#hellboy in mexico
extraordinary-heroes · 8 months
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Hellboy Covers by Mike Mignola
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holy-shit-comics · 10 months
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bobjackets · 8 months
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Muy asombroso.
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hotcomicstv · 2 months
Hellboy in Mexico
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httpbabygiirl · 2 years
Insta: httpbabygirl
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You know i love you by the way that i kiss you
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Hellboy In Mexico cover by Mike Mignola.
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docholligay · 11 months
Foreign Films to Expand Into
I saw a post regarding the writer’s strike that suggested Americans maybe make the effort of watching a foreign film, and while I agree, I didn’t think its tone was super helpful. Don’t get me wrong, I’m the queen of “Pull yourself out of a rut!!” but I don’t think “Americans are so fucking stupid they don’t realize other countries make movies” is actually trying to help anyone, so much as add to the idea that I guess the rest of the world is being forced to watch Captain America at gunpoint. 
But I DO want Americans to watch foreign films, in the same way that I want them to watch indie films, and I want people of all nations and stripes to expand their understanding of what they’re used to, to push themselves into something else they might like. I think my family would say that it’s fair to call me a person who is open to experience. I love to try things! That’s why I have the book draw, that’s why I go see movies I’m not sure about, that’s why I actively seek out foods I’ve never tried. You deserve to make your life interesting, to be challenged, to provide enrichment in your enclosure. You are worth the effort of a richly textured life! And movies are often a pretty cheap way to go about stepping outside of your comfort zone. I can’t wait to hear what you thought of any of these! 
Obviously, if you are not American, one  of these may not be foreign to you. Yes, I know that. 
I don’t hold out that all of these are hidden gems--some of them are, or were, extremely popular movies. Many of them won awards. But I do hold out that these are some of my favorites, and I would love to share them with you. I did, however, try to avoid anything that I thought already got a lot of play on tumblr: I don’t need to tell anyone here to watch Parasite, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, or any given Ghibili movie (Though you should watch Grave of the Fireflies--it’s my favorite). 
Pan’s Labyrinth (Mexico and Spain): This is my favorite foreign film of all time and I am breaking my, “I’m not putting any movie on here I don’t need to tell you to watch” rule right away because it is in fact one of my favorite movies of all time, American or foreign. It is a lush story about fantasy, facism, courage, and the horror of childhood. Warning: This movie is very very intense. Do not be fooled by the fact that Del Toro also does like fucking…Hellboy. He also can make very serious, very good movies, and he does not shy away from the brutality of the Spanish Civil War. If you liked Labyrinth but you’re fully grown now and I want a story about fantasy bargains for the adult crowd, this is for you. 
The Orphanage (Spain): I love Spanish horror, and so it was really, really difficult to only pick one. But this has been one of my favorites for years, a classic Spanish slow burn that deals with the long shadow of childhood and the line between the supernatural and the natural. If you like pensive horror movies like The VVitch, I really think you should give this one a try. 
Hero (China): I know a lot of y’all are into wuxia now, but back when this came out it wasn’t a thing I had ever heard of*. Hero is, as the title might imply, a sweeping historical epic with fantastic fight scenes and gorgeous cinematography. If you enjoy stories told in multiple interpretations, high-flying wire work, and with some ideas about war, peace, and truth that tempt without asking too much of you, you’ll love this. 
Cold War (Poland): Listen, I love Cuarón, Mexican and Spanish movies absolutely dominate my list of foreign films I’ve watched, but I genuinely thought Cold War deserved the edge over Roma for the Oscar that year. It’s a fairly short movie for the times, coming in at less than 90 minutes, and it wastes not even one second of that film time. Cold War is a bittersweet love story not only with two people toward each other, but feels deeply critical of Poland while recognizing the impossibility of unbraiding yourself from it. If you love impossible, bittersweet, happily never after love stories with stark and striking cinematography, you’ll adore Cold War. 
Tigers Are Not Afraid (Mexico): I adore an unflinching take on childhood, and this movie is absolutely that. It essentially asks, “How do children survive in a world full of trauma?” and the answer is that sometimes, they don’t. This movie is a little frenetic, admittedly, but the ways fantasy and imagination is woven into a group of street children orphaned by the cartels is something I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since I first saw it, and I think the final shot is pitch perfect. If you liked Pan’s Labyrinth this is required viewing, as I think it shares a lot of themes. 
