#he's soft like a butterfly
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somewhat satisfied with this... pretty butterfly man...
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roman-roy-apologist · 5 months
i love you animal symbolism
#like obviously i’m the dog motif guy but literally any animal symbolism is sooooo#like mq animal symbolism >>>#sharks and mice and wolves and butterflies#what that says about you — not just what you get but what you wanted to get#i’m a shark and i’m going to take you down. he smells blood in the water he’s gonna kill my pig and there’s nothing i can do#because i’m soft i’m a kid again im a mouse and im loyal and humble and a real team player! and that’s what will be my downfall#but it’s also what’s going to save me#why would a mouse choose foam over a delicious cookie? i don’t know. why would he? why would i?#i just got a little upset when you said i wasn’t a lion. you’re nothing without me#lions hunt in packs they’re sthe leaders. but i’m telling you that you dont get a pack you dont get someone to lean on and you will always#be alone.#then succession animal symbolism is like: youre a scorpion and i’m a snake and we are going to die at each others hands#it’s already written. we know the ending#im a dog and i’m mean and sharp and vicious#i’m a dog and i’m loyal and trusting#i’m a dog and i need to be kicked and i beg you to kick me because it’s all i know#you come for me with love?#lock me in a cage and feed me dog food (or chocolate cake but who knows) and i’ll never eat again#send me away until everyone knows their place#beat me with a slipper in gstaad for ordering lobster because it’s rude to order the most expensive thing on the menu when you’re not payin#because dogs don’t get a sliver platter they get a bowl of dog food in a cold wire cage#they get the scraps and they thank you for it#so you come for me with love?#you come in here guns ablazing to find they’ve turned to fucking sausages and you come for me with love?#jeez that’s a lot of tags#mythic quest#mq#succession#succession hbo
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zhenja483 · 2 months
Okay, I just finished watching TUA season 4 and WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL WAS THAT????
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*sorry spoilers in the tags- I just need to get this out of my chest rn.
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thefarminggoblin · 2 years
Can’t sleep, daydreaming about a first kiss with Ukitake.
This was intended to be just a short little set of headcanons but once again turned into a whole scenario.
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Picture this: spending the evening drinking tea and snacking with both Ukitake and Kyoraku (who would be drinking sake…), after an a major event like Byakuya or Kaien’s wedding by having your own little intimate celebration/after party together.
Fireflies are dancing around, the full moon is out and the gentle chirping of crickets and other insects accompany everyone’s laughter as Ukitake wins yet another round of Shogi - making Kyoraku pout. It’s been a good day for Ukitake, not a single cough or feeling of unease, so he intends to make the most out of every second.
Kyoraku stands and stretches, yawning loudly, “Well, that’s probably enough for me tonight. I’ve got work to do in the world of the living tomorrow, so I can’t really risk a hangover.”
You smirk, “You’re not leaving because you’re sore about losing are you?”
He chuckles, “Naaaah. Lisa will have my head if I stay too much longer. I don’t want to risk being scolded.” He smirks, a twinkle of mischief in his eye, “Plus the eyes you two have been making at each other all night is starting to make me feel a little intrusive.”
Ukitake chokes on his tea, spluttering and coughing as you feel your face heat up, even as you quickly move to his side to rub his back, hoping this hasn’t triggered a coughing fit, “What do you mean “eyes your two are making?!” What eyes?!”
He laughs loudly, “I’ll leave you two alone to figure it out. Goodnight!” And then he’s gone, disappearing right in front of you as he uses his shunpo to leave.
Once Ukitake has recovered, he straightens himself up and takes a sip of tea to clear his throat, a wry expression on his face, “Cheeky bastard.”
You laugh, “Has he always been so shameless?”
He sets the cup down and huffs a laugh, “In our academy days, yes. But he’s never really teased me so brazenly over…” he shakes his head, taking another sip of his tea.
Your heart quickens, and suddenly you are keenly aware of how closely to two of you are sitting.
