#hella insane swerve there
indygotcha · 2 years
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lvrcpid · 2 years
road trip! - modern!au
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— something tells me y’all are going to disney
— everyone met up at the sully house at 4:30 am on the DOT
— neytiri threatened to leave lo’ak since he didn’t wake up on time
— jake didn’t feel like taking multiple cars cause he thinks gas prices are insane so he rented a huge caravan to attach to his truck
— he drives a ford F150 btw
— there isn’t really a seating arrangement but trust ronal, neytiri and your mom are in the back sipping wine/juice and gossiping
— your dad sitting in the passenger seat while jake drives and tonowari in the back seat since he called dibs
— alright let’s get into the funny stuff
— not even 10 minutes in and lo’ak is complaining he has to pee
— neytiri tells him “there’s literally a bathroom?”
— he doesn’t want to get up cause him and tsireya are watching the new season of ginny and georgia
— kiri is definitely in a window seat cuddled up watching her shows while tuk is next to her playing adopt me on her ipad
— you got stuck with aonung and neteyam
— they’re just glaring at eachother cause wtf i wanted them to MYSELF!
— rotxo could come this time (YAYYYY)
— but he was knocked out on the couch as soon as they got up there
— jake has the worst road rage
— he stay cussing someone out while tonowari is tryna defuse the situation
— your dad is just listening to sports podcasts
— baseball specifically
— neteyam bugging everyone to play crazy 8
— tuk ate y’all up every single round
— when it FINALLY came time to stop at a gas station, lo’ak was the first to get up
— he came back WITH THE MOST SNACKS
— i’m talking candy, chips. the whole 9 yards
— i’m too lazy to write the snacks everyone got but something tells me the men have hella slim jim wrappers in the truck
— you playing tic tac toe with ao’nung because he was bored and his signal went out
— speaking of signal, there was a point in time everyones signal went out for like an hour and it was pure chaos
— neteyam was probably reading when it happened so he didn’t even care
— a lot of “damn!” when jake swerves around someone
— neytiri calling him upset cause “there’s a pregnant woman and CHILDREN BACK HERE JAKE.”
— tsireya and kiri looking at ears they want to buy to match with the boys
— lo’ak and rotxo looking at them like ??? whatever makes you happy babe
— lo’ak knocked OUT. i’m talking snoring, spit on his shirt
— something tells me he sleeps like he has 4 kids and mortgage to pay for
— you and tsireya made a lot of tiktoks
— i mean a lot
— you , neteyam and aonung decided y’all were gonna be different and wear goofy ears instead
— ronal asks for a time check and only realizes it’s 7 in the morning and y’all have 8 more hours to go.
— cue a conjoined sigh
— tuk made you play those tiktok games with her and you actually had a blast
— tuk is so cool i love her
— i’m gonna stop here cause it’s getting long but if y’all want me to write one where they’re at disney then lmk 🤭
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tags 🏷️: @23victoria @avtprint @bucky12345 @boilingpots @Marcswife21 @elegantkidfansoul @itsyogurl @stars4deku @stvpidscvpid @uniltsatirey @urdeadpoet @annamarieisbae @graysonmalik2550 @blueberryfailureclinic @jordan-network
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itsjohnjohn1 · 2 years
So WWE apparently announced Cody for rumble cause they have other unexpected surprises planned that they're happy about...Rock would be too obvious, sooooo CM Punk maybe?
Would be hella unexpected and pop would be insane...plus they randomly uploaded AJ Lee content...possible swerve?
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oasislake76 · 4 years
Mmmm Dream with wings, hidden by an enchantment on his mask, and their gorgeous.
Gold, white, and forest green feathers. Wide, thick, and bushy. It gives Dream hella back pain if their out for long so that’s the reason for the mask. He’s a dramatic little fuck because he wouldn’t settle on something simple like a necklace or a ring.
He can’t get the very back of his wings from how large they are. Usually his close friends would help him preen, like Sapnap or George, but with the DreamSMP going on he can’t rely on them anymore.
Dream can definitely fly. Soaring high in the sky above the clouds and laughing loud and long until his chest hurts and he can’t move his back. Dipping hands in the clouds as he flys in golden light. Swerving and dipping as the sun sets and paints the most breathtaking sight he’s ever seen.
He goes flying once a well when he can. His back starts to itch to the point of insanity if he ignores it for to long. He’ll be gone from before sunrise to after sunset. Hours upon hours of dipping and diving. Letting himself fall to the ground before stopping himself at the right time. Skidding his hands against the moving water of the ocean of the SMP.
He’s so much lighter afterwards. Friendlier, sweeter, and stronger. Smiling under his mask could turn coal into gold in his presence.
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eremiie · 3 years
you’re not fetishizing. you literally talk so nicely and talk about eremin so well. and you characterize them so well too.
now mlm fetishization. i got things to say. this gonna start a fire so don’t post this bc i dont want them to hound you because THEY WILL 😭
the biggest mlm fetishizing group in the aot fandom i’ve ever seen are the erwin stans who ship erwin and levi (the eruris lmao). literally red flags them group. “don’t generalize blah blah”, well yeah but isn’t common sense that if the post ain’t about u then shrug and move on? why so affected 👀 anyway. them eruris are literally……..a terrible and awful fandom and they’re HUGE. MAJORITY. living in their own echo chamber and you can definitely perceive them. they literally talk about smut a lot, and the general thing i see from them is them reducing levi to an erwin sip and a glorified hole for erwin, literally erasing his entire character and they”re big on the dom sub dynamics, oh boy, like levi is the world’s most vulnerable sub who erwin introduced sex to or who only thinks about erwin’s dick. it’s always gonna be levi whose entire character is erased and reduced to a cardboard cutout for their ship. and they romanticize the hell out of the ackerbond, they fucking love the whole knight who is blindly devoted to the liege/master like that’s a weird ass fantasy?? esp with how isayama loves calling shit “slave to this or that”?? and they love it?? please i get so 💀💀💀 it’s hella obvious about how they project their fantasies onto levi. and then if u dare say in public that you don’t really see eruri as romantic or like you don’t care for it, they rain hell on you. dogpile and bully. weird ass thing is there are old people there. on twitter, they’re vicious because they are so many, and their fanartists have HUGE followings, i’m talking 300k followers up. and a lot of the nsfw art are very…dom-sub porn. it’s weird, and they get so mad when you notice shit, like hello who would not…. they once ratioed a stan with like 70 followers on twitter quoting them with their jobs and ages and life achievements and ending they mic drops with “still shipping eruri and writing eruri fanfic”. one of them said proudly they were…52 and three quarters 💀 like is it that serious……..
cherry on top: majority of eruris i’ve encountered are cis women 💀 i don’t care if they say ‘oh i’m bi! i use she/they!’ JESUS they’re still cis? it’s so fucking weird? especially when like 99% or the only ships they talk about mlm. now hmm….
now that’s…….that’s when i really do swerve. to those people, they just need to say they got a fetish and go
they’re insane.
that anon who tried to ‘call you out’ doesn’t know shit. at fucking all.
nobodies gonna hound me i don't think anyone cares fr lol
also thank you i try my best to characterize every character to the best of my ability hehe
the funny thing is i actually really don't see a lot of eruri shippers so i don't really have an opinion on them, i can see why people would ship them though and i do see a lot of fanart for them lol
but aside from that what you're telling me is wow,,, i hate that that's even an issue and that there are people out there who put aside great aspects of a character and when they look at certain characters can only perceive them in a sexual way, it's pretty disgusting and disrespecting to the creator imo and not only that, shit like that carries irl bc these characters possess qualities that exist meaning you can have this fetish towards rl people.
i'm not gonna generalize bc i don't have much knowledge or have came across many eruri shippers but def for the ones who are like that/any shipper who is like that i disagree with that mindset / the fetishization of people's identity
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waveypedia · 4 years
Key to a Memory
(warning for swearing)
{people need a melody to open their eyes
like a key to a memory frozen in time
holding on to everything, you’re stuck in the past
boy dontcha know that the world moves fast
it’s been a little while since we’ve been together
it’s been a long time since we were young and wild, remember
when we were friends, remember}
May 14, 2019 I 6:26 pm
UNKNOWN NUMBER: It’s me Della!! Your bud!!!
UNKNOWN NUMBER: I’m back from space!!!
UNKNOWN NUMBER: I can’t believe you have the same number you nerd! lol I remember when Uncle Scrooge finally forced you to get a phone and you got a super cheap one and then upgraded it with your own tech
UNKNOWN NUMBER: I can’t wait to see how much more upgraded and fancy your phone is now!
UNKNOWN NUMBER: sorry for not texting you sooner I got back a couple days ago but things have just been really hectic since then ya know??
UNKNOWN NUMBER: anyway I know you’re probably busy changing the world and inventing amazing things for Uncle Scrooge
UNKNOWN NUMBER: he told me you got an intern!! Congrats!! I can’t wait to meet them
UNKNOWN NUMBER: just call me when you get a chance ok? I’d really like to catch up
“GYRO!!” Della screamed, kicking open the door to the lab. Gyro scowled at his desk and scrawled a quick note to outfit the elevator with self-opening doors. The scientist sighed and stood up reluctantly, stepping around his desk to be in full view. “What is it now, Della?”
Della sprinted into the lab, her grin threatening to split her face in two. She exuberantly waved a bundle of papers in Gyro’s face. “Donnie and I got tickets to the new Galaxy Wars movie, and you’re coming!! Thursday at 6!! Be there or be square!!”
Gyro snorted and gently waved her off, pushing the tickets out of his face. “Dels, I’m busy here. Besides, any self-respecting scientist knows those movies are garbage.”
Della fake-pouted and slung her arm around Gyro’s shoulders, despite the height difference. She had to lean and go up on her tiptoes to manage, making Gyro burst out in a fit of laughter. She shrugged, tugging Gyro down to her height. “Whatever. The premiere was a couple weeks ago, so you probably won’t get into a fistfight with an overzealous fan this time-”
“-Their fault-” Gyro muttered under his breath as Della prattled on.
“-Aaaaaand Cousin Gladdy’ll be there! With his luck we probably won’t get kicked out by the ushers,” Della finished proudly.
Gyro rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “Ugh, Gladstone? That man is too self-absorbed. Takes one to know one. And does that mean Fethry will be there as well?”
“Yep!” Della beamed. “He loves science, Gy, and he loves you! He’ll grow on you one day.”
“Highly unlikely.” Gyro shoved her arm off and stretched, standing up to his full height. “I grudgingly respect Fethry’s passion and his interest in scientific fields. He’s just so…” Gyro huffed. “Annoying.”
Della poked him in the beak. “Whatever. If you think Fethry’s annoying, my buddy Loopy from flight school will be there and she’ll blow your mind. But in a good way! Loopy’s amazing!”
Gyro groaned and slapped a hand on his face, slowly dragging it down. “Loopy and I are your only friends, aren’t we?”
Della puffed her chest out in mock effrontery. “I have lots of friends! I’m the best at making friends! They’re just all over the globe, you know, cause of all the amazing and daring adventuring I do!”
Gyro snorted and knocked his friend with his shoulder. “Whatever. When one of these international ‘friends’ comes around to Duckburg and hangs out with you beyond the adventure, let me know.”
Della smirked. “So you’ll be there?”
“Fine. I’ll be there.” Gyro affirmed, rolling his eyes.Della beamed mischievously. “Wonderful! See you there! Also it’s a sleepover and I’m adding you to a group chat specifically for this event now byeeeeee!!!”
“WHAT?!” Gyro squawked, racing after Della, but the elevator dinged and carried her far away. “Della! No! Come back! DELLA!!! I WILL NOT SUBJECT MYSELF TO THE TORTURES OF YOUR CHILDISH SLEEPOVER!!!” He chanced a look at his phone. It was already blowing up with texts from Della and Fethry.
Gyro groaned and slammed his head down on his desk, grateful for the solitude of his lab. He pulled up the calendar Scrooge filled with his deadlines from the board and added the movie night so he wouldn’t forget. A small, pleased smile played at his beak.
He picked up his phone, muted the group chat, and returned to his work.
read 9:28 pm
May 15 I 4:03 pm
Della Duck: hey dumbass
Della Duck: they have read receipts now stupid
Della Duck: I know you saw my messages
Della Duck: whatever I know you’re hella busy just call me when you get the chance
Della Duck: hahah did you see that? hella! I used new slang!
Della Duck: Louie taught it to me :D
Della Duck: I can’t believe his name is Louie and not Rebel! I’m kinda mad at Donald but also it suits him more than Rebel
Della Duck: Dewey though… he’s DEFINITELY a Turbo
Della Duck: Huey could go either way but he’s okay with Huey so I guess I am too
Della Duck: It’s a lot to take in
Della Duck: although Webby would be overjoyed to be Jet or Rebel
Della Duck: I can’t believe I have an extra daughter!!! how cool is that?? four kids for the price of three!!
Della Duck: or maybe it’s more like six kids for the price of three since Webby had friends over today and they all seem close
Della Duck: Ooh you know who would be a good Rebel? Lena! apparently she just came back from the shadow realm??? I missed so much
Della Duck: i can’t believe you guys got to fight magica de spell without me AND she had a kid
Della Duck: she’s still kinda hot ngl
Della Duck: but louie showed me a picture of her after she lost her magic and ehhhh
Della Duck: but also there are lots of hot people around these days and I’m kinda freaked out
Della Duck: like I made a best friend of my roommate on the moon!! Her name’s Penumbra but I call her Penny and I’d let her stomp on me. Best part is she probably would
Della Duck: also Uncle Scrooge got a new pilot & driver and I hate him cause he’s sorta replacing me?? But also he’s hot in a himbo kinda way
Della Duck: I know you have insanely high standards but you gotta back me up here gyro Launchpad is kinda hot
Della Duck: damn i’ve missed our conversations about various hot people and our lack of love lives
Della Duck: I told you about Penny you gotta fill me in on the current hotties in the Duckburg science community
Della Duck: I also met your intern! He seems nice ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ) ;) ;) ;)
Della Duck: i can hear your voice. “Della that is an excessive amount of emoticons”
Della Duck: well if you want me to stop you’ll just have to reply ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Della Duck: at least you’re not telling me to use “emojis”Della Duck: apparently they all have hidden meanings and I don’t understand
Della Duck: Louie, Dewey, and Lena tried to teach Uncle Scrooge and I
Della Duck: I’m ashamed to say I think he fared better than I did
Della Duck: he’s old!! He’s supposed to be clueless!! I’m not old I was just on the moon for a decade!! That’s gotta count for something right?
