#hearing loss and mild angst associated with it
thornofthelily · 2 years
Based on @raccooncass 's headcanon on hearing loss across the various Redacted characters, definitely not all projecting my own hearing loss struggles into this.
Starts off with some angst about sensory loss but quickly gets more affirmative and positive. (Obviously yes these are my own perspectives and I'm only a little hoh your mileage may vary etc etc)
Anyway mini fic under the cut!
"Sweetheart, you okay?" Milo called as he let himself in their apartment front door. "I tried to call and see if you wanted any take out, but…" 
He stopped when he saw his partner pace past the doorway, a frustrated scowl on their features. "Sweetheart?" He called again, a little louder, but tentative. 
When they answered, their voice was strained. "I heard it, I know I did, but I can't find the damn thing. Can you call it again?" 
A discomfort settled in Milo's stomach. He wished it was from the fast food he'd planned to share with them instead of this. "Uh, sure thing. But do you still have it on vibrate…?"
They shot him a look, and he just sighed and shrugged one shoulder as he fished out his cell. Only a few taps were needed before he heard the soft buzzing from somewhere in the office. But they weren't looking towards the sound—his partner's eyes were locked on his. 
"You can hear it, right?" The tough Department investigator who was chomping at the bit to take out a Shade just a few weeks ago, who snuck their way into his own apartment to interrogate him, who gave him shit with a wry grin while they healed him after taking out their target, now looked and sounded on the verge of tears. 
"Yeah, well I'm a wolf. I got better hearing than you anyway."
"It's not that much in human form though, is it? My hearing really is just like this now."
He almost said it's only the one ear though, right? before catching himself and biting his tongue. Ever since they fought off the Shade together, his Sweetheart's been unable to hear out of their right ear. Healers took a look and said it might recover with time, but there was nothing more they could do. It's been nearly two weeks since then, though, and nothing has improved. 
"Hey, hey it's alright," Milo soothed, as the call went to voice-mail and the phone went silent. 
"No, it's not," they bit back, bitter and angry. "Milo, I'm a damn investigator, what am I supposed to investigate if I can't fucking hear? I'm a Stealth, I'm supposed to be good at infiltrating, getting information, not getting caught, but I know I'm talking louder than I used to, and… and I can't even hear my own damn phone ring!" They pressed their fists into their eyes, trying to physically hold back the tears. 
Milo wrapped his arms around them, crushing them close against his chest. "You'll adjust," he promised, using the words the healers offered back then. "I know it's tough now, baby, I know it sucks to lose this part of yourself, but your body will adapt. You can still be the damn finest Investigator that Department has, no matter your ability."
They sniffled into his shoulder, arms tight around his waist. He could feel them nod even as they snuggled in closer, squeezed tighter. But it took longer before the subtle shuddering of their body slowly subsided. When they were ready, they took a deep breath and stepped away. "Okay. Try it again. Let me figure this shit out."
It took two calls before they picked up on the buzzing noise, but they kept walking away from it, wrinkling their nose when they'd lose the trail. Milo tried to chime in with assistance but they hushed him each time. When Milo called a third time, they closed their eyes and focused, not moving for the entirety of the incessant buzzing. Then, without warning, they disappeared from sight as they cloaked. If Milo hadn't gotten used to this sort of thing by now, he'd have imagined they just vanished. He could only barely sense their aura as they moved into the office, and this time he heard the ringing on his end stop.
"Good job, Sweetheart," he said into the receiver. 
"I can't tell where sounds are coming from," they replied in a tone so quiet he could only hear it on the phone, not even where their voice should be carrying from the room over. "That's what's fucking me up, you know?"
"Whaddya mean? You can hear where it is outta your good ear, right?"
"It's the fact I only have the one ear." They said, but their voice sounded kind of excited, like it did whenever they got a lead. Milo smiled despite himself. They still had such a shitty poker face. "The way we can locate objects by sound is because we have two ears—your brain picks up the sound from two different inputs, and it can triangulate the direction based on where it sounds louder. But since I'm down to one, it's harder to tell where the sound is coming from. I can't track it as good. But you know what that means?"
Milo's heart bloomed with something deeper than admiration, stronger than affection. "Yeah? What is it, Sweetheart?"
"It just means I gotta get better."
Gym time together was always a lot of fun. Not only was it a good way to spend some quiet time together, even if they couldn't talk much, but Milo also got to see some sweet eye candy of his Sweetheart. While he worked on his deadlifts, his eyes always wandered back to them on the leg press machine. And thank his lucky stars for the angle, he could see them partially reclined back, face pinched in concentration. The strain of each breath as they extended their legs, the wash of relief when they gently clacked the weights back together, it reminded him a little of more private times, alone in their bedroom. Yeah, working out together was always real nice.
At the end of their set, they took a deep steadying breath and adjusted their earbuds, just visible in both ears. Milo had asked why they wear two when they can only hear one, but they said it feels weird and off balance to wear them any other way. But as he set down his weights, intent on walking over and asking if they wanted to… you know… get out of there… some other guy interrupted them wiping down the equipment. 
At first, Milo saw them take out both earbuds, genuinely listening to whatever the guy was asking. But it clearly wasn't just a simple request to use the machine next, because Milo saw how his mate's eyes glazed over in annoyance, their mouth tugging in a frown. They popped their left earbud back in and kept cleaning, occasionally nodding and pursing their lips to mmm in acknowledgement. Milo couldn't help but laugh and watch the scene as the guy got increasingly exasperated before leaving, and that was when Milo walked over. 
"Have fun chasing off your admirer?" He teased. He could feel the freshly minted mate bond pulse when they smiled at him, fully removing both earbuds and tucking them in the arm band that held their phone. 
"Is that what he was? I couldn't hear a thing," they shot back, comfort and calm pouring from their usually quiet, soft aura. Was this was being mated felt like? Like everything was right and true when you look at each other? Not even thinking about being jealous because you are so sure, so solid, so confident that this is the person for you?
"I love you, Sweetheart," Milo laughed, looping an arm around their waist and kissing them once, light and soft. "Let's get home."
Milo always secretly loved any occasion to dress up, though today his excitement was a little dampened by his mate's obvious discomfort with the whole thing. It was some work party held by the Department, and they were expected to make an appearance. In addition to the general discomfort and anxiety their job could inspire on a typical day, today was worsened by the choice of venue—a loud, small, crowded restaurant. 
While their hearing comprehension adjusted years ago for an average conversion, busy, noisy places still made them anxious, the overwhelming noise jarring to process and hard focus on any one conversation. Milo slid up against their good left side, speaking low but clear in their ear: "Hey, Sweetheart, you holding up okay?"
They managed a thin smile but their hands moved quick and fast, signing out, "No," quick and simply. 
Milo rubbed their back, biting his lip. They both started taking sign classes as a backup just for situations like this. At first, he'd wondered if maybe they should try some telepathy classes at DAMN and learn some basic mind-to-mind communication, but for one, he wasn't sure how far he could manage with his weaker Shifter magic, and two, sign seemed more… comfortable. On the down low. A lot of empowered people learned some telepathy to make up for communication shortfalls, but sometimes the unempowered get it right. It felt more personal, more them, and his mate liked the idea it might not be something their peers were as familiar with. Trust a Stealth to like being a little secretive for fun. Now signing when they couldn't hear real well became a sort of grounding tactic for them, an easy way to communicate and not need to strain to pick out one voice in a crowd of dozens. 
"Do you think they'd notice if you leave now?" He signed.
Their grin widened to a wry smirk. "We only just got here, babe. Of course they would."
"You're a Stealth," he replied with a laugh. "Tell them you were cloaked." 
That got a chuckle out of them, a full-on adorable face-wrinkling chuckle that wrung some of the stress from their eyes. "Tried that before," they signed sheepishly, hands close to their chest. "Didn't work."
That made Milo laugh too. "Can I kiss you?" He signed, while smiling and looking deep in their beautiful eyes. 
In response, they hooked one finger under the knot of his tie and pulled him close, giving him a warm, deep, but brief kiss. Tonight might suck, but afterward, they can go home and relax in peace and quiet, there for each other like they will for the rest of their lives. 
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Hi! If you're still taking requests I'd love request a drabble about the moment when Konig and Reader first noticed each other and what they thought/felt during that moment based on your "Just Friends" fic.
Btw I love your work and oh my god, it's perfection, absolutely amazing. Super excited to read chapter 3&4 (no rush take your time!!)
Thabj you!!!
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Even Demons are Lonely
Wordcount: 3.8 k
Summary: König sees reader for the first time. Soon, the promise to never touch someone as lovely as her turns into a vow to never leave her side.
Tags/warnings: F!Reader, König POV, Just Friends universe. Angst, twisted & fluffy feelings, pining, obsessive behavior, stalking, panty stealing, mentions of past trauma, abuse and patricide, yandere!König falling in love (=being delusional). Mild sexual and violent themes. 
A/N: I did take my time with this one... 🩷 And it's only König POV, but I hope you enjoy! 💋
"Abashed the Devil stood, and felt how awful goodness is, and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely – saw, and pined His loss..."
– John Milton, Paradise Lost
That's the word that stuck to him when he was learning English at school, simply because it was an accurate definition of how he felt.
Adults used to say there is heaven and hell, and then this world, the world of humans, somewhere in between. They said he would go to heaven after he died and that bad people would go to hell.
They were all liars because hell already existed here on Earth. He had lived there ever since he was born.
The first memories of the cutting are shallow and pale, like they happened to some other boy. With every hit and cut and every cry, the sounds turned muddy until he was mute too, until all he could hear was mother's crying and Papa's roaring. The old man always got more mad when people cried and cowered. 
That's when he knew he would someday do something about bad people, that crying and cowering and begging wasn't going to help. It was the birth hour of hope and heaven. He dreamed of killing his father, killing his "friends", killing everyone who looked at him like he was a freak. 
He soon learned that this was not what people associated with heaven at all. He learned that there was a word for people like him, for phantoms who were morbidly interested in death and decay.
A grave robber and a corpse feaster he was not, but neither was he going to pretend that some people didn't deserve to be gutted. If being normal meant he should just play along and pretend that there was justice in this world, then he was happy to be morbid. A little ghoul boy who grew up in hell, who dreamed of heaven, who slipped behind the thin veil between the worlds when he was four, who learned how to make the knives dance while everyone around him suffered.
He learned to cry and beg before he learned to speak, but when the words finally started to make sense to him, he had no use for them. No one wanted to talk to him, so he settled to observe. Life was a film reel running by, and words were useless when all he wanted to do was roar. There was a growing, gaping maw inside him, shrieking and spitting blood while he was without a voice.
It took a while to make Papa cry and beg. But he begged, eventually. In his last words, he tried to hide behind a woman’s skirt. 
"Don't do this to your mother," was a plea that didn't ignite mercy: it drove him off the ledge. Looking at the horrible excuse for a man squirming at his feet made him realize he should've released his mother from this demon years ago. He was too weak, and he vowed to himself, to the whole world, that he would never be weak again.
Sometimes, a glimpse of true heaven can be seen on a clear summer's day when the sun shines, when bees are buzzing and a beautiful voice sings a love song on the radio. Beautiful, peaceful things only add to his suffering. They are simply evidence gathered – examples of everything he will never have. 
The air clots inside his mask with a brew of old sweat and acrid gunpowder. It's usually enriched by a hot desert wind or the stench of dust and emissions, a city's rotten core. It would feel odd to be met with a fresh breeze or the smell of rust and smoke than have them dampened by the baggy mask. He's certain that it would only be painful to feel the full brunt of the world on his naked face again. His enemies can't see him when he kills them, so they can't haunt him either.
He is the only ghoul here. He is the one who haunts.
He's learned to let love and peace go. He came here to reap; that's his job. Ghouls cannot love or be loved. They are supposed to get rid of the plague, do what normal people can't do, what good people deem hideous and wrong.
People have always been alien to him: they both know something he cannot seem to decode and are unaware of the constant presence of the Maw. He has to feed it in order to not be swallowed by it himself. It helps with the constant yelling for a while. 
His father was the first demon to be punished, but he has learned that all demons are liars when they beg. They don't know what real hell is like. That's why he didn't give mercy to his father, and that's why he doesn't give mercy to them, either. It's not hell, it's not heaven, so he must be in a limbo state in between. 
That's why he calls this place purgatory. 
He sees a woman under the sun one day.
The sheer sight of her sitting there on her little blanket spread over the grass, dressed in a pure white dress is like a torturing dream from above. It stops him in his tracks like there is suddenly an invisible wall in front of him, forcing him to halt.
His heart is pounding, but that's not new. His heart is always tight and racing, and that's why it's better to have a heavy gun in his hands than hold onto nothing at all; it's better to do something than do nothing at all. The only thing that calms the endless roil inside him is work; when there's no work, it helps to go outdoors, somewhere between the shadows between thick trees.
Trees are better than people...
But they're not better than a woman like her.
He knows his mind plays tricks sometimes with females. That is why at first he thinks that the creature before him is not from this world either. How could someone like her even end up here? There are few ladies in the base, and none of them have picnics; none of them look like angels.
She looks up at the sky, at the single cloud drifting across the cerulean blue that hurts his eyes. Sun shines on her exposed throat, her stare is dreamy as she basks in the warmth and raises an apple to her lips. 
He stops breathing as she takes a bite, fearing it might stain the beautiful white dress from how juicy it is. The runaway apple juice drips down her chin, but she catches it with her finger, then sweeps the sweet taste of it back into her mouth. 
Her lips hug the finger gently as she savors the treat, and his breath returns to him, heavy and with a pang, like someone just punched him between the lungs.
She can't be human... 
He wonders if she's even real. 
He's hungry, but the need to devour this woman turns into a need to worship her before he can even decipher what is happening to him. He would grovel at her feet if that's what it took to get her to feed him some of that fruit. His mind goes numb from the need to march there and hug her. Just hold her, so close that he forgets what it is to breathe.
He knows she would only scream, and it's good he's been walking in the shade. It's good that she can't see him unless she turns her head. Because she must be an angel, and angels have no business with ghouls. 
He should go and leave her be... Mortals he can want, humans he can torture, but a celestial being he could never touch. The wind carries a whiff of apple juice to his nose; it overrides the stench of sweat and gun oil and smoke. 
And then the angel turns her head. 
It's Judgment Day, but she doesn't condemn him. She blinks a few times, lashes fluttering like he's another sun, the dreaded black sun, and she can't bear to look directly at him. But there's no disgust, no uneasiness, there's no fear. There's only shyness and the smallest smile. 
The pain inside his gut turns into a brutal stab, pure suffering. He hasn't hoped for anything for a long, long time. Now hope bleeds into his stomach with golden tingles, like those rays of sun that caress her skin.
He thought good things would feel… well, good, but to his horror, they feel painful too. She's painfully sweet. Even the demon inside him falls silent, the only demon he cannot destroy. It's finally quiet, as it should be. Everything in him bows to this greater power of Her. 
But she can't be real... His mind is sick and has finally conjured up the most beautiful thing he can never, ever have. He's been called a freak, he's been called a dumb ugly giant, he's been called so many things, but he's not stupid enough to think that the creature hugged by the golden aura of light is meant for him. 
So he squares his shoulders and pushes through the invisible wall, back behind the veil, back to where he belongs, and leaves the heavenly apparition in the sun.
The next time he sees her is after a mission and inside the base. 
He brings mud and blood inside after a few rainy days spent in the mountains. He's so soaked that not even the 3-hour flight managed to dry all the dirt. She's waiting for him, or that's how it feels like when she gives him a small, relieved smile and starts to clean the mess he and every other operator leave behind.
His angel is not only a celestial visage but a cleaner.
She keeps the building that houses people who destroy life, clean. She scrubs the filth killers like him bring inside the cold, dead compound built on what used to be a forest full of birds, life, and wind through the trees. 
No one thanks this girl as she humbly dusts a table or mops the floor. No one understands that she's a saint for coming to the purgatory and making it a more decent place for the demons and ghouls to live. And she's relieved every time he comes back unharmed. She's happy to see he's alive. There's someone waiting for him. And not just someone, not just anyone, but an angel.
It's unbelievable how no one has claimed her yet. She has no one to keep her safe, and it makes his hands twitch. If he was her protector, she would never have to work again.
She's not like the rest of them: she doesn't turn her gaze away when he flicks a knife out. She likes to watch him make them dance. It's a ritual that makes him invincible on the battlefield. He used to do it every morning before school to stay safe – there were no angels back then to keep him alive.
He almost stops the first time he sees her watching how he goes through the rite. 
No, look away, little angel... You're not supposed to see this; this is a death dance, it's filthy, demonic magic.
But she's not afraid of his blades or the way he weaves his spell of protection. The girl follows his moves entranced. Her eyes shine, and he nearly drops the blade – he hasn't dropped a knife since he was ten – because there's hunger in her stare. Not as fathomless as his, but deep enough for him to recognize it. 
His angel is lonely and trapped too. 
He completes the dance, returns the knife to his pocket, and looks back, straight back.
She doesn't look away. She doesn't wince or lean back, no: she leans forward, and he can see it, the way her pulse flutters on her neck, the way her mouth opens even more, how a tiny pink tongue sweeps across her lips as she looks back into the jaws of damnation. It takes him a while to realize his angel must be wet, just from seeing how good he is with a knife. The notion doesn't only make his cock jolt; it throws him headfirst into the abyss. 
You'll never get rid of me now, the demon growls before he can choke him silent.
Her wet eyes, her wet, promising lips belong in a realm of madness. She's not filthy; his angel could never be filthy. But she's seducing him, which means she might seduce other men too. 
Has someone claimed her already…? 
What if she has a lover? Do they make her legs shake, do they make her mew?
Who does he have to kill?
He breaks into her room that night. 
He only meant to stand watch and see if someone creeps to her in the cover of darkness. He thinks about different ways to kill her lover as he waits near her door. Should he just strangle them when they enter her room? Make her an offering, let her know she could have a far more powerful male if she wants?
No, he must use a knife... She will get wet if he uses a knife.
But no one appears: he is the only shadow in the dark hall, and after midnight, he decides to take a look at his innocent, sleeping angel. Just one look.
Her domain is full of softness, and he has to take a few deep breaths before he continues. Her world is so different from his that he nearly turns back and closes the door to paradise. But then her breathing calls to him, causing him to take a few steps. She sleeps with her window open, likes to listen to the sound of night birds before she falls asleep – just like he does…
The demon is awake in an instant and grabs him by the throat. 
Don’t look. If you look, she will steal your soul.
He freezes before he reaches her bed. His gaze sweeps her room instead, and the demon pants at the sight. Her dresses are laid out on a clothing rack: they salute him like a row of colorful flowers. Flowing and singing like a river, they hit him with a breeze made of life and all things good. 
She has a little armchair filled with cushions, and there's more softness and beauty everywhere he looks; he can see it even in the darkness of the night. Her delicate perfume that follows him as he follows her around the base lingers in the air and mixes with the distant birdsong and moonlight that shift the curtains in her room.
There's art on her walls, lively houseplants on the window sill, she has collected a cavalcade of cute little things on top of her drawer: nail polish and sea shells and beeswax candles and a piece of driftwood, a bottle of that perfume she uses, decorative lights above it all, placed around a small mirror. 
He wants all of that. 
He wants light and living things and greenery – he never had plants at home – he wants softness and cute little items, he wants to listen if the seashell still roars with the crashing waves were he to bring it to his ear. His mama always told him seashells remember the ocean because it used to be their home…
He wants her to light a honeyed candle and give him a bite of that apple, catch the juice as it runs down his scarred chin, or better yet, kiss it away before it falls. He wants to taste what's between her thighs. She must taste like honey and heaven.
One of the drawers is open, and from it, a torrent of cute little underthings is spilling out; they almost cascade on the floor. In different colors, too, and his hand reaches out and takes one before he can even think. He steals it like it's candy, then turns around with a stiff back and shoulders heavy from the sin he just committed.
He's about to go to the door, but her soft breathing calls him back. He tries to calm the demon - the girl can't steal anything: there's nothing left to steal. He has no soul, so he doesn't have to fear her either. 
Taking a few steps, he takes the peek he shouldn't take because it will only prolong his sentence in purgatory. Little does the demon know that he would suffer eternally for one little glimpse… 
She's not cocooned inside her blanket as he thought she would be. He thought he would find her coiled into a fetal position, curled into safety, but instead, she's sleeping on her back, arms spread next to her face, looking like she just fell from heaven and is feeling a little dizzy from the fall. She's calm and innocent as the moonlight brushes her cheek, her face free from all worry.
Why is she so cute, why is she so sweet? 
She has no right. She should be up in heaven.
He almost crawls on top of her right then and there, because blinding want is nothing compared to this. He wants to breathe her, breathe with her, hold her gently, and have her smile at him when she wakes up. He doesn't want to ruin her… He just wants a taste, see if an angel would like to have a demon worship her. If his worship would mean anything, if it had any power to persuade her to like him... 
He would never kneel before anyone, but he would kneel before her. In spirit, he is on his knees, and the only thing that makes him suffer is the fear that she might not want him, a ruined temple haunted by old, hateful spirits.
The madness was right. Apparently, there was a soul to steal, a tiny broken mosaic piece left, for the angel has it now. She owns what's left of him, the haunted temple is hers if she would ever want to come visit. He would restrain all those monsters so that she can walk freely and explore all the things buried under the rubble.
Her underwear burns his palm like a flower on fire. He only then realizes that there are no actual flowers in her room. He wonders if she would give him a kiss if he were to bring her one. Or two. Or an entire bouquet…
The demon inside cuts him with a searing blade – stupid idiot – she doesn't want to kiss your mauled face or love your ghouls. There's no treasure hidden inside that filthy rubble, there's only shit and blood and festering vomit. Better to just take her right now, see how tight she is, how wide her eyes go when a proper man comes to assert his will and authority. The demon tells him to at least ruin that cute thing in his hand and throw it on the table. Imagine her shocked little face when she wakes up…
Tears brim, and the maw of hell laughs with a roar of raging fire. He forces both down with a swallow and a wrench that shuts his heart.
There's no way she would ever let a man like him inside her. He's a sickness; no, he's an entire plague. He could try to make love to her, and she would only cry and bleed to death.
The smooth place between her brows gains a wrinkle as if she can hear his thoughts but doesn't agree with them. A little whimper escapes her nose, her head nods on the pillow; it looks like an attempt to hide while you're tied and cannot move. 
Pretty angel is having a nightmare, and it's no wonder. Of course she can sense she's being visited by a monster. 
He turns to leave, and notices another colorful thing on the floor: her underwear, and not clean. She's slipped out of it before bed: his angel is naked under that blanket. His angel sleeps naked…
He wonders if she has touched herself before sleep. Not with feverish, stern hands, like he does, but softly, under that blanket, with her features melting into pleasure as she comes with sighs and a series of desperate little whimpers. 
His blood turns to hellfire as he drops the underwear he's holding. It falls right next to the intoxicating thing he picks up instead. Taking a deep inhale, he can finally smell her. Not just her perfume, but her. She smells of an angel and a woman, raw, perfect woman, and he knows he's lost. This is worse than any dream or demon; this is worse than anything ever before. There's no going back now. 
Her scent calls to him, those hands frame her face in a gesture of surrender. She smiled at him on that day under the sun, and she smiled at him today.
What if he's spent enough time in hell? What if it's possible to have a taste of heaven?
He can't help but wonder if his angel wants this too... 
“Engel,” he whispers into the night.
It takes only a second before she whimpers again. It's an answer, it's a yes, and his heart is full of tiny needles; they pinch him with terrible love and hope. The wrinkle has smoothed out, and his angel is smiling very, very softly. 
She's calling for him. How could he refuse?
His angel is full of light as he makes his decision. He whispers his apology, only in his mind and only in German, trusting that angels must know every language in the world. He asks for her forgiveness for all the things he's about to do to her. Then he promises he will come for her, that she doesn't need to worry: she has a guardian now and always will. She will be forever safe with him by her side. He will drive even her nightmares away.
Then he returns to his room so different from hers, returns to the realm of death and worships the thing he just stole, spraying it with hot, white love - the only thing inside him that can be called pure, the color of angels. It's only a matter of time before he gets to worship her in the flesh, unite with her, the soul who forgave his sins and slipped him the key to heaven.
