#he's sort of a platonic ideal of a dog
canisalbus · 5 months
every time i see vasco i say "ohh puppy puppy doggy..." quietly to myself
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bloody-cupcakes · 3 months
i loved your platonic tenth doctor fic sm 💞 would you ever consider doing a pt.2? maybe with the reader sort of figuring out what’s up and trying to get back on their own
I would love to do a part two, I'm so happy to hear you liked it! (Part one is here for anyone who wants to read it first)
Platonic! yandere/dark! Tenth Doctor x teen reader; you discover he's purposely keeping you from leaving
Tw: yandere/dark content, gender neutral reader, the Doctor has possessive tendencies due to seeing the reader as his child, not technically kidnapping but the Doctor goes to great lengths to make sure the reader won't/can't leave so there's that
After your conversation with the Doctor about returning home to earth, you went to your room on the TARDIS and began packing. Part of you felt bad for possibly hurting his feelings (after all, you were currently his only companion, and while you didn't get the whole story you knew he had others before you that met less than ideal fates) but you couldn't just stay with him forever. You knew you had to go back home eventually.
The next day when you found him, he was fiddling with the control panel and humming cheerfully to himself. It was as if you'd never even spoken about leaving the day before.
"Um, Doctor?"
He looked up immediately when he heard your voice, a bright smile covering his face. "Ah, there you are! I was just waiting for you before I put the coordinates in for our next adventure. Are you ready to go?"
You made a visible face of confusion at his words. Next adventure? What was that supposed to mean?
"No, Doctor, I'm not. I already told you, I have to go home now."
His right eye twitched slightly with irritation as you mentioned that word again- "home". It wasn't fair that you kept talking about it as if your time with him didn't matter. I mean, he didn't even have a home to go back to, and he was perfectly fine. He learned how to become a well adjusted Time Lord after some time he assured himself while lying.
"Yeah, yeah. I know that." He waved his hand dismissively as if it was no big deal. "I just figured you'd want to go on one last trip before you had to leave. You know, just to cap off everything."
The exhaustion still in your body was screaming at you to say no, but he looked so hopeful as he stared at you with his big brown puppy dog eyes that you ended up saying yes despite yourself.
"You know what? Sure, why not. One last trip, to commemorate our time together."
The Doctor beamed with joy at your words, estatic that he was able to make you relent so quickly. "Great! Now, let's be off, then. Allonsy!"
It would just be one quick trip, you thought to yourself as the TARDIS started up, prepared to take you wherever you decided to go. It wouldn't take too long, and them he'd take you back home as soon as you were done.
So sure that you were right, you didn't even bother to keep track of the amount of time the two of you spent adventuring that day, which meant the Doctor was able to keep suggesting more and more things for you to do on your "last day" without any fuss. By the time you finally made it back to the TARDIS, you were exhausted, heading straight to bed without any more mentions of returning home for the time being.
The Time Lord was beside himself with delight as he realized his plan on keeping you too busy and tired to even think about leaving was beginning to work. He kept at it day after day, insisting that you just needed one more adventure to top it all off, just one extra trip. And because you didn't want to upset him by declining, you said yes to every single one.
This all came to a head the day he momentarily put his plan on pause due to the TARDIS needing repairs. It had been beeping nonstop at him for the past four days, and he'd finally had enough. He parked the TARDIS and told you to stay put, not that you had the energy to go anywhere.
While he was out for supplies, you finally got the chance to relax somewhat. Deciding to spoil yourself with this newfound free time, you took a long bath and put on your comfiest clothes before settling yourself in one of the several armchairs adorning the TARDIS library. You were just about to pick up something to read when the TARDIS started beeping again.
"I know you need repairs, he'll be back soon, don't worry," you tried to reassure it, but it simply ignored you and continued on.
Letting out a somewhat exasperated sigh, you set down your book and got up, making your way to the control room. "What seems to be the problem here?"
The TARDIS made a chirping sound as it brought up the coordinates that would take you back to the time and place of your home on earth.
You frowned in confusion, your brow furrowing as you studied the screen. The Doctor had been complaining about how it had been malfunctioning lately, so it's possible that what the screen was currently displaying could mean nothing.
In reality it had actually been scolding him for keeping you from your family on earth, but of course he ignored it, meaning it decided to take drastic measures in order to help get you back home.
"Yeah, that's my home. What about it?"
Something that sounded like a huff of annoyance came from the control panel. What its next few beeps meant you couldn't know for sure, but you were almost positive it had called you stupid.
"Hey, I'm doing my best here! I'm not a Time Lord, how would I know what you want?"
You could practically feel the way it was rolling its eyes at you before pulling up all the other places you'd been to recently. The log dated that they'd all been auto-saved on the same day, the day you told the Doctor you wanted to go back home.
A chill went down your spine as you realized he'd planned this out all ahead of time, knowing you'd be far too exhausted to argue if he kept taking you on one trip after another.
"Wait, why are you showing me this? What does this all mean?"
The TARDIS let out a few more beeps as it showed you the coordinates for earth again. It seemed to be trying to tell you something, but it was hard to know what it was exactly.
"Are you... are you trying to say that I should make my way back home, all by myself? Without the Doctor?"
The affirmative chattering of beeps and boops that came next told you the answer was yes. Now that you thought about it, the TARDIS seemed to be working perfectly fine, bringing you to the conclusion it had lied to the Doctor on purpose in order to help you.
"That's great and all, but I don't know how to manage these controls. I'd probably cause us to crash before we ever got there." You rolled your eyes at the noises it made in response. "Yes, I realize the Doctor crashes you all the time, and no, I don't want to take that risk. At least he knows how to fix you afterwards."
Your argument was cut short by a series of anxious beeps, the TARDIS frantically trying to warn you of the Doctor returning. You could hear him cursing from the outside as he tried to get in through the doors, the TARDIS having apparently locked him out.
"I can't fly you. I don't even know how to work all these buttons and knobs on your control panel." The sad and dejected boop it let out made you give it a look of sympathy. "I'm sorry, but I'll have to get home some other way."
The doors finally opened, the Doctor nearly falling over as he entered. "Ah, there you are! I was just about to look for you. We should be ready to leave for our next trip once I've fixed whatever's wrong with the controls."
The TARDIS made an offended noise at the implication that there was something wrong with it, which both you and the Doctor ignored.
"Actually, I was wondering when you were going to take me back home."
The grin on his face immediately dropped at you words. "Home? You want to go home now?"
You hesitated briefly, not exactly sure what to think after the recent discoveries you'd made involving him trying to keep you from leaving. Surely he wouldn't do anything to actually hurt you, but you decided to tread carefully regardless.
"Well, yeah. I miss my family, and I'm sure they must be missing me. And I can always come back to travel with you again, you know." You added the last bit in hopes of easing the apparent pain of him losing you.
"But I'm your family now," he insisted in an almost pleading manner, gesturing to the inside of the machine. "This is your home. I don't understand why you'd ever want to leave any of this."
The Doctor shot the control panel a dirty look when it made a noise that sounded like sarcastic muttering. "Besides, I can offer so much more than they can. Can they take you anywhere in time and space? I don't think so."
"I'm not your family, Doctor," you blurted out in a desperate attempt to get him to see reason. "I'm not. I'm not your kid, and this isn't my home. I need to get back to my real home with my real family."
He turned away from you, resting his hands on the control panel so he wouldn't fall over from shock. His hands gripped onto the side of it so tightly his knuckles turned white.
"Doctor...?" You questioned gently, starting to feel bad for what you'd said. "Are you alright?"
Shaking his head, he responded in a quiet voice. "No, I'm not." He sighed as he leaned over the controls. "You're right, I'm not your family."
You felt a tiny bit of hope bloom within you despite yourself, hope that maybe, just maybe he was starting to see reason.
"So, does this mean-" You began eagerly before he suddenly cut you off.
"But that doesn't mean I'm going to let you leave, just like that." He turned back towards you, his face hardened as he gave you a look of determination. "Maybe I'm not your family yet, but I will be. And this will be your home, whether you like it or not."
A shiver of fear went down your spine at his firm declaration, causing you to realize you'd made a severe judgment in error when you decided to tell him you weren't family. It was at this point that you were beginning to wish you'd listened to the TARDIS when it told you to run while you still had the chance.
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sylvie-fics · 2 years
Arven x reader
Summary: platonic, reader makes an absolute monstrosity of a sandwich and apologizes about Arven’s whole family situation. Arven is trying so hard to be nice
When Arven thought of you, he thought of your many outstanding talents. How you were able to help so many people, battle the gym leaders with ease, help him heal his beloved Pokémon. Truly, the list goes on.
Yes, there were many things he admired about you.
…and then there was this.
“Oh, wow. Thanks, little buddy. It’s…”
Nothing could have prepared him for the monstrosity of a sandwich placed before him. He wasn’t sure he could pick it up without it falling apart. There was no getting out of this one, not with your big pleading eyes staring into his soul.