4:46 pm
Della Duck: i see how it is
Della Duck: ignore me all you want but i’m right
The sun was nearly below the horizon, painting the evening sky and the waves below it in a plethora of muted colors, when Della broke the topic. “Yo. I think Magica de Spell is kinda hot.”
Gyro swerved to stare at her so fast he felt something in his neck crack. “Magica?! She’s ancient; are you crazy?!”
Della shrugged, kicking sand around absentmindedly with her bare toes. “Yeah, but she doesn’t look it. She’s hot in an unattainable kind of way.”
Gyro snorted, loud and sad. “I know how that feels.”
Della nudged him teasingly. “What’s going on in your love life? I shared, now you have to.”
Gyro rolled his eyes and nudged her back, harder. “You know nothing’s happening.” He shrugged carelessly. “It’s not like I have much time outside of work.”
“Yeah, but that’s because you refuse to take care of yourself and you act like you’ll die if you leave the lab,” Della said good-naturedly. “You should come on an adventure with us!”
Gyro sighed contentedly and waved her away. “I’ll stick to the lab, thanks. My inventions’ corrupted morality circuits provide me quite enough stress and adventure, thank you very much.”
(He couldn’t very well tell her that her dear ol’ uncle had entrusted him with the project of a lifetime, his chance to thank her for her gift of friendship, his chance to prove himself to Mr. McDuck for once and for all, his chance to redeem himself from the smoking failure that was 2BO. He didn’t have to run himself ragged working on the Spear of Selene day and night, but this was important, far more important than anything Gyro had worked on at McDuck Industries before. For his career, and for his friendship. And he wanted to do it right.)
(Shame he failed in the end anyway.)
Della sighed assent, smiling, and leaned back on her elbows, working her fingers into the sand. She had given up for now, but Gyro knew she would broach the subject again soon, from a new angle, with a new tactic. Della Duck never gave up.
“Maybe one day,” Gyro said, surprising himself. After this whole Spear debacle is said and done.
Della beamed and knocked her shoulder into his affectionately. “I’ll hold you to that!”
Gyro smiled wryly. “I know you will.”
Gyro pushed up his glasses and studied Della’s texts, willing his eyes not to unfocus and his brain not to zone out. He read them once, twice, three times. Four.
He began typing.
Gyro Gearloose: I remember-
Gyro Gearloose: My love life is as nonexistent as it was when you left-
Gyro Gearloose: emojis are zealous anyway-
Gyro Gearloose: I’m sorry-
He deleted his words, frustrated, nerves and old, painful memories rubbed raw, and never sent a reply.
June 11 I 2:09 pm
Della Duck: so Fenton and I went out for coffee today
Della Duck: not on a date, just as a chance to get to know each other platonically
Della Duck: he’s so much like you
Della Duck: not on the surface. In fact you guys are pretty much opposites
Della Duck: but you both care so much, even though you show it differently
Della Duck: i know you care your prickly demeanor can’t fool me
Della Duck: you’re both incredibly passionate about sciences
Della Duck: you’re both super awkward
Della Duck: he has high praise for you, and he really admires you, but it sounds like you’re not that close and I think you totally should be!
Della Duck: I know you’re probably annoyed that I’m meddling in your (love) life again, but get used to it!! I’m the best wingman and friend and I’m here to stay!!
Della Duck: even if you don’t text me back
Della Duck: (but seriously, please text me back. I miss you.)
Della Duck: he said you might need some space and I guess that makes sense but i just don’t understand why
Della Duck: that’s the only reason I haven’t stormed down to the lab by now
Della Duck: Did i do something before I took off for the moon?
Della Duck: or are you like Donnie and you’re mad?Della Duck: at least I think Donnie’s mad
Della Duck: or he will be
Della Duck: he’s on a cruise, Gyro! A fucking cruise!!!
Della Duck: he left the day I got back and now he’s gone for a fucking month
Della Duck: he thinks I’m dead
Della Duck: I miss him so much
Della Duck: the cruise doesn’t allow cell phones so I can’t even contact him and tell him I’m alive
Della Duck: But Huey and I sent postcards!! I don’t know if they’ll reach him but I really hope they do
Della Duck: Huey and Webby have been checking the mailbox meticulously to see if he sends one back
Della Duck: sorry for ranting
Della Duck: I just miss him
Della Duck: I miss you too you know? Yeah i’m being stupid sappy again but it’s dumb that you’re right here, across the city, and we haven’t talked
Della Duck: call me gyro you fucking coward
2:43 pm
Della Duck: also Fenton is totally Gizmoduck right
Della Duck: I met Gizmoduck once when he came to formally greet me
Della Duck: and i’ve seen him around the city lots
Della Duck: but they’re so similar. They have the same mannerisms
Della Duck: I guess that means you built his armor then right?
Della Duck: or you helped
Della Duck: it’s great Gyro
Della Duck: look at you! An invention that didn’t turn evil!!
Della Duck: I’m proud of you bud
“Have you ever thought about hiring someone to help in the lab?” Della asked one day, apropos of nothing.
She had dragged Gyro into a fancy coffee shop - one he’d probably be banned from had he attempted to patronize it on his own, and one he would be in the post-Spear of Selene era - and forced him to take a break from the top secret project he’d been devoting all his time to. They bought overpriced, bougie coffees on Mr. McDuck’s dime and traded jabs without any real bite to them, as was customary for them. Della mocked Gyro’s unique taste for black licorice, again. Same old, same old.
And then, this.
Gyro paused, his ceramic mug halfway to his face. “I’m fine on my own. Any help would only get in my way. They would stumble over their own feet and I would have to take precious time off of my own projects to tediously help them flail and fall.”
Della set down her coffee and leaned forward with her elbows on the table. “You’re so cynical. Besides, you’re working yourself to death down there! It might help if you had someone else to lighten the load.”
Gyro paused. “I suppose I might be more productive if I didn’t have to do the menial tasks beneath me…”
“-And you could make a FRIEND!!!” Della cheered, standing up and leaning heavily on the table, her enthusiasm thundering in full-force. “Someone to chat with on late nights deep in projects, someone who understands your passion for science, someone you can count on when Donnie and I are off on an adventure!”
Gyro groaned, startled at first but then settling into resignation. “I should have known you had an ulterior motive.”
Della giggled, batting her eyelashes jokingly. “I only have your best interests at heart.”
Gyro shrugged and swirled his quickly-cooling coffee around in his mug. “Besides, Dels, you know there’s a reason you’re one of my only friends, right? You and Dickie and Daisy, you’re the people I’m closest with and that’s because you wouldn’t put up with my prickly, stay-alone-all-the-time bullshit. You guys drag me out of whatever place I’m holed up in kicking and screaming. Most people are not like that. I’m lucky to have three of you,” he admitted in the kind of moment of uncharacteristic vulnerability and clarity that only comes when you’re with someone you really trust.
Della snorted and reached across the table to shove Gyro gently. “Shut your self-depricating hole, Gyro Gearloose. Trust me, I wouldn’t put up with you if I didn’t want to.”
Gyro smirked, a small smile chasing away the dark storm clouds that covered his face. “I know, Dels.”
“Good.” Della replied self-assuredly. “I love Dickie and Daisy, and I love that they love you, but they’re not local. You need more friends, Gyro.”
“Maybe,” Gyro hummed softly, the closest he would ever come to admitting it. “But it’s even harder to get along with coworkers, and the chances of my subordinate being someone who actually wants to be friends with me is abysmal.”
Della shrugged. “Sometimes you learn to like each other. Like me ‘n Donnie! We drive each other crazy, but we have each other’s backs when it matters, and we’re always there for each other.”
Gyro snorted. “This hypothetical person and I will be coworkers, Dels, not siblings. That’s different. Besides, you and Donald love each other too much to be healthy.”
“Yeah, but Donnie and Uncle Scrooge and I are a little like coworkers, aren’t we? Adventuring is our job, and it’s very stressful at times,” Della said.
Gyro shook his head. “Dels, honestly, you have to get a job at some point. Mr. McDuck won’t let you leech off of him for much longer now, and you have no experience. It’s really not the same.”
Della shrugged. “At some point. I know Uncle Scrooge is biting at the bit, especially after Donnie joined the Navy, but I don’t want the responsibilities and schedules of work to tie me down and take me away from adventuring, you know? It’s the same reason I didn’t go off to college.”
“I still think you should have,” Gyro replied, smiling wryly. “You’re bright and you’d flourish being able to study what you choose.”
“I learn a lot adventuring,” Della replied smugly, stubborn as always. “I can speak seven languages fluently, you know!”
“Even if most of them are dead, or belong to otherworldly beings from alternate dimensions,” Gyro pointed out.
Della sighed contentedly and shook her head. “Whatever. What’s done is done, and I’ll get a job someday. But just think about it, Gyro, all right?” She locked gazes with Gyro pleadingly.
Gyro sighed in defeat. “Fine. I will give it some thought. But don’t get your hopes up, all right?”
Della smirked. “Whatever you say.”
Gyro put his head in his hands, roughly shoving aside his expensive coffee. (He was lucky it didn’t crash and burn, like most of his inventions.)
She’s not gonna win this one, Gyro aggressively promised himself. I can’t subject anyone else to my bullshit.
(The only reason he assented and allowed an intern on, in the future, was because Scrooge all but ordered it. He saw firsthand the way having positive people around improves lives and wanted that for Gyro too, especially with Della gone and Donald barely speaking to him. And if Mr. McDuck’s not-so-subtle hints and gentle persuasion-turned direct orders gave Gyro crystal-clear flashbacks to Della’s not-so-gentle prodding, and if he cried that night after his boss left, well, no one would be anyone the wiser.)
(He got quite lucky with Fenton and Manny, though. Some of that was the Board's thorough vetting process, but some of it was Scrooge himself intervening, because he wanted Gyro to make a friend as badly as Della had.)
August 15 I 7:26 pm
Della Duck: all right
Della Duck: I talked to Fenton again
Della Duck: i’m sorry for bothering you
Della Duck: it hurts to not talk to you but I’m gonna give you your space
Della Duck: I’m here whenever you’re ready
Della Duck: but please be ready soon Gyro i’m impatient
I know you are, Gyro nearly whispered as he read the texts. It felt like a finality, a surrender. But that couldn’t be right, because Della Duck never gave up.
How could he and his stupid, stupid inability to communicate his feelings and face his irrational fears be the one thing that forced Della Duck to admit defeat?
(read 7:58 pm)
The McDuck Annual Holiday Party was in full swing when Gyro arrived quietly. Launchpad had offered to drive him with Fenton, Manny, and Scrooge when they left a couple of hours ago, but Gyro had stayed to put the finishing touches on his current project, lest he lose his motivation.
That was the only reason. Not because Della would be there, and he might be forced to talk to her. No, sir.
Gyro clenched his fists so tight his knuckles turned white in the pockets of his vest. Who was he kidding? He wasn’t fooling himself, and he certainly wasn’t fooling his friends family coworkers. Every single one of them, even Mr. McDuck (now that was painful) had tossed him a look that ranged from disappointed to knowing to pitying as they left for the party. It made Gyro want to scream in rage and slam his fists against the wall until they were bruised and bloody. But even he knew that was unacceptable party behavior. (Mrs. Beakley had humiliatingly taken him aside for a quick rundown on which of his usual behaviors were not applicable at company parties.)
Steeling himself for a night of faux cheer and passive-aggressive conversations, Gyro quietly opened the door and slipped inside. Skirting on the outskirts of the party, he scanned the room desperately for allies to swarm to and enemies to avoid.
He spotted Fenton and Launchpad first, amicably chatting up the legendary Greek hero Storkules and his sister, the equally inexplicable and ethereal goddess Selene. (A mystery to unpack at a later date.) Beside them was the gruff Moonlander that Della seemed to love.
Gyro set his jaw. He could handle chatty immortals and aggressive aliens. At least they probably wouldn’t have a personal vendetta against him because of a malfunctioning invention or a poorly placed comment. He waded determinedly through the sluggish crowd, surprisingly stopped a couple times by friendly faces. (Boyd’s hug of greeting lasted almost three minutes, and that didn’t even account for the rest of the overzealously affectionate kids.)
Looking back, he’s lucky his the kids stalled him, because when he finally emerged from Webby’s hug, his eyes locked on his own personal horror story.
This was the first time Gyro had actually seen her since she’d come back from the moon. Her hair was longer, if only slightly, and her metal leg gleamed in the light from the chandeliers above. (His fingers itched to get his hands on it and upgrade it, toy with it, make it into a personal project, but he adamantly refused himself.)
Alongside the physical differences, Gyro noticed some changes to her demeanor as well. She seemed more… weathered, and tired, despite the ever-present spark of energy she seemed to radiate and her unwavering grin. It was cliché, and Dr. Gyro Gearloose hated clichés with a passion, but she had an almost haunted look in her eyes, contrasting her radiating cheery energy.
She was different, and he was different. So much time had passed. It seemed almost impossible that the duck in front of him was the same duck that Gyro had shared coffee and secrets with almost daily ten years ago.
And yet he yearned to return to their easy friendship. Not for the first time, Gyro wished desperately to go back in time a decade and stop the Spear of Selene from ever happening.
Della slipped between Penumbra and Selene, glowing in the way only an extrovert in social situations can. By way of greeting, she hugged everyone, even Fenton (!!!). She settled at last, hanging off Penumbra’s shoulder with Selene’s arm around her and Launchpad’s jacket around her shoulders (how she had acquired that, Gyro had no idea).
Unfortunately for Gyro, from her new position, she had a perfect view of him, stuck with only a single sparse group between them. Her eyes strayed to lock onto him and he froze, panic creeping in a mile a minute.For a moment neither moved, staring at each other.
She hadn’t texted him since August, true to her word, albeit how much it hurt for both of them. She had come to the lab a couple times, to pick up Fenton and/or Manny for coffee or to pick up or drop off Huey, Webby, or Boyd. But Gyro had always hid like the coward he was, terrified to face his best friend. The last time they’d talked was the day before Della took off in the Spear of Selene, ten years and eight months ago.
At last, after four months, and nine months of radio silence from his end, here she was, almost close enough to touch.
