#heheheh special friend tag
pyonzzz · 2 years
Character bingo the opinions on one Tsumugi Aoba?
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About this blog and story 🌟
Ello im Yuri he/him (idc)
Dacky is my artist name call me by one of those names 😌(Rain my Internet persona name)
Want to know more about me? check out my second blog were I post fanart or answer more personal questions that aren't related to my story (⁠・⁠∀⁠・) Down here 🔽
Rules for This blog !!
I only answer questions about my story s or characters on this blog.
No wierd/ inappropriate interactions or comments
Be cool😎
I respond to comments but no wired ones
No Nsfw
Anything that isn't strictly about my story will be talked about on my second Ac
Do Not Steal 👊
Sry not personal anymore
If u want to use my art ask and tag/mention me
Fanart is appreciated 💖
And I'm open for ideas or tips with my oc world meaning:
if you have an ideas for characters that fit into my world tell me :D
if you have polite and constructive criticism tell me
If you want to tell me something about my character that could be changed tell me
:) please remember be nice
Now my world Hoshino🌟
Hoshino 🌟
In this world select few have abilities. called Hoshi. Those energy powers are energized by light and dark souls depending on your soul type, wich range from mind dark light time growth heat liquid spirit and some more rare types like love song or electrical
if you pry to the stars that apear once a year on a special day called: death star day. A soul with does power's is born. That person can access those powers with a special necklace that stores most of it✨ The necklace is able to take energy from other objects or sorces like Hoshi a creature made purley from that power. people may also use Hoshi powers without a necklace resulting in bigger access to energy but a higher risk of losing ot to.😗
the legend explains how this happend🌸
the main character is named ponia and she and her friends go to fight against many dangerous people or creatures in this world and meet other people 🌸🚶
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these are the more important people
the evil team against ponia is called:
the fallen angels. they want to bring back the legends and ponia is a big part of that💀
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she also has a twin called nagisa that i made with a friend of mine and changed to fit into the story. the twin plot is apart of the legend
im going to post more of the story laiter in form of manga or animatics. maybe also essays or stories
heres a quik comic i made a bout the day before the story starts with ponia still having long messey hair 😄
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ahhhh so cringe
Here are all the characters that are in this universe :
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undercovergamer · 7 months
✨ Sunshine and Giggles ✨
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⚠️This fic focuses mainly on tickling. Please do not read it if that upsets you.⚠️
cw: brief moment of arms being held at some point!
Based on a dream I had once where I tickled Gorou :)
For this fic, I rewrote my dream notes and replaced myself with Itto. I also turned it into a more silly and romantic setting. Enjoy~
Word Count: 1994
Today was a special day. Gorou and Itto finally had enough time to spend a whole day together, which they wanted to do for quite a while now. After plenty of planning, they decided to run a few errands together in the name of adventure, before playing games and relaxing near a large tree. I mean, you’re never too old to play tag, right? After running around in the grass for quite a while, they were both pretty tired so they decided to just lie down and look at the clouds.
“Ahh… doesn’t it feel nice to just relax and bask in the sun?” Gorou said, letting out a content sigh as he laid in the grass like a starfish.
“Hmm… you’re right, it feels great! The sun is so warm~ and nice~…” Itto replied, stretching out to relax his muscles.
“Yeah, it’s very relaxing! But… let’s be careful not to get sunburnt.” Gorou said, glancing over at his buddy.
“Eh, we don’t have to worry about that, right? It’s not that hot.” Itto replied, chilling with his hands behind his head.
“Let’s just be careful not to fall asleep. We should probably get some shade soon…” Gorou looked up at the big tree, which wasn’t too far away.
“No problem, it’s too bright out to sleep anyway, haha! At least for me.” Itto chuckled to himself, smiling as usual.
They spent the next few minutes viewing the scenery, feeling the soft breeze blowing through the grass. It felt so nice and relaxing to spend time together like this… but eventually, Itto started to feel a little bored. He looked over at Gorou who was laying next to him, about a meter or two away. Just curious, y’know. But then, the oni suddenly felt a wave of mischief come over him…
“Hey, I’m getting kinda bored… you wanna play some more?” he asked, sitting up with a “subtle” smirk on his face.
“Again..? I’m a bit tired right now…” Gorou replied. He didn’t really feel like running around at the moment. At least not yet.
“Oh, don’t worry! You don’t have to get up for this one… heheheh…” He felt playful seemingly out of nowhere, getting a silly idea to bully the general just a little bit.
“Hm? What do you mean…?” Gorou asked, looking up at him with curiosity.
Itto scooted closer with a mischievous look, giving him a slight poke to his tum, resulting in a surprised jolt as Gorou covered the spot.
“H-Hey!” Gorou’s ears twitched and he became nervous seeing the look on his friend’s face. Itto chuckled and poked him again, resulting in a squeak. “Eek! D-Don’t!”
“Heheheh! Ooh, what’s that? Is someone ticklish?” Itto asked, grinning with mischief. Oh dear…
“Uh… I-… um…” Gorou’s eyes widened, realizing his fate might be sealed. However, before he could make his grand escape, Itto playfully wrestled him down.
“Hehehehe! Imma getcha!” Itto teased, grinning at his newest catch and wiggling his fingers above him.
“W-Wait! Wahait! L-Let’s not get too hasty here! Heh! Uhm-!” Gorou said, nervously looking around and already losing his so-called composure, giggling in advance and wagging his tail.
“Are you ticklish here~?” Itto teased as he started tickling the general’s exposed sides. Wrong day to wear such an outfit, huh?
“EEP! Ahahe! Nohoho!” He immediately burst into a flustered giggling fit, trying to protect his sides while pushing Itto away, which didn’t work.
“Aw! You little liar, you ARE ticklish! That’s so cute~” Itto teased playfully as he gently squeezed his sides and waist, making him arch his back and yelp, laughing louder. His smile was adorable and Itto loved seeing him so silly. He kept his tickles soft and playful so that his little buddy wouldn’t freak out too much.
“Ack-!! Ahahahahahaha!! Stahahap ihihihit!!” Gorou laughed, squirming and bucking his hips, trying to roll away. Gods, what had he gotten himself into?
“Hehe! You’ve gotta let loose every once in a while, y’know! You can’t be serious all the time, right? Even war generals have to laugh~” Itto teased affectionately, switching spots as Gorou rolled to his side, scribbling his nails all over the general’s tummy.
“AAEEEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” His laughter rose an octave and immediately became more hysterical. “NAHAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!!” He squealed, throwing his head back and frantically kicking his legs, successfully covering his sensitive tummy with his arms. He was more determined to crawl away this time, but Itto pinned him onto his back.
“Aww, who’s a good boy? Hehe! Tickle tickle tickle!” Itto teased, scribbling around randomly at any exposed area he could get as the ticklish general scrambled to protect himself, laughing his adorable little head off. It was obvious Gorou was having tons of fun, because his tail was wagging like crazy. Upon being called a good boy, his face flushed red from embarrassment.
“Ehehahaha! Wahahahait!! Dohohon’t!! Ahahahaha!” Gorou squirmed as Itto tried to move his arms away from his tummy, which earned him a lot of giggly protesting.
“Are you too ticklish? Hm??” Itto said, gently tugging at his arms to drive up the playful tension.
“WahahahAHAIT!! PLEHEHEHEASE!!” Too late~ Itto lifted the little man’s arms up with ease, holding them above his head with one hand and using the other one to tickle all over his ribs and tum, even adding silly sound effects for extra crit damage.
Gorou was promptly sent into another fit of loud, high pitched laughter, once again frantically kicking his legs and wagging his tail at the speed of sound. “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” His heels dug into the ground in desparate attempts to escape.
“Tickle tickle~ hehe! You’re so cute!” Itto said, teasingly scribbling around his bellybutton.
“AAEEHEHEHEHehehe!! Plehehehehease!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! Stahahahap ihihihit!!” He pleaded through his adorable laughter.
“Aw~ is someone getting tired? Heheh… what a shame~” Itto teased, stopping his attack and letting go of the lil’ guy, leaving him a giggly, panting mess.
“Ahaha… ehe… hehehe…!” Gorou rolled onto his side and curled up, still wagging his tail as he caught his breath.
“Hahaha! Wasn’t that fun? You’ve got such a cute laugh!” Itto said, petting his head softly.
“Uh- I- eh… d-don’t say that…” Gorou whined, covering his blushing face.
“Why not? It’s true! Didn’t you have fun~?” Itto asked, still petting his head.
