#her chaotic good energy is off the charts
astrologuzzy · 11 months
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I’m back to spill more astrology observations, lessgetit!!! ˃̵ᴗ˂̵
Also, quick reminder that these are just MY observations and opinions I’ve gathered, so take what resonates and leave what doesn’t! mwahhh 😽💋
☆ 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 seem to really like physical displays of affection very much. Every Gemini I knew always loved giving hugs specifically lol. They may enjoy physical touch as a love language.
★ I often notice how 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐎 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 aren’t scared to give their opinions no matter how controversial they may be. They don’t care if people agree, if they truly believe in it then they will share it and whoever disagrees can kiss their own ass. Which can seem intimidating to many especially with how much intensity and passion Scorpio brings to the table.
☆ I find it so easy to spot someone with 𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒. You guys give a very mellow and grounded energy that is very specific to Earth signs. Y’all have that signature down to earth presence or a very firm/calm tone of voice that I recognize instantly even thru text lol.
★ Everyone wants to call Leos the most “cocky” sign but have y’all seen 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈? They’re the real culprit here lol. These guys are number one fans of themselves (do I even need to make examples lol) and I respect it tbh.
☆ Speaking of 𝐋𝐄𝐎, they love to just disappear for like days or weeks straight out of absolutely nowhere and then come back like nothing happened and resume from where they left off. Like sir, are you not gonna explain why you just ghosted everybody? Lol like are you gonna explain where you was? (double points if that Leo has Sagittarius or Aquarius influences in chart cos they’re even more prone to going mia).
★ When people have 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 in their big 6 or heavy Mars influence in the chart I notice that they tend to sound/come across way ruder than they’re actually being lol. They can be very dominant and intimidating in conversations. You’d think they’re angry or being mean but they’re just asking you to pass them the water bottle lmao. Often I think they don’t even realize that themselves since they’re just built that way.
☆ People with 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐎 & 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 in their big 3 together kinda scare me lol (in a good way). They usually are very into occult stuff and/or are strongly religious and showcase it very openly and firmly. Sometimes they just have a very intimidating aura/demeanor to them. I notice how they frequently tend to be very into dark colors and themes/styles too. They don’t f*ck around at all. Love y’all 💚
★ People with a 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 𝐒𝐔𝐍 usually have their Moon sign qualities be more noticeable. With Geminis I tend to catch onto their Moon sign behavior before I realize that they’re a Gemini. Could be a mutable thing where they’re versatile enough that their Moon qualities shine more than their sun sign qualities. Very frequently when I try to guess a Gemini’s sun sign I actually guess their Moon sign. They tend to act like their Moon more than other zodiac signs in my experience. They may not even notice it either.
☆ I hope I don’t offend anyone for this one but people with a 𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐔𝐍 𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 (frequently more moon) mother tend to have veryyyy chaotic childhood stories about her. Somehow these moms tend to often be pretty emotionally unhinged people (no offense but in my experience so many of my friends have a mom with a Pisces sun and/or Pisces moon and they all always tell me how their moms have crazy mood swings or a very erratic behavior). I’m honestly so sorry for anyone who had, or still has to deal with such an environment. 🫂💚
★ 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 & 𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 are the best opposite sign duo in astrology imo. I’ve never seen many Geminis or Sags that say they dislike or don’t get that along with one another. We really click well and even I personally can testify that lol. These two always besties.
☆ Also 𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 loooove anything to do with 2D characters or just fictional stuff in general. They love their ffs, romance books, making fan arts or edits. Every Pisces I knew had some kind of obsession with multiple fictional characters or shows and each one of them had accounts dedicated to making art or edits about said characters/shows lol. No matter if it’s a manga, an anime, a video game, a song, a movie or a cartoon, a Pisces placement will most probably romanticize a character or wtv it is they feel resonates with them in some way. I know lotta people do that but Pisces are usually more prone to be very frequent and indulgent with it in my experience. Not judging anyone, just pointing it out lol.
That’s all for todayyy ☀︎
Also please don’t copy or claim my content without credit or consent ♡
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #1
Heyy, this is my first A.O. so I hope it isn’t too bad!😅
• Fire mercuries & Water mercuries are such a chaotic combo lmao!
• Cancer and Pisces Venuses together can make for an emotionally manipulative couple, especially if there's harsh aspects with inner planets.
• Leo mars looove taking selfies, photos, videos of EVERYTHING lmao they can even go as far as staging scenarios, but hey at least you can look back on those memories.
• Pisces sun Libra moons are such softies! Especially if they have a Pisces stellium!
• Leo moons can care so much about their appearance and what others think of them. Some of them have mother's with Libra placements, especially Libra moons.
• Aquarius moons may not be emotionally close with their mothers but have a best friends type relationship with their moms.
• Gemini moon moms might force their child into growing up via maturity while Virgo moon moms might force their child into growing up via emotional and sometimes physical distance.
• Underdeveloped Leo moons with Cancer risings can be so immature and ultra sensitive at times.
• Gemini risings tend to literally live with their head in the clouds. More prone to being taken advantage of by their friends or being hated on for their playful childlike mannerisms.
• Sun-Jupiter people can just be so full energy? Probably that one person that you might not see that often but when you do they always seem to be in a good mood. They're also the type to keep things optimistic even at the worst of times.
• Aries moons with Libra risings never really express their anger out in the open, they’re more likely to express it through passive aggression. If they have an Aquarius mars then they can explode unexpectedly.
• People love to associate Pisces placements with feet and foot fetishes but why is that more of an Aquarius mars thing though? Like I have seen several Aquarius mars men be into foot kinks.
• Checking the ascendant of your ascendant persona chart is essencial! Because whyy is it so accurate? My mom's natal rising is Cancer but her ASC PC rising is Aries and that is soo much more accurate! She also has a thing for dyeing her hair red all the time lol.
• Sag stelliums can be so nonchalant, funny and agressive. Like they will literally threaten you out the blue but 5 minutes later you’ll both be laughing at some crazy life story they just told.
• Libra risings can be the biggest gossips along with Gemini risings.
• Cancer risings, what is it with being on defence mode all the time? Especially if there's fire in the chart. Definitely gives off kill or be killed vibes.
• Capricorn moons and Aquarius moons vibe so well together. Literally me & my sister have these placements so we just click lol.
• Taurus stelliums can be soo possessive especially Sun/moon. But they're also charismatic and love to spoil their loved ones.
• Capricorn suns with water moons are literally the sweetest! Although with Scorpio moon they might be more reserved, they are literally so sweet and caring just more in a low-key way. And if they like you? They’re the biggest softies.
• Taurus suns with Libra moons can be so self conflicted at times, especially if they have water risings. They can also be kind of bipolar but they're sweet people. Another down side could be lack of self esteem, depression or suicidal thoughts. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not the end of the world and there’ll be better days babes. <3
• Fire moons (not all) tend to have kids later in life. Either that or they’re absent in their kids’ lives.
• They also tend to be put on pedestal by their children and seen as very fun parents.
• Water suns tend to idolize their dads when they’re little but as they grow up either they experience a traumatic situation involving him or they realize their dad built to their trauma in some way. And so their rose colored glasses come off. • Air risings tend to be the spitting image of their fathers. With their mother’s tempers and slight mannerisms.
• Capricorn/Aquarius in big 6 can indicate being the oldest sibling. • Libra risings are so adorable, like they will literally ask their best friend for their opinion on almost everything. Even for the slightest things. Then again almost all Libra placements are like that.
• Libra placements 🤝 asking for others’ advice, agreeing with it, then doing the complete opposite.
• Aquarius mercuries can be so logical but at the same time can say the weirdest shit ever.
• Sag mercuries can say the most out of pocket stuff and still think it’s normal.🤪
• Gemini moons/Gemini risings 🤝 talking about feelings instead of openly expressing them.
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missfinefeather · 3 months
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I have fallen down the chikn nuggit rabbit hole. I couldn't sleep until I made this alignment chart.
Alignment chart template from reddit
(Click "keep reading" to see why I made these choices)
LAWFUL GOOD: Fwench Fwy. They’re kind of a given for this slot. They are trying to save the world and even neutralizing Iscream as a threat as a side mission.
NEUTRAL GOOD: Cheezborger. Genuinely a caring individual with a good heart, but not leaning lawful nor chaotic
CHAOTIC GOOD: Cofi. Thrives on living against the grain, presenting herself as a "lone wolf." However, she's very much a caring person that'll help someone out that's in trouble. She also has set herself up as an obstacle for Iscream.
LAWFUL NEUTRAL: Slushi. "Lawful" doesn't just mean obeying the law, it's about following a code. While her code is entirely specifically about fandoms, it's still a code she lives by and is a core of her identity. She'll often get on the soap box about cringe culture or embracing creativity, and tries to inspire others to follow her code, too.
TRUE NEUTRAL: Chikn Nuggit. His morality can be all over the place, often changing from video to video based on the joke. I honestly think this is intentional, as the fact the doggo is being pulled in many different directions is literally the plot.
CHAOTIC NEUTRAL: Sody Pop. Just a ball of manic energy that literally explodes. He embodies chaos in many ways, however he is not evil.
LAWFUL EVIL: Krampus. Devotes his life to kidnapping specifically naughty children. Sounds pretty lawful evil to me! (admittedly, I just didn't have another character to stick here, but not a bad fit all things considered.)
NEUTRAL EVIL: Iscream. While love for their friends and partner has tamed them recently, it's important to remember that they are still a demon that's only here to sway Chikn to the dark side. Even their recent fondness towards the people in their life is somewhat baked in selfishness.
CHAOTIC EVIL: Bezel. His obsession with chaos made him a shoo in for this side of the spectrum, and the fact he's trying to kick off the end of the world makes this a pretty obvious pick in the end.
Now I can finally sleep...
