#hehehe oc trauma >:D
cherrb333 · 5 months
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Ooooo a fight? Hehehehheehe i love to give my ocs trauma>:D she got some mommy issues heheh
Edit:this isnt canon yet in the timeline, might make it canon later, i just wanted to practice with big Mama’s spider form and here we are-w-
Renai's heart beat in her throat, burning down her lungs as her stomach dropped, mama screeched as she was thrown through the air into a wall. She came crashing down to her shell as the air was pushed forcefully out of her lungs, the taste of metal replacing air as she coughed up blood from the force. Her beady red eyes bored into Renai's skull as she pressed her claws down on her plastron like a predator to its prey. The shouts of her brothers from the sidelines could be heard as she coughed up blood. Even with the protection of her shell, she couldn't escape the angry wrath of the arachnid yokai.
Mama's voice boomed through the air as she dug her claws into the cracking plastron, squishing the young turtle under her clawed hand. Renai cried as cuts formed along her knees from the dirt and gravel rubbing into them. Blood spewed from the tiny cuts as a crack filled the air, her shell behind, cracking like walnut in a nutcracker. She felt tears stream down her face as she tried to get away from mama's grip to no avail. Her vision became spotty as she struggled to breathe against the pressure.
"𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐲 𝐦𝐞! 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐌 𝐎 𝐓 𝐇 𝐄 𝐑 ! ! !"
The asphalt grinded uncomfortably against Renai's cracked shell as she continued to push her further and further into the ground. Renai felt a sharp pain in her abdomen as it felt like all her organs began to get squished under the cracked plastron. It burned along her skin as Mama continued to beat on her, taking all her anger out.
"Smashing, LIKE A BOSS!"
Suddenly, a rush of air blew over them as the pressure was instantly relased. Renai watched through a spotty vision as raph threw a punch right into mama's face, sending her flying into a nearby wall. He immediately turned to the smaller turtle with a concerned look, crouching down to help her into his arms.
"Oh mi gosh, are you okay?"
He fussed, holding her gently against his hard spikey plastron with extreme care. He stood up and carrfully walked with the injured turtle, glancing behind to see that his brothers began attacking mama, who fought back with a loud screech, he nodded smiling as he slowly took the almost unconcious turtle away from the fight, and to the side of an alley way, where he placed her down and slowly stepped away with his hands raised.
"Dont move, raph'll be back soon!"
He turned on the balls of his feet, jumping back into the battle once he knew she was ok. Renai watched him as she blinked away drearily, exaustion filling her limbs and the pain becomign a dull throb as she slipped into unconsciousness with one final thought
'Finally, im free...'
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capturecharlesau · 1 year
Okay so out of all of your closest mutuals OCs, like Jay, Blue and Smores do you have an OC of theirs that you love the most platonically or like said OC is YOUR FAVORITE OC out of MANY OCS they have? If so do tell and give the reasons I am very curious :0
My favorite OC a from @jaytoons7 is Richard Hughes aka Crusher!! He’s the SWEEST handsomest OC in my eyes he’s so CUUUUTE 💕 oh my gosh I actually have a mini crush on Crusher! But he’s already taken hehehehehheeeeee!!! He’s so COMPASSIONATE and KIND!! He’s so patient and cares for others like the soft marshmallow he IS!! I have so much respect for him at how he moved forward and became a BETTER KINDER PERSON from the trauma he received!! He’s so sweet!! He’s so open about his beautiful emotions and cries!! GIVE THIS MAN MILK AND SOME COOKIES IM FOREAL GONNA CRY OVER HIM!! I hope I find someone as sweet and patient as Crusher!! Cause he has such a wonderful personality!! And HELLA HANDSOME NO CAP I WANNA HUG THIS MAN IF HE WAS REAL HOLD UP—!! Haha Danny is super lucky to have met him and his wonderful strong and soft silky silver eyes! ✨
For @bluetorchsky It’s obviously Violin!! What basically gets me so happy about him is the way he expresses!! Man can EXPRESS!! Man can DANCE 🕺 !! He said FUCK IT…. I embrace my beautiful body!! MAN ACHIEVED HIS GOAL AND WANTED TO BE WHO HE IS and ya GOTTA respect that! I basically like how sweeeeeeeeeet this man is! He isn’t mean to people nonononono he tries his darn best to get along! Have an open mind! :) He’s not afraid to cry! And I love how he interacts with Annesa hehehehe it’s so sweet! I also DO LIKE HOW MAN IS ALSO SASSY! Now with the right amount of sass ……*scoffs happily* AAAHH OPPORTUNITIES WITH FUNNY SCENARIOS INBOUUUUUNNNND!!
