#head vs header html
webtutorsblog · 1 year
HTML headings are an essential part of web development. They provide a way to structure and organize content on a web page, making it easier for users to read and understand. With Webtutor.dev's comprehensive guide, you'll learn about the different levels of HTML headings and how to use them effectively to create well-structured web pages. You'll also learn about best practices for using headings, such as using only one H1 per page and using headings to create a logical hierarchy of content.
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itscolumbine-blog · 2 months
Elevate Your Digital Presence: A Comprehensive Guide to On-Page SEO
"Unlock the secrets of effective on-page SEO and watch your website soar to new heights in search engine rankings! 🚀"
Do you want to elevate your website’s visibility and attract more traffic? Understanding on-page SEO is crucial for achieving these goals. From improving your content to optimizing HTML, mastering on-page SEO can make a world of difference. Let's dive into how you can enhance your site and understand the key differences between on-page SEO and technical SEO.
What is On-Page SEO?
On-page SEO involves optimizing the elements on your website that are visible to users and search engines. It’s all about fine-tuning your content and structure to improve your rankings and enhance user experience. But how do you get started?
How to Improve On-Page SEO
Keyword Placement:
Keyword Placement is a fundamental part of on-page SEO. Ensure your primary keywords, like "how to improve on page seo", are strategically placed in titles, headers, and throughout your content. But don’t overdo it—natural integration is key
Tumblr media
High-Quality Content:
Create content that’s not only relevant but also engaging. Quality content helps in ranking higher and retains visitors. Focus on answering questions like "How on page SEO works" and provide valuable insights.
Title Tags and Meta Descriptions:
Craft compelling title tags and meta descriptions. Include your target keywords such as "which element is most important for on page seo" to make your pages more appealing in search results.
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Headings and Subheadings:
Use headings and subheadings to structure your content. Incorporate keywords like "on page SEO vs technical SEO" and "technical SEO vs on page SEO" to enhance readability and SEO.
Optimize HTML:
Make sure your HTML is optimized. Use descriptive alt tags for images and clean code to ensure your site is both user-friendly and search engine-friendly.
Visual Content:
High-quality Visual Content can improve user engagement. Optimize images with relevant keywords and descriptive alt text to boost your on-page SEO.
On-Page SEO vs. Technical SEO
Understanding the difference between on-page SEO and technical SEO is vital:
On-Page SEO focuses on elements you can see, such as content, headings, and keywords. It's all about optimizing individual pages to rank better.
Technical SEO, on the other hand, deals with the backend aspects like site speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability. Both are essential for a well-rounded SEO strategy.
How to Plan a Website Structure
A well-planned website structure is critical for on-page SEO. Here’s how to get it right:
Create a Clear Hierarchy:
Organize your content into categories and subcategories. This helps both users and search engines navigate your site more efficiently.
Use Internal Linking:
Link related pages to each other. This not only helps with navigation but also distributes page authority across your site.
Optimize for User Experience:
Ensure your site’s layout is intuitive and easy to use. A good structure enhances user experience and can positively impact your SEO.
On-Page SEO for E-Commerce Websites
For e-commerce sites, on-page SEO takes on additional aspects:
Product Descriptions:
Write unique, detailed descriptions for each product. Include keywords such as "on page SEO for ecommerce website" to improve visibility.
Optimized Images:
Use high-quality images with optimized file names and alt tags. This helps in both SEO and user experience.
Customer Reviews:
Encourage and display customer reviews. They add credibility and can positively impact your on-page SEO.
The Role of an On-Page SEO Company
If optimizing your site feels overwhelming, consider partnering with an on-page SEO company. These experts can help:
Develop a Strategy: An on-page SEO expert can create a tailored strategy for your site’s needs.
Execute Optimization: From keyword placement to HTML optimization, they handle the technical details.
Monitor Performance: They track results and make adjustments to improve your site’s performance continuously.
Mastering on-page SEO is essential for boosting your website’s visibility and performance. By focusing on keyword placement, high-quality content, and optimizing HTML, you can enhance your site’s ranking and user experience. Don’t forget to understand the balance between on-page SEO and technical SEO for a comprehensive approach. Whether you’re managing an e-commerce site or a blog, effective on-page SEO practices will set you up for success
What’s the key difference between on-page SEO and technical SEO?
On-page SEO focuses on optimizing visible elements, while technical SEO deals with backend optimizations.
How can I improve my on-page SEO?
Enhance keyword placement, create high-quality content, and optimize HTML elements.
What’s the most important element of on-page SEO?
Keyword optimization and content quality are both crucial.
How does on-page SEO impact my website?
It improves search rankings, increases traffic, and enhances user experience.
What should I consider when planning a website structure?
Focus on creating a clear hierarchy, using internal linking, and optimizing for user experience.
0 notes
Blogpost #11
Today I continued with trying to learn HTML. The website i have found is great and I'm learning the basics of website building using the language, like adding headers, body text, titles, and images. I also sat in the library during lunch for around 45 minutes with my revati, and she walked me through this program called VS code. It allows me to code using HTML and gives me a live published version of whatever I have coded at the end. I'm thinking of color themes for my website and I immediately thought about the color fuchsia accompanied with white, black, and gray to complement the more brighter color. For fonts I was thinking of something homey like a grandma would use like times new roman. Revati showed me how to add different fonts that I downloaded from the internet into my code and use them for headings. She also showed me this website which gives good quality high pixel count images for website covers and designs. I feel good about this, however there is a problem with creating an api + search bar for my website. I think I might have to use a website builder because a search bar is definetly a feature i NEED in my website.
0 notes
A Guide to RPing on Tumblr
I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately, so here’s my complete walkthrough on how to create a Tumblr RP blog. 
If you’d rather view on a Google Doc, here’s a link.
Create Blog
Howdy, so the first thing you’ll have to do is click ‘register’ and make yourself a blog. You also have the choice of making a sideblog instead. I’m a person who likes to have this separated, so if you are only thinking of playing a couple characters, this might be the way to go for you. Here’s the difference between main/side blogs (taken from Tumblr’s help center):
Tumblr media
Choose any url for now (we’ll talk about that later), and go to the next section.
Please note: When you make a new blog, it won’t show up in the search/people’s notifications for a bit of time (a day or so). Make sure you validate your email address asap. 
Get xKit
If you haven’t installed xKit, I highly suggest it. Go to their blog here, and get it for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Opera.
What is it? A little toolkit to make Tumblr easier to use.
When you install it, it’ll pop up on your top bar thing next to the lightning bolt like this:
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It’s that thing with the x’s on it.
When you click the x’s this pops up:
Tumblr media
You can click ‘Get Extensions’ at the bottom and basically choose whatever you want, but may I recommend the following:
1) Editable Reblogs allows you to edit reblogs. Right. This is good because when you are replying to RP threads they tend to get rather long. Some advice that was given to me when I started: when you add your reply, delete everything before your partner’s last reply. So you should have your partner’s post and your post and that’s all. You just click ‘reblog’ and it pops up like normal, except now there’s this little guy:
Tumblr media
If you click that, it will make everything in your reblog box editable.
2) One-Click Postage gives you a little box if you hover over the reblog button. It lets you reblog, queue, draft, tag, and add replies right from that page. You can even choose which blog (main/side) you want it to go to.  It looks like this:
Tumblr media
The rest I will just say play around with! They are easy to add and take away.
Decide what kind of blog you want.
Multimuse Vs. Single muse: 
Do you want to play one character or a bunch of them? If you choose one character, your blog icon and theme will presumably feature that character or something to do with them. If you choose to focus on one, you should have info about your character available on your blog somewhere. If you choose to have more than one muse, you’ll need a list of the characters you offer and some info about them. 
When choosing a url for a multimuse, choose something that encompasses the spirit of you and your characters.
When choosing a url for a single muse, I go for quotes, nicknames, something about where they are from, what they like, their name, etc. Note: if you have dashes in your url (like mine @strings-have-been-cut) these won’t work with tags. People will have to turn them into separate words or one big word.
I do not have a multimuse, but I have seen them done all sorts of ways. Some people offer characters from all different fandoms, some are just one fandom, one genre, OCs, canons, a mixture...you can do what you like. 
If your blog is not affiliated with any sort of organized game, this is referred to as ‘independent’ often shortened to ‘idie’. 
Your blog description should mention which kind it is. For example: a sci-fi multimuse blog; a Star Trek OC blog; an indie Bill S. Preston Esq. from Bill and Ted RP blog. Details help sometimes. 
Canon Character Vs. Original Character
If you decide to make a canon character, make sure you have it clear somewhere where they are from! Canon characters can be canon divergent (your own version), they can crossover into other fandoms, they can be exactly as they are in your favourite book/show/movie/podcast...each version of a canon is unique and lovely.
If you decide to make an original character, make sure you give plenty of info about them! You want to tell people what fandom they fit into or if they are fandomless. ‘About’ pages are really important for OCs because there is no fanbase for them (yet!).
What should be in your description?
When someone clicks your blog, they will first see a dash preview sort of thing. It shows a description and a small header, along with the posts you’ve made. This description also shows up somewhere on your actual blog and on the top of the page on mobile view. It’s a great spot to give all the info about your blog real quick. I always include the following:
What is it? (Independent Data from Star Trek RP blog)
Age restrictions (21+)
Who you will RP with (mutuals only is called ‘private’ and choosing who you follow back is called ‘selective’.)
Mun’s name (played by [insert your name])
Possibly a link to your about/rules for easy access on desktop and mobile. I’ll talk about this more below. I call this ‘navigation’, but it varies. Note: if you edit your icon/dash header, any html links seem to go away. I’ve needed to go back into the theme customizer and add them back in. To add a link to your description, go into your customizer, go to the description section, and add the html as follows:
<a href=”url goes here”>link text goes here</a>
So mine is: <a href=”https://data-all-in-one.carrd.co”>Indie Data from Star Trek blog.</a>
The description for my Data blog reads: ‘Indie Data from Star Trek RP blog. Click here for navigation. 21+. Private/selective. Played by Fool.
What should be on this blog?
In my experience, you need a couple of pages on your blog to get you started:
About the character - basically a biography
Rules - so people know what you are about
About the mun - so people can know about the person they are writing with
Possibly a link to your ‘ask memes’ tag - see below.
These can be organized however you like, but people tend to look for a few specific things.
About the Character
This should read like a biography. Back in the day, we used to call them ‘character apps’ and they had all your basic info about the character. Sometimes this section contains a subsection called ‘verses’ in which the mun spells out what universes they exist in. Say I had an AU where Data owns an arcade in San Francisco in the 80’s. I’d list that as one of his ‘verses’. This is extremely important for OCs, but very helpful for canons too. 
Data has four: TNG era, TNG movie era, AU where he lives after Nemesis, AU where he’s around during Star Trek: Picard. I gave a little info about both. 
Rules are usually organized into the things people are looking for before they start playing with you. Some good info to include: 
Mun age
Your policy on adult content
How you deal with tagging triggers
Your policy on following back
Your policy on writing with mutuals vs. anyone
Do you allow personal blogs (non RP blogs) to follow you?
How fast do you reply?
How does your tagging system work?
How do you deal with shipping? 
Here is a link to my usual Rules page for reference. Remember, it’s not wrong if it’s different than mine!
Note: People will look for how old you are. Many people in the RPC are adults, and they want to write with people their own age. If your age is not posted somewhere clearly, they may not follow you back. 
About the Mun 
This is really just a little blurb about you. Some people include their age here. Some people include links to their other blogs. Some people include their Discord info, as that’s really popular right now. It’s just nice to know who you are writing with.
It’s important to note that there are different ways to present all of these blogs. Some people have them as pages on their Tumblr blog itself, some people put all of this (Bio, About, Rules, etc) in a Google Doc and link it, some people use Carrd.co - there are a ton of ways. A friend of mine did this amazing post about some options out there. I personally go for Carrd.co, seeing as I am on mobile a lot and I find it very helpful, but it’s up to you. 
Now I have a blog with all the info. How do I get started?
Well there are a few things you can do to get yourself out there.
Make yourself a promo. It’s basically an advertisement for your blog. If you aren’t good at graphics, you can head to an RP Resource blog and see if they have any you can use with their permission. You can also just post a picture with some info. For me, the info on this promo matches that of my blog description - I want people to know what I’m all about as soon as they look at it. Then you can tag for your appropriate fandom RP. Your mutuals will likely reblog to help spread the word. Yay.
