#heesung astrology
sxorpiomooon · 29 days
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Can you please do Heeseung’s personality reading,
Paid readings
The first thing I get is that he's the kind of person to hold onto very tightly to the things and people that he has very possessive and protective i see this regarding his finances too. I see that he might not necessarily like to waste his hard earned money since he knows how much effort it took him to earn that. However I think he has ALOT of anxiety due to his finances which might cause him to barely spend any money on himself at all. I see him being very controlling too he's ambitious and driven. Most of the time he is the one who wants to and is on the wheel. He has great willpower and control over situations, life and people. I also see he might be having a hard time right now. He might have given up completely and I see him losing alot of confidence and self esteem due to something this might be because of how overwhelmed he feels rn. I think it's important for him to realise that it can overwhelming to always be the one on the steering wheel.
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li-bruh · 2 years
Heeseung's ideal type
He is highly attracted to hardworking people. People who have goals and work towards them no matter what is takes. Someone with passions. Someone very independent and patient. Someone who comes off as innocent.
A person that gives off the "boy/girl next door" vibe. He is really attracted to simple people. He likes natural to no make up. Heeseung likes it when his person takes care of themselves well in matters of health and looks. Hygiene is one of his top priorities in life so he expects his lover to be equally as hygienic as him.
His ideal relationship should actually be: both parties helping one another to simplify their lives. Supporting each other but still being independent. He is not the clingy type at all. So there won't be a lot of PDA. He is a very good listener and advice-giver. Loves nothing more than little gestures. VERY LOYAL.
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urauntiefaye · 10 months
~About Me/Rules~
Requests/Asks Are: Open!
Hard/Soft thoughts are always opened however!
Link to Master list
Hi! Thank you for clicking on my page, I hope you enjoy my content. Here’s just a few things about me including a few rules about my page. 
Name: My name is Faye but my friends call me Auntie/Aunt Faye since apparently I give the “Wine Aunt” vibes. 
Age/Birthday: I’m an 03 liner’ (21 y/o), I’m also a Taurus!
About Me: I originally had another account where I use to write Kpop fanfic. I stopped writing due to personal issues but now I'm better and wanting to get back into writing!. I'm currently a college student so updates may be slow. I'm aiming to post at least once or twice a week. My MBTI is ENFJ, and I'm also obsessed with astrology and anime. I've been into kpop since I was 12 years old so about 8 years now. My favorite Kpop song right now is War Cry by &Team and my favortie western song is Dying on The Inside by Nessa Barrett.
Groups I stan/My Bias: I’m a multi-fan and listen to a lot of groups, but I only have a select few I will actively talk about! And Those are-
Enhypen: Sunoo and Jake
&Team: Nicholas
NCT: Haechan, Jaemin, Johnny, and Kun
P1Harmony: Intak
Boy Next Door: Don’t have one yet, but am leaning a little towards Jaehyun and Leehan
Stray Kids: Han/Jisung and Chris
Ateez: Yunho
(G)Idle: I actually don’t have one, I love all of them 😭
TXT: Beomgyu
The Boyz: I can't choose...
Groups I Write For: 
Enhypen: Heesung-Jungwon
&Team: K-Taki
P1Harmony: Keeho-Jongseob
Boy Next Door: Jaehyun-Leehan
NCT: All Units minus the newest one (I'm not caught up on them)
The Boyz: Sangyeon-Eric
Rules/Content I write:
I do NOT write for minors!, so please do not even ask. 
If you yourself are a minor please do not interact with my content that says 18+
I do NOT write about minors x adults, I will only do age gaps if both parties are above age.
I do NOT write anything to do with feces or piss kinks. I'm sorry I just really don't like it.
I do NOT write anything about minors, only time I’ll write a high school au is if it’s fluff.
I DO write yandere, Mafia, NSFW, Hybrid, Royalty au, Werewolves, Vampires, Hogwarts Au, Little Space is also welcomed!
Honestly that’s about it, I will update it once I think of anything 
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moonlight-yuyu · 2 years
🌸 Hiii I hope u doing great! I wanted to request an astrology MTL ship for the group Enhypen.
Here is my chart information:
Sun Pisces
Moon Leo
Ascendants Leo
Mercury Pisces
Venus Aries
Mars Taurus
Thank u so much in advance and stay healthy 🌸
thank you so much for requesting I hope you’ll like it!  and take good care of yourself !☀️✨ of course I can here you go hun <33 I hope you’ll like it and feel free to request again 🦋💙
hey hey! I'm glad that you're back!! :)
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Virgo Venus and Moon, Libra Sun and Mercury
His type is someone with critical and analytical mind. Someone intelligent, who’s introspective, chill, just owns that soothing aura. Probably reads a lot, and it’s wise too. Can totally help you out with your problems; it’s very practical about that. Won’t suffer for nothing, because is always looking to the problem’s resolution; It’s very much like: okay, we have this pickle (lol) how can we solve this? What ways do we have to figure this out?
It’s a selfless person; takes care of people, especially their health. It’s important to them that their loved ones are healthy, like – eating properly, exercising, drinking a lot of water, sleeping properly...just having an organized life.
