#henley passport index 2021
indipopcorn · 1 month
Immigration: Where are Indians moving and why?
The world's largest overseas diaspora is made up of overseas Indians, who make up 13.6 million Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), 18.68 million Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs), and approximately 32.3 million Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) who live outside of India, according to a Ministry of External Affairs report. The largest number of migrants in the world, 2.5 million Indians (25 lakh) travel abroad annually.
India is expected to be the main migration source to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations in 2021 and 2022, according to the International Migration Outlook 2023.
"France is making a concerted effort to accept 30,000 Indian students by 2030. Indian students studying in Germany, which is renowned for its affordable tuition and top-notch educational system, have increased by an astounding 107% during the last four years. Indian students are swarming Spain as well; in only three years, the country's foreign student population has grown by almost 12%,
These aren't the only places that are becoming popular. Singapore's rapid expansion—from 1,500 to 10,000 Indian students in just one year, from July 2021 to March 2022—shows why it is a popular destination for education. The growing number of Indian students in Dubai, especially in basic and secondary school, is indicative of the expanding prospects in the United Arab Emirates.
"There is also a surge in the enrollment of Indian students in New Zealand and Ireland," Arora continued.
Malta is a major surprise, maybe. Arora claims that Malta's English language instruction industry is doing well after suffering losses due to the pandemic. The overall number of student weeks in 2022 exceeded that of any previous year, including 2019. Despite a 103% increase in enrollment from 2021, enrollment is still below pre-pandemic levels.
The nations abroad where there are the most Indians
The United States, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Singapore are the top ten nations outside of India with the largest populations of Indians.
The greatest number of Indian citizens to renounce their citizenship in the last 12 years was 2,25,620 in 2022. 87,026 Indians had renounced their citizenship as of June 2023. These people relocated to 135 different nations. The Ministry of External Affairs reports that although the annual data prior to the pandemic was roughly less than 1.5 lakh, there was a notable increase following the epidemic, with 225,620 people giving up their citizenship in 2022.
Why do wealthy Indians relocate overseas? High-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) in India are predicted to increase from approximately 800,000 in 2022 to 1.65 million by 2027. And some of them will be considering leaving the nation in the near future. However, why are they moving?
The main reasons are that: foreign passports offer greater mobility (the Indian passport ranks 80th in the Henley Passport Index 2023, along with Senegal and Togo, with visa-free access to 57 countries); India's tax regime is regarded as severe; remittance regulations are strict; and some countries have higher standards of living, including better healthcare and education, more dependable infrastructure, cleaner air, and a better overall lifestyle. One of the main motivations for Indians to immigrate abroad is the availability of better educational options for their children.
In the last five years, approximately 200,000 illegal Indian immigrants have been "encountered" by US authorities.
More than a thousand Indians entered the UK illegally.
The main reasons are that: foreign passports offer greater mobility (the Indian passport ranks 80th in the Henley Passport Index 2023, along with Senegal and Togo, with visa-free access to 57 countries); India's tax regime is regarded as severe; remittance regulations are strict; and some countries have higher standards of living, including better healthcare and education, more dependable infrastructure, cleaner air, and a better overall lifestyle. One of the main motivations for Indians to immigrate abroad is the availability of better educational options for their children.
In the last five years, approximately 200,000 illegal Indian
Numerous government employees that I have met intend to only settle their children  in western nations. I had met a retired Indian Army colonel whose adult children were living in the United States. Many doctors that I have encountered here are trying to get their kids settled in the United States.  I'm still looking for information showing how many children of government officers end up living in western nations.  
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avnnetwork · 9 months
Surprising Passport Facts
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Passports are an essential travel document, serving as an identification and verification tool for individuals crossing international borders. While most people are familiar with the basic function of passports, there are numerous surprising and intriguing facts associated with these small booklets that are worth exploring. In this article, we will delve into some of the most интересных фактов or interesting facts of passport from around the world.
The Oldest Passport: The concept of passports dates back to ancient times, but the oldest surviving passport is from the 17th century. Issued in 1636 by the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II, it was intended for a man named Lazslo Lowenstein. This antique document is now part of the collection at the State Museum of Prehistory in Halle, Germany.
