#heat of the night
vera-king-hrfl · 2 days
Heat of the Night part 8.
Apologies, but neither @crowwolf nor myself know anything about rugby. We just thought it was funny. Please don't come for me if I got stuff wrong, I tried to keep it kind of vague.
CW: poorly described sportsball
A few minutes before the game between the Rivington Roeths and the Lower City Lizards is scheduled to begin, Cal is standing near the sidelines of the brightly lit field, talking to Max and Dammon, when a familiar blaze of orange hair catches his attention. The handsome, muscular green elf is approaching with a big grin. "Hey Cal! Fancy meeting you here." 
"Hykyath? I didn't know you played for the Roeths." He sticks out his hand and the wood elf shakes it enthusiastically, seeming excited about the match.
"Yeah, just transferred. How long have you been with the Lizards?"
"About two years now." Cal elbows the bigger man. "I didn’t know you fielded elves, Max."
Max looks from the tall elf to the taller tiefling, grinning. "Yeah, he's a little small for how we play, but he's fast as a fucking antelope so I decided to give him a chance. Don’t hurt him too much, eh, Cal?"
Cal chuckles, and Hykyath feigns offense. "I'll have you know I'm pretty big for an elf. Don't go easy on me; you might regret it."
"Certainly bigger than that one." Dammon is looking at the stands on the other side. "Hey Cal, is that him?"
Cal follows Dammon’s gaze and sees the slender drow, in his ripped jeans, a fitted pearl grey sweater, and little white sneakers. He's emerging from the drinks kiosk with a cup in his hand, and looks back over his shoulder as Cal watches. 
He turns back to the guys and smirks. "Yeah, that's Ryldinn."
Max. "Holy shit, Cal, that guy is gorgeous. How did a bumbling little doofus like you manage to hook up with him?"
"Only little compared to you, Max. And, well, he kinda came on to me."
Hykyath looks impressed. "So you two are dating now? Good on you, Cal!"
Max looks a bit jealous, but his words are good natured. "Really. What you got that I don't, and how much you selling it for?" He grins, the caps on his tusks making the expression comical, and Cal snorts. "The guy with him isn't bad either."
Cal turns to see Astarion, in high-waisted charcoal grey slacks and a powder blue t-shirt, a matching jacket thrown over one shoulder. The pale elf had just emerged from the kiosk with a beverage of his own and is following the drow to their seats. Max whistles with appreciation. "Spiffy."
"I thought you weren't into that."
"I said I wasn’t into you, bud. I'd make an exception for that little angel." 
Cal grins and slaps Max on the shoulder while Hykyath laughs at the big man's description of the bitchy pale elf. "I'll introduce you after the game and you can try your luck." He looks back, seeing that Ryldinn had noticed him. The drow waves, just a subtle little wiggle of his fingers in front of his chest, and sips from his cup. Cal grins at him and mimics the gesture. 
The half-orc beside him chortles, and Dammon smacks him in the back of the head. "Hey Cal, time to start. Keep your mind off his ass and in the game, okay?"
Cal punches Dammon back, in the stomach, and the older tiefling grunts in an exaggerated show of pain. "Ooof, oh no, Max, I'm down! We'll have to forfeit."
The huge man just snorts and shakes his head, starting toward his team with Hykyath. "You’re both mental. Think I'm gonna win me some money tonight."
The game starts shortly after, a melee of big men running about, tackling each other, an energetic display of masculine mayhem, yelling and grunting. The two petite elves watch the scrum, trying to figure out what's happening. 
"Hykyath seems to be doing well. I thought he was mad when he said he was going to be doing this." Astarion sips his drink, then smirks. "You know, if I'd known there would be so much thigh on show I might have done this sooner."
"Really?" Ryldinn looks at the incognito vampire with a raised eyebrow. Astarion’s eyes match his shirt today, a soft blue that bring his appearance closer to what the half-orc had seen. 
"No. But it makes this barbaric display less intolerable."
"You wanted to come." 
Astarion huffs. "There are a lot of very large men here Ryldinn. You tend to attract the wrong kind of attention." 
"Oh, I can handle that."
"Yes but this is a new suit. I never got the stains out of the last one. Besides. I want to be ready to call the medics when Hykyath gets mangled." 
"Who wears a suit to a ball game anyway?"
"Well, I don’t know, do I? Im not exactly hip to what the beer swilling masses are doing." 