Then Gyro’s fight-or-flight instinct kicked in and he turned tail and ran, panic clouding his vision and his judgement. He shoved one of the Sabrewing husbands roughly aside (Scrooge would undoubtedly make him apologize for that later) in his frantic quest to escape all the raw emotions, of hurt and guilt and self-hatred, that sprung up all of a sudden.
His eyes locked on a door and he wrenched it open before slamming it shut. He leaned hard against the door, hands clenched around the handle, breathing hard.
Only once the panic began creeping away and his breathing slowed did Gyro finally process his surroundings. He was in a small broom closet, filled to the brim with glittery party supplies Mrs. Beakley had probably denied Webby. (She would probably find a way to sneak them into the party sometime later.)
And perched precariously on top of a box labeled “glitter fireworks” was a woman Gyro had met once, in the Old West, two hundred years ago.
Goldie O’Gilt sized him up, panicked and ruffled, and apparently decided he was no threat. She slid gracefully down from the boxes. “What brings you here, to the closet of forgotten and abandoned party supplies? Girl troubles?”
Gyro wanted to laugh, because technically, she was right. “I’m gay,” he replied, giving her his best deadpan stare. It was lacking.
She assessed him, trying hard not to smile, before bursting out laughing. Gyro barely resisted the urge to bury his face in his hands. “People problems, whatever. Please. You can’t fool me, hun.”
Gyro crossed his arms testily. “Why are you here? Away with you.”
Goldie grinned smugly, pretending to examine her nails. “Oh, nothing special. Just some extra fun for Scroogey later. May or may not involve glitter fireworks. You?”
Gyro snorted, without any real humor behind it, and rolled his eyes. “Great. Well, I have better things to do than watch you drive Mr. McDuck up the wall. See ya.”
“This is about Scroogey’s rediscovered niece, isn’t it?” Goldie called after him, as if as an afterthought.
Gyro froze, his fingers curled around the doorknob. “Why do you care?”
“I don’t, really,” Goldie hummed, faking disinterest. “But spare an old woman some juicy gossip, would ya? ‘Sides, I’m a professional conwoman. I see all the angles, and yours is in plain sight.”
Gyro scowled and shifted so he could see Goldie’s face again. She was smirking, small but triumphant, which did nothing to quell Gyro’s steadily growing mix between annoyance and panic. “And I suppose this has nothing to do with ‘Aunt Goldie,’ would it?”
Goldie shrugged nonchalantly, but the smile on her beak shifted into a small pout of annoyance. “I’ll do you a favor and be honest with you. Cherish this moment; it won’t happen again.”
She sighed and leaned more heavily against the precariously stacked boxes. “I may have missed Della and her adventurous, rambunctious spirit over the years,” she confessed, suddenly looking a good deal more like the age-old tired adventurer she was. “It hurts to see that spirit quenched, especially when I just got her back. She hasn’t even frustratingly tagged along to one of Scroogey and I’s not-so-solo adventures! And… I care about her. She’s almost my niece.”
Gyro frowned, stunned at Goldie’s clarity. “...Oh.”
Goldie straightened up and whipped out a shiny knife from the folds of her dress. “But tell anyone, especially Della or Scrooge, and they’ll never know what happened to ya,” she warned, wagging the knife in the direction of Gyro’s face.
He pressed himself against the door while maintaining his scowl, despite the fact that it was too far away to hurt him. He knew what she could do if she put her mind to it. “I won’t.”
Goldie slipped the knife back into the folds of her dress, where it seemed to magically disappear from her hand. “Good. Now go get my niece’s spirit back,” she instructed strictly, shoving Gyro not-so-subtly towards the door.
He wrenched it open and slipped surreptitiously outside, glancing around the party. The crowds seemed to have thinned a little.
Gyro spotted Della easily. She, Donald, and Mrs. Beakley were gently corralling the gaggle of children upstairs - it was quite late, after all. Gyro started to step towards her, then hesitated.
He chickened out and sprinted unsteadily outside instead, taking in big mouthfuls of the refreshingly cold December air.
The chill set in after a few moments and he wrapped his arms around himself, shivering, and despairingly started the long trek away from the mansion.
His phone was buzzing with worried texts from his friends (and Della, no doubt), but Gyro set his jaw and walked on, stubbornly ignoring their annoyingly righteous concern. No use telling everyone he lost his nerve again, just like every time Della texted.
Gyro gritted his teeth and pulled the collar of his jacket over the lower half of his face as protection against the biting winds. The physical pain lessened, but the icy feeling in his gut did not. He balled his hands into fists, as if to physically punch his overwhelming guilt and regret away.
I’m a bad friend.
Early April was always a little tough for Gyro, with the anniversary of the destruction he inadvertently sowed in Tokyolk. It got better with time, but the early years were always a little rough.
(And after that he always had another grief-filled and regretful anniversary to observe in April, anyway.)
He was pushing through it, though, by throwing himself into his work. This year was especially easy. The Spear of Selene was almost done, and would probably be finished just before the eggs’ hatching.
The last time he talked to Della was when he was taking a quick, rare break the day before what would be the second-worst day of Gyro’s life. (Tokyolk took first, if only narrowly.) He had gone off on a quest in search of coffee - he was at the launch lot, and he’d unfortunately been banned from the closest coffee shop. (It was their fault anyway - what kind of coffee shop didn’t want an automatic coffee bean stocker? Even if it tried to stock customers when there were no beans left? Really, they shouldn’t have run out of beans. And his price of free coffee for life was so reasonable and small, really, when he usually frequented the one closer to the lab. Their loss.)
“Gyro!” Della sprinted up to him, face flushed from running in the chilly winds and early spring air. She held out a coffee from the aforementioned shop to him with a grin, prompting his frustrated rant, but Della just let him prattle on with a goofy grin gracing her face.
“What’s going on?” Gyro finally demanded, after watching Della beam ardently at his violent threats and calls for justice and revenge towards the coffee shop. “Your smile is… sillier than usual. Which is saying something.”
Della waved him off, his insult breezing past her. “It’s a surprise. You’ll see!!”
Gyro raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. “Is it a good surprise?”
Della beamed triumphantly back at him. “Definitely.”
Gyro frowned dubiously, but he knew Della well. For all her recklessness, when she was this sure about something, her judgement was usually worth listening to.
(Later, he’d wish he hadn’t listened to her, and trusted his own gut, for once.)
He shrugged. “I highly doubt it’s as good as you think it is,” he replied haughtily, prompting carefree laughter from Della.
“It definitely is. Just you wait.” She reached out with her free hand and booped him on the beak, causing him to reel back, away from her. “I can make an educated guess that you’ll love it.”
Gyro rolled his eyes at her rudimentary science terminology, causing her to giggle. “If it’s another movie night with Fethry, I’ll pass.”
“Better than that,” Della promised, her smug grin turning downright devious. It didn’t faze Gyro in the slightest.
He shrugged carelessly. “With you, that could either mean better or worse. Otherwise known as pure, unadulterated torture for me.”
Della laughed, but her smile softened into something more vulnerable and emotional, no longer masked by a carefree and reckless demeanor. “I’m telling you, Gyro. You’ll love it. Come on, when have I ever been wrong?’’
Gyro barked a laugh. “Do you really want me to answer that? Because I have a full comprehensive list at the top of my head, and that only covers the basics.”
“Hating black licorice doesn’t count,” Della protested. “It tastes worse than every iteration of Hell, and I’ve been to every iteration of Hell!”
Gyro raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Did you taste every iteration of Hell?”
Della rolled her eyes playfully. “Whatever. Just trust me on this one, will you?” she asked, hitting him with that almost vulnerable expression again.
Gyro huffed. “Fine.” He stuck a finger pompously in the air. “But I reserve the right to pass judgement when I see it.”
Della sighed without any real weight behind it. “Fine, whatever you want. But trust me, you’ll be blown away by the amazingness of this surprise!!!”
“We’ll see about that,” Gyro replied, smirking. “Now, away with you!! I have a highly important project to finish - which is unanimously more important than whatever surprise you have cooked up - and I simply cannot afford any distractions!!”
Della snorted knowingly. “Whatever. See you tomorrow at my amazing surprise! And you’re welcome for the coffee, Mr. Banned-From-Coffee-Shops!!”
Gyro shook his head fondly and made his way down the hill back to the lot. The Spear of Selene loomed in front of him, shining in the weak midday sun. It seemed frozen, waiting, on edge.
“Soon,” Gyro promised to no one in particular. He climbed inside to make some last-minute tweaks to the nuanced controls. “You’ll be in the air by May at the latest,” he promised, patting the cold metal of the rocketship. “Just let me make sure this is perfect. So nothing could ever go wrong.”
Jan 3, 2020 I 5:47 am
Donald Duck: hey asshole
Donald Duck: fyi Della’s really upset
Donald Duck: she really missed her friends ya know?
Donald Duck: Look, Gyro
Donald Duck: I know how this feels
Donald Duck: I know you’re scared
Donald Duck: but dude you face scarier stuff every day when your inventions go evil
Donald Duck: if you can face Lil’ Bulb turning evil not once but twice and still call him your son I think you can face your best friend
Donald Duck: and i know I said some shitty things to you the day we lost her and I’m sorry, that was uncalled for
Donald Duck: I was upset, as were you
Donald Duck: I forgive you if that’s not clear
Donald Duck: i forgave you a long time ago
Donald Duck: Della has too
Donald Duck: she never blamed you
Donald Duck: except maybe for the flavor of Oxy-Chew. But that saved her life, Gyro!
Donald Duck: I know I said your invention killed her, but your invention also saved her, and after she fixed it your invention brought her home
Donald Duck: now she’s back, but you’re losing her again
Gyro stumbling blearily awake, fumbling for his glasses, tired and disoriented, was nothing outside of the norm. He was a secluded, inane inventor with few friends, little social interaction, and no sleep schedule. Not to mention the plethora of projects piled on his desk vying for his attention, and the ever-present mug of coffee in his hand. (At the moment, there was a half-empty one on his desk, placed precariously on top of some blueprints.)
But his latest cup of coffee’s predicament was the least of Gyro’s worries at the moment. Because his phone, charging on his bedside, was blowing up. And that was decidedly not normal.
Gyro, at this point in time, didn’t have social media yet. (Fenton, Louie, and Dewey didn’t exist in his life yet, and so they had not had a chance to plot and execute an intervention.) Sometimes his phone blew up from the group chat with Daisy and Dickie, or the group chat with Della, Daisy, and Dickie, or just Della when she got excited. Or Fethry, once in a while, but Gyro was certain he’d blocked Fethry’s number this time.
Gyro clumsily put on his glasses and pulled himself up into a sitting position, still half-asleep. He scrolled through his notifications, frowning.
Mostly missed calls from Donald and Scrooge, a couple confused text notifications from Gladstone, two missed calls from the Board (that couldn’t be good), and one from Roxanne Featherly, a trainee journalist under Angus Fangus who had taken an unfortunate liking to calling him whenever one of his inventions went haywire.
Panic began to stir in Gyro’s gut.
The weirdest part, though, was that most of the notifications had not come from Della. She was by far his most ardent caller, and she had called, a couple times, but they were all over an hour ago. They were all buried by the rest of his missed calls.
Odd. Very odd.
Gyro tried calling Della first, to soften the blow of whatever was happening. Della wouldn’t sugarcoat the problem. She knew better. But there was something about her contagious enthusiasm and optimism, as well as her face-it-head-on attitude, that made whatever issue was at hand seem less daunting.
But his call went to voicemail.
Gyro shook his head, confused and more than a little scared at this point. Della almost never refused his calls, even if she was on an adventure (as long as she had cell service). It annoyed Donald to no avail, but Gyro was grateful for it - he didn’t reach out for social interaction with no reason.
But now? It only scared Gyro.
He frowned, contemplating, and called Donald next. Scrooge was more likely to call unprompted than Donald, and he didn’t want to deal with the Buzzards or Featherly yet, so Donald it was.
He picked up on the third ring.“Oh, so now he picks up!! When he can’t be of any help!! What’s the big idea, Doctor?!”
Gyro scowled, annoyance beginning to mix with the terror in his gut. “For your information, I just woke up. Now, what is going on?! Della won’t answer my calls and I have an ungodly amount of notifications at three AM. Seriously, people.”
“You want to know what is going on?!” Donald screamed, his voice and temper steadily rising. Gyro flinched at the volume, but kept the phone pressed close to his ear out of half morbid curiosity and half unwanted worry. “I’ll tell you what’s going on!!! Scrooge just killed Della!! And he used your stupid, untrustworthy invention to do it!!!”
Gyro nearly dropped the phone.“...Killed?” he nearly whispered. “How? The Spear of Selene isn’t ready yet and-”
“She took it!!” Donald screeched. “She took that good-for-nothing rocket and flew straight into a cosmic storm!”
“She wasn’t supposed to!” Gyro spluttered, numb. “She wasn’t even supposed to know about it yet!”
“Well, she did!” Donald spat darkly. “And now she’s gone. She left her boys orphaned. What were you thinking, making her that rocket?!”
“It was Mr. McDuck’s idea,” Gyro whispered numbly, automatically. “He- I- We never thought-”
“Scrooge,” Donald growled, and if Gyro knew him well enough he was dragging a frustrated hand down his face. “Of course. He’s too reckless and careless. He killed my sister.”
Gyro rubbed at his eyes under his glasses, unable to think of a coherent response. “I- I don’t think-”
“That’s right, you don’t think,” Donald snarled. “None of you do. And now my sister is dead, thanks to Scrooge. And you. Lose my number, Gyro. You won’t see me again.”
Gyro stared numbly at the floor, his phone still pressed against his ear, as the dial tone played. Finally, he slowly lowered it to his side and dropped it on the bed next to him before taking off his glasses and dropping his head into his hands.
Then, finally, he cried.
Della Duck. Dead. His best friend. Dead.
It was impossible, improbable. Della Duck was a famed adventurer barely two decades old. She breathed life. She had faced perils and terrors far worse than a cosmic storm, sustained injuries far worse, and bounced back.
Because of Gyro’s invention. Maybe if he had worked a little harder, been a little more meticulous, he could have saved her.
He had failed again, gambled and lost with precious lives again, caused death and destruction again. It was Tokyolk all over again, and this time, the lost stakes were even more personal.