Think, Arven, think. There has to be a way to compliment this.
“This sure is *the* sandwich ever!”
He faked a half grin and watched as you cheerfully reacted. This was going better than expected. Now, if he could just find a way to get out of eating this…
Maybe the classic ‘turn to the side and let the object disappear’ trick? Or, feeding it to the dog? No— he couldn’t put mabosstiff through this. A sudden rainstorm? No, not a cloud in the sky. A violent Pokémon outbreak?
“I wrote something on it… I wasn’t sure how else to say it.” You spoke, a grim sort of tone in your words
Sure enough, after scanning over the hell on a plate, he found it. Right on the underside of the bread, a hastily written ‘sorry’ in ketchup.
“Sorry?” He asked, “what about?”
Tears welled up in your eyes, your voice quivering.
“I’m sorry I made you an orphan.”
Arven was truly fucking taken aback. The sandwich, the ketchup apology, and now a woeful— and furthermore inaccurate statement— about your involvement in his familial status.
He could explain to you that you did not, in fact, cause the ultimate demise of his parents. Or, he could just eat the sandwich and accept the apology. Neither of these were ideal, but the apology acceptance would be a lot easier to get through your thick skull.
The world seemed to move in slow motion as he shakily lifted the food from the plate. Surely—he thought— one bite of this would probably kill an ancient Pokémon.
With all the strength he could muster, he took a bite.
“So… what do you think?”
He’s going to be sick for weeks. It’s horrible, literally the worst thing he’s ever tasted. He doesn’t know how the stores legally let you purchase these items all together.
… but he can’t say that, not to you.
“It is a sandwich. With so much forgiveness, little buddy. It has two pieces of bread. There are things in this sandwich. It sure is something that can be eaten. It is… it’s… original.”
He’s never letting you make the picnic food ever again.
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beyblade-e · 1 year
My favorite headcanons to make about characters are about how they'd play minecraft if they all had a big server. This accidentally ended up being a very long post about that topic with the Metal Fusion characters so now you can read my thoughts on that if you want.
Gingka kind of follows along with whatever his friends are doing since he's not an epic gamer, but he's super hype for everything they do. They end up building a little town with a house for everyone and some little faux-shops and stuff before going off to fight the dragon.
Madoka is having a great time figuring out redstone and installing secret doors and the like in all the buildings. I think she could get good enough to be on some Mumbo Jumbo type shit really fast tbh. She could build the computer that lets you play minecraft in minecraft in like a day.
Kenta is the only one who plays this game regularly so he's giving everyone the 101 and keeping them safe from mobs. Platonic ideal of a kid playing minecraft in the 2010s. He probably builds a creeper trap somewhere and puts a sign on it with the creeper's name.
Yu is doing pretty much the same but he's also planting tnt traps and creating a dog army. I think he'd sic his dogs on unsuspecting people he knew wouldn't get to mad about it (he doesn't know the dogs can die yet).
Tsubasa has a little cabin on the outskirts of the town they've made and he's also training a dog army. He spends most of his time fucking off to beat up pseudo bosses and returns occasionally to share his loot.
Kyoya is dead set on getting stronger and beating the ender dragon as if that's some sort of huge accomplishment. He spends most of his time in the nether like, roleplaying with himself as the new leader of the piglins after killing the brutes. The dragon fight ends up being super underwhelming because he's insanely overpowered by the time he gets there.
Benkei is in the nether too and he is struggling. He ends up having to go back to hanging out with Gingka and co. to get better gear and skills for a while but he has so much fun so it's fine.
Ryuga would be like an old man for the first half hour not knowing how to even build a crafting table. Then he wonders off for the entire session and when the gang finds him after finishing their town they find out he already beat the dragon and has full netherite and built his base in an ancient city.
Tetsuya somehow figured out how to invite himself to the server, failed miserably at stirring trouble after hitting like 6 tnt traps, realized there were no crabs in the game, and then left.
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jessica-problems · 2 years
Can't stop thinking about Chainsaw Man/Utena parallels.
what if you simply swapped the main characters?
(spoilers for both shows obviously)
Utena as Chainsaw Man An orphan girl with a devil for a heart gets a job hunting devils, and comes to realize that maybe being the superheroic Chainsaw Man isn't all it's cracked up to be. She meets a bunch of weird flawed people who don't live up to her fairytale ideals. She grapples with having a masculine, inhuman alter-ego. She struggles to find agency. She and Aki bond over their lofty goals. She has so many funny feelings about powerful women. Eventually, she realizes that being Makima's knight isn't what she wants, and she breaks free to live a normal life free of impossible expectations.
Utena in Denji's role would have all sorts of complex gender thoughts about being able to flip a switch and immediately become a superheroic prince. Instead of Denji's "I wanna touch boobs" as a misunderstanding of his desire for intimacy, I think Utena would initially want a harem fanclub of girls swooning over her. She would think of it as a heroic princely thing, but it'd actually just be a gay thing. Also, Quanxi is like the peak form of a female prince, so she probably has to be promoted to an important narrative foil.
I think Utena would actually fall even harder for Makima's manipulation than Denji did, partially because a beautiful woman saying "please be a superhero for me" is exactly what Utena already wants. Makima wouldn't even need to seduce her into it. Also, Denji knew he was attracted to Makima, but just didn't understand why it was a bad idea. Utena doesn't even initially realize her feelings, so she has a whole extra layer of stuff to unpack before she could decide to escape.
Denji Tenjou as The Revolutionary Prince/ss
An orphan boy who was rescued by a prince can't decide if he'd rather be a prince or a princess, so he settles for being a nobody. In the high society of Ohtori Academy, he is an uncouth hooligan. He kicks Saionji in the balls a dozen times instead of challenging him to a duel. Once Denji is wrapped up in the duels for the Rose Bride, he eventually realizes that, despite his desire for human connection, the structure of the duels(and the gender roles they represent) mean that there's no way he can be close to Anthy without hurting her. He realizes that he wants no part in that sort of manhood, and decides the only way to have a genuine connection with his weird roommate, is to become her guard dog and tear apart the power structures that force them both into gender roles. Also, Denji realizes he's probably not a dude.
Writing Denji and Anthy as having any romance at all feels like undercutting an important gay icon, but luckily I think it's in character for Denji to have a totally platonic relationship with Anthy. Unfortunately, it's also in character for him to initially, be very excited about the idea of having a girl he can boss around, but I think he would quickly realize how fucked up it is, even if he couldn't express why. I think he'd treat Anthy like a sibling for the most part. Maybe he'd try to hook up with other women on campus, but I think he'd fail catastrophically at it. As the duels go on, he would slowly piece together that basically no one on campus has healthy relationships. He would arrive at the idea that under the current system, any kind of healthy relationship is basially impossible, and decide the only way out is to end the duels for good. Denji would fight so dirty. Even if the duels are still fought with swords, I think Akio ends up getting chainsawed in half somehow.
Also I think these are somehow happening at the same time in the same world and somehow they cross over.
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boundlss · 11 months
7, 11, 13, and 14 for the munday meme!
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
oh, hm. i'm not actually sure whether i have a favorire relationship dynamic; i don't think i really lean towards any one thing. um, if i had to say something, i think i generally tend to prefer relationships that are at least a little bit unhealthy. dynamics where one muse is deeply devoted to the other to a worrying degree---i enjoy that sort of thing, whether that's romantic, platonic, familial, OR antagonistic. yeehaw.
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
we'll exclude twain from this, to my immeasurable disappointment, and focus on some of my other favorite muses. naturally, i'd like for kazui to not only be forgiven but to find someone who will love him for who he actually is. with shiroe... i want him to find a way to continue living as he has in thedelsia, but also find a way to help get other people home. and i'd like for laz to find a place in the poorhouse.
13. what themes/motifs do you hope other people notice most about your character?
i'll answer this one strictly for kazui, since unlike my other aforementioned faves his motifs are genuinely important to the analysis of his character. i genuinely hope people pick up on the "cat in dog's clothing" thing kazui has going on, and i try to emphasize the message behind that motif when i write him. he's someone who wants particular affection and to be cared for in a particular way---and he pays more attention than he allows people to assume, but he hides everything like that behind his more relaxed and easygoing "doglike" public face.
14. which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in?
that's a difficult question to answer, believe it or not. upon reflection, there were good and bad things to every community i was a major part of. for example, i got a lot of attention when i wrote in bnha, and bsd i made a lot of close friends, but the former was really toxic and the latter has some difficult memories associated with it, so i can't really say either of them were that good.
if i'm being really honest, i like it best when there's like 3 or 4 of us all writing baccano! at the same time. it makes me happy because i know everyone there is just as passionate about it as me and we're all pretty good friends.
munday. / accepting.
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rize-is-writing · 1 year
I just came across your blog and saw match-up reqs are open so hi I'd like to request a genshin match-up (platonic & romantic if it's alr, preferably male charas!) I'm 19 btw, she/her pronouns.
