#pokémon scarvio x reader
sylvie-fics · 2 years
I’m in Pokémon hell so here’s a take on new take on everyone’s favorite imagine
Arven, Nemona, and Penny when you’re locked outside your dorm room.
He gets it. Happens to him all the time.
He just sort of gives you a pat on the back and a “that’s rough, buddy.”
Offers you a sandwich in these trying times.
At one point he offers to let you sleep in his dorm for the night
You accept, but now you’re faced with the classical only one bed trope, right?
You find out that Arven sleeps on the floor, while Mabosstiff sleeps on the bed. They’ve been doing this for years.
You have maybe the most confusing sleepover of your life.
She has a copy of your dorm key. Refuses to elaborate on how she got it.
Being on student council means being prepared for anything!
She’s honestly just happy to help, and honored that you asked her to help.
But she is Nemona. She do Nemona things.
If you want her to unlock your dorm, you’re gonna have to battle her.
At this point you think she may have just taken your key so she’d have an excuse to battle with you.
Many hours and battles later, you are able to return to the comfort of your dorm.
Your actual key is on your desk.
You feel concerned.
“What do you want me to do about it?”
Eventually gives in and picks the lock
Actually incredibly good at picking locks
But if you ask her, she’s gonna have to talk about how hacking is much more her speed.
Def gonna get a talking to by director Clavell, because security cameras 100% caught this on camera.
The two of you get to have fun fun bonding time as you do Clavell-ordered community service.
Penny glares at you when you’re not looking for a few days after this incident.
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palindrome-alt · 9 months
Digital Stars on The Wall
|| Kieran x Reader ||
Your new dorm room in Blueberry Academy is outfitted with all sorts of futuristic technology. You still haven't wrapped fully your head around the fact that you're physically stranded in the middle of the ocean in a giant submerged dome, but hey, whatever they did to make these screens, the night sky looks almost how it'd be if you were camping out in the wild on a cool night.
||Mild Spoilers for the Indigo Disk DLC!||
Everything about Blueberry Academy feels like it came out of a separate, futuristic world. The chromatic metal that never corrodes, the blue... substance, that flows through the artificial veins in the walls and keeps the place running... Out in the middle of the ocean, it's sort of like the whole megalithic building itself is somehow... alive.
Despite that, there's no electrical interference, no static hiss at the back of your ears as you rest your head against the artificial glass sky displayed on the 'window'. How the director managed to even design the illusion of depth in these screens is beyond you, but instead of square pixels, gentle pinpricks hang above you in the false distance. The fact that they aren't plastered flat to a screen is a mini engineering marvel in itself despite the slightly visible panels if you look closely.  Hand shifting out from underneath deep blue sheets, you run your palm over smooth, slightly grooved glass. It feels like touching a bunch of small bathroom tiles, and though you logically know that there's really only a deep dark ocean stretched out for miles, you almost forget just how far you are from the home you've carved out in Paldea.  You're still somewhat scared of the scientists of this world. Somehow, you don't remember civilization being this... technologically advanced.  Cool air blows through the vents above you, tasting nothing of the slightly salty expanse of water above. With their filtration systems, this might be some of the cleanest air you've ever breathed. It's sterile, much less handmade and aged than your dorm room back in Mesagoza. But somehow, this place has started to feel so comfortable, as if it weren't ever foreign in the first place.  The sound of rustling next to you shakes you out of your thoughts, and you shift back onto your back to get a closer look at Kieran, who you almost forgot was there.
He's stiff as a board, his arms folded on top of his chest, his eyes wide and staring straight at the ceiling.  Aside from his shoes, he's still wearing his full school uniform, and his hair has only just started to slip from the tie he's put it up in. He popped in rather unexpectedly, and must not've thought you'd let him stay, so he didn't think to change into more comfortable clothes. Small frazzled black bunches drape onto the extra pillow you pulled from the closet, and the off-color purple no longer remains the dominant color. 
You shift again, this time gaining his attention by curling against his side and nuzzling into the mattress a little more. He stiffens under the touch, but you can feel his sharp eyes flicker from the ceiling to you, a little more of an edge to him than before that he might not ever let go of. 
You don't move, and he must think you're asleep with how you catch his eyelashes gently lulling, spine slowly losing its tension. He must be so sore from all the clenching he's been doing, if not from how he's been pushing himself up until recently. The events that transpired between you are probably still haunting him, even now. With a fresh set of new skin-deep scars, you know it has to be hard on him. Up until last week, it wasn't even certain if you were both still friends.  He sighs beside you, head sinking into his pillow. Unclasping his hands, he slowly reaches over, testing the waters. He hesitates, looking conflicted over whatever thoughts are running through his head. Whatever he was going to do, he must've decided otherwise as his hand drops just short of you.
His eyebrows furrow, pupils dilating a little when they land on yours.  "S-Sorry." He flinches away, shifting his gaze.  You don't say anything, but the following silence between you isn't entirely comfortable like before. Inhaling deeply, he stiffens back up a little, pretending to look around the room though his focus is still on you. He can't seem to pay attention to anything else right now.
He's been so consumed with thoughts of you for so long that he's a little scared that he can't be normal about it.  You can't know that.  He tries forcing his eyes shut.  He won't be getting any sleep tonight. 
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ridreamir · 9 months
Could I request a Drayton fic where he and reader dance whilst it's snowing,?
[You're given a bad grade, one you might not have even earned. Drayton is there in the ensuing aftermath.]
You've emailed your professor, but nothing can be done. For some reason, your professor has decided that your performance in their class was not up to snuff, and you received some point reductions off your final average. It was devastating. If you couldn't even get a perfect grade at your best, what was the point of even trying? Your grades were directly responsible for your enrollment at the academy, and if they started to slip...
Worse was that the standards were already high for you, but no one seemed to see your efforts as hard work. They were just expectations, and when you failed to deliver, well, people looked at you as if it were the start to the end... As if it were finally time you were knocked off your high Mudsdale horse. And of course, here was Drayton, snickering at you as your mind spiraled out of control. Lacey smacked his arm, clearly the most concerned person in the room. Of course from the outside it looks a little ridiculous, but they aren't in your shoes. But your semi-meltdown at the Elite Four bi-weekly conference was coincidentally horrible timing.
Amarys failed to see the larger issue, thinking that the grades were directly proportional to one's own efforts and your own must have slipped. Thus you earned it, and should simply be careful not to let it happen again.
And Crispin? Well, Crispin looked around the room with clear confusion. Who'd be upset over an almost-perfect grade? He'd be ecstatic to receive your marks.