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morguevampire · 2 years
(Un) Fortunate Encounters -Chapter 2
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Chapter One
Masterlist for this fic
summary:  After being questioned by the FBI about an accidental interaction with a wanted criminal you thought your life would go back to being as mundane as it has always been. How wrong you were to think you could just go back to normal when come the next day you would find yourself being bound to a chair in a fucking warehouse.
warnings/tags: fluff, smut, angst, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of torture, drinking, mild alcoholism, dark themes, slow build romance, not really Stockholm syndrome but that’s up for interpretation 
chapter: 2/?
word count: 2.938k
pairings: Helmut Zemo x fem!Reader
author’s note: Right folks - time for chapter two! 
Note that this will be a very slow build at the beginning, meaning actual interaction with Helmut Zemo will probably only start in chapter four. (I do hope you will find it worth it) Currently already working on chapter three as well - so please be patient. 
My personal disclaimer as always is that I am not an englisch native and will therefore most likely make some mistakes. Please don't hesitate to contact me should I have messed up.
Anyhow, I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think so far! Kudos and comments are always appreciated. 
Muchos besos, mis amores <3
You can also find this work on https://archiveofourown.org/works/43158162/chapters/108466263
The second time you wake up that morning (or is it midday..., perhaps even afternoon?) you’re not in your apartment anymore. Instead you find yourself tied to a chair in a dark room in some kind of warehouse. It’s quiet, aside from the pounding inside your head. An eerie feeling is settling over you, becoming more intense as your mind tries to grasp what happened, how you ended up here. Your first instinct is to scream but there’s duct tape covering your mouth. You shut your eyes again, wishing for this to be a terrible nightmare. You try to wiggle out of your bounds, unsuccessfully. Whoever dragged you here knows stuff about bondage and you’re too much of a weakling to get them off anyways. Panic starts settling in and it all only becomes worse once you hear footsteps echoing from afar. It must be him. Zemo probably discovered the FBI were onto him and now needs to get rid of the woman who made the mistake of running into him. But why not just kill you immediately? Why drag you to a dodgy warehouse? He seems to not care about the loss of innocent lives anyways, considering the attack on the UN building. Your thoughts are interrupted by two man coming out of the shadows. Both of them most definitely not being Zemo but perhaps associates? They look quite scary – that’s for sure. Tall, bulky and extremely angry looking. You begin to squirm in your chair once again. Not quite sure what to hope for, even if you ran, there would be no guaranty that you could get out alive.
“So, the bitch finally woke up.” One of the men, the slightly shorter one with the dirty blond hair huffed.
The other man steps up towards you, his finger already on the left end of the duct tape covering your mouth.
“Listen now, it’s of no use to anybody if you scream once I remove this. We’re in the middle of nowhere. Nobody’s going to hear you and we simply want to ask you a few questions. Understood?”
You can’t bear looking into his eyes, your whole body is shaking while you slightly nod. Tears already burning in your eyes. You wanted to throw up, or pee your pants or whatever the fuck people do when they are scared shitless.
Ripping off the duct tape is painful but if only you knew how much more painful this whole “questioning” would become.
“Alright. If you want this to be over quickly, be a good girl and answer me this simple question:” The taller one inquires while scooting another chair in front of you. The other man is off somewhere out of the corner of your eye, the only thing you can make out is water running into a bucket and the air becoming even more humid than before.
“Where is Helmut Zemo?”
Your eyes widen. Not understanding this situation at all. Were they not here in duty of the Baron? Were they FBI as well? The bad cops? The really bad, desperate ruthless ones? You shake your head no. Frantically trying to explain that you had no idea where he was. That you were just a normal, boring person who had a 9 to 5 and never did anything illegal in her life, besides maybe underage drinking in high school. You simply ran into Helmut Zemo without even knowing and you already got questioned by the FBI. You knew about the man as much as the media would report on him and you had zero ties to the avengers or anybody associated with him.
You could tell the man opposite of you was annoyed. Shaking his head and shushing you.
“See, we know the FBI already questioned you and we don’t work like the FBI. We don’t need those rules. And you won’t be able to pull off your I-know-nothing bullshit with us. You either tell us his whereabouts or this is going to be a looooong night, darling.”
That’s when the other man appeared again. Carrying a huge bucket with water. You gulped as he untied your legs from the chair, forcing you to your knees, which sent a wave of pain through your body as they made contact with the cold, hard concrete floor. You’ve read about water torture and all you wanted to do - in prospect of what you feared was about to happen - was scream and cry for your mum.
“I swear. Please I swear that I do not have any connection to Zemo. I don’t know him, I haven’t even talked to him. I bumped into him on accident. Plea...”
You begged but to no avail as suddenly a sharp pain shot through your already aching head as you were pulled by your hair and forcefully dipped underwater. You didn’t have any time to get air into your lungs, so water got into every available opening in your face, burning up your nose and your windpipes. At least the desperation to breath distracted you from how cold the water was. After too long but probably about only half a minute your head was pulled out again and immediately the questions shot out of the man again, while you were desperately trying to breath and at the same time not suffocate on the water you swallowed. Water in your ears made everything sound dull but you could still clearly tell the questions were still about Helmut Zemo. Only this time you didn’t even manage to properly reply in the negative before your head was underwater again.
This continued on for quite a while. Everything hurt and burnt and every time your head was out of the water you could feel hot tears on your face while sobs and violent coughs were wrecking through your body. This was worse than anything you had ever experienced in your life. You didn’t know what to do. You didn’t have any information. If you did you would give it away immediately. You just wanted the pain and suffering to go away. You wanted it to stop. To go home and hide forever and never set a foot out of your apartment again.
You could tell the two men were becoming more and more frustrated with you as well. Throwing around vile curse words and yanking you even more forcefully in and out of the bucket. You stopped counting how many times you got dunked but at one point the taller man must have had enough of your lack of knowledge about Zemo, so that he decided punching you right in the face might help bring your memories back. You felt blood running down your cheek and dripping into the bucket, giving the water a light pink taint.
If your head hadn’t exploded just yet, you figured now might just be a good time. You honestly just wanted to die. What did it matter anyways? You didn’t know shit about Zemo and you certainly wouldn’t recover from the trauma, if you ever made it out alive from this shithole.
At least after the forceful punch to your left eye the water torture stopped and the hand pulling up your head dropped. Like a sack of potatoes, you slumped on your side, silently wailing in a fetus position while the two men whispered to each other.
Some time passed until a kick in your rips forced you out of your pain induced delusion.
“Right darling. We’ll give you one more chance. You tell us where the fuck Helmut Zemo is hiding and we’ll let you go.”
He knelt down in front of you, snarling into your face while forcefully holding your chin in his hands, twisting your head into an uncomfortable position. “But…, if you don’t speak up now, we really do have no other option but to use other, more painful measures.” The hand grabbing your chin was replaced by the barrel of a gun.
You completely froze. You knew this was it. Perhaps making something up would work but they’d find you anyways, knowing you bullshitted them and death seemed like a sweet release at this point. You wondered when the phenomena of “the light at the end of the tunnel / your life flashing behind your eyes in seconds” would set in but just as you were about to mumble that you really did not know anything and maybe plead one last time to let you go, a gunshot rang through the building.
It seemed like everything stopped for a milli-second until there was a scream from the shorter man and suddenly another gunshot.
It got unpleasantly quiet. You shut your eyes, no thoughts ran through your head except that death didn’t feel any different. The pain was still there, you still felt the cold floor under your body and you could smell the blood dripping from your face. In a way you were disappointed, you thought dying would relieve you of everything. You were never a religious person, but you did believe that death felt like floating. A numb floating, no negative feelings, yet also no positive ones. Just aimless floating.
When you once again heard steps coming towards you, you realized that perhaps you weren’t even dead. You opened your eyes just to come face to face with your kidnapper, his lifeless eyes staring right at you. He must have been shot and has fallen right in front of you. Blood was still oozing out of his body and you could slowly feel it running towards your lying form, soaking the thin cloth of your pajamas.
The footsteps were definitely descending from somewhere now, getting closer. You decided to shut your eyes again, too afraid to see who else decided to have their way with you. You’ve already kind of made peace with the fact that you were going to die and you made the decision to simply not look into your murderer’s eyes once it happens.
The louder the footsteps became the more panic rushed through your body. It surprised you that only then an anxiety attack would overtake you. It suddenly felt hard to breath and a wave of ugly sobs rushed through your aching ribcage. You felt almost pathetic, silently stuttering “please, please, please…” over and over again. Your ears were ringing, still abused from all the water but you picked up the sound of the new intruder dragging the dead man’s body away from you, most likely to get a better shot at you.
Your shaking from barely registered the gentle touch of a hand running over your shoulder. “Shhh, hey…”
You opened your eyes abruptly, recognizing the deep, raspy voice with the accent even though you’ve only heard it once in your life. It was him. Definitely. In a long grey trench coat with a fur collar framing his masked face. He took off the purple disguise before continuing.
“It’s alright. You’re ok. You’re safe now.”
Helmut Zemo was kneeling in front of you, a golden gun right next to his knee. Looking down with furrowed, worried brows on your miserable, hurt form.
Your mind was still trying to make sense of it all but you came to no conclusion as you slowly drifted out of consciousness once again.
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wrestlersownmyheart · 3 years
A Heartslayer's Christmas (Seth Rollins One-Shot)
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Pairing: Seth Rollins X Reader Summary: After Y/N's brother—none other than Dean Ambrose—attacks his best friend and the man she secretly loves—Seth Rollins—she falls into a depression and distances herself from everyone. Even Seth.
Especially Seth.
That is until Christmas time arrives and she is badgered into attending a holiday party at which most of the WWE roster would be attending—including the Kingslayer himself.
Seth feels hurt that one of his closest friends seemingly abandoned him at a crucial time in his life. But he gets it. Dean is her brother. She has to remain loyal to her own blood.
However, due to an unlikely source, Seth comes to realize that it wasn't loyalty to her brother that kept her away from him and their friends. It was shame and humiliation.
Well, forget that.
The Kingslayer wants some answers. And Y/N isn't going anywhere till he gets them.
Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination. Story Content & Trigger Warnings: Angst and Fluff
A Heartslayer's Christmas
October 22, 2018
I fought the urge to nibble on my fingernail as I watched a sweaty, red-faced Dolph Ziggler head toward me at the timekeeper's area. I instantly became a bit nervous that he was going to grab me or something so he could distract my brother, Dean, and our friend, Seth during their match for the WWE Tag Team Championships.
Being a ring announcer has its perks—it really does. For example, I get the best seat in the house.
But like any job, it can also suck sometimes.
Especially, when you are related to one of the wrestlers. You automatically become potential collateral damage.
My breath left me with a shaky sigh, but nonetheless, I tried to keep a calm demeanor. Seeing a big muscled wrestler stomping toward you with an angry look on his face isn't exactly a cozy picture, after all.
Luckily, I wasn't the target. Dolph stalked up to the timekeeper and I realized he had something else up his sleeve. My mild relief was short-lived when Dolph yanked a tag title from the man's hands. I figured he was going to head up the ramp and get counted out—resulting in Drew and he keeping the titles despite the loss. But no. He moved to the ring, plopping the belt onto the apron before he climbed back in himself.
I saw my brother dazedly rising to his feet. He'd been slammed into the barricade moments before by Drew. I knew he couldn't be feeling too great, but Seth was about to be in even worse shape.
“Dean! Dolph's got a belt—he's gonna use it on Seth!”
This seemed to revive Dean fully and he darted to the apron, grabbing hold of the title just as Dolph did the same. There was a brief instant of tug-o-war before Dean yanked the belt from his enemy's grip. Dolph's momentum sent him stumbling back right into a fierce kick from Seth which sent him straight to his knees, and right where Seth wanted him.
A curb stomp ensued.
And in the next few seconds, the match was over.
We had new WWE Tag Team Champions—my brother, and the man I was in love with. The crowd was deafening. They were as ecstatic as I was, it seemed. I didn't hear a single “boo”. Of course, that wasn't a big surprise. Nobody disliked the Shield. Roman as a singles competitor was a different story, of course. I was always confused by this. The crowd would sometimes cheer him as long as he was part of the Shield, but as soon as he moved on to do his own thing he became the most hated wrestler since John Cena.
Tears burned my eyes, and I smiled through them as Seth sat in an exhausted heap—taking in the fact they'd won, that all three Shield members held titles. I couldn't have been any prouder.
Seth stood slowly and latched onto Dean in a huge bro hug. My brother seemed a bit stiff, or uncomfortable, which I chalked up to him not being a very demonstrative person. But otherwise he looked content and fulfilled.
But slowly, I began to realize something was wrong.
I could feel my smile fade as I saw Dean release Seth from the hug and then tossed his newly won WWE Tag Team Championship belt to the ring's canvas.
That's odd, I thought. My body slowly grew tense with unease. I've never seen anyone celebrate a title win by dropping their belts to the canvas- My thoughts halted sharply as I watched Dean issue Seth a sudden, hard kick to the gut immediately followed by Dirty Deeds. The audience seemed to all scream “NO!” in unison.
My brain wouldn't compute. I couldn't quite understand what I was seeing. And before I could fully digest what just went down, it only got worse.
Much worse.
Dean stalked over to Seth and kicked him in the head, then began pummeling him, over and over. It seemed like forever before Dean seemed to grow bored and tossed him out of the ring.
On shaky legs, I stood and craned my neck to see Seth. He'd landed with a hard thud in the floor and then rolled back against the barricade. He looked out cold. His eyes were open, but he looked unconscious despite the fact.
My hands went to my face; covered my mouth in my shock. I'd never seen this side of my brother. At least, not toward his loved ones.
I must've blanked out or something because the next thing I knew, Seth was being flung into the barricade right in front of me and the timekeeper.
“DEAN, THAT'S ENOUGH!” My shriek surprised even me. Tears were streaming down my face and Dean stared at me for a moment with a confused look on his face, like he couldn't believe I was trying to defend Seth. “What is wrong with you,” I demanded, stepping outside of the timekeeper's box. “Leave him alone!”
To my shock, Dean hauled me over his shoulder and walked a little ways toward the ramp. I had a brief moment of terror; worrying that maybe Dean was going to flip out on me, and hurt me as well. I was faintly aware of Seth's weakened voice calling out for Dean to put me down as I struggled in his hold.
“Get backstage, Kiddo,” Dean growled at me under his breath and finally set me on my feet. “There is no more announcing to do, so your job here is done for the night. You don't need to see any more of this.”
“Dean... I'm not kidding. Do not hurt him any more.” I couldn't stop my voice from cracking as I begged him. “Please.”
Dean looked as though he'd soften and relent for just a moment. Then his blue eyes went cold in the next instant. “He's had this coming for a long time, Y/N. And you know it. Get outta here.”
“No, Dean! You can't do this! You have to forgive him! I did! Even Ro did!” A sob burst out of me and I shoved at his shoulders. “Why can't you??”
A hand snagged my wrist—tugging me backward, and startled, I whirled around to see Roman. “Meli, come on back,” he said softly. I glanced back at Dean and saw that he was already heading back to Seth.
“Please, tell me you aren't part of this, Roman,” I whispered. “Please.”
“I'm not,” he said, gently wiping at the tears on my face with his thumbs. “I'm going to take care of it, but I need to know that you are out of harm's way first.”
“Fine. O-okay,” I quickly agreed. Anything to get Seth some help in a hurry. “Just please, put a stop to this.” I turned and headed backstage, but stayed at the gorilla position keeping my eyes glued to one of the monitors.
The horror only escalated.
Roman hurried down to the flurry of movement that was my brother's flailing fists, and gently but firmly took hold of Dean's shoulder. In the next instant, Roman was sprawled on the floor looking quite dazed from a punch to the face.
By this time, the camera men had apparently received word to stop recording and RAW ended with Dean beating on our friends. Not caring that I was breaking kayfabe or entering myself into what the crowd most likely believed to be an “angle”, I rushed back out to talk some sense into Dean. As I neared the three men, I was horrified to see that Dean had grabbed up my chair to use on them.
My scream did no good at all as Dean had already blasted the steel chair across Seth's back and then spun around and did the same to Roman.
“DEAN, STOP IT,” I screamed, grabbing hold of the chair as he brought it back once more.
In a flash of temper, he swung the chair hard through the air to get me to release my grip on it.
And it worked.
The next thing I knew, I was on the floor. As I'd lost my grip on the chair, I was propelled through the air and landed hard on my butt. A sharp pain radiated up my back.
My tailbone.
“Ya son of a-” Seth bit out at the same time I heard Roman's soft, “What are you doing, Uce?”
“God, Y/N...” Dean said softly, dropping the chair, letting it clatter to the floor. “I'm sorry.” He reached down to help me up.
“Don't touch me!” I slapped his hand away, and gingerly stood to my feet, swiping at fresh tears as I rose. “Just stay away from me—from them!”
His temper returned with a vengeance and he instantly bent down picking the chair up again.
“Dean, no...” I stepped in front of my two beaten-down friends and stood my ground; terrified. Because I didn't know at this point what my brother would do. “If you are going to hurt them more, you'll have to hurt me to get to them.”
The chair was drawn back and I gasped. He's really going to do it. I was vaguely aware that the audience was now hushed. You could hear a pin drop.
The only thing left I could think to do was spin around, drop to my knees and drape myself over Seth and Roman the best I could, considering how huge they were compared to me. I braced myself for excruciating pain. I was prepared for it, and I was going to take it—for my friends.
I heard the clatter of the chair hitting the floor again. I dared to shift my head and look behind me. Dean was ripping off his black, sleeveless shirt he always wore when the Shield was together and was heading for the ramp. A sob burst out of me because I realized what that symbolic gesture meant.
Dean was through with the Shield.
And I was through with him.
Quickly, I turned back to Seth and Roman. They were still lying on the floor and looked really out of it.
“I'm so sorry, you guys,” I sobbed, reaching out to inspect a lump on Seth's forehead. “I can't b-believe he- I'm so sorry.”
Roman was able to raise up finally and spoke softly, “It wasn't your fault, baby girl.”
“I didn't know he was going to- I promise, I would have warned you.” I was brushing hair back from Seth's forehead when he jerked away from me. Stunned, I looked at him, wide-eyed. “Seth...?”
“Just get out of here, Y/N,” he nearly growled. “We're fine.”
Security and referees and trainers were all around us then asking us all how we felt.
How do you think we feel?
I felt like I'd be sick. Seth had never spoken to me in such a way before. Not ever. But I managed a shaky nod. “O-okay. I'm just so... I'm really s-sorry...” I stood to my feet then and turned to leave. They were in good hands, there was nothing I could do for them. So, I headed toward the ramp. A trainer followed me for a little ways to make sure I was okay.
“That was a nasty fall you took—are you sure you don't need-?”
“I'm fine,” I said, not even looking at him. “I just want to leave.”
Once I got backstage, Dean had the gall to be there waiting for me.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay, Kiddo,” he said softly.
I glared at him for an instant before launching my fist straight into his face. He surprisingly took the hit without any retaliation despite the blood that came gushing from his nose. “I hope it freaking hurts,” I screamed at him. “I hope I broke it!”
“You probably did,” he admitted softly, trying to staunch the flow of blood. “You're gonna side with them, over your own brother?”
“What did Roman EVER do to you, except be there for you,” I demanded, finally finding the words that wouldn't come to me earlier. “And Seth...” I went on, ranting at this point. “Sure he screwed you over AGES ago, but he's more than earned your forgiveness. He offered you a chance to attack him with a chair—with no retaliation. He knew he deserved it! He took chair shots for you—literally shielding your body with his! He protected you even when he knew it was bringing damage to himself! What you've done is SO MUCH worse than anything he's ever done to you! I hate you!”
I knew I may regret those words later, but at that moment in time I felt they were justified.
I turned and walked further backstage only to be intercepted by Stephanie McMahon.
“Y/N, I want you to know that I'm really sorry about what happened out there,” she said. “But... You got involved in a situation that you had no business getting into. You assaulted your brother back here, for God's sake. I'm sorry but I have to suspend you. Sixty days. You can return for the Christmas Eve show. Use the time to clear your head, okay?”
Numb at this point, I just nodded. Then I went to my dressing room and began packing up my things.
The two months passed by slowly. Which was okay. Because I felt completely lost. I'd lost my brother. I'd lost two of my best friends—one of which I was so far head over heels for it was pathetic. Especially since he now hated me.
I couldn't get the sight of Seth jerking away from my touch out of my head. He'd looked so appalled by me.
And Roman had said it wasn't my fault, but... He still had this look on his face—like he didn't trust me anymore.
It hurt.
Of course, many of the superstars had texted me and even tried calling me. But I couldn't answer them. Because I hated myself for what happened. Dean was my brother. I should have known what was coming. He'd been acting weird up to the point he cracked. Why didn't I see it? I could have done something.
Now, because of my negligence, nothing mattered anymore.
I couldn't even watch RAW, because every time I did, Dean was taking cheap shots on Seth and Roman and giving them a beat down. He'd taken everything from me. My friends, my job, my enjoyment of wrestling in general, even himself—my brother.
Christmas Eve was coming up in a couple of days and I'd be returning to work. Normally, I would've been excited. But instead, I had this thick ball of tension in my stomach and I didn't foresee it going anywhere for a long time.
My phone dinged with a text. Rolling my eyes, because I just knew it was Bayley—again—pestering me to attend a Christmas party after RAW on Christmas Eve.
Since everyone was having to work that night, they had all chipped in and rented a venue and were flying their families to Sacramento so they could have one big Christmas bash together. And several of the women's division had contacted me many times to invite me to said party. I just couldn't. I couldn't answer them. I knew I must look incredibly rude, but I couldn't help it. Dean truly had ruined everything. I often wondered if I'd ever be able to forgive him.
I looked down at my phone and saw it was indeed a text from Bayley.
You are totally coming to the party, Y/N. I'm not taking no for an answer. Me, Sasha and Finn will kidnap you if we have to. ;-)
Sighing in defeat, I tossed my phone beside me on the bed.
Two nights later, I was in Sacramento headed into the Golden 1 Center, hoping to avoid everyone as much as possible. I just wanted to get my job done for the night and prepare for the next show.
And with that thought, I grew angry.
I used to freaking LOVE my job. I never wanted a show to end, and now here I was wishing I didn't even have to be there.
I left my dressing room and walked down the hall toward makeup and hair when Dean caught up with me and attempted a talk.
“It's... It's good to have ya back, Kid-”
“Shut-up, Dean,” I said. I didn't have any malice in my tone. Nothing was in my tone, except maybe for exhaustion.
“You're still angry with me.”
It wasn't a question, but simply a statement. He sounded tired too, but I didn't care.
“Angry,” I scoffed at him and stopped walking so I could look up at him. “You don't get it, Dean. I am so much more than angry. You have no clue what you did to me that night. I was shattered. And now I'm tired. I'm sad. I'm scared. I'm lonely. And because of you, and the fact you're my brother, I'm sure that nobody can—or will—trust me now. And I don't even remotely blame them. I meant what I said that night, Dean. I hate you. You didn't just lose two best friends, and your sister. You made me lose two best friends and my brother.” The words tumbled out of me. I couldn't stop them if I tried.
“I don't even enjoy coming into work now. I have a rock in my stomach and I felt like throwing up at just the thought of walking into this arena because I can only imagine what everyone thinks of me. I miss them—I miss my friends. I can't even watch any of them wrestle on RAW anymore because I have to see you beating on Seth and Roman every chance you get. You've ruined my entire life for me. All because you are an overgrown, spoiled little brat.”
With that, I turned away from him and continued on my way to hair and makeup, giving him no chance to speak.
A few hours later, I was watching Seth beat on Baron. Okay, so I was actually ogling Seth while he beat on Baron.
He was beautiful to watch, what can I say?
I missed him. So much.
I missed everyone.
Suddenly, Seth kicked Baron in the face, then quickly followed up with a curb stomp.
And I was catapulted back to that night. Seth was curb stomping Dolph. He and Dean were holding the Tag Titles and hugging. Dean kicking him then nailing him with Dirty Deeds. Roman going to help Seth and getting beaten down also.
“Hey! Y/N! Seth won. You gonna announce it before 2019 arrives?”
Graves barked at me through my ear piece.
“Geez, give her a break, Graves!” Renee spoke up. “She's been through a lot.”
Grateful for my sister-in-law speaking up for me, and missing her like crazy, I stood to my feet lifting the mic to my lips. “And your winner... Seth Rrrrrrrollins!”
As RAW went off the air, Seth hopped out of the ring and turned in my direction—staring at me. His dark eyes flashed, and a look of determination crossed his handsome face. Then he headed straight for me.
And I panicked.
I can't face him. Not yet. He'll want to talk about what happened. Maybe even go off on me about it.
