#hella long ficlet
metalhoops · 1 year
Steddie Week Day 1: Hunger / Pining / Somebody to Love by Queen
The moon cut through the trees beyond the pines of the stranger’s bedroom. It turned her pale skin silver and her dark hair blue. She wasn’t a stranger. Steve reminded himself. 
She was a girl, named after a month or a flower. Steve couldn’t remember. He’d done all the right things. He’d taken her to the movies, paid for their dinner, despite neither having touched their food and told her she was pretty. She was beautiful but he couldn’t remember a thing about her. 
God, he should’ve been better than this. This was the kind of person he’d been back in high school. He’d been starving for attention and craving attraction, never wanting to be alone. He’d slept with her because he knew it meant he could stay the night. 
He’d done the same thing before Nancy when Tommy and Carol had been busy and he hadn’t wanted to stumble home to the silence of his house. He’d told himself he was better than what he was doing, but he’d done it anyway. 
She hadn’t been looking for a relationship. Steve remembered that distinctly. He was always looking for a relationship. It was a sign that he should’ve called it a night after dinner, kissed her cheek and headed off to save himself the heartache. He knew if he slept with her once, he’d want to do it again. Not because he liked her, but because he liked being wanted. 
He’d sleep with her again if he got the chance. He’d sleep with her until he fell in love with her and that’s when she’d end things. Steve didn’t know how to love half-way and people always knew. He fell in love with the wrong people. 
Hawkins had gone to hell, and he hadn’t wanted to spend another night alone. He could’ve asked Robin to come over, but that would mean admitting something was wrong. He’d wanted to ask Eddie. 
The men had grown closer since Eddie left the hospital, closer than Steve cared to admit. He’d been avoiding Eddie in the same way he’d been avoiding the silence of his home. He had the habit of falling in love with the wrong people and soon the boy would work it out. 
When Steve finally unpicked the mess of feelings he had for Eddie and saw it for what it really was, love, he’d run from it. Not because Eddie was a guy, though Steve would be lying if he’d said that hadn’t surprised him. That hadn’t been what had shaken him. For Steve Harrington, love always ended badly. He wanted Eddie to stick around, so he’d been avoiding him, contradictory as it was. 
The girl slept with the radio on because she couldn’t stand the silence. It was something she and Steve had in common. She’d fallen asleep hours before. He’d been listening to rock ballad after rock ballad, his mood growing ever the more sour because of it. He ground his teeth and clutched the sheets as Freddie Mercury’s lyrics mirrored his internal dialogue. Cheesy as it sounded, all he wanted at that moment was somebody to love. 
His heart in his chest pounded like it did in the last quarter of his championship game or in the moments before he was about to break his swimming PB. He remembered the same feeling washing over him as a child when he heard his father’s footfalls on the steps as he arrived home from an overseas trip. He’d crawl under the bed, count to one hundred and wait for the thunderstorm in his chest to settle. He was having a panic attack. 
Steve leapt out of bed without thinking, shook the girl's shoulder and told her he was leaving. He didn’t hear her response. 
Steve didn’t know how he got to Robin’s house, but he found himself at her door pounding on the knocker despite the late hour, trying to come up with a way to make it up to Mr and Mrs Buckley for waking them up at an ungodly hour. The house remained silent. No one answered the door. 
Shit. Robin and her family were in Michigan for her grandmother’s birthday. Steve knew that. Still, when his life felt like it was going to shit, he went to Robin. He didn’t know what to do without her. 
He wasn’t sure what was wrong with him. Robin was better. If she were there, she’d be able to tell Steve what he was thinking, but she wasn’t. He was alone. He’d have to work it out for himself. 
He sat on the Buckley’s front stoop, pulled his knees to his chest and tried to understand why he felt like someone was crushing his ribs with a hydraulic press. He was overcome with an onslaught of conflicting emotions. Wanting. Shame for wanting. Irritation at the shame. Indignation at the conflicting soup of sensations that rose, fell and mingled within him. He felt like he was going to puke, but nothing happened. More than anything else, he didn’t want to be alone. For once, he didn’t want to be with a stranger, either. 
He pulled himself together for long enough to drive to the trailer park. He cut his headlights at the turnoff and navigated the dirt road to the Munson’s trailer blind. He didn’t hop out of the car. The digital clock let him know it was three in the morning. The lights were still on in the trailer, but Steve couldn’t bring himself to get out of the BMW. He’d been avoiding Eddie. He needed to turn around and go home, but he couldn’t. 
Steve’s shallow breaths fogged the windows of the Beamer, turning the world outside into a haze of light and darkness. He had no idea what he was doing. 
The wrapping of knuckles against the car door made Steve jump so high his knees collided with the steering wheel. Eddie’s blurry visage appeared on the other side of the glass, his hands cupped around his eyes, the facsimile of binoculars as he peered in jokingly at Steve. Something in Steve’s face wiped the smirk from Eddie’s. He opened the driver’s door and crouched back on his haunches so he and Steve were face to face, his wide brown eyes raking over Steve’s body, searching for something in the features. 
“Did something happen?” Eddie asked in place of a ‘hello’. 
Steve wanted to say something, but he couldn’t find the right words, hell he couldn’t find any words. He managed to shake his head and let his vision drop to his lap. 
Eddie moved closer, but Steve pulled back. It was a knee-jerk response he’d built up in their time apart. Don’t let Eddie get too close. Then he’ll never know. Eddie bit his lip and shrugged off his jacket. It wasn’t the same one he’d given Steve months before. That one was past the point of no return, but it felt like a mirrored memory. He held it out to Steve. When the boy gave the fabric a perplexed look Eddie rolled his eyes and whispered. 
“For your modesty, dude. Remember?” Eddie vaguely gestured in Steve’s direction. He realised he hadn’t bothered to get dressed. He sat there in nothing but his underwear. Yeah. Great move, Harrington. 
“You wanna come in?” Eddie asked, backing away, giving Steve his space. 
“Okay,” Steve replied, proud he’d managed to do something other than gawk. He pulled Eddie’s jacket tightly around his body and let himself be led into the Munsons’ living room. 
Steve collapsed on the faded couch, placing one of the cushions in his lap, feeling suddenly aware of his lack of clothes and the chill in the air. At least his breathing was back to normal. That was something. The whole place smelled of cigarettes. Steve inhaled deeply.
Eddie busied himself in the kitchen, grabbing two mugs from Wayne’s collection. Of course, Eddie grabbed the stupid Garfield mug, which Steve knew was his favourite. He gave Steve a new mug each time he was over. Sometimes they’d brandish names of nowhere towns or fast-food chains, and other times it’d be some niche pop culture memorabilia. That night, he placed the ‘My Little Pony’ mug, complete with its baby pink handle and faded rainbow, usually reserved for Dustin, in Steve’s hand. 
He drank deeply. It was hot chocolate. Eddie sat beside him. His body was close, but not close enough to touch. Eddie was warm. 
“You want to talk about it?” Eddie asked, rolling his head across the back of the couch, his eyes never quite meeting Steve’s. 
“Not yet,” Steve reasoned. Not tonight. It wasn’t the night for confessions. He didn’t want to lose Eddie, not yet. 
“You hungry?” Steve hadn’t realised he was until Eddie asked.
“Starving,” He confessed, not looking up to meet Eddie’s gaze. 
The warmth at his side was gone for an instant. Once more there was a rattle from the kitchen. Steve’s fingers absentmindedly traced the mug’s faded rainbow.
“You’re not going to puke are you Stevie? You look a little green around the gills,” Eddie called over his shoulder. Steve shook his head. 
“Are we okay, Steve?” Eddie asked after a moment, his voice hesitant. 
When Steve looked up, Eddie wasn’t looking at him. He was busy digging through the pantry. Maybe he’d needed to ask the question when his back was turned. The former king had never heard the boy sound so small. 
Steve was busy working out how to reply when Eddie ploughed on.
“Because a week ago you just dropped off the edge of the map, dude. I saw you every goddamn day, twice a day, for months, then nothing. And then you show up out of the blue, in the middle of the night, in your underwear, looking like Vecna’s come back for round two. You’re not giving me much to go off here, so I’ve gotta ask. Are we good? Did I do something wrong?” Eddie spoke in a flurry, never turning to face Steve. Nevertheless, Steve saw right through him. He’d screwed things up already, hadn’t he? 
“You didn’t do anything wrong. I did something wrong,” Steve spoke, admitting more than he’d intended. 
Eddie finally turned to face him, a cereal box in one hand and a perplexed look on his face. He looked like he wanted to push for more, but understood Steve was seconds away from turning and running. 
The boy returned to Steve’s side, flopping gracelessly onto the couch, kicking his feet up on the coffee table. He handed Steve the box and watched as the boy eyed it cautiously. 
“I know it’s no breakfast bagel, but we haven’t gone grocery shopping in weeks. It’s the best we’ve got.”
Steve Harrington was used to living his life in a particular way. He’d always had to be put together, well-mannered, and the kind of kid his parents would be proud of. All that to say, Steve had never eaten cereal out of the box with his hands. It felt odd and primal in a way he hadn’t anticipated.  