Hard worker. Definitely the type of person who’s not afraid of work. They need the feeling that they are producing, being helpful, building something that it’s useful and just being at the service of the population/ society. This gets them very happy, and with their mental health in check. But, it's important to know when to rest, because there are relentless when working, or helping someone out, that they could totally forget about themselves, and just to overdo it. This can lead them to fatigue, stress, anxiety, and even burnout. They need to know how to chill out, and not to focus so much on the outside, but look more for themselves.
They are just so humble. They always put so much work in everything they do, but they never think it’s good enough, perfect enough. Even if you're saying is the best thing you ever seen. They will never think they are the shit yk? They always think they can improve more, and that this is nothing more than their obligation.
This person certainly has a tough time opening up. They will need to really trust you to do that. And even tho they won’t talk about their feelings pretty much; they are pretty discreet about it. And don’t even think to tell anyone, once they know that you told someone their deepest secret, that’s it. They’ll never open up to you again. They feel like oysters lol
For them being in a relationship, loving someone, you really need to feel it. They will never start dating someone with there are not really into you. They are pretty serious about relationships, super mature people, won’t play around with you and your feelings. They will be by your side through your best and worst moments. They are really empathetic people.
Even though there are more introspective, they are super polite, and it is hard people not liking them. They could have a lot of friends, and being sociable...but, in their own way. They are not the “party animal friend”, not even close, but they will love a good gathering in a nice restaurant, eating a nice meal, in a clean, beautiful place. They like a nice ambience to have their meal, especially if is an especial occasion. But won’t mind at all to do more casual things, they actually love it. But they won’t try the shady bar though...don’t even think about that lol Even if the place is simple, they are demanding and have some standards; they need to go to clean places...that’s it. HAHAHAHA
They will have a minimalist, elegant, more neutral colors kind of style. They have a classical aesthetic I think, or at least they prefer this type. I feel they could wear glasses, and just looking really good. They know what best suit them, and don’t like to step out their comfort zone. So, they won’t be really modern about their looks, or paint their hair in a blue/ pink color, for example.
They could be into animes, comic books and so on; I feel they are a little nerd. The cute type hahaha  But, they know their mangas and they could get into heated discussions. Loves films, series, documentaries, all types of entertainment that stimulates their minds. Could be totally into video games as well. The one who won’t stop playing until finishes everything, and learning all the story in there. They could be into the logical ones, the ones that you need to use your logic, your rational mind, the type that you need to analyze things, and the smallest detail can make the difference.
Well, this is it for now my loves, I hope you guys enjoy it! <3
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hi! I had a question: What placements do you think would be compatible with each Enhypen member?
Placements that would be compatible with Enhypen members
Disclaimer: I’m a beginner with astrology and my readings could be correct and could be not. I am still learning so please take everything with a grain of salt. These readings are for fun and for entertainment purposes only <3
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Sun: Pisces, Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn
Moon: Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius
Mercury: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
Venus: Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, and Capricorn
Mars: Aquarius, Libra, and Leo
Sun: Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra
Moon: Cancer, Gemini, and Scorpio
Mercury: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
Venus: Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
Mars: Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn
Sun: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
Moon: Virgo, Libra, and Pisces
Mercury: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
Venus: Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo, and Capricorn
Mars: Aries, Gemini, and Leo
Sun: Aries, Aquarius, and Leo
Moon: Aries, Libra, and Capricorn
Mercury: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Venus: Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo, and Capricorn
Mars: Scorpio, Aries, and Cancer
Sun: Gemini, Libra, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Moon: Cancer, Gemini, and Scorpio
Mercury: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
Venus: Gemini and Aquarius
Mars: Cancer
Sun: Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
Moon: Gemini, Leo, and Sagittarius
Mercury: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
Venus: Aquarius, Libra, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Mars: Capricorn
Sun: Aries, Aquarius, and Leo
Moon: Virgo, Libra, and Pisces
Mercury: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
Venus: Pisces
Mars: Scorpio
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jaykayblr · 3 years
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Venus in virgo
First of all, he is very loyal and devoted. 
He desires someone who is natural, simple, kind and modest.
He wants commitment in a relationship. 
For him, relationships are more than just a romantic relation. 
For him, work is as important as love so he will pay equal time and attention to both
He is not the type to jump into a relationship immediately because he needs time to observe and analyze everything. 
He needs order in his life so he needs someone who is as organized as him. 
He is a perfectionist and needs everything to be up to the mark and just perfect. 
He can be very insecure and can find faults in you so be patient with him. 
– JAY ;
Venus in taurus
In a relationship he values loyalty and devotion before anything else.
Flirty, pretty simple in tastes, and very affectionate, he wants a long-standing and deep relationship, one that will evolve into a full-fledged marriage preferably.
He might be a materialist, just because he likes to be spoiled and to fulfill his desires.
He will prefer their partners to be calm, patient, with principles stemming from traditional places.
He is very observant and patient when it comes to love and romance
He’s very calm and takes it slow because he wants to be sure that he’s not going to waste his time or get hurt.
