#hercules mulligun x reader
aye-fucking-aye · 7 years
A Choice: Hamilton Fanfic (Fem!Reader x Alexander, John, Hercules, and Lafayette) Chapter 1: Prologue
Summary: The boys were your best friends, you loved them. And they loved you. But what happens when their love runs deeper than friendship? Will they manage to suppress their feelings for you or will they be willing to sacrifice their friendship to be with you. Either way, you have to make a choice. 
Disclaimer: I don’t own any Hamilton characters, those all belong to the great Lin-Manual Miranda.  I don’t own any references here either. The plot is inspired by the many otome animes I’ve watched. No shame. 
Quick Author’s note: This is my first Hamilton fanfic and it will be a series. i don’t know how long it will be but if it goes well I might prolong it a bit. This chapter is only to get the gist of the relationship you guys have at the moment and to know what everyone does. The real juicy stuff happens in the next chapter. Well I hope you guys enjoy this and I hope I accurately portrayed the characters. Enjoy! 
You were fumbling with your keys, trying to open the door so you can enter your nice, warm apartment. It’s been a long and cold day at work and you want nothing more than to strip off your work clothes, put on your fuzzy pj’s, and sit down with a nice cup of hot chocolate, while watching your favorite Netflix show.
You finally managed to open your door and happily sighed as you entered. However, that sigh of content quickly turned into a groan of annoyance when you saw two of your best friends already on your couch, watching the new Spiderman movie.
“Y/N!!” yelled John, as he saw you enter, “You’re home! How was work?”
You only grunted in response as you took off your coat and shoes. You turned and saw John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton, two out of four of your best friends, just laying on the couch with popcorn all over them.
“Jeez, guys. Would it kill you to eat like decent human beings?” You exclaimed as you gestured towards all the popcorn.
“Aww c’mon,Y/N, don’t be like that. Sit down and relax with us. You can even sit on my lap.” John cheekily replied.
You rolled your eyes at him, already used to his flirty personality. Alexander throws a piece of popcorn at John’s face.
“Shut up, John, she’s not in the mood for your advances today.” Alex said. He then went over and hugged you. “But you can always sit on my lap too.” Alex whispered in your ear, with a shit-eating smirk.
You scoffed and pushed him off of you. He only laughed at your reaction and sat back down next to John, ignoring the looks John was giving him.
“You guys are unbelievable, where is Herc and Laf? Are they here too?” You questioned as you made your way to your room.
“They went to go get pizza, they should be back in a couple minutes.” Alex called out.
You nodded and went to your room to change into something more comfortable. You came out a minute later in your fuzzy Hello Kitty pants and a gray cropped sweater. You sat down in between John and Alex and took the bowl of popcorn from John’s hands.
“Hey!?” John exclaimed looking at you with annoyance
You only stuck your tongue out at him and then stuffed your face with popcorn. John shook his head and smiled at your cute actions.
About five minutes later, you heard the door of your apartment open and Hercules Mulligan and Marquis de Lafayette, the remaining two, came in with three boxes of pizzas.
“Hey guys!” You greeted from the couch.
They both looked up and smiled at you, as they took off their coats and shoes.
“Bonjour, mon ami! Comment allez-vous?” Laf said as he went to hug you and kissed your cheeks.
You blushed slightly before saying,”I’m fine, Laf. Did you get my favorite?” You went over to Hercules and hugged him.
Herc smiled down at you and hugged you back. “Hey there angel, of course we got your favorite. It’s the top box.”
You smiled at him and got the box. You sat back down on the couch, opened the box, and took a bite of the warm pizza. You moaned at the taste.
“God, I have been craving this all week.” You said as you took another bite.
Herc laughed as he set the other boxes on the coffee table and sat beside Alex.
“I can tell, you look exhausted. Rough day at work?” Hercules asked.
You nodded as you finished your first slice. You worked as a songwriter and music producer at Longtales Records Corporation. You loved your job, but this week you had to make four hit pop songs for a bratty teen idol. You didn’t like his style of music or his attitude, but you luckily finished the songs and got a nice paycheck.
“I hate working with entitled stars, but anyway, how was your week, Herc?”You asked.
Herc worked as a fashion designer and made clothes for various companies. He prefers not to start his own company at the moment, since he just wants to enjoy simple life. He has had many of his pieces represented on the run away, however, so he won’t have any trouble making a successful company.
“It’s been great actually, I finished the spring collection Michael Kors wanted. Oh, and Lady Gaga contacted me, she wants a dress for next year’s Grammys.” Hercules stated happily.
“Wow, Gaga? That’s big man, congrats.” John said, patting Herc on the back.
“Thanks man, what’s up with you?” asked Herc to John.
John shrugged, “Alex and I are probably going to get promoted at our law firm.”