They chat more while watching the players try to mow each other down, Ryldinn with interest, Astarion affecting boredom while sneaking peeks at the players' legs. They attract some looks, but nobody bothers them.
Ryldinn is more invested than his friend, fascinated by the heavy muscles of Cal's legs, the aggression, the speed and power of these men. And his tiefling seems to more than hold his own among them. He's barely paying attention to Astarion as the game progresses.
"Violent sport, really." The drow just nods a bit, the straw of his drink caught between his lips, absently gnawing at it when something exciting happens. 
"What are you doing to that straw?"
Ryldinn pulls the straw from his mouth and looks at the sad, mangled thing, then shrugs and flips it over. "Wasn't paying attention."
Eventually, it's halftime, and the players retreat to their respective huddles to plan the second part. The Roeths are up by five, Dammon and Max loudly encouraging their teams to be more aggressive, faster. After ten minutes they organize themselves again and the confusing game resumes, Cal taking a position nearer to Dammon. The ball is passed to Hykyath, who proves to indeed be as quick as lightning. Cal is surprisingly fast for his size as well, however, and manages to take the slightly smaller elf to the dirt, there's a pile up, and after a few minutes of wrestling the teams reset further down the field. 
Astarion leans toward Ryldinn as the men go on the attack again. "Do you know what's going on?"
Ryldinn shrugs. "Does it matter?"
"Hm. I suppose not. Oh, look, your boyfriend is going against that huge green fellow." 
The half-orc has the ball now, dodging through the opposite team with startling agility. Cal takes an oblique angle toward him, there's a crash like two tankers colliding, and the pile covers them. Then they reset with Cal’s team controlling the ball. 
Ryldinn is practically vibrating now, the sight of the strong young tiefling plowing through the other men making him feel a bit warm in his sweater, and he takes a long drink of his iced latte to cool himself. 
"Ryldinn." Astarion’s voice intrudes on his ogling smally, like the vampire is ten seats away instead of practically in his lap. "Ryldinn!"
"Hm? Yeah what?" 
Astarion huffs, noting the way Ryldinn’s thighs are pressed together, how he's squirming a bit in his seat. "What in the Hells is wrong with you? Were you even listening to me?"
Ryldinn chuckles. "No." He holds up his cup and frowns at his slightly shaky hand. "I think the vendor gave me caffeinated."
"Oh... well, shit." Astarion sighs and runs a hand down his face. "Wretched hells... you're going to fuck that big sweaty tiefling, aren't you?
"As soon as mortally possible."
The pale elf hmphs, glancing back at the game in time to see Cal’s team score. Ryldinn sets his cup between his knees to clap, and Astarion rolls his eyes. The game is now tied, and there’s a chance for an extra two points for the Lizards. 
"Fine, just... remember what we talked about. I don't think..."
"Shh shh..." Ryldinn stops the chatter with a hand on the pale elf’s mouth. "Just let me enjoy this. We'll worry about all of that later."
The game ends with a writhing pile of sweaty men heaving over the goal line, there's a whistle, and everyone detangles themselves from each other with difficulty, laughing, play-fighting, and hurling good humored insults. The Lizards have won by two points. Ryldinn stands, clapping and bouncing on his toes a little, and Astarion sighs and gets to his feet as well, trying to pick Hykyath out of the group of rowdy guys. The players eventually break apart, some heading toward the locker room, some chatting in groups and splitting off to approach friends or family in the stands. Hykyath and Cal are walking toward the two smaller elves, smiling and ribbing each other, when Cal decides to remove the soft caps on the sharp tips of his horns, and then his shirt. 
Ryldinn watches, going a bit still as the fabric is slowly pulled up his ruddy torso, revealing a lovely pattern of bumps and ridges on the sweat-slick chest and ribs. The sides of his cup compress a little, threatening to spill the remains of his latte on the floor, and Astarion catches his hand. "Watch that, you'll get coffee on your shoes."
Ryldinn makes a little sound, almost a whimper as Cal turns around to wave at some others, holding his shirt by his side. "Heh... fuck the shoes. I have more shoes. What are we talking about?" The tiefling’s ass is round and firm, the little love handles only adding an extra frisson of excitement to the powerful torso. Imagining what it might feel like to grab Cal there is throwing the drow completely off, and then he turns back around, coming closer, and Ryldinn has to sit back down for a second. 
