#he's so shameless and teasing and affectionate in this card i am in LOVE
eepyracc · 6 months
Beel continues to be my absolute favourite 💯
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Forever supporting my unhinged man 🙋‍♀️ look at this regal looking mf every word he says makes me weak
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sidneycarter · 4 years
otp questions: sid x sullivan answers
as requested by the lovelies:  @23orso and @queensantiagoofthe99!
got a bit long so under the cut! 
1. Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
I honestly feel like both? The only difference is that Sid is really shameless about his sleep actions, but Sullivan is more hmm mmm i was unconscious please don’t mistake me for a hopeless, cuddly, romantic i am toUGH GUY i dont rely on another human being for comfort. this happens ten minutes after he wakes up from a nap where he literally GRABBED hold of Sid, dragged him halfway across the bed, nuzzled into his neck,  squeezed him really tight like he was a limpet trying to attach himself to him and made sleepy grumbly grumpy bear noises when Sid tried to move. (they both absolutely love that they reach for each other in their sleep though, even if Sullivan will never admit it). 
2. How do they wake up next to each other? Ex - Tangled in each other’s arms? Is one falling off the bed? ETC.
They’re always tangled in each other’s arms (See above), but that doesn’t mean they’re not also falling off the bed as well. Sid moves most in his sleep so if they’re falling out of bed it’s probably him thats the cause, but they just won’t let go of each other, so there’s lots of complaints when someone (Sullivan) wakes up because he hit the cold ground first. 
3. What movie do they watch when they both had a bad day and just want to turn off their brains for a little while?
If it was technologically possible it’d defintiely be something like Singin’ in the Rain (Sullivan’s choice) or a Cary Grant comedy like His Girl Friday or Bringing up Baby (Sid’s choice). They both equally like each other’s films though, so it doesn’t matter which one they pick but they both want something a bit silly and lighthearted. 
4. Who picks something up, says a pun with the object then laughs as if it’s the funniest thing they ever heard?
Sid! It’s probably a slightly rude innuendo laden pun too. Sullivan rolls his eyes every single time but has to try not to smirk because he knows it’ll just encourage Sid’s bad behaviour. Trouble is after a while Sullivan started picking up on this habit too and sometimes he’s just a complete menace and sergeant goodfellow can’t sleep at night due to eye strain from eye rolling. 
5. How do they hype one another up?
Sid is just very openly affectionate - lots of hugs and kisses and shoulder rubs and reminders that he loves Sullivan so much and he’s so excellent at his job and he’s so good looking and wonderful. 
Sullivan desperately wants to do the same but he’s still not quite up to speed with the whole affection thing. Instead he’ll often just come out with a really short, but clear statement like “You’ll do really well tomorrow.” or “That shirt looks nice.” Sid knows what he means really and really appreciates his effort, and he knows that these moments are really really sincere and Sullivan tries so hard. he does get better, with time, though, and that hopeless romantic comes out eventually!! 
6. When one of them gets a new outfit, how does the other react?
Again I feel like it’s kind of similar to the one above. If it’s a really nice outfit, and it makes Sullivan looks very good,  Sid is probably all wiggly eyebrows and smirks and “you look very very nice” along with whispered things in Sullivan’s ear that are RUDE. 
Sullivan is probably thinking all of the same things when Sid gets a really nice outfit but he can’t verbalise it as well, and instead just stammers and blushes and nods and does his little tiptoe raise thing while saying “Yes you look,, very nice, Carter.” (Again, Sid knows exactly what he’s thinking, and helps him work on getting his point across better). 
7. Who tries to playfully scare the other person and who always knows where the other person is?
Sid tries to do the creeping up on Sullivan thing, but Sullivan’s many years as a police officer has made him on high alert most of the time. I feel like Sid maybe doesn’t do this too often though, as he doesn’t like Sullivan feeling that he has to be always alert/awake and would much rather that he relaxed in his presence rather than expecting a practical joke. 
8. When they grocery shop, what is one section they love to playfully mess around in and why?
I feel like when they go to the shops Sullivan makes it as much of an organised and efficient process as possible because he feels like shopping is a chore most of the time. Sid messes around a lot though and tries to sneak all sorts of things in to the basket, even if they’re just at the corner shop and its a bag of penny sweets. 
9. When their partner has a bad day, what is something the other picks up to try and make their day a little better? Ex - Fast food, flowers, a punny card, etc.
