoon’s liking for you to respond and he delivered another sinful smack to your ass. You moaned at the pleasure of it. Jihoon bit his lip at the delicious noise that left your feminine lips. Before he could scold you again, you quickly spoke.
“I want you.” Was all you could say. Jihoon chuckled.
“That doesn’t answer my question.” He was smirking as his hand moved to massage your upper thigh. All you wanted was his fingers sliding through your slick folds, dipping in and out of your aching entrance.
“Are you that impatient? Even though it’s our first time? God, how long have you wanted me like this, baby?” His voice was incredibly melodic and it made you shiver. Jihoon was scolding you for your impatience, yet he was just as needy as you. He was physically holding his desire back, making himself go slow, so that you would feel safe.
“For a really long time. Please, Jihoon. I want you.”
Jihoon’s heart skipped violently at your words. He gently putting your leg back down and shifted to hover over you again. Even though you had teased him, provoked him to let his dominant side out, the way you looked underneath him, so innocent and gorgeous, made him want to make love to you slowly and passionately. He leaned down and gave you a quick kiss.
“I know our hormones are running crazy right now because this is all new and we’ve both wanted each other for so long. But, I want to be gentle with you, baby. I want to go slow with you. I want to draw out the pleasure as long as possible and make our first time amazing.” He made intense eye contact with you and you smiled.
He was right. He was so right. This was your first time together. It’s supposed to be slow and experimental.
“I would like that.” You ran your fingers through Jihoon’s hair. He sighed in relief.
“I do have to say though... I didn’t mind you spanking me.” You laughed awkwardly and your cheeks heated up. Jihoon raised an eyebrow at you.
“Really? Well, let’s keep that in mind for next time then.” He smirked and you blushed harder. He pushed his lips into yours for the millionth time that night, sighing at the simple, yet blissful feeling of his mouth on yours. Your hands wandered his body eagerly as your lips sensually played with his. You pulled away suddenly, wanting to put your lips on Jihoon’s neck. You reached up and  grabbed a handful of his hair, tugging slightly so that his neck was exposed to you and used your other hand to push down on his upper back so that he was closer to you. You let out a soft moan of satisfaction as soon as your lips met his neck, and you immediately began to suck on the sensitive skin. Jihoon let out a low groan of pleasure, rutting his hips into your thigh, letting you feel his erection.
You smiled against his neck before giving him a soft nibble. Jihoon hissed and you pulled back a little, your hot breath hitting his neck, making him shiver.
“Did I hurt you?” You asked.
“No, I like it. Keep going, doll.” His voice sounded desperate and you didn’t deny him, resuming your work of leaving a deep hickey for him to stare at for the next few days. He continued letting out soft groans as you worked on him, his fingers eventually dancing around the waistband of your panties. You bucked your hips into his hand, letting him know he had a green light to continue and that you wanted it. He eagerly freed you of your panties before bringing his fingers back to ghost over your folds. He slightly pressed a finger to your soaked lips and your breath hitched, your mouth parting from Jihoon’s neck. It was the simplest touch, yet it sent shock-waves throughout your body. You instinctively spread your legs as wide as the constraints of the couch would let you, a silent plea for Jihoon to finger you properly.
“That’s a good girl.” He cooed, smiling at your action of opening your legs for him. You released your firm hold on Jihoon’s hair and he instantly looked down at you when you did, so he could watch your face as he touched you. He glided his fingers down your folds and you mewled hoarsely.
Jihoon bit his lip, his desire sky rocketing through the roof.
“So wet...” He trailed off, experimentally flicking his thumb over your swollen clit. You hissed, wrapping your arms around Jihoon’s waist as he continued the action gently.
“Please.” It was a vague request but Jihoon understood. He slipped a finger lower, teasing your dripping entrance. He circled around it once, agonizingly slow, and you bucked your hips impatiently into his finger.
“Yes. Please.” You begged him again, and Jihoon was biting his lip so hard that it hurt as he watched your stunning expressions of pleasure. He didn’t have the self-control anymore to tease you, and he slowly eased his digit into you. You whined in relief, squeezing Jihoon’s shoulders tightly. His eyes widened as he pushed his finger inside of you, surprised at how tight you were just around his single digit. His mouth watered at the thought of what you would feel like around his cock, which was much thicker than his finger. He pulled his digit out, just to slowly ease it back in. His simple movements already had your back arching, your soft moans filling the living room. You opened your eyes, which had been closed for the past few moments to focus on the pleasure, and you noticed Jihoon’s watchful gaze down at you. You smiled at him and he returned it. You quickly realized that he was giving you all the pleasure, so you decided to share.
