sciderman · 10 months
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just-null-cult · 9 months
did you see the omake of noritoshi getting his hair cut?
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homie you KNOW i saw it. i was actually going to make a post abt his short hair! i love every noritoshi w any hair length.. hes beautiful in every one
[omake under the cut for anyone who wants to see it. warning for jjk manga spoilers]
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moroser · 7 months
chapter 6 of vampire au is up!
----> here!!
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darlington-v · 6 months
fat butches i love you
you are so so hot and so so sexy and also unstoppable
and u deserve the world
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failbrothers · 4 months
oh so lestat is EVIL evil. got it
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axellis · 4 months
ahh ahhh . axellis routines much to think about. axel wakes up noon at the earliest but hes like raring to go the second hes up and he likes simple stuff like oatmeal or grits for breakfast unless he's really feelin it then he might do some eggs and bacon and he'll brush his teeth and do the water gargling (because its funny) and then he gets dressed and the second hes out the door there is tnt to his face
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viralvava · 8 months
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exclted · 1 year
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The last time she had set foot into a ball had been nothing short of disastrous. Awkward tensions and bonds worn thin by time apart, the overwhelming ache of the absence of home. This time it's not quite the same, no, because this time those bonds are healed and the ball is... well... this.
But it could be worse.
flowers —
— air ; kris — earth ; azelle — water ; owain — fire ; larcei — lightning ; inigo
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12piritarch · 7 months
fate/grand order verse(s).
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aviv haddad has been the master of chaldea for the last eight years. the grand order began when he was seventeen, and he is now twenty five. he'd spent the first year hiding a familiar— a demon of the ars goetia, the very same legion of demons chaldea had been fighting. during the temple of time, the demon sacrificed itself for aviv's life, thus giving an even greater edge over goetia in separating the demons that make it.
in the lostbelts, aviv has become less and less... human. having been sytry's only "heir" (by adoption), aviv has grown more into that of a demon god than a man. so long as he continues to fight for humanity, none of the staff dare speak up about their personal hangups with this development.
he has a hard time summoning assassins, for some reason.
his command seals are located on his tongue, and he will often fight alongside his servants rather than standing in the back. he is scolded for this behavior frequently and often.
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oukido · 2 years
i need to remember some of the Lore i had for Some of green’s pokemon. christ
blastoise was his starter. his ride or die. his bestie
pidgeot was the first pokemon he ever caught as a tiny little pidgey, weak as hell. he was a lot more gentle with her than you might expect.
arcanine he found in the middle of his gym challenge, at 13, and had to raise from a tiny baby growlithe puppy that was too young to be away from its mother. so he was tirelessly bottle feeding and cleaning and carrying him around in a sling across his chest til he was big enough to walk beside him and later go into a ball.
gyarados he got when an illegal magikarp breeding ring was discovered and busted. he saved him, but he was already pretty traumatized at that point which made him harder to train and took a lot of patience. even now he’s extremely hair trigger and he doesn’t use him in gym battles often anymore due to how easy it is to make him freak out and go on a rampage. he also now has burn scars from red’s charizard when green was taking them down from mt silver and both red and charizard went a little bit crazy.
eevee he got from the man in celadon, and she doesn’t battle often and is more of an emotional support pokemon.
edit: he also has his father’s nidorino, who was still inside his ball deep in collapsed mines on mt silver where green’s father died. rescued by red, who later handed him off to green when green arrived on the mountain. the pokemon managed to survive all those years out of sheer willpower and the desperate desire to see someone he knew again.
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sciderman · 2 years
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ruined my own day yesterday with cablepool feelings so what else is new 
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imaginarianisms · 4 months
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Alayne Stone knew that look all too well. Ocean hues shift downcast as a dainty hand grasps at her handheld mirror to look at her reflection in the looking glass. She recognized it from King's Landing when Littlefinger would whisper in the Queen's ear. Petyr was her guardian, laughing, gentle and sweet, but this man sitting before her was another breed entirely, the likes of kingmakers and kingbreakers. Sometimes it had become almost impossible to tell the two apart. Tonight's feast had gone well enough with Young Falcon Harrold the Heir in her grasp. And yet, like mirrors, illusions can be shattered just as easily if one didn't have their wits about them. Sweetrobin had been furious seeing her upon the floor with the young man but luckily he did not fall into another sickly fit, her poor little lord. Her stomach fluttered.
❝Tonight went pleasantly well, Father, more than I'd hoped it would be,❞ Alayne began, the word 'father' rotting in her mouth, ❝only I do have my own concerns.❞
Alayne, all clad in raven black as if she were attending a funeral, began to experiment with her headpieces, brushing her long black tresses with a gloved hand before placing a silver and sapphire blue falcon headpiece in her hair. ❝I asked the Heir if he would name his babe Cinnamon if it's a girl or Cloves if it's a boy, and he laughed, then I told him that if we were to wed that he would need to send Saffron back to her father in Gulltown, I would be all the spice he wanted... however, if he touches me in ways no man should touch his bride or turns on me, I want him thrown out of the Moon Door to join Lady Arryn.❞ She would never endure another Joffrey ever again.