John and Alex both worked as lawyers at Washington’s Law Office. John was an environmental and civil rights lawyer, while Alex was a criminal and immigration lawyer. John also was a successful painter, having many of his paintings displayed at several art galleries.
“I might not take it though, I still have my campaign coming up in two years, I don’t want to be overly busy.” said Alex.
Aside from being a lawyer, Alex was also running to be a state senator for New York. He talks, or complains, a lot about his opponent Thomas Jefferson.
“Then, Washington is going to give that position to Burr.” said John
“I rather have Aaron Burr be a better lawyer than me, than Jefferson win against me.” grumbled Alex.  
Lafayette laughed at Alex’s mood. “Oh mon ami, relax, your campaign won’t start for another two years. No need to worry about Jefferson now.”
Alex only pouted in response.
You looked back at Laf, “Hey, Laf, how’s the cafe?”
Lafayette owned a local French cafe. It has gotten very popular over the years and is a hot spot for many tourists. It does especially well during the winter.
“Fantastique! There are more tourists this winter than last year. Business is, how you say? Um, skyrocketing?” Laf said, unsure.
“Yup, I’m glad it’s going well.” You said.
Lafayette nodded, then said, “We are thinking of becoming a franchise and spreading all across the U.S. One of my co-managers even said that it will be possible to open a cafe in France as well!” Laf exclaimed excitedly.
Everyone clapped for all their successes, it was always encouraging to see how far you guys have gotten since college. Back when you guys were always drunk or high. You’ve all made a name for yourselves and all love your own jobs. It was these moments where you were all truly happy.
You glanced at the clock and noticed how late it has gotten. You stood up and picked up the empty pizza boxes.
“It’s getting late, are you guys staying over tonight or are you all going home?” You asked the boys.
The boys all looked at eachother before Alex said,”We’re staying the night.”
You nodded and told them to help you clean up the living room. After the expensive apartment you have was clean, you all went up to your room. You had at least two other bedrooms in your apartment, but the boys liked sleeping with you.
You all crawled up to bed and you felt John lay beside you with his arms wrapped around your waist and his face curled into your neck. Hercules laid in front of you and tangled his legs with yours. His hands holding yours and your foreheads touching. Lafayette laid beside John and Alex laid beside Herc, wrapping his arms around him.
You hummed in content having everyone’s heat keep you warm this cold winter night.
“Goodnight guys, I love you.” You said sleepily.
“Goodnight Y/N. We love you too,” The boys said.
You fell asleep oblivious. Oblivious to the boy’s real affections. Oblivious to the emotional storm that was to come. And oblivious to the hardest choice you will ever have to make.
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lafayettes-bun-blog · 7 years
23 promps :
1 :“are you serious?”
2 : “i hate you”
3 : “fuck off, you hurt me”
4 : “but… you said i wasnt good enough…”
5 : “awh you got me a puppy”
6 : “let’s have make up sex”
7 : first kiss
8 : first time being sexually intimate in any way, specify if requested whether its sex, oral, fingering, and/or handjobs
9 : “i dont know you but id really like to touch your body everywhere and make you scream my name even if you dont know it yet”
10 : “i know you’re sad”
11 : “i know you like me”
12 : “why didnt you tell me?”
13 : “if youre so brave, then why didnt you tell me how you really felt?”
14 : “you fuckin suck at cooking”
15 : “lets order take out so i can take you out…of those clothes”
16 : *insert laugh* “i like your laugh��
17 : “please hold me and tell me everything’s gonna be alright?”
18 : “i got this reservation for two but i dont have a date…think you could help me out?”
19 : “ive been in love with you my whole life but i didnt have enough balls to tell you”
20 : common time setting
21 : in which they (character of your choosing) is “just a friend”, but everyone knows better
22 : “youre my fuck buddy but ive fallen helplessly in love with you”
23 : “lets cuddle”
message me for an imagine with any of these promps with any character from Hamilton :-))
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aye-fucking-aye · 7 years
A Choice: Hamilton Fanfic (Fem!Reader x Alexander, John, Hercules, and Lafayette) Chapter 4: Close Call
Summary: The boys were your best friends, you loved them. And they loved you. But what happens when their love runs deeper than friendship? Will they manage to suppress their feelings for you or will they be willing to sacrifice their friendship to be with you. Either way, you have to make a choice.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any Hamilton characters, those all belong to the great Lin-Manual Miranda. 
Author’s note: It’s done! It’s here! Sorry I made you all wait so long. But here’s the next chapter. I really hope you guys enjoy it. Rated T for lots of swearing. WARNING: mentions of attempted rape here. Please don’t reblog. Anyways, Enjoy!
After lunch at Laf’s cafe, you made it to his apartment. Now, you all went to go change into some nicer clothes to go to the dance club.
