#helping victor comes to terms with his feelings for cardia
thewild--flower · 2 years
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Code:Realize Wintertide Miracles - Victor/Cardia/Impey Triangle Date
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saitolover · 1 year
🎩 finished lupin's route! & code:realize ~guardian of rebirth~ overall as well!
here are my thoughts on lupin's route & my overall thoughts for the game!
it's been a journey finishing this game, and i can fully say that i loved the cast so much. they were all so lovable and seeing them altogether and bonding together was the cherry on top. dynamics like these where the cast are this tightly knit & feel so close are (chef's kiss). anyways, let me first get to lupin's route!
lupin's route thoughts
this route was 1. absolutely so cute & romantic, and 2. great in terms of the overarching plot for the entire game. you guys don't even know how i started to kick my feet during the one cg/part where lupin kissed cardia through her hat, like... if that isn't the cutest thing. i don't know what is.
man, there are way too many moments for me to remember on the spot (so i should be taking notes by chapter from now on... hmm.), but what else do i have to say other than the fact i loved the romance between cardia & lupin? like the cheesy lines from lupin? corny, but it fits him, they're sweet lmao. cardia telling lupin she loves him, but then proceeding to tell him she loves all her friends, then to her realizing she has feelings for lupin??? yes. the way lupin started losing his cool for once (very ooc for him, felt very odd and wrong to see him like that lmao. it was fun tho because we got to see more of his bond/friendship with van during the late parts of his route, which was fun bc we don't see that often)! yes yes, there's too much to talk about and my memory is starting to fail me now.
for the plot, it was nice to see how everything and everyone became tied to this final route. like, victoria mentioning her hidden intentions + the zicterium being used -> lore from victor's route. nemo & the gravity alleviator -> impey route lore. van & aleister's in the ship, and how aleister revealed his intentions to him -> van route lore. omnibus & guinevere coming in to help with overturning fate -> saint germain lore.
it was great to see some of the side characters shine as well. seeing more of delly supporting the gang & how he & van are going to be working together. cardia telling finis that they're siblings, that they can be together (but still ended in finis falling ://// don't touch me). holmes (and his stupid fake name lmao) and his connection with aleister. victoria & leonhardt taking action during this entire conflict. yeah there's probably more & this is probs obvious & makes sense for the "main LI route," but still, it was very nice to see this all tie together...
hmm, and i guess that's all i have to say for now!
overall thoughts on code:realize
as i said before, i loved the cast so much. all the routes were enjoyable and great, and learning about the backstories and the world all of these characters live in was super super fun and interesting up until the last minute. also the extra scenarios are fun and cute. if i had to say, i think my fav routes would have to be.... too hard to decide. i would list the three i've played recently, but that might be recency bias (also bc i barely remember much of the other routes...), so i'll let this all marinate. overall, love it very very much! :]
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thrandilf · 5 years
Clocks Tick, but Lives Flow
Snow flurries whirled under the gaslit street lamps of London, golden light illuminating the remnants of a heavy blizzard that was finally winding down. Carriages were long retired from the iced over cobbled streets. The only sounds approaching the hushed city were the distant shouts of children delighting in the snow and the crunch of fresh powder and ice under the boots of passersby.
Saint Germain always knew what time it was even without a watch. 8:07 pm he counted, Christmas Eve. Over the centuries, he’d thought of himself as a mere observer of humankind, mortality and life forfeited for immortality and a death he had only recently woken up from. To stroll in the snow as nothing more than a man with spare time on his hands among everyone else was a rare treat. He supposed that his companion felt similarly.
“Be careful not to slip, Miss Cardia.”
“I am!” Cardia gave him a carefree smile, letting the tread of her her boots slide under her feet and propel her a couple extra inches every step. For someone who’d witnessed so many horrors in her short lifetime, Cardia was as kind and caring as ever. Saint Germain watched her with a satisfied smile, habitually counting the minutes they’d had together. After thousands of years, he’d been on a date for twenty six minutes.
Snowflakes stuck to her hair and she laughed as a gust blew into her face, closing her eyes. It only took a second for her step to falter. “WOAH!”
She flailed her arms and Saint Germain caught her gloved hand, bracing himself and catching her with his unbroken gentlemanly composure- or so he thought. “Miss Cardia-!” His own boots hit slick ice where constant traffic had eroded the snow and he shrieked. They both lurched forward and hit the ground with a rough impact, spilling out into the street over the curb.