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That was her first concern. She looks up from the looking glass up to Lord Baelish, ocean eyes glinting in the dark. ❝Yohn Royce and Anya Waynwood do not trust you and Myranda Royce keeps asking me odd questions, as you know. You once told me to prepare for the future and I have been deep in thought about it. In an ideal world, I would rally all of the Knights of the Vale behind me and leave the South behind while the Lannisters engage with the fanatics in King's Landing and then, if the rumors are true, Prince Aegon VI Targaryen's forces from Storm's End, to take back the North and Winterfell when the Boltons are overthrown by either Stannis or a traitor in their ranks. However, if there is anything the Red Keep has taught me, Father, it is that nothing ever truly goes according to plan all the time. How do you propose we go about telling the lords and ladies of the Vale? The Lannisters have friends even here.❞
Her gyrfalcon Courtesy landed on the windowsill of her chambers that had previously belonged to Lysa Arryn in the Gates of the Moon. Alayne rises to her feet, turning her back on him momentarily as she walks to the window and allows the great bird to latch to her arm. Returning to her seat, Courtesy's eyes look intently at the Lord of Harrenhal, almost like a protective mother over her chick, for gyrfalcons were the greatest and rarest of birds, and female gyrfalcons towered over their male counterparts. Gloved fingers scratch at Courtesy's head as she leans into her lady's touch, affectionately chirping from her beak, and Alayne turns to look at Lord Baelish again, a sly smile playing her lips as she eyes the gyrfalcon's grey and white colors—Stark colors—and back at him again.
Harry Hardyying was handsome indeed, that much was true, yet so was Joffrey, her dwarf husband Tyrion was twisted and yet he never hurt Sansa Stark, and yet none of them were Aurane Waters, the swaggering Bastard of Driftmark with dark skin, silver gold hair and blue-green eyes and his way with words and his sweet mouth.
Sansa Stark loved Aurane Waters... but it was never to be, she thought with a sharp pang of sadness in her heart, having never let go of the silver seahorse pendant the Bastard of Driftmark had given the Stark girl and kept it in a chest where she kept jewelry that once belonged to Lysa Arryn and Sansa Stark. The only light in the chambers were the candles. She still tasted the giant lemoncake in the shape of the Giant's Lance from the great feast from earlier that evening on her tongue.
Alayne rises momentarily once more to fetch a cloak made of the fur of black foxes now that night had settled in and the moonlight filtered through the window and wrap it around herself; she felt cold, but the night was hers now. ❝Let us go with the notion that things do indeed go smoothly for the most part and we ride north with the Knights of the Vale behind me. It is either the Boltons I have to face or Stannis Baratheon who wanted my brother dead; either way, it is no matter, I shall have Courtesy tear their eyes from their sockets and then when that is done, I will rip out Roose Bolton's heart like he did mine. And yet surely I will need more allies, no? The North is fractured, scattered and divided and the Riverlands are broken and bleeding. If I may, as you are Lord of Harrenhal, why not give it to Walder Frey and be done with it? Give him the curse of Harren the Black so they may call him Walder the Wicked.❞
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Standing before Lord Baelish was seemingly another girl entirely from the girl who arrived at King's Landing all those years ago; the years had hardened her. ❝And if the rumors really are true, that Aegon VI Targaryen has come from across the sea intent on taking the Iron Throne, Father, he'd do well to bring me Queen Cersei's head.❞ That is, if he had any hope of bringing the North peacefully back into the fold once the North, the Riverlands, the Vale and most importantly, Winterfell were hers. Finally, after all these years of suffering and tribulations, she was going home. Only...
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❝What if I am not fit to reign over the North?❞ She had seen the North in her dreams countless times now through the eyes of Courtesy, but just as the gyrfalcon laid eyes on the great castle of Winterfell, she woke up everytime. Sansa wanted more than anything to be the great unifier her people and country so desperately needed... whether she could, however was another matter entirely. She was never taught to rule, arithmetic was a nightmare to her (she really had tried improving with Baelish but to little avail) and worst of all, she had been wed to a Lannister, forcefully, granted, but the Northerners were a stubborn and fiercely loyal yet wary people.
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@asoulunbound || src.
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darlington-v · 1 month
at the risk of sounding like a loser how tf u make friends on the internet anymore
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soyochii · 10 months
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Quick doodles before I evaporate.
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indigonite · 2 months
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Lunch Break
(original under the cut)
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