"Your fucking... oh never mind." The pale elf turns back to the other men, trying for an air of aloof unconcern, but it slips a little as he sees what Ryldinn had, and his eyes widen marginally. "Oh my. Are you sure about this, darling? The man looks like he could satisfy an ogress."
Ryldinn shakes himself and stands again, moving to the edge of the stands, weaving through the departing crowd, trying not to stare at the substantial bulge in Cal’s brief shorts. "I may not be able to walk straight, but I'll be godsdamned if I'm not going to try."
The elf and tiefling reach them, and Cal hugs Ryldinn over the railing, briefly, while Hykyath and Astarion share an air kiss. Ryldinn smiles, lowering his eyes and trying to control himself as Cal addresses them. "Hi, sweetheart. Hi Astarion. So what do you want to do now?"
The pale elf starts to answer, but Ryldinn interrupts him. "I was thinking we could go back to my place for a while..." 
Cal grins, looking adorably shy and cute. "Uh... yeah. I'd like that. I need to shower, but then I'll..."
"Please don't," Ryldinn interrupts. "I like you the way you are now."
Cal raises his brows in surprise. "You do? I mean... okay, if you're sure."
The drow leans closer and inhales deeply. "Oh yes, I'm sure." His eyelids flutter slightly. "Mmm I shouldn't have done that. Alright, go get your stuff and say farewell to your friends. I will be here." Cal nods and starts toward the locker room, Ryldinn’s final, sensual words drifting to him through the cool night air. "Don’t keep me waiting..."
Hykyath contains himself until the tiefling is out of sight, then claps a hand over his mouth to stifle a giggle. "That was interesting, Ryldinn. I guess you do have a type."
Astarion huffs and rolls his eyes. "A type? I thought you were going to start humping his leg, darling. Could you be just a touch more subtle? It's embarrassing. Maybe I should just..." He starts to reach for Ryldinn’s cup, but the drow snatches it away. 
"Uh uh. I'm thirsty," he says, taking another sip from the straw.
"You don't say." He sighs. "Fine, fine. I'm going to leave now, though. This is painful to watch. Call me tomorrow, alright? Meet me outside, Hykyath. After you shower."
"Mhm." It’s obvious that the drow isn’t really paying attention, though, so the vampire just throws up his hands and leaves while Hykyath retreats, chuckling, toward the locker room.
The tiefling shudders a little at the suggestive tone and speeds up, pushing through the door into the room where the other men are changing and getting cleaned up. He goes to his own locker and starts throwing his stuff in his gym bag, leaving out a clean shirt. Max and Dammon are a few feet away, and stop their conversation to watch him pack. 
"Hey Cal, what's the hurry? You getting laid or something?" Max is grinning at him, but his smile, and Dammon’s, fade into surprise when the young tiefling answers. 
"Looks that way."
Dammon whistles. "Well, shit. Uh, don't let us keep you."
Cal grins, trying to keep his hands from shaking as he zips the bag and tugs on the shirt. "Oh, I'm not."
The two men look at each other, their grins returning. Max chuckles. "Aren't you going to shower first?"
"Nope!" Cal shoulders the bag strap and heads back toward the door. "He says he likes it. Later, guys."
A loud, adolescent sounding Woooooo follows him out of the room and he chuckles to himself, returning a high-five from an approaching Hykyath, before the guys are forgotten and replaced in his head by Ryldinn’s silky legs, Ryldinn’s tight ass, Ryldinn’s soft lips. The man himself is still standing where he was, leaning against a post, but the pale elf had vanished. "Alright, babe. You ready?"
Ryldinn smiles sweetly and vaults easily over the railing, falling into step beside Cal, heading for the trolley stop. "You have no idea."
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bramblesbriars · 2 months
TIG Tier List
So...I made this, and forgot I made it. This was from a while ago but I thought I'd put it up since I rediscovered it.
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There's many movies I haven't seen, as obvious from this list, but if I'm honest I'd take him any way he is (except with the blonde weird mullet thing I don't know what's going on there). So I need to fill in these gaps soon.
But all the Terry’s are top tier for me. I'll fight you about it.
Anyway, I'm just gonna leave this here and go back under my TIG infested rock.
