#headcanons go brrrrrrrrrrr
shadow0-1 · 2 years
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When the air is silent and all that remains is our quiet confessions to each other.
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pikahlua · 4 months
Hi Pika ☺️ Thanks for the translations and analyses 🫂 this is pallate cleanser ask hopefully lol. I think you said you played ffxiv so what do you think Katsuki would play as if he did? And what kind of playstyle would suit him best? (achiev hunting for example)
Any other student headcanons you'd like to share are appreciated too 😌
Katsuki Bakugou certainly has the god complex for a Healer, and he's believable as a big numbers DPS, but given his penchant for taunting, instinctive battle strategizing, insistence on leading his party from out in front, propensity for taking hits for others, and physical advantage in wars of attrition, I declare Katsuki Bakugou is in fact a Tank main (who had an annoying Machinist phase on the side at some point because artillery explosions go brrrrrrrrrrr).
Aesthetically, we all know Katsuki's going for a male Au Ra Dark Knight or Reaper. Gunbreaker is a permissible alternative. It's hard to choose anything but Dark Knight for him given the Living Dead ability where dying literally makes him invulnerable. 😂 And he'd spend any duty bossing the healers around so they don't fuck with his skill set.
That said, given the breadth of his character development, it seems by the time he reaches his second year of high school Katsuki will dabble in Paladin and become a reliable carry and support.
Play style? Katsuki plays PvP guaranteed. And he races for worldwide first clear of newly released Ultimates. Whatever is the most competitive shit, Katsuki's doing it and kicking ass (unlike me, as I'm a filthy casual who doesn't really know what I'm talking about even by saying this much).
Katsuki eventually gets into Fisher after he discovers he's a masochist.
Other characters?
Izuku (male Viera) mains either Ninja (for the nerdy complexity) or Dragoon (for the self-destructive tendencies).
Ochako (female Lalafell) is a crafter main who's milking the marketboard for all the gil she can get.
Shouto (male Hyur) is a really bad Black Mage main.
Iida is a mentor who never turns off Shout in the chatbox.
Kirishima mains Warrior.
Tokoyami mains Reaper.
Kouda mains Summoner.
Satou mains Culinarian/Gatherer.
Ojiro is a Monk who does MSQ only.
Hagakure knows all the ins and outs of the free trial version.
Mina mains Dancer and knows glamour is the endgame.
Mineta just ERPs as a female Viera and uses mods.
Aoyama mains Red Mage and uses Verblind every chance he gets.
Momo has max leveled all her roles and runs the class' Free Company.
Jirou joins a Bard Discord, hangs out exclusively in clubs, and AFKs in the Limsa Lominsa aetheryte plaza.
Shouji is a male Hrothgar who absolutely slays at everything he does, as Hrothgars are wont to do.
Tsuyu is a FemRoe.
Kaminari is also a FemRoe. He spends real money to buy Fantasia potions.
Sero mains Blue Mage.
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linpunny · 1 year
Just found your clones daddy headcanons 😩 BUTTERFLIES IN MY KITTY
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Praise kink go BRRRRRRRRRRR
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graphitesatellite · 3 years
Omg Hello! I don't know if you have rules posted anywhere, so please feel free to ignore this if it doesn't abide by them aaaaaa how about LI's and MC finding out they're gonna have a kid (assuming the pair are like, actually capable of creating a kid with each other). I'd imagine there would be a lot of chaos lol PS i love your writing >w<
jdhdhdjdhd thank you anon you’re too sweet <3<3 and this request is so cute and fun, I’m excited to get into it
So let’s say each pair has just received confirmation from an outside source (whether that be a doctor or a magician or whatever) that they’re (unexpectedly) expecting. I’m not gonna specify who has what parts, so you can decide who you think would carry and no one has to be left out.
pure, radiant joy lights up his face as he gathers you in his arms and squishes you close. He is So Excited for this baby, he’s only known about them for five seconds, but the love he feels is all-encompassing and unconditional. Because this isn’t just Any Baby, it’s Your Baby, with him, a being created from your love for each other, a brand new member of your family. He probably cries a bit, huge happy tears that catch on his eyelashes and make them sparkle.
regardless of who carries, he starts nesting almost immediately. The furniture seems to move every time you look away as he searches for an arrangement that “feels right.” He can’t be trusted to go to the market by himself without bringing back mountains of pillows and blankets and stuffed toys. Whenever you manage to convince him to sit, he works on knitting baby clothes, and more blankets, and more stuffed toys. He would do anything to keep this baby safe and happy and warm.
at some point it occurs to him that something could happen to you two after the baby is born. He becomes a roiling ball of anxiety until you talk to every important person in your lives and make a plan ensuring that no matter what happens, there will always be someone who can take care of the baby. That helps him settle down some. The fear is still there, but he can at least function now.
