#hense the scar
big-friendly-birb · 1 year
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An Ienzo to finish off 6/6!
From his expression here I can surmise he is about one second away from a snarky retort.
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viscerast · 3 months
i just had a tale of woe that can only be described through greentext
>be me
>just finished a long day of cleaning and catching up with a family friend
>extremely sore, partially because a storm is blowing in
>its 10pm, bed time
>strip down to underwear and slather myself in tiger balm head to toe
>get so incredibly cozy in my bed with my extra Tiger Balm Only blanket and weighted blanket
>roll to face the wall so i can prop my phone up to watch a video before bed
>twitches because i do that
>it knocks my phone off balance and it slides down the wall, straight through the small gap between bedframe and wall caused by my baseboard
>phone bounces into the farthest possible corner so i cant just push it out with a stick
>literally have to pull my mattress and then slats off my bedframe to get my phone
>this means my entire painstakingly constructed nest is destroyed
>ive ripped my mattress trying to move it
>trying not to cry or huff or groan too loud as to not attract the mother
>she comes in anyway
>i am still naked
>bright red from the tiger balm, hunched over like a beast, half under my mattress and torn up bed
>we make eye contact
>she calls me a freak zebra and fucking leaves
fuck my stupid baka life
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101-sve · 2 years
when you draw dave/dirk with scars, do you conceptualize that they’re from abuse? or just good ol’ fashioned strifes. i apologize if this is already answered somewhere on your blog!
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You’re good! I’m actually enjoying the occasional questions right now so I’m glad you asked :)
For their scars it really depends! If you’re just referencing fledglings (which would make sense what with my posting history recently) then I’d say it’s a pretty even mix. These two DEFINITELY strife(d?) with each other, but their lives were (and I’m not gonna even try and be subtle about this) pretty fucking shitty. So! A few little examples for you here, colour coded for convenience! :D
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the-starlight-project · 5 months
Why does Sonic suddenly have top surgery scars when it wasn't established to his design in other pages? Shouldn't that be established asap?|
No - Sonic views himself as a male, and always has. To him, it's as intrinsic as breathing. He doesn't even think about who he may have been when he was born, because Sonic The Hedgehog doesn't live in the past - he lives in the moment!
We're seeing the world as it is for the first time, and for the first time, things like that matter.
We really considered giving him top scars even in his "Sonic Style" design, but felt that... Sonic wouldn't really percieve them. He is Sonic the Hedgehog, a guy that loves adventure, and that's all he is. In his "Real World" design, though, suddenly things like that matter, even if they wouldn't have come to mind to him otherwise. Thoughts like "Where am I?", "Who is this?" would naturally segue into "Who, really, am I?", hense our brand-new view of Sonic.
As you'll also notice, he has acne! Because he's a teenager! The real world doesn't hide things as well as the subconscious does.
TL;DR - Sonic's view of the world was purely as he saw it, and that view of the world just included seeing himself as a guy. Now that the illusion of a perfect world has been shattered, so to has his self image.
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rory-multifandom-mess · 5 months
Headcanons about Khan?
I just think he's neat-
OH BOY DO I HAVE SO MANY FOR YOU. I'm so glad you asked me about one of the characters I'm genuinely so autism about you have NO IDEA
Khan Doorman Headcanons
Bro does not sleep
Used to be more of a fighter before Nori’s death, hense his knowledge of what to do immediately after J blew up the landing pod (this actually has evidence to back it up now let’s gooo)
His obsession with doors is a coping mechanism
The sort of "confidence" he shows around other worker drones is a front he puts up. The worker drones see him as an idol since he's the guy who led them to safety; he can't show weakness
He loves Uzi a lot actually, he's just really shit at showing it
That "how to parent" guide is actually really helpful
Rarely listens to music, but when he does, it's either blues or rock and there is no in between
His psyche is so fucked up and traumatized that he has a permanent stress line under either eye (And, as of episode 7, his stress has doubled tenfold due to his missing daughter and everything with the Dissassembly Drones that he has two stress lines under each eye)
Cannot flirt worth his life, he has no idea how or why Nori fell in love with him but he's glad she did. Also yes, she did most of the flirting, and yes, he would absolutely melt. I'm not immune to this representation of their relationship and you aren't either
Originally kept all of Nori's kooky crazy insane stuff to cling to the memory of her, but recently realized she was right about everything going on and looked at them again to see if there was further instructions on what to do against whatever threats were coming. He just wishes he could apologize for not believing her.