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mayflowers515 · 3 months
(My Wholesome Cartoon AU) Smiling Critters Relationship Chart
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(credits to @valentinbelleyh505 for the template)
If the lines are too much, here is more elaboration on the relationships here! :)
🧡☀️DogDay's Views on Everyone☀️🧡
Bubba = Friends
Kickin = Friends
Picky = Friends
CatNap = BFFs + Family-Like Relation
Hoppy = Friends
Crafty = Like + Friends + Crush
Bobby = Friends + Like
DogDay gets along with everyone! He finds the good in all of his friends and will always help them with whatever is troubling them. He is particularly close with CatNap, as they have been best friends for a long time. They understand each other a lot and when CatNap is seen, DogDay is usually with him! He also gets along really well with Bobby since both are very friendly and often see the good in people. I can imagine them giving each other pep talks encouraging the other a lot despite literally facing similar problems lol- DogDay also really likes Crafty. He admires her talents and isn't afraid to let her know that he does. He seemed to kinda gain a bit of a crush on her overtime. He doesn't really plan on telling her for a while, though. Feelings can be confusing sometimes =v='
💙💡Bubba Bubbaphant's Views on Everyone💡💙
DogDay = Friends
Kickin = Family-Like Relation + Friends
Picky = Friends
CatNap = Friends + Neutral
Hoppy = Neutral + Friends
Crafty = Friends + Family-Like Relation
Bobby = Neutral + Friends
Bubba is often viewed as a familial figure in the group. He just has the dad/older brother energy, what can I say? Bubba places high value on helping his friends and cares about them a lot. He doesn't always get click with everyone, though. Particularly in the case of Critters like Hoppy due to her impulsiveness and Bobby because of her tendency to sometimes think overly emotionally at times. The older brother energy I mentioned earlier did have an effect on some of his friends. For Kickin, he and Bubba just overtime started to have a bromance. Bubba normally would've seen him as neutral had it not been for this, but for some reason he can't explain, he gained a soft spot for the chicken. In the case of Crafty, they are both interested in learning in different capacities. Their contrasting interests behind the academia makes them bounce off each other well, and Bubba sees Crafty like a sister as a result.
💛⭐KickinChicken's Views on Everyone⭐💛
DogDay = Friends
Bubba = Family-Like Relation + Friends
Picky = Family-Like Relation + Friends + Neutral
CatNap = Friends + Neutral
Hoppy = BFFs + Crush
Crafty = Neutral + Friends
Bobby = Friends
No matter how big Kickin's ego may be, he will never deny his friends. He cares about all of them and gives each of them their own kind of attention (with his energy being added in that mix of course). His energy does kind of clash with Critters like CatNap and Crafty, however, as they are much more reserved and not too showy. Kickin gained an unexplained bromance with Bubba. He tends to nag Bubba a lot like a younger brother, and Bubba usually has to scold him whenever he gets too over his head. Despite their differences, they both have soft spots with each other. Kickin also sees Picky like a sibling, but they have this kinda chaotic sibling energy if yk what I mean- They randomly beef with each other sometimes. He gets along the best with Hoppy due to both being active and sharing similar interests. Kickin is used to being teased by Hoppy, but he doesn't mind it from her and even does it back at her out of friendly rivalry. Maybe also feels that way because he gained a bit of a crush on her... He'd rather spare his image and not tell anyone, but it's more obvious than he means it to be, so...
🩷🍎PickyPiggy's Views on Everyone🍎🩷
DogDay = Friends
Bubba = Friends + Like
Kickin = Family-Like Relation + Friends + Neutral
CatNap = Neutral + Friends
Hoppy = Friends
Crafty = Friends
Bobby = BFFs + Family-Like Relation
She is generally pretty friendly towards everyone. The only one she isn't as close with is CatNap, but that's mainly because she doesn't interact with him as often. Though she still treats him well like her other friends :> She is particularly close with Bobby, as they have both been in similar situations before officially being a part of the Critters friend group. They see each other as sisters in a sense. Picky's friendship with Kickin is a little complicated, however. They both still get along, but in the sense of a slightly chaotic brother and sister duo. They have random beef over each others' antics at times and are prone to teasing each other over silly things.
💜🌙CatNap's Views on Everyone🌙💜
DogDay = BFFs + Like + Family-Like Relation
Bubba = Neutral + Friends
Kickin = Neutral + Friends
Picky = Neutral + Friends
Hoppy = Neutral + Friends
Crafty = Friends
Bobby = Friends + Neutral
CatNap is by far the Critter with the most neutral friendships out of everyone. Since he's barely awake to the usual antics of the day and his more antisocial behavior, he just isn't very close with a lot of people. There are some exceptions, however, such as with DogDay. The two have been best friends for a long time, and CatNap feels DogDay understands him the most out of everyone. He's also closer with Crafty compared to the other Critters, too. They are both more reserved and are pretty chill a lot of the time (except the times when Crafty's in a panic, in which CatNap usually helps her just like anyone else in those scenarios). He's also slightly less neutral towards Bobby because of her desire to understand everyone regardless of their quirks, which CatNap finds some comfort in.
💚⚡Hoppy Hopscotch's Views on Everyone⚡💚
DogDay = Friends
Bubba = Neutral + Friends
Kickin = BFFs + Crush
Picky = Friends + Like
CatNap = Neutral + Friends
Crafty = Neutral + Friends
Bobby = Friends
Hoppy is very outgoing and friendly with her buddies, but she may feel neutral towards those more reserved compared to her. To her, it's harder to find common ground with friends like CatNap and Crafty due to their contrasting hobbies. She also doesn't always get along with Bubba because of her impulsiveness contrasting his more usual level-headed approaches. She gets along best with Kickin because they are both active and have similar personalities. However, like Picky, she is prone to teasing Kickin a lot, but in her case, it's more of in the sense of the friendly rivalry they have with each other and wanting to challenge each other. Hoppy also doesn't seem to realize Kickin got a crush on her, or the fact that she took a liking towards him, too. Ah well... =v='
🩵🌈CraftyCorn's Views on Everyone🌈🩵
DogDay = Friends + Like
Bubba = Friends + Family-Like Relation
Kickin = Neutral + Friends
Picky = Friends + Neutral
CatNap = Friends
Hoppy = Neutral + Friends
Bobby = BFFs + Like
Crafty is pretty shy and a little bit distant, but that doesn't stop her from getting along. She may feel a little less close to friends like Kickin and Hoppy because of their personalities being so opposite from each other. Despite this, she does like DogDay. He is always so kind and encouraging to her, and she admires his leadership. She isn't aware he developed a bit of a crush on her, though. She also views Bubba like a brother because of their similar interests and the way they bounce off each other. She is best friends with Bobby because they both appreciate life's smallest details in similar ways. They would definitely get along and make gifts together!
❤️❤️Bobby BearHug's Views on Everyone❤️❤️
DogDay = Friends + Like
Bubba = Friends + Like
Kickin = Friends + Like
Picky = BFFs + Family-Like Relation
CatNap = Friends + Like
Hoppy = Friends + Like
Crafty = BFFs + Like
Not much to elaborate on for Bobby since she has a lot of the same feelings towards everyone. She gets along with all of her friends and admires each and every one of them for who they are. She especially gets along with Picky and Crafty. Picky because the the two have met before the friend group got together and see each other like sisters in a sense. Crafty because they both share an appreciation to putting value on everything, and I can see them working on gifts together :)
Extra notes:
I personally don't see anybody as hating each other. The worst I'd see is possibly potentially dislike towards some Critters, but it isn't anything major that would threaten their friendships. In fact, all of them, despite their views on each other, still see each other as friends. They couldn't imagine their little group being completed without one another <3
Also, in terms of those with crushes, their interactions would still be more platonic as I don't see them being OVERLY romantic with each other in the AU. They can still express their love in other ways, though! (And if there's different opinions regarding ships, that's fine too. Just please nothing inappropriate. They're children... T^T) As for those in the "like" category, that doesn't really have anything to do with crushes. It more of represents admiration if anything. At least that's what I think of it anyway-
Possibly some more elaboration on some Critters' relationships with each other in the future, but for rn, this should hopefully get a good understanding as for their dynamics with each other in my AU! Also hope to exercise these dynamics more in scenarios :)
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RBF Relationships !
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Press the keep reading line if you want more details !! [ Or if you can't understand the chart , haha . It's very messy . ]
Red feels that him and Blue are buddies ! He does have a lot more trouble understanding Blue than the others , though !
Red feels neutral about Orange , though some days he doesn't feel too fond of him !
Red doesn't quite know anything about Purple to really have an opinion on them ! Something he does know is that Purple is a bit scary . . .
Red thinks Yellow is fine , but is sometimes annoyed by the little problems ! [ Things like Yellow's anxiety make him a bit confused , he doesn't see anything to be afraid about , so why is Yellow afraid ? ]
Red feels neutral about Cyan ! Sometimes , he feels a bit frustrated by her because of her loud noise levels !
Red feels generally neutral when it comes to Green ! Don't tell anyone , but he has a soft spot for the blind creature !
Cyan doesn't feel anything identifiably strong when it comes to Red !
Cyan doesn't interact with Blue casually , EVER . She doesn't know a thing about him !
Cyan doesn't know anything about Green , though she has met him ! [ She kind of avoids him , he sort of ruins her vibe . ]
Cyan feels that Orange and her are best buds ! They race each other a LOT !
Cyan feels like Purple and her are best friends even though she doesn't see the other as much as usual anymore !
Cyan feels like Yellow and her are buddies ! Cyan begs Yellow to let her try to use his propeller sometimes !
Yellow believes that him and Red are friends !
Yellow thinks that him and Blue are friends !
Yellow feels that Green and him are truly best friends !
Yellow and Orange are buddies !
Yellow and Cyan are buddies ! Yellow gets a bit annoyed at Cyan whenever she asks to use his propeller/posture corrector mesh !
Yellow and Purple are definitely best friends ! They love to talk to each other !
Blue feels very comfortable with Red , and believes that they are best friends !
Blue feels like Green and him are best friends , they have been together through thick and thin ! Though , they argue more than any of the other friends !