with your help, he starts making a memory book, a collection of pictures and mementos and letters from you and your loved ones. It starts out like a traditional scrapbook, but the longer you work on it, the more creative and ambitious the project becomes. Each page ends up with its own enchantment: some sparkle when you touch them, some release sweet smells, some produce sounds, like the voices of everyone who wrote a letter. It’s a work of art, a complete masterpiece. When it’s done, Asra feels he can finally rest easy knowing the baby will always have a reminder of how much their family loves them.
oh god. Oh holy shit. She needs a minute to sit down. She’s never wanted kids. At least, she’s never wanted Little Kids. You’ve surely talked about the possibility of adopting teenagers, but… she thought she’d taken all the necessary precautions to avoid this. If you also don’t want a baby, she’s in full support of terminating the pregnancy. If you actually Do want a baby… well, that makes things more complicated
for fun, let's say you do want the baby. Nadia loves and respects you too much to ignore what you want, so as shaken as she is, she will listen and consider it. You’re really going to have to ease her into the idea, though — she has A Lot of concerns and fears regarding motherhood. First and foremost, she has exactly zero experience with babies. She’s never gone out of her way to interact with one. What if she’s no good at it? What if she does a terrible job and never bonds with the baby and ends up estranged from her own child? There’s just so much that could go wrong.
you’ll have to remind her that she wouldn’t be doing this alone. It’s your baby just as much as hers, and you’re not going to let any of that worst case scenario stuff happen. Sure, the two of you might not be Perfect Parents, but that doesn’t automatically doom the whole endeavor. You’ll be allowed to mess up a little. And it’s not like you can’t ask for help! They do say it takes a village to raise a child, after all. With the friends you’ve made and the resources you have access to, you’ll be very well supported.
it takes a while for her to really believe it. She needs a lot of reassurance, but so long as you’re patient and understanding of her anxiety, she will get better. Once she realizes she can channel her nervous energy into projects, she absolutely thrives. She draws up designs for the nursery, scrutinizes piles of fabric swatches (babies go through A Ton Of Clothes, good on her for starting early), plans the birth down to the very last detail, and with each project she finishes, she grows a bit more confident in herself, a bit more confident that everything’s gonna work out, so long as she has you.
it takes a minute for the news to sink in. Julian is a doctor, so he Should know a thing or two about the signs of pregnancy, and he really Should have seen this coming, but… well, denial is a hell of a drug. Not that he was doing it on purpose; he’s just very good at being oblivious at the worst of times. He was so caught up in You, so distracted by the brilliant beauty of your relationship that he forgot actions have consequences.
after the initial shock fades, he falls face first into Panic. What is he panicking over? Everything. Every little thing. He panics because the pregnancy was unplanned, so he never got the chance to put together a prenatal care plan. He panics because he has less than nine months to put together a birthing plan, as if it’s really going to take that long to figure out. He panics because babies need stability and routine and he doesn’t know if he’s ready to settle down yet, and even if he is, he has no idea Where he wants to settle down. He panics because this is a big responsibility all of a sudden and he’s not confident in his ability to handle it. In fact, he’s certain he’s gonna fuck it up somehow, so he spends a lot of time panicking over that.
you’d think his medical knowledge would be a blessing at a time like this, but it’s really more of a curse. Sure, he knows some good remedies for morning sickness, but he also knows everything that could potentially go wrong at every stage of pregnancy, which means he’s going to go into a frenzy every time an unusual symptom pops up. You’re going to have to be the voice of reason here, and it’s not gonna be easy because he Will argue with you, but it’s just because he’s scared. Talk to him about that fear. He’ll calm down some once you get him to talk about it.
underneath all the anxiety, though, he’s so fucking excited for this baby. He’s so excited to be a dad, even if he doesn’t think he’ll be good at it, because he gets to raise this baby with You. He is so excited he gets to start a family with You. The first one isn’t even done cooking before he suggests a second — maybe even a third, somewhere down the road in the nebulous future he always struggled to picture while he was on his own, a future that now erupts into full color before him every time he closes his eyes.
based on the way his face contorts in abject horror, you might think Muriel is unhappy with the news, but he’s not so much Unhappy as he is Overwhelmed With Dread. While he’s come a long way from viewing himself as an irredeemable monster, he’s still not completely convinced that whatever spawn he ends up producing won’t be the Vesuvian equivalent of the anti-Christ, either as cosmic punishment for his “sins” or because someone he faced in the coliseum cast a curse upon his firstborn (which, knowing this city, isn’t statistically improbable).
give him the space to talk and he’ll eventually spill everything that’s worrying him. He’ll try to apologize for letting this happen, saying he understands if you don’t wanna take the chance, and when you tell him it’s not like that, not at all, he’s caught almost comically off-guard by the idea that you may actually Want to have a kid with him. You’re gonna have to explain why, because he doesn’t get it. Living with him, supporting him, loving him, that’s all one thing, but having a baby with him? And then Raising that baby together? He’s gonna ask you if you’re sure just about every day for the first two or three months.