My myers is inxj, enneagram is 5w4. Don't know if it's relevant, but my zodiac sign is aries. I'm driven and ambitious to an extent. I'm rather organized as well, everything that screams messy irks me (so I guess a little perfectionist too?). I like challenges, as I see it as an opportunity to test and improve myself. I guess that leads to me being kinda optimistic, but also realistic at the same time (??). I also like to try new things, deviating from what's usual. One of the traits that I value most to myself and others is dedication and loyalty. I also take promises seriously, I take no bs. Despite all of that though, I'm actually quiet and reserved. I try to maintain a calm demeanor so I can work on problems without stressing out much even if I'm quite literally dying on the inside.
In my free time, I like to do physical exercises. Playing video games and watching some sort of horror/crime/mystery movie or show. I like writing as well (poems and proses in particular). Moon-gazing and stargazing are also on top of the list. Idk if it counts but I like to think... it's kinda weird, but I like to get inside my head and think...
Lastly, playing w/ dogs.
Ideal type:
I tend to gravitate towards people who are rather similar to me. Someone who values organization and time-efficiency bc I don't like to waste resources. I also like people who I can compete with in good spirits, and sees it as a way to improve themselves instead of to raise themselves above me (we should be equals). Maybe I can use an empath as well, sensitive to the other's feelings and mood. I don't mind if they're quiet or loud, just as long as they can respect and understand privacy and alone time (bc I need it a lot).
I guess that would be it. Thank you sm!
I found your match! Come to meet them, c'mon c'mon!
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I couldn't help but notice how Ayato kind of sticks with your personality and ideal type: he is an efficient man, with his own ambitions with the head on his shoulders, and knows to read people's emotions and moods, even the slightest shift wouldn't go unnoticed with this guy (it's actually scary of you think about it), and would immediately see whenever you are troubled or not and check on you, or if you need space just give it to you.
He isn't one to trumple you or see you as lesser in any way, despite his... Ways. ("oh... So you collect these", "mh, yeah, very nice" flashbacks. I mean- this bitch of a man), so of course he would truly like a good challenge.
He would admire your personality, since is quite similar to him as he too values loyalty above any other trait, as much as your dedication in what you do. Is truly admirable, as he would say.
He doesn't have any particular hobby on his own, as he is a person fully dedicated to his work and to his duty so trying your hobbies when he finds the time would please him (just don't complain if he spoils who the criminal is in the criminal/mistery books- he would do it just for fun or for challenge)
Plus he is a dog guy, so I don't know if that's a plus but just saying-
Hey! There's someone who wishes to know you! Let me introduce the two of you.
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Keqing is pretty much an ambitious person, who also like you sees things realistically too. She doesn't waste time, and isn't one to procrastinate either. But she also doesn't look at only her interests, of course: we all know Keqing is a softie. Is what makes her a great friend! Keqing has empathy, even with all her bluntness.
She would of course care about how you feel and what you need and also respect your time.
She is always one to look for improvement as well, be it in herself or society around her and doesn't beat around the bush in the matter either.
So, to sum everything up, I think that two people like you if teamed up might kick us, with all due humbleness.
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dos-oroguitas · 3 years
Hey! I saw your fanfiction and thought you were ideal for doing this request! Your writing is good! Could you do an overprotectice! madrigal x Reader where they hear from Bruno (very panicked) that the reader could be in danger at any point of the week? Bruno couldn't see the one who was going to hurt them, so the family got kind of anxious since the reader is like an adopted sister/daughter to them. They don't have the courage to tell the reader about this news.
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In which the Madrigal Family is in a state of chaos when Tio Bruno sees a vision of you getting (supposedly) hurt. Platonic! Madrigal Family x Reader
masterlist !!
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Ever since you could remember, the family was always protective of you and rightfully so, you were a bit.. clumsy. Well, clumsy was a very strong understatement. If you and Augustin had a tally on the most accidents that had happened to both of you, you’d win by a landslide. So it would come as to no surprise that you were always in some sort of predicament and the family was used to it. They always had Julieta on call just in case a simple stumble or a trip would have resulted in something far more painful. Each family member had some method of preventing you from getting hurt.
The fact that you wouldn’t have a miracle concerned the family but even more so when you had grown up to be.. a klutz. Extra precautions had to be taken by the family.
Abuela Alma would ask you always to stay by her side whenever you go out, fearing that if you strayed away from her or any of the family that you would get hurt. That meant that you weren’t exactly alone most of the time, accompanied by either Mirabel or Camilo. Though after the surprising appearance of your Tio Bruno and destruction of Casita, everything came to a standstill. Your uncle was back with the family and you couldn’t help but be in awe of him.
“Ay, sobrina, you would..” Your Tio’s eyes flickered to the green tablet that featured you crying. The vision was blurry, nothing was quite clear but the slab had depicted you crying and that wasn’t a very good vision to have. Instead of informing you of your predicament, he awkwardly forced a smile. “You would get a new perrito this week! A new dog, isn’t that exciting!?”
His vision didn’t tell him exactly who or what made you cry but as soon as you left his room, off he would dash to his mamá and tell her of the vision. Which quickly prompted an emergency meeting with the rest of the grown ups in the family. Although Dolores, being herself, had managed to spill the beans to her siblings and cousins who had taken action by themselves.
Needless to say, the whole family was in a panic. Sharp corners were immediately filed down, Casita was to be extra careful in handling you or helping you in anything from reaching for something or even walking. The Casita would gently move you to whichever way you want to go.
Abuela would ask you to be careful, accompanying you in the Casa and checking up on you, asking how your day had gone and other trivial things. She would ask you to accompany her most of the times inside the home, fearing that should you be unsupervised, you would get yourself in trouble.
Your mamá Julieta always had arepas cooking on the stove, emergency batches of your favorite empanadas was in her aprons and pockets just in case.
Your papá Agustin was not to be near any bee’s nest when you two would go out to do errands or do father-daughter things in town. Though just in case, Mirabel would always accompany you two in order to rush you two out of harm. Yeah. You and Agustin? Cheerfully clumsy and accident prone? Not a very good combo.
Isabela would fill the Casa with flowers and bushes with no brambles or sharp branches. She, along with Casita, would transport you up and down the home with her vines instead of you just walking.
Luisa insisted on placing stacks upon stacks of pillows and matresses in the corners of the house, often times carrying you in her strong arms whenever you go to the village instead of letting you go all by yourself. She was taking time off being the bearer of all things heavy ever since Casita fell but she assured you that no matter what happens, she was there for you.
Mirabel had always been looking out for you, taking the title as your big sister, although you insist you were born on the same day and maybe were only a few minutes apart, very seriously. Her mochilas were always packed with bandages and she would not let go of your hand no matter where you two went.
Your Tia Pepa was even more careful with her emotions, not necessarily forcing them down but finding more ways to cope and comfort herself, either with a good book or a nice big cup of coffee. Each and everytime even a single rainy or dark cloud would appear on the top of her head, Tio Felix would immediately find more ways to help her out.
Dolores would quickly take care of the dog ‘vision’ and with the help of Mariano, gift you an Andalusian Hound puppy which you would fondly name Guapo. She would inform the family of your whereabouts as well with a little help from Camilo.
Said shapeshifter would either accompany you and stay by your side or even disguise himself as numerous citizens in order to keep track of you. He would also be heard saying the locations of just where you are or where you were heading so Dolores can keep track of it all.
“Alright, Yellow Chameleon to Red Elefante, the torpe has left the churro stand.”
Antonio had his animal friends soaring the skies or roaming the streets, giving him updates on how his prima was doing or where she was going.
All the while you were obliviously unaware of what was happening. You were only under the impression that they were being extra nice this week so you appreciated it! By the end of the week, you were so overwhelmed by the kindness that at the dinner table, you had suddenly burst out sobbing, thankful for the family’s love and kindness and.. hold on.
This was familiar. Quickly pulling out the emerald green slab from under his ruena, Bruno’s eyes had widened to see that your crying figure was the same one depicted on the vision slab.
“Oh. Whoops.” Was all he could say.
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Platonic Madrigal Family fics >>>>
Thank you for reading my works, every like and reblog means the world to me.
I hope I did justice to your request? I hope you didn’t mind the extra twist at the end oops, with how protective the Madrigal family is, I don’t think you’re gonna end up hurt anytime soon.
As always, please excuse me if I worded things wrong/ used wrong terms. English isn’t my first language but I’m trying to improve myself!