Physical affection!!!! They both love it and need it and crave it - Sid because he’s grown up surrounded by affection with Father Brown/Mrs M/Lady F, and Sullivan because he’s never really experienced it but now he’s had a taste he can’t get enough. But aside from curling up on the sofa together and SNUGGING HARD, I think Sid picks Sullivan flowers (sometimes from the meadow, or even bought from the florists, other times from less acceptable sources) and I think Sullivan cooks Sid food! Mrs M locked him in the kitchen for three days running when she first found out they were courting and taught him how to make Sid’s favourite comfort meal. 
10. Who runs up and hugs their partner while the other catches them?
I think Sullivan runs up to Sid. It’s rare that he lets himself be silly and sweet but he loves it when he tippy toe raises and Sid picks him up and spins him in a circle while kissing his temple. 
11. What song reminds them of each other?
boy oh boy are there a lot. They’re both big Frank Sinatra fans, and my personal fave for them is All This and Heaven Too, but they like a lot of his stuff including You Make Me Feel So Young and All or Nothing At All. 
12. Who presses their nose against their partner’s cheek before kissing them?
Again, probably both, but Sid is more open about it. They both like the comfort of being able to breathe each other in for a second. 
13. What small quirks do they love about each other?
Sid loves the tippy toe thing, and often teases Sullivan about it a lot. He also loves Sullivan’s exasperated face when he sees the Father at a crime scene, and he spends a lot of time trying to mimic it. 
Sullivan likes that Sid has to fiddle with something when he’s thinking hard/had a bad day. Sid tends to pick up one of his hands and toy with it, or he runs his fingers through Sullivan’s hair, or he drums his fingertips down his spine. Sullivan knows it calms him down.
14. Who accidentally snorts when they laugh and that makes both of them laugh harder?
Sid snorts most commonly, but at times Sullivan has been known to do it and Sid has cried laughing. Sullivan used to be a bit embarrassed by it but once he settles down a little bit he laughs freely until his sides hurt. 
15. What are somethings that they do for one another because they know their partner hates it? Ex- do the dishes, phones to make an order, talks to sales clerk. ETC. 
Sid goes to the shops a lot for Sullivan because he knows Sullivan finds it a stressful chore when he’s been at work all day. He also deals with mechanics etc when Sullivan’s car breaks down, because sometimes the hyper-masculine world gets a bit much for Sullivan. 
Sullivan does a lot of the cooking because he likes it but he also knows that Sid has no patience for following recipes and doesn’t understand why you can’t just throw everything in a bowl and have it make sense. Sullivan also does the ironing, because he finds it therapeutic, and he knows Sid would walk around in crumpled shirts for the rest of his life than do the ironing. 
i hope you enjoyed this! 
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spine-buster · 5 years
Alone, Together | Chapter 32 | Morgan Rielly
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“Get your hand off my butt, baby.  We’re in public.”
“I can’t.  It’s glued there.”
Bee couldn’t help but snort as she felt Morgan’s hand pat her ass.  She looked up at him trying to contain her smile, watching him as he was watching the commotion around them.  Friends and family of Zach and Alannah were filing into the foyer of the Art Gallery of Ontario, excitedly looking around at all the decorations around them.  They were waiting off to the side for some more teammates to arrive – Fred, Tyler, and William were due to arrive any second according to their texts to Morgan, all solo bachelors for the night, along with John and Aryne (who had flown in just that morning from Sydney and Matt Martin’s wedding in the Hamptons the day before), Nazem and Ashley, Jake and Lucy, Mitch and Steph, Connor and Madison, and Kasperi and Cassie.  Some former teammates had even flown in for the wedding, like James van Riemsdyk and his fiancée Lauren, and the new Stanley Cup winner Tyler Bozak and his wife Molly.  Bee knew it was going to be a great party.
“What are you gonna do when we have to sit for the ceremony?  Am I gonna sit on your hand?” she asked.
She couldn’t help but snort.  “You’re unbelievable.”
Morgan finally looked down at her with a smirk on his face.  “What am I supposed to do when you’re wearing that,” he said, motioning down to her dress.  “Plus I know what you’re wearing under it.”
“Behave yourself,” she warned.  “We’re at a wedding.”
“Can’t make any promises.”
This was Bee’s first ever wedding.  It wasn’t like she was ever invited to them as a kid (and it wasn’t like she and her mother could go even if they were), and considering her age, nobody in her friend group had gotten married yet.  When she and Morgan got the invitation, she stared at it for like, five minutes, taking in the gold foil detailing, the heavy cardstock, and all the other bits included, like a parking pass and a map to the Art Gallery of Ontario.  It was so luxurious and well designed.  The whole wedding was going to be so luxurious if the invitation was anything to go by.  When she let Morgan know it would be her first wedding, he told her what to expect, what they day and night would entail, and how there would probably be a lot of alcohol and the hockey boys going a bit crazy.  Bee knew she’d have to get a new dress and probably get her hair done, so she made sure to go shopping with Ashley, who helped her pick out her dress, and had gone to a hair appointment earlier in the day so she could get a messy bun done.  She was excited, to say the least, and had been eagerly jittery about it for at least a week.