“How’d you know about the breakfast bagels?” 
He hadn’t eaten breakfast bagels since high school. Without swim training every morning, he had time to cook himself actual food, something more variable than his old faithful breakfast bagel. Maybe Eddie had been talking to Robin. 
“I just... I noticed you sometimes, back in high school. We had a few classes together and you were kind of a big deal, you know, Harrington,” Steve looked down, a knot growing in his stomach. 
He passed the cereal over to Eddie and watched the boy’s hands plunge into the depths of the box. He ate unabashedly, open-mouthed. Steve should’ve found it disgusting. He didn’t. He had it bad. 
“You couldn’t do anything wrong when it comes to you and me. You know that, right?” Eddie asked after a moment, returning to the subject Steve was desperately retreating from. 
“You don’t know what it is yet. If you did...” Steve’s throat seized up. He remembered another night, with Robin in a bathroom stall. The details were fuzzy, hazed over by drugs, but the words came back to him now. Robin’s words in his mouth. Robin’s words, seconds before she came out. Steve had told himself he wasn’t doing that, not tonight, yet here he was. 
“You wouldn’t want to be my friend.” Eddie’s brows drew together, seeming to understand the enormity of the situation. He swallowed thickly, squared off his shoulders and looked Steve dead in the eye.
“Try me,” He breathed. All bravado. Steve noticed a tremble in his voice. 
Now or never. He’d have to rip the damn band-aid off. 
“I came here because I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to be next to anyone but you,” the words gushed from Steve’s lips. As soon as they were out, he wanted to take them back. 
He didn’t look at Eddie, couldn’t look at him, though he noticed a flurry of movement as his leg bounced up and down rapidly, all nervous energy. It wasn’t as though Steve and Eddie hadn’t slept beside each other before, but this was different. Eddie had to know what Steve meant. When it came to his feelings, he was always so damn transparent. 
“I stopped hanging out with you because I didn’t want you to know...” The words stuck in Steve’s throat. He turned his eyes skyward, wishing for some kind of divine intervention, maybe another apocalypse, anything to stop him from having to admit it. 
“Steve,” Eddie breathed, imploring the boy to look at him through tone alone. Despite his better judgment, Steve did. 
Eddie’s brown eyes were open, his face the picture of sympathy and understanding. Steve didn’t want it. He gritted his teeth and returned his eyes to his hands. 
“Steve... you know I’m gay, right?” Eddie said, his hand appearing on Steve’s knee, giving it a squeeze. He hadn’t, but then again, it wasn’t as big a surprise as it should be. 
“No, but...you know, the last two people I loved didn’t love me back. Even if you do like guys, my track record is pretty shit,” Steve reasoned, then realised what he’d said as Eddie’s hand tightened on his knee. 
“Shit. I didn’t mean that. Well- I did, but... that’s intense. Right? Too intense,” Steve rambled, wondering if Robin was rubbing off on him. He still couldn’t meet Eddie’s eyes.
Eddie’s hand brushed Steve’s cheek, startling the boy and causing him to look over once more. Eddie didn’t look freaked out or disgusted, as Steve had worried he was. He didn’t look pitying either, as Robin had on the floor of the bathroom when he’d confessed to her. If anything, Eddie looked relieved. 
“You know Steve, ‘intense’ is one of my favourite adjectives. You think I dance around on tables because of my quiet and well-adjusted demeanour? If you asked someone to describe me,  the word ‘intense’ is going to come up. Not to mention I’ve been nursing a crush on you since my first go at senior year with your stupid floppy hair and you’re too-tight basketball shorts."
“You never mentioned...” Steve’s voice was drowned out by Eddie’s snort. 
“Of course, I didn’t. I didn’t think there was a chance in hell you liked me back and it was-”
“Intense,” Steve finished with a wry smile. Eddie nodded, too enthusiastically, his face suddenly very close to Steve’s. 
“I’m going to kiss you now,” Eddie breathed, pausing for a second to check if it was okay with Steve. 
He couldn’t wait. He surged forward, crushing their lips together. It was intense, just the way they liked it. 
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mandiemegatron · 1 year
Trafalgar Law x Y/N ficlet
Fluff, general care, hella smooching, slightly toasty 👀, hand massage, Law being a softie✨️💖
A/N: Something I thought up after seeing @kittycatzuka post here, it gave me the feels and this is what my brain thought up.
I hope you all enjoy! ✨️💖
Also, I just spent like an hour beta-ing it so if you see any mistakes, no you don't. 😎 okay love you my lil tangerines! ✨️💖
Header by @baka-tsuki / @baka-tsuki-2 💖
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It was supposed to be a quiet night for the captain. All the man wanted to do was finish his paperwork, read some Sora and pass out into a restless sleep.
Since Y/N showed up, it never seemed to work out the way Law wanted. Every night, she'd knock on his office door to say goodnight, no matter the amount of times he tried to tell her she didn't have to, that she could just simply go to bed and he'd see her in the morning for breakfast. It never deterred her, her smiling face always popping in through the cracked door with a small wave.
This night was different.
Law glanced over at the clock on his desk, frowning to himself as he realized you were late, not showing up around the time you usually did. He then paused, curiously irritated at realizing the fact that he was worried, immediately thinking the worst had happened you.
He let his pen drop to the desk as his other hand ran through his hair, his eyes closing as he took a deep breath. God, he was exhausted.
There was a soft thunk as ceramic hit his desk, his eyes snapping open to see you placing a fresh cup of tea right above his incomplete paperwork.
You cracked a tired smile of your own before hiding a yawn behind your now free hand, lifting your mug in a silent cheers to him as you sat in the chair opposite his desk.
"Saw your light was on, thought maybe you could use a little something," your voice was soft as you spoke, unable to hide how tired you were from his prying eyes.
"While I appreciate it, you should be in bed already. We have a big day tomorrow," he replied, gently picking up the hot mug with a sigh through his nose. Yeah, he definitely needed this.
"So should you, dear Captain."
He huffed gently, staring you down before taking a long sip.
"I'm not done my job for the day."
You cracked a grin at the sight of him complaining, his distaste for the job showing itself very clearly.
"I can give you a hand, if that'll help?"
He hummed in disagreement into the mug, taking another sip before replying,
"You'd only make it take longer."
While there was teasing in his tone, you couldn't hide the way your grin slowly slid from your lips, your eyes glancing down at the mug in your hands. He kicked himself as a pain clutched around his chest, hating that he made you look that way.
"... I appreciate the offer, Y/N, thank you. Your company helps more than enough."
Your eyes flickered back to his at his words, your cheeks tinting pink as you murmured,
"... glad to help."
It was only for a moment but it felt like ages, the way his eyes bored into yours. It was like you were a puzzle he was trying to slove and couldn't, his frustration showing in his gaze. Your heart jumped into your throat, your mind screaming at him to just kiss you, to say something, to tell you everything you wanted him to say-
The moment broke as he went back to his scribbling, one hand around his mug while the other scratched away. You made yourself more comfortable in the large chair, your eyes wandering his face, not knowing he could feel your very hungry gaze on him.
Pride washed over him, his ego flaring as a smirk ticked up his lips. He did have a feeling you liked him, but this moment here proved to him that he was right.
"See something you like, Y/N?"
There was a heavy silence as your eyes widened, unsure of how to respond so you remained quiet, simply watching him for any signs of a joking manner.
You were incredibly confused when you could only sense a serious air around him.
It took a moment to gather courage but you did finally respond, looking down at your mug for a moment before glancing back to him as you commented lightly,
"Surely it's obvious that I do."
The air was so thick it could have been sliced with a butterknife. You both stared at each other for what felt like ages before you looked away first, unable to handle the heat of his gaze on you like this.
"... good to know."
His response caused you to grin, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as you bit back a happy sound, not wanting to feed his already giant ego. A more comfortable silence covered you both as he went back to his work, now motivated to finish it quicker than before.
You'd drank your entire tea by the time he finally finished. You'd been slouched lazily in the chair, glancing around his office with mildly bored eyes, having already taken everything in to the point you could name off each book and it's order on the shelf. He yawned loudly, rubbing his face with both hands before standing, placing his completed work off to the side before coming around his desk to stand by you, leaning on it for support.
"You should get some rest," you started, giving a yawn of your own and going to move before you noticed him massaging his hand. You looked up at him, his exhausted expression filling your chest with a ache you didn't enjoy.
You had to do something.
Placing the empty mug beside him, you then reached out and gently took his writing hand into your own warm palms, you began massaging his own, your thumbs pressing down to the point where he grunted softly.
"Yeah, I know it sucks but this is what happens when you don't take proper breaks," you murmured, focusing on doing your best not to look up at him, your cheeks burning so hot that you began to worry you gave yourself a fever.
A particularly illicit groan left your Captain when you pressed at one point, your eyes finally flicking up at him for just a moment and you couldn't help but smile at seeing his relaxed expression. His eyes were shut, his chest rising and falling as he took slow, deep breaths.
Your heart clenched - you wished he looked like this more, so quiet and tender -
Your thoughts stopped as you looked back to his hand, your thumbs working down to his wrist and forearm, not noticing him leaning closer to you to give you better reach.