Gyro grabbed his phone suddenly, shakingly off the bed and pulled up Della’s contact. Her face beamed back at him, so full of life it seemed to burst from the tiny circle on his cracked phone screen.
He called her again, listening to it ring with baited breath even though he already knew the outcome.
“Hey, this is Della Duck, adventurer extraordinaire! I’m probably trekking through the Amazon or fighting a demon monarch in another dimension right now. Catch ya later!”
Gyro hung up before she could finish her last syllable and sobbed.
February 28 I 2:26 pm
Della Duck: fyi I’m picking Huey up today instead of Launchpad since he has a sleepover with his friend Jason today
Della Duck: you know
Della Duck: in case you wanna hide from me again
Della Duck: btw do you care if I snag that magnifying glass that shrinks people in like a month? We’re gonna go to Miniapolis soon
Della Duck: i mean i’m gonna take it anyway but figured you might want a heads up
March 14 I 5:18 pm
Gyro Gearloose: go ahead
Della Duck: GYRO!!!!
Della Duck: oh sorry
Della Duck: look I’m really excited but I also don’t wanna come on too strong
Gyro Gearloose: you’re fine
Della Duck: :D
Gyro Gearloose: it’s my fault I was being a coward
Gyro Gearloose: i couldn’t face my emotions and that was shitty of me
Della Duck: Gyro i took off in a rocket at midnight without telling anyone and left my kids without a mother for a decade
Della Duck: i win for stupid shitty actions here
Gyro Gearloose: it’s not a contest
Gyro Gearloose: we’re both shitty and stupid let’s leave it at that
Della Duck: yeah ur right
Gyro Gearloose: but dels
Gyro Gearloose: I’m sorry
Gyro Gearloose: it’s been almost a year and i fucking ignored you
Gyro Gearloose: i had the chance to get you back and i didn’t take it
Della Duck: hey
Della Duck: it’s okay
Della Duck: i know this is all a lot
Della Duck: i’m here now and that’s what matters
Gyro Gearloose: della i’m so glad
Della Duck: hey Huey is coming to the lab today
Della Duck: what if I come to pick him up and then you and I go out and catch up?
Della Duck: get expensive coffee on Uncle Scrooge’s dime just like old times?
Gyro Gearloose: fuck yeah
Gyro Gearloose: I’ve missed our expensive shitty coffee and gossip
Gyro Gearloose: I have SO much shit to talk about Dr. Akita
Gyro Gearloose: god
Gyro Gearloose: I hate him now
Della Duck: oh man
Della Duck: Huey told me a bit about Tokyolk but I want to hear all about it for you
Della Duck: and Boyd!!! Omg I can’t believe you’re a father
Della Duck: he’s so sweet
Gyro Gearloose: I don’t know if I’d call myself a father he has the Drakes
Della Duck: but you want to be don’t you?
Gyro Gearloose: ...yeah
Gyro Gearloose: but i’d be a shitty parent you know that
Della Duck: actually I don’t think so
Della Duck: i’m a shitty parent and I’m doing fine
Gyro Gearloose: what a surprise
Della Duck: wow thanks for the vote of confidence
Della Duck: but Beakley Donald and Scrooge are helping me
Della Duck: we’ll help you
Della Duck: join the shitty parents club!!
Gyro Gearloose: haha all right
Della Duck: also
Della Duck: i want to hear all about fenton
Gyro Gearloose: then I want to hear all about Penumbra
Gyro Gearloose: you’re not the only one who can play the love interest card
Della Duck: joke’s on you I WANT to talk about penny
Della Duck: anyway i’m leaving now
Della Duck: see you soon!!
Gyro Gearloose: i can’t wait to see you and your ugly 10-year-old clothes
Gyro Gearloose: seriously you’re wearing almost the exact same outfit
Della Duck:  uh HELLO you have no right to shit on the way I dress look at yourself
Della Duck: you dress like a very old gay man
Della Duck: i mean that vest?? really?
Gyro Gearloose: at least i’m not old
Della Duck: touché
Della Duck: LP is driving so i’m almost there see you in a sec
Della Duck: and i’ll probably grab that magnifying glass now
Gyro Gearloose: that’s fine
Gyro Gearloose: i missed you
Della Duck: aw you old sap
Della Duck: never thought i’d hear you say anything like that tbh you’ve gone soft
Gyro Gearloose: I realized recently that my greatest mistakes were not as black-and-white as they seemed
Gyro Gearloose: and if Boyd can forgive me for unknowingly letting Akita turn him into a weapon of mass destruction and for me ignoring him for years and belittling him throughout this trip
Gyro Gearloose: and if I can face both brainwashed 2BO and Akita and win with the “power of love” or whatever than maybe I can talk to you
Della Duck: damn
Della Duck: I have SO many questions about Tokyolk
Della Duck: but i can hold onto them for a minute
The lab doors dinged open, but Della was sprinting out of them before they were fully open. The rest of Team Science watched warily as Della rushed towards Gyro, beaming and laughing, joy seeming to spill out of her. They expected him to hide, or push her away. but to their happy surprise, Gyro met her halfway and wrapped her in a hug.
Or, Della nearly crashed into him and squeezed him so tight he couldn’t breathe, prompting some annoyance, but it was crushed under the sheer joy and emotions of seeing his estranged best friend after eleven years.
Gyro laughed shakily, holding back tears, until he realized Della was crying too. She got snot on his work shirt, but he didn’t care.
They held each other for quite a while, until Della finally pulled back, wiped her eyes, and socked Gyro in the shoulder. “Don’t ever leave me hanging like that again, you hear?! I will hunt you down! I’ll give you your space but I’ll hunt you down! I won’t let this happen again!”
Gyro smiled and wiped away his own tears. “Yes, ma’am. Now, coffee?”
Della beamed. “The expensive kind. You got it.”
“It’s about time,” Manny tapped grumpily in the background, with Huey, Fenton, and Lil’ Bulb adding their agreement, but Della and Gyro ignored them as they flounced out of the lab.They had eleven years of friendship and gossip to catch up on, after all.
{it’s not too late, it was
never too late}
woohoo this is a wild ride! i didn’t intend for it to be this long but it just got away from me. Della and Gyro having a friendship, especially before the spear of selene, is one of my favorite headcanons. I think Della would basically grab Gyro and force him to be friends with her and to hang out with her haha.
I have a hard time writing Gyro as mean as he is in canon because I’m a sensitive sweet bean who isn’t creative or socially adept enough to come up with good insults (yet, hopefully). but i’m getting better! i hope this read as somewhat in character. same with Goldie, i’ve been trying to figure out how to write her for two years now sdfghgfds. I think I got Della’s character somewhat down though!
soft Gyro is more of an interpretation (albeit supported by canon) than canon fact but I LOVE it and i’m writing four (counting this) fics based off of it so get ready for that
the title and song lyrics are from People Need a Melody by The Head and the Heart. That song is really special to me because it was my closing song for camp last year (we would sing a song special for each unit each night before bed). I didn’t plan to use this song from the start (the working title was “DR. GYRO GEARLOOSE GET OFF UR ASS AND ANSWER UR PHONE -Della”) - I was listening to it one night, nostalgic for camp, while writing this fic and I realized the lyrics fit!
(also I was on a call for colorguard while I was writing this author’s note and my instructor said “I hear a lot of typing” lol)
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space-------kid · 5 years
can’t keep my hands (off you).
Anime/Manga: One Punch Man Pairing: Garou/fem!Reader Additional pairing/characters: platonic Metal Bat/fem!Reader, Zenko, mentions of other heroes such as Saitama, Watchdog Man, etc. Genre: Romance, comedy Warning: Absolute silliness. Language – Garou and reader both ate rainbows for breakfast. Dumbassery. Teeth-rotting fluff, maybe? Reader is hella strong like Saitama. Half-assed spice because you’re good at cockblocking Garou despite being low-key thirsty for him. And LOTS of dumbassery from the reader, most probably. Additional tag: Dream-based fic, canon-divergent, Garou is horny af A/N: This is supposed to be a lengthy one-shot, but I’m a dumbass who can’t keep my word so the supposedly one-shot isn’t a one shot anymore.  Now I have to worry how I should properly divide all those parts (I mean, they’re already divided, but–) 😅
You + your fight instinct + beating monsters up = ? Garou: *feeling horny* MY BODY IS FUCKING READY-
Your life had its general ups and downs, pros and cons, the good and the bad.
You were admittedly a coward and afraid of being targeted by people for it. Following the advice of your (best) friend you trained hard, like, FUCKING hard, and now you’re blessedly, utterly strong you can take down enemies with just one hit. A good thing, really. Can’t let any bad guy harass you or something.
You were probably cursed with the biggest, baddest of luck. Not only were monsters chasing you, suddenly there was this fucking hot bastard weirdo who kept on calling himself the Hero Hunter. “I’m not a hero, goddamn it!”
i. and ii. | iii. and iv. | v. | vi. | vii. | [tba]
Tumblr media
“i can’t keep my
- can’t keep my hands off you/simple plan
You were right about him being a thirsty bastard.
After inadvertently revealing Badd’s identity a week ago, Garou seemed to have doubled his efforts of acting so flirtatiously around you.
The Hero Hunter would come to your house like the usual, whether if he was injured from his hero hunting or not. But if it was the former, then Garou was at a greater advantage of acting on his… strange… interest towards you.
You weren’t exactly pretty or anything. Hell, you didn’t even find yourself containing even the smallest bit of allure or charm. So what exactly did Garou see in you?
Your strength?
Huh. It might be one.
But why did he have to make such perverted advances towards you?
And you were honestly at fault, too. Your attempts to dissuade him were feeble at best, and you couldn’t help feeling flustered which probably egged him on more than it should.
You were out in the city for a supplies run, your search for goods that would meet your standards taking you out of K-City. Badd offered to come with you, but he received an urgent summons from the Hero Association and gave him the task of escorting an executive since news of Garou attacking some freak named Zeimeet put them on high alert.
Huh. So Garou targeted executives from H. A., too? To you, however, it was highly unlikely since he was only after the heroes.
Eh. It’s as if he shared with you all of his plans with regards to his hero hunting. And it’s been days since he went to your humble abode.
Truth be told, you kinda missed the guy…
You were in a cab going in S-City when the road ahead was blasted by an explosion. The driver swerved and stopped just in time before the cab reached the blast before scrambling out of the vehicle and leaving you inside. That jerk.
Heart in your throat, you got out of the car and panicked when fleeing citizens screamed in terror about rampaging monsters. You were about to follow them to the nearest evacuation shelter when something wet and slimy wrapped around your body, yanking you in the opposite direction. You could only take one horrified look at your abductor – some weird blob that resembled a humanoid clump of seaweed – before your world turned black, your fight instinct rising to the surface to ensure your survival.
 Like the usual, you weren’t aware of your surroundings as your body moved on autopilot, obliterating any monster regardless of their disaster level that crossed your path as you ventured deeper in the city. Both civilians and heroes would openly gawk at you as you intercepted any monster attack and do the heroes’ job for them. Soon enough, the powder blue long-sleeved dress you were wearing was stained with the blood of monsters and you were left walking on foot when your matching flat shoes slipped off your feet sometime after your fight instinct took over.
If you were aware, you would be screaming your head off at how terrified you were of the sudden rampage of monsters. But your conscious mind was blissfully locked in some fantasy it had created which involved a certain Hero Hunter while your fight instinct was having the time of its life killing monsters here and there.
Leaving a trail of monster blood and entrails on your wake, you stopped traveling from roof to roof when your dull eyes caught a silver-haired dude walking away from a beat-up guy wearing a ripped red sweater, bontan pants, and sporting a metal bat. A little girl was stopping the beat-up guy from going after the other teen.
Silver hair, black turtleneck, and loose white pants…
Your fight instinct was familiar with this teen. Wasn’t this the one who attacked you twice and who was with you when your home was almost wrecked by a monster?
Warning signals blared in your mind, alerting your fight instinct of imminent danger. A monster resembling a phoenix flew overhead and you watched as it followed Silver. You tailed it, landing behind the avian beast when it blocked Silver’s path.
“Wha-? Hey, [Name]!” yelled Silver when the dust cleared from the force of your landing. “What are you doing here?”
Your fight instinct perked up at the mention of your identity. Silver knew your name, and your fight instinct was yet again reminded of that one time with the frog-like monster. Was Silver someone your fight instinct should protect, too?
The phoenix monster opened its beak to speak. “You know this human, Hero Hunter?”
The jellyfish resembling a sludge of sewer water chortled at you. “Behehe, maybe we could take her as a hostage, too, as replacement for Metal Bat’s little sister!”
Metal Bat? Little sister?
Images of the beat-up guy and the little girl from earlier flashed in your fight instinct’s mind as your memory supplied it of the two’s identities.
This Metal Bat person was your best friend, and the little girl named Zenko was someone you see as your younger sister.
And, oh. Did Jelly-freak just imply that it had tried to kidnap this Zenko?
 Before any of the other three could blink, you had already crossed the distance between you and Jelly-freak, your hands crushing its liquid body repeatedly. Jelly-freak tried its hardest to reform itself but it was no match for you as your god-like, ferocious strength continuously pounded it to the ground. Your fight instinct assessed any possible weakness that could be exploited and realized that the more of that oil-like substance seep out of Jelly-freak’s body, the harder it was for the monster to regenerate. So beat it up brutally, you did, until all that stuff left Jelly-freak’s body which eventually caused it to die.
Startled by the sudden development, Bird-freak took to the skies before nose-diving straight at you, beak poised to put a hole on your chest.
“[Name]- whatever’s in charge, look out!” Silver shouted in warning, moving to intercept the attack but you were faster. You met the winged monster’s assault head-on and caught its beak with your bare hands.
With a derisive snort, your fight instinct directed your hands into tearing Bird-freak’s beak apart. Taking no heed of the humanoid figure screaming from within the monster’s body, you viciously swung one leg up to crush its internal organs.
Silver’s eyes were on you, but your fight instinct wouldn’t stop until it could no longer sense life emanating from Bird-freak’s body. And so you pummelled your fists brutally against it until nothing but a bloody smear and loose feathers were left.
Satisfied that Bird-freak was well and truly dead, your fight instinct pulled your body away from what was left of the monster.
“W-Whoah… [Name], what the fuck…?”
Lifeless eyes found Silver’s golden eyes sparkling with excitement, a huge, impressed smile on his face.