You stripped away your sweaters and took off your booties, looking through Laf’s guest room drawers, where you put your extra clothes, to find an appropriate outfit.
You saw you only had an option of two plain t-shirts, a romper, a pair of light blue jeans, and a dark red body dress. You didn’t want to go all out, so you decided for the black romper, with a wide neckline. You rummage around and could only find a pair of silver wedges in the guest room.
‘Oh well,’ You thought, ‘this will have to do.’
You got dressed and got your bag. Since it was colder out, you decided to see if Laf had a trench coat he could let you borrow.
You got out and saw that you were the second one to finish. Hercules already sitting on the couch with a dark blue button-up with a black tie and some black dress pants to match. There was no beanie on his head.
You cleared your throat to get his attention. Herc looked up and saw you, his smile widening as he saw you were wearing a romper he made you.
“Looking good, angel.” Herc said with a smirk.
“Not so bad yourself, hunk.” You teased back.
He laughed at your silly remark. You both turned when you heard the door open and out comes Lafayette, in a long-sleeved maroon dress shirt, with gray skinny jeans.
Herc whistles at Laf. “Yo, you’ve been using the tips I told you, Laf!” He exclaimed.
“Oui, turns out you were right. Gray does look better on me than blue.” Laf responded. He turned to look at you.
“Mon chéri, you look exquisite.” Laf complimented you.  
You kindly thanked him for his compliment, then remembered to ask him to borrow a trenchcoat. He happily agreed and told you to pick any out of his closet. Except for the dark purple one, he borrowed that one from a friend.
You thanked him again and headed over to Laf’s room. On your way over there, you passed another guest room and heard some yelling going on inside.
“Just wear it, Alex! We don’t have time for your tantrums!” You heard John yell.
“Dude! You know I fucking hate purple. No way, I’m going out in that. Especially in front of Y/N!” Alex yelled back.
“Dude, it’s the only thing I have, either you wear this or you wear nothing. Make your damn choice.” John yelled again at Alex.
You heard Alex let out a very annoyed sigh. “Fine! Give it to me!”
“Finally! Was that so hard?” John said.
“Shut up and get out.” Alex snapped back.
You laughed quietly and leaned away from the door. John opened the door and got out. He was surprised to see you, but quickly put a smirk on.
“Well, hello pretty lady. Did you hear our friendly conversation?” John asked.
You nodded and asked, “What’s up with Alex?”
John scoffed at the mention of his name. “The dumbass only left dirty clothes here, except for a pair of jeans. He didn’t have a shirt, so I let him borrow the only other dress shirt I had here, since he can’t fit in any of Laf’s or Herc’s clothes. The problem was that it was purple and you know how Alex feels about purple.”
You laughed at John’s story and he joined in. After you calmed down, you took the chance to look at John’s attire. Black jeans with a short-sleeved, peach-colored button-up.  
l”You look good, you don’t always wear this color.” You said as you reached forward to fix his collar.
John beamed at your compliment and took the hand before you could pull away. He brought it up to his lips and said, “You look way better, babygirl. You always do.”
You blushed a bit, stunned by his sudden action. You only nodded back and took your hand away, before scurrying away, telling John that you needed to get a coat from Laf.
He smiled as he saw you enter Laf’s room. Proud that he got you to blush again. He turned and went to the living room, where the other two were waiting.
Inside Laf’s closet, you carefully looked through the coats he has. You ended up picking a cream-colored coat and headed out the room.
When you opened the door, you saw Alex exciting from the guest room as well. He turned and saw you before squealing a bit and looking down in embarrassment.
You giggled softly and looked at his outfit. He wore fitted, blue jeans and a purple, short-sleeved button-up. The sleeves seemed a bit bigger, but it looked good on him.
“That’s a nice color on you, Alex. You look better in it than Jefferson.” You said to him, in order to cheer him up.
He looked up surprised and with a redder face. “R-really? Uh- I mean (cough) I know. Jefferson has terrible taste in fashion.” Alex says.
You roll your eyes and link you arm with his, heading over to the rest of the guys.
The guys all got their coats and headed outside, where a cab was waiting to take you all to the club.  
After you all arrived at the club, somehow managing to fit in one cab, you headed for drinks.
“The first round is on me guys, I fuckin needed this,” you exclaimed, trying to flag down the bartender. The guys hooted at your offer.
The first round was easy, but after five rounds, you were starting to be a bit ditzy. You were fairly good with your liquor, beating John and Herc, but you were no match for how well Lafayette can hold his alcohol. Alex was, surprisingly, good with alcohol too.
You had the best time, laughing and dancing with the guys. It was something you all needed. It soon got out of control when Laf kept buying more and more shots.
“C’mon, Y/N, come and take another shot with us!” Laf said.