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TIG in In The Heat Of The Night season 2 episode. 1-2 1989
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duranduratulsa · 10 months
Bryan Adams - Heat Of The Night
Album of the day: Into The Fire by Bryan Adams (1987) featuring Heat Of The Night #bryanadams #IntoTheFire #heatofthenight #80s
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pineapple-frenzy · 2 months
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Book 2 au: and there was only one bed!! :00
Because of course I just had to do this trope
This is the first and last time they decide to sleep in an inn and they have an unspoken agreement to pretend this never happened
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mitjalovse · 2 years
I have actually made a weird mix of musicians in my discussions on those that are bad at their albums. I mean, I'm basically making a club of old crooner, old rockers and many Eurodancers. However, the latter could give the other two a piece of advice, i.e. they released a lot of singles and strung them together for their LPs. Thus, they did what I joked in my previous post – the best-ofs with some bonus tracks. Aqua, for instance, recorded the tune on the link for their debut, but the piece does veer too much into a fake exotica vibe without noticing why the original genre works. Then again, where else could they go? They set a strange identity as a group and they did try to confront with one of their hits, yet the prominence of their biggest hits caused them to become a punchline.
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biffhofosho · 2 years
I almost forgot to read this one!!! But no worries, I am here, ready to read and comment. Hehehehe
I can see how “Cruel” was the inspiration for this, the video is so “chef’s kiss”
Wow, they do hate each other, and I love it already
I am not ashamed to say i had to google hellion, not a word i have heard before, lol
She is indeed special, you got a thing for eyes, I might say
I love it how he is a sex demon and he is attracted to her so much, even knowing that she is one, too. I mean he might see sex as food, but I dont think succubus/incubus can feed from each other. In any case his thoughts betray him. 
“You’ve never been worth my notice, Andromeda,” he says.
I love it that they have history together
Sure, battles get you hard, suuuuuure
A forked tongue, you say?
I love the little glimpse at all the rules the demons have.
Ooooooooh, her chambers
I am gonna guess that neither of them have done this before, she confirmed it, but then he did not. 
So they can’t feed from each other, then this leaves sex only for fun
She is so sexy I am flustered
He loves her, dark desires of not, he can’t resist her and he wants more
He is just curious because it is her
oooooooh, chains
And he is jealous, he wants to be special
Breathlessly, Changkyun asks, “What do you taste like?”
Her smile is as wicked as she is. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
He does. More than anything, he does.
The description of his cock is… maaaan…… i can't take it
He is so cocky I can’t, she is putting in on his place and that pleases me
Andromeda is demon heroin. With one lick, he knows he will never be able to stop searching for the next one, and he realizes in one fell swoop that she has done to him exactly what he has planned to do to her.
Oh, then it’s like lions not eating other lions….
I can tell already this encounter will kill me
I love that duality on her
And they’re kISSIng. Why is that soooo erotic???
I also liked that “role reversal” at the beginning, the succubus on top and the incubus on the bottom. Lol
Is he gonna fuck her tits????
Changkyun pinches her chin between his fingers and ensures her eyes meet his before his voice drops perilously low. “I don’t give them everything. You? You’re going to get it all, absolutely every last bit I can bury in you.”
Changkyun is just like any other demon—selfish, self-absorbed, and possessive—but he’s never actually owned anything. Even his room is a mere waystation between his last feeding and his next round of chaos. But now the only other creature he’s thought about in ages has given herself to him. He doesn’t know what to do with that.
This obliterated me
My god, there’s so many feelings in my porn this morning. I loooove that “demons who fall in love” trope, but I have never seen it happen between 2 of them
So gooood, oh my, it was so good!!!! And the ending, yessss, yess!!!
Ok, choosing a favourite…..
Vixen - I really liked it, but I was truly afraid for Hyungwon’s wellbeing! Definitely the scariest of them all. The ambiance was simply perfection. Gothic feeling in a modern setting? Ticks box.
The voodoo that you do: I LOVE witches, the thought of magic being inherent in humans is something I relish and this was indeed just a glimpse of a much broader and rich Au with so many possibilities to explore. Also Gray is the woman of my dreams and I love her.
The heat of the night: I love my porn with a hefty side of feels and this delivers, it is shameless and also tender, the perfect balance that satisfies my soul.
Bad dog: I guess you can tell this was my favorite, cause werewolves, then we have stubborn people, chains, mentions of other monsta x members AND desperate fucking, primal needs, animalistic sex plus lots of feels, everything the Dr. ordered
In any case I will be very happy to read whatever comes next, but in the meantime I think I will read bad dog again….