Blue thinks that Orange can be a bit startling , but finds him fun to be around ! Blue thinks that he and Orange are good friends !
Blue finds Purple to be mysterious , and great to 'talk' to ! Blue feels that Purple and him are friends !
Blue and Yellow don't normally interact on a casual setting , they usually talk on their 'days off' ! [ AKA : Days where they couldn't work because of their own conditions ! ] He thinks that the conversations they've had together were nice though ! They are friends !
Blue has a strange sense of rivalry with Cyan . It's because they are technically , both blue ! But still , he knows nothing about her and doesn't exactly have an opinion on her .
Orange and Purple are best friends ! Orange trusts Purple with his life !
Orange and Yellow are buddies , they have meaningless conversations full of mischievous fun ! Though , sometimes Orange can be a smidgen insensitive !
Orange and Cyan are buddies ! They love thrill rides and are extremely competitive towards each other ! The most chaotic rivalry the Rainbow Friends have ever seen !
Orange resents Red , he doesn't exactly hate him though . He resents Red because he is the one who gives him food , though , due to a food shortage , there are less feeding times ! He's so hungry !
Orange thinks that Blue is fun to be around ! Blue can match his energy , and sometimes Orange can ride on his friend's back ! They can't quite race though , how sad !
Orange loves messing with Green , he thinks that Green has the best reactions ! He feels bad whenever he takes it too far though , but he thinks he makes up for those times !
Purple and Yellow are best buds ! Purple loves to chat with Yellow , and if he has any chance to pull Yellow to the side for a friendly chat with some sugary cake , he would take that chance in a heart beat !
Purple and Cyan don't talk as much as he does with Yellow , but he still appreciates the little moments where they do interact ! They are best friends !
Purple truly believes that Red is one of his best friends ! Though , any sort of time Red has interacted with him , the outcome has been less than desirable . . .
Purple and Blue are friends ! But they could also be enemies based on just one interaction . . .
Purple and Green , eugh , Purple finds it just way too awkward to talk to Green . Purple noticed that Green avoided him , so he in turn avoided Green just to make both of their lives easier .
Purple met Orange while following Red around ! Purple relies on Orange and thinks he's an amazing buddy !
Green isn't too fond of Orange ! Green finds him too loud and he can't really detect him because of his size ! Orange is like a walking jumpscare to him !
Green can hear something crawling through the vents , and it always makes him very uneasy ! He's once walked throughout the hallway and gotten jumpscared so hard by Purple just saying "Hey !" that he actively avoids him .
Green is very fond of Yellow , the bestest of friends they are ! He thinks that they are extremely interesting and finds them very caring . Yellow is always asking questions about "Hey , what's it like to be blind ?" and Green tries his best to explain it . Yellow shows a lot of interest in his condition out of pure curiosity , and Green likes that ! [ He also thinks it's funny when Yellow tries his best to explain stuff like shapes to him . . . ]
Green and Cyan . . . Who ? Green sometimes interacts with Cyan , but honestly , he finds her a bit scary . She's a bit too fast paced and wreckless for him , and he can hear her footsteps + jaw clanking from across the amusement park !
Green thinks that Red is one of his best friends , definitely not higher than Yellow though ! Red is always asking questions about his condition , whether it's getting worse or not , but Green knows that it's not really out of concern . It's about science . He finds it nice that Red lets him wrap his arms around him so he doesn't trip or get lost , and he also likes that Red just listens to him when he talks or rants ! [ He's not quite sure if he's actually listening , but it's good enough . . . ]
Green knows that Blue is someone he can rely on for support ! Though , it's a bit frustrating because they both have a hard time understanding each other . Misunderstandings always happen in their relationship !
Just a reminder that these are all HEADCANONS !
[ Also , I know that the list gets longer based on each character , but like . . . I made this in the span of a few days , and I think a lot about different characters . . . No , my favorite isn't Green , it's Blue , couldn't you tell ? /j ]
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glazedtrash721 · 1 year
GOLLY it's been a minute! But alas, I have returned with gifts! Said gifts consist of my Welcome Home self insert, but if she was in @clownsuu 's Mob AU!! Hooray!
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This young member of the Neighborhood is, while incredibly meek and anxious, also extremely loyal and willing to do what it takes to protect those she cares about and to do what she's told. Eager to please, this keeps her well on Wally's good side, which benefits her greatly by keeping her out of a coffin for the time being. She originally came from another group that I made up called the Company, which explains the bar code on the base of her neck (as seen in the previous set of drawings) and much of her anxiety and lack of self identity. Though not the greatest at fighting, she can become quite violent when the others are at risk or in danger. So watch out, because she will start swinging! And boy, does she swing hard! Willow is also known for being oblivious to lots of things, while being extremely observant of how others feel. She is quite good at reading a room or how someone feels, and she is always quick to act or react accordingly.
Relationship charts and disguises under the cut!
Here's the relationship charts! Credit again goes to @clownsuu lol
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Willow probably gets along best with Poppy, Eddie, Frank, and Howdy. She's terrified of Wally, but is still eager to impress him and (hopfully) build a stronger platonic relationship with him. She's also incredibly intimidated by Barnaby, and while she gets along with Sally and Julie, she finds them a little too experimental with her. She's only really heard of Doc and Robbie, but I feel like she would feel a combination of how she feels towards Howdy and Sally towards Robbie, that being interested, but exhausted and intimidated by his sheer amount of chaotic energy.
Likewise, Poppy, Eddie, and Frank probably like her the most in return. Howdy, as expected, is pretty neutral, but he finds her interesting. Wally doesn't dislike her either, primarily because she is incredibly loyal and obedient to him and the Neighborhood, and he finds her near-constant state of fear fun to observe. Barnaby and Sally find her a tad boring, and Julie, while also thinking Willow should lighten up a bit, is also pretty curious about her. Doc wouldn't pay much attention to her if he knew her any better, and I feel that Robbie would also find her a bit boring, but would be very interested in trying to get her to react to certain things.
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Now, on the off occasion that the gang needs to get into disguises, this is what Willow's get-up would be! She's a bit of a "starving artist" of sorts, setting up an easel and canvas wherever she's told to (primarily by Wally), as she sits and observes her surroundings. She can also be used to look out for certain people and their whereabouts, as she can record her observations in her art through a sort of code that she created where certain colors, shapes, and even representational things represent different things. It's also easy for her to communicate with others, as well as have them communicate with her with little to no suspicion, so she's also a sort of "middle man" within the disguised group.
So yeah! There's Mob AU Willow!! Don't be surprised if I make more stuff about this AU, I absolutely LOVE it and it's been spinning in my brain like how a frozen single serving of veggie lasagna spins in the microwave. So! You best get used to this, because there may be more to come! :D
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talkingbl · 10 months
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Only Friends Alignment Chart: Ep. 1 (aka Only Friends Evil Meter)
Top: Arrogant SOB but also hard to read. A lot of people straight up think he’s the devil incarnate (or, alternatively, worships the ground he walks on in light of TopMew), but I don’t quite get either conclusion. I genuinely can’t tell what he wants and feel suspicious of him either way. He just seems a little too practiced at this whole getting with Mew thing… For now, Top is lawful evil.
Mew: He’s being set up as the type of guy who everyone thinks is kinder/smarter/better than other people, but is, in reality, just as flawed as everyone else. While he seems somewhat more wholesome than the others, he is exposing himself as a bit of a neglectful friend. For now, Mew is lawful good.
Ray: Hands-down the most infuriating character. My heart aches for people like Ray in real life who struggle with low self esteem and alcoholism. It’s Ray’s other actions and traits that get me. He’s so condescending and bratty (and not in a good way). He’s always thinking of himself first and not how his actions might impact his friends or other people. Ray gives chaotic evil.
San(d): I don’t know what to think about him besides that he’s an overall nice guy. He’s a little preachy at times but that type of stern, parent-like energy is exactly what Ray thinks he needs (assuming he does have daddy issues). It’s weird though because I feel like we got more RaySan(d) this episode than anything else, but San(d) still somehow feels like a side character while Top, Mew, Boston, and Ray feel much more fleshed out (though this is probably because most of his screen time is spent reacting to Ray rather than proactively moving the plot forward). He’s true neutral right now.
Boston: He is so evil-coded lmao. But honestly, I don’t know if it’s due to Neo’s portrayal or other factors, but I walked away from this episode feeling more sympathetic toward Boston than any other character. He seems like a complicated person who always gets in his own way. This doesn’t make him evil IMO, it just makes him human. He’s (controversial) chaotic neutral.
Nick: Okay so Nick comes off as chaotic good. He just seems like he’s really interested in Boston and is also a true freak. Much like Boston’s character, this does not make him evil. In truth, we’ve probably not seen enough of Nick to say one way or the other, but the babygirlism is strong with this one and I have no proof that he will try to hurt anyone so far.
Cheum: She reminds me so much of Sandee of KMA/DBK fame or Yihwa of TWM, if not a tad bit oblivious. She cannot read a room for shit but is trying her best in a friend group full of messy gays and dumbasses. She is relatively harmless but is the epitome of a side character that is more like a plot device than a true character as of now. She’s neutral good.
Yo: Lawful neutral until further notice.
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Gamer alignment chart, Irregular edition. Based of course only on the ones introduced so far. Sometimes more, sometimes less serious explanations for the sorting:
Lawful Good: Bam. Does this need an explanation? Bam is a kind person trying his best to treat everyone with respect and only lashes out when fundamental truths of his world-view are attacked or someone hurts/kills his companions. A possible area of contention is the possibility of a more chaotic streak, based on the concept of Bams existence, however, he himself is very consciously trying to not simply be a vortex of destruction or hunger, ergo no CG for Bam here.
Neutral Good: Urek. A solid dude who’s mostly doing his own thing, arguably known for trying to help out his friends, whom he does not distinguish based on ‘Irregular’ and ‘Tower-born NPC’. Exuding very chaotic energy, it is true, but does mostly stay in his own lane and has no interest in the squabbles of the Tower as long as everyone plays fair and doesn’t bring the conflict to him.