The Largest Passport: In 2010, a man from the United Arab Emirates named Mohammed Al Marri was issued the world's largest passport. Measuring a whopping 1.5 meters by 1.1 meters (4.9 feet by 3.6 feet), it was certified by Guinness World Records as the largest passport ever created.
The Most Powerful Passport: The Henley Passport Index ranks passports based on the number of countries their holders can enter without a visa or with visa-on-arrival access. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Japan held the title for the world's most powerful passport, with visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 193 destinations. However, passport rankings can change over time due to international relations and agreements, so it's important to check the latest data for the current rankings.
Unusual Passport Colors: While most passports are either blue, black, or red, some countries have opted for more unusual colors. For example, the New Zealand passport features the color blue-black, while the Norwegian passport has a vibrant red hue. These unique color choices are often tied to a country's national identity.
Emergency Passports: Emergency passports are temporary documents issued to citizens when their regular passports are lost, stolen, or damaged while abroad. These documents are meant to facilitate the individual's return home or to their home country's consulate. Emergency passports typically have limited validity and are not suitable for long-term travel. Visit https://faktov.top/
Hidden Artwork: Some passports incorporate hidden artwork or security features that are only visible under certain conditions. For example, when you shine a UV light on the pages of certain passports, you may reveal intricate patterns or images that are invisible to the naked eye. These features are designed to deter counterfeiters.
Passport Photos Must Follow Specific Guidelines: Passport photos are subject to strict guidelines to ensure accurate identification and facial recognition. These guidelines often include rules about facial expressions, head coverings, and even eyeglasses. Some countries require a neutral expression with no smiling, while others allow for a small smile. Wearing hats, sunglasses, or head coverings that obscure the face is typically not allowed unless it's for religious or medical reasons.
Diplomatic Passports: Diplomatic passports are issued to individuals representing their countries in foreign affairs, such as government officials, diplomats, and ambassadors. These passports grant special privileges and immunities while abroad, including diplomatic immunity, which means that the passport holder is exempt from certain laws and taxes in the host country.
Passport Innovation: Some countries are exploring innovative ways to enhance passport security and functionality. For instance, the United Arab Emirates has experimented with incorporating biometric data and a digital chip in its passports to streamline travel procedures and enhance security.
Collecting Passports: Passport collecting is a hobby enjoyed by many enthusiasts around the world. Some collectors aim to acquire passports from different countries, while others focus on specific categories like historical passports or those with unique features. Rare and antique passports can be quite valuable to collectors.
Frequent Flyers and Passport Pages: Frequent travelers often need to renew their passports sooner than others due to the limited number of pages available for visa stamps. Some countries offer larger passport booklets or additional pages to accommodate frequent travelers' needs.
Gender-Neutral Passports: In recent years, there has been a push for gender-neutral passports to accommodate individuals who do not identify strictly as male or female. Some countries, like Canada and Germany, have introduced or considered introducing "X" as a gender option in passports for those who don't identify as male or female.
Lost and Stolen Passports: Passport theft and loss are common issues for travelers. In response to this, many countries maintain databases of lost and stolen passports to help prevent their fraudulent use. Travelers are encouraged to report lost or stolen passports promptly to prevent unauthorized use.
Passports as Symbols of National Identity: Passports often feature symbols, images, or quotes that are emblematic of a country's national identity. For example, the U.S. passport includes famous quotes from American historical figures, while the Canadian passport showcases iconic national symbols like the maple leaf.
E-Passports: E-passports, also known as biometric passports, are equipped with a microchip containing the passport holder's biometric data, such as fingerprints and facial recognition information. This technology enhances security and speeds up the immigration process at border crossings.
Passport Forgery: Passport forgery is a significant concern for governments worldwide. Criminal organizations invest heavily in creating counterfeit passports to facilitate illegal activities like human trafficking and drug smuggling. To combat this, governments continuously enhance passport security features.
Lost and Found Passports on Social Media: In a digital age, social media has become a platform for reuniting lost passports with their owners. People often post photos of found passports on social media networks, hoping to connect with the passport's owner and facilitate its return.
Passport Tattoos: Some adventurous travelers choose to commemorate their globetrotting adventures with passport-inspired tattoos. These tattoos may include passport stamps from various countries or other passport-related imagery.
Passport Art: Artists have used passports as a canvas for creative expression. They transform passport pages into works of art by adding intricate illustrations, collages, or paintings. While these altered passports are not valid for travel, they serve as unique art pieces.