Ah, 8:09 pm, and he was harshly reminded of his own mortality. Saint Germain took a moment to groan as he rubbed his bruised hip, grimacing.
He scrambled to get up and help Cardia, and in his hurry slipped again and met Cardia’s eyes as she watched him flounder.
“Sorry- hahaha!” Cardia took a slower approach, getting on her knees and using a lamppost to stand up with. Her white winter coat and hat disguised her fall well- while Saint Germain was obviously covered with ice. She held her hand out and he pouted. “Well? I got you!”
“It’s supposed to be the other way around.” Saint Germain let Cardia pull him up, immediately trying to brush off his dark green coat with his free hand. “But I do thank you, Miss Cardia.” He brought her gloves hand to his lips and gave it a chaste kiss, eyes watching her face.
The tiniest things were so new to both of them. As he thought, Cardia’s already snow kissed face seemed to turn rosier. Cardia averted her eyes shyly but smiled at the snow. “May I ask you a question, Saint Germain?”
“Of course.” He held her hand as they walked, convinced that he could break her fall more efficiently next time.
They were getting to the still active districts of the main city. Brightly lit bustling shops were closing within the hour but still had lavish decorations in the storefronts. Cardia gazed at them all with delight, eyes tracing glittering ornaments, gourmet chocolates, perfectly tied ribbons, and wreaths of evergreen and pine branches. Cardia squeezed his hand with excitement. “Saint Germain, why do you still call me ‘Miss Cardia’?”
“Huh.” Old habits die hard. “I suppose it feels right, even if we’re on more familiar terms... Cardia.” He tried addressing her without an honorific and it left an odd taste in his mouth.
Cardia giggled. “It’s alright, um, Germain?”
Saint Germain raised his eyebrows with a soft chuckle. “Feels wrong, doesn’t it?”
“I suppose so.” Cardia stopped in front of another gift shop, this one full of porcelain dolls in delicate dresses. For a moment, her reflection in the window blended in too well with them, face blank until she smiled again. “I remember feeling like I wasn’t a person. You do too, I guess. You always addressed me as Miss, always were so polite and gentle with your words. I know it sounds like you were distant, but it felt like I was enough of a person for you to want to always respect like that. It’s cute.”
“Oh? Then I should keep doing it.”
Cardia nudged Saint Germain as they walked again, occasionally weaving through other groups of people. “I don’t think anyone could stop you when you want something- Sainty-G.”
“Miss Cardia, please.” Saint Germain couldn’t stop himself from smirking. “You tease too much, I can’t help how impulsive I can be. Oh, perfect!” He caught sight of a bouquet of mistletoe under a doorway and quickly spun Cardia around to settle in under it. “It’s tradition to kiss under these.”
Cardia looked up at the sprigs of mistletoe bound with a bright bow above them. “I think you’re making that up.”
“I assure you, it’s tradition.”
Cardia rolled her eyes and their lips met at 8:27 pm, chaste and gentle. She pulled back first and Saint Germain immediately followed for one more kiss, both giggling and giddy at the soft warmth they shared for a few moments.
The trek back from their little escape was pleasant. Their breath fogged in the moonlight a they meandered through snowy meadow and forest to the mansion. From a distance the mansion finally felt like home to Saint Germain, complete with the shattered window from the Ornithopter crash in the dining room. “Our circle of friends is quite peculiar.”
“I think they’re perfect.”
“Oh I agree- real estate damage and all, warm imperfection is greater than any lifeless mechanical perfection.”
Cardia kept close to Saint Germain, arms linked as they hiked the last part of their walk through mostly undisturbed snow. Silence between them was comfortable, companionable. While Saint Germain was still getting used to letting his composure and guard down, the process was pleasant. Cardia really was too good and patient for him.
Saint Germain rummaged around his inner pockets as they approached the door but it swung open before they’d set foot on the last stair step. Lupin narrowed his eyes playfully, dramatically silhouetted in the doorway. “Guilty!”
“Yes, yes, as charged.” Saint Germain let Cardia run inside ahead of him, shedding her boots and coat and scooping Sisi into her arms. “It’s only 9:14- I didn’t keep her out too long.”
