whatsupwithmymind · 5 years
ya nailed it
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tcrmommabear · 6 years
Secret Santa Wishlists 2018
Hey all! Here are the wishlists for Secret Santa this year! We’ve got some lovely new names on the list, and I’m excited for what you all can create!
Some news though: We do have a few players who are not on Tumblr, but A03 and Fanfiction.net. If you have your own account to post to those, it’d be wildly appreciated if you’d post to that as well! If not, simply let me know, and I’ll get into contact with them and let them know what’s up!
Due date will be late December, and please remember: Your life comes before anything like this. If responsibilities are too much, do not hesitate to drop out and let me know. I care more about you than some dumb gift exchange.
Yuki as the Sugar Plum Princess
Gift of the Magi
Christmas Eve debate over Santa Claus’s existence in front of a cozy fire
Crossover (Preferably Avatar: The Last Airbender or Soul Eater)
Stars, maybe stargazing or space travel
College AU
Good ol’ Lesbian Team-Up (Lost Ladies)
Mortal Angst
Pirate AU
Louise and Persephone
Anything Bureau Files related
W. Y. Traveller
Another fictional character (I.E. Jack Frost, Gandalf, Aslan) comes and asks the Bureau for assistance
Haru goes Christmas Shopping for the Bureau
AU/Scenario where the Bureau meets for the first time
Toy Shop
Anything Labyrinth themed
Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter
Dungeons and Dragons
Lost Ladies (wlw relationships)
Body Horror CW Inspiration from this song and its lyrics
Death CW, Body Horror CW Choose your sun sign/star sign/whichever one and use it as a prompt! :link: :link: :link:
Animal Harm CW, Death CW, Gore CW Use this song as inspiration
Fairytale with a twist- give a classic fairytale a new spin!
Mass Effect Crossover
Songfic (Pick a song from the Haru/Baron playlist)
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docholligay · 6 years
headphonescinderella replied to your photo: I have to say that every time I see this, all I...
‘Papa’ can also be Spanish for ‘the pope’. You could almost argue that the narrative is demanding for you to seize power through more masculine, religion based roles
True, but I never thought that because it didn't occur to me that Ikuhara might want the girls to form their own religion with multiple popes. Maybe what Ikuhara was saying all along is to question the power structures of institutions and set up a world where we are ALL at the highest lever of leadership, that we should all "Be Popes" and that's something to consider.
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mindfulwrath · 6 years
Itisn't surprising that the universe has a cruel sense of humor. That'sbeen made evident since the dawn of time, in things like rosy-lippedbatfish and mass-extinctionsand the invention of capitalism. The Homers and Ovids of the world,the Shakespeares and EdgarAllen Poes, they mightactually have gotten things kind of almost right—atleast in that whoever'srunning things,they're 1. a poet, and 2. a bastard.
It issomewhat surprising to look down at his own dead body.
"Sonof a bitch," he says.
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headphonescinderella replied to your post “everyone who’s seen den-o has to make an imaginsona or you’re a coward”
what's your oc like?
!!! @your-toku-mom also asked me about thm so i’m gonna tag thm too!!
so in kamen rider den-o (which i’m assuming you haven’t seen bc. no one has lmao) there’s these demon-type things called imagin that possess the riders and help turn them into masked heroes a la power rangers. it’s a lot more campy than it sounds lmao
there’s three different “forms”- the imagin itself, the masked rider suit, and how you look when the imagin is possessing you. in the show, they distinguish this both by a personality change and a hair change, sometimes growing or restyling itself and always with a colored streak that matches the imagin’s main color
my imagin’s name is seine (or seinne to play off my name, i haven’t decided yet). she’s aquatic themed and dark blue, and she’s much more withdrawn and secretive than i am. she’s very blunt with other people, though, and will say outright what she thinks about them. she’s only withdrawn when it comes to herself bc she likes to seem mysterious. in the rider form, her weapon is a harpoon gun but like. a Big one.
i have drawings of all three forms but good god am i not an artist or character designer so i probably won’t post them? rip lmao
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grimoireemil · 6 years
headphonescinderella replied to your post “The more I read, the more I get back into Blind Guardian, the nerdiest...”