You slipped your hand down Jihoon’s chest, his muscles tensing at your warm touch. Your fingers quickly found their destination and Jihoon let out a loud moan, his breath stuttering as you pressed your hand against his hard cock through his underwear. He groaned as you begin to palm him gently, and he instinctively added another finger inside of you. You whimpered at this, closing your eyes again and letting yourself focus on the pleasure Jihoon was giving you, and that you were giving him. You fondled his cock a bit longer before grabbing the waistband of his boxers, pushing them down with Jihoon’s assistance. Your hand instantly found his cock again, Jihoon’s breath hitching at the feeling of your soft skin on his. You rubbed your thumb over his tip, spreading pre-cum generously before beginning to pump him softly. Jihoon’s eyes squeezed shut in pleasure, a drop of sweat beginning to form on his brow.
In a desperate attempt to muffle his pathetic moans, Jihoon slammed his lips into yours, still focusing on fingering you expertly. You took his lips willingly, your body beginning to shake at the overstimulation of Jihoon fingering and kissing you, along with your hand pumping his cock as well. You were aroused to no end, your hand unknowingly speeding up on Jihoon’s member as you began to lose your cool from all the attacks on all five senses at the same time. You whimpered, your legs shaking as Jihoon rubbed circles into your clit, his fingers going in and out quicker.
He was whispering your name but you didn’t hear it. His head had dropped into your neck but you didn’t know it, you were so overwhelmed, your eyes closed, that you didn’t realize you were pumping Jihoon insanely fast, his orgasm skyrocketing towards him. You couldn’t hear him gasping for breath, in shock at how amazing your hand was around him. Your mind was on cloud nine. But suddenly, Jihoon’s body was shaking and he jerked to grip your wrist tightly.
“A-ah!” He cried out. “Shit, (Y/N), stop.” Your eyes snapped open, your mind coming back to reality. Your hand froze on his cock froze and Jihoon released your wrist, shakily pushing himself back up on his arms to hover over you. His cheeks were extremely pink and he was out of breath. Your eyes widened in realization.
“Were you about to cum?” You asked. Jihoon nodded and laughed breathlessly, giving your cheek a quick kiss.
“How is your hand so good?” He moaned, giving you a few more kisses. “We’ll have to try that again later. But for now, I don’t want to cum quite yet.”
He stood up from the couch and walked to the bedroom, your body suddenly feeling very cold without him. He returned quickly, tearing open a foil packet with his mouth. Your heart raced as you watched him. You admired his naked body as he walked over to you, his alluring pale skin, his broad shoulders, his dark eyes, and of course his member, dripping with pre-cum. Lust raged through your body and you wanted him inside of you instantly.  You brought your eyes back to meet his and you realized Jihoon was eating you up with his eyes as well, his gaze lingering on your pussy for several moments before continuing back up. He licked his lips quickly and you blushed.
“You’re so gorgeous. And insanely perfect.” He murmured and your flush deepened. Jihoon chuckled at your cute reaction and slipped the condom onto his cock before getting on top of you again. Your body immediately felt warm once again and you smiled as Jihoon began giving you quick, yet deep kisses.
“Are you ready?” He paused and looked you in the eyes, searching them for any hint of hesitation or worry.
“More than ready.” You sighed, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I’ll go at whatever pace you need me to. Just tell me when it’s good, okay?” Jihoon was softly pushing your shaking thighs apart and you nodded in reply. He smiled and placed a few more kisses on your breasts.
“Good girl.” He sighed and gave himself a few quick pumps before aligning himself with your entrance. Your breath hitched as he slowly pushed in with a grunt, your arms around his neck squeezing tighter. Jihoon held himself back, eyeing your facial expressions as he inched himself into you. You looked incredible. Your head was thrown back in pleasure and your mouth was agape. Jihoon moaned softly at the sight.
“More.” You hissed and Jihoon obliged, pushing himself in the rest of the way. You both moaned as he bottomed out.
“Oh, shit.” Jihoon swore. “You feel so good, (Y/N). You’re so tight.” You hummed in response, the sting from him stretching you slowly fading away. He kissed your lips, staying still so that you could get used to the fit.
“I love you so much.” He whispered in between kisses.
“I love you too.” You lifted one arm from around Jihoon’s neck and laced your fingers into his hair. “You can move now.”
Jihoon nodded, pulling almost all the way out of you before pushing back in gently. You moaned loudly, biting your lip to cover the noise.
“Don’t do that, baby.” Jihoon added hoarsely as he thrusted into you again. “Let me hear your noises.”
You obeyed his request, letting go of your lip and letting yourself moan freely as Jihoon made love to you slowly.
“That’s it.” He smiled proudly.
“A-a little faster.” You instructed and Jihoon didn’t need to be asked twice, picking up his pace noticeably. He groaned in satisfaction, the sound of how wet you were mixed with his thrusts driving him crazy.