as I’m sure we all expect, he doesn’t think he’s gonna be a very good dad. He claims he has no natural instinct when it comes to children and childrearing. If you bring up the chickens, he’ll say it’s not the same at all, in fact it’s ridiculous to compare chickens to human kids, but you can tell from the way he pouts that he knows you have a point. He’s just so sure he’s gonna do something to fuck this kid up big time. It doesn’t even cross his mind that he might be able to give this baby everything he didn’t have growing up, not until you suggest it. He seems to chew on the idea for a very long time.
following that, he’s still anxious, very anxious, about everything that could go wrong, ranging from the baby being born with goat horns to the two of you dying before they can understand what happened to their parents, but he’s more willing to challenge his intrusive thoughts and be proactive. You work together to make a contingency plan for the kid, ensuring they’ll have a happy, healthy life no matter what happens. Muriel goes out of his way to interact with kids and babies so he’s more comfortable with them (and less afraid of hurting them accidentally), and one day he’s startled by the realization that he actually, maybe, sort of, kind of, against all odds… enjoys spending time with them. The well-behaved ones, at least.
the more ready he feels, the more relaxed he becomes. His regular brand of affection takes on an even more doting, protective quality. When he’s not spoiling you with hugs and kisses, you can usually find him working on the baby’s crib and/or mobile, which he’s decided to design and carve himself. Sometimes you catch him lost in thought, smiling at you softly for seemingly no reason. If you ask him about it, he’ll deny ever making such an expression, then eventually admit he’s glad you didn’t let him give up on the baby. His anxiety warned him of the potential bad, but it also prevented him from seeing the potential good, like how he can share the stories of his people with a new generation. If not for you, there’s so much he’d go without, not even realizing how much he’s missing. That’s why he smiles at you — after everything he went through, you gave him a new life.
a gasp escapes her lips as tiny tears of joy twinkle in the corners of her eyes. Portia was the first to notice and recognize the early signs, so she’s really not surprised — she’s Beyond Delighted. She’s so Ecstatic she can barely contain herself, hugging you, then the doctor, then you again, whispering in your ear that she can’t wait to have a baby with her favorite person in the whole world.
she’s so excited to tell everybody the news, she’s practically bouncing off the walls. At first she wants to tell as many people she can as fast as she can, but then an idea strikes her: why not make an event of it? All the most important people should find out first, so why not invite them over for dinner and make the announcement then? She starts planning right away, asking your opinion on the menu and decorations. The whole thing turns into more of an ordeal than you expected, but even so, Portia (with your help of course) executes it flawlessly. The dinner is delicious, the ambience is impeccable, and at the end of the meal every guest gets a pastry in the shape of a rattle. Portia glows as she makes the announcement. Julian cheers and sobs. It’s perfect.
good luck getting Portia to sit down now, though. There’s so much she wants to do before the baby arrives. For instance, she thinks the whole cottage oughta be cleaned out and reorganized. Kids are very good at getting into things they shouldn’t, and if this kid is anything like her, they’re going to get into Everything, so it’s a good idea to take inventory sooner rather than later. Oh, and speaking of inventory, you two are gonna need to stock up on some baby essentials. Portia is more than happy to take the lead on this. She could spend all day prowling the market for toys and clothes and other supplies, nearly weeping when she finds especially adorable things, like tiny booties embroidered with cat beans on the bottom.
while the days are busy, the evenings are sweet and slow. You take this time to have serious discussions in less-than-serious ways, usually between soft kisses. Portia wants to show the baby the world. She spent so much of her life knowing only one place, she wants to give her child the chance to experience more. That being said, there’s no reason to take trips with an infant who doesn’t know what’s going on and won’t remember. She suggests staying in Vesuvia for the first few years, and after that you can play it by ear, see where the road takes you. To be honest, she doesn’t much care Where she ends up, so long as you and baby will be by her side the whole way.
ew gross
the idea of this man procreating makes me sick to my stomach so he doesn’t get any headcanons
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yamigooops · 3 years
garter hcs
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Here are some headcanons about how the boys from Haikyuu would take off their bride’s garter at their wedding. The thought made me go absolutely feral so now you all need to deal with the brain rot too. Here ya go.
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Would be very traditional and respectful, only reaching his hands under your skirt to grasp the fabric and gently tug it down. Looking at you with love the whole time. The picture of good behavior, a perfect gentleman
Ennoshita, *KAGEYAMA, Yamaguchi, ASAHI*, Kenma, Narita, Kindaichi, Watari, AONE, Akaashi, USHIJIMA, GOSHIKI, Sakusa, Kita
*Note: these three would be incredibly awkward at first when they start going under your dress
 Would be a little more daring and would go into your skirt headfirst. However, he would still be very respectful and take it off with just his hands, maybe pressing a gentle kiss against your knee in the process. However, he’d be pretty haughty after coming out, showing off the garter like a prize while shooting you a loving smile. He doesn’t want to embarrass you too much, but he can’t resist the opportunity to go under your skirts.