Chaotic Good: Gustang. Okay, so please hear me out on this one: first of all this alignment is not based on characters role in the plot in relation to Bam, where Gustang is very obviously a more or less backstabing (depending on perspective) plotter that is set up as an antagonist, confirmed by SIU himself, and fully in line with the Great Warriors perspective as everyone who’s not an Irregular as irrelevant bugs. Now, Gustang still would not have been my first choice for this: the first character in general to come to mind was Yuri, wo unfortunately does not fall into the Irregular category, then, tracing it back from Yuri and her supposed resemblance to her to Yurin, whom I was gonna settle on , however she only appears in two pannels, neither of which would make an even half-nice picture. So, going by his vibes (kind of dick--ish but actually not overtly evil (as of now)), that mostly consist of shaking up the status quo and not, strictly speaking, doing anything that’s breaking the rules (and because he didn’t fit in either CN or CE, and the latter I wanted to reserve for Rachel), I plopped in Gustang, even if I’m myself not fully satisfied with his placement.
Lawful Neutral: V. Arguably he would have a similar issue to Yurin regarding lack of actual ‘screentime’, however we do know a little bit about him, namely that he was ‘interested’ in the Towers inhabitants and tried to get closer to them in his youth. While we do know he argued with Arlene, and formed FUG with her, and fought with her in the ensuing war, it is mostly Arlene moreso than him that comes off as the mover and shaker in their duo, even moreso as he opts out early instead of trying to see their cause through. Mostly based on vibes again, seems like a very ‘by the book’ and straight-laced type of guy.
True Neutral: Traumerei. I feel like the story itself kind of explains this: yes, to him Zahards opinion has priority but he does do his best to take everyones (everyone he considers friends) opinion into consideration as well, very ‘go with the flow’ in this regard. But also based on vibes, just seems right.
Chaotic Neutral: another controversial placement, maybe, but to me Enryu just does not have enough pizzaz and personal investment for Chaotic Evil: yes, his brief appearance is very badass but not quite on the level of Phantaminum killing all of Zahards rankers, confronting the guy and then disappearing, only being remembered as a vortex of chaos. While the story itself presents Enryu as an emissary from the Outside God and Arlene’s avenger, the guy still seems very removed from the conflict as a whole? He appears, delivers thorn fragments, and leaves. Honestly, the Arlene connection itself seems very questionable and is never explicity stated a ssuch, afair. Does his job but does not give off the air that he cares that much? Others can do the real work.
Lawful Evil: Zahard. Wahtever your opinion on what he does with it, played to the ‘top’ fair and square and earned the toys that come with it. If someone wants to bitch about that, they can go confront him like Phantaminum, everyone else has no right to complain. Oh, his ‘immortality’ is cheating? Well, how about you get gud scrub and maybe the administrators will start offering sweet deals to you too, huh?
Neutral Evil: Edahn. Khuns in general are described as having ‘douchery’ as their characteristic family trait, both Ran and Mashenny were demonstrated to engage in kill-stealing, even if it did not strictly speaking result in the ‘death’ of their target (Ran regarding the holographic door guardian of the Hell Train station, Mashenny against Jinsung), it feels like a safe bet to put Edahn himself down for this.
Chaotic Evil: Rachel. Now, to be clear, this placement did not occur due to her antagonistic role regarding Bam and co., but it so happens that the trait that conflates with that very often is her willingness to do mostly anything to get ahead, since she feels she has no other options. Does this always pan out for her? Certainly not, but especially regarding her stint on the Hidden Floor, which is purposefully built extremely similar to video games, the sentiment feels very Rachel nonetheless.
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skzhera · 1 year
Relationship with other members.
Maknae line
Ever seen two completely idiotic best friends, have the time of their life, then get embarrassed by doing what they did, and shy away from the situation. That’s them.
Jisung and Hera had a rough start. Han, when introduced to the boys, got along with them right away. But when Chan brough in their female best friend and introduced as her to be a part of their group. Jisung was not on board. At least not right away. He saw he as the rapper competition right away. It took him more than a little while. And, with the dark introverted exterior hera has, she didn’t take any effort of her own. She honestly felt the instant vibe that Han hadn’t taken a liking as soon as she entered the band. She was riding too high on her ego, and so was he. Both of them, immensely talented, had a couple of clashed around, all the time.
It was not until they actually debuted together, that Han got off his high horse and Hera, let her ego go a bit and had a discussion with each other.
As she started to know him better, she realised he thrived better later in the night and that was when she would go over to his room and just have deep, meaningful, heart-lightning conversations. Just like her, she could sense the boy was battling some of his own demons, while fighting to stay still in this creative world of theirs, Right away, she realised, long conversation were his way to go, that was his way to get off all the stress off his back. And so she did exactly that.
Hannie treasured her. After their friendship began flourishing, he had gradually developed a slight crush on her, and admired every little thing she did.
He was and still is a huge fan of her style, her aesthetic, her swag and just the way she carries herself. He loves that about her.
When they hangout, he generally prefers to take a lot of tips about style, mojo, groove, pop culture, and seeks inspiration off her.
Will turn anything and everything into their own music video. Then get anxious of the attention and embarrassment.
They are extremely chaotic together. Hannie with his constant energy, and Hera with her occasional caffeine rushes.
Also the one who got her hooked up on pre- show energy drinks.
Loves to tease him about the time he acted all hip pre debut.
Also thoroughly enjoys when she reminds him of the pre debut fighting phase.
She’s not the most goofy person on camera, but fans love that he brings out that side of hers’.
Industry proclaimed comedic duo. Han being the effortless comedian, Hera being the sassy comedian.
Han loves how effortless and easy rap music comes to her.
Loves to admire her sheer skill and aspires to achieve a part of it some day.
Although both of them have immensely high egos, they empathise with each other on a level, unknown to the other member, and even stays.
Even though Hera is younger than Han, she can sense his difficulties, far before his body alters him, before his body goes into panic.
Hera only owns large oversized graphic tees. Han steals Hera’s graphic tees.
Neither of them can help but bicker All. The. Time.
Would spend hours in front of their laptops at 3am, laughing like a drain over some clumsy baby videos.
Their chemistry while rapping, is OFF THE CHARTS. (2/2)
Han, for some reason, loves to nap in her bed.
Loves to poke his cheeks while he’s eating.
The duo is always upto no good. Constantly plotting something.
Pre debut Hera had noticed that Han’s anxiety has different levels. Every single one of them have different ways to calm down. But one that Hera knew would work best for Hannie was, Music.
It was just something she knew Changbin and him had in comma. Their love and passion towards music.
To help him, she had made a playlist of soundtracks that would calm him down, but she never gave it to him until one night, a couple of months after debut, when she left it as his desk, from an anonymous person.
They have similar likings when it comes to shows, animes and cartoons they like to watch, and love to wear the costumes and attend cons of the shows. The number of times, both of them have walked in and out of their rooms, wearing the most atrocious costumes, without batting an eye, is hilarious.
Hera was never the one to say she adored someone. But when she met Lix, he grew on her. Anyone talking about Felix, her ears go on high alert. He’s her own little sunshine who helped her get through so many times in her life when even she was having a hard time understanding herself. Lix just has a way with people and with Hera, he never had a particular approach. She was his cushion to fall back on after a rough day.
In general equations, one of the other would baby the other. But in their relation, both of them babied each other equally. It was a funny, adorable caring relation, that just seemed too good to be true at time.
They met when Chan introduced another aussie to the group in middle school. Felix was so wholesome, no one even thought to bat an eye when he was introduced and that made him very comfortable. Especially since he was worried if he would even fit in or get along with their already tight knit group. But it didn’t take long for them, neither did it take any time for their parents to both with each other.
Lix and Hera were that duo who would simply make the best of any situation. The adorable duo. Everyone could just stop whatever they were doing, to simply watch them be themselves. They were that adorable. The members could help but be overprotective of the duo, since they were one of the youngest and just seemed to want to live a happy life.
In the beginning, training years at JYP, Felix was having a terrible time. Not being able to speck their language, not being able to keep up with the schedules, their health standards. But just as Hera came along, he was back to being himself. He began trying to take care of her health, and she began fussing over his. Both of them had a chemistry of just a sunshine sibling.
If lix wanted to jump off the tiny ledge at the end of the walkway, she would run along to catch up to him, just for them to hold each ither’s hands and jump off.
Over all, if a third person was look at them, they would probably say that these two cant even be friends. Hera was the dark broody goth that loved dark humour, action movies and sitting in a dark room by herself. Lix was everything but that. He would be the happy go lucky, light humoured, always jolly, bright little young boy, who would light up the entire rooms just by walking into it.
Once they debuted in 2018, Lix’s health took a toll for the worse. And took a while till the members realised this but not Hera. She was the one who noticed something off in Lix’s eating manners. They would all eat together usually, but since Hera’s ED triggered off, she began eating by herself. When she noticed lix would eat with the members for only once a day, and even then he would just have the bare minimum. He had gotten extremely lean over the past couple of weeks and Hera knew that’s just not how he was. Lix loved trying different food, he loved baking and cooking his favourite foods, he loved reading up on new recipes to try for the other members and all of sudden, all of this had just stopped.
Hera, knowing well how these thing turn out, she took baby steps. For moths, the two of them would go out for coffee, every single day. Without any of the other members. Just the two of them. Felix even tried questioning her or even ask her if why don’t they go for a meal instead of a coffee everyday, but she never answered him. Instead, she consistently focused on making sure Lixie ate a little something at the café they went to along with their drink, for at least a couple of months. Later then, she began asking him out for just lunch. No matter how busy their schedules got, they always snuck out for food. They even got yelled at for this by their managers but she couldn’t care less. Lixie was doing well. Although, through all this, her ED went unnoticed by most and she felt like she could get away with it.
Would play video games for countless hours if not supervised.