It took only a few minutes, letting his arm gently drop to his side as you held your hands palm up out for his other one.
"Other hand, please!"
He was silent the entire time, lifting his hand to you as you did the same thing, starting at his palm before going to his long fingers, showing them love and stretching them before moving down to his wrist and forearm.
You were so focused that you didn't noticed his free hand coming catch your chin, his long fingers lifting your face gently. Your eyes met and your stomach churned, knowing your face was still bright red as he looked over your face. Your fingers had stopped, clamped gently around his forearm.
You couldn't place the look he was giving you, trying to convince yourself that he was not giving you bedroom eyes - the man was exhausted, for fucks sake! But you couldn't help how your body warmed at his touch, wanting so desperately to lean into his touch.
The sudden fear of rejection hit you like a ton of bricks. You must have made a face because his thumb brushed over your bottom lip, almost as if trying to comfort you.
"You look worried," he breathed out, his breath so warm and so close that it danced across your face. Your eyes were locked in an intense gaze, his dark and craving; yours wide and needy in your own right. Warmth pooled in your lower region as his eyes looked down at your lips for a moment, the air suddenly heavy once again as his gaze met yours again.
"I... I am worried," you finally whispered, eyes never leaving his. He moved closer again, so slowly that it felt like he was teasing you.
Not a question, a demand.
"... because I'm scared that you'll kiss me and I'll get attached."
A slow, wicked grin came over his features when you finally spoke.
"As if you're not already attached."
His words felt like a punch to your gut, causing you to gasp out softly before his lips consumed yours, both your eyes falling shut as he took what he wanted. It wasn't a soft kiss, but it wasn't demanding either. It held just enough emotion that you felt the anxiety of earlier wash off you like a wave, your shoulders unconsciously dropping though your hands remained on his arm.
When he finally pulled away, you were a mess. Your heart was pounding so loud in your ears, it felt like vertigo. Your eyes slowly reopened, confusion and hope written across your face like an open book as you stared at him. You were nearly breathless as you somehow got out,
"Um... Wow."
Law blinked a few times before he broke down, laughing so loud and hysterically that he pulled away from you, leaning over with his hands on his knees. You sat there blinking, feeling even more confused, wondering what the hell was going on. His laughter echoed in the room, and probably the entire sub but clearly he was gone, absolutely fucked up.
Just straight up bonkers.
When he finally calmed, one hand came up to wipe away the laughter tears as he leaned back up, a wide smile on his face as he took a moment to collect himself.
He finally looked down at you, your own almost nervous smile etched into your face as you waited for him to explain himself.
"You, Y/N-ya, are something else, you know? How you've flipped my life upside down."
The amount of sincerity in his voice immediately made you begin to tear up, you're heart leaping from your chest into your throat and stopping you from responding. You simply gave your own genuine smile in return, one hand quickly wiping away the few tears that slipped out.
A heavy hand landed on the top of your head, long fingers rustling your hair as Law gave another chuckle. Your smile remained as your swiped at his hand, his own grin turning cheeky as he lightly slapped your hand away.
There was a pause between you two, with him running a tired hand through his hair as you rubbed at your face, biting back a yawn. As he took in your exhausted form, he knew it was time for you both to hit the hay.
"You crazy brat. Go to bed," he started, moving his hands to grasp your own and pulling you out of the chair. He turned you and walked you to the door just a few feet away, opening it but holding you to him, his hands on your shoulders. You noted they were shaking slightly through hazy thoughts as his warm chest hit your back.
"I'll see you at breakfast. Save me a seat?"
His breath brushed over your ear, causing your skin to erupt in goosebumps. He didn't give you enough time to respond, giving you a quick shove out the door before closing it behind you.
You stared at the wall of the Tang, blinking a few times before your mouth finally started working again.
"What the actual fuck just happened?"
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A/N: HEHEHEE we love a sly, flirty Law 🙈🙈🙈🙈 I'm gunna smooch him so hard, idk abt you guys 😂😂🥵🥵🙈🙈 I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did !
Smooch smooch, be good my lil tangerines! 🍊💋
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"Trust" - Veddie Ficlet
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Editors note: Yeah, I gave in. Okay?? Can you blame me?? They're cute!! And gay!! And so am I!! Also, my bf talked about tickling me today, and it's been chewing at my mind, so this was hella self-indulgent. Anyway, it was my first time ever writing a tickle fic, let alone posting my writing. Pls be nice. I'm embarrassed, LWKDHSKDN.
Summary: alien and his loser bf makeout which leads to an interesting discovery.
Pairings: ler!venom, lee!eddie (romantic)
Warnings: tickling (obv??), swearing, heated makeout session, I think that's it, lol.
Word count: 538
Read below the cut! <3
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Symbiotes were creatures of many skills, they could outrun police cars while their hosts nearly had panic attacks, and also were experts in giving a good kiss or two.
Eddie had to admit, out of those two options, one of them was his favorite.
Eddie and Venom were having a peaceful night after a long day of work. It was quiet inside the apartment complex. Save for the whistle of a cool breeze coming in from an open window. Oh, and the kissing. There was a lot of kissing.
Venom's body took on a form of its own, their large black claws holding Eddie close as they shared long, and slow kisses. Their tongue exploring inside Eddie's mouth, causing him to gag from its sheer size.
After the kiss, Venom switched to licking Eddie's jaw and neck. Smooth and gentle motions filled with affection for their host.
Eddie squirmed a bit, catching Venom's attention. "Eddie?" the symbiote inquired, "What is wrong?"
Eddie hesitated before responding, "Nothing V."
"You're lying to me, Eddie," Venom's voice rasped like sandpaper, more of a statement than a question.
Venom continued to support their own theory, licking up Eddie's neck, causing Eddie to let out a shaky breath and a small chuckle. 
"You're enjoying this?" Venom inquired, noticing Eddie's laughter.
"Shut up, can't we go back to what we were doing?" Eddie retorted, but his thoughts were quickly invaded by Venom's mental probing.
"Hey, get out of there!" Eddie grumbled, feeling the symbiote delving into his mind.
As Eddie's thoughts raced, Venom finally found what he was looking for - tickling. It was an odd sensation that Eddie found surprisingly enjoyable.
Returning to the present moment, Venom met Eddie's glare. "Are you done snooping?"
Ignoring the question, Venom leaned forward and playfully ran a claw up and down Eddie's side, eliciting laughter from his host.
"Vehenom! Quihihit it-!" A large grin spread across Eddie's face while he tried to shake off the fingers attacking his sides.
"This is fun, Eddie!" Venom exclaimed, delighting in Eddie's reactions as they continued to tickle and playfully nip at his sides.
"Ihihits- not!" Eddie protested between laughs, trying to escape Venom's playful assault as his face grew hot.
Venom had Eddie pinned down with their tendrils by now, preventing his escape as the tickling continued.
Eddie's laughter would intermittently pause while he gasped for breaths, only to burst out even louder than before.
"Does it tickle, Eddie? What's so funny?" Venom teased, adding another claw to scratch gently at Eddie's stomach, eliciting more laughter from him.
Venom found joy in this interaction, savoring Eddie's laughter, a rare and happy sound to the symbiote.
As Eddie's laughter turned into pleas, Venom eased off, sensing Eddie's shift from delight to anxiety, slowing down the tickling and then leaning in to lick Eddie's cheek.
"Fuhuck you." Eddie, left breathless and giggling, managed a playful retort, "Asshole," He added for good measure. Venom chuckled deeply in response, "Of course."
"Truce, okay?" Eddie chuckled out, he leaned forward to peck Venoms cheek,  still catching his breath after the playful interaction.
Venom nodded in agreement, and their night resumed peacefully, now with a touch of added laughter to the atmosphere.
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
Was rereading DWM and I have to wonder. As well as things were going, how long would it have taken Silco and Astrid to get to where they are at the end of the series if Marcus had never stuck his stupid nose into things? It seemed like Sil was getting pretty damn close already and just set himself back.
ooooohohoho now that's a hella interesting question.
See the thing with these two is that their fear of intimacy is so deeply rooted [particularly in Silco] that I can't see them ever arriving at where they are today organically without a bit of angst to kick them up the ass first. Even if things were seemingly going well, they probably would have been skirting around the topic of feelings and commitment until something dramatic forced them to face the reality.
Marcus was just the first domino in a chain of angst. Remove him, and there'd be another domino waiting just behind.
However, I've had a good think about how I might have hurt you all had Marcus not been my pawn of choice. I hope you don't mind bullet points/script as opposed to a fully written piece.
[TBH I might start doing more of these for Astro because they're a lot more achievable, and there are a lot of requests I want to fulfil but don't have the time/focus/drive to transform them into full ficlets]
Warning: angst ahead
DRINK WITH ME: The 'If-Astrid-had-never-slept-with-Marcus' AU
Read on AO3
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
Swear when I get back home this week, I should be free for like 2-3 weeks (fucking finally)😮‍💨
Does anyone wanna see anything specific or shall I dive straight into my inbox?
