#healing tank
aae-demon-zone333 · 7 months
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Experimental/Healing Tank Example Scenes:
Devil Jin (Tekken; from Dragunov's T5DR ending)
Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul; fanart with Hide watching him)
Kafka Hibino (Kaiju No. 8; manga)
Marcy Wu (Amphibia; screengrab)
Mewtwo (Pokemon; TCG illustration)
The former image was what caused me to get into images & scenarios involving experimental/healing tanks. Usually, healing tanks speed up recovery, but experimental tanks are often used for stuff I probably don't wanna explain here. Still, those types of tanks are commonly used in my SXT (Scenario X-Type) stories, usually in story elements involving someone recovering from intense pain or wounds. 🤗🤗🤗
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ravoress · 2 months
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pup-pee · 1 month
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uldahstreetrat · 8 months
just remembered a convo I had with a couple friends some weeks back so, for my FFXIV folks:
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redsoda1111 · 11 months
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my offering for swap!au (dozo)
i have a lot of Thoughts about this au. specifically where both kni and vash's goals differ but yet i still try to keep the same. the shift is, who was the one who got rem's speech after tesla's revelation.
kni uses his powers of creation so as not to let his sisters suffer the end of a last run anymore. hence the black hair. meanwhile, vash doesn't want to eradicate all of humanity, but to control them and strip them of their free will. he thinks in this way, he could control how plants are to be treated and kni won't have to slowly kill himself for the Humans and their sisters. he's starting a cult lmao
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olive-riggzey · 1 year
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I blame this post for making this dumb idea spawn in my brain
Because now I’m convinced that Temenos actually doesn’t realize what a twig he is, like a small dog that barks at much bigger animals on the other side of a fence. I DUNNO-- (Also this was my first time doodling like half these characters so there’s a lot of improvising haHA)
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necromeowncy · 15 days
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How it feels to cast Kardia on the tank.
Unedited screenshot below:
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inky-axolotl · 2 years
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In my opinion, it was a missed opportunity to spend episode 4 watching Obi Wan recover post- Vader fight.
(Also a bit of a headcanon- hurt or lost arms and hands of course doesn’t stop you from using the force, but it takes a bit of retraining)
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aae-demon-zone333 · 7 months
Experimental/Healing Tank 101
Experimental/Healing Tank 101:
The person changes into spandex shorts (M/F/NB), a strapless spandex top (F/NBBF*), and spandex cuffs for their ankles & wrists. (*-Non-Binary born female)
The person straps an oxygen tank to their back, and puts a breathing mask on their face. (The mask's appearance is usually a full face mask, sometimes with an attached regulator.) Sometimes, ear communicators are put inside their ears in order to communicate with anyone outside of the tank.
They get onto a special platform that raises them higher until they're above the tank, and then they're submerged into the tank.
After the submerging, the platform goes back to its default area below the tank & back to its main position. Then, the tank is closed, and oxygen is delivered to the person.
Long tube-like cords emerge from the bottom area of the tank, and then via way of micro-needles (not seen in my perspective due to my IRL fear of them), they attach themselves to the person's body.
The person moves around for a bit in the tank for the first couple of minutes as recovery chemicals are inserted into their body via the cords.
At some point, the person is sedated via an anesthesia-like chemical so the recovery chemicals can do more work, though the person is still able to breathe. An hour or so later, the person wakes up and breathes normally while moving around in the tank again.
When the process is over, the cords disconnect themselves from the person and go back in the tank, and also, the platform goes back to where the person is.
The tank opens, and they are taken out of the tank emerging from it while on the platform.
After the platform lands on its default area outside the tank, the person then dries off (either via a drying station or is given towels), and is fully recovered.