Avoiding his eyes, I stepped around him to make a getaway. But his hand shot out; his fingers wrapping around my arm and gently tugging me back toward him.
“S-Seth...” I stammered pathetically. I could barely glance up at his face. “I-I have to go. Backstage.” I pointed to my ear piece. “They're asking for me.”
It was a lame lie. The show was over. There was no reason for me to be called backstage. And Seth knew it was a lie. I could see the way his face flashed with frustration, then hurt. He quickly covered it though and gave me a nod.
Not giving him the chance to change his mind and try to keep me there, I darted off and ran all the way past the gorilla position, and I didn't stop running—not even when I heard my name being called by various different voices—until I reached my dressing room and flung the door shut.
Panting for air, I slumped against the wall trying to get myself pulled together. I still had the party to go to. I shook my head in exasperation. Partying was the very last thing I wanted or felt like doing. But I knew that Bayley would not have it any other way.
I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror on the other side of the room and froze. My skin had paled, I was visibly having difficulty breathing, my eyes were dull and I just looked overall drained.
I have to quit, I realized. I can't do this anymore. All the stress and worry—it's taking the life out of me. I can't enjoy work anymore.
There was a knock at my door then. Wishing I could just pretend I wasn't here, but realizing that too many people saw me actually enter the room, I had no choice. I reached out and opened the door cautiously, not really knowing who, or what, to expect.
“Kiddo, look... I need to talk, and you need to listen to me.”
Dean barged his way in without even taking the time to take in my condition. I rolled my eyes. Figures.
“Maybe I was-” And that's when he finally looked at me. Saw the true extent of what he'd done to me. He looked as though the air just whooshed out of him. “Jesus, Y/N... Are you okay? Are you sick? Should I get you a doc-”
I busted out laughing. “Do I freaking look okay, Dean? No, I don't need a doctor. I'm fine. That's what you want to hear, right? That I'm fine with you turning your back on Seth and Roman—beating them to a pulp? I'm fine with you not giving a rip how all of this would affect me? I'm fine with losing my friends—my brother? I'm fine having to give up my job and start from scratch somewhere else? I'm fine-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Dean cut me off and held up his hands in what I'm sure he meant to be a calming gesture. It simply made me want to slug him in the face again. “What are you talking about—giving up your job? Why? You love your job.”
“I used to,” I replied with a sigh. “But now... I feel like... People are being nice to me simply because they feel like they have to. I feel like they are secretly afraid of me—because I'm your-” Realizing I was actually confiding in him, I grew angry with myself. I shook my head to clear it. “Just forget it, Dean. It doesn't matter anyway. I'm sure I can get a job at TNA, or ROH. Maybe I could even go to Japan—work at NJPW.”
“Kiddo... I can't let you-”
“It isn't up to you, Dean. It isn't your decision. You may be older than me, but I am a grown woman now.” I sighed again, growing more tired by the minute. “Please, just leave.”
Bayley chose that moment to pop her head in the door. “Ready to party?” Her eyes shifted over to Dean then and her bubbly exterior faltered a bit.
“Yes,” I said immediately. “I'm assuming there'll be alcohol?” I may not be in the mindset to party, but at least I can drown my sorrows.
Both Bayley's and Dean's heads whipped back in my direction. I could only imagine their shock because I very, very rarely ever drank.
“Y-Yeah,” Bayley nodded. “Of course!”
“Great! Let me change into my dress and we can go,” I exclaimed with a cheerfulness I was far from feeling. I turned my attention to my brother then, “You can leave now, Dean.”
Stunned and speechless, Dean turned around and left, closing the door behind him.
I shifted my attention back to Bayley. “The dress I brought has a zipper in the back. Can you zip me up?”
She nodded again, “Sure thing!”
Dean paced several steps one way, then whirled around and paced in the other direction. He'd been doing this for several minutes, apprehension on his face. He stopped suddenly, and looked up at the door he'd been pacing in front of.
A sigh huffed from his chest, and he rolled his head around on his shoulders, trying to alleviate the tension that was building up in his neck.
“Baby, just...do it,” he heard Renee say from behind him. “Knock. Talk to him.”
He turned and looked at her. “I'm not apologizing.”
“Fine,” she relented, stroking up his arm to his shoulder in a soothing gesture. “But make peace. You need it. So does Seth and Roman. So does Y/N.”
“That's why I'm here,” Dean replied, looking back at the door. “For Y/N.” He slumped against the wall and rubbed at his eyes. “I think I...” He shook his head. “I think I ruined her life. She's not the same. At all. She's talking about leaving the WWE—maybe working in Japan.”
“Dean, this has gone too far.” Renee's voice took on a scolding tone. “Way too far. You have to fix it because you are the one who put everyone in this position. I was against this from the start. I love Roman and Seth. They are my brothers the same as they are to Y/N. Although, I'm pretty sure she doesn't look at Seth in a brotherly way...” Her face stained a slight shade of pink at realizing she let too much information out.
“What's that supposed to mean,” Dean demanded, his blue eyes flashing.
“Oh, Dean, if you haven't realized by now how crazy she is about Seth, you're completely blind.”
His head fell back against the wall as his eyes clenched shut. “So that's why she's taken this so hard.” He bit out a curse.
“Partly, yes. But you alienated her, Dean. I can only imagine how she feels, but if I were in her shoes, I'd feel like a traitor to them just by being related to you.”
“I'm not trying to be mean or hurt you, babe,” Renee said, taking hold of his arm again. “I just want you to see this situation through her eyes. She probably thinks they hate her. She may even feel like we all hate her.”
“She does. She said something like that earlier. She thinks no one will trust her anymore because of me.”
Renee reached up and turned Dean's face to hers, making him look at her. “I love you, so much. And that will never change. But I am very disappointed in your actions. You were thinking of no one but yourself.”
Dean nodded. “I know.”
“So, get to fixing it.”
With no warning, Renee reached over and knocked on Seth's dressing room door and then hurried away, leaving her husband to repair the damage he'd caused.
Accepting his punishment, Dean turned back to the door just as it opened. Seth stood in the doorway, his arms crossed across his chest and his eyes dark and emotionless. “What do you want?”
“I'm not here to apologize,” Dean started.
“Good. Because I wouldn't care if you were.”
“I'm here because of Y/N.”
“What do you mean,” Seth instantly uncrossed his arms and stood up straighter; tension appearing in his muscled frame. Roman appeared beside him, concern etching his features. “What's wrong with her?” Seth continued his barrage of questions. “Is she okay? She wasn't acting like herself after my match.”
“She's not okay,” Dean replied. “What I did... It hurt her more than I realized it would. I thought she'd get past it, but she's-”
“Ambrose, I swear if you are using her to mess with my head... You'll be opening a can of worms you'll wish you'd left alone. You've hurt her enough.”
“I know,” Dean shot back. “I can see that now.” He swallowed hard and wouldn't meet Seth's or Roman's eyes. “I just...”
“What do you need us to do,” Roman asked, sensing that Dean was wanting to ask for their help.
“I don't know if she'll ever forgive me,” Dean said softly. “She's been talking about leaving WWE and working somewhere else—Japan.” He saw Seth tense up even more and continued. “I'm going to see about getting moved to SmackDown. So...” He finally made eye contact with Seth, then Roman and then his gaze shifted back to Seth. “I need you guys to look out for her.”
“Of course,” Roman replied with no hesitation.
“I'd never turn my back on her,” Seth said heatedly, obviously angry that Dean would even think he would. “And there's no way she's leaving for Japan. She's not getting away from us that easily.”
Dean nodded, a certain amount of relief showing on his face. “She's going to the Christmas party tonight. I... I think she's planning on getting drunk.”
“What?” Roman couldn't have hid his surprise if his life depended on it.
Seth however was already grabbing up his bag and rental keys and shoving past Dean into the hallway. “Let's get going, Rome.”
The roster had decided to rent the banquet hall at our hotel so we could all get back to our rooms without worrying about designated drivers and ubers.
I'd ridden over with Finn, Bayley, and Sasha and was eager to get inside, get some drinking done and then hurry back up to my room to sleep it off. I cared nothing about the party, I just wanted to get drunk and forget everything if only for a night.
We stepped into the huge party hall and I cringed at the fairly loud Christmas music. This was going to be anything but relaxing. Still, the decorations were pretty. White Christmas lights were strung up through the huge room. A huge tree in one corner was bombarded with red and green and gold and silver ornaments. A bar was set up with a bartender, and wasting no time, I headed straight to it while everyone else began socializing and hitting the dance floor.
“A shot of tequila, please,” I requested, as the bartender slid a cocktail napkin over to me. A few seconds later the drink was placed in front of me and I eagerly took it down in one gulp.
Oh, my God...
The liquid burned my throat and scorched my empty stomach. “Again, please,” I choked out.
“Wow, she actually had the nerve to show up here.”
The snarky comment rang in my ears as I turned around to see who'd said it.
Ruby, I thought, grimacing inwardly. And where there's Ruby...
“We oughtta toss her out of here,” Liv snickered.
There's Liv and Sarah.
They weren't even trying to hide the fact that they were talking about me and looking right at me while they did it.
I turned back around and took down my next shot of tequila then ordered a third and downed it just as quickly, wishing it would hurry up and kick into my system.
But when it finally did, I was regretting it. Badly. Everything became exacerbated. The music. The talking. The giggling.
Suddenly, it seemed as if everyone was talking about me. Whether that was true or not, I didn't know for sure—the alcohol was screwing with my head royally.
All around me, swirling through the air I kept hearing gossipy whispers.
"She's here..."
"...She showed up?..."
"Everyone watch your backs..."
I looked around frantically, trying to find the source of the whispers and gossip and mean-spirited words. But I couldn't figure out who was uttering them. Or if anyone was even saying them at all. Maybe the alcohol was affecting me—causing me to imagine things. But imagined or not, it was upsetting me to no end.
My breathing quickened at the feeling of being stared at and talked about. Especially in a negative light. And of course, having not eaten all day, the alcohol was sitting like lead in my stomach and making me feel a bit dizzy. I think I was only buzzing, but I quickly decided that getting drunk was not a good option if this was any indication of how I was going to feel.
I stumbled through the crowd of people—my friends and co-workers and their families—to the banquet hall's entryway. My legs trembled as I walked. I needed to get to my room. Completely in a fog, I don't remember how I got down the hallway, let alone making it to the bank of elevators. I had just pushed the call button to head up to my floor when I heard:
Oh, no, I thought, turning around slowly.
Seth. He was headed straight for me.
My heart skipped a beat and then escalated in its rhythm.
I can't breathe...
My hand came up to my chest, and panting for air, I stepped backward to lean against the wall.
Which was a mistake.
I promptly lost my balance and, with a lot of help from my heels and the dizziness clouding my head, went sailing for the floor. Thankfully, strong arms closed around me before I could connect with the cold tiling.
"Geez, Y/N," Seth growled softly in my ear. He didn't sound angry though—more worried than anything else. He held me for a moment and then gently set me on my feet, keeping his arms around me for support. The elevator doors opened and he helped me inside.
"You're shaking," he commented, holding me tighter and closer to his tall frame. "Are you okay?"
I shook my head as the elevator door slid shut. "C-can't breathe..." I latched onto the lapel of his black suit jacket, curling my fingers into it, desperately trying to stay upright. "I-I heard people... talking about me...Ruby and Liv. And some others I couldn't identify."
"Ruby and Liv, sure—I wouldn't doubt in the least. But who cares what they think? I doubt anyone else was saying anything though," he said. "I haven't heard one bad word said about you through this whole ordeal. You were drinking, right? The booze is probably messing with your head, baby. Let's get you taken care of."
"Help me to my room," I asked softly, still clutching at his jacket and fighting for air. "I'll be fine after some sleep."
"No." Came his reply. "You're gonna stay with me. I'm pretty sure you're having a panic attack—probably brought on by the alcohol. You aren't going to be alone." The elevator dinged and the door slid open. Without a word, Seth stooped and lifted me up and cradled me against his chest as he exited the lift. I was too tired and freaked out to protest. What is wrong with me, I wondered, laying my head against his sturdy shoulder.
“How much did you drink?"
"Just th-three," I stammered. I settled my face into his neck and inhaled slightly. The light clean smell of his cologne, for whatever reason, calmed me a little. My breathing became more regular.
"Three what?"
I heard a low, frustrated sigh whoosh within his chest. "Three shots of what, sweetie?"
I was feeling a little more fuzzy as each minute passed, but I could have sworn I heard him whisper another curse. Then his tone went to scolding me lightly. "So, you're telling me you took down three shots of tequila in the last fifteen or so minutes?"
I swallowed hard, fighting down some nausea. "No. Less than fifteen minutes. Drank them one after the other."
There was a long pause, and then: "I doubt it because of the way you look, but please tell me you at least had some food on your stomach."
I shook my head and instantly regretted it. "I didn't eat today."
“Geez, woman.” He was angry now. "You're not gonna make this a habit, are you, baby?"
"No," I whispered. "I just..."
"What?" He prompted, as we reached his room. "Can you hang on to my neck while I unlock the door?"
Stiffly, I shifted my arms to band around his neck. A second later his door opened and he replaced his arm around my back as he carried me inside.
"I needed to forget,” I replied in answer to his previous question. A pesky tear that had been burning my eye spilled over and ran down my cheek. “Everything. Just for one night. But I only feel worse.”
Seth strode across the room to the bed and sat down on the edge of it, settling me in his lap. The comforting feeling of his arms around me made my heart hurt. A sob exploded from me and I immediately despised myself for it. "Please, don't hate me, Seth. I didn't know what Dean was going to do, I promise."
Seth pulled back a little ways to look at my face. "Whoa, sweetheart. I don't hate you. At all." He brushed the tear off my cheek with the pad of his thumb and held me tighter.
"But... You..." I swallowed hard and dared to meet his gaze. I attempted to speak again but Seth gently placed his finger across my lips.
"Lets not do this tonight, baby. We do obviously have a lot to talk about, but you are in major need of some sleep." He brushed his hand over my hair. "Lets get ready for bed, and we can talk in the morning over some breakfast, okay?" He pressed a tender kiss to my forehead, something he'd never done before. "In the meantime, just know this, Y/N... I could never hate you."
He stood then and sat me on the edge of the bed. "Let me find you a shirt to sleep in." He gestured to your dress then. "Would you like for me- Uh... Do you need me to unzip your dress—so you can change?"
If I didn't know any better, Seth looked as if he were blushing slightly. I nodded, my own face burning as well. Yes, I needed his help to get out of the dress, but... The notion of him undoing the zipper down my back was... like a dream.
"You look beautiful, by the way," Seth said softly as he turned me around by my shoulders. I felt a little bit of pressure next as he tugged the zipper down on the flirty, emerald green dress. Then I felt the warmth of his fingers brushing over the bared skin of my back—down, and then slowly back up to my shoulder blades. "So soft." His whispered words sent goosebumps prickling at my skin.
My breathing hitched, and while I was enjoying his touch, I didn't know how to handle it at that moment. I stepped out of his reach. "Th-thank you. For helping me."
"Of course, sweetheart." He reached into one of his bags and handed me one of his t-shirts. "This okay for you to sleep in?"
I nodded, afraid to speak.
"Remember. We're going to talk in the morning. I'll answer any of your questions, but you're gonna answer mine too. Like why you ignored all my calls and texts, and why you ran from me after my match tonight."
I nodded again, and started for the bathroom to change.
"There's soap at the sink if you want to wash your makeup off, and there's also an extra toothbrush. I'll text Roman and let him know you're okay while you get ready for bed."
"Thank you, Seth. Really." I managed a small smile and then I disappeared into the bathroom.
I awoke abruptly. I didn't remember exactly what I was dreaming, except I recalled that it had to do with Dean, Seth and Roman. When I opened my eyes, tears were streaming down my face, and Seth was holding me tightly against his chest.
"Shh-shh..." He shushed me softly, running one of his hands up and down my back in a soothing gesture. "It's okay, baby. I've got ya. Nothing's gonna hurt you, I promise."
"I'm so sorry for what he did." I sobbed the words and draped one of my arms over his waist in the best hug I could accomplish given that we were laying on our sides. "I know you said you and Ro don't hate me, but I'm still so, so sorry. For everything. I stayed away from you and everyone else because I was so ashamed. It wasn't because I wanted to, believe me."
He shushed me again, kissed the top of my head, and mumbled something about being right back. He left the bed and a few seconds later I heard the lavatory faucet turn on in the bathroom. Then he was laying beside me again and ever so gently dabbing at my cheeks and eyes with a wet washcloth.
"Let's go ahead and have that talk, okay?”
At my nod, he continued. “First of all, you have nothing to apologize for. Dean did this all on his own. I know you had nothing to do with it." He puffed out a sigh. "I may be able to forgive Dean one day—for what he did to me and Roman. But I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive him for what he did to you."
"But... I'm confused."
"You jerked away from me that night—yanked your arm away from me. You looked disgusted by me. And Ro... He looked like he'd never trust me again."
Seth sighed again, discarding the washcloth to the night table, and then pulled me against his chest again. "I was disgusted. But not by you. I was disgusted because Dean put you in such a horrible position. I jerked my arm away from you because I was angry that you were seeing me in such a weak condition. And I was angry that Dean tossed you around like a rag doll—even though I know he didn't mean to. I was also upset that you used your body to shield ours. But, trust me, honey, Roman and I have no problem trusting you.” Seth brushed a few strands of hair off my forehead, and stared into my eyes.
Dawn was nearing because there was just the tiniest hint of daylight in the room. Enough that I could see his chocolate-colored eyes holding mine captive in his gaze.
"I've missed you so much," he whispered, brushing the back of his hand down my cheek.
"I missed you too." My voice wavered slightly. I didn't think I could trust myself to say anything more.
But I did.
In fact, at the exact same moment, Seth and I spoke the exact same words:
"I love you."
I gasped.
Seth's face lit up and he rolled me beneath him, keeping some of his weight off me by bracing himself with his arms on either side of me. His voice went gravelly, and beyond sexy, when he spoke next.
"Gonna have to kiss you now, sweetheart."
Then his mouth was on mine.
And I was home.
A calm, euphoric haze filled my senses as Seth kissed me. His tongue slid past my lips and a growl rumbled in his throat as he tasted my mouth. I let my hands coast up his forearms, relishing in the cords of muscles bunched within them, and continued up to his broad shoulders where I let my fingers settle. I moaned softly as his tongue brushed over mine and I shifted one of my hands to the back of his head, curling my fingers into the soft waves of his hair.
He broke the kiss, and smiled down at me. "I love you," he whispered the words again.
I returned the smile, feeling whole for the first time in a very long time. "I love you, too."
"I plan on showing you how much I love you," Seth added teasingly, kissing the tip of my nose. "But, I want it to be when you are clear-headed and with no alcohol in your system."
I nodded. "I agree. I can hardly wait, but I agree."
Daylight began fully making itself known throughout the room, and Seth grinned. "Hey, it's morning. Merry Christmas, honey."
"Merry Christmas, Seth."
He kissed me once more, and my heart surged with happiness, and a new-found hope.
Hope that we could all move past the tragedy that Dean forced on us—forgive Dean. Hope that maybe, just maybe, one day we would all be family once again.
Until then, I was going to live my life—be happy with Seth, and stop punishing myself for the sins of
October 22, 2018
I fought the urge to nibble on my fingernail as I watched a sweaty, red-faced Dolph Ziggler head toward me at the timekeeper's area.  I instantly became a bit nervous that he was going to grab me or something so he could distract my brother, Dean, and our friend, Seth during their match for the WWE Tag Team Championships.
Being a ring announcer has its perks—it really does.  For example, I get the best seat in the house.  
But like any job, it can also suck sometimes.  
Especially, when you are related to one of the wrestlers.  You automatically become potential collateral damage.
My breath left me with a shaky sigh, but nonetheless, I tried to keep a calm demeanor.  Seeing a big muscled wrestler stomping toward you with an angry look on his face isn't exactly a cozy picture, after all.  
Luckily, I wasn't the target.  Dolph stalked up to the timekeeper and I realized he had something else up his sleeve.  My mild relief was short-lived when Dolph yanked a tag title from the man's hands.  I figured he was going to head up the ramp and get counted out—resulting in Drew and he keeping the titles despite the loss.  But no.  He moved to the ring, plopping the belt onto the apron before he climbed back in himself.
I saw my brother dazedly rising to his feet.  He'd been slammed into the barricade moments before by Drew.  I knew he couldn't be feeling too great, but Seth was about to be in even worse shape.
“Dean!  Dolph's got a belt—he's gonna use it on Seth!”  
This seemed to revive Dean fully and he darted to the apron, grabbing hold of the title just as Dolph did the same.  There was a brief instant of tug-o-war before Dean yanked the belt from his enemy's grip.  Dolph's momentum sent him stumbling back right into a fierce kick from Seth which sent him straight to his knees, and right where Seth wanted him.  
A curb stomp ensued.
And in the next few seconds, the match was over.  
We had new WWE Tag Team Champions—my brother, and the man I was in love with.  The crowd was deafening.  They were as ecstatic as I was, it seemed.  I didn't hear a single “boo”.  Of course, that wasn't a big surprise.  Nobody disliked the Shield.  Roman as a singles competitor was a different story, of course.  I was always confused by this.  The crowd would sometimes cheer him as long as he was part of the Shield, but as soon as he moved on to do his own thing he became the most hated wrestler since John Cena.
Tears burned my eyes, and I smiled through them as Seth sat in an exhausted heap—taking in the fact they'd won, that all three Shield members held titles.  I couldn't have been any prouder.
Seth stood slowly and latched onto Dean in a huge bro hug.  My brother seemed a bit stiff, or uncomfortable, which I chalked up to him not being a very demonstrative person.  But otherwise he looked content and fulfilled.
But slowly, I began to realize something was wrong.
I could feel my smile fade as I saw Dean release Seth from the hug and then tossed his newly won WWE Tag Team Championship belt to the ring's canvas.  
That's odd, I thought.  My body slowly grew tense with unease.  I've never seen anyone celebrate a title win by dropping their belts to the canvas-  My thoughts halted sharply as I watched Dean issue Seth a sudden, hard kick to the gut immediately followed by Dirty Deeds.  The audience seemed to all scream “NO!” in unison.
My brain wouldn't compute.  I couldn't quite understand what I was seeing.  And before I could fully digest what just went down, it only got worse.
Much worse.
Dean stalked over to Seth and kicked him in the head, then began pummeling him, over and over.  It seemed like forever before Dean seemed to grow bored and tossed him out of the ring.  
On shaky legs, I stood and craned my neck to see Seth.  He'd landed with a hard thud in the floor and then rolled back against the barricade.  He looked out cold.  His eyes were open, but he looked unconscious despite the fact.
My hands went to my face; covered my mouth in my shock.  I'd never seen this side of my brother.  At least, not toward his loved ones.  
I must've blanked out or something because the next thing I knew, Seth was being flung into the barricade right in front of me and the timekeeper.  
“DEAN, THAT'S ENOUGH!”  My shriek surprised even me.  Tears were streaming down my face and Dean stared at me for a moment with a confused look on his face, like he couldn't believe I was trying to defend Seth.  “What is wrong with you,” I demanded, stepping outside of the timekeeper's box.  “Leave him alone!”
To my shock, Dean hauled me over his shoulder and walked a little ways toward the ramp.  I had a brief moment of terror; worrying that maybe Dean was going to flip out on me, and hurt me as well.  I was faintly aware of Seth's weakened voice calling out for Dean to put me down as I struggled in his hold.
“Get backstage, Kiddo,” Dean growled at me under his breath and finally set me on my feet.  “There is no more announcing to do, so your job here is done for the night.  You don't need to see any more of this.”
“Dean... I'm not kidding.  Do not hurt him any more.”  I couldn't stop my voice from cracking as I begged him.  “Please.”
Dean looked as though he'd soften and relent for just a moment.  Then his blue eyes went cold in the next instant.  “He's had this coming for a long time, Y/N.  And you know it.  Get outta here.”
“No, Dean!  You can't do this!  You have to forgive him!  I did!  Even Ro did!”  A sob burst out of me and I shoved at his shoulders.  “Why can't you??”
A hand snagged my wrist—tugging me backward, and startled, I whirled around to see Roman.  “Meli, come on back,” he said softly.  I glanced back at Dean and saw that he was already heading back to Seth.
“Please, tell me you aren't part of this, Roman,” I whispered.  “Please.”
“I'm not,” he said, gently wiping at the tears on my face with his thumbs.  “I'm going to take care of it, but I need to know that you are out of harm's way first.”