“So good... its so good...” He murmured, in awe of how amazing you felt around him. Jihoon gave you a particular hard thrust and you cried out, your core clenching around him at its own will.
“O-oh holy shit.” He whimpered at the feeling of you clenching and you purposefully made yourself tighten around him again, causing him to groan decadently.  
“Oh God, It feels so amazing when you tighten around me, baby girl. Are you alright?” He asked you and you nodded, moving your hands to hold his upper back.  
“It feels so good, Jihoon. I want more.” You whined, pushing your head back against the couch.
“You can have as much of me as you want.” Jihoon replied, picking up his speed once again, the sound of skin against skin echoing through the air.
“Ah, o-oh my God..” You were a moaning mess underneath Jihoon, squirming and writhing as a pleasurable knot in your stomach began to tighten.
“Oh Jihoon! I’m close! Please, please faster!” You begged him and he began to thrust into you mercilessly.
“Fuck, Say my name like that again, (Y/N).” Jihoon’s hands found yours and he intertwined his fingers into them as he fucked you with every bit of built up passion he had developed since the two of you started dating. His hips snapped into you and you cried out in pleasure.
“Oh, Jihoon.” You whined his name and he groaned.
“Say it again.” He was out of breath but his tone was still firm.
“A-ah Jihoon! I’m all yours.” You gasped. Jihoon’s cock twitched at your breathless words and he suddenly realized he was nearing his end.
“I’m c-close.” He managed and you were feeling the exact same way, the knot in your stomach rising, threatening to overflow. You thought you still had some time left, but when Jihoon’s thumb met your swollen clit, your whole body was jerking and you were clinging onto his back for dear life. A gorgeous cry escaped your lips and Jihoon was shaking, rubbing merciless circles around your bundle of nerves. You tried to hold on, to last a little longer and draw out the pleasure as long as possible, but Jihoon rubbed your clit harder and leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“Please cum for me, (Y/N). Please.”
You came instantly, digging your nails into Jihoon’s back, your toes curling and crying out helplessly as your orgasm hit you in waves so strong, each one caused your whole body to jerk with it.
One look at your stunning orgasmic expression and the blissful feeling of your core clenching around his cock, and Jihoon’s thrusts became erratic. He grunted with effort at each labored push into you. His orgasm hit him suddenly a few seconds after yours and he was moaning into your neck, repeating your name as he released.
For several moments, the only thing that could be heard was you and Jihoon’s labored breathing as he laid on top of you. Finally, he shifted slightly so he could see you.
“Are you okay?” He asked worriedly and your heart fluttered.
“More than okay.” You began to massage his shoulders and he hummed.
“Did I hurt you?”
“Not at all. You were amazing.” You gave his shoulders a slight squeeze.
“So were you.” Jihoon lazily lifted his head to give you a quick peck on the lips. “I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too, Jihoon.”
After Jihoon insisted he helped you wash up by wiping you down gently with a wet towel, the both of you opted to lay in each other’s arms and sleep on the couch for the rest of the night. Jihoon requested that you sleep together naked, and when you gave him a look of mock annoyance he replied with,
“Why wear pajamas when they’re not needed?”
A/N: Ahhhh well... I don’t think this is nearly as good as my Minghao “First Time” smut tbh... I felt a lot of pressure to make this one as good and I ended up being disappointed. Well, I hope someone enjoyed it!
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anythingforcrepes · 5 years
(hey so I really don’t post my fics often, but i’ve been so excited about good omens that I felt the need to share! hope u enjoy!)
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[1.2k ; Aziraphale x Crowley at a carnival by the ocean ; fluff ; slight AU?? ; no spoilers]
A flock of seagulls tumbled and glittered in the light wind, blissfully unaware of the sticky, hot boardwalk below them.
Aziraphale closed his eyes and listened to their chortling. He sat on a metal bench in the full sun and in his hands he clutched a half-empty bag of jellybeans. He scooped up a handful, opening his eyes only to quickly inspect them, and began popping them in his mouth. They melted quickly there, staining his tongue and teeth with a riot of colour. The yellow and blue beans were wedged between the bench slats–the rejects. He leaned back and sighed through his sugar-coated teeth, listening to the seagulls cackle overhead. It was far from the most beautiful sound on earth, but he got a subtle pleasure from its roughness.
The sun was eclipsed by a shaggy mane of red hair. Aziraphale, unsurprised, squinted at the ironically haloed head and patted the spot next to him.
Crowley shook his head in disgust and sat beside Aziraphale, avoiding the melting sweets.
“I can’t believe this,” Crowley said, picking a yellow bean out of the bench. “You’re wasting perfectly good jellybeans.”
Flustered, Aziraphale looked over at Crowley, his mouth full of green jellies.
“It’s notf wmaste!” he protested. “It’s feeding the ants, see? They love it!”