He likes to set his own pace, build the bond in time through experiences, mutual trust, and understanding.
Stability is all he wants, and he’s prepared to wait a lot to gain it.
He likes it simple and to the point.
A good looking person who knows how to take care of themselves is his type.
Steady minded and down to earth people attract him.
Venus in scorpio
He desires someone whom he can be proud of. 
He is willful and determined and does nothing half-way 
Only if he finds someone to be worthy, he will dedicate his time towards them. 
He’s fiery, volcanic, enthusiastic, extremely loyal, and has a tendency to assert his control everywhere he goes. 
He’s honest to a fault and doesn’t have any prior thoughts before committing and sharing his life with his partner.
He does tend to become too involved in his partner’s life, probing their secrets at every step of the way, wanting to find the mysteries that lie within.
He prefers people who are resolute, intense, and passionate about what they do
He takes some time to get to know his partner, seeing how they approach challenges, their outlook on life, but once he decides to commit, rarely does he ever regret his decision.
If he gives his all to a relationship, puts forth incredible efforts to build a stable and secure situation for them both, he expects the same from his partner.
He can be possessive to a fault. Afterall we are talking about a Scorpio placement. 
Venus in gemini
He likes people who can intrigue him on an intellectual level.
Those who know how to speak, how to form interesting phrases, who know exactly what it is they’re debating, those who are curious, studious, intelligent.
He’s more into enthusiastic, playful and smart people, the ones that can whip up a fresh subject just when the previous one has started to get boring.
He likes his freedom and independence too much to ever give it up, so don’t even think about becoming possessive.
He might appear as super funny, charismatic, and the smartest guy in the room who can speak about anything, but no matter what sort of relationship you have with him, he’s still going to have his secrets, the parts that no one gets to see.
Romantically, he wants his actions and feelings to be appreciated, to be acknowledged, to see that he’s doing the right things.
As for his partner, he wants them to have their own life, to do their own things without depending on his approval or constant support.
This guy loves people who can hold their own in a debate without resorting to fallacious arguments, and if they notice logical errors in others’ arguments, that would be even better.
He would like his partner to be multifaceted, someone who tries a lot of things just for the
Venus in aries
When he falls in love, he expects the target to fight for their independence, to struggle against his advances, to not give up easily.
He wants his partner to be independent, to have their own plans, and not depend on him for living their life.
He is attracted by a direct, straightforward and confident person who isn’t afraid to say what they want, to express their feelings, and to grab a hold of their potential.
Lively, outgoing, energetic, and very intense, this is what he wants from his ideal person. 
It would be good if they practiced sports or if they had a very healthy lifestyle in general.
This means that they care about their own looks and general wellbeing and that they are not lazy. 
What’s more, he wouldn’t mind even if they were to take the lead in the relationship, as long as they make the right decision. 
He enjoys having a strong person at his side, and you would do better to show that to him.
There is only one life, and you have to live it fully. 
He appreciates a straightforward and honest partner who doesn’t beat around the bush..
– NI-KI ;
Venus in capricorn
He has a very pragmatic approach towards romance.
He looks for partners who are serious about being in a relationship with him.
Mutual understanding and reliability are one of the most important traits of his ideal relationship.
He desires someone who is supportive, understanding, ambitious and persevering.
He desires someone who exudes the same earthy aura as him.
He desires someone strong, successful and ambitious.
He has a hidden, passionate side which he will only reveal to you after you have gained his trust.
He attracts the person of his desire by appearing mature and in control.
He is attracted to people who are older or more mature
He is attracted to strong, “executive” type people and his mate must be competent and responsible.
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[ Requested by anon ]
Note : This post is completely based on astrology. I didn't know the group very well so I took the help of astrology for this.
Genre : based on astrology | wc : 1.1k | warnings : none |
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© Jaykayblr
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virghogh · 3 years
❀these are my notes on Jay so far (since he's been filmed the most because he's been the most talkative/outspoken!) based off of what producers (judges) and contestants have said and then some of my own observations from the first 2 episodes! What rising signs do y'all think fit these descriptions??
⋆ ࣪.  ⁺⑅ ⋰˚ *.゚ .˳⁺⁎˚ ˚⁎⁺˳↳I've also attached his placements for reference because those can influence what we see too⋆ ࣪.  ⁺⑅ ⋰˚ *.゚ .˳⁺⁎˚ ˚⁎⁺˳
Jay: Taurus sun // Cancer/Leo moon // Taurus mercury // Taurus venus // Gemini mars // cancer jupiter // gemini saturn // aquarius uranus + neptune // sagittarius pluto
first impressions: "handsome", "charismatic", not too smiley, very chilled, first to speak out loud to everyone (a reassuring statement), talkative, friendly, brave/eager/bold, strong opinions/opinionated, sharp features, taking charge but not bossy, direct, outspoken, eager
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blindedbypluto · 4 years
i alr did jake and jay !! people have been requesting the enhypen boys a lot so, here it is !! i’m really new to enhypen so forgive me if i make any mistakes with the reading.