Garou couldn’t believe his luck at what he had just witnessed.
He was left dissatisfied with his bout against Metal Bat, but thankful enough that his little sister had come to intervene. If that moron’s bat connected with that final attack, Garou was sure that his hero hunting days would be over.
You and Metal Bat sure were compatible as best friends: a little lady who got taken over by her fight instinct that utilized your strength to its full potential and kill anything with one hit and a delinquent who got stronger as his fighting spirit got pumped up. You were weirdos, the both of you.
Insanely strong weirdos.
He wanted to continue the fight, but Metal Bat’s sister – he called her Zenko, right? – had made Garou adhere to some stupid family rule about her older brother promising never to expose her to violence. The little girl’s got guts, kudos to her, and Garou somewhat admired her for it. And so he left, making some half-assed excuse that he had to be doing something else.
Oh, well. His original target was Watchdog Man, anyway.
Without so much as a by your leave, Garou left the siblings with a reminder to Metal Bat that he was lucky to get to live another day.
The Hero Hunter smirked upon remembering your request not to kill your best friend. Guess he had to check that off his mental list, huh? And besides, he was done with Metal Bat. Garou already knew the S-Class hero’s fighting style and how to knock the latter up before his strength could rise due to his so-called fighting spirit.
Garou took a detour the moment he felt eyes on him. He took a side street and arrived just in time to see some sludge-looking freak appear and talked to itself about kidnapping feisty little Zenko. Without hesitation, he struck the monster with enough force that could kill anyone.
Nuh-uh. You ain’t kidnapping little kids. Not on my watch.
Sludge-freak reformed its body, surprising Garou that it had survived the attack just in time for the owner of the second pair of eyes to make itself known.
The bird monster introduced itself as Phoenix Man, telling Garou that he and Sludge-freak weren’t the Hero Hunter’s enemies. The monster even went as far as to praising him for his hero hunting gig and inviting him to join some organization called the Monster Association.
Garou not only showed his indifference by telling the oversized chicken that he wasn’t interested, he also ripped the card it offered him to pieces to emphasize his point.
Did these idiots think that he would join them just because he called himself a monster?
The nerve of these disgusting freaks.
Before Birdbrain nor Sludge-freak could react to the impudence he displayed, something – someone, rather, landed powerfully a few feet behind the avian monster. Garou’s eyes widened with astonishment when the dust cleared to reveal you standing in the middle of the crater, sporting the same expressionless look on your blood-stained face.
Monsters were out and about, rampaging to their black hearts’ content. Why the hell were you out here when you should be staying at home, cowering on your futon and under the sheets?
It was pointless asking why you were out when you gave him no reply, staying silent as Birdbrain asked him if he knew you. But when Sludge-freak opened its mouth to suggest kidnapping you, you were suddenly spurred into action.
Garou himself ought to kill Sludge-freak for even proposing to take you as hostage but you beat him to it. He and Birdbrain could only watch as you obliterate Sludge-freak with your bare fucking hands-
You even beat him in defending you when you met Birdbrain’s offensive head on, beating the crap out of that chicken with your hands still stained by Sludge-freak’s muck.
The way the skirt of your dress flowed as you moved, your [length] hair wet with monster blood, and the blank look on your face while you killed those two…
Fuck. That’s so hot.
Saying that the sight thrilled Garou to the bone was an understatement. Lucky his pants were made loose, or else it would be hard to walk without you seeing the excitement between his legs.
“W-Whoah,” Garou muttered, grinning wickedly. “[Name], what the fuck…?”
He watched as you turned to look at him, gaze dull. You looked as if you were assessing him as you crossed the distance between the two of you, lips parting slightly as if you wanted to speak.
Despite the dead look in your [color] eyes, Garou could see recognition flashing briefly over them.
“[Name], hey. It’s me- oi!” he exclaimed when you ignored what he was saying and started to walk past him. “Where are you going?”
As expected, you offered him no reply. Garou was left walking after you, quietly assessing if you had taken any damage from your fight – albeit one-sided – against those two freaks. So far, he could tell from the mix of green, blue, and red blood on your feet, face, and dress that nothing was yours. You didn’t appear to be minding any sort of injuries, so that was one thing he wouldn’t be worrying about.
Garou halted when he recognized the path you were taking and immediately caught sight of an unconscious Metal Bat, the hero’s little sister sitting on her haunches and poking him on the back. Zenko looked up and saw you and Garou, her eyes widening at the sight of you.
“[Name]-san? Y-You’re covered in blood! Are you okay?” she asked you worriedly, rushing up to meet you. “And it’s the weird man from earlier! Why are you with her?”
The Hero Hunter caught the protectiveness in Zenko’s voice and shot her a cocky smirk. “And why are you still here, runt? Shouldn’t you be calling someone to take your brother to the nearest hospital, considering that I beat him up pretty bad?”
Alright, maybe that was tactless of him, boasting how he beat up your best friend while your fight instinct was still commandeering your body. Your aura shifted from calm and collected to murderous in a fraction of a second, your previously blank expression turning malevolent when you looked at him over your shoulder. Lucky the kid couldn’t see it, though.
Oh, shit.
Was he going to see his life flash before him today?
Before he could take a stance to defend himself should your fight instinct tell you to attack, however, Garou had to mentally scream a command to his body to move and catch you before you hit the ground when your eyes rolled back. He was deaf to Zenko’s frightened call of your name, his focus solely locked on your prone form in his arms.
You looked tired, and it was just what Garou had expected. Maybe you finally had had enough killing monsters today, and tell your fight instinct that there really wasn’t any more reason to go on a rampage.
But the way you looked at him when he made the mistake of bragging his win against Metal Bat was alarming. Garou only ever saw this fighting side of you looking so dull, and to sense and see such protective killing intent in you was nothing short of… terrifying.
And hot, fuck.
Garou ought to beat his raging hormones for even thinking about it. Goddmanit, you very nearly killed him had you not fainted, and all he could think of was how hot it would be to see you try to beat him up?
Damn it. The things you do to him…
Feeling your breath even out as you shifted from unconscious to asleep, Garou hooked his other arm under your knees and turned to Zenko as he lifted you up bridal style. Fuck you for fitting so perfectly in his arms and fuck him, too, for enjoying the feel of your weight. He grabbed the perfect opportunity to clutch a handful of one of your thighs and wasn’t disappointed.
Fucking finally. He’d make sure to do the same once you wake up to see your reaction-
“Hey! Are you groping [Name]-san?!”
Garou blinked and raised a brow at Zenko who was glaring up at him angrily. He clicked his tongue at her and turned around to leave.
“I’m just making sure that she won’t fall off, stupid,” he spat, feeling dumb himself for even making a lame excuse just so the kid would stop accusing him of being a pervert even if he was actually one for you. “Seriously, you should be calling for help now. That giant centipede’s still out there, you know. Got a phone or something? Call an ambulance already!”
“Where are you taking [Name]-san?”
Garou rolled his eyes and turned halfway to look at Zenko. “I’m taking her home, I know where her house is.”
The little girl narrowed her eyes at him in warning.
“If you think I won’t tell Badd onii-chan about this, then you’re totally wrong, mister,” she sassed him. “So, answer me truthfully: What are you planning to do to [Name]-san?”
Garou couldn’t believe the situation he just got himself into. Did he really have to explain himself to this child?
The defiant look Zenko was giving him answered his own question.
“Oi, brat,” he began, carefully adjusting his hold on you when you shuffled slightly in his arms, “[Name] is my friend, alright? If I wanted to hurt her, I would’ve done that so easily! Jeez!”
Garou turned one last time and began the long trek to your home. Well, maybe he should make a stop first at the shack he was staying in a few days ago to fully check on you.  He heard Zenko’s faint huff and opted to ignore her as he walked further away.
to be continued
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cakesunflower · 5 years
congrats summer, I’m so excited and so proud of you! SCP is the first Calum fic I ever read (I was like 100% in Luke’s lane, found your blog when you were posting Why So Complicated, and your writing was so amazing that I just had to read more, so I read SCP) Your writing and your blog single-handedly made me swerve lanes HARD and turned me into such a Calum stan lmao 😂 YOUR POWER. I have such an immense love for this story, I’ve read it many times but am hella excited to read it on paper xx
KMDKJ oh my god that’s insane jdsfnjdsfn i didn’t ask for this power😫 thank you so much for reading my stuff!! i really appreciate it omg
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To the Ends of the Earth [FBI!Cal AU]
Day 5
a/n: thanks everyone so much for reading! hope you all enjoyed my take on FBI Cal! I ended up just deciding to combine parts five and six. 
After interrogating Francis for all of two seconds, Cal and Ashton had the location of what they believed to be the location that Riley was hiding Maggie. Calum was so ready to beat Riley’s face in, especially after torturing Maggie for almost a full week. Francis had given them the address to a secluded cabin in about thirty acres of woods. It was no wonder that Riley chose this place to bring Maggie. It was huge, towering at about three stories, and had been foreclosed for about ten years now. Nobody wanted it and nobody knew it existed. Calum, Ashton, and Luke had put together about four or five units of officers in about three hours. A lot of officers had actually volunteered to go on the mission. It was going to be dangerous but not too dangerous. Since they were only going up against one perp, the mission was low risk. However, the agents still knew to be wary going in. Even though Riley was only one man, he was one of the most dangerous ones out there. Between his history of insanity and malicious ruthlessness, Riley was at the top of the FBI most wanted list. So they got the agents together and moved out as soon as possible. 
Day 6
The FBI was doing a nightsweep. It was one of the more dangerous missions that they could do and Maggie recognized it right away. She knew it was a night swap when she saw the singular flashlight pop up out the small window she had been staring out the past few days. Riley had kept her locked up in a basement, and while she was shackled to a chair in the middle of the underground room, there was a small window that rose above the ground by about a foot. It was small, and it definitely wasn’t anything special, but it was enough for her to know that help had finally come. She could finally relax. So when Riley came downstairs, armed to his teeth and pissed off to his core, she didn’t even try to fight when he cut her out of the ties keeping her in the chair. She didn’t try to stay awake when he threw her on the ground by her hair and kicked the shit out her. Instead, she let the heavy darkness succumb her. ||
Calum took a deep breath. He could feel it. This, this was where Riley was, where Maggie was. He kept his gun pointed at the ground and waited for the first officer’s signal. They were trying to lure Riley out rather than go in. If they went to him, then he had the advantage and Calum wasn’t giving him anything more than he had already taken. This raid, it had to go well. They had about twenty officers and agents, all surrounding the house and sweeping the property. Riley was hidden on about twenty acres of property, so they ha a lot to go through if Maggie wasn’t in the house. This was going to be a hella long night. Still, if it meant getting Maggie back then he was fine. Calum heard movement to his right and brought his gun up, ready to fire. It was just the first officer, who reported that there was no movement from within the house. Fine. They would have to go in. Calum motioned to the rest of the group and advanced toward the house, Ashton and Luke flanking him on either side. Michael was waiting at the hospital. Just based off the pictures, Maggie was in rough shape, so as soon as they brought her out Calum himself was going to drive her to the hospital. Michael was there to make she had a friendly face in case something went horribly wrong. As soon as Calum reached the door, he flattened his back against the wall and waited for the rest of his unit to get in position. It didn’t take them long, so as soon as Cal got the all clear he bust the door down. He skipped the formalities and didn’t even bother knocking or trying to give Riley a chance. His backup flanked him and spread through out the house, a few agents going to each floor. There were three in all, so Cal, Ash and Luke all took the first floor. Ash and Luke swerved off together after clearing the majority of the rooms on the first floor. Calum searched more thoroughly, however, opening anything that even look remotely big enough to conceal Maggie. He looked under everything, in each closet, but came up early. Damn. If she wasn’t in the fucking house, Cal would burn it to the ground. After a few minutes of searching, he stumbled upon something a little odd in his opinion. In the bottom of a closet was what looked to be a newly carpeted floor. What Cal found odd, however, was the fact that nowhere in the house was any other carpet to be found. Cal furrowed his brows and reached down. He grabbed the carpet and ripped it off in one jerking motion, only to find a hidden door beneath. It appeared to be the door to a basement or wine cellar of some sort. Jackpot. Calum didn’t know how, but he knew that this was where Maggie was hidden. Nobody had radioed that they had Riley, so Cal figured he either ran to save his own ass, or was down stairs with Maggie. 
“Ash, I need you in the master bedroom. Stat.” Cal tapped on his earpiece and radioed Ash. He was anxious, but Cal wasn’t stupid. He wanted backup and he wanted the man he trusted with his life. 
As soon as Ash entered the room and Cal explained the situation, Ashton nodded once and brought out his gun and flashlight. Cal ripped open the cellar door and descended down the steep stairwell. The room he entered into was absolutely God-awful. There were water puddles and mold everywhere. There were rats scampering all over the place and there was one singular dimly-light lightbulb in the middle of the room. Out of nowhere, a fist came flying at Calum’s face. Calum was more excited than nervous, though. He had been waiting for this moment for what felt like forever. Cal caught Riley’s fist before it made contact with his face and delivered a hard kick to Riley’s ribs. The satisfaction Cal felt at the sound of Riley gasping was unreal. But, Riley had learned to fight in prison. So there wasn't a chance in hell he was going down easy. So Riley grabbed the back of Calum's neck and forced his head down so that it made a cracking noise when Riley knee connected with it. Cal was a bit stunned so when Riley got in three more solid hits to his chest, he had to admit he was impressed. But hell hath no fury like a man whose woman was taken and tortured, so Cal quickly ducked down and swept Riley’s feet out from under him. Riley’s back hit the ground hard and knocked the wind out of his lungs. Cal saw his opportunity and started kicking, didn’t stop until Riley’s body went completely limp. He spun quickly, the adrenaline still flowing. Cal scanned the room wildly for Maggie. 
Then he saw her. 
Limp on the floor. 
Not breathing. 
Calum’s heart dropped and he was at her side in about two seconds. 
“Oh God. Maggie speak to me. You have to say something. Say something or I will absolutely flip my shit.” Cal did’t know where to start with her injuries, but when he saw her chest rising and falling shallowly, he took a sigh of relief himself. 
“I’m going to alert the other officers that we found them.” Ashton retreated upstairs once he saw Maggie was okay. This felt like a personal moment to them, and Ashton felt that, after everything they had been through, they deserved that much. 