Lost Passport Records: Some famous personalities have had their passports lost or stolen at various points in history. Notable figures like John Lennon and Pablo Picasso have experienced passport-related mishaps that made headlines.
In conclusion, passports are not just bureaucratic documents; they hold a wealth of history, innovation, and intrigue. Whether it's the world's largest passport, the power rankings of different passport types, or the push for gender-neutral options, passports continue to evolve alongside the ever-changing landscape of international travel. As technology advances and global politics shift, passports will likely continue to play a crucial role in the lives of travelers around the world.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Friday, January 13, 2023
The world’s most powerful passports for 2023 (CNN) A trio of Asian passports offer their holders greater global travel freedom than those of any other countries, according to a new quarterly report released by London-based global citizenship and residence advisory firm Henley & Partners. Japanese citizens enjoy visa-free or visa-on-demand access to a record 193 destinations around the world, just ahead of Singapore and South Korea whose citizens can freely visit 192. Global travel is now at around 75% of pre-pandemic levels, according to the latest release by Henley Passport Index, which is based on data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Below the Asian top three, a glut of European countries sit near the top of the leaderboard. Germany and Spain are tied on 190 destinations, followed by Finland, Italy, Luxembourg on 189. Then there’s Austria, Denmark, Netherlands and Sweden all tied in fifth place, while France, Ireland, Portugal and United Kingdom are at No. 6.
Americans are piling up credit card debt—and it could prove very costly (NPR) More Americans are leaning on their credit cards in the face of rising prices. And as interest rates continue to climb, that debt is getting a lot more expensive. The average credit card user was carrying a balance of $5,474 last fall, according to TransUnion, up 13% from 2021. That marks a reversal from the first year of the pandemic, when many Americans were able to pay down credit card debt, thanks to generous government relief payments and limited spending on travel and entertainment. As credit card balances balloon again, they can cast a long shadow over family finances.
New nation, new ideas: A study finds immigrants out-innovate native-born Americans (NPR) Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google; Satya Nadella, head of Microsoft; Hedy Lamarr, a Hollywood actress who, quite incredibly, was also a pioneering inventor behind Wi-Fi and bluetooth; Elon Musk; Chien-Shiung Wu, who helped America build the first atom bomb; Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone; James Naismith, the inventor of basketball; Nikola Tesla, one of the most important minds behind the creation of electricity and radio. What do all these innovators have in common? They were all immigrants to the United States. Many studies over the years have suggested that immigrants are vital to our nation’s technological and economic progress. A new study has found that, between 1990 and 2016, 16 percent of all US inventors were immigrants. More than that, they find that the “average immigrant is substantially more productive than the average US-born inventor.” Immigrant inventors produced almost a quarter of all patents during this period. All in all, the economists estimate that immigrants are responsible for roughly 36% of innovation in America.
Brazilian conservatives condemn riot, remain loyal to Bolsonaro (Washington Post) The shocking assault by thousands of right-wing zealots on Brazil’s federal government has set up a test for the country’s conservatives. Many ardent backers of right-wing former president Jair Bolsonaro, who has refused to concede his October election loss, remain committed. On Wednesday, authorities here blocked social media accounts and beefed up security as they braced for nationwide protests. In the capital and other cities, the turnout suggested the bolsonaristas are at least temporarily demotivated. In Brasília, hundreds of security forces and first responders occupied the esplanade that was the site of Sunday’s riots. The Washington Post found three people who said they had showed up to participate in a demonstration. Ninety-three percent of Brazilians oppose the assault in Brasília, according to a poll released by the Brazilian firm Datafolha on Wednesday. Prominent conservatives haven’t exactly distanced themselves from Bolsonaro. But the antidemocratic attack on buildings cherished by Brazilians has put conservatives here on the defensive, driving a wedge between some of the more moderate voices on the right that have backed Bolsonaro, and the more radical fringe.
