norwegiansport · 1 year
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Go Ada!
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pitchsidestories · 3 months
coming home II Guro Reiten x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1190
summary: Guro and you can't wait to be reunited again after you both were away with your Norwegian and Swedish national team.
a/n: Hi, it's inspired by this request here, we hope you have fun with this little, fluffy oneshot.
“Earth to Guro.”, Caroline Graham Hansen spoke visibly frustrated to her fellow Norwegian teammate who was typing and smiling at her phone, but not taking any notice of the rest of the group which was very unlike her.
It was a beautiful day in their home country and yet Guro wished herself back to the rainy streets of London, where you and her would lay in your shared bed, listening to the noise the raindrops made against the large windows.  
“Huh?”, she glanced puzzled at the Barcelona player.
“We’re here.”, Caroline reminded her.
“Sorry, just texted my..”, the Chelsea forward started to apologize.
Maren who was the most familiar with her and the smile she had on her lips while thinking about you interrupted her softly:” Your girlfriend? You’ll see her soon enough.”
“Ugh.”, the Barcelona footballer groaned.
“Don’t ugh me, Caro.”, Guro laughed.
“You’re so in love, it’s disgusting.”, Caroline shrugged.
“Ignore the black cat, Guro. We’re happy you found each other.”, Ada threw in smiling amused.
“We’re happy.”, the other player repeated scoffing.
“All of us except for Caro.”, Ingrid corrected the prior sentence of the Lyon footballer.
“Thanks, girls. I’m really happy with her.”, Guro beamed.
“We get it.”, Caroline muttered, eager to play.
The game went not in the favour of the Norwegians, they lost and played under their own high expectations. The Chelsea forward was relieved once she was able to get to her hotel room and video call you.
 “Can’t wait to see you again, the match was awful.”, she confessed.
“Not that long anymore, one game to go.”, you tried to cheer her up, you were away with your Swedish national team.
“I know.”, Guro admitted.
“You can do this, captain Guro.”, you assured her. Unfortunately, you weren’t alone in your room, Magdalena and Fridolina were sitting opposite of you, giggling at your motivational speech.
“What’s so funny.”, your girlfriend wanted to know.
“Magda, Frido, shut it., you scolded your teammates, before turning back to her, sorry min älskling.”
“Thanks.”, Guro replied.
“Better, right?”
“Yes, a lot.”, she confirmed. Afterwards you continued to talk about your days.
Way to soon, Magdalena reminded you:” It’s dinner time.”
“Damn it, she’s right.”, you cursed.
“Why are your teammates so horrible.”, your girlfriend questioned grinning.
“They are the worst.”, you agreed jokingly.
“Lies, you love us!”, Fridolina protested.
“Yeah, sometimes.”, you answered truthfully.
“See?”, the Bayern Munich defender gave you a winning smile.
“Bye, Guro, hope the grandmas here fall asleep early, so we can continue talking later.”, you said goodbye to her with a heavy heart.
“I hope so too.”, Guro said.
Of course it was raining when you arrived back in London.
Dragging your suitcase behind you, you opened the door to your shared apartment.
“I’m home!“, you called, knowing that Guro must be somewhere. She had let you know via text that she would arrived a few hours before you.
You kicked off your shoes and left your suitcase in the middle of the floor.
Guros face appeared in the doorway leading to your kitchen: “Finally!“
“God, I missed you.“, you smiled at the sight of your girlfriend and jogged over to her to jump into her arms.
Guro, being a similar height as you, almost lost her balance but regained it in the last moment before you both would have tumbled to the floor.
“Missed you too.“
She kissed your cheek before putting you back down.
You sat down at the kitchen table. Without a word, your girlfriend placed a cup of water and a freshly brewed coffee in front of you.
You marvelled at the thoughtfulness. It was exactly what you needed after a long flight.
As soon as she sat down with you, her own coffee in hand, you asked: “How was camp? Tell me everything.“
“Good, really.“, Guro answered plainly but you could tell from the way her face lit up that it actually had been a good camp for her.