Find a directory for your RPC by searching in the search. This will allow you to a) reblog your info and be listen in a place where people can find you and b) allow you to find others in your RPC in an organized way. Then you can go through, find people you think you’d like to follow, and follow them. 
Make a starter or plotter call. This is, again, just a picture or graphic and some information about it. Here is one I made for Data specifically asking for Picard threads:
Tumblr media
I asked for a specific universe and a specific character here. I also put all relative tags in case someone is just searching Tumblr (although I think it’s more for the people who follow me). Here’s a simpler one I made for B-4 that’s a lot more open. 
Tumblr media
They don’t have to be super fancy. 
When people see a starter call, they can like your post. This is a quick an easy way to let you know they are interested in a thread. 
4. Ask Memes. Asks are invaluable. There are whole blogs dedicated to ask memes that you can post to your blog, and these can be really easy ways for people to come up with plot ideas or just to read some of your writing. I always keep a link on my blog to everything tagged ‘ask meme’ so if people want to find a meme they have choices!
It seems like there’s a certain aesthetic on these new fangled RP blogs. Do I have to do that?
No! But you can, if you want. If you aren’t good at coding and graphics, there are a lot of RP resource sites that can help you. (Can I recommend this one?) It is nice to have things like a face claim, a nice looking promo, a cool theme, etc. but at the end of the day, we all just want to write and have fun.
Look, I’ve only been RPing on Tumblr for a couple of months and I am by NO MEANS an expert. I have gotten all of this knowledge through the help of friends and nice strangers willing to answer questions for me. Here are a few things I have picked up:
Respect people’s rules - We are all shy and all have our own thing going on. If someone says they’re uncomfortable doing one thing, just like...don’t do it.
Talk to other people - Don’t ignore the mun! Unless they really want you to. It’s better to ask questions, compliment writing, talk about your plots and stuff...it’s so much harder than trying to figure out what the other person feels/wants.
Ask questions - I’m a 6th grade teacher, and I get a million and fuckton questions every minute usually. It’s been eye-opening, because now I’m all about asking questions about everything all the time. I think knowledge is amazing. People know all different things, and the most logical way to be a productive society is to share knowledge (that’s one of the main teachings of Surak) so ask some questions! Hell, ask me some questions! Reach out to someone who seems nice!
Okay, that’s all. Good luck!
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Bundestag vs AfD - Teil 8
Frank Magnitz (AfD): Entrümpeln Sie unser Baurecht von diesen unsinnigen, teuren Maßnahmen, und führen Sie das Ganze auf ein vernünftiges Maß zurück.
Sören Bartol (SPD): Es wird Zeit, dass das Parlament von Ihnen entrümpelt wird!
Bernd Baumann (AfD): Herr Präsident! Meine Damen und Herren! Was haben wir in den letzten Tagen gelernt?
Monika Lazar (Die Grünen): Die AfD nichts!
Steffen Kontré (AfD): Aber jetzt droht uns Deutschen wieder der Verlust der Heimat durch den Import von Parallelgesellschaften.
Ulrich Kelber (SPD): Sie sind die Parallelgesellschaft!
Gottfried Curio (AfD): Wollen Sie dennoch behaupten, der Islam gehört zum Rechtsstaat Deutschland? Oder würden Sie immerhin die Verbreitung und Bewerbung gesetzwidriger Aufrufe aus diesem ideologischen Bereich unterbinden wollen?
Ulli Nissen (SPD): Wir wollen Ihre Reden unterbinden! Das wäre schön!
Kay Gottschalk (AfD): 63 Prozent der Bürgerinnen und Bürger dieses Landes halten den Soli für überholt.
Michael Schrodi (SPD): Und 80 Prozent halten die AfD für überholt!
Thomas Ehrhorn (AfD): Ja, selbstverständlich tolerieren und akzeptieren wir heute auch andere Lebensmodelle.
Johannes Kahrs (SPD): Haben Sie illegale Substanzen zu sich genommen, oder wie können Sie so einen Unsinn zum Besten geben? Wer hat Ihnen den Unsinn denn aufgeschrieben?
Nachdem ein AfD-Abgeordneter in seiner Rede Leute als „degenerative Geisteskranke“ bezeichnet hat.
Britta Haßelmann (Die Grünen): Was für eine völkische Scheiße! Wo sind wir denn hier? Zuruf von den Grünen: Sie sind ein Faschist! Jürgen Braun (AfD): „Volkstod“ ist doch Ihr Sprachgebrauch! Das ist doch Ihr Ausdruck! Kai Gehring (Die Grünen): Herr Braun macht seinem Namen alle Ehre!
Sven Lehmann (Die Grünen): Ich weiß nicht, wie es Ihnen geht, aber ich habe mich angesichts dieser Debatten, die die AfD hier führt, heute schon zum zweiten Mal gefragt, wie viel Selbstbetrug und Selbstverleugnung man eigentlich als eine Frau wie Alice Weidel an den Tag legen muss, um Vorsitzende dieser Fraktion zu sein.
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annu29-blog1 · 5 years
Wscube Tech-Training program
Introduction :-wscube is a company  in jodhpur that located in address First Floor, Laxmi Tower, Bhaskar Circle, Ratanada, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 342001.wscube tech one of leading  web design and web development company in jodhpur ,india. wscube provide many services/ training for 100% job placement and live project.
About us:-:WsCube Tech was established in the year 2010 with an aim to become the fastest emerging Offshore Outsourcing Company which will aid its clientele to grow high with rapid pace.  wscube give positive responsible result  for the last five year.
Wscube work on same factor
1>We listen to you
2>we plan your work
3>we design creatively
4>we execute  publish and maintain
1>PHP Training:-For us our students is our top priority.this highly interactive course introduces you to fundamental programming concepts in PHP,one of the most popular languages in the world.It begins with a simple hello world program and proceeds on to cover common concepts such as conditional statements ,loop statements and logic in php.
Session 1:Introduction To PHP
Basic Knowledge of websites
Introduction of Dynamic Website
Introduction to PHP
Why  and scope of php
XAMPP and WAMP Installation
    Session 2:PHP programming Basi
syntax of php
 Embedding PHP in HTML
Embedding HTML in PHP
Introduction to PHP variable
Understanding Data Types
using operators
 Writing Statements and Comments
Using Conditional statements
If(), else if() and else if condition Statement
Switch() Statements
Using the while() Loop
Using the for() Loop
Session 3: PHP Functions
PHP Functions
Creating an Array
Modifying Array Elements
Processing Arrays with Loops
Grouping Form Selections with Arrays
Using Array Functions
Using Predefined PHP Functions
Creating User-Defined Functions
Session 4: PHP Advanced Concepts
Reading and Writing Files
Reading Data from a File
Managing Sessions and Using Session Variables
Creating a Session and Registering Session Variables
Destroying a Session
Storing Data in Cookies
Setting Cookies
Dealing with Dates and Times
Executing External Programs
Session 5: Introduction to Database - MySQL Databas
Understanding a Relational Database
Introduction to MySQL Database
Understanding Tables, Records and Fields
Understanding Primary and Foreign Keys
Understanding SQL and SQL Queries
Understanding Database Normalization
Dealing with Dates and Times
Executing External Programs
Session 6: Working with MySQL Database & Tables
Creating MySQL Databases
Creating Tables
Selecting the Most Appropriate Data Type
Adding Field Modifiers and Keys
Selecting a Table Type
Understanding Database Normalization
Altering Table and Field Names
Altering Field Properties
Backing Up and Restoring Databases and Tables
Dropping Databases and Table Viewing Database, Table, and Field Information
Session 7: SQL and Performing Queries
Inserting Records
Editing and Deleting Records
Performing Queries
Retrieving Specific Columns
Filtering Records with a WHERE Clause
Using Operators
Sorting Records and Eliminating Duplicates
Limiting Results
Using Built-In Functions
Grouping Records
Joining Tables
Using Table and Column Aliases
Session 8: Working with PHP & MySQL
Managing Database Connections
Processing Result Sets
Queries Which Return Data
Queries That Alter Data
Handling Errors
Session 9: Java Script
Introduction to Javascript
Variables, operators, loops
Using Objects, Events
Common javascript functions
Javascript Validations
Session 10: Live PHP Project
Project Discussion
Requirements analysis of Project
Project code Execution
Project Testing
=>Html & Css Training:-
HTML,or Hypertext markup language,is a code that's used to write and structure every page on the internet .CSS(cascading style sheets),is an accompanying code that describes how to display HTML.both  codes are hugely important in today's internet-focused world.
Session 1: Introduction to a Web Page
What is HTML?
Setting Up the Dreamweaver to Create XHTML
Creating Your First HTML page
Formatting and Adding Tags & Previewing in a Browser
Choosing an Editor
Project Management
Session 2: Working with Images
Image Formats
Introducing the IMG Tag
Inserting & Aligning Images on a Web Page
Detailing with Alt, Width & Height Attributes
 Session 3: Designing with Tables
Creating Tables on a Web Page
Altering Tables and Spanning Rows & Columns
Placing Images & Graphics into Tables
Aligning Text & Graphics in Tables
Adding a Background Color
Building Pages over Tracer Images
Tweaking Layouts to Create Perfect Pages
Session 4: Creating Online Forms
Setting Up an Online Form
Adding Radio Buttons & List Menus
Creating Text Fields & Areas
Setting Properties for Form Submission
Session 5: Creating HTML Documents
Understanding Tags, Elements & Attributes
Defining the Basic Structure with HTML, HEAD & BODY
Using Paragraph Tag to assign a Title
Setting Fonts for a Web Page
Creating Unordered & Ordered and Definition Lists
Detailing Tags with Attributes
Using Heading Tags
Adding Bold & Italics
Understanding How a Browser Reads HTML
Session 6: Anchors and Hyperlink
Creating Hyperlinks to Outside Webs
Creating Hyperlinks Between Documents
Creating a link for Email Addresses
Creating a link for a Specific Part of a Webpage
Creating a link for a image
Session 7: Creating Layouts
Adding a Side Content Div to Your Layout
Applying Absolute Positioning
Applying Relative Positioning
Using the Float & Clear Properties
Understanding Overflow
Creating Auto-Centering Content
Using Fixed Positioning
Session 8: Introduction to CSS
What is CSS?
Internal Style Sheets, Selectors, Properties & Values
Building & Applying Class Selectors
Creating Comments in Your Code
Understanding Class and ID
Using Div Tags & IDs to Format Layout
Understanding the Cascade & Avoiding Conflicts
Session 9: Creative artwork and CSS
Using images in CSS
Applying texture
Graduated fills
Round corners
Transparency and semi-transparency
Stretchy boxes
Creative typography
Session 10: Building layout with CSS
A centered container
2 column layout
3 column layout
The box model
The Div Tag
Child Divs
Width & Height
Floating & Clearing Content
Using Floats in Layouts
Tips for Creating & Applying Styles
Session 11: CSS based navigation
Mark up structures for navigation
Styling links with pseudo classes
Building a horizontal navigation bar
Building a vertical navigation bar
Transparency and semi-transparency
CSS drop down navigation systems
Session 12: Common CSS problems
Browser support issues
Float clearing issues
Validating your CSS
Common validation errors
Session 13: Some basic CSS properties
Block vs inline elements
Divs and spans
Border properties
Width, height and max, min
The auto property
Inlining Styles
Arranging Layers Using the Z Index
Session 14: Layout principles with CSS
Document flow
Absolute positioning
Relative positioning
Static positioning
Floating elements
Session 15: Formatting Text
Why Text Formatting is Important
Choosing Fonts and Font Size
Browser-Safe Fonts
Applying Styles to Text
Setting Line Height
Letter Spacing (Kerning)
Other Font Properties
Tips for Improving Text Legibility
Session 16: Creating a CSS styled form
Form markup
Associating labels with inputs
Grouping form elements together
Form based selectors
Changing properties of form elements
Formatting text in forms
Formatting inputs
Formatting form areas
Changing the appearance of buttons
Laying out forms
Session 17: Styling a data table
Basic table markup
Adding row and column headers
Simplifying table structure
Styling row and column headings
Adding borders
Formatting text in tables
Laying out and positioning tables
=>Wordpress Training:-
Our course in wordpress has been designed from a beginners perspective to provide a step by step guide from ground up to going live with your wordpress website.is not only covers the conceptual framework of a wordpress based system but also covers the practical aspects of building a modern website or a blog.