“Over…?” You have a feeling that the two of you would eventually have this conversation - you’d been flirting with each other over the past few months, mostly just lingering gazes during meetings, lingering touches when you pass things to each other, and more compliments than usual on each other’s appearances that could be interpreted as mere friendship. Today was no exception: you’d sat next to him the entire evening at the wedding celebration, and over the course of the night the two of you had gravitated towards each other, your sides eventually touching. And neither of you had made to move away or mention it. And as he helped you stand up - ever the gentleman - he did not let go of your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles, and looked as though he was about to say something. Then Kyoraku had appeared suddenly from out of nowhere and suggested you continue the celebration together. You didn’t miss his shoulders slumping over in obvious disappointment as he let go of your hand and lead the way to his quarters.
Now, the soft light from the fireflies and the moon illuminates his handsome face. You notice that his cheeks have darkened noticeably as he turns to face you. His gaze seems a little conflicted as his lips are drawn in a thin line. That same expression from earlier, but more determined.
With a soft sigh, he takes your hand in his and gives you a small smile, “Is it not obvious?”
You move a little closer to him, your eyes searching his face, “Maybe, maybe not.”
His face moves even closer to yours, his eyes half lidded and glancing rapidly between your eyes and lips. His lips are mere inches away from your own he whispers, “Allow me to make things a little clearer for you, then…”
He closes the short distance between you and delicately brushes his lips across yours, enough for it to barely be considered a kiss - it’s like he’s gauging your reaction, preparing to pull away if he senses the slightest amount of discomfort. When you don’t pull away, he pushes his lips against yours ever so gently and brings a hand up to brush his knuckles against your cheek, so soft it feels like a butterfly has landed on your face.
It would be such a slow, tender, intimate kiss. With him gently and rhythmically guiding your movements. It wouldn’t get too heated. It would be one of those kisses that makes your heart ache with longing, but neither of you would want to ruin the sweet and tender moment by giving in to your baser instincts. It would be more about intimacy and being close to each other.
It would turn into an opened mouth kiss and there would be tongues involved - because intimacy and being as close as possible to you is a huge thing for him and he wouldn’t be able to help himself - but only very fleetingly. The second your lips shift to openly glide over each other’s, he’d shakily sigh into your mouth, maybe even whisper your name.
He would only really swipe his tongue over your lips as he moves. Not venturing too deeply, nothing too tame, but somewhere right in the middle. He’d alternate between caressing and cupping your face with one hand to gently cupping the back your neck and slowly stroking your hairline. The other hand would be splayed across the small of your back. He wouldn’t be forceful at all. His hands wouldn’t be pulling you in; it would be more like he’s wanting to enjoy and appreciate the feel of your skin/body against his. Just relishing the intimacy of the moment.
It wouldn’t be a short affair. He wants to take his time with you, and his sweet yet sensual kisses are addicting. Ukitake would slowly glide his lips over yours, letting out little sighs, gasps, tiny moans and even some breathy chuckles if you decide to playfully tease him by giving him soft pecks, retaliating by kissing the corner of your mouth occasionally.
He’d eventually pull away with a shuddering breath before pressing gentle kisses to your cheek, overcome with emotion. He’d kiss the tip of your nose and forehead before resting his forehead on yours, nuzzling your noses together.
If you cup his face, he’d nuzzle into it and kiss your palm, then take your hand in his and kiss down to your wrist before intertwining your fingers with his.
There’s be no words after. There would be no need. Just gentle gazes, smiles and touches. It’s pretty clear that you both feel the same. He’d eventually move you around to sit in front of him with your back against his chest and him holding you from behind, alternating between slowly running his hands up and down your arms, wrapping his own around your waist and taking your hands and intertwining them as you watch the fireflies together, enjoying each other’s presence. He’d occasionally press kisses to the top of your head, and if you lean back and rest your head on his shoulder, he’d kiss your temple too.
He’d walk you back to your room, and kiss you goodbye in the same way. Slowly. Tenderly. Longingly.