“He’s touching the buuuuutttt,” a high-pitched voice mimicked the octopus from Finding Nemo.  Morgan and Bee both whipped their heads to see Tyler leading Fred and William towards where they were standing.  Morgan made no attempt to take his hand off her ass as his teammates approached, though when Bee leaned in to hug them, he was forced to let go.
“You guys are looking quite dapper,” Bee smiled as she gave big hugs to Willy and Fred.  They said their thanks and complimented her on her dress before she turned to Tyler.  “You look like a vacuum salesman.”
The boys cackled as Tyler’s jaw dropped.  “This is a new suit!” he cried out.  
“It is?”
“Bespoke!  From Mo’s guy!” he pointed towards Morgan.  
“Garrison Bespoke!” he stressed.  “He took my measurements and everything!”
Bee couldn’t help but laugh.  “Oh you know I’m kidding, Tyler,” she smacked his arm playfully.  “The suit looks great.”
“Thank God.  This is the most expensive piece of clothing I own.”
“Your hair on the other hand…” she began, a devilish grin on her face.
“Don’t you dare speak about my hair.”
Before the teasing could go any further, the group was ushered to a row of seats about halfway from the front.  Morgan sat on the aisle seat, Bee next to him as he held her hand in his lap.  Tyler sat beside her, with Fred and Willy next to him.  Eventually, Kasperi and Cassie snuck in to finish off the row, and John and Aryne settled in right behind Morgan and Bee, along with Jake and Lucy, and Nazem and Ashley.  Music was playing from a set of speakers high above them (Bee imagined the DJ had set them up – no way would an art gallery be blasting music in those speakers) as the traditional ceremony began.  Bee smiled when she saw Zach walk down the aisle to the chuppah with his parents.  Zach looked so dapper in his suit, and he looked nervous as he joked around with his groomsmen.  When Alannah began to walk down the aisle, Bee couldn’t help but become emotional at the sight of her.  She looked so beautiful in her dress, her long blonde hair in perfectly done waves and her veil extending behind her like a princess.  Bee shed a tear as Alannah finally met Zach at the end of the aisle, who had already wiped away a few tears himself.  
Morgan continued to hold her hand lightly in his lap throughout the ceremony.  His fingers were loose around hers, and his thumb grazed the back of her hand tenderly throughout the whole ceremony.  She could feel him looking at her at certain points, and when she’d turn her head to look at him, she’d see him gazing at her, his eyes glossed over with an emotion Bee couldn’t quite discern. 
The moment came when Zach had to break the glass.  As he stomped his foot down, the glass in the napkin shattered and everybody screamed the traditional “Mazel tov!” and began a round of applause.  The music started back up again as they walked back town the aisle hand in hand.  Bee looked up at Morgan once Zach and Alannah reached the end, their wedding party following behind them.
“Now it’s time to party,” he winked at her.  
Cocktail hour was exciting and full of food.  They had a raw oyster bar that kept getting restocked, a sushi station, passed hors d’oeuvres, and a “cheese” cake – literally wheels of cheese imported from Italy stacked on top of one another.  Bee couldn’t get enough, especially of the cheese cake, and Morgan ate so many oysters she thought he wouldn’t be able to eat dinner (Morgan always had room for dinner).  He also had room for drinks – lots of drinks, because fuck, a teammate was getting married and they needed to celebrate every fifteen minutes with a toast to Zach, a toast to Zach’s dad, a toast to the chuppah.  Bee milked her gin and tonic for most of cocktail hour, watching as the bartenders poured drink after drink for the boys.  Morgan made sure to keep his hand in its place (read: on her ass) whenever he wasn’t eating or having a drink with the boys, and this time, Bee appreciated the contact a little more.  
When they were ushered from Walker Court to Baillie Court for dinner, Bee picked up hers and Morgan’s place card.  The giant table they were seated at saw her and Morgan sitting with Jake and Lucy, John and Aryne, Kappy and Cassie, Fred, Willy, and Tyler.  The other “hockey table” beside them constituted Tyler and Molly, James and Lauren, Connor and Madison, Mitch and Steph, and Naz and Ashley.  They were definitely the loudest section of the room, tucked into their own little corner relatively close to the head table.  