“Oh my god, Laf! This is like- like the thirty-thith shot! I’m (hiccup) about to blackout!”You said giggling.
Alex looked at you and laughed. “Don’t you dare throw away your shot, Y/N! You wanted to come to the club, now raise a glass to your freedom from the prissy pop star and drink!”
You stood up and in one swift motion, chugged the whole drink down. You slammed the glass down and put your hands up. They guys all cheered and clapped.
“There ya go you assholes, now I’m gonna get a glass of water. I’m getting a headache.” You said, as you grabbed your bag and headed for the bar.
“Get me one too, please!” You heard Herc yell after you. You only threw a thumbs up in response, not looking back.
You tried to waver through the crowd of dancers to get to the bar, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. Everyone was pushing and bumping into you. It was starting to get harder to breathe. You almost made it to the bar, when a hand grabbed your wrist roughly and pulled you back to the dance floor.
‘What?’ You thought as turned and saw a young man, with blue eyes and a sleazy smile holding tightly on your wrist.
“Excuse me, sir, can you please let go of my fucking wrist?” You spatted out.
The guy looked a bit surprised at your outburst, but only held on tighter. “Come on baby, don’t be like that. I can tell you like a good time, and baby, I can give you a good time.” The guy said, pulling you closer.
You pushed away as best as you could in your drunken state, but to no avail. The guy only held on tighter and roughly started pulling you away to a more secluded area.
You screamed for the boys, but the club’s music was too loud. The douche pushed you roughly to the wall and gripped your hips.
“You’ve ever been with a king before, baby? Trust me, after this, no one else will measure up.” He harshly whispered against your ear.
You wanted to vomit at his words. The situation was starting to become extremely dangerous for you and you knew that no one will be able to save you. So, with every bit of your strength you kicked the motherfucker in the balls and watched him drop. You gave him one final punch to nose and ran the hell out of there.
You came back to the dance floor and tried to navigate your way towards the boys again. You couldn’t get past the people and were starting to panic, afraid the guy will came back to look for you.
You grabbed your bag and looked for your phone to call the boys to come for you. You couldn’t find it, however, and your stomach dropped as you recalled that you never went back to retrieve it after you heard their secret conversation.
‘Shit, what do I do now?’ You thought.
You were lost and scared. Your mind was too drunk and shocked, over almost being raped, that you couldn’t think of a proper solution. You felt tears escaping your eyes and slid down against the wall, feeling like a complete mess.
It was five minutes later that you felt a pair of hands swiftly try to pull you up. You panicked for a second, thinking it was the blue-eyed rapist, but relaxed to see Hercules instead. You instantly wrapped your arms around him and sobbed.
“Can we go home, please?” You whispered to him.
He only nodded and wrapped his arms protectively around you. He waved over the other boys and yelled out, “Guys, I found her!” They didn’t hear him well, but saw you in his arms and came rushing towards him.
“Y/N! What happened?”
“We were worried!”
“Are you okay?”
Hercules shushed them. “Let’s just go home, guys.” The boys understood and went to grab all their stuff, including yours.
You left the club in a cab, you sitting on Herc’s lap the whole way, and ended up back at your apartment.
Lafayette got the keys and opened it. You stepped inside and sat on the couch. You have calmed down and now had a massive headache.
The guys sat around you and Alex came with a cup of water. He handed it to you and you thanked him and took a sip. You sat in silence for awhile, trying to organize your thoughts.
“Arg, shit. What a fuckin night.” You groaned out.
“Dude, what happened? You were gone for 15 minutes just getting some water.” John asked.
You cleared your throat and explained how some guy on the dance floor grabbed you and tried to rape you. All the guys visibly tensed and had murder in their eyes. You then said how you had to kick him where the sun don’t shine and punched him to escape. You escaped, but because you were still stinking drunk and incredibly shocked about the attack you couldn’t make your way back to them.
“Why didn’t you call us?” Hercules questioned.
“I accidentally left my phone here.” You answered.
You sighed in relief that you were safe now.  But one look at the boys made you realize that they were still furious over some ass trying to hurt you.
“I’m going back to the club and I’m beating that bastard down.” Alex exclaimed, standing up.
You shook your head, “Alex, it’s fine. I’m okay, now. Besides I kicked him so hard in the dick, it wouldn’t be a fair fight.”
Alex snickered and sat back down, smiling proudly at you.
“I’m glad you were able to defend yourself this time, but I promise you that I won’t let any other fucker try to hurt you again.” Alex said and pulled you into a hug.
“That goes for you guys too.” Alex said to the rest of the boys.
The guys all protested and laughed, before they joined in the group hug.  You smiled at the comfort they gave you.
After the hug, you all stayed up a bit more to watch a film before heading to bed. As you snuggled up with the guys, you couldn’t help but think that you were so lucky to have them with you.
