mejcinta · 1 year
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In his wroth, King Aegon II ordered all the ratcatchers in the city to be hanged after his son, the Prince Jaehaerys, was brutally murdered.
Queen Helaena sank into a deep depression, refusing to eat, bathe or leave her chambers and couldn't stand to be in the presence of Maelor, having named him to die. Thus, the King took Maelor from her and gave him to Queen Alicent to raise as if he were her own. Thereafter, King and Queen slept separately. She fell deeper into madness, while Aegon fell into rage and drink.
Fire & Blood
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ceoofhelaegon · 1 year
Hey everyone,
If you guys want to tag me on anything helaegon related, I now track the tag helaegonceo.
Feel free to tag me on your amazing fics, fan art, edits etc. ❤️
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mejcinta · 1 year
Helaena is so messy 🤣🤣🤣
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mejcinta · 1 year
Helaena's sunflower ring and the symbolism.
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A close up of Helaena's golden ring reveals a sunflower.
Sunflowers symbolise loyalty and adoration. They're also associated with the sun which they thrive well under.
Sunfyre, Aegon's dragon, is said to be as golden as the sun.
Helaena is said to be adored by the people and her family in the books. Her being violated by Blood and Cheese affects Aegon and Alicent the most and so starts the Dance of the Dragons in earnest.
Additionally, the smallfolk start riots in her name following her tragic death by suicide, forcing Queen Rhaenyra to flee King's Landing.
After Helaena's death, King Aegon orders that she be recorded in history as the True Queen, not their half-sister Princess Rhaenyra. Again, Helaena inspired adoration.
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mejcinta · 1 year
Fun thoughts time. When Aegon throws a welcome feast for Aemond after the events of Storm's End, we'll get to see him dripped out as King and Helaena will look ethereal and mesmerizing in her Queenly gown.
We were told of Otto and Alicent's displeasure with Aemond slaying Luke in the book, but not much of Helaena's reaction, so let me presume she was vibing with her husband and they even opened the celebration with a dance together lol.
I mean, I know the writers won't give us this. Aegon will probably be drinking himself silly and trying to snatch at other skirts on the dance floor, Helaena will be forlorn and go off to be with her kids, boo hoo!
Luke mutilated their brother, permanently disabling him, and had the audacity to laugh at him years later, so Aegon and Helaena caring little is actually pretty justified.
The writers can't stop me from dreaming. Need the King and Queen to serve cunt. 😊
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mejcinta · 1 year
People will gnash their teeth and foam at the mouth if writers even dare to show a shred of humanity in Aegon next season. Why? Because he is essentially the dustbin of the show, the black hole in which every vice and evil is sucked in. The character whose bad actions are used to make 'fellow grey characters' look more virtuous.
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mejcinta · 1 year
Favouritism in the writers' room is when Jace gets (rightfully) portrayed as an initiator and generator of ideas for his family, while KING Aegon still has his mommy make decisions for him and pull his strings (if the rumors are true that she's still doing it lmao). The writers will really be living up to their obsession with projecting the Cersei/Joffery dynamic onto Alicent and Aegon. 🤕
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mejcinta · 1 year
Normies when season 2 drops and Aegon and Helaena have dragons.
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mejcinta · 1 year
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Been ruminating over this part of the most recent (2 months old) 'leak' and, boy, would this be Aegon's villain origin story. Much like Rhaenyra losing Viserys, baby Visenya and Luke within days should be her villain origin story.
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mejcinta · 1 year
So, I saw people asking why the official HOTD account rarely, if ever, post Aegon, and the answer...in this climate we're in socially compared to, say, 2011, is just so obvious here.
Aegon has become a byword in the hotd fandom because of how the writers smeared him with the r@pist story arc. Remember, the book has conflicting accounts that cannot be trusted. However, a point was made to make most of Mushroom's wild accounts true for Aegon in the show, whilst other characters are less smeared if not completely sanitised 🤷🏾‍♀️
What's even worse is nowadays everyone seems to be playing this morality game in a franchise where morality is near negligent. I've seen Joffery stans, Ramsay, Tywin and Theon stans. People LOVE these characters but if GOT dropped today, they wouldn't be posted on big accounts either for fear of 'promoting bad behaviour' and everyone who found these characters compelling would be labelled 'apologists' of evil...which is what is happening to people that like Aegon's character (and not his evil acts).
Meanwhile, Daemon is framed as a badass and some legitimately see him as a flawless angel LMAO (which he clearly isn't but still is adored nonetheless).
How I wish the writers tried just a little to hide their biases. Aegon did not deserve such character assassination, especially given how important he is to the story as the second claimant to the Iron Throne. You'd expect to at least be able to understand his struggles or empathize with him just as much as we do with Rhaenyra.
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