Feeding each other food off their plates.
Borrows money from Changbin and Lee know to buy him everything he wants.
Loves to click pictures for him
Would physically shove people out of their way to ensure the other one’s comfortable.
2nd on the list of cursing the most amongst them. Tied with Chan.
Although she’s not a fan of skinship or cuddling, she lets lix cuddle with her for a couple minutes. (cuz’ she knows that something that gives him the energy he needs to survive)
Lix is not an aggressive person, but all the best if you harm her, or touch her in any way she’s uncomfortable.
Tried convincing her to join taekwondo with him as a kid, but she ended up joining a boxing class alongside Chan and Minho.
Were and still are each other’s companions when they don’t understand something of the Korean language or tradition.
Dirty mind dirty mind.
If Felix wasn’t an idol, his job would be constantly holding back Changin and Hera from throwing hands. If Felix was a sassy passive aggressor, Hera and Changbin were direct, physical aggressors.
Hera was the first to notice Felix struggle with his sexual identity but since she was young, she didn’t know how to deal with the situation. But she also knew telling someone was not the best decision so instead she simply approached the topic through humour and jokes, normalizing the concept of being yourself, and choosing whatever identity you liked, without facing any judgement. Until one day, he came up to her to tell her the fact that he might be bisexual.
They were both incredibly comfortable in each other’s company.
The duo, along with Hyunjin, was quite popular in the kpop industry for constantly trying to normalise fashion standards, Asian beauty standards of being fair, spot less skin, lean or skinny, manly, masculine/ feminine, etc.
(Three of them loved to wear genderless clothing.
Clothing has no gender. It shouldn’t. – Felix)
She brings out the chaotic, sassy, energetic side of Felix.
Loves to buy him americano’s with heaps of sugar since he doesn’t like the bitter taste. She only buys it cuz’ she loves his hyper, over energetic side.
She loves to watch him while he makes brownies. She knows they are his way of calming his mental state and being in the moment.
The peaceful, well behaved duo.
If you want to hangout with them, their policy is *No Nonsense*. You’ll be silently judged before probably declined friendship.
They are weirdly never sassy with each other, but the sass, sarcasm and constant aggression in continuous with all the others. They prefer not to let the others breath. You let them take a breather and, well, down it goes.
The duo, when together is the most undefeatable, powerful duo ever. Nothing can plough their confidence, nothing can shake their opinion. The simply unbothered, self assured, independent duo.
Growing up, after Minho and Changbin, Seungmin was the next person she would go to. They have a silent way of communication every single thing on earth. They occasionally talk about how something they did was really good, or terrible. But most of their conversations are just silent affirmations.
Which also another reason why fans often forget the two of them know each other just as long as Changbin Hera and Lee know, know each other.
Seungmin, although not being that older than her, has a very mature attitude towards life. Live it while you can, don’t pick on the things you dislike, try to thrive in the ones you have. This mature attitude of his something that comforts Hera in the most tense situations. If she doesn’t have anyone around when she sense a panic attack coming in, she silently just walks over to Seungmin and holds his hand.
Hera is known for not liking affectionate gestures or any sort of skinship, but when she’s anxious, holding seungmin’s hand just makes her feel at home. Seungmin, generally, being a savage person, softens up right as she holds his hand. He is aware of the way Hera’s anxiety treats her, and knows that in the moment, nothing needs to be said. All he has to do is calm her down, hold her hand and simply continue your work.
During their school days, they would usually go to Chan or his house right after, and finish their school work. Seungmin came from an extremely wealthy family and had one of the best backyard set ups for when they were all kids.
Their relationship is something very mature and comfortable. Often misunderstood as strangers as they are not vocal of physical with their affection towards each other.
Off camera, they are the ‘Chill duo.’ Most of the time, when left alone, you would find them napping together or silently admiring each other.
Seungmin loves coffee just as much as Hera. Where=never they are on tour or in a new place, once settled in, the duo along with Lee know goes to grab some peace alongside a cup of americano, usually to a new, up and coming café. They love to experiment with their drinks.
Seungmin knows how important it is to keeps one’s lifestyle healthy, and has seemed to manage the perfect balance. But when it comes to Hera, he is constantly concerned as she struggles with her relationship with food.
Growing up, the group (Lee know, Changbin, Seungmin, Bangchan and Hera) loved to try out new places. Most of their time together would be just grabbing some food or drinks. As Hera grew up, began putting effort in keeping her body muscular, going on jogs with lee know, going to the gym with Changbin, Seungmin realised she had developed an unhealthy relationship with food. After trying to talk to her about it indirectly he realised she had developed a border case of ED. He did not want to pressurise her if she wasn’t comfortable talking about it but he tried his best to help her in unintentional and suggestive ways. Till date, he helps her find peace with a healthy balance.
The only one who calls him by his English name. (he loves it)
Fans have multiple compilations of Seungmin just staring at Hera from a distance. Admiring every little thing she does.
Growing up, in around second grade, Seungmin had developed a little crush on her. The duo still talks about it but he has now moved on. They are much more comfortable talking about it openly. Hera has even told him, if he would have asked out, she might have given it a thought but that was all there is to it. She simply liked him as a friend and not more. She had the feels for someone else.
Seungmin had always noticed the way Changbin and Hera felt about each other and has constantly tried to push them toward each other.
He openly ships Hera with lee know as well as Changbin.
Although he has some feelings for her, he doesn’t anymore. In fact, he loves her more like a younger sister now more than ever.
Seungmin grew up wanting to do everything for her. Keep her happy and overjoyed. He realised food was her language of everything. Though his teenage years he learned to cook from his mother and father, and just as he began developing a liking for cook and cooking especially for her he began taking courses in his college years, just so he could ensure Hera ate well.
Sibling duo (1/2)
‘I resent him (Seungmin). Just need to put it out in the universe.’
Will call him literally two mins later to ask if he can cook for her?
Would do the most random weird things with her, just to make her smile.
He loves to sing with her even though they have such vastly diverse styles. He loves that their voices align and harmonise with each other’s with so much ease.
Would leave everything and anything to come running, just to watch her perform or play the drums.
Would never let a single person, a different idol look at her in any other way but admiration.
Both of them LOVE ruffling each other’s hair up. It annoys the hairstylist but the two of them still do it regardless.
Seungmin’s rebel streak or his little spark to mimic JYP, or make fun of the members is a result of his friendship with Hera.
She is secretly very, very proud of him when he mimics their boss, comes up with a savage reply, or simply just specks the reality of what or how he really feels.
Even though they are not allowed to, Seungmin has spoken openly about how their management ill treats them on certain occasions, how Hera is forced to go on diets, how she, in particular, is asked to act a certain way or dress a certain way. Despite their staff constantly telling him not to speak on those topics.
Seungmin is a silent observer. Only his biases are aware of this fact. Hera realised this growing up. All three of the boys around her were silent observers.
During concerts of on any occasions when he senses he anxiety taking over, or just her getting quite, he slowly walks up behind her and snakes a loving arm around her waist or just rubs her shoulder, bringing her back to reality and comforting her from escaping the truth.
Their love language is through gestures. He is constantly glaring at the staff, making sure she is getting all the things that she needs. He’s sprinting after her with his jacket just to cover her up.
She loves to fix his bangs, make sure he’s smiling with all his teeth. She knows due to such a wide exposure at such a young age, Seungmin grew up reading hate comments about his smile and gradually stopped smiling with all his teeth. Hence, to shut down the ugly haters, she loves to yell “smiles everyone. Sky, BIG smiles.”
Seungmin is not much of a physically aggressive person but when they are travelling and the airports of other public places are packed with people, he has been seen shoving people out of the way, helping Changbin and Lee know protect Hera from other creeps.
Right since the first day they met, he has viewed her as his older sister. Even though she’s younger than him.
Loves to call her noona just cuz he knows it gives her the feels.
Ultimate crackhead energy. These two can never be left alone together.
There is not a single ounce of normalcy in their blood.
The most gen z duo. Infamous in the entire industry. They love to make other members feel old.
The classy duo who’d either be causing chaos in the back or chilling to a level that nothing could possibly bother them
Even though she’s younger, she’s the mom for him. She whacks him around, makes sure he isn’t doing something or saying something that would get them in trouble.
The amount of times she has forced him to wear a dress or do a wholeass photoshoot just because she was bored.
The unbothered savages. The two of them can and will get out of situations where they don’t want to be, with absolute finesse.
Hera was the one to introduce him to newer concepts, and make him feel more than comfortable in being himself, in his own skin.
Right in the beginning, they took a little time to develop their relationship. Hera grew up with a bunch of boys and so did I.N, both of them were major introverts and had to take serious efforts to hit off a conversations. But gradually the efforts seems to pay off and now their relationship is something known in all of kpop industry. They are the standard sibling duo, who are a major pain for not just their parents but also all f the other members.
There was an incident when the rest of the group had to leave for some work and I.N, Hera, Yeonjun and soobin were left with each other. By the time the rest of skz members came back, Soobin had ripped all his hair apart, simply trying to understand the ways to contain these wild teenagers.
Chan finds it more than adorable how Hera mothers jeongin around.
There relationship is mostly chaos unfolding by the minute. There is not a single thought behind their actions.
The maknae duo.
Sibling duo (2/2)
They look like they are constantly plotting something against the members.
They know they are loved and adored and use it for their advantage.
The sheer number of times Chan has noticed the glint of mischief in their eyes before the do something to each other. Poor chan. They are an absolute menace to him and he has given up on keeping them in check. He secretly loves it and loves to live his childhood through them.
Hera loves to keep an eye on him. He pretends it annoys him but secretly loves it.
The duo hates physical contact. Repulse it.
Hera is his number on supporter. Would yell and literally hit anyone who say anything about him.
Loves his voice and makes sure he takes good care of it.
She is his comfort. Usually tends to come to her whenever he needs reassurance
She is his own personal hype girl. In the beginning it was always about how adorable and handsome young man he was, Now it’s more of, ‘man, Innie is hot now’, ‘Whatever the fuck happened to baby bread.’