And you're so embarrassed at the email you sent, but you're second-guessing everything. Were you really just horrible? Couldn't your professor see how well you did in everything? How much effort you put into making sure you performed excellently? Is it because you're operating off a different region's idea of perfect academic performance? What happened? Why wasn't your best good enough? What... do you do now?
And of course, as the League Club meeting came to an end, Lacey reluctantly departed, Amarys and Crispin following suit. Lacey especially worried about what might happen once it was just Drayton and yourself left in the room.
You all had class in a few minutes, but something told you that you weren't going to be able to pretend it was all okay this time. You were going to tough it out, but she talked you out of it. Just for today. It's just for one class. Not the most reassuring after you just practically signed off your future, but fine. Might as well throw in the towel now.
And Drayton? Why he never showed up to class, and if he did it was always very late into the lecture. Must be nice being a native student who literally couldn't flunk out of school.
"The professor's gonna hate me." You whisper to yourself, groaning at the thought of your panic-induced email. You never wanted to see them in person again, but you'd have to. They must think you're nuts or something. You did write a panic attack in the form of an email after all.
You were already starting to hyperventilate again when Drayton's unhelpful snort caught your attention. "No they're not." He sounded like he was holding back a smile. "You really need to chill. So what if you got a bad grade?" You wanted to agree with him, but every involuntary emotion in your body was sapping your ability to just rationally say yeah, this is nothing. You know that people wish they had your grades, but you still hated it. You hated everything. "Whoa whoa there-" He waved his hands, knowing what you were thinking. "Haven't you learned why overworking yourself is bad? You're supposed to be enjoying the process and not... resenting it like that." "-But hey, that applies to everyone but you, right? Champion world-saver?" He elbowed you, his words obviously sarcastic though he kept an innocent enough tone. "I..." You began to reply. He looked on, a hopeful twinkle in his eye.
"I... haven't been enjoying it for a while now." You paused. "I don't know if I'll ever enjoy this, I mean should I even be here?"
His lips parted for a moment as he blinked a few times. You... what? "You mean... At Blueberry Academy?" He struggled to find words. "Are you..." Are you going to go back to Paldea? You look away, not responding to him. He stands there, eyes wide, realizing just how serious this actually is. "Hey, hey now-" His hands flew up, the fastest you've literally ever seen him move. "You can't- Leave!" Wide, frantic slitted eyes look more frantic than yours probably did writing that email. "That's it! You're-" He's literally barrreling at you now and before you can process how terrifying this actually is he's hoisted you up and tossed you over his shoulder. You're half bleat-screaming and he's rushing out the door. "We're going outside! You need to cool down! Then you can come to your senses and-" You're waiting outside an elevator when the door opens, revealing a student who, for a moment, looked like they were having a normal day before they freeze at the sight of you both and step aside to give him a plentiful amount of room.
[He's still death-gripping you and despite your attempts to wriggle free, he's fighting you on this one!] Now he's frantically pressing the close door button with his elbow, and the poor unfortunate student stuck in the elevator with the two of you scoots back until they're pressed into the corner. The ride is filled with grunts, growls, fighting, and screams and that poor, poor soul is mortified in the corner almost the whole time down--
--Until the door opens to reveal another student on another floor waiting for the elevator. They stop mid-press of the button to take one good look before getting pushed out of the way by the one that was next to you who took their first chance to escape. You and Drayton are too preoccupied to pay attention but the door closes without them stepping on.
Once the door finally opens to the terrarium he's calling out Archaludon who's strong enough to four-legged carry both of you on its back. "YOU'RE-- ffu- oww- HAVING FUN!!!" He's screaming and you're still fighting, all the while Archaludon underneath you turtle walks through the Savanna Biome at a painfully slow pace, passing by several random students who can do nothing but look on with mild horror. "And you're-" You try to think of things to spit back. "-In- insane!" Archaludon squeaks a tiny roar and both of you take it as an agreeance, and thankfully the Pokemon is so sturdy that your thrashing doesn't send it wobbling. At some point he managed to wrangle you into a headlock, but you're still punching and kicking and of course, screaming! "And YOU take things too seriously! Are you really gonna give up over ONE bad grade?! Are YOU insane?!" "Way to broadcast it Drayton!" "What?! I'm right! If anything- I'm, I'm always right! And you know I'm right!" "And--" He's once again picking you up and with one final roar he's tossed you off the side of Archaludon, right into a huge snow bank. Seems you've arrived at the Polar Biome! You fall back first into the crunchy artificial powdered snow and can only see the projection of the blue sky before his hoodie smacks you in the face. Bare arms out, he's given you the oversized thing to wear since you weren't properly dressed for the cold. Despite being mid-argument. He could have thought of that before he threw you into the snow!
"Of course I don't want to leave!" You finally bark at him, making a show of putting on his admittedly very warm hoodie. "I need these grades or else I lose my scholarships and can no longer attend the academy!"
You can see his brain literally buffering as he processes what you've said. Then he's making a fist and slapping it into his open palm. "I'll fight your professor-" "No-" "Cyrano then- or that weird big-haired lady, La Provolone or somethin-" "No!-" "But they're literally overworking you to the point that one bad grade and you think you're gonna be booted out the school!" He scoffs, arms wide as he gestures around to the terrarium. "I watched you have a panic attack over it! Obviously, that's not healthy!" You freeze, not because anything he's said was wrong. He must notice the anguish on your face because he suddenly springs into action, scooping up snow with his bare hands before tossing it up like glitter. "I'll figure it out. There's no way we can't fix this." He says, somehow dead serious while snow awkwardly bundles over both your heads. Somehow, for no good reason, your heart jumps a little in your chest.
He then breaks into a smirk, and then snickers. "But you and I-" he flicks the melting droplets at your face. "Are..." "Dancing! Dance with me!" He does a weird little shimmy with his bare shoulders out, and by Arceus above you never thought he could get even get more loony. "Ch-ch-ah, ch-ch- c'mon!" He's tango-ing, albeit very poorly, before he grabs your hands with his very clammy wet ones and pulls you forward. "What are you-" "Haven't you ever heard of the move Dragon Dance? C'mon now!" He laughs, and you laugh, not forgetting the absurdity of this whole situation. And by some miracle, it starts to snow.
