#headcanons || journal entries
aduckwithears · 8 months
The early 19th century sure was something for our boys (gn). They were taking things at a FAST pace. (If, of course, you’re immortal and need to layer everything under 6 layers of deniability).
Whatever you do, don’t think about how in 1793 Crowley rescued Aziraphale and then they got lunch, in 1800 he brought chocolates to the bookshop then saved Aziraphale from a heavenly promotion, then in 1827 they went on a date to a cemetery in Edinburgh(prime date spot at the time esp for non-trad couples) and Crowley seemed to be having the time of his life.
Then especially don’t think about Crowley getting lightning-sanded down to Hell and showing up 35 years later in a much grumpier mood and with a request for Holy Water as “insurance”.
And don’t think about the context of their last interaction being attempted suicide by poison drink after a partner was lost… no wonder Aziraphale didn’t take the request well and they fought. No wonder Crowley was offended by fraternizing - they’d been way beyond that. Nope, don’t think about any of that.
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tippenfunkaport · 2 months
I like to headcanon that Melog is just the biggest busybody. It's been bored and alone on a dead planet for decades with no one to talk to, the mundane day to day drama of other people is such a novelty to it, it can't get enough. Plus it can become invisible and doesn't have a great grasp of privacy so it's forever listening in on conversations and generally getting way too invested in everyone's personal business.
Which means Catra, to her vast dismay, knows everyone's secrets. She would really REALLY rather not and has tried to teach Melog about boundaries but the creature does what it wants. But it means that sometimes she finds out about some misunderstanding or missed connection going on that is so downright stupid that it's just going to drive her nuts if she lets it continue so she begrudgingly has to insert herself into this drama to match-make or clear up an argument literally just so she doesn't have to hear about it anymore.
Which means, to her absolute horror she gets this reputation of being near psychic, so good at resolving personal drama that people come to her with their problems no matter how she tries to deter them and meanwhile it's really because Tealog over here is addicted to gossip.
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gender-luster · 9 months
*updating my journal entries about my newfound traveling companions*
The Githyanki Warrior
"Lae'zel sure is blunt and has no social graces. Could just be that she's Githyanki, or maybe... autistic?"
The Pale Elf
Astarion has a lot of very specific food likes and aversions (possible sensory issues) (autism?)
The Wizard of Waterdeep
"i can't quite put my finger on it, but Gale definitely has autistic boy swag"
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n1ghtwarden · 7 months
or, the one where claire attempts to expand upon a lacklustre arc and side quest while incorporating the current state of the underdark and drow politics into the game and minthara's storyline.
i will note that in my canon minthara can be recruited in 'good' or 'evil' runs without sacrificing the grove. after realising that minthara is being controlled by orin, the player may make two persuasion checks with the artifact to disrupt orin's influence upon her and get the opportunity to knock her out with the intent of coming back for her after slaughtering the camp. however, by the time the party returns to her base in the goblin camp, minthara has gone back to moonrise to get more support - recruitment then proceeds as normal. this is written as it might appear within the player's journal. it has no set conclusion - as that will be another post regarding her fate at the end of the campaign.
we recruited the night warden, minthara baenre, after rescuing her from the prisons of moonrise tower where we prevented her mind from being wiped. she seemed grateful for our help, and pledged her sword to our cause in order to destroy the absolute.
while exploring rethwin town, we encountered drow scouts - assassins? they became hostile immediately after glimpsing minthara. after killing them, she offered little explanation - stating her defection from lolth would be enough to kill her on sight in addition to the loss of her entire retinue. minthara seems uncomfortable with lingering here - we should press on.
as we continued exploring the shadow cursed lands, we discovered evidence of drow parties moving through, setting minthara on edge. we eventually found correspondence indicating these lolthite cultists are attempting to infiltrate the towers, where many drow have gone missing. minthara's name and retinue was listed here as well. minthara has asked us to help her find this small corps of scouts and their location - claiming if word gets back to them or they find her, she will be hunted for the rest of her days.