Crowley scowled and threw the bean behind him. Anyone passing by would think he was angry, but Aziraphale knew better. Behind his dark shades and scowl, Crowley was laughing.
Rifling through the packet, Aziraphale pulled a red bean and placed it in Crowley’s hand.
“There, that one matches your hair.”
Crowley rolled his eyes and tossed the candy in his mouth. He nearly spat it out. Cinnamon heart flavour. Ugh.
“So, what’s the plan, angel?” Crowley asked, stretching his legs. “Stroll on the boardwalk? Corn dog or two? I can win you one of those stuffed panda bears if that’s the real reason we’re here.”
Aziraphale chuckled. “Well, no, but I was wondering if we could go up in… that?” He pointed hopefully to something behind them.
Crowley whipped around, lowering his glasses. He hoped to G-O-D that Aziraphale wasn’t pointing at–
“The ferris wheel!” said Aziraphale, nearly dropping his candies. “I’ve always wanted to go on one. Look how cute it is!”
Dragging a hand down his face, Crowley took a second look at the thing. It looked like a bunch of haphazard steel poles, some wires, and a couple buckets of pastel paint decided to go on a bender together.
“Aziraphale,” Crowley said, patiently. “May I remind you that you literally have the power of flight?”
“No need to remind me, Crowley. I’m well aware.”
“And that you can go about a thousand times higher than that thing could take you?”
“Yes, I am aware of that as well.”
Crowley took a long, slow breath, then jumped to his feet, striding towards the ferris wheel. “Well, c'mon then, let’s get it over with,” he said, glancing over his shoulder to watch Aziraphale blush with joy.
Each of his steps were three of Aziraphale’s, so naturally he reached the wheel first.
“Ticket please,” said the pimply gate watch, automatically extending his hand.
Turning to make sure Aziraphale hadn’t quite caught up yet, Crowley waved a hand in front of the teenager’s face. Instantly, the boy’s expression livened and he stood up straight.
“It’s free today, sir!” he said.
“Free?” Aziraphale said, a little out of breath. “Excellent!”
The pair picked a light pink carriage and sat down. It was a tight fit, to say the least. Crowley experimentally rattled the metal handle bar that rested across the two of them. Flimsy crap. Well, as long as Aziraphale was happy…
The ride jolted to a start, scaring both of them. Slowly, the wheel started to turn upwards. Crowley flinched at the creaking noise the carriage made as it swung in the wind, but his thoughts were directed elsewhere when he looked over at Aziraphale. The angel was in his element; with his eyes shining and white-gold hair being tousled by the sea air, he embodied the term angelic. Aziraphale held the bar with one hand and pointed out with the other.
“The ocean looks spectacular from up here, look! And the motion of the ferris wheel feels like waves…it’s almost as if we’re really among them.”
Crowley grinned and started violently rocking the carriage. Aziraphale gave a little yelp and clutched at the handle.
“Crowley, stop! I didn’t mean it like that!”
They laughed as their carriage made it to the top of the wheel and gently halted.
A few moments of comfortable silence passed between them, punctuated only by faraway seagull calls, the crash of a wave, and the gentle swish and creak of their carriage. Crowley eyed Aziraphale’s hands, still wrapped around the metal bar. If he could just scoot one of his hands closer, his pinkie finger could brush against a single knuckle. Aziraphale wouldn’t notice, would he? No. He hardly ever did. Crowley inhaled gently, and started to inch his hand along the bar.
Before he could get very far, Aziraphale lifted a hand and placed it on top of Crowley’s.
“Thank you for coming up here with me,” Aziraphale said, smiling at him. “I know it’s a bit of a silly bother, but it’s just one of those human contraptions I find so interesting…”
“Uh, yeah,” Crowley said, feeling his face go red and turning away. “No prob.”
As Crowley turned back, Aziraphale’s other hand was there to cup his face.
Crowley froze, instantly remembering the words that had haunted him ever since Aziraphale said them just a few years ago:
It’s no risk for you and all the risk for me.
After an extensive dinner outing and several drinks they had been dancing, or swaying, more like, in the back room of Aziraphale’s shop. Crowley could hardly remember to move his feet, as the angel’s head was on his shoulder, and they had never been close like this before, despite their many previous drunken expeditions. Before Crowley could think too much about it, he had placed his fingers under Aziraphale’s chin and tilted his face upwards. Aziraphale eyes had flicked through emotions like a slot machine before landing on neutral seriousness. And then he had said the words.
And now, he would say them again. So Crowley sat still, and waited.
“I know what you’re thinking,” said Aziraphale. “But it’s okay. For just this moment, it’s okay.”
It was like letting a ferret out of a cage. Crowley instantly reached across and buried his fingers in the back of Aziraphale’s hair. So soft, like duckling fluff. Aziraphale marveled at how Crowley’s fingers tangled desperately in his hair, and how hot his face was under his hand. Crowley leaned towards him, remembering the movies he’d watched, the half-joking, half-serious practice sessions he’d had in front of the mirror.
