#hellenic polyetheism
ocean-not-found · 1 year
Me and my weird religion
Im syncretic?
But also i dunno what i believe.
I mean *i* know what I believe: just no one else understands it.
I see Dionysus and Jesus as like, the same beings.
I see Dionysus as being a dying-and-reborn god; but also the Horned God; a god of Life and Death; and of Wine and the Orphic traditions.
I see Jesus as a Child of Mary, a dying-and-rising god; a god of wine, death and life, and also a great Teacher who taught alongside Mary Magdalene.
Thats one example? I see Them both as.. the same being yet different.
Mary and Ishtar/The Queen/Hera.
Mary is the Mother Of Jesus, and metaphorically birthed "all" the Gods.
I heavily believe Gods come from.. a lineage? I mean i study History so it makes more sense to me, that a Gods spirit can.. transcend culture and time?
So for me; Mary is fully divine, She is a God, and The Holy Spirit (female) came with Mary (as in, impregnated Her) to give Jesus divine knowledge (Sophia) 🤷 so jesus is mortal, because Mary made Herself mortal for a short time (so Jesus& Magdalene could be half-mortals to preach love and rebirth), but because obviously Jesus is also conceived of Mary (who is human at this point), and The Spirit (the breath, life, what ever, The Dove,) who is fully divine.. it uh..
Yeah its elaborate? But this *makes sense to me*. This is how *my brain works*.
I grew up Catholic, got taught witchcraft and buddhist-ish practices, Wiccan practices. And found Norse and Hellenic paganism by myself. I then came "back" to Mary, Jesus. But i also found out *my own* truth. That Mary is a Goddess; who birthed the Teacher Jesus, and the Teacher Magdalene. I don't care if it dosen't make sense; it makes sense *to me*.
Other than Mary, Jesus and Sophia (who i also see as.. the more primordial force to all knowledge gods? Santa Muerte, Athena, Sophia powers them.), im basically a normal pagan?
What ya gotta remember is that religion and personal belief dosen't have to.. fit into a box? Im a weird blend of all the divine and knowledge i've gathered throughout my life. Im okay with that. If you're not? Keep it to yourself please :)
I understand it might be, and probably is; incredibly weird to people. But it's my belief and it comforts *me*.
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letters-to-hermes · 2 years
How do you use prayer beads in hellenic polyethism? I thought it would be a great way to pray to deities: even if I don’t work with them lmao. I always kinda felt empty when I pray. Kinda felt like talking to myself haha
hello! first of all, sorry for the late reply, i haven't been active much on this blog! second of all, thanks for reaching out to me. 🤍
regarding the prayer beads ... im sorry but i have never used prayer beads ... ever. i used to have one back when i had an altar (don't have one currently) but even then it was more just decoration and i didn't use it. so i'm sorry that i'm not really a big help with that!
however, i can maybe help with the "feeling empty when praying". i experienced that too, especially in the beginning! and also because im from an atheist family so praying felt very foreign to me. i'd suggest a few things:
trying out different places/environments in which you pray: i feel closest to Poseidon when i pray while being on or in the water, i feel closest to Apollon when im in the sun, i feel closest to Hermes when i pray while moving around (catching a bus, cleaning the apartment, just being busy). while some things might not be easily accessible to some people (like being near/on water) but maybe it's an idea to change the places where and situations in which you pray.
doing something while praying: maybe you could try out some devotional activities while praying? like drawing, baking, making music, listening to music, anything that makes sense for the Deity you pray to. Using prayer beads probably goes in here too!
change style of praying: i can not pray loudly. it feels weird and uncomfortable and like im talking to myself. so i do it quietly. for some people it's the other way around, some people don't have a preference. maybe just try out different ways here that make you feel more comfortable. also it helped me when i realized that i don't need a strict "protocol" for prayers. in the beginning, it helped me to have sort of a guideline but by now i just kinda ... wing it (with respect of course).
these are just some ideas that might help with the problem of feeling empty while praying and make you feel more comfortable. i know the feeling, i had it a lot, especially when i started. but once i found out what worked for me, it got better. it also took me a while and sometimes when i pray to certain Gods, i still have that feeling. and lastly, disclaimer: this is of course only my personal experience, other people might do it differently. i met quite a few people who are much stricter with their prayers but that's what works best for them and that's great! so yeah, wishing you all the best, anon 🤍
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gelobttheoi · 5 years
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↠ god of the month | may :
➝ hephaestus; “Sing, clear-voiced Mousa, of Hephaistos famed for inventions. With bright-eyed Athene he taught men glorious crafts throughout the world,--men who before used to dwell caves in the mountains like wild beasts. But now that they have learned crafts through Hephaistos the famed worker, easily they live a peaceful life in their own houses the whole year round. Be gracious, Hephaistos, and grant me success and prosperity!”
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gelobttheoi · 4 years
What calendar can i follow to know what days are special to what gods/goddesses/etc and what hellenic holidays take place when
I’m so sorry if you sent this too long ago, tumblr doesn’t sent me notifications. Here’s a good link for a good calendar to follow! It has links to the festivals, so you can learn more about it and research more. But at the end of the day you can also make your own routine and choose days to dedicate to specific gods/goddesses.
For example: I follow the Hellenic calendar (as linked), but I also have a personal calendar where I each month I dedicate to a god, or a few. So November for me is dedicated to Poseidon, and then December to Apollo. I also have days to do specific offerings (every 19th I do an offering for the gods I’m devoted to), and so on.
I hope it helps! Feel free to message me if you need anything 😊
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