Lupin opened his mouth and Finis appeared behind him to talk to Cardia. “HEY! Make cocoa with us! I can barely tolerate these people without your presence!”
Saint Germain and Cardia exchanged a glance, both stifling laughter as Finis huffed and tried to convincingly storm off towards the kitchen. Guinevere and Omnibus were watching Impey and Victor with amusement in the parlor as they dramatically retold their own separate adventures. Van Helsing and Delacroix had their own corner, still half on business as they mulled over paperwork and politics but still spared fond glances at the rest of the party. Hansel seemed content to steadily munch through a platter of sugar cookies, but Saint Germain suspected he might migrate towards the kitchen at some point.
He watched his bizarre inner circle interact and be merry all night, still observing but for once feeling like both a host and member of their lives. He waited for the party to simmer down until the activity in the mansion was lulled by 11:04. Impey (as an apology for crashing into the house) helped clean cocoa cups and dishes alongside Saint Germain, humming in the kitchen. “Hey, Sainty-G?”
“Yes? Your nickname for me has started to spread, by the way.”
“Ha, I bet Cardia says it, huh?” Impey winked but then became serious, frowning as he wiped down a counter. “Listen, you’ll treat her like a princess, right?”
“Of course.”
“And you’ll make her happy?” Impey sighed and let his shoulders sag. “I’m happy for you two- I just need to know for sure that she’s loved and cherished.”
Saint Germain nodded. “Yes. I’ll adore her and protect her for the rest of my life.” Impey didn’t seem quite convinced. “Lupin almost strangled me when I didn’t do right by her- I’m very aware that you’ll all keep me accountable.”
“Good. I mean- not good, that’s not very nice- but I’m glad that you know we’re there for her too.” Impey flashed Saint Germain a fanged smile. “You need a best man for the wedding?”
“Hush! Say that any louder and Finis will kick us both in the shins.”
Saint Germain silently made his way up to Cardia’s room, smiling when he noticed a band of light under the door. She seemed to have insomnia as much as he did. He gently tapped the door with his knuckles. “Miss Cardia?”
The door swung open and Cardia beckoned him in. “Hi- coming to say goodnight?” There was a cozy light on her bedside table and one of Saint Germain’s alchemy books open on her bedspread. The sight of it warmed his chest.
“Ah, I wrote that almost two hundred years ago. The syntax is a little dry by now- but I shouldn’t get carried away, I actually wanted to show you something.”
“Alright.” Cardia dimmed the light and followed him. “If you wanted to write a revised edition, I could probably help. We have time.”
Yes, they did have time.
Saint Germain led her to his personal library and study. He ignored the main part of the room but headed for a far corner by a window, ushering her to a cushioned window seat. “Isn’t the garden beautiful?”
The windowpane was cold to the touch as Cardia and Saint Germain peered outside together. Inside was warm, while outside the moon was still high above thinning white clouds. Snow and ice clung to the graceful outlines of the shrubs, flower beds, and the vines around the courtyard. The greenhouse in the distance protected its inhabitants but icicles lined the roof and sides. It was perfectly serene, as though the entire world was asleep.
“It is beautiful.” Cardia turned to Saint Germain, their faces intimately close. “Why don’t we go out in it?”
“Oh? But we’ve warmed up.” He wasn’t opposed to it, but knew Cardia must be tired.
“Let’s go and feel it. Just for a few minutes. The cold, the night, the stars. We’ve both spent too much time just observing, haven’t we?”
“Miss Cardia, you’re absolutely right.”
They quietly went outside, finding a secluded bench with a view of the winding paths and frozen gardens. Even with coats it was chilly. Saint Germain put his arm around Cardia and she laid against his shoulder, their breaths the only movement against the dark starry sky. There was magic between Yuletide and the last leftover days of the year, as things were reborn and their corner of the world made life and celebration out of the dead of winter.
Saint Germain closed his eyes and only felt Cardia beside him, head on hers as they silently existed together. He had no idea what time it was, and didn’t care to.