The ferris wheel took this moment to clunk back to life, throwing the pair forwards and almost out of the carriage.
“Oh, for Heaven’s sake!” said Crowley. He slammed his hands down on the bar, half out of frustration, and half because his tongue burned the second the H-word was on it.
Aziraphale began to laugh, reaching up to cover the deep blush that had spread across his face.
The carriage soon touched the ground once more, and Crowley leapt out of it as if it was doused in holy water. Aziraphale took his time, dusting off his pants, getting a handkerchief out to wipe his forehead, thanking the ticket boy.
They walked back towards the boardwalk in silence. Crowley shoved his hands deep in his pockets and squinted at the sun, the hot dog vendor, anywhere and at anything but Aziraphale.
“Crowley, could we stop for a moment here?”
The pair halted by a booth for a ring toss game.
“Want the panda after all?” Crowley asked, unable to keep the gloomy edge out of his voice.
“No thank you, I’d much rather show you a magic trick,” Aziraphale replied.
Crowley groaned. Not another one. One a year was enough for him.
“Just bend down a bit…” said Aziraphale, rummaging in his pockets. “That’s right so your face is level with mine…”
They looked at each other for a few seconds, long enough for Crowley to see that Aziraphale was still blushing, ever so slightly. Then, Aziraphale leaned forward and pecked Crowley on the cheek.
“There,” he said, quietly. “I didn’t want you to go on that terrifying wheel for nothing.”
“It was fun, angel,” Crowley replied, giving Aziraphale a quick, barely perceptible nuzzle before straightening up. “So…corn dogs ?”
“Yes please,” the angel said, entwining his fingers in Crowley’s. It took nearly all the demon’s concentration to remember how to use his legs.
On their way to the stand, they passed a bench. In the slats, blue and yellow jellybeans had melted together under the midday sun. Soon, the ants would be upon them. But for now, they looked like crystals: sparkling, fresh, and bright.
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jojobeaner · 7 years
Persona 5 here we go
Is this for day 1 of pride? Why not… Lol. June 5th. 30 days of pride.
Though Pride month coincides with summer borderlands bingo and Promptio week (june 26 - july 2) so we’ll see what happens this month!
First up is a little Akira/Mishima from Persona 5 because Mishima is my cinnamon roll of the game. Seriously too cute.
I have a lot of pairings I like in Persona 5 so… And its all fresh in my mind since I’m still playing it.
—- It wasn’t the first time Yuuki had caught himself staring. Even from across the room, and several desks back, he never felt like he had any trouble turning his head to watch the sleep rumpled head of Akira Kurusu.
Teachers never called on him in class, he had for years been plagued by a sense of being nondescript and had a tendency to fade into the background. No one bothered to care where his gaze fell or where his mind wandered…
The sun shone over Akira’s desk and over whatever textbook the relaxed boy was using to cover up whatever it was he was doing. Around him everyone was either talking amongst themselves about their weekend plans or with their heads in their books going over the old material for the review quiz they knew Mr. Ushimaru would give them once he returned from the office. The hardass.
Instead of doing any of that, Yuuki was watching Akira with rapt attention. If he looked closely enough he could see the slight flick of a tail from his desk. How no one else knew Akira’s cat followed him to class each and every day he would never know.
Yuuki thought it was adorable. He wasn’t sure when the cat had appeared, as far as he could tell, the boy had always had this cat. It had to have been within the first few weeks Akira had transferred to Tokyo.
And gosh did he dote on the thing.
Sometimes he wished he was that cat… receiving gentle scritches and those small smiles…
Knowing the cat probably curled up on his futon with him and…
God was he seriously jealous of a cat?
He felt ashamed… for months now he had been harbouring this crush. At first he felt it was just pure devotion to Akira for saving him. Though the other had tried to be sly at first and avoid the topic, Yuuki knew without a doubt that Akira was one of the Phantom Thieves.
He didn’t know how many there was… or if the transfer student was simply acting on his own. But Akira was a terrible liar. With time and gentle pushing, the boy had all but admitted it.
Yuuki wished he could be one so badly. He said as much, let me join you, let me help. Akira had shook his head, eyes hiding behind the mop of his hair and the light glaring over his glasses. “You can’t.”
It had stung. The blunt and brutal rejection. Akira didn’t need him. He didn’t know how he had made Kamoshida confess the way he did. But over time he watched the thief cause a change in countless others, whether it be small time bullies in Shujin’s own halls, or elusive threats like that mafia boss Kaneshiro…
A few days later in Ms. Chouno’s class he watched Ann pull out her phone discreetly. A moment later Akira snuck his own phone out.