we found the scouts! minthara was insistent we kill them - we tried to talk to them, but minthara's presence made them hostile at once - we had no choice but to clear the hide-out. we found more correspondence indicating that it seemed a large portion of drow 'recruits' to the absolute came from small splinter groups from a larger group of menzoberranzan refugees. we also found letters containing orders from matron mother sos'umptu baenre. when asking minthara about this, she had no knowledge of any refugees from her city - and she refuses to answer anything regarding sos'umptu baenre.
we found the scouts! they quickly proved to be a less than friendly bunch - and tensions rose - they keep their information guarded. we managed to steal correspondence indicating that it seemed a large portion of drow 'recruits' to the absolute came from small splinter groups from a larger group of menzoberranzan refugees. when asking minthara about this, she had no knowledge of any refugees from her city. minthara disapproves of our meeting them without her.
the scouts came upon our camp in the night and attacked us - claiming we are travelling with a heretic and deserter. we killed them; but minthara did not allow the last man standing the mercy of a swift death. we persuaded him to tell us why the drow were in the shadow cursed lands - he revealed they were baenre scouts and assassins working on behalf of matron mother sos'umptu; hunting refugees who left menzoberranzan. without warning, minthara killed him! she said it would be better for all of us if he were dead. it seems that minthara has no knowledge of any refugee groups from menzoberranzan, and while she did not speak on sos'umptu, it seemed as though she was shocked by this.
we killed ketheric thorm and took his netherstone. minthara was grateful for this gift of vengeance, but stated we had more to do before it was fully done. minthara also spoke in depth about what happened to her at moonrise, and what orin did to her and her men.
we continued onwards to baldur's gate with minthara. once there, it was revealed that orin has been watching us since we came to rivington! minthara is trying not to show that she is afraid, but we can see it. she asked me to promise her that she would never fall into orin's clutches again. i promised her.
after finding our way into the lower city, we began to explore to find more information on the recent string of murders and the cult of bhaal. after finding a ritual circle filled with drow in the basement of a house, we left - only to be attacked by drow assassins in the street! they were wearing the same crest minthara has on her neck, so they must be baenre assassins. as we were fighting, another drow jumped into the fray to assist us - he is an excellent fighter, but is dressed in a rather eccentric manner.
minthara addressed him as uncle! they both seemed surprised to see each other in baldur's gate; and while minthara did not sheathe her weapons, she did not attack either. his name is jarlaxe baenre - given that minthara has not killed him, that seems like a good sign. jarlaxe said they've much to discuss; and that he did not expect to see her again with all the rumours of the absolute and its cult. he has asked minthara to meet him in the evening at an abandoned house at the docks, as he suspects she has questions.
we left camp at night to meet with minthara's uncle. she warned us not to trust him. upon entering the abandoned house, jarlaxe is not alone - two others are with him, a man and a woman. minthara went for her weapons, but jarlaxe stopped her! with him are minthara's aunt and other uncle - quenthel and gromph. it was a tense meeting for us all; but it seems there is much going on. jarlaxe, gromph, and quenthel explain that in the two years since minthara's disappearance, a schism erupted in menzoberranzan, stemming from a 'lie of lolth' and quenthel's disobedience. civil war broke out; 3,000 dead, another 3,000 exiled - never to return, only to be hunted down like dogs. what's more, a cousin named yvonnel has been banished to the abyss - and minthara's mother, sos'umptu, after hosting lolth's avatar and becoming one of her chosen, had become matron mother to house baenre and now sat the throne of menzoberranzan. though the drow say they know she must destroy the absolute, they would have her aid afterwards - asking if she will help them free menzoberranzan from the shackles of lolth and sos'umptu.
minthara has asked for some time to reflect on all that has happened and all that she has learnt and missed.
minthara has told us more of her childhood and mother - and wonders just how long her mother has been planning this. she wishes to pledge herself to ridding menzoberranzan of lolth with her family members and their allies - but also wishes to take the city for herself once she kills her mother and unseats her from the jewelled throne.
>IF THE PLAYER CONVINCES HER NOT TO AID HER FAMILY ( persuasion check, 30. wisdom check, 25. intimidation check, 40 ).
minthara agrees with us that there might be nothing left for her within menzoberranzan; and that her family cannot be trusted. this action will have consequences.
minthara has asked us to come with her when the fight is over, and provide our own skills in freeing menzoberranzan - though she suspects it will be a long, long road before they even set foot into the caves of the underdark.
