whosname · 7 days
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[Id. Digital drawing of a chibi Hedoro; the scary green, horned alien with a pink flower on his head smiling with his hands behind his back. End Id.]
Happy birthday, Hedoro! Our scariest neighb- ... our best EVA Unit!
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gintama-polls · 4 months
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sebfreak · 6 months
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A friendly neighbour or me when I´m hungry.. i don´t know
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suchine-toki · 1 year
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Praise Hedoro x Gintoki, spread love not hate 💗
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pearthery · 2 years
excerpt of my work in progress fic about kagura where i write from the perspective of an oedo-mart cashier, except this excerpt doesn’t even have kagura in it, it is just my narrator and our venerable neighbour hedoro-san 
The first time Hedoro-san entered my Oedo Mart, we all thought we were going to die. He seemed, at the time, impossibly big, possessed of impossibly large teeth and horns, and had a face that looked a lot like a terrible man-eating beast emerged straight from the lines of a sutra. My manager had frozen up next to the fridges looking like his eyes would roll back into his skull. Someone fainted, I recall. Someone else screamed until they ran out of air and fainted too. I felt like I was going to throw up.
It turned out though that Hedoro-san was an angel. After a while, he even got upgraded from angel to Bodhisattva. Hedoro-san, as we soon discovered, is much sweeter than his appearance would imply, and freakishly docile.
I've always been mild-tempered, even before I started working as a cashier. As a kid, I was known for keeping my temper, despite being surrounded by the most incorrigible little rats on the street. But still, even I would snap if people kept charging at me with swords. Hell, I'd snap if people kept bursting into tears every time I walked into a room. We're really lucky that Hedoro-san is so friendly and oblivious and impervious to damage and on the path to Buddhahood. For him, being swung at with sharp metal objects means nothing more than papercuts and reasons to indulge in Jello Mitty bandaids. He doesn't even bat an eyelid. Not even a twitch of an eyelash. Given, I don't think he has eyelashes.
"Actually," says Hedoro-san suddenly, bowing his head in grave regret. "I forgot one more thing. Forgive me for the delay."
While I'm trying to pick up the massive sacks of mulch I hadn't even known we sold, Hedoro-san continues to reminisce.
"Neither am I the only visitor to your planet to have been embraced with open arms. Often, I see that little Yato strolling about the streets, greeted happily by all who lock eyes with her and regarding them just as warmly in return. The Yato are a warrior race, did you know? Few places in the galaxy would be so amicable to one of their kind as you have been."
"Kagura-chan?" I wheeze. Hedoro-san kindly lifts up one of the bags to release my trapped arm. "I know her. Everyone loves her."
"That is the wondrousness of it," says Hedoro-san.
"Yesterday, she bought out all of our watermelon popsicles," I say, wheezing less. "I'm kind of wondering what she could possibly need it for. I know watermelon popsicles are really popular in summer, but I can't imagine what she needs that many for."
"Perhaps she is greedy for all your planet can offer," says Hedoro-san, tilting his head and making the flower on top wobble slightly. "I know that I am. Perhaps she wants to glut herself on all the sweetness that this place can give her, grasping for everything that she couldn't have before."
"Maybe," I say, nodding along. "That could be it." Though he might be making it sound more dramatic than it really is. Humans are greedy all the time and like stretching out their grubby hands towards anything that catches their fancy. It's in our nature, and even if someone isn't like that at first, they'll learn it from other people eventually.
Hedoro-san tucks all of the mulch bags under his left arm in one fell swoop. "Never have I seen a Yato who spends more time laughing and trading sweets with princesses than she does bathing in the aftermath of battles. She wears as much red as other Yato I've seen, of course, but that it isn't blood is a novelty."
"Ohhh," I say, because I hadn't known that about Yato. Not that I knew a lot about any alien races at all, honestly. "Sorry, did you say she's been hanging out with the princess," I say afterwards.