The African Doctor (France): “Holligay, if you put another fucking downer movie in this list I am going to BEAT YOUR ASS” Okay, okay, we’re going to ignore my general predilections and everything from here on down is fairly life-affirming or comedic or easy. This is about a little village in France in the 1970s that gets an African doctor. It’s sweet, and funny, and you come away from it feeling good. Also I still laugh every time Seyolo responds to the fact that most of the villagers had never seen a black person with: “So what? Now they will.” If you like sweet fish out of water stories with nice endings, this is for you. 
Om Shanti Om (India): I maintain that this is the best movie to watch if you’re brand new to Bollywood. It mostly avoid the worst of its excesses while delighting in all of its strengths. It is a genuinely fun film with fantastic songs, and a shockingly together storyline for a Bollywood movie (affectionate). I’ve actually done a full review of this one, but in the short version: If you loved Moulin Rouge and wanted more of that mix of tragedy and silliness on a operatic level, I think you’ll be in for a treat. 
The Warrior’s Way (South Korea and New Zealand): Okay, this movie is not good, and also it manages to be bad. But it’s in English, so if you’ve been sitting there like my dad going, ‘I am not gonna read a movie” well, here you go. If you’ve ever said to yourself, “I want to watch a Western, but I wish it were actually a HK style cheesy action movie” BOY HOWDY AM I HERE FOR YOU. I watched this one insanely drunk and still managed to be like, “wow! This is so bad! Maximum valid!” If you thought RRR** was good, but too deep, you will have the BEST time with The Warrior’s Way. 
Anyway, this is, of course, an incomplete list, and I’m sure I’ve forgotten something I love, since this was just made off the cuff. I would love to hear if you watch or like any of these, and also, if, looking at this list, you have a recommendation for me, let me know! There are so so many fucking movies out there, and so many fall through the cracks. 
I’m thinking about doing another one of these on “Indie movies you might have missed” and also “Movies that were made before you enfants were born” (30+ years) so let me know if anything like that is interesting! Or, if there’s a category you think I might know about you’re into, let me know also.
*I actually have a lot of emotional attachment to Hero, as I have a very distinct memory of standing in the Hastings, in front of the small foreign-film section, and it being the first foreign film I picked up. I was, I think, sixteen, and I had decided that I was going to be worldly, and interesting, and cultured, and so I took a deep dive into cooking from other cultures, and watching foreign films, and buying old art history textbooks, reading classics, and listening to opera, and formal manners. Basically becoming the person I wished I were, that poised Grace Kelly type, even if I was born to the drone of the grasshoppers on the wind. To quote Reba Macintire, “You know I mighta been born just plain white trash, but Fancy was my name” and all that. And this movie was a distinct part of that, in that it was the first, in a long line of me trying to be a more well-rounded and interesting person. 
**RRR (India): Actually on that note, watch RRR. It’s a fantastically fun Indian action film that I keep meaning to watch again because I got a little too drunk for drinking on an emopty stomach the first time I saw it, so it might actually also be good, but I do remember enjoying the shit out of it and there is a scene that has such Fareeha vibes to me.
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godivaghoul · 1 year
you talking about hellboy got me back to reading his comics again. I have “hellboy in Mexico” with me and I remember liking it a lot. Who is your favorite character from the comic… other than hellboy himself?
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Hard to say I love them all! ò3ò
I'd say my top 3 from the main series (expect Hellboy ofc) are:
Rasputin, Lobster Johnson and Liz Sherman
also special mention to my girl Baba Yaga, she did nothing wrong... expect maybe eating a couple babies
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parainvestigate · 8 months
Some Ideas From Hellboy's Marvel (MCU) Verse ---
Hellboy was flung into an alternate universe during a mission located in Italy. When he awoke from what was apparently a shakey arrival he found himself somewhere in Mexico.
Rumors of his travels were quickly picked up by SHIELD who thought it wise to investigate the appearance of the demonic entity. Within a few months, he'd crossed into the United States. Natasha Romanoff brought him in.