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
aaaah i love the ficlets you've been posting! i saw in your tags that you worked on character voices for that les mis fic (which is awesome omg and also very understandable to do for that particular cast of characters lol), and i want to say that you're really really skilled at that. i started following you for your stranger things writing and i think you're excellent at writing those characters. you write eddie especially very nuanced and it's awesome, he's a hard character to write since he got like an hr of screen time tops and also is very much a dude who is always performing lol. anyways hope you're having a good day!
Thank you so much, that's so kind! Eddie's incredibly fun for me to write—I'm just continuing the age-old fandom tradition of projecting all over my blorbo in the massive gaps that canon leaves. With Eddie (because you're absolutely right that he's always performing), that means I get to indulge my core impulse to spout a bunch of flowery idiomatic bullshit at the drop of a hat, and also my core impulse to go "I will tell you a true and vulnerable thing but ONLY!! if I can wrap it up in a hundred oblique references and maybe a funny dance"
Actually, looking back at that les mis fic for the first time in ages, I'm also suddenly realizing that my Eddie voice is a significantly toned-down (and much more palatable tbh) version of the Grantaire voice I developed for that one. Don't get me wrong, still hella fun to write at the time, but a bit of a nightmare to read, I think. Like, good lord, nobody needed this:
Grantaire smiles. It’s probably a smile, anyway. It’s hard to tell in the shifting lights.
“Ah, I should have known better than to think any detail might pass by Apollo the keen-eyed—or perhaps Artemis would be more suited to that particular epithet? Very well; I hadn’t intended to fasten a millstone to the evening’s mood, but if I assure you it’s nothing, I can’t imagine you’ll be put off the scent.”
Enjolras wishes he could reach back in time and edit the last twenty seconds out of existence, and he doesn’t even know why yet. Casual conversation has never come entirely naturally to him, and with Grantaire, it’s physically impossible for him to say two words without stumbling over some conversational tripwire he doesn’t entirely understand.
The frustrated, confused knot in his stomach is depressingly familiar as Grantaire continues, “Truth be told, Dionysus has been no friend of mine in recent years; circumstances have conspired to terminate our relationship most decisively. It is a long and sordid story that is not worth the breath it would take to tell, but I assure you the only bearing it has on the present moment is that my drinks will always look a shade different than those designed to contain alcohol.”
“Ah,” says Enjolras. “Is, um. Are we...”
Grantaire’s face is in shadow, only the curve of his jaw and smudge of cheekbone picked out in neon. “Don’t fret, Apollo. The frown lines will mar your improbably fresh visage, and strangers might stop mistaking you for an elfin adolescent. You know me: these little eddies in the stream of life never quite manage to drag me under.”
Eponine materialises at Grantaire’s elbow. Enjolras isn’t always great at picking up on nonverbal cues, but the dislike radiating from her is almost a tangible thing.
“Come on, R,” she says lightly, eyes still on Enjolras. “Let's dance already.”
Hours later, they tumble back out onto the street, sweaty and laughing, with both moons still high in the sky. Courfeyrac grabs Eponine’s hand and twirls her, then collapses theatrically onto Combeferre’s shoulder. “We are so old. We are so, so old. Oh my god, we are so old. Ferre, carry me home, my ancient bones can’t move another step. Ferre? Ferre, I love you, you’re my soulmate, carry me or I’m leaving you forever.”
“I’m keeping Enjolras in the divorce,” Combeferre says soothingly, petting Courfeyrac’s hair.
Enjolras is a bit tipsier than he’d intended to be. He’d been so determined to act normal around Grantaire that he’d accidentally regressed to the kind of overindulgence that had too often characterised their university days. It had worked, though, so he couldn’t be all that upset about it. He’d even managed to have a proper conversation with Grantaire, although as the night air clears his thoughts a little, he’s beginning to have the terrible suspicion that he’d asked Grantaire the same overly polite set of questions about his work several times, to Grantaire’s mounting amusement.
It’s fine. He might feel differently in the morning, but right now he’s glad to look ridiculously slow-witted if it will ease the tension between the two of them.
“Let’s get you tourists back to your hotel before someone picks your pocket,” yawns Eponine. “And by someone, I mean me.”
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ladymdc · 2 years
MC’s 2022 writer’s wrap
I’ve slowed down a lot last year writing wise. There was a lot working against me in ‘22, so that didn’t help, but this also might be the last time I can do one of these unless something awakens my muse/hella inspires me— so here we are ♥️
Words written: 45,980. This translates into 6 one shots/ficlets, a solitary Empire update, 3 small multi chapter fics finished, & a handful of drabbles— all Rhack lol. 
New things I tried: There were a few ideas outside my comfort zone, but collab’ing with friends is always welcome & gave me the inspiration & support to try. I also wrote a couple of works that deviated from my usual style preferences & they ended up being a series of vignettes to tell the story/more prose heavy (for me). 
Fic I spent the most time on: This would be the dark!Rhys, dubcon work I bet you didn’t know that I was dangerous. This was one of those outside of my comfort zone fics, & it took me as long as it did because I was horrendously blocked when I started it. That said, this work did help pull me out of it & I’m sure a lot can be contributed to my collab partner for that too ♥️
Fic I spent the least time on: Can I have a kiss? This was an OPT cold/flu prompt I picked up to shake the muse into action. Like I said, I slowed down a lot this year, & I just self indulgently cranked out this sick fic & liked it enough to share. 
Favorite thing I wrote: I’m pretty happy with most of what I’ve written this year. 80% of it was a collab or a gift & I love writing with/for people— & honestly that makes it difficult to narrow down because all of those works were a very bright spot in my dimming writing journey this year. But… if I’m picking a favorite it’s the collab with Ivan, a hurt/comfort, Rhys gets kidnapped & rescued by Jack fic: Please say you love me just the way I am. Runners up is mer!Jack & parent/teacher au ♥️
Favorite thing I read: I don’t usually beta unless I know the author just because anxiety is a bitch. But I agreed to help someone because I trust my friend’s judgment on people & I ended up binge reading their fic in a day. It’s been a hot minute since that’s happened, but it’s Vault of the Leviathan (a little mermaid inspired rhack AU). Much good, did enjoy— do recommend.
Writing goals for next year/new year’s resolution: Be kinder to myself. I’ve got a lot of works behind me, ones I really cherish & am proud of, & I should enjoy that & not self pressure/feel guilt for not writing more or faster. With that in mind, I want to finish 1 or 2 of my long fics (Rhack or past fandoms) & if my muse allows it, write a spiritual successor to one of my personal fav works for whumptober. 
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felibrary · 6 months
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PAIRING: aventurine x reader
SYNOPSIS: aventurine is still unexposed to the many concepts of this world. but that doesn't mean he won't try to get to know them if it's for you.
WORDCOUNT: 1.0k | CONTENT & WARNINGS: hurt/comfort, insecure aventurine, established relationship, my ass wrote this in an hour and its super late rn i just wanna upload this and my lazy ass did NOT proofread this + im on mobile so hell, kinda HELLA rushed ; ficlet
AUTHORS NOTE: just the other day me and azul were talking about what body parts of aven would be sensitive and we got to his collarbone and azul said that he thinks that it'd be super evident so i pointed out that it might be cause he was used to starvation and barely ate even when he got to the ipc/had the chance to do so. SO I JUST HAD TO WRITE SMTH.
tags: @azullumi
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aventurine shudders under your touch. your nimble fingers trace across his collarbone, featherlight movements, touch so delicate, it makes him tremble.
the pads of your digits lightly dance across his clavicle, one finger turns into two. your index swiftly slides over the pale skin that separates the bone that lies underneath. while your thumb starts inching closer the neckline of his satin pajama, diving beneath. at that he can't help but flinch.
“oh god.” he laughs out. “someone's being touchy today.” his voice is filled with joy. hearing, seeing, knowing that aventurine has fun around you, makes you crave for more. his laugh is an intoxicating drug. something that you'll always long for, absorbing it until every part of your body is stained with the tantalising essence and puts you to your demise.
you don't stop your actions, instead continuing to glide your fingers along his delicate body. “sorry, for i couldn't help it!” a giggle escapes your mouth.
“i just thought about how pretty it is.” you let out a small hum.
“my collarbone? pretty, how come?” he's confused, what is the beauty you see within his body?
his body is fragile. it's a hollow shell he carries around. ugly and not worthy of your attention even less your admiration, abused and marked in burns. when the digits that he carries around like a sacred body part of his, roughly engraved on his neck, come in contact with any kind of substance, liquid or his own fingers. he's reminded of the mishap his body was or rather is in. how it was abused and dragged through the mud.
putting his calloused fingers around the tattoo, stings. the touch lingers like a nostalgic scent which still remains on an old piece of clothing, one that has never been washed so the smell never fades away. it burns up at the slightest touch. hurting just as much as when it was freshly inflicted onto his young body.
kakavasha doesn't even know what he looks like. the only person he sees in the mirror is aventurine. sure he walked past puddles of dirty rain back in his childhood, reflecting his younger self, but the images are vague and blurry. he doesn't know what kakavasha looks like and he probably never will.
and neither do you. the only thing you have in front of you right now is aventurine. a shattered soul that doesn't know where it belongs. his being consists of a thousand fragments, they're scattered thoughts that are similar to broken mirror shards.
they reflect the tales of his heart and reveal its greatest desire. mirroring those untold stories like the surface of the water. thoughts and wishes that are full of pureness, almost childlike.
the broken pieces that make up the man who's named aventurine long for a haven which he can call a safe space - a home. but on the other hand he thinks that he's not permitted to find such a place, that he's not allowed to stay, undeserving of it.
