#headers joe jonas
layoutsjtpics · 1 year
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jonas brothers - the album / headers;
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aestheticheaders · 1 year
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Jonas Brothers headers 1280px × 427px
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ikvgai · 5 months
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iconsfinder · 1 year
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artiemisia · 1 year
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⊹ joe jonas headers ɞ..
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RT/REBLOG  for save | Jonas Brothers Headers
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poemsandsadness · 1 year
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rocknrollbabe14 · 10 months
You Make Everyday Feel Like It's Christmas (Joe X Reader)
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You Make Everyday Feel Like It’s Christmas
Summary: It’s your second Christmas with Joe. Christmas has a new meaning for you this year. But you’ve always loved this time of year. But this time, you want to bring a little holiday cheer to your fiancé. Joe doesn’t “hate” Christmas but he’s not quite feeling up to it this year. Can you manage to get him in the Christmas spirit? Or will he be a scrooge?
Prompts: Shopping, “I cannot believe you’re making me go shopping on Christmas Eve.”// “Don’t be a Scrooge.”// “I’m freezing, come warm me up.”// baking
Rating: 18+ (for the fact at the end, it alludes to premarital sex) 
Also, special thanks to @josephs-quinns for making my header and making my visions come to life. Love you ❤️❤️❤️
You were never one to put off Christmas shopping. Matter of fact, you thought people were crazy for waiting until the very last day to finish their Christmas shopping. The thought alone made your stomach twist with anxiety, making it feel like it was bubbling up into your throat. How could people be so calm when they were working against the clock to make last minute Christmas magic happen? You had never understood it—until now.
“I can’t believe you’re making me go shopping on Christmas Eve.”, Joe groaned as he slid on his peacoat, fixing his scarf just perfect around his neckline. 
The weather in London was absolutely frigid in comparison to what you were used to in the United States. Moving to London to be with your fiancé was something that you never imagined would be on your bingo card. But, here you were. You had been together for almost two years now and you knew that being engaged in under two years sounded a little bizarre, but Joe had claimed he knew from the beginning that you were the one for him.
You knew how it sounded. It sounded very cliché looking back, but you loved him and you were happy with him. This was only the second Christmas you both were spending with each other. Tomorrow’s plans were clear. You were spending half Christmas Day with his mom and his stepdad and the other with his dad and his stepmom. Joe never really had talked a lot about his parents divorce and how his childhood was. 
Fortunately, you couldn’t relate. Your mom and dad had been happily married for thirty years. The plan was to fly in and see them the week after Christmas with Joe in tow. At first, you weren’t sure how your parents would take you moving to another country to be with your fiancé. However they both were supportive of your relationship.
They had always been supportive of you and your decisions throughout life, making comments that they had raised a smart daughter, you had your head on your shoulders, etc. All the ones most parents said about their responsible children. It made your feel good, made you feel like you had completed your due diligence of being their child. 
You rolled your eyes playfully at Joe before laughing lightly. “Come on, babe. Don’t be a Scrooge.”
Joe sighed lightly. “I’m not being a Scrooge. Just wondering why we waited until the absolute last minute to buy my mum and dad’s presents along our mate’s.”, he tried to feign a fake smile and chuckle. 
Something with his energy seemed off, but you couldn’t quite place your finger on it. 
“They were your friends first. And you can’t show up to your parent’s houses empty handed.”
Joe held your peacoat, helping you slip into it. One thing about him was certain. He was a gentleman. 
“It’s going to be so busy.”, he groaned lightly. 
He wasn’t doing such a great job at hiding his disdain for the holiday activity you both were about to take part in. 
“Why don’t we just try and make the best of it? You know I hate waiting until last minute to do anything especially Christmas shopping. My anxiety is through the roof.”, you admitted as he grabbed the door knob, opening the door to your all’s house that you shared.
Immediately, you both felt the nip of the winter wind causing you both to grimace. You pulled your peacoat tighter, beginning to button it quick and in a hurry. It was something you had learned to do in the past year of living here.
“I’m going to try.”, he looked at you. “I started the car so it’d be warm for us.”
“Thanks.”, you smiled softly as he let you out the door first, carefully locking it behind you both.
He rushed down the steps in order to make it to the car before you did. A smile came across your face as you remembered why. Him being the gentleman his parents had raised him to be, there was no way you were opening your own car door. He never gave the opportunity for that to happen and he wouldn’t either. It was something that was important to him, just one of the many he ways he showed you he cared. 