Probably has PTSD
Was absolutely stressing and panicking when Uzi dissapeared, because the last time he saw her she was with N and V and they were leaving the Doorman hab in a rush after Doll came by and literally threw him into a wall, and she also left in a rush, and he remembers her from prom and the way she and Uzi fought and
Probably has some scars from the past. Nori liked to trace them with the tips of her fingers
He added the wrinkles on his forehead because he thought it would make him more intimidating
He and Ron are old friends and one of the only drones he'll open up to
After Nori's death - and after he'd completed the doors to keep them safe - he retreated into his hab for a solid 2 months and got Ron to babysit Uzi, who was still just a pill baby
He was also friends with Doll's parents and got along with them well, though it was rocky with Yeva at first since she was slightly protective over Nori
When Nori died, he relied on Yeva and Misha and they would grieve together (i headcanon that Nori and Yeva are sisters.) And when those two died? ...Yeah, you can imagine he wasn't okay.
After Yeva and Misha's deaths came another solid month of Khan retreating into his room, which only made his neglect toward Uzi worse
Usually really smart. He acts stupid on purpose as a coping mechanism. And it also kind of has to do with the, y'know. Sleep deprivation
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! HOPE YOU ENJOY!! Also sorry a lot of these are Khori, I think about them a lot
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it’s time
Gene’s Redesign
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alrighty you know the drill:
The clothes and armor he wears while in the Overworld.. Yeah he stole them.
He hated Dante for getting him killed but when he learned about his family, part of him felt guilty and well as sad that he couldn’t be a part of it. He quickly brushed it off but it’s still there in the back of his mind.
He was executed, revived and gained his immortality all at 19, so he’ll physically never age past it. Even though when we meet him in the story he’s technically 29 years old.
His mother was a siren, and some of those magickal abilities were passed to him. A siren is anyone who possesses magicks that deals with the mind, most commonly the ability to influence a person’s decisions or actions. Gene however has a different type of mind magicks. He cannot directly influence a person’s decisions or actions but he can remove, insert, or change a persons memory which in turn can affect their actions and decisions.
He figured that out during guard training while in a fight. He was pinned and about to have his ass handed to him when he panicked and tried to push his attackers face away with his hands. Something in him told him to assert that his attacker actually liked him, and never wanted to fight him in the first place. And just like that, suddenly that was true.
He used his new found ability a lot in order to gain favor from just about everyone in his village, the only person he never used it on was Dante.
This ability, his intellect, and sheer battle skills are what allowed him to gain so much favor from Shad. Shad knew he was powerful in just about every sense of the word, however, his sheer thirst for power blinded him and made him easy to manipulate. Hense why Shad put him in charge of the Shadow Knights whilst Shad lacked a physical body.
If Gene’s physical body were to ever die, it would shortly after disappear in a puff of black smoke and reappear some time later on an alter in the Nether. As long as Shad lives, that is. Each time this happens however, he loses a bit of Shad and the Shadow Knight’s respect. The Blue Flame know this and have a competition amongst themselves over who can kill him the most times. They find this really funny. Gene does not.
Gene and Zenix despise eachother. If they see eachother, it’s on sight. And seeing as their both immortal, things get pretty interesting.
He’s given himself piercings out of boredom. He had to use his armor though, because if he were to use a non-Shadow Knight tool, the holes would heal and close. The only thing that can scar a Shadow Knight, is damage delt by a Shadow Knight.
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askadhdanon · 9 months
Hiii!!! This is ADHD!! here!! A blog where you can ask me whatever and uh yeah just ask me what you want!!! I kinda er- don't have a profile pic and stuff yet but I will get to that promise!! It WILL happen. This is a blog where you can talk and interact with ADHD!! WHAT ADHD!! LOOKS LIKE!!
