zorrxchicle · 11 months
samantha hudson's what's in my bag reina del pueblo icono tía txulísima and bag goals
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sir-virtem · 5 months
I can't stop thinking about that panel on which a mirror show it different what ifs, and one showed Laios life as a woman
She was marry with a man and had children, probably was an arrangle marriage with some neighbooring noble... and I can see her doing noble things like financing public infraestructure, administring the land, when monster are near she would summon adventures/hubter, make "salted pork" and organicing banquets & festivities.
But also having a personal library full of bestiaries, herbolaries and agriculture books... and letters from fairin. She would hide her monster obsession from everyone except their sibling.
Somehow that would lead into her summoning the devil so she could have someone with whom speak and eat monster, until she one day decide to make a banquet for nobles that only have monster meals which ends with her turning the mannor into a dungeon, which itself would lie over the dinning table that is inside the dinning hall on the dungeon.
You would see her and devil above talking and eating what is on the plates, vases and pots the dungeon's room.
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amateurchefstuff · 16 days
XXa Fira de les herbes i Flors de Muntanya – Setcases
dies 15 de juny del 2024 Setcases (Ripollès) A la fira mercat hi podrem trobar herbolaris i professionals dedicats a l’obtenció de matèries primeres a partir de plantes, i que ens oferiran: ungüents, olis, sabons, cremes, plantes medicinals, etc . També hi trobarem artesans que venen a vendre i a fer demostracions dels seus productes, aportant un to més lúdic i comercial a la festa. MÉS…
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stray-and-feral · 6 months
𓄹 ⊹ ᳝ ࣪⠀. ִ ་ ּ 𓄹 ⊹ ᳝ ࣪⠀. ִ ་ ּ 𓄹 ⊹ ᳝ ࣪⠀. ִ ་ ּ 𓄹 ⊹ ᳝ ࣪⠀. ִ ་ ּ 𓄹
Hey! Wait a minute..what's that stink??
..it kinda smells..sniff..sorta human...
Oh!! Hey you!!
Hahaha, Oh! you really thought I wouldn't notice you?
What are you doing wandering all alone here?
You got lost?
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...well I guess you are not first or last traveller lost around..hmm..
..follow me...
..I know some place..
..careful and watch your feet..
..there might be some strange creatures around..
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Here we are!!
Welcome to my cave 🍃🦴🪨🏚️
Pretty nice right?
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What was that?
Oh! a little cockroach won't hurt.
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🦴 Allow introduce myself:
🪲 My name is Furia Luminosa; Yes! self baptized like that! why? ; cause everyone need a special and magical name in their life right??.
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🍃~ My pronouns are she/her.
🪲~About myself: hermit forest creature, I have a quite big aversion towards mostly all humans and the modern society.
Lets say I'm quite unadapted and misplaced since very early age.
Lived most of my life on a nomadic way and by circumstances even quite very very isolated. Thankfully I been blessed of having many animal companions trough the most unfortunate times on my life, and will always be grateful for that. They truly teached me what loyalty, real love and compassion is. They became the meaning of what Family is.
💚 This blog is a bit a love letter to anyone who felt lost and stray. Anyone fighting for survive and any one who still searching for their place.
⚠️ Some of my posts might be a statement against any form of animal extermination, persecution or abuse.
🐺 But mostly inspired on inner impulse to come back to the animal instinctive nature of self. Might be pretty might be not.
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Interests: Anthropology, chamanism, neochamanism, primitivism, folklore, magick, nature, permaculture, cooking, alternative energies, holistic medicine, holistic veterinary, herbolary, animals, animal communication, animal behaviour, sun napping, crafting, DIY, recycle and upcycle, poetry, spiritual world, freedom, ecology, ecotopia, alternative economies, forest punk, autonomy, survival skills, crash on abandoned places, urban exploration, seedbombing, anarchy.
Dislikes: Noise Mostly!! ( loud noise, car or traffic noise ) driving, wearing shoes, cold weather, guns, explosives or any gas combustion device, electromagnetical bzzz making me psycho (electrosensitive here) anthenas, productive mind driven societies, banks, plastic plants, white led light.
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About this blog:
100% experimental and permanently evolving.
Might be multilingual.
Goblins, Ghouls, Wendigos, Nahuales, Skinwalkers, Shapeshifters, Lycans, Therians welcome.