Daichi, Kinoshita, Lev, *IWAIZUMI*, Kunimi, Yahaba, Semi, OSAMU, *Aran*
*Note: these two would spin the garter around their finger while looking at you deadpan
Goes a little further. Seductively goes under your skirt, kissing up your legs and making you squirm at the feeling. He’s down there for an uncomfortable amount of time, and just as people start to question what he’s doing, he presses one final kiss to the inside of your thigh, biting gently down on the sensitive spot before hooking his fingers under the band and pulling it down. As he emerges from your skirt, he gives you the slyest smirk you’ve ever seen, and you can’t help the absolute inferno that ignites on your cheeks.
Tsukishima (he’d do it both from peer pressure and just to fuck with you let’s be honest), SUGAWARA, Yaku, OIKAWA, Konoha, SUNA
Goes absolutely feral. Pretty much dives under your skirt and kisses up your legs, which isn’t a total surprise given who these guys are. However, he has the gall, the AUDACITY, to take the garter between his teeth in order to pull it down your leg. When everyone sees it in his mouth when he emerges, they go insane. “What a jokester,” they laugh, “He’s so funny.” But you know as soon as you get a moment alone with him, you’re smacking him upside his beautiful head which, oh lord, he’s just put the garter on as if it’s a headband. What have you gotten yourself into by marrying this goon?
TANAKA, NISHINOYA, SHŌYŌ, Kuroo, YAMAMOTO, Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Kyōtani, Koganegawa, BOKUTO, Tendō, TERUSHIMA, ATSUMU
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littjara-mirrorlake · 3 years
A Sublime Transformation
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(For some reason I lost this ask because it didn’t save into my drafts, oops)
Compleation is defined as the process of “being perfected by Phyrexia”—getting turned into a hybrid flesh-and-metal Phyrexian being. It’s best known for being done to humanoids of other species, but it’s also a procedure core-born newts must undergo before they’re considered fully mature. The most important component in the compleation of non-Phyrexian organisms is of course the introduction of Phyrexian oil into the body, which both catalyzes the transformation of flesh to metal and fills the subject’s mind with millennia of ancestral memory (including the Phyrexian language itself).
The very first Phyrexians were compleated surgically by Yawgmoth with the intent of replacing weak flesh with superior artifice. After Yawgmoth’s ascension to godhood, he could instead directly transform other creatures with magic like he did with Gerrard.
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Many New Phyrexian factions accomplish compleation with magic and surgery. From the Planeswalker’s Guide to the Machine Orthodoxy:
The leonin will be smashed into its components parts, its organs spread wide and its metallic sinew rearranged. It will be modified for its new purpose—its muscles tightened, its digestion rerouted, its mind scrubbed and readapted to its new objectives.
This describes the transformation of a porcelain doll: the lowest rank of the Machine Orthodoxy, made up of captured Mirrans who are stripped of their free will and can almost never attain a higher rank. Mages erase the mind, and the body is dissected and rearranged. Some parts are removed for usage elsewhere, and new grafts are added. Specific to the Orthodoxy is ritualized flaying, removing the final barrier between the individual and the collective, before porcelain is fitted on over raw musculature. This is done while the subject is still alive and awake.
The Planeswalker’s Guide to the Progress Engine lists some specific procedures that can be done, under the watchful eyes of transcriptors who record every detail:
Surgeons conduct incisions, amputations, dissections, grafts, brain excision, nerve stripping, ocular resecting, blade grafting, phyretic implants, maxillary prosthetics, xenotransplantation, and so on.
What happens to a particular subject depends on their background and intended role within Phyrexia. Surgeons seek to eliminate the creature’s existing weaknesses:
Perhaps it is not capable of comprehending the bonds which secure it so tightly, in which case the perceptual centers must be re-organized so that it is capable of understanding such factual input. Proceed with compleation starting with the eyes.
The mental aspect of compleation can be fine-tuned (though all newly compleated hear the whisperings of Phyrexian memory in the oil). Glisteners like Unctus the Freed who readily embrace compleation are allowed by surgeons to keep their core identity and memories, presumably because they’re already viewed as loyal to Phyrexia.
In New Phyrexia, compleation methods range from the Orthodoxy and Progress Engine’s exacting surgical precision to the Swarm’s “put some oil in it and wait”:
Vorinclex had no grand plan. The oil did its own work, evolving creatures into worthy predators.
(Flavor text of Rotted Hystrix)
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Phyresis alone can bring on some of the changes that are part of compleation, preparing the body for a full transformation—transmuting flesh, assailing the mind with whispers—but unguided, it can just as easily lead to death. (Though compleation is the focus of this post, it’s good to brush up on how phyresis works.)
What follows is personal headcanon, because I’m always starved for more detailed lore on Phyrexia and compleation and I also run D&D set in New Phyrexia so I have to fill in the blanks on this stuff:
Because glistening oil is the carrier of Phyrexian inheritance, traits of a compleated being like plate type (copper, chrome, etc.) depend on those of the Phyrexian who infected or compleated them. It’s a form of inheritance. Just as Phyrexians can pass their genes down by producing newts, they also give their “DNA” (or whatever the Phyrexian equivalent would be) to creatures they compleat.