And as for @smoresthehalloweenqueen that’d be Morgana Price! Hehehe! She’s so elegant!! I like how kind she is as well!!! HEHEHEH! Woman got TTTTTTTTWWWWOOOOOOO BABES!! TWO BABES!! MORGANA IS GOING PLACES!! WHATS THAT TERRENCE? YOU LIKE HER?? HAHAHAHA GET YOUR SLIMY HANDS OFF OF HER CAUSE SHE’S PURE!! She is the moment! She doesn’t care about what is happening woman is happy as long as her bf’s are happy!! >:D She’s one of those elegant BUT hilarious type of people sipping her tea! *something tragic happens in the back* Morgana: Oh dear! AAAAAAA!!!
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jane-crow · 11 months
ummm oc ranting???
get ready this is going to be a fucking lot/srs ALSO TW JUST TO BE SAFE: mention of puk1ng b100d/coughing b100d
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(first one is hisan. the one with wings second one is clax the one with a flower crown- also when my husband sees this i wasnt sure if i should put the redesigns so i didnt just for the time being- apologies)
(clax shit) trauma. so much trauma- but anywayanyway going away from childhood- xey meet this god- his (the gods) name is phantom :D and throughout the aus (yes thats important) hes a well known god SPEIFICALLY for his spell book AND GUESS WHAT FELLAS??? yeah clax is somesomehow a decadent from phantom- like zey have god blood basically
so clax gets his spell book and is very good with it and uses it against the universe destroyer basically-her names hisan and yes she does have a design- let me fetch it heheh
(hisan) the reason why (basically) everyone hates hisan- is because she basically tortures clax- often
they are baically evil bitches who want to rule the multiverse- and hisan is basically one of the most powerful
sad fact!: hisan used to be friends with clax when he was younger
basically by shaking her hand it bounded them together forever- yeah dont ask to much
anand naturally hisan has powers-
she can make you relive truama,give you nightmares andand- well those are the MAIN ones
she can possess you to
and she has these red strings she can summon so ykkk- slay hours
clax also basically cannot sleep because of the nightmares hisan gives to zem- clax is basically running on coffee 24/7
sooo- what does clax exactly do?
well- zey protect the multiverses so hisan cant control every living human-
hisan also has minions she sends after clax!
at one point hisan had a war with clax. i think it was like- 10,000 of her minions vs clax. all at once. yeah clax had fun.
and one random thing i guess? uh- hisan can kill clax but clax cant kill her- BASICALLY MEANS hisan can kill clax and live BUT clax cant kill her and live- if clax kills hisan then they both die
clax has god blood- as of rn clax is a demi-god and not a god
only because once the gods feel zer ready then clax has to fight the five gods (4+phantom) and if he wins HURRAY GOD CLAX if he loses he stays a demi-god
bbuuuttt clax has a spell issue-
he can only use four powerful based spells (like- if he was to blow up a building or something ig?) at once
at one point he got hit with an axe to protect one of the aus and um it affected zer magic basically
IF he uses more than four? ||he coughs blood/pukes blood||
hes kind of immortal in a way? like- the axe SHOULD have killed zem but didnt THAT was because zer a demi-god and arent- technically very human so yeaaahhh-
and zer life span is extentedlike age wise- zey dont know how long that is but its longer than a normal humans length
and due to trauma reasons zey do NOT want to live longer than zey need to- bro is ready to hit that restart life button
and now an au segment :] basically- think of this as the undertale aus- clax in different timlines but as different people because otherwise none of this will make sense at all
ok SOOOO there wwas this au called "adventurer!au" who was the one who found clax/the og au in this case
and they both co-owned the "au house" together rather than just having one of them own it and advent was a bit of a uh- posessive friend when it came to clax
aadvent made this one invention that could basically reset timelines- or at least the day anyway
basically advent just used that to talk to clax and shit way to much- SO MUCH SO clax eventually became aware AND WAS VERY PISSED
so zey confronted adveadvent about this and banished them from the au household
clax hates to speak of them at all
ANNNDDD at one point
clax used a time seeing spell to see what else advent had done throughout the timeline resets and advent had actually killed one of the aus
so yeaahh-
clax is now the owner and is happy about it
yeah ummm- thats basically it?