Loves to remind people that the baby bread ain’t baby no more. He’s a grown ass man.
She is what makes him feel like home.
They binge on shows, tiktoks, social media all the time.
The stylish, streetwear duo.
The only time when Innie acts like the older out of the duo is when he has to make sure Hera is eating well. He loves to spend money on her or take her own on quick store-snack dates mid rehearsals.
He admires her relationship with lee know and Changbin . it reminds him of his brothers back home.
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kiriel123 · 1 year
MDZS/The Untamed
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Modern AU wwx and lwj have always been best friends and number one in each other’s lives…until lwj gets a new boyfriend. Wwx is completely, totally, absolutely fine and Jiang Cheng is very done with all the drama
Become Tomorrow by ShanaStoryteller
Alternate canon wwx sneaks into Cloud Recesses to deliver a love letter from his Master Baoshan Sanren to her trapped-in-a-cave soulmate Lan Yi, when he gets caught by a beautiful boy. What else is there to do but lie and pretend to be Jiang? Extremely entertaining
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Modern Cultivation AU wwx has become a VR sex performer as punishment for his crimes. Why settle for locking him up when the Jin could also make money off him? Good thing he’s got a reliable partner in the mysterious hgj. Super cool world building!
sense memory by luckymarrow
Alternate canon A/B/O wwx died an omega but came back to life as an alpha. This does not make alpha lwj want him any less (the opposite in fact). The feral energy in this was off the charts, double the biting, double the fun
all the problems we could solve by Stratisphyre
Modern AU lwj is a thief with a heart of gold, in love with sweet, innocent wwx. But when lwj gets kidnapped after a heist gone wrong, the Yiling Laozu comes out to play
Where You Say My Name by trippednfell
Modern Cultivation AU lwj is just trying to work in peace which is made difficult by his chaotic partner wwx. But when wwx gets hurt protecting lwj, lwj takes on the responsibility to care for him, and finds his world opened up
Allopatry by chinxe
Modern AU where they’re cats Lan Qiren runs a tearoom which also houses his two perfect cats, explicitly NOT a cat café. When Lotus Pier Shelter opens next door mischievous sphynx cat Xianxian sneaks in and befriends Wangji. Adorable!!
a burden of figs by spookykingdomstarlight
Alternate canon wwx and lwj are courting when wwx finds out lwj’s status and bows out of the courtship. Unfortunately, he didn’t tell his mama about the breakup so two years later when lwj brings him home after a night hunt gone wrong, it’s fake dating speedrun time
stop the world (for a moment) by azurewaxwing
Modern AU lwj is a figure skating sports commenter and is required by the ISU to have a co-host, in the form of former figure skater wwx. Wwx certainly spices up lwj’s commentary and life! Features Jingyi as the best eavesdropper gossiper
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epitomees · 2 years
What are your favorite ships on here (feel free to tag?)
Do you ship someone's muses on your dash?
Questions for the mun
What are your favorite ships on here (feel free to tag?)
@fatexbound - Literally, you are the major cause for my Shumako brainrot. I cannot stop thinking about how well Akira and Makoto get along, tease each other, learn more about themselves, and have developed since they got together. Their chemistry is off the charts and I cannot express through words alone how much I adore your Akira. I can't forget Yu and Chie either! They're just starting and I'm so excited to see what kind of romantic relationship those two develop, and of course...the eventual Naoto and Yu ship we're building up to as well! :3
@chibitantei - Liz, I'm astounded how much you made me crave for rare-pair ships. I would never have guessed how interesting and dynamic Chie/Naoto can be together considering they are EXTREME polar opposites. I'm looking forward to exploring what's in store with these girls like their 3AM hot pocket shenanigans or trying to make their own food together. Also, I can't leave out the potential Yu/Naoto and Yosuke/Naoto we have planned to come. Again, stop making me crave for more rare-pairs!!
@maskuerade - Good GOD, you and your Akira make me so weepy!! I'm going to crush you with so much angst and hurt/comfort in the future!! I know we just got started with Akira/Makoto's relationship and screamed about them A LOT over Discord, but I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to see their relationship blossom. How much they crave for each other's attention and affection, how much they'd go out of their way to protect and keep each other safe, like THEY'RE SO ROMANTIC AND I GET SO GIDDY ABOUT THEM!!
@rebelli0us-mask - The chaotic duo!! I have to say, I'm having so much fun with Dia's and Makoto's flirty interactions and Dia's consistent teasing too. Dia is a spontaneous ball of energy which is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of Makoto's orderly stature and personality. I love how she's loosened up since getting together with him, and embracing more of an inner feral side she tends to keep hidden. Their chemistry is just...so natural and feels like a real-life relationship. I adore those two and hold them close to me. <3
@electricea - I know we briefly touched on it, but I'm still interested and very excited to see a relationship blossom between Ryuji and Makoto. They have a very similar dynamic in some ways while there are various differences between them as well. I'm so so ready to see these two begin crushing on each other!
@crossxskulled - YOU AND YOUR VULGAR BOY ARE GOING TO TREAT MAKOTO LIKE THE DAMN QUEEN SHE IS!!! God damn, I know we've hinted at things in some previous threads but man oh man, I'm so FREAKING PUMPED to have Ryuji be Makoto's encouragement and make her see the fun of life, while Makoto helps Ryuji in several other ways. They're going to be so SO dynamic, and by GOD I can't wait to write this power, battle couple in action!
I know there's still some ships I have in the works with others, but these are the major ones that are working towards being confirmed/already are confirmed for this blog. My apologies if I missed anyone!
Do you ship someone's muses on your dash?
@maskuerade and @detectivcprince - I adore their Akechi/Akira ship a lot. It's more refreshing than a lot of the Akeshu I tend to see on Twitter or elsewhere online. There's so much support behind the characters, there's build-up that I've seen happen where they try extending that help to the other, and...I really enjoy seeing the domestic aspect of their lives together. It's always a nice read when I see them answer a thread.
@chibitantei and @fatexbound - Your Naoto/Yosuke and Naoto/Yu. Those are goals for the ships we have planned!
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peachraindrops · 2 years
Hiiii! I was wondering how would you rank the seasons of GG? ☺️
Hey Anon! Thank you so much for thinking of me here. I’m not great with formulating run on thoughts into words but this is the scattered web my brain weaves when thinking about good girls from best to worst. 
Season 5 – Yes, I know we didn’t actually get to see it lol. But in my world, s5 would have been Beth finally realizing Rio has intense feelings for her and with the shift in their (mostly her) dynamic, she would finally have the headspace to realize the same. I think future seasons could have seen AMAZING things with Beth and Rio working together instead of against each other. The anarchy they would have created would have probably been unmatched. They’d be running Detroit for sure and just like ficland, they would have branched out and probably into Canada. I’m picturing Beth out in the community, getting her hands dirty and Rio taking full advantage, just watching them drain everyone around them of everything they have. Watching the city burn together. Then, Beth in Nick’s old office at his once desk with Rio getting her on top of it and just, WE WERE OWED THIS SCENE. They’re definitely crime soulmates and the chemistry was insanely palpable. 🥵🥵
Season 2 – Because well…. Season 2. 🍑🍆. Do people still use these? I feel like they don’t. Anyway, the bathroom scene. The ‘vette scene. The bedroom scene. Rio’s apartment. The couply bickering. It was all just chaotic and them, sooo peak Brio. Rio had strong and fresh feelings he obviously didn’t know how to handle, and he really just let it all hang out which he didn’t do again in the same forceful way until s4. He was consumed by her and so LOUD about it, it gives me chills just to think about. He would have given her the world if she would have paid attention. Also, Mary Pat? I get salty because she had the guts I wished Beth had all along. She was ok with pretty much anything she had to do to support her family and Beth could have taken a page or two out of her book.
Disclaimer that the s2 ending had me considering putting s2 at the bottom of the list but luckily for me I’m good at dissociating and compartmentalizing. 🙄
Season 1 – Season 1 started so strong and mildly stroke out to this day when I think about the energy of Rio’s scenes in episode s1e1. He was chaotic and magnetizing, but mostly just…unexpected? The soundtrack in s1 was bomb and Beth’s look was off the charts… prooobably why Blazerville USA in s2 sucked so hard for me. She had this vibe in s1 of revenge and fierce female anger that was perfectly reasonable given the situation and I was here for it. The writers got amnesia over the summer though and that was pretty much all gone from there on out. Also, s1 Beth actually had a personality beyond exhaustion and overconfidence. I think back to Beth telling the whole story about how she went back to Canada and her van was full of paper and Ruby and Annie just 😳😳🤯🤯 until Beth lost it. Why didn’t we get that more? It was endearing and humanizing in a way they forgot to commit to in later seasons leaving Beth unrelatable and dry at times.
Season 4 – Season 4 had some unexpected goodies, but the therapist and dean pretty much ruined most of it for me. Dean had WAY too much screentime with his little buddies and I think everyone here must remember how I feel about Dean. The therapist storyline, was that supposed to develop Annie’s character? Because it didn’t. I’m imaging sending her to jail for a few months “over summer break” doing 100x more than making us sit through 10 episodes of her obsessing and entangling with her therapist before finally presenting him with a dead smashed-up butterfly and checking out. What in the actual fuck was that?  The best part of s4 to me was getting to see parts of Rio that we obviously never got to see before. They still missed the mark completely on developing him as a character and I’m not even going to get into all of that right now, but meeting Rosa and Nick gave Rio a layer that I was deeply missing before. They again missed the mark on developing the brother/cousin thing and I think even one fully Rio-centric episode to show the cause of his family dynamic would have changed everything for me. Why didn’t they fill in any gaps between Nick’s “now we can do anything we want” comment and Beth finding Rio waiting for her in his kitchen? How long was he in FCI Milan? What was that like? How did come up so fast after that? What did Rosa have to say about it all? That’s what I needed to see. His transition and his backstory but in true GG writer fashion, they forgot all about it. 