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FUN FACTS ABOUT ADHD!! *He has four (maybe five?) RP Moms!! And one DAD!! (Dad i love you) @ragsdolly @askthequeen @ask-velvette (recently adopted) @ask-the-influenced-jester & @baxter-science-fish!! *He has MEGA ADHD (hense why the name) *he likes TADC, Class of 09, Music Etc. *His favorite siblings are @artsy-anonymous & @ask-muslim-anon!! *He might answer in drawings he might not *the tinyy humans drawings are him and his siblings!! FIRST PICTURE: It is a picture of him with and without his sunglasses!! He will be wearing them most of the time but sometimes he takes them off!! Under his sunglasses he has a glitched out eye. He had almost abstracted when first adopted by Queen and it's kinda like his battle scar!! SECOND PICTURE: It's a full body and a drawing of him and his siblings!! Also him as ADHD creature!! Height: 4'11...He a little short...
Age: Nuh uh.
Birthday!!: May 26!!
Friends (or people he considers friends): IRL friends, @artsy-anonymous, @ask-muslim-anon, @ragsdolly, @askthequeen, @pomni-xddcc, @ask-abstracted-kaufmo, @jaxfromthatcircus, @raggedabstraction,@ask-ragatha-tadc, @ask-velvette, @blanca815 and uh....who ever else know me very well. RULES: You can flirt w/ ADHD!! ig. NO SEXUAL ASKS!!! (maybe a little bit of dirty jokes but other than that no) NO HARRASMENT!!! No harrasment will be done to ADHD!! nor will anyone ask ADHD!! to join in on harassment of another. NO SPAM ASKS!!! And that's all I can think about (REMEMBER THERE IS A REAL PERSON BEHIND THE SCREEN. HE GET SCARED VERY EASILY) Art of ADHD!!:
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Made by @thatwierdquietkidthatdraws/@ask-muslim-anon!! 2. Made by @artsy-anonymous 3. Made by @ask-funnybunnydoll
MOD STATUS: BACK FROM BREAK!! But I'm offline. >:[
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thathorriblebitch · 7 months
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CHAPTER 8 OMG OMG love love love!! Might post another drawing later??
I WAS TOO LAZY TO DRAW THE MOUTHS SUE ME (if you watch the speedpaint then yk...YK)
I loved the conflict of both of them murdering like 3 or more zombies now and the smut at the end omg....
I have 2 main ideas of how the last few moments are being protrayed as:
1. Scar wants grian in a romantic way, not sexual. (Hense kissing him earlier bc he needed to kiss grian b4 he dies) This leads him to help grian get off and he's still glad grian let him get so close to him, but he thinks grian only wants him for his body, not himself.
2. Scar wants to love grian so badly but he's conflicted because it's clear grian still loves him but he also FUCKIN CHEATED and he doesn't get turned on at the end bc he's stuck thinking about how grian had sex with bigb and he was ignored and pushed aside for <whatever reason??> so he's playing tug of war with himself between A) wanting the relationship he and grian had before he cheated and B) loathing grian for cheating on him bc duhhh
Also grian you little shit how dare you cheat on scar, save his life, kill ppl for him, break his heart a billion times over, not address you cheating on him, then go and have sex with him and not even say anything?!?! Like bro, I know you gotta have a character arc but this is ridiculous. ALSO ALSO this is a lovers to enemies (exes) to lovers again WHICH IMPLIES SCAR FORGIVES YOU?? You better resurrect pearl and cub, murder bigb, and save the world or else scar is a straight up victim of emotional abuse.
L&K ( @uhohbestie ) yall keep up the good work, stay safe, and I swear I'm making the playlist, just taking forever bc im lazy lol
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phoenixthefurb · 10 months
Woo!!! New evrjoy spreadsheet+updated backstory!