heesung is into the flirtatious and confident type. someone who is very romantic and loves spending time with him. he likes extroverts. attracted to scents ; people who smell and look good. he looks very reserved and shy? in a sense that he’s good at not revealing too much. he likes people who are committed and can help him open up. (ideal : taurus/cancer venus).
niki is into really cute people. very feminine people who are cuddly. someone who is shorter and childish, but not insecure. he’s a tsundere. he likes people who are emotional and sensitive. he wants to take care of his s/o. he’s very slow when moving forward with relationships. once he does, he won’t let go soon. (ideal : cancer/pisces venus).
jungwon LOVES funny people. people who can keep a conversation going and can be effortlessly good with people are his type. he’s very innocent and likes his s/o to be the same. likes blunt people who won’t sugarcoat things. can be a lil selfish when it comes to love. he’s naturally controlling (not in a bad way) so someone who looks up to him/respects him. (ideal : leo venus).
sunoo likes witty,sarcastic people. someone who is intelligent and can give him freedom. his strength is communication so he wants his s/o to be able to have a mature conversation. people who he can have a million inside jokes with. such !! a !! softie !! truly cannot hurt a fly. he needs someone who tends to him emotionally. also, someone who can be romantic and a bit cliche. (ideal : leo/scorpio venus).
sunghoon wants endless loyalty. cannot stand people who make him jealous “for fun”. he likes people who open up to him and let him take care of them. wants to be the “savior”. likes people who are extroverted but mysterious. people who are passionate, talented and hard working. someone who prioritizes him. confident people who have a softer, vulnerable side. (ideal : pisces/virgo/cancer venus).
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assrotea · 4 years
Can you do heeseung from enhypen, ideal type ND him as a boyfriend. Also any future wife predictions for him 👀
For the future wife thingy, he has a leo juno which points to the dramatic, bold expressive, warm and generous kind of person archetype... Like with any sign they come in all his presentations, but the person will definitely have a very strong presence!!
*Like most of enhypen, they were born the day the moon changes so, there’s a room for inaccuracies
Ideal Type:
He has both moon (allegedly) and virgo venus so as I mentioned before, virgos do have that soft spot for the person next door kind of vibe. Somebody who is kind and helpful will be very attractive to him. Also this is not a type thing and definitely is not a good thing either but they do tend to like ppl who lowkey need help?? ANYWAY; somebody too loud or crass is a nono for this friend (his libra placements support this as well).
Side note if his moon is in leo that just puts more emphasis on the juno situation.
As a boyfriend:
If he’s a virgo moon
this guy is part of the “manager boyfriend squad” (virgo moon, virgo venus, capricorn mars)
literally just wants to help
all!! the!! time!!
will he be the most vocal about his feelings?? hmm no
but he will be there and make sure his s/o is okay and will take care of them in every way possible lol
incredibly supportive 
wants to take a part and help his s/o in anything they might need
pretty selfless tbh
If he is a leo moon
Will definitely be more open to expressing his feelings
and will be less anxious about it
this guy is gentle, I don’t think he’s the type to get angry very often
cap mars makes him steady with affections and also very practical
bc the earth influence he will want to make his partner feel secure but like in tangible ways (material stuff maybe??) bc okay it looks like expressing some emotions is not easy for him like I said earlier
this makes me confused bc he just feels so warm lol maybe his moon IS in leo????? 
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hi again! thank you for my first ship. the fact i got both my bias wreckers as well as my ult😮‍💨<3 i hope you don’t mind, but could i request another compatibility ship but with enhypen pls? thank you in advance again~ my placements are: ascendant - libra | sun - aquarius | moon - sagittarius | mercury - aquarius | venus - pisces | mars - scorpio — i hope ur taking care~ <33
you're most compatible with sunghoon, followed by jungwon and heesung <3
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p1hypen · 2 years
wrong but it feels so right — Y. KEEHO
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a relationship gone stale causes you to indulge in some company and attention from someone other than your boyfriend, who’s been falling short of it. ft. non-idol!keeho (p1harmony) x gn!reader genre! pining (one sided but eventually becomes mutual), kind-of first meeting w/c! 2633
warnings! drinking, relationship going astray, implied cheating (reader is kissed despite already having a bf), mentions of side characters non-idol!eric, hyunjin, baejin, heesung, hyunjun (former tbz member)
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you stared at the blank ceiling above, wondering what it would be like if everything just collapsed on you and came falling down. would you make the effort to run and escape possible life threatening injuries, or would you rather continue to lay in bed and accept what the universe has planned for you.
you’re not sure how to put it in a coherent sentence but lately everything just feels off to you, like there’s some entity looming over your shoulder or that there’s a new chemical reaction that changed the molecules floating in the air wherever you go. perhaps it’s one of those mercury in retrograde periods that the astrology enthusiasts talk about on the spiritual side of tiktok. whatever it may be, you’re hoping that this is a temporary rut and nothing permanent
the silent vibration of your phone signaling an incoming call interrupts your philosophical thoughts. you reach over the nightstand and pluck the device out of its charger just in time to answer on the third ring.