Experimental/healing tanks play a major role in my SXT (Scenario X-Type) stories, mainly my Tokyo Ghoul and Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth/Survive ones. This info also proves useful for anyone into this kinda "tank stuff" like me. 😉👍🏻❤️
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Test Track AU (T$$ AU Masterlist)
previous /// next (cw: gore)
tag list:
@theonewithallthefixations , @violets-whumperflies , @whump-me , @pirefyrelight , @soheavyaburden , @snakebites-and-ink , @whumpsday , @kixngiggles , @echo-goes-aaa @suspicious-whumping-egg , @cryptidwritings , @painsandconfusion , @grizzlie70 , @bloodsweatandpotato , @ladyblogofficialreporter @whumper-soot , @poeticagony
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andromeda3116 · 11 months
all right we did the "underrated badass moment" and riza communicating to roy about selim's nature from right under bradley's nose won, so how about this?
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asleepinawell · 2 years
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Castrum Fluminis - Tsukuyomi
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rystiel · 1 month
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jack if he came running to help the doctor in a good man goes to war (we all know he would’ve)
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minqueee · 2 months
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finally played convergence
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prince-liest · 1 year
TIL you guys also like fish!!!! please let me introduce you to the rest of my fishy community!
first of all, these are my fish tanks:
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this is a 20 gallon tall tank that I will be upgrading to a 37 long next year when I find out where I’m going for residency. the 5lb pressurized cannister is a CO2 tank that I use to inject carbon dioxide into the water (on a timer)! CO2 is the limiting “nutrient” for plant growth underwater in a tank like mine (with bright light and fertilizers added), so it helps encourage plant growth and more vibrant colors in plants with red and orange tones, as well as carpeting plants.
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this is a 6.4 gallon tank that also has CO2 injection, and currently no fish because it is cycling (and will be for about 4 weeks). it will be her highness the betta fish’s new home once it is cycled, because she keeps murdering my shrimp in the community tank. once she is moved, I will probably get a pair of honey gouramis for the community tank.
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this is one of the shrimp in question! she is pregnant. (eggnant, you might say.) I love her.
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these are my kuhli loaches! I have 6 black and 6 banded. they are technically different species and the banded ones are much more shy. they spend a lot of time swimming circles along the glass and draping themselves over plants upside-down to make me think they are dead. they get very offended when you poke them to make sure they’re not dead.
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I have 8 neon tetras. they’re all fat and extremely hard to take non-blurry photos of.
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I also have 3 hillstream loaches, which are one of my favorite fish of all time. they’re juveniles that bred from a friend’s tank, and they look like tiny little stingrays that are frequently stuck to the side of the glass. they are aufwuchs-eaters which means they scrape algae and biofilm off the surfaces of things, but they also like sifting through sand and need sufficient protein (aka. not pure algae eaters).
here’s what they look like from the bottom:
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I also have snails:
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this is the biggest of my three nerite snails! I like nerites because they have bright colors and they don’t reproduce in fresh water. however, if you get a female (like this one), they WILL lay tiny white little sesame seed eggs everywhere, even though they can’t hatch. I used to have “pest” snails in the form of bladder snails and freshwater limpets but, uh, I have a total of 15 loaches in the tank, so. I no longer have pest snails and my loaches are all well-fed. :”)
thank u for coming to my ted talk. I love fish. I love my fish. please come talk to me about fish. I leave u with one last photo of her highness in all her glory:
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fallloverfic · 4 months
As someone who's tanked, healed, and DPS'd, this scene in the latest Delicious in Dungeon episode is relatable on so many fronts. Spoilers for S01E08: Raspberries/Grilled Meat:
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Admittedly when I was tanking it was usually me wrangling the other party members and yelling at the DPS to not be dicks to the heals, but still. There's something so very cute about this alkjdlaj poke the tin can alkdjlaj get him up and moving. He's fully healed now, he has no excuse. Yes, his armor is heavy, but it is time to move.
Me, a grumpy tank who just handled a boss the size of a house: I move when I want.
Also did I imagine it or was there a massive style switch for like at least 1/3 of this episode, particularly the fight sequence? It looked a lot more similar to Little Witch Academia than Dungeon Meshi. Not criticizing it or anything, the animation looked solid (Trigger is very good at fight animation), it was just kind of strange.
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