“Fine.  O-okay,” I quickly agreed.  Anything to get Seth some help in a hurry.  “Just please, put a stop to this.”  I turned and headed backstage, but stayed at the gorilla position keeping my eyes glued to one of the monitors.
The horror only escalated. 
Roman hurried down to the flurry of movement that was my brother's flailing fists, and gently but firmly took hold of Dean's shoulder.  In the next instant, Roman was sprawled on the floor looking quite dazed from a punch to the face.
By this time, the camera men had apparently received word to stop recording and RAW ended with Dean beating on our friends.  Not caring that I was breaking kayfabe or entering myself into what the crowd most likely believed to be an “angle”, I rushed back out to talk some sense into Dean.  As I neared the three men, I was horrified to see that Dean had grabbed up my chair to use on them.
My scream did no good at all as Dean had already blasted the steel chair across Seth's back and then spun around and did the same to Roman.
“DEAN, STOP IT,” I screamed, grabbing hold of the chair as he brought it back once more.
In a flash of temper, he swung the chair hard through the air to get me to release my grip on it.
And it worked.
The next thing I knew, I was on the floor.  As I'd lost my grip on the chair, I was propelled through the air and landed hard on my butt.  A sharp pain radiated up my back.
My tailbone.  
“Ya piece of garbage-” Seth bit out at the same time I heard Roman's soft, “What are you doing, Uce?”
“God, Y/N...” Dean said softly, dropping the chair, letting it clatter to the floor.  “I'm sorry.”  He reached down to help me up.  
“Don't touch me!” I slapped his hand away, and gingerly stood to my feet, swiping at fresh tears as I rose.  “Just stay away from me—from them!”
His temper returned with a vengeance and he instantly bent down picking the chair up again.
“Dean, no...”  I stepped in front of my two beaten-down friends and stood my ground; terrified.  Because I didn't know at this point what my brother would do.  “If you are going to hurt them more, you'll have to hurt me to get to them.”
The chair was drawn back and I gasped.  He's really going to do it.  I was vaguely aware that the audience was now hushed.  You could hear a pin drop.
The only thing left I could think to do was spin around, drop to my knees and drape myself over Seth and Roman the best I could, considering how huge they were compared to me.  I braced myself for excruciating pain.  I was prepared for it, and I was going to take it—for my friends.  
I heard the clatter of the chair hitting the floor again.  I dared to shift my head and look behind me.  Dean was ripping off his black, sleeveless shirt he always wore when the Shield was together and was heading for the ramp.  A sob burst out of me because I realized what that symbolic gesture meant.
Dean was through with the Shield.
And I was through with him.
Quickly, I turned back to Seth and Roman.  They were still lying on the floor and looked really out of it.  
“I'm so sorry, you guys,” I sobbed, reaching out to inspect a lump on Seth's forehead.  “I can't b-believe he-  I'm so sorry.”  
Roman was able to raise up finally and spoke softly, “It wasn't your fault, baby girl.”  
“I didn't know he was going to-  I promise, I would have warned you.”  I was brushing hair back from Seth's forehead when he jerked away from me.  Stunned, I looked at him, wide-eyed.  “Seth...?”
“Just get out of here, Y/N,” he nearly growled.  “We're fine.”
Security and referees and trainers were all around us then asking us all how we felt.  
How do you think we feel?
I felt like I'd be sick.  Seth had never spoken to me in such a way before.  Not ever.  But I managed a shaky nod.  “O-okay.  I'm just so...  I'm really s-sorry...”  I stood to my feet then and turned to leave.  They were in good hands, there was nothing I could do for them.  So, I headed toward the ramp.  A trainer followed me for a little ways to make sure I was okay.
“That was a nasty fall you took—are you sure you don't need-?”
“I'm fine,” I said, not even looking at him.  “I just want to leave.”
Once I got backstage, Dean had the gall to be there waiting for me.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay, Kiddo,” he said softly.  
I glared at him for an instant before launching my fist straight into his face.  He surprisingly took the hit without any retaliation despite the blood that came gushing from his nose.  “I hope it freaking hurts,” I screamed at him.  “I hope I broke it!”
“You probably did,” he admitted softly,  trying to staunch the flow of blood.  “You're gonna side with them, over your own brother?”
“What did Roman EVER do to you, except be there for you,” I demanded, finally finding the words that wouldn't come to me earlier.  “And Seth...” I went on, ranting at this point.  “Sure he screwed you over AGES ago, but he's more than earned your forgiveness.  He offered you a chance to attack him with a chair—with no retaliation.  He knew he deserved it!  He took chair shots for you—literally shielding your body with his!  He protected you even when he knew it was bringing damage to himself!  What you've done is SO MUCH worse than anything he's ever done to you!  I hate you!”  
I knew I may regret those words later, but at that moment in time I felt they were justified.
I turned and walked further backstage only to be intercepted by Stephanie McMahon.
“Y/N, I want you to know that I'm really sorry about what happened out there,” she said.  “But... You got involved in a situation that you had no business getting into.  You assaulted your brother back here, for God's sake.  I'm sorry but I have to suspend you.  Sixty days.  You can return for the Christmas Eve show.  Use the time to clear your head, okay?”
Numb at this point, I just nodded.  Then I went to my dressing room and began packing up my things.
The two months passed by slowly.  Which was okay.  Because I felt completely lost.  I'd lost my brother.  I'd lost two of my best friends—one of which I was so far head over heels for it was pathetic.  Especially since he now hated me.
I couldn't get the sight of Seth jerking away from my touch out of my head.  He'd looked so appalled by me.
And Roman had said it wasn't my fault, but...  He still had this look on his face—like he didn't trust me anymore.
It hurt.
Of course, many of the superstars had texted me and even tried calling me.  But I couldn't answer them.  Because I hated myself for what happened.  Dean was my brother.  I should have known what was coming.  He'd been acting weird up to the point he cracked.  Why didn't I see it?  I could have done something.  
Now, because of my negligence, nothing mattered anymore.
I couldn't even watch RAW, because every time I did, Dean was taking cheap shots on Seth and Roman and giving them a beat down.  He'd taken everything from me.  My friends, my job, my enjoyment of wrestling in general, even himself—my brother.
Christmas Eve was coming up in a couple of days and I'd be returning to work.  Normally, I would've been excited.  But instead, I had this thick ball of tension in my stomach and I didn't foresee it going anywhere for a long time.  
My phone dinged with a text.  Rolling my eyes, because I just knew it was Bayley—again—pestering me to attend a Christmas party after RAW on Christmas Eve.
Since everyone was having to work that night, they had all chipped in and rented a venue and were flying their families to Sacramento so they could have one big Christmas bash together.  And several of the women's division had contacted me many times to invite me to said party.  I just couldn't.  I couldn't answer them.  I knew I must look incredibly rude, but I couldn't help it.  Dean truly had ruined everything.  I often wondered if I'd ever be able to forgive him.
I looked down at my phone and saw it was indeed a text from Bayley.
You are totally coming to the party, Y/N. I'm not taking no for an answer.  Me, Sasha and Finn will kidnap you if we have to. ;-)
Sighing in defeat, I tossed my phone beside me on the bed.
Two nights later, I was in Sacramento headed into the Golden 1 Center, hoping to avoid everyone as much as possible.  I just wanted to get my job done for the night and prepare for the next show.
And with that thought, I grew angry.  
I used to freaking LOVE my job.  I never wanted a show to end, and now here I was wishing I didn't even have to be there.  
I left my dressing room and walked down the hall toward makeup and hair when Dean caught up with me and attempted a talk.
“It's... It's good to have ya back, Kid-”
“Shut-up, Dean,” I said.  I didn't have any malice in my tone.  Nothing was in my tone, except maybe for exhaustion.
“You're still angry with me.”
It wasn't a question, but simply a statement.  He sounded tired too, but I didn't care.
“Angry,” I scoffed at him and stopped walking so I could look up at him.  “You don't get it, Dean.  I am so much more than angry.  You have no clue what you did to me that night.  I was shattered.  And now I'm tired.  I'm sad.  I'm scared.  I'm lonely.  And because of you, and the fact you're my brother, I'm sure that nobody can—or will—trust me now.  And I don't even remotely blame them.  I meant what I said that night, Dean.  I hate you.  You didn't just lose two best friends, and your sister.  You made me lose two best friends and my brother.”  The words tumbled out of me.  I couldn't stop them if I tried.
“I don't even enjoy coming into work now.  I have a rock in my stomach and I felt like throwing up at just the thought of walking into this arena because I can only imagine what everyone thinks of me.  I miss them—I miss my friends.  I can't even watch any of them wrestle on RAW anymore because I have to see you beating on Seth and Roman every chance you get.   You've ruined my entire life for me.  All because you are an overgrown, spoiled brat.”
With that, I turned away from him and continued on my way to hair and makeup, giving him no chance to speak.
A few hours later, I was watching Seth beat on Baron.  Okay, so I was actually ogling Seth while he beat on Baron.  
He was beautiful to watch, what can I say?
I missed him.  So much.
I missed everyone.
Suddenly, Seth kicked Baron in the face, then quickly followed up with a  curb stomp.
And I was catapulted back to that night.  Seth was curb stomping Dolph.  He and Dean were holding the Tag Titles and hugging.  Dean kicking him then nailing him with Dirty Deeds.  Roman going to help Seth and getting beaten down also.
“Hey!  Y/N!  Seth won.  You gonna announce it before 2019 arrives?”
Graves barked at me through my ear piece.  
“Geez, give her a break, Graves!”  Renee spoke up.  “She's been through a lot.”
Grateful for my sister-in-law speaking up for me, and missing her like crazy, I stood to my feet lifting the mic to my lips.  “And your winner... Seth Rrrrrrrollins!”
As RAW went off the air, Seth hopped out of the ring and turned in my direction—staring at me.  His dark eyes flashed, and a look of determination crossed his handsome face.  Then he headed straight for me.  
And I panicked.
I can't face him.  Not yet.  He'll want to talk about what happened.  Maybe even go off on me about it.
Avoiding his eyes, I stepped around him to make a getaway.  But his hand shot out; his fingers wrapping around my arm and gently tugging me back toward him.
“S-Seth...” I stammered pathetically.  I could barely glance up at his face.  “I-I have to go.  Backstage.”  I pointed to my ear piece.  “They're asking for me.”
It was a lame lie.  The show was over.  There was no reason for me to be called backstage.  And Seth knew it was a lie.   I could see the way his face flashed with frustration, then hurt.  He quickly covered it though and gave me a nod.
Not giving him the chance to change his mind and try to keep me there, I darted off and ran all the way past the gorilla position, and I didn't stop running—not even when I heard my name being called by various different voices—until I reached my dressing room and flung the door shut.
Panting for air, I slumped against the wall trying to get myself pulled together.  I still had the party to go to.  I shook my head in exasperation.  Partying was the very last thing I wanted or felt like doing.  But I knew that Bayley would not have it any other way.  
I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror on the other side of the room and froze.  My skin had paled, I was visibly having difficulty breathing, my eyes were dull and I just looked overall drained. 
I have to quit, I realized.  I can't do this anymore.  All the stress and worry—it's taking the life out of me.  I can't enjoy work anymore.
There was a knock at my door then.  Wishing I could just pretend I wasn't here, but realizing that too many people saw me actually enter the room, I had no choice.  I reached out and opened the door cautiously, not really knowing who, or what, to expect.
“Kiddo, look... I need to talk, and you need to listen to me.”  
Dean barged his way in without even taking the time to take in my condition.  I rolled my eyes.  Figures.  
“Maybe I was-”  And that's when he finally looked at me.  Saw the true extent of what he'd done to me.  He looked as though the air just whooshed out of him.  “Geez, Y/N...  Are you okay?  Are you sick?  Should I get you a doc-”
I busted out laughing.  “Do I freaking look okay, Dean?  No, I don't need a doctor.  I'm fine.  That's what you want to hear, right?  That I'm fine with you turning your back on Seth and Roman—beating them to a pulp?  I'm fine with you not giving a rip how all of this would affect me?  I'm fine with losing my friends—my brother?  I'm fine having to give up my job and start from scratch somewhere else? I'm fine-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Dean cut me off and held up his hands in what I'm sure he meant to be a calming gesture.  It simply made me want to slug him in the face again.  “What are you talking about—giving up your job?  Why?  You love your job.”
“I used to,” I replied with a sigh.  “But now...  I feel like... People are being nice to me simply because they feel like they have to.  I feel like they are secretly afraid of me—because I'm your-”  Realizing I was actually confiding in him, I grew angry with myself.  I shook my head to clear it.  “Just forget it, Dean.  It doesn't matter anyway.  I'm sure I can get a job at TNA, or ROH.  Maybe I could even go to Japan—work at NJPW.”
“Kiddo...  I can't let you-”
“It isn't up to you, Dean.  It isn't your decision.  You may be older than me, but I am a grown woman now.”  I sighed again, growing more tired by the minute.  “Please, just leave.”
Bayley chose that moment to pop her head in the door.  “Ready to party?”  Her eyes shifted over to Dean then and her bubbly exterior faltered a bit.  
“Yes,” I said immediately.  “I'm assuming there'll be alcohol?”  I may not be in the mindset to party, but at least I can drown my sorrows.
Both Bayley's and Dean's heads whipped back in my direction.  I could only imagine their shock because I very, very rarely ever drank.
“Y-Yeah,” Bayley nodded.  “Of course!”
“Great! Let me change into my dress and we can go,” I exclaimed with a cheerfulness I was far from feeling.  I turned my attention to my brother then, “You can leave now, Dean.”
Stunned and speechless, Dean turned around and left, closing the door behind him.  
I shifted my attention back to Bayley.  “The dress I brought has a zipper in the back.  Can you zip me up?”
She nodded again, “Sure thing!”
Dean paced several steps one way, then whirled around and paced in the other direction.  He'd been doing this for several minutes, apprehension on his face.  He stopped suddenly, and looked up at the door he'd been pacing in front of. 
A sigh huffed from his chest, and he rolled his head around on his shoulders, trying to alleviate the tension that was building up in his neck.
“Baby, just...do it,” he heard Renee say from behind him.  “Knock.  Talk to him.”
He turned and looked at her.  “I'm not apologizing.”
“Fine,” she relented, stroking up his arm to his shoulder in a soothing gesture.  “But make peace.  You need it.  So does Seth and Roman.  So does Y/N.”
“That's why I'm here,” Dean replied, looking back at the door.  “For Y/N.”  He slumped against the wall and rubbed at his eyes.  “I think I...”  He shook his head.  “I think I ruined her life.  She's not the same.  At all.  She's talking about leaving the WWE—maybe working in Japan.”
“Dean, this has gone too far.”  Renee's voice took on a scolding tone.  “Way too far.  You have to fix it because you are the one who put everyone in this position.  I was against this from the start.  I love Roman and Seth.  They are my brothers the same as they are to Y/N.  Although, I'm pretty sure she doesn't look at Seth in a brotherly way...”  Her face stained a slight shade of pink at realizing she let too much information out.
“What's that supposed to mean,” Dean demanded, his blue eyes flashing.
“Oh, Dean, if you haven't realized by now how crazy she is about Seth, you're completely blind.”
His head fell back against the wall as his eyes clenched shut.  “So that's why she's taken this so hard.” He bit out a curse.
“Partly, yes.  But you alienated her, Dean.  I can only imagine how she feels, but if I were in her shoes, I'd feel like a traitor to them just by being related to you.”
“I'm not trying to be mean or hurt you, babe,” Renee said, taking hold of his arm again.  “I just want you to see this situation through her eyes.  She probably thinks they hate her.  She may even feel like we all hate her.”
“She does.  She said something like that earlier.  She thinks no one will trust her anymore because of me.”
Renee reached up and turned Dean's face to hers, making him look at her.  “I love you, so much.  And that will never change.  But I am very disappointed in your actions.  You were thinking of no one but yourself.” 
Dean nodded.  “I know.”
“So, get to fixing it.”
With no warning, Renee reached over and knocked on Seth's dressing room door and then hurried away, leaving her husband to repair the damage he'd caused.
Accepting his punishment, Dean turned back to the door just as it opened.  Seth stood in the doorway, his arms crossed across his chest and his eyes dark and emotionless.  “What do you want?”
“I'm not here to apologize,” Dean started.
“Good.  Because I wouldn't care if you were.”
“I'm here because of Y/N.”
“What do you mean,” Seth instantly uncrossed his arms and stood up straighter; tension appearing in his muscled frame.  Roman appeared beside him, concern etching his features.  “What's wrong with her?”  Seth continued his barrage of questions.  “Is she okay?  She wasn't acting like herself after my match.”
“She's not okay,” Dean replied.  “What I did...  It hurt her more than I realized it would.  I thought she'd get past it, but she's-”
“Ambrose, I swear if you are using her to mess with my head...  You'll be opening a can of worms you'll wish you'd left alone.  You've hurt her enough.”
“I know,” Dean shot back.  “I can see that now.”  He swallowed hard and wouldn't meet Seth's or Roman's eyes.  “I just...”
“What do you need us to do,” Roman asked, sensing that Dean was wanting to ask for their help.  
“I don't know if she'll ever forgive me,” Dean said softly.  “She's been talking about leaving WWE and working somewhere else—Japan.”  He saw Seth tense up even more and continued.  “I'm going to see about getting moved to SmackDown.  So...”  He finally made eye contact with Seth, then Roman and then his gaze shifted back to Seth.  “I need you guys to look out for her.”
“Of course,” Roman replied with no hesitation.  
“I'd never turn my back on her,” Seth said heatedly, obviously angry that Dean would even think he would.  “And there's no way she's leaving for Japan.  She's not getting away from us that easily.”
Dean nodded, a certain amount of relief showing on his face.  “She's going to the Christmas party tonight.  I...  I think she's planning on getting drunk.”
“What?”  Roman couldn't have hid his surprise if his life depended on it.
Seth however was already grabbing up his bag and rental keys and shoving past Dean into the hallway.  “Let's get going, Rome.”
The roster had decided to rent the banquet hall at our hotel so we could all get back to our rooms without worrying about designated drivers and ubers.
I'd ridden over with Finn, Bayley, and Sasha and was eager to get inside, get some drinking done and then hurry back up to my room to sleep it off.  I cared nothing about the party, I just wanted to get drunk and forget everything if only for a night.
We stepped into the huge party hall and I cringed at the fairly loud Christmas music.  This was going to be anything but relaxing.  Still, the decorations were pretty.  White Christmas lights were strung up through the huge room.  A huge tree in one corner was bombarded with red and green and gold and silver ornaments.  A bar was set up with a bartender, and wasting no time, I headed straight to it while everyone else began socializing and hitting the dance floor.
“A shot of tequila, please,” I requested, as the bartender slid a cocktail napkin over to me.  A few seconds later the drink was placed in front of me and I eagerly took it down in one gulp.
Oh, my God...  
The liquid burned my throat and scorched my empty stomach.  “Again, please,” I choked out.  
“Wow, she actually had the nerve to show up here.”
The snarky comment rang in my ears as I turned around to see who'd said it.  
Ruby, I thought, grimacing inwardly.  And where there's Ruby...
“We oughtta toss her out of here,” Liv snickered.
There's Liv and Sarah.
They weren't even trying to hide the fact that they were talking about me and looking right at me while they did it.
I turned back around and took down my next shot of tequila then ordered a third and downed it just as quickly, wishing it would hurry up and kick into my system.  
But when it finally did, I was regretting it.  Badly.  Everything became exacerbated.  The music.  The talking.  The giggling.  
Suddenly, it seemed as if everyone was talking about me.  Whether that was true or not, I didn't know for sure—the alcohol was messing with my head royally.  
All around me, swirling through the air I kept hearing gossipy whispers.
"She's here..."
"...She showed up?..."
"Everyone watch your backs..."
I looked around frantically, trying to find the source of the whispers and gossip and mean-spirited words.  But I couldn't figure out who was uttering them.  Or if anyone was even saying them at all.  Maybe the alcohol was affecting me—causing me to imagine things.  But imagined or not, it was upsetting me to no end.  
My breathing quickened at the feeling of being stared at and talked about.  Especially in a negative light.  And of course, having not eaten all day, the alcohol was sitting like lead in my stomach and making me feel a bit dizzy.  I think I was only buzzing, but I quickly decided that getting drunk was not a good option if this was any indication of how I was going to feel.  
I stumbled through the crowd of people—my friends and co-workers and their families—to the banquet hall's entryway.  My legs trembled as I walked.  I needed to get to my room.  Completely in a fog, I don't remember how I got down the hallway, let alone making it to the bank of elevators.  I had just pushed the call button to head up to my floor when I heard:
Oh, no, I thought, turning around slowly.  
Seth.  He was headed straight for me.  
My heart skipped a beat and then escalated in its rhythm.  
I can't breathe...
My hand came up to my chest, and panting for air, I stepped backward to lean against the wall.
Which was a mistake.
I promptly lost my balance and, with a lot of help from my heels and the dizziness clouding my head, went sailing for the floor.  Thankfully, strong arms closed around me before I could connect with the cold tiling.
"Geez, Y/N," Seth growled softly in my ear.  He didn't sound angry though—more worried than anything else.  He held me for a moment and then gently set me on my feet, keeping his arms around me for support.  The elevator doors opened and he helped me inside.  
"You're shaking," he commented, holding me tighter and closer to his tall frame.  "Are you okay?"
I shook my head as the elevator door slid shut.  "C-can't breathe..."  I latched onto the lapel of his black suit jacket, curling my fingers into it, desperately trying to stay upright.  "I-I heard people... talking about me...Ruby and Liv.  And some others I couldn't identify."
"Ruby and Liv, sure—I wouldn't doubt in the least.  But who cares what they think?  I doubt anyone else was saying anything though," he said.  "I haven't heard one bad word said about you through this whole ordeal.  You were drinking, right?  The booze is probably messing with your head, baby.  Let's get you taken care of."
"Help me to my room," I asked softly, still clutching at his jacket and fighting for air.  "I'll be fine after some sleep."
"No."  Came his reply.  "You're gonna stay with me.  I'm pretty sure you're having a panic attack—probably brought on by the alcohol.  You aren't going to be alone."  The elevator dinged and the door slid open.  Without a word, Seth stooped and lifted me up and cradled me against his chest as he exited the lift.  I was too tired and freaked out to protest. What is wrong with me, I wondered, laying my head against his sturdy shoulder.
“How much did you drink?"
"Just th-three," I stammered.  I settled my face into his neck and inhaled slightly.  The light clean smell of his cologne, for whatever reason, calmed me a little.  My breathing became more regular.
"Three what?"
I heard a low, frustrated sigh whoosh within his chest.  "Three shots of what, sweetie?"
I was feeling a little more fuzzy as each minute passed, but I could have sworn I heard him whisper another curse.  Then his tone went to scolding me lightly.  "So, you're telling me you took down three shots of tequila in the last fifteen or so minutes?"
I swallowed hard, fighting down some nausea.  "No.  Less than fifteen minutes.  Drank them one after the other."
There was a long pause, and then:  "I doubt it because of the way you look, but please tell me you at least had some food on your stomach."
I shook my head and instantly regretted it.  "I didn't eat today."
“Geez, woman.”  He was angry now.  "You're not gonna make this a habit, are you, baby?"
"No," I whispered.  "I just..."
"What?"  He prompted, as we reached his room.  "Can you hang on to my neck while I unlock the door?"
Stiffly, I shifted my arms to band around his neck.  A second later his door opened and he replaced his arm around my back as he carried me inside.
"I needed to forget,” I replied in answer to his previous question.  A pesky tear that had been burning my eye spilled over and ran down my cheek.  “Everything.  Just for one night.  But I only feel worse.”  
Seth strode across the room to the bed and sat down on the edge of it, settling me in his lap.  The comforting feeling of his arms around me made my heart hurt.  A sob exploded from me and I immediately despised myself for it.  "Please, don't hate me, Seth.  I didn't know what Dean was going to do, I promise."
Seth pulled back a little ways to look at my face.  "Whoa, sweetheart.  I don't hate you.  At all."  He brushed the tear off my cheek with the pad of his thumb and held me tighter.  
"But...  You..."  I swallowed hard and dared to meet his gaze.  I attempted to speak again but Seth gently placed his finger across my lips.
"Lets not do this tonight, baby.  We do obviously have a lot to talk about, but you are in major need of some sleep."  He brushed his hand over my hair.  "Lets get ready for bed, and we can talk in the morning over some breakfast, okay?"  He pressed a tender kiss to my forehead, something he'd never done before.  "In the meantime, just know this, Y/N... I could never hate you."