A newt’s first compleation, using their own oil, is considered a rite of passage.
In some factions, Phyrexians have a degree of responsibility for initiates they compleat, almost as if they were their own newts.
Compleation doesn’t inherently bend the mind towards Phyrexian ideals of conquest and supremacy. Many infected are just driven that way by the maddening voice of Yawgmoth that the oil brings into their minds, and of course, mages will intentionally resculpt minds to be fervently loyal to Phyrexia.
This means that compleation without losing the sense of self is possible, but difficult on the part of the subject, having to battle the whispers within their mind.
Compleation hurts not only physically but mentally. Having 9000+ years of memory dumped into your head at once is like drinking from a fire hose.
Yawgmoth’s voice isn’t inherent to the oil. It was a powerful mnemonic imprint made by the god, but there was oil before Yawgmoth, and memory before him too.
Red Phyrexians don’t touch the mind or memories when compleating people, being reluctant to erase individuality the same way so much of Phyrexia does.
Green Phyrexians eat or disassemble most people instead of compleating them. The ones they pay any attention to are those who fight most savagely against them, whom they see as appropriate to reward with a chance at compleation. (Keyword chance, because Swarm initiates must prove themselves fit to survive in the Tangle.)
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That recent reblog got me thinking 💭 Nanamin subbing for his chubby darling with that same concept 😵‍💫🥴
No but lowkey i wanna write a fic for this but my brain is tired and writing a full length fic would be wayyyy too hard SO we shall settle for some good ole headcanons 💕
Ok listen, i was just gonna do a couple thoughts but this got WAYYYY too long so pls don't kill me for accidentally writing a novel sksksk
CW: chubby fem reader, smut, submissive Nanami, praise kink, not beta read bc this shit is way too fucking long and im tired and hungry so you get what you get sksksk
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Hnnnnnnggg submissive Nanami make my brain go brrrrrrrrrrr
Let's back up a bit: Nanami does not see himself as a dom or sub. He doesn't see the point in labeling yourself for sex. As long as the two of you enjoy yourselves, there's no need to worry about silly titles for the two of you.
But, if you want to get all technical about it, he's a switch leaning more towards dominant. Nanami is used to being independent, being in charge, taking care of others, so he naturally takes on a more dominant, nurturing role in your relationship. He doesn't do this intentionally: he just loves you and wants to keep you safe and happy, and the best way for him to do that is to be in control of the situation. Of course he would never do anything without your consent, but if he exhibits dominance and you let him, he will continue bc it's what he knows best.
But being in charge all the time takes it's toll on a person, especially when their job entails the same responsibilities as Nanami's. He gets worn out just like everyone else, and he struggles to relax.
That's where you come in.
His pretty chubby baby, with lumps and curves and limitless love resting in that big heart of yours. He'd do anything for you, going to the ends of the Earth to get the most common items, all bc he loves you.
He thinks you're a queen, that you deserve to be endlessly loved and worshipped, so submitting to you is difficult.
Let's be clear: Nanami has no problem letting you take the lead. The problem lies in the fact that he feels inadequate, undeserving. He feels like if he isn't actively giving you pleasure, then he's not fulfilling your needs and he's failing as a partner. It's hard for him to sit back and let someone else do all the work bc he's so used to taking on several burdens at a time. This is new territory for him and he's absolutely terrified.
Your first time dominating Nanami was completely by accident. He had come home late, body aching, eyes heavy as he sat down on the couch. You were so good to him, bringing him a glass of wine and an array of cheeses you had found at the market that day. You offered to give him a massage, and although he hesitated, he still accepted your offer.
That's how he found himself sitting on the floor, leaning back against the couch with your legs on either side of him. Your hands your working wonders on his shoulders, loosening up his sore muscles and helping him settle into a sense of ease. You muttered small comments about your day, what you did, what you had planned for the next day. Nanami feels like he could fall asleep against you.
That's when your hands start to wander, rubbing over his biceps and chest, palms pressing down into him. He can feel his body come to life when you unbutton his shirt, slipping your hands underneath, claiming that it would feel better if his shirt wasn't in the way.
He didn't stop you, didn't complain when your lips found his neck and your hands traveled further down to unbuckle his belt, pulling down his zipper and releasing his cock. He tried suggesting taking care of you, fingering you or eating your pussy before you focused on him, but you captured his lips with your own and shut him up. He moaned into your mouth as you stroked his cock, inhaling sharply when you squeezed his balls or rubbed your thumb over his slit. He found himself melting into your touch, letting you do whatever you liked. It all felt so good and he was enjoying himself more than he expected he would, his cock throbbing as he felt hints of his climax approaching—
But you pulled your hand away. He frowned when you leaned back, removing your lips from his. He almost pouted when he tried to follow but you sat up, removing your hands from him.