In the beginning, he was kept at a SHIELD facility while it was being decided whether he posed a threat to public safety. During this time he forged friendships with Phil Coulson and Natasha Romanoff. His stories of his work also instilled a certain confidence of character as far as Fury was concerned. He was folded into the Avengers Initiative idea.
There might be a couple crushes on SHIELD personnel here, I'm not gonna lie. How long can you know about badasses like Maria Hill and Natasha Romanoff without it happening?
Getting brought there was not an accident. Hellboy was purposefully Shanghaied.
He was part of the team protecting the Tesseract when Loki came to retrieve it. Loki got the drop on him. He really doesn't like Loki.
For a time, he operated with the Avengers.
Oh, he's def worthy of Mjölnir.
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timidloner · 2 years
I have a couple guesses. One is an actual guess and the other one was my first thought which would not leave me
Ok el primero sería Camazotz, el cual es una criatura tanto de la mitología maya como de la mesoamericana de acuerdo con Google, y tiene lazos con el Inframundo. Es una de las criaturas más letales de acuerdo con las dos, señor de los murciélagos y que acabó con uno de los héroes gemelos Hunahpú e Ixbalanqué (I mean he was revived but the point still stands)
And the other one is a xoloitzcuintle lmao. Idk why the idea plagued me like that but its so funny to believe he would just be. D o g
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Gracias por participar y por no dejarme mal, jaja! Planeaba responder en español, pero como voy a explicar en qué animal me basé, lo escribiré en inglés para que los demás entiendan.
Please bear with me, I have a lot of thoughts about this topic! I'll write them in English as well. Or skip to the end to know what I'm planning for his "monster form".
The first guess is super thoughtful, you even had me second-guessing myself about my actual choice! But when I started searching for inspiration for Joren (even way before giving him a personality), I focused on animals, not creatures, so I stayed away from Gods and mythical beasts (at first).
I thought about snakes, then I went for bats, I considered the quetzal... And I chose the jaguar (adivinaste, segundo anon!!).
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The jaguar is all over Latin America, but it's also a very iconic animal here in Mexico. It's the largest cat species in the Americas, and it was very important in a lot of prehispanic cultures, like the Mayan and Aztec civilizations.
While it has some ties with the Sun, the jaguar is also heavily associated with the underworld and the dead in Mayan culture. The spots on their fur also were believed to represent the starry sky, and it was a symbol of political and military power.
In the Aztec culture, it was a symbol of their most powerful warriors, who they called Jaguar warriors.
It was also the totem animal for Tezcatlipoca, a deity associated with the night sky, temptation, discord, and sorcery (and a lot more). This god also was the rival of Quetzalcoatl, the god of life, light, and the lord of the day.
Here's Tezcatlipoca depicted in jaguar form:
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In the myth of the "Five Suns", it's said that there were four cycles of creation (we're living in the fifth cycle), and in each, the human race was created from different materials. These ages (Suns) always ended in the destruction of the world, since Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl are always fighting with each other for control over the creation.
They are even brothers! Sounds familiar, right?
Another reason why I decided to stick with the jaguar was because of the Dzulúm (to desire death). This is a legend from Chiapas, and it's said that there's a beast that no one has seen, but it's believed to have the form of a grey jaguar. His victims are usually women, who find this creature irresistible and follow it back to the jungle.
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Joren is, technically, a werecat (werejaguar???). But I'm not going for the classic look, I'm deciding between the Dzulúm or the black jaguar appearance (for the main inspiration).
And, of course, he doesn't change into a literal animal. I want it to be more monstrous! Like this image taken from a Hellboy comic (B.P.R.D. HELL ON EARTH: THE LONG DEATH):
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Also, Joren as a xoloitzcuintle is way too funny! That would have been iconic on my part, but I've always seen xolos as sweet animals, and I wanted something scary... Though all dogs have the potential to be scary, once I got chased by a chihuahua, I'm not even kidding.
Y porque no me resistí, aquí un meme:
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Some context for everyone else: Xoloitzcuintles are a breed of hairless dogs that, according to indigenous cultures, act as guides for the souls in their journeys to the underworld. People also ate them in the past, but now they're very expensive pets.