Session 1: WordPress Hosting and installation options
CMS Introduction
Setting up Web Hosting
Introduction to PHP
Registering a Domain Name
Downloading and Installing WordPress on your Web Space
Session 2: WordPress Templates
Adding a pre-existing site template to WordPress
Creating and adding your own site template to WordPress
Note - this is an overview of templates - for in-depth coverage we offer an Advanced WordPress Course
Session 3: Configuring WordPress Setup Options
When and How to Upgrade Wordpress
Managing User Roles and Permissions
Managing Spam with Akismet
Session 4: Adding WordPress Plugins
Downloading and Installing plugins
Activating Plugins
Guide to the most useful WordPress plugins
Session 5: Adding Content
Posts vs Pages
Adding Content to Posts & Pages
Using Categories
Using Tags
Managing User Comments
Session 6: Managing Media in WordPress
Uploading Images
Basic and Advanced Image Formatting
Adding Video
Adding Audio
Managing the Media Library
Session 7: Live Wordpress Project
Project Discussion
Requirements analysis of Project
Project code Execution
Project Testing
Learn iphone app development using mac systems,Xcode 4.2,iphone device 4/4S/ipad, ios 5 for high quality incredible results.with us, you can get on your path to success as an app developer and transform from a student into a professional.
Iphone app app development has made online marketing a breeze .with one touch,you can access millions of apps available in the market. The demand for iphones is continually  rising to new heights - thanks to its wonderful features. And these features are amplified by adding apps to the online apple store.
The apple store provides third party services the opportunity to produce innovative application to cater to the testes and inclinations of their customers and get them into a live iphone app in market.
Session 1: Introduction to Mac OS X / iPhone IOS Technology overview
Iphone OS architecture
Cocoa touch layer
Iphone OS developer tool
Iphone OS frameworks
Iphone SDK(installation,tools,use)
Session 2: Introduction to Objective – C 2.0 Programming language / Objective C2.0 Runtime Programming
Foundation framework
Allocating and initializing objects,selectors
Exception handling,threading,remote messaging
Protocols ,categories and extensions
Runtime versions and platforms/interacting with runtime
Dynamic method resolution,Message forwarding,type encodings
Memory management
Session 3: Cocoa Framework fundamentals
About cocoa objects
Design pattern
Communication with objects
Cocoa and application architecture on Mac OS X
Session 4: Iphone development quick start
Overview of native application
Configuring application/running applications
Using iphone simulator/managing devices
Session 5: View and navigation controllers
Adding and implementing the view controller/Nib file
Configuring the view
Table views
Navigation and interface building
Session 6: Advanced Modules
User input
Performance enhancement and debugging
Multi touch functions,touch events
Core Data
Map Integration
Social Network Integration (Facebook, Twitter , Mail)
Session 7: Submitting App to App Store
Creating and Downloading Certificates and Provisioning Profiles
Creating .ipa using certificates and provisioning profiles
Uploading App to AppStore
3>Android training:- The training programme and curriculum has designed in such a smart way that the student could familiar with industrial professionalism since the beginning of the training and till the completion of  the curriculum.
Session 1: Android Smartphone Introduction
Session 2: ADLC(Android Development Lifecycle)
Session 3: Android Setup and Installation
Session 4: Basic Android Application
Session 5: Android Fundamentals
Android Definition
Android Architecture
Internal working of Android Applications on underlying OS
Session 6: Activity
Activity Lifecycle
Tasks and Back Stack
Session 7: Android Application Manifest File
Session 8: Intent Filters
Session 9: User Interface
View Hierarchy
Layout Managers
Text Fields
Radio Buttons
Toggle Buttons
Styles and Themes
Drag and Drop
Custom Components
Session 10: Android Design
Session 11: Handling Configuration
Session 12: Resource Types
Session 13: Android Animation
           View Animation
Tween Animation
Frame animation
Property Animation
Session 14: Persistent data Storage
Shared Preference
Preference Screen
Sqlite Database
Session 15: Managing Long Running Processes
UI Thread
Handlers and Loopers
Causes of ANR issue and its solution
Session 16: Services
Service Lifecycle
Unbound Service
Bound Service
Session 17: Broadcast Receivers
Session 18: Content Providers
Session 19: Web Services
Http Networking
Json Parsing
Xml Parsing
Session 20: Google Maps
Session 21: Android Tools
Session 22: Publishing your App on Google market
4> java training:-We provide best java training in jodhpur, wscube tech  one of the best result oriented java training company in jodhpur ,its  offers best practically, experimental knowledge by 5+ year experience in real time project.we provide basic and advance level of java training with live project with 100%job placement assistance with top industries.
Session 3 : JAVA STRING
Session 8 : JAVA APPLET
Session 9 : JAVA I/O
Session 10 : JAVA SWING
Session 11 : JAVA JDBC and Online XML Data Parsing
Database Management System
Database Manipulations
Sqlite Database integration in Java Project
XML Parsing Online
Session 12 : Java Projects
Crystal App
Age Puzzle
BMI Calculator
KBC Game Tourist App
Meditation App
Contact App
Weather App
Currency Convertor
5>Python training:Wscube tech provides python training  in jodhpur .we train the students from basic level to advanced concepts with a real-time environment.we are the best python training company in jodhpur.
 Session 1 : Introduction
About Python
Installation Process
Python 2 vs Python 3
Basic program run
IDLE User Interface
Other IDLE for Python
Session 2: Types and Operations
Python Object Types
Session 3 : Numeric Type
Numeric Basic Type
Numbers in action
Other Numeric Types
Session 4 : String Fundamentals
String in Action
String Basic
String Methods
String Formatting Expressions
 String Formatting Methods Calls
Session 5 : List and Dictionaries
Session 6 : Tuples, Files, and Everything Else
Session 7 : Introduction Python Statements
Python’s Statements
Session 8 : Assignments, Expression, and Prints
Assignments Statements
Expression Statements
Print Operation
Session 9 : If Tests and Syntax Rules
Python Syntax Revisited
Truth Values and Boolean Tests
The If/else ternary Expression
The if/else Ternary Expression
Session 10 : while and for loops
while Loops
break, continue, pass , and the Loop else
for Loops
Loop Coding Techniques
Session 11 : Function and Generators
Function Basic
Session 12 : Classes and OOP
OOP: The Big Picture
Class Coding Basics
Session 13 : File Handling
Open file in python
Close file in python
Write file in python
Renaming and deleting file in python
Python file object method
Session 14 : Function Basic
Why use Function?
Coding function
A First Example: Definitions and Calls
A Second Example : Intersecting Sequences
Session 15 :Linear List Manipulation
Understand data structures
Learn Searching Techniques in a list
Learn Sorting a list
Understand a stack and a queue
Perform Insertion and Deletion operations on stacks and queues
 6>wordpress training:We will start with wordpress building blocks and installation and follow it with the theory of content management.we will then learn the major building blocks of the wordpress admin panel.the next unit will teach you about posts,pages and forums.and in last we done about themes which makes your site looks professional and give it the design you like.
 Session 1: WordPress Hosting and installation options
CMS Introduction
Setting up Web Hosting
Introduction to PHP
Registering a Domain Name
Downloading and Installing WordPress on your Web Space
Session 2: WordPress Templates
Adding a pre-existing site template to WordPress
Creating and adding your own site template to WordPress
Note - this is an overview of templates - for in-depth coverage we offer an Advanced WordPress Course
Session 3: Configuring WordPress Setup Opt
When and How to Upgrade Wordpress
Managing User Roles and Permissions
Managing Spam with Akismet
Session 4: Adding WordPress Plugins
Downloading and Installing plugins
Activating Plugins
Guide to the most useful WordPress plugins
Session 5: Adding Content
Posts vs Pages
Adding Content to Posts & Pages
Using Categories
Using Tags
Managing User Comments
Session 6: Managing Media in WordPress
Uploading Images
Basic and Advanced Image Formatting
Adding Video
Adding Audio
Managing the Media Library
Session 7: Live Wordpress Project
Project Discussion
Requirements analysis of Project
Project code Execution
Project Testing
   7>laravel training:Wscube tech jodhpur provide popular and most important MVC frameworks ,laravel using laravel training you can create web application with speed and easily.and before start training we done the basic introduction on framework.
Session 1 : Introduction
Overview of laravel
Download and Install laravel
Application Structure of laravel
Session 2 : Laravel Basics
Basic Routing in laravel
Basic Response in laravel
Understanding Views in laravel
Static Website in laravel
Session 3 : Laravel Functions
Defining A Layout
Extending A Layout
Components & Slots
Displaying Data
Session 4: Control Structures
If Statements
The Loop Variable
Session 5: Laravel Advanced Concepts
Intallation Packages
Forms Creating by laravel
Managing Sessions And Using Session Variables
Creating A Session And Registering Session Variables
Destroying A Session
Laravel - Working With Database
Session 6: SQL And Performing Queries
Inserting Records
Editing And Deleting Records
Retrieving Specific Columns
Filtering Records With A WHERE Clause
Sorting Records And Eliminating Duplicates
Limiting Results
Sending Emails
Social Media Login
Session 7: Live Project
   8>industrial automation engineer training :Automation is all about reducing human intervention .sometime it is employed to reduce human drudgery (e.g. crane,domestic,washing machine),sometime for better quality & production (e.g. CNC machine).some products can not be manufactured without automated machine (e.g. toothbrush,plastic,bucket,plastic pipe etc).
To replace a human being ,an automation system also needs to have a brain,hands,legs,muscles,eyes,nose.
Session 1:Introduction to Automaton
What is Automation
Components of Automation
Typical Structure of Automation
History & Need of Industrial Automation
Hardware & Software of Automation
Leading Manufacturers
Areas of Application
Role of Automation Engineer
Career & Scope in Industrial Automation
Session 2: PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
Digital Electronics Basics
What is Control?
How does Information Flow
What is Logic?
Which Logic Control System and Why?
What is PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
History of PLC
Types of PLC
Basic PLC Parts
Optional Interfaces
Architecture of PLC
Application and Advantage of PLCs
Introduction of PLC Networking (RS-232,485,422 & DH 485, Ethernet etc)
Sourcing and Sinking concept
Introduction of Various Field Devices
Wiring Different Field Devices to PLC
Programming Language of a PLC
PLC memory Organization
Data, Memory & Addressing
Data files in PLC Programming
PLC Scan Cycle
Description of a Logic Gates
Communication between PLC & PC
Monitoring Programs & Uploading, Downloading
Introduction of Instructions
Introduction to Ladder Programming
Session 3: Programming Of PLC (Ladder Logics)
How to use Gates, Relay Logic in ladder logic
Addressing of Inputs/Outputs & Memory bit
Math’s Instruction ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV etc.
Logical Gates AND, ANI, OR, ORI, EXOR, NOT etc.
How to Programming using Timer & Counter
SQC, SQO, SQL, etc.
Session 4:Advance Instruction in PLC
Jump and label instruction.
SBR and JSR instruction.
What is Forcing of I/O
Monitoring & Modifying Data table values
Programming on real time applications
How to troubleshoot & Fault detection in PLC
Interfacing many type sensors with PLC
Interfacing with RLC for switching
PLC & Excel communication
Session 5: SCADA
Introduction to SCADA Software
How to Create  new SCADA Project
Industrial SCADA Designing
What is Tag & how to use
Dynamic Process Mimic
Real Time & Historical Trend
Various type of related properties
Summary & Historical Alarms
How to create Alarms & Event
Security and Recipe Management
How to use properties like Sizing, Blinking, Filling, Analog Entry, Movement of Objects, Visibility etc.
What is DDE Communication
Scripts like Window, Key, Condition & Application
Developing Various SCADA Applications
SCADA – Excel Communication
PLC – SCADA Communication
Session 6:Electrical and Panel Design
Concept of earthling, grounding & neutral
Study and use of Digital Multimeter
Concept of voltmeter & Ammeter connection
Definition of panel
Different Types of panel
Relay & contactor wiring
SMPS(Switch mode power supply)
Different type protection for panel
Application MCB/MCCB
Different Instruments used in panel (Pushbuttons, indicators, hooters etc)
Different type of symbols using in panel
Maintains & Troubleshooting of panel
Study of live distribution panel
Session 7: Industrial Instrumentation
Definition of Instrumentation.