“babe! the guys and i are going to hyunjun’s to drink. probably hang out as well of course. you wanna come?”
your eyes dart to the digital clock sitting prettily on your desk as it collects dust. the time reads thirty two minutes after six p.m. you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, contemplating the option of staying home for the rest of the evening of tagging along with your boyfriend to go to his friend’s place who you barely know.
spoiler alert, you opted for the latter.
“gimme like 10 minutes to get ready?”
“alright, i’ll be over soon. love ya,”
you swallowed and let out a shaky laugh. “you too, babe.”
the line went dead meaning the call had ended. your phone dropped to your side and you craned your neck to look up at the sight of your boring ceiling. what’s the probability that you come crashing down on me in this very moment?
not as likely as you hoped it would.
your boyfriend arrived promptly after you shot him a text to inform him that you were dressed and ready to go. not without missing the smiley face that you habitually added to the end of your sentence. the silly little emoticon that felt like it was taunting you with colons for eyes and parentheses for a mouth. wonder which genius was the first to come up with that when texting became a thing.
tonight was nothing special, to you at least, which meant having the opportunity to dress casual and comfortable. if this were dinner at a fancy restaurant or a planned date (something that your boyfriend hasn’t taken you out on for more than a couple of months), then your outfit would be the complete opposite of what you were currently wearing. cargos with an oversized zip-up hoodie and an l.a dodger’s baseball cap.
but because tonight was neither dinner at a fancy restaurant nor a thought-out date with a well prepared itinerary, there was no reason for you to dress-to-impress. not even for your boyfriend. eight and a half months of dating changes you when you reach that stage of absolute comfortability with each other. at least you guess so.
the two of you arrived at hyunjun’s with less than 15 minutes to spare. your boyfriend led you to the backyard where the rest of his social circle was, fingers lazily entwined together. the sounds of your footsteps shuffling against the grass sparked his friends attention and they all perked up delighted to see your boyfriend’s impending arrival (not yours). he dropped his grasp from yours to which you frowned ever so slightly at. you stood off to the side as you watched them dap each other up and do that bro hug with the pat on the back thing that guys usually do when they greet one another.
“sup y/n,” one of them nodded at you, being the first to acknowledge your presence, and you did your best to smile in a non-awkward way.
you gave him a small wave and muttered a shy “hi” under your breath, barely loud enough for him to hear you over the chatter of seven guys talking in unison.
“want a shot? it’s strawberry soju, your favorite~” he sing-songed, shaking the bottle in a tempting manner and a shot glass ready in his other hand like he wasn't excepting "no" for an answer.
not even your own boyfriend knew you liked strawberry flavored soju.
“why the fuck not,” you shrugged. giggling when he praised you as you downed the shot in one go, scrunching your face at the slight sting of the alcohol sliding down your throat. the sweet warmth of the liquid settling in your stomach. no matter how many given occasions that you’ve drank soju each time feels like it’s the first for you.
hyunjin refilled your glass and invited you to sit next to him. your boyfriend already made himself comfortable in the seat between eric and baejin who were directly across of you.
it only took him two whole minutes into the night to forget about you.
new world record.
“is anyone else drinking? can i just have this entire bottle to myself?” you shamelessly asked, pointing to the strawberry soju that was perspiring on top of the cooler that hyunjin offered you not long ago.
“knock yourself out, shortcake.”
if you were going to make it through tonight and sit idly while your boyfriend subconsciously pretends he doesn’t have a significant other to tend to, then you were going to need more than two puny baby shots of soju.
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“i needa use the bathroom…” you announced to no one in particular as if your whereabouts really mattered to anyone here.
you stood up from the lawn chair and slipped into the house through the sliding door, struggling to close it behind you before venturing off to the bathroom. if your memory serves you right you’ll find your destination down the hallway second door on the left. sadly, to your dismay, it was currently occupied by someone else who beat you to it.
your arms folded, leaning against the wall to support your weight, while [im]patiently waiting for the person on the other side.
five minutes or so passed and you began to wonder if whoever was on the toilet was taking a shit or possibly puking up their insides into the bowl with their pitiful head hanging low.
whatever it was that they were doing, if you have to stand in the hallway for another 60 seconds you were not going to hesitate to pound your fists on the damn door demanding them to hurry up with their fucking business because there’s other people in this world who need to use the bath—
something clicked and your posture straightened itself at the mere noise. you looked away when you heard someone fumble with the door knob and pretended to fixate your attention on the imaginary speckles of dust in the air.
“oh fu— my bad, sorry, i made you wait that long.” a masculine voice lulled your eyesight onto him.
he’s hot. wait— um, hello? you literally have a boyfriend. there’s no way you were willing to let yourself feed into that thought.
“it’s alright. please tell me you at least sprayed something in there. i don’t think i can hold my breath any longer than 15 seconds at best.”
laughter erupted from the male, unsure if your playful remark was that funny to elicit a chuckle out of someone in the first place.