Girl, yes, I have a thing for eyes! That's where all secrets are held. My favorite thing in the world is unlocking those secrets and exposing them. :D
Your stream of consciousness reactions are just always my favorite, friendo. <3 You processing the storylines as it comes--what you get right and what you don't see coming. It's fun.
Omg, I legit forgot how fucking smutty I made this story. What the hell was I on? *thinking emoji*
Yeah, I don't know if I ever remember demon x demon in any of the fandoms I've ever read, but it was fun as shit to write. I love exploring the idea of traditional villains experiencing feelings for the first time. Kind of a ho for that shit, tbh (if it isn't obvious). Kyun also felt like the right choice for the role--he's such a real-life demon. How I love world-building around these boys, too. *sigh*
Aw, your recap of all the fics at the end here. So worried for our Wonnie! But, come on, you know I would NEVER.
And, yeah, I still think I might be in love with Gray (and also Denarii). My girls living my dreams <3
You're right, I was SO surprised about you liking my werewolf fic the best (read: NOT).
Okay, so I was an asshole who didn't answer this in a timely manner, but I will say it was fun to relive these fics, especially now when I'm so far gone in a new AU. But I really went off the deep end in October. It's probably really embarrassing to admit that I already have four fics outlined for this years October vibes. >.> Something to look forward to, I guess.
Love you, girlie! You the best for always supporting me so much! A million finger hearts for you!!!
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raepliica · 10 months
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98chao · 2 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 4: Deranged Bedfellows
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.5)
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#mdzs au#lan wangji#nie huaisang#Yungmeng Jiang training arc AU#This is the *first* part of what was supposed to be a much longer comic (LWJ's morning routine in full).#I'll finish the remaining part as a reblog to this post! I just think this is the funnier chunk.#Lan Wangji absolutely is the kind of person who has a perfect internal alarm clock for when it is time to get up.#He already has a dedicated sleep schedule. He is accurate within 10 seconds of 5am every day.#I think the Jiang disciples are most likely used to waking up around 6:00-7:00am#But the allure of having a guaranteed time keeper getting you up in the morning is worth the earlier hour.#I imagine they started outside lwj's door and slowly moved closer as the weeks went on.#Now LWJ has to cope with being way too warm in the night from all the extra body heat.#LWJ is not a fan of this but they scamper off immediately after he wakes up and they at least show initiative to follow routine.#NHS joins in only because he is a chronically heavy sleeper and needs this level of intervention to get up early.#His boldness would be a death sentence in the cloud recesses but here? Whole new game.#Yungmeng Jiang isn't a lawless land. It's just a land with different laws.#And one of those laws is to forcefully domesticate the catboy coded Lan boy through any means necessary.#Completely different tangent: I drew the thumbnail for this before I did comic 134. I then realized they had the same visual gag.#So I had to space this one out so it didn't seem like I repeated the waking up joke. That's my secret and all of you have to keep it.#And in my land the law is that snitches get itches (telepathically transfers hives onto your body)
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umbrvx · 2 months
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happy birthday yoo joonghyuk, i hope u are able to celebrate with cake made by others… 🎂
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vera-king-hrfl · 5 days
Heat of the Night part 7
Collab with @crowwolf ily bby!
The rugby game was supposed to be in this part, but we took a minute to research because I know fckall about that sport, so I waffled for about 2500 words. Next time! 😅
CW: homophobic slurs, mild violence, attempted assault.
A few nights later, Cal is at Creature Comforts, a bar designed to cater to those with alternative ancestry, with some friends, playing darts, drinking beer and chatting. Cal is currently tossing against Max, a half-orc who plays rugby as well, for a team in the Outer City. The young tiefling is losing. Badly. 
"What are you doing, Cal? I'm gonna take your whole week's pay if you keep throwing like that." Max goes to pluck the darts from the target, none of which had struck anywhere near the center. 
Cal forks over a few coins, shaking his head with a sheepish grin. "Sorry, Max. I'm a little distracted this week. Besides, it's not like I could beat you anyway. I'll just sit the next few out."
The huge green man, who towers over everyone in the place except for Cal and Dammon, is surprisingly soft-spoken for his rather fearsome appearance, his deep, gruff voice a pleasant rumble that cuts through the raucous din. "That’s alright, kid. I'll let you off the hook. Is there anything you want to talk about?"