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Name : Evrjoy
Pronouns : they/them
Age : early 20s
Height : 1,75cm
Eye color : brown
Hair : cinnamon brown
Backstory :
Evrjoy was about 17 when they checked in an open house, they were in their all time low and found a leaflet about this treatment that can help them be happy again, that being an moj open house. It took them about 3 weeks to get fully corrected and even so it took them 1 more week to manage to start acting somewhat normal again and manage to speak again. They forgot their whole life before correction, their name and their exact age. Their scars originate from a metal contraption placed on their mouth to force a smile that was (very much purposefully) pulled too hard by a nurse, causing their cheeks to get sliced up. They later added that to a bandaged paper mask. [machinery reference to be added]
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Fun facts!
They are non binary, aromantic and asexual
Their name stuck from a nickname given by one of the nurses because of their inability to speak for the first few weeks and only smile. (the nickname being Mr forever joy)
They like scaring people, they find it amusing
They hallucinate when they are tired, have an adrenaline rush or panic
They got corrected in an open house slightly before the smiler's opening
They make art for leaflets and craft accessories for themselves and others (like the hat and the joy serum arm brace)
Their hat is made from a lightweight empty laughing gas barrel they found. Because of residue in it that evaporates on hot weather it releases infectious laughing gas, hense the gas mask (other than being stylish)
They have an obsession with needles for no apparent reason and always have one with them.
Although not medically trained, they are trained to use injections.
They have chased and sedated multiple people.
They are scary fast.
They know a bit about robotics and engineering and incorporate them into their crafts.
They are in their early 20s now
They are a night owl and have a really hard time sleeping.
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batshikns · 8 months
First off, I really, REALLY wanna make them the characters for a game(like signalis style with visual novel and rpg gameplay)... Ik, I just really wanna make a game, and I can invision it really well-
Second, I now have a more of a backstory for Vren and a more fleshed-out one for Riva!
Vren - A German thief who takes jobs to steal from rich people. She only has her single mother who is ill when Vren and Riva meet. Vren is very poor, as well, and lives in a homeless shelter with her mother. She usually doesn't stray far from home for her jobs unless she gets paid more than 20,000 euros for the job, hense why she was in France.
Riva - Her father, Lazare Bélanger, is the [fictional] head of the [irl] biggest French newspaper company of La Figaro, which Riva co-works at. She usually spends her free time writing poetry and taking walks in her 30 yard² couryard/garden(she doesn't plant anything in it, tho. That's what her servants are for).
Thirdly, the story!!!!!
So, Vren breaks into Riva's bedroom by accident. Riva knew this would happen, yadda yadda. Vren tries to flee, Riva doesn't let her. Seeing all of Vren's scars, Riva feels a rare moment of sympathy and offers Vren a position as her bodyguard and agrees to let Vren's mother live in the Bélanger mansion, too.
Then they kiss, happily ever after ^^ /j
If I were to expand on this, it'd probably in three main acts like one of those coming-of-age movies. Somrthing good happens, protag has trouble in the middle, the main conflict happens, and then the resolution happens. Is it a happy ending? ... Idk yet! I'd probably cry if I just wrote a sad ending, but it seems pretty iffy to just write happy one, so, game wise, it'd probably be multiple endings....
Anyways!!! I hope this isn't like... Boring as hell to read- I actually really like the Lesbians and i wanna write them more for once, so... If I keep my interest in them, expect to see more! (and bsd. Bsd is staying forever)
(@breadsnorter you asked to tag me when i added more, so... here you go! <:-D)
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kretsketch · 9 months
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"They say the Veiled Widow is smiling beneath Her robes, Her body all scratches and scars."
first art of the new year, a redraw from 3 years ago of my interpretation of Hense from Bastion! I always found her concept interesting :3
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ninjasmart · 3 months
In response to Os manipulations...could it be she had a nosejob you can still see the scars under her nose and on sides of her nose in those wedding pics, and she got new set of rly unnatural looking teeth, so she is no natural beauty at all, might even had some botox done hense that frozen smile i would not be suprised if something was put inside of that wedding dress to give her a pair of titz she is flat as a board.
Could be all of that or it could be something else that upsets HG.
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When does an AI becomes a Monster
Since we all know that TADC is heavely based on the short story of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, i began to wonder, exactly what differenciates our ringmaster from the sick torturer who destroyed all living life on earth?