You nodded, satisfied with her answer: “That’s great. What kind of food would you like to order? The usual? The bill is on me.“
Your girlfriend smirked at the quick change of topic: “Someone’s in a good mood.“
“Yeah, we won both of our games.“, you explained laughing.
“I saw that.“
“Did you see my goals too?“, you asked innocently while typing on your phone. The order from your favourite restaurant was quickly placed.
“Of course, I did.“
“Pretty nice, huh?“, you bragged jokingly.
Guro wrinkled her nose, rather unimpressed, and shrugged: “They were okay.“
“Only okay?!“, you repeated, feigning offense.
“Yes, only okay.“
You leaned over, poking your girlfriend in the side repeatedly. You knew how ticklish she was.
“Hey, stop that!“, she protested, trying to protect her torso from you.
“Stop what?“, you played dumb, continuing to annoy her until she burst out laughing.
“Oh, that.“
“Stop it!“
You finally backed off, giving her time to catch her breath: “Okay, okay.“
“Thanks.“, she sighed.
The doorbell interrupted you anyway.
“Oh, our dinner is here.“, you announced excitedly and stood up.
Your stomach growled as you took the food inside. The smell of take-away immediately filled the kitchen.
“Finally.“, Guro said, impatiently opening the styrofoam boxes.
You took the first bite and hummed: “Delicious as always.“
“I missed this food so much.”, the Norwegian admitted grinning. The varieties of meals you could order in London would never fail to amaze your girlfriend and yourself.
“Same but more than me?”, you replied in a teasingly tone.
“Yes, of course.”, Guro joked before taking another bite.
“What do you want to do now?”, you changed the topic swiftly.
“Like right now?”, the brunette lifted an eyebrow.
“Yes.”, you nodded enthusiastically. Being back with the person you loved most reenergized you like nothing else did.
“Spend time with you.”, she answered genuinely.
Later you both laid together lazily on your sofa and Guro called your Chelsea captain with a smirk on her face:” Hi Millie.”
“What’s up?”, the blonde responded.
“Y/n and I are busy doing gay things and we might not be at training tomorrow.”, the Scandinavian explained.
“Too much information.”, Millie giggled.
“Just letting you know.”, Guro told her friend innocently.
“I’m not covering for you tomorrow.”, the Defender announced determined.
“Please, you owe me that.”, your girlfriend reminded her sweetly.  
“Fine, but don’t ever call me again.”, Millie groaned dramatically.
“Thanks, see you.”, Guro responded gratefully.
“Bye.”, with these words they hang up.
“Gay things?”, you snorted once she has ended the call and looked into your eyes again.
“Yes, we have all night.”, the midfielder winked at you.
“And tomorrow as well.”, you remembered.
“Yes, I’ve to make up for the time we didn’t see each other.”, Guro proclaimed.
“Come here.”, you said beaming, opening your arms for a hug which she happily accepted.
With closed eyes you whispered into her ear:” You’re home now.”
Both of you knew you felt comfortable everywhere in the world, but home to you wasn’t a place, it was each other. Coming home meant returning to one another and it was one of the best feelings in the world.
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a-lexia11 · 2 months
So this was released:
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And I absolutely cannot believe that people are upset that Alexia is ranked this far up on the list…
Reminder that Alexia Putellas has/is a:
-2x ballon d’or winner
-World cup winner
-UEFA women’s player of the year (2021)
-Best FIFA women’s player (2021)
-8x league titles winner
-3x UEFA women Champions league winner
-30 trophies with Barcelona
- Barca femení top scorer with 190 goals
-Ranked 5th in FC Barcelona’s all-time highest goal scorers list.
And the list goes on…
She is actually making an impact on women’s football and I REALLY hope that in a few years those people will be able to FINALLY see it and she’ll get the recognition she deserves.