Different Types of instruments
What is Sensors & Types
What is Transducers & Types
Transmitter & Receivers circuits
Analog I/O & Digital I/O
Different type sensors wiring with PLC
Industrial Application of Instrumentation
Flow Sensors & meters
Different type of Valves wiring
Proximate / IR Sensors
Inductive /Metal detector
Session 8: Study of Project Documentation
Review of Piping & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
Preparation of I/O list
Preparation of Bill Of Material (BOM)
Design the Functional Design Specification (FDS)
Preparing Operational Manuals (O & M)
Preparing SAT form
Preparing Panel Layout, Panel wiring and Module wiring in AutoCAD.
 9> digital marketing training: The digital marketing  training  course designed to  help you master the  essential disciplines in digital marketing  ,including search engine optimization,social media,pay-per-click,conversion optimization,web analytics,content marketing,email and mobile marketing.
Session 1: Introduction To Digital Marketing
What Is Marketing?
How We Do Marketing?
What Is Digital Marketing?
Benefits Of Digital Marketing
Comparing Digital And Traditional Marketing
Defining Marketing Goals
Session 2: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Introduction To Search Engine
What Is SEO?
Keyword Analysis
On-Page Optimization
Off-Page Optimization
Search Engine Algorithms
SEO Reporting
Session 3: Search Engine Marketing (SEM
Introduction To Paid Ad
Display Advertising
Google Shopping Ads
Remarketing In AdWords
Session 4: Social Media Optimization (SMO)
Role Of Social Media In Digital Marketing
Which Social Media Platform To Use?
Social Media Platforms – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube And Google+
Audit Tools Of Social Media
Use Of Social Media Management Tools
Session 5: Social Media Marketing (SMM)
What Are Social Media Ads?
Difference Between Social Media And Search Engine Ads.
Displaying Ads- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram & YouTube
Effective Ads To Lead Generation
Session 6: Web Analytics
What Is Analysis?
Pre-Analysis Report
Content Analysis
Site Audit Tools
Site Analysis Tools
Social Media Analysis Tool
Session 7: Email Marketing
What Is Email Marketing
Why EMail Marketing Is Necessary?G
How Email Works?
Popular Email Marketing Software
Email Marketing Goals
Best Ways To Target Audience And Generate Leads
Introduction To Mail Chimp
Email Marketing Strategy
Improving ROI With A/B Testing
Session 8: Online Reputation Management (ORM)
What Is ORM?
Why ORM Is Important?
Understanding ORM Scenario
Different Ways To Create Positive Brand Image Online
Understanding Tools For Monitoring Online Reputation
Step By Step Guide To Overcome Negative Online Reputation
Session 9: Lead Generation
What Is Lead Generation
Lead Generations Steps
Best Way To Generate Lead
How To Generate Leads From – LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Direct Mail, Blogs, Videos, Infographics, Webinar, Strong Branding, Media
Tips To Convert Leads To Business
Measure And Optimize
Session 10: Lead Generation
What Is Affiliate Marketing
How Affiliate Marketing Works
How To Find Affiliate Niche
Different Ways To Do Affiliate Marketing
Top Affiliate Marketing Networks
Methods To Generate And Convert Leads
Session 11: Content Marketing
What Is Content Marketing?
Introduction To Content Marketing
Objective Of Content Marketing
Content Marketing Strategy
How To Write Great Compelling Content
Keyword Research For Content Ideas
Unique Ways To Write Magnetic Headlines
Tools To Help Content Creation
How To Market The Same Content On Different Platforms
Session 12: Mobile App Optimization
App store optimization (App name, App description, logo, screenshots)
Searched position of app
Reviews and downloads
Organic promotions of app
Paid Promotion
Session 13: Google AdSense
What is Google AdSense
How it Work?
AdSense Guidelines
AdSense setup
AdSense insights
Website ideas for online earning
10> robotics training:The lectures will guide you to write your very own software for robotics and test it on a free state of the art cross-platform robot simulator.the first few course cover the very core topics that will be beneficial for building your foundational skills before moving onto more advanced topics.End the journey on a high note with the final project and loss of confidence in skills you earned throughout the journey.
Session 1: Robotics Introduction
Robotics Terminology
Laws of Robotics
Why is Robotics needed
Robot control loop
Robotics Technology
Types of Robots
Advantage & Disadvantage
ples of Robot
Session 2: Basic Electronics for Robotics
Ohm’s Law
Bread board
DC Motor
DPDT switch
Rainbow Wire & Power Switch
Integrated Circuit
IC holder & Static Precaution
555 Timer & LM 385
LM 7805 & Soldering kit
Soldering kit Description
Soldering Tips
Soldering Steps
Session 3: Electronic Projects
a. Manual Robotic Car
Basic LED glow Circuit
LED glow using push button
Fading an LED using potentiometer
Darkness activation system using LDR
Light Activation system using LDR
Transistor as a NOT gate
Transistor as a touch switch
LED blinking using 555 timer
Designing IR sensor on Breadboard
Designing Motor Driver on Breadboard
Designing IR sensor on Zero PCB
Designing Motor Driver on Zero PCB
Line Follower Robot
Session 4: Sensors
Introduction to sensors
Infrared & PIR Senso
Ultrasonic & Motion Sensors
Session 5: Arduino
a. What is Arduino
Different Arduino Boards
Arduino Shield
Introduction to Roboduino
Giving Power to your board
Arduino Software
Installing FTDI Drivers
Board & Port Selection
Port Identification – Windows
Your First Program
Steps to Remember
Session 6: Getting Practical
Robot Assembly
Connecting Wires & Motor cable
Battery Jack & USB cable
DC motor & Battery arrangement
Session 7: Programming
Basic Structure of program
Syntax for programming
Declaring Input & Output
Digital Read & Write
Sending High & Low Signals
Introducing Time Delay
Session 8: Arduino Projects
Introduction to basic shield
Multiple LED blinking
LED blinking using push button
Motor Control Using Push Button
Motor Control Using IR Sensor
Line Follower Robot
LED control using cell phone
Cell Phone Controlled Robot
Display text on LCD Display
Seven Segment Display
Session 8: Arduino Projects
Introduction to basic shield
Multiple LED blinking
LED blinking using push button
Motor Control Using Push Button
Motor Control Using IR Sensor
Line Follower Robot
LED control using cell phone
Cell Phone Controlled Robot
Display text on LCD Display
Seven Segment Display
11>SEO Training:SEO Search Engine Optimization helps search engines like google to find your site rank it better that million other sites uploaded on the web in answer to a query.with several permutation and combination related to the crawlers analyzing your site and ever changing terms and conditions of search engine in ranking a site,this program teaches you the tool and techniques to direct & increase the traffic of your website from search engines.
Session 1: Search engine Basics
Search Engines
Search Engines V/s Directories
Major Search Engines and Directories
How Search Engine Works
What is Search Engine Optimization
Page rank
Website Architecture
Website Designing Basics
Session 2: Keyword Research and Analysis
Keyword Research
Competitor analysis
Finding appropriate Keywords
Target Segmentation
Session 3: On Page Optimization
Anchor Texts
Header / Footer
Creating Robots File
Creating Sitemaps
Content Optimization
URL Renaming
HTML and CSS Validation
Canonical error Implementation
Keyword Density
Google Webmaster Tools
Google analytics and Tracking
Search Engine Submission
White Hat SEO
Black Hat SEO
Grey Hat SEO
Session 4: Off Page Optimization
Video Submissions
Press Releases
Link Building
DMOZ Listing
Google Maps
Guest Postings
Session 5: Latest Seo Techniques & Tools
Uploading and website management
Seo Tools
Social media and Link Building
Panda Update
Penguin Update
EMD Update
Seo after panda , Penguin and EMD Update
Contact detail :-
a> WsCube Tech
First Floor, Laxmi Tower, Bhaskar Circle, Ratanada
Jodhpur - Rajasthan - India (342001)
b>Branch Office
303, WZ-10, Bal Udhyan Road,
Uttam Nagar, New-Delhi-59
c>Contact Details
Mobile : +91-92696-98122 , 85610-89567
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duskflavors · 5 years
What I actually used 3rd year
I don’t have any grand revelations of 3rd year, at least not any that haven’t probably been voiced somewhere else more coherently.
I do however have a list of things I bought vs things I actually used
Things I bought and used
Maxwell quick medical reference – this is the only pocketbook that I still carry with me. Its very small and to the point but mostly I use it for the quick ruler on the back of the book. Too many times have I had to eyeball a lesion and guess the mm/cm and been incorrect – so now I just whip this out and check if I’m correct before reporting to my attending.
Whitecoat Clipboard – entirely worth it. Honestly any folding clipboard will work if it can fit in your pockets or be carried around easily. Once I got used to the reference ranges, I stopped using the info on the back of the clipboard. Much of my rotations we weren’t allowed to make changes to the EMR but still had to make mock SOAP notes or the like. I used my clipboard for SOAP notes and morning rounds primarily.
Compression Socks – I got these specially during my surgery rotation but use them daily now for all my rotations (fresh ones, I’m not gross).  You will probably be standing in place for 6+ hours of your day. I noticed an actual difference in my pain level when I did or did not wear them. I wish I had known about these in my retail years.
Comfortable shoes – this one is said over and over again but seriously, don’t skimp on this. I got two types of pricey shoes, one for surgery and one for the wards/clinic. Surgery I actually got some lightly used Dansco shoes from ThredUp – they were probably worn once or bought and didn’t fit and couldn’t return.  For clinic I got a very comfortable and classic looking leather shoe. It was pricey but I knew I could only afford one pair and wanted them to last. I wear these shoes nearly every day and they are worth everything I paid for them.
Sticky notes – seriously!! I would use them as notes to myself, notes on patients, notes for patients – everything! I keep some in my white coat now as a must have.
Extra pens – some you like and some you will probably have stolen. Pens are gold. Your attending will need a pen eventually and might forget to give it back. I never had this done out of malice, but I did lose a few pens along the way. I started keeping pens I liked for myself and some generic gel pens that I would use but wouldn’t be heart broken if I lost either (something like Zebra gel pens). I’m also one of those weirdos that imports pens from Japan so I really had to have some dummy pens I was willing to lose so I wouldn’t go mad.
Field Notes Memo book – I have to write things down for myself to remember it well. I used these as little notebooks for my future self. Most of it full of things I never read in a book but learned on the wards. Or really good tips I learned that I didn’t want to forget. I especially use it for things I have trouble remembering but now can quickly pull out of my coat and double check. My current one has several pages on chemo drugs that were not covered on step 1 but I saw all the time during my heme/onc rotation.  There are 3 to a pack, they are really hardy, and they fit in the breast pocket of a white coat.
A stylus – seriously, I know it sounds gimmicky and you might hate the idea of looking like a nerd using your smart phone like a PDA but have a couple of cheap styluses around with you. This is the only way I found that I could look at my phone to study or check references and not have someone assume that I was farting around on social media. Its either use a stylus or hold your phone 3 feet away from you like you are 65+ and trying to read the news.
Bought and did not use
The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Internal Medicine - I’m still not sold on this being worth it. I used it some on my Internal Medicine rotation but not as a pocket guide – more as a ‘in the study room’ or ‘between rounds’ guide. It had its uses and there are neat things in it, but if you depend on the book you won’t retain anything. I found it better to leave it at home eventually and just wrote down algorithms I needed in my pocket notebook. It’s also kind of big, it’ll weigh down your coat a lot and end up hurting your shoulders if you load your coat with too much stuff.
Reflex hammer: unless you are doing neurology, you will probably just use your stethoscope on wards or clinic typically has one
Otoscope/ophthalmoscope: literally the biggest waste of money. Every clinic will have one already and you will never be using your personal kit on the wards. I’m keeping mine cause I had to buy mine already and figured ill probably use it on a kid eventually at home.
Phone Apps/Accessories worth getting
Anki – fast studying for when you don’t have time for qbanks
Epocrates Rx – quick way to look up drugs and prices
Up-to-date: literally use this one daily. I hate it for a lot of things, but it can be a fast resource. Its not infallible though, like most of medicine depending on only one resource has its downfalls.
U-world - #1 resource for shelfs/comats/boards
MDCalc – available on android at least, not sure about apple. Easy way to check on different scores which I was pimped a lot on during IM. Stuff like Ranson’s criteria, TIMI risk index, SIRS criteria etc.
Pop-socket or some equivalent. Thing saved my phone so many times.