The time of day in the terrarium is changing, and the lights above dim while clouds block out some of the lighter blues from the screens. Long shadows cast on the uninterrupted field of snow, save for what few footprints you've left in it already which you notice once you finally look down. His shadow draws close to yours, and he pulls you along to the sound of small snowflakes scattering in the slight breeze. They rattle almost like leaves, but so, so much softer while each step you both take crunches beneath you. "They'd never let you get kicked out the school." He murmurs, voice low with only a slight edge to it. "You should just talk to them, honestly. There's no way they wouldn't listen to you." "But the professor-" "Professors can be wrong. They're people too. And if I know anything it's that you've done your absolute best. Even if they don't change that one grade, heck, even if you started to flunk-- the people here care about you. They'd try to help before just up and booting you out." You look back up at him, no longer watching your feet make imprints in the snow. He's calm again, a small, concerned smile on his face. Your heart starts hammering in your chest. You're still anxious to high heaven, but not for the same reason as before. He looks absolutely silly in his sleeveless shirt out in the middle of gentle snowfall, but the sparkles in his hair catching the low light are... maybe it's the bitter chill that sweeps in as the breeze hits your face, but you're seeing him so clearly. You close your eyes, the image of him still burned into your mind. "I didn't know you could get so riled up." You whisper. He snorts. "Yeah, I usually don't lose my cool. I've noticed." You open your eyes again, and his eyebrows are only slightly furrowed. The eye contact the two of you are suddenly sharing is, well, the shine of his eyes picks up every golden fleck in his unusual irises. They're so close you can see all the star patterns, the deeper tones and the faceted flecks that sparkle with the reflecting snow.
Though he said it sarcastically, it was true. You've never seen him so animated before, you think, as his smooth annoying face tilted a little to the side. "You really freaked me out there." He's thinking long and hard about something. It's usually subtle, but it's written all over his face this time.
Your noses are brushing, and though you'd expect his breath to be hot, his lips hit yours and feel like soft velvet and the cold.
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pokeheadcannons97 · 9 months
Kieran Fluff Headcannons
This post contains spoilers for the indigo disc DLC!
Has a ridiculous sweet tooth, always has snacks on hand when out and about. Won’t hesitate to share said snacks with others around him.
Ever since losing to you during the champion challenge, he’s a lot less on edge. His words are gentler, his tone matching like he used to be.
Doesn’t take as much obvious teasing meekly like he used to, stands up for himself more now but not to where he’s a total wet noodle about it.
Actually enjoys wearing his hair up more often, even wears the hair clips that you bought for him without complaint. Thinks they look nice.
Will let you brush his hair when it’s just the two of you, his intersections bangs ever the prevalent when down. He’s totally okay with you trying different hairstyles on him, and doesn’t complain. Likes to see you having fun with it.
Ogerpon comes out of her ball when he’s around almost on queue. You can feel her pokeball shake on your waist when he announces his arrival.
She’ll greet him with a happy chirp and this makes Kieran so ridiculously happy for something this simple.
Shy with physical affection but he’s slowly getting used to it as best he can, albeit through very reddened cheeks.
He really likes linking pinkies with you when you’re walking together. And will grasp your hand when it’s crowded so you don’t get lost or swept away in the sea of people.
When in Kitakami he loves gathering syrupy apples with you that you take back to his grandparents house to make different apple treats, more often than not it’s candied apples that you share.
Doesn’t mind when you lean against him when you’re tired, will stand perfectly still so that you sleep soundly. He’ll quietly shush the people around being even the slightest bit of loud to be quiet.
Likes to spend time walking around town with you with your Pokémon by your side, likes it being just him and his Pokémon and you.
He really really hates when you have to go back to school in Paldea, the two of you have video calls, and message each other regularly. But he really takes it hard on the few days that follow your departure. On days like these he’s usually more withdrawn and moody, and will message you more often.
When you visit he’s so excited! He will be at the seaplane stop earlier that needed, pacing with his Furret following him with audible squeaks.
Hugs you as soon as you get off the seaplane and carries your luggage for you as the two of you walk to your dorm, and you’ll spend the rest of the day there.
You’re very special.
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There’s something about sewaddle that reminds me of a duck, and as a person that reportedly really liked ducks as a kid, that just delights me enough to make it a favorite Pokémon of mine.
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Yes I know it’s not a duck, but look at my little duck man.
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nxrdamp · 2 years
For a S/V prompt, how about some fluff with Arven & gender-neutral MC taking a well-deserved rest after the events of Area Zero.
I used to have a puffy vest like his, and they are SOFT. I imagine resting one's head on his chest must feel like heaven.
Arven x Gn! Reader -Comfort at Last
After the devastating realization that the only parent he “had”, hadn’t been there the whole time, Arven felt more alone than ever.
Even when Nemona insisted they all walk back together, he stayed silent.
“How the hell can she be so happy?! That was my parent, back there as a AI!!! The AI even left me….”
I don’t even think my (mother/father) got a proper burial….” Arven thought to himself, struggling farther and farther behind the group
After a few moments, the group left him entirely, as he snuck away. While everyone else was headed back to (Naranja/Uva) Academy, he ran back to his (mother’s/father’s) old research center by the lighthouse
He locked the door as soon as he ran in, and collapsed, letting the tears flow from his eyes.
Mabosstiff came out of his pokéball on his own, snuggling up to Arven to comfort him.
“Why Mabosstiff? Why did you have to raise me? I love you, but I just want them back. I want my (mom/dad)….”
Mabosstiff let out a sad bark, nuzzling his face into Arven’s neck.
Days when by, and still not sign of Arven. Nemona couldnt really bother herself to look and Penny didn’t really know him that well.
(Y/n), however, was searching all over Paldea for him. Even going back to Area Zero to see if he was hiding in the 4th research station to mourn his loss
Eventually, they were walking back to their mother’s house, to seek advice.
Arven was loosing his mind, first he lost his parent, and then Mabosstiff ran away. Was it because he was too pathetic to face reality? Or something else. He didn’t know.
(Y/n) was strolling down Poco path, before being pinned to the ground.
“H-Hey! What the hell?!”
They crawled out of the captor’s grasp, to get a good look at them.
It was Mabosstiff, he had left Arven to find help.
“Hey Mabosstiff” (Y/n) said, worried,”Where’s Arven? Is he okay?!”
Mabosstiff shook his head no
“Can you show me to him?”
Mabosstiff gave a bark in reply, agreeing to their request.
“Alright” (Y/n) replied,”We’re going to him right now. I’m……I’m really scared Mabosstiff. I want my friend back. I want him.”