“Fuck. What happened?” Maggie awoke to a pounding head and a soothing voice. When her one good eye finally creaked open, she felt tears rush out of it when she saw her partners face. It was such a relief, like happiness had flooded her body. It was a face she hand’t been sure she would ever see again. 
“I love you. I’m sorry, I know this isn’t the best timing or whatever, but I can’t lose you again like this and have you not know. So now you do. I love you.” Cal was impatient, but after this past week, no one ever thought he was. Moreover, Cal was selfish. He wanted Maggie and he wanted her then and now. They were finally safe, could finally be happy. 
“I love you, too. God, Cal I love you so much. You got me through this week of fucking hell. You did. And I love you.” Maggie thought this was a pretty great day, all things considered. Sure she had started her morning with torture, but it had ended with her rescue and the love of her life in her arms. Calum was holding her broken body, so she sat up to hug him. They would have kissed, but her face was just too swollen and she made sure to inform Cal of her broken ribs. This was quite possibly the happiest moment of her life. In her beloved’s arms, ready to move on. 
Until she saw him. 
With his gun. 
Aiming directly at Calum’s back.
All she heard was two gunshots and then her world went black. 
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chiwoopsie · 6 years
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“Though I haven’t seen the end of me, if I were to have one, it would probably be you” -Best of Me
So i had one of the bestest times of my life at the BTS concert on my love’s birthday >.<  I went all out on the DIY concert goods lolol (Namjoon pickets on the upper left and the "I❤️NY" t-shirt remade into an "I ❤️ NamJoon" shirt). 
The whole experience was amazing and surreal and unforgettable but in the 0.00001% chance that I do forget, here’s what happened:
-got to the arena at 11am and spent the next 6 hours waiting in line, buying merch, waiting in line again, taking pics in the BTS Studio, waiting in line again...but all of it was hella worth bc their cutouts looked so good lol and my face would have never been seen next to any of theirs otherwise.
-concert: okay so my irl experience was a mess bc my phone was running low on battery so my mind was debating btwn taking concert videos and saving my battery for like half the concert, not to mention i got deaf two songs in so I could only hear higher tones. In other words, all the members sounded like they were on helium OTL but lemme tell ya, they still sounded good
-all the members look SOOOO FREAKIN PERFECT like i know they have their concert makeup on but HOLY SHIT THEY LOOKED F L A W L E S S. Namjoon came on the screen and I screamed loud, mostly out of shock of how beautiful he was and slightly bc he should hear how loved he is. Everyone looked too beautiful but definitely JIN and Jungkook stood out in the looks dept like how do such handsome human beings exist?? 
-SHOUTOUT TO MY MAN JAY JUNG HOSEOK. HE HAS SUCH AN INSANE AMOUNT OF STAGE PRESENCE HOLY SHIT. My eyes kept on gravitating back towards him the entire time bc he was always doing something, something that showed who owned that stage. Also, no one else could ever make a tasseled jacket look so right. Anyway, I really swerved into his lane for so long (or at least more than i usually do) thanks to this concert...and i still may or may not be in it hehe
-Tae’s VCR was so mesmerizing and then he came on stage to do Singularity...wowowow that man knows how to work the camera. That jacket/robe he was wearing had crystals that formed an intricate floral pattern that was simply divine. Fit for the prince wearing it 👌 I think I appreciate Singularity (and V) a lot more now bc of his performance. On another note, I remember him being super cute and smiley, which was good for the heart.
-They performed the Fun Boyz/Attack of Bangtan/Fire/Baepsae/Dope medley which was what I was hoping for!!! Hoseok fkin wiggled his butt in our direction to start of Fun Boyz and that was the beginning of the end :) I can’t believe I got to see all those numbers in person wow <<< I Need U and Run too bc as an HYYH stan, singing along with those songs and hearing them live was incredible
-Overall crowd favorite performances were Seesaw and Epiphany for sure~
Seesaw: MIN YOONGIIIIII!!!! i still think about his performance everyday bc it was so charming and cute and aksdfjdjlgkslh ESPECIALLY WITH THAT RED SPARKLY JACKET ACH. Maybe everything about it was so...unexpected?? or contrasting to his regular onstage persona and that’s why he blindsided me so hard OTL. But yea the part where he does a lil nod + smile = my cause of death :)
Epiphany: From even before the show started, the Epiphany MV had the loudest sing-along so you bet that when it was Jin’s turn, everybody sang along with his beautiful voice. As I said before, his visuals are out of this world (his forehead was exposed 🙏🙏). Jin totally eyef**ked the camera several times too like whyyyy are you doing this i was not okay :(
-Their ments were done all in English, save for a couple sentences from Jimin at the end. I was proud of them bc they clearly put in a lot of effort to learn so they can better connect with their international fans. I do kinda wish that they spoke a little more though (in Korean or English) but they literally flew in earlier that day and probs didnt sleep much bc of Namjoon’s bday so they probably wanted to wrap up and go to bed lol. 
-If I’m lucky enough to get the opportunity, I definitely want to try for GA for a ~closer~ experience! They already seemed really close from my 1st level seats but looking up at them from the pit would be the dream 😂🤧
-shoutout to my special friendo @yoon-kooks for helping out with the pickets and being with me every step of the way to living out our bangtan dreams!!! I couldn’t imagine experiencing any of this w/o you  💜💜💜
P.S. I realize I failed to mention Jimin in any of this rip. @/Jimin ur a real cutie and ty for showering namjoon with love 😘
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taesbetch · 7 years
But I Don’t Like Bacon
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut (ish)
Word Count: 2,006
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You narrowed your eyes as you watched your long-time enemy byun Baekhyun. He was sitting a couple of tables away from you reading his textbook intensely. That’s not the part that annoyed you.
No, it was the crowd of girls watching him from outside the library windows as if an angel had just floated down from heaven.
And what made it even worse, was that he loved it. Ohhh god the boy was reveling in the attention he was getting.
He loved playing with their feelings and then dropping them as if they were nothing.
One of your best friends happened to be one of the girls he played; but yet she still pined after him. It's almost as if the hatred she should have felt traveled to you, amplifying you need to end him.
you were currently sitting at 2nd in your year levels ranking. Guess who the fuck was first.
Yep. Baekhyun.
Its like everything you did he was there and doing it better than you. Your vice captain, he's captain.
Your team managed to win regionals for soccer, his team won nationals.
You're pretty popular, but he is a walking god.
“Y/N your glaring again” your best friend sighed as she continued to write notes in her notepad.
“opps, didn’t notice” you said as you ripped your eyes from the devil and continued studying.
“aren’t your families close?” she asked as she moved on to researching on the internet. You sighed remembering that you families were planning a joint get away from the summer holidays.
“Yep! i have to see him every day, do you realise that I see him more than I see my own mother” you ranted as you placed your pencil down and sighed frustrated.
You best friend just shook her head before she looked up to give him a glance. You watched as her face quickly changed from longing to shock.  
She quickly dove her sight back down into her books as she continued to write.
You looked up to see the meaning of the sudden movement. That’s when you saw Baekhyun making his way to your table.
You rolled your eyes before slouching back in your chair ready to hear the bullshit fall out of his mouth.
“hey yuju” he said addressing your friend and completely ignoring you.
She blushed intensely as she tried to find the words to say to him.
“go away” you answered as she continued to sort out her shit. Baekhyun’s smile dropped before he slowly turned his face towards you.
“I don’t believe I was talking to you” he said as he folded his arms in annoyance.
“and you think I care” you said as you tilted your head to the side narrowing your eyes again back in his direction.
You best friend looked between you and him with worry as the tension between the both of you was building. An argument was making its way up your throats but before it could happen she spoke.
“did you want something?” yuju asked quickly.
Baekhyun gave you one last glare before turning his attention back towards her.
“I was just wondering if you would like to come to my party tonight, I was able to get the keys to the pent house of my flat complex, the whole year level is going to be there” he said before flashing her with his signature smile.
Yuju looked at you, searching your face for approval or disappointment or any kind of emotion.
A)   You don’t want to go to his stupid as party anyway
B)    You hate parties
C)   You hate him
But if she wants to go you cant stop her, but you definitely don’t approve.
“ill think about it…and if I do come, it’ll only be with Y/N” she said as she looked between us. Baekhyun looked horrified. He was not one to be negotiated with but if he want what I thought he wanted (some booty) then he was going to agree.
He groaned before eventually nodding his head.
You rolled your eyes as you watched him walk away, the crowd of girls waiting for him outside started freaking out and dispersed as soon as he opened the door
You kicked your shoes off as you entered your room, your bag quickly found its way too the ground and you phone quickly found its self calling yuju.
You sighed before continuing to talk to your friend.
“hey be careful alright…like we both know what kind of person he is” you said as you heard her shuffling around her room.
“yer yer, hey I'm going to go early alright, ill see you there” she squealed before hanging up the phone.
You huffed in annoyance before laying down on your bed relaxing your tensed muscles.
Maybe you should just stay home…Baekhyun doesn’t want you there, your friend will be too busy trying to get his attention. So, what’s the point…
You and Baekhyun used to be really good friends, your parents were best friends so naturally, you spent a lot of time together.
It wasn’t until around middle school when you started to loathe him, maybe it was because he started to ignore you? You technically weren’t cool enough for him back then.
You remembered that he had tried to rekindle your relationship with you a couple times. But of course, you being the stubborn bitch that you are rejected him.
And you also tried to rekindle things, but of course, his stubborn ass rejected you right back.
Then the both of you kind of gave up…
You shook off the thought of Baekhyun before deciding to just stop being a lil bitch and go to the party.
It was hella loud.
And I mean hella loud.
The floor was basically vibrating from the bass of the music and you might have been mistaken but the walls were basically shaking.
you wore a short red silky dress and your naturally wavy hair was let down. You felt good and you looked good too.
As you walked through the crowds of people trying to find your best friend you saw Baekhyun and his group of friends at the back of the room, drinking and laughing loudly.
Everyone looked like they were having the time of their lives, and it would be a lie if you said that the energy of the room wasn’t affecting you.
You decided to give up looking for Yuju and that the dance floor is where you should be.
As the song played and peoples bodies were moving to the beat you started swaying your hips to the rhythm not really paying attention to the people around you.
The dance floor started filling up with people as the beat of the music slowed down, it was that time of the night.
Random hands had found their way to your hips; as your body rolled you felt their body pressed against yours. Usually, this is where you would slap whoever was invading your space away.
But tonight, you wanted to have some fun.
You felt his member harden against your ass as friction was being created between the two of you.
“what the fuck do you think your doing”
You looked forward to seeing Baekhyun standing in front of you; his arms were crossed and his eyes were narrowed. Instead of the glare being directed towards you, he was glaring at the horny boy behind you.
You rolled your eyes before removing yourself from your dance partner; the mood had just been killed.
Baekhyuns eyes remained on the stranger as he sighed and walked off to find some other girl who was the same level of horny he was.
“whats your problem?” you asked angrily as he stalked closer towards you.
He said nothing. Before you could scream at him in annoyance he grabbed your wrist harshly before swerving on his heels and dragging you away from the party.
You struggled against his grip as he pushed you into the bedroom next to the main one.
“what the fuck do you want! If you're so mad, ill just leave?!” you shouted as you tried to push past him. He pushed you roughly making you fall back onto the floor.
As you let out a pained groan he swiftly locked the door before taking a deep breath in, his back was turned towards you.
“Why do you always do this to me” he breathed out softly as you stood up from your previous position.
“what the fuck are you talking about” you muttered as you rubbed your probably bruised ass.
“you always glare at me, always give me attitude, always reject me. And It drives me insane” he whined as he turned around to you. Instead of the anger, you saw in his eyes before; they were filled with desperation.
“All I’ve ever wanted was you Y/N, but every time you just keep pushing me away” he growled as hunger dripped from his voice.
You took slow steps back as he walked towards you. He wanted you, he wanted you so bad and it was written all over his face.
And judging by the way his voice was making your body react; you wanted him too.
As your back hit the wall Baekhyun placed his hands on either side of your body as his eyes were fixated to your lips.
“But tonight, you're mine” he whispered. His lips flew to yours like magnets.
You grabbed his shirt as his tongue skillfully entered your mouth, his hand trailed up your thigh as you opened your legs a little, letting him press his body closer to yours.
You pushed him backward lightly, leading him in the direction of the bed.
As he fell backward you eyed the hard boner that was begging for your attention.
You straddled him quickly as he tried to pull of your dress; you slapped his hands away before smirking down at him.
“Patience baek” you said before sending him a wink. He groaned impatiently before you slowly started to grind against him.
The friction caused by his jeans caused soft moans to escape your lips as the thinnest of your underwear let your core take the majority of it.
Baekhyun groaned repeatedly as he clutched your hips tightly, he tried to make you go fast but you continued at your pace.
“Y/N- baby, please go faster” he moaned as his face twisted with agony, the pace was killing him and that’s exactly what you wanted.
You had Baekhyun in the palm of your hand.
You decided to comply and picked up the pace of your grinding. Both you and baekhyuns moaned started getting louder and more frequent as the pressure of the grinding had also been increased.
As your stomach started to bubble you decided that now was the perfect time.
You stood up off Baekhyun leaving him confused to the sudden loss of contact.
“What happened?! Why’d you stop!?” he whined clearly upset that you stopped grinding which means he probably wouldn’t be able to actually have sex with you.
“What? You think you can just treat me like shit and then suddenly confess you don’t hate me and id fuck you?” you asked calmly as you fixed up your hair.
Baekhyun looked at a loss for words as he stared at you in shock.
“B-but it was the truth” he muttered softly.
“I know, and I’m willing to work on this, but it won’t be that easy” you shrugged as you collected yourself hormone wise.
“You liked it” he said as he stood up and started fixing himself up too.
“maybe, but I don’t like bacon” you said before patting his chest and walking out of the room.
You couldn’t help the smile that covered your face, you didn’t really know where your relationship with Baekhyun would go but you knew it’d be an exciting journey.
