#hen lena carla linda may (karen in my dreams)
littlespoonevan · 1 year
i swear every time they put eddie in a scene with a woman in a romantic context it just strengthens my belief that he's gay lol
askdjfhsd i actually don't know how to explain it!!!! but it's just so Rare to see him in any kind of romantic context with a woman that when it does happen it's like, hmm there's something fishy about this 👀👀
like with shannon i think it worked because they knew each other and we met them at a very fractious point in their relationship where there was clearly So Much history so you buy into it, y'know? and hell, even with ana in that first scene in fools it's more or less normal flirting (awkward though it may be)
but ever since then it's like....i almost feel like giggling when i watch him interact with women because it's just Different. like he wants to be their bff and trade recipes and commiserate about their nosy tias and he'll have a great time doing it but that's it lmao
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