You looked up at him, feeling the cold air nip at your nose. He finally gave you a soft smile as he opened the car door, making sure you got in safely, and closed the door once he mad sure your appendages had made it safely into the car. You watched him through the defrosted windshield coming over to the other side, wasting no time in getting before shutting the door. He rubbed his hands together easily, shivering lightly. 
Joe wasn’t usually affected by the cold. He was used to it, being raised in London and all. Winters were harsher there. He had told you that before you moved to be with him. He was brutally honest about everything before allowing you to move to be with him. But you respected that. 
“Cold?”, you asked lightly.
“I’m freezing.”, he admitted with a soft chuckle as he leaned over, giving you the perfect position to kiss him in. “Warm me up.”
He flashed his puppy dog brown eyes at you playfully, the ones he used when he was being a little cheeky. You’d never admit it with words, but he already knew that he could win you over with that look. 
“When we get home.”, you smirked back at him before leaning down and giving him a kiss. 
“Fine.”, he feigned being hurt. 
You smirked over at him as you linked your phone to his car. One way or another, you were determined to get him in the Christmas spirit no matter what it took. Scrolling through your phone, you decided on a song finally to kick off the car ride. The beginning notes of “Like It’s Christmas” by the Jonas Brothers came on, causing you to begin giggling to yourself. Joe shot you a look immediately, a coy smirk working its way across his lips.
“Really?”, he asked through a small laugh.
“Come on, babe. It’s one of my favorites.”
“I’m aware, love. Just didn’t know we had to endure the boy bands along with the other chaos surrounding today.”
Your eyes panned down to your lap, trying to ignore the pang in your chest. He didn’t mean it like that, did he? Shaking your head lightly, you continued to try and convince yourself that he didn’t mean it like that. The happy, bright Christmas music continued to play in the background but now you weren’t really in the mood to sing now. Joe’s grip tightened on the steering wheel as you all continued to the mall. You were beginning to wonder if this was the best idea. But you were determined to put him in the Christmas spirit. That was your ultimate goal. 
“I’m kidding.”, he choked out.
But you didn’t really feel like he was joking.
After a little convincing, he finally got you singing even if he wasn’t doing much of it himself. 
As Joe searched for parking, you could begin to tell his patience was beginning to wear thin. He swore a little, a few obscenities coming out of his mouth at how crowded and congested it was. Once he noticed you had heard him or was watching him, he abruptly cut them short. He was trying his best for you whether you knew it or not. He was struggling to be in the spirit this year but how could he tell you? The answer was simple. He wouldn’t. 
It had taken a week or two after Thanksgiving for him to finally get his ass in gear and help you put the tree up. He remembered you saying back home, you usually put the tree up after Thanksgiving. Like literally the night of or the next day. He could remember laughing, thinking you were a little obsessed with Christmas but he found it cute, if he was being honest. It’s part of what made you—well, you. He didn’t understand what was really going on with him this year. 
But he didn’t have much time to think about that as he shifted the car, placing it in park and eyes panning over to you. 
“Ready, love?”, he asked with a sigh. 
"Here goes nothing.”, he smirked easily. 
Westfield was always busy. But it was especially busy at Christmas time. Today, was no exception. Maybe it was even worse. Joe was going to go with worse. 
“So where are we going first?”, he asked, grabbing your hand lightly. 
“Uh—what about we hit up Burberry? Weren’t you wanting to get your dad a new scarf?”
Joe shrugged. “I guess.”
“You guess?”, you repeated back. “Joe, I need you to help me here. You know your family and friends better than I know them. I get we’ve been together almost two years but you know more of what they like.”
“Sure, we can get dad a new Burberry scarf Sounds good, love.”
Entering the mall, Joe could feel his blood pressure rising. It was so crowded—especially to be Christmas Eve. Hadn’t people finished already? They should have, you all included. Joe began to tug at his scarf lightly, feeling as though it was choking him. He needed to breathe. 
“Can you at least give me some input? Gifts are special. I love gift giving. It’s my love language.”
Joe also loved to give—taking his friends out to eat or cooking a meal, buying you things here and there just to show you he loved you and cared so you were confused as to why he was being indifferent now. 
“I know, love.”
You sighed lightly as you felt like you had to practically drag him into Burberry. The employee greeted you both, asking if you were looking for anything specific. You explained you’d like to find a scarf for your future father in law.  She led you to the patterned scarves, leaving you both to make the decision on which would fit Joe’s dad the best. 
“What about this one?”, you turned back to show him the archived beige cashmere scarf. 