As they began to sit down in their places, Bee was in the middle of a Fred and Morgan sandwich.  Being squishes between two giant hockey players was probably the dream of a lot of girls, but Bee felt like she had T-Rex arms and wondered how she’d be able to eat her meal without elbowing her boyfriend and good friend.  Morgan’s hand immediately went to her thigh.  “Morgan, Fred is right here,” she warned, her voice low as she whispered in his ear.
He turned to her.  “I can’t stop thinking about what’s under that dress,” he said, much, much louder than he intended.  It was clear the alcohol was coursing through his veins and he either had no filter, no shame, or no concept of how loud his voice was.
Either way, Fred snorted beside her.  Bee gave Fred an exasperated look as he continued to smirk and giggle.  “Morgan,” she said sternly.  “Keep your voice down, please.”
“Yeah Mo.  If I really want to I could reach over and put my hand on your thigh, too,” Fred chirped in, doing just that, leaning over Bee’s body and squeezing Morgan’s thigh.  “Never mind asking to see what’s under that suit.”
“Oh my God,” Bee grimaced before she facepalmed.  The last thing she saw was Fred wiggling his eyebrows and Morgan wiggling his back at him.  Apparently everybody else at the table was too busy in their own conversations to see what was going on.  “Please hold off until we start dancing.  I don’t think everyone else at the table will appreciate your shameless flirting while they eat.”
After Zach and Alannah’s first dance (Bee definitely cried) but before dinner began, Zach’s dad made a heartwarming speech about their families coming together.  Zach and Alannah were high school sweethearts, so he spoke about how much they had grown together and how he was so happy to “finally have a daughter” in Alannah.  After the first course, their best man and maid of honour also made their speeches, which were hilarious and poked fun at the couple, all while celebrating their friendship and love.  Lastly, after the main course, Zach and Alannah gave their own speech to both laughs and tears from the guests in attendance.  Throughout the speeches, Morgan rested his arm on the back of Bee’s chair and she leaned back into his chest.  She could feel him rest his cheek on the side of her head and couldn’t help but smile at him being so unapologetically affectionate.  She didn’t know if it was just him, or the alcohol, or a mix of both.  In a room surrounded by love for Zach and Alannah, she felt fortunate to know Morgan still couldn’t help but show his love for her, too.  
Then, the party started.
The DJ opened the dancing with some Rihanna, and everybody crowded the dance floor quickly.  Bee, Aryne, and Lucy began moving their hips along to the music, the boys dancing awkwardly as they always did – probably because the food had softened their buzz and they didn’t feel the rhythm as much.  Song after song, the DJ kept the dance floor full.  Eventually, the boys were pulled away from some drinks and shots at the bar, and the girls met up with the others, taking group photos and posing with their hands rubbing Aryne’s bump. 
When the DJ began to play a slower-tempo song, Morgan returned to the dance floor, grabbing Bee’s hands and twirling her into his body as they moved to the beat of the music.  With his one hand on her lower back and his other holding hers against his chest, he looked down at her and gave her a quick peck on the lips.  “I lllllove you, you know that?”
Bee couldn’t help at his slight slur of his words.  She wondered how many shots he downed at the bar while she was dancing.  “I do.  And I love you too.”
He bent down slightly so he could whisper in her ear, although, with the alcohol running through him, she knew his whispering would probably end up be screaming, just like it was at the dinner table.  “I know I’m not supposed to say this but you’re the prettiest girl in the room.  Even with Alannah in her wedding dress.”
Bee couldn’t help but give him a look – somewhat appreciative, somewhat disapproving.  She knew now that it was the alcohol talking.  “Stop.”
“I’m being serious.  This dress is doing things to me,” he said, his hand wandering further down her back.
“Eeeeeeeasy cowboy,” she giggled, grabbing his hand and bringing it back up to its previous position at the small of her back.  “There are family members around.  Don’t want them getting a bad impression.”
“Imagine if they knew how loud you scream my name.”
A shiver ran up Bee’s spine at Morgan’s words.  “Morgan.”
“Imagine how loud it’ll be tonight,” he continued, whispering into her ear.  “Imagine how loud you’ll be after I peel that dress off of you and call you my good girl.”
“Morgan, stop,” she stressed, looking beyond Morgan to see Lucy pouting her lip at them, mouthing the words ‘So cute!’.  If she only knew what he was saying instead of the sweet nothings she probably thought he was saying.  There were a lot of people on the dance floor, too, and God help her if one of them had supersonic hearing.  
“Is it pink?”
“Is what pink?”
“Whatever’s under this dress.”