Mabosstiff took that as all the confirmation he needed, and took off, dragging (Y/n) behind him across Pogo Path, leading to the place where they first met, the place where Arven’s (mother/father) used to conduct research.
The two of them walked up to the door, before letting out a shaky sigh.
“Here goes nothing…” They whispered to themselves
(Y/n) then gave a firm knock on the door, only to hear a response of shuffling around the room, and disgruntled noises.
“Ugh. Go away.” Arven said, not even bothering to open the door to see who his visitor is.
Mabosstiff barked, demanding the door to be opened at once.
He ripped the door open, ready to pounce on whoever had his partner.
“YOU-“ Arven said, stopping in his tracks before locking eye contact with (Y/n).
Mabosstiff jumped on Arven, giving him a puppy-hug, as (Y/n) stepped into the dusty, once not so long ago abandoned, research facility.
They coughed from the dust being stirred up, only to find an inflatable mattress on the floor, that looked as if it had seen better days. It was adorned with tear stains and shedded fur.
“Why are you here? Student council girl send you for ‘attendance’ or something?” Arven said, shutting the door to let no one else in.
“No. She actually doesn’t know I’m here. Penny either. I……I care for you Arven. I do. I know Area Zero must have fucked with you in the head. I know that, but….please…I wanna be there for you. I’ll never be or replace your (mom/dad), but you do have people that care for you in your life! Well, I don’t know anyone else’s true feelings, but I know mine. You….mean so much to me. I can’t stand you being so….alone”
They walked over to him, cupping his cheek as tears flowed from his eyes at their sweet, encouraging words. “Arven…” (Y/n) said,”I love you. Always will. Plus, you can’t get rid of me. Mabosstiff will just team up with me again.”
Arven let out a chuckle, before hugging them so hard they both fell onto the aged mattress.
“A-Arven!!” (Y/n) laughed, crawling out from underneath him. They then rested their head upon his fluffy, yellow vest.
“I love you too (Y/n)….please know I wasn’t abandoning you-“
“Don’t apologize.” They said, holding him tighter to hear his increased heartbeat,”You lost a parent for Arceus’s sake! I was worried about you, not mad Arvy.”
He sniffled,”Thank you” He said quietly,”Thank you for always being there for me….no one else is-“
Mabosstiff let out a rebuttal, but in the form of an angry bark.
“-besides you and Mabosstiff” Arven finished, laughing his tears away as Mabosstiff tried to smush the both of them on the mattress.
“Just rest” (Y/n) told him,”We’ll worry about Clavell and Nemona chewing our asses out for attendance later”
He gave them a kiss on the forehead, and the three of them got some well deserved rest
Word Count: 898
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rainnotliam · 2 years
Yandere Arven head cannons (AU), credits to @weirdthinkingdragon for the idea. Possessive behavior, mentions of violence of course, slow corruption:
Arven has never had another person care for him as much as you. He loves how you always pay attention to him, and act like you belong to him.
This process would go as a pure heart to slow corruption. Just simple flirting with you from any classmates (from being Champion) first only annoy him. They’re not doing anything wrong… right? Until it gets to the point where he wants to bash their skulls into the wall, keeping them there as warnings for all others to approach you.
Arven realizes his treasure all along from the assignment of the Treasure Hunt was you. You are your upperclassman’s treasure… isn’t that sweet…?
When you’re with Nemona or Penny, even praising their skills of hacking and battling… he feels an urge to pull you away. He’ll find any excuse, from Nemona apparently teaching you a way to “cheat,” or accusing Penny of wasting your time. He doesn’t get as violent with him, as Arven knows you’d be saddened if something were to happen to your friends.
He’s quite possessive. A common phrase whenever you’re in a busy conversation with classmates is “Sorry, I’m going to have to take my stuff,” and leave by dragging you across the room.
Cuddles. Arven loves feeling the warmth of the one he treasures the most (in this au at least). He might occasionally pull you into an embrace, only to rest his head on your shoulder.
Naive mind. One thing that Arven doesn’t know, is that this behavior isn’t normal for friends. He thinks this is normal for any friend. He thinks wanting to silence others just for only attention of that certain friend is normal. He thinks it’s normal wanting to have a habit of constant obsession with friend.
Nemona and Penny don’t realize Arven’s behaviors right away. But slowly, as the middle of the year comes by… they question why some classmates, some who interact with you, ignore you. They watch, fear settling in their chest as Arven can be seen looking at those who even get near you. Near his treasure.
If Nemona or Penny realize this behavior soon enough, they might try to leave Arven behind. That means excluding him from your life, exiting in large groups, or having their Rotom phones record on.
Arven may realize what they’re doing. He will find a way to silence them from telling any teacher or Director Clavell. He will attack them if he needs to.
Question of the Day: Want me to make a Yandere Arven x Reader fic? Self insert for someone? An audience?
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Can I request Grusha with an s/o who’s always cold
I think grusha is cool
Grusha my beloved
- Grusha finds it mildly amusing that you’re always cold, especially watching you bundle up before leaving the house, watching you put on twice as many layers with how cold you are.
- Always rolls his eyes before offering his warm hand for you to hold, just don’t make a big deal about it.
- His scarf hides his blushing cheeks, while you swing your intertwined hands.
- Though at home, he calls your coldness and a bless and a curse.
- When cuddling in the heated house, it’s so nice, you’re like a personal cooling blanket for him.
- But you use it for evil.
- He could be sitting on the couch, minding his own business, when you sneak up behind him and place your icy cold hands on his neck.
- Your laugh maybe his favorite thing, but he can’t hear it over his loud swearing and flailing.
- “You evil little shit!”
- You’re still doubling over, crying you’re laughing so hard at his high pitched screech.
- And sulks and pouts for a while, but don’t worry, he’s weak to your own pout.
- He, however, doesn’t hesitate to lend you his scarves and coats, wanting you to be nice and cozy, without you getting sick. He’s very worried.
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eeveeas123 · 1 year
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Okay, let’s give this a go…
He saw you at the academy… And, well… IT WAS LOVE!
“Hi! T-that’s a pretty cool o-outfit, uh… Can I sit with you for lunch?” Was the first thing he said to you
You agreed, then he unwrapped his *Gasp* SANDWICH! It had lots of good ingredients…
You watched as he ate half of it, suddenly he spoke “Do you wanna eat some?”
He smiled as you took the first bite and HOLY **** it was AWESOME!
The next day, you almost tripped over some Smoliv but he grabbed your hand so you wouldn’t get injured (He was happy to do that, believe you me!)