"Why did you stop?" he asked breathlessly, chest rising and falling rhythmically. He watched as you swing your leg over him and stand, giving him a gentle smile and holding out your hand.
"Let's go to bed, bub."
He followed you eagerly, letting you lead him to bed and help him out of the rest of his clothes. He tried returning the favor, making you feel good too, but you insisted that he lie down and let you take care of him. It was hard giving up control to you—all he wanted to do was make you feel good—but he knew that letting you do this would please you, so he did the best he could and listened to your request.
You had undressed, crawling over to him and hovering above him. You were already aligning his cock to your cunt when he stopped you.
"Darling, let me prepare you first."
"It's okay, Ken," you smiled sweetly, plump cheeks rounded. "I'm wet enough already. Giving you a massage really turned me on." Oh GOD, you make him so WEAK.
So he let's you do what you want, which was a blessing and curse at the same time. You had started so quickly, hands pressed against his chest and pushing him down to the bed. Your cunt was so warm and wet, your thick body bouncing as you rode him. It was so overwhelming that Nanami came within a few minutes.
But you didn't stop. You kept riding him, squeezing his cock with your cunt, leaving him breathless and trembling. He's still fairly composed until he's past his third orgasm: then he's pleading and shaking and crying for relief. You feel so good and he's so overstimulated and despite your legs being tired you're still grinding your hips into his and he's so just helpless.
He's begging softly between pants, mouth agape, drool pooling at the edge of his mouth. He's so far gone that all he can do is hold onto your hips for dear life and pray that you'll let him rest soon.
He's so cute like this, fucked out expression, unfocused eyes barely open. He buried his face into your chest, moaning into your breasts as he came once more. Tears or sweat are collecting in your cleavage, trailing down your plump stomach and to your cunt. He's letting out the sweetest sounds, all of it muffled by your fat tits pushed into his face.
You finally had mercy after he came five times. He's shaking, holding onto you so hard that bruises are left behind. He's fucked out, weak, sensitive, but he doesn't let you go. He keeps whimpering and hiding himself in your chest, so you coo and tell him how wonderful he was for you and how proud of him you are. The two of you hold onto each other for at LEAST an hour, your hands smoothing over him as you give him dozens of kisses. He's so spent from the entire encounter and he falls asleep below you, cock still soft inside you, arms locked around your squishy torso. You let him rest, hoping that your actions helped him in some way.
He's so apologetic once he wakes up, telling you over and over how sorry he is for not considering your pleasure and for falling asleep without cleaning up and you didn't even have dinner—
"Ken, baby, look at me." Your pudgy hands cupped his chiseled face, forcing him to look at you. "I'm fine. Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to make you feel better." God, he's so lucky to have you 🥺🤧💕
Nanami is more receptive to taking on more submissive roles after that. It's not common, but there are days when he will come home and gently ask if you can take care of him tonight like that first night. He tries to reserve these requests for Friday and Saturday night so he can rest soundly the next day.
He's such a pleaser. Even when you're sucking the soul out of his cock, he's begging to eat you out so you can feel good too. He tries to make you cum every time he does, but he gets so lost in the pleasure that he can't even think let alone rub your clit.
OH MY GOD, HE LOVES PRAISE. Every time you tell him how good he is, how proud you are of him, he trembles and falls further in love with you. He could cum from your praise alone, he's that turned on by it.
He's naturally quiet during sex, but after you've made him cum a few times he gets louder and whinier and needier. He'll hiccup and struggle to breathe properly and he can't tell you what he wants, all he can do is paw at your ample flesh and pray you give him the relief he desires.
He HATES teasing. It's okay occasionally, but if you edge him or deny his pleasure for too long he will feel inadequate. One time he was so deep in sub space and you had edged him for too long and he started sobbing bc he didn't think he was good enough for you 🥺 needless to say yall stopped there and went through aftercare for the next hour.
He doesn't submit often, but he'll gladly fall to his knees if you asked to dominate him. He's so eager to please and will do anything you ask as long as it makes you happy.
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redstonedust · 2 years
is it rude/spoilers to clip a joe stream when shes in video recording mode. mayhaps. but also brrrrrrrrrrr headcanon fuel go rotate,
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mystery-salad · 3 years
Let's hear your thoughts on both Caithe and Faolain 🎤
Ohhhhh so many thoughts!!!!!!!!
First impression
Okay so my first story experience ever with her, she killed a courtier after promising not to. I'm not dating she wasn't justified, especially after learning more about the court jfc, but it left me with an immediate feeling she couldn't be fully trusted. Which I loved! I thought it was a neat direction to take a companion character in, and I thought she was really interesting! (And pretty 👉👈😳)
Impression now
Oh she's gone through so much and come so far and I'm proud of her. She's so strong, and immensely good at recognizing the growth she needs and when to apologize. Love her dearly
Favorite moment
When she volunteers to watch aurene for you. She knows you don't fully trust her yet, I'm positive she half expects a no. But she still offers, knowing that someone needs to. She takes on a very very immense responsibility of protecting a baby dragon that she believes was a Hunt and duty stolen from her, and that takes some fucking strong humility. It really shows her true colors, who she is under the fear and expectations and deceptions. She's trying to help, it's all she wanted, and she can do that if you let her.