He’d kiss you on the back of the hand and give you a soft look (much like the accompanying screen cap for this post), his soft brown eyes shining with happiness, before saying a simple “goodnight” and using his shunpo to leave.
Your lips tingle for hours afterwards, your heart still racing, wondering if he, too, is laying awake, overcome with emotion.
And you’d be right.
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sneevl13t · 6 months
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drew this when i was really really craving for bed in my shrimp posture at my desk LMAOOO
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luckyagain · 1 year
Referring to Louis and Harry as a dagger and rose besides just not making sense (why would they tattoo themselves on themselves? if anything, they would have gotten each other's tattoos) is also just reductionist and insulting to both of them. You view them as one-dimensional characters where Harry is soft & feminine and Louis is harsh & masculine. If you can watch Louis doing the gender reveal and think he was acting like a dagger, you weren't paying attention.
louis was out here looking like THIS last night and you want to talk about fucking emojis??? 🌹🗡️
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muscari-melpomene · 8 months
From the Grounds Up
Anti knocked back the rapidly-cooling remainder of his hot chocolate, and sighed with contentment as the remaining warmth spread through his chest. He washed the cup with quick, deft movements, and set it aside to dry. By the door of his shop, a large grey-brown mutt stretched with a groan. Anti whistled at it.
"Mutt," he called quietly, and the dog's ear twitched dismissively. Anti grinned.
Step back from this scene. Step back from the man behind the counter, leaning against it with his shoulders relaxed and his back straight. He's been standing like that a few months now, more at ease than he's been in his entire short life. Step back and look around his warm little shop.
The walls are exposed brick. There are plain wooden shelves set into it between two windows, containing a few trinkets and random decorations that took Anti's fancy. There are a couple small corner tables, and there is the counter with a neat row of seats at it. The shop smells strongly of coffee and spices, in the refreshing, comforting way that most cafés do. It is dark outside, and the dog by the door – Mutt, as we've learned his name is – is napping, utterly content with his lot in life.
It is dark outside, and the sun hasn't been seen for hours now. The café has only just opened. The sign outside that declares Coffee Talk cheerfully to the street flickered on at precisely 10 pm.
Step back into the shop, and take a deep breath of the warm, spiced air. You, and anyone else craving a warm drink and pleasant company, are welcome here.
Anti glanced up as the bell over the door jingled, yanked abruptly out of his thoughts. Damien was already hanging his long coat on a hook by the door.
"Evening, Anti," he called over his shoulder. Mutt dragged himself to his feet and snuffled over to Damien hopefully.
"You've got my damn watchdog rolling over at your feet," was Anti's reply, and Damien only smiled, reaching down to give Mutt a scratch behind the ear.
"You hear how he talks to me?" he murmured to the dog, "I'm his best customer and he swears at me the second I'm in the door."
"Henrik's my best customer, I could set my watch by the guy if I wanted."
"Henrik orders the same three drinks in rotation," said Damien as he slid into his usual seat at the counter. "You hate that." Mutt wandered to his spot by the door, and collapsed again with a loud sigh.
"Point," Anti conceded, "but at least I always know when he's coming. He'll be here in twenty minutes. You, on the other hand-"
He reached across the counter and flicked Damien's forehead, earning an offended noise as Damien swatted his hand away.
"-You haven't been here in a week and a half, D., what gives?"
"I've been busy," said Damien, as usual.
"With what?" asked Anti, as usual. Damien gave him a pleading look, and Anti dropped it. He was barely upset anymore anyway; the familiarity of the interaction soothed his lingering disappointment at Damien's long absence. Anti took a mug from under the counter and filled it with hot water to warm it.
"What kind of night is it?"
"The usual," said Damien, propping his chin on his hand.
"With your fancy-ass lavender in it?"
"With my fancy-ass lavender, yes."
Anti bit back a grin. Damien swearing in his calm, articulate voice always made Anti want to laugh, but the man looked tired, so Anti would hold back from any more mockery for the time being. Including reproaching him for having something as boring as a usual. Anti was feeling forgiving today, apparently. Maybe he should fix that.