Well, most of those folks are singing about being vikings, so theyre all kind of nerdy tbh
I mean touche, but I single out Blind Guardian because they jump from metal about vikings, metal about fantasy books, then to like acoustic, bard-like ballads about fantasy books, and then similar ballads based on 17th century books by John Milton.  Oh and historical events, most of those battles as well lol
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the-wolfbats · 6 years
headphonescinderella replied to your post: I filled out an application for some kind of twee...
theyll love it honestly
They better.
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sysig · 7 years
headphonescinderella: I have not had a “Squee” attack in years but god...
I have to ask-what did you think of the blooper reel?
My soul left the ethereal plane at the way Virgil says “Nope”
Also Glitchy. Savage
The fact that Harry animated so much of the bloopers and edited the voices and everything I just-- so much admiration <3
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lowspoonsfood · 7 years
A lot of spice brands sell stuff like onion and ginger and garlic in a powder form in large containers for really cheap, so that can help save spoons on cutting up those things without shelling out the money for prediced food. I️ recommend Badia brand, as it can be cheaper than the store brand.
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dreamofserenity626 · 7 years
21 and 22, please:)
21. Favorite quote?
“Tucker, there’s a very fine line between not listening and not caring. I like to think that I walk that line every day of my life.” - Prvt. Leonard L. Church
I have this quote on a t-shirt I love it so much.
22. Favorite speech?
This is a Sarge thing right? He’s usually the one that gives the big speeches. Church has a really good one at the end of Season 13 that, and that one is probably the one that made me feel the most feels, but I’m not writing it here. Major spoilers, but it speaks to me on a personal level.
Let’s just dub it “Ain’t that a bitch?”
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catsafarithewriter · 7 years
Secret Santa: I Dreamt of the Faces of the People I Loved
Hey, hey, hey @headphonescinderella, guess who your Secret Santa was this year! (It me.) So one of your requests was whatever this freaky, freaky video inspired, and after several sleepless nights, I ended up drawing ideas from Koh the Face Stealer from Avatar the Last Airbender. One sleepless night deserves another. 
The first face she saw it wearing was Humbert’s.
Her step faltered at the cavern’s opening then, a sound in her throat threatening to dissolve into a sob. Only faint sunlight found its way into these depths, weaving past the tree roots above, but there was no mistaking that face.
That face that she had fallen in love with; that smile, those eyes, that laugh…
All stolen now.
“It’s not safe for someone like you to wander these woods alone.”
That voice - Humbert’s voice - resonated through the cavern, so familiar that it took all of her willpower to remember Louise’s fatal warning before she had embarked on this mission.
“Show no fear. Show no emotion at all or it will steal your face also.”
She tightened her grip around the old battered cane and continued her steady descent. “Someone like me?” she echoed.
As she reached the bottom of the cavern, the monster passed by a beam of light and she caught a glance of a tailored suit and silk top hat. Light grey, almost white gloves that spoke of human hands, but furred wrists that betrayed a more feline origin.
Haru watched her breath escape from her lips in misty spirals, anything to detract from the monster that had stolen Baron’s face, but even as it approached her, her mind noted how even its movements were reminiscent of Humbert.
Its heels clicked with the same precision he had always taken, each step that slow, smart pace. The steps of someone who had always been so sure of his path.
“Do you know who I am?” Humbert’s voice asked.
“Do you think I would have come all this way if I didn’t?”
“Then you are a fool.” The monster paced, a smile playing on familiar lips as it waited for her to err. “Let me guess: you come to avenge a loved one. Who did I take? A sister? A father? A lover?”
Faces flashed across its visage, shifting from victim to victim with heartless carelessness. She saw the faces of other missing people from her village; the baker, the teacher’s daughter, the blacksmith’s apprentice. Faces she knew. Faces she had mourned.
She swallowed, the only betrayal of emotion past indifference that she allowed herself. Slow breaths.
“My fiancé.”
“Ah. The young baron.”
Humbert’s face returned in full force and, as braced as Haru had been for the inevitable, she felt her breath hitch.
Humbert’s face split into a smile, his smile, and Haru felt sick.
“A foolish fellow, if ever there was one. To think he could talk sense into something like me.”
“I told him it was useless.” Her voice thickened, fingers clutched, knuckle-white around the cane. “I told him that he couldn’t reason with something like you, but he wouldn’t listen. He wanted to believe there was good in everyone. Even you.”
“And you?”
“What about me?” she asked.
“Do you believe there’s good in everyone?”
“I believe it’s a person’s actions that define them, and yours paint a very dark picture indeed.”