Did not buy despite being recommended and still survived
Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia
The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy
bonus: an extra white coat. I washed mine constantly and it being the “free” coat from the school- it was not the best quality. It was unisex making it unflattering, sleeves too long, and despite it fitting big everywhere else- I couldn’t button the damn thing without wanting to do a reenactment from Tommy Boy ( ♪ fat man in a little coat ♫ ) . I just recently caved and bought a Figs lab coat and I love it to death. I feel more confident in it since it looks more flattering and feels more comfortable. It doesn’t pull on my shoulders when I have my pockets loaded either which means I get way fewer tension headaches at the end of the day. The only downside (aside from price) is that it doesn’t have any inner pockets or pockets large enough for an ipad mini - but still worth it. I didn’t want to go on Audition rotations and feel like a goblin child in my school white coat and I’m glad I have this one I can wear instead.
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jiuwangmifeng · 3 years
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0 notes
wickedbananas · 6 years
An 8-Point Checklist for Debugging Strange Technical SEO Problems
Posted by Dom-Woodman
Occasionally, a problem will land on your desk that's a little out of the ordinary. Something where you don't have an easy answer. You go to your brain and your brain returns nothing.
These problems can’t be solved with a little bit of keyword research and basic technical configuration. These are the types of technical SEO problems where the rabbit hole goes deep.
The very nature of these situations defies a checklist, but it's useful to have one for the same reason we have them on planes: even the best of us can and will forget things, and a checklist will provvide you with places to dig.
Fancy some examples of strange SEO problems? Here are four examples to mull over while you read. We’ll answer them at the end.
1. Why wasn’t Google showing 5-star markup on product pages?
The pages had server-rendered product markup and they also had Feefo product markup, including ratings being attached client-side.
The Feefo ratings snippet was successfully rendered in Fetch & Render, plus the mobile-friendly tool.
When you put the rendered DOM into the structured data testing tool, both pieces of structured data appeared without errors.
2. Why wouldn’t Bing display 5-star markup on review pages, when Google would?
The review pages of client & competitors all had rating rich snippets on Google.
All the competitors had rating rich snippets on Bing; however, the client did not.
The review pages had correctly validating ratings schema on Google’s structured data testing tool, but did not on Bing.
3. Why were pages getting indexed with a no-index tag?
Pages with a server-side-rendered no-index tag in the head were being indexed by Google across a large template for a client.
4. Why did any page on a website return a 302 about 20–50% of the time, but only for crawlers?
A website was randomly throwing 302 errors.
This never happened in the browser and only in crawlers.
User agent made no difference; location or cookies also made no difference.
Finally, a quick note. It’s entirely possible that some of this checklist won’t apply to every scenario. That’s totally fine. It’s meant to be a process for everything you could check, not everything you should check.
The pre-checklist check
Does it actually matter?
Does this problem only affect a tiny amount of traffic? Is it only on a handful of pages and you already have a big list of other actions that will help the website? You probably need to just drop it.
I know, I hate it too. I also want to be right and dig these things out. But in six months' time, when you've solved twenty complex SEO rabbit holes and your website has stayed flat because you didn't re-write the title tags, you're still going to get fired.
But hopefully that's not the case, in which case, onwards!
Where are you seeing the problem?
We don’t want to waste a lot of time. Have you heard this wonderful saying?: “If you hear hooves, it’s probably not a zebra.”
The process we’re about to go through is fairly involved and it’s entirely up to your discretion if you want to go ahead. Just make sure you’re not overlooking something obvious that would solve your problem. Here are some common problems I’ve come across that were mostly horses.
You’re underperforming from where you should be.
When a site is under-performing, people love looking for excuses. Weird Google nonsense can be quite a handy thing to blame. In reality, it’s typically some combination of a poor site, higher competition, and a failing brand. Horse.
You’ve suffered a sudden traffic drop.
Something has certainly happened, but this is probably not the checklist for you. There are plenty of common-sense checklists for this. I’ve written about diagnosing traffic drops recently — check that out first.
The wrong page is ranking for the wrong query.
In my experience (which should probably preface this entire post), this is usually a basic problem where a site has poor targeting or a lot of cannibalization. Probably a horse.
Factors which make it more likely that you’ve got a more complex problem which require you to don your debugging shoes:
A website that has a lot of client-side JavaScript.
Bigger, older websites with more legacy.
Your problem is related to a new Google property or feature where there is less community knowledge.
1. Start by picking some example pages.
Pick a couple of example pages to work with — ones that exhibit whatever problem you're seeing. No, this won't be representative, but we'll come back to that in a bit.
Of course, if it only affects a tiny number of pages then it might actually be representative, in which case we're good. It definitely matters, right? You didn't just skip the step above? OK, cool, let's move on.
2. Can Google crawl the page once?
First we’re checking whether Googlebot has access to the page, which we’ll define as a 200 status code.
We’ll check in four different ways to expose any common issues:
Robots.txt: Open up Search Console and check in the robots.txt validator.
User agent: Open Dev Tools and verify that you can open the URL with both Googlebot and Googlebot Mobile.
To get the user agent switcher, open Dev Tools.
Check the console drawer is open (the toggle is the Escape key)
Hit the … and open "Network conditions"
Here, select your user agent!
IP Address: Verify that you can access the page with the mobile testing tool. (This will come from one of the IPs used by Google; any checks you do from your computer won't.)
Country: The mobile testing tool will visit from US IPs, from what I've seen, so we get two birds with one stone. But Googlebot will occasionally crawl from non-American IPs, so it’s also worth using a VPN to double-check whether you can access the site from any other relevant countries.
I’ve used HideMyAss for this before, but whatever VPN you have will work fine.
We should now have an idea whether or not Googlebot is struggling to fetch the page once.
Have we found any problems yet?
If we can re-create a failed crawl with a simple check above, then it’s likely Googlebot is probably failing consistently to fetch our page and it’s typically one of those basic reasons.
But it might not be. Many problems are inconsistent because of the nature of technology. ;)
3. Are we telling Google two different things?
Next up: Google can find the page, but are we confusing it by telling it two different things?
This is most commonly seen, in my experience, because someone has messed up the indexing directives.
By "indexing directives," I’m referring to any tag that defines the correct index status or page in the index which should rank. Here’s a non-exhaustive list:
Mobile alternate tags
AMP alternate tags
An example of providing mixed messages would be:
No-indexing page A
Page B canonicals to page A
Page A has a canonical in a header to A with a parameter
Page A has a canonical in the body to A without a parameter
If we’re providing mixed messages, then it’s not clear how Google will respond. It’s a great way to start seeing strange results.
Good places to check for the indexing directives listed above are:
Example: Mobile alternate tags can sit in a sitemap
HTTP headers
Example: Canonical and meta robots can be set in headers.
HTML head
This is where you’re probably looking, you’ll need this one for a comparison.
JavaScript-rendered vs hard-coded directives
You might be setting one thing in the page source and then rendering another with JavaScript, i.e. you would see something different in the HTML source from the rendered DOM.
Google Search Console settings
There are Search Console settings for ignoring parameters and country localization that can clash with indexing tags on the page.
A quick aside on rendered DOM
This page has a lot of mentions of the rendered DOM on it (18, if you’re curious). Since we’ve just had our first, here’s a quick recap about what that is.
When you load a webpage, the first request is the HTML. This is what you see in the HTML source (right-click on a webpage and click View Source).
This is before JavaScript has done anything to the page. This didn’t use to be such a big deal, but now so many websites rely heavily on JavaScript that the most people quite reasonably won’t trust the the initial HTML.
Rendered DOM is the technical term for a page, when all the JavaScript has been rendered and all the page alterations made. You can see this in Dev Tools.
In Chrome you can get that by right clicking and hitting inspect element (or Ctrl + Shift + I). The Elements tab will show the DOM as it’s being rendered. When it stops flickering and changing, then you’ve got the rendered DOM!
4. Can Google crawl the page consistently?
To see what Google is seeing, we're going to need to get log files. At this point, we can check to see how it is accessing the page.
Aside: Working with logs is an entire post in and of itself. I’ve written a guide to log analysis with BigQuery, I’d also really recommend trying out Screaming Frog Log Analyzer, which has done a great job of handling a lot of the complexity around logs.
When we’re looking at crawling there are three useful checks we can do:
Status codes: Plot the status codes over time. Is Google seeing different status codes than you when you check URLs?
Resources: Is Google downloading all the resources of the page?
Is it downloading all your site-specific JavaScript and CSS files that it would need to generate the page?
Page size follow-up: Take the max and min of all your pages and resources and diff them. If you see a difference, then Google might be failing to fully download all the resources or pages. (Hat tip to @ohgm, where I first heard this neat tip).
Have we found any problems yet?
If Google isn't getting 200s consistently in our log files, but we can access the page fine when we try, then there is clearly still some differences between Googlebot and ourselves. What might those differences be?
It will crawl more than us
It is obviously a bot, rather than a human pretending to be a bot
It will crawl at different times of day
This means that:
If our website is doing clever bot blocking, it might be able to differentiate between us and Googlebot.
Because Googlebot will put more stress on our web servers, it might behave differently. When websites have a lot of bots or visitors visiting at once, they might take certain actions to help keep the website online. They might turn on more computers to power the website (this is called scaling), they might also attempt to rate-limit users who are requesting lots of pages, or serve reduced versions of pages.
Servers run tasks periodically; for example, a listings website might run a daily task at 01:00 to clean up all it’s old listings, which might affect server performance.
Working out what’s happening with these periodic effects is going to be fiddly; you’re probably going to need to talk to a back-end developer.
Depending on your skill level, you might not know exactly where to lead the discussion. A useful structure for a discussion is often to talk about how a request passes through your technology stack and then look at the edge cases we discussed above.
What happens to the servers under heavy load?
When do important scheduled tasks happen?
Two useful pieces of information to enter this conversation with:
Depending on the regularity of the problem in the logs, it is often worth trying to re-create the problem by attempting to crawl the website with a crawler at the same speed/intensity that Google is using to see if you can find/cause the same issues. This won’t always be possible depending on the size of the site, but for some sites it will be. Being able to consistently re-create a problem is the best way to get it solved.
If you can’t, however, then try to provide the exact periods of time where Googlebot was seeing the problems. This will give the developer the best chance of tying the issue to other logs to let them debug what was happening.
If Google can crawl the page consistently, then we move onto our next step.
5. Does Google see what I can see on a one-off basis?
We know Google is crawling the page correctly. The next step is to try and work out what Google is seeing on the page. If you’ve got a JavaScript-heavy website you’ve probably banged your head against this problem before, but even if you don’t this can still sometimes be an issue.
We follow the same pattern as before. First, we try to re-create it once. The following tools will let us do that:
Fetch & Render
Shows: Rendered DOM in an image, but only returns the page source HTML for you to read.
Mobile-friendly test
Shows: Rendered DOM and returns rendered DOM for you to read.
Not only does this show you rendered DOM, but it will also track any console errors.
Is there a difference between Fetch & Render, the mobile-friendly testing tool, and Googlebot? Not really, with the exception of timeouts (which is why we have our later steps!). Here’s the full analysis of the difference between them, if you’re interested.
Once we have the output from these, we compare them to what we ordinarily see in our browser. I’d recommend using a tool like Diff Checker to compare the two.
Have we found any problems yet?
If we encounter meaningful differences at this point, then in my experience it’s typically either from JavaScript or cookies
Googlebot crawls with cookies cleared between page requests
Googlebot renders with Chrome 41, which doesn’t support all modern JavaScript.
We can isolate each of these by:
Loading the page with no cookies. This can be done simply by loading the page with a fresh incognito session and comparing the rendered DOM here against the rendered DOM in our ordinary browser.
Use the mobile testing tool to see the page with Chrome 41 and compare against the rendered DOM we normally see with Inspect Element.
Yet again we can compare them using something like Diff Checker, which will allow us to spot any differences. You might want to use an HTML formatter to help line them up better.
We can also see the JavaScript errors thrown using the Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool, which may prove particularly useful if you’re confident in your JavaScript.
If, using this knowledge and these tools, we can recreate the bug, then we have something that can be replicated and it’s easier for us to hand off to a developer as a bug that will get fixed.
If we’re seeing everything is correct here, we move on to the next step.
