hedjblogr · 1 year
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guess who started playing gw2 again and got a new fit
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killyourrdarlingss · 1 year
I feel like there should be a word for the mutual who vibrates loudly about whatever their current fixation is BC that u
but also farcry mutual bc I think ur the person who is most into farcry that I follow
WAIT LMAO .. Thats like really true though ♥️ will I bother other people to watch stuff? No. But I will LOUDLY talk about it I will LOUDLY post pictures and gifs until people are like "hmm I gotta know..." And end up watching/playing it 🥰
But also?? I am . I am the far cry mutual because I'm ... I'm ,,, I cannot shake this, it's been years I am begging far cry to let me go but it refuses 😭 it won't let me LEAVE...
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fofflesnave · 1 year
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@ghostlycorvid got me a delightful gw2 quaggan hat and baby Aurene! I love them both so very much
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cosmic-navel-gazin · 2 years
@hedjblogr really be kicking the front door down, coming into my home and whispering the word “pathologic“ to me and reigniting THAT hyperfixation once again, rendering me useless for the rest of the day.
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shrinesofmemphis · 5 months
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Praise be to Lord of Righteousness, the Ear that hears. I see your creation and marvel at your mastery. Lord of Ineb Hedj, your world is filled with color, you fill us with life and wonder. You, kindly faced Ptah, look down on your creation and help us to heal. Father of Fathers, we praise you, lord of Eternity, Dua Ptah! Dua Apis!
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mask131 · 1 year
Egyptian mythology: Off a chaotic start
A good way to understand the nature of Egyptian mythology is to take a look at its various creation myths.
Egyptian mythology was created by uniting, fusing and cumulating rites, beliefs, legends and theologies coming from different sub-realm, city-states and history eras, and trying to stitch them together into a cohesive whole. Terry Pratchett beautifully summed it up in his book “Pyramids”: the Egyptians never threw away a god, just in case he could be useful later, and so they piled on gods and myths and stories and rites, even though they contradicted each other. 
The creation myths of Egypt work in a similar way. Egypt didn’t have one, but several “religious centers”, specific cities with each their own pantheon of local gods, each their own set of legends and beliefs, each their own take on religion. If you think the myth-variations of the Greek city-states were complex, oh boy, get ready, because compared to the Egyptians, the Greeks are a piece of cake. Each of those major religious center had its own creation myth, that by default entered in conflict with each other, and yet co-existed in the people’s mind and religious practices. 
The most famous and widespread of those creation myths, the one people are most aware of today, is actually the creation myth of the city of Heliopolis (in the original Egyptian, “Iunu”). The Heliopolis theogony was based around a group of gods known as the Ennead (”pesedjet” in Egyptian), nine deities forming a family through whose genealogy the world was created. A reason this creation myth became so popular is because it is very similar to the way the Greek cosmogony work. According to this myth, in the beginning there was just the Nun, the primordial ocean, the endless dark and lifeless waters. From these waters a mound appeared, and on it appeared the primordial, creator-god Atum (later identified and fused with Ra). Atum, the All-Deity, then gave birth (either through masturbation or by sneezing/spitting) to the deities Shu and Tefnut, the air and th humidity, who mated together to give birth to Nut and Geb, the sky and the earth, who in turn had four children - Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys. (A variation of the myth includes “Horus” as the fifth child, but that’s... a complicated business). So far so good.
But then, you have to confront and compare the Ennead of Heliopolis with another group of gods supposedly responsible for the creation of the world. The Ogdoad of Hermopolis (in Egyptian, “Khemenu”). According to the cosmogony of Hermopolis, before the world existed there were eight deities, four primordial couples each the manifestation of one of the pre-creation elements: Nun and Naunet (primordial waters), Amun and Amaunet (the primordial air or the hidden/secret power), Kuk and Kauket (primordial darkness), Huh and Hauhet (shapelessness or infinity). These eight abstract deities suddenly joined together, gathering their power and essence, and in a great explosion of energy they created the world. From this point forward the texts disagree and split into two traditions. Everybody agrees from one of the first created things the sun arose - but for one group the sun was hatched from an egg placed by the god Thot on a mound coming out of the waters ; while for another group the sun arose from a blooming lotus flower (which was a manifestation of the god Nefertem). 