Idea for a story
I want pre-seeds of truth shenanigans. When there was just the core firstborns, no second or third generations. When there were so few of them and they didn't yet have any knowledge of the world outside of the Pale Tree herself. What was it like? What was Faolain like with her? How did they all explore the world?
Unpopular opinion
Her apology wasn't shitty, it was just done over an extended period of time and the sorry was just a tiny bit
Favorite relationship
Caithe and a sylvari Commander, hands down. The way her story bounces off of and clashes with yours, when you're both wyld hunt valiants, is so interesting. And the ability to overcome that clash and become respected, and even trusted partners in raising Aurene, is so fucking meaningful.
Favorite headcanon
She's taken on caring for Trahearne's cats once he died. They've moved into her house, and she's kept them very cared for and loved ❤
First impression
Evil lady in charge of overtly evil organization go brrrrrrrrrrr
Impression now
Evil lady in charge of overtly evil organization go brrrrrrrrrrr okay but really, the fact that she took over fully despite not having started the group herself because she's just that good at manipulation and taking charge, she's fucking fascinating. You can see everywhere in her story and relationships that she's an expert in this.
Favorite moment
Okay I know she's not technically herself at this point but the vinetooth reveal was badass as fuck and scared the crap out of me at first!
Idea for a story
I want to explore how she took charge of the court, how she endeared all the courtiers to her, so much that they were completely devoted to her instead of their actual founder.
Unpopular opinion
Idk honestly, does anyone have a popular opinion that I'd disagree with on her? I haven't heard much from others on her in general tbh but I'm curious now
Favorite relationship
Faolain and Cadeyrn, he did start the court but we get glimpses in caithe's memories of her gently steering him toward it, and he follows her anywhere she requests obediently to start fights. I wonder, compared to caithe, how she groomed and manipulated him, and how much was just him leaning into his own nature.
Favorite headcanon
Initially, her concern with the tablet did genuinely come from a reasonable concern of duty, responsibility, and favoritism that the pal tree displayed. If the worry had come from a genuinely better person in could've been revolutionary I think.
Send me a character!
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Tokoyamis voice actor is a singer, an amazing one at that, so i headcanon that Tokoyami is an equally amazing singer
Hehe yes! Little songbird go, brrrrrrrrrrr.
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aroacenita · 4 years
Edgar or Byron?
Lemme do both~
First impression: This guy is going to be a fandom fave isnt he? Ehhh
Impression now: Hahahaha anxious emo boy go brrrrrrrrrrr
Favourite moment: That one art piece where he is doing his nails? He looks so dramatic, I love it!
Idea for a story: Edgar joined Brawl stars for one reason: Self esteem issues. He saw how popular and loved the brawlers were, and he felt like that was the exact thing that would help him reciver from years of bullying and neglect.
And for a while it did.
Until people start paying a little too much attention. Following around, not letting him go out without being covered or else he would be swarmed by people, filming him at all hours.
At this point, Edgar feels as if he cant do anything without someone or something watching him, judging him, expecting him to do the best at whatever that thing is
And thats how he develops
Me? Proyecting? Naaaahhhh....
Unpopular opinion: He👏Isnt👏Cool
(Sorry for the emojis TwT)
Favourite relationship: He has no canon relationships buuutttt
Him and Colette :D
I headcanon them as sibilings! As, Edgar being the "Everyone and everything sucks except me" and Colette being...
Also, again, projecting, they have a "Calling eachother dumbass and stupid bitch is expressing love, right?"
Now seriously, they do love eachother (AS SIBILINGS) they just suck at expressing it
Favourite headcanon: Byron being his uncle :D
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Nfhdf I dont have headcanons, bUt I do have a question!!! What exactly is homestuck? Is it a book series, a show,or what? You seem really interested in it n I'm getting curious n I kinda wanna check it out 👉👈👉👈
“ok! so! homestuck is an 8000 page (idk the exact number but that's the gist) webcomic! it's baaaasically abt these kids who start the end of the world by playing a game! that is veeery much underexplaining it but idk how much detail to go into” -my rAd partner @fancyfroggiebee
i super dUper recommend it bc it makes brain go bRrrRrrRrRrr!!!!!!!! bUt it has some gore and the r slur and some eyestrain so be safe if u do wanna get into it :3!!
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mellinelli · 2 years
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((haha apparently headcanons go brrrrrrrrrrr for this muse? that last one is gonna need a bit of actual digging though because i do not have the entire Hisui pokedex memorized and i haven’t had any stick out in regards him finding annoying while playing. but it’s way past bedtime so imma head off and dig into that tomorrow. feel free to send more though. they’re fun!))
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Hello Sunny, I dont know if you’re taking requests but if you are could you do a continuation of reader being too scared to spend Nanami’s money and what he would do? Thank you so much!