“Yeah, looks good.”
Joe barely flicked his eyes up from his cell phone. 
Joe’s eyes pulled up from his cell phone once again.. “I said it looks good, love. I’m sure he’ll love it.”
You huffed lightly in frustration before closing your eyes and trying to remind yourself what today was about. Yes, Joe was being totally intolerable right now but you were still very much in the Christmas spirit and you were not about to let him ruin that for you. You would convert him before it was all said and done. 
Picking up the scarf, your voice came out sharper than you had intended. “Okay, let’s checkout.”
What was so important on his phone that it couldn’t wait? This behavior was very unusual for him. He never let anything distract him around you—not his phone, not anything. He followed you to the counter, wasting no time in handing you his wallet to pay for everything. Sighing, you forked over his debit card and watched as the cashier swiped it and handed it back to you, allowing you to place it back in his wallet. She asked if this was a gift (it was a different associate than earlier) to which you answered yes. 
Proceeding, she asked if you all wanted it gift wrapped. Once again, you found yourself being the only one to answer her question. It was as if she could sense some tension between you both. 
“Finishing up last minute Christmas shopping?”, she tried to make casual conversation.
“Yeah, we’re usually never this late.”, you fake laughed. 
She sensed it. “It happens to the best of us.”
“It does.”, you agreed, almost gritting your teeth and hoping Joe could hear the annoyance laced in your voice. 
“Here you are. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for shopping with us today.”
A fake smile spread across your lips. “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you as well.”
Once again, Joe was not interacting with you, this only causing for your blood to boil further.  However, he finally put his cell phone away for a few minutes. You were glad—because you were afraid you would have said something you may have regretted. You didn’t want to fight with him today. Sure, every couple has their disagreements but which ones argue near Christmas time? You didn’t want you all to be the one. After taking a small break to run to the restroom and talk some sense into yourself and attempt to give him the benefit of the doubt, you felt a little more positive. 
“So what all do we need?”
“What do you mean, love?”
“What all are you planning on getting everyone? All we have so far is a Burberry sweater for your dad.”
“Uh, let’s see.”, Joe began. “I guess we can get Wes some top shelf booze.”
“Okay. That leaves Ollo and your mom.”
“I’m not sure what to get Ollo.”, Joe admitted. 
“Doesn’t he like photography?”
Every answer that you were getting from Joe was like pulling teeth. It didn’t—and shouldn’t be this hard to pick up gifts for your loved ones. You spent a lot of time throughout the year thinking of the perfect gifts to give everyone in your life. You didn’t understand what was holding him up. Finally, you decided to help him. 
“What about a new sleek leather camera bag?”
“Yeah, that’s good.”
Good. That was the best adjective he could come up with to describe what you considered to be a very thoughtful gift for his friend. The rest of the day felt almost like agony. You all had spent more time than you had intended at the mall, totaling five hours in what could have only taken a couple of hours. It was five-thirty, almost six. The mall was closing at six. Joe carried most of the bags. It seemed like it was totally against his will which only dampened your mood further. 
You all had gotten Ollo his leather camera bag, Wes his top shelf booze, and his mom a Gucci scarf and gloves. 
“Ready to go, love? They’re closing in thirty minutes. And I don’t know about you but I’m so ready to get out of here and head home.”
“Yeah.”, came your short response. 
You were at the end of your fuse. Walking towards the exit, Joe attempted to grab your hand with his free one. Loosely, you allowed him to intertwine his with yours, hoping he would get the hint. But it didn’t seem that he had yet. The winter wind nipped at your nose as you all walked outside to the car. Joe let go of your hand to unlock the car door. And before he could even attempt to come to your side and open the door for you, you beat him to the punch.
Frustrated and hurt didn’t even begin to describe your emotions right now. Joe looked confused as you slammed the door shut lightly, grabbing your seatbelt and fastening it. You watched in the mirror as he shook it off and loaded all the bags inside the car before getting in himself and starting the car. Your phone automatically linked back up, Christmas songs beginning to play in a loop. You were no longer in the mood to be joyous and in the spirit. 
“Are you okay? You seem—off.”
Joe tried to start the conversation lightly, easing into it. 
“I’m fine.”, you insisted, crossing your arms.
Your body language definitely indicated otherwise. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.”, you snapped, almost instantly regretting it but it was enough for him to stop prodding. 