These are however but two of the numerous cosmogonies of Egypt. Beyond these two stories of groups of gods creating the world, either through their family tree or a cosmic gang-bang, there are also several Egyptian cosmogonies which rather present one lonely creator-god who manifested or shaped the world one way or another. In Memphis for example (Inebu-hedj in Egyptian), it was thought that the world, the gods, the elements and every living being were created by the god Ptah, who conceived all of them in his mind/heart as ideas, and then made them exist by pronouncing their name out loud. This tradition is similar and yet opposing the one of Elephantine, where the primordial creator-god is called “Khnum” and is said to have shaped and modeled physicaly the world, the gods and every living things out of clay. Hopefully, the Egyptian themselves tried to link together and unite those conflicting theogonies into one more cohesive ensemble: for example the Memphis creation myth evolved to include the Ennead, by claiming that Ptah was the secret power behind the manifestation of Atum and the formation of his descendants (Ptah was notably identified with the mound that came out of the Nun before Atum appeared). Another “tie-in” cosmogony would be the one of Thebes (in Egyptian “Waset”): the city had taken as a patron-god the deity Amun, and as it rose into power as a new religious capital/religious center, it took “away” from the Ogdoad ensemble Amun, and claimed that he was creater, vaster and older than the other Ogdoad members. According to the Thebes belief, Amun was THE primordial power and creating force of the universe - while he was part of the Ogdoad, he had created it around him, AND he also was the one who created the Ennead. 
The list could go on and on, but these are the five most common and brought up creation myths when it comes to Ancient Egypt, and they perfectly show how, despite each legend contradicting the others, they still were worked on so that they could eventually be tied and linked together into a vaguely cohesive mythology (if you can close your eyes on minor and secondary unlogical details). 
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pharaoh-khan · 6 months
Hypocrites love hedj and hate iwn
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egyptologylessons · 2 years
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Rectangular Carnelian and Gold Swivel Ring Swivel ring is carved in both in cameo and intaglio style with gold ring. 📷 1. funeral meal; man names Harbes 𓇉𓂋𓃀𓋴 “ḥA-r-b-s” (seated, short curly wig, smooth loincloth); lion-legged chair; offering table📷 2. massacre of prisoners; king (standing in the traditional pose of conqueror, wearing shedyt loincloth, red crown of lower Egypt , holding, hedj club in striking pose); a prisoner (on one knee). In the cartouche in the throne name Nimaatre 𓇳𓈖𓌳 “n-mAˁt-rˁ” ‘One who belongs to the Maat of Ra’ of the 12th dynasty pharaoh 𓉐𓉼 “pr-ˁ3” ‘Great House’ Amenemhat III (𓇋𓏠𓈖𓅓𓄂𓏏) “ı͗mn-m-ḥ3.ṯ”“Amun is in Front”. Dimensions Diameter: 1.85cm Material and technique carnelian, gold; cameo and intaglio Date of creation/manufacture: Ptolemaic period; Late Period (inscription/dedication/signature) (-664 -30 BC) 📸 @museelouvre (1-2) 𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬 @egyptologylessons 𓋹𓊽𓋴𓆖𓎛𓇳𓎛 © 𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁 #Ancientegypt #ägypten #egyptology #egypte #egitto #埃及 #مصر #egipto #이집트 #egyptianring #egyptianjewelry #carnelian #swivelring #amenemhatiii #pharaoh #cameo (at Louvre Museum Paris) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUOeZfusF4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shapeshivvter · 1 year
MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! look at this thing my mom got me
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hedj hog
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hedjblogr · 1 year
fun GW2 fact one of my most successful raid/strike builds I used was a low impact bomb engie I found on metabattle where you basically just held 1 and sometimes pressed 3
one of my best guildies did well playing weaver like his ass was playing ragtime at a saloon in the middle of a brawl
all sorts are welcomed and in fact desired in gw2 raids/strikes!