Cal walks to the bar with Max to get another drink, then leans against it, sipping from the bottle, and shrugs. "Nothing dire, really. I just met someone."
The big man grins, showing teeth that put Cal's fangs to shame. "So. Too late for us, then?" 
The tiefling chokes, then wipes his chin. "Us? I... um... I didn’t know you felt that way..."
Max laughs with a hearty gusto that makes Cal relax a little and shake his head. "Just messing with you Cal; you're not my type. Besides, we'd just break the bed. You've gotten bigger in the past few years."
"Yeah, sideways, maybe." The tiefling snorts and pats his own belly, looking pointedly at Max's rock hard chest and stomach. 
Max chuckles again. "You could always come work out with us at the yard; I'll get you into shape in no time. But I don't think you need it. I bet your boyfriend loves the fluff."
Cal grins, blushing a little. "Yeah he seems to. But he's not my boyfriend yet; we've only been on two dates."
"Dates? Wow, I haven't been on one of those in decades. I just find a nice lady with a fat ass and ask if she wants me to jiggle it for her. Works more often than you'd think, as long as she doesn't run screaming when I walk in the room." He nods at someone across the room and slaps Cal on the shoulder, making him grunt and stagger a bit. "Talk to you later, Cal. Looks like Darys wants to be humiliated. Take it easy, kid."
"Yeah you too, Max." Cal stays where he is for a few more minutes, then approaches a table where Dammon and some other men are trading bawdy stories. "Hey Dammon, can I talk to you for a second?"
The handsome blond tiefling nods and rises, following Cal to a marginally quieter corner. "Sure, Cal. What's up?"
"Do you think... would it be weird if I invited the guy I'm seeing to our game this weekend?"
Dammon raises an eyebrow, his blue eyes sparkling with interest. "I didn't know you were dating anyone, but yeah, you can invite him. We're playing the Rivington Roeths; Max's team. Those guys are all pretty cool. What's he look like, so I can make sure he gets a good seat?"
Cal blushes a bit. "Oh, well... he has black skin and white hair, about yea high." Cal holds his hand at the level of his chin. 
"I see..." Dammon’s grin makes Cal blush a bit deeper red, but he's smiling too. "What’s his name?"
"Hmmm dabbling in the dark, are we? Not that I blame you; most of those drow are kinda kinky." The paler tiefling winks conspiratorially. "Ask me how I know." Dammon’s attitude is infectious, and Cal ends up laughing with him.
"Yeah, yeah, I've heard that you like to visit the Caress."
Dammon chuckles, then sighs dreamily, closing his eyes for a second. "Mmm yeah, you haven't lived until you've been tied up by the twins. But anyway, sure, that's no problem. I'll have them comp two seats so you can sit with him during breaks if you want. Just have him say that Dammon has it covered. Can't wait to meet him. You hanging around for a while? Shop's closed tomorrow."
"Nah, been a long day. Besides, I lost all my beer money to Max already. It’s nice out so I'm just going to walk home."
"Alright, Cal. Get some rest. The Roeths go hard."
Cal grins. "I know. But I need to win back some money. I bet Max I could stop a drive."
Dammon whistles softly. "Bold. Well, lemme know if you need a loan later, alright?" They hug, briefly, and Cal lets himself out onto the street, pulling out his comm and staring at it for a second. He doesn’t want to bother Ryldinn if the drow is busy, so he settles for a written message. 
Thinking about you. 
He grins, cursing himself for a fool with a crush, and slips the device back into his pocket before beginning his walk home. It's shortly after ninth bell and the streets are sparsely populated in this neighborhood, with only a few people out walking dogs, strolling, coming home from work. It's quiet. Peaceful. 
Right up until it's not. 
"Hey there, cutie, what's up?" The loud, intoxicated sounding voice is coming from an alley to Cal's left as he walks past, and at first, he just ignores it, concentrating on his own thoughts. 
"Hey, I'm talking to you! Guys, come look what I found."
The note of hostility gives Cal pause, and he backs up a little to look down the alley. The voices seem to be coming from one street over, the speaker out of sight for the moment. The tiefling hesitates, then another babble of voices joins the first and he starts moving down through the darkness between the buildings. 
"Awww what have we here? Look at this pretty little faggot!"
"Hey, stick around, beautiful. Whatcha got in the bag?"
A pause, the response inaudible to Cal at this distance. 
"What if I don’t wanna let go of you? You gonna do something to me?"