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pixiemunsons · 2 years
we go together like (bb)
happy pride month my loves!! this is my eighth year out (almost to the day) and i'm so happy to be here with you<3
i couldn't stop myself writing another modern!benedict lol i'm so sorry, also it’s 3.7k words got carried away again x
fake dating (bc i’m a slut for it x), hella smut ngl, it’s soppy but idc, kate is a wingwoman anthony is an old man x
tagging @repuklore for the modern ben vibes
a mutually beneficial agreement becomes much more
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bridgerton family parties were always guaranteed to be memorable, and you thanked the gods every time you were invited to one that you had known them long enough to be considered a member of the family. there was at least one major event every time; the drink kate threw over anthony that led to the two of them fucking in a closet (and being caught by violet), penelope and colin’s first kiss, the one when eloise ran away to meet a man from tinder and didn’t tell anyone where she was for three days - you had never forgiven phillip for that.
your ticket to the fantastical parties always lay with benedict, your best friend and closest confidant for as long as you could remember. the two of you mostly managed to stay out of the spotlight at these events, choosing instead to get drunk and dance together. there had been the time that you had been sick in one of colin’s shoes, but that was the year that anthony had very, very drunkenly proposed to the wrong sharma sister, so you had managed to avoid the consequences completely. this time, however, the halloween party was not a family affair but the social event of the year, with half of london society invited. you were dreading it; both you and benedict were twenty seven and single, which meant matchmaking. and lots of it.
‘benedict, for the last bloody time, i’m not telling people that we’re dating!’ you whispered back to your pouting best friend as you walked into your bedroom, attempting to slam the door shut behind you. he caught the door with his foot, wincing as eloise shouted something about keeping the noise down; you loved your friend dearly, but she had become almost unbearable since phillip had moved in. colin had offered the spare room at him and penelope’s place, but they were even worse. benedict sat down on your bed with those puppy dog eyes that you could barely resist, pleading his case.
‘my whole family thinks we’re together anyway! c’mon, you just have to hold my hand a bit, sit on my knee, just like normal. i just can’t cope with mrs cowper trying to set me up with cressida another year in a row! i’ll even wear a matching costume with you.’
‘people will notice that we’re not kissing,’ you warned, and arched a brow when he opened his mouth with a smirk. ‘and don’t even think about suggesting it, bridgerton! anyway, your mother will be expecting us to share a room at aubrey hall.’ your resolve was breaking by the moment, and you really couldn’t see a reason why you and benedict shouldn’t pretend to date for a night. you could have fun like usual, avoid all of the irritating mothers and then, in a few weeks, tell everyone it didn’t work out and you were back to being friends. it would have been the perfect solution.
if not for the fact that you were in love with your best friend.
how could you not be? benedict was the ideal man. he was kind hearted, artistic and loving, gentle mannered but so strong at the same time. and, well, who wouldn’t want to jump his bones? you had had plenty of opportunities with plenty of the men in your social circle, but rejected every one in the distant hope that you and benedict could somehow end up there. you had sort of fucked yourself over, really; they’d almost all moved on, and you had been benedict’s platonic plus one to more weddings than you could count over the last five years. it was just the two of you now, the spinster and the bachelor as he so lovingly nicknamed you, and the hope of settling down was slipping away every day that you pined after benedict and he didn’t see you.
still, you just couldn’t help yourself. and you had to admit, the matchmaking was becoming a little boring for you too.
you crossed your arms over your chest, sighing heavily, and benedict’s face lit up as soon as he knew he had you convinced. after all, when was the last time you said no to him? he flew off your bed, taking you in his arms and kissing your cheeks as you flushed bright red.
‘you’re the bestest friend in the whole wide world, y/n y/l/n,’ he grinned, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
you, of course, regretting agreeing to his plan as soon as you arrived at aubrey hall that saturday. he had insisted on walking in hand in hand, and you secretly hoped no one would notice until later, when everyone would be too drunk to care and you could avoid the planned pda entirely. 
that was, until gregory walked in and ruined your life with a ‘why are you holding hands? are you, like, a couple now?’ of course, he managed to ask you at the exact moment the whole bridgerton clan, wives and children included, walked into the foyer. violet dragged you into a bone crushing hug, jabbering on about how she just knew that you’d end up together. anthony and kate were next, smirking at you as they instructed the butler - god, these people were too rich for their own good - to take your bags up to benedict’s old room along with his own. you could read kate like a book, and right now her eyes were screaming ‘spill the tea, bitch,’ and you resolved to make it your mission to avoid her for the rest of your visit. after all, she was more than willing enough to share her own when her and anthony first got together; you’d had to disinfect every surface at the big house before you’d even touch it.
just as colin started asking when the two of you had gotten together, your life was saved by another bridgerton sibling. eloise launched herself through the front door, and you could hear her half-arguing with phillip; you thought it might be about their halloween costume, but you could barely tell because, just as she walked in, benedict took his chance to wrap an arm around your waist and swoop you up into the room that the two of you were to share. you had been in here plenty of times over the years, but it seemed different this time. for one, the four poster bed suddenly looked much too small for the two of you to share without having to get very close. benedict seemed to be realising the same thing. he rubbed the back of his neck and turned to you where you were trying to unpack.
‘i’ll take the floor, you can sleep in the bed,’ he offered, and you forced yourself to turn around to meet his eyes. 
‘no ben, don’t be stupid. we can share. we’ll both be too wankered to be bothered about where we sleep anyway. remember that year we fell asleep on that garden bench?’ you snorted, and he chuckled in response.
‘god, yeah. i still regret that to this day, i woke up and simon and daphne were… groping each other.’ he shuddered a little, and you laughed aloud. anthony and benedict had nearly killed simon, until you had intervened and reminded them that not only was she a grown woman, the two of them had gotten up to a lot worse with other people’s younger sisters. the two eldest bridgertons had almost died of embarrassment, and daphne was now a hastings with two children, so you supposed it all worked out in the end.
‘anyway, let’s get ready for this party. time to put our couple faces on.’
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
violet had really outdone herself with this one. the already beautiful grand hall was adorned in such stylish halloween decor, spooky without being tacky. everyone looked amazing; anthony and kate’s family were dressed as the addams, with charlotte in an adorable wednesday wig. colin and pen were fred and daphne from scooby doo, and something about the way penelope was glowing and colin held a protective arm around her waist told you they’d have an announcement to make very soon. daphne and simon’s family were, of course, dressed immaculately as the incredibles, whilst hyacinth had somehow convinced gregory and francesca to join her in dressing as the witches from hocus pocus. violet was wearing a beautiful replica regency era ballgown, and you could now see why eloise and phillip had fallen out; she had dressed as the red m&m, but it appeared that the message had become lost somewhere, because phillip had bleached his hair and was wearing a gold chain, evidently in an attempt at an eminem costume.
you and benedict always matched at these occasions, even if it wasn’t a costume party; he always wore a tie the colour of your dress, or you would both wear bridgerton blue for the finer gatherings. this time, you had elected for a classic danny and sandy, and you had to give yourself a clap on the back. benedict looked fantastic with his hair teased into a quiff, and those black jeans were doing wonders for him. you knew you looked sexy, too; your hair was curled and backcombed into a similar style to olivia newton-john’s, and the leather pants were clinging to you like a second skin. you felt amazing, even more so when you walked into the room to door natured wolf-whistles from your friends; kate’s was, unsurprisingly, the loudest. soon, you and benedict fell into a familiar routine; he brought you two shots each, and you downed them before dragging him to the dance floor.
usually, the dances between the two of you were sexy but friendly - you could grind on each other while laughing, benedict encouraging you to drop while holding one of your hands and twirling you around. this time, however, it felt more… sensual. you weren’t sure if it was what you were drinking or if he was just putting on a show for everyone now that you were ‘dating’, but benedict had a firm grip on your hips as he pulled you to him, draping your arms around his own neck and pulling you so close you could feel his breath on your face. you could feel his hands wandering over your hips and waist, and you smirked up at him.
‘hands off, mr bridgerton, or i’ll cut them off.’ he leaned down until you were cheek to cheek, panting as he danced with you.
‘you’re my girlfriend, aren’t you? this is what boyfriends do.’ you had to admit that the way he had mockingly murmured girlfriend had rushed straight between your legs, and from the way he was looking at you, you knew he knew it too. you had no idea what had gotten into him, but you were certainly enjoying it. he looked around, whispering to you once more.
‘everyone’s looking at us, babe, wanna give them a show?’ you looked up into his handsome face, and your resolve to not kiss him broke like a dam.
‘fuck it.’ you grabbed his cheeks, pulling him into an embrace full of fire. you hoped to convince yourself that you could have this. you could have a kiss from him and you’d never need another. you could take this now, and tonight he would sleep on the floor and you could move on. 
there was no chance of that now.
not when he tasted like whiskey and his hand was tangled in your hair, pulling you to him and crushing you with the weight of his tongue in your mouth and smothering you with little moans. you could feel eyes from around the room boring into you but you simply could not bring yourself to care, not when his chest was so hard under your hands and his stubble was scratching your lips so deliciously. you pulled away slowly, and when you looked up through your lashes his pupils were blown, eyes almost completely dark. he licked his lips, looking around the room at the few people who were still staring, and your own eyes landed on kate. she was laughing at a red-faced anthony, who was attempting to shield the children’s eyes, and behind her back she gave you a small thumbs up. god, you loved that woman.