After a bit of hesitation, he sighed and admitted, “Y-Yes… I- uh… Th-that was a-actually kinda fun, heh…”
“I knew it! Your tail was wagging the whole time, y’know…” Itto said, chuckling to himself.
Gorou sat up and hugged his tail to keep it still, feeling embarrassed. “N-No it wasn’t!”
“Aww, hey. It’s okay. You don’t have to be embarrassed! Everyone is ticklish, right? It’s normal.” Itto pulled him into a big ol’ hug from the side.
“Huh… I guess you’re right, but…” he looked at the ground, still blushing from embarrassment, but be leaned against Itto anyway, feeling cozy near him and letting his tail wag freely.
“Are you alright? Did I go too far, lil’ guy…?” Itto asked, feeling a little guilty seeing him so nervous like this. Maybe he shouldn’t have done that…
“Ah, uh, I- I’m alright! It’s just… I don’t get… t-tic-… er… p-played with like that very often. I… feel embarrassed about it, that’s all…” Gorou admitted with a slight sigh, his ears dropping down.
“Are you sure? I feel a little mean now that I’ve teased you so much.” Itto just hoped he didn’t remind him of that weird lady with the fox ears… whatever her name was. He could tell Gorou felt nervous.
“Eheh… i-it’s fine, really! Don’t worry, I’m just.. not used to that much playfulness, I guess…” He stuttered, blushing again.
“Hey, didn’t mean to embarrass ya too badly, y’know. D’you wanna talk about it?” Itto asked reassuringly, hoping to ease his worries.
Gorou hesitated for a moment before replying. “It’s just… I’m a strong general of the Watatsumi Army, and yet I-… I’m just-… uh…” He felt embarrassed opening up like this.
“Adorable? Ticklish?” Itto grinned at him.
“Y-Yeah… that. Ugh…” He felt insecure about being so vulnerable, but struggled to express it properly due to that dreadful word…
“Aw, c’mon… it’s perfectly normal to be ticklish! Doesn’t mean you can’t be an awesome general, y’know.” Itto said, smiling at him.
Gorou sighed and said “I know, but… how would anyone take me seriously if they knew? They’ll just see me as an adorable puppy…” His ears dropped down, showing he felt upset.
Itto wasn’t gonna let him feel bad like this. “Nah, you’re so much more than an adorable puppy, haha! Seriously though, give yourself some credit! I mean, you’re a mighty warrior, right? With your speed, strength, and intuition, you’re basically unstoppable!”
“Huh??” Gorou wasn’t expecting such a speech, that’s for sure. Even his ears were surprised!
“I mean it, man! Just cus you’re a cutie doesn’t mean you’re not tough and cool at the same time, y’know. You’re really awesome!” He continued with confidence, giving Gorou a bigger hug than before.
“W-Wow, haha… you… you really think I’m cool?” Hearing that made his heart flutter.
“Dude, of course! I mean, you’ve got a bow on the front line, man! I could never!” Itto chuckled and patted his head. “… you’re still adorable though. Heheheheh!” he had to tease just a wee bit.
“Shut up…” Gorou avoided eye contact, hiding his face in his hands.
“Hahaha! Sorry, I had to… but like, honestly, you being cute actually gives you the upper hand!”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Well think about it. If an enemy thinks you’re just a cute doggy, they’ll underestimate your true power… and then, BAM! You STRIKE ‘em down!!” Itto made his point clear by playfully, but carefully, pushing Gorou to the ground again, which made him laugh with surprise.
“Hey! Hahahaha!” The pupper squirmed in a playful attempt to escape.
“And besides, it’s not like someone’s gonna tickle ya’ in combat… unless I’M someone!!” Itto said, tickling Gorou again to prove his point. “Mwahahahaha!” he teased.
“AEEEEHAHAHAHA!! Ittohohoho!! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” His poor tum got attacked again, making him squeal and squirm.
“Hahahaha! See? That’d be too silly, wouldn’t it?” Itto said, before stopping his attack and helping Gorou sit back up.
“Haha… ha… y-you didn’t have to do that…” Gorou said, catching his breath.
“Hey I’m just tryina help you out! Nobody would DARE to tickle their opponent in a life or death battle, you know.” Itto said, poking his side.
“Eep! Ok, ok! I get it!” Gorou said, giggling and pushing Itto away. “Stop tickling me!”
“Haha! Alright! You’re safe, I won’t tickle ya anymore… honest.” Itto laughed and hugged him with one arm, giving him headpats with his other hand. The two of them resumed their chill, with Gorou wagging his tail.
“Sooo, uh… is it ok if I call you cute and all that?” Itto asked, smiling at him.
Gorou was surprised, but nodded at the question. “Uh... Y-Yeah, I guess… j-just not in public! I’d get so embarrassed…”
Itto hugged him again. “OK! I shall respect your boundaries, cutie. Cus I got UNLIMITED affection for ya’! Hahaha!”
“H-Hey!” Gorou giggled a little bit, hiding his blushing face again.
“You wanna play tag again? Bet it’ll be lots of fun~!” Itto asked, grinning playfully and ruffling Gorou’s hair.
“Hahaha! Sure!” He replied, smiling at the silly oni.
“However! New rule! I’m it, but if I catch you, I tickle you! Hehe!” Itto said, wiggling his fingers towards him.
“Eep! N-No way! Ehehe! Y-You’ll have to catch me first!” He giggled, quickly getting up and dashing away.
“Rawr! I’m the tickle monster!” Itto exclaimed, getting up as well and chasing after him.
“EEK! Nooohoho! Stay back!!”
“Grrrr! Imma getcha~!”
It may be rather childish, but their bond grew exponentially that day, with lots of laughter and smiling from both of them as they played around. But oh, if only Gorou was brave enough to tickle him back…
Surely one day… right?
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v1ctor14aaa · 2 years
~ enha hyung line when you ignore them bcz they forgot ur bday ~
warning: swearing (slight)
featuring: chaeyoung (twice), ryujin (itzy)
genre: fluff and angst (slight)
pairings: enha x y/n (fem reader)
a/n: this is a bit long for each member (i think jake's the longest) sorry😭, if u have any reqs or if you want to be added to my tag list hmu. this is also not proofread, forgive me. also pls support my friend @gh0stythelurker heheheh
today is a special day for you, it's the day you have been anticipating the most. you couldn't sleep the whole night because of the excitement for this day to come, your birthday. you weren't excited because it was your birthday, you were excited of what your boyfriend is planning for your day. however, when a day has passed and it's finally the day, you didn't expect your boyfriend to forget it.
lee heeseung (이희승)
you woke up at 6am, you were looking like a zombie who hasn't eaten a brain for days (you just didn't get enough sleep). anyway, happiness took over your body as you see a notification from your mother greeting you.
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you were happily prancing around the room but quietly because you didn't want to wake up your boyfriend who is sleeping. you got more excited remembering what you were thinking last night. you kept asking yourself "what is heeseung planning?" "where are we gonna go this time?". you went to shower and then went to the kitchen to cook some breakfast for the both of you. while you were cooking, you didn't notice that heeseung has woken up. he sneakily went to give you a back hug "good morning, love". you squealed when he hugged you, you were smiling widely remembering your thoughts about today.
"oh fuck, it's already 7am" he said.
"why? are you going somewhere??" you asked, still smiling thinking of what he might be planning.
"yeah, i actually gotta go. i have to go to practice for our new comeback."
your smile suddenly faded. you felt hurt, you were so excited which now ends up disappointed. you finished cooking and ate then went to the bedroom ignoring him when he say his goodbyes. heeseung was confused on why you suddenly ignored him.
----- time skip -----
it's already night time and you were just watching movies the whole day. you didn't use your phone at all because you were feeling down of what just happened. heeseung forgot your birthday is all what you can think about. time passed and you didn't even realized but when you did you got more sad. you basically didn't celebrate your birthday. anyway, your phone has been buzzing since earlier. you knew it was probably heeseung updating you what's happening to his practice but you didn't care. you just wanted to ignore him right now and just watch movies. meanwhile, heeseung was worried. he's been checking his messages non-stop, waiting for your reply but no. he remembered earlier when you suddenly ignored him. he was walking back and forth in the practice room worried, thinking if he said something that made you upset.
"hey bro! the choreographer said we can go home now, shouldn't you go home and surprise y/n or something" jake was sitting down drinking water, confused on why heeseung kept walking back and forth.
"i can't go home yet, im still thinking of what i said earlier. im trying to remember because i think i might've upset her"
"bro, just go and surprise her, do your thing, and you wouldn't even need to worry about what made her upset anymore. i mean it's her birthday after all so" he laughed.
that's it. he was shook at himself for not remembering your birthday. he didn't even hesitated and ran to a nearest cake shop and bought one for you. he immediately went home after, and he saw you lying down the couch watching a movie. he was about to go up on you but he saw you sleeping. he put some candles on the cake and lit it up.