“no particular reason. i just like the way it stands out, it's easy to find and trace.” the words that roll off your tongue sting. they probably hurt as much as a paper cut you've received as a little kid, but it's not like kakavasha knows or is able to relate - he didn't get to grow up like the other children. but he can't blame you, you're oblivious to his past.
his body has gone through physical and emotional abuse. beat ups, labor or starvation. the reason why his collarbone is so evident, the face you adore is so slim, and his rips slightly poke through his body, is all because kakavashas hunger has never been satisfied and the dryness in his throat has never been quenched.
even after he put on the mask of the man who calls himself aventurine - a wealthy man, who’s a member of the ten stone hearts that makes more money than he spends, he's still reluctant when it comes to eating. of course he could buy all the delicacies that kakavasha never got to try - never even knew, but he hesitates.
the concept of chewing and swallowing the bits is still something aventurine can't befriend himself with. it's unfamiliar - he's not used to it, the feeling of a full stomach, what it's like to be satisfied after a meal. it's something foreign to him, a feeling he's not sure he'll ever get accustomed to.
he doesn't think he deserves to eat. to know what it feels like to be full, the rumbling that comes from his stomach is the one he grew up with is what brought him here. he fears that if he gets too comfortable with something or someone he'll forget who he is.
a lost soul that mourns after the past, but saved itself from the dark abyss, freeing itself. not allowing himself to get too close, always keeping everyone that comes near him at an arm's length. worrying he might grow too attached.
so why is he still here? here with you, chattering happily and conversing freely, he doesn't deserve it - he doesn't deserve you.
but is it wrong to be selfish for once? he knows the answer already: it is. but he can't help it, not when you coax him into this position, one which he can't leave, no matter how hard he tries.
“i love you.” you trace the letters along his neck, over the tattoo that is engraved on his skin.
you don't need a verbal answer to know that he feels the same way. perhaps, he himself hasn't realized it yet but he's conveyed his love for you many times already. just like now as he continues to lie in bed with you.
the both of you are oblivious, but that doesn't mean that either of you will stop in your tracks, turn back and leave. (even though he sometimes wishes to do so)
both satisfaction and love are two unfamiliar concepts for aventurine. but he'll try to get to know them. for the sake of you.
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© VYNICITY 2024. stealing, copying, translating, reposting my works on other platforms or feeding them to ai is not permitted.
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gricean-sphinx · 11 months
I'm sorry about your bad vibes day :c I actually decided I was having one of those weeks and tried writing my headcanon out as a ficlet (or at least the first half of one) for my daily writing practice to maybe cheer myself up. I think it worked, so thanks for the nudge!
Laudna Mends Imogen's glasses any time they've cracked or broken. Hey, maybe that's how they met:
The wind picks up in a gust, rustling the long grasses by the trail into a hushed chorus, whipping Imogen’s lavender hair around her face. The skittish chestnut mare nickers and tenses under her, picking her hooves up into a tight trot.
“Whoa, Fidget, easy.”
Imogen leans forward to pat the mare’s neck, brushing her mane with a gloved hand. Fidget snorts and eases back into a walk, but her ears remain alert, flitting around at the slightest sound.
Imogen closes her eyes and focuses on the sensation of the crisp morning turning mild. She can hear the river, now, rattling out of view behind a slight slope, and she’s almost regretful; once they reach the water and Fidget has had a drink, it’ll be time to turn back—back from the easy quiet of the lonely plain, back to the farm, the noise, and then her father’s prickly silence.
Mornings like these, when she gets to take a horse out on a long ride, are Imogen’s favorite, and they are always over too quickly.
A nightingale breaks into song from the branches of a lonely tree coming into view at the edge of the river, and it’s suddenly Imogen’s turn to tense.
At first, she thinks her mind’s playing tricks on her—she recognizes the sensation of someone’s thoughts echoing in her brain, but for a second she isn’t sure… They’re odd, different from any other thoughts that have ever pressed into her head… painless. In fact, that’s why they crept up on her, because unlike the oppressive noise of the townsfolk, these thoughts are gentle, nearly musical—
Fidget startles and throws her head back, smashing into Imogen’s face.
Imogen blinks through the pain, but the neat shapes of the world around her have been knocked out of focus. She sighs and dismounts.
“You made me cuss,” she tells the mare, resentfully, as she rubs the bridge of her own nose. Thankfully nothing seems to be broken except—
“Goodness, are you alright? That looked rather… unpleasant.”
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rk1kheadcanons · 4 years
Connor and Markus are on vacation when they first meet
Connor's workaholic ass kept trying to weasel out of going on vacation up to the last moment until his dad, Hank Anderson, literally hugged him roughly in their shared beat up the car and then pushed him unceremoniously out the door at the airport, then sped off leaving him two options: Uber home or take the damned plane and go on vacation proper. Connor shook his head; the precinct could wait a week without him.
Carl had a limo come and get Markus and ferry him to the airport. Markus hated it. It showed he was a child of money and he was always so nervous about leaving his Dad's side. He never knew if it would be the last time. He had two choices: worry himself till he was prematurely gray and call the limo back it goes on this week vacation. Begrudgingly and guiltily, he enters the airport.
Connor's a nervous mess and it shows at the bag check out. He wishes the floor would swallow him whole. There are too many people. Then the lady is telling him he's in the wrong line, this is a first-class ticket and Connor is both mad and flattered that his father splurged this much for him. He nervously moves his bags out the way to the blessedly clear first-class line.
Well, that's not quite true. There is this beautiful man dressed in a brand of a suit he could never afford in a year's worth of income, in line, getting checked in.
Connor feels like an obvious bum behind this airport God, with his bronze skin and-oh! Two-toned eyes, one blue and the other green...and crap he's staring.
Connor mumbles a 'hello' in passing as the airport God continues to stare at afterward, probably thinks he's weird.
Check out isn't a problem.
Markus has been flying since he was one year old, and first-class, too. What he didn't expect to see was this adorable wallflower staring at him absolutely terrified and a hairsbreadth from being spooked by him. Oh my goodness, he was so adorable! Soft looking curls, large brown eyes framed in large framed glasses, pale mole, freckled skin that was actively blushing. Even his graphic tee, skinny jeans, and DG shoes we're just somehow him, Markus knew. Markus walked past with a greeting...and right into some rope off markers because he was so enamored with the other man. Too bad they aren't going to the same place, that could have been markus time to get to know him.
They are row mates and the flight is surprisingly pretty much just them.
Markus is not the most religious but prays to all entities for this happenstance.
Connor has problems breathing with the man being right there in his visual range. The dude is way out of his league, probably straight as a board, and Connor's gay heart can not deal. He fucking smells good from across the row from him. Bitch.
"Hi, I'm Markus. What is your name?"
Connor flinched like he was slapped and with the added confusion as his eyes landed on where the voice came from.
Markus would have laughed if he wasn't certain that the other would probably ride the rest of the flight in the bathroom just to live down the unwarranted embarrassment.
The man, Markus, is all smiles and beautiful eyes, and Connor is melting in confusion inside. This man is talking to him?
"I'm Connor. Are you talking to me, not a phone, or?"
Markus smile dims a little. So this Connor had self-esteem issues, felt a like person like him could not be talked to by a person like him.
"Yeah, I'm talking to you directly. There are no other beautiful people taking my attention like you are."
Connor blushed even harder and tried to will his heart to not fall out of his mouth. Here this absolutely fetching male was talking to him and he was ready to put his earbuds in for the duration of the trip like a normal person would when being flirted with.
Markus knew what he was doing.
Looking both ways down the aisle, he got up with his carry on and sat by Connor.
Connor freaked out for multiple reasons: what about assigned seating? This man was too hot, and Connor was very Gay.
Markus could see the panic attack welling up in Connor.
Markus started to talk to him about himself. He spoke of how this was a 'forced vacation'/from his Dad, a point Connor could relate to. He started to relax, take in the man's calming voice.
Connor found his voice and started talking back about his own experience. It was an enjoyable experience with a perfect stranger that just happened to look like Connor's future husband.
It never crossed their minds they were on a joint flight to Hawaii even when whey they finally disembarked hours later, it still didn't click.
Connor slept on his first day.
When he did wake, he enjoyed the scenery of the beach from his verandah. He thought about Markus and the fact that maybe he could have drawn the scene before him.
He decided to hit the beach. He'd bought some ridiculously small board booty shorts, painted his nails a lovely iridescent navy blue, and parked himself under a large canopy on his doggie pattern beach towel. He was pretty and he was going to pay that aspect up.