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crossoverworldtree · 2 years
The Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense a.k.a. The Demon Research Initiative, Bureau 13, Delta Green
Why, When, and What: Formed during World War 2 to combat the Nazi use of the occult, it has since developed into an organization that monitors the supernatural for the US government.  The Initiative was a research branch of the BPRD (so BPRD agents can use the Initiative Commando Quality, but not all of them have this). 
Clout: Financial 4, Government 4, Supernatural 2 (20) Quarters: Huge (5), Multiple Locations (10), Physical Security 3, Supernatural Security 3 (11, 21-10 from Clout) Gear: Computers 2, Laboratories 3, Medical Facilities 3, Occult Archives 5, Workshop 2, Vehicles (Tricked Up Car, Vehicle Fleet) (4), Weapons (Full Metal Jacket) (5) (24-10 from Clout) Cost: 35
While the Demon Research Initiative and The Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense are part of different branches of the Government (one military, one civilian law enforcement), stats-wise, they are virtually identical.
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Hellboy a.k.a. Anung Un Rama Date of Birth: 1944 Motivation: Fight Monsters. Be treated like a human. Critter Type: Demon Attributes: Str 11, Dex 4, Con 9, Int 3, Per 4, Will 6 Ability Scores: Muscle 28, Combat 18, Brains 14 Life Points: 145 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Reduced Damage (Fire 1/10th), Natural Weapons (Right Hand of Doom), Fast Reaction Time, Hard to Kill 5, Nerves of Steel, Natural Toughness, Adversary (Lots), Honorable (minimal), Obligation (Major), Bag of Tricks (Belt), Supernatural Form (Definitely not human), Apocalypse Herald, Emotional Instability (mild violence), Increased Life Points +40, Regeneration (con per hour), Attractiveness -2, Damage Reduction (1/5th Kinetic Damage to right hand), Right hand of Doom Armor Value 50 (Arm/Forearm only), Love, Addiction (Cigars), Armor Value 2 (coat) Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch - 18 - 27 - Bash Kick - 17 - 29 - Bash Right Hand of Doom - 18 - 38 - Bash, ignores Damage Reduction/Armor Block of Doom - 19 - None - Blocks attack with Right Hand. AV 50, 1/5th Kinetic Damage Samaritan - 18 - 23 - Bullet, contains wood, silver, Holy Water (glassful, 5 Points of damage x 20 Internally against susceptible foes) His story begins with his mother who was born was born in 1681, in East Bromwich, England. Adept in the feminine arts, immersed in German literature, she dreamed of spirits and magic. She called forth a high-ranking demon and had intimate relations with him. Terrified and ashamed, she spent the rest of her life in deep repentance. Upon her death, the demon reclaimed her body. Within her still lived their spiritual son, awaiting to incarnate and fall to earth. She lay dormant like an insect until that fateful autumn night in 1949 when her child was summoned forth by Grigory Efinovich Rasputin. The creature was taken by Prof. Trevor Broom to an army base in New Mexico. It was broom who named him Hellboy. He grew fast and was incredibly inquisitive. He showed a remarkable resistance to pain. Broom was asked by the government to conceal Hellboy's existence from the world. Nevertheless, certain celebrities found their way to the attraction. The early 50s was an active time for the BPRD as Hitler waged his secret war in South America. The Bureau moved to new headquarters and Hellboy's room was set deep in a cliff wall. Broom kept Hellboy's origins a secret from him until one night in 1959. Hellboy vowed to never probe into the subject again. He also likes Pancakes.