The monster laughed, eyes crinkling in that same manner Humbert’s always had. “So you don’t come to try to reason with me.”
“If such a thing were possible, Humbert would have succeeded long before I tried.”
“That’ll be a no.” The monster continued to circle Haru, hands tucked at the small of his back. “You come to kill me, then?”
“I come to stop you.”
“Is there a difference?”
“Difference enough,” Haru said.
“And how do you intend to stop me? With the flimsy blade hidden in that cane?” There came a chuckle when Haru’s grip shifted around the cane’s hook. “Oh, did you think I wouldn’t know about that when I have all of your fiancé’s memories? It would take more than a pitiful toothpick to leave any lasting damage, I’m afraid.”
Haru released the breath she had been holding and forced her grip to loosen. She feigned a calm she did not feel. “I know. In fact, I know all about you.” She stared straight ahead, concentrating on not meeting the monster’s gaze. “You’re the spirit that steals the faces of its victims—“
“Any mother’s child knows of such stories,” it said. “You are no different.”
“—but only of those who show emotion,” Haru finished. She looked to it now, noting the almost imperceptible pause in its step. “Why is that? What’s so potent about emotion? That seems such a petty limitation, don’t you think?”
“Is that why you came? To satisfy a curiosity? I have taken people for less.”
“I think it’s because you don’t have any emotions of your own,” she continued, “so you have to steal those of others’. But they don’t last, do they? So it’s onto the next victim, the next meal, the next face. Just to feel the merest echo of what it is to be human.” Her breathing was accelerating, her voice veering dangerously towards ire. “But it’s not enough, is it? You can dress up all you like, but the truth is you’re still nothing but a beast. That’s all you’ll ever be.”
It smiled, but the smile didn’t reach its narrowed eyes. Human irises flickered and then were swallowed up by feline eyes. “Do you think that knowing that protects you?” Humbert’s voice dissolved into an inhuman growl. “Do you think that knowing to hide your emotions are enough? You are human; you are made of emotion and sooner or later you will slip. And when that happens, nothing will save you.”
“Maybe. But until then, you will listen to me.” Haru watched as the animal eyes narrowed, ire at being denied its victim playing clearly across its stolen face. Her heart was hammering as if attempting to break free from her rib cage, but she fought back the vicious, bittersweet smile. “I came here to see if Humbert had been right - to see if there was even a scrap of morality in your miserable being. I see now that, the one time that it mattered, he was mistaken. I don’t see anything in you that deserves mercy.”
Humbert’s face smiled thinly back, revelling in the emotions it would not allow others. “You speak as if you have me at your mercy, human. Warriors have tried to kill me; I took their faces. Scholars have tried to study me; I took their faces. Foolish do-gooders have tried to reason with me; I took their faces. What could you possibly do that has not been tried before?”
“This,” Haru said, and she unsheathed the cane’s blade and stabbed it into its side. She backed off, her face impassive but her chest heaving.
The monster looked to her, and then down to the sword impaling it’s jacket. “Well, I am disappointed,” it said. With a gloved hand, it pulled the cane out and dropped it to the cavern floor. “I told you that a toothpick like that would never—“
As it took a step forward, its leg gave way. Its hands jumped to the ruined jacket. There was no blood, but it’s hands shook. “What… what have you done to me?!”
Haru fell a step back, a smile flickering at the edge of her lips, hardly daring to believe it’d worked. “You should think twice before taking someone’s face,” she said. “They might have family who know how to undo you.”
“What have—“
“Humbert’s father is a sorcerer,” Haru continued, taking grim delight in talking over the face stealer. “He doesn’t have a lot of magic, but he has a whole library on the theory. His mother is a herbalist. May not sound like much, but she knows the magical properties of anything green that grows. And they found a way to stop you, monster.”
A laugh trickled at the edge of her voice, relief spreading through into her eyes and forming tears. “You’ll never take another person. I promise you that.”
“No,” it growled. “I’ll have one more face yet. You forget your emotions, human!”
The monster lunged, hands gripping her jaw and claws breaking through the gloves. Haru felt her skin break. Blood dripped down her chin.
Its face - Humbert’s face - looked over hers, its mouth splitting impossibly wide with far too many teeth. A guttural, animal roar tore from its throat.
And then it released her.
It stumbled back, its hands moving to cradle its head, that roar dwindling to a whine. Tears flooded those feline eyes.