"love, wake up. happy birthday" as he hugged you and wakes you up with kisses. you woke up and was surprised to see him, you were about to ignore him again but then he sang happy birthday to you. you were teary and glad he remembered your birthday, not only that you get to hear his vocals. you thought how lucky you were that you get to hear him sing for free.
"love, im sorry i forgot your birthday. i was so busy thinking about my comeback so i didn't get to buy you gifts BUT tomorrow we could go out if you like and-"
you shushed him with a kiss and said "i forgive you" you giggled and continued giving him peck of kisses.
"i love you."
"i love you too."
park jongseong, jay (박정성)
you were lying down beside jay thinking of what to do on your birthday which is tomorrow. you wanted to go to a theme park with your boyfriend, you wanted to ask him if the both of you should go and buy tickets but you remembered that you wanted to wait for his plans for your birthday. you didn't want to admit it but it always makes you flustered when he cares and plans things for you, for some reason.
you woke up early in the morning and your boyfriend jay, who is not in the bed anymore seems to be cooking something in the kitchen. "does he plans to cook a lot for my birthday?" you thought. you finally got up and went to the kitchen but didn't see him there, you were confused but you saw him sitting on the couch watching a cooking show. you laughed at yourself for thinking it was him who is cooking.
"are you not gonna cook breakfast? or should i?" you asked.
"i'll cook, i got inspired to cook a new menu for today" he smirked. seeing him smirk made you think that whatever that new menu is, he's going to be cooking for your birthday. you love his cooking so much, it's like tasting heaven. before he even touched the chopping board, his phone started buzzing. "oh shit, something came up in the office. i gotta go." he said. you were worried on what could possibly happen so you asked him if you should go with him and he said that there's no need, and left.
you were sitting in the kitchen alone, wondering if this is a part of his plan or this is actually happening. he just left you alone in the house, but you didn't want to be negative so you took a shower and watched a movie.
----- time skip -----
he still isn't home, he didn't bother to call you as well. you went through your phone and saw that tickets to the theme park are now sold out. you were wondering what is taking him so long and hoping it's not that serious. anyway, you were already bored so you decided to go for a walk outside. you checked your messages to see if jay sent something but there was nothing, it was just silent. you were so worried so you decided to visit him in the office. everyone seems to know you are jay's girl, you got shy when you hear them. you saw jay sitting in his office with a cup of coffee on his hand laughing with his co-workers. a sudden thought suddenly flashed to your mind, he forgot your birthday. to think you were worried of him because he was taking long to come back home, it made your stomach turn. jay noticed you standing in front of his office and approached you "babe, what are you doing here?" smiling. he was about to kiss you but you dodged it and started to walk away. jay was frozen, "d-did she just dodge my kiss?" he got sad when you did that, especially that you didn't even say a word to him which made him more sad but he got worried if something happened. he followed you downstairs but you immediately went to your car and drove back home. he wasn't able to process you dodging his kiss but now this, he was confused and thinking if something bad has happened to you.
"hyung, heeseung and i plan to go to the karaoke, do you want to tag along?" ni-ki, his coworker, sipping his coffee.
"i don't think i can go, i have a problem to deal with" jay sat.
"ni-ki are you dumb, why would you invite him? you know it's y/n's birthday, don't bother his lovey dovey moment." heeseung laughed.
it hit him. YOUR BIRTHDAY. he didn't even say any words to his co-workers and immediately went to his car. he didn't know what to but he just drove around town and bought as much as he could for his gift to you. he started calling you but you ignored him. he was so worried that he might've made you cry and didn't want that so he immediately went home, searching for you in every room but you weren't home. where were you? well, let's go back to where you left jay's company. you did come home, however a person like you can't really stay home when you are feeling like this, you would always walk around the park. so, you did. you were walking around the park, head-empty and just wanted to stay there forever. you hear your phone buzzing and saw it was jay. of course, you ignore him like earlier. you didn't want to hear him talk since you thought it'll just made you feel more down. jay, on the other side, who can't find you anywhere got more worried. he didn't know what to do so he insisted to ask help from your mom.
minutes later, your phone buzzed again. you thought it was jay again but you saw it was your mom.
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you didn't expect your mom to buy tickets there. you were a bit happy to know she's coming, it will at least make your day better. you were sitting on a bench, waiting for you mom, unknowingly who is behind you. it was jay, holding a bouquet and a box. you were surprised to see him, you were about to walk away again but he suddenly held your wrist. "y/n, love, my beautiful girlfriend. please don't go. im sorry i forgot your birthday." he hugged you. you were glad that he finally remembered, you didn't want to say anything at that moment and just wanted to hug him. he suddenly made you sit on the bench and opened the box, it's a necklace (an expensive one too). you were mesmerized of the necklace, you looked at him. he puts on the necklace to you, he was looking at you and thought you were the most beautiful girl ever.
"you didn't have to buy this"
"i just bought it, im sorry if it's not much"
"you remembering my birthday is already enough, silly." you giggled and kissed him.
"oh, by the way. your mom helped me find you."
"oh." you sneered at him, thinking he couldn't have done it himself but you find it funny otherwise.
"i love you." he said.
"yeah, let's go home."
"wait what, say it back" he pleaded.
"i love you too."
sim jaehyun, jake (심재윤)
the both of you were eating breakfast and you already planned one thing to do for your birthday, you are still expecting your boyfriend to do something for your birthday though.
"should i go to my hometown? i think it'll be nice to visit there plus my mom expects me to go and celebrate there instead."
"sure, what's the occasion?" he cluelessly asked. you couldn't believe your ears on what he just said, did he actually ask that. you stared at him for a whole minute and raised your eyebrow at him. you didn't want to think negatively so you decided to ask him.
"what day is today?" you asked, staring at him.
"uhh, sunday." he looked on his phone.
that's when you knew, he forgot. you couldn't eat and was shocked at your boyfriend for forgetting it. he isn't really the type to forget birthdays and ESPECIALLY yours or so you thought. you still couldn't believe what just happened and you decided to think that maybe this is a part of his plan, pranking you or something. however, you got sure that he indeed forgot on what happened next after.
"i gotta go shower, love. but before that, you haven't answered my question yet. what's the occasion? is it your mom's birthday? we could buy some gifts at ****."
you were flabbergasted after hearing his words. you finished your food and quickly washed the dishes, you still didn't give him an answer and just ignored him right away. he looked at you confused, he kept asking and you're not replying. he thought that you were probably too tired to reply so he didn't care much about it and just went to shower. while you are sitting on the bed, zoning out because of what just happened. you were sure that he forgot your birthday, you felt down. you still wanted to go to your hometown though but since he forgot your birthday, you thought that your parents will find out and get angry at him. they don't really like jake much, especially your father. your mom doesn't say much about him but you can see that she doesn't like him as well. anyway, the point is you're not going to your hometown so you messaged your mom about it and instead you'll have a reunion with your former co-workers and celebrate it with them. you don't know what to do with jake but you were disappointed and a bit annoyed with him for always remembering others' bday while he doesn't even bother to remember yours.
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----- time skip -----
it's already night time and it's time for your dinner with your co-workers. you checked jake, he's already dressed. you didn't even say a word to him and just picked the keys and went out to the car. you sat on the passenger's seat because you knew jake would want to drive and he will keep bothering you if you drive, you didn't want to talk to him so you just immediately sat on the passenger's seat but while waiting for him you moved to the back seat for the reason that you didn't want to face and talk to him, you were still kind of angry and sad.
jake finally went in the car and see you in the back seat, he was so confused. you know, he's the type that wants you beside him all the time and seeing you in the back seat made him so bothered. he tried asking and talking to you but there was no answer, you were just staring at the window the whole time. he was getting sad, he still doesn't have a clue on why you're suddenly acting like this.
----- time skip ------
you two finally arrived at the restaurant and met your co-workers. you were happy to see them for such a long time and you talked with them for hours while jake was sitting beside you, he was getting teary eyed because you kept ignoring him. ni-ki and jungwon started to talk with jake. jake was pouting the whole time and looking like a puppy who just lost his owner.
"y/n sis, mom messaged me and said that you cancelled on going home. you didn't have to cancel it to go and have a reunion here." chaeyoung said.
"oh, mom and the others can wait. it's nice seeing all of you here though."
chaeyoung and ryujin looked at each other after hearing your low and sad tone saying that sentence. they realized that jake and you haven't even said a single word to each other since earlier.