He stood then and sat me on the edge of the bed.  "Let me find you a shirt to sleep in."  He gestured to your dress then.  "Would you like for me-  Uh... Do you need me to unzip your dress—so you can change?"
If I didn't know any better, Seth looked as if he were blushing slightly.  I nodded, my own face burning as well.  
"You look beautiful, by the way," Seth said softly as he turned me around by my shoulders.  I felt a little bit of pressure next as he tugged the zipper down on the flirty, emerald green dress.  Then I felt the warmth of his fingers brushing over the bared skin of my back—down, and then slowly back up to my shoulder blades.  "So soft."  His whispered words sent goosebumps prickling at my skin.  
My breathing hitched, and while I was enjoying his touch, I didn't know how to handle it at that moment.  I stepped out of his reach.  "Th-thank you.  For helping me."
"Of course, sweetheart."  He reached into one of his bags and handed me one of his t-shirts.  "This okay for you to sleep in?"
I nodded, afraid to speak.
"Remember.  We're going to talk in the morning.  I'll answer any of your questions, but you're gonna answer mine too.  Like why you ignored all my calls and texts, and why you ran from me after my match tonight."
I nodded again, and started for the bathroom to change.
"There's soap at the sink if you want to wash your makeup off, and there's also an extra toothbrush.  I'll text Roman and let him know you're okay while you get ready for bed."
"Thank you, Seth.  Really."  I managed a small smile and then I disappeared into the bathroom.
I awoke abruptly.  I didn't remember exactly what I was dreaming, except I recalled that it had to do with Dean, Seth and Roman.  When I opened my eyes, tears were streaming down my face, and Seth was holding me tightly against his chest.
"Shh-shh..."  He shushed me softly, running one of his hands up and down my back in a soothing gesture.  "It's okay, baby.  I've got ya.  Nothing's gonna hurt you, I promise."
"I'm so sorry for what he did."  I sobbed the words and draped one of my arms over his waist in the best hug I could accomplish given that we were laying on our sides.  "I know you said you and Ro don't hate me, but I'm still so, so sorry.  For everything.  I stayed away from you and everyone else because I was so ashamed.  It wasn't because I wanted to, believe me."
He shushed me again, kissed the top of my head, and mumbled something about being right back.  He left the bed and a few seconds later I heard the lavatory faucet turn on in the bathroom.  Then he was laying beside me again and ever so gently dabbing at my cheeks and eyes with a wet washcloth.
"Let's go ahead and have that talk, okay?” 
At my nod, he continued.  “First of all, you have nothing to apologize for.  Dean did this all on his own.  I know you had nothing to do with it."  He puffed out a sigh.  "I may be able to forgive Dean one day—for what he did to me and Roman.  But I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive him for what he did to you."
"But...  I'm confused."
"You jerked away from me that night—yanked your arm away from me.  You looked disgusted by me.  And Ro... He looked like he'd never trust me again."
Seth sighed again, discarding the washcloth to the night table, and then pulled me against his chest again.  "I was disgusted.  But not by you.  I was disgusted because Dean put you in such a horrible position.  I jerked my arm away from you because I was angry that you were seeing me in such a weak condition.  And I was angry that Dean tossed you around like a rag doll—even though I know he didn't mean to.  I was also upset that you used your body to shield ours.  But, trust me, honey, Roman and I have no problem trusting you.”  Seth brushed a few strands of hair off my forehead, and stared into my eyes.
Dawn was nearing because there was just the tiniest hint of daylight in the room.  Enough that I could see his chocolate-colored eyes holding mine captive in his gaze.  
"I've missed you so much," he whispered, brushing the back of his hand down my cheek.
"I missed you too."  My voice wavered slightly.  I didn't think I could trust myself to say anything more.  
But I did.
In fact, at the exact same moment, Seth and I spoke the exact same words:
"I love you."
I gasped.
Seth's face lit up and he rolled me beneath him, keeping some of his weight off me by bracing himself with his arms on either side of me.  His voice went gravelly, and beyond sexy, when he spoke next.
"Gonna have to kiss you now, sweetheart."
Then his mouth was on mine.  
And I was home.
A calm, euphoric haze filled my senses as Seth kissed me.  His tongue slid past my lips and a growl rumbled in his throat as he tasted my mouth.  I let my hands coast up his forearms, relishing in the cords of muscles bunched within them, and continued up to his broad shoulders where I let my fingers settle.  I moaned softly as his tongue brushed over mine and I shifted one of my hands to the back of his head, curling my fingers into the soft waves of his hair.  
He broke the kiss, and smiled down at me.  "I love you," he whispered the words again.
I returned the smile, feeling whole for the first time in a very long time.  "I love you, too."
Daylight began fully making itself known throughout the room, and Seth grinned.  "Hey, it's morning.  Merry Christmas, honey."
"Merry Christmas, Seth."
He kissed me once more, and my heart surged with happiness, and a new-found hope. 
Hope that we could all move past the tragedy that Dean forced on us—forgive Dean.  Hope that maybe, just maybe, one day we would all be family once again.  
Until then, I was going to live my life—be happy with Seth, and stop punishing myself for the sins of my brother.
I gazed up at the smiling, gorgeous man above me.
But mostly be happy with Seth, I thought, a smile breaking out across my face.
The End
Translations (According to Google):“Meli” (Samoan) - “Honey”
my brother.
I gazed up at the smiling, gorgeous man above me.
But mostly be happy with Seth, I thought, a smile breaking out across my face.
The End
Translations (According to Google):
“Meli” (Samoan) - “Honey”
157 notes · View notes
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Muggleborn!Reader
Summary: The complicated relationship of a pureblood and a muggleborn, shown through their time at Hogwarts
Requested: No
Warnings: Swearing, blood purity, angst, death, mentions of torture, all that kinda stuff
A/N: can you truly count yourself as a Harry Potter writer if you haven’t written something about Malfoy dating a muggleborn??? I hope you guys enjoy this! Please let me know what you think - hearing your comments always perks me up and inspires me to write more! Also this is a long’un so strap yourselves in!
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First Year
Y/N Y/L/N wasn’t scared of Draco Malfoy.
It wasn’t because she was brave, or because she knew she could outsmart him or anything like that - nothing like the reasons so many Gryffindors and Ravenclaws gave to try and convince themselves that they held no fear of the Slytherin bully.
No, it was nothing like that.
In a way, she felt sorry for him.
Sometimes, it seemed as though he was merely parroting his father’s words when he spoke so harshly to people.
She had been scared of him - most Hufflepuffs were. Hufflepuffs were aware of the way that a lot of the students - Slytherin’s in particular - viewed them. Knew that they were often perceived as being the ‘lesser’ house. And being a muggleborn as well just seemed to reinforce the point that there was no way that Draco Malfoy and his band of Slytherins would ever allow her a single peaceful moment.
During her first term at Hogwarts, she had dreaded every lesson she had with Malfoy, who she felt went out of his way to make her and Justin (the other muggleborn Hufflepuff student) feel inferior to everyone else.
But it didn’t take her long to get over that initial fear. 
It probably came from her friendship with Harry, Ron and Hermione. It wasn’t as though they were close friends, but after helping them out during Herbology class and studying in the library with Hermione fairly regularly, it was safe to say that they were definitely friends.
And any association with the trio was immediately seen as a red flag by Malfoy, putting an even larger target on Y/N’s back. 
But after hearing the many, many, rather creative insults thought up by Harry, Ron and Hermione about Malfoy, it was difficult for her to fear him.
“Watch where you’re going, Mudblood.”
Y/N had collided hard with the floor, her books falling from her bag, scattering on the ground. 
“You walked into her, Malfoy,” Ron piped up from where he had been walking with Harry, a little behind Y/N and her friends, all of them on their way back into the school after Herbology. 
“Then she should have gotten out of my way, shouldn’t she, Weasley,” just one glance up at Malfoy’s face allowed Y/N to understand how happy he was to pick a fight with anyone - the fact that Ron was also getting involved only served to cheer him further.
There was nothing that Malfoy enjoyed more than aggravating Harry and Ron, goading them into a fight just so that he could somehow swing it to a teacher to place the blame on them instead, causing the loss of Gryffindor house points.
Harry had dropped to the floor beside Y/N, kneeling down to help her gather her books back up.
“Thanks,” she muttered with a small smile, standing up and watching the interaction of Ron and Malfoy, both of whom were getting more and more worked up. “Ron, just leave it,” Y/N called, grabbing the attention of both boys mid-argument.
Malfoy glared at her but Y/N ignored him, looking instead at her friend.
“It doesn’t matter,” she told Ron, who opened his mouth to argue, but Y/N cut him off. “It doesn’t matter,” she repeated more forcefully, looking to her Hufflepuff friends before walking away.
It was a surprise for Y/N when Malfoy approached her the next day, when she was sitting alone in the library, getting her Potions homework finished.
“Can I sit here?” 
“You’re asking?” Y/N asked in surprise. She shook her head quickly before offering a slightly nervous smile. “Go ahead.”
Malfoy sat in the chair opposite, but didn’t say anything - instead he stared at her from across the table, seemingly deep in thought as he studied her.
“Did you want something?”
Malfoy glanced down at the parchment Y/N was writing her homework on, tilting his head just a little to be able to read it. 
“You got question four wrong.”
“Oh - right.”
Y/N was still frowning in complete confusion at Malfoy’s actions.
“Seriously - can I help you with something?” She asked after they had sat in awkward silence for another five minutes at least.
“You never fight back - is it a Hufflepuff trait? Being a pushover?” Malfoy inquired cooly.
“I’m glad you sought me out to attempt to insult me.” Y/N commented mildly.
“It’s not a Hufflepuff thing, being a pushover. I just don’t think you really mean it when you’re rude to me, or to most people, in fact.”
“You think I secretly like you?” Malfoy asked scornfully.
“No - I just don’t think that you’re as big of a dick that you act. I think that you’re trying to live up to some stupid expectations that you think everyone thinks that you should.”
Silence fell between them again, but (and maybe it was just Y/N’s imagination) Malfoy’s gaze seemed a little less harsh on her. She returned to her homework, aware that Malfoy was still watching her and feeling embarrassed under his scrutinising look.
Second Year
“Y/L/N!” Y/N nearly jumped out of her skin at the harsh call of her name.
She saw Justin’s eyes widen a little, looking over her shoulder to see who it was.
Y/N turned around, equally surprised to see Draco Malfoy stalking towards her - unusually, he was not accompanied by Crabbe and Goyle, or any of his usual Slytherin crew. 
When he came to a stop in front of Y/N, his eyes slid over her to glare at Justin, who quickly caught onto the message.
“I’ll just…” he pointed helplessly towards the Great Hall, where the feast was about to start.
“Save me a seat.” Y/N responded, smiling to her friend who nodded, before rushing away, evidently wanting to be as far away from Malfoy as possible. “Hey, Malfoy,” she tried to maintain her smile but was incapable of keeping the mild worry off of her face - even now that they weren’t on exactly bad terms, it wasn’t like Malfoy to go out of his way to seek out a conversation with her - Y/N wouldn’t kid herself, she knew how Malfoy continued to view her.
“You’re awake,” Malfoy finally breaks the awkward silence between them, stating the obvious. It brings a real smile to her face as she nods.
“I am.”
“I’m… I’m glad,” Malfoy confessed, looking uncomfortable, breaking their eye contact.
“So am I.”
“Do you… remember anything?”
“I don’t know what happened while I was petrified if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Oh… right,” a faint tinge of pink rose in his cheeks and he scuffed his shoes. “I… I visited you.” 
“What?” The shock-induced word was out of her mouth before she could think better of it and she stared at him, wide-eyed.
“Nothing - it’s stupid,” immediately he had built his barriers back up, meeting her eyes again but the harshness was back in his gaze, his jaw set in place, all angles and hard edges.
“You visited me?” Y/N repeated, finally regaining control of her surprise and beaming at him.
“Well… yeah,” Malfoy looked wary of her as he confirmed his actions. 
“Why?” A light laugh accompanied her words and she could have sworn that she saw the corner of Malfoy’s mouth twitch, too, as though he wanted to smile back at her.
“I… I didn’t want you to die.”
“That makes a change,” but it’s clear that she’s teasing him from her smile, from the tone of voice that suggests that she’s about to start laughing again and she sees Draco soften a little, even allowing himself to smile back at her, albeit tentatively.
“I can help you catch up, if you want,” he doesn’t seem to be aware of making the offer, judging by the look of mild surprise that crosses his face, but which he quickly covers up as best he can.
“I know we only have a few days left of term but, I could try and help you catch up, if you wanted - I’m pretty good at Potions,” he seems more sure of himself this time and it causes Y/N’s smile to widen.
“Of course.”
Third Year
“You’ve been avoiding me.” 
Y/N turned her head to look at Draco, not at all surprised to see him standing there, with his arms crossed, glaring at her.
“Is that so?”
“You know you have,” Draco grumbled, pouting a little at her.
“You’re acting like a child,” Y/N warned, turning the page of her book dismissively.
“You’re being a bitch,” he huffed in response. “Hey!”
Y/N had hit him with her book the moment the insult had left his lips. 
She lifted her book to hide the smile growing on her face from his indignant reaction.
“What do you want, Draco?” She sighed.
“I want to know why you’re ignoring me.”
“I thought you didn’t care what mudbloods think?” A groan slipped past his lips and he fell to the ground beside her, watching her intently.
“What’s it really about?” Draco asked at last.
“I thought everything was about blood purity,” Y/N commented.
“Why did you do it?” She burst out, snapping her book closed and staring at him.
“Do what?”
“Make such a big deal about your arm - I know it didn’t hurt that much and Madame Pomfrey healed it immediately. You didn’t need to get it executed.” Tears were burning in her eyes.
“I didn’t know it would be executed,” Draco protested.
“You knew your father wouldn’t let it go easily - you must’ve known something like this would happen,” Y/N declared, shaking her head.
“Why do you care so much?”
“Because Buckbeak was a living creature, Malfoy! It didn’t deserve to die just because you were too bloody proud to listen to what Hagrid was saying!”
“You weren’t in the class! You don’t know what happened!” 
“Harry told me what happened.” Y/N muttered, aware of the reaction it would bring from her friend.
“So you’ll believe Potter over me?” 
“You haven’t denied it,” Y/N pointed out darkly.
“You’ve been avoiding me for months because of a fucking Hippogriff?”
“Well it does make a change from it being you avoiding me.”
Her words had an immediate effect on Draco, who recoiled a little, becoming even more defensive, wounded by her accusation.
“You know why I avoid you.”
“Yes - because your reputation is more important to you than your friends.”
Y/N went to stand up but Draco caught hold of her hand, looking utterly desperate when Y/N cast her eyes back to him and he tugged, evidently hoping that she would sit down and join him again.
“Please don’t leave me,” guilt laced his voice, and Y/N wondered if he understood at last where she was coming from - if he understood how it felt for her every time he pretended she didn’t exist, when he scorned her in front of their classmates but acted like she was his closest friend when it was just the two of them. “I’m sorry.”
It didn’t take much to get Y/N to give in to his pleas, one look into his puppy-dog expression and she sighed, resuming her previous position beside her friend.
“You’re really important to me, you know,” Draco said after a while, his words quiet and when Y/N looked to him, he didn’t look up, studying his hands as though lost in thought but by the blush on his cheeks it was clear that he was just embarrassed.
“It’s okay, Draco - I understand. It’s how you were brought up.”
“But you really are - you’re one of the most important people in my life,” Draco insisted, finally looking up. Y/N gave him a small smile. “But… not just… as a friend,” he was frowning a little and y/N’s heard began to thud in her chest.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that… that I like you. I like you a lot,” he breathed a slight laugh with his confession, giving her a nervous grin that sent her heart fluttering even more.
“You do?”
“You know that makes everything between us even more complicated than before?” Y/N asked, but she moved closer to him, resting her head onto his shoulder, wanting to reassure him that she wasn’t rejecting him.
Draco seemed to pick up on what she was truly trying to say and grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together.
“Are you okay with hiding with me a little longer?” He whispered. 
Y/N squeezed his hand.
Fourth Year
Y/N had been able to feel Draco’s eyes glaring into her all day, and she had a feeling that she knew exactly what it was about.
This knowledge was why she wasn’t exactly surprised when she was walking with Ernie, Justin and Hannah towards the Great Hall for dinner, after Transfiguration, and a hand reached out and clasped around her wrist, tugging her to the side.
A slight yelp left her lips, however and her fellow Hufflepuffs turned to look at her, frowning in concern.
“I just realised I forgot something - go in, I’ll catch up with you,” she offered with a strained smile. Her friends exchanged looks before doing as she asked and Y/N turned to the figure that had retreated the moment that her friends had looked towards them, rolling her eyes at him. “Way to be subtle,” she told him, but Draco just glared at her. “What’s wrong?” She sighed, following Draco a little further into the shadows, out of view of any other students.
“Is it true?” Hurt was clear in his voice and it was only then that Y/N took in the sadness that gleamed in his eyes.
“Is what true?” A feeling of dread settled in her stomach, though - she was well aware of what Draco was asking her.
“I heard Potter talking during Potions - apparently he’s taking you to the ball. Is that true?” Draco’s words were stiff, desperately trying to hide how much it hurt him to speak them aloud.
“Yeah, I’m going with Harry,” Y/N confessed.
“Why?” He didn’t even attempt to keep the shake from his voice.
“You weren’t going to ask me - Harry needed a date so he asked me to go with him. As friends,” Y/N shrugged.
“You wanted me to… to ask you?” Draco repeated a little faintly, his eyes searching hers desperately. Y/N smiled just a little and gave a half shrug of her shoulders.
“I thought that much was obvious.”
“I couldn’t ask you.”
“I know.” 
“I wanted to.”
“I know,” Y/N reached up a hand, cupping Draco’s cheek and angling his face carefully to force him to look at her and she gave him a sad smile. “I understand, Draco - I do, I promise.”
“But why Potter of all people?”
“Because we’re friends, Draco,” Y/N laughed, watching Draco lean into her touch, his eyes closing contentedly. “And I knew you were going with Pansy,” she admitted in a whisper, not wanting to allow her own insecurities to be heard too clearly in her voice, but it was clear that she had failed in that regard when Draco’s eyes snapped open and met hers.
“It’s not like that,” he hastened to assure her and Y/N responded with a half-smile accompanied with a slight shrug of her shoulders. Silence fell between them before Draco let out a slight sigh. “I wish I could go with you,” he confessed, leaning down and resting his forehead against hers.
“I would’ve said yes if you’d asked - just for the record,” Draco breathed a laugh, his eyes closing again. 
“I don’t deserve you,” he murmured, brushing his lips against hers, feeling her smile her shy, sweet smile.
“I’ll always wait for you,” she responded instead, stating it as though it was a simple fact. 
Harry had conveniently forgotten to mention to Y/N that agreeing to being his date to the Yule Ball also meant agreeing to dancing in front of the whole school and their visitors. 
“I thought you’d say no if I told you!” Harry laughed as he led Y/N off of the dance floor, towards Ron who was standing with his rather disgruntled-looking date.
“And it would have been perfectly reasonable for me to say no!” Y/N announced, pushing her friend’s shoulder playfully.
“Can we go sit down?” Ron muttered, barely sparing a greeting for his friends. Y/N raised an amused eyebrow at Harry who grinned at her, a silent promise in his eyes to fill her in later.
As Y/N crossed the room with Ron and Harry - Padma Patil in tow, though not looking at all happy about the company she was in for the evening - she could feel eyes watching her. Y/N looked over in the direction of the group of Fourth Year Slytherins. Sure enough, Draco was standing there, Pansy in front of him, evidently attempting to engage him in conversation. Draco was nodding along with whatever she was saying but his eyes were on her, an expression on his face that Y/N didn’t quite understand.
She offered him a small smile and thought she saw a slight quirk at the corners of Draco’s lips before he managed to get control of his expression again and returned to his conversation with his date.
Y/N felt a pang in her chest when she saw Draco laughing at something Pansy had said. 
It was late into the evening when she was, once again, grabbed by the wrist from the shadows, having been on her way to get butterbeers for herself, Ron and Harry. 
Draco pulled her into an alcove off of the Great Hall, where they could still hear the music being played by the band. He smiled down at her.
“You look beautiful tonight,” he told her, squeezing her hand. Y/N’s skin crawled with embarrassment and she looked down to the floor, grinning to herself.
“Thanks - so do you.”
“I look beautiful?” Draco asked, laughter in his voice and when Y/N looked up at him, her heart fluttered at his crinkled eyes.
“You always look beautiful.”
Draco flushed a bright pink but his smile only widened.
“I know it’s not the same but - would you like to dance with me?” He offered, tilting his head a little in the direction of the source of the music. Y/N bit her lip and nodded, stepping closer to him and breathing in the scent that she had become so familiar with lately.
“I should warn you, though, I stepped on Harry’s toes a lot when we danced.”
“I’m sure that was Potter’s fault, not yours. He strikes me as an awful dancer,” Draco commented, beginning to lead them in their dance.
“I never thought you’d be so good.”
“Most purebloods are - we go to a lot of galas and dances, see?” He looked a little embarrassed. Y/N knew that, when he was with her, he didn’t like to talk about his blood status, it only served as a reminder to what she was - to the reasons why they had to dance in alcoves, rather than with the rest of the school.
Y/N didn’t reply other than to rest her head on his chest, her eyes squeezing shut as they continued to dance, wanting to savour every moment of happiness.
Fifth Year
“She’s a bitch.” Y/N stated, fixing Draco with a glare that practically dared him to disagree with her.
“She’s not that bad,” Draco insisted.
“You only like her because you share a dislike of Harry!”
“That’s not true.”
“She’s an awful teacher,” Y/N pointed out and Draco sighed heavily. “And she’s just awful to everyone!”
“She’s not that bad to me,” Draco shrugged, going back to his Defence Against the Dark Arts homework that him and Y/N were both meant to be working on.
“Of course she’s not that bad to you,” Y/N laughed.
“What do you mean by that?” 
“You’re a pureblood - and a Malfoy at that! She respects you!”
“I am pretty deserving of respect,” Draco mused and Y/N rolled her eyes, throwing a scrunched up piece of parchment at his head, causing him to laugh, batting it away. “Does she really give you a hard time?” He asked and Y/N could see the concerned look in his eyes as he asked.
“It’s nothing that I’m not used to,” was her response, immediately feeling bad for bringing up her blood status.
“You of all people understand how some witches and wizards feel about mudbloods.”
“Don’t call yourself that.” Draco snapped immediately, a harsh look in his eyes.
“Why not? Everyone else does,” Y/N pointed out drily, going back to her own piece of parchment. “You did.” She added, not looking up. Not needing to, to know the reaction that her words would cause. 
“I was stupid,” Draco told her, a pained edge to his voice. 
“You still call the others it.”
“You’re different.”
“Why?” Y/N inquired, looking up again, tilting her head just a little to the side, taking in the expression on Draco’s face. 
“You know why,” Draco muttered.
A heavy silence fell between them, unlike any that they had experienced since their second year. Y/N broke it at last, scooting over towards him and resting her head on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry - I shouldn’t have said anything,” she said quietly. Draco hesitated for a moment before dropping his head down to rest atop hers.
“I don’t want this.” He admitted and Y/N tensed up, unsure if she wanted to hear what else Draco was going to say. “I don’t want to hide you.”
“You said that it was for the best,” she reminded him mutely.
“And it is,” Draco agreed through a long sigh. “Especially now he’s back,” they were approaching dangerous territory. 
They had yet to discuss Voldemort’s return. Y/N was aware that Draco’s parents were Death Eaters - Draco had confided in her that his father had indeed returned to Voldemort’s inner circle the night marking the end of the Triwizard Tournament the previous year. But other than that, it had been very much a taboo subject - it made their relationship even more turbulent than before. Even less certain of a future.
“But just because it’s for the best, it doesn’t mean that I have to like it,” he finished and Y/N couldn’t help but smile a little.
“You sound like a child.”
“I wish it were all easier.” 
Y/N thought she heard a slight crack in his voice, but knew better than to mention it. Instead, she nestled a little closer to him, craning her neck to press a kiss to his cheek.
“One day it will be.”
Sixth Year
Y/N allowed her fingers to trail up and down Draco’s arm, lost in thought.
Lately, they had gotten into the habit of sneaking Y/N into the Slytherin boys dorms after everyone had already gone to sleep. Draco didn’t go to bed until well past midnight anymore anyway, choosing instead to spend his time working on the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement.