(A/N sorry if it was bad! I got a little lost with where I was taking this one, but anywho I hope you enjoyed a little bit of it :) )
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seokjins · 7 years
(imma *** the names so they dont appear in the tags) tbhhhhhhh like.... i used to b ml stan (mainly t**hy*ng) but...... after i noticed what u pointed out in ur tags just now (but like... a couple of months ago) i saw just how.... imbalanced ml stans r towards hl stans i turned lanes REAL QUICK and am now a proud hl stan and not regretting it (1/?) -hl anon
(2/?) the ml gets ....way too much praise tbh,,,, this is probably an unpopular opinion but uhhh the unique voice in ml is t//ae’s voice...., j/k? average and weak/wispy, j//min? strains the HELL out of his voice, also doesnt hold a lot of power (IMO, its noticeable in his solo), j*n on the other hand is an amazing and underrated singer with a strong voice and a good technique... - hl anon
(i changed some of the names for easier reading lol, but thank u sm for blocking them out~)
first off, i’m ?? really touched that i, out of everyone on this hellsite, helped you stan hl?? that’s fucking insane to me, thakn you for saying that :((
2) i’m not going to add too much bc i’m not a vocalist or whatever, but i agree with what you’re saying about the hyungs being hella underrated. it seems to hard for people to give at least a modicum of respect or recognition to the hyungs if they’re a ml stan? and i don’t think they realize that you can be appreciate of someone w/o “swerving” (another reason i hate the bias business)
regardless, thank you for the message, and i’m glad we could have a conversation about this
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ambeann · 5 years
Fondres - Price 2 Day Lyrics
Fondres - Price 2 Day Lyrics
[Hangul + Romanization] Fondres - Price 2 Day (Tell Me What You Saw OST Part 6) [OST] 본 대로 말하라 OST Part.6 (OCN 주말드라마) Artist: Fondres Genre: Drama OST Release Date: 2020.03.14 ℗© 모스트콘텐츠 Lyricist: Fondres, El Nino Composer: Stephen Bae Arranger: Stephen Bae Lyrics Get in your lane you better think straight Your head up in the clouds better get it in the game You say we are the same but you just talk insane I was talking to your girl she said you hella lame I do for the money you just beggin for the fame and the clout You just talkin our your mouth But I know you not about it Say you got it but it doubt it Please don't hang around me You better stay away boy you better Get in your lane you better think straight Your head up in the clouds better get it in the game You say we are the same but you just talk insane I was talking to your girl she said you hella lame I do for the money you just beggin for the fame and the clout You just talkin our your mouth But I know you not about it Say you got it but it doubt it Please don't hang around me You better stay away boy you better <![CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ]]> Wake up this real life sleep is for the weak I was down in the trenches she was down on he knees She was talkin bout her old man told her bitch please We gon wipe his nose even tho he ain't sneeze I on like to sleep I wake up in a dream Flip a couple packs then I swerve in the beam Who these fake chicken I know who they wanna be Don't go riskin yo life tryna get it like me I was feelin like stephen curry shooting up 3 And I got couple brother who go shooting for free All this Ice up on my neck my body going to freeze 2 gs then I flip packs into 5gs Next week out in London feeling the breeze I beat all you mcs with eaze Say please Because my presence is a blessings Stick around you gon learn a few lessons Get in your lane you better think straight Your head up in the clouds better get it in the game You say we are the same but you just talk insane I was talking to your girl she said you hella lame I do for the money you just beggin for the fame and the clout You just talkin our your mouth But I know you not about it Say you got it but it doubt it Please don't hang around me You better stay away boy you better Get in your lane you better think straight Your head up in the clouds better get it in the game You say we are the same but you just talk insane I was talking to your girl she said you hella lame I do for the money you just beggin for the fame and the clout You just talkin our your mouth But I know you not about it Say you got it but it doubt it Please don't hang around me You better stay away boy you better Source: Genie Music K-Lyrics For You Lyrics, Korean Song, Kpop Song, Kpops Lyrics, Korean Lyrics from Fondres - Price 2 Day Lyrics http://sinkpop.blogspot.com/2020/03/fondres-price-2-day-lyrics.html Korean Song Lyrics Kpop Artis Korean Boyband Korean Girlband from Blogger Lirik Lagu Korea Fondres - Price 2 Day Lyrics http://kpopslyric.blogspot.com/2020/03/fondres-price-2-day-lyrics.html
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corvid-knight · 6 years
Demon Eyes - chapter 19
Eventually, you tune back into things that're happening around you. Karkat can tell exactly when you do that, too; he stops in the middle of a sentence, wrapping his mind around yours and checking you pretty fucking thoroughly for mental injuries.
I'm fine, man, c'mon, you tell him, and immediately undermine that statement by flinching at the sound of a lighter being flicked. It's just D, you ascertain by the simple method of looking up at him, but holy shit the combination of that noise and the faint scent of tobacco catching...
Karkat growls, deep and rough, and pushes a wave of calming safety into your mind. "Put it out," he says sharply. "Now."
"What—" D gives him a purely confused look, then seems to remember the existence of the cigarette he just lit. "This?"
"No, fuck-for-brains, the dim fucking bulb you call your intellect—of course that!" The demon huffs and pulls you closer, glaring up at D. "My brother would be giving you a lecture on triggers and shit right now, but I'm fucking not him, so all I've got to say is that you're going to get rid of that, right fucking now, because if Dave has another panic attack I'll be taking it out of your hide—"
I don't have panic attacks, he's not trying to hurt me, and you need to chill, you think at Karkat in an attempt to get him to quit antagonizing the other hunter. It's okay, babe, I'm okay, you know I'm okay—
"Oh, shit," D mutters as he actually processes what Karkat's telling him, tossing the cig down and grinding his heel on it. You can almost feel the dismay pouring out of him as he fishes the pack out of his pocket and tosses it down to you. "Fuck, Dave, I didn't even think about that—he's the one who gave me the fucking habit in the first place, of course you'd have issues with it—"
"God, you need to chill too, you didn't do anything wrong..." You shake your head, fumbling with the half-full pack of cigarettes for a moment. I really don't want these...
I got 'em. Karkat nods, taking the pack and stuffing it in his pocket. "You're destined to never have anybody be chill around you, and you know it. Not me, not him, not anybody. It's your job to call us out on it now, right?"
"Oh, I can definitely do that." You grin back at him, pulling away so you can get to your feet—and taking the hand D offers, when he sees what you're doing. Karkat himself just rolls up with that insanely enviable grace he seems to show every so often, stepping close enough to wrap an arm around your waist. You
...huh. You kind of really like the implications of that gesture. This is probably called overthinking. Or maybe reading too much into things.
Jesus Christ on a motorcycle, you do know that you're right when you assume I'm being possessive on purpose, right? Karkat points out. Then, directed at D, "Are you going back in there?"
D makes a face, but nods. "Yeah, dude, probably have to; even if I blow off the rest of this, go 'hey I showed my face, cool, I'm done,' I still need to go tell Rose at least that I'm out, maybe say hi to Dirk and his crew—"
"Rose is here?" You have to cut him off and get confirmation on that, and when he nods again you can't stop a stupid grin from spreading across your whole damn face. Holy shit—you get to see your sister. She's probably no more than a hundred feet away from you. Holy shit. "Hell yes."
"You," Karkat states, very firmly, "are not going back in. D's telling Dirk where you went, and we're going home."
Home. Shit. Home, to Dirk and Jake and John's house, except now it's kind of your house, as least as far as you live there.
"Give me ten minutes and I'll drive you," D offers while you're still getting over the whole shock value of having an actual fucking semipermanent residence again.
"We're fine with waiting." Karkat shrugs and leans back against the wall, glancing at you again. We are okay with waiting, right?
"Yes, Karkat, I can handle hanging around out here. I'm not fucking dying, asshole; do you see brains leaking out my ears? Huh? Do you? Does it look like I'm—holy shit!"
Even as your hands come up to clutch at your head in instinctive response to the shock of the fucking huge surge of magic you just felt, you see several things happen at once. Karkat goes stiff and changes, eyes burning brighter and horns flickering into existence again; D drops into a combat stance, his attention obvious flickering between you and everything else, looking for a threat as two knives seem to just appear from nowhere in his hands; and a really fucking big, pure white dog skids around the corner of the building and almost crashes into you, swerving just in time and giving you barely a glance before it comes to a stop and starts barking at D.
"What the fuck—" Karkat starts, but D just waves a hand at him, slipping one knife back up into his sleeve and securing it in the forearm holster before bending down to hold his hand in front of the dog's mouth.
As soon as he does, it drops a very-wet but amazingly unchewed piece of paper in it.
That's weird as fuck, you think, forcing yourself to unwind your hands from your hair. "D, what—"
"Goddamnit, not again," he groans before you can finish your question, shoving the paper down in his pocket and leaning down to look the dog in its bright green eyes. "Do me a favor and stay with these two, Jade? Demons ain't exactly your shit anyway, not in these circumstances."
"Wait, Jade?" Okay, what the actual fuck. You look down at the dog as D heads for the door, and she looks back up at you.
Damn. The eyes are the right color. And you don't know much about dogs, but you're pretty sure that they're not supposed to look this much like they're smiling.
Jade barks again and jumps up on her hind feet, her front paws propped up on your shoulders so she can lick at your face. There is absolutely no way you can avoid this affection. Even though it's getting you hella slimy, you're not sure you want to. She's so fucking happy, holy shit?
Karkat is trying to get your attention. He's backed down from the full combat readiness he was at a second ago, but he's still agitated as fuck, so you reluctantly push Jade off you and turn to him.
"Stay here," the demon says, before you can even ask him what's wrong.
"No fucking chance, if you're going in there." And he's planning on it; he's already moving in the same direction D went, taking long quick strides that have you almost running to keep up with him, and Jade trotting beside you both. "Why exactly are you about to walk into a building full of hunters, again? Like, I'm with you every step of the way, but maybe—"
"Dave, I love you, but stop talking." He puts a soft growl in the last two words, and slips through the door.
You follow, and get really fucking overwhelmed as soon as you're in the room, to the point where you have to close your eyes and let your mind adjust. Shit, you thought it was bad when everybody was feeling approximately the same set of emotions? This is ridiculous—you can catch anger, confusion, a couple spikes of absolute delight, fear, rage—
Okay, okay, I can feel shit; how the hell do I stop feeling it?
That's the question, and Karkat is apparently too distracted to answer it. Okay. That's okay. You can handle this. As long as you don't panic, you can totally handle this.
You're fine.
You try thinking of everyone else's emotions the same way you'd think of your own, in any situation where Bro was watching you: they're there, and there's nothing you can do about that, but if you hold yourself in and don't think about them, don't let your attention get caught up, you can make them not exist for a minute at least. And it kinda works. Makes the dizzying press of emotion recede a little, enough for you to take a deep breath and open your eyes.
And then you have to take another minute to process what the hell you're seeing. Everyone's drawn back from the center of the room, other than Rose (Rose! Holy shit she got really fucking pretty and also really fucking scary) and a pale girl you don't know, at least until she hisses at the other two individuals in the middle of the room and you see her sharp fangs. That's gotta be the vampire, Rose's girlfriend, Kanaya.
The two in the middle really give you pause, though. They're demons. Like, really demons, at least the one in the shimmering warding circle is; the other one you're not totally sure about. The latter, a short and mostly-humanish lady (your mind insists she's a Lady, even if she looks like she picked her clothes out of a dumpster full of rejected neon-grunge fashion and gave herself a haircut with a not-too-sharp knife) seems mostly focused on either the summoning circle or the pissed-off demon inside.
D is over by Rose, asking her questions too quietly for you to hear and receiving mostly head-shake yes's and no's. After a second of hesitation, you head across the room to join them, with Jade right by your side.
"Stop," Rose hisses without taking her eyes off the demon, as you step up next to D. "You're going to make me drop the barrier—"
"Why the fucking christ would you summon a demon? Why here?" D doesn't even sound worried. Just really fucking exasperated, like this is something that's happened before. Your sister is absolutely terrifying. "This is a fucking funeral, Rose—"
"This is a memorial, not a funeral, and I summoned a Balancekeeper, the demon just—sort of came along, I don't know!" She shakes her head, short hair flying everywhere, and spares you a quick glance. "Hello, Dave."
"Hey, Rose." That's literally the only thing you can come up with. To buy time, you glance back at the demons in the middle of the room, and instantly regret it because the one inside the circle seems to be shapeshifting into a really bigspider. Jesus. "Are you gonna, uh...maybe send it back?"
"I didn't summon her in the first place!" This time Rose's voice briefly rises above the hissing whisper she's been keeping it at, to a level that can almost carry a tone of panic, before she gets herself under control again. "I can't exactly banish what I didn't call—fuck, now there's two—"
Even though you don't want to see the damn spider again, you turn around anyway. Rose is right; there's definitely two demons there now, plus the neon grunge whatever-she-is—but one is Karkat, who's approached the warding circle and is standing there with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. Thankfully, the other demon's gone back to mostly-human form, not that you can see her that clearly through the shimmering barrier—just an impression of a lot of denim and long messy dark hair. Better than the spider.
As you watch, Karkat meets your eyes for just a second, sending you a burst of reassurance that immediately makes you suspicious as hell as to what he's about to do that makes him think you need that.
And you're right to be suspicious—he takes a step back from the barrier, then lets out a low growl that you can still hear across the room and changes, going from human to full demon in half a heartbeat and spreading his inky-red wings wide.
Rose yelps, Kanaya hisses again, and you're guessing that weapons come out, but you're not gonna scan the room to check. No, you're more interested in getting to Karkat as fast as possible, get behind him and guard his back from the attack you know will come because even if you can't keep him safe you can damn well make sure you go down fighting for him—
In the couple seconds it takes you to reach Karkat and fall into a defensive stance behind him, he's humanish again and the barrier holding the demon in is gone. Rose apparently lost her concentration when Karkat shifted. So now you have to fucking decide, what's the bigger threat: hunters or spider demon?
Karkat seems to have the latter handled, although that might be because she hasn't actually done anything beyond huffing irritably and flipping her hair back. The other one, Miss Fashion Disaster, makes a satisfied sound and steps up next to her.
"Karkat," the spider demon says, drawing his name out in a way that trips both your Instinctive Jealousy and Fearful Irritation switches at once. "What's a tough guy like you doing in a place like this?"
"I was fucking invited." Okay, why does he sound this calm. Annoyed yes, but calm. "Unlike you, Vriska."
"I was invited!" Fashion Disaster points out cheerfully. Now that you actually look at her up close, you realize that there's something fucked up about her eyes; they're red, almost the same color as Karkat's but devoid of pupil or iris, with scars marking the skin around them. Makes sense; she definitely dresses like she's blind. "Well, summoned, but who gives a fuck? Nothing says I can't bring a plus-one."
