#he's so put-together in tcw that it's like a gut reaction
josephsaturn · 8 months
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it's been a rough week
I have the insatiable need to draw kenobi as a Creature™ 
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willowcrowned · 3 years
If TCW Obi-Wan gets to Kamino, with his Negotiator self and his Anakin-handling skills and his predilection towards in-combat flirting and dry sense of humor, I think the situation's going to end with Shmi looking over at New Husband Jango, saying "how do you feel about adding in a third to our relationship?" and then Anakin actually has an aneurysm from the horror.
asjdfhlfvklshsklsjsd;fjah I was planning it so that TCW Obi-Wan actually doesn’t show up at all so that the Jango/Shmi dynamic would have time to develop— because, let’s be honest, Jango is going to care a lot more about what Shmi, a mother and former slave, has to say about the clones than what Obi-Wan, a smug asshole of a Jedi, has to say, but also... this is SO funny.
Because Jango hates Obi-Wan’s guts— Obi-Wan is a Jedi (so he doesn’t even need much more reason after Galidraan), but Obi-Wan also gives off this constantly smug air that he inherited from Qui-Gon that makes him eminently punchable— but there is absolutely this weird undercurrent of sexual tension to it. I think sex and violence are a lot closer together for Mandalorians than they are for most people, so for Jango, hating Obi-Wan and also wanting to screw him makes sense. 
Obi-Wan, however, has no particular feelings about Jango Fett— he thinks he’s a cruel bastard, but Obi-Wan sees a lot of cruel bastards in his line of work, so he doesn’t have any particularly strong reactions to them. Jango, though, is horribly attractive (younger temuera morrison >>>), and Obi-Wan is possessed of the particular gift of being able to repress whatever he likes, which means he can and will sleep with the enemy.
So their interaction in AotC is hilarious. This is not news.
But then you add Shmi into the mix.
We’ll say Shmi has had enough time to start arguing with Jango— I think at this point he’s aware of how dangerous a situation he’s in, and also aware of the fact that Shmi might be his only ticket out. (Dooku will kill him if he reveals anything, intentionally or not. Anakin seems to be a little trigger-happy as well, which is equally terrible, but at least Shmi is there to keep him from immediately killing Jango.) I don’t think Jango sees the clones as his sons— he’s spent a lot of time denying them, and if he stops it means he has to admit that he willingly put his children into slavery— but I think Shmi has at least made him begin to see them as people.
Jango wasn’t very impressed with her at first. She’s small, demure, and quiet— someone who looks like they’ve never held anything more dangerous than a carving knife. But he learns very quickly that she has a spine of steel— and it’s not just that. There’s something more to her, a power blanketed so thickly that it’s barely noticeable, but he keeps getting the same feeling around her as he gets around some Jedi— a static in the air, like right before lightning strikes. 
He still doesn’t particularly like Shmi, but he is starting to respect her.
The problem with the threesome is Obi-Wan and Shmi’s relationship.
Shmi isn’t an idiot. She can see that Anakin is a fucked up tangle of emotions that he’s not dealing with— hell, she’s a fucked up tangle of emotions too. That’s what being a slave does to you. But there’s this edge to Anakin that comes when he’s been repressing it too long— not just pretending that he doesn’t have those feelings around people who might hurt him for it, but lying to himself and saying that they don’t exist.
And if Obi-Wan is the one who raised her son... Well, he’s who she’s gonna blame. 
The second he sets foot onto Kamino, she’s laying into him, no quarter given. No one gets to mess her son up that thoroughly and not hear about it, not when she’s free and he can’t do anything to her.
(This, ironically, is probably what makes Jango stop seeing her as an annoyance and start seeing her as an opponent— which, for Mandalorians, also means potential partner. Mandos are fun like that.)
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