Then it happened, you were enjoying your sandwich from Arven blissfully when… “Wow! Look at the big, fat lady! Why’s that stupid student hanging out with her!?”
Before Arven could say or do anything, you ran, crying your eyes out…
He ran after you until you stopped at your Mom’s house (You didn’t want to go to your dorm, you wanted to leave entirely)
Arven’s response to your tears were some of his own, he wasn’t crying as hard as you though (He wanted to stay strong for your sake)
“I know why you’re upset… But you have to listen to me… You’re beautiful! Some truly ignorant people don’t take any time to appreciate other’s beauty… At least that’s what I think…”
You know he believed what he said… And he said it for you! He tried so hard because you ARE gorgeous!
Arven brought out Mabosstiff to cheer you up as well!
Both promised to stay by your side to protect you from that ignorant, mean academy student that insulted you! (He talked to Clavell just to be safe)
He gave you a small kiss on your forehead one day and you said “Can you please do that again?”
Days of sandwiches, kisses (Not just forehead ones) and cuddles were the norm at this point (He missed a few classes due to that but he now has a chance to catch up because you gracefully offered to help him study in return)
During this time you asked him “Does it bother you that I’m chubby?” And he said “Not at all! It’s pretty cute actually!” While giving you a big hug around your tummy (Y’know just to… ✨Emphasize✨ his words)
A kind man, a beautiful lady and an angel of a guard dog Pokémon all together in a world full of love!💘
(I know this would be better as a fanfic but I have light writer’s block so this was more possible)
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After ages of writer’s block, I ended up writing Grusha x reader fanfiction. Hope y’all enjoy!
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mewintheflesh · 2 years
Scrapped Arven/Reader
I wrote this over a month ago and i realised I have no intention of finishing this anytime soon because I do not have faith in my ability to write characters correctly or emotional scenes 👍
Was originally loosely based on Coldplays “The Scientist” 
Readers kind of an ass in concept 
It stops very abruptly so uhh warning 
 During a trip to Kalos the League had taken for a meeting, you had gone missing.  Months and months of searching turned into a whole year with no avail. Everyone except for a handful of people had given up on ever finding you again.  And included in that handful, was your partner, Arven.
 A pair of feet and two pairs of paws crushed the grass beneath them in the twilight. The moonlight shining on the dew in the grass, making it sparkle like fine gems.
 Arven yawned groggily as he walked alongside his bud, Mabosstiff.
 He would’ve preferred walking during the day, but Mabosstiff was practically begging to walk now. And well, he just couldn't say no to him.
 There was no real destination he had in mind, he thought it would just be a quick walk to nowhere and back to Mesagoza.  In fact, he had already tried several times to go back to Mesagoza, but Mabosstiff was not having it.
 Mabosstiff kept his nose practically buried in the ground the entire time too.
  Arven noticed that he kept going to the same area in Los Platos each time they went back out into the field. Maybe he’d just see what he might have wanted from there?
Mabosstiff’s head perked up from the ground as they crossed the small wooden bridge leading into Poco Path.
Mabosstiff took off to the lighthouse without warning.
"Mabosstiff— where are you going?!" As he ran after the pokemon, Arven yelled, his voice heavy with exhaustion.
When he reached the top of the incline, Mabosstiff was tackling somebody standing by the fence on the cliff edge—playfully tackling.
He grimaced and ran to gently pick Mabosstiff off of the person.
 “I'm so sorry, my bud never does this to strangers." He spoke through shallow breaths. "You okay?"
They looked at Arven for a second before tensing up and turning away from him. "Yes, I'm- alright, thank you."
Arven blinked.
The cogs in his brain turned on to overdrive, he could’ve sworn he recognized that voice.
No, he absolutely recognized it.
"Little bud…?"
They clammed up.
 Slowly, they turned around. Looking him directly in his eyes, their face somber as they nodded yes.
 Arvens body loosened, letting Mabosstiff out of his grip.
 He took a step forward, and ran into them, gripping them in the tightest hug he could muster.
 His head buried in their shoulder, his shoulders dropped as his breath caught in his throat, he gripped the back of their shirt like hell. Bringing them both to the ground.
 It took them a minute to register what happened.
 Unsure of what else to do, they hugged him back. Placing a hand on the back of his head and rubbing soothing circles with their thumb.
 Sitting there on the grass for what felt like an eternity.
 Arven pulled away from the hug, not quite letting them go. “Where… where were you?! Everyone was worried sick, we thought you– I thought–!” His own choked up sobs interrupted words.
 They stared into his eyes, a heavy wave of unbearable guilt washing over.   “I…” 
It was supposed to continue with Arven begging for them to come back with him and then they just refuse. And then it’s a whole thing and everyone’s like so fucking sad. 
Reader was supposed to have just abandoned the league while in Kalos and just kind of fucked around in Kalos for awhile under a new identity because why not :)
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sylvie-fics · 2 years
Arven x reader
Summary: platonic, reader makes an absolute monstrosity of a sandwich and apologizes about Arven’s whole family situation. Arven is trying so hard to be nice
When Arven thought of you, he thought of your many outstanding talents. How you were able to help so many people, battle the gym leaders with ease, help him heal his beloved Pokémon. Truly, the list goes on.
Yes, there were many things he admired about you.
…and then there was this.
“Oh, wow. Thanks, little buddy. It’s…”
Nothing could have prepared him for the monstrosity of a sandwich placed before him. He wasn’t sure he could pick it up without it falling apart. There was no getting out of this one, not with your big pleading eyes staring into his soul.
Think, Arven, think. There has to be a way to compliment this.
“This sure is *the* sandwich ever!”
He faked a half grin and watched as you cheerfully reacted. This was going better than expected. Now, if he could just find a way to get out of eating this…
Maybe the classic ‘turn to the side and let the object disappear’ trick? Or, feeding it to the dog? No— he couldn’t put mabosstiff through this. A sudden rainstorm? No, not a cloud in the sky. A violent Pokémon outbreak?
“I wrote something on it… I wasn’t sure how else to say it.” You spoke, a grim sort of tone in your words
Sure enough, after scanning over the hell on a plate, he found it. Right on the underside of the bread, a hastily written ‘sorry’ in ketchup.
“Sorry?” He asked, “what about?”
Tears welled up in your eyes, your voice quivering.
“I’m sorry I made you an orphan.”
Arven was truly fucking taken aback. The sandwich, the ketchup apology, and now a woeful— and furthermore inaccurate statement— about your involvement in his familial status.