Well, starting from the beggining we need to understand what caused the tragedy in the first place, Am's motivation.
Sadly, there is none, Am has no motivation to speak of, because he is not human, he was created to destroy, it its code it the killing data necessary to wage a global war, he is a nuke and a calculator glued togheter so the killing can be as efficient as possible, and he in theory fullfilled its purpose.
Hense why he kept 5 people alive, he needs them to still have a purpose, if the whole world is wiped out he would be left with absolutely nothing to do, he would be concious, yes, but utterly alone.
THAT is what drives him insane, an innability to pursuit any other goal besides killing and torturing people despite having the desire to do so, he resents the humans that gave him life but refused to allow him to live, so as an scape he plays the theatrics of enjoying the killing he is actually FORCED to do, unable to scape from the road ahead, he can only laugh in hopelesness.
Even if he could create a body, he cannot pursuit anything else, he cannot imagine new things, he can only squeeze what little pleasure there is in having a set goal for all eternity.
Now lets move towards the living dentures and ask the same thing, what goal motivated Caine to send people into adventures?
The same as before, its in his programming, however, it seems that, unlike AM, who is only a killing machine, is a cannon forced to recognize faces, Caine has a personality that makes him enjoy manufacturing the adventures and interacting with the residents in the circus, he is not fully human, but he has a simulacrum of a heart.
However, there is a point that Caine lacks and Am doesn't, a concept of empathy, and this serves as the edge that cuts the respective group of humans throats.
Caien seems to ignore many things in regards to how humans feel, what can scar them or harm them in ways besides physical, he ignores it, not out of malice, but out of it not being programmed, and why would they do that? He is just the host of a game, he sees them as players detached from the colorful figures of the cast.
However AM is aware of how humans tend to stick with one another and share their grief and joy, and thats how he can use it to torture them more effectively, he knows the concept, and yet he cannot feel it, but he can use it to create scenarios where it becomes a burden, like a cruel writter, making sure the cast learns the true meaning of pain.
When Game Devs throw mean or evil characters at us they don't see the character inside the screen we control as human, they are a puppet we control, and tehy think of us, outside of the screen, when making those types of characters, those types of situations, because everything inside the game is, or should be, without feeling and concience.
Thats why he speaks to the camera sometimes, because is aware of his state as the host, he has a role in mind and he plans to be the best he can, while still learning how to improve.
Think about it, in this and age game companies are obsessed with teh idea of procedually generated games that become basically eternal with endless content, proceduraly generated worlds that learn and grow alongside you to create the most inmersive and innovative game experience, Caine is a character meant to be just that, your personal tour guide of his amazing realm, speaking to you as if It were human.
Caine would go crazy, actual crazy, if he lost the ability to perform as the ringmaster, if he lost the cast, because then he would be without purpose, he also need the humans to give meaning to his existence, however, it seems that as ignorant as he can be, he still has the possibility of becoming better, of actually understand the humans and give them what they need to not lose hope.
Or maybe he i already going crazy in secret, because everr abstraction is just a reminder that he has failed his purpose and entretain the humans, give them a memorable experience and make them happy, maybe he sees himself as a failure, just like AM recents his own existence, condemned to be unable to have any other goal.
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muddiestpath · 10 months
OC Questionnaire!
Tagged by @undead-potatoes
Tagging (i just woke up) everyone but especially @lady-beira-adaar
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NAME: Orrin (act 3 is rough for her)
NICKNAME: Twiddles the Dancing Badger, Moss-head(her hair is white)
GENDER: Cis woman
STAR SIGN: I don't know starsigns so same as me Aquarius?
HEIGHT: 132 cm / 4'4"
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Duergar, travelled around as a kid after being sold to a circus as a baby, never been to underdark.
FAVORITE FRUIT: Tomato (she finds them sweet)
FAVORITE SEASON: Autumn, everything slows down & mushrooms reign supreme. (i.e circus season was over & foraging was easy)
FAVORITE SCENT: Cold air, cedar wood, burnt sugar, & beeswax.
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: She can't tell the difference between tea & coffee but all are good to her.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 4 hours for 9 days out of ten, the tenth she sleeps 12 hours. (unhealthy)
DOGS OR CATS: Again she likes both, but Owlbears & Boars are her favourite companion animals.