"did the two of you fight?" ryujin asked loudly.
everyone looked at ryujin and gave her a confused look then they looked at the both you and jake. you didn't even look at jake and just laughed. "ryu, what do you mean. we're fine." you gave her a fake smile, which actually creeped sunoo and the others. sunoo whispered to chaeyoung "they're definitely not fine."
"i gotta go to the bathroom, don't eat dessert without me." you said.
once you went to the bathroom, they all looked at jake and asked "seriously, are the two of you really fine?" jake didn't know what to answer because he doesn't know either. he was feeling so many emotions all at once, he didn't answer them and just shrugged.
"you both doesn't seem fine, you should go and talk to her." chaeyoung exclaimed.
jake decided to do that and talk to you, he wants to know as well on why have you been ignoring him since earlier. he looks like he was about to cry while walking to the restroom waiting for you to come out. his phone buzzed.
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"HOLY SHIT. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK." he panicked when he saw his notification. he felt ashamed for not remembering your birthday. he ran back to everyone, at the table. "guys, can you do me a favor?"
back to you, at the bathroom. you were sitting at the toilet, zoning out and tears were forming. it wasn't much tears but you were crying already. you didn't know what to do with your boyfriend, negative thoughts were swarming in your head. you thought you were taking too long in the restroom so you washed your hands and went back to the table. to your surprise, no one was in the restaurant anymore. the lights also went off, you got scared because everyone left you and you thought you got locked in.
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you went to the main door and you saw a light forming from a distance away, your phone was about to die so you didn't bother turning on the flashlight this time. you were literally touching everywhere lol. anyway, a small light suddenly is closing up to you. you were so scared, you thought it was a ghost or something. then, suddenly all the lights opened and "SURPRISEEEEEEE!!" you almost had a heart attack. jake was in front of you holding a cake with lit candles "happy birthday, my pretty girl." everyone started singing and you couldn't help but cry. your boyfriend finally remembered. he kissed you and asked "so, what's your wish?".
"uh, for my boyfriend not to forget my birthday again." you shrugged.
he laughed "i love my girlfriend so much." and kissed you. "i love you too."
park sunghoon (박성훈)
your boyfriend is a skater and you work part-time as a barista but today it's your day off which is good because you know... it's your birthday. sunghoon though, is busy preparing for his ice skating competition. you wondered how the two of you will celebrate your birthday when he's this busy but you know sunghoon, he always have a plan when it comes to your birthday.
you woke up early in the morning and you see your boyfriend has already left. he ordered you breakfast before leaving and he also left a note. "sorry, i couldn't join you for breakfast. hope you enjoy what i ordered." you thought it was sweet of him to do so. however, you were feeling lonely for the past months. he has been busy than ever preparing for his competition. you both barely talk these past months, which made u feel lonely. with him busy, you weren't really expecting for the both of you to celebrate your day. despite him being busy, you waited for his message to greet you a happy birthday but nothing happened. you jokingly said "he's way too busy that he probably forgot about it." and laughed.
hours later, you finally saw sunghoon text you.
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did he literally just forgot your birthday? your jaw dropped when he asked you that. you weren't even sad at all. well, you understood how busy he has been but there was just no way he just forgot about your bday.
----- time skip -----
your boyfriend got home. you were playing some games on your phone and he tried to hug you but you rolled over the couch. he laughed and thought you just fell, he decided to hug you again but you walked away.
"what?" he raised his eyebrow at you. he decided to hug you again but this time you ran and went straight to the bedroom. he was so flabbergasted when you did that. he was like "what the fuck?". you on the other hand was mad at him. he still didn't greet you so you felt that way. anyway, with what just happened. he sat down on the couch and zoned out.....
you were so bored, you decided to go out and go to a cinema. you don't really care if sunghoon is going to come with you or not but either way you're going. sunghoon saw you all dressed up and asked you "oh hey love, where are you going?". you straight up ignored him and closed the door loudly. he was so fucking confused, and was kind of annoyed with you. without hesitation, when you left he immediately worn some proper t-shirt and his shoes. he ran so fast to catch up on you. thank god, you haven't started the car yet. you were petting some cat that you saw. you noticed your boyfriend followed you so you went to the car, he then went in too.
"im driving."
you started driving without saying a word to him.
"oh, okay. you drive, i guess."
when you arrived at the cinema, you quickly lined up to get some tickets. sunghoon was surprised that you wanted to go to the cinema but just went along with it, he bought food for the both you to eat. of course, you weren't that awful so you also bought him ticket and gave it to him, still without saying a thing. hoon just basically followed you inside.
----- time skip -----
you enjoyed the movie, sunghoon kinda did as well but he misses you. like talking to you. he tried talking to you as well in the cinema but of course you still didn't reply. you badly wanted sunghoon to remember the occasion to himself so you stayed strong and kept ignoring him lol.
you drove around the town and went in some shops to buy things or foods. still not talking to sunghoon. your boyfriend got tired and when it was just the two of you alone, he had enough and said loudly "y/n, what the fuck do you want? why are you not talking to me? why do you kept ignoring me? im getting tired already. i tried talking to you a couple of times today but what the fuck. baby, if i did something wrong, please tell me. you know me, i care about u so much but fucking please tell me what's happening?" you didn't even looked at him as you went inside the car, ignoring him again.
"y/n, you know what. im done. if you're not gonna talk to me for the whole day, okay fine. im gonna go home but just know this, im fucking worried about you but you wont even let me talk to you." he left and went to get a taxi.
you sat alone in the car, crying. you were hoping for him to remember such a special day and greet you, that's what you only wanted. you weren't mad at him anymore instead you were sad, crying. you thought that there's a possibility that he doesn't care for you anymore. you though that maybe you have gone too far for not talking to him. you weren't in the mood to do anything, anymore but you didn't want to go home since sunghoon went home. you didn't want to face him yet after what just happened. you thought that you'll just let the day pass and talk to him tomorrow so you went to the nearest hotel to stay.
as for sunghoon, he was waiting for you to come home. he thought that he let his emotions control him that he shouted at you earlier. he was worriedly thinking on where have you gone off to. he was worried that he made you cry because of earlier.
it was already night time and hoon still doesn't have a clue on why you ignored him the whole day. a realization hit him on what day it is today. he checked the calendar and everything. it's your birthday. okay, you maybe wondering on how did he realized. he remembered the cinema that the both of you went to, it was titled "BD". he remembered what happened on the movie, a birthday basically. he cried a little because of the fact he shouted at you earlier when he was the one who's at fault for not remembering his dearest girlfriend's bday.
he didn't bother to buy you gifts or what but he went looking for you everywhere. he remembered you guys are both in 'life 360' and he saw where you are. he immediately went to the hotel and asked the staff on what room you're staying in. he knocked.
"love, it's me."
you were just lying down the bed and when you heard his voice, it sent a chill down your spine. you were surprised and confused on why he's there. you opened the door and he suddenly hugged you tightly.
"love, im really really really really sorry for forgetting your birthday. im also sorry for lashing out on you earlier. im so sorry love. i was so busy preparing for the competition that i completely forgot about your bday. im really sorry, y/n." he cried.
you wiped his tears and said "im sorry too, i shouldn't have ignored you the whole day and i should've just told you what's going on. hoonie im sorry."
"i love it when you call me that." he smirked and laughed.
"hoon." you stared at him for suddenly joking around.
"okay, i know i know. sorry. let's go inside first. wouldn't want people seeing us being dramatic. im sorry i didnt bring any gifts with me."
"honestly, i don't care if whether you have gifts or not. as long as you remember my silly birthday. i know, i don't say these often but im lucky to have a boyfriend like you."
"y/n, im more luckier having a dramatic girlfriend like you." he laughed.
"i love you so much that the whole universe can't even compete."
"baby, i love you sooo much too."
please do not copy nor translate and post this as your own.
[taglist: ---- ]
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ask-one-orion-pax · 3 days
Quick Guide to Acceptable Asks!
Definite YES:
Questions about my friends or me
Questions about Cybertron
Challenges for fun
Concerns about the world (yours or mine!)
Requests for emotional support (D insists I’m good at it)
Cool bugs
Political statements about Cybertron (I’m not really familiar with Earth politics)
Spicy questions (depending on my preferences)
Definite NO:
Insults directed at my friends (I will bully you)
Asks for advertisement
Vaguely worded asks that aren’t clear or specific in their meaning (if I can’t figure it out I will probably just delete it, sorry)
Asks directed at Moderator (I am the Moderator heheheh)
Special Tags
#username: search a username tag on my blog to see only my interactions with that user!