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thiefscant · 8 months
did some poking around for body type reference images for anais in act 1 vs act 2 vs act 3 and i actually found what i think is a perfect ref image courtesy of artiststoolbox:
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this is effectively how anais's body changes over time throughout the campaign of bg3, due to the fact that she is eating at least two meals per day and not holding back on eating until she is full. i think they might even be a little more full-figured in the end than the third figure suggests, so they'd appear more like the first figure in this image:
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but these drawings are otherwise extremely close to how i picture anais's body growing and changing as they get stronger and healthier throughout the course of their adventure.
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propertyofushiwaka · 6 months
CEO!reader x assistant!toji
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littlebookoftamriel · 4 months
⟡ Bosmeri Cooking Tendencies: Do Mushrooms Violate the Green Pact? ⟡
In my travels, Ive often found a lot of contention on the subject!
Many Bosmeri wonder if eating these wonderful fungi breaks the Green Pact - a pact all Bosmer live by, wherein they are not allowed to eat any plant life and must eschew it. I am happy to report in my consultations with various Bosmeri, that eating fungi does not break the Green Pact and in fact fungi are not classified as plant nor animal - making them similar to bees as being a neutral ground when it comes to keeping the Pact.
Some common foods with mushrooms are Eplear’s beef wellington, mushroom pot roast, mushroom beef carbonnade with bee bread, mushroom chili, and fillets with portobello sauce! Additionally some Bosmer will make teas from these funky fungi, allowing for rich umami blends to steep and seep into your bones. Pair these together and with a good jagga, and you have a perfect little meal for you and yours!
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mistress-light · 7 months
Frey remembering a voice she can’t figure out. That special someone. A blurred face reading to her. Eyes filled with hope, love and despair. Fuck.
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doctorbrown · 9 months
DOCTOBER '23 ⸺ 「 1 / 31 * SUNRISE 」
September 18, 1895
This will be my family's last sunrise in the nineteenth century. I spent some time earlier this morning on the porch with Clara, making sure our cover story is airtight. It may be more difficult to check up on these sorts of things in this century, but as Marty and I have learned, even the smallest ripple can set off a chain reaction, and I dare not risk the lives of my family.
I barely slept last night, running final pre-travel systems checks of the Time Train, ensuring that everything was in proper working order for our departure, but I somehow feel more awake now, hours later, than I did before I started. Everything checks out and so I've preset the destination time, taking into account Marty's arrival time, the distance from his home in Lyon Estates, and the detour he will undoubtedly make to Jennifer's place. October 27, 1985, 1:10PM. The adjustment period will be a steep curve for everyone, myself included, as ten years in the Old West can change a man, but I have the utmost confidence that they will all take to the future exceptionally well.
I'm looking forward to seeing Marty again, after all these years. I have so much to tell him.
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a-possums-journal · 1 year
Not my usual post, but I headcanon (Ben Brainard’s characterization of) California to be a pretty fluent Tagalog speaker
Yes I am basing this off the fact that California has the highest Filipino-American population, about
(in 2017, at least)
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ljubimaya · 18 days
I will have to stop acting like I care for other men that aren't Baji
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tvrningout-a · 9 months
your comrade is running late to your meeting, and not for the first time, though you realize he must keep busy these days. boredom has your eyes wandering about his room, taking note of old and expensive-looking knickknacks and the piles of books and papers scattered about the place. you do not mean to snoop while you wait for cyrillo to arrive, but one paper in particular catches your eye, and it reads:
as vampires were created by necromancy, they have inherited certain attributes of said magic. in other words, vampires have their own magic, though it is very limited in its capabilities and execution. while a necromancer may influence and persuade the dead to do as they wish, a vampire holds a certain influence over the living. this is perhaps a result of their status as both dead and alive -- the magic used to resurrect them is meant only for spirits, yet it gave them life, leading to this magical attribute. regardless, one should always cast the proper charm or wear the proper accessories when associating with an unfamiliar vampire lest they find themselves at the vampire's beck and call. if one finds themselves defenseless, it is possible to resist a vampire's influence if one plugs their ears and avoids eye contact. but this is, of course, not ideal around a fanged acquaintance. a vampire's blood has no benefit if one were to consume it, but it does well as a magical amplifier, most notably for necromancers. like belongs with like when it concerns magic. aside from this, one may choose to consume the blood of their lover if they wish for a deeper connection; with a vampire's blood in their system, they will feel the vampire's emotions and as the connection grows, they will be able to tell what they must be thinking. to be clear, this connection goes both ways, and thoughts are still private. this connection is purely feeling and can be incredibly confusing to navigate at first. one should be sure before they make the decision to drink their lover's blood. if one consumes enough vampire blood...