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noosphe-re · 1 year
Memphis or Men-nefer (Arabic: مَنْف Manf pronounced [mænf]; Bohairic Coptic: ⲙⲉⲙϥⲓ; Greek: Μέμφις) was the ancient capital of Inebu-hedj, the first nome of Lower Egypt that was known as mḥw ("north"). Its ruins are located in the vicinity of the present-day village of Mit Rahina (Arabic: ميت رهينة), in markaz (county) Badrashin, Giza, Egypt. This modern name is probably derived from the late Ancient Egyptian name for Memphis mjt-rhnt meaning "Road of the Ram-Headed Sphinxes".
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lil-kissy · 2 years
Chaos corrupted Kisara taking up the moniker Lady Hedj
- Hedj Egyptian for White
RUmours start to spread of a woman with the powers of a (holy?) white beast, stories of a terrifying white dragon.
A lady, terrifying as she is beautiful.
(At this point she’d probably be like 16? I could see- having been manipulated for the last 10 years )
Her eyes once filled with kindness and so soft now casting a cold, almost emotionless gaze.
No love, yet no hate held either just an empty nothingness. Uncaring.
-Even corrupted by Chaos however there are somethings that not even the dark deity could push her to do.
The one shred of softness that remains can only be seen in moments of time when she helps and spends time around children- protecting them from any who would do them harm even from Chaos themselves. She also holds a softness for those simply less fortunate and struggling in need, those who have been abandoned.
Although obviously no where near stronger then the Unlimited themselves with training and the years of practice her powers would certainly have grown and developed far more, and are on a level where she’d be able to give them a run for their money and put up a decent fight to say the least
She will also not kill in cold blood, unprompted, for no reason. She's not a murder- now under Chaos' influence does add to some of her reasoning being questionable but there will be a reason none the less
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cosmic-navel-gazin · 1 year
confirmed you love gabe more than you love thanos
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*thanos live reaction to the news*
Thanos baby my sweet sweet purple boy, my eggplant son, I'm so sorry!!! I love you please believe me!
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once-was-muses · 2 years
anonymous | Misc. Asks
O' wise and powerful Djehuty, please impart upon this fool what great meanings the colors had in old Kemet orz
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"While I most certainly glory in such reverent praise as much as the next god, the question you ask is of no great secrecy. Your approach is comparable to groveling on one's hands and knees to know the time of day. Quite humorous, but it reflects poorly on you."
[ readmore cus Lots Of Words ]
"The Kemetic word for color- 'iwn'- can also be translated as disposition, nature, or character, attesting to its innate link with the essence of existence. As such, every color has a spectrum of qualities associated with it, some more heavily than others- but this does not erase the variety of connotations they may have in their different hues. The traditional palette includes six main groups of iwn- white, black, red, green, blue, and yellow."
"White, or hedj- sometimes shesep- signifies ideals like joy, peace, and wisdom. It also depicts radiance, divine grace, and cosmic light. As such, it was often used in the garb of priests and the royal family. The crown of Upper Egypt was white, Lower Egypt red- when they combined as the Pschent, it ushered in the unification of Kemet, leading the color combination to signify completeness. Many instruments key to the ritual of mummification were carved from white alabaster. Silver is still more radiant than white, though they share the same word in regards to the color. This precious metal is associated with Lord Nefertem's lotus, as well as the moon. Subsequently, it is closely tied to Khonshu and myself."
"Black is kem- 'Kemet' translates to 'Black Land,' the kingdom named so for the banks of the Nile. Black is the color of fertile soil and rain clouds. It is a reminder that all life comes from the earth, and all life will return to it. Black is death- but also rebirth and fertility. Anubis is most often depicted in this color for a reason. Kem is, at times, also indicative of chaos, darkness, night, and foreigners. Though it can control chaos as well, if you know how to direct it."