#advice: I try to be helpful sometimes
#Orion’s opinions: of which I have many!
#cool stuff: look at all the cool stuff I found! (reblogs)
Self and OCs ONLY.
Any attempts to RP with this blog as an official character will be ignored and/or deleted.
Be respectful of other people’s RP interactions and ask them privately before attempting to interact with them in regards to this blog. Be okay with being told no.
NEVER “no nothing” an RP interaction (making something “unstoppable”) or write this blog’s response within your interaction to force an exchange you desire. These actions are unfair and disrespectful to the recipient. Doing so will grant you a warning. You will only be warned ONCE. Repeat offenders will be BANNED from RP interactions with this blog.
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disposal-blueeee · 3 months
.⋆ it was raining the day the world ended ✩*
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introduction post ! had to make one because my bio was getting way too long lol
✸ vargas is a jthm fanfic made by zarla-s and it has been my special interest for over a year now ! i pretty much only post about it . i mean yeah i do like other stuff but for now vargas is the main thing in my head . i may draw stuff about other fandoms but once every blue moon . ( and even if i do i'll probably won't post it here
✸ requests are always open . they have to be vargas related though ( because it's pretty much everything i draw ) ( also if i don't want to do your request i will just ignore it not because i don't want to do it mostly because drawing certain stuff is still difficult for me
✸ my dms are always open . feel free to message me if you want ! :3
✸ other socials :
ㅤㅤ→ twitter ( i post wips and stuff from other fandoms i'm in
ㅤㅤ→ tiktok main account and vargas dump account ( i made this account recently to replace the one i lost . hell yeah !
ㅤㅤ→ deviantart ????? ( will post the exact same things but
ㅤㅤ→ my discord is squishysunn !
✸ i really like rambling on the tags of my posts lol some of them can be related to the piece but most of the stuff i write there it's life things
✸ this account is not only for my art . i like to see this account as a small place for all of the vargas content i can find hehehehe . i do make lots of fanart though , all of it is under the tag sunny's art .
more stuff about me under the cut XP
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‧₊˚ about me ! .⋆
✸ hello ! my name is sunny , but some friends call me nny too :3
✸ i go by any pronouns , but i usually go by she/he .
✸ i speak spanish and english .
✸ adult
✸ as i already said , vargas is my main interest . but here's a list of more stuff i like .
ㅤㅤ→ handplates ( and undertale of course
ㅤㅤ→ invader zim
ㅤㅤ→ hazbin hotel
ㅤㅤ→ omori
ㅤㅤ→ the stanley parable
ㅤㅤ→ team fortress 2
ㅤㅤ→ south park
ㅤㅤ→ friday night funkin'
ㅤㅤ→ code lyoko
ㅤㅤ→ yaelokre
✸ i get artblocked really often so i'll probably take long breaks between posts sometimes .
✸ you can try and talk to be or be my friend if you want ! i just can't promise anything , honestly . i'm super bad at talking with people . i'm sorry .
that's all for now ! hope you enjoy my art X3
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briarborealisart · 1 year
tell me about your favorite characters (or ocs if you’d like) 👀👀👀
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this post is going to be long so: oc info under the cut! i guess this is a good time to tell anyone who doesnt know me from other sites that i have a bunch of various ocs in my brain always. fun fact: originally this blog was going to be my art and oc blog! hence: briarborealisart. unfortunately the allure of fandom reblogs Got Me and now my blog is a deeply disorganized folder of Interests rather than me putting anything of my own out there LOL. maybe i should make an oc sideblog or smth but i feel like i wouldnt keep up with it </3
OK SO I HAVE A NUMBER OF OCS FROM DIFFERENT WORLDS. i'll go in order of world age (mostly---i don't remember the exact chronology) and stick to my main oca. anyone who i tag as a collaborator/co-author also has ocs that interact with mine and did a great amount of the worldbuilding and u should check them out hehehehe!!
whoopsverse is a world jointly created by some friends and i (@natyune-art, @catatonickeeper and alythea). it's an epic fantasy and it is also falling apart actively lore-wise because we all became Adults With Jobs who had some creative differences regarding what we wanted for the roleplay SO its kind of a free for all rn. BUT IT IS SO DEAR TO ME. it started out as an offshoot of the google plus roleplay community World of Alengra by derbybubblefish but it quickly became its own thing. i technically have a billion and a half ocs from this world but most of them are defunct/shelved for now (read: dead)
my two most active ocs from whoopsverse are vas and kiska
vasushri jilpa nuriya, aka vas, is a mortal girl who keeps getting reincarnated with the same voidkin attached to her soul. voidkin are minor gods who are born from the void, a nebulous sea of chaos. they are goopy fellas and can latch onto mortal souls to give them innate void magic. void magic involves portaling, hammerspace, and in rare occasions, shapeshifting into a voidkin. vas has the rare shapeshifting bond.
kiska, aka the godkiller, aka tempest, is a once-mortal woman, now immortal, who is blessed by the death god with immortality and great power. in return, she is to wander the earth exterminating rogue immortals. she's like a very specialized grim reaper.
kiska frequently runs into vas in her many incarnations and adopts her.
@ask-projectstarstruck (mine and @doeblossom 's poor abandoned baby) is an ask blog set in a world much like our own, except that magic exists! it takes place in a fictional college and follows two (or three? 👀) students. blog spoilers to follow!! (also, the concept existed before and continues to exist outside of the ask blog, lol). MY two (most active) ocs in there are austral and boreal
austral lucis is a college student at the university of lenton springs! she's a business major and communications minor who graduated valedictorian of her high school class, and got a full ride scholarship to this ivy league college not too far from her home. she's a huge stick in the mud and very VERY type A. her story revolves around learning how to be her own person instead of doing what everyone expects/wants of her. her college roommate is callista aka elise, @doeblossom 's oc!
boreal lucis is dead. no, really! she's a ghost, and austral's twin sister. through an uncanny twist of fate, or maybe magic, when boreal was stillborn her life force attached to austral, and her ghost grew up with her. austral is the only person who can see her, and ghosts/hauntings aren't really well researched in the world of project starstruck, so... austral has defaulted to pretending she doesn't exist, so that people don't think she's crazy. boreal is a silly goofy guy, because you've got to have some way to entertain yourself when the only other person who knows you exist pretends she doesn't. boreal's story is ALSO about learning to become her own person, but this time a lot more literally.
boreal is very protective of austral, the both of them having grown up with a mother that was very demanding and dismissive of austral's emotional needs. austral would prefer not to talk about it.
THIS ONE IS ALLLLL ME BABEY. i read so much of the Alernate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers tag on ao3 that i haaaaaaaad to make my own. since this is all me i have a bajillion ocs in this world.
here i'll just copy and paste over from my discord (these descriptions might not be super accurate since they were written a long time ago)
ok core cast
19 year old spiderman kinnie mc, a vigilante named leon wright. became a vigilante after his existing powers mysteriously evolved (this Doesn't Happen to other people)
15-16 year old dani wright, leon's little sister, found out leon was a vigilante and promised to snitch on him if he didn't let her join him
17-18 year old stereotypical tech/hacker/guy in the chair guy named mick simmons, technically a supervillain because he keeps committing minor cyberterrorism. his only parent was a supervillain who got arrested when he was like 14. he met leon online after hacking his animal jam account. so far he's the only one whose codename ive made and it's discord
18-20 yo main villain, kammie stoll, a deranged and unhinged cartoonishly evil young woman who leon is a MASSIVE simp for, and she is in love...with DESTRUCTION!!! NYEHEHEH
a registered dad-aged hero, brendan powell, so stressed about the fact that these kids are out here fighting, desperately trying to be a positive role model for/adopt them
a dad-aged villain, grant stoll, kammie's bio dad, they have a great relationship /gen, he is also trying to adopt all the kids because he respects their gusto and thinks they'd be great friends for his daughter
the wright parents, phoebe and cyrus; one of them knows about their kids vigilante stuff, the other is oblivious (havent decided which is which). theyre separated but friendly and have a rivalry going on about who the kids like more
the hero hq secretary, sandra flores, who has a power that "lets her type really fast" but actually its just legitimately a superspeed power and shes so cool and rad. she just lets people think she's Normal
milo pryce, mick and leon's third roommate that they picked up off of craigslist or smth because they couldnt afford an apt on their own salaries. he's pretty normal (or is he?) and just a background civilian (or IS he?) except that he's a doomsday prepper with a serious hoarding problem, but only in his room. very meticulous otherwise
and, of course, the REAL big bad evil guy: clarisse simmons, mick's supervillain mom. she's a very mysterious force for most of the story until the THIRD ACT TURN WHERE ITS REVEALED SHES BEEN THE MASTERMIND THE WHOLE TIME! or... something like that
story MAINLY driven by @natyune-art featuring witches, betrayal, and mystery!! my character in there is named dijah
khadijah, aka khadi or dijah, is a witch. in this world, witches can see the strings of fate that surround a person and view, interpret, and/or manipulate those strings. dijah wanders the world as kind of a rogue, wandering from town to town with nothing tying her down anywhere. that is, until she arrives at a town where a string of kidnappings finally catches up to her location. a bartender she made sort-of friends with is the next to go missing, and she immediately decides to start investigating. while she's in town, she also meets auryn, a traveling performer like herself. he's extremely suspicious, but she has no real evidence that he's behind the kidnappings, especially when he agrees to help her with her investigation. drama! intrigue! romance! horror! whimsy! they have it all!!!