He had confided in Y/N fairly soon into the term - he never had been very good at hiding things from her, and while he would by no means allow her to help him directly, completely refusing to let her be tied to his awful assignment in any way, she had done her best to help him.
Joining him in his dorm after he would turn in for the night was one of the ways she would attempt to soothe her boyfriend. 
Draco didn’t sleep anymore.
His mind was plagued with far too many anxieties, overworked with ideas of how to fix the Vanishing Cabinet, of how to get Voldemort to forgive his father.
He was carrying the weight of his family on his shoulders and he was only sixteen. Y/N wondered how he hadn’t cracked yet. 
“Draco?” Y/N whispered into the darkness.
“What’s going to happen now that… now that you’ve fixed it?” She asked and she felt Draco take a deep, shuddering breath and held onto him a little tighter.
“I have to… fulfil my duty,” his voice was hoarse and Y/N could feel dampness on the top of her head and felt her heart break. She moved so that she was looking up at him, meeting his eyes, swimming with tears that had begun to overflow.
She reached up a hand, cupping his cheek, using her thumb to gently brush away his tears.
“Hey - it’s going to be okay.”
“Is it?” He sniffed, turning his face to kiss her palm, his eyes shutting. “I’m so fucking scared - and it’s happening tomorrow. There’s nothing I can do anymore.”
Silence engulfed them again, broken only by the sounds of Draco’s dormmates snoring.
“I think we should break up.”
Y/N physically recoiled from him, staring at her boyfriend in wide-eyed hurt shock. She can see the response that the loss of her touch has on him, Draco looked a lot more alert, a lot harder than before, but a little more broken, craving the reassurance that her gentle touches would bring him.
“It’s for the best,” he whispered, another tear slipping down his cheek.
“He’ll hurt you if he finds out about you - he’ll use you to get to me, just as he used my Father. And it’ll be worse for you because you’re...”
“A mudblood,” Y/N finished for him. Draco gave a quiet, pained moan at her words, grimacing.
“I shouldn’t have started this,” he said quietly. “I shouldn’t have let myself fall in love with you.”
Y/N let out a quiet laugh, though her cheeks were wet with tears.
“If only it were that easy.”
Seventh Year
“Where is she?” Draco demanded Harry.
Tears were burning in his eyes, pain radiated off of him, the aura of loss hung around him.  He had just lost Crabbe - one of the closest things he had ever had to a friend, one of the people he figured he’d always have, even just as back up. 
He needed her.
The one person who wasn’t scared or intimidated by him, but who loved him because she thought that he could do some good.
“She was tortured because of you!” Harry screamed back, the two of them seemingly unaware of the Battle that continued to rage around them.
“I love her,” Draco told him, utterly defeated. “I’ve always loved her.”
“We had to rescue her from your home!” Harry raged, his gaze murderous, ignoring Ron and Hermione’s calls to him.
“Please just tell me that she’s not here - please tell me that she’s safe somewhere - somewhere far away from here,” Draco pleaded.
Harry didn’t respond, but the look on his face before he rushed away with his friends was answer enough for him.
It was enough for him to pull himself together, heaving himself up off of the floor outside the Room of Requirement and, leaving Goyle still recovering on the ground, he moved towards the sound of fighting, determined to find her.
Determined to put her right.
The last time that he had seen her was one of the worst days of his life - it was tied with the day that Voldemort had looked into his mind and discovered her existence and the importance that she held to Draco, and also with the day that she had been captured and brought to Malfoy Manor.
It was his Aunt that took the most pleasure in her company. 
While Draco had screamed and writhed against his father’s restraints, wanting to get to her, Bellatrix had cackled and tortured Y/N, though Draco wasn’t exactly sure what she had hoped to gain from it.
Y/N was screaming for death by the time Bellatrix had grown weary and she had been taken to the basement to join Ollivander and Luna who were already being kept captive down there.
Draco had screamed himself hoarse and was sobbing, pleading with his parents to let him go, to let him free her.
It hadn’t taken long for him to realise that they kept her alive only to keep him in line.
Anytime he showed even the slightest sign of doubt, Y/N was brought back up.
When Fenrir had appeared with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dean and the goblin, Draco had for the first time since her arrival, allowed himself the slightest bit of hope.
“Take her with you,” he had pleaded in his mind as the group were thrown down to join the others in the basement. Draco knew that there was no chance of Harry remaining there - he knew he would escape because it was Harry Potter. As infuriating as it was, getting out of tight situations was what Harry did best.
Draco didn’t find her until he entered the Great Hall after Voldemort had called a truce and implored Harry to find him in the forest.
He skirted around the sides of the room, not wanting to disturb the mourners. He felt a pang in his chest when he caught sight of the group of redheads, all of them gathered around a body on the floor.
But his sympathy didn’t last long because only moments later did he catch sight of her and relief flooded through his veins. 
He was running towards her before he could think better of it. Tears were streaming down his face and she looked up, hearing the fast approaching footsteps. Her lips parted in shock and then they seemed to twitch upwards in the beginnings of a smile.
Y/N stood up, opening her arms to embrace Draco the moment that he barrelled into her, muttering apologies to her over and over again.
“I’m okay,” Y/N whispered, running her hand through his platinum-blond hair which was, at the moment, tinged black with soot and grime. “I’m okay.”
“You shouldn’t be here,” Draco hiccuped, trying to get a hold of his emotions, pulling back but before he could wipe his eyes, Y/N had lifted her hands to do it for him.
“You still look beautiful, you know.”
And even though the word was burning around them, even after the horrors that they had both seen in recent days, months, years, even with the grief in the room and the hollowness in their chests, Draco laughed.
And then, aware that they were being watched by many of their former classmates, he pushed some hair away from her face and kissed her.
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visionsofus · 4 years
im loving your wanda + vision's mixtape series! my song request is "I Know Places" by Taylor Swift! the song works perfectly with those two during the times between civil war and infinity war :)
Anon I'm sure you expected something quite different with this song... but here is what I wrote :) I hope you still enjoy even though its angsty! 
Track #13: I know places by Taylor Swift 
| read on AO3 here | mixtape playlist | send me an ask with your song/prompt request |
Synopsis: Wanda and Vision try to spend a peaceful evening out for dinner in Paris when they are suddenly attacked. To keep each other safe they split up, forced to make the harrowing journey to the next safe house separately. Vision is faced with Wanda's mortality.
Warnings: Angst/ mild whump, blood, guns, reference to a gunshot wound, I mostly skip writing the gore because no
All Wanda had wanted was a peaceful evening. She should have known it wasn’t to be. You didn’t get peace when you were a fugitive.
But they were in Paris, it was their first time in the city of love, and it was impossible to resist the opportunity to spend an evening together at a Parisian restaurant, overlooking the River Seine. They’d put the necessary research in, knew how private the restaurant was and chose the night it was said to be quietest – a Tuesday evening. They were so caught up in being in love with each other and in the hope of having a normal evening, like a normal couple. One of the first lessons Nat had taught Wanda was how easy it was to hide in a crowd, a lesson she shouldn’t have forgotten so quickly. But after two years of hiding on and off with Vision in different cities Wanda had come to associate privacy with safety.
Of course, they was no way they could have predicted that their server would be attending university for international relations and was not only knowledgeable in the Accords, but had aspirations of reaching the United Nations. It was the wrong time and the wrong place, but it always had been for them. Time was never on their side.
The first sign that something was wrong came before they’d even sat down. The restaurant was quieter than they’d anticipated, with only two other couples occupying the interior of the restaurant.
Wanda tried to wait patiently for their nervous waiter to return and shivered slightly at the breeze coming off the river below. They’d chosen the balcony in the hopes that it would put them further out of view of anyone else in the restaurant, but she hadn’t anticipated the cold. In response to her shiver Vision slid closer along the bench, wrapping an arm around her waist and she gratefully pressed herself to his warm side.
“She’s taking too long with the menus,” Wanda murmured quietly reaching out to fiddle restlessly with the napkin in front of her.
“You worry too much,” Vision said pressing a kiss to her forehead. “We took proper precautions.” But he too sounded worried and Wanda was beginning to second guess their whole decision to spend an evening out.
To their relief the young woman returned a moment later with two menus clasped in her grip. They began the motions of ordering food and Wanda started to hope that everything was going well.
She was mid conversation with Vision about their plans for the duration of their trip when she heard a series of car doors slamming down on the side street below them. Vision too went quiet, listening carefully. He rose, walking to the edge of the balcony and peered over, his eyesight far superior to Wanda’s human eyes. At that exact moment their server returned, two drinks in her hands and Wanda couldn’t help it. She reached out into the woman’s head, just enough to see what had happened in the time since they’d arrived. What she saw made her jerk back, fear alight in her heart as she launched herself up from the table and the server scurried back inside.
“Vis,” Wanda said stepping towards him, “we need to run.”
He didn’t get the chance to reply as a series of bullets ricocheted off his chest. Of course, his Vibranium form was impervious to such amateur tactics but Wanda still felt her chest constrict in fear. Her powers rose to the surface immediately and she encased them protectively behind her magic, shielding them from whoever was shooting.
“Perhaps this was a bad idea,” Vision said scanning the area and Wanda could almost hear his thoughts as he ran through possible escape routes. “They’ll have circled the building by now, we’ll have to get out via the roof.”
“Up it is,” Wanda muttered and launched herself towards the roof with her powers, Vision close on her heels.
“How did they find us?” Vision asked as they ran along the roof shingling, or rather she ran, and he flew.
“The server recognised us immediately and reported to the local police,” Wanda called, stumbling a little on the next rooftop as she launched herself across the space between two buildings.
Vision was at her side, grabbing her hand and pulling her along. “We have to get out of the city.”
‘Pyramus Protocol?” Wanda asked, hating using the name of the plan that was their last possible resort.
“I’m afraid so,” Vision replied, and they stopped atop a flat rooftop, far enough away that they surely must have bought some time.  
Wanda sighed, pulling herself to him and hugging him tightly. “It’ll be ok,” she murmured a promise to herself and to the night air around them.
“I’ll see you in two days,” Vision said drawing back just enough to kiss her tenderly.
“Don’t get caught,” Wanda murmured trying to keep her eyes closed a little longer as his thumb brushed along her cheek.
“Stay safe.” His voice was a whisper and when she opened her eyes he had disappeared.
Wanda cursed their frivolity even as she ran over rooftops, launching herself across spaces no regular human would have been able to in the direction of their rented apartment. Pyramus had been a requirement when they decided to keep seeing each other, despite their divided teammates, the havoc wreaked on a German airport and most significantly, the very legal international treaty that now divided them. Anytime they started feeling guilty about the danger they were putting each other in, the Pyramus Protocol was there to fall back on.
They’d designed the plan at the demand of Nat and Steve on one side and Tony on the other. Wanda knew it was the main reason their friends didn’t have more problems with these secret meetings. Vision hadn’t been able to resist naming their escape plan after Pyramus and Thisbe, the star-crossed lovers of Greek mythology whose tragedy had inspired Romeo and Juliet. Wanda didn’t mind, as long as they hadn’t cursed their relationship to end the same way.
Thanks to the Pyramus Protocol they had a safehouse in mind, deep in the mountains in the south of France. In every country they visited, there needed to be an alternate safe house if things went to shit, or it became too dangerous to leave the country. Such as right now. With Wanda’s cover blown the authorities would be keeping keen eyes on borders and airspaces, so the only option was to venture further into the country.
Part of the Pyramus protocol was to split up in the event that only one of their covers was blown and as Vision purposely hadn’t let his human form go public in the US, it was safer for them to be apart. Wanda could only hope that the authorities were only out for her. The secret of his appearance was all that was protecting him from becoming a fugitive like her if she got caught and it was this assurance that silenced Wanda’s guilt enough to keep seeing him.
Wanda was so lost in her head that she almost flew straight past their apartment, managing to slow down just in time to drop onto the small balcony facing the street. She laid a hand to the glass, using her magic to turn the handle from the inside and stepping quietly into the apartment. Vision didn’t often bring anything with him, but Wanda kept all her belongings on hand and couldn’t afford to leave everything behind, lest they find some evidence that could be traced back to her teammates.
The bag was always semi-packed, always sitting at the foot of the bed and within magic’s reach if she had to run, or worse, destroy the evidence.They’d gotten lucky so far. Until tonight.
Wanda knew something was wrong as soon as she stepped into the apartment. A floorboard creaked to her right and she threw her hands over her head as something whistled past her ear, narrowly missing her neck. A tranquiliser.
Wanda jumped into action, grabbing the duffle bag with her magic and launching herself back to the doors, smashing through the glass and up onto the rooftop once more. She heard the shouts of her pursuers and waited until the four men made it out onto the balcony, swearing in French and looking around. When one finally looked up, Wanda reached out to their minds, hating it even as she did. She managed to subdue three of them but the fourth persisted and Wanda fought between keeping the three under and trying to wrangle the last man into submission. All it took was the distraction of sirens nearby and her control waned enough for the fourth man to draw his gun and take several, carefully aimed shots at her. Wanda swore and launched herself back, throwing her power up as she did. But she was not quick enough, and one of the bullets found her shoulder, sending pain ricocheting through her left arm. She fell to her knees on the rooftop huffing in pain, tears burning at her eyes. She’d been faced with guns often during her time with the Avengers but never had a bullet actually hit her. She vaguely recalled that you weren’t supposed to leave it in, but worried about not having anything to staunch the blood flow if she tried to pull it out. If she passed out from blood loss now, she’d never escape.  
Instead, she pulled off her winter coat, removing its woollen belt and using that as a temporary bandage, her blood warm against her fingers as she tried to breathe through the pain. To hide the bloody stains on her top she took a jumper from her duffle bag and tugged it over her head with great difficulty. She heard grunting and a hand reached over the side of the rooftop, sending her scuttling to the shadows as she tried to gather her wits once more. Shouting could be heard below, and Wanda knew this was her last chance to lose her pursuers.
The station was only 20 minutes away by foot, but Wanda made slow progress, sticking to rooftops as often as she could, always on alert for how near the sirens were. She launched herself from rooftop to rooftop with one hand, her other arm too painful to move.
Once she was sure she hadn’t been followed she purchased two north bound tickets using a traceable credit card under her name, and for her real ticket used cash, messing with the ticket officer’s mind to ensure he only recalled her buying the first two. She’d paid extra for a private cabin with a bed for the overnight train ride that was due to have her arriving late afternoon at the Pyrenees mountains.
At the platform Wanda reached into the conductor’s mind as he waited at the door, erasing any memory he had of her boarding the train even as he checked her ticket. She made it to her cabin without further event, shutting the door firmly behind her and pulling the blinds down. She lowered herself carefully to the cramped bed set against one wall, breathing properly for the first time in an hour. She groaned quietly as the pain in her shoulder hit her fully and her adrenaline abruptly ran dry. It took all her strength to stretch out on the uncomfortable bed as the train started to rock, leaving the city. With the knowledge that she had gotten away she closed her eyes and let sleep overtake her.
Vision was waiting in a café, a French newspaper propped up in front of him and a steaming coffee in his hand, though he hadn’t drunk any. He was doing his best to act normal even as he listened to a couple near him chattering in French about the international fugitive spotted in Paris the night before. It was all over the various news channels, but so far, no mention of him had appeared. Better yet, the authorities seemed to have no leads on where Wanda had disappeared to.
Vision gasped as his forehead sparked with pain, exactly from where the mind stone usually was when he was in his normal form. He put his hand to his head and rubbed nervously. It was throbbing sharply, and he gritted his teeth as he tried not to draw any attention to himself. Then it was as though the stone was trying to speak to him, images flooded his mind – Wanda lying unconscious on what seemed to be a train, someone opening the door, the cry of sirens as police cars pulled into the train station. It all happened so quickly that Vision thought he might have been imaging things. The stone throbbed persistently, and he knew he could not ignore the warning. He needed to get to the train station immediately.  
Now that he was further south, it had grown colder and though Vision didn’t feel the discomfort of the temperature drop, he was glad to be wearing the thick woollen coat, flipping the collar up and pressing his chin down. He disappeared into the street, just another person avoiding the harsh wind blowing down the main street.  
The station was relatively busy as the train pulled in just on time and Vision found himself darting around people, making his way towards the front of the train where the priority seating was. The row of empty compartments appeared just as they had in his head, and there was the final compartment, its blinds still pulled tightly down.
He glanced surreptitiously over his shoulder and tried the door handle. Once inside he could have sworn his artificial heart stopped for a few moments. He dropped to his knees next to the bed and the woman lying in it. He was eye level with Wanda’s pallid, unconscious face and her eyes flickered weakly beneath eyelids.
“Wanda,” he said voice raw with pain. He reached out to her shoulders hoping he could wake her up. That was when he felt the blood, his hand coming away a dark red as he looked at her shoulder in horror. “You’re alright, you’re alright,” he whispered to himself more than anything as he picked her up carefully, hating how limp she was in his arms.
Throwing caution to the wind he phased right through the side of the train, moving so quickly he only hoped that no one on the platform happened to see him heading straight for the outskirts of town where the safe house was waiting for him. He didn’t care if he was spotted now, it wouldn’t matter if he couldn’t help her.
The house was as basic as possible, an empty cabin in a small mountainous town. The last place Vision hoped the authorities would come looking. But it was hard to be concerned about that with the alarming situation presented before him. Wanda was hurt and there was no way he could risk taking her to a doctor or trying to get her to Steve or Natasha. But Vision had always assured her that he would be there no matter what, now was the time to see that promise through.
While the cabin might have been lacking in interior design and scarce of furniture, it was equipped with an extensive first aid kit beneath the kitchen sink which Vision quickly located. He had laid Wanda out on the couch and was startled to see her slowly coming to as he returned.
She tried to sit up, gasping as she looked around frantically at the unfamiliar surroundings. “Vis?” She cried her voice full of desperation.
He appeared at her side instantaneously and she pressed a bloodstained hand to his cheek her lip quivering as she looked him up and down, as though assuring herself that he were real. Despite his concern for her jostling her injury he leant into her as she rested her head on his chest, sitting so that she could hug him with her good arm, and he could hold her.
“It’s okay,” he said kissing her cheek even as tears began to roll down, “you’re going to be okay.”
“I was so scared they’d get you,” Wanda said through her crying and Vision’s heart clenched and he held her tighter.
“It’s okay,” he whispered over and over, giving her the time she needed to calm down.
Her breaths were still coming out in hiccups even after ten minutes of holding her, but Vision couldn’t afford to wait any longer. Now came the difficult part. He pulled back gently, cupping her cheek and she relented to lying back down, wincing as her weight was put into her back and her shoulder.
He prepared the first aid kit, the tweezers to remove the bullet that was still lodged in her shoulder and the needle to stitch the wound back up. Her power must have stopped some of the impact because the bullet thankfully hadn’t gone in too deep. He’d already profiled the area and made sure it wasn’t pressing on any arteries. It would be a painful, if quick procedure.
“Wait,” Wanda said hoarsely when he looked at her for confirmation to begin. “Can I hide in your head?”
“Of course, darling,” Vision said presenting his forehead to her and relishing the feeling of her warm palm on his cheek, and more distantly, the warmer feeling of a consciousness alongside his.
He looked at Wanda for the go ahead and she nodded slowly, closing her glowing eyes as she retreated out of her own mind and into his.
The mental distance helped Wanda as Vision started cleaning her wound up. The pain was a distant foe and though she winced as he withdrew the bullet it was infinitely better wrapped up in the comfort of his mind. He let her filter through the memories of the previous evening, and she was glad to see his escape had been relatively uneventful, he’d travelled west first and then south to the mountain range. Wanda hadn’t gotten a very good look at the space so far, hadn’t taken in anything beyond the simple fact that he was by her side and that she felt safe for the first time in 24 hours. But she looked now, reliving through his eyes as he made his round of the house. It was simple but cosy and reminded Wanda of the time a year ago when they had stayed in the Swiss mountains for a week. They’d spent their time going on long, secluded walks on mountain trails or sitting wrapped up together in front of the fire. It was a week spent taking each other in, catching up on the separate lives they’d been living in the month spent apart, and relishing in the closeness they could have when it was just the two of them. This cabin certainly wasn’t as lush, but Wanda was grateful to feel the warmth behind those memories even as her body cried out with pain in the physical world.
Wanda drew back to herself as the pain began to lessen, the stinging on the surface of her skin sufficiently numbed and the bloodstained belt and bullet discarded.
The rest of the evening was quiet, though neither were able to settled down after such a close call. Vision moved Wanda to the bedroom where she might be more comfortable, and she tried her best to relax as the pain medication slowly kicked in. He helped her eat something, though her appetite was non-existent. Then he waited for her to sleep, her head resting on his arm as they lay together. He ran his hands through her hair, gently teasing tangles apart and doing his best to clean the dried blood away from her neck.  
He left bed once to double check the locks, ensuring that the motion sensor alarms were set for the outside of the remote property, ready to warn them if they were found. But Vision had been monitoring the news all afternoon and the press seemed to believe the trail of the international fugitive had gone cold, much to his relief. He distantly noted that Tony had tried to contact him twice in the last few hours and he silenced the notification, it was a problem for tomorrow.
He heard creaking coming from the bedroom and dashed back in alarm. But it was just Wanda doing her best to stand up against the wooziness from the pain medication and exhaustion.
She reached for him wordlessly, her eyes threatening to spill the tears gathered there and Vision was at her side instantly, cupping her head to his shoulder and slipping a hand under her knees so that he might return her to bed.
“It’s alright,” he whispered as she twisted her fists into his sweater shakily.
“Don’t let me go tonight please,” Wanda whispered as he tried to make her comfortable even as she gritted her teeth past pain, getting as close to him as she possibly could. “You’re the only thing holding me together right now.”
Vision wiped her tears away and kissed her softly. “I’m not going anywhere; I’ll always be here.”
“What if they find us?”
“They won’t,” Vision whispered though he couldn’t possibly say for certain, “and if they do, I won’t let them take you.”
“I’ll never let them take you,” Wanda whispered looking into his eyes as she promised. “Anything but you.”
“It will never come to that,” Vision said with such conviction that tears began spilling down her cheeks again.
They remained intertwined the entire night, Wanda curled into his side, her back to the outside world, her head resting on his shoulder.  Some part of Vision managed to rest, taking solace in the fact they were together and for now, safe. But there was a part of him agonising over what had happened, the part of him that remained conscious over-analysing every creak and crack of the old cabin as winds swirled through the forest outside. The same part of him that desperately dreamt of an alternative, a life where they didn’t have to run and hide anymore. He clung to that hope as they clung to each other throughout the night. Though Wanda had told him he was the only thing holding her together, Vision knew he’d be in pieces if they were ever separated by something more final.
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txladyj-blog · 5 years
Chapter 5 - This Time Around
a Daryl Dixon x OFC collaboration written by @xmistressmistrustx​
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Daryl Dixon/Original Female Character
Tags: Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Awkwardness, Awkward Flirting, Awkward Crush, Fluff and Humor, Angst and Humor, Mild Smut, Strong Language, Eventual Sex, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Canon Divergence, Some Canon Scenes and Dialogue
Chapters 15/?
Sleep. It’s when the body recovers and processes the day’s events. It makes things clearer and allows for a new perspective. Resting the mind, the body and the soul all at once. That is, where decent sleep can be attained.
Jess tossed and turned in her sleeping bag all night, tears staining her thin and threadbare pillow. Eventually, when the exhaustion of humiliation and rage had defeated her, she drifted off in the early hours of the morning only to dream of being chased and jolting awake a mere hour later. Her eyes felt puffy and stung with the reminder that emotionally, she desperately needed a break. She sat up, wiped the sleep from her eyes and faced the dread that festered deep inside. Facing everyone after the events of the night before was going to be tough, she knew that much.
When she emerged from her tent, she quickly scanned the camp, seeing no sign of Sarah and Jodie and figuring that it was a good start at least. Carol and Andrea offered her a small smile as they stood and talked by the RV and Dale lifted a hand in a small wave from his perch at the top. Aside from their small acknowledgements, no one else looked up as she headed for the food station. The minimal and careless reaction she received did something to aid her relief at least and she sensed her heart rate calm and her anxiety lessen.
After a night of replaying her recent torture by Sarah and Jodie, she wanted nothing more than to sit next to the one person she found solace with, but even he seemed too far out of reach. She knew deep down his distance from her was down to being associated with the girl that was constantly made fun of. She wasn’t the only one that had been humiliated. The thought of giving up on their friendship was not one she wanted to entertain and so, she had to at least try to talk to him.