There was a 'thud' and slight groan as someone tripped and more or less stop, dropped, and fell under his canopy with him.
It had him scrambling up, fist ready to fight. He was no pushover no matter how he may look to others. He looked down and couldn't help but snort inelegantly. Markus lay frozen in place, borderline terrified Markus, eyes wide and shifting all over Connor's figure before landing on those tiny shorts.
Markus can't help but want to stay by Connor's side, and it looks like Connor is just as receptive to that, if his eyes glued on Markus muscles have any say in it.
Baring just the good looks and obvious attraction between them, the conversation is good as well. They find they have a lot in common as well.
They decide after a fun day at the beach to sort of unanimously to enjoy the trip as whatever this would evolve into. They now were certain they both resided in Detroit, Markus a curator for his father's works and some of his own as well.
Connor was an up and coming detective that partnered with his father, Lieutenant Thank Anderson. Markus knew of his dad from a large art heist that he'd busted when he was younger and had nothing but respect for the man. Likewise, Connor enjoyed Carl Manfred's artwork from the time he could understand art concepts.
Nightlife came and the pair went out and enjoyed the energy of the clubs. Connor would not have come if not for Markus, and Markus doubted that he would have either alone given his homebody nature. They both fed each other positively in that regard, sharing drinks and laughs and dancing late into the morning hours.
At some point, they had decided to call it a night in their tipsy way of handling, Markus arm around Connor's shoulder as giggled themselves, shuffling back to the hotel that they found they also shared.
Somewhere along the trip up to their respective rooms, Connor became very brave indeed, pulling Markus slightly flushed face to his and kiss him soundly. Markus looks at him with wide, expressive eyes, the vestiges of drunkenness slipping away for confirmation of what this can mean, what it will mean if he steps a foot into Connor's room with him.
Connor murmurs his assent to whatever the night will hold and Markus kisses Connor back with more passion this time around, finagling the room key from Connor's hand and fumbling to open it, too stubborn to fly stop peppering kisses on Connor and look at the lock mechanism to which Connor just can't contain his giggles. The four finally swings open and Connor is lifted up and onto the room, the door closing slowly behind them letting his giggles echo into the hall until the slip into pleased little groans by the time the door is completely shut.
A week goes by and two fathers await their son's return. Somehow Hank is pleased with this little turn of events. He wanted Connor to enjoy himself, to truly unwind. If 'unwind' meant to bring a boyfriend home, well, as long as he was safe, Hank was proud of his boy. He seemed to have a good eye when he saw the other slightly nervous young man named Markus holding his son's hand.
Carl was the same sort of supportive. He even was having a good day health-wise so he really got to get to know (pick on and tell embarrassing stories to) Connor. Markus rolled his eyes and sighed good-natured.
To think neither we're interested in going on their vacation for their own reasons. They may have gone their whole lives and never met.
Here's to all the perfect strangers in the world that could be soul mates waiting to happen.
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enby-jetstar · 5 years
Okay, so here's what the Sunday update schedule's gonna be like from now on:
Aug. 25, the epilogue of destruction will go up. The following week, I'll post a ficlet or a one-shot.
Every Sunday, I'll post either a ficlet or a one-shot until I have at least 6 chapters of Playground Eyes finished, at which point I'll be uploading chapters every other week, interspersed with ficlets/one-shots.
Ficlets will be a minimum of 500 words and will likely all be based on tumblr prompts. One-shots will be a minimum of 2,000 words and will be a mixture of prompts + my own ideas.
I'm planning on writing some bonus scenes set in the universe of destruction as well. Anything 500+ words will be treated as a weekly update, and anything less than that will just be uploaded as they're finished.
At the end of 2019, I'll have to get a new schedule, since the once-a-week updates are part of the year-long writing challenge I'm doing, and I don't know what I'll be doing in 2020. I don't expect to completely stop writing/posting fic, but i may switch to an every-other-week or even once-monthly schedule.
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snarkyfinch · 5 years
One of the egos getting tired of being nice all the time and just,,, going ape shit for a day. Saying how they really feel, going off on people, all that stuff.
Being nice to them was more than they deserved. He didn’t have endless patience and kindness to give out, doctor or not. Maybe just a day. One day where I’m not as kind as always, not as patient. I tell them like it is. Blunt like a diagnosis. No putting up with their bullshit, not putting up with- Edward sucks in a breath, tugging a shaking hand through his hair. It was starting to get longer, finally. He’d decided to grow it out, but it was being stubborn. He suspects the fans are to thank for that.Author had said he looked better with the longer hair, and for some reason that made him want to cut it short again rather than let it keep growing.
“Doctor.” Dark’s voice prickles into his mind, invading it until he can’t commit to ignoring the entity as he’d planned. “What?” Dark’s brows raise minutely at the blunt tone, at the harshness replacing what is usually kinder and softer. The doctor has never caused issues before.He hadn’t planned on that changing.
“I was wondering if you had heard from Bim lately? He seems to be limping. I need him at–”“Why didn’t you just send him to me?”“What?”“Send him to me instead of asking me. Just tell him to come and if he hasn’t he will and if he has he’ll tell you.” Dark frowns at him, stormy eyes narrowing as Doctor Iplier counts the seconds until Dark kills him.
Instead, Dark’s face melts into a cold but polite smile.“Of course. That would have been much more efficient. I’ll let you return to your paperwork, then.” The doctor holds his breath until the entity has completely disappeared, hands shaking even more than before. Damn.
– – –
“Hey, dollface.” Edward bites his lip to keep from giving the sharp retort like he wants to, and instead casts Author the stormiest glare he can manage. Ever since Dark seemed to have given him a free pass this morning than, he’d been letting himself be not as nice for once. Not cruel, not rude, just not as patient and forgiving as usual. Kindness would be earned for today, he was tired of giving it out like candy on Halloween when he was never given anything in return.Unfortunately, no one in this godforsaken building knew what manners were.
“What’s with that look? I do something?” Author sits on his desk, on his work, and gives him a sleazy grin. Edward is tempted to punch him, but instead rolls his eyes and leans back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest. “I’m working. What do you need?” Author pouts, sitting forward to rest his elbows on his knees.“Can I not come visit my favorite doctor?”“Not while I’m trying to get things done.”
Author’s eyes flash for a moment, and Edward knows from experience that’s a bad sign. He’s getting agitated.“You’re being rude to me, Doc. That’s not normal. Someone do something wrong? Someone die on your watch again?”“You can leave.” Edward is proud of himself for forcing his voice to remain strong and steady as he rises from his seat, motioning to the door. “Now.”
Author watches him with narrowed eyes, the dim lights of the office making the golden glow all the more obvious.“Fine,” he sighs after a moment, anger dripping from view like honey from a spoon. “I’ll leave you be, Eddie. Can’t have you being upset with me.” There’s something more there, something under the facade that Edward can’t read. He’s not sure he wants to.
Author brushes past him and disappears out the clinic doors as though he had never been there.
Edward can’t tell if he wants to cry or feel relieved.
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sockablock · 6 years
congrats bruh how about Green-Eyed Epiphany for widomauk (preferably molly being the jealous one?)
ahhh thank you and also ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“Molly, you are bending your tarot card,” Jester said. “If it is bothering you this much, just go break them up.”
Molly, deep in a haze of foggy frustration, snapped back to reality. He blinked a few times, tore his gaze away from the bar—where Caleb was speaking to an inkeeper that looked a little too pleased with herself—and back at Jester.
Her eyebrows were raised, and she wore an expression that was half-smug, half-exasperated. It wasn’t an easy one to pull off, but recently she’d had quite a bit of practice.
Molly smoothed out the corner of his tarot card and gave her a blank smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, dear,” he said. 
“None at all?”
“Not the slightest.”
Jester nodded, leaned in closer, and grinned pleasantly. Then her tail whipped through the air and cuffed him on the back of the head. 
“Then you’re even more stupid than I thought!” she lamented, throwing her hands into the air. “Look at you, your face is so flushed and you were muttering under your breath before. Just go grab Caleb and bring him over here, you dolt.”
“Why would I do that, though?” Molly asked, keeping his voice carefully neutral. “He’s….he’s clearly enjoying himself talking to, to Nila, or whatever her name was. He hasn’t gotten to speak Zemnian to anyone in years, he must be having the time of his life. Besides, it’s not like I need him here.”
Jester groaned, and plopped her elbows onto the table. “You are such a shitty liar,” she said, and flicked him on the nose. “You obviously do.”
“I do not.”
“Oh, yes you do.”
“No, I do not.”
“Oh, yes you do.”
“Molly, Molly, listen to me,” she said, and practically rolled upside-down to stare into his eyes. Her horns clunked against the tabletop. “Don’t lie to me, Molly. I’ve saw the way you were looking at him before. I’ve seen how silly and tongue-tied you get around him. I’ve noticed the way you giggle when he compliments you, and you’ve even gotten nicer to Nott because of him.”
“Again, not true.”
“It is so true.”