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aye-fucking-aye · 7 years
A Choice: Hamilton Fanfic (Fem!Reader x Alexander, John, Hercules, and Lafayette) Chapter 3: Karaoke Time
Summary: The boys were your best friends, you loved them. And they loved you. But what happens when their love runs deeper than friendship? Will they manage to suppress their feelings for you or will they be willing to sacrifice their friendship to be with you. Either way, you have to make a choice.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any Hamilton characters, those all belong to the great Lin-Manual Miranda.  I don’t own any songs mentioned in this part. Also I obviously don’t live in New York so I don’t know how Karaoke One 7 actually looks like, I just thought of it as a karaoke booth rental kind of thing. sorry if that’s wrong. 
Author’s note: Okay, I wanted this up a little earlier today, but alas, real life duties called. But it’s here now, so I hope you like it. I highly suggest listening to at least a little bit of the songs mentioned here to get more of an experience. Also, I’m working on a special chapter that you guys are gonna love. As usual, please don’t repost. Anyway here it is, chapter 3, hope you enjoy!! Edit: This has a cluster of foul language so, beware. I don’t really know ratings So I’m just gonna say Rated T, okay I’m done. 
You stood in your room for a minute thinking over the situation at hand. You didn’t want to cause a drama and confront them about this right now, they wanted to have fun and relax today. Yet, you couldn’t ignore the presence of this dilemma. Did you really have to choose?
‘Fuck, why is this happening now?’ You thought in frustration.
You pushed these thoughts to the back of your mind. You had a stressful week at work; you and the boys needed to relax. So with that you showered and changed into a nice pair of black jeans, a gray shirt, an oversized pink hoodie, an oversized jean jacket over, and finally slipped on some gray booties. You decided on light makeup today and blow dried your hair.
You heard a knock on your bedroom door and turned to see Alex poke his head in.
“Hey, Y/N, we’re ready to go. Are you ready?” Alex asked you, opening the door wider.
You nodded and grabbed your bag with all the things you needed. “Yeah let’s go,” You said as you left your room. You meet the guys at the door and headed out.
Your mind was still a bit dazed and you had a weird feeling in your stomach, but you tried to shake it off as best as you could.
“So, which karaoke place are we going to again?” You asked.
“We’re going to the one on 17th St,” John answered. He put his hand on your lower back, leaning into you slightly.
You visibly tensed at his touch. John took notice and he looked at you in confusion and mild hurt. You mentally cursed yourself for overthinking his gesture. You smiled at him and grabbed his arm in an attempt to cheer him up.
“Karaoke One 7, right? That’s my favorite one! Let’s go so we can get a booth,” you cheered.
John smiled again and let you lead him in front of the group. He looked behind him at the rest of the guys and wiggled his eyebrows. The other three gentlemen only scoffed and glared at the cocky, curly dipshit.
You didn’t noticed the interaction, too concentrated on scolding yourself for reacting so negatively. It was a normal gesture, somethings all the guys have done, it didn’t mean anything.
You loosened up a bit and started joking with the boys, talking and laughing all the way till you reached the karaoke place. It was a bit crowded, but not by much, since it was still a bit early.
You and Laf went up to the register and asked for a booth. After you ordered drinks and paid for two hours in the karaoke booth, you went inside and instantly started looking up songs to sing.
“I’m first! I already know which song I want to sing!” Alex yelled at the group.
Herc rolled his eyes playfully at him.”Fine, go ahead,” he said.
Alex grinned and looked up the song, he punched the number in and waited for it to pop up.
When the first beat rang out, everybody but Alexander groaned. He had put on Danza Kuduro by Don Omar. Alex had a strange obsession with this song, mostly because it was sung by a Puerto Rican. Also, it was a classic song to dance too.
Alex started dancing to the beat; a stupid grin on his face. You laughed and began to clap along to the beat. All the other boys watched in amusement at Alex’s ridiculous dancing.
Then he started singing, the words falling naturally out of his mouth. You laughed and saw the other boys cheering him on.
“Yeah, Alex! Sing it, baby!” Laurens shouted, tears in his eyes from laughing to much.
Alex winked and started moving his hips in a sensual way, looking at you the whole time. You blushed and snorted at his actions.
When it came to the rapping part, he went and pulled you out of your seat. Before you can protest, he was already twirling you and making you dance with him. You gave up and decided to dance.
You twirled and shook your hips, letting Alex lead you around. You’ll admit, you were a decent dancer and you weren’t afraid to shake what your mama gave you.
The song ended with Alex twirling you into his arms. You smiled up at him, before detaching yourself and giving a bow. You turned to Alex and he took a bow too.
The boys, although a bit peeved, smiled at the performance because you looked liked you had fun. You and Alex both sat down on the leather couch, a bit out of breathe.