most recently and most clearly the subject of my brainrot, @doeblossom peer pressured me to make an owl house self insert oc and BOY DID I. ITS SO FUN. in addition to being besties with toh!doe, she ALSO has interactions with @mothsha 's toh oc myrna, and @blimate 's toh oc wynter. her name is sol
solstice finch is a teen prodigy. she graduated hexside at 15 years old under the potion track, and ended up succeeded in the emperor's coven tryouts, which she had entered by accident. she quickly made her way through the coven scout ranks and at 16 is a coven official a la kikimora. she's besties with doe and hunter :) her mentor WAS lilith, but after The Season One Finale... they don't talk for a while haha. I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT HER BUT I'LL KEEP IT BRIEF: sol is THE silliest little guy. she's also basically a cat, we swear. shortly after hollow mind she defects from the coven and that's when she ends up meeting myrna and re-meeting wynter.
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dellalyra · 1 year
Thank you so much @crazychaoticizzy I love doing this stuff and learning more abt my friends :):):) pls keep tagging me in tag games heheh
🌸15 Questions, 15 Answers🌸
Are you named after anyone?
My real name is an ancient Irish one that my mum found when she was studying folklore but nobody really calls me that, most people call me Pixie and that’s why I use it here :):)
When was the last time you cried?
Hmm, watching the latest Demon Slayer episode.
Do you have kids?
I have to kitty’s when are my babies but I can’t wait to actual human babas :)
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Oh no, never. 🙄
What sports do you play?/have you played?
I don’t play sports anymore but I used to play soccer, 100m sprints, swimming, ballet and I was a junior showjumping champion. :)
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Vibe. 100%.
What's your eye color?
Blue :)
and I’ve the genetic mutation thing with the gold circles around my pupils.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, life’s shit enough as it is.
Any special talents?
Idk if it counts but animals just really like me? Which is great bc I love them too :) I’m also in the top 5% of reading speeds and I can drink from a wine glass held with my toes.
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, gardening (I have a kitchen garden), dressmaking, gaming
Do you have any pets?
I have 2 cats, 3 bunnies and 30 fish and a frog, my hamster passed away a few months ago and my parents have 6 dogs.
How tall are you?
4ft11 🙃
Favourite subject in school?
History probably but I’m doing my degree in criminal psychology
Dream job?
Novelist probably or something quiet like owning a florist
I tag @luckimoon @psychicai @vagabond-umlaut and anyone else who’s interested heheheh
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nelladivinita · 1 year
Yeye! That’s totally fair! I’m learning more and more about all the papas and starting to slowly get a hang of all their personalities and what they’re like, etc. (I’m fairly new to ghost) The ghouls are all so cuteeee i love dew too! Dew and swiss are the cuties <3
Heheheh yesss he’d have so many lectures for his son that would be so embarrassing but as a result i like to think that his kids turn out to be a real charmer + gentleman as well. I can just imagine Secondo threatening any of his daughter’s future partners, he’s definitely the type to worry after her and be a little *too* nosy. 
Im gonna combine the last ask about the penpals <3 
Yessss getting to know each other through letters, and you become the one person Secondo feels like he can talk to honestly, who is just as hyped about his passions, who gives advice that he doesn’t know how to ask anyone else.
And aww yeah his brothers would tease the heck outta him, but eventually he manages to get himself to talk to you, and you– who doesn’t know who he is yet, at first is very scared as to why papa is suddenly talking to you. You’re nothing special, you’re just another sibling of sin.
You mention this in your next letter to your secret penpal and Secondo reads it and is like,,, blown away by how you think you’re not special. He then proceeds to write a whole essay about the things he thinks make you special and tells you to give yourself more credit– to be more confident. 
He ends the letter by telling you he adores you for the first time; and from this point your letters begin to become romantic and flirty and cute and the two of you hang onto each and every word you write to each other. 
(also!! I posted the work! I also tagged you <3 i might still come into your inbox as love letter tho since its not my main blog and i dont think i can send asks through my sideblog? ;v; (i can also just reblog and respond directly on my sideblog, let me know if you have a preference?) 
-loveletter <3 (earthry)
Imagine!!! He comes up to you in his paint and robes and you're honestly terrified, whole heartedly believing you're in trouble. I mean why else would a Papa come gliding (I hc that they look like they're gliding when they walk in their robes, especially Secondo, for some reason) up to you in full Papal regalia, if not to give you the scolding of a life time?
But instead he speaks in a low, husky voice. He asks for your name, what you think of... the weather? It's almost a little silly. But what else can he say to someone so lovely, and under such unique circumstances?
He runs your ribbon through his fingers before he bids you farewell, leaving you breathless. Your friends giggle and whisper in delight, preening you as you blush.
Like you said, you unknowingly tell him about it that night, about his odd behavior, about how breathtaking he was, in appearance and intimidation, and he laughs, but then, he doesn't. Because like you said, you're speaking so coldly about yourself.
He strokes the paper softly with his thumb, imagining your cheek, and resolves to write, in sweeping calligraphy, of the beauty of your soul; how this mystery correspondent would know you anywhere... anywhere. And that someday soon... they might.
The next time he sees you, you pass like planets, orbiting, turning around one another, stopping on the opposites sides of the way you came, like a waltz, and you know it's him without knowing how. He catches your ribbon again.
"... Un bel nastro…... devi essere profondamente adorato…"
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anincompletelist · 8 months
Hi Sarah! 15, 17, 33, and 37 for the ask meme if you're feeling up to it. Hope you're doing well 💜
HI FRIEND! :D I am definitely feeling a little worn out but having fun answering some of these before bed :) I hope you've had a lovely day today!
15: Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
oh absolutely. most of my reading is non-fiction psych books and/or poetry, so there are all sorts of feelings that must be written down expeditiously usually, and if I write in a notebook instead then the two get separated inevitably so I've found it much easier to write right there on the page. I love making a book my own and making it feel 'lived in'. looking back one day and being like hey! this made me feel things!! so much so that I had to write it down or highlight it or circle it or earmark the page to come back to again and again! I LOVE. (I do not, however, read in the bathtub because I have anxiety and am far too afraid I will drop it in the water on accident ksjhdk)
17: Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
as we all know, I have an unholy amount of wips in the docs currently but I feel like my 'main' wip is bridesmaids, which is concluding at the end of this month! it definitely has more lore than most of my other fics do thanks to a bunch of the characters being originals! when I outlined for this fic I had pages of background info for each of the characters and how it affects their behaviors and ties into the major plot points, but a lot of those details got cut as the fic crossed 100k and I didn't want to include a bunch of lore that wasn't directly relevant to our main characters/pairing. but the little found family in this fic is so special to me and if anyone's ever interested (or maybe if I do another fic set in this verse one day?) I'd love to delve into the original characters a bit more! they have tons of quirks and little details that are so much fun hehehehe
33: Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
I will do literally anything creative even if I am not good at it ksjhkdh I love to create! I've tried a bit of everything here and there, but I regularly enjoy photography, painting, and occasionally drawing! if poetry counts, I have written poems for fics, both in posted works and some upcoming ones, but other than that I've yet to have any of these crossover!
37: If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
ooooh what a good question!
ideally, I think I'd like some of the main takeaways to be that I felt deeply, did not shy away from hard or emotionally nuanced topics but always managed to find a bright spot within them, that ultimately leaves people walking away from my work feeling seen, validated, and/or inspired.
realistically, they might stick me in a textbook under the category 'words that should have been said to a therapist that have instead been immortalized on ao3 [tags include: emotional hurt/comfort, shameless smut]' SKJDHSKJDHSJH we out here!
[send me a weird question for writers or reblog to play along yourself!]