The rumours in class that those two were a couple had been circulating for weeks. Sometimes he caught them leaving class together, their body language showing their casual familiarity with each other.
Yuuki knew he didn’t stand a chance. It was so bold of them to throw their relationship around at school, defying the strict rules.
The thief had stolen Yuuki’s heart too.
The only way he could distract himself was to put all of his being into the Phan-site. He’d show Akira how useful he could be. Even if he could never win Akira’s heart… he just wanted to stay close…
“You’re still working on that site, even here? You know this is supposed to be a vacation right?”
Yuuki glanced up from his phone when he heard Akira’s voice. He had been so engrossed in his work he had forgotten where he was.
Ever since the Thieves had taken out Medjed, the Phan-site had exploded. On all fronts. Modding the site had become a full time job.
He was in Hawaii on the school trip. He was rooming with Akira…
How he had managed that… Yuuki thanked his lucky stars. No one else in their class had wanted to room with them. Everyone was still too in awe yet fearful of Akira and no one seemed to know who Yuuki was still… after all of these years.
He could have kissed Ms. Kawakami for denying Ryuji the way she had… if she totally didn’t intimidate the crap out of him for some reason or another. She was kind for the most part, but there seemed to be an edge to her he felt was like a knife…
“How can I relax when the Thieves are more popular than ever? The whole world has their eyes on them. Maybe there’s a request here in Hawaii…”
Akira just huffed and fell back onto his hotel bed. “Just relax Mishima…” he mumbled, slipping his glasses off of his nose and tossed them on the bed beside him.
Brown eyes widened. “But this could be a great opportunity.”
Suddenly Yuuki was pinned in place by grey eyes. He had never seen Akira without his glasses before. His whole demeanor seemed… different. Less quiet and reserved. More… dangerous. It was exciting.
Distantly he remembered that Akira’s cat was not brought to Hawaii with them… they were truly alone…
“The thieves cant do anything right now… This is a break for us too.” Something shone in Akira’s eyes. “Now… turn off your phone and come here. Don’t make me get up and come to you.”
Yuuki’s body moved without him even telling him to. Compelled by that look in those grey eyes and the small smirk on those lips… He felt like he couldn’t breathe.
He couldn’t help the embarrassing squeak as Akira reached out and pulled him in towards his body and down onto the bed with him. Akira’s light chuckle hit his neck as his limbs wound their way around his, thigh pressing close as his other leg sprawled over Yuuki’s thigh, arms tight and Yuuki could feel the quiet strength in the body holding him close.
“Not used to sleeping without a body… “
“A-ah… With Takamaki?”
Akira made a soft puzzling noise as he… was he nuzzling his neck? Yuuki’s brain was short circuiting… he didn’t ever think…
“What about Ann?” he seemed truly puzzled, but continued to nose at Yuuki’s throat, his arms tightening slightly about the body in his arms. “I mean without Mona… he always sleeps close, his little paws kneading on my chest in his sleep… though he would never admit it…”
Akira’s voice sounded distant… as if almost talking to himself but Yuuki listened intently to the way the object of his affection talked about his pet cat as if Morgana (he had gleaned that information from Ryuji once a few months back) could actually talk to him.
Shyly, he reached up to press a palm lightly against Akira’s chest… he could feel the muscles underneath his black t-shirt…
The noise Akira made then was almost a purr. Holy…
“Akira…” Yuuki could barely breathe the other boys name… his cheeks must be scarlet.
“He’d get mad at me for staying up so late so… stay here… okay…?”
Yuuki nodded into the dark curls in front of him. He didn’t have much choice but even then… this is more than he had ever dared to dream…
“As long as I’m useful to you…” he whispered
The reply was so distant, already half under the thrall of sleep; “You’re always useful Mishima... thank you…” ——
Love the fandom idea of Akira having cat mannerisms. Mishima is so precious.
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Sucreabeille Review Part 3
Hey y'all, guess who's back on their bullshit! Yeah, that's right, it's me. A lil' backstory: once upon a time, the owner of Suc offered me a coupon to explore her scent catalogue, and through various circumstances, I ended up coming into ownership of, at this point, thirty-fricken-four different scents of theirs. And i'm gonna review all of 'em, dang it.
So, with that out of the way, today i'll be going over Liquid Gold, Belladonna, Big Damn Heroes, Cersei, Stay Sexy, Shiny, Margaery Tyrell, and The Mountain.
LIQUID GOLD (PERFUME OIL) || Zanzibar spice, lavender fields, bergamot black tea.
IN THE BOTTLE: Smells like a smooth, elegant base with some tang to it and a bit of a floral buzz.