“don’t worry i didn’t do a number two if that’s what you’re thinking.” he wipes his hands on his pants and you stifle the urge to cringe at his mannerisms. at least he washed them unlike most guys you know. “you going in?”
“o-oh. y-yes, thank you.”
you duck your head and give the stranger a small smile as you close the door gently, locking it soon after. a heavy sigh you weren’t even aware of that you were holding back finally slips past your lips, and you observe your reflection in the mirror. completely flustered, like you just ran into a hallway crush and that was your first real interaction with them.
the waft of scented soap was strong that the smell of coconut-vanilla lingered on your skin. you dried your hands on the stray towel hanging from the rack and stopped in your tracks to fix your hair for the nth time that evening out of anxious habit. a startled squeak bubbled from your throat when you opened the door revealing the (hot) stranger who was standing in your previous spot in the hallway.
he craned his neck to look up from his phone. his gaze slowly trailed your figure from bottom to top as he respectfully studied your image. you stared back at him with doe eyes shrinking into your hoodie when his eyes remained idle on you far too long for comfort. sure, he was hot, and part of you felt guilty for wanting to think that he was checking you out, but his blank expression made it challenging to read his thoughts.
the corner of his lip upturned ever so slightly into a smirk.
"finally done?"
you scoffed, fighting the urge to roll your eyes at his attempt to jokingly jab at you. "at least i wasn't in there for 30 minutes unlike some people."
the ravenette chuckled and it almost summoned you to your knees.
stand up, y/n! stand up! you have a boyfriend outside.
"i'm keeho, by the way. i don't think we've really formally met or talked outside of this friend circle."
keeho, huh? come to think of it, you've never really seen him at these types of gatherings nor did you recognize him in the small crowd of your boyfriend's friends who were clustered in the backyard. you could easily put a name to a face that you knew of but tonight was definitely a first for bumping into keeho.
"i'm y/n,"
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you snorted at keeho's lame joke and immediately slapped your hand over your mouth with eyes as wide as saucers. keeho laughed amusingly at your reaction, slapping his hand against the marble counter and almost knocking down the bottle of soju that the two of you were sharing. you furrowed your brows. cheeks reddening due to the alcohol in your system and not the fact that his cackled laughter added to his established personality.
"stop laughing!" you shoved his shoulder but keeho showed no sign of stopping any time soon. grumbling to yourself under your breath, you took another swig of shoju and wiped the few drops of liquid on your lips with the back of your hand.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry—" keeho's manic episode of laughter subsided and he poured himself another shot. "it was just cute how shocked you look, i wish you could've seen your face."
he just called you 'cute.'
your heart palpitated at the nonchalant comment and almost jumped right of your chest.
alarms were blaring inside your head but you subconsciously decided to ignore it and shove it into the shadows of the depths of your mind.
this was increasingly becoming dangerous and you were damn well aware of it. just two steps away from crossing forbidden territory and two steps away from sabotaging eight months of a relationship that, admittedly, you were no longer happy with.
did that make things morally right? no.
but whatever this tension you deluded yourself into thinking was there between you and keeho, it needed to be put out before a flame could possibly ignite.
keeho's face softened as he noticed the distant glint behind your eyes. he bit his lip, a little harsher than he intended to, and contemplated if the high dive would be worth sacrificing the short amount of time that he got to learn more about you over the course of the night.
he briefly turned his attention to the guy sitting outside. with sharp, piercing eyes, he narrowed on the sight of the individual drinking and laughing in utmost mockery. keeho may be out of the loop despite his association with your boyfriend's circle of friends but he was never close to them to begin with. he’s not sure why he continues to stay when he clearly doesn’t like half of the people here at hyunjun’s place; your boyfriend included.
however, the person sitting next to him is a reminder why.
keeho has always known of you.
he knows that about a week ago you just recently hit your eight month milestone with heesung. why and how he knows this information? well, let’s just say keeho was coincidentally there to witness the day that heesung asked you out with your favorite boba and a shiba inu plushie.
he knows your contact name stored in heesung’s phone because you called him five times, back-to-back, to which heesung ignored. it was game night at eric’s and while your boyfriend was too busy trying to win first place in every race of the mushroom cup in mario kart, ‘y/n ❤️’ was there on the other end of the phone anxiously biting on their fingernails hoping to get a single word out of their boyfriend.
he knows that you went to hyunjun for advice on what to get a guy for their birthday because you wanted it to be special and had the boys help you plan a surprise party for heesung.
he knows that in the past two and a half months heesung has been distant with you, stopped putting in the effort to take you out on dates, and only keeps you around to save face. your boyfriend’s ego is bigger than what’s in his pants, and him making the first move to break up with you will paint him out to be the bad guy when he was the one who fell first.
it pained keeho knowing that you were completely oblivious to all of this, or, at least most of this that is.
he saw it when you first arrived to hyunjun’s. the frown on your lips when heesung dropped your hand.
he saw it in your eyes. the way you’d look off into space as if you didn’t belong here and were solemnly forgotten of.
he’s been in the background for a while now. the time he spent as a side character in the plot of the drama had to end at some point.