the door swings open as cyrillo enters the room, exclaiming a fond " cara mia! i'm sorry to keep you waiting! " and clapping a hand upon your shoulder. you launch into a conversation over the mages' progress and what practice drills are working, though you still wonder: what does happen if you consume enough vampire blood?
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ariadnesweb · 2 years
Noelle's Crush on Susie, A Timeline:
- Susie joins the class - she's aloof and mysterious
- Noelle is nice to Susie, so Susie avoids trashtalking Noelle
- Susie, for whatever reason, Does Not Like Kris
- (I assume that Susie's MO is insulting them, it tracks)
-Kris either doesn't notice or doesn't care
-Noelle tries to think of ways to help Kris, mostly by switching spots, and getting close to Susie
-This is developing into a crush, as Noelle becomes fascinated with what kind of person Susie is
-Susie decides to pick on Kris
-(Why? Considering that Susie complains about Kris's shampoo, and how it makes her hungry, I think that Susie was feeling even more miserable sitting next to someone who smells like food, making Susie even more hungry. Susie then decides to solve this dilemma by intimidating Kris into using a different shampoo.)
-Newest new girl, entry happens
-Everybody agrees to ignore what just happened, because the implications here are terrible
-(Kris is LikeThatTM, Noelle is already a coward - she might as well just follow Kris's lead)
-(I assume whatever Kris told Susie made Susie feel bad for picking on them - she contradicts her own insults in the beginning of chapter 1, emphasizing how Toriel cares for Kris)
-Kris continues to be dead to their surroundings
-Susie continues to be ostracized and angry
-Noelle sits paralyzed, between her fear of standing up to authority, her fear of asserting her own desires, her desire to help Kris, and general nerves at the idea of being close with Susie (ie excitement, love, and shame)
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thiefscant · 8 months
anais and their fixation with people's hands. i think she draws every companions' hands at some point. just a page full of a concentrated study on the shape of their palms and fingers, etc.
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propertyofushiwaka · 6 months
I love Nanami but something makes me think he doesn't season his food
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littlebookoftamriel · 4 months
⟡ Argonian A to Z ⟡
Jel is most notable for its difficulty to learn if you are not Argonian, its pronunciation inhospitable to both men and mer alike. Here’s a quick guide on how to pronounce different sounds within the language!
The base sounds of Jel are simple - a, ch, d, e, g, h, i, j, jh, k, l, lh, ny, n, o, q, r, s, t, th, ts, u, w, x, y, and p. These are all the vowel and consonants that make up the language, and practicing them out loud is a great first step into learning the language!
A is pronounced like aa.
CH is pronounced like ky.
D is pronounced like d.
E is pronounced like ay.
G is pronounced like go.
H is pronounced like hh.
I is pronounced like ee.
J is pronounced like dz.
JH is pronounced like gy.
K is pronounced like k.
L is pronounced like luh.
LH is pronounced like ll.
NY is pronounced like nyuh.
N is pronounced like nh.
O is pronounced like uh or oh.
Q is pronounced like ch.
R is not pronounced, and is instead a tap sound.
S is pronounced like zuh.
T is pronounced like tuh.
TH is pronounced like thh.
TS is pronounced like ts.
U is pronounced like oo.
W is pronounced like wh.
X is pronounced like kh.
Y is pronounced like yuh.
P is a glottal stop.
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This is referenced from u/lu_ming’s Jel Language which can be found on Reddit here.
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