"I think he wants to suck your dick, Barret."
"That right? You wanna suck my dick, fairy? Come over here. Maybe if you do it good I'll let you go."
Suddenly, three human men appear, dragging someone smaller into the alley, and Cal speeds up in time to see a petite man with white hair being shoved against the wall and pinned by the biggest of his attackers. Thick fingers grip the smooth dark face, and the man lowers his head. "Come on, princess. Gimme a little kiss."
"Hey!" The men turn at the shout, the big one releasing Ryldinn for a moment as Cal draws near. The drow tries to extricate himself but his ponytail is snatched by one of the others and he's pulled back as the leader addresses first his captive, then Cal. 
"I didn't say you could go." He lifts his chin and squares his shoulders. "This isn't your business, buddy. Move along."
"I'm making it my business. The fuck are you doing? Let him go."
The guy, a big man with overly processed blond hair and acne scars, who Cal assumes is Barret, steps closer. "Hold him, guys," he says, glancing back before crossing his arms and sneering at Cal. "What’s it to you, foulblood? You sweet on this little piece?"
One of his companions, a skinny guy with a prominent nose, snickers. "Maybe he's a queer too. You a queer, hellspawn?"
Cal smiles, baring his fangs. "Yeah I am. Got a problem with that?"
Barret steps closer, but the skinny one seems to have second thoughts and catches at his arm. He's whispering, but Cal's big ears catch it. "Hey man, you sure about this? He's a tiefling."
Barret snorts. "He's a fag, how tough could he be? Just keep that one here and I'll deal with him. You looking for a fight, cocksucker?"
Cal tilts his head until his neck cracks rather loudly. "Unless you want to let him go, then yeah. One for one. You can have the first punch. But I promise you don't want it."
Barett chuckles and glances back at his friends, briefly. There's a brief glimmer of hesitation in his eyes, but he obviously doesn't want to lose face in front of his minions, so he steps to Cal and raises his fists. "You got this coming, devil." The tiefling doesn’t bother trying to dodge. Barret is strong for a human, and his hit connects smack on Cal's jaw, but his heavy facial bones absorb the impact and he's barely moved. He lifts his hand, rubbing at his jaw and grinning. "My turn."
The "oh shit" is visible in Barret's expression now, but to his credit, he doesn't try to escape. Cal doesn't even bother hitting the guy, just lashes out, taking hold of the guy's head and shoving. The big human goes flying, careening across the alley and colliding into the brick wall with a loud smack, then tumbling onto his back, lying there groaning and holding his head. 
Cal turns to the others. "Next?"
"Uh..." The other two, Skinny and a chunky shorter man, look at each other for a moment, then Ryldinn is released and walks quickly to Cal, standing somewhat behind the bigger man. "Yeah, alright, you can have him. We're going. Come on, Barret, let's get you some ice." They help the man to his feet and the three of them stagger down the alley in the direction from which the tiefling had come. Cal watches them until they're out of sight, then turns to the drow, who seems to be a little shaky.
Cal reaches out and gently takes his arms, looking him over. The smaller man is dressed professionally tonight, tailored slacks and a snug waistcoat over a crisp blue linen shirt, his hair escaping from a neat tail at the back of his neck. There's a bulky messenger bag depending from one shoulder. "You alright, Ryldinn?"
The drow smiles a little, then steps forward into Cal’s arms and nods. "I am fine, Cal, just a little shaken. Thank the gods you showed up. What are you doing here?" He pulls back, and Cal cups his cheek with a smile. 
"I'm on my way home. Wanted to walk. Come on, let's get back to the street. How about you? This isn't really a safe neighborhood."
They emerge back onto the sidewalk on Ryldinn’s side of the street, and the drow starts fixing his hair and smoothing his clothes while he answers. "I am here for work. A few books I needed were being offered by a widow selling off her late husband's things. I suppose she is lonely; I spent longer than I intended having tea and talking with her. I live not far from here; I wasn’t expecting trouble." He reaches up to touch Cal's jaw, gently. "I'm sorry that man struck you. Does it hurt?"
Cal chuckles. "Not really. I'm tougher than I look. Dense bones. Don't worry about me; I asked for it. Can I walk you home? It would make me feel better."
Ryldinn smiles brightly, his little kitten teeth sparkling in the street lights. "I think it would make me feel better too. Thank you, Cal."