“Alright, who’s next?” You asked, still slightly panting.
Lafayette stood up quickly and winked at the group. “Prepare to be amazed, mon amis.” He said with confidence.
Everyone waited in anticipation, wondering what Laf was gonna sing, however, no one was prepared to hear Rihanna’s Disturbia come on.
“What the fuck?” Alex exclaimed, surprise evident on his face.
Laf simply shushed him and started reciting the words on the screen. To be honest, it was a good match. Laf’s romantic accent complimented the seductive tone of the song. A wink in your direction proved that he knew it too, cheeky bastard.
Throughout the song, Lafayette danced suggestively and even unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt. Multiple times he leaned really close to your face, holding your chin, and singing as if you were the only one in the room.
‘This cheeky bastard is trying to seduce me/her,’ everyone thought as they watched Lafayette.
He sang his last note, still forcing you to look at him. You stayed in that position until Hercules moved Laf’s face away from yours.
“Okay, you had your fun, fuckboi, now let me show you how it’s really done,” Herc teased.
Lafayette sat down a bit annoyed, but still satisfied.
Herc typed in the numbers to his song and waited patiently.  “This one goes out to a very special someone in this room,” Herc yelled out excitedly.
“Aw, that’s sweet Herc, thank you. But you’re not my type,” John teased, smirking.
Hercules flipped him off. “Not you, you asshat, Y/N.”
‘Aww, how sweet.’ You thought.
You almost screamed when you heard the opening of Beyonce’s Drunk in Love, then started cheering.
“Yess! Queen! Sing it, Herc!” You yelled out, clapping like a damn seal.
Hercules absolutely killed this song. He sang Beyonce’s part perfectly, his gruff and soft voice made it seem like this song was made for him. He even did the fucking giggle. Herc was already a great rapper, so when Jay Z’s part came on, it was no surprise that he killed that part too.
At one point, Hercules even pulled you up and you both did ridiculous dance moves, trying to imitate Beyonce’s dance moves, but failing miserably. When the song ended, you both decided to end in a dabbing pose. Because, why not?
Everyone clapped and laughed at you two. You sat down, Hercules sitting next to you.
“Johnny boy, you’re up.” Alex said to John.
John grinned and stood up. “Alright, for this song can I have a lovely assistant up here with me, please?” John asked, looking pointedly at you.
Lafayette stood up before you could even think. Everyone laughed, including John.
“Nice try, baguette, sit your ass down. Y/N?” John looked at you questionably.
You nodded and sat on the chair he put out in front of the room. You had a feeling you knew what he was gonna do, but you also knew it was gonna be hilarious.
John put his song on and the opening of Bruno Mars’ That’s What I Like started. John soon began to sing and dance. There was no doubt that John was the best dancer, his athletic background helping him be able to move his godlike body any way he likes. So there was also no doubt that John was gonna use his dancing as a way to seduce you. More specifically, he was give you a lap dance. Lucky girl.
He started off slow, not on your lap yet, just simply shaking his ass and thrusting the air a few times. On the words,”Jump in the cadillac”, he literally jumped on you and slowly started grinding against you. You blushed and squealed a bit, but you were laughing, trying not to think much about it.
He stayed on your lap the whole song, making your hands touch his body and tug his hair. John’s singing was phenomenal, but he purposely made his voice a bit huskier than normal, just to get more of a reaction out of you. He was tempted to take his shirt off, but didn’t want to get his ass kicked by his other friends, so he kept it on. You were a blushing mess when the song ended and he got off you.
John, noticing your red face, smiled in triumph and turned to see the rest of the guys. Their faces held forced smiles and threatening glares, but refrained from saying anything. Although it was obvious they did not enjoy the little show. John only stuck his tongue out at them.
‘Two points for me,’ John thought confidently.
“Babygirl, it’s your turn to pick a song.” John said, sitting back down next to Alexander.
You looked through the book of songs, unsure of which one you wanted. After a couple minutes, you still didn’t have a clue to what song you wanted to sing, until you found one of your favorite songs. It was a surprise they had it on here, since it wasn’t a very popular song, but you picked it nonetheless.
“I got it, let’s go!” You stood up confidently. Since you were in the music business, you did sing a lot. You weren’t the best singer, but you could belt out a couple good notes when you wanted too. You weren’t afraid to sing in front of the boys either, since they always hear you singing.
The vocals of Pentatonix came on and you started to sing their song Can’t Sleep Love ft. Tink. It was weird choice for karaoke, but you loved the song and wanted to sing your heart out.
As you sang, your voice came out soft and sweet, putting the boys in a trance. You poured your heart out into this one, singing and yearning for that love that won’t let you sleep. You did little dances as you sang, nothing too extravagant, just small moves that felt right.