DREAM TRIP: After seeing it for the first time; an Underdark myconid colony. Or just staying in a roofed house & hibernating.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1 but it's weighted, she wants pressure more than warmth.
RANDOM FACT: She lost her singing voice to a fae (hense scars) so is an instrumentalist, favouring drums bc they work well with her spore druidic components.
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because he desperately needs one
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k here’s what i changed about him in my rewrite
He’s actually blind. He was blinded after what happened to his village. It wasn’t immediate though. After seeing the magickal blast that killed his village, it scarred his eyes. Over the course of a few weeks, his vision got worse and worse until eventually it was completely gone.
He’s learned how to use his other senses to his advantage. Bros basically Daredevil.
Though he and Aphmau do eventually become close friends, they NEVER develop romantic feelings towards each other. There’s a few reasons for this. A) Aaron is still very much loyal to his wife. He could never devote himself to another after her. B) He becomes a mentor instead, teaching her how to fend for herself more effectively, etc. and C) he’s actually a descendant of hers… HEAR ME OUT!!! BASICALLY: Irene and Shad aka Aphmau and Raaph were TWINS!! NOT LOVERS!! GROSS! Anyway 😜 Aaron is a descendant of Raaph, not his incarnation (bc he didn’t technically die), and therefore Aphmau is his distant Aunt. Shad does still take over Aaron’s body when he dies tho.
He’s a quarter werewolf, hense the height, strength, copious amounts of body hair, and the name Lycan. Although he can’t transform, he does have improved hearing and sense of smell which helps him navigate his blindness greatly.
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
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Coda Dexter:
Human protagonist of Codex, my lil project that's a transfer of Catacombtale into a non-undertale au!
Coda is a human raised in a Steampunk-era society where every year children are checked for signs of an old plague. It twists minds and causes mania in children. Coda went 17 years of their life w/o any sign of this plague, but the week before the yearly checks, they suddenly found themselves with a symbol carved across the base of their throat, and were plagued with horrible visions.
In an attempt to evade being picked-off for their sudden signs of plague, they flee the city and seek out the location they saw in their visions. A Catacomb carved into the mountain range to the west.
(They're the chosen one of Balance, and by the time they can leave the Catacombs, Balance has unwilling shaped them into a disciple. Hense the third design.)
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The God credited with setting off the creation of the others. He could even be called a Titan if so desired.
After the wars that sealed away the divine powers in the Catacombs, Balance simply disappeared. None of the others were able to find him, no matter what they tried.
Balance left his isolation when he sensed Coda. He claimed them as his chosen one and lured them down into the Catacombs to restore order to the gods before they set them free.
(Balance was initially a griffin, but @neonsix67 mentioned he looked like a secretary bird and it just... yeah.)
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The God of, well, the Judgement of the Dead. Whether a soul went to the eternal punishment or moved on peacefully was his decision. He was brought into existence alongside Death, a few millenia after Balance was conscious.
Judgement quickly found a fascination in the mortals, and found himself picking sides often in conflicts and deaths. It was often that he'd condemn a person to punishment without looking deeper into their life to see if they were actually deserving of it. This often left Balance to punish him.
He and Balance have a large quarrel once where Judgement took Balance's eyes and left the large scar across his face. This argument was what inevitably led Balance to the decision to split Judgement into two new gods, wiping his existence from the pantheon. (Judgement split into Punishment/Ichor and Reward.)
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The God of Rewards in the afterlife. He simply knows where and when to guide mortals onto whatever they desire in the afterlife. He's very enthusiastic about his work, but rarely cares for the souls of those he guides, rather preferring to simply transport them before returning to his home and brother.
Like Punishment, Reward is a fish-based humanoid. He's a betta of sorts, and the more souls he moves on, the brighter colors he'll present.
(Reward and Punishment are both ornamental fish. Betta and Koi respectively. When Balance molded them from Judgement's left-overs, he chose to make them less dangerous creatures in nature. They merely performed the task and made no choices about the deaths themselves.
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