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Abraham Sapien Date of Birth: Re-discovered in 1975 Motivation: Save the world, rotten eggs. Critter Type: Demon Attributes: Str 4, Dex 6, Con 5, Int 4, Per 8, Will 3 Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 14, Brains 16 Life Points: 58 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 4, Occult Investigator, Amphibious, Honorable (minimal), Adversary (various), Psychometry, Supernatural Form (Definitely Not Human), Attractiveness -4, Insight, Wild Card (Swimming) +3, Vulnerability (Major: Dehydration), Armor Value 1 (Scales), Bulletproof Vest Armor (AV 10/5) Name - Score - Damage - Notes Dodge - 14 - None - Defense Action Punch - 14 - 11 - Bash Claw - 14 - 7 - Slashing Abe was discovered by plumbers in the basement of St. Trinian's Foundling Hospital who broke open a sealed door to a long-forgotten room. Years of research has yielded little about Abe's past. Abe himself has no memory prior to the opening of the tube. The only mark of Identification was "Icthyosapein, April 14, 1865," from whence his name was derived. Abe joined the BPRD in 1976, soon after he was found.
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Liz Sherman Date of Birth: 1974 Motivation: Don't blow people up again Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 2, Dex 2, Con 2, Int 3, Per 4, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 10, Brains 12, Life Points: 35 Drama Points: 20 Special Abilities: Hard to Kill 3, Attractiveness +1, Pyro-kinesis 7, Uncontrolled Powers, Honorable (minimal), Obligation (Minimal), Love, Artist, Crime +2, Fear of Commitment, Armor Value 10/5 (Kevlar Vest) Name - Score - Damage - Notes Pyrokinesis - 18 - 5 x SL (25) - Fire Dodge - 10 - None - Defense Pistol - 10 - 14 - Bullet Born in 1974. For the first four years of her life, she spoke not a word. Her parents were worried. Then one evening it all came out in a deluge. From total silence to full articulation in a few hours. Her family moved often, so Liz found it difficult to make friends. She was too intense, too intelligent. The first fire occurred when she was seven, in the form of mysterious scorched patches about her bedroom. No cause could be found. Liz could only remember that she had dreamed of fire that night. The Phenomenon repeated itself several more times. Her parents were worried. Once, her hands burst into flames in the schoolyard. Her mother and father had furious arguments and eventually divorced. They didn't blame Liz, she blamed herself. She took up photography because things stay still in pictures. Her world changed when she was eleven: an entire courtyard engulfed in flames. Among the fatalities was her own mother. Liz was the sole survivor, yet she remembered nothing, beyond being attacked with rocks by neighborhood kids. Then... everything went blue.
She spent her teen years on the street, learning the hard code of self-reliance. At age 17 she met Prof. Trevor Broom and was persuaded to join the BPRD. She quit and was wood back a dozen times. Then came the Pittsburgh Incident of 2002. Six bureau agents went on assignment in an abandoned foundry: suddenly, a mile-wide fireball of enormous devastation. The only survivors were Liz Sherman and Hellboy. Branded as an arsonist, classified as a living weapon of mass destruction, she again to the road and spent some time in an institution, where she began to learn to control her powers and rejoined the BPRD.
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Johann Kraus Date of Birth: 1960, became a spirit in 2003 Motivation: Make use of what time he has Critter Type: Ghost in a Shell Attributes: Str 1, Dex 2, Con 1, Int 5, Per 5, Will 6 Ability Scores: Muscle 8, Combat 10, Brains 18, Life Points: 18 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Poltergeist 1, Containment Suit, AV 2, Supernatural Senses (Basic, Empathy, The Sight), Weakness (Psychic Attacks), Telepathy 1, Spirit Medium, Weakness (Dissipates if kept out of a container for too long), Obligation (BPRD) Name - Score - Damage - Notes Dodge - 10 - None - Defense Action Pistol - 10 - 13 - Bullet A well-respected spirit medium was hosting a seance in early 2003 when a tremendous psychic attack destroyed his body. His ectoplasmic astral self, however, was still alive and in a bit of a pickle afterward. The BPRD found him and managed to prevent his life essence from fading away into nothing. Since then, he worked for the bureau, using his heightened state of awareness to aid them. He requires neither food nor sleep but is extremely sensitive to psychic events.
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Kate Corrigan Date of Birth: 1964 Motivation: Lead the team, Research Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 2, Dex 3, Con 3, Int 5, Per 4, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 10, Combat 13, Brains 17, Life Points: 30 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Occult Investigator, Attractiveness +1, Occult Library 4, Contacts (Supernatural) 2. Cruel (mild), Honorable (serious) Name - Score - Damage - Notes Pistol - 13 - 15 - Bullet Dodge - 13 - None - Defense Action Current field leader of the BPRD and a respected folklorist, she first joined field operations in 1994 and encountered her first ghost. A jarring experience, but she quickly adapted to it. She wishes to spend more time in the field but often is left doing the bookwork.