Molly tugged at his horns and shook his head. “Well…well…so what?” He asked eventually. “Even if all that was true, and it’s not, it’s not like I’m going to do anything about it. We’re both fucked up, if you haven’t noticed, and he deserves someone who knows how to fix him. And I’m not going to ruin his fun. You don’t get to call dibs on people.”
Jester poked him in the nose again. “We’re all weirdos,” she said sternly. “So write that down. And nobody is supposed to fix him, because fixing him isn’t…it isn’t a thing! You can’t just fix someone, you…you help them deal with stuff but there isn’t any fixing. That’s stupid! And you obviously aren’t going to try to, since you said you don’t ‘know how,’ which means you are good for him. Someone else might force him to be a certain way, and that’s also shitty! And you’re right,” she added. “You don’t get to call dibs on people. But you also shouldn’t have to just sit here and watch and get upset when you can do something about it. Do you like seeing him get hit on by that woman?”
“I don’t care—”
“Mollymauk, do you like seeing that?”
“Jester, that has nothing—”
“Molly! Do you like it or not?!”
He sighed, and let his forehead hit the tabletop.
“No,” he muttered dejectedly. “I don’t.”
She gave him a friendly pat on the back. “Good,” she said. “That’s step one.”
“What’s step two?” he asked, muffed through the wood.   
“Get off your but and go buy him a drink,” she said. “Talk to him, for the gods’ sake. And stop being so afraid.”
Molly sighed, and his shoulders relaxed. “Alright, alright,” he said, and lifted his head and stood up. Just before walking away, he met Jester’s expectant gaze and gave her another smile. 
This time, it was small. And genuine.
“Thanks, dear,” he said. “For…all that.”
She beamed, and her tail flicked flicked the back of his robes playfully. “Knock ‘em dead,” she said. “You got this.”
He turned around, and made his way to the bar.
If you want me to write a drabble, check out this post here and feel free to send something in!  💜💜💜 💜💜💜 💜💜💜 
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pigstepmp3-moved · 6 years
yknow.......... i have to be up in less than 4 hours............ maybe i should go to sleep............. but at the same time......... is it worth it
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galacticgraffiti · 3 years
Not sure if you know him!! But Alpha-17?? Full of possible inspo?? He's an Alpha ARC so would probs be Broad As Hell and just... All muscle? (I usually think power-lifter/strongman?)
So handing you the idea of him just sitting there with all that BDE, working on reports or something, while you try and entice him back to your shared quarters? Maybe some uh... Cockwarming and teasing ensues??
ALPHA-17 MY BELOVED i know i've never written for him but the concept of him is just so fucking delicious. also he has BDE - big dick energy AND big daddy energy. so we're running with that i have decided.
Y'all this is filthiest fucking filth [affectionate] but I thought to myself... if you're not using sundays to write shit that would make you burst into flame if ever you stepped foot inside a church, what are you even doing.
This was ✨conceived✨ to 'Big Poppa' by The Notorious B.I.G. and that really tells you everything you need to know.
Send me spicy asks, I'm writing 5(ish) sentence ficlets!
Warnings: daddy kink, cockwarming, hella praise, dirty talk, plugged pussy, cumplay of sorts, fullness kink more than a size kink, somno mention
!!! NSFW/18+/Minors DNI !!!
"Please?" you plead, your fingers dancing along Alpha's broad shoulders. "Come on, I'm tired, and I don't want to go to bed alone."
"You'll have to. I need to finish up these reports." He doesn't even look up, squinting his eyes and lightly tapping the bridge of his nose, as he always does when he is tired. Fine. Heavier weaponry seems to be needed to convince him. Surreptitiously, you tug your top down until your tits spill over just ever so slightly - enough that it could be accidental. Your words, though, can not be mistaken for an accident.
"Please, daddy."
Alpha's hand freezes, hovering above the holopad.
"What did you just say, ad'ika?"
You know he heard you perfectly well. Ad'ika is reserved for playtime only - it's his unobtrusive way to consent, to let you know that in spite of whatever he may say, he is down to play if you want.
"I said I want you to take me to bed, daddy."
Alpha looks at you, eyes burning, before looking back at his holopad. His fingers twitch in his lap.
"You know I can't do that. You know I have reports left, I told you it'd be a long night. You insisted on staying." He raises his head, and once again you are struck by just how broad he is. He fills out the entire chair he sits in - broad shoulders, a chest so muscular it seems to nearly blow the seams of his undershirt, thick legs that can barely be contained by the width of the standard issue chair.
You slide onto his lap, facing him, your legs spread wide by his sizable thighs as you run your fingers through his salt and pepper beard.
"I wanted to stay with you. I just- I thought you'd be done by now."
"I nearly am," he sighs and rubs his face. "I'm tired too, baby girl. Can't wait to take you to bed, to relax and just fucking... bury my cock inside you. Fall asleep like that if you want to."
Your mouth falls open at Alpha's words - he knows exactly how much you love that.
"Yes," you breathe. "Yes, I want that, please, daddy."
"Mhm, just a little while longer," he hums. You can feel his cock pressing against you though, and without a second thought, you grind against him. Faster than you can think, his hands are on your hips, digging into your flesh to keep you still. "That's cheating, ad'ika."
"'s not cheating," you whine. "I want you- fucking need you. Please. Right now."
There is a pause. Alpha's hands slide down to your ass to knead the soft flesh while he assesses the situation.
"I suppose," he says slowly. "I suppose I could let you sit on my cock while I finish this last report. If you promise to be good for me."
"Yes." Your answer comes so quick that you nearly choke on it. "Yes, gods, I'll be good for you, daddy, I promise."
"I know you will. Daddy's good little girl, aren't you?" Alpha chuckles lowly when you whimper at his words. He lifts you off his lap effortlessly to tug down his trousers, then waves at you to straddle him again. You hastily discard all your garments, thanking every god in the galaxy that you are wearing loosely fitted clothig tonight so it is a quick process. But as your panties slide down your legs, you remember something. Something you had banished to the backwaters of your mind so you could function, but that is important to your current situation.
"You know you can't take me without some prep, hmm, ad'ika?" Alpha seems to have read your mind. His voice is a bit strained, and you can hear his breath hitch when you press your soaking core against his hard cock. Your cheeks heat up under his intense gaze.
"I'm- I'm still wearing the plug," you admit quietly. You swear his eyes go darker when you say the words, and you think back to this morning - you face down, ass up on the bed while he pushed the plug inside your fluttering pussy right after he'd fucked you. To keep all my cum right where it belongs, ad'ika, he had said. That alone had nearly made you come again. Throughout the day, you have gotten used to the feeling, and tried to forget about it because you could not focus on anything else while you were thinking about his cum still filling your belly.
"Fuck," Alpha groans. His fingers dance across your bare stomach, pressing down gently before they glide through your pussy and tap the plug currently nestled inside you. "Fuck... you are, ad'ika. Why haven't you-"
"You didn't say I could take it out," you defend yourself. Alpha chuckles at your tone and soothes you with his hand on your back.
"I know, baby girl. I know. I should have remembered. You're such a good girl for me, so fucking perfect just for me. You could have asked, though, you know that, right?"
"Mhm," you mumble. "But.. I liked it. Liked feeling you inside me."
Alpha's fingers press harder against the plug and you feel his cock twitch beneath you.
"You're gonna kill me, little love."
The nickname makes you shiver. Alpha's chest shakes against yours as he laughs.
"Oh, you liked that, didn't you? My sweet little love. My perfect girl, I'm gonna take proper care of you later, but for now... you wanna take out that plug for me so I can watch you take my fat cock? Mhm, there we go, good girl... Look at you, leaking all over me. You're gonna make a fucking mess of me, who's gonna clean that up?"
"Sorry, daddy." You smile. You know he's not really mad, you can tell by his tone and the twinkle in his eye.
"That's alright, ad'ika. I like it when you're messy for me, especially when it's my cum spilling out of you." He gently pushes at you until you lean back, granting him a perfect view of where his pearly white cum drips out of your gaping cunt. "Kept daddy's cum inside you all day for me... such a good girl, fuck. But now I think it's about time I fill you up again."
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lululawrence · 2 years
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lululawrence's June 2022 Fic List
Previous Fic Lists / Lulu’s List Podcast Masterpost
June was a rough month for me and because of that I apparently took to reading. A LOT. I was able to finish 19 fics/series this month, and there are some hella high word counts in here, but I hope that doesn't scare you off, because they're amazing as well. Always a fan of variety, there are also some really great ficlets in here too, so if you aren't someone who can read long fics, that's fine. I promise I've got some in here for you too! I'm afraid I used a lot of the same phrases to explain how very much I enjoyed all of these fics, but they truly were all such fantastic reads, so I hope you find some in here that you will also be able to read and enjoy!
My podcast for this month is now available!. I love getting to rave about these great fics to all of you, and I hope you enjoy listening as well.
As always, be sure to show your love and appreciation for all of the hard work our fandom authors have put into their fics with kudos, nice comments, and (when applicable) reblogging their fic posts!