"Red- deshr- is similarly complex and varied in meaning. It can be used to signify the harsh sand of the desert, ravenous fire, blind rage, destruction, war, chaos- Indeed, the English word 'desert' is derived from 'dshrt,' meaning the Red Place. However, it is also indicative of the Pharaoh's power and strength, the sun's radiance, and the very blood that flows through humanity's veins. It's most closely associated with the wicked Set, and thus highly vilified- but both Lords Ra and Amun are associated with red as well. Ladies Sekhmet, Bast, Tefnut, and Mafdet are all closely connected to the color, the red glow of the Eye of Ra and the sun's protective power. Lady Isis' Tjet was crafted from red jasper, as have every holy recreation after it. Masculine figures were depicted as reddish brown- demy being the name of the specific hue- signifying the tanning of their skin as a result of their outdoor duties."
"Often erroneously stated as deshr's opposite, green- wadj- is peace, harmony, life sustaining vegetation. However, as the cycle of life is innate in all matters therein, deshr is also death, resurrection, and the afterlife. Lord Osiris' skin was tinged green upon his rebirth, many depictions exacerbating this feature in much the same way they do Set's red features. The stone malachite- representative of joyfulness, and sacred to Lady Hathor among others- and the papyrus plant are present in the hieroglyph for wadj."
"Blue- irtyu- holds many meanings of great importance. It is vital within spirituality, featuring in tomb paintings and adorning temple ceilings. It represents the divine aspect of being. Of existing. Lord Amun, the very first netjer, is often depicted with blue skin- as is the creator Nu, from which everything originated. Blue is water; not only life, but origin, fluidity, infinity. It is also the sky, the heavens, the vast universe. It is magic. Lady Ma'at's robes are blue for its cosmic qualities. We netjer were depicted at times with hair like precious lapis lazuli, or 'khesbedj.' I, myself, have a close association with irtyu as well. It is heavily associated with order on account of Lady Ma'at- but let it be remembered that the same calm, hydrating waters can become destructive floods and hold suffocating depths."
"Yellow- khenet or kenit- represents that which is eternal and indestructible; the Pharaoh, his power, his kingdom. A lighter shade of kenit was used for the skin of women and powerful officials, as they remained indoors most of the time. Impossibly still more perdurable than kenit is nebu- gold. It is the rays of the sun, the influence of Lord Ra himself, and godly power. It was belied we netjer had skin made of nebu, and bones of hedj- While I can assure this is not precisely the case, the precious metals are nevertheless closely associated with the gods. When depicted in paintings, gold is used for the netjer."
"Ah- I really could go on about color in beloved Kemet's beliefs and culture, but you mortals do not have the time to spare. Not in this life, at least. The condensed summaries will have to suffice."
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iarethedj · 10 months
The Thief King 𓆗𓆃
True name: Bakura. Nothing was more protected than one's true name. He often gives an alias.
Alias: Iaret Hedj
Nicknames: Tou, Touzie. Both in modern era.
Age: 25
Height: 5'11 ish
Body: Muscle definition, but still lean enough to fit into tight spaces. Typical scar down right side of face, has various sizes of scars all over the rest of his form. He is capable of taking physical blows quite easily, so punches won't have much effect.
Eye color: Gray-violet
Hair color: white, but can have a very pale purple undertone
Personality: He's fairly detached from people emotionally unless he's given time to bond with someone. This is mostly due to his traumatic childhood. He's wary of people who try to show good intentions, and will keep them at arm's length. Bakura is used to stealing, and it's a habit from instinct and necessity. If he finds something he fancies, he takes it and doesn't think of consequences. He's more into stealing for the thrill.
He also speaks roughly and behaves roughly. Not quite feral, but not quite domesticated either. Once he bonds with someone, though, he showers them with adoration and gifts and is very protective of them.
He's hard-headed and not put off by threat of conflict whether physical or verbal. He will just dig in his heels all the more. Highly confrontational and nearly just as volatile, but calculating and cunning all the same.
Orientation: Complex. In the past, he'd sneak into brothels and the like, but he never developed an actual romantic attachment. Mostly due to not liking vulnerability. Even in the modern era, he has his guard up. He can fall in love, but it's a process.