He could explain to you that you did not, in fact, cause the ultimate demise of his parents. Or, he could just eat the sandwich and accept the apology. Neither of these were ideal, but the apology acceptance would be a lot easier to get through your thick skull.
The world seemed to move in slow motion as he shakily lifted the food from the plate. Surely—he thought— one bite of this would probably kill an ancient Pokémon.
With all the strength he could muster, he took a bite.
“So… what do you think?”
He’s going to be sick for weeks. It’s horrible, literally the worst thing he’s ever tasted. He doesn’t know how the stores legally let you purchase these items all together.
… but he can’t say that, not to you.
“It is a sandwich. With so much forgiveness, little buddy. It has two pieces of bread. There are things in this sandwich. It sure is something that can be eaten. It is… it’s… original.”
He’s never letting you make the picnic food ever again.
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ridreamir · 9 months
Small Pokemon x Reader Info Update!
Hey guys, I'm getting a lot of asks that contain spoilers! It's not that I don't want to respond to them, I just can't spoiler the asks so I can't post them to my blog! (At least, I don't think I can?) If you want to resubmit without mentioning major plot points, I can probably respond! :^) As for Kieran-related stuff, I'm aware that he might be too young for romance-coded stuff. I'm willing to write about him aged up (years later, reunion as an adult type scenarios) but when it comes to in-game Kieran I won't go past one-sided crushes. I myself am an adult, I must preface, and am very uncomfortable with the idea of myself or other adults shipping themselves or their in-game player characters with children. I'm not super old, but anyone 17-under is a no-go in my opinion. Again, kids can admire those older than them, and most of the Paldea young adults aren't all super young and could easily be 18 and older, but I'll always try to stay safe rather than sorry.
(No I haven't been writing NSFW anyway, but still, I don't want to sexualize children! I know the designs have been somewhat ambiguous before so I definitely understand but as for personalities if they seem clearly baby then I'll be interpreting them as baby lol) EX: Arven and Nimona look bigger/more developed than me and I'm an adult if that gives you any context. They're probably in their late teens/early 20s. Before I played the DLC, I wasn't sure how old Kieran was supposed to be, but I can say that he comes across as too young to me personally. Sorry about that!
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Hello there! I’m opening up writing commissions for the time being~! If you’re interested, please shoot me a DM or email me at [email protected] for further details!
The basics:
All options will be 1 ½ (minimum) to 3 (maximum) pages in length, 12 point font, single spacing word document.
Character letter OR scene: $10 CAD
SPICY character letter OR scene (18+ ONLY): $20 CAD
Fandoms include:
Pokémon SwSh, ScarVio, Legends Arceus
Rune Factory 4 and 5
Touken Ranbu
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Obey Me!
Other fandoms can be discussed upon request!
Reader Insert
OC Insert
Romance scenarios
Soft whump
Soft kink (18+ only)
Personalization to the requester’s preference!
Heavy kink or gore
Minors x adult characters
Minors in adult scenes or scenarios
Bigotry, racism, antisemitism, homophobia/transphobia
Note: I reserve the right to deny a request based on a violation of these guidelines, or if a minor is attempting to request 18+ scenarios.
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pokenimagines · 2 years
hey what are you going to tag your scarlet and violet writing? bc I just wanna make sure I have the tags blacklisted bc I don't want any spoilers!
Pokémon Scarvio x Reader will be in every single post that has characters in it. We’ll also be having several other tags, but that one is probably the easiest to blacklist.
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rainnotliam · 2 years
Is it possible to make a yandare arven but kinda fluffy? Sometimes I wish the main character/reader can accept the yandare-ness (especially arven cause he been through a lot) idk so fluffy yandare arven please? 🥺
Yandere Arven, but fluff fic? Challenge accepted my friend!
Reader x Arven, of course . Slight possessive behavior, but much fluff and cuddles too!
You scrolled through your Rotom phone, absolutely tired from today. As nice as it was to have Battle Studies, the amount of training one had to go through to satisfy Dendra was energy draining. The only thing that made it really worth it was the amount of Experience Points that could level up any team easily.
Luckily, this period was language. Mr. Salvatore had mercy on class (no pun intended) and let a little of free time before class. So you decided it would be best to see what kinds of battle items would help your team in the Ace tournament.
“Leftovers would be good… but perhaps the Lucky Egg could level my team up faster?”
You questioned your decisions, torn between power or levels.
“Or maybe-”
Suddenly, there is a rush of footsteps, before your vision is covered. You drop your Rotom phone in surprise, the device landing with a loud CLACK! on your desk.
“Who is it?”
An energetic tone emitted from the question. You chuckle to yourself, before putting your own hands over the large warm ones.
“Hmm… I don’t know? Who’s very good at cooking, the soon-to-be famous chef?” You smile.
“I wonder?” The voice had a hint of amusement too.
“Arven, eres bien canijo!”
A giggle escaped your upperclassman’s mouth, as he uncovered his hands from your eyes. Arven bent down to hug you from your sitting position, burying his face into your neck.
“We’re best buds, of course you know who I am!”
“Why wouldn’t I? Arven, your voice is so soft just like that caring soul. Plus, those hands are rough from all that adventuring,” you tease lightly.
There was definitely a smile going on, because you could feel his lips curving upwards.
“I shouldn’t expect any less, that’s coming from a Champion,” Arven said. He looked up from his position, now resting his chin on your shoulder. “Que estás viendo?”
“Battle items. The Ace tournament is a lot harder, Nemona’s been training hard.”
Arven hummed, one of his hands traveling up to your hair. He ruffled it slightly, fingers gently caressing the strands.
“She’s not empujando te to do something, is she?” He asked.
Your stomach felt like jittery jello hearing those few words. Nemona had asked you to train with her but…
“No, of course not! She may be eager and happy someone is her rival, but it doesn’t mean she goes to those lengths! It’s nothing to worry about,” you manage to muster.
Arven pondered about the answer for a minute or two, before taking himself off you.
“Well, class is starting. Gotta go to my seat, see you later bud!”
He waves at you with a happy aura painting him. You smile to yourself: Arven reminded you of a joyful puppy.
A puppy that hadn’t seen light in a decade or so, ever since Turo died. Ever since Mabosstiff got injured.
You didn’t mind the way he held you especially close. After all, he had suffered through so much, the least you could do was stay by his side… right?
Well, that joy only lasted for so long. You froze as you heard the seat right beside you creak, someone sitting in it. They placed their items near yours, giving you a slightly warm smile.