6. What is Google actually seeing?
It’s possible that what Google is seeing is different from what we recreate using the tools in the previous step. Why? A couple main reasons:
Overloaded servers can have all sorts of strange behaviors. For example, they might be returning 200 codes, but perhaps with a default page.
JavaScript is rendered separately from pages being crawled and Googlebot may spend less time rendering JavaScript than a testing tool.
There is often a lot of caching in the creation of web pages and this can cause issues.
We’ve gotten this far without talking about time! Pages don’t get crawled instantly, and crawled pages don’t get indexed instantly.
Quick sidebar: What is caching?
Caching is often a problem if you get to this stage. Unlike JS, it’s not talked about as much in our community, so it’s worth some more explanation in case you’re not familiar. Caching is storing something so it’s available more quickly next time.
When you request a webpage, a lot of calculations happen to generate that page. If you then refreshed the page when it was done, it would be incredibly wasteful to just re-run all those same calculations. Instead, servers will often save the output and serve you the output without re-running them. Saving the output is called caching.
Why do we need to know this? Well, we’re already well out into the weeds at this point and so it’s possible that a cache is misconfigured and the wrong information is being returned to users.
There aren’t many good beginner resources on caching which go into more depth. However, I found this article on caching basics to be one of the more friendly ones. It covers some of the basic types of caching quite well.
How can we see what Google is actually working with?
Google’s cache
Shows: Source code
While this won’t show you the rendered DOM, it is showing you the raw HTML Googlebot actually saw when visiting the page. You’ll need to check this with JS disabled; otherwise, on opening it, your browser will run all the JS on the cached version.
Site searches for specific content
Shows: A tiny snippet of rendered content.
By searching for a specific phrase on a page, e.g. inurl:example.com/url “only JS rendered text”, you can see if Google has manage to index a specific snippet of content. Of course, it only works for visible text and misses a lot of the content, but it's better than nothing!
Better yet, do the same thing with a rank tracker, to see if it changes over time.
Storing the actual rendered DOM
Shows: Rendered DOM
Alex from DeepCrawl has written about saving the rendered DOM from Googlebot. The TL;DR version: Google will render JS and post to endpoints, so we can get it to submit the JS-rendered version of a page that it sees. We can then save that, examine it, and see what went wrong.
Have we found any problems yet?
Again, once we’ve found the problem, it’s time to go and talk to a developer. The advice for this conversation is identical to the last one — everything I said there still applies.
The other knowledge you should go into this conversation armed with: how Google works and where it can struggle. While your developer will know the technical ins and outs of your website and how it’s built, they might not know much about how Google works. Together, this can help you reach the answer more quickly.
The obvious source for this are resources or presentations given by Google themselves. Of the various resources that have come out, I’ve found these two to be some of the more useful ones for giving insight into first principles:
This excellent talk, How does Google work - Paul Haahr, is a must-listen.
At their recent IO conference, John Mueller & Tom Greenway gave a useful presentation on how Google renders JavaScript.
But there is often a difference between statements Google will make and what the SEO community sees in practice. All the SEO experiments people tirelessly perform in our industry can also help shed some insight. There are far too many list here, but here are two good examples:
Google does respect JS canonicals - For example, Eoghan Henn does some nice digging here, which shows Google respecting JS canonicals.
How does Google index different JS frameworks? - Another great example of a widely read experiment by Bartosz Góralewicz last year to investigate how Google treated different frameworks.
7. Could Google be aggregating your website across others?
If we’ve reached this point, we’re pretty happy that our website is running smoothly. But not all problems can be solved just on your website; sometimes you’ve got to look to the wider landscape and the SERPs around it.
Most commonly, what I’m looking for here is:
Similar/duplicate content to the pages that have the problem.
This could be intentional duplicate content (e.g. syndicating content) or unintentional (competitors' scraping or accidentally indexed sites).
Either way, they’re nearly always found by doing exact searches in Google. I.e. taking a relatively specific piece of content from your page and searching for it in quotes.
Have you found any problems yet?
If you find a number of other exact copies, then it’s possible they might be causing issues.
The best description I’ve come up with for “have you found a problem here?” is: do you think Google is aggregating together similar pages and only showing one? And if it is, is it picking the wrong page?
This doesn’t just have to be on traditional Google search. You might find a version of it on Google Jobs, Google News, etc.
To give an example, if you are a reseller, you might find content isn’t ranking because there's another, more authoritative reseller who consistently posts the same listings first.
Sometimes you’ll see this consistently and straightaway, while other times the aggregation might be changing over time. In that case, you’ll need a rank tracker for whatever Google property you’re working on to see it.
Jon Earnshaw from Pi Datametrics gave an excellent talk on the latter (around suspicious SERP flux) which is well worth watching.
Once you’ve found the problem, you’ll probably need to experiment to find out how to get around it, but the easiest factors to play with are usually:
De-duplication of content
Speed of discovery (you can often improve by putting up a 24-hour RSS feed of all the new content that appears)
Lowering syndication
8. A roundup of some other likely suspects
If you’ve gotten this far, then we’re sure that:
Google can consistently crawl our pages as intended.
We’re sending Google consistent signals about the status of our page.
Google is consistently rendering our pages as we expect.
Google is picking the correct page out of any duplicates that might exist on the web.
And your problem still isn’t solved?
And it is important?
Well, shoot.
Feel free to hire us…?
As much as I’d love for this article to list every SEO problem ever, that’s not really practical, so to finish off this article let’s go through two more common gotchas and principles that didn’t really fit in elsewhere before the answers to those four problems we listed at the beginning.
Invalid/poorly constructed HTML
You and Googlebot might be seeing the same HTML, but it might be invalid or wrong. Googlebot (and any crawler, for that matter) has to provide workarounds when the HTML specification isn't followed, and those can sometimes cause strange behavior.
The easiest way to spot it is either by eye-balling the rendered DOM tools or using an HTML validator.
The W3C validator is very useful, but will throw up a lot of errors/warnings you won’t care about. The closest I can give to a one-line of summary of which ones are useful is to:
Look for errors
Ignore anything to do with attributes (won’t always apply, but is often true).
The classic example of this is breaking the head.
An iframe isn't allowed in the head code, so Chrome will end the head and start the body. Unfortunately, it takes the title and canonical with it, because they fall after it — so Google can't read them. The head code should have ended in a different place.
Oliver Mason wrote a good post that explains an even more subtle version of this in breaking the head quietly.
When in doubt, diff
Never underestimate the power of trying to compare two things line by line with a diff from something like Diff Checker. It won’t apply to everything, but when it does it’s powerful.
For example, if Google has suddenly stopped showing your featured markup, try to diff your page against a historical version either in your QA environment or from the Wayback Machine.
Answers to our original 4 questions
Time to answer those questions. These are all problems we’ve had clients bring to us at Distilled.
1. Why wasn’t Google showing 5-star markup on product pages?
Google was seeing both the server-rendered markup and the client-side-rendered markup; however, the server-rendered side was taking precedence.
Removing the server-rendered markup meant the 5-star markup began appearing.
2. Why wouldn’t Bing display 5-star markup on review pages, when Google would?
The problem came from the references to schema.org.
<div itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Movie"> </div> <p> <h1 itemprop="name">Avatar</h1> </p> <p> <span>Director: <span itemprop="director">James Cameron</span> (born August 16, 1954)</span> </p> <p> <span itemprop="genre">Science fiction</span> </p> <p> <a href="../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html" itemprop="trailer">Trailer</a> </p> <p></div> </p>
We diffed our markup against our competitors and the only difference was we’d referenced the HTTPS version of schema.org in our itemtype, which caused Bing to not support it.
C’mon, Bing.
3. Why were pages getting indexed with a no-index tag?
The answer for this was in this post. This was a case of breaking the head.
The developers had installed some ad-tech in the head and inserted an non-standard tag, i.e. not:
This caused the head to end prematurely and the no-index tag was left in the body where it wasn’t read.
4. Why did any page on a website return a 302 about 20–50% of the time, but only for crawlers?
This took some time to figure out. The client had an old legacy website that has two servers, one for the blog and one for the rest of the site. This issue started occurring shortly after a migration of the blog from a subdomain (blog.client.com) to a subdirectory (client.com/blog/…).
At surface level everything was fine; if a user requested any individual page, it all looked good. A crawl of all the blog URLs to check they’d redirected was fine.
But we noticed a sharp increase of errors being flagged in Search Console, and during a routine site-wide crawl, many pages that were fine when checked manually were causing redirect loops.
We checked using Fetch and Render, but once again, the pages were fine. Eventually, it turned out that when a non-blog page was requested very quickly after a blog page (which, realistically, only a crawler is fast enough to achieve), the request for the non-blog page would be sent to the blog server.
These would then be caught by a long-forgotten redirect rule, which 302-redirected deleted blog posts (or other duff URLs) to the root. This, in turn, was caught by a blanket HTTP to HTTPS 301 redirect rule, which would be requested from the blog server again, perpetuating the loop.
For example, requesting https://www.client.com/blog/ followed quickly enough by https://www.client.com/category/ would result in:
302 to http://www.client.com - This was the rule that redirected deleted blog posts to the root
301 to https://www.client.com - This was the blanket HTTPS redirect
302 to http://www.client.com - The blog server doesn’t know about the HTTPS non-blog homepage and it redirects back to the HTTP version. Rinse and repeat.
This caused the periodic 302 errors and it meant we could work with their devs to fix the problem.
What are the best brainteasers you've had?
Let’s hear them, people. What problems have you run into? Let us know in the comments.
Also credit to @RobinLord8, @TomAnthonySEO, @THCapper, @samnemzer, and @sergeystefoglo_ for help with this piece.
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troology · 4 years
What is Canonical Tag in SEO | A Simple Tips for Beginners
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A canonical tag is a signal in a web page that prevents duplicate content issues. HTML code is added into the header of a page and helps prevent duplicate content issues by telling Google and other search engines’ BOT the preferred version of a page.
What are Canonical Issues in SEO?
Canonical issues occur when a site is having more than 1 page that has similar content. For an instance, a site load homepage for all of the following URLs:
The exact same page displays for each of those URLs, but because each has a different URL, Google shall understand that these are 4 different pages. This creates a duplicate content problem, which is the actual concept of canonical issue for SEO.
There are few Common Causes of Canonical Issues?
HTTPS vs. HTTP: If the site is secured by an SSL certificate, then it’s possible that it loads when typing in both the HTTPS and HTTP versions of the URL. It means that this will create duplicate of every single page of our website for which it is required to define canonical code in the backend.
WWW vs. non-WWW: If we have not mentioned the correct version of the page, then our website will not load without www.
How to solve Canonical Issues?
There are 2 ways to fix canonical issues on our website:
The first one is by implementing 301 redirects, and the second one is by adding canonical tags to your site’s pages to tell Google crawlers which of several similar pages is preferred.
1-Implement 301 Redirects for Duplicate Pages
HTTP/HTTPS and WWW/non-WWW canonical issues can be fixed by implementing a 301 redirect to the correct version of our page.
2- Add Canonical Tags in Site’s Pages
As it has been mentioned earlier that Google decides which of your websites’ duplicate pages should be the canonical page, we can specify which page we would like to be considered as canonical by adding a rel=canonical tag to a head section of our website.
<link rel="canonical" href="https://troology.com">
It is important to know that why is rel=canonical good for SEO?
Simple. Duplicate content that confuses search engines. When search engines like Google look at multiple pages with the same content then they:
•             Don’t know what to index
•             Don’t know which pages to rank
A rel=canonical tag clarifies this, and helps search engine crawlers to understand the content, prevents them from ignoring the page, & improves the ranking of the page in Google SERP.
When Do We Syndicate Our Blog Content?
One of the best marketing strategies might include syndicating our existing content on third-party websites. Blog syndication helps brand to expand their brand awareness & gets organic traffic for their site. That is why syndicated content means words are now being spread all across the internet on multiple third-party sites. Without canonical URLs, the search crawlers might not know which content came first and to whom to give priority. But nowadays, many blogs that syndicate content know how to set up a canonical URL so they don’t compromise the SEO or search authority of the brands they work with.
If you found this post useful, please share it with your friends so that they will get the correct knowledge about Canonical Tag in SEO and Digital Marketing.