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Director Thomas Manning Date of Birth: 1944 Motivation: Lock Up Weird Things Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 3, Dex 3, Con 4, Int 4, Per 3, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 12, Brains 15 Life Points: 38 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Status (Director of the BPRD, Politician, head of the FBI special Operations Divisions), Contacts (Political) 4, Mental Problems (Mild Cowardice), Delusions (mild, prejudice against magic and monsters), Cruel (severe), Addiction (Cigars), Bad Luck 2 Name - Score - Damage - Notes Dodge - 12 - None - Defense action. Upon meeting Hellboy and Abe Sapien, Thomas Manning woke up screaming for 9 weeks. He is the acting director of the BPRD in the wake of Trevor Broom's death in 2004. He originally grated on everyone's nerves, (especially Hellboy) though they have adjusted to the changes (and Hellboy and he bonded over their shared love of Cigars). He still tends to rub people in the Bureau but is an apt leader and politician (especially at disinformation).
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extraordinary-heroes · 9 months
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Hellboy in Mexico by Paolo Rivera
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tuxxydo · 2 years
when i start to think that i’m liking hellboy a normal amount, i remember that his dog died and instead of being allowed to grieve, he was forced on a mission to mexico where he buried his sadness in alcohol for 6 months straight and that fills me with such unbridled rage and sadness i want to kill everyone in the bprd and then myself.
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sunnyannotations · 2 years
What the Hell, boy
I’ve just finished a month long read (well, mostly re-read) of all of the comics in the Hellboy Universe. I read them chronologically in the order they happened in the world of Hellboy, which made for an interesting shift in change and style throughout, as modern comics caught up with older ones and mixed and mingled until continuing pretty linearly at the end. 
It started with Witchfinder in the 1880s and Lobster Johnson in the 1930s, then followed Young Hellboy and Trevor Bruttenholm in the late 40s, then Hellboy and the BPRD covered the 50s. Once you get into the mid 50s and 60s, you start getting a lot of the classic Hellboy short stories, including several set during his “drunken haze” down in Mexico. These continue until the 80s, where we get some more Abe Sapien focused adventures, and then finally get to the Hellboy comics that started it all in the 90s. From there, we get some fine Hellboy adventures with and without the BPRD, which splits off into its own comic after Hellboy leaves. BPRD is the mainstay all the way until the end in the late 2010s, with a brief stop over with Hellboy in Hell. 
I read most of these in omnibus form thanks to Hoopla. A quick look at a list says that’s about 88 trades, which at about 5 issues per book is 440 issues, or 8,800 pages. Whoof! So much reading! What’s my take away? I liked a lot of it a lot! 
Mike Mignola’s art is terrific, and only gets better as he goes on, getting more refined, simple, and solid. Tied with him for my favorite art is Tonci Zonjic on Lobster Johnson, who’s creamy dark shapes make me think of Alex Toth. Peter Snejbjerg and Ryan Sook are always a treat, and I really grew to appreciate Richard Corben this time around. BPRD is a fun team book, though at the end of it, I feel like some characters, like Panya, were just kind of, around, not really developing their own story lines as much as they could have. The late-stage Abe Sapien books were a struggle to get through; I don’t care about small town struggles or end-of-days cults when there are cool exciting monster stories happening. Not to mention, Abe’s denying-his-foretold-future is the same as Hellboy, which we’ve already had plenty of. 
A lot of classic Hellboy is Hellboy walking around while an old poem or scripture reads out, presumably on theme and to slow down the viewers eye, but I just can’t bring myself to try and connect them with the visuals I’m seeing. It’s just too engaging to look at. There’s also always several pages in the later-stage Hellboy stories that recap what happened in the previous story, which makes sense when the series are coming out years apart, but when read close together in an omnibus, feels like retreading. Also Hellboy is always confused about what’s happening to him so his commentary on those events doesn’t add much... though I suppose it does spell it out in a simple way, because we as the reader also usually don’t know what’s happening. But gosh is it nice to look at. 