The boys couldn’t keep their eyes off you, you looked like an angel in their eyes. You had a smile so bright on, your hair falling gently, your hips swinging in a subtle, sexy way, and you just looked like you didn’t have a care in the world. The song you were singing made their hearts go boom.
You got to the rapping part and, although you didn’t rap often, you felt too confident to back down now. Your voice smooth and flirtatious. Then you hit that high note perfectly.
The boys were hanging on to every word you sang, getting more dazed. As you finished singing that little “yeah” at the end, you opened your eyes and saw all the boys standing up and clapping like crazy.
You blushed and bowed several times, laughing at their silly antics. Then you sat down on your seat, waiting for the next person to go sing.
You were unaware of what the boys were all thinking after you finished singing. They were all thinking the same thing, ‘I want to be her can’t sleep love.’
*Time Skip brought to you by Anthony’s InstaStory (seriously go check it out)*
After two hours, you were all absolutely giddy and a bit buzzed, laughing at the funniest moments you shared there. Especially when all four of the boys decided to sing LMFAO's I’m Sexy and I Know It. You could not get over how into it all the boys were. It will forever be one of your favorite memories.
“Hey friends, let’s go get a quick bite at my cafe and then head to my place to change for the club later.” Lafayette suggested. You all nodded in agreement.
You all had some emergency clothes stashed somewhere in each other's apartments, since whenever you guys hanged out together, most likely you’ll all sleep over at one person’s space. Just like they did at your house yesterday.
You all started walking towards Lafayette’s cafe. Everything normal and fun. Your mind had completely forgotten the boy’s affections for you, letting you be in blissful denial. Soon enough, however, it’ll come back in full force.
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aye-fucking-aye · 7 years
A Choice: Hamilton Fanfic (Fem!Reader x Alexander, John, Hercules, and Lafayette) Chapter 2: The Problem
Summary: The boys were your best friends, you loved them. And they loved you. But what happens when their love runs deeper than friendship? Will they manage to suppress their feelings for you or will they be willing to sacrifice their friendship to be with you. Either way, you have to make a choice.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any Hamilton characters, those all belong to the great Lin-Manual Miranda.  I don’t own any references here either. The plot is inspired by the many otome animes I’ve watched. No shame. 
Author’s note: Surprise!! I was so excited to write the next part so here it is!! I don’t think I’m gonna have a schedule for when I’m posting, but I’m really motivated to finish this story. Also, I hope you guys don’t repost this, I would like people to read on my blog, sorry if that sounds kinda mean. Sorry, if John seems a bit of a douche in this story, he’s not, but for this little part he might be. lol. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this story. A little shoutout to turtlenecks-coffee for being my first comment. Thank you so much!! One last thing, if you guys want to request anything, don’t be shy and go ahead! I’ll be more than happy to take your requests. Alright I’m done talking now, Enjoy!
Sunlight poured from your window and onto your face, making you steer awake. You groaned as you tried to sit up, only to noticed that you were being held down. You looked to your right and saw Hercules with his strong arms wrapped around you. You giggled and looked to your left, surprising yourself with how close John’s face was to yours. His brown curls all over the place and lightly touching your cheek. You smiled and gently tried to unwrap yourself from the boys, trying not to wake any of them up. You hopped out of bed and looked at the boys, immediately trying not to laugh out loud when you saw Alex almost falling out the bed, his arms everywhere and snoring loudly. You calmed yourself down and noticed that Lafayette was missing.
He was always a morning person, loving the peace of a quiet morning. He was most likely making himself a cup of coffee.
You headed to the bathroom and did your morning routine, then you left to your kitchen. Just as you had suspected, there was Lafayette, shirtless with his messy curls tied into a bun, sipping a cup of coffee.
“Good morning, Lafayette.” You smiled brightly at the frenchman, reaching in your cupboards for your favorite granola. The granola was too high, however, and you suspected that John put it too high just to annoy you. You grunted in annoyance and got on your tippy toes to reach for it.
You suddenly felt a sturdy body press against you and heard a chuckle. Lafayette had reached up and gotten your granola for you.
“Good morning, mon chéri. I hope you slept well.” Lafayette spoke huskily in your ear. He didn’t move away from you and even wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer.
You nodded numbly, unable to deny how good his body felt against yours. You jumped when you heard someone clear their throat. You moved away from Lafayette and turned to see Alex, who wore an irritated expression.
“Hey, Alex! Good morning!” You happily cheered as you poured your granola into a bowl with milk. You were unaware of the tense staredown going on between Alex and Laf. “Alex, do want anything? I think I still have some oatmeal, if you want some. I didn’t think you would wake up so soon though.” You giggled, thinking about how you found him practically dead.
Alex looked at you and blushed. “I fell off the bed.” He mumbled in embarrassment, before heading over to your pantry and getting the oatmeal.