She’s not named ‘La Reina” for nothing…
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Thr sheer disrespect considering there were 3 of them on the same pitch in Bilbao 2 weeks ago
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community notes got on that disrespect fast!
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yeeterthek33per · 29 days
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totaly-obsessed · 4 months
Woso Pride Appreciation
Request a player | with @alotofpockets
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lucawrites11 · 3 months
🇳🇴 norway women's national team 🇳🇴
full of some of woso's biggest stars but they can't produce consistent performances so how do they start utilising their strengths: a tactical analysis
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psa: i got some unbelievably angry while making this because there is so much mismanagement in a team with so much potential with some of the world's best players and constantly producing young talent in a nation with a promising league
First of all, what are Norway's major problems:
poor decision making in the players that are called up
a lack of depth in the full-back roles specifically left-back and the defensive midfield options
inconsistency in both defence and attack with inabilities to regularly score and keep clean sheets
too much competition certain positions in the team and not enough in others means that players are not playing in a consistent starting eleven so it is impossible to see what players play well together and who should get starting positions
The current Norwegian set-up uses a 4-3-3 with no real consistency in the players. Leaving CGH, Engen, Reiten and Hegerberg on the bench when they are fully fit should be a crime. They haven't had a proper manager for a long time and past managers have created toxic environments. The hiring of Gemma Grainger seems to be a good decision for the team but the tactical decisions she is making and the players that she is calling up seem to reflect some continued poor decision making and for Norway to succeed - which they undoubtedly can - this needs to change. I just want to say now, I am not going to discuss the goalkeepers here, I have not seen them play enough and there doesn't seem to be any options available playing outside of Norway, this will focus on the play outfield.
1. the problems with the call-up list
One thing is missing: an obvious left-back but she exists and she's playing for Everton. Norway needs to call up Elise Stenevik. A major problem is they currently struggle to create chances and defend on the left wing with a centre back often playing out of position in the left back role and when a left back provides service to Guro Reiten and defending the opposition's right winger (often the stronger role in most teams) this is a major loss and it shows when Norway play.
I spent three days trying to come up with a decent starting eleven that just avoided full-backs altogether but it doesn't work well for Norway's players and requires creativity that just isn't possible at an international level where players are only with their coaches for ten days at a time. All other options still leave the wings vulnerable with neither Graham Hansen or Reiten natural wing-backs and it also requires possession-based football which wouldn't be possible against top teams. If you want to introduce consistency, you need to go another route which is finding a natural left back.
I will be the first to admit that Elise Stenevik is by no means Norway's best defensive option in their available call-up list BUT she has one thing over everyone else and that's that she's played two seasons at Everton as the preferred starting left-back and she knows how to play the role because it's hers.
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now for a break in a wall of text with photos that i took of her
Elise is young and her weakness is in her defending but that will improve and it will improve even faster in the national team environment than it would just at club and as literally the only left back I can find, they need to get her into the set up now so she can become the best player because even if she's not starting eleven matierial now, she will be in the future.
She would also bring an extra dimension to Norway's attack. Her talent comes in her ability to create chances and with Reiten, Hegerberg and Graham Hansen to finish them, this could be crucial for Norway especially due to their inability to consistently score. She's also very good on the ball and winning fouls and she can also win duels defensively, she just needs more time to develop that skill which will come a lot more quickly with the guidance of Norway's talented defenders such as Mjelde and Thorisdottir who also have huge amounts of experience.
2. the problems of the lack of depth in defensive midfield and full backs
I just wrote an essay on the solution to the full back problem. If Grainger plays Tuva Hansen consistently at right back, those two full back positions are filled with young talent that will develop.
The defensive midfield is more of a problem. On paper this season at centre back, Ingrid Engen has had a better season than any other Norwegian centre back. Unfortunately, she's one of just two defensive midfield options for Norway. The other option is Lisa Naalsund who isn't getting consistent minutes at United. Engen is by far the best option and the lack of depth is forcing Norway to play her essentially out of what is now her position, something she has seemed to be struggling with in recent games. Especially as this comes when Engen is the only real consistent defensive player in the defensive midfield role while the backline behind her is constantly shifting whether that be the players playing or the positions those players are instructed to play in. This is a problem for which there is little solution but it must be highlighted as a problem that Norway have.