Harry and Meghan’s family drama is inescapable, anywhere in the world (Washington Post) No matter where you are in the world, Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, seem to be inescapable. The release of Harry’s memoir, “Spare,” this week—on the heels of last month’s premier of the Netflix documentary by the California-based Duke and Duchess of Sussex—has sparked heated debates across the globe, with many viewing the rogue royals’ complaints about their family through their own cultural lenses. In Nigeria, WhatsApp messaging groups are crackling with opinions ranging from pity to peeved. Across Europe and the United States, magazines and websites have been filled with hot takes and angles on what to make of the sneak peek into Britain’s famously reserved family. In India, the media focus has been less on the family drama, with chatter about the book centering on historical injustices and the broader institutional legacy of Britain’s monarchy. In Japan, many praised the California-based couple’s strong love. In the Middle East, Harry’s late mother, Princess Diana, remains popular and fondly remembered, and many have drawn parallels between the British media’s treatment of her with that of Meghan.
Police storm German coal mine village (BBC) Police stormed an abandoned coal mine village that was being occupied by climate activists. The activists were at Lützerath to try to stop the expansion of a coal mine, and had barricaded themselves to obstruct an energy company’s operations. Germany said that it needed the coal under the village as it can no longer rely on energy from Russia because of Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Russia Replaces Commander for Ukraine War, as Signs of Dissension Grow (NYT) Russia has replaced the general in charge of its trouble-plagued war against Ukraine, amid signs of dissension among President Vladimir V. Putin’s top allies—a shake-up that critics said would not address what ails the Russian military. Gen. Valery V. Gerasimov, whose appointment the Defense Ministry announced on Wednesday, is a longtime Kremlin ally, chief of the military general staff since 2012, and an executor of the failed plan for the initial invasion in February. It was the second time in just three months that the ministry replaced the chief of the war effort. Outside analysts and hawkish Russian war bloggers said the change was a far cry from the radical overhaul the Russian armed forces need to become more effective. “The sum does not change, just by changing the places of its parts,” wrote one prominent blogger who goes by the name Rybar.
In Ukraine, power plant workers fight to save their ‘child’ (AP) Around some of their precious transformers—the ones that still work, buzzing with electricity—the power plant workers have built protective shields using giant concrete blocks, so they have a better chance of surviving the next Russian missile bombardment. Blasted out windows in the power plant’s control room are patched up with chipboard and piled-up sandbags, so the operators who man the desks 24/7, keeping watch over gauges, screens, lights and knobs, are less at risk of being killed or injured by murderous shrapnel. Against the odds and sometimes at the cost of their lives, the energy workers keep power flowing. Each additional watt of electricity they manage to wring into the power grid defies Russian President Vladimir Putin’s nearly 11-month invasion and his military’s efforts to weaponize winter by plunging Ukrainians into the cold and dark. Power, in short, is hope in Ukraine and plant workers won’t let hope die.
No-bath apartments win over Japan’s minimalist youth (Nikkei Asia) Apartments without a bathtub or shower, reminiscent of those common in Japan from the 1950s to the ‘70s, are becoming popular again with young renters as public baths, gyms and other facilities where people can shower and bathe become more common. Some people embrace a minimalist lifestyle of not owning things and are instead eager for social interaction. The appeal of no-bath apartments goes beyond lower rent: They fit well with the on-the-go lifestyles of many young people. Shin Noguchi, 27, who works for an architectural design company in Tokyo, moved into a 40-year-old property without a bath in Tokyo in January 2022. The layout is simple: It has a Japanese-style toilet, a kitchen the size of two tatami mats (about 3.3 sq. meters), and a Japanese-style room of six tatami mats. The rent is less than 40,000 yen ($300), including water and gas, despite its location near Tokyo’s trendy Shibuya district. Noguchi can commute to his office by bicycle. There are two public bathhouses in his neighborhood. “I use the bathhouse after work, and it helps me switch between work and private life,” he said.
In Israel, a Hard-Right Agenda Gains Steam (NYT) Less than two weeks into its tenure, the new government in Israel has moved quickly on a wave of far-right agenda items that would weaken the judiciary, entrench Israeli control of the West Bank and bifurcate the military chain of command to give some far-right ministers greater control of matters related to the occupation. On Wednesday night, the government moved forward with the centerpiece of its program—releasing for the first time a detailed plan for a sweeping judicial overhaul that includes reducing the Supreme Court’s influence over Parliament and strengthening the government’s role in the appointment of judges. Coalition leaders have also taken a more combative stance toward the Palestinians than their immediate predecessors. Funding to the Palestinian Authority has been cut, and the new minister for national security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, has angered Palestinians and many Arab countries by touring a sensitive religious site and ordering the police to take down Palestinian flags. The program launched by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has quickly exacerbated splits in Israeli society. Critics of the prime minister and his allies fear that the agenda threatens Israel’s democratic institutions, and that it effectively sounds the death rattle for long-ailing hopes for a Palestinian state.