"Oh my fucking god." Karkat sighs and rubs his forehead. "You can't bring a fucking plus-one to a funeral."
Rose says, quietly but firmly, "Memorial."
The blind neon fashion disaster laughs at that. Really loudly. Vriska the weird spider demon just snickers.
You're really confused right now and kind of wish that this whole clusterfuck was a thing that wasn't happening.
"Can all y'all please leave?" D says. He sounds like this was the last thing he wanted to deal with today, and you sympathize with that sentiment. "You ladies gotta know everyone here is armed and ready to handle threats, but we'd all rather keep the bloodshed to a minimum. No need to get set for another memorial when we're not done with the one we got now, right?"
Vriska grins at him, a smile full of too many sharp teeth. "I mean, I bet we could make a deal for us to leave..."
"Oh fuck no—" Karkat grabs her arm as she takes a step towards D, hauling her backwards and growling back as she snarls at him. "No fucking deals! This isn't a crossroad—"
"It's a metaphorical one!"
"I don't give a flying fuck! I'm not handling the aftermath of your stupid shit today—"
Fashion Disaster laughs again, a gleeful cackle that has everybody looking at her again. (Well, everyone besides the two demons, who're more focused on each other.) When you look at her, she seems to be interested in you.
"So you're the one on trial here, huh?" Yeah, fuck, there's no one else she could be talking to. Fuck. Fuck. "Kinda weird, that your blood kin is the one to summon me when she pretty obviously thinks you're innocent."
"Leave him be, Balancekeeper," Rose warns, stepping up next to you. "You haven't heard the issue to be judged—"
"Do I need to, when I can taste how much guilt he's carrying and how many people want to jump up and accuse him?" Goddamnit, why the fuck does she have to grin like that?
...and there's people here who want to accuse me of something? No, not of an undefined "something." You know what you did. They know too, huh? They all know I had Bro killed, fuck—
Yeah. Here comes the panic again. You can feel Karkat trying to curl around your thoughts and get you to listen to him even as he argues with the spider demon, but since you've got your mind mostly closed to keep out everything else, it's not working all that well.
"Hey," the Balancekeeper says. When you don't immediately focus on her, she reaches up and grabs your chin, blunt nails digging in slightly as she pulls you down to look in her eyes. They're red, and they're blank, and holy shit they're so fucking bright it's like looking in the sun. "Let's get this over with."
"Get the fuck off me!"
She does let you twist free of her grip pretty easily, but when you stagger away from her you realize that you're not where you were before. There's no one here, for one thing, and instead of the room you were in, this place is just...featureless. White walls, white floor, white ceiling some unmeasurable distance away from you. What the fuck?
"Karkat?" Karkat! You shout the demon's name and call for him in your mind, and get no response either way. No. Fuck. Please no.
"Calm down, cool dude," the Balancekeeper says. When you turn back to her she's seated on a white platform that's too featureless to be called a chair—which wasn't there a second ago—watching you with a thoughtful look. "You only stay in the courtroom until the judge—that's me—reaches a decision."
"Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure you didn't go through due process, bitch, so—"
"Shush." She shakes her head and crosses her arms, nodding to the second platform just behind you that also wasn't there a second ago. "Sit down, shades off, if you call me a bitch without providing due reason I'll find you in contempt of court."
"The due reason of you being a bitch is that you dragged me here without asking me." You do what she says, though, carefully folding your shades and turning them over and over in your hands as you glare at her. "Or fucking telling me what you're accusing me of." Not that you don't know.
And she knows you know, because she gives you another disturbingly wide grin. "See, we have two courses of action here—one, you tell me what you've been accused of, or two, I scry your past and see for myself."
"Like you could see anything."
"Right, make fun of the blind girl, very mature. If you weren't about ready to have a meltdown I'd find you in contempt of court—"
"Would that get me out of this shit?"
"No. But since you're obviously having issues today, I'll let it slide." She shrugs, sitting up a little straighter. "State your name for the record."
"What record?"
"My record, wiseguy, and also because I'd like something to call you other than 'cool dude' or 'Mr. Black Licorice Guilt.'"
"Mister what now?"
"You taste like you're just waiting for somebody to jump on you and call you out on something; I bet even humans can see it." She shrugs, resettling herself on the white chair, and frowns thoughtfully. "You're also stubborn and that tastes disgusting. Stop it."
"Make me." Why the actual fuck am I antagonizing a demon, exactly? "You know what? You tell me yours, I'll tell you mine."
That earns you another cackle, and she nods without even hesitating. "Cool andsmart! You can have this point, Mr. Licorice—presiding over today's trial is Terezi Pyrope, summoned to arbitrate a dispute. Hopefully this one, because that's what I'm doing." Terezi pauses, raising her eyebrows in your general direction. "And the accused is..."
Shit. You guess you agreed to this information, if nothing else. "Dave Strider."
"Do you know what you stand accused of?" When you don't answer, Terezi huffs irritably. "C'mon, now, we both know you do. Do I really need to slap a geas on you to get you to talk?"
"Go ahead and try." You resist the urge to reach up and touch the scarred tattoo at the back of your neck. "I'm a fucking hunter. We ward against that."
"Point one: I'm a Balancekeeper, and this is a courtroom—wards against truthtelling spells aren't going to work here. Point two: your warding mark's broken to the point of uselessness." Terezi's mouth twists in distaste, the tip of her tongue poking out for just a second. "That fact is entered into the evidence as Exhibit A."
"You can't have evidence when you haven't fucking accused me of anything!"
"It's evidence in your favor, idiot, and it's not my fault you won't state what you're accused of." She shakes her head, and even though her eyes are just blank scarlet you're pretty sure she's rolling them at you. "So let's try this again. Do you know what you're on trial for, Mister Dave Strider? And if you don't answer, I willmake you answer."
Goddamnit. You don't want her working magic on you, especially now that you're certain that the way Bro scarred your neck rendered the protection rune there useless. Did he know that? Did he fucking care?
"Hm. I guess I set myself up for that, huh? State what you're here to defend yourself for."
Damn. That tactic didn't buy you much time to think about what you're going to say. At least she seems amused instead of annoyed, although if you don't do what she wants that's probably going to change.
So say it. Quit being a fucking coward and say it.
"I had a hunter killed. My Bro." Shit. You shouldn't be admitting it. This could get you killed, you and Karkat both, and while you can handle the former you don't want to even think about the latter—
"True!" Terezi snaps her fingers to get your attention, her wide grin replaced by a surprisingly serious expression. "The accused does not deny that he had a hand in the deceased's death—of course he doesn't! Mr. Strider knows better than to lie to a Balancekeeper!"
"You do know we're the only ones here, right? Like, I realize you're blind—"
"The defendant is ordered to shut up. The issue at hand is not whether or not the deceased is deceased, or how said death happened, or who did it. The only thing I'm interested in is justice!"
There's no way Terezi can see you flinch at that, but she still stops talking and frowns at you. "Does the defendant need a minute to stop freaking out?"
"...no." You just want her to get this over with. Whatever "this" is.
"Oh, good. The purpose of this trial is to determine whether the motives behind the death of the deceased were righteous or flawed. In other words, we can boil this all down to a nice yes-or-no question: did he deserve to die?"
You answer without thinking, give her the response your gut goes to every time you ask yourself that question. "No."
Terezi shakes her head and waves a hand, and the wall behind her shimmers and changes, images appearing on it. The first is a picture of the scarred and broken protection rune on the back of your neck. The second is just the word "REMORSE," written in blue-green capital letters. "Exhibits A and B: defendant has been obviously harmed by the deceased, and defendant nonetheless regrets the deceased's death. He's also scared out of his mind; it tastes awful."
"Shut up." She's right, but that doesn't mean you want to hear it.
"Nope. The judge will ignore that remark because of aforementioned reasons. Hmmm...does the defendant have any more evidence to put on display?"
You stop almost immediately, because her blind eyes are fixed on you again, and you can feel something sifting carefully through your mind. Before you can tell her to fucking quit it, Karkat's voice speaks out of the air between you and the Balancekeeper.
"He'll kill you. Or he'll keep you like some kind of fucking beast, just so he can keep getting off on having you hurt and scared."
And it's your voice that answers, so raw and hurt that you cringe down in your seat and close your eyes. "So I fucking hope for the former and expect the latter."
"Defendant," Terezi says quietly, "believed he had cause to fear for his life."
"Get the fuck out of my head—"
She's still digging, but she stops and tilts her head thoughtfully, snapping her fingers again. The wall behind her shimmers again, this time displaying a long list of names. You recognize very few of them—the ones that you do know seem to jump out at you, the teal that they're printed in darkening to almost black. Most of them are names of hunters that you only met one or two times, or of people who were known to have information on demons.
"The deceased had killed before, both with reason—" she snaps her fingers again, and maybe a third of the two hundred or so names go bright, accusing red— "and without." The rest darken to black, with just a few wavering uneasily between the two colors.
Wait. That's what that list is? People Bro killed? "That...can't be right."
"Don't doubt a Balancekeeper, Dave."
"But—" It couldn't be that many. Yeah, there were a lot of jobs, a lot of demons, but that many? And there are hunters' names there—he wouldn't kill hunters, why—
You know why.
He told you he'd kill you if you ever crossed him. You've heard him threaten people who disagreed with his tactics—hell, that was a normal thing, to the point that you fielded texts from other hunters as often as you could, anything to avoid a confrontation that'd end with Bro angry and you left to try and dodge the fallout.
With someone like him, there isn't much space between threatening and acting.
"Fuck." You hear the word come out of your mouth, and hope that Terezi isn't going to threaten you with contempt of court again. You're not even sure what that is or what kind of punishment it'd carry.
"The judge would like to go on record as agreeing with that sentiment." Another wave of her hand, and the list of names shrinks to leave room for her first three pieces of evidence. "I'm not really sure if we're using the old laws or the ones humans have set down and use now, but if we accept any judiciary code which allows the death penalty, the deceased would have earned it twenty times over." She gives you a stern frown, and adds, "Which doesn't mean you have the right to pass judgement, just so you know."
"That's not what—"
"The judge is very aware that the main motive for the deceased's death was self-defense on the part of the defendant, even if the defendant was technically not in danger of being killed at that exact point in time. Exhibits A and E—"
"Uh, there isn't an Exhibit E."
"Damn." Terezi snaps her fingers again, and more images appear below the ones already present: pictures of scars on pale skin. You can place every one of them to where they're traded on your skin. "Sorry, Dave—you're Exhibit E; I forgot to add you into evidence."
" ...can we maybe not look at those right now. Please."
She just nods, and the images darken into obscurity. "Exhibits A and E show undeniable proof of long-term abuse perpetrated by the deceased—"
"He didn't—"
"The judge is going to remember that the defendant does to some extent believe that what he's trying to say is true, which means he's not really lying to a Balancekeeper, because the consequences of that would be really bad."
"Don't worry, I already struck it from the record. Karkat would kill me if I jacked you up just because I could." Terezi shrugs, standing up; you instinctively do the same. "In conclusion: judge rules that the death of Derrick Strider was justified, self-defense on the part of Dave Strider, who was not able to access any other means of helping himself due to machinations of aforementioned Derrick Strider. Dave Strider is not to be held accountable for Derrick's death, or punished for it, now or at any time in the future. C'mere."
"Wait, what—" But she's already grabbed the collar of your shirt, pulling you down enough that she's able to...lick you.
Terezi's more slobbery than Jade was, and Jade's currently a dog. You pull out of her grip as soon as you can, taking a step back and wiping your sleeve across your face to clear the spot out of your eyes.
"Dave!" Karkat yelps.
Okay, well, you're back in the room where you started. Nobody seems to really notice your and the Balancekeeper's disappearance and reappearance, other than Karkat, who's currently inside a new binding circle with Vriska. Going by the fact that he's got her right arm twisted behind her and his other arm hooked around her neck, you're going to guess that they're not getting along too well.
"Here you go," Terezi says cheerfully, stepping over to Rose and shoving a folder into her hands. (The barrier holding Karkat and Vriska dissolves as Rose gets distracted, but the two demons are still occupied with trying to beat the shit out of each other.) "The ruling and full transcripts of the trial, with known laws that were referenced cited."
"But—" Rose starts. Terezi cuts her off with another cackle.
"You guys are really obsessed with asses here, huh? Vris, c'mon, playtime's over!" The Balancekeeper brushes past you, grabbing the spider demon's shirt as she tries to lunge at Karkat again. "Seriously, give it a rest."
"Fuck you!" But Vriska doesn't fight for more than a second, calming almost immediately and slinging an arm around Terezi's shoulders. "Ugh. Fine. Later, losers."
Rose has her mouth open to protest, but the two of them are already gone.
For a second, nobody in the room moves except D, who's shifting his weight from foot to foot, scanning the room for any new threats. Amazingly, you're the one who actually acts first.
"Holy shit, 'kat." You step over to the demon, trying to ignore everybody else looking at you, and reach up to push his red hair back from the new scratches on his forehead. "She clawed you up, huh? You okay?"
He winces and nods at the same time, catching your hands and wrapping an arm around your shoulder to steer you towards the door. "Isn't that what I should be asking you? Terezi has problems with personal space when she's fulfilling her duty..."
"Well, that is what Balancekeepers are meant to do," Hal points out, falling into step next to you. "Although the question still stands."
"I'm okay." For now at least. Later, you're going to have to get that folder from Rose, go over the list of names—
"There's absolutely no way you're doing that," Karkat growls. "Hal, are you going back to the house?"
The shikigami nods. "We all are, once Dirk and Jake get John to quit trying to fight some idiot. Rose and the others might actually get there before we do, at this rate—you should ride with them."
"Uh..." Damn, now I have to make decisions.
No, Dave, you really don't, don't worry. Karkat shakes his head and reaches over to grab D's arm, pulling him along towards the exit. "You're the driver, right?"
"Yep." D shakes the demon off after a second, offering you a quick smile. "Sorry. That might've been more than ten minutes."
"I mean, I was the one who held shit up, so..." You shrug. "We're going home now. It's all good."
And despite the fact that you have no real reason to, you feel just a little less shitty about having your Bro killed. Maybe it's because the Balancekeeper promised that you won't be punished for it, now or ever.
Stupid, but you feel safer.
It's good.
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