‘this might be a stupid question,’ benedict started, and you made eye contact once more. ‘but do you wanna… go upstairs maybe?’ your heart dropped in your chest. you knew if this went any further, you’d regret it forever. he’ll never be yours, your brain said, but before you knew it, your mouth had already spoken; ‘yeah, sure.’ 
your mouth, for the record, was a fucking bitch. 
benedict all but dragged you upstairs, and you could hear colin and a few of benedict’s friends whooping behind you. once you got to his room he took the chance to press you against the door and kiss you once more before letting you both in. the energy was charged and thick now that the two of you were alone, and you could have cut the tension with a knife.
‘before we-‘
‘i need to-‘
you both started at the same time, and benedict prompted you on. ever the gentleman. you took a deep breath, ready for the consequences no matter what they were, and spoke in a shuddery and tearful whisper.
‘i’ve been in love with you for a really long time, benedict,’ you started, and you could’ve sworn his lower jaw nearly fell off. ‘and i can’t do this if it’s just gonna be once. i can forget a kiss, even one as good as that, but this… i couldn’t. i’ve been doing this for way too long, pretending i don’t love you, and i won’t anymore.’ your lower lip had started to tremble, and you wiped away your tears with your sleeve. benedict stepped closer to you, looking at you curiously. ‘i can cope, if you don’t love me back. it’s okay. i’ll go back to the party, and i’ll be okay.’ you looked up with an expression that you hoped was confident, even though this was the longest you’d ever heard ben go silent for. he just studied you, staring over your face and body, and, humiliated, you turned to the door. maybe you could tell them all that you just broke up, hammer a few shots with eloise and forget this ever happened. yeah, sounds like a plan.
just as you reached for the handle, however, a large hand closed over your own, and you felt benedict’s front settle at your back as he had so many times on the dance floor. a long finger hooked around the hair at your ear and pulled it back, and he leaned down, breath skimming the side of your neck.
‘i have waited a very long time to hear you say that,’ he whispered, and you tried to turn around, but he stopped you with a hand on your lower back. ‘and i have wanted to say those exact words for a very long time, too.’ you leaned your head back against his chest, his chin resting on your crown. ‘i need you to know that it’s been true for me for years. i’ve been in love with you since that first party when we were sixteen.’ you laughed aloud at this, remembering the night you had met.
‘isn’t that the one when i rescued you from phillipa featherington?’ you asked, and he spun you around, nodding.
‘god, her mother’s pushy.’
‘worked out well for colin, even if he does hate her. she’s been trying to set him and pen up for years. she’ll be happy soon enough, i think she might be pregnant.’ benedict threw up his hands in shock, and you realised that he had intertwined his fingers with your own.
‘no one tells me anything!’ he shouted, and you laughed at him once more.
‘she’s not said anything, women just know these things. intuition.’
he looked down at you again, stroking your face with a rough hand.
‘you never knew i loved you.’
‘neither did you,’ you murmured, and reached up to kiss him once more. it started slow and steady, his hand caressing your cheek and his tongue stroking against yours. soon enough, it became hot and heavy between you once more, and benedict reached down to pull you into his arms. you crossed your legs behind his back, groaning as he pressed himself against you, and you could feel how hard he was already for you. you had dreamed about this for years, but nothing was as good as the real thing. he led the two of you to the bed, dropping you on it before crawling over you.
‘everyone else seemed to, though,’ he murmured into your neck, lips whispering across your collar. ‘everyone’s been asking about you for years. cinth asked me last week if she could be bridesmaid when we get married.’ you let out a chuckle which trailed off into a moan when benedict bit down on the column of your neck, and your hands trailed up his back, pulling him impossibly closer.
‘mum asked me a few months ago if i kept rejecting your mates because i was waiting for you,’ you divulged to him, carding fingers through his thick hair. benedict looked up from his position at your breast bone, eyebrow cocked.
‘did you?’
‘i did.’
he leant down to suck at the exposed skin of your left breast, suckling a dark bruise into the flesh which you were sure would be there for weeks. ‘good.’
his lips attached themselves to your neck once more, teeth grazing over the sensitive skin, and your legs wound their way around his waist once more. benedict’s movements became frantic, yanking off his shirt before pulling at the hem of yours. as soon as it was off, bra going with it, his lips were all over you once more. there wasn’t even time to be shy, to worry about your best friend seeing you for the first time, because he was worshipping you like a fucking deity and you had never felt more desired, more wanted.
‘baby, please, i need you.’ he was whimpering, grinding up against your core like a horny teenage boy, and you thought he might cum in his pants when you used your legs as leverage to flip the two of you over until you were straddling him. you used a finger to tilt his head back, forcing eye contact, and kissed him once more. by now, your costume red lipstick was smeared all over his mouth and neck, and he looked so pretty begging for you like this.
‘do you really? i would never have known.’
you leant down to his neck, kissing so chastely down his chest that he was crying out for more after three gentle pecks. you grinned up at him, tucking your hair behind your ears before kissing slowly down his stomach to his pants. unbuttoning them, you could hear him swearing under his breath above you, and when you started to suckle on his hipbone he let out an especially loud ‘oh, fuck!’. you cocked an eyebrow up at him questioningly as you pulled off his trousers, taking his underwear with them. you couldn’t help but stare at him, exposed to you for the first time so intimately, and you knew you were dripping. you reached for his length, but he pushed your hand away, panting.
‘as much as i really, really want you to, i wanna cum in you,’ he gasped, and you had to admit that sounded like a really good idea right now. so you stood up to shimmy your pants off, crawling back over benedict as he had over you earlier, now bare before each other. he stared up at you so tenderly it brought tears to your eyes, an emotional moment in such a charged atmosphere, and he stroked a hand down your waist to hold your hip.
‘you’re so beautiful, you know? i never really appreciated you like i should have. i’m going to do that every day now.’ you smiled down at him, kissing his lips gently and lining yourself up with him.
‘i’m on the pill, if you wanna-‘
‘god, yes,’ he hissed out, and you slid yourself down onto him.
even with how wet you’d been all night it was a tight fit, and you had to take a moment to compose yourself on him. you squeezed at benedict’s broad shoulders as he peppered reassuring kisses all across your own, rubbing a soothing hand across your back. slowly, you lifted your hips halfway, before pushing back down hard. he hit a spot in you that you had no idea even existed, and the resultant moans from the two of you could surely be heard halfway across the building. you built yourself into a steady rhythm, hair falling down in front of your face as benedict met your thrusts with his own hips, fingers digging into your waist with a fervent need. you had never been with a man so vocal, and his non-stop groans and gasps of your name were slowly but surely pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
‘so good for me, so fucking good,’ he was almost whimpering, pressing kisses to as much of your hot skin as he could reach, and when he traced his tongue under the curve of your right breast, tasting your skin? your orgasm hit you like a truck, and benedict picked up the slack of your stuttering hips and ground himself up into you, cumming with a roar of ‘oh, fuck, y/n!’
the two of you sat for a moment, revelling in each other before you carefully, slowly pulled yourself off him, both of you hissing from how sensitive you were. you laid down next to benedict, both completely naked, and he pressed a kiss to your forehead gently.
‘i love you, y/n.’
he said it with such sincerity you could have cried, choosing instead to press a hearty kiss to his lips once more.
‘i love you too. forever.’
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no-psi-nan · 2 years
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My friend, you did not follow the instructions.... So that means I do what I want.
Monster Satou time, baby!!
So like, how do we make the most normal boy in the world into a monster boyfriend?
↑ This is what a total amateur monster boyfriend creator would say, but I'm a professional, so I'm gonna give it to ya THREE ways:
Platonic ideal average monster. Is he a yeti? A werewolf? A chupacabra? He's very fluffy and he's got at least the suggestion of a snout but he also has feathers and scales on some parts of his body and he can swim?? Saiki is not sure what this undefinable creature is but he loves how calm and pleasant it is about being a cryptid.
Platonic ideal average monster but a different way. What is the scariest thing across all human cultures? Death (and/or what comes after)! Satou is some sort of death-bringing creature, whether a grim reaper, a black dog, a banshee, or maybe all of them depending on what the occasion requires. He's extremely normal about the whole thing though, goes about sending off souls like it's an office job and like he's new to the job but happy to be there. Saiki meets him during a near-death experience and is so charmed that he uses clairvoyance over and over again until he finds Satou doing a job, so he can hustle over and invite him out to coffee.
Personification of a concept. Satou is normal, he's always been normal, and he always will be normal. How long has he been normal? Ever since there were enough people around to establish a norm. He is just some guy, forever and always. Saiki looks on with heart eyes as Satou describes a perfectly average day in 1430's France as if it happened recently and dreams of holding that perfectly average, immortal hand...