Bee couldn’t help but roll her eyes.  “You’re just gonna have to wait and see,” she said coyly.  “Besides, by the rate you’re drinking now, you might not last long enough to see me in it.”
That got Morgan’s attention.  He looked at her wide-eyed, shaking his head.  “No.  No.  No,” he said quickly, garnering a giggle from Bee.  “I am not – no – I am not passing out before I see what’s under there.”
“Good choice, Morgan,” she winked at him.
A grin still managed to make its way across his face.  They continued to slow dance together.  Bee noticed Aryne resting her head on John’s shoulder as they danced together.  She even saw Kappy and Willy dancing together, holding each other in their arms as Cassie filmed it.  They were already hammered.  Cassie would have her hands full tonight.  “I still meant what I said before.  You’re the prettiest girl in this room,” Morgan said again, smiling down at her.  “You’re the prettiest girl in every room.”
“You flatter me too much.”
“Cause you deserve it.”
Bee couldn’t help but smile, leaning her head in the crook of his neck.  “And you’re the best boyfriend in the world,” she whispered, relaxing in his arms.  
Eventually, everybody came back out onto the dance floor.  Connor Brown had a tray full of shots for everyone and Fred carried other drinks for them, including a gin and tonic for Bee, and they all began to dance some more.  She felt slightly buzzed as she danced along with everyone, laughing and giggling and incorporating some truly heinous dance moves.  When the DJ played Lizzo – a four song set of “Boys”, “Good as Hell”, “Juice”, and “Truth Hurts”, everybody went crazy.  The girls were singing along at the top of their lungs, dancing and acting out the lyrics as much as possible.  The boys, to their credit, were graciously playing along, dancing and moving their hips, pointing to their bowties during “Boys” and pretending to check the girls’ nails and flip their non-existent hair during “Good as Hell”.  Tyler – a surprisingly excellent dancer – ended up dancing with Bee and swinging her back and forth along to the beat of “Juice”, indulging her by pretending to grind up against her when the lyrics “The juice ain’t worth the squeeze if the juice don’t look like this”.  Everyone around them whooped and hollered as Morgan danced towards her too, backing his ass up towards her body on the other side, putting her in a hockey-player-grinding-sandwich.  Bee was laughing so much she couldn’t dance anymore, covering her face until Alannah pulled her out and subbed Zach into the sandwich so she could dance with her.  
When the DJ played an entire 90s-Eurodance set, the European boys went nuts.  Kasperi and Willy went crazy with their dancing and jumping around, and Fred – oh my God, Fred – he was doing it along with them, his big body jumping and grooving along to the music that he apparently loved so much.  Perhaps he had fond memories of it growing up.  In any case, everybody eventually joined in with them, Cassie filming the whole thing on her phone.
When the DJ announced the late night food stations, the girls still didn’t leave the dance floor since the music was so good.  Instead, the men left and came back soon after with the goodies – poutine, Angus beef sliders, grilled cheese sandwiches, and fried chicken.  When the boys brought the piles of food back, the girls screamed in excitement.  
“I brought you poutine,” Fred smiled drunkenly as he showed her the steaming bowl of fries, gravy, and cheese curds.  Aryne was already digging into a grilled cheese sandwich and Cassie was filming herself eating a fry dangling from Kasperi’s mouth.  “I already ate some.  Sorry.”
“You brought me poutine?!” Bee was ready to cry at his words.  Fred nodded his head, a giant smile on his face as he set the bowl down on the table.  Bee wrapped her arms around his big shoulders and pressed a kiss onto his cheek.  “Freddie, you are the absolute best person on the planet.”
“Hey, what am I, chopped liver?” Morgan demanded playfully, holding a plate of fried chicken.  “I brought you fried chicken!”
“Well I’m eating the poutine first,” she stuck out her tongue at him, grabbing a fork and digging into the poutine.  
Another shot at the bar with Zach, Alannah, and all the hockey guests happened after everybody finished eating, followed by another gin and tonic for Bee.  Group pictures – so many group pictures – were posed for (and no doubt uploaded to Instagram).  More dancing with Fred and Tyler, more slow dancing with Morgan.  By the end of the night, everybody watched from the sidelines as Zach and Alannah danced to their last dance together.  
Morgan and Bee stood off to the side, Bee’s back to his chest as he had his arms wrapped around her waist.  Bee could feel Morgan’s chin resting on top of her head, and slowly but surely, he moved down so he could rest it against her shoulder.  When she shifted her eyes to look at him, she saw a simple, loving smile on his face.
His eyes were looking at Zach and Alannah, but his mind was elsewhere.