This World of Hellboy is a dream universe that I will never get to with my comics. Being able to create an entire series based off of minor characters who appear once or twice previously must be such a treat. I’d love to have a team of writers and artists who I could help sculpt stories with! But alas. I’m glad Mignola has that team, because I get a real kick out of it. 
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
Hellboy (2004) Official Trailer 1 - Ron Perlman Movie
This is not make up and this is not a hooky act this is a terrifying creatures that is possessing Trump and a lot of times I get bigger by devouring their body and they go and find another one and they fill it back up again on the inside and it's similar to venom no it's the same thing can I eat certain things and they handle things to grow certain things but really this guy is a nutcase he's pretty much lost and he's a jerk and you can hear it in the watchmen and he has a girl stealing each other's watches and it's kind of weird it is they are watches that are sudden his head or someone else but it's kind of stupid and we think it's vulgar but they like to reveal stuff and what their revealing is helping us and it's helping us and it's not helping the max. We do understand what the guy is saying but other people took it the wrong way and they're going after his people and they're putting their heads in a similar bag and they're doing it in Mexico to this idiot and they're going to start doing it here to the idiots people and even cheeseman is a Target and Dave next door and they'll be dead forever and they're saying it if I get them for bags the guy's gone cuz they were saying it to them. Or girl and they plan on doing it to them too or the mix and then some of them and they send them pics and they're doing in Mexico tonight and our son is requesting they send them some pics make sure they keep this place nice and toasty he's sick of the ass over there tired of it and we're going to go after him in a few moments cuz of what he's having to say and really it wouldn't be bad if he just died. He's a f** too I mean what part of the guy has picking on her son and loses all his stuff.
Tonight he's in several movies
Just to be clear there are these three movies and there are several other preamble as in videos and we want to see if people are paying attention and the answer and it probably won't post on our son's site but it does post and we get the information and other people do really sure people that need it and we need to make sure people are watching the morons running the stupid website there's a couple other things that he's going to be in tonight and into tomorrow. We listed several above there's a really big one we're going to list here and it is the movie series The godfather and Scarface and we're going to post what happens to him in the next couple days and yeah he gets brutally beaten and killed and it rolls into a few more movies and videos eventually kill Bill and he gets killed answer cheeseman gets killed and Terry cheeseman becomes Clint Eastwood and shoots Trump about 50,000 times and money train is going to start up in the next couple days and it's because he's becoming weak and a nuisance and today we purchased the companies we mentioned huge steel companies gigantic lumber companies and we're shipping the lumber tonight and he's sitting here trying to threaten for who knows what now he's trying to get out of trouble out of like one court case or two of them and it's not working and the people keep calling him and telling him to shut up. He's starting for stuff as well as threatening for his own stuff to be taken out of the parks and people are already there getting his people and he's now threatening for the abyss and there is a movie about it and it's in the wrong place and it's about something hokey but they do find an alien and it is one of Jason's children and he does flipped them the bird we thought that was a nice touch actually it's not about something that okay it's about the movie sphere and it is somewhat hokey but they're going after other stuff while they're doing that and they're telling people it's deep down and that kind of thing it kind of lost it but really they're telling everybody and they're getting their asses kicked and they're going after the max by telling people which isn't really that bad but what he's doing to our son and daughter is and he's doing it to us too but he's under extreme duress by this fool so we're taking him to task and we're helping him out in the movies by stopping him from breathing
Thor Freya
I didn't pay all this rent to sit here and he says I don't have the apartment on rent and I'm not holding the contract in this subletting was subletting laws in Florida and it says I don't know how to read and it's probably true I'm getting a lot of the stuff wrong people want me out of here he wants me out of here and people are going to take our heads and they said it and they did it in Mexico and they're doing it here already they say I reports say it
So I say I have to get out of here and I'm trying to stay here by saying it and he's not going to tolerate me he says and I'm going to get killed again he says and you're going off to these movies to get killed cuz I simply have to be in an apartment
So you're very stupid person and Grandpa hands off to bja in order to kill you it's a good thing you're smart and you end up pretty much gone so I'm trying to figure out when that is so you can think about that cuz you're such a prick all right f****
Zues Hera
So the homo is saying no it's not all right and he's being a homo and I'm going to take care of that piece of s*** and Gators is going to get shut down we heard people calling the health department all afternoon his bugs below this s*** below slime rot food beer and who knows what else and bugs get big around here so we heard them saying it and they're saying this we don't think this place is safe he never inspects anything and he's an idiot and so they're calling for people to shut it down and investigate and we heard the pseudo empire get on the line and say we're going to do that now because of what people were saying to his people his other stuff happening to this prick I'm he is not allowed in the sheriff's office and they keep telling him he's not sheriff and a lot of his own people tons of people hate him eventually he's going to get shot everywhere he goes but right now we have to concentrate on getting him out of here so I'm sitting in teams and we have to do it now
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hellscape-halogens · 7 months
dream i had
I had a dream I was in an Italian restaurant in the middle of the desert and it was empty. No employees, no customers, nobody except me so I just sat down at a table bc everything else was otherwise kept very neat and taken care of.