Yeeeeeeeeesssssss, i would LOVE to continue this headcanon skskks
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Listen baby
If you do not want to spend Nanami's money, the two of you are gonna have some problems sksksk
I firmly believe that Nanami would fall head over heels in love with a humble individual
He doesn't like ppl who expect everything to be given to them and who have never worked a day in their life
No, he falls and he falls HARD for the lovely individuals who are independent to a fault
Someone who insists on giving instead of receiving bc he works the same way
Someone who refuses to take handouts for whatever reason, who can't take other ppls money or gifts
He finds your kindness and refusal to accept gifts quite endearing, and it just makes him want to spoil you more
He's drawn to your independence and he's so desperate to take care of you
It starts off small: paying for dinners, tickets, etc, small things that add up quickly over time
He's very insistent on paying for these things, so if you refuse to let him pay, he will go out of his way to take care of you
Gives his credit card to the waiter at the beginning of the date so that you can't pay, buys tickets in advance instead of once you get there, purchasing gifts when you're too distracted to notice
It makes you so MAD! How dare he?! He shouldn't be spending his money on you 😡
You confront him about it, wagging your finger and scolding him for spending so much money on you, and in all honesty, it just makes him want to spoil you more
Proceeds to shower you with as many gifts as possible sksksk
He doesn't care how upset you get that he spends money, he's just so happy seeing your flustered expression when you open a sleek box and find a pearl necklace inside
You always refuse the gifts, saying that you don't need them and that you won't get anything out of them
"Okay," he mumbles, pulling out his wallet, fishing for his credit card before handing it to you. "Then go buy some things that will be useful to you."
He cups your chin, forcing you to face him directly. His grip is gentle but firm, keeping you in place as he stares at you seriously.
"Darling. This is what you're going to do: you're going to take my card and go out shopping tomorrow. I don't care what you get as long as it makes you happy. If you don't spend at least $300 on yourself, I will go out myself and spend three times as much on things you may not even like."
"Kento, please—"
"Y/N, just do this for me, alright? I won't ask anything else of you: this is all I want. Please, be good for me and take the card." hhhhhhhhhhhhhh praise kink go brrrrrrrrrrr
You reluctantly take the card and go out on a shopping spree the next day which is a NIGHTMARE like what're you gonna spend money on?? You can't even buy a soft pretzel without feeling guilty about spending his money 😭
You eventually hype yourself up enough to buy stuff that you think would be useful (an expensive chef's knife, a couple recipe books, some luxury bath products you've been wanting to try for a while). It always hurts when you swipe his card—you can feel that lump in your chest get heavier and heavier—but eventually you spend $300 and make your way home, emotionally exhausted
You trudge into the apartment with all your bags, Nanami coming to greet you and help you carry things in
He kisses you tenderly and holds you close and gives the gentlest smile
"So? What did my pretty baby get themself today?" 🥺💕
You go through all the items you bought, explaining why you chose them and how they would benefit you (and him) and he's just smiling softly while you hold up a pretty bath bomb that has flowers and glitter inside
He hugs you again and says how proud of you he is, how grateful he is to have you and how happy he is that he was able to buy these things for you
His sweet words make you all mushy and lovey-dovey bc why wouldn't they
"Now, I'd like you to go out tomorrow and spend $500 on yourself."
no wait I thought this was gonna be it whaddya mean spend more money on myself
You try to convince him that you're fine and it's not a good idea, but he insists yall are so fuckin stubborn it aint even funny skskks
"This time, I want you to buy some clothes for yourself. I don't care about the price. I want you to go out and get yourself something pretty."
"Ken, please, this is too much—"
"Please darling, just once more for me. Let me take care of you one more day and I'll never bring it up again, I promise." grrrrrrrrrr why does he have such cute puppydog eyes 😖🤧
Long story short, you go out and buy yourself some clothes sksks
You get some practical things, like new gym shoes and socks and whatnot, but you also get some fancy shoes and this expensive outfit that made you feel so pretty 💕
And when you come home, Kento is there and he tells you to go get dressed in the outfit you bought
"I'm taking you to dinner, darling" PLEASE my HEART 🤧💕
Takes you to this fancy restaurant and the two of you have a three course meal and dessert and go for a walk in a nearby park and talk and it's so romantic just so disgustingly romantic you could cry
But the night is not over my love 👀
No, once the two of you get home, he practically pounces on you, pawing at your body
He's tugging at your clothes, ripping them in the process, desperate to get to you
You're sore the next morning, but it's all worth it remembering the pleasure you received the night before
"Morning, darling," Kento mumbles into your neck, hands smoothing over your skin. "Did you sleep well?"
"Mm-hm. Did you?"
"I slept like a baby. Although I feel apologetic about your clothes. I'm sorry for ruining them."
"It's okay, Ken. You didn't mean to."
He hums and kisses over your shoulder, pulling you closer
"It's alright, though. I'll get you a new outfit and plenty of others to make up for it." GOD DAMN IT—
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