Season 3 – At least we got the car wash scene and the “show me”. I wasn’t nearly as bothered by Lucy’s death as most people because it just made sense to me. After s2 ended, someone in her circle had to die and we all knew Rio was never going to kill Beth. But I can understand why people hated seeing Lucy die. It needed to be done IMO and she just didn’t add enough value for me to feel the need to keep her around so she was that person. My problem was mostly the hitman storyline and s3 starting with Beth befriending Rhea like that. Whaaaat the fuck. Not only was it weird, it aided in softening her character at a time they should have been trying to build up more momentum since the damage was already done. But back to the hitman storyline…it was just…lazy and all-consuming. Not only that, but it went on and on and nothing even ended up happening?! At a certain point, I almost just wanted him to shoot Rio and get it over with (stick with me here). I love Andrew McCarthy so if the storyline could have been 1-2 episodes before Beth realized she was crazy and that’s not what she ever wanted and she finally took a step back to strategize like the mastermind she was capable of being, I would have liked that.
Anyway, I think I rambled way too long but in all honesty, I’ve barely said anything I wanted to say. Maybe I’ll elaborate more on this later just for my own benefit and then put it out there in case anyone else here might want to read it too. Lol. 
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blackberryblueberry · 1 month
M, first & second meeting
Maybe as a means of distraction, I tried to date again. I went on dates with many upstanding folks who seemed stable and intelligent, reminding me that in this city, everyone is interesting, accomplished, driven, and brilliant. Most of the time I felt no energy to pursue any of those inroads further. One of these, the only one I slept with (this is, despite my long bouts of femcel-ness, still a sex diary), we'll call M. We matched on Tinder. He was yet another chaotic queer-coded wasian art boy--I am embarrassed to learn my type--and with no introduction asked me out for drinks. He picked the time and place. We met at a bar near me, and despite exuding waywardness he was pretty punctual. He had a pleasant face, and reminded me of a friend of my ex's that I used to have a crush on (also a wayward art boy).
He was pretty chatty. We split a pretzel, I ordered some forgettable drink, he showed me his website. We walked in the park after, and I steered us towards my block. He didn't seem to care where he was, nor did he seem very aware of his surroundings--he followed me through the park and we sat on strangers' stoops. I brought him up to my roof, asked him about his birth chart. Cancer Sun. He asked to kiss me, and I said OK, and the kiss was just OK. His face and mouth were large and indelicate up close. Going back down to my apartment involved climbing down a thin, wobbly metal ladder which scared him a little, puncturing the devil-may-care impression I had of him (as broadcasted by his Tinder pics and his outfit). He talked a lot more than I did, and always about himself, and I felt my interest in him subsiding. The sex was awkward--his dick was long and curved and pencil thin, and he kept maneuvering my legs over his shoulders even though I kept bringing them down. But he was good at eating me out and didn't seem to be doing it out of obligation; it seemed like he liked doing it. I could sense he wanted head from me, and I dug my heels in and didn't give it to him. We tried to sleep, then we had sex again but I got tired before he finished, and he ripped the condom off and threw it on the ground, to my utter shock. I asked to spoon, and we did, but it was tense and devoid of affection.
In the morning we walked out together - me to work, and him to go home, and I was very tired and hadn't slept well. Before separating he said, "Hang out again soon?" and I said, "Let's text." I texted him later the day to say it was nice to meet him and he told me he was going to watch a few films, and recommended me the work of an animator that I turned out to quite like. After that he texted twice to make plans, and I wasn't opposed, but couldn't summon the energy to go, so we fell out of touch. I felt the disgust of a one night stand, the memory of the pencil dick and the discarded condom on my floor. A few days later, an itchy painful bump appeared on my ass, and I thought, was it reckless of me to hookup with strangers in this way? We used protection during penetration, but not during oral. I decided to stop having casual sex.
Later, in the depths of my femcel-dom I thought about him a few times, and looked him up on social media. I saw that he was dating someone--and was probably dating them even while we'd hooked up. I liked her: she seemed pretty and creative and outgoing. She'd tagged him in a few pictures, and it raised my opinion of him. He seemed to be accompanying her on fun world travels. That's really all I wanted--someone available and accessible and down to hang out with me and go places with me. My dating life had been so shitty up to this point that something like that seemed totally inconceivable.
I thought to reach out again, but through triangulating Tinder and Instagram realized he was traveling around in Asia and wouldn't be back till mid-spring. After he got back, I took a few weeks to muster up the decisiveness to contact him again. (Alternatively put: it took a few weeks for the depression and isolation to get bad enough for me to reach out.) He was down to meet up. I invited him to a live music set (Eiko Ishibashi presenting the music of Drive My Car), and we met up at the fountain in Washington Square Park on a beautiful late spring afternoon where again he sort of just followed me wherever I led him and chatted about himself. It turned out we'd been in Tokyo at the same time, and I felt sad knowing that maybe if we'd kept in touch I could've been less lonely there. He seemed confused as to why I didn't go out and meet more people; he'd partied a lot and was really active. I didn't exactly say that I was extremely depressed and burnt out and couldn't find joy and meaning in anything at all, but made some vague reference to having "ADHD brain."
But those months of deep depression, trying a hodgepodge of ways to feel better including acupuncture and indigenous healing ceremonies and getting mad at my friends, combined with the onset of spring, made me feel much more disposed to think well of him. If he was chatty, then good, it meant I didn't have to produce verbiage. If he wanted to talk about himself, then good, it meant he was open and unguarded and I could just listen and observe. If he seemed totally unaware of his surroundings and was content to follow me around, then good, he'd be a good companion to my stubborn and willful nature. He was a horrible texter, but he wasn't flaky so far.
We had a longer date this time; we got dumplings after the show, and talked for a while in Seward Park. We talked about family, relationships, art and the superficiality of the art world, the difficulty of living in New York, his previous relationships. He recalled an emotionally tumultuous adolescence with intense mood swings, that he'd grown out of. I don't know if I shared much about myself. He reminded me of my other Cancer friend, whose way of talking about themselves at length felt tedious, but it wasn't that they were idiotically self-absorbed, they'd still listen carefully if you spoke to them.
He hadn't disclosed whether he was dating someone, and so I asked him. Yes, he said, he was seeing someone, and it was kind of serious. Not "move in together tomorrow" serious, but serious. An open relationship. She didn't like labels. I felt disappointed. It sounded serious to the point that it would have been ethical to disclose.
But I'd been living with insomnia for weeks. I felt a tremble taking over my body, and my heartbeat was fast and erratic. My body wasn't holding together; I was dying. I was desperate: sex, a warm body in the bed, maybe these things would work. I'd wanted to go to his place and had actually brought my things, but he said his place was too messy, so we went to mine. The journey felt very friendly; I didn't feel lust and excitement so much as comfort and pragmatism. We had talked about how we were both struggling with insomnia. "We'll sleep ten hours tonight, right?" I asked--setting the tone, probably, for a peaceful and wholesome evening. At home we talked for a while. He said my apartment was nice. "Do you ever have friends over?" he asked. I told him I hadn't, that I'd actually been pretty ashamed of moving into this bougie apartment, and he said, "I think if you have a nice apartment you should invite friends over" and I sort of appreciated that he said that. Eventually we got ready for bed. It felt like cohabitation; he showered, we brushed our teeth, we got under the covers, we kissed. He pulled me on top of him, and at that moment I remembered to ask: "Do you get tested?" He seemed surprised. He'd gotten tested a few months ago, before his trip, and then had slept with two more people on his trip. I said, I won't go down on you, then. He looked surprised, like he didn't know what to do with this information. After that it didn't seem possible to keep going. He wasn't initiating anymore, but we were cuddling.
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
"A little nervous," he replied.
"Why?" I said. "Don't be. Did I kill it?"
"No, it's totally fine. Don't overthink it."
A long silence. "I'm overthinking it."
"I know you are, and I don't know what to tell you to not make you overthink. It's totally fine, everything's OK." He held me to comfort me.
Eventually we started making out again, and then he went down on me, and I started to think, why not. Why not just go down on him. So then I did, and he came quite quickly, into my mouth. I was surprised he didn't give me any warning. I got up to spit it out, and he laughed. He'd been waiting to see if I'd swallow; it was significant to him. Everything felt so boyish, like he was trying to do porn: take turns going down on one another, then push the legs up, plow, do a bunch of positions, swallow the cum. If we hooked up again, I'd have to tell him to be better; to go off no scripts, to use the body's signals as a guide. I realized that's what was so intoxicating about sex with A: it was his alertness to the body's signals, and the way it was always absolutely, completely okay to stop at any time, which made me never want to stop. I'd never had sex like that before. It'd felt safe and intimate and felt like love, and I did fall in love. I would have given him anything he wanted, I wanted exactly that kind of sex, every day, multiple times a day. Every other sexual experience I had--all with straight men--fell so vastly short of it. I wasn't sure if M was straight, but I feel I had a more direct answer to the question I really cared about: straight or not, the way he fucked me was normatively pornographic.
In the morning I woke up first, and puttered around the apartment trying not to wake him. Around 1pm I woke him up because I needed to leave the apartment. We had sex. It was better, maybe simply because we'd spent so much time together and my body was habituating to his. I asked him what he had going on this week, and we said Sunday we'd be free; he said he'd text over the weekend.
I suppose I need to decide if it's worth continuing to invest in him. Already he'd shown that he wasn't very thoughtful about disclosure or about boundaries, and he took up a lot of space, and was consuming a lot of my hospitality without offering much in return, and also was emotionally involved with someone else. Was I being stupid? I feel, as I did with A, that it didn't make sense for him to be attracted to me on the level required for relationship (compatibility in lifestyle and goals and communities) and so probably he wasn't. I was so deprived of physical touch. I wanted to grab onto anybody.