He emptied the mug he'd heated, put a sachet of earl grey in it, and refilled it two thirds of the way with water just cooled from boiling. He hummed to himself as he let it steep, doing a few last checks that all of his brewing equipment was clean and ready to go for the evening.
The tea finished steeping, and he tossed away the bag before adding a hint each of vanilla and lavender syrup, stirring them in thoroughly before steaming a cup of milk and topping off the mug.
"A London Fog with lavender for his majesty," he snipped as he set the mug in front of Damien. Damien rolled his eyes, and took a long sip.
"...How do you always make it better than I ever can at home?" he sighed, setting it back on the counter. "It never tastes right when I do it."
"If I told you I'd have to kill you," said Anti brightly, and said nothing about how he'd narrowed it down carefully through trial and error, and Damien liked the drink best when the tea had been steeped just over four minutes.
"Mutt," said Damien, glancing back at the dog, "he's threatening me again. Sic 'em."
Mutt lifted his large head to stare at them for a moment, unimpressed, then set about licking his paws.
"...Impressive watchdog you've got there."
"He just doesn't think you're worth showing off for," Anti shrugged, and Damien gave him about the same look they'd just gotten from Mutt.
The door burst open, and a man with long hair half tied back and a satchel overflowing with notebooks and papers rushed in. He shoved himself into a seat at the counter, only avoiding falling out of it because Damien grabbed the back of the chair as it tilted, and hoisted the satchel onto the counter, half-emptying it in front of him.
"Ginger latte," he said by way of greeting, and Anti rolled his eyes and went to pull an espresso shot for the drink.
"Breakthrough?" Anti heard Damien ask as the machine grumbled to life and spat fresh grounds into a waiting cup.
"Maybe," said Marvin, "don't talk to me."
Anti tried to focus on making the drink, and not the anxiety coiling in his stomach. This happened at least once a month. Marvin was always having a breakthrough, always just on the edge of figuring out how to track down- well.
Anti wasn't thinking about it. He had a drink to make.
A small amount of fresh ginger grated in on top of the espresso grounds. Tamp it down. Pull the shot. Steam the milk and pour, and a bit more ginger on the froth on top because Marvin liked his flavored lattes to kick him in the teeth a bit.
"Drink up," he said, brushing a few papers aside so he could put the drink on the counter. Marvin didn't say anything.
"What?!" he snapped, looking up, then: "Oh- yes, thank you."
"Your shirt's buttoned wrong," Anti told him. Marvin looked down.
"When was the last time you slept, Marvin?" asked Damien. Marvin got that impatient look about him that said they were in for an utterly incomprehensible lecture.
"There are more important things-"
"Than your own health?" said Damien mildly, but Marvin had already started.
"-than getting my bloody eight hours- I am so close, so close to finding it, him, the escaped experiment- I finally got into the ruins of IRIS-"
"You what?! " snapped Anti, reeling back.
"I snuck in!" said Marvin, a deranged light in his eyes, "it was so simple in the end, and right there in the center of it was the site of the incident- the human remains there are mostly decayed, which is a shame, I'm no forensics expert, so I can't figure much out from it, but the magical traces remaining down there are- the energy is different from anything I've ever seen, if I can find a match for it-"
"That's trespassing, Marvin," said Damien, and Marvin waved a dismissive hand.
"Neither of you is going to say anything- but listen, this energy-"
"Marvin, for fuck's sake," Anti interrupted, a little louder than he'd meant to, "drink your damn latte before I scald you with it."
Marvin, miraculously, fell silent, staring at Anti. Damien was also staring at Anti. That was not what Anti had been hoping for.
The bell over the door jingled again, and Anti looked to it like a drowning man to a plank floating by.
"Henrik!" he called with visible relief, and Henrik raised an eyebrow at him.
"Oh, good," said Damien, "someone with sense- Henrik, come talk to Marvin."