Space Rescue Mission (1440) Russian space agency Roscosmos said yesterday it would launch an uncrewed Soyuz spacecraft to retrieve three astronauts who became stranded on the International Space Station after their transport vehicle was damaged in December. One of Russia’s standard Soyuz spacecraft, the vehicle successfully launched and docked at the space station in September, the first step of a six-month mission. The crew was forced to scratch a planned spacewalk in mid-December after a stream of white particles was observed ejecting from the docked spacecraft. Preliminary evaluation suggests a micrometeoroid—tiny rocks, typically asteroid fragments traveling at high speeds—punched a quarter-inch hole in the vehicle’s external cooling system. Officials said the crew is not in any immediate danger and will remain aboard the ISS, while the damaged vessel will return to Earth uncrewed. The rescue spacecraft is expected to launch Feb. 20.
A stuck but satisfied seal (Foreign Policy) A seal trapped in a fishing lake has managed not to be captured since appearing in Rochford Reservoir—about 40 miles east of central London—roughly a month ago. He is stuck, and at least one marine medic has said that he needs to be captured for his own good, but the seal is happily eating the lake’s fish, and so “has no incentive to leave,” said Simon Dennis, a member of British Divers Marine Life Rescue.
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arun-pratap-singh · 1 year
These are the best passports for travelers to hold in 2023
These are the best passports for travelers to hold in 2023
Japan starts 2023 with the world’s most powerful passport, allowing visa-free entry to 193 global destinations, according to the latest Henley Passport Index, which the country tops for the fifth consecutive year. That doesn’t mean the passport is widely used, even as travel rebounds from Covid. Only 24 million valid Japanese passports were in circulation at the end of 2021, according to the…
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alljaankari · 2 years
Indians has Free VISA Access in these 60 countries, NO need of VISA
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Do you plan a foreign trip? Recently “Henley and Partners” immigration consultancy in London propagate the Ranking of Powerful Passport for the year of 2022, Indian Passport gets 87th Place in this ranking. Indian Passport Holders can Visit 60 countries of the world without a VISA. 
After Corona Pandemic now all the countries open their doors to tourists. It is mandatory to have a Passport to visit any country. If which country’s passport is strong enough, travelers of the country will have minimum inconvenience to visit another country, along with they do not need to apply VISA to visit most of the countries. Recently “Henley and Partners” propagate the latest Ranking list for the year 2022, All 199 countries’ passport ranking is performed in Henley Passport Index. 
In Year 2022 Japan, Singapore, and South Korea’s Passport has been told very powerful.  Japan is on top in this index, Secondly, Singapore and South Korea exist in Third Place. Japanese Passport Holders can Visit 193 Countries without applying for Visa. Japanese Passport Remains on Top since Past 5 years in Henley Passport Index Ranking, On the other hand Singapore and South Korea passport holders can visit 192 countries without VISA.
Indian Passport Ranking 
In this Ranking Indian Passport Get 87th place. India’s Ranking is 90th in the Third and Fourth quarters of the year 2021. Passport Index Showing the strength of Diplomatic Relations between countries. When country people get easier to visit another country, the ranking of that country is better. Indian Passport Holders can visit 60 countries without VISA while Pakistan is at 109th place on the list, Pakistan’s Passport Holders can only visit 32 countries without VISA. 