Morgan and Bee were giggly as they stumbled into his apartment, kissing whenever they could, grabbing wherever they could.  Bee worked on untying Morgan’s tie while his hands were busy groping her ass through he dress.  He kicked off his shoes and she hers, and he helped her unzip her dress to reveal her pink underwear and bra.  He drunkenly grabbed handfuls of her ass before they fell onto the bed together, dragging each other further onto the bed as Morgan’s large body loomed over hers.  She worked at the buttons of his shirt before pushing the material off, then worked at his belt as he kissed her all over – wet, sloppy kisses; butterfly kisses; nipping kisses that left soft bite marks on her skin; long kisses that were sure to leave hickeys.  
The way he was kissing her felt different tonight.  It wasn’t that he was holding back.  And it wasn’t that he was drunk, either (well, half-drunk – he had the wherewithal to be gentle with the zipper of her dress so he didn’t break it).  It just felt…different.  There were moments where he’d stop and look at her, his mouth open as their lips traced each other’s, but his blue eyes would be piercing hers, as if he couldn’t believe she was below him, her legs wrapped around his torso pressing his body against hers.  Then he’d start kissing her again, and his hands would wander along her sides, and it felt like there was even more meaning than there usually was behind his kisses.  Like there was something he was trying to say with them, something that he couldn’t say with words, or something that he was trying not to say.
“Our wedding’s gonna be all flowers,” he mumbled suddenly against her lips.
Her body stiffened slightly at his words.  Okay, so maybe he had no filter right now.  Maybe the alcohol was still coursing through his veins and he was a bit more than half-drunk.  “Flowers?”
“Mmm,” he smiled, biting her bottom lip.  “Cause you love them so much.  Lots of flowers.  All the flowers in the world.”
She couldn’t help but smile at his reasoning.  The fact that he was even thinking about this stuff, and then saying it with no filter, made the butterflies in her stomach flutter.  She knew it must have been because of the wedding.  She couldn’t help but feel a sense of giddiness.  They always said drunk words are sober thoughts, and, well…she was going to get to the bottom of this.  “What else?” she couldn’t help but ask.
“Good food.  Raw oyster bar,” he continued in between kisses.  “You in lace.”
“Lace?” she giggled slightly.  
“Mhm,” he nodded slightly, moving down to her neck.  “The dress and whatever’s underneath it.  You know how lace is my favourite.”
“You’re lucky it’s my favourite too,” she said, moving to unclasp her bra and toss it to the side.  “What else?”
“Vancouver or Toronto – doesn’t matter.  Just somewhere nice,” he continued, kissing down her body and over her breasts.  “You pick.  You pick everything.  Whatever you want.  But the flowers.  You love flowers.”
He hooked his fingers into her underwear and slid off her panties, pulling his own underwear down right after.  She took the initiative to flip him over so he was on his back, and climbed on top of him to straddle him.  She grabbed his cock in her hands and stroked it a few times.  She couldn’t help but admit that she loved this.  She didn’t know where it was coming from, but she loved it.  She wanted more.  She wanted to know it all.  “Where are we going for our honeymoon?” she smiled, biting her lip as she lowered herself on to his cock.
It took Morgan a few moments to answer – he was too busy relishing in the feeling of his cock inside of her and watching it disappear into her.  “Positano,” he gulped.  “If I don’t get to take you there before then.  So you can see the giant lemons.”
“Oh yeah?” she breathed out, bottoming out, putting her hands on his broad chest.
He nodded, gulping again.  His hands squeezed at her hips.  “Or Bora Bora.  France.  Lake Como.  New Zealand.  Antarctica.  Where do you want to go?”
“Anywhere with you, baby.”
“Then we’re going anywhere,” he agreed.
Bee couldn’t help but smile as she began to rock back and forth.  As the less drunk of the two, she took it upon herself to do most of the work, knowing Morgan would probably appreciate it.  “It’s so deep baby,” she moaned, one of her hands going to her clit.  “God, it’s so fucking deep.”
“I’d go to Turkmenistan if you wanted to go there,” he continued, his mind apparently still stuck on their earlier words.
She couldn’t help but laugh, surprised that he even knew it was a country.  “Okay, stud,” she giggled out.
“I mean it.  You tell me what you want, where you want to go and we’re going.”
She leaned down so her breasts were pressed up against his chest.  She kissed him a few times before smiling at him.  “I want you to make love to me,” she purred against his lips.
With a flash in Morgan’s eyes, he took the initiative to wrap his arms around her and flip her over so she was on her back below him.  He fucked her nice and slow, and passionate, and loving, giving her the same kisses as he was earlier, a mix of sticking his tongue down her throat and tracing his lips onto hers as he looked down at her, his big blue eyes searching for something within her that she didn’t know he was looking for.