(Context) <- now closed
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teabooksandsweets · 3 years
A City of Bells
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Why you should read Elizabeth Goudge’s Torminster books for Advent and Christmastide:
Wonderful atmospheric depiction of a small Cathedral town in the beginning of the 20th century, partly inspired by the authors own childhood; (Torminster is technically Wells, Somerset)
the first book is a very soft and gentle adult novel, about all kinds of love, redemption, and the way literature and art can bring people together;
the sequels are two children’s novellas about a wonderful girl named Henrietta, who is already an important character in the first book, and who will grow up to be a great painter;
one sequel is set at Christmas and has a wonderful message, the other is set at high summer, but so magical it still feels right for this season;
the first book is set over the span of more than one year, and has absolutely gorgeous Christmas chapters;
the prose is lovely and evocative, the descriptions full of detail, the wide cast of characters endearing, and the various relationships and kinds of love (romantic, platonic, familial, and more than that) simply beautiful;
it is a book about art, artists, and the appreciation of art and its value: there is a bookshop, a poet, an actress, a very imaginative child, but there are also depictions of numerous other ways people use their creative ability as a means to communicate and to enrich but also understand the world around us;
the setting is lovely, a tiny town within a lovely landscape, and within the town the microcosm of the Cathedral Close;
soft, cosy, warm; lots of tea and treats, and Little Things;
there is a dog called Mixed Biscuits: “Front elevation collie, rear elevation pomeranian. The man I bought him from said he was a spaniel, but I think myself that there’s a dash of dachshund about the legs.” And there are even more dogs in the sequel: Keeper and Mee-Too.
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All three books were very rare and usually out of print for a long while, especially the two sequels, but are currently in print or at least widely available. A City of Bells is the first book, and originally a stand-alone; Sister of the Angels was published before Henrietta’s House (published in the US as The Blue Hills), but is set later. The first is an adult novel, but suitable for all ages, if it should interest a younger reader, whereas the other two are children’s books of the kind that are just as appealing for adult readers. All books are ideally read together, but all of them can be read separately.
As in all of Goudge’s books, there are themes of religion and spirituality, mental illness and disability, and societal values and problems, but they are a bit gentler than in her other books – certainly there, but lighter, as the focus is rather on art and the individual, making them very soft and gentle, but nonetheless thoughtful reads for the season.
Goudge has a great gift of evoking a sense of time and place, so one does feel the town and also its seasons and celebrations very much when reading. Places in Goudge novels are very much characters on their own, and Torminster, the bookshop, the blue hills, and especially the Cathedral are very tangible, and in a way, also very independent. They are not fantasy books (except, maybe, Henrietta’s House) but they do have more than just a touch of magic.
Read if you like books about books and booklovers, the language of art, orphans finding loving homes, cute dogs, eccentric townsfolk, detailed descriptions of places and festivities and food, and very gentle romantic sub-plots. (As well as old novels that fit very vaguely into a dark academia or cottagecore aesthetic, if that’s the sort of thing you’re looking for.)
Read them especially if you love (or maybe need) a story about unusual relationships, platonic love and romantic friendship, second chances and redemption, hope and healing, compassion and forgiveness, everyday mysteries and the magic of the ordinary, the extraordinary effects of human kindness, and the beauty of hard, yet right choices.
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yanderecrazysie · 3 years
Hii Bestie !!
I wondering if I could request the Yandere Alphabet for Bokuto if you haven’t done that already.
HEY BESTIE! I'd love to! Bokuto reminds me so much of an overeager puppy- it's precious-
Bokuto Koutarou (Haikyuu) -The Yandere Alphabet
Warnings: yandere themes, slight mentions of marking and spanking
A is for Affection: How do they show their affection for their darling? How often do they show it? 💖 Bokuto is the epitome of affectionate. This boy wants to cuddle, kiss, hold hands, WHATEVER he can do 24/7. 💖 Although he'll want to cuddle against you and hold you bone-crushingly close, this boy can also get a little rough. His kisses can be kind of bruising and he'll want to mark up your neck a lot. B is for Blood: How messy are they willing to get for their darling? Why? 🔪 Although I can picture Bokuto being willing to fight anyone who wants to hurt you or take you away, I actually can't see him trying to kill anyone. He's pretty sure he's the best of the best, so it's not like any of those other guys can steal you away from HIM! C is for Care or Cruelty: How would they treat their darling when they kidnap them? Would they mock them? 💔 Bokuto wouldn't mock you. In fact, he'd just be over the MOON about having you with him. You'd be smothered in kisses and crushed in his hugs. He's not going to want to make you feel bad! 💔 Bokuto is the BEST at taking care of you! He knows everything you love and he's willing to get/do ANYTHING just for you! D is for Delusion: How delusional are they when it comes to their darling? Do they believe their darling loves them? 💭 Bokuto is very, very delusional. Like, this boy sees a perfect future with you and he has no doubts that you're both going to get there soon. 💭 He's like the greatest??? You couldn't turn HIM down! He's the amazing ace- Akaashi thinks he's great so you do too! Right? Of course! E is for Expose: How much of their heart do they bear to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? How much time will it take to trust them? 💧 Bokuto doesn't shut up about his feelings. Going into emo mode? Check. Whining about how much he needs your attention? Check. Letting you know just how much he adores you? Check. 💧 They talk about being an open book but Bokuto is a book you'd want to CLOSE after a while. Like seriously- he. Won't. Shut. Up. F is for Fight: How would they react if their darling fought back? 👊 Cue "kicked-puppy" noise. He's going to stare up at you with wide, watering eyes. You've gotta be completely heartless if you don't feel the TINIEST bit of guilt when you see his heartbroken expression. 👊 "I-it's okay (Y/n), I forgive you, I love you, please don't fight me, please..." he's all but begging you, even after you stop fighting. He's clinging to you and sobbing into your shirt. 👊 Your flailing fists and feet aren't actually going to do any damage to that buff man but just the idea of fighting against him leaves tons of emotional scars in your wake. G is for Guilt: What would it take for them to feel guilty about their actions? Or do they feel guilty from the start? 😔 Bokuto feels bad that he went to the extremes. He KNOWS it's so so so wrong... but it feels so so so right. He LOVES you and that's the best thing, right? That makes up for everything, right? 😔 He won't ever regret his love for you though. If he has you in the end it'll be worth everything and more! No regrets, WOOO! H is for Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them? 🔥 Bokuto can be a little... well... his emotions are extreme and can flip quickly. So if he's angry enough, you could get hurt. Like, he's not going to seriously injure you, but he'll be rough. You'll be shaking in your shoes for sure. I is for Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling? 👩‍❤️‍👨 If Bokuto has his way, you'll be his pretty little wife and mother of a bunch of his runts. This boy will want at LEAST 3 kids. Like I picture him being that "cool dad" that roughhouses with his little boys and carries them on his back and just jokes around with them. He's practically a giant kid himself sometimes. J is for Jealousy: How easily do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope? 💢 Bokuto gets jealous if your attention is taken away from him. Platonically, romantically, whatever. If someone's
taking your attention and it's not him, he's gonna be PISSED. 💢 Suddenly, Bokuto is 10x needier than he's ever been. He's trying to catch your gaze, interrupting your conversation, clinging to you, etc. 💢 I mean, this boy will get jealous of a video game or TV show or book you're invested in. Not just humans. Animals too... Your attention should be solely on him, ya know! K is for Kidnap: How would they go about kidnapping their darling? How much do they plan it out? 🔒 Bokuto doesn't plan- it just kind of happens. He knew he wanted to take you away from all those attention hogs (ironic) and keep you with him and him only, but he didn't really THINK about it. It just kinda happened. 🔒 Okay, but seriously, I think he might even be more surprised than you when he kidnaps you. Like this guy's just kinda like "WOAHHH This isn't a dream? I actually did this? HEY HEY HEY" L is for Love Letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling? 💌 One moment you're living your normal life, the next moment there's Fukurodani's ace cooing at you and you forgot to say your last goodbyes to that normal life you'll never see again. 💌 I don't think Bokuto knows how to court, to be blunt about it. Like, Akaashi might try to give him some pointers ("You're overwhelming her." "Give her room to breathe." "Try never saying that again. Ever." "Stop, you're crushing her.") but Bokuto's pretty sure he's got this in the bag. M is for Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they acted before? 🎭 Bokuto's emotions are so over the map that no one's going to really tell that he's kind of losing it. Akaashi might be able to tell, but no one else will notice a difference. 🎭 Other than his overwhelming happiness and affection for you. I mean, you'd have to be blind and deaf to not realize Bokuto has a huge crush on you. He's not even remotely subtle. N is for Naughty: How would they punish their darling? 🚓 Bokuto might try to isolate you a bit but if you make him angry- like really piss him off- I think he'd literally just bend you over his lap and spank you. Like, maybe that's weird, but I can really picture him trying to brat-tame you a bit. O is for Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling? What rights can be earned with time and trust? 📜 Although Bokuto's kind of overbearing and suffocating, as long as you're in his line of sight and, preferably, being touched by him, you can do whatever you want. Which... isn't a lot when he's hanging on you 24/7. P is for Patience: How patient are they with their darling? 🕊️ Patience is not one of Bokuto's virtues, unfortunately. If you take too long in the bathroom, he'll come bursting through the door. Like, this boy can't stand a full 5 minutes away from you. Having privacy is not realistic, so don't get your hopes up. Q is for Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on? 🏃‍♀️ If you die Bokuto will go into emo mode for the rest of his life. He will be completely broken without you. He's so lost without you. You know that story where the dog waited by his owner's grave for the rest of his life? That's Bokuto. 🏃‍♀️ "Escape"? Yeah, no. Bokuto gets it, you wanted a little freedom, but it's time to come home, okay? You've already had more than enough time to yourself, so he'll come find you. And once he does, you're sure as hell never leaving again. R is for Rage: How do they act when angry? How do they calm down? 👿 "Explosive rage" is the best way to describe Bokuto's anger. You CANNOT calm him down, so it's best to book it and barricade yourself in a room until he cools down. 👿 If he's mad enough, he could hurt you, so stay the fuck away from him. He'll be throwing and breaking things and just generally yelling his head off. Again, barricade yourself in a room, it's honestly your only hope. S is for Soulmate: What made them fall in love with their darling? How did they first meet? When did they realize they loved their darling? 💍 Bokuto truly is a
love-at-first-sight kind of guy, but he fell in love with you even more as he got to know you. You either met at one of his games or in some sort of shared class. I think that you would have stood out to him in a crowd. T is for Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves? 😭 Each tear falling down your face is another crack in Bokuto's heart. He really does want you to be happy and he can't understand why you aren't. His solution is to just hold you tight until you calm down, which may not help all that much... U is for Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
👌 Bokuto is already kind of different from the others in the way that he's not afraid to put you in your place and he has plans for the future that don't really require your cooperation. He's not changing his mind, no matter how strong your feelings are one way or the other.