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Got around to making a ref for Benji, now introducing his actual demon form!! There's a reason why he was known as Benji the Plush Demon afterall hehe ;D
Originally a Gent-made creature to try and match the Ink Demon's strength and dispose of him, but Benji went unused since A) He had a lot of free will and was pretty weak and B) Wilson REALLY wanted to use his OC do not steal /hj. Now he wanders(hehe) and hates Gent, eventually finds Audrey, and helps her out through her journey in the studio.
He acts like the therapy and hug sibling to the Drew Kids (tm), partially being one himself. Oh! Fun fact, his voice is sampled and used from someone ya'll are very familiar with hehehe. Gent thought it would help lure the Ink Demon out, but it just makes everyone try to punch Benji at first meeting lol. Best part? Benji doesn't even know. Uh yeah, hope you guys like haha!!
Some sketches n stuff under cut!!
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(Audrey asking him about his voice after they meet)
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The trauma fam
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cassynite · 2 years
☄️ for sparrow :D hehehe
☄️ Does this OC deserve better treatment from you? Do you make them suffer just a little bit too much? Be nice to them!
.....😔 I am guilty of making Sparrow the saddest, wettest little half-drowned kitten on the planet, yeah. She used to just have a missing brother and a sister who was like a queen (my now-defunct kingmaker pc). That was it. The changes just happened naturally, I swear! I promise it's not just because she has like some of my own worst personality traits. I promise I'm not punishing her for anything!
Listen. Her arc is about healing from the horrors and becoming something more than the trauma!! She wouldn't have such a sadsack backstory if she didn't get to be very happy and married to Daeran post-canon. I'm very nice to her there!! (Mostly.)
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incognito-insomniac · 2 years
🖊🖊 oooh!!! can u tell us abt ur goofiest oc? i love a silly lil character heheh
Ooooooo....I don't have a goof. Like none of them are just outright goofballs. Even Evera Hawke who was very purple sometimes I wouldn't call a goofball. Evera's just so drenched in grief she cannot truly goof about. She is a depressed goof. A reformed goof? No just a deeply traumatized goof. It's all sarcasm and self-deprecating humor now.
But you've put two pens so let's rifle through them shall we?
Wendel Downfoot it probably the closest to a goofball I've got. He's a D&D character for a campaign I'm playing at the moment. He's a big time prankster. A thief. He'll fib for a laugh. But our little friend crippling trauma comes to play as well. Wendel is haunted (Phantom Rogue 5e) and gloomy and doesn't play nice with others most days. So his pranking days are few and far between. But he is a true goof at heart. Latest nonsense was to lead 200 pigs or so through a portal into what is essentially our allies' command center. Hehe.
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Axle Ryder will pull a goof. She'll bring about the goofening. She will prank and roughhouse and roll on the floor giggling with the best of them. She loves a good time. But she is also….a badass motherfucker. A long term stint in a mercenary gang and being daddy's little disenfranchised delinquent will get you pulled off the goofball list pretty fast. She's a "punch first ask questions later" kind of gal. Whiskey, pistols, and punk rock are her favorite things…along with baseball (there's a suppressed math nerd in there somewhere)
Now dorks we have.
Liam Harper is a dork. He is a tall lanky silly dork of a man. An author with crippling social anxiety and writer's block. He likes bow ties with clashing print button-downs and will wear shorts and boat-shoes with socks without shame. The man has a handlebar mustache and horn rimmed glasses for crying out loud. He makes dad puns. He overuses fingerguns. Liam would like to pull a goof. But it would probably go horribly wrong and he would end up with burnt pie and broken arm.
Erim Lavellan is a dork. Bookworm supreme. Man would live in the library if the Inquisition and his husband didn't insist he pull his nose out of a book every once in a while. But he is too much of a lovely honest cinnamon roll to be pulling goofs. And he has deadly agility and precision on the battlefield. So really just a bookish boy who gets excited about history and helping people. Now you're saying that's not a dork. But I assure you his lopsided grin and penchant for stammering with a little blush across his freckled cheeks will convince you that he is in fact 100% Grade A Dork material.
And that's it. I'm tempted to say some of the others have goof like tendencies but I would be lying if I said it was a hallmark of their character.