Sitting on a rounded rock, alone and with eyes pinned on the still water, like a sheet of glass in front of him, Daryl could hear footsteps wandering across the gravel towards him. He sighed, knowing it was Jess and feeling more torn than ever. Half of him wanted to yell at her and make her go away. To tell her that he was not the type of person to maintain friendships and that he was better on his own, without the hassle of drawing attention from the lesser liked members of the group. The other half craved her company, her lighthearted banter, her smile, the gentle way she nudged his arm and laughed quietly when she was making fun of him. It was this half that was stronger, but he was locked in a war with them both.
“Hi” She said quietly.
A quick glance at her told him she had been severely affected by what had happened. Dark circles under her eyes told of a sleepless night spent crying and pouring over the details. The ‘what if’s’ the ‘maybe I could have’s’. His heart stung with sympathy but his face displayed nothing. A blank expression.
“Hey” He grunted.
She held out a metal bowl to him. It was another habit of their friendship that had suddenly become as routine as their nightly RV meeting place. She would wake as early as him, before many of the others would stir. She’d fix them some food and they’d sit together and eat quietly as the sun crept up into the sky and the warmth in the air became heavy and intense. Jess was never much of a morning person but her disturbed sleeping pattern and her unavoidable new life meant she was adapting and although she rarely spoke much before the others began to emerge from their tents, she enjoyed the fact that Daryl obviously felt the same about the comfort of the morning routine, having never complained or walked off until she moved first.
“Brought you some breakfast.” She told him.
“I ain't hungry.” He muttered. His body was rigid, stressed and on edge and no matter how many cigarettes he smoked, he could not ease the tension in his muscles. He wasn’t lying. Food was the last thing on his mind.
“You can always eat, Daryl.” She smiled.
“Said I ain't hungry.” He snapped. His chest constricted with guilt.
I’m being an asshole to her. Again. Why do I do this?
She immediately noticed his changed attitude towards her and joined the dots, realizing that he was angry about the previous night.
“Look, about last night-” She started
“-I don’t wanna talk about that.” He cut in
“But, I don’t-”
His head snapped around and his eyes met hers. To her dismay, they were filled with fury and she almost flinched at his aggressive attitude towards her.
“-What is wrong with you?! Huh?!” He raged “We ain’t gonna be no best friends! I don’t have friends n’ I don’t want ‘em neither! I don’t work that way! So just give it up!”
Her mouth dropped open and she blinked at him in disbelief. It was no secret that Daryl could be unpredictable and sharp tongued, but she had seen very little of it directed at her until that moment. Her entire body recoiled and screamed at her to leave before she was faced with more bitter disappointment and hurt.
Still clutching the bowl, she turned and walked away. Her path was blurred through yet more tears and she considered that if she was going to cry at anything since the turn, it would be the loss of her friends and family. But it was different, Daryl had changed things. Sarah and Jodie had changed things. She was mixed up, confused and frustrated.
Daryl grit his teeth and swallowed hard as he watched her walk away. Sliding from the rock, he started after her, boots noisily crashing through the pebbles of the shore. But his mind was too filled with complexities to have formed any kind of calm and coherent conversation. He stopped and raised his arms, his hands pushing into his hair on each side as he closed his eyes.
He didn’t know why he was angry at her, logic told him that none of it was her fault. She was merely an unfortunate and easy target, but the humiliation was still raw and he still felt it from the night before. Always being an outcast and a target himself during high school and in the small, mountain town where he and his brother lived, Daryl had quickly become tired with being kicked when he was down and being dealt the worst hand. He evolved as he aged into what people that knew of him saw as a mini-me version of Merle and it was a judgement he couldn’t seem to shake and so eventually accepted. But the truth was, he wasn’t like Merle. He was empathetic and sensitive, two traits that would only get him targeted even more. He knew how Jess felt, maybe it was why he had raged at her, the all too familiar feeling of being so publicly ridiculed. Or, maybe it was because he felt genuine, powerful concern for her that had startled him and he didn’t know where it had come from or to do with it.
Sarah flashed Daryl a wide grin as she approached him on the slope but received nothing but a scowl in return. She could see why the camp nerd had attached herself to him, he was brave, mysterious and surly. Not like the other men in the camp and he had garnered her admiration from the day she turned up with Jodie in tow, both shaking with fear and exhausted from the hike up the mountain. Merle had been easier to get through to, easier to persuade to follow her into the woods so she could use him to forget for a while.
It was an occurrence that he didn’t want a single soul to know about and gathered that Sarah felt the same. Daryl didn’t even register the first time she propositioned him, he’d shrugged off her passing, flirtatious comment as nothing, but it occurred to him when she tried a second time and made it more than obvious that she wanted something from him. He knew of girls like her. Whiter than white, rich kids from privileged backgrounds who love to make out that they’re so wholesome and in a position to persecute everyone else for their bad decisions, all the while going about numbing their own pain with the same activities they claim to loathe in others. When she confronted him in the tree line one evening and shoved him against a tree, he felt her hand cup between his legs and for a split second thought he might be having some kind of screwed up dream. Sarah’s long blonde hair tickled over his arms when she pressed herself to his body and brought her lips close to his ear.
“Wanna have a little fun, Daryl?”
His face twisted with disgust as he shoved her away from him, stopping himself from going as far as pointing his crossbow at her.
“Get the fuck away from me” He warned while she regained her footing on the woodland floor and stared at him with a determined look on her face.
“C’mon, let’s just forget for a while” She purred, reaching a hand out and dragging her fingertips down his bicep and biting her lip. “You’re hot. I’m hot. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” He grabbed her wrist so quickly it made her jump, his fingers like a vice as he used her arm to propel her backwards until her back hit a nearby tree and the air was knocked from her lungs, she buckled over and wheezed before gasping up at him in shock.
Self control was something Daryl was either good at or impulsive with, depending on the situation. Stood before a fed faced, coughing Sarah, all he wanted to do was shoot her in the face. But he wasn’t about to risk the place in the camp that he had earned. He knew Rick would banish him and probably Merle too for killing the living. He found himself inches from her face, sweat trickling down his temple.
“Don’t ever touch me again.” He growled.
Storming off into the dimly lit woods, he withdrew his knife from its holster and veered off in the direction where he’d last seen Walkers, needing to expel some rage.
When he noticed Sarah walking down the slope towards him, he decided that his lack of action to defend Jess and himself had meant that she thought she had triumphed over them, and so he needed the satisfaction of confronting her. But it wasn't just that, it was also years of being tormented, of seeing other kids dragged through the same ordeals. Dragged down to rock bottom by insecure, selfish kids that just made an already difficult childhood and life even harder. It was more than one thing. It was a multitude of things that Sarah represented and finally, he'd decided enough was enough.
Wearing a thin, dusty pink cami top that left nothing to the imagination, she ran a hand though her hair, gathering it at one side and winking at him. The tiny gesture did nothing but make him want to yell in her face. He stopped in her path and noted her looking him up and down with approval.
“Changed your mind?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.
Hi stomach churned. He couldn't think of anything less appealing. Merle's leftover's which happened to be highly undesirable in the first place. Daryl wasn't altogether as interested in the fairer sex as his brother was. Having never encountered a woman that possessed the traits in which he found attractive. While Merle went for the physical aspects of a female, Daryl was more drawn to the complexities of one's character and personality; Honesty, integrity, a sense of humour and a level of intelligence. As a result, the likes of Sarah was the embodiment of everything he despised.
“The hell was that last night?” He snapped.
“Just lightening the mood. Everybody’s so tense and boring around here.” She complained, rolling her eyes and twirling a piece of blonde hair around her fingers.
“Yeah?” He squared up to her, closing the gap between them. She tried to back up, stopping when she realized she was almost flat against the crumbling wall of the walkway to the quarry. “The next time ya do somethin’ like that for fun, ya better watch ya back, ‘cause you’ll be the one I trip up in front of Walkers to buy everybody else some time.”
An unsure but mischievous smile crept across her face.
“You’re real sexy when you’re mad, Y’know that? I bet you can unleash all kinds of rage in the bedroom. Can see why she’s got such a huge crush on you. It’s a pity your taste in women is so terrible, you sure you’d rather get your kicks with her over me?”
Actually, I would but I’m not about to admit that to you.
An idea crossed his mind. A risky one but an appealing one nonetheless. Sarah and Jodie toyed with Jess like a cat toys with a mouse before it kills it. Bit by bit, stealing small parts of its life force away. Daryl very deliberately dragged his eyes from her face, all the way down her body and back up again.
“You really wanna go to the woods with me?” He asked.
“You were my first choice, you know that.” She grinned.
“Alright, you gonna make it worth my while?” He asked.
“Oh yeah.”
Impulsivity. It was one of his flaws. His emotions and sensitivity leading him astray, into the realm of snap decisions that he sometimes regretted. But in the grand scheme of things, he couldn't see how any consequences that developed from his sudden idea could possibly make anything worse.
“Follow me.” He instructed with a small nudge of his head.
In the woods, Daryl walked as far as he could before reaching the border, stopping and leaning against a tree. He wiped his brow with the back of his hand and tilted his head back at Sarah, who had halted in front of him and was looking at him like a lion eyeballs a steak. Merle was the better manipulator out of the two of them, but Daryl possessed the higher intellect that meant he knew exactly what to do going forward. Sarah was a simple creature, after one thing and one thing only. All he had to do was lead her there and she would do the rest.
“C’mon, get over here” He encouraged. "Unless ya shy."
“I’m not the shy type.” She purred as she moved close to him began skimming her fingertips along the edge of his leather vest, drawing subtle lines down his chest. Everything in him was screaming to be removed from the situation. The sensation of her fingertips skimming down his chest over his shirt felt like pure poison.
“Bet you can be a real bad girl, huh?” He asked. She slowly peered up at him, licking her lips. He let her close the gap between them and felt her nose and lips graze the side of his face.
"You wanna find out how bad I can be?" She uttered against his skin.
He clenched his jaw in disgust and wondered how anyone could possibly enjoy this kind of seedy and nauseating state of affairs. He took a deep breath before rapidly seizing her shoulders and ramming her back against the opposite tree. Her back hit the bark with a thump and shock flashed across her face, her hands coming up and tugging at his wrists. She wriggled under the pressure of his weight, his forearm now clamped across her chest and rendering her immobile. He levelled his eyes at her, his glare burning into her self-centered soul.
“I ain't never laid no violent hand on a woman, but you ain't no woman. You’re nothin’ but a fuckin’ parasite. I wouldn’t screw you if my life depended on it. What ya did to that girl was fuckin’ low. She ain’t never done nothin’ to you.” He seethed, finally standing up for Jess’s honor didn’t feel as strange as he imagined it to. In fact, it felt totally right.
“That’s cute. You’re defending poor, chubby Jennifer” she pouted breathlessly
This bitch really doesn’t give up.
Daryl suddenly felt like he was watching someone else make a move as his hand lowered and took hold of his hunting knife. In a split second, the shiny, silver blade was pressed against Sarah’s throat and her eyes flashed with pure terror. The knife pressed further towards her skin and he knew he’d have to let up soon or he really would end up killing her. Her chin rippled and a small, frightened whimper was enough to tell Daryl that he had succeeded in scaring her into submission. Finally, she gave in, her cheeks suddenly wet with tears.
“Her name’s Jess, dumbass.” He spat. “I don’t know how the hell you’re even still alive if ya this fuckin’ stupid. You even look at her again n’ I’ll slit ya goddamn throat and leave ya out here to the Walkers. You understandin’ me?”
She nodded tearfully, sniffing and still trying to feebly pull on his arm to release her. But Daryl only moved when he was ready, staring her down before he eventually released her and was gone in the blink of an eye.
Jess didn’t move from her tent for the entire day. She ignored Carol’s attempt to coax her out to eat something and Glenn checking in on her by peering around the zipper of the tents entrance. In the night, she got up and wandered down to the water's edge. Unbeknownst to her, Daryl was sat in the dark, smoking and reflecting upon his actions that day. He was sure that Sarah deserved to be frightened into ceasing her childish and spiteful antics, but he was unsure if his violent threat had been the right move to make. He had never hurt or threatened a woman before, telling himself his whole life that he would be nothing like his father. But in that moment, with Sarah shoved against a tree with a blade to her throat, he wanted nothing more than to be able to follow through with his threat, especially when he visualized Jess’s horrified and devastated face while she watched in horror as Sarah read her journal aloud. He was some distance from her, far enough back from the water for her not to notice his presence but close enough to see her hugging her knees, lit by the moon and hear her quiet sobbing.
It was a sunny, Sunday afternoon. The first Jess and her family had spent in their new home on the Army base in Ft Rucker. Their sixth, official military base home in as many years. Moving so much had come at a cost, Jess never really settled anywhere and found it difficult to hold down friendships. Her studies suffered and her parents piled on the pressure to succeed despite her struggles. She wasn’t like them, not an overachiever in everything she tried and as a result, always felt a little outcast, even from her own immediate family. But she loved them unconditionally anyway. The Barbeque was in full swing, the burgers were being slid into buns and piled up on the table in the yard, the smell of charcoal and burning meat filling her nostrils and cementing its place in her memory as a connection to one of the most enjoyable afternoons of her life. Jess and her older brother played cards while sipping punch made from fruit juices and an extremely large bottle of rum that her father had emptied into it without her mother knowing. He offered Jess a small wink after he hid the empty bottle in a cupboard and carried the punch bowl outside. They ate as much as humanly possible in one sitting, laughed and felt the hazy blur of alcohol after a couple of hours and finished up the evening with a loud and boisterous game of charades. If she could choose to have anything, to go back to any point in time, she wouldn’t erase the last few hours, she would simply opt to go back to that day and relive it again. To be with her family and drink her father’s super strong punch and eat four burgers without caring what anyone thought. But she was stuck in a quarry, in a camp at the end of the world with Sarah and Jodie, the type of people she despised, a bunch of others that she hardly knew and didn’t want to, even though their hearts seemed good and their intentions were sincere. And Daryl, she didn’t know what she thought of him anymore.
He finished his smoke and drew in a deep and thoughtful breath. His heart told him to go to her, but his head said otherwise. He was getting attached; he knew that much because the feeling itself was unknown to him. He’d never felt it before about anyone, never cared enough. Certainly not enough to hold a knife to another human's throat in their honor. It was dangerous to become attached to people, he couldn’t trust them and didn’t need to rely on them and eventually, everyone goes away in the end in some way or another. But Jess seemed different and he pondered if it would be so bad to just have one friend. To have that one person that knew him more than his brother did. His heart won the battle and he got up and went to her, his boots crunching on the gravel. When she heard him near her, she jumped up and swiped tears from her face with her sleeve.
“Hey, Jess.” He said.
It was most unusual, the use of her name in his greeting to her. From this simple and apparently meaningless phrase, she knew everything had changed.
“Hi” She sniffed.
He sighed when he saw her puffy face, a tear glistening in the moonlight on her cheek. In his whole life, he was certain he’d not felt an ounce of sympathy when anyone cried, but stood there before Jess, who was undeserving and innocent, his chest hurt and he wanted to do something totally out of the ordinary…he wanted to hug her.
“Heard ya cryin.” Was all he said instead, unable to muster the courage for physical contact.
“Bad day at the office,” she remarked.
It was clearer than ever that she was the only person he’d ever spoken to that seemed to want to be around him and be his friend. His angry and embarrassed reaction to recent events meant he took it out on her with no grounds in which to do so, but it was all he knew and what she’d written in her journal had made everything exceptionally awkward.
“S’my fault. Shouldn’t have gone in on ya like that” He admitted.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m going to bed. Goodnight.” She responded, turning her back and walking to the slope.
Something in Daryl urged him to stop her. To say something. Anything to prevent her from walking away and the situation remaining unsolved or even improved in the slightest.
“Hey. Wait.” He called out, but she continued to walk, bringing a hand up and wiping her face again. “Jess. Stop. Please” He tried again. She stopped but didn’t grace him with turning around or even a glance over her shoulder. She couldn’t look at him, too mortified to be near him.
“Just ignore ‘em.”
By all accounts and by his own admission, it was a feeble and pathetic attempt to soothe her feelings. Far from being an expert, the intention was there but the know how and the sensitivity lacked. However, Jess couldn’t deny that she appreciated his effort, it was just too little, too late. Finally spinning around to face him, she flapped her arms by her sides with exasperation.
“You said it yourself, we weren’t even friends in the first place. Why are you even talking to me?” She asked, by that point totally done with skirting around the issue and feeling her temper beginning to rise.
“That was just some shit I said in anger.” Daryl tried to explain as honestly and to the point as possible.
“C’mon, Daryl. Don’t say that just because you feel guilty for yelling at me and being a dick for the past few days. You don’t even have a right to be angry at me, I haven’t done anything wrong. You don’t like me any more than they do. I’ve just forced you to talk to me since I’ve been here.” She argued. Her body language had changed, now laced with hints of anger and irritation as her hands flew up every time she started a new sentence.
“I don’t do nothin I don’t wanna do.” He told her.
She wiped at her face again, her skin still damp and puffy and the extra tears now doing nothing but increasing her anger. He wished he could say what he wanted to say but far from being an expert at such confrontations, he was having trouble getting his point across. Panic set in when he saw her try to leave again and so he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“The way you are with me, ain’t like nobody else.”
She halted and shot him a confused look.
“What does that even mean? I’ve always treated you like you’re another human being.” She cried with exasperation. If no one in the camp had heard her raised voice by now, they were lucky.
“Yeah” He agreed. “Exactly.”
Then, she understood. His uncomfortable expression, his hands pushed into his jeans pockets and the fact that he was still stood there despite the emotional toll of the topic, told her a lot. He was trying. What she couldn’t decide, was if it was through guilt, or because he genuinely cared. The prospect of them carrying on as friends after the journal incident was a ridiculous notion to Jess. Nothing would ever be the same again and neither of them had asked for it.
“I’m sorry you had to hear all that. What she read out. I-I didn’t know what I was talking about when I wrote it.” She attempted to explain.
“Don’t have to explain. It’s alright.” He dismissed as he dug a boot into the dirt.  
“I don’t want you thinking that the only reason I hang out with you is because I think your attractive or that I have a stupid crush on you. That’s not the reason I talk to you so much.” She confirmed with little belief that it would do anything to stop him going over what he had heard every time he looked at her.
“I know.” He mumbled
“I mean, I’m not saying you’re not attractive. You obviously… are. Very attractive. I just…”
I’m digging my own grave here. Stop talking.
She heard him huff and caught him smiling in the moonlight. It was an overly shy smile and in that moment, during the most difficult conversation they’d ever had about a subject that was leaving them both highly uncomfortable, she had delivered a compliment to him that she was convinced had actually made him blush. To her it was the most amazing thing and a sight she could have looked at all night. He appeared so bashful that his lip curled up into an almost never ending half smile and he could only look out across the water. Her growing affection for him intensified in those few seconds.
“Um…Thanks.” He grunted
She sighed and dropped her gaze to the floor, sensing him studying her silently for a moment. He was baffled by his urge to protect her having previously failed to see how much their friendship had grown over the months they’d spent at the camp.
“We are friends. Alright? And I don’t think you’re a loser.” He wanted her to know.
She slowly looked up at him and he wished it was lighter, just a little more, so he could see her eyes and try to gauge how she was reacting. But a silhouetted figure and a darkness shrouded face was all he had to work with.
“Maybe a little weird…n’ too damn loud in the woods. But ya ain’t no loser.” He added, lightheartedly.
Just smile at me. Please.
“Not sure about that.” She whispered as she wrapped her arms around herself, hugging her torso.
“Jess, it don’t matter. What she did. What she read out. It don’t matter.”
It was a last-ditch attempt at trying to convince her to put it all behind her and try and start over. For a fleeting moment, he thought she was about to agree when she offered him a small smile. But then, she started to back away.
“Matters to me.”
Such a conversation with Daryl was a first and Jess lay in her tent with her head propped up on her backpack full of clothes and over thought every single detail. It was one of her downfalls, overanalyzing everything and coming up with six when she put two and two together. The stitching on the inside of the roof of the tent was now serving a different purpose than to just keep a roof over her head. It was now a visual representation of every single time she’d been hurt by Sarah or Jodie. Every little quip or whisper sewn into the fabric just like it was now sewn into the fabric of her being.
Sitting up, she crawled to the front of the tent and checked the top of the RV. Andrea was sat alone at the top, reading a book. No sign of Daryl. She growled to herself. Typical. She wanted to find him, to speak to him and tell him that she was willing to try and put everything behind her and continue to be his friend if he wanted her to be. That she’d had time to think and decided that the friendship that had blossomed from nowhere between them was too good a thing to throw away.
She climbed out of her tent, crossed the clearing and approached the slope that led down to the water, checking the place she’d last seen him made the most sense to her. Hearing whispers in front of her from the cloak of darkness, she detected Merle’s voice, along with Daryl’s.  
“I hear you right earlier? Ya ain’t comin’ into the city.” Merle asked.
“No. Ya only want whiskey, Merle. Rick was right, s’a bad idea.” Daryl replied, shooting the idea down in flames.
“That little girlfriend of yours got ya all mixed up? You ain’t no fun no more” Merle complained.
Jess sighed, releasing a huff of anger at the notion that everyone seemed to have it in for them.
“She ain’t my girlfriend, man. Get outta here with that shit.” Daryl protested.
“We all heard what she wrote in that diary o’hers. Tellin’ me you wouldn’t tap that? it wouldn’t take much convincin’.”
“Stop.” came Daryl's short warning.
“Oh, I see it now. She actually means somethin’ to you, don’t she? That the reason our plan means diddly squat to you now? ‘Cause ya went ‘n caught some feelin’s for the little, fat chick?”
Ignoring Merle’s offensive description of her, Jess’s mind raced with the possible responses Daryl could have to the question. Would he tell his brother that he cared about her? Would he just brush it off and remind him they were just friends? Or was she about to hear him confess to seeing her the same way as she saw him?
“The plan ain’t a plan no more because it was a fuckin’ dumb idea! She’s just a girl, she don’t mean shit to me, alright?! Just drop it.”
In the blink of an eye, upon the delivery of one sentence, Jess stopped believing in happy endings. She knew fairytales didn’t exist and it was confirmed for her that she would never fully trust anyone again. Her sneakers scraped up over the gravel as she began to back away from the sound of the voices. Her heart was undoubtedly broken, but she was done with crying over it. 
I think it’s time I left this place. Maybe it’s better to keep moving. I don’t contribute anything to the group that can’t be replaced by somebody else and I don’t think I can live with the humiliation that Sarah and Jodie have caused. I also overheard Daryl telling his brother that I mean nothing to him. I thought we were friends at least. I should have known his mixed signals were lies. I’m so stupid. What was I thinking? In hindsight, it was obvious that getting attached to someone like him would only get me hurt. But I just had that hope. Stupid, wasted, dangerous hope. I still can’t believe it’s all been a lie.
I stole a gun from the RV and a couple cans of food that nobody will notice are gone until I’m at least a few miles out. Hopefully, it’ll help to keep me going on my way back to the city. I suspect Daryl may try to track me at first, but at least I know now that it won’t be because he cares. It’ll be because people will ask him to. Maybe Carol, or Carl. I’ll miss them and I hope they make it.
Two hours was all he needed. Two hours of broken sleep and he was up and tracking rabbits in the woods. The task at hand would have been easy enough, having been performed a million and one times over. But that was when his head was clearer and his circumstances were different. Even before the turn, there was always something hanging over him right from when he was a child. His father’s violence, his mothers drinking, Merle’s increasing absence, school, bar fights, drugs, bail money. The only tranquility in Daryl’s whirlwind of a life was the woods. The place he felt like he could be himself and stop entertaining thoughts of whatever issue he had to deal with that day. But now the world had changed and so had he, thanks to the introverted but chatty girl he had befriended and managed to hurt at the same time. He told himself; one more rabbit. It would be enough and then he could go back to camp and sit with her. He didn’t plan on saying much, but he hoped his presence alone would be enough for her to see that he wasn’t going to enable anything that Sarah or Jodie had done to impact their friendship after all.
Catching the final rabbit had been easy, barely ten minutes spent tracking the target that was so busy trying to find its own food that it noticed nothing untoward until the last, deadly second. When he pushed through the trees, clutching a collection of rabbits and squirrels, he was forced to halt where he was. Carol stood in front of him with her arms tightly wrapped around her torso and her lips pushed into a thin line. The first thought that entered his head was that the camp had been attacked and someone was dead. The flash of panic that surged through his veins at the thought of it being Jess took him by surprise. Carol slowly walked towards him.