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purplejan · 2 years
I was tagged by the lovely sandra @glittertrail gracias cariño, this one was so much fun 🥰
✨ 16 questions for 16 mutuals ✨
1. Are you named after anyone?
yes!! i shortened my name to cece here but it really is celeste, i always joke with my mom saying she chose it in her hippie era (although to me she never left that era kcjnwjecwe) but in reality it was after a telenovela character from one of the telenovelas she watched at the time.
2. When was the last time you cried?
last week, had a lil argument with my parents so,,, it's all good now
3. Do you have kids?
i don't and also don't want any of my own, i am however eternally hopeful my brothers have kids so i can be the fun aunt hehehehe
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
i don't think so?? tbh i'm not that witty or funny ckwjnkwen
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
probably hair and smile
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings cause i don't watch scary movies oops
8. Any special talents?
being the one to make good food after going out with friends when everyone is too lazy/dunk to do so. my friends are always so thankful lckwnkew <3
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
singing, going dancing, cooking, walking around the city and sightseeing.
11. Do you have any pets?
yes i do <3 we have tanguito, and three dogs; picicin, applepie and chuchi. their names make no sense and my brothers are to blame for that kcjwnkjwe
12. What sports do you play/have played?
none kcjwnwjek i'm terrible at any team sports like stupid stupid at them.
13. How tall are you?
1.48 cm, very short indeed
14. Favorite subject in school?
history was my absolute favorite for sure like it was the only class i actually really cared about having straight a's ckjwnkwej and also music class was always a fun time for me.
15. Dream job?
i would adore to be a public defender but tbh i don't know if i have it in me cause it's a lot and i'm literally a 22 year old teenager kcjnwekjwenk hopefully in the future i feel like it's something i could actually do and do it well.
16. Sunset or sunrise?
(no pressure) tags: @sweetlikesunflowersandhoney @icesiscouture @sweetestberryofthebunch @petitmonde @fuckyeah-dragrace @moonshotsx @thecollectionsof @sapphicsupremacist @sigourneybeaverr @t4yce @aqpippin @hannahlovesdance07
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sunflowrhaz · 4 years
Omg I just noticed I'm one of the two (2) friend tags you have listed in your pinned post??? 😭🌸💖 The Lauren feels keep hitting me this morning sdfsds ily, hope you're having a lovely day whenever you read this ❤️❤️
Yes you areeeee! 💖 das the special place for my special people! Welcome to the club 🥰 it also makes it so convenient for me to go read through all my favourite messages every once in a while 😊 and it brings a smile to your dile! 😄 I hope I will have a lovely day ✨
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puppyluver256 · 2 years
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[Image Description: A man with dark skin, short brown hair, light brown eyes, and purple square-shaped glasses. He is wearing the bug-type gym uniform from Pokemon Sword and Shield--a lime green long-sleeved shirt with four white stripes on the sleeves and a black logo of two bug catching nets in a hexagon with antenna-like shapes above, a black sports glove on one hand, green shorts with lime green "grass" patterns and visible black numbers "55" on one leg, lime green socks, and green athletic shoes with white soles. The man has a large bug catching net in his hands and is grinning excitedly. Beside him is the Pokemon Orbeetle, a cross between a ladybug and some sort of alien. Its head resembles a ladybug with a red shell, dark blue spots, large blue eyes, and yellow antennae. Its brown body hangs underneath, with clawed hands, a red marking between its bottom legs, and red and yellow feet. The background is just outside the train station of Wedgehurst in Galar. End ID.]
"A pleasure meeting you, Champion of Cantessy! My name's Scott, and I'm a Gym Leader from Galar. W-well, minor league Gym Leader at least, but that just means the other Gym Leaders are even better! I've been giving the bug Pokemon of this region a look-over, and I must say, they're quite a brilliant assortment of insects. Are you fond of bug-types? On second thought, I'm sure a regional Champion has a team of many different types. Let's see how my bugs fare against you, then!"
And here's the last of the Battle Peak representatives! Galar's representative is Scott, a minor-league Gym Leader who specializes in, as you can gather from just lookin' at him, bug-types. He's also an entomologist, having loved bug-types since he was a little kid and caught his first Blipbug.
Given that Battle Peak is a Battle Tower-esque setup, Scott's team is slightly randomized depending on what battle conditions you have set. He will select either three (for single battles) or four (for double battles) from his "full" team of six. He will always include Orbeetle on his team, and the rest of his team can include Vikavolt, Crustle, Frosmoth, Centiskorch, and Araquanid.
Finally, we're done with Cantessy! At least, outside of random fun side drawings and...maybe something else in the future, but we'll get to that when we get to that hehehehe :3c Thank you all for sticking with me through this, it was real fun to do this project as a celebration of both my favorite video game franchise and my home. Cantessy is far from my final foray into the incredible world of Fakemon, but for now I will take a much-needed rest on this subject.
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Orbeetle and other Pokemon concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Scott Plymouth, the Cantessy region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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honklore · 3 years
ahhhh can u do something with Karl where reader is insecure and overthinking and Karl comforts them :D
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once and future love | karl jacobs
(gn!reader, once and future means something with an enduring, eternal quality. karl is lame but he calls you darling so that kind of makes up for it. karl’s idea of a good time is cuddling and a movie and he’s my wrong.)
listen to: year 3000 (cover) by the jonas brothers, peace by taylor swift
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okay :(
i don’t want to think of any readers ever being sad okay!!!
u r loved n safe n perfect n deserve the world
but it’s just one of those days
where your brain feels two sizes too big and you can’t fight it the way you usually can
it gets worse when karl collabs with popular creators
social media is constantly pairing him with someone whether platonically or romantically, it still always seems to be a better fit than the two of you
don’t get it wrong, karl never even hints at being unhappy with you or your relationship, but what if that’s because he’s too he’s nice and sweet and he’d never intentionally hurt you
so what if he’s faking it
and what if he is secretly telling all his friends on discord that he can’t wait to break up with you
and what if he never tells anyone about your relationship bc he’s embarrassed to be seen with you
he’s streaming now, and you had to turn it off because as much as you love hearing karl laugh with his friends, each laugh feels like a step further away from you and closer to the realization that you’re not special at all
you’re not a famous streamer or super skilled at storytelling, you can’t draw for the life of you and sometimes you forget the words to songs
you don’t have an insta-worthy body or an interesting face,,, and you can’t imagine karl ever bragging about you
cue karl currently, on his stream, telling chat about you for the umpteenth time: “listen chat ik i said i’d introduce you but i’m a selfish man, okay? i want to keep my partner all to myself! haha! sucks to suck chat.”
“imagine not having a partner chat looks rlly lame right now!!”
“actually guys my partner is so pretty once they consent to a face reveal it’s going to be so crazy... like you’re all going to fall in love with them”
does that thing where he makes his voice high and raises his eyebrows “but guess what chat???? they’re all mine!!! heheheh!!!!”
says goodbye to stream and sees you curled up in his t.v. room, flipping through disney+
“oh my gosh meet the robinsons,” he says as soon as you click on the title. “can we pls cuddle?”
does not realize that ur feeling kinda down
he grabs a fluffy blanket and wraps it around your shoulders before he literally pulls you into his lap, as close as he can get you
will not shut up throughout the movie
“we are soooo spike and dmitri”
“i would train a frog choir to serenade you”
“i have to call wilbur i forgot he was in this movie”
*says tiny’s lines with him* “i have a big head... a little arms... i’m just not sure... how well this plan was thought thru... master...”
“GOOB!!!!!! when we get a pet together let’s name it goob.”
and all his little comments are so sweet and natural,,, you are so confused that he’s watching a movie and thinking of you the entire time,,,,,,,,,,
“yes, darling?”
“do you sometimes wish i was better?”
“what?” and karl gets kind of pouty. like he’s one of those cancers that cries at the sight of emotion in another. literally sniffles before you can finish ur thought bless him.
“idk i just see you with all your friends and it’s like i’m the lamest person you know,” you try to explain.
karl is rubbing circles into your skin with his thumb, and he pulls you even closer to him if that’s possible, so that you can hear his heartbeat through his shirt “i am literally so in love with you that you’re all i talk about to my friends. seriously, ask any of them.”
“butts are for chairs, silly!!” karl nuzzles his nose against yours, getting you to giggle. “besides,” he lowers his voice and looks into your eyes, super serious. “sapnap is by far the lamest person i know. i don’t think you could ever beat him, babe.”
you giggle again, and karl kisses your nose, and then your cheeks, and then your forehead. “can i post us? i get it if you’re not comfortable, but chat keeps asking about you and i really want to.”
