#hehehe ty for the idea autumn!!!!!!
bbutterflies · 4 months
look. I’m just gonna put my hat in here. please disregard if it doesn’t strike your interest at all. but as far as ideas/requests go… have you ever thought about cat walker and nino? good luck on breaking through the writers block!!!
I’m thinking about it now!!!! how have I never thought of this before it’s so GENIUS!!
Cat Walker was… sort of weird.
Nino couldn’t quite read him. What was his deal, anyway? He was clearly around the same age as Nino but he didn’t act like a teenager at all. He was so reserved and uptight and professional – which was saying a lot for a guy in thigh-highs and cat ears.
Like, usually Ladybug and Chat Noir would just sweep up civilians when they were in danger. But right now Nino was staring at Cat Walker who was just… standing there. Hand outstretched. Akuma raging behind him.
Weird. Right?
But Nino really didn’t want to be caught in this akuma, so he took Cat Walker’s hand.
(And so what if their hands fit together perfectly? Not that Nino was paying attention.
He definitely wasn’t.)
And, besides, Nino didn’t hate being carried to safety in Cat Walker’s arms.
“Are you alright?” Cat Walker asked when he set Nino down a safe distance away from the akuma.
And Nino, instead of saying something normal, said, “What’s your deal?”
Cat Walker barely even reacted. His brow furrowed, just a bit. “Sorry?”
“Like, you’re so serious,” Nino said, digging the hole deeper like an idiot. “Which is weird. Because you have a ponytail and thigh highs and bright eyes and it’s just, like, it’s weird.”
Cat Walker tilted his head. “Are you… flirting with me?”
Nino nearly choked. “No!” he sputtered out. “Of course not!” And then, because that was kind of rude, he added, “Not that you’re not cute, it’s just- you’re- I’m not flirting!”
Cat Walker smiled, just a little, but his eyes lit up with life.
“I’m not!” Nino insisted.
Cat Walker clasped his hands behind his back. “Okay. Sorry.”
Nino couldn’t stand him. “It’s just, like, you’re too serious. It doesn’t match the vibe.”
“Oh?” Cat Walker leaned a little closer. “I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
It wasn’t even that Nino was uncomfortable. He didn’t even really understand what he was feeling, actually.
“Would it help if you got to know me?” Cat Walker offered. “I don’t mind.”
Yes. Instantly yes. “What kind of music do you like?”
“Rock,” Cat Walker answered. “The classics.”
Okay, see? It just proved Nino’s point.
An explosion from the akuma stopped him from ever saying that.
“Ah, I should go help,” Cat Walker said, taking Nino’s hand gently in his. “I enjoyed talking with you, though.”
“Y-yeah,” Nino stammered out.
Cat Walker, never in a rush, pressed a kiss against Nino’s knuckles.
The only thought Nino could manage as he watched Cat Walker leave was that he needed to make a new playlist with every single one of Cat Walker’s favorites.
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juliettelime · 6 years
cobweb, cocoa
cobweb: do you miss high school?this is tricky because i do and i dont. it was only after i graduated that i realized how much of a bubble i was in the entire four years in terms of environment and mindset, and i of course don’t miss the stress over classes i didn’t necessarily care for and the loneliness that came with friend situations and bad days. but on the other hand i liked the fleeting moments of feeling like i was in a shoujo manga because i did have good times in high school too. things like holding hands in hallways and going to school dances, staying out with friends until 2AM just talking in a car and going out to lunch even though it was a closed campus but we were seniors that just didn’t care anymore, like that kind of stuff i think about every now and then and remember i won’t experience that ever again. but i at least have those memories (they come in handy when trying to write story ideas heheh) and i’m fine with moving on from them now.
cocoa: if you could have any type of hair, what color and cut would you have?i would have any cut as long as it could be forever and always pink…….. cries
send me autumnal asks! ty!!
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flopostslove · 7 years
As Autumn begins...
A wonderful start to my Autumn 2017 season! A great wedding ceremony at one of my new favourite venues...Captains Wood Barn in Maldon. A beautiful woodland setting off the beaten track. Sam and Carl put so much attention to detail into their big day and I have to say the bride looked stunning as she walked towards her new husband. Their friend played the processional music as a surprise to the groom on acoustic guitar and it was so heartfelt, everyone had tears in their eyes, including the celebrant! 
This is what I love about the role, every ceremony is so different, but all are equally beautiful because we are celebrating the love that two people have for each other in such a personal way.
On Saturday we lit a candle in memory of their grandparents and had a table bedecked with photos of them, it was such a fitting tribute to a generation that had gone before and played such an influential part in the lives of this gorgeous couple. After the vows and ring exchange they sealed love letters into a box      (which had been loving made by the brides father) along with a couple of bottles to be opened on the occasion of their 5th wedding anniversary. Photos under the old oak tree rounded off the ceremony before they retreated to the barn for afternoon tea...Oh and they had a cracking idea, a bucket list jar..everyone was invited to leave them a challenge, big or small, that they could tackle in future years, such a fun idea...guess what I suggested? hehehe. A wonderful sunny day, and memories made to be cherished for a lifetime.
On Sunday I had the pleasure of conducting a naming ceremony for a beautiful little girl, who is about to turn 1. I’m lucky to know the parents and grandparents of this little treasure and have watched her grow into the smiley faced, confident little girl she is becoming. It is such an honour to be able to be able to play a small part in milestone celebrations such as these and I look forward to sharing a few photos of the little lady and her big day.
So as we move forward into September at the same breakneck speed the rest of the year has flown past in, (where has it gone???) I can see the trees haven’t quite turned yet but I can imagine that in a month or so they will be stunning. Autumn is sooooo my favourite time of year, the colours and even the smells especially an open log fire...Heaven! So I personally can't think of a better time of year to be thinking of tying the knot or celebrating life. 
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