"Yes," says Hedoro-san, continuing with his small talk."It is strange, isn't it? On my planet, Kitaori-san, in the tongue of the Dakini, a princess would be known as ᯅᯬᯒᯮᯉᯪᯒᯐ. She would have earned that title after having defeated forty of her clan's enemies and composing an epic whereupon she told the tale of each of their demises, each individual being honoured with a verse—the Dakini have great respect for warriors, and those who die on their feet—each verse consisting of nineteen lines—"
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fatestayyuri · 1 year
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me and the mutuals
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maidoftheday · 2 years
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Today’s Maid of the Day: Kraunessa from Kuroki Yodomi no Hedoro-san
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rayvven · 1 year
something ive noticed is that early gintama episodes had a pretty strong anti authority theme with the amanto and shinsengumi being framed as antagonists, but later episodes the amanto arent as big a deal and the shinsengumi become very sympathetic characters. wonder if its bc of gintoki giving up struggling/ the theme of letting go of the past/ theme of living the best you can under the system. or maybe just sorachi getting bored of the alien invading earth plot+ needing to develop the shinsengumis characters( i mean. sougo is literally my fav so i cant say this is a bad thing). but its not like the amanto have left earth or the govt has changed in any way. i wonder what direction the later part of the series will go with this
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
Since we're talking about cringe OCs, 10 year old me had an OC named Storkfur, and he was basically Crowfeather but young me didn't realize he sucked. His mentor led a civil war in the clan. It split in 3, and Storkfur's mate ended up becoming leader of his group. Then he cheated on her with the medicine cat of another clan, and both ladies had kits at the same time. Then they went to war after Storkfur's leader mate, Silkystar finds out about his affair and claimed his medicine cat gf's kit for her clan and starts a battle. His medicine cat gf, Sorrelfeather, ends up pulling a hollyleaf and "died" during the battle, so her clan gave her kit to Silkystar. After Storkfur's kits are adults, he went on a quest to find Sorrelfeather with them. It ended with him deciding to leave the clans to stay with Sorrelfeather and his kids change clans to be in Sorrelfeather's clan, away from Silkystar, who unfortunately went from a determined, loving mom to a bitter, battle hungry leader who lost respect and love for her clan, family, and values.
Honestly, I should try to rewrite it, but from Silkystar's point of view this time.
I think you should go for it!! Honestly, you could make a really interesting story with a dual POV between Silkystar and Storkfur, having the reader constantly read both sides and seeing how the other will respond.
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kingslayerstew · 2 years
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manaosdeuwu · 7 months
my newest tattoo is so itchy I need to tear the chunk of skin out. the consequences of wall dust and paint
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whosname · 1 year
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M-my hand's stuck!
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gintama-polls · 6 months
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Gintama Episode Tourney
Episode 35, "You Can't Judge a Person by His Appearance, Either" Matsudaira doesn't approve of his daughter's boyfriend and wants the Shinsengumi to take him out of the picture.
Episode 220, "The Bathhouse, Where You're Naked in Body and Soul" The guys have a relaxing time at the bathhouse with Hedoro and his family.
Episode 246, "Festival of Thornies" Hijikata fights Sasaki as the Shinsengumi and the Mimawarigumi face off. The third episode of the Baragaki Arc.
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suchine-toki · 1 year
If you want to see the beauty of Hedoro x Gintoki, check out this m*nst*rf*ck*ng fanfic about how two people fall in love. It’s...
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devvinn1ie · 7 months
an (un)helpful guide to 1-E
I just realized I barely talked about each individual 1-E kid, so here's that. Basically just a quick summary of everyone.
(going in order of the seating chart)
Wameku Nanase:
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Vice class-representative
Quirk: Volume, she's able to change the volume of any sound (from really blasting something to full-on muting it)
serious + uptight attitude, but also a natural born leader who looks out for others
Kudasai Rena:
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Class representative
Quirk: Memory Edition, Three parts basically: she members everything, can look into the memories of others, and change other people's memories.
A natural-born leader, seems put together and organized, but is secretly stressed.
Tanya Alfred:
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one of the few foreign exchange students of the 1st year class
Quirk: Limb Generation, she can generate additional limbs (arms, legs, fingers) on her body
confident, strong-willed, and hardworking. One she sets her mind on something, she will acheive it
Murasaki Hideki:
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1/3 of the mian trio
Quirk: Geometry, can make any three-dimensional shape from thin air, but at a cost of his energy
cold and sharp-tongued, but has a softer side that only few see
Kikuyu Seishi:
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Quirk: Jackson's Chameleon (often shortened to just "Chameleon"), a mutant quirk that makes him resemble a chameleon and makes him capable od doing what ever a chameleon can.
a quiet person, ot because he hates them but more like he lacks social skills. A socially awkward person who just trying his best.