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redezign-yr-logo · 2 years
Sparklecare Hospital OC bro !!! I got their dezign frum redtailed on toyhouse 4 free n i jus HAD 2 draw em right away :D
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ALLOTPUN: Light Pigment
AGE: 25
SEX: heheh
DOH: 9/10/???? [Egg Day !!]
GENDER: Genderfluid
AFFLICTION(s): Pale Palette, Snooty-snoop, Sleeps-a-not, Super-duper-looper-long
[Two ov thoze afflictionz i made up lol!]
Pale Palette - Colorz [besidez their eyez n insidez] never change despite trauma.
Super-duper-looper-long - Makez the afflicted anthriez body extremely long [usually effects types of anthriez with already long bodiez [ferretz, snakez, etc.]
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bardic-inspo · 4 years
4, 29, 30, 33, and 49 please!!
Thank you so much friend! :D 4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Gonna be sort of vague on this one because spoilers, sorry! But Nat did know both of her parents and has a lot of warm memories of them. Her parents started her comic book collection/love of graphic novels when she was really young. They’d bring new ones home for her to read on their way back from working in their flower shop. She also has a lot of fond memories of helping her parents with their work, and learning the names of different plants. As for bad memories, oof. We know that the Sokolov household had a gun, that Nat found it as a young child, and it’s implied that she goes to get that gun when someone unwelcome comes to their home. 
Despite some sort of family trauma that we’ll learn more about, Nat, on the whole remembers them fondly and has a strong sense of pride in her roots (which led her to keeping her last name when she later married Nate).
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? 
Hmmm, so it depends on who this person is to her. If it’s an enemy or a neutral party, she’ll bookmark that knowledge for an opportune moment. Not to really be malicious, though I think that’s maybe a fair assessment in some cases. But when Nat gets manipulative, it’s usually to achieve her own goals rather than purely for the sake of putting someone down. A lot of this goes back to her instincts as an attorney. Basically saving that knowledge in the event she needs to negotiate. She’ll probably play pretty coy in the meantime and avoid teasing or poking at it too much, kind of avoiding showing her hand that way.
If it’s a friend or a loved one, it’s a mix of both teasing and protectiveness. She likes to banter and playfully poke fun. But if it’s something that’s a deep-rooted fear for someone (I’m thinking about Mac and ghouls), she’ll put herself between them, she’ll be calm and soothing and supportive, pretty much whatever they need. Nat has a lot of those deep-seated triggers herself. Even if she doesn’t share a particular trigger, she understands how fear can make you freeze in that way, and doesn’t mess around if she sees someone else going through that.She also might take it a step further and say “I’m taking control of this situation, and I’m making the executive choice that you need to be done with this right now and go recover.” 30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out? 
 Nope!! Nat is a noodle arm lady with minimal endurance. Her one “physical” stat that’s not abysmal is agility. Helps to have a stroke of good luck and keen perception. And of course the charisma to talk yourself out of and around the problems. But Nat was never particularly athletic and didn’t have a regular work out routine. She’s probably got more muscle on her now, post-war, and it was definitely forced to be there through painful trials and tribulations.  33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties? 
Okay, honestly? I think she wears whatever the hell she can find that fits. Be that men’s boxers or granny panties or just straight up sleep shorts or something that’s not even really underwear by pre-war standards. Hey, life’s tough in the wasteland!! Hahaha. BUT I do think she would covet the crap out of anything lacey or sexy that she could find. I also think she would save that shit for opportune moments.  Hehehe.👀 49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Nat is pretty sentimental, but I think she also recognizes that lugging around everything important to you might result in it getting lost or stolen. One day where she’s more settled into her new life, she keeps a lot of stuff (her comic book collection, flower seeds, some photographs) locked up in a heavy duty safe. When Mac gives her the toy soldier, it’s always in her pocket, on her person from that point on. At this point, that’s the only item that comes to mind that I think she takes with her in that way. Everything else is under lock and key if it’s important.
[Super Detailed OC Asks]
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loghainmactir · 6 years
For the OC asks: 1, 6, 12, 14, 18, 21, 28 :)
there r so many here 😱😱😱 thank u sm…. i love love love love talking abt my OCs but i can never do it unless someone prompts me and this one is gonna get LONG so buckle in kids!!! (I’m also on mobile, so the questions have been shortened bc I just wrote ‘em down before I got into bed I’m sorry 😭) I’m also going to do 6 as a whole seperate post bc I wanna talk a little about my D&D world, tbh!
