#he's seeing Boyd
manderleyfire · 4 months
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I lied for you taking that mining money. This is different, Ava. I guess me taking you in and building you up was a mistake. Just set you back to square one. That's not true. You took me in, and you healed me, Ava. You give me a reason to wake up in the morning. For that, I'll be eternally grateful.
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tapeworrmart · 2 months
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Prey animal 🐏
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purpleshadow-star · 3 months
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And with this, I've joined the bandwagon.
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ryah-wolfe · 4 months
Fic idea: Neil doesn’t join the Palmetto Exy team but does still end up going to the university. But trouble still finds him, because he never knows when to stop talking, and he ends up getting help from Matt Boyd.
Now Neil finds himself with his first friend who never pushes for answers but who seems just happy to hangout/study together. But now Matt has started inviting him to games, and while Neil alway found an excuse not to go, he’s started to feel guilty for saying no all the time. Going to one game can’t hurt right?
Mat seeing his best friend in the crowd plays harder than ever before, this ends up catching the rest of the foxes attentions. And gets Neil dubbed a good luck charm.
Also bringing Neil to Andrew’s attention.
(I need more Neil and Matt friendship fics)
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imperfectcourt · 1 year
I want comfortable summer college jock Neil wearing a tank top, scars on full display, enjoying the sun and being stupid with his best friend Matt with no cares of the (surprisingly few) stares. He's a junior, he's old news on campus, nobody gives a shit about his drama anymore, he's captain of the exy team and he's having a waterballoon fight with Matt on the quad nearest Fox Tower and having the type of fun that passersby badly want to join in on but don't have the confidence to
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kevindavidday · 7 months
neil's brain short-circuited the first time matt boyd said 'i love you man'
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exy-shmexy · 1 year
HC that Kevin has a dedicated time slot to go to the swimming pool not only because it’s a great sport to strengthen his body muscles and to reduce the pain in his wrist but also because it’s the only time where his mind stays quiet and he gets to keep his thoughts quiet. He could do laps upon laps for over an hour and it will leave him both exhausted and stress free for a blissful moment before he has to get back to real life.
Matt noticing Kevin has been eerily quiet for a few days so he asks Kevin if he can come to the swimming pool with him because he knows Kevin will push himself too hard again and could accidentally get injured. Kevin is surprised by the question but he says yes. Cue Matt going with him and realizing swimming DOES feel great so he goes back with Kevin again the following week. While Neil has Kevin’s evenings, Matt suddenly finds himself having two hours at the pool with him on Thursdays and he loves it. They get to talk about random things in the car and the locker room, Matt gets outraged Kevin hasn’t seen a certain movie, Kevin is unimpressed by Matt’s breaststroke. Matt holds Kevin up to it so they hold mini swimming competitions. Funnily enough, that’s how they really start bonding and enjoying each other’s company.
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Nicky: Croissants: dropped
Matt: Road: works ahead
Dan: BBQ sauce: on my titties
Andrew: Shavacado: fre
Neil: Miss Keisha: fuckin’ dead
Kevin, grumpy: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
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gigamuffinsofie · 11 months
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where are all the Bonden fans at!!
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chaoticas-hell · 1 year
Do y'all think Kevin was such a heavy sleeper back in the nest or do y'all think he's only able to do that with the Foxes bc he feels safe with them?
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wrishwrosh · 1 year
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he’s the worst criminal mastermind in kentucky somebody please give him an award
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flamestar1031 · 5 months
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really wanted to draw my main guys from the sci fi mmos I play together so have this fun poster!
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palmettoshitposts · 2 years
the REAL reason we don’t hear about matts sister in canon
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Brain science anon here
As an apology consider twinyards fluff...
Aaron learning about this is in class (Like I just did) and finally understanding Andrew a little better. Do you think he’d share this tidbit with Andrew? Would it be a conversation where Andrew decides to give a truth about his past to Aaron, telling him what happened? Would Aaron share it with the rest of the foxes (with Andrew’s blessing aka “do whatever you want” type answer when asked if it was okay) when someone starts to rag on Andrew about it, in defense of his brother? Just think of all the internal growth Aaron goes through when he realizes it’s not his fault. What else does he start to rethink and relearn about Andrew? How much closer do you think they get when Aaron realizes it's not out of animosity that Andrew acts the way he does.
I now only accept apologies by way of sweet Twinyard HCs.
Maybe Aaron finds this out and maybe he finds himself watching his brother more. Maybe he starts noticing how sometimes when Andrew is sat with Josten Andrew's eyes are warm and bright and content.
Maybe he listens to what Andrew says and sees what Andrew does more than the way Andrew says it.
I think Aaron would hold onto the information for a while. Maybe just a little bit because he doesn't know how Andrew will react to him going 'you're actually brain damaged not an asshole', maybe it's shame that he had thought his brother a monster, and maybe...maybe it's Aaron wanting to hold onto something only he knows about his brother (eat it Josten).
Then he hears Matt shit talking how Andrew will never make Neil feel loved with the way he talks.
Aaron's been watching, he is DEEPLY aware of his brother's feelings towards Josten, and has unfortunately seen his brother make those feelings quite clear even if his voice never gave anything more than 'phone book read' energy. Josten never needed to know about Andrew's brain damage to understand what Andrew means and realizing that makes him hoarding the information feel stupid (fuck off Josten).
He wants to say something but he did just take that whole 'patient-client confidentiality' ethics bit so he thinks twice. He stands up and goes to see Andrew.
Andrew and Josten are on the couch. Josten's asleep on Andrew's lap, it's domestic in a way that he's learning Andrew can be, and Andrew gives him a look.
Aaron knows if he wakes Josten up this conversation will go worse, "I took a course on brain injuries. I think you damaged your Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area and that's why your voice is like that." he says and Andrew blinks, "Did you ever...did any of them ever...hit your head really hard. Especially on the right side?" and Andrew's silent stare gives no clues but the way his hand curls in Josten's hair like he's the asshole is a preferred teddy bear. "When people bitch about how you can't emote in your speech can I tell them to shut the fuck up?" he asks.
"Do what you want." Andrew says with a shrug.
Aaron pauses before he leaves, "I...I don't think there's anything to fix-"
"I don't need to be fixed." Andrew returns and Aaron sees as Andrew traces his fingers along Josten's burn scar.
Aaron gets the impression that the only person Andrew needs to understand his emotions already does.
It doesn't bother him as much as it would have before he had started watching.
He shuts the door quietly and returns to his own dorm room to slam the door open. He points at Matt who is trying to to choke on the fig newton he'd been in the middle of chewing, "FIRST OF ALL-"
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imperfectcourt · 1 year
Yes yes we've all thought about Andrew in glasses at some point but please consider
Matt in glasses
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Wich Matt Groening show would be the favourite of each Fox (+ Jerejean)?? I'm glad you asked because I know too much of this topic:
(Dis)Enchantment: Andrew, Kevin, Dan, Renee, Jeremy.
The Simpsons: Aaron, Nicky, Seth, Matt.
Futurama: Neil, Allison, Jean.
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