Ka: Diabound. The ka was originally of divine origin, pure, and strong even without the influence of Zork or the Items. Holy though it was, the darker Bakura's thoughts became and the more the Ring darkened his heart, the more twisted and warped Diabound became. Diabound can also interact with the environment by appearing as a white, winged cobra, and can be seen in glimpses around the thief.
-- Abilities Diabound gives: cloaking, ability to pass through walls, steals abilities of defeated ka.
Childhood - Teens: Mostly he was by himself in Kul Elna from age 7 onwards, with some rather direct or indirect aid from some of the local desert dwelling peoples, travelers and even times when he returned to the actual kingdom a time or two. The help was a rarity. Normally, he'd steal food or other items whenever the opportunity arose and perfected using Diabound for this purpose by the time he was 10. He also heavily communicated with Zorku as time wore on, and the angry spirits of the village. The communication between them darkened his mind more.
Teen years was when he really started dipping into the royal tombs, and he had never been truly captured until his final day alive. It was also during this time he gathered together a small group of robbers, and they had a crime ring (no pun intended) that would steal from tombs and sell off the later melted down gold.
Scar: He received the scar during later childhood and early teen years during his first major attempt at tomb robbing. Bakura was nearly killed during the ordeal, but managed to fully summon and use Diabound to save himself. The monster guarding the tomb managed to scar his face, but had been initially aiming to take off his head. They defeated the monster, and Diabound gained an ability. Bakura also learned a valuable lesson and retreated only temporarily to care for his wounds.
Kul Elna:
Contrary to what the passed around story was, Kul Elna was not a village of thieves, but a village of tomb builders. Similar to the real-life Deir el Medina, the residents helped to create the Valley of the Kings. There were artists, scribes, masons and various others who lived there full time.
However, just like the real life equivalent, Kul Elna had its own share of tomb robbers. Who better to break into the tombs than those who made them and knew of every trap?
Kul Elna had at least six families in on the raiding, a total of about 1,000 residents whose numbers were steadily increasing as the money and support from the Pharaoh ran dry. Ironically, Bakura's family wasn't included with the thieves.
With the villagers starving, it pushed the limits of the people until they were chosen for the ultimate sacrifice to create the Items.
This is how Bakura will often explain things, if he's relaxed enough with the individual to do so. He'll also admit that he can at least read hieroglyphic script because his father was the scribe of the village. He cannot, however, read demotic or hieratic near as well, if at all.
Modern Version:
Resurrected in the modern world, he's often curious about how things work since the main personality of the Ring wasn't really him but Zork. So he finds most modern conveniences to be startling, yet will also adapt quickly.
Otherwise, he's the same in personality. Standoffish to strangers, distrusting, tenacious and vulgar.
He's interested in tech to some extent because he figured out how to hack into Kaiba's monetary accounts at least once. He will steal things that are not bolted down, unless he highly respects the individual and that doesn't happen often.
Bakura's modern clothing style could be seen as more 'relaxed' or casual. T-shirts, jeans, hoodies, tennis shoes (or some boots), etc. Stolen jewelry is also worn. Rings, necklaces, bracelets...
He often will have one tattoo on his left, upper arm, of a cobra swallowing a sun disk.
Diabound is still very much accessible and Bakura is careful about using his Ka unless necessary or during modern raids.
Bakura doesn't really 'work' unless it's considered more part-time along with Mariku (dementedxshade) at a bar. Bakura often produces the objects for selling through thievery by raiding wherever necessary, but can also be seen working as a bouncer at the same locale. It's really dependent on how he feels at the time.
Note: I have been role-playing this character since 2005 or so. Any headcanons here I've had since then and merely brought along with me from platform to platform.
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Are Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF (VEA) and WisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity Fund (HEDJ) Strong ETFs to Own? https://www.entrepreneur.com/finance/are-vanguard-ftse-developed-markets-etf-vea-and/457543 With strong retail sales stoking interest rate worries and the growing risk of bank downgrades, the stock market could remain highly volatile in the near term. Amid an uncertain macroeconomic... via Entrepreneur: Latest Articles https://www.entrepreneur.com/latest August 16, 2023 at 04:28AM
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