“You think about this stuff too, right?” he asked, his tone of voice almost worried as he looked down at her.  
She nodded her head.  Yes, she did.  She did think about this stuff.  She thought about what her future would be like with Morgan.  She thought about marriage, about children, about raising a family.  She thought about growing together.  How could she not?  He was the love of her life.  It was so clear that he was.  He was everything that she could have asked for in a partner, and she’d be a liar if she said she hadn’t thought about it.  She saw the look in his eyes.  She heard his tone of voice.  As if he had anything to worry about.  “Of course I do,” she kept nodding.  “All the time.”
He didn’t say another word.  Instead, after some more work on his part, he felt her walls clench around him and he exploded within her, filling her up as he always did, cock twitching at the feeling.  She kept her legs wrapped around him as he collapsed on top of her, falling into a quiet, gentle, contented sleep.
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Jungkook Ship Fic Rec 2
Since so many of you asked me for another Kook ship fic rec, here I am! All smut will be bottom Jungkook as always. I’ve gotta admit, it’s really hard to find recently but I’ll pull up as many as I can because I know the feeling of wanting more bottom kook but finding none haha. These will be separated by ship! Oh my god it was so hard to find anything for jikook OTL well to be honest, I don’t know why it was so difficult to find fics this time.
Resonance AO3, Oneshot, I already know it’s good because it’s by Rix. AND IT’S SOUL EATER AU. I NEVER THOUGHT I’D SEE THIS BUT YASSSS. This is actually one of the hottest things I’ve read in awhile. Like O_O wow.
I Just Had Sex (ft. Jungkook) AO3, Oneshot, first time bottoming and Tae is kind of angry because Kook almost missed his bday but things work out. 
Sugar and Spice AO3, Oneshot, Daddy Kink but the love is sooooo real, soft affectionate Kook (I honestly can’t tell who actually has the power anymore between these two). 
Night Winds AO3, Oneshot, Alpha Tae and Beta Kook, they could never work out but they did. 
Suit and Tie AO3, Complete, I’m still not over how good this is, the power struggle of two hot CEO’s, and then the budding cuteness.
I Can Make You (Cry For Me) and Empty Spaces Don’t Talk About It AO3, Complete, Taekookseok with taekook end game, there’s junghope but it’s not as present as Taekook, the second part is ANGST GALORE but it ends well.
Fuck the Rules AFF, Oneshot, Taekook think the new PDA rules are stupid, it’s not exhibitionism in case you were wondering lol.
I’ll be a man (of you, you, you babe) AO3, Oneshot, Tae always bails Kook out of arranged dates.
After School AO3, Oneshot, canon compliant with Tae at the dorm and Kook at school, this is actually kinda cute at the end lol.
Topsy-Turvy AO3, Ongoing, hate to love, stepbrother au.
The Smell of Peaches AO3, Ongoing, THIS IS SO FREAKING GOOD, abo au, taekook are ex’s but Kook gets his heat and they become friends with benefits but with hidden feelings, and oh my god the angst and smut is A++++++. This is my current obsession lol.
it must be fate (or you’re stalking me, who knows) AO3, Oneshot, this was actually quite cute, Jimin is the definition of cutie in the streets and senpai in the sheets (lol I love that tag)
Restrictions and Rewards AO3, Oneshot, Kookie needs the proper motivation. 
See Through (If You Will) AO3, Complete, Mpreg Kook, hurt/comfort, I love the hurt.
Will You Stop Time AO3, Oneshot, Jungkook loved Jimin even if he pushed him away (but he always apologizes at night), the feels were real.
Bloom AO3, Oneshot, First Times, a little bit of angst.
No Strings Attached  AO3, Complete, recently finished camboy Kook au and wow was it good, go read it you won’t regret it. 
In Your Eyes (I’m the Best/I’m the Worst) AO3, Oneshot, fair warning this may or may not be your cup of tea, it’s humiliation kink well more like Jimin legit gets angry at Kook for being a brat all the time and insults him but Kook likes it (?), if you don’t like this kind of stuff, don’t read it. 
power struggle AO3, Oneshot, Omega Kook and Alpha Jimin, i really really love the jealous hurt/comfort.
Becoming Bad AFF, Ongoing, Subscribers Only, Jimin the bad boy taints Innocent Jungkook.
Don’t Hesitate Any Longer AO3, Oneshot, Adult Ceremony dance practice into something more, hyung kink. 