“What’s goin’ on?” he questioned.
“Daryl…” She started. “It’s Jess.”
No. No, this can’t be happening. Tell me she’s alive.
He could sense his chest constrict and his grip become tighter around the legs and tails of the dead animals in his grasp.
“What? What about her? She OK?” He demanded.
Carol let out a sympathetic huff and tilted her head to the side, shrugging one shoulder up.  
“She’s gone.” She whispered.
“Gone? What d’ya mean, ‘gone’?”
Daryl’s voice was now a lot louder than he had meant it to be, but the need for more information was now starting to press on his last nerve.
“Her belongings are missing, so is one of Shane’s guns. We think she left in the night.” Carol explained.
His eyes flashed with disbelief and he surged past her, striding over to the camp and dumping the animals in the dirt by the burned-out fire. Everyone stopped their tasks and conversations as he began throwing open people’s tents, storming in and out of the RV like a hurricane and calling her name at the top of the slope to the water. Carol watched on as he paced back and forth with his hands on his head as Merle emerged from his tent.
“Naw.” He shakes his head “Naw. She wouldn’t. She wouldn’t just leave.”
“She not here. We’ve looked everywhere.” Glenn offered from beside Rick and Shane, who were stood next to the loaded-up truck which had all their guns arranged on the hood like a bizarre art installation.
Daryl looked over at her tent, lunging at it and ripping it open, his face falling in dismay when he saw nothing inside. He growled loudly to himself as his breathing increased and his heart started to hammer. Carol, who was usually skittish and nervous around aggression and anger, made the attempt to calm him by gently touching his arm but as soon as the contact was made with his skin, he flinched and threw her off.
“SHIT!” He bellowed.
Throwing his crossbow from his back onto the floor, he spun around, his gaze stopping on Andrea.
“You!” He exclaimed, pointing a calloused finger at her. His hand hovered over her chest and she took a step back. “You were s’posed to be on watch! Why didn’t ya see her leave?! Huh?! The fuck were ya doin’ up there?!”
Before she could even begin to fathom an answer, Rick stepped in and worked his way in between them, placing a hand on Daryl’s chest and coaxing him back. Again, he flinched off the contact which told Rick in no uncertain terms that now more than ever, was not a good time to be touching him.
“Daryl, this isn’t anybody’s fault. She took everything with her. She wanted to go.” Rick reasoned.
“No! You don’t know her! She wouldn’t!” He argued.
“You got it bad, boy” Merle laughed from the other side of camp. His boots cracked over snapping twigs on the ground while he slowly made his way over to the scene. Sauntering casually and rolling a cigarette between his fingers. “I thought she didn’t mean shit to ya. Ain't that what you said?”
Something in Daryl snapped. He swung an arm out and collided his fist with his brother’s nose. The impact was so strong that it caused Merle to stagger back after everyone winced at the sickening crack that echoed around the camp and bounced from the trees. Merle blinked in surprise and brought his hands up to his face. Warmth coated his fingers as blood trickled through the gaps. His eyes flicked up and he lunged at Daryl, only to be stopped by Shane. Daryl's hand thundered with pain but it was a pain he needed, a welcome distraction from the pain in his heart, caused by the knowledge that he had failed to reassure her, to keep her here under the promise that nothing had to change. A million and one 'what if's' floated through his mind.
“Easy” Shane grunted while throwing his weight back against Merle to prevent him from surging forwards and causing a mass brawl.
“I’ma knock you into the middle o’ next week, you little shit!” Merle hissed. Blood sprayed messily from between his teeth, peppering his vest and anyone unlucky enough to be close enough to him.  
Daryl, chest heaving and teeth clamped together, made off for the trees.
“Where are you going? Daryl?!” Carol called after him.
“To find her!” He shouted over his shoulder. “Y’all would do well to stay outta my fuckin’ way too.”
“What if she doesn’t want to be found?” Carol reasoned.
Ignoring her, he vanished into the trees, leaving Shane Still struggling with Merle and a dozen shocked faces all peering awkwardly at one another.
When evening arrived, it brought with it Daryl’s return to the camp. Much to the surprise of the other inhabitants that expected him to be gone for days on end. He said nothing, only sitting down by the fire and hanging his head. His arms were decorated with scratches and as Rick watched him push his fingers into his dirty, tousled hair he realized that Jess’s departure had impacted their resident hunter more than he had thought.
“Here” He said, throwing a plastic bottle of water over at him. It landed between his boots and Daryl wearily reached down and picked it up. He unscrewed the cap and took a large gulp. Around him, was every single other member of the camp. He had walked into some kind of meeting but could care less about interrupting. He knew Rick was mid-sentence when he’d appeared and flopped down onto the ground, not listening to a word that was being said. In fact, he didn’t even notice when the cop and seemingly unelected leader stopped talking and his surroundings grew uncomfortably quiet. Clearing his throat, Rick carried on speaking.
“Is everybody in agreement that we should go ahead with tomorrow morning’s run?”
People must have nodded but Daryl didn’t look up or show an ounce of interest.
“We need more food.” Rick continued “Daryl?”
He didn't want to talk, or have to make any decisions. he didn't want to take part in a meeting or do anything except rest until he had enough energy to go back out in search of his friend. A long and exhausted sigh followed an angry glare when he finally looked up meant Rick had already been put in his place. But he knew he had to ask the question regardless."
“You OK to hunt over the next couple days?”
“No.” Daryl said firmly.
Rick’s eyebrows raised momentarily and he caught the gaze of his wife, Lori. She gave him a small nod, urging him to continue.
“We don’t have enough food for the next few days.” He explained.
“Yeah, n' I said no. I’m goin’ lookin for Jess.” Daryl snapped back.
“Oh, come on.” He heard Sarah scoff. Rage flared in his chest and pumped through his veins, white hot fury fueling him to act. He jumped to his feet and with a click and a gasp sounding out from those around him, he pointed his crossbow at her face. Tense murmurs filled the air and Rick was rapidly crossing the space between them with intent to stop him.
“Back off, Sherriff.” Daryl warned without moving his vision from his target, stopping Rick in his tracks and pushing the crossbow further into Sarah’s face.
“Hey, shit for brains” he hissed through his teeth at her. “You two are the reason she’s gone. If ya don’t shut up I’ma put a bolt between ya eyes”
“Daryl, you won’t be hurting anyone. Put it down.” Rick insisted, drawing his gun.
Merle, who had been slowly ambling up the slope to the camp when he heard a commotion, seemed to turn up out of nowhere. Calmly, and apparently with no recollection of his brother’s savage punch earlier in the day, he stepped between the barrel of Ricks gun and Daryl.
“Woah, now Sheriff. What ya say you just let my brother do what he pleases? He’s been feedin’ y’all for weeks now. He wants to shoot the bitch, then I say we let him.” He smiled. “She ain’t good for much anyways”
Sarah looked up at Daryl’s fierce expression over the tip of the arrow pointed at her forehead.
“You calling me shit for brains? Please. Stupid Redneck.” She shot at him with little to no fear of being impaled in the face with a crossbow bolt. Telling herself he wouldn’t do it, she forced her shoulders back and tried to hide her fear.  
“Rednecks good enough to scratch ya itches though, right?” Daryl commented.
Sarah rolled her eyes. “Oh whatever, asshole.”
“You been fuckin’ Merle in the woods” He proclaimed loudly. Sarah’s jaw dropped open and Jodie, who had shifted up considerably from her side, stared at her friend in disbelief.
“You said he was lying.” She whispered.
“Oh, ain't no lie, sweetheart!” Daryl shouted as he jostled the crossbow closer to Sarah's face. “Likes herself some rough, this one! Tried it with me n’ when I turned her ugly ass down she went after my brother! Goes around judging folks, makin’ fun of ‘em. When all the while, she’s lettin’ my brother search her for pocket change in the woods most nights!”
Glenn, who was sitting across the fire with wide eyes, sucked both of his lips into his mouth to stifle what would undoubtedly be a roar of laughter, not only at Daryl’s rage, but at his amusing choice of words.
“This is awkward” He pointed out.
“I know. It’s great.” T-dog added from beside him. He shuffled around on the spot, getting comfortable for the remainder of the show.
Andrea sprang forwards from where she was leaning against the RV, obviously feeling the need to intercept at the sound of such a crass topic.
“Daryl, that’s enough, there are children that can hear you.” She scolded as she stepped into the circle behind him. He lowered his crossbow and turned on his heels, locking her in a death glare.
“People out there eatin’ people!” He shouted as he raised his arms. His crossbow swung clumsily in his grip “Sluts fuckin’ rednecks all over the show but we better not say no bad words, huh?!" His neck flared red and veins protruded on his temples.
Sarah, who by now was completely mortified at the whole camp knowing about her night-time activities, slowly lifted her vision to Merle, who was still stood between Daryl and Rick. He began to laugh loudly to himself.
“Cats outta the bag, sugar! God damn!” He chuckles, throwing a wink her way. “No more squat thrusts in the pickle patch!”
She immediately got up and stomped off, leaving a collection of stunned faces. Jodie watched her depart, her face twisted with disgust.
“I ain’t doing nothin’ for none of y’all!” Daryl fumed, whirling around and swinging a pointed finger at them all. “Gonna look for Jess. Merle can hunt. I’m out”
With that, he threw his crossbow over his shoulder and scuffed out of the circle around the fire, off into the woods to set to work finding the girl that had managed to work her way so far into his heart that he wasn’t about to let her go without a fight.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5
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itshaejinju · 7 years
Family Is Forever | Chapter 2 | FF15 Mafia Fanfic
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Tagging: @themissimmortal @stephicness @stunninglyignis @blindbae @rubyphilomela @cagedbycravings @waifuthewhite @zacklover24 @neko-otaku13 @teacupjenniesketches @nykamito @teneniel @thirsty-angst-lord @thirdstreetcettin @cupnoodle-queen @mandakatt @misssarahdoll @mistressoli @insomniascure @insomniacapples @insomniasix @chocobropuffs @chocobroing @chocobabyporcelain @sweetchocobae @highwinds-dragoon @alicemoonwonderland @sheylann @hypaalicious @louisvuittontrashbags @blondechocobobutt @fieryfantasy @roses-and-oceans @atarostarling @valkyrieofardyn @promptoastandbutter @bespectacled-girl @eternallydaydreaming2015 @gladiolus-mamacitia @gladixlusamicitia @nyxswaifu @promptoargentum-is-my-husband @diadyn @miss-scientia @inprotocreed (LOL did I get everyone?)
Warnings: Sass, sexual tension, mild language, talks of violence. (smut in the next chapter)
Chapter 1 |
Notes: @zacklover24 Angel is making an appearance! @sweetchocobae Clara is mentioned! 
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Chapter 2:
At dinner Prompto felt extremely out of place, he was sitting beside Noctis tonight instead of by himself or with his friend Angel. Her dark hazel eyes flickering over at Prompto often as she was thoroughly confused why he was sitting with the Capo Bastone for dinner and not with the rest of the Associates. Friday nights all of the Family met at the “Jade Moon” restaurant to eat the whole dining hall filled with the Associates, Soldiers making the place quite loud but a clique nonetheless. So when Prompto had walked past the slender female he gently tugged on the long braid her hair was in, she let out a yelp turning to face him as he waved to her she gave him a confused look. He always sitting with her so for him to pass by the empty seat she left for him to join Noctis at the secondary table she flashed him a glare, he knew he would be catching trouble for it later.
At the table with Noctis the blond was surrounded by Ignis, Gladiolus and Morana the three tossed him a strange look unsure as to why a associate was sitting with him. Prompto immediately felt out of place remembering that he was at the bottom of the food chain here that Associates were just barely more than a errand boy. Hell most were not even allowed to carry a weapon but he was one of the few that were selected to get eventually promoted to Soldier so he was able to carry his pistols.
“What is he doing over here?” Morana asked, Prompto could hear the venom in her voice as she looked over at him, her light green eyes staring at him as he had changed to his suit now.
Even if you had a day off on Friday you must get into uniform and go to the Family dinner. His suit was a bit older looking as he bought it second hand and had to wash out some blood stains and stitch up some bullet holes. The black jacket was a bit faded, the vest a bit loose on him, as the slacks were tight on him making him wary of them ripping at the worse times. The woman sitting close to Gladiolus, his girl friend for as long as Prompto could remember was not wearing anything close to the uniform, well the slacks were correct that was about it. Morana Tarda was wearing a white tank top that was rather see through showing off the bright red bra she had underneath, it was as if she wanted others to stare at her ample chest it made Prompto a bit flustered because he didn't want Gladiolus to think that he was lusting after her as she was far from someone he was interested in. Her long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail now but the thick strands of dyed red hair framed her face, her multiple piercings sticking out on her ears as she turned to look at Noctis the light flashing off the bright golden rings on her ears making Prompto stare.
“Well?” Morana repeated to Noctis.
“He's my friend.” Noctis said simply, use to Morana's lack of respect to address him properly, she only felt the need to address Regis his father the Capo Familigia correctly.
Ignis always felt her respect for others specially her betters was deplorable but he still held a fond spot for her, a slight flame for her tenacious spirit. But he would never act on it as he respected Gladiolus more than his own feelings.
“You are making friends with Associates, that is quite new.” Ignis replied as he took a sip of the wine beside him, mirroring the smirk that Morana was wearing on her face.
“It's nice to see him talking to others.” Gladiolus commented as he took some of the steak into his mouth.
“I do talk to others! I talk to Clara. . .”
“The clerk at your favorite arcade does not count Bastone.” Ignis chided, Noctis looking over to him, green eyes nearly shut as his smile was so wide at teasing his friend.
“You get a kick out of picking out my flaws, don't you?” Noctis said there was a pout clear on his face as he placed two florets of broccoli that had made it onto his plate to Ignis' plate.
“It is one of the few small pleasures that I do take from in life.” Ignis replied smartly, turning his attention back to Morana.
“Shouldn't be associating with – Associates.” Morana remarked to Noctis, the look she gave Prompto made him feel like he was about two inches tall, it was akin to the look Noctis was giving his broccoli.
“Morana it's okay for him to acquaint himself with some of the lower staff but I don't suggest he makes a habit of it.” Gladiolus said to her then giving Prompto a reassuring smile.
“I am sorry if I am causing such a bother.” Prompto finally spoke up, he was quite upset with all talk about him going around as if he wasn't around.
“Don't worry about their squawking Prompto, Morana likes to disagree to everything I do and Ignis just plans on being a jerk to me until the day I become Capo Familigia.” Noctis said soothingly, flashing a smile over at  Prompto. “Still if it was better I will go back over that way.” Prompto suggested, not wanting to upset the apple cart. “Don't worry about it Prom.” Gladiolus said, calmly. “You ready to start training with me tomorrow?” “He has a lot to relearn.” Noctis interrupted before Prompto could do more than nod, nervously as he was going to be working with Gladiolus from now on. “I do not!” Prompto shouted embarrassed to admit that a lot of his education into the Family didn't make much sense to him, childishly he stuck out his pierced tongue at Noctis, clacking the yellow bar against his top teeth. “You know nothing of territories.” Noctis said, matter-of-factly, a deadpanned look on his face, as he finished clearing his plate. “They are quite confusing.” Prompto said dejectedly, his blue eyes downcast as he attempted to finish what was on his plate, he was feeling a little unable to eat in front of these established members of the Family. He was new and he really didn't know what he was doing, hell he was bought into the service. Prompto grew up in a orphanage and most often they were sold into mafia families or into sex trades if they didn't get adopted into a good home. No one ever came for Prompto it was just him left in the orphanage waiting for his parents to come biological or adoptive someone to take him into their arms and to love him. They never showed. He was too fat for sex trade so he was sold to the mafia, it was his good luck to be bought by the Caelum family. Being put into training made him loose the weight quick and he toned up well into a gangly youth with fluffy sunshine yellow hair with sparkling diamond-like blue eyes.
“I am at a loss for words that is something you learn day one. . .told Cor he should have done what they did to me in the Izunia family.” Morana said shaking her head, downing the last of her beer.
“I will not allow Cor to take such measures with the trainees Morana. I am not going to allow such brutal treatments happen while I'm Consigliere.” Ignis retorted, he had heard this complaint of Morana several times already.
“Well if you get hit with a braided whip each time you get something wrong, you tend to remember those things quite quickly.” Morana chirped as she stood up from her seat, reaching out her right arm out the full sleeve of tattoos showing to Prompto, flowers he didn't recognize as her heavily scarred hand caressed Gladiolus' face.
“Braided whip?” Prompto squeaked, he heard the Izunia family was horrible but that horrible?
“Yes, while in training if you didn't learn your shit you got hit by the Capo Familigia himself, he's not so kind as it is when Silver Fox is when she hits you. It's more bedroom fun when she does it.” Morana said walking over to Prompto, he's taller than she is but for some reason she is more terrifying to him than Gladiolus is, who is just chuckling under his breath as he gets up to his feet towering over her.
Leaning forward Morana lifts up her tank top turning around revealing her back, it's thick with scars, burn marks as well. Thick knotted scars and what looked at one time infected burn marks that became scars. Gladiolus pulled her into his body wrapping arms around her pulling down her shirt as Prompto stared in shock at the obvious torture she had been through.
“Braided whip with the use of his blessing from Ifrit, flames. That's what you get when you do something wrong there. Be glad that here it's just food and pay docking. They even slammed you in a dungeon if you were particularly bad.”
“How come I imagine you more often than not?” Ignis quipped, rolling his eyes as he pulled out some papers to hand over to Noctis. “Those proposals you need to look over, Capo Bastone.”
“Not when that creepy woman was down there, some drug addict that live down there, quite the terror.”
“Drug addict?” Gladiolus asked, muttering in her ear, as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck.
“Yeah some blonde, strange tattoo over her chest actually flowers, sylleblossoms, I think.” Morana shrugged. “You bite on my neck anymore I'm going to have to take you on the table, Gladdy.”
“Hmm like the thought of that. . .” Gladiolus muttered, biting down on her neck teasingly, hands pressed on her hips tightly.
“Please get a room, I rather not see that happen in my presence, such things should be held for the bedroom alone. Your public displays are way to tasteless.” Ignis snorted out a snide remark as he flashed a glare at the pair, shooing them away.
“We'll use your room, Spec's it's quite spacious.” Gladiolus said happily as they left the room.
“Sorry for you having to view that. . .I will speak with them later, Capo Bastone.” Ignis apologized to Noctis who was just barely reading over the papers in front of him.
Prompto was finished his food and he was quite unsure of what was going on, he did know he was glad that he did not get bought into the Izunia Family. What Morana went through before she came to the Caelum Family was more than what he wanted to ever deal with. They accepted her so easily even though she was apart of the opposing family at one time? It made him feel good in a way because well that meant they could accept him for who he was, even if he was a child that no family had ever wanted. Turning to Noctis, who was chewing on the snake-bite lip rings as he thumbed through the papers.
“What are your thoughts about this marriage?”
“Marriage to . . .?” Prompto asked, eyes wide and concerned.
“Lunafreya Fleuret of the Izunia Family.” Ignis stated.
“Wait you're. . .”
“Prompto mouth should be closed right now.” Noctis hushed the blond quickly as he sniped at him, sending the young man quickly as he reeled back from the comment.
“You are keeping such a pretty lady under-wraps?” Prompto continued not listening to Noctis.
“Prompto!” Noctis growled, his cheeks flushed as he turned to face the blond, there was a spark of red in the normally blue eyes that sent a shiver down Prompto's spine.
“If you are trying to keep your 'secret love affair' with Lunafreya the Capo Bastone of the Izunia family secret it is quite hard to do that from me.” Ignis spoke up a wry smile on his face as he pressed the thin framed glasses up his nose.
“WHAT?” Noctis whined loudly face-palming as he looked over in terror.
“When you went over on your text messages two months ago I felt the need to upgrade your account but your father insisted that I find out what was getting your attention so dearly. Perhaps next time you should be a bit more secretive with your contact names, Luna with a bunch of hearts is quite obvious.”
“Damn, looking through my phone – when did you do that?”
“When you took your daily nap in my private tutoring session.” Ignis answered, as he stood up patting Noctis gently on the back heading away. “I suggest you think closely about the terms that they are giving us pending the marriage – consummation.”
“I'm sorry Capo Bastone.” Prompto said softly, as he turned to Noctis who was looking at the paragraphs for the terms.
“Don't worry about it. . .he had found me out anyways. . .Merging of the families. . .they don't have enough power to take over our family. . .we are too big how does he think he can. . .Fuck. . .”
“What is going on?” Prompto asked confused.
“Nothing you can solve, I got to go. Thanks for having dinner with me, probably not as fun as sitting with your girlfriend.”
“GIRLFRIEND? Angel is like my sister, we were in the same class together.”
“Oh you're loss then man.”
Ignis was in the kitchen back at the manor making himself a cup of Ebony when the door swung open wide, slamming against the stopper revealing Morana her hair all a mess, her shirt on inside out and her pant zipper not pulled up. He shook his head, he had stopped blushing at such displays from her a while ago but mentally he still was blushing at the thought of what she had just been doing with Gladiolus, it almost made him jealous of the Soldier.
“Could you at least fix your pants?” Ignis asked as he grabbed a second cup handing it to her as she, was still in a sex-high daze.
“Stop staring at my crotch, Scientia. Not like you would know what to do anyways.” Morana rolled her eyes.
Ignis bite his lip, he really wanted to snipe back he really wanted to press her against the counter and kiss her to rid her of those foolish notions that he didn't know how to please a woman. Just because he was not like Gladiolus and grinding against her body all day didn't mean he didn't know how to make a woman scream his name in pleasure. Instead he grabbed the pot of fresh coffee and poured it into her cup.
“Something on your mind, Scientia?” Morana asked as she poured in some sugar into the coffee.
“Tell me about the blonde that was in the cellar of the Izunia Manor.”
“It was a dungeon, there was chains, cells and it was dank an' cold.” Morana argued, sipping the coffee as she leaned against the counter, running a hand through her hair untangling some of the knots.
“Dungeon – then please tell me about that woman with the sylleblossoms tattoo.” Ignis asked, reaching for the box of shortbread cookies, a weakness of the woman's her green eyes flashing to him as he opened the box long slender fingers.
“Bribing me with cookies? How childish.” Morana snapped as a smirk appeared on her face as she took the cookie from him, his fingers glancing over her scarred hand.
“I am in fact just offering a friend some snacks to restore her energy after some debauchery with her boyfriend that is all, bribery is below me.”
“Right.” Morana replied as she bit into the cookie savoring the buttery taste. “The woman didn't make much sense to be honest a lot of babbling to me, my cell was opposite of hers. She reminded me of their Capo Bastone to be honest, like they could be related. But I spoke of Luna and she hadn't a clue what I was talking about. So probably is just some other blonde, you know? I mean her brother has the same tattoo I saw on her chest but I spoke with him and he wouldn't let me speak about it, saying she's dead, murdered by our Capo Familigia.”
“Right. . .Well I am quite curious about it because that sounds a lot like Stella Nox Fleuret. His views on his family's murder is quite skewed, he probably will never see to reasoning unlike his younger sister.”
“Who is just smitten with the lazy one.” Morana commented as she reached out taking another cookie from the box.
“Be mindful of how you speak about our Capo Bastone, Tarda that would not be wise you know my position.” Ignis countered closing the lid of the box and putting them away, he let out a soft sigh.
“Hmm, right I'll be mindful for sure when I stop finding him in arcades fooling around. Anyways I'm going back to Gladiolus, thanks for the pick me up, ready for round two.”
As she walked out of the room Ignis let out a soft groan, he enjoyed his talks with her a bit too much as he was fighting back the urge to tell Morana he would give her a better 'round two' but he respected his friend and his position. He shouldn't be flirting or even consorting in such ways with lower ranks, a bane of his position. Sighing he rested his elbows on the counter, sipping the coffee his mind wandered to the information Morana told him. If that was truly Stella Nox Fleuret the Capo Bastone – who now would be technically the Capo Familigia of the Fleuret family that would mean a lot to the current predicament the families were in. He needed to know for sure if it was her, of course he couldn't allow suspicion to be risen until he got all of the details – the facts straight. Morana wasn't always reliable when it came to remembering things, the Izunia family did a lot of torture to you if you failed them before she got as talented as she was now she did a lot of failing.
“I will have to see what I can do about this. . .before I talk to Regis about it, he would like to know that his lover was alive after all these years no matter what her mental and physical state is.”
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