ON THE SKIN: This is lovely - definitely evokes the color gold when I give it a sniff. It’s an elegant, warm, grown-up scent: smooth, a touch tangy, and strangely... Wheaty? Yeasty? ...Earthy? It's hard to describe. On top of that is a beautiful hint of floral that smells almost fizzy. If I close my eyes and sniff it, I feel like i'm standing on rolling hills of golden grain with flowers in the distance. It reminds me of Alkemia's Silken Tent in how mature and stately it smells, despite not actually smelling like it.
Going over the notes, i'm certain that the zanzibar spice is responsible for that earthy quality, and the gentle, smooth, elegant, slightly tangy sweetness is from the bergamot tea - it's the exact same note from You're in a Cult, which I could pick out of a lineup if I had to. The lavender - that gentle floral sparkle - is detectable, but far from overwhelming, like it's just a scent being carried on a warm breeze. The phrasing 'lavender fields' is apt.
On the dry down, the 'tea' part of the bergamot tea comes out more and gives the scent a faint bitterness, and it stays like that until it fades to nearly-nothing around the 4 hour mark. It also wears fairly close to the skin.
RATING: 4.7/5. This is in my top three Suc scents, but i'm docking it a teensy bit for fading kinda fast.
BELLADONNA (PERFUME OIL) || A freshly picked red rose, old leather, white musk.
IN THE BOTTLE: Cold, black, kinda wet leather. Very chlorine-smelling.
ON THE SKIN: This is all leather and musk to me. It's a deep, cold, black leather smell - the kind that I frequently think of as smelling like inky-black rain. It's a strange, empty scent, that's pretty reminiscent of chlorine, as mentioned before. In my notes I described it as 'a haunting scent for the dead'. If you've smelled Alkemia's The Raven - it's very reminiscent of that. (I've said the same thing in my review of Suc's Let's Be Bad Guys - if they don't share the same leather note, they're certainly very similar!)
Combined with the musk note, this scent ends up smelling like old books: musty, dusty, hardback leather book covers. At no point do I smell anything remotely rose-like - though I do get the teensiest bit of stemmy green-ness.
Dries down to... Well, basically the same scent, honestly. I was hoping the rose would come out more, but it's still inky leather and musk. It had some okay sillage when wet, and five and a half hours later + one scrubbing with dish soap, I can still clearly detect it on my wrist.
RATING: 3/5. I wish I picked up on the rose more, and i'm not wild about the musk, but I've got a soft spot for that inky black leather smell.
BIG DAMN HEROES (PERFUME OIL) || Rain, salt spray, green fig, warm meadow sun.
IN THE BOTTLE: Fresh-scented soap, with a little green-ness.
ON THE SKIN: This smells kinda like a beachy-scented suave brand conditioner. Mellow, pretty, refreshing-smelling soap. The thing at the forefront is definitely a mixture of the rain and the salty spray, which ends up just smelling like, well, saltwater - but not necessarily oceanic saltwater, so much as tap water mixed with salt. There's a touch of green-ness, but it less stands out as its own note and more just blends in with everything else.
After about three hours, it fades enough that I have a hard time telling the difference between my skin and the scent. It did have a lot of sillage, though, and it smelled really nice from a distance - refreshing, and I could detect some sweetness from the fig.
In my notes, I originally described it as smelling like this image looks, and... Yeah, basically.
RATING: 2.5/5. Nothing particularly special to me.
CERSEI (PERFUME OIL) || White thyme, freshly ground black pepper, black jasmine, amber.
IN THE BOTTLE: Hardcore dry herbs with a little bit of floral underneath it, barely detectable.
ON THE SKIN: First time I tried this, my immediate thought was, holy crap, why does this smell exactly like oregano of all things? Dried oregano, specifically. I'm now fairly certain it's the thyme + black pepper combination, as I have another scent with those same notes (Shiny, but we'll get to that), that starts off almost the same. I don't detect anything that reads jasmine-y, or even floral, to me, and after about ten minutes of wear, I get an extremely subtle sweetness from the amber.
On the drydown, I start getting a hint of something that smells kinda... Minty? All notes are present as it wears on, though the thyme definitely mellows out some.
Has a whole lotta sillage, and it wears strongly on my wrist for a pretty dang long time.
RATING: 2/5. I don't particularly care for the thyme + black pepper combination, and I wish the other notes came through more.
STAY SEXY (PERFUME OIL) || Tahitian vanilla, rich honey, fresh grapefruit.
IN THE BOTTLE: Zingy, poppy grapefruit. Makes me think of neon yellows, pinks and purples. I like!
ON THE SKIN: I had a weird experience with this. The first time I ever wore it, it smelled almost exactly like Hexennacht's Daemon on me - like super sweet bubblegum. (Daemon does not normally go bubblegummy, but it sure as heck did on me - you can read more about that here.) This is not, logically, an issue, since Stay Sexy is kind of... A bubblegummy scent. Has some very sweet, tangy notes. The problem is, since it smelled so similar to a scent that I had not liked, because Daemon was not supposed to smell like that... I, by association, didn't like this.