Every Morning (and Night) is Perfect With You That Christmas Evening Eros and Perfectly Imperfect AO3, Oneshot, yes shameless self-promotion but all of them are legit just bottom kook smut with feelings and tiny bit of plot.
Animal House AFF, Ongoing, Members-Only, Jungkook is the bunny cop that meets Fox Jimin, they room together and feelings develop but there’s something evil going on.
The Way You Move It (I Can’t Believe It) AO3, Oneshot, Jungkook is failing his Cha Cha class because his hips are stiff, Jimin shows him how to sway those hips and maybe more.
One Page Pornography Ch. 28 AO3, Oneshot, I was honestly craving hurt/comfort Jikook plus smut and dang did this provide. I loved the angst and it hurt so so good all the way up until Jimin comforted him and then the phone sex and actual sex was A+.
Golden Boy AO3, Complete, VOLLEYBALL AU, also angst and smut (hot smut) but angst, it’s a wild ride. 
House Made of Cards AO3, Oneshot, you’d think it’s just smut but wow the underlying emotion is whew.
Got Me Baited and Bruised AO3, Oneshot, Awkward flirting guys lol.
I’ll Give You Love (You Wanted Nothing) AO3, Oneshot, Junghope discuss marriage and I love the written dynamic here. 
There and Back Again AO3, Oneshot, okay this is really cute, college au.
While You Were Sleeping AO3, Oneshot, Kook has a wet dream and Hobi takes care of it for him while he’s asleep, totally consensual, this it pretty hot. 
Joke AO3, Oneshot, Kook is a complete brat to Hobi (because he’s an extreme tsundere) and Hobi shows him that he is very capable of fucking Jungkook up. 
Bittersweet AO3, Complete, this was a smut/angst ride too, darker themes but wow it’s good, mafia au. 
Sweet Baby Boy AO3, Oneshot, yup just pure smut indulgence.
Tied Up AO3, Complete, I suggest you read the whole series by Rosiex.
White Lines, Pretty Baby AO3, Oneshot, Yoongi is Kook’s boss (well he’s a drug dealer) and they develop an unconventional relationship. 
Good Boy, Baby Boy AO3, Oneshot, Daddy kink, lace panties, you get the idea.
Pretty Boy  AO3, Oneshot, Daddy kink, crossdressing, Kook tries to prove that he’s not pretty using shock factor but it doesn’t really work out.
Whenever You Smile (I Smile) AO3, Oneshot, Hogwarts au, I love this, it was so cute and gahhhh it’s a great example of how fluffy sugakookie can be. 
Mingling AO3, Complete, Werewolf Kookie meets ancient vampire Yoongi that’s actually a huge flirt.
The Assistant AO3, Complete, I honestly love this so much because it’s not just an interesting au with good smut, but the depth of the feelings. It’s a really healthy relationship between Sugakookie of course but also Kook and Jimin’s friendship. 
You’re So Beautiful That I’m Scared AO3, Oneshot, indulgent smut with light dom/sub undertones, soft feelings. 
So Nice and So Cool (So Good and So Hot) AO3, Oneshot, Seokjin the TA accidentally fucks one of his students
Pastel AO3, Ongoing, I think you all know this one by now but just in case you don’t, Kookie likes feeling pretty and he likes being taken care of, his hyungs find out one by one.
Crushed Lungs AO3, Ongoing, it’s kind of a love triangle but without the whole “i hate you” thing which I like. 
a sleepless night again today AO3, Ongoing, I love this ot3 and the relationships are developing right now but it already looks amazing. 
Accidentally Right There AO3, Ongoing, this does have jihope with bottom!Jimin but it explores Jungkook’s one-sided love (it really isn't that unrequited) and the hurt/comfort is great, Jungkookie is a sub and he wants to be loved, I just really love it okay?
oh baby (what’re you doing to me?) AO3, Complete, there’s a big of angst because unrequited love and stuff but then Jimin and Joon take care of him and the FEELS.
Loving You (Is Not a Mistake) AO3, Oneshot, this is really really good and what I’ve been craving, Valentine’s Day but it’s different, hurt/comfort and oh god the Yoonjinkook ot3ness was amazing.
I Play To Win AO3, Oneshot, Alpha!Yoongi/Omega!Seokjin/Alpha!Jungkook, they all play Overwatch and Kookie sets his eyes on Yoongi (who basically hates him at first lol). I love the clash between fiery explosive Yoongi and Tease of the Century Tsundere Jungkook but things work out because you have Seokjin the peacemaker. Basically Yoongi fucks the submission into Kook.
Yup, this is all I could find for now so happy reading? I’ll update this when there’s more fics. HERE is the first fic rec I did in case you missed some of these. 
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