The rest of the car ride home was in silence other than the radio playing upbeat Christmas songs. Ones you would usually sing along to, but not today. Not now. Ten minutes away from home, you cut the radio off  and let the rest of the ride be in complete silence. Joe knew he had fucked up and in a big way. The sun had set by the time you all pulled into your driveway. The outside light illuminated the driveway as he placed the car in park, shutting it off. 
You wasted no time in unbuckling and grabbing your fair share of presents to carry inside.
“Do you have the house keys?”, you asked dryly. 
“Yeah, here.”, Joe handed them to you and he could have sworn you almost ripped them out of his hands. 
He watched as you marched up to the door, unlocking it, and disappeared inside. It took him a few minutes to catch up, but when he entered the house he noticed you had set everything down on the couch and had disappeared into the bedroom. The door was closed. His brown eyes panned to the Christmas tree, the one you always plugged in as soon as you all arrived home from whatever errands you had to run. It sat in darkness. His heart sank knowing something was wrong with you. 
He sat the armful of presents on the couch beside your pile before he hurriedly kicked his shoes off, racing to your all’s shared bedroom. He turned the doorknob but it didn’t open. 
No answer. You had never given him the silent treatment before. Sighing, he tried the door again but to no avail. It was obvious you didn’t want to be bothered. What had he done that was so wrong? He needed to figure it out and fast. Walking back over to the couch, he sat done on the section that was clear of the pile of presents. What could he do to fix whatever he had broken? The house was silent. The silence only feeding into his dilemma. 
He didn’t have much time to wallow in his woes before his phone dinged. Wasting no time, he picked it up and looked at the name. Wes. 
-Hey. What time are we doing dinner Tuesday?
Joe typed back quickly. 
-We were thinking around six. Does that work?
A swoosh indicated his message had sent. 
It was just a few seconds before his phone dinged again. 
-Sounds good. Finish up your last minute Christmas shopping with Y/N?
He sighed before typing back.
-Yeah, we did. But I feel like she’s mad at me.
-How come?
Joe sighed, beginning to text with a recount of the day. He started from the very beginning and worked his way through your all’s entire day. Joe’s heart sank into his stomach, realizing where and how he had probably went wrong once he saw the entire day in a tangible, typed messaged. From the beginning, he hadn’t seemed very thrilled that you all were going last minute Christmas shopping. Then, he wasn’t exactly thrilled with your music choices. 
-I know Christmas is usually hard for you and it’s not exactly your favorite. Especially since your parents divorced. But it sounds like she was really trying to include you and make you happy this Christmas. It’s your first as an engaged couple.  She may feel like you could care less and she’s hurt by that. 
-How do I fix it?
Joe felt stupid even sending that question to Wes. But he needed an idea where to start. 
-Give in and get in the Christmas spirit. 
Wesley made it sound so easy. But before Wesley could even respond, Joe had an idea brewing in his head. He had been really shitty in the fiancé department today, especially when you tried to include him in the sing-alongs in the car, picking out his friends and family’s Christmas presents (which you helped put a lot of thought in, proving you cared about them just as much as he did), and just making the best of  the day together with someone you loved. 
Rising from the couch, he went over and plugged the tree in. It instantly lit up the small corner of the living room, making it feel more cozy and comfy. He admired it for a moment, the glare of the lights on the tree reflecting on the various pictures of you both hanging on the wall. In all the pictures, you both looked so happy and in love. Step one was complete. 
Joe’s phone dinged again, reminding him that he hadn’t viewed the message from Wes. But he didn’t think he needed to. He knew what he needed to do. Making his way into the kitchen, he flipped on the lights and pulled a few ingredients from the fridge before slipping your very merry apron on. You had a special one just for the holidays to make things a little more festive. He couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath. It made him smile. You did the cutest things. 
His mom always made the best gingerbread cookies at Christmas time. And he was about to attempt to recreate that recipe. They probably wouldn’t be as good as hers, but it was worth a try, right? He had made them with her most of the time, especially when he was a little boy. It was time to keep the tradition alive. What else could be better to set the mood than putting on a little Christmas music? 
He turned on the playlist you had made, specifically for the holidays. You had shared it with him on Spotify. The festive music began filling the house as he mixed the ingredients in a bowl, landing the flour everywhere but where it needed to go. The kitchen almost looked slightly hazy, causing him to laugh lightly. He had to admit this was kinda fun, making him feel a little warm and fuzzy inside. All he needed was you to make this feel complete.