“chat knows about me?”
“duh!” karl snorts. “i’m kind of offended you don’t watch my streams enough to know that.”
makes u watch the jonas brothers year 3000 music video three times to make up for the fact that you didn’t watch his stream :// he’s so rude ://
that night u get a notif that u were tagged in an instagram pic, and it’s some candid karl must’ve taken awhile ago when you weren’t looking. but you’re standing with him in line for ice cream, and you’re looking at the sun, squinting at the rays
and the caption is something rlly goofy like “is the sun bothering you, my liege?” with a gun emoji
okay i’m done
wilbur robinson is a comfort character i forgot i had before i wrote this
thank you both for requesting <3
@mayhapskarlwillmarryme tagging so u see this :)!
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feelin-lo · 3 years
❁❁ Hello Frriieeeenddddd, I am just gonna post the Art art right here hehehehe☺️🌼✨📱🎨🖌
Anyyyyyywaaayyyyys youuuuuu have an amaaaaazzziiinggggg wondrous beautiful dayyyyyy, happy drawling my dear friend, Imma gonna say this again I will gladly say this all over and over again I LOOOVEEE LOOOVEEE YOUR ARTTTT SO much they're amazing your talented and gifted keep up leeeeee goooddddd work heheheheehehe
🌧🌩☁️ᑕᕼᗩᖇᗩᑕTᗴᖇՏ Iᑎ TᕼIՏ ᒪIᒪ ᗩᖇT IՏ TᕼIՏ ᗩᗰᗩᘔIᑎᘜ ᑭᗴᖇՏOᑎ'Տ ᗷᗴᒪOᐯᗴᗪ OᑕՏ ᗰᖇ ᑕᒪOᑌᗪY ᗩᑎᗪ ᗰᖇ ՏTOᖇᗰY ☁️☁️🌩🌩🌧🌧
HERE WE GOOOOO Here's the thank you and art gift I'm going to give you sorry for the late post, I decided to put it here for you hehehe, I really love your OCS designs how you made them uniquely and special with ur own style, they're such an inspiration hehehe.
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Question for you dear talented creator, and maker of Mr Cloudy and Mr Stormy, is it okay if I draw more art of them? Hehehe its really REALLY fun making them, really put a smile on my face while draw them hehehe. Also I would definitely, love to make art collabs and art trade with you. 😄🥳🤩🌼✨
Question for Mr Cloudy: Is it okay if Snowy play and hang with you and Mr Stormy also be friends with? and if Mr Cloudy wishes to write notes for Mr Stormy, Snowy would love to help you both hehehe.🌼✨
Oh another question, would Mr Cloudy would like to meet Snowy's jester friend Gumdrop? Hehehe they're a nice fellow and such a troublemaker Snowy believes you guys will get along pretty well hehehehehhe✨🌼
TᕼᗩT'Տ ᗩᒪᒪ ᖴOᖇ ᑎOᗯ TᕼᗩᑎKՏ ᖴOᖇ ᖇᗴᗩᗪIIIIᑎᘜᘜᘜᘜᘜᘜᘜ, TᕼᗩᑎKՏՏՏՏ ᖴOᖇ YOᑌᖇ ՏᑌᑭᑭOᖇT ᗩᒪՏO ᗩᑎᗪ ᗩᑭᑭᖇᗴᑕIᗩTIOᑎ Oᑎ ᗰY ᗯOᖇK ᗩՏ ᗯᗴᒪᒪ ᕼᗴᕼᗴᕼᗴ ITՏ ᖇᗴᗩᒪᒪY ᗩᑎ ᕼOᑎOᖇ TO ᗰᗴᗴT ᗩ ᗩᗰᗩᘔIᑎᘜ TᗩᒪᗴᑎTᗴᗪ ᑕᖇᗴᗩTIᐯᗴ ᗩᑎᗪ ᘜIᖴTᗴᗪ ᑭᗴᖇՏOOOᑎᑎᑎᑎ ᒪIKᗴ YOᑌᑌᑌᑌᑌ! ᗷYᗴ ᗷYᗴ Iᖴ YOᑌ ᑎᗴᗴᗪ ᗩᑎYTᕼIᑎᘜ ᗰY ᖴᖇIᗴᑎᗪ ᗰY ᗰᗴՏՏᗩᘜᗴՏ ᗩᖇᗴ ᗩᒪᗯᗩYՏ Oᑭᗴᑎ ᗩᑎᗪ ՏᑎOᗯY ᗯIᒪᒪ ᘜᖇᗴᗴT YOᑌ ᗩᘜᗩᗩᗩIIIᑎᑎᑎᑎ ᕼIIIII ᕼIIII ᗩᑎᗪ ᕼᗩᐯᗴ ᗩᑎ ᗩᗰᗩᘔIᑎᘜᘜᘜᘜ ᗪᗩYYYY ᗪᗴᗩᖇᖇᖇ Oᑎᗴ.
🌼✨💙 ՏᑎOᗯY ❀❀❀
And as for your questions:
Yes you can!, I encourage people to draw my characters and as long as you tag me in the post, then I have absolutely no problems whatsoever!!
Sure! Snowy is always welcome here! I really appreciate it as you say you'll keep the notes for us!!
And I'd love to meet Gumdrop! He sure does sound nice!
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lost-inthedream · 3 years
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I posted 2.432 times in 2021
1932 posts created (79%)
500 posts reblogged (21%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.3 posts.
I added 2.724 tags in 2021
#ask - 1294 posts
#inseongsfoxybae - 314 posts
#blabla - 237 posts
#wxstethenxght - 199 posts
#athena - 166 posts
#making this blog prettier - 137 posts
#sf9 scenarios - 118 posts
#sf9 smut - 102 posts
#fic rec - 83 posts
#petitebakers - 74 posts
My moots on the tags heheheh
My Top Posts in 2021
Sf9 reaction to you wearing their clothes in a sleepover
➹ Youngbin:
He is the type to simply open a drawer and choose a t-shirt and pajama pants for you, then give you some space to change into them. But the second he sees you wearing his pieces, it causes him a thrill. “Do I look fine or?” you ask
He starts to laugh nervously without a real reason. He has not thought about you in his clothes before and now you look the most precious little thing asking for his approval. “My love, you’re so cute. I want you to sleep here everyday.”
➹ Inseong:
I can see him making a big deal of you needing his clothing to sleep. First, he was overexcited that you were sleeping in his place and now that you figure out you have not brought your pajamas. He can already imagine you inside their clothes.
“Only a tee is okay, right?” Not gonna lie, he wants your legs out and cannot stop looking at them as you walk out of his bedroom, tiptoeing towards him like a kitten.
See the full post
175 notes • Posted 2021-02-23 22:28:21 GMT
Casual things SF9 guys do that might turn their s/o on
When he comes out of a cold shower on a summer day wearing a cotton tee and it is a bit wet because he barely dried his hair. You wanna grab him by the neck and let your hands mess up with his dripping hair while you feel his body slowly getting hot again
When he gets tipsy at some very informal friends' meeting but doesn't admit it. The situation is funny at the same time it arouses you. His beauty hits different, it is refreshing, inviting. You grab his arm and wrap yourself in it to contain your urge to consume every drop of his energy.
See the full post here
178 notes • Posted 2021-09-10 21:06:25 GMT
SF9 as husbands
☆★ Requested for the writing party
This is pure fluff ^^
➹ Youngbin:
Married life with Binnie includes:
Making your own dinner or ordering it to eat at home in a random Friday when you both just want to chill. I can see you two drinking after the meal is finished and standing by the window while having little talks. Sometimes you get emotional, because the wine hits and brings back some memories. Binnie can keep quite detailed memories of the day you first kissed.
Him being overprotective with you and forgetting to take care of himself. As a result, at some point, he catches a terrible cold and you take care of him like a baby.
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190 notes • Posted 2021-01-30 22:10:02 GMT
SF9 when they are in the mood but you are busy in the kitchen
NSFW alert
➹ Youngbin:
Our leader is not the type to interrupt you often, but these special behaviors manifest from time to time. Has your boyfriend just slapped your butt out of nowhere? It means this and this only: he wants you so badly. Whether you are going to abandon your task or not, it is up to you, but the man stands quiet and close to you, his mischievous smile cannot be dirtier.
“What do you want?” you can ask just to be sure.
“You already know, beautiful.”
See the full post
243 notes • Posted 2021-03-20 21:08:50 GMT
SF9 eating you out
☆★ Requested for the writting party
NSFW Alert.
See the full post
516 notes • Posted 2021-01-23 17:56:19 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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