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miae-bee · 3 years
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Herbolary class goes wrong
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renacercomofenix · 5 years
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pacoctavio · 6 years
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Vigésimo quinto del #creatuanary2018 #creatuanary #creature #criatura #fantasy #fantasía #mandrake #mandragora #herbolaria #herbolary #plant #planta #drawing #dibujo #inks #tinta #entintado #inking
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filipomongar-blog · 6 years
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#lautanatattoo #herbolary #botanictattoo #blackworktattoo #linework #lineworktattoo #tatuadoresmexicanos #mexicantattooers
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paolaklug · 7 years
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Mi bruja verde favorita hace cosas increíbles trabajando con la Naturaleza 💚🍃 Querida @lu_s_handsshop eres maravillosa 🌙🌹 #lushandsbeautypotions #herbolary #naturalskincare #hierberita #smellgood (en Celaya, Guanajuato)
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socotrocon · 3 years
so... im kinda want to learn bout witchcraft
since i was a little kid i always feel connected to the “mystical” side of the world, you know? and... well, i still feel the same thing.
when i was VERY young i´ve remember that i was doing “potions” in my school and always dreaming and drawing faeries.
and i don´t know if i can call myself a sensitive person, but sometimes i can feel the vibes in a room, see “things” such as shadows or things like that, or even just know things *sin que alguien me haya contado* (ex: secrets, memories, information).
** i didn´t know how to put that in english words, sorry
i am going to investigate about herbolary and astrology to begin with my studies in witchcraft!
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gsanagustin · 4 years
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Bona troballa #herbolaridelcel (en Herbolari del cel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAp2AZDJTdZ/?igshid=k632qviapt6c
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metztli-xictli-co · 7 years
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“Precious fethered flower”
Goddess of Beauty, flowers, pleasure and arts. Protector and muse of artists, weavers, soldaderas, goldsmiths, painters, prostitutes and pregnant woman. She was also the patron of housework.
Campasúchil (Marigold) flowers were consacreted to her. Xochiquetzal was invoked to obtain beauty, to survive a dangerous situation, when making crafts, to achieve fertility, for birthing labor, good crops, dancing, music, singing, the recovery after a disaster, the herbolary, sexual freedom, to talk about love, achieve a good weave, sexual pleasure, erotism, and achive an stable marriage.
Feathers, dasies and small fragments of tile with her painted image where the best offerings for the Xochiquetzal.
She’s the twin sister of Xochipilli. Her first husband was Tláloc (god of water), though she later married Ixotecuhtli (god of freedom), Piltzintecuhtli (god hallucinogean plants) and Centeot (god of corn)l. She was also lover to Tezcatlipoca (god of war).
She lives in the ninth heaven, the region of Iztehecayan (obsidian wind, a desolate frozen place and abrupt stone, a mountai range with sharp edges composed of eight hills in which it always fell snow) and she is a dual Goddess associated with both the sun and the moon.
She was followed by a retinue consisting of birds and butterflies. Worshippers wore animal and flower masks at a festival, held in her honor every eight years.
Before me stood
a beautiful apparition.
I found that fountain
of radiant beauty
full of light and energy
This little fountain
fills me with love, youth
happiness and joy
It’s blessed light, illuminates
my life, gifting
youth to my heart.
This little fountain is
my Goddess Xochiquetzal!
the most beautiful goddess
on the aztec land
daughter of the rose and the sun
giving eternal youth
to my veteran heart.
(Fragment of the poem “Beautiful Fountain” by Carlos Zitro)
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amateurchefstuff · 2 months
33a Fira de Sant Ponç - Cànoves i Samalús
Dies 11 i 12 de maig del 2024 Cànoves i Samalús  (Vallès Oriental) Mostra d’herbes remeieres i productes naturals al peu del Montseny durant el cap de setmana més proper a l’11 de maig. Una festa popular d’arrel tradicional durant la qual herbolaris i recol·lectors de flors i plantes medicinals, així com artesans de l’alimentació i pagesos de la zona, ofereixen al passejant els seus productes en…
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objecteiespai · 4 years
La berbena relaxa, la cua de cavall és diürètica, la calèndula regenera la pell, la valeriana va bé pel dolor menstrual… Les propietats guaridores de les herbes aromàtiques són infinites i durant molts anys, quan no hi havia farmacologia, eren la medicina més eficaç que hi havia. D’aquest temps data la fira de Sant Ponç, que aquest any no es podrà celebrar però tradicionalment es fa l’11 de maig al carrer de l’Hospital del barri del Raval. ...
...Les que serveixen per a tot: ‘L’aigua de farigola tot ho consola’ / ‘L’orenga tots els mals trenca’ / ‘L’esperit de romaní, el dolor fa fugir’
Per als mals més freqüents: ‘Si et fa mal el païdor, el fonoll és el millor’/ ‘Per la gola: farigola’
Sobre la necessitat de tenir herbes medicinals a mà: ‘Amb farigola, malves, i grans de rosari, es planta un ric herbolari’ / ‘Ruda, orenga, hisop, donzell, tot això és bo per remei’
La ruda, planta de bruixes: ‘La ruda, herba d’aventura’ / ‘Fonoll i ruda fan la vista aguda’...