👌 Not to mention, he's SUPER clingy. You can't pry him off of you. There's a strong possibility that you'll end up being very, very miserable with Bokuto. He loves you but he isn't willing to compromise or meet halfway on anything. His love is kind of selfish... more so than the average yandere.
V is for Visit: Would they allow anyone else to visit their darling? Do they trust their darling to talk to their loved ones (in person, on the phone, etc.) or not at all?
🧳 Akaashi will be over often. Like, I'm not even going to pretend like Bokuto will doubt his BFF. I really don't think Akaashi will be there to save you, unfortunately...
🧳 But Akaashi doesn't get to touch you. Sorry. You belong to Bokuto and, any attention you give Akaashi, you better give 10 times that to Bokuto.
W is for Weakness: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
❌ You're lucky enough if you can detangle yourself from Bokuto's grip for more than 5 minutes, but, if you do, you can use very few things against him anyways. He's nothing but determined.
❌ If you're delicate and careful about it, you may be able to take advantage of his emotions. Fake sadness to gain his pity or get him so happy that he'll be less likely to deny your requests.
X is for Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
🛐 He's a bit of a worshipper, but not the classic type. He ADORES you and thinks you're absolutely perfect but... he doesn't exactly put your needs above his own. Like I said, he's a bit selfish.
Y is for Yearning: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap? 😍 It depends on how receptive you are to him. If you're trying to distance yourself from him and keep your freedom (or you just aren't interested in him that way), he's going to snap FAST. You'll find yourself in his house before you can say "HEY HEY HEY". 😍 Otherwise, if you start dating him, it'll depend on if you realize the toxicity of your relationship. If you try to break up with him or loosen his suffocating grip, you're in the same boat as if you denied him in the first place. Z is for Zero Tolerance: What is the thing that always makes them snap? What things will they not allow their darling to do under any circumstances? 0️⃣ Leave him. If you deny his affection and love, he will not be happy at ALL. He wants to wrap you up in his arms and never let go. And he really doesn't care if you don't want that. 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 THAT TOOK SO LONG I'M SO SORRY- I feel like I portrayed him to be a little worse than he is- he really does love you!
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heejojo · 3 years
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summary: going to build a bear to get a stuffed animal for Christmas, you input your ideal type into a system because why not? what you weren't expecting though, was for a blond to appear in front of your door perfectly fitting all your characteristics.
pairing: Kim Sunoo x reader (with some other appearances)
genre: fluff but a lonely reader lol
word count: 472
a/n: this is a three-part fanfic (at least I hope it will be three parts) and yes, Christmas isn't here yet but this feels cute to write. i hope you enjoy this. I'm really tired and it's late where I live so I'm off now
“This isn’t Build-a-Bear but if you want I can redirect you to the store,” the security guard tells you. You sigh inwardly and look at his tag, Lee Heeseung. “Thank you, Mr Lee, Google Maps mixed it up and bright me here” you huff. He looks at you and motions for you to come closer which you do. He whispers in your ear, “Go down and then take your first left then take your second right and you should see it there.” Thanking him profusely, you quickly rush there before the store closes. Luckily, you got there before the store had closed so you were able to look around. You couldn’t find anything and you started getting frustrated. Scrolling through everything and then moving to the back you see a particular device with flashy neon lights.
Looking closely the words ‘Build-A-Partner’ is written boldly and you almost laugh out loud. Is this supposed to be a scam of some sort? You scoff but you find yourself being curious and wanting to test it out so you do exactly that and turn it on. It instantly flashes and starts blinking before it stops. It asks different questions about your ideal type and someone you would like to date. In the past, you had dated cold and uncaring men who had left you scarred so now, you’d like someone soft who would care about you and want to do things with you. The thing asked for your address and you typed it in. Maybe it was because you were lonely or you were just curious but you still did it. Sighing as you realise that this was going to be another Christmas where you stayed at home, you leave the store dejectedly.
Passing by Mr Lee’s store, you wish him a Happy Christmas with a sad smile. On the street, you stick out like a sore thumb as everyone had their arms around a loved one; parents with their children and people with their partners. As if it's not freezing already, snow falls on your head and you look up at the sky wanting to scream for being so unlucky. Deciding against it, you just take the bus to your apartment.
That night, you drowned your sorrows with cold apple juice and had a rose bath telling yourself that it was ‘self-love’ when you knew darn well you were trying to console yourself. Looking at the window, you see a shooting star and you quickly wished that one of these days you would have a companion even if it's platonic and although you'd prefer romantic, beggers can't be choosers. You don’t have a cat because they scare you and no dogs because you’d bark back if they made noise. What you didn’t know though, was that your wish was already being processed and you were in for a heck of a ride.
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tendous-socks · 3 years
do you know, the muffin man?
platonic baji and chifuyu x reader 
title has nothing to do with the actual plot lol
not proof read
saber is my dog who passed when i was little and i missed him.
idk what's going on with the capitalization, 
a warm up of sorts ;)
“That's what a mommy’s boy would say” “Hey”
It was summer nights like these you'd never forget.
The crisp air that danced in your lungs when you took a deep, filling breath. Or the gathering of stars overhead that watched you as you made your way home. like your own personal guardian angels.
Lights flickered off one by one as the night grew older and the street lamps stood proudly in their stead. It was nights like these that made you feel at ease. So much so that you felt that saber, your fat, lovable mush of a dog would just love to go on a midnight walk.
Although midnight was… less than ideal, you didn't plan to stay so late at cram school, the janitor nearly kicked you out himself when he saw you so absorbed in your homework. the furrowed look etched upon his face when he asked why you were doing all that on a friday evening, when you should be home with your family, or out doing illegal things with your friends.
You gripped the straps on your backpack just tighter just thinking about it.
you'll just have to stay up and finish it later then, after talking your beloved golden out for his much deserved walk.
Rounding the corner, you spotted your apartment complex as it stood tall amongst the houses surrounding it. Almost out of place.
The lights illuminating the road almost like a pathway home as you continued on. Your silent footsteps duetting the chirping of cicadas.
Pesky little things liked to choir all night singing melodies of long before as they woke up from their decades of slumber.
my god you couldn't get home fast enough.
which wouldn't be a problem if you didn't hear an excruciatingly loud cackle from your complex.
and due to the light of the street lamps, if you could squint hard  enough you could see the silhouettes of two people sitting on the stairs that allowed you to go up…
damn it
this was gonna be weird 
as silent as a church mouse, you trudged your way over to them. Thoughts a second as you scratched your brain for something to say
something that you wont wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat regretting saying.
“uhm excuse me… i need to get up there so, yeah” you said, knuckles white as you felt your body heat up. 
You didn't bother to catch a full glance at them, only noting their black uniforms and that one had long, black hair and another had a yellow undercut.