Meanwhile, the rest of the problems: inconsistency in attack and defense and inconsistent starting elevens can be solved by a tactical changes. currently, Norway uses a 4-3-3 but I think they can be better served by the more adaptable 4-1-4-1 that can be shifted into more defensive and attacking line-ups to be used in all types of games. It would also allow for their more creative and talented players to roam in space and play their natural roles.
personally, i'd set up the starting 11 like this with these subs/replacements due to the injury
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Terland is also a possibility in Hegerberg's position as well as further back while Bizet can play in Román Haug's position too. Mjelde is also a CB option as Bjlede is a RB option in Hansen's place.
Román Haug is fast, she can act in the 10 role in this position, picking up the ball from Engen's and Maanum's passing in the midfield and getting it forward in central channels for Hegerberg like she's been doing for Liverpool all season. Hegerberg's positioning in the box alongside Graham Hansen can ensure that quick chances from the counter attack are capitalised on.
Stenevik's ability to create chances down the left as she's been doing all season at Everton combined with Reiten's ability to move back (something that Blakstad can do too) allows the defensive weakness that Stenevik holds on the left to be compensated for. Her chance creation can allow for overlapping runs with Reiten to get effective crosses into the box that both Hansen and Hegerberg can capitalise. Román Haug and her speed can also capitalise on these chances.
Maanum in the midfield places someone who is effective at both passing and dribbling centrally to create chances and hold up the ball with Engen in the midfield while players can move forward in order for possession to be capitalised on in order to create chances. she's also an effective option when the opposition team is defending in a low block to get a goal from outside of the box.
The backline in this 4-1-4-1 can quickly get support. The flexible formation allows Engen to drop into a CB position to create a 5 person backline which can effectively defend against the strongest teams. With Reiten's ability to also defend and Maanum's ability to drop into central midfield, the speed of Graham Hansen and Román Haug allow for quick counter-attacking measures with Hegerberg as the lone player forward, a role she is very capable of playing and she has done in UWCL matches for Lyon.
Ultimately, this line-up would allow for consistency in all matches whether it is when in a low block against a top team or a high press against a lower ranked team or in a match of equal possession in a team of the same calibre.
Overall, Norway would benefit from the call-up of a natural LB, a flexible tactical line-up that would work against all teams and consistency in the starting 11 in a 4-1-4-1 with Stenevik playing at LB. Norway would also benefit from Blakstad being recalled to the national team as a replacement and an option as opposed to Reiten if she's injured.
If you want more analysis of all these players' strengths, I'd love to do it but the photo limit won't let me add all the heat maps I want so I've left it out of this post so let me know, just drop me an ask with a name.
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air-rising · 10 months
Btw, this video is the longer version of the chant (but not the complete version). I rewatched the post match video, and I just realized I’ve missed, perhaps, the most important detail - why Ellie kept looking at the table:
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They wrote the names of all the goalscorers on a banana.
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m-11iv · 27 days
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misskelley · 1 month
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So much is happening
Gilles with Ferguson
DVD wearing Ellie’s shorts.
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damarisegurrola past couple of games
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retrocesosdestacion · 9 months
ellie is such a vibe 👐
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this conversation was really good, but my favorite parts were cgh saying she didn't watch any football for 4 days post the chelsea loss (which tells you all you need to know about her tbh) and ada talking about her long history of battling irene paredes on defense.
full video here, courtesy @uefa on youtube
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neuripley · 4 months
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My champion's league cards
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totaly-obsessed · 5 months
Ada Hegerberg Appreciation
woso appreciation masterlist | with @alotofpockets
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76 notes · View notes
air-rising · 10 months
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