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hentaihunblog-blog · 7 years
Code: Realize ~ Sousei no Himegimi Episode 8
New Post has been published on https://hentaihun.com/blog/2017/11/26/code-realize-sousei-no-himegimi-episode-8/
Code: Realize ~ Sousei no Himegimi Episode 8
I AM SO TRIGGERED RIGHT NOW, I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, I KNEW IT. IT WAS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME SAINT-GERMAIN’S SECRET WOULD BE REVEALED!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh well you know what, that’s that, we have to live it with, at least I played so I am not spoiled, but if you haven’t played and you didn’t want to be, I feel for you, I really do. If you have not watched the episode yet, and you don’t want to be spoiled, stop reading right here because I can’t hold back since they revealed Saint-Germain’s secret.
This episode was really good. In fact, I would say this is the strongest episode to date. The pace was just right, not too fast and not too slow, it made the episode feel longer than usual but without feelings like wasting time. In the last post, I wasn’t quite sure how they were going to use the remaining episodes, but now I have a lot more faith everything is probably going to fall into place and this would mean the adaption wrapping up on a high note. It also helped how the execution of the events were exciting to watch as well. I knew Lupin was going to be shot, but I still shouted, “OH SHIT. LUPIN SHOT. AND DOWN.”
For one I appreciated the amount of time and detail they put into the terrorist attacks unfolding, and it’s very different to see it unfolding on screen than in literary text that doesn’t go as deep as a novel would in terms of delivering the event. I also felt the Queen’s delivery was much stronger this time than the last we saw her. Twilight is pulling a Coup D’Etat, but the lady’s a dignified badass, and tough as steel, so she may say its laughable to be working alongside a band of thieves, but when it comes to dealing with a common enemy she can’t stand, she isn’t going to pass up on the opportunity to crush them on a united front. Oh and I don’t know about you guys, I ship Leonhardt x Queen Victoria so hard, I can’t remember which route is it, maybe Victor’s, but AHHHHHHHH THE WAY THE TWO INTERACT AND THEIR BACKSTORY, I CAN’T!
Ahem, but most importantly, I liked the way they revealed Saint-Germain’s secret, and delivered his scenes, especially how conflicted he is over his task of assassinating Cardia.
So Saint-Germain is an apostle of an organization called Idea. Their job is to oversee Humanity and prevent them from going astray from their original path. One of his colleagues, Guinevere shows up to Saint-Germain tells him he needs to kill Cardia now since they are running out of time. But Saint-Germain doesn’t want to. He wants to believe she and their friends can defy the fate that looms over them, so he pleads for more time. He later finds Cardia, and confesses everything to her, he even tells her how he loves her and the others, (although I can go on and on about him loving Cardia, but I’m going to hold back because you’ll never hear the end of it) and how he has been tasked to kill her. Of course he’s not going to kill her, he loves her too much and wants to believe in her, but I think he (if I recall correctly) is going to introduce her to his leader in attempt to buy more time.
Now Cardia faces a tough situation. She is in a very difficult position because she now knows the true purpose of Code: Realize, a plot to rebel against God, and how it’s not just the poison, but her very existence is a threat to all of humanity. Eliminating her is essential for putting a stop to Isaac’s plans. Basically it’s the gist of it is, Finis is the Vessel and Cardia is the one who carries the Horologium, and in order to put the plan into action, they are to fuse together and reign destruction by basically ending the world to start anew. The girl has a lot of weight on her shoulders right now, and the timing is especially sad since she finally had the confidence to declare she is not a monster.
The only thing I realized that is sorely lacking so far is the fact I felt Cardia was more engaged with fights in game during this event than what we saw today. There were a couple of missed opportunities for them to truly showcase her “abilities” she picked from her lessons, but the only scene she actually contributed in any way was using her poison to melt the lock, which is disappointing to say the least.
Then there is the matter of Finis. I don’t know, I feel like he is being underplayed a bit, especially since they skipped Isaac’s Lab event. While they may have avoided repetitive dialogue taking place one episode apart, I still think it watered down his impact. Finis is an asshole, but a clever one. He is always one step ahead of the rest and outwits them, just as he had today. He knew they would try to save the Queen, so he blocked off their escape path and met them there. But if there’s one redeeming factor, at least his voice actor is nailing his insanity, the guy always sounds crazy every time he interacts with Cardia, not to mention his obsession with their father.
Lastly, while Saint-Germain finally had a turn of being in the spotlight for a bit this week, there is one man who also threw me off the cliff of feels and that was just Van smiling at Cardia. I lost it. THAT SMILE OKAY?! IT PIERCED THROUGH MY HEARTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!
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