Are you looking for a detailed SEO analysis of your website & creating multiple syndication of your blog? Please feel free to write us at [email protected]
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/loughborough-lightning-relishing-vitality-superleague-rivalries-in-top-four-pursuit-netball-news/
Loughborough Lightning relishing Vitality Superleague rivalries in top-four pursuit | Netball News
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Paul Prenderville
Comment & Analysis @paulprenders
“Previously you could say there were two or three teams that would win the league, I think now there are probably about six who think we fancy this,” Sara Bayman on top-four challenge. Watch every game of the Vitality Superleague live on the Sky Sports YouTube channel
Last Updated: 15/02/21 7:44am
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Hannah Williams of Loughborough Lightning in action against Bath
Loughborough head coach Sara Bayman is relishing a showdown with Midlands rivals Wasps as part of what she believes can be the Vitality Superleague’s most competitive season yet.
A bumper Opening Weekend to the 2021 season concludes on Monday night with a double-header live on Sky Sports Mix and the Sky Sports YouTube channel and for Lightning, they are back on court 24 hours after defeat to Team Bath.
Vitality Netball Superleague – Round Two fixtures
Sunday Team Bath 48-44 Loughborough Lightning Surrey Storm 41-53 Saracens Mavericks Severn Stars 34-53 Wasps Netball Monday Loughborough Lightning vs Wasps Netball Saracens Mavericks vs Leeds Rhinos
Bayman’s squad pushed one of the favourites for the title all the way, eventually losing out 48-44, and the Lightning head coach is desperate to get three points on the board early with their own top-four ambitions uppermost in their thoughts.
“It’s important to get a quick start, get some points on the board and put some pressure on the other teams rather than face pressure ourselves,” she tells Sky Sports.
“It is crucial from the sport that we have a competitive league, people and fans want to watch games that they don’t know the outcome of and previously that’s where the league has had a bit of a gulf between the top teams and the bottom teams.
“This season, I don’t expect that to be there and covid protocols, double game weekends might also see a levelling out.
“We could end up with a topsy-turvy league table which is great for the fans – but not so great for the coaches.”
Seven of the 11 teams have so far racked up victories across the first three days at the purpose-built court in Wakefield and Lightning will have to overcome a Wasps team that eased past Severn Stars on Sunday night.
Defeat will mean another slow start for a Lightning team who have a habit of making life hard for themselves. Two defeats from their opening three games in the curtailed 2020 season followed a 2019 season where they lost three of their opening five games.
In their defence those defeats have tended to come against top-four rivals with Team Bath, Manchester Thunder and Saracens Mavericks among the teams to get the better of them.
But with points crucial in a league that will feature double header game weekends and covid protocols, meaning squad strength is more important than ever, captain Nat Panagarry knows a repeat won’t be acceptable.
“We seem to have always struggled with our start and it’s always been something we have discussed,” she says.
“It has taken us too long to hit the ground running and get the intensity required but I think the last few years I have been here this feels like the best pre-season we have had.
“I have confidence and faith in the team after a good week where we have spoken about the intensity and training on the eve of the season we were all going for it, we didn’t know our starting seven.”
Fortunately for Bayman, Panagarry and the rest of the Lightning squad next up are perhaps their fiercest rivals to focus the mind. Loughborough and Wasps have met in two of the last three Grand Finals and local bragging rights will be up for grabs as well as three vital points.
Great to be back out on court !! Tough loss but lots to be positive about for our first game of the season, ready to build tomorrow 💜⚡️💪🏼
Huge congrats @suzieliverseidg on a great debut performance 👏🏻👏🏻 https://t.co/vFr5IiZ4gq
— nataliepanagarry (@Npanagarry) February 14, 2021
Bayman believes it’s important for women’s sport and the Superleague season that rivalries and competitive action is on display in the first netball season that will see all the games made available to fans to watch.
“Those games that mean more and where you feel the heat of the battle are a bit more than just winning and losing so it’s always one to watch,” Bayman adds with a smile.
“In 2019 it was a dogfight [for the top four], we refused to lie down and when we needed wins against teams like Wasps and Thunder – we had the attitude ‘ let’s go get ’em’ and that will be the attitude we are going to have to take every week.
“Top four is going to be a real scrap and once we are there we can start worrying about semi-finals and then finals are one-off games and you look around the league and anyone could beat anyone.
“Previously you could say there were two or three teams that would win the league, I think now there are probably about six who think we fancy this.
“East-West Midlands is a rivalry that is there, previous finals have added a touch of spice to that rivalry and it is always satisfying, like the one-goal win in 2019 – it’s probably the highlight of the season for a lot of people.”
However more importantly is the job at hand. Loughborough have managed to keep their squad intact under Bayman for the last couple of seasons and this season have added England Roses star Beth Cobden after two years of injury heartache for the mid-courter.
While Bayman admits more than any year 2021 is a game-by-game, week-by-week season, the top four remains the ultimate target, while the final word is on that rivalry that she admits has lost a certain edge.
“It’s not as much fun now that Tamsin is not at Wasps, it doesn’t have the same edge of a week of texts beforehand!” she smiles.
“I don’t think we can look beyond the rounds, everyone is going to be scrapping for top four and it is going to be tough to get in there.
“It’s a cliché but we will take it game-by-game because this season especially the games are coming thick and fast right from the very start and by the end of February we might have an idea of where we are and what we will have to do.”
Sky Sports is your home of netball. The Vitality Netball Superleague continues on Monday with back-to-back matches from 4.45pm on Sky Sports Mix. Viewers in the UK and Ireland can also watch on the Sky Sports YouTube channel.
require(['skysports_digrev', 'sdc-site-pub-sub'], function (appController, pubsub) ; pubsub.init(window.sdc);
appController.init(); );
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
A Newbie's Information to HTML5
New Post has been published on http://tiptopreview.com/a-beginners-guide-to-html5/
A Newbie's Information to HTML5
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HTML5 was designed to do nearly something you need to do online with out having to obtain browser plugins or different software program. Need to create animations? Embed music and films? Construct superior functions that run in your browser? You may with HTML5.
On this submit, we’ll cowl every part it’s essential to find out about HTML5, together with:
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What’s HTML5?
HTML5 is the latest model of HTML. The term refers to two things. One is the updated HTML language itself, which has new elements and attributes. The second is the larger set of technologies that work with this new version of HTML — like a new video format — and enable you to build more complex and powerful websites and apps.
To understand how HTML has evolved over the years, let’s look at the differences between HTML and HTML5.
HTML is the World Wide Web’s core markup language. Originally designed to semantically describe scientific documents, it has since evolved to describe much more.
Most pages on the web today were built using HTML4. Although much improved since the first version of HTML written in 1993, HTML4 still had its limitations. It’s biggest was if web developers or designers wanted to add content or features to their site that weren’t supported in HTML. In that case, they would have to use non-standard proprietary technologies, like Adobe Flash, which required users to install browser plugins. Even then, some users wouldn’t be able to access that content or feature. Users on iPhones and iPads, for example, wouldn’t be able to since those devices don’t support Flash.
Cue, HTML5. HTML5 was designed to cut out the need for those non-standard proprietary technologies. With this new version of HTML, you can create web applications that work offline, support high-definition video and animations, and know where you are geographically located.
To understand how HTML5 can do all that, let’s look at what’s new in this latest version of HTML.
What is new in HTML5?
HTML5 was designed with major objectives, including:
Making code easier to read for users and screen readers
Reducing the overlap between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Promoting design responsiveness and consistency across browsers
Supporting multimedia without the need for Flash or other plugins
Each of these objectives informed the changes in this new version of HTML. Let’s focus on seven of those changes below.
New Semantic Elements
HTML5 introduced several new semantically meaningful tags. These include <section>, <header>, <footer> <nav>, <mark>, <figure>, <aside> <figcaption>, <data>, <time>, <output>, <progress>, <meter> and <main>. These make it easier to write cleaner code that clearly delineates style from content, which is particularly important to users with assistive technologies like screen readers.
Inline SVG
Using HTML4, you’d need Flash, Silverlight, or another technology to add scalable vector graphics (SVGs) to your web pages. With HTML5, you can add vector graphics directly in HTML documents using the <svg> tag. You can also draw rectangles, circles, text, and other vector-based paths and shapes using this new element. Below is an example of a circular shape created using the SVG <circle> element.
Form Features
You can create smarter forms thanks to HTML5’s expanded form options. In addition to all the standard form input types, HTML5 offers more, including: datetime, datetime-local, date, month, week, time, number, range, email, and url. You can also add date pickers, sliders, validation, and placeholder text thanks to the new placeholder attribute, which we’ll discuss later.
WebM Video Format
Before HTML5, you needed browser plugins to embed audio and video content into web pages. Not only did HTML5 introduce <audio> and <video> tags which eliminated the need for browser plugins, it also introduced the WebM video format. This is a royalty-free video format developed by Google that provides a great compression to quality ratio. This can be used with the video element and is supported by most browsers.
Placeholder Attribute
HTML5 introduced the placeholder attribute. You can use this with the <input> element to provide a short hint to help users fill in passwords or other data entry fields. This can help you create better forms. However, it’s important to note that this attribute is not accessible to assistive technologies. Feel free to read more about the problems with the placeholder attribute.
Server-sent Occasions
A server-sent occasion is when an internet web page routinely will get up to date information from a server. This was potential with HTML4, however the net web page must ask
HTML5 helps one-way server-sent occasions. Meaning, information is repeatedly despatched from a server to the browser. Consider how helpful this may be in case your web site included inventory costs, information feeds, Twitter feeds, and so forth. Server-sent occasions had been supported within the earlier model of HTML, however the net web page must repeatedly request it.
Native Net Storage
With the earlier model of HTML, information is saved regionally through cookies. With HTML5, net storage is used instead of cookies because of a scripting API. This lets you retailer information regionally, like cookies, however in a lot bigger portions.
Now that we perceive what’s new in HTML5, let’s check out why you need to be utilizing it in your web site.
Why HTML5?
HTML5 presents a variety of advantages over earlier variations of HTML — a few of which we’ve talked about briefly above. Let’s take a better take a look at only a few the reason why HTML5 is so particular.
It’s suitable throughout browsers.
HTML5 is supported by all the main browsers, together with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, in addition to iOS for Chrome and Safari and Android browsers. It could even work with the older and fewer well-liked browsers like Web Explorer. Meaning when constructing with HTML5, that customers could have a constant expertise in your website, it doesn’t matter what browser they use or whether or not they’re on cell or desktop.
It permits offline shopping.
HTML5 means that you can construct offline functions. Browsers that assist HTML5 offline functions (which is most) will obtain the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, photos, and different sources that make up the appliance and cache them regionally. Then, when the consumer tries to entry the net software and not using a community connection, the browser will render the native copies. Meaning you received’t have to fret about your website not loading if the consumer loses or doesn’t have an energetic web connection.
It means that you can write cleaner code.
With HTML5’s new semantic components, you may create cleaner and extra descriptive code bases. Earlier than HTML5, builders had to make use of numerous common components like divs and elegance them with CSS to show like headers or navigation menus. The consequence? Lots of divs and sophistication names that made the code tougher to learn.
HTML5 means that you can write extra semantically significant code, which permits you and different readers to separate model and content material.
It’s extra accessible.
Additionally because of HTML5’s new semantic components, you may create web sites and apps which might be extra accessible. Earlier than these components, display screen readers couldn’t decide that a div with a category or ID identify “header” was truly a header. Now with the <header> and different HTML5 semantic tags, display screen readers can extra clearly look at an HTML file and supply a greater expertise to customers who want them.
The best way to Use HTML5
To start out utilizing HTML5 in your web site, it’s really useful that you just create an HTML template first. You may then use this as a boilerplate for all of your future tasks transferring ahead. Right here’s what a primary template seems to be like:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”en” manifest="/cache.appcache"> <head> <title>That is the Title of the Web page</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <hyperlink rel="stylesheet" rel="noopener" goal="_blank" href="https://blog.hubspot.com/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <!-- This hyperlink is barely essential in case you’re utilizing an exterior stylesheet --> <model> /* These model tags are solely essential in case you’re including inside CSS */ </model> </head> <physique> <h1>It is a Heading</h1> <p>It is a paragraph.</p> </physique> </html>
Let’s stroll via the method of constructing this file line-by-line so you may create an HTML template in your net tasks. You may observe alongside utilizing a basic text editor like Notepad++.
First, declare the type of document as HTML5. To do so, you’d add the special code <!DOCTYPE html> on the very first line. There’s no need to add “5” in this declaration since HTML5 is just an evolution of previous HTML standards.