“What have I done?” Haru echoed back. She straightened, wiping away the blood at her chin. “I’ve given you what you wanted. I’ve given you emotion.”
“Is everything your victims felt. All the fear and sorrow and anger. It’s not so much fun when it’s real, is it? Real emotions have power. Real emotions hurt. And now they’re all yours.”
She picked up the discarded sword and slotted it back into the cane sheath, the blade glittering with the potion coating it. She started up the stone steps to the cavern’s opening. 
“You’re... you’re just going to leave?” the monster hissed. “You’re not even going to finish me off?”
“And deprive you of your realised dream?” Haru called back. “I think not. But don’t worry; when word spreads of your state, people will come to finish the job soon enough. Until then, though, I think you have several lifetimes of emotions to catch up on. Enjoy.” 
Gripping the cane ever tighter, she left the cavern and its wailing occupant behind, and stepped out into the evening sunlight. For the first time in a long time, she smiled. 
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coolgirl · 7 years
Re: fan fiction game: return, taste, peach
only taste is on my wips rip!
“Fair enough.” he concedes, and takes a sip of his coffee, making a face at how bitter it still tastes even after three packets of sugar.
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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sanchoyo · 7 years
‘This is 90% of my aesthetic in one post’ what’s the other ten percent?
45% mermaids
45% tokyo mew mew
5% Big Poofy rococo dresses and general flowery vintage aesthetics 
5% Sapphic Shit
and 1% hat collecting 
because I’m Bad at Math and try to shoot for above 100% :D
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mindfulwrath · 7 years
headphonescinderella replied to your post “*me, clutching the Powered cast to my chest and weeping* I’M GONNA...”
Its' ending?
Yeah Blackout is the final installment and it’s like ... four chapters & an epilogue away from being done
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grimoireemil · 6 years
headphonescinderella replied to your post “1st day of work went well :) I’m gonna have to start brainstorming...”
Any particular plans that you have?
I’m really not sure at the moment. My supervisor was doing this before me says she does like crafts and interacts with the kids. We only have like 3 she says, so it’s not a huge crowd.
My initial plan was to read like I’m doing a play almost, acting out every role and such but well. I feel like I gotta do more than that. XD I’m just not sure how to bring the kids into the story. Like I want to engage them somehow, but I’d need to find questions or some other way for them to interact with the story so they learn from it.
Crafts will. Probably happen. Like maybe making cotton ball rabbits if it’s a book about rabbits or something like that?? Idk. They aren’t throwing me into the deep end. Gonna go and watch several other libraries do their thing and then from there build my own methods and stuff :)
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haberdashing · 7 years
Tumblr media
(words for the fic meme thing)
None for “united” or “past”, but “being” brings up quite a few sentences!
From Expecting, the pokerpg world fic:
 “...you’re missing the point. The point being that I’m not letting you name our child Ebenezer.”
From Experiments, an Avarice AU fic:
“So when Ford and Dipper came up to him this time, with Dipper being the one to say “We want to try something” even though the boy’s gaze was fixed about five feet to Stan’s left, Stan let out a long sigh before responding.”
From an untitled Elsewhere Falls fic:
“But he didn’t move, didn’t respond to Fiddleford calling his name (or what passed for his name at Elsewhere), didn’t react at all to being jabbed in the side.”
From No Harbor Was His Home, a Guardians of the Galaxy 2 AU fic:
“Peter giggled for a moment before he realized that his father was being serious.”
“When Peter was four, he was sent off to preschool with strict instructions not to mention his dad being an alien to anyone there.
(Meredith had seen ET and didn’t much like the idea of her son being examined by some governmental agency.“
From Trustworthy chapter 2:
“He read and he wrote and he pondered and he worried and he came up with nothing, no brilliant plan for saving the day, no way of setting things right again, the only change as the hours rolled by being how he found it more and more difficult to concentrate, to stick with a single train of thought, to ignore the sound of his clone flipping through pages or drumming his pen against the table as he thought things through, to keep his head up and his eyes open as he desperately searched for a way to save the world, to stop Bill...”
“Ford had trouble even getting himself to go through the motions, to close his eyes (Bill could be right there but he wouldn’t know if he wasn’t looking) and throw on a blanket (being covered with a blanket made it harder to move, harder to run) and stay still (he had so much more to do).”
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