fuck it.
keeho leaned in close, fingers gingerly brushing back the strands of hair that fell in front of your face, tucking your locks behind your ear and choosing to avoid the way that your pupils were practically shaking.
the unthinkable happened and you silently thanked the universe that you didn’t have to make the first move in order to confirm if what you were feeling was a facade of a pile of disappointment from these past two, almost three, months.
keeho pressed a chaste kiss to the corner of your lips. his tiers loitered there long enough for someone to easily walk in on you two. your fingers grasped onto the material of his sweater and you nearly whined when he pulled away.
there’s no use in denying it any longer and it wasn’t the soju talking.
you were slightly buzzed yet sober enough to comprehend what was happening, and as much as the old you would let the guilt tear you apart inside, you could not care less.
it was wrong. all of this was. but why did it feel so right.
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atrirose · 3 years
hi! can i request headcanons of enhypen with a really affectionate s/o that loves to cling to them and shower them w/ affection and compliments?
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Title : enhypen with an affectionate s/o
Type : headcannon
Warning : none just fluff, cursing
Ft. Enhypen
an. Kinda doing this late but since I'm busy I tired my best,, let's hope it's not boring :) sorry its late
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Heesung : LOVES IT, wanna borrow his cloths, do it. Wanna cuddle, do it. Wanna link arms, do it. He will do everything because he loves it, would be head over heels if you hold his hands while walking or randomly plant a light kiss on his cheeks. He himself will be touching you all day or kissing you.Doesn't care if people are watching will do it because people can't say shit, he can do whatever he wants with his s/o, plus point he can make himself look intimating so the boys don't bother you both.
Jay : he looks kind of guy who is not so fond of it but he actually feels really special when you compliment him, hearts go feral when you compliment his outfit, coming home from a long day of practice and dealing with overgrown babies he likes it when you massage him and have a hot bath with him, nothing but sweet moments. Ooo he loves to make you sit on his lap and aimlessly scroll through his phone , cuddling you from behind. BUT ALL THIS STAYS BETWEEN ONLY YOU TWO THAT HE IS A SOFITE FOR YOU ONLY 🤫🤫
Sunghoon : hoonie I feel isn't the person who likes doing pda or unlike heesung who will let you do anything and would initiate things he wouldn't do that, at the beginning it was kinda awkward but later it was all good he was cool with you randomly hugging him, holding hands, but will not kiss you infront of everyone and you have to initiate everything like he just goes with your flows, but when he does rarely initiate something you are just a blushing mess. Gets cocky :) because of that. He is also super indifferent about the stupid shit you do like, he would be just standing 🧍‍♂️ there and you would climb him like a monkey, hang yourself like a koala 🐨 doesn't care "meh😐 its normal"
Jake : okay if you think heesung is a big simp then damn you have never seen jake. Boi would literally be guled. Oh you are cooking let him hug you from behind, oh you are eating, let's link hands, oh you are bathing let him come in, won't leave you 25/8 and you don't care because you are a affectionate person yourself in fact you feel so good being skin to skin all day but some times you gotta have a second to do your own stuff but when you remove him from yourself he looks like a puppy being left alone or like you just kicked a puppy 🙄🙄 like no jake let me go to the restroom real quick and you can't follow sorry I don't want to see your precious smiling face when I'm doing my business.
Sunoo : comes home literally will collapse on you full weight after a lil while pulls himself up so you don't suffer, he loves when you touch his cheeks, compliment him, is also cocky and show you off, very touching when you go to visit him during his practice "ha? Yeah MY S/O came to see me, baby did you bring me snacks" like damn okay don't tease the single people here. Your kisses is his favorite, gets all giddy and energetic when you keep kisses his face. Will ignore / judge anyone who tries to say you guys to get a room, oh did I say he likes when you bite his cheeks :)
Jungwon : jungwon loves when you pet him, tease you alot on purpose will raise his hands so you can't reach it, likes it when you hold his hand while walking, likes it when you put your legs on top of his while you guys are watching movies, DID I SAY HE LIKES IT WHEN YOU TOUCH HIS EARS :)). sorry for bringing astrology into it but as an aquarius I feel really special when I get attention from the one I love, so I'm sure he feels all giddy and bubbly when you pay so much attention to him even though he acts like he doesn't care. LOVES NECK KISSES OR BITES (purely fluff)
Niki confused because he do be a baby, likes why aren't you doing anything like kissing or holding hands because he did try to hold your hands but you went ahead of him and stiff when your hands accidentally, angry at himself after you told him that you are a affectionate person but you thought he might find it uncomfortable, but this man drops himself on the floor and starts laughing face all red like "hey I don't mind do what you want" 😌😌 little did he know that you would shower so much love on him, doing nothing or saying nothing just putting your foreheads together is his favorite. Acts like he is annoyed 😒 but likes when you show him so much love. He be like "✋ stop" when you do stop goes "why did you stop🤨" boi idk you tell me.