Another idea popped into his brain, one he could maybe use to coerce you out of the bedroom. You loved hot chocolate. Swiss Miss was your favorite with the tiny little marshmallows but you always added some more to give it the perfect amount. Digging in the cabinets, he found a packet. He followed the instructions and heated up a cup of hot water before mixing the packet of hot chocolate mix into it. He managed to find your stash of mini marshmallows and poured a few into the cup, making it look like something out of Hallmark movie. 
He had paused his baking because he needed you to help him finish them. It didn’t feel right to continue on without you. Grabbing your cup of hot chocolate, he closed his eyes and attempted to talk himself up before reaching the bedroom door. He knocked gently. 
“Love. Can you open up?”
A few seconds went by and he wondered if you were going to let him in or continue to shut him out. His hope was fading, a sigh escaping him as he almost turned to go. But you opened the door, sniffling lightly. 
“Yes, love?”, he spun around carefully, keeping the hot chocolate from spilling. 
“Did you make me—hot chocolate?”
“I did.”
“You added the marshmallows just like I like them.”
He laughed nervously. “Of course I did. I know how much you love them.”
You smiled lightly, your sniffles fading. He could tell you had been crying and that made him feel even worse. It was like a dagger through his heart. He hated seeing you sad and didn’t even want to think about you crying. 
“Look, I’m sorry I’ve been a jerk today. I wasn’t the best fiancé. And for that, I’m sorry. Christmas has just always been a difficult time for me.”, he looked down nervously at his feet before looking back up at you. 
Your face was sympathetic. “Joe.”
“And I realize you were just trying to make me feel better and include me in the holiday festivities. I’m very sorry I was such an ass today.”
“I love you baby and I just—”
“Joe.”, you spoke louder, trying to gain his attention, finally succeeding even if you had to interrupt his sentence. “Are you making something gingerbread or are you burning one of my candles?”
“I’m attempting to bake using my mother’s recipe for gingerbread man cookies. It only seems fitting you help me—if you want to.” 
“Of course, I do.”, you came closer and leaned in, placing a kiss on his cheek. “And can I have my hot chocolate before it becomes cold chocolate?”, you teased.
“Yeah.”, he laughed nervously before handing it to you, you following behind him.
You noticed he had plugged the tree up, giving light to the living room. It was one of your favorite things at Christmas time. Seeing the tree light up the room in almost complete darkness. 
“You plugged the tree in?”, you asked, taking a sip of your hot chocolate.
It felt like a warm hug. 
“I did.”, he smiled back at you, the sparkle finally in his brown eyes. 
“And you’re playing my Christmas playlist.”
A smirk was creeping across your face. 
“I am.”, he smiled back at you. 
You couldn’t help but smile as you followed him into the kitchen, noticing all the ingredients and gingerbread cookie cutters on the counter hidden in a pile of flour. He was really trying and that meant more to you than anything.
“Christmas has just been hard for me since my parents divorced. I’m sorry—it’s not fair to you. I just remember the holidays being difficult because I had to split time between both sides of my family and between both parents. They love me and I’m thankful for that—I even feel selfish for feeling this way but it was hard when all my friends got to celebrate with their perfect families.”, Joe began rolling the dough out. 
“I’m sorry that it’s been difficult for you, babe. But we have each other now. We’re family—we can start our own traditions. We can see your parents but maybe set some traditions up just for us?”
Joe looked over at you. “I’d love that.”
“Yeah? Me too.”
“Maybe soon we can make these with our kids.”
You giggled. “I’d love that. So much.”
You both leaned in and shared a soft, tender kiss. As you both pulled away to admire each other, your favorite modern Christmas song came on. The one from earlier, the Jonas Brother’s “Like It’s Christmas”. Joe couldn’t help but begin to smirk as you both pulled away. 
The snow on the ground, love in the air
The sleigh bells are ringing
This is what it’s all about
The fire is warm, the angles are singing
Joe watched you intently, smiling from ear to ear as he watched you begin singing the lyrics. It was a matter before he joined in on the second part. 
And I don’t want to miss a single thing
Don’t wanna put end to all this cheer
But as long as you’re with me, it’s always the time of the year 
You both sang the chorus, looking deeply into each other’s eyes as you continued to work on cutting out gingerbread men. 
You make every day feel like it’s Christmas
Never wanna stop
Feeling’ like the first thing on your wishlist
Right up at the top
I can’t deny what I’m feeling inside
Nothin’ fake about the way you bring me to life
You make every day feel like it’s Christmas
Ever day that I’m with you
“You do know the lyrics.”, you teased him, taking another sip of your hot chocolate while raising your eyebrows. 