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radialarch · 5 months
so I can't actually look at your taskmaster posts straight on bc it's like looking at some sort of like higher being and I'm simply not strong enough. But I still want to ask you about it bc I really like TM!
Do you have a favorite season? A favorite contestant? Do you have thoughts on Liza Tarbuck's final task?
asdfa;j;kl anon i'm so sorry for the unhinged tweets but this is so funny to me. how do you watch the show. liza literally said alex had "a greedy bottom" on air & i HAVE to assume alex enjoyed this because it aired! on the television show which alex executively produces! god fucking bless.
also THE TASK was to "tell the taskmaster you love him in the most meaningful way" and at no point did anyone feel the need to pause & explain why having alex sit on a cake would be meaningful to greg, presumably because every single episode prior to this one had already made it perfectly clear.
there are such delightful moments in basically every series and if i talked about them all we would genuinely be here all day but here's some quick standouts:
series 5
the songs about rosalind were SUCH bangers? mark & nish's in particular was a triumph, loved when they revealed their musical talents. overall greg's dynamic with nish was SO funny. i really enjoy when they have secret contestant-specific tasks & want every single cheeky text revealed. sally is also... so hot, my god. nail that watercooler.
series 7
everyone had such a good dynamic, greg had a fantastic time, rhod tried to strip alex every episode, just chaotic as hell. james absolutely breaking in studio, phil leaning into the dick, everyone was game for anything & it really gelled wonderfully. sidebar the nearly-nude picture of greg is GREAT, i won't let anyone say anything otherwise.
series 15
"this is a show about pedantry" frankie is so correct and his delivery is impeccable, he made me cry-laugh so many times. ivo is a hopeful puppy and i loved it every time anyone suggested he needed a refund from eton. mae is obviously the hottest of them all but kiell subbing in for coc was also a delight. a lovely cast.
series 16
how are the sues so adorable???? i love that they became bffs immediately. also susan is the CUTEST, her outfits were incredible, and rada was obviously worth all thirty grand from the way she mimed every idiom to perfection. julian's dynamic with alex, also unmatched. genuinely the unhinged energy in this one was off the charts.
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j-naiche · 9 months
Tumblr media
chart by @/breathofrespite (I'm too shy to tag and be observed x_x;;;)
This was my first time really considering Julien's relationships to the scions so closely!
Tataru: best friend. crime companion. absolutely uses her WOL privileges to gather dirt for Tataru and further whatever her current agenda is. gossiping over brunch and drinks is a mainstay.
Y'shtola: Julien respects and admires her wholeheartedly but is too intimidated by her to act in a more familiar capacity, though she would really like to.
Lyse: Their relationship is friendly, but lacks any real connection. Julien is happy to work or fight beside her but feels no pull to be closer.
Estinien: She really enjoys his company, on and off the battlefield. A sort of comfortable cohabitation where she doesn't feel the need to talk much. Relates to him better than their more scholarly companions. She would jump at the chance if he ever showed romantic interest in her but respects his solitary nature and is too intimidated by him to ever initiate. She would love to be closer, either as friends or partners, but doesn't want to spook him.
Thancred: Considers him a dear friend, is at ease in his company and trusts him implicitly. He's the one she befriended first, so she finds his company grounding, especially when their duties whisk them off to new places. No matter what they face, he makes her feel like its possible. Julien is not immune to his charms and would/has taken him to bed, but does not desire him as a true romantic partner.
Ryne: Has familial sort of feelings, not like a mother or sister, but maybe like an aunt. She tries to offer some warmth and guidance, but doesn't feel particularly strong about it. "if you're with Thancred, you're with me" sort of vibes.
Minfilia: Julien viewed her like an older sister. Looked up to her and relied on her for some direction. Respected and trusted her, but they didn't have particularly much in common and if Julien hadn't joined the scions, she probably wouldn't have felt much about her at all either way.
G'raha: She adores him and is frustrated by him in equal measure. Is hopelessly endeared by his earnest loyalty. Admires much about his strength of will and character. Gets sick to her stomach when she thinks too hard about his sacrifices and his hero-worship. It unsettles her as much as it awes her. Definitely thinks about him romantically sometimes but is worried it wouldn't be a healthy dynamic, and is fearful of the depths of his devotion. Enjoys his company and always wants him along regardless.
Alphinaud: She is like the proudest aunt there ever was! Absolutely adores him and holds him in the highest respect. Cannot wait to see what all he accomplishes and will do anything to help him get there. Tends to zone out when he talks, doesn't always understand what he's talking about, but trusts his strategic prowess.
Alisaie: If they were closer in age, they'd be best of friends, but due to the age difference, it's more familial feelings. Julien loves to trade both words and blows with her, loves having a consistent sparring partner and challenger. Trusts Alisaie with her life and would do anything for her. Likes to make mischief with her whenever they get the chance.
Urianger: "I like your funny words, magic man!" Julien can understand his language well enough, but the subject matter tends to go over her head. Its the same issue with her other scholarly companions. She cannot engage with him as well as she'd like, and is always afraid she's boring him with her more simple-minded nature. She likes to nap around him when he's reading, though. Despite everything, she trusts him fully and always feels safer for his presence.
Krile: Julien sees Krile as a good friend, almost as a sister. Tells her anything and relies on her for advice, and does gossip over brunch just as easily with her as with Tataru. Less chaotic gremlin bestie energy with Krile, but still is a close friend.
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lasteverafter · 4 years
i made joy and i had to pull through for the daughter of odette.
i suffer from barbie brainrot btw.
anyways anneliese where do i begin.
the daughter of the swan queen / white swan / odette.
she and joy are the same age but she’s a year under her.
her full name is anneliese hu!!!
nicknames include annie but basically no one calls her that aside from her mother.
an ever. the best of the best. the goodest of all good. the blueprint. the model student. you and your mom and your grandmother wishes they could be her.
she’s basically the perfect school for good kid.
despite that it’s pretty much the only personality she has. her mother had raised her up as this uber good and sensible kid.
as a kid her mother was always very strict with presenting good and being beautiful and all that jazz.
also going through a mid-life identity crisis.
also an only child, the princess of a kingdom called the crystal lake, housing the swan lake and many castles (although mostly old and crumbling) and some mountains and more lakes & forests. very magical and fairytale-esque.
has blonde hair and really startling bright blue eyes.
OR DOES SHE *dun dun dun*.
she doesn’t because i love giving my characters drama and issues to wade through.
she was actually born with dark hair, like a straight never-coloured black.
her mother was like nUh Uh MiSsY *danny gonzalez finger waggle* only blondes in this household.
breaking news the hu family believes in blonde supremacy.
anyways she forces anneliese to dye her hair blonde constantly with some kind of unicorn hair, lemon, sugar concoction because somehow good is always connected to blond hair.
(also odette also totally had similar hair and was ridiculed for it before turning her blonde hair permanent through some sus ways)
also of asian descent. very similar build to joy, but just a teeny bit shorter.
her hair is always tied up into a ponytail, braid or bun.
she actually didn’t like joy much at first, kind of looked down at her.
if anything she just felt pity for the girl. which is like really really annoying because anneliese talks like she’s talking to a baby kitten.
as a kid as she always taught to look down on nevers because good always defends and prevails, she was always raised to believe that good is superior to evil. because obviously! if they’re not why are they always the one to triumph in the end?
but joy is actually!!! ok with being friends.
and anneliese is like what.
we’re supposed to be mortal enemies
joy: not when i’m alive we’re not.
she meets joy at the school and actually starts becoming friends with her she’s like. well shit. mom’s going to kill me.
anneliese goes through this entire character arc that i’m NOT going to describe because i might write this or something but YES in the end she’s like
wow was i wrong.
they write letters to each other btw.
she actually really admires joy’s [REDACTED]
(also joy [REDACTED])
sorry lads i might write this haha so i’m going to keep the arcs a bit of a secret.
she’s AGGRESSIVELY good. like chaotic good. anneliese radiates ben and jerry’s energy.
ever: omg that joy kid is so evil :( anneliese: SAY HELLO TO MY GRANDFATHER FOR ME *throws the kid across the classroom*
anneliese throws coin bag at poor peasant ‘now do whatever you want with it! I don’t care!’
also conveniently and unironically good at combat magic and thus has a habit of throwing kids across classrooms or out windows when they say something that rubs her the wrong way.
anneliese having breakfast or something and thinking about peasants and then she just abruptly gets up, tells the head chef to make as much food as he can and set up free food stalls in the village square
she’s just so aggressively GOOD like it’s hilarious.
although sometimes it might come off as her seemingly treating someone like a charity case.
also a ballerina.
doesn’t waddle like joy because that u n s i g h t l y for a princess but she is stretching everywhere and cracking bones 24/7 and most of the time a puddle on the floor.
evergirls: walks into bathroom anneliese, with a toothbrush in hand and leg propped up against the wall: good morning.
joy recognises anneliese through the sound she makes when she walks.
anneliese wears these heels and she walks around like CLICK CLACK and they are really really loud.
odette: you gotta wear all these fancy pure beautiful shoes to show how good and beautiful and amazing and light and graceful you are annie: ok click clacks aggressively
her mom waking up every morning to really really loud click clacks ‘oh my fucking god it’s her again’
my godforsaken daughter’s existence was not just a bad dream
annie: OH MOTHER *raps aggressively on door* OUR BREAKFAST IS READY.
has the most EXTRAVAGANT shoe collection. sophie would be jealous.
her prized possession and the one she wears the most are these heels that make literal fire.
shhh i know its fake (i’m heartbroken btw) but its totally real in their world
maybe half of her shoes can do that so.. u never know which... keepin em on their toes...
someone: says something stupid annie: friendly reminder that i am, in fact, a fire hazard.
also the type of girl to say “no ❤️”
her mother probably only wants the best for annie but she’s just doing so in a very unorthodox way.
odette: i've been bullied bc i made friends with an never i don't want u to do the same annie: its the 21st century mom. maybe people getting bullied for what they can’t help and don’t wanna be is the problem :)
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