"What's he done this time?" asked Henrik, hanging his coat up and sitting on Marvin's other side.
"I haven't done anything."
"Dumbass snuck into the smoldering fucking wreck of IRIS on- I'm gonna guess two hours of sleep?"
"Three," Marvin shot back, glaring.
"Marvin," said Henrik calmly, and Marvin realized his mistake. Anti stepped into the back as Marvin started trying to defend himself, doubtlessly only digging himself in deeper.
The store room door shut behind Anti, and he sunk to the ground, pressing a hand to his chest – breathe, Anti, breathe, in and out, nice and slow, don't hyperventilate, throwing up in here would be a health and sanitation nightmare, just breathe – and curling up in a little ball. The earthy smell of stored spices and herbs surrounded him, grounding him just a bit more.
Marvin was always having a breakthrough on one magical matter or another related to the incident at IRIS that had taken place eighteen months ago. Most people would have given up by now, but Marvin wasn't the type. The more he was told to let something go, the deeper he sunk his teeth in it.
And now he'd gone and broken in to what remained of IRIS. He'd found traces of energy there that he could study, something tangible to follow the tracks of. Something, if Anti had to guess, sharp and electric. Something made of dark, distorting strands woven into the form of a human. A man who was more solid now, more steady, less inclined to cut into someone and drain them to stay alive.
Who just wanted to be left alone.
Anti made himself look up, look around the store room. He ought to do inventory while he was here.
"...need more mint," he mumbled to himself, voice dry from his ragged gasping earlier. "Jamie'll be devastated..."
"-Don't want your help-" came an irate voice from outside, and Anti dragged himself to his feet.
On the edge of destroying Anti's life or no, Marvin was a fucking mess right now, and it was Anti's shop he was making that mess in. He really shouldn't leave Henrik and Damien to corral the whole thing.
Marvin was carrying on at full strength still by the time Anti reached the counter. Henrik hadn't raised his voice yet, but was starting to look fully annoyed rather than just exasperated.
"Doc," Anti cut in, "let me get you a drink for dealing with his shit."
"That would be lovely, thank you," said Henrik, shoulders relaxing a hair. "Coffee with honey, please."
"Coming right up."
"Now, Marvin," said Henrik, turning back to the scowling magician, "listen carefully. You're only going to make a mess of your research if you do it in this state- I'm not finished."
Marvin, who had opened his mouth to start talking again, shut it, and glared instead.
“Thank you. You will finish your drink, and let me finish mine, and then I am going to walk you home, and you are going to go to sleep for several consecutive hours."
"And why would I do that?" said Marvin, arms crossed. Anti set a sweetened coffee in front of Henrik, who nodded politely in thanks.
“These are a lot of handwritten notes on paper, Marvin," Henrik said, running a finger around the rim of his mug. "It would be a shame if something were to happen to them. Something... caffeinated, for example."
Marvin went a bit pale. Henrik smiled faintly.
“Which of us do you think has faster reflexes just now?" he asked, tipping his mug just slightly. Damien managed to turn a laugh into a cough, glancing away. Marvin's eyes flicked from his notes to Henrik's mug and back. A long, tense moment passed.
"...Fine," Marvin huffed, starting to tidy his notes away, "I won't get anything done with you here anyway..."
Henrik lifted his coffee in a toast, and took a long sip.
Time passed quietly after that. Anti spent his time bothering Damien, with Henrik chiming in occasionally and Marvin halfheartedly sketching complex diagrams in one of his notebooks. After a while, Henrik paid for both his and Marvin's drinks, and firmly escorted the insomniac magician out, giving Mutt a pat on the head as he left. Damien took a long sip of his second London Fog of the evening.
"That was a shitshow."
Anti snorted, and Damien grinned tiredly.
"Yeah," said Anti, smiling, "yeah, kinda was."
"Are you alright?"
"What did I tell you about worrying about me?"
"That it was annoying but cute."
"I never said 'cute'."