You laughed to yourself and finished adding the fruit to your granola. You turned when you heard a loud yawn. You saw Hercules, with a nice sweater and sweats, stretching out.
“Morning Herc, are you up for some pancakes?” You asked the tall man.
He came over and kissed your cheek gently, making your blush. “With blueberries, please angel.” He said and then went to get some of Laf’s coffee.
Lafayette set his cup down. “I’ll make them, mon ami, I want some too.” Herc nodded in gratitude and sat down on your kitchen table.
“You motherfuckers left me all alone on the bed!” cried John as he came in the kitchen. He was only wearing his black boxers, his hair was all over his face.
You laughed, before you felt someone cover your eyes with their hands.
“Dammit, John, put on some pants! You’re practically naked!” sneered Alex and his hands tightened around your eyes.
John only scoffed and sat at the table. “Relax, Alex, and let Y/N go. It’s not like she hasn’t seen me like this before.” John teased.
You got out of Alex’s grip, much to his displeasure, and said, “Alright guys, calm down, let’s just eat some breakfast now. Then, we can plan something to do later.”
The boys all agreed and continued to prepare their food. You walked over to sit on a chair with your bowl, before you felt someone grip your wrist and pull you down on their lap.
“I know what I want for breakfast,” said John, wrapping you tighter into his body. “You.”
You turned bright red and before you could give him a witty reply or smack him, Lafayette already pulled you out of John’s lap and grabbed his ear.
“Mon ami, I would greatly appreciate it if you don’t pull that kind of shit again.” Laf advised, smiling, while he pulled on John’s ear a little harder.
“Argg, shit! Okay! Okay! Let go, Laf!” John cried out, wincing in pain.
“Alright, alright, knock it off you brats. Sit your asses down and enjoy your breakfast.” You said, pushing Laf away from John and sitting down on a chair.
The rest of the boys, who were only watching in amusement, sat down. John got up and got some of your granola, putting it on the top shelf again.
“John, you piece of poop, put it back where it was.” You said, glaring at him.
John only smirked and stuck out his tongue out at you, but put it back to it’s original place.
You all ate your food and talked about possible plans for today. It was a free day for everyone, which was rare, since you all had hectic schedules. But on these rare days, you all made sure to spend time with each other and not take these days for granted.
It was decided among you that today you will all go do karaoke, grab a bite to eat, then, late at night, go to a club to release some stress.  You got up and put away your dishes.
“Alright, I’m gonna go shower, then change. You guys can use the other bathrooms. Oh, and Herc, I think it’s your turn to do the dishes.” You told the boys.
They all nodded and you left the kitchen. Halfway there you realized you forgot your phone and turned back to get it. You reached the kitchen, but stopped when you heard the boys arguing.
‘What? Why are they arguing?’ You thought. You decided it wasn’t right to interrupt the discussion, but your curiosity compelled you to continue to listen.
“You’ve got a lot of balls, John, pulling a stunt like that.” Herc said in a tense voice. You were surprised, Herc was the nicest one out of the bunch and hardly talked like that to anyone.
“You guys are just jealous that I’ve decided to make a move. Besides, I didn’t hear her complaining.” John smirked, confidently.
“Shut the fuck up, Laurens, you know damn well that if Laf didn’t pull her away, she would’ve beaten your ass.” Alex sneered at John.
“You need to have a little more self-control, John-” Laf said before being interrupted.
“Oh, you’re one to talk! Don’t think I forgot about the shit you did with Y/N before I came in!” Alex accused Laf.
There was a tense silence after that, you were too scared to even breathe in fear that they might hear you.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Herc sighed and said,” Guys, we shouldn’t be fighting like this. I think it’s childish and unfair. To us and Y/N. I think we need to tell her and let her decide which one of us she wants, if she wants any of us.”
There was a short pause before all the boys agreed.
“So..when do we tell her?” John asked, slightly nervous. He liked to appear confident, but he was honestly terrified about the possibility of you loving one of his best friends and not him.
“Well, do you guys have work tomorrow?” Laf asked. The boy’s shocked their heads. “Perfect, then tomorrow we tell her, but for today, let us unwind and enjoy ourselves, no?” Laf exclaimed, easing the tension a bit.
The boys agreed and started to get up. When you heard the chairs being pushed in, you quickly snuck into your room before they can see you. Your mind was whirling. They liked you? How is that possible, you always thought they thought of you as a little sister. Sure, there was some harmless flirting now and then, but you never thought much about it. You’ve even helped them hook up with some girls at the club before! There was no way… but they just admitted it.
You were unsure about your feelings for them at the moment, you didn’t really think much about forming a relationship with any of them; you were too busy focusing on your career. But now there was a choice being thrown at you, and you have to make it. What are you going to do?  
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