“Oh yeah sure! Sorry about that..” You chuckled nervously as the yellow one scooched over a bit allowing you to squeeze your way up 
“Yeah no problem”
Taking the first few steps up, making sure not the disturb the two, you debated neither sprinting up or just quietly walking. Of course all plans were thrown out the window when another, raspier voice asked “why’re you out so late? “
Your foot stopped almost immediately.
You gulped thickly. “ oh, no reason, i just had cram school and lost track of the time ya’ know?” No of course they don't know because they obviously don't go to your cram school !
Almost as if he had an epiphany, the longer haired boy shot up like a rocket as he turned to fully face you.
“ wait a minute- that means you're smart right?”
“Baji no-” “ hey you mind helping us with our midterms? I don't wanna fail them and make my mom cry again, wouldn't be right”
“Oi baji! Who said I needed help? I'm the one who's tutoring you!” the blondie argued back, voices echoing up around and through the staircase as you finally looked at the two of them.
chifuyu , who you now recognize as a delinquent and baji… who you've never seen in your life both apparently went to your school as you faintly recalled a morning announcement of both their names being called and summoned to the principal's office.
As well as the rumors that surrounded them both as you remembered the whispers upon whispers of gossip dripping from your friends mouth like sugar coated honey, too tempting not to take a bite out of.
All in all, they were trouble.
“Uh haha yeah, I'm sorry. I don't think I'll be of any use to you since I'm not the brightest of people, I'm sorry I have to go, have a good night though.”
And like cinderella you dashed off up stairs. Not even bothering to look back or hide your footsteps as you heard baji call and complain for you to come back and how chifuyu ruined his chances of passing his terms.
but of course, you were back downstairs… not exactly downstairs as you were on one of the landings that separated the floors, the soft fluff of sabers tail wagging excitedly as you held onto his blue, rope leash as you stared down the stairs wondering why exactly the two of them were  still. here.
You groaned internally as you took a step back, pulling lightly on his leash as you went to go back down the hall and into the safety of your apartment. Already thinking of excuses to tell your mom why you didn't take your baby for his daily walk.
You tugged on the leash a little harder, only to no avail as your lab stared up at you with a little smile..
This son of a bitch.
“C'mon saber lets go, I promise I'll take you on two walks tomorrow, so please let's just go” you whined, crouching down next to him as you went to softly push at his side. 
But like the anchor he is, he didn't budge.
“Please saber c’mon i wanna go home now lets go you fat little man” you moaned as you stole a glance towards the stairs, hoping to god you didn't alert the two.
But alas, you were met with a pair of blue and golden eyes staring at you curiously. Though the curiosity in their eyes didn’t overshadow the way they loomed over you and you little man, both of them blocking any whisper of light that tried to escape through as it haloed blindingly around them.
‘ oh it’s you- i didn't know you had a dog” baji said as a smile grew on his face as he slowly knelt down as your dog’s tail quickly went to whipping your side as you just gawked at him.
“Oi baji, you have to ask to pet him, er her. ``Chifuyu went to look at you, eyebrows raised as his friend simply ignored him and continued caressing your dog.
“do they bite?” was the only response you got from the black haired boy, his eyes meeting yours briefly as his smile stood pride on his beaming face.
“I do well, I guess it's fine. Don't worry about it, Saber, he’s really friendly and loves people, so he won't bite '' you spoke as chifuyu hesitantly went to start touching his golden fur, the dim midnight lighting doing him zero justice.
Though when you were nestled in your bed with your big ol’ security guard crushing your feet to the point where they'd both turn shades of blue and purples, you could really see how vibrant and golden his fur really was.
Smiling softly as the saber excitedly sniffed baji’s hand as the latter held a smile as big as the sun and eyes creased like a young boy who just got his favorite candy.
you noted how his other hand was scratching exactly where you knew your dog was ticklish, his leg going to scratch the same spot as he let out a low chuckle.
Quietly looking at chifuyu, you saw him quite engrossed in what baji was doing as he stared at where your dog was battling baji’s hand for scratching rights.
“ You really love him, yeah?”
“Hm? Pardon?”
“You’re dog…” “Saber”
“Yep. i can see it all over your face and his body that you spoil him like a little rich kid”
You laughed at his little comment as you went to play with his floppy ears “yep/ he’s my little spoiled brat who loves food and cuddles and will absolutely die if you don't take him on a walk or two during that day”
“ sorry about earlier, baji is just very… passionate about his grades” “ oh is that so?”
“ yeah, that and he doesn't want his mom to be upset about him being held back… again” With a light squeeze to the saber's ear, you took a risk as you opened your mouth.
“Oh, so he's a mama’s boy then?” “Exactly” “Hey I'm not! “
You and Chifuyu looked at each other and hummed in agreement.
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Prompt: Jīn Guāngyáo finds an object that acidentaly transports him, Míngjué and Xīchén to a diferent dimension where everyone (except them) have diferent parents: Yanli is the only legitimate child of Jīn Guāngshàn, the Lan second master is named Zǐxuān; Jiang Qing is a doctor to her brother Níng, and Nie Cheng adores dogs and his older brother. The problem (besides finding a way home) is that Wen Wangji and Huaisang just escaped a prisioner camp with the help of (JGS bastards)Mo Wuxian...
Wen Huaisang was being hugged.
It was – nice? He liked it. His big brother, Wen Wangji, was an excellent protector who kept them both safe inside the Wen sect and even afterwards, when they ended up in the Jin prisoner of war camp, but he wasn’t much for hugging.
This, though, this was the platonic ideal of hugging. Big arms wrapped around him, a warm body to press his cheek against, a chin on his head, a sense of security and safety…
Now if only he could figure out why he was being hugged. 
By the head of the (terrifying) Nie sect, no less!
“Did I miss something?” he asked. His voice was a bit muffled from the force of the hug. It was great. “Have we – met?”
“You’re my little brother now,” the Nie sect leader informed him. The man had tears in his eyes. “I’m going to bully you into training saber and buy you every stupid fan and painting you want for the rest of your life.”
“That sounds nice,” Wen Huaisang said, because it did. It sounded awesome. It sounded like exactly what he deserved for having put up with the awful Wen and Jin sects for this long. And yet… “Is there a reason behind it?”
“Too complicated to explain at the moment. Do you actually care?”
“…not really. Can I change my surname to Nie?” He had no attachment to the name ‘Wen’, even if he’d never be able to shake it off permanently, and being surnamed Nie would come with all sorts of social advantages.
“I would insist on it,” Nie Mingjue assured him.
“You’ll let my brother join as well, right?”
“If he wants.”
Wen Huaisang couldn’t see why he wouldn’t want. It was the Nie sect! A life of luxury – and, yes, probably saber, but surely he could weasel out of it given some time –
“You think he’ll run off with Senior Mo?” he guessed. That seemed like a thing Wen Wangji would do. He liked Mo Wuxian a lot.
“Assuming Xichen doesn’t convince them both to join his sect, yes,” Nie Mingjue said, and – wait. Xichen? As in Lan Xichen?
“I think my brother would like the Lan sect, but I’m not so sure about Senior Mo,” he said doubtfully. “He’s a bit – he’s a lot to handle. He takes a little after the Jin sect that way, I think.”
“I think it’s just his personality, no Jin sect required,” Nie Mingjue said dryly. “Do you like dogs? Jiang – I mean, Nie Cheng is very fond of dogs. He has as many dogs as you have birds.”
“I’ve never kept birds?” It sounded nice, though.
“As many birds as you will have,” Nie Mingjue clarified.
“I can catch them and fix their wings, sometimes,” Wen Huaisang said proudly. “We always had to let them go after, though.”
“An excellent display of tracking ability,” Nie Mingjue said. “I can’t wait to see you in action. I look forward to being impressed.”
Wen Huaisang was going to die of praise overload. Right on the cusp of getting everything he’s ever wanted, too.
“Okay,” he said, preening a little bit. “Let’s do this.”
(When they finally figured out a way to reverse the universe switch, the Nie Mingjue from their original universe took one look at now-surnamed-Nie Huaisang and said, “Well, welcome to the family, didi, I guess” and Nie Huaisang decided that he was never leaving Qinghe ever again.
Except maybe to get out of saber training.)
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thrakaboom · 2 years
Ok what is Scotts 1. favorite animal 2. Ideal pet, and what animal is he 3. In his nightmares 4. If he gets hit with an animalizing beam ray
1) Scott's favorite animal are I think dogs but only In Theory. He doesn't actually like most dogs he meets in person but he likes the platonic ideal of a dog.
2) I think Scott should have a lizard. In my DND club au he has pet sat Lockheed who is Kitty's pet lizard.
4) In going with the Giant Wife Who Eats You nightmares he is either some sort of small prey animal that an invasive species has started eating or an insect
4 but 4 and not 3 this time) bunney rabbit :) or like one of those farm dogs that are mostly shepherd but also kinda mutts and shake sometimes
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