The good news is, after a super long period of rest, it's gotten better.
It starts out bubblygummy still, but the grapefruit quickly comes out more and gives the scent a lovely bright and sour edge. The vanilla and honey still make it sweet and foody, but not cloyingly so, and the honey isn't overwhelming, which i'm so so thankful for - strong honey scents are, mm, unpleasant to me. Here, it just blends with the vanilla really well.
On the drydown, it becomes a smooth, creamy vanilla scent that I actually really like. It's sort of simple, but this would probably be nice to layer with things. Decent sillage - I could detect it faintly from a distance when it's wet. Disappears around the 4 hour mark.
RATING: 3.5/5. Objectively not bad smelling - in fact, i'd even say I like it - but it's simple in a way that doesn't quite interest me.
SHINY (PERFUME OIL) || Grapefruit, bergamot, white thyme, dalmation sage, black pepper.
IN THE BOTTLE: Kinda subdued herbs and something that smells dirty/earthy.
ON THE SKIN: He-eey, white thyme and black pepper, guess what this smells liiike :^)
Forreal though, when I first tried this, it had the same Oregano™ smell as Cersei, but after a good long while of rest, that's calmed down a little, though it still smells like some extremely buzzy herbs. There's also an undercurrent of citrus to it that I managed to pick up on a blind sniff, though I did have to be really concentrating to notice it.
On the drydown, hey, there's that subtle minty smell again! 90% sure it's the thyme after getting it in two different scents. Aaaand... Yep, stays that way for the next three hours, at which point it disappears. Basically? Cersei, but with some very faint citrus, and slightly less oregano-y. Maybe I just amp herbaceous smells real hard. Wears pretty close to the skin.
RATING: 2.5/5. Not wild about this one, but it gets half a point for having detectable citrus.
MARGAERY TYRELL (PERFUME OIL) || A freshly popped bottle of champagne; ripe, juicy peach; crisp cotton sheets; an English rose garden; moonlight pomegranate; herbaceous sage; neroli.
IN THE BOTTLE: Mmmm not good. Something very... It's weird, it's like acrid and chemical-y. Makes me think of the smell of bile, but cleaner.
ON THE SKIN: This was pretty when I first tried it. Sparkly champagne, a little soapy from the cotton sheets, a little peachy, ever-so-faintly floral... Bright, fizzy with a smooth undercurrent, and femme. I liked it a lot.
And then resting happened, and, what the hell?
I put it on, and it quickly went very, very bad on me. Like. I hate to use words like this to describe a scent, but it was acrid in a way that brings 'burning garbage' or 'vomit' to mind. I'm fairly certain it's a combination of the champagne, the sage, and maybe the peach - I've noticed some peach notes tend to go this kind of acrid on me in other scents, but it's more subtle than this. This is like... A perfect storm of bad. Which is unfortunate.
After five minutes, the sage note dries down, so it's better, but not great. In my notes, I called it 'slightly rancid champagne; champagne and piss'. After 30 minutes, it finally becomes something wearable: champagne and very faint peach, with a bit of laundry detergent... But it's also extremely light. I can barely smell it.
RATING: 1/5. The dry-down is okay, if not nearly nonexistent, but boy. Boy those first 30 minutes are hellish.
THE MOUNTAIN (EAU DE PARFUM) || Amber, a pint of oatmeal stout, pure golden honey.
IN THE BOTTLE: Hard to place. Almost smells like gingerbread - warm, sweet, and a little spicy, but it's kinda faint.
ON THE SKIN: I knew I would love this, and hey! What a surprise, I do. More than I even expected to, actually. The oatmeal stout note is killer: genuinely smells like warm, comforting, buttery oatmeal with brown sugar, cinnamon, and a little splash of booze. The honey's super subtle--hooray--but detectable, complimenting the oatmeal stout beautifully, giving it that honey tang.
And then it starts to dry down, and, oo la la, that amber. Resinously sweet, a little earthy, a little spicy. Gives this scent some complexity without losing the comforting foody notes from earlier.
This scent is rich, warm, a little creamy, and just... Tasty. I really, really like it. It wears strong on my wrist, but doesn't have a ton of sillage, and was still faintly detectable the morning after I put it on, so. Good longevity.
RATING: 5/5. The good stuff. Another top 3 scent from Suc.
And thats, woof, another part down. Next part should be the final one (unless I like, decide to divide it in half or something idk), and will feature: Nightshade; Sansa; Three-Eyed Raven; Papa's Waffles; Embalming Fluid; Bohemian; Briar Rose; Firefly; Troll Food; and Strawberry Milkshake.
...maybe I should divide that in half. Hm. We'll see.
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