Some Countries lets come Indian Passport Holders without VISA some provide the facility VISA on Arrival means they issue VISA after reaching. Thailand, Indonesia, Maldives, and Sri Lanka are Asia’s countries that Provide visas on arrival to Indian Passport Holders. There are 21 countries in Africa also which provide VISA on arrival. Let’s know about 60 countries that Indians can visit without Applying for VISA. See list 
VISA Free Countries for Indian Passport Holders 
   1. Cook Islands
   2. Fiji
   3. Marshall Islands
   4. Micronesia
   5. Niue
   6. Palau Islands
   7. Samoa
   8. Tuvalu
   9. Vanuatu
   10. Iran
   11. Jordan
   12. Oman
   13. Qatar
   14. Albania
   15. Serbia
   16. Barbados
   17. British Virgin Islands
   18. Dominica
   19. Grenada
   20. Haiti
   21. Jamaica
   22. Montserrat
   23. St. Kitts and Nevis
   24. St. Lucia
   25. St. Vincent and the Grenadines
   26. Trinidad and Tobago
   27. Bhutan
   28. Cambodia
   29. Indonesia
   30. Laos
   31. Macao (SAR China)
   32. Maldives
   33. Myanmar
   34. Nepal
   35. Sri Lanka
   36. Thailand
   37. Timor-Leste
   38. Bolivia
   39. El Salvador
   40. Botswana
   41. Burundi
   42. Cape Verde Islands
   43. Comoro Islands
   44. Ethiopia
   45. Gabon
   46. Guinea-Bissau
   47. Madagascar
   48. Mauritania
   49. Mauritius
   50. Mozambique
   51. Rwanda
   52. Senegal
   53. Seychelles
   54. Sierra Leone
   55. Somalia
   56. Tanzania
   57. Togo
   58. Tunisia
   59. Uganda
   60. Zimbabwe
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adamhaydenblog · 3 years
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afriupdatenews · 3 years
Nigeria ranks below Seychelles, Lesotho, Namibia, others in global passport index
Nigeria ranks below Seychelles, Lesotho, Namibia, others in global passport index
Nigerian Passport The latest global passport index has ranked Nigeria 103 out of 116 countries with the most powerful international passports in the world. Nigeria is sharing the 103rd position with Ethiopia in the 2021 Henley Passport Index. A Nigerian passport, according to the report only guarantees visa-free access to 45 countries of the world. The 2021 Henley Passport Index ranked Seychelles…
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upscmagazine · 3 years
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Most powerful passports 2021: Japan tops list, India ranks 85; Pakistan continues to be in worst category
Most powerful passports 2021: Japan tops list, India ranks 85; Pakistan continues to be in worst category
Image Source : PTI Most powerful passports 2021: Japan tops list, India ranks 85; Pakistan continues to be in worst category Even as the world continues to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, Japan tops the list of being the most powerful passport in the world for the year 2021, according to the latest report by the Henley Passport Index. India ranks 85th in the most powerful passport report with a…
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Henley Passport Index by Number of Visa Free Destinations, 2021.
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panahandegi · 2 years
✅جایگاه پاسپورت کانادایی در سال 2022
✅جایگاه پاسپورت کانادایی در سال 2022
✅جایگاه پاسپورت کانادایی در سال 2022 🔹داشتن پاسپورت کانادایی مزایای خود را در داخل و خارج از کشور دارد. از سفر بدون ویزا به کشورهای سراسر جهان گرفته تا افزایش فرصت‌های شغلی، موارد زیادی وجود دارد که پاسپورت کانادا را به همان اندازه قدرتمند می‌کند. طبق شاخص پاسپورت هنلی (Henley Passport Index) برای سال 2022، جایگاه پاسپورت کانادایی نسبت به سال گذشته یک پله صعود کرده است. 🔹در سال 2021، کانادا با…
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barclaybadger · 2 years
The world's most powerful passports for 2021
The world’s most powerful passports for 2021
(CNN) — There’s a widening gap between the global north and the global south when it comes to travel freedoms, says the first 2022 report by London-based global citizenship and residence advisory firm Henley & Partners. The firm’s Henley Passport Index, based on exclusive data provided by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), has been regularly monitoring the world’s most…
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divyabhashkar · 2 years
The world's most powerful passports for 2021
The world’s most powerful passports for 2021
(CNN) — There’s a widening gap between the global north and the global south when it comes to travel freedoms, says the first 2022 report by London-based global citizenship and residence advisory firm Henley & Partners. The firm’s Henley Passport Index, based on exclusive data provided by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), has been regularly monitoring the world’s most…
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briefnewschannel · 3 years
Countries banning Kenya passport holders fall to 43
Countries banning Kenya passport holders fall to 43
Economy Countries banning Kenya passport holders fall to 43 Wednesday October 13 2021 A Kenyan passport. FILE PHOTO | NMG By GERALD ANDAEMore by this Author Summary The number of countries that holders of Kenya’s passport cannot access has dropped to 43 countries from 54 in July as countries ease travel restrictions in the wake of Covid-19 vaccines. The Henley Passport Index, which has been…
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harpianews · 3 years
World's most powerful passports in 2021: Here's where India stands
World’s most powerful passports in 2021: Here’s where India stands
India’s rank has dropped six places from last year to 90 on the Henley Passport Index, which lists the world’s most travel-friendly passports. NS Henley Passport Index This comes at a time when countries are easing travel rules for international visitors after nearly two years since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The index ranks the passports of countries according to the number of…
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messiahtyql924 · 3 years
Which Country Has Amongst The Best Flag?