1. Three useless facts about your favourite OC.
I can’t 100% choose a favourite OC (… ok its Padril) so! I’m gonna do one useless facts for three characters:
A) Padril once tricked Tamlen as a kid into believing he’d gotten his hand bitten off by the Dread Wolf by sucking it into his shirt and wailing. The clan was not impressed, lmao.
B) Braewyn and her twin, Bradley, often binge-watch Golden Girls when they’re together and have free time
C) Irving owns a set of dragonbone dice and he has no idea how to play dice games. Like, none.
12. Favourite relationship between OCs?
I’ve done this already BUT… my other favourite relationship is between my character, Leon, and his daughter, Jordan, who’s a teenager.
Leon’s essentially got the role of Cullen for modern-day Inquisition mixed w some Leliana stuff, but he’s the one who trains everyone and orders about spies/troops. He’s an incredibly thoughtful and kindhearted guy, though a bit married to his work and sometimes it’s difficult for him to remove himself from it.
BUT… Jordan is the apple of his eye and encourages him to go out and socialise and do things Not Involving Work. They were estranged for a bit bc his work’s dangerous, but now she’s older so they spend time together offen. Similarly, Leon tries to set a good example for her and tries to encourage self-love; Leon’s black, and so is Jordan, n he knows she’s been bullied before so he tries his hardest to encourage self love re: natural hair & dark skin & imperfections like scars (bc he has a lot himself) (He’s also so fuckin awkward lmfao, he tells so many dad jokes when they’re together)
14. Which OC is most like you?
Ok so I have two. Bradley and Raul: Bradley has always a LOT of my ADHD/BPD traits and shares a decent chunk of my trauma even before I knew about it all myself. He’s also bi like me n helped me realize I was, too. Bradley’s much older n more Out There than me, though, but he really is a comfort character in the sense that it’s kinda like “u can and will be ok, he was so u can b too”.
There’s also Raul, who’s like me personality-wise; he’s a smartass, a writer, a feminist, and he really just wants to help people. He’s also afraid of large bodies of open water (like me), and he’s fuzzy n chunky like me too. I swear to god he is his own OC though akgkakf
18. Favourite things to research about OCs?
I rarely research OC things anymore, tbh, unless I’m REALLY uneducated on topics that cannot Just Be Made Up (like Harry and his world— I haven’t researched shit for that, lmao). One OC I researched a tonne on was my OC, Anthony (who’s Bradley’s child). They’re nonbinary, so I spent hours researching what that meant and how to politely portray them… and then I realized I was trans through that. I love them bc of that.
21. Describe each OC as shittily as possible.
God, I won’t do All of them, but:
Padril: that friend from university who’s now dating a man twice their age and is an “artist” (though it’s not going anywhere)
Jakeem: Gaudy Local Man Can’t Stop Bringing Dead Dogs Back To Life; Click For The Full Story! (clicking requires u to sign up & give yr credit card details lmao)
Harry: (to the tune of Hit Me Baby One More Time) MY LOWER BACK / IS KILLING ME / AND I / I MUST CONFESS / SO ARE MY KNEES (are my knees!)
Irving: You Won’t Believe How Much This Bear Can Cry!
Braewyn: “Hehehe! Got your nose!”/“Got your wallet!”
28. If they had tumblrs, what kinds of blogs would they have?
Padril: aesthetic art/travel blog…. occasionally posts selfies of himself on Loghain’s lap. Extensive tagging. Hashtag nature, hashtag beautiful, hashtag art, hashtag daddy (HE WOULD THOUGH)
Harry: completely untagged personal blog. entirely in lower case. probably black w red font. lots of complaints, lots of depressing posts, the occasional COMPLETELY indecipherable meme reblogged by @ltsarahkerrigan’s eustace (occasionally he’d post selfies of them, too). Has, like, 3 followers lmao
Jakeem: fashion/dogblr blog. Has a decent amount of followers because he often posts outfit photoshoots, except most of the outfits are from KMart/Walmart and are cleverly disguised. Definitely gets called out on a regular basis. Basic tags, still gets a tonne of notes.
Irving: a mish-mash of fandom (at least, art, photosets and gifsets), photography, and recipes. Is That Person who always leaves actual comments on posts (and often they’re irrelevant) and uses tags but uses them all wrong (for example he does them in all caps and there’s never a break in them, like: YUM RECIPIE FOOD STEAK BACON VEGGIES). Probably shouldn’t be on tumblr but he’s enthusiastic about it at least!
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