The Risen series by @creamcoffeelou / creamcoffeelou (20k, E, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Louis, omega Harry, Cult AU, journalist Harry, cult leader Louis, dark fic, dark Louis, 1970s, a LOT of potentially triggering topics and content so please check the tags and keep yourself safe!, suuuuper dark and kinda creepy and just not okay shit happening here, but if exploring those kinds of things is of interest then defo check this series out, it's so fucking fascinating and yet shudder inducing at the same time hah)
Darling, so it goes by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface (195k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, Grace Kelly AU, Harry is Grace Kelly hehe, Royalty, famous/famous, Prince Louis, actor Harry, this fic takes us from their first meeting all through their flirting and getting to know each other to dating, engagement, wedding, and even some of their marriage, and it is EPIC AND WONDERFUL, it isn't all sunshine and daisies, and the way the growth of their relationship and the way they handled everything thrown at them, it was just incredible, it was so good i cannot rave enough holy cow)
an honest mistake by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface (2k, NR, Harry/Louis, meet ugly, hahahaha, pining, i guess? lol, can it be pining in a ficlet like this?, it is though i think it fits as a descriptor, fluff, flirting, humor, banter, this fic is so funny and cute and it is just such a fun fic i love it, i actually listened to this as an episode of @fanficfanaticpodcast and it had me legit giggling as i listened, it was so much fun)
dark blue by @larrieblr / safetyfilm (6k, T, Gen - OT4 friendship, canon divergent, apocalyptic au, dystopian au, crack fic, this fic is so difficult to summarize lmao, based on What a Feeling, Song Fic, Dreams, like the world starts falling apart and it's all one direction's fault because of the song, it's so fucking hilarious and just so weird, i LOVE it lolllll)
Choo-Choose Me by @ladyaj-13 / LadyAJ_13 (4k, G, Liam/Louis, train conductor Louis, commuter Liam, meet cute, crushes, kissing, this fic is just so fluffy and cute omg i love it, and it almost entirely takes place on the train, hehehe i love the premise of it all and the way it ends so perfectly)
The Greatest Thing by @infinitelymint / infinitelymint (164k, E, Harry/Louis, canon divergent, accidental marriage, fake marriage, friends to enemies to husbands to friends to lovers, lmaoooo, for real though that is basically their journey?, angst, so much angst and pain, and then so much healing, it's so soft and gentle and self indulgent for like ALL of us i think, there's so much cuddling and love and growth and working through the hard stuff, it's so wonderful i adore this fic so very much)
The Grundy County Auction Incident by @haztobegood / haztobegood (4k, T, Nick/Harry/Louis, based on a tiktok, kinda lollll, country fic, polyamory, frame narrative, established relationship, retelling of how they got together essentially, this is such a cute fic, it's everything i could have dreamed of the prompt becoming with this pairing, i'm so so so happy Jinny took this where she did cause i just threw the video into the chat and screamed and then magic, so fucking good)
Remember Me Before You by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything (294k, E, Harry/Louis, there's a lot of Zayn/Niall in there too but they're just a very prominent side pairing lol, New Girl AU, Harry is Jess, Louis is Nick, Niall is Schmidt, Liam as Winston, Zayn as Cece, teacher Harry, bartender Louis, writer Louis, roommates, friends to lovers, slow burn, like something like 200k of SLOW burn lol, humor, omg the insane humor, this reads like a 300k crack fic with feelings, it's amazing i just, how do you summarize 300k?!?!?, anyway it's fucking fantastic so worth your time)
New York Kiss by @quelsentiment / wordsnnotes (47k, M, Zayn/Louis, famous/non famous, kinda haha it's complicated, actor Louis, writer Zayn, meet ugly, hurt/comfort, pining, COVID, quarantine, miscommunication, angst with a happy ending, fluff, also other potentially triggering topics so please read the tags, this fic is beautiful and deep and so completely filled with emotion, the way that music is so deeply a part of Zayn is so gorgeous, his friendship with Harry is so cool to see in their distanced way thanks to COVID, but the ziam friendship and ziall friendship is just beautifully done and so palpable, i love and adore it so very much)
now you're in my life (I can't get you off my mind) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same (34k, M, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, omega Harry, alpha Louis, ace Harry, sex repulsed Harry, internalized acephobia, lirry friendship (and roommates), Uni AU, meet cute, pining, flirting, self acceptance, GAH you guys i pre-read this and for many reasons i'm probably biased, but this fic is just SO GOOD OKAY OMG, the ace rep is so good, and seeing it in this particular way in an a/b/o world is so cool)
We Might'a Took the Long Way by @evilovesyou / 4ureyesonly28 (8k, G, Harry/Louis, based on a tiktok, gallery owner Harry, artist Louis, art teacher Louis, artist Zayn, chef Niall, angst with a happy ending, no smut, this is just SUCH a great fic, it is the perfect length to give you some excitement, then the pain, and then the hard work the character has to put in in order to fix it, and i LOVE it)
Follow Your Arrow by @ladyaj-13 / LadyAJ_13 (36k, T, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, canon divergent, A/B/O dynamics, fake alpha Louis, secret omega Louis, leader of the pack Louis, the rest of the band knows he's omega, but no one else does, and OMG, Harry presenting throws everything off and it's SO FUCKING GOOD Y'ALL OMG, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, touch deprivation, depri, dropping, nesting, self discovery, pining, gahhhhh listen, lady aj might say this fic was incredibly self indulgent, but it felt like it indulged every single thing i love about a/b/o possibilities and the secret omega trope, GAHHHHHH so fucking good i know i keep saying that this month but it was jam packed with fucking amazing reads)
let me show you by @larrieblr / safetyfilm (1.5k, T, Harry/Louis, questioning sexuality, never have i ever (the game, not the show lol), recreational alcohol/drug usage, a lot of internal monologue, this fic is so pure and sweet i just really loved it, it was part of the @podfic-pals pride episode too so you should defo listen)
Baby, Don’t Apologize by @neondiamond / Neondiamond (2k, T, Harry/Louis, A/B/O dynamics, alpha Louis, omega Harry, ace Harry, insecure Harry, established relationship, fluff, so much fluff and gentleness and love, it was so beautiful, but also it hit a little close to home in some ways so it was also hard to listen to at times for me personally, in other words it was really spot fucking on regarding the ace representation so SUPER pleased with that haha, it was just so so good and so filled with love, i adored it, it was also a part of the pride episode like the previous fic so yessss hehe)
Crawling on Your Shores by @juliusschmidt / juliusschmidt (67k, E, Liam/Harry, mechanic Liam, small town USA, OT4 friendship, Liam is a bit lost in a lot of ways, self discovery, extreme winter, that's a tag used by the author and it made me snort because yes this is very true lol, lots of discussion and thinking focused on mental illness and UFOs and suicide, lots of concern over death/disappearance of a loved one that happened prior to the fic starting, angst, pining, this fic is incredibly heavy tbh, but it is so beautiful as well, secret relationship, as Alex says "A Vast Universe of Uncertainty and Ambiguity" and that is a hell of a way to put it, very accurate hahaha, angst with a happy ending, there's just, this fic is a lot and so please be careful but it is STELLAR as well so just please consider reading it, it's incredible)
True as it Can Be by @beelou / cherrylarry (12k, G, Harry/Louis, Beauty and the Beast AU, girl direction, Harry is Belle, Louis is the Beast, they are both girls but the rest of one direction are boys, Liam is Lumiere, Niall is Cogsworth, and Zayn is the duster that Lumiere is into in the movie hahahaha, does she have a name?, anyway, so this is historical setting wise, and involves all the wonderful things that fairy tale does, it's a fun amalgamation of the animated and live action disney movies, and i just ADORED this fic)
Something About Liminal Spaces by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything (34k, E, Harry/Louis, Soulmates Abroad fic, set in New Zealand, writer Louis, older Louis, silver fox Louis, age difference, younger Harry, soulmates, soulmarks, slow burn, divorced Louis, hurt/comfort in a way for sure, this fic is so so beautiful and it's like, well i told lauren it was like she wrote it for me lmao, it has so many of my favorite things in it, and i devoured it in one night so it was clearly a fic i loved and needed right then, i just omg i really really love this fic so much)
Only by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16 (34k, E, Harry/Louis, Soulmates Abroad fic, set in Tristan da Cunha, famous/non-famous, royalty au, soulmates, enemies to lovers is a bit extreme but maybe dislike to lovers lol, Prince Harry, post office/tourism worker Louis, musician Louis, falling in love, misunderstandings, friendship, first time, this fic is really really sweet and i loved the way everything was navigated considering how they were kind of unexpectedly thrown into the situation they were, on the most remote island in the world, lollll, it was so good, i was sad when it ended and accidentally yelled in my comment, sorry anitra i love you lol)
Like it was at the start by @quelsentiment / wordsnnotes (15k, T, Gen - Liam & Louis friendship, Soulmates Abroad, set at Lake Louise Canada, best friends Liam and Louis, soulmates Liam and Louis, platonic soulmates, aroace Liam, platonic love, first kiss, growing up together, coming out, this fic is such a cool exploration of a concept i hadn't really considered, which was aroace characters in soulmate pairings, and i just loved the way it was all handled and the complexity of the emotions involved, it was beautiful)
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