... A la fira també hi ha una bona selecció de mel i dolços derivats, com ara melmelada, fruita confitada i arrop...
12 de Maig 
Sant Pancraç i la moneda al dit i el julivert...
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renacercomofenix · 5 years
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art-neutre · 5 years
Exposició: Lubaina Himid retorna la dignitat als esclaus negres del XVII al CAPC de Bordeus
Lubaina Himid, "Naming the Money" (2004), Exhibition view "Navigation Charts", Spike Island, Bristol, 2017. Courtesy the artist, Hollybush Gardens, London and National Museums Liverpool: International Slavery Museum. Photographer: Stuart Whipps. Lubaina Himid | Naming the Money
Del 31.10.2019 al 23.02.2020
Museu d'Art Contemporani de Bordeus CAPC
Comissària: Alice Motard La programació del Museu d'Art Contemporani de Bordeus CAPC del 2019 es tanca amb una exposició de Lubaina Himid, guanyadora del prestigiós Premi Turner el 2017, que gira al voltant de la seva instal·lació Naming the Money (2004). Obra fonamental de l’artista britànic, que consta d’un centenar de siluetes de fusta contraplacada que donen vida als servents africans representats entre els seus amos en la pintura europea dels segles XVII i XVIII. Himid, capdavantera del moviment de les Arts Negres a la Gran Bretanya dels anys 80, ha estat desenvolupant una obra polivalent de creadora d'art, comissaria, arxivera i mestressa explorant la marginació de la diàspora negra a la societat contemporània. En extreure els esclaus de les escenes on només eren símbols de riquesa i de l’estatus social dels seus amos, Lubaina Himid els retorna no només un cos, sinó també un nom i una capacitat d’acció col·lectiva. Empleats com a ceramistes, herbolaris, fabricants de joguines i fins i tot formadors de gossos, ens expliquen, amb antecedents de música i text, la seva identitat canviant, des dels seus noms i oficis africans, fins als nous noms i professions que se’ls imposa com a classe segons els cànons europeus. Naming the Money amplia el concepte de l'esclau a la de tots els "migrants", les identitats personals de les quals són rebutjades segons les pressions exercides per les forces polítiques i econòmiques mundials . Presentada al Museu d’Art Contemporani de Bordeus, aquesta exposició relaciona també amb la història del magatzem que acull les exposicions del CAPC des dels anys 70. Construït el 1824, una dotzena d’anys després de l’abolició oficial del comerç d’esclaus, s’utilitzava per emmagatzemar les mercaderies colonials (cafè, sucre, cacau, cotó, rom, vi, bacallà, espècies, etc.) en trànsit al nord d’Europa, cosa que va fer que la fortuna del comerç marítim de Bordeus fos la més important del segle. Lubaina Himid també exposa nou díptics pintats amb patrons geomètrics abstractes procedents de viatges reals o íntims que exalten la memòria de la seva illa natal. Aquesta sèrie de quadres es titulada Zanzibar.
Lubaina Himid va néixer el 1954 a Zanzíbar, Tanzània. Des de petita, viu i treballa a Preston, Regne Unit, on ensenya art contemporani a la Universitat de Lancashire. Es representada per la galeria londinenca Hollybush Gardens. La seva obra ha estat objecte de recents exposicions monogràfiques al New Museum, Nova York (2019); al BALTIC Centre d’Art Contemporani, Gateshead (2018); a la Galeria d’Art Walker, Liverpool, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe (2017). La seva àmplia retrospectiva conjunta a Spike Island, Bristol i Modern Art Oxford el 2017, així com la seva participació a The Place is Here a Nottingham Contemporary, li han permès guanyar la nominació al Premi Turner aquell mateix any. El 2019, la seva obra també es mostrarà en monografies al Museu Frans Hals, Haarlem i a la Tate Britain, Londres. Amb el suport de: Fluxus Art Projects, aquest és un programa franco-britànic d’art contemporani recolzat pel Ministeri de Cultura, l’Institut Francès i el Consell Britànic. Museu d'Art Contemporani de Bordeus CAPC 7, carriere Ferrère Bordeus, Occitània
+ informació
https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Hs2OavpXvAI/XeD_6X35EnI/AAAAAAAACkk/_rKDBFQxhM8TKwB9PI4K2po4OcS5SvmqACLcBGAsYHQ/s640/Lubaina%2BHimid.jpg http://www.artneutre.net/2019/11/exposicio-lubaina-himid-retorna-la-dignitat-als-esclaus-negres-del-XVII-al-CAPC-de-Bordeus.html #Art #Catalunya #Barcelona #PaisValencià #Balears #Andorra #Occitània #Alguer #AgendArt #Valencia #Palma
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