I found some magazines on the table next to me and decided to flip through them. GQ, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Rolling Stone, Billboard (there were more, but those were some of the ones I remember). They all had Lil Peep on the covers in various outfits, makeup looks, poses, etc. Most of them were dated for 2018 through this year. I found another one that was much bigger and made of harder paper/card stock and had a blank cover, except it said "WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN..." on the front in big, bold black letters.
I decided to start flipping through that one too and the first page was a picture of Lil Peep. Someone came and sat in front of me at my table and I looked up and I don't think I have to say who it was as many times as I've mentioned him by name already.
"What're you reading?" he asked.
"A magazine." I answered.
"Can I read it with you?" "Sure."
He sidled into the booth with me beside me and looked. The energy about him changed. We looked through the magazine together.
November 2017: Lil Peep leaves Arizona and voluntarily checks into a rehabilitation center after barely escaping a deadly overdose; his best friend and mother accompany him to offer their support.
January 2018: Lil Peep and Lil Tracy formally announce their departure from Gothboiclique, subsequently going on hiatus from both of their musical careers.
March 2018: Gothboiclique officially dissolves on account of allegations against management of forced intoxication by ex-members and their families. Lil Peep and Lil Tracy declined to comment.
August 2018: Lil Peep and Lil Tracy make a visit back to New Mexico, officially resuming their careers with a surprise concert.
September 2018: Lil Peep releases a new album, returning back to his original sound with Lil Tracy now officially his co-producer.
Me and Gus were quiet. I continued skimming through the timeline, flipping another page.
January 2020: Lil Peep was nominated for and received a Grammy, following a remaster and re-release of his Hellboy album in June of the previous year.
April 2020: Lil Peep is spotted in Las Vegas wearing a new wedding band. Marriage rumors remain unconfirmed today, as he refuses to comment. Speculation begins circulating that it was merely an "April Fools Day" prank.
I looked at him and he was laughing. Of course 4/20. We read on further.
August 2022: Lil Peep and Lil Tracy release another album together.
November 2022: Lil Peep celebrates his 26th birthday in Belgium with close friends and family. Lil Tracy is most notably in attendance.
December 2022: Lil Peep and Lil Tracy announce another year-long hiatus. Rumors begin flying that Peep has checked himself into rehab for the second time since 2017, citing his openness regarding his previous substance abuse issues. He remains semi-active on social media, which immediately squashes the rumors.
November 2023: Lil Peep and Lil Tracy burst back into the scene with a brand new album, containing 21 original tracks. Both stars cite their 5 years of sobriety as being their inspiration.
We ended up talking for a while, and both of us noticed that the other magazines were disappearing, and then the one in my hands just became blank.
He looks at me and asks if that's what his life really would have been. I just shrug and tell him that I didn't know and this was probably just a dream.
We ended up smoking a couple of cigarettes in silence together, and I watched him fade into nothing with the rest of the restaurant. Shortly before I woke up, he gave me a "goodbye" nod.
I woke up feeling very hollow and weird.
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