Miyama Yashiro:
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Quirk: Stone Statue: can turn any inanimate object (+ eventually living things) into stone with all five fingers. All effects can be reversed.
A prideful person with an outward personality, a kinda a handful. Bros just a big goof tho
Kinzoku Ryosei:
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Quirk: Can generate (via iron content in blood) + manipulate metals at a certain range. Honestly, the fact he failed the entrance exam baffles like most of the class.
He’s a little goofy guy, often rambling about absolute nonsense but also a sweetheart
Kangae Noriko: 
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⅔ of the main trio
Main character moment
Quirk: Mind reader, literally the most self-explanatory one, she can read the mind of other people.
Impulsive and a bit of an airhead, but determined to meet her goals
Tsuzuko Kamon:
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Quirk: plush dool, makes him resemble that of a stuffed animal. Essentially makes him like a human shield (Cant feel pain, absorbs shocks, ect)
Sweet guy who radiates innocence, but is kinda oblivious tho
Fujimoto Ikumi:
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3/3 of the mian trio
Quirk: Yarn, her hair is yarn that can be manipulated and extended to great lengths.
Quiet and sweet when you first meet her, but can become just as lively as Noriko and Hideki with the right conditions.
Chijō Daishin:
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Quirk: Rock, can manipulate and generate rocks via minerals form the food he eats
Energetic and confident, but alos very, very loud
Hedoro Emika:
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Quirk: Slime Body, she can turn into a little blob of slime, can increase/decrease in size, trap things in her body, and fit through tight spaces
A cheerful person who likes being with other people can easily talk to anyone without any problems
Ikenoue Hakaru:
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Quirk: Melt Off, by touching an inanimate object (or even people) with all five fingers, he can turn anything into a more liquified state.
Straightforward, apathetic, overly sarcastic, and very, very honest. One of the least social people in the class.
Kagayaku Amiyuki:
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Quirk: Spherical Light, which can take sun rays and convert them into light orbs. Can be used to attack or just light up a room, can be stored
Very anti-social, not like “ew people”, more like “AAAAAA PEOPLE”, quiet and often tries to avoid her classmates
Hinazuki Satoru:
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Quirk: Switch Blade, his hands can turn into switchblades with one swift motion with his hands (Edward Scissorhands, more like Edward Knifehands)
A laidback guy who can get along with practically anyone
Anabuki Masada:
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“Quirk”: Bro isn't human, they can fire beams of light, extend their limb lengths, and have leg jets, They’re also fireproof and waterproof, with his only real weakness being electrocution
A being curious about the world around him, but is working on expressing emotion
Daiba Tokuro:
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Quirk: Bomb, can make explosives via the proteins in his cells, honestly one of the most powerful students in the class
Just seems like a pretty normal dude, but with the right conditions, he can turn into a chaotic, super acceptive, and hyperactive,
Yamazaki Takage:
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Quirk: Hallucination, can make others start to hallucinate by making eye contact with them
Despite his cheerful exterior, they are often described as weird and peculiar 
Hanasaka Kao:
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Quirk: Plant Growth, can grow plants from her body via planting seeds into her body (it's a fun process)
The older sister figure in the class, she often looks out for them and just wishes to protect them
Sakamata Kazuya:
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Quirk: Orca, can do whatever a orca can (in/out of water)
A very quiet person who often mind his own business, but tends to notice the smallest things
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thatvixenchick · 1 year
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A scene from chapter 5 of my fic See Me Through The Trees with villain!Deku meeting Todoroki for the first time during the Stain arc.
“You’re so young.”
Izuku turned to meet Todoroki’s concerned gaze. It was almost funny that he’d mentioned it considering they were the same age. Yet here they were, fighting for their lives instead of anything normal — doing homework, watching TV, hanging out with friends. They didn’t belong here, and only in looking at each other on either side of this conflict were they able to realize that.
“So are you,” Izuku replied.
Yes, I used screenshots from the show as references because I'm not good enough to have my own style yet. lol But I freehanded my sludgey boy Hedoro! I'm very proud of that. I also liked how the frost came out. That one watercolor brush came in handy.
Izuku is usually one of the paler characters in the show, but since in the fic, this isn't too long after he spent all that time in the mountains, he's still rockin' a tan. Also, he's a dirty boy here. lol
I would normally use some fancy font for dialogue, but it's honestly annoying to use font in Krita, so we're stuck with my handwriting. Oh well.
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