“Only because it’s true.”
“What’s true?”
“You make everyday feel like it’s Christmas. Like you’re the best present I’ve ever received and you make me the happiest man in the entire world and I can’t wait to marry you.”
“I love you.”, you sighed dreamily. 
“I love you too.”
“Wanna start on that new tradition?”
“And what’s that?”, Joe teased.
“Well, if you’re serious about making these cookies with our own babies in a few years.”
“I’ll meet you in the bedroom.”
“By the way, the holiday apron—very sexy.”, you smirked, sitting your hot chocolate down.
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mccarthaevita · 2 months
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Joe Jonas Header
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layoutsjtpics · 1 year
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jonas brothers - the tour / headers;
just reblog or like if you save, plase!
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wallflowerglitter · 1 year
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the-invisible-queer · 4 months
damn i haven't been online for two days and your fave jobro got cancelled and erased from the header? tf he do???
But I'm not the only one in the fandom pissed at/disappointed in him right now
I don't want to talk about it because I'd be breaking my own rule about discussing speculation about his love life
He's just on time out because I can't see his face or hear his voice without wanting to fucking fight him right now
I still love him and will support him when his new song drops
I just think I need to cut the parasocial relationship off or at least keep the man at arms length because I'm in TOO DEEP
I'm still on my Jonas bullshit
Fully leaning into the Nick girl era moving forward
It is a repeat of 2011 except this time I know I'll inevitably get over it and welcome him back with open arms
Currently in search of a new fixation because I do need someone to pour all my love and affection into who will fuel my romantic daydreams - which is why it can't be another Jonas
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livingjonas · 10 months
niika here!
extremely unfortunate that joe and sophie got divorced, they were making babies till very recently :(
anyways, whassup w u? bb sooo muchh has happened and ik i say this everytime but then take sooo much time to follow up, so this time i will tell u whats been going on!
wellduring the started of the yr i was w this guy and he kinda gaslighted me and started blaming me for things that weren't even my fault, and then my bestf who was also my roommate turned out to be a snake; she was jealous of me apparently then i spent the entire summer working on myself and finding my happiness again, and it was challenging to face my 'roommate' again after the summer... she had even polarised all my klasmates against me but fortunately a few stuck around.. i ofc cant do anyth abt that but im trying to only focus on my work and hoping that the rest will fit into place automatically.
other than that, this rlly sweet boy asked me out but i dont feel anythhh romantic towards him at ALL😭😭this other guy, my junior, asked me out, and the date was pretty cute; but turned out to be very manipulative.. i was so glad to be able to sense it before anyth got serious lmao
and ive been sooo away from all the jonas and bts things i have mostly lost track ajhdjshkjas
buT YES!! that's all abt me! wbu? tell me stuff pls!!
ilove you and i miss you so much!<33
oh god I can’t believe I’m only seeing this 9 days later what!!!! I’m sorry niika, I kinda forgot about my tumblr account kkjskk (figures, I REALLY need to change my header 💀)
but oh my SHE LIVES!!!!! 😭 missed you a lot!!
yeah I was so bummed about their divorce but you know what, single dad joe jonas is out of this world! 🔥 good for him, good for him
yk as I was reading your ask I was like DAMN WHAT but then… MEN right 🙄 you’re too good for these guys!! fck them!! and it’s not your fault, if you don’t feel the same then you don’t and that’s okay! also wdym your roommate is a snake how dare she!!!! I hope your other classmates come through and realize she’s the evil one wth
it’s all good over here! this year I went to a bunch of concerts which was awesome 😭 and that’s about it lol oh and I just bought my Jonas concert ticket today!!! it’s gonna be in our birthday month btwwwww I’m so happy! like three days after my birthday HOW COOL IS THAT AAA I’m gonna celebrate it with my favorite people in this world!!
pleaseeeee don’t be a stranger!! miss and LOVE YOU ❤️
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beautifulballad · 11 months
Stars Attend The F1 United States Grand Prix
The F1 United States Grand Prix was held this past weekend in Austin, Texas. Some of our favorite stars made to drop in for previews of the Paddocks before the triple header races. Joe Jonas was spotted walking around the Paddocks before posing for a photo with Track & Field World Champion, Sha’Carri Richardson. Chloe Grace Moretz, a big fan of F1 racing, was on hand to check out the previews and…
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olivissrodrigoily · 1 year
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rt/reblog if save | Jonas Brothers Headers 
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jonasempsd · 4 years
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jonas headers
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