Next, define the root element. Since this element signals what language you’re going to write in, it’s always going to be <html> in an HTML5 doc.
Include a language attribute and define it in the opening tag of the HTML element. Without a language attribute, screen readers will default to the operating system’s language, which could result in mispronunciations of the title and other content on the page. Specifying the attribute will ensure screen readers can determine what language the document is in and make your website more accessible. Since we’re writing this post in English, we’ll set the file’s lang attribute to “en.”
Also include the manifest attribute in your opening HTML tag. This points to your application’s manifest file, which is a list of resources that your web application might need to access while it’s disconnected from the network. This makes it possible for a browser to load your site even when a user loses or doesn’t have an internet connection.
Create the head section of the doc by writing an opening <head> and closing </head> tag. In the head, you’ll put meta information about the page that will not be visible on the front end.
In the head section, name your HTML5 document. Wrap the name in <title></title> tags.
Below the title, add meta information that specifies the character set the browser should use when displaying the page. Generally, pages written in English use UTF-8 so add the line: <meta charset = “UTF-8“ />.
Below, add links to any external stylesheets you’re using. If you’re loading Bootstrap CSS onto your project, for example, it will look something like this: <link rel=”stylesheet” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank” href=”https://blog.hubspot.com/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css”>. For the sake of this demo, I’ll include a dummy link and a comment in HTML noting that it’s optional.
Now create the body section of the doc by writing an opening <body> and closing </body> tag. The body section contains all the information that will be visible on the front end, like your paragraphs, images, and links.
In the body section, add a header and paragraph. You’ll write out the heading name and wrap it in <h1></h1> tags, and write out the paragraph and wrap it in <p></p> tags.
Lastly, don’t forget the closing tag of the html element.
When you’re done, you can save your file with the .html extension and load it into a browser to see how it looks.
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When did HTML5 come out?
The primary public draft of HTML5 was launched by the Net Hypertext Software Know-how Working Group (WHATWG) in 2008. Nevertheless, it was not launched as a World Vast Net Consortium (W3C) suggestion till October 28, 2014. This suggestion was then merged with the HTML Dwelling Commonplace by WHATWG in 2019.
To know why the specification course of spanned over a decade, let’s take a look at the sophisticated historical past of HTML5.
In 1999, the yr after HTML4 was launched, the W3C determined to cease engaged on HTML and as an alternative concentrate on creating an XML-based equal referred to as XHTML. 4 years later, there was a renewed curiosity in evolving HTML as folks started to understand the deployment of XML relied completely on new applied sciences like RSS.
In 2004, Mozilla and Opera proposed that HTML ought to proceed to be developed at a W3C workshop. When the W3C members rejected the proposal in favor of constant to develop XML-based replacements, Mozilla and Opera — joined by Apple — launched the Net Hypertext Software Know-how Working Group (WHATWG) to proceed evolving HTML.
In 2006, the W3C reversed course and indicated they had been serious about taking part within the growth of the HTML5 specification. A yr later, a gaggle was shaped to work with the WHATWG. These two teams labored collectively for quite a few years till 2011, after they determined that they had two separate objectives. Whereas the W3C wished to publish a completed model of HTML5, the WHATWG wished to publish and repeatedly keep a dwelling normal for HTML.
In 2014, the W3C printed their “final” model of HTML5 and the WHATWG continued to take care of a “living” model on their website. These two paperwork merged in 2019, when the W3C and WHATWG signed an agreement to collaborate on the event of a single model of HTML transferring ahead.
Which browsers assist HTML5?
All the newest variations of main browsers — together with Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Web Explorer — assist many HTML5 options however not all. Presently, Chrome and Opera are probably the most suitable with HTML5, with Firefox and Safari following carefully behind. Web Explorer is the least suitable, though it partially or absolutely helps most HTML5 options.
Beneath is a desk to point out the various compatibility of the main browsers. This is a key:
✓ Absolutely supported
≈ Partially supported
✗ Not supported
  Chrome opera Firefox safari Web explorer New semantic components ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ≈ Inline SVG ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Expanded kind options ✓ ✓ ≈ ≈ ≈ WebM video format ✓ ✓ ✓ ≈ ✗ Placeholder attribute ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ≈ Server-sent occasions ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ Native net storage ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
  If you would like a extra detailed breakdown of the totally different variations of browsers that assist HTML5, take a look at Caniuse.com.
HTML5 is the Way forward for the World Vast Net
With its new semantic components, expanded kind choices, format-independent video tag, and extra, HTML5 is revolutionizing how builders construct net pages. This, in flip, is altering shoppers’ experiences online. We are able to now watch movies with out being requested to replace Flash or obtain one other software program. We are able to use functions after we don’t have an web connection. We are able to have the identical nice expertise on a website whether or not utilizing a cellphone, pill, or Sensible TV — and extra.
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resetpermalik · 4 years
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Building a Landing Page
a freeCodeCamp Challenge
Warming the Engine
As I round the last corner of my third FCC challenge, a few initial assessments should be punctuated. This, overall, has been the most education of the three. Throughout this endeavor, I have made use of some skills (learned previously) and been able to execute them with more ease. Also, I have found myself adhering to new concepts a bit more effectively.
Over the following summary, I will lightly detail a list of features I utilized in the creation of my landing page (for a silly, hypothetical business called ‘Choose Your CHOOCHOO ’.) Here goes…
Figma and Components
I press on with Figma this time and make a point to learn the functionality of components. These are simply set by defining an element as such. After doing so, forging spawns (called instances) is straight-forward and allows for distinctions between the parent (component) and the spawns (instances) themselves.
Taking advantage of this tool makes it much quicker when building cards, buttons and so on. As my prototypes get larger, I will really be able to experience the full capabilities of this option.
Using Cloudinary to Host Images
With my first two FCC challenges, I assumed it was okay to leave my images unaccessible. It never crossed my mind — that they could be made available online via an image hosting site (either cloud or server-based.)
By using cloudinary.com, this could not be a more rudimentary task. After uploading my image from its local location, all that was left to do is rename and readjust quality for sake of image size and (website) loading performance. Both of these tasks are actionable via Cloudinary’s free service. Now, each of my projects include the appropriate images, from favicon, logos and multiple other graphic insertions.
Figma and Element Alignment
Inspect is a crucial device in Figma’s toolbelt. By using ‘inspect’, the red lines for spacing will appear and applying correct distances for each item across my canvas was very streamlined. In addition to the red line features, Inspect will show the font characteristics, colors and even code for finished products. More on this later…
Figma and Multiple Viewports
My first thought when designing mobile, tablet and desktop viewports with Figma was that I would have to manually draw up each screen. This was the wrong idea.
The right idea was in opening a new (blank) resolution and selecting the entire element (or highest parent element of my project,) then duplicating it and maneuvering it onto the next resolution screen.
After the new resolution was gifted a clone of the previous version, the last step was in slightly resizing everything to match. This was a much less pain-free process than my initial plan.
Anchor Jumping Within the Page
Here’s another one which I wasn’t entirely sure of how to pull off — though I had a general idea.
I knew if I wanted to use an (on-page) anchor to navigate somewhere else on that same (existing) page, I would have to reference the element somehow. The answer lied in setting my ‘href’ equal to the desired ‘id’ and that’s it. Now every click on those links directs the user to my intended location on the page — all (ids, of course) preceded by a lone hashtag.
Embedding a Youtube Video with HTML5
My primary attempt in placing a Youtube video in my landing page was to pop the address into a ‘video’ tag. I assumed all would work seamlessly. I was also very wrong.
In order to insert a Youtube video with HTML, a ‘video’ tag just won’t cut it — an ‘iframe’ tag is actually necessary.
That said, there is yet anther step before gaining complete functionality. Once the ‘iframe’ tag is set (and before pasting the Youtube address,) the watch portion of the address must be swapped for embed instead.
By using an ‘iframe’ and recalibrating the address to embed the video, everything should go swimmingly.
PX, EM, REM, CH, EX, %, VW and VH
I could spend some time here and fully articulate each property of these sizes, but I will leave that for another time. What’s most important about this notion (in this setting,) is that I have found it useful to understand how my relative units measure in terms of pixels. So, I have been using a calculator to better estimate how each unit will behave before assigning them to their respective text. This method has saved me a bunch of time in guessing what will fit where and why.
Instantiating H (tags), Articles and Sections
Much like my previous comment on delving deep — I could spend plenty of time going on about the semantics of these tags. In the future, I may do so. But here, I mean to make a more concise observation.
As I built this page, the importance of ‘sections’ (for grouping large portions of content) and ‘articles’ (for grouping the more succinct) makes plenty more sense. 
In contrast, ‘h’ tags  provide a type of semantic skeleton running down the page, for heading each bit of information.
Uppercase Fonts and Text Transform
I used ‘Playfair Display SC’ as one of my fonts on this project. This is a fully uppercase font. For purposes of browsers or instances where this font is not available, I wanted to ensure my casing was kept.
My solution was in using ‘text-transform’ to make all respective text uppercase (regardless) then setting the back-up font to ‘sans-serif’.
This was a fix to my issue; though, there may (of course) be a better answer to the problem.
A(n (numbered)) objective for this FCC challenge was to keep the navigation bar/header at the top of the page.
The first thing I reached for was a ‘fixed’ ‘position’ on my ‘header’ element. Though, after learning about ’position: sticky;’ I understand it to be a much better way of dealing with this demand.
By using ‘sticky’, no margins or extra code is vital to keep the header in place and from causing problems. This was one of the most clear cut, clean finds of the entire project.
Background vs Background-Color
I  was not aware of the ‘background’ property until now. I was steadily using ‘background-color’, then stumbled into the ‘background’ property while researching another objective.
The ‘background-color’ property does just as promised — it sets the background to a specific color via CSS.
However, the ‘background’ property allows for several more values: color, image, repeat, attachment and position.
Box Sizing
I was faced with using many box element of different make-up and sizes. Upon putting together a few, I saw that some of them bled into places across the page for which I did not intend.
Then came ‘box-sizing’. Using this property merges the ‘padding’ and ‘border’ with the overall ‘width’ and ‘height’ of the element in question. After inserting these useful bits, everything squared up very nicely.
In my mobile resolution, I wrote code for a hamburger menu. That said, I won’t be going into detail here. I will (instead) write a full account on my approach to building this feature.
User Select
I learned with this challenge how to keep my elements from being (undesirably) selected. By placing the ‘user-select’ property, this is very achievable. 
What’s more is -webkit is for Chrome and Safari functionality, -ms (for Microsoft) and -moz (for Mozilla Firefox).
In Conclusion
I have taken a little more time in constructing this project, but have learned that much more. This is the most well-crafted challenge I have completed (thus far.)
All things considered, I am pleased with the outcome, but am very ready to move onto the next for more information and creation. See you on the other side!
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pamilaeealeman · 4 years
The Difference a Year Makes for Homeownership
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Over the past year, mortgage rates have fallen more than a full percentage point, hitting a new historic low 15 times. This is a great driver for homeownership, as today’s low rates provide consumers with some significant benefits. Here’s a look at three of them.
1. Move-up or Downsize: One option is to consider moving into a new home, putting the equity you’ve likely gained in your current house toward a down payment on a new one that better meets your needs – something that’s truly a perfect fit, especially if your lifestyle has changed this year.
2. Become a First-Time Homebuyer: There are many financial and non-financial benefits to owning a home, and the most important thing is to first decide when the time is right for you. You have to determine that on your own, but know that now is a great time to buy if you’re considering it. Just take a look at the cost of renting vs. buying.
3. Refinance: If you already own a home, you may decide you’re going to...
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richardccclopez · 4 years
The Difference a Year Makes for Homeownership
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Over the past year, mortgage rates have fallen more than a full percentage point, hitting a new historic low 15 times. This is a great driver for homeownership, as today’s low rates provide consumers with some significant benefits. Here’s a look at three of them.
1. Move-up or Downsize: One option is to consider moving into a new home, putting the equity you’ve likely gained in your current house toward a down payment on a new one that better meets your needs – something that’s truly a perfect fit, especially if your lifestyle has changed this year.
2. Become a First-Time Homebuyer: There are many financial and non-financial benefits to owning a home, and the most important thing is to first decide when the time is right for you. You have to determine that on your own, but know that now is a great time to buy if you’re considering it. Just take a look at the cost of renting vs. buying.
3. Refinance: If you already own a home, you may decide you’re going to...
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