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astral-lucy · 2 years
Hello there, can yuh please tell me what type of person I'm nd which enhypen member most to least attracted to me, here is mh signs
Sun - pisces, rising - segitterius, moon - libra, Marcury- pisces, venus-taurus, Mars-taurus
I hope yuh'll gonna answer to me, thank yuh so much dear 🙇🏻‍♀️😍😍
hi babe!
i'm not sure what you mean by type of person ? hahahaha but you can clarify that once my asks are open again :)
i also don't usually do mtl, but here it is! also, remember this is all astrology and interpretation, i don't know these guys
hope this was what you wanted!
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kpopstanships · 3 years
Hi! my name is v and I’d like to request a ship with enhypen and treasure!🍄
•making clay molds or painting
•singing and dancing (mostly just for fun)
astrology sign:
I’m very humorous and usually find myself doing whatever it takes to make someone laugh. My goal is to make people feel more comfortable around me and make friends. I’m very straight forward, yet try not to be super stern with my opinions. I’m considered the ‘mom’ of the friend group but also the ‘blunt’ one because I can be more sarcastic at times. I can be very talkative when I’m with my friends, as well as quiet. I’d say I’m an ambivert.
•very easy to get along with!
•humorous and I will try to make your day
•stern with what I like so i go out of my way to achieve it
•understanding and I’ll give advice
•idk how to really control my emotions sometimes, usually I hide them
•I can lose my temper but i never intend to do something I’ll regret
•doubt myself and kinda insecure
ideal type!
•I’d want someone who isn’t too clingy but neither too distant. I think someone who understands me a lot is very important, I feel like I’d want to date someone with more similarities. Someone who does small things to show love like writing letters, assuring you that you’re beautiful and carrying stuff for you. I would want someone who’s very comfortable with me and gives affectionate in many ways!
Thank you for requesting hun! Here is your ship
In Enhyphen we ship you with: HEESUNG
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In Treasure we ship you with: HYUNSUK 
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We hope you like it! Feel free to request more!
Our ships are open!
Admin Angel
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astroyongie · 3 years
Hello, can I ask how would each member of enhypen be like when they are angry? Thank you in advance
Enhypen When Angry
Note: as always, it's based on their astrology <3
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Quite chaotic if you ask me
He would never react the way you expect him to
Sometimes for things very upsetting where you expect him to explode, he won't
and other times for the smallest things he would explose
His reactions are random
But when angry he lack empathy
Like literally
He won't care what happened he would be a cold person
No emotions on his voice and eyes which can be scary
He will be rebellious, trembling
He won't be aggressive directly, but his words will cut deep
Would only engage physically if someone touched him
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The way this boy hold grudges `
He could get physical if the other person pushes him too much
When angry he gives the person a very cold shoulder at first
he gets quiet, he watches
But he get very nerve wrecking
And he won't handle anger very well so he will end up by exposing at one point
The type of boy that puts his forehead against forehead ya know
He won't forgive, he won't forget
Inside he feels like dying, he feels guilty of his actions
but in action, he would be slightly fearless and he won't care of the consequences of his actions
But mostly he gives a silent treatment until he cools down or until someone picks a fight
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No matter who is to blame, he will play on both sides`
Jake is the type that will expose his victim side
Saying that he is the one being hurt
He is the one who tried his best
Manipulative in a way
His feelings are overly sensitive and he knows how to use it
Other than that, he is also very passive agressove
Using arrogance and fake smiles to show that he is upset
And that it's the fault of the other person and not his.
Usually he is victorious when there's fights, because he knows how to use his words
His eloquence and he knows how to use people
And the actions and consequences around him to turn things on his favor
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Just like Niki, Jungwon is the type to give silent treatments however to the ones who have upset him
Even if he is upfront about his feelings
He stays angry for a long time
He too won't forgive and he will be very stubborn about the whole thing
But deep down he is judging and being pitiful
He won't talk
Won't look at the person
Will just utterly ignore the person until he decides otherwise
Rarely forgives
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another one to give silent treatments
When he gets angry he is very rational and silent
Because he knows engaging isn't at his favor
He will want to control the situation however
But despite his feelings being pitiful and judging the person he is angry with
He will be silent and judge them and warm them with his eyes
Heesung will make insensitive feelings
Touching where it hurts to make the other person as angry as he is
He will snob them
Will show strength on doing nothing, only on being calm
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He is a explosive cocktail
Because inside he would be boiling, boiling like no tomorrow
He will think about how much he wants to punch that person
Who much he wants to hurt them
And he gets angry easily
However he acts in a different way
The type to cry when he is angry or upset
He will blame the other person and use emotional manipulation to get the bets of the situation
Despite his aggressive thoughts he won't do it in action
Unless someone comes and throws the first fist
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Jay too will cry when he is upset or angry and he can't help it
Because in his motional side he will think he is the one to blame
That if it happened it's his fault
But he also cries of rage
Won't be physical he tries to use his words
But he is also the type to scream a lot, the one who speaks a lot while crying
So it becomes messy
He would be agitated and moody
His mind will twist truth and words
Will need time to come down but he prefers to settle things through a conversation
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