Your eyes went wide, before frantically shaking your head, hoping they would take the hint. Thankfully for your classmate, Mr. Salvatore walked in.
You tuned out the usual greeting from him, responding with a slightly grim “Oui.”
Class seemed to take ages, replaced by the shakiness of your body. Even though Pikachu was here as well, the Pokémon’s usual cheerful “Pika!” exclamations.
Hopefully this person would ignore you and take the hint you didn’t want anything to do with them. That you wanted them to get away as soon as possible, never approach you once again. The thought of what would happen…
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
That can’t happen.
Before you knew it, the bell rang. Mr. Salvatore audibly gaped at the bell, before shaking his head. He muttered a few things, before baring them a slightly cheerful “Adieu!”
You quickly tried to gather your items, fear settling into your stomach. The least that could happen was a minor injury but even so…
“Y/N! Hey, you got any plans?”
Arceus. This couldn’t have gone any better could it?
“Um, I guess not?” Your breath was shaky, but you managed to pull the simple response together.
“Wanna train with me and my group? We really admire you, and would like-”
A flinch was forced from your natural instinct, as a hand planted firmly across your shoulder. You could feel a menacing aura behind you, and inhaled deeply.
“Sorry. They have plans with me already.”
Arven’s usual gentle voice, forced a deeper tone. You couldn’t see his eyes, yet knew they were already forming to slits. The usual calm gleam was storming in his eyes.
“Y/N, is that true?”
You knew better by now than to deny any lies, because they were going to be true.
“Well yeah, me and Arven planned on going out for a while, going for ice cream.”
“Ooo! Can I go with you?”
“Absolutely not,” Arven piped up.
You and your classmate look at Arven in wide eyes. He had never spoken up in conversations, other than holding a protective hand over you.
“What’s it to you?”
“It’s a date. And by the way, we’re not including you for a threesome,” Arven rolled his eyes.
“Then how come I’ve never seen you with them? Prove it right here and right now,” your classmate insisted.
“What do I need to prove? You don’t believe me?” Arven asked.
“Prove that you’re dating. No way PokeNews would not announce something like that, mentiroso.”
Confusion filled your mind. How was your upperclassman going to prove that? It wasn’t easy to convince someone that you’re dating the Champion, currently No.1 in the region-
“So what? You really don’t believe me? I’m not lying, te estoy diciendo la verdad, en Arceus.”
Why did it seem like Arven was toying around with their classmate?
“On Arceus? Pshhh, por favor.”
You looked up, only to see a slightly smiling Arven, who turned his gaze at you. You felt a hand suddenly grab your chin, firmly holding it, before tipping it slightly upwards.
He slightly moved forward a few inches.
“Allow me, to ‘prove’ this then?”
“You’re joking, there’s no way!”
You felt your face heat up within each movement, his face closing in on yours.
Wait, was he-?
There was an audible gasp from your classmate, and the rest of the class, who watched intensely. The Champion… with the Professor’s son?
Warm lips pressed against your cold ones, the heat transferring with ease. You faintly heard Arven murmur something, but couldn’t decipher what it was at that moment. His left hand was still on your shoulder, right one gently caressing your hair from earlier in class.
Something within you coiled tightly with embarrassment, as his tongue -wet and hot - pushed through your sweet lips, and right into your mouth.
There was no doubt a brilliant red blush was spreading from the bridge of your nose to the tip of your ears.
Arven’s tongue with no doubt was dominant enough, as you weren’t quite experienced enough with kissing. His saliva dripped from the files of tastebuds, the maneuver made with so much care. Arven clearly needed more of you to savor, yet gently explored your mouth for flavor.
As for his taste?
God, you couldn’t get enough from the spicy remnants of the Tomato berries he usually cooks with. You could remember seeing him, sitting on his bed, watching with wide eyes as he bit straight into one, juice slightly spilling to the sides of his mouth.
(“It‘s about the way you handle an extreme flavor,” Arven said.
“Handling in it that way?” You asked skeptically. “No way, a death sentence for me.”
Your upperclassman grinned at you. “Wanna try it out? I’m pretty good at least giving love to some.”
You ponder for a moment, before embarrassment fills your stomach. The realization hit you like a bat to a ball, stupidly.
“Don’t even! I would never give that a try!”)
You denied ever wanting to kiss him just for handling a flavor…
Yet here you are.
Absolutely a hypocrite wanting more, wanting to know where that hand sliding down your back was going, wanting to give the same treatment to Arven. After all, he hasn’t been loved in so long…
Arven broke the kiss off, looking into the direction where the exclamation was made me.
And boy was it embarrassing, as you turned too.
“I know we sometimes want to show affection to others,” Mr. Salvatore looked very flushed at the sight of the scene, “-but please… keep it calm for the sake of your classmates eyes.”
You were sure your face was now ruby red by now, if not, caused by the heat of the kiss too.
Arven didn’t seem too bashed by this, but his cheeks were flustered pink too. “Yes, Mr. Salvatore,” he said.
“Now… I can safely say, the school day is over. Take a break my students…” Salvatore trailed off. He beckoned for you and Arven to leave immediately, obviously trying very hard not to say anything else. It was the first time he hadn’t used his various languages.
You bowed your head, face feeling as though it were on fire. Arven had just…
Just casually kissed you on the mouth? What was his logic in needing to prove something? Couldn’t you both have just pulled out a photo taken together?
Arven’s grip was still firmly in place on your shoulder. He looked back at their shocked classmates, and waved with a flashy smile.
“Is that all you needed Hirano? Not much to ask for, as Y/N is my partner after all.”
All Hirano could do was look at you with a dumb expression, mouth opening and closing like a Magikarp.
“But they didn’t-? How are you both dating?”
Arven frowned at this, reaching for your hand, grabbing it. He pulls you right against him, before leading you out of class.
Your mind can’t help but process a dozen explanations why Arven kissed you. It definitely wasn’t accidental: he was very intimate in the way he handled it. He couldn’t really be in love with you…
“Llamando me un mentiroso… cabrones van a pagar después.”
Arven murmured phrases like these as you both went up the staircase. Definitivamente no estuvo bien feliz.
“They have the nerve to even talk to me like that, even after all that I’ve been through with their shit!”
“Arven?” You asked a little more loudly.
“Not to mention, treating you like some sort of prize… they don’t see your real beauty and personality!”
You recoiled at the response, as though he had hit you. Arven NEVER snapped at you, even when he was absolutely livid at someone.
He looked at you for a few moments, before realizing what he had just done.