The admission of California fulfilled America's manifest future of a nation extending from sea to sea. In 1846, the flag would endure another change, this time because of the admission of Texas. Before changing into the 28th state, the Lone Star state had damaged away from Mexico in 1836. It was an impartial republic before becoming a member of the Union and turning into the biggest state in land mass in the contiguous 48 states. The variety of U.S. states rose to 23 with the admission of Alabama in 1819 and Maine in 1820.
They have been usually army symbols, signaling which factions were collaborating in the battle, and serving as a means of understanding who won or misplaced (the facet that captured the other aspect's flag, won).
Since 2015, there have been ongoing debates among Kiwis about whether or not to amend the flag’s design.
The colours and symbols featured in the flags of all nations propagate a specific philosophical, historic or any other specific meaning that holds higher worth for the nation.
The flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina is blue with a bright yellow proper triangle in the prime corner.
The 5 ft. x eight ft. international flags typically ship in business days.
After downloading the 196 flag images from Flagpedia.web, we added up the total variety of pixels of every shade. This yielded 527 totally different shades across 36.6 million pixels. Because digital pictures are only approximations of the colors within the physical flags, we decided it was protected to further simplify these colors right down to the standard “web safe” palette of 216 potential colors.
Flags Of The World: 2740 World Flags
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Find downloadable flag images for each nation in the world. Throughout the 16-year history of the Henley Index, EU international locations have maintained a dominant place in the passport energy reports. Finland, Italy, Luxembourg and Spain all hold the 4th place whereas Austria and Denmark round up the top 5 with a visa-free score of 189.
The pink stands for braveness and vitality; the gold for wisdom and the warmth of the solar and folks; and the green for the fertility of the land. The seven gold stars symbolize the country’s seven parishes, whereas the nutmeg on the left represents Grenada’s popularity because the “Isle of Spice”. Three horizontal bands of yellow (top, double-width), blue, and pink. Can you determine the names of the following Country Flags across the world? Each country has its flag to determine itself , It could additionally be a quite difficult task to study all of the flags from completely different components of the world, but with slightly effort, you are in a position to do it. Read and examine these flashcards, and you will turn out to be an skilled on country flags.
Incredible Nation Flags Of The World With 4 Free Printables
The white serrated band with five factors characterize the five pillars of Islam. The purple colour is a standard choice of all of the Persian Gulf states’ flags. Until 2002, the flag had eight white factors, which was later decreased to 5 to keep away from confusion with the Qatari flag.
Which country is No 1 in world?
“The 2021 Best Countries analysis combines data and storytelling to explore how countries compare on a host of global issues.” For the first time, Canada is the No. 1 overall country. Japan and Germany finish Nos.
Mainland China sees the island as a renegade territory and wants to bring it again into the fold. The former flag of Rwanda included a black letter “R” to distinguish it from the flag of neighboring Guinea. Landlocked in central Africa, Rwanda is situated just south of the equator. And, at simply over 10,000 sq. miles in dimension , Rwanda is probably considered one of the smallest nations on the African continent. Nestled between India and Myanmar , Bangladesh is acountry in Southeast Asiaabout the dimensions of New York state.
Flags Of Australia
Two stripes and two stars have been added to the flag when Vermont and Kentucky became the 14th and 15th states in 1791 and 1792, respectively. The 15-star flag would last for 23 years and five presidents would serve under it. This flag inspired Francis Scott Key to write down "The Star Spangled Banner," our national anthem, after Key saw the flag continue to fly over Fort McHenry following a British bombardment through the War of 1812.
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