"Ah, but you did," said Damien, looking far too pleased with himself, "you said it while Wilford was here, and he reminds me of it daily. You really ought to know better by now."
"I should," Anti conceded, "but it's funny when Wilford teases you."
"I never said 'teases'."
"This is Wilford we're talking about."
That got a laugh out of Damien, and something in Anti's chest warmed at the noise.
"You have a point," Damien said. His smile crinkled his eyes at the corners. He pushed his empty mug across the counter, and Anti took it.
"Another drink?"
"No," he said, sliding out of his seat, "no, I really ought to be getting to bed... thank you, though. Have a lovely evening, Anti."
"Have a good night, Dames," said Anti, watching him go. He took his coat from its usual hook, patted the dog, and was gone. Anti stood there a moment, watching the door. Mutt yawned, and Anti shook his head sharply.
"Time to close up, I think," he mumbled, and went to wash out the mug.
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teethbomb · 1 year
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alador blight fan mood board
#Im trying so hard not to engage I feel like a bomb#I know his arc was handled badly but the shortening of the owl house should be the give away#And I personally think that the boards weren’t only cut for time!!#People are really mad he was redeemed at all but I think we forget that this guy was intended to portray a victim of abuse#Abuse shouldn’t have to be physical for it mean something#No I am not excusing what he did what he did was shitty but what I am saying is I don’t think he knew that#He thought what he was doing was in the kids best interest and when amity confronted him his eyes opened#I’ve seen people call him spineless and “woobified” and that is lost on me entirely#He stood up to Odalia and broke everything when he found out about her goals#He still has his temper he’s just not lashing out on his kids#Claims of him being turned soft don’t make sense to me because he’s been chasing butterflies the whole time! He was under Odalia s thumb#Until he learned it was hurting his kids and he stood up.#His arc isn’t perfect it’s far from it but the guy was in an abusive relationship for most of his life#I Can see the disconnect some are having but I think we’re really focusing too hard on some cut scenes#I Can see people getting upset with him especially those who relate to amity but I think it’s ironically pushing blame#Not everything can be pinned on Odalia but I think we should let abuse victims grow no matter their age#I guess it just makes me sad to see a character I see so much of myself in being dragged like this lol#Alador blight
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feralsteddie · 2 years
idc there will never be enough babygirl Steve Harrington content. there's something so satisfying about this ex-jock asshole type turning around and finding joy in soft things, in feminine things, in behaviors and aesthetics he would've been taught to (and once did) use to target people who were 'other'.
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Codys real name beeing Kote? Nah, don't like it, doesn't vibe with my headcanon for him.
Blys real name beeing Butterfly and he just had to shorten it for beattelfield purposes? Oh yeah, baby, sign me up!
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shewhoeatssand · 1 year
ORACLE, oracle answer me.
Kaneki? (*・x・)
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snowy bby
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ybcpatrick · 1 year
Which one is the one with the Legg tattoos I wanna chew on him
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from left to right: joe trohman (lead guitar), andy hurley (drums), patrick stump (vocals/rhythm guitar) and pete wentz (bass/lyrics)!! fall out boy band of all time full of sweet little lads hallelujah amen
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himbos-hotline · 11 months
MOUSE!! I haven’t talked to you in like forever but would you be interested in some touch starved Kenny. As in I might be back in my Kenny feels again
RACER OMG IMISSED YOU BUDDY!! are you okay? its been like FOREVER I am interest in ANYTHING kenny omega!!! so many things have happened since yall were gone dude
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Sam lane is so painful y’all will never know
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aoi0n0 · 2 years
Book Geralt and Game Geralt would absolutely beat the shit out of Netflix Geralt for being a meanie to Jaskier AND punching him. HOW DOES HE HAVE THE HEART TO BE ANYTHING BUT GENTLE TO LITTLE SWEET DANDELION!?!?!?
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lemonine · 1 year
bean is like a bird but also like a bunny and also assigned catboy and also a sheep and a butterfly and a pegasus and i think i might have assigned too much animal themes to my oc
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