“Y/N, I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine…” you murmured.
“It’s not fine.”
It was a moment before you realized you were in front of Arven’s dorm.
“Why are we here?” You interrupted the numerous mutters of apologizes.
“Que? Supongo que yo quise…”
The blush from earlier was turning a Tomato berry shade. Arven fidgeted with his backpack strap, before sighing.
“He made me jealous, alright? You’re just my little buddy Y/N, and you know I don’t like it when people get so close to you…”
“-Because you’re afraid to lose me to someone else?”
He blinked. “How did you guess? Como adivinaste?”
You decided not to point out the bunch of obvious points. Arven was adorable trying to communicate his feelings, yet delaying a confession about it because of his actions.
Not to mention, his obsession.
“Penny told me that too, since the jerks who bullied her told her she wasn’t worth it for my friendship.”
Arven didn’t say anything: he had a strange faraway look on his face. You look at him with curiosity, wondering what he was thinking.
“Well, that’s not the point here.”
“Then what is? You told me you brung me here for a reason, que es?”
Your upperclassman inhaled deeply, exhaling softly. He turned away, looking at the floor.
“I want… to cuddle.”
What in Arceus!?
Arven wanted to cuddle? Did you hear correctly?
“Cuddle? As in, a sort of thing you’d do with Mabosstiff?” you asked.
There was a soft sigh. Arven didn’t wait for a reply, merely opening the door to his dorm. He beckoned for you to get inside, and you stepped in.
Of course this dorm was familiar. You had been here many times, swayed by the delicious aroma of cooking, awed by how much yellow there was, inquisitive about all the items Arven had. Especially that raincoat he had. If it weren’t obvious enough from the weather, Arven loved going out and playing in the rain with Mabosstiff.
There was a soft click! as the door closed. You took off your small backpack and set it down near the coat hanger, along with your shoes. Arven did the same, only picking up your bag to actually hang it. It was a small gesture, but certainly a kind one.
He took off his puffy jacket as well (on the coat hanger it went), only to throw his tie across the room with mere care.
“A lot hasn’t changed.”
“Except Poké Beans I got for a deal while there was an auction.”
You went over to Arven’s bed, only slightly turning a corner the wall had, containing the entrance for the bathroom.
“Even the bedsheets are the same.”
“I’m surprised que te lo memorizaste,” Arven lightly teased.
You flopped onto the bed, mainly stretching your legs, and keeping your arms tucked into your chest. After all, it was slightly cold in Arven’s dorm. He probably had the best air conditioning room in the academy.
“No Burmy talk here.”
Footsteps approached the bed, and you close your eyes as Arven’s hand runs through your hair. Arceus did it feel satisfying after a hard day at school… and all the worries that had filled your brain.
You had never mentioned Arven’s obsession with you. At first, you assumed it was because you became Champion. After all, who doesn’t like a little fame from their companion?
But you had noticed the intimate actions he took. For example, hugs completely out of nowhere, possessive behavior that drove you insane, and even a protective hand over your shoulder when someone suggested you go with them.
Without your upperclassman.
Still, he had sometimes pushed himself away for no reason, but then came back begging for attention.
What did he really want? Not to mention, merely minutes ago, he had just asked to cuddle?
Arven hummed, implying to go on. The way he ruffled your hair so gently… you shook your head, trying not to sleep.
“Why what?”
“Why’re you being so… close? First, you kiss me to prove a point. A worthless one. Then, you tell me… you want to cuddle…”
Your face flushed at the last phrase, and you covered your face with your hands.
Silence stretched throughout the room, as the only thing you could hear was the light buzzing sound of the air conditioning. Arven stopped ruffling your hair, hand completely motionless.
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“How come?” You quipped.
Almost immediately, you wished you didn’t say those words. Arven’s hand started shaking, before it pulled away.
“I said, you wouldn’t understand Y/N. You’re so naive,” he whispered.
You lifted yourself up, looking at him. Arven was looking directly at you, his mouth trembling.
“Arven, please-”
“You don’t understand!” He suddenly yelled.
“What don’t I understand!?” You said with frustration.
“Anything about me! You don’t understand shit about me! Nor do you really care about my feelings! I know you don’t but you really pretend you do, and I hate it so much! I hate it that you don’t love me the way you do!”
You stared in disbelief at this declaration of the outburst. None of that was true! Nada fue la verdad!
“Arven, por favor!”
“I love you so much goddammit, you’re so willing to be able to care for me, so willing to hear about my problems, the light to my dark when I was lost!”
“And I know you know that I have these feelings for you! I just wish you would tell me, I’m so sick of having to show how much I care for you back! I know what’s best for you!”
“ARVEN, LISTEN TO ME!” You finally raised your voice.
He paused for a moment, his breathing hitched.
“What you’re saying isn’t true at all! I love you too, you make me feel like I’m such an important person to someone!“
You looked down at the yellow sheets, hand picking at them. Why… why do you feel like this?
Aren’t you supposed to be feeling happy and giddy telling Arven you love him? Aren’t you supposed to be over the moon knowing he’d go to any lengths for you? Then why do you have this unsettling feeling deep down?
Is this the same fear that took you over…
After that one day where he bashed Hirano’s friends skull repeatedly against the wall, until he fainted? All because of planting his hand on your shoulder?
“Do you really mean it?”
How could you?
You couldn’t reject his now said out loud declaration of love. That would be such a cruel thing to do. Arven never had love because of his family- only some for Mabosstiff, because it was his partner Pokémon.
“I-I do…!”
“Me too. I love you, I love you so much.”
“About your cuddles?” You were keen to change the love tone-
The only response you received was Arven finally swinging up his legs onto the bed, snuggling up to you. One arm wrapped around your waist, the other freely going up to caress your hair once more. He curled one leg over yours, making sure to tighten his grip.
“You’re so perfect,” he muttered.
You said nothing. Your hand reached to touch his (the one on your waist), intertwining fingers slightly.
“You deserve all the love.”
Arven nuzzled his head into your neck, his curly hair lightly tickling your ear. His hot breath spread over your body, warming you right up.
At that moment, all you could really do was go to sleep with him, drifting off with the warmth of his body right next to yours.
In the morning however, you wouldn’t be so lucky. Arven didn’t like to wake up early, and you had to stay in the cuddling position for at least two more hours.
If you ever moved, he was yank you right back into the embrace. Arven would murmur phrases in Spanish, telling you how much he wanted to do this.
How could you refuse?
Arven ached for love after all these years.
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