The tiefling smiles back and takes the slender dark fingers, kissing them briefly before resuming in the direction Ryldinn indicates. "I don't know if you got my message earlier, but I wanted to tell you. We have a night game tomorrow against Rivington, and you said you were interested... so if you're not busy..."
The drow squeezes his hand. "I would love to. This is my final task this week, so I should be free for a couple of days." He sounds a little nervous for a moment. "What kind of people go to games like that?"
"Oh, all kinds. But don’t worry about anything, alright? Most of them know about me; they won't give you any trouble. Just mention Dammon at the gate and they'll have seats for you."
"He is a member of your team?"
"Yep. He's the captain. He's also my boss; owns the shop I work at. He's a tiefling too. Really nice guy, known him since I was a kid. I think you'll like him."
"I'm sure I will, if he's anything like you. Turn here."
They cross another street and are suddenly in a much more gentrified, but far from wealthy neighborhood, with cute little shuttered shops and cafes. "This is nice," Cal says, looking around. "How long have you lived here?"
"Oh, around ten years now. I stayed with a friend until my Common was good enough to be on my own. The people here are nice and tend to keep out the intolerant."
"So you live alone now?"
"Mhm. I enjoy my privacy. The friend was Astarion, if you can imagine. It was a little chaotic. He still drops in now and again to irritate me, but I spend much time alone."
Cal grins. "I guess that guy could be an annoying roommate. I live with my sister. She's a pain sometimes too, but it's not bad. We're both out a lot." Ryldinn slows before a charming three-storey building and turns down the walkway. It's a little darker here; the dense landscaping blocking some of the light from the street and the windows. "This it?" Ryldinn nods. "Alright. I guess I'll get going, if you're sure you're alright."
"I'm fine." Cal nods and turns to go, but Ryldinn tightens his grip, and he pauses. "My hero." He moves closer with that precious little grin, and Cal's breath catches at the invitation there. "Will the knight in shining armor kiss his princess goodnight?"
Cal swallows, "Oh, absolutely," then wraps Ryldinn in his arms and presses his lips to the tender mouth. The kiss is chaste at first, but then Ryldinn moans softly and parts his lips, and Cal can't help himself. He pulls the drow closer, up against him, and probes with his tongue. Ryldinn meets him, sealing his mouth to Cal's and letting their tongues slide together. The drow inhales sharply at the feeling, sliding his hands up Cal's chest and around his neck, pressing his tight little body to Cal and bringing one leg up to curl around one of Cal’s. It feels incredible, and Cal risks wrapping his tail around the firm thigh, drawing another little whimper from the trembling drow. A small hand drifts down his chest and stomach, slides over the covered crest on his hip, then wraps gently around his tail where it rests against his leg, and this time it's the tiefling who groans quietly. Ryldinn’s mouth is sweet, soft and a little shy, his kiss unpracticed, almost clumsy against Cal’s lips, as if this is something he hasn’t done frequently or recently, but he's certainly enjoying it as well, from what Cal can detect. He kisses the lovely man for a few minutes, but then has to pull away before embarrassing himself. He blows out a breath, chuckles, and kisses Ryldinn on the forehead before pulling him in for a hug.
"That was amazing, sweetheart. Thank you."
Ryldinn giggles softly into his chest. "You’re telling me? I've never kissed anyone with a forked tongue before." He looks up, still breathing a bit rapidly. "You'd better go before I drag you upstairs. Are you going to be alright? Your face..."
Cal smiles and cups his cheek again. "I'm fine. Like I said, I'm pretty tough." He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, trying to calm himself, then chuckles. "And yeah, I'll go, before I'm tempted to let you drag me. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"
Ryldinn nods. "Tomorrow. Goodnight, Cal."
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sofiaruelle · 8 months
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Another commission for the lovely, @flowerandthesongstress of Sam, Sebastian and Abigail enjoying the afternoon sun.
The companion piece.
my commissions are Open!
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acoffeemug · 4 months
"Little Friends"
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This been in my WIPs for weeks and I finally got the time to draw it yey
I'm having a bit of a trouble finishing "A Chaotic Day" cuz my App keeps crashing TuT
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segernatural · 11 months
sure it was a perfect storm of a pressure cooker but i promise destiel was about destiel
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impulsepolls · 10 months
Count things you were genuinely interested in, even if you didn't finish/haven't finished it yet. Best estimate is fine.
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