#here is my favorite drawing of all times for it challenged my poses and jesus drawing the eyes got worst over time LMAO
r1k-y9 · 2 years
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draw yourself or a character into a different art style!
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 43: Tea Can Just Knock Over Joey Wheeler With Her Index Finger
Guys guys guys, my favorite Character is back. That’s right--the storyboarder!
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So this episode looked helllla nice for a Yugioh episode (again, this is Yugioh, it will win no awards.) It wasn’t as nice and fluid as the episode where they temporarily killed off Joey Wheeler, but I give it a good 2nd place.
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You can tell we’re getting to the climax of the season because they’re throwing down their most entertaining art people onto the screen, giving us about 5 zillion dutch angle fashion close-ups of Marik’s cabbage face, and a whole lot of zany and hard to very hard to draw fish-eye lens angles of Pharaoh.
Also, everyone wears flared bell-bottom pants now. New stylistic decision, as decided just now. Everyone in pants now has flares. Even if their pants are cargo pants. How very 00′s. (my pants were flares from like birth until 2006, it was a good trend, super comfy, bring it back.)
(read more under the cut)
First off, Evil Marik decided to rewrite Marik history a little bit with some hilarious retconning that only the most evil Marik would think is legit.
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I mean I was there when Marik was introduced and was a complete asshole all of S2. I remember when Odion considered murdering the hell out of his little brother because this Marik guy was such freakin tool and his Dad was an evil cultist bastard. I...I’m gonna go on a limb and assume that calling Marik a “loyal servant” is a freakin stretch. Marik made his choices. Yes, his bad side killed his Dad, but they have made sure to indicate that yes, this is the evil inside of Marik, something that he himself caused--but most of the things that Marik has done (with the exception of killing his own Dad) is still Marik. He did that.
The fact that his evil side can’t quite connect that his good side and evil side are at all the same however, is fitting for an evil Marik to think. More and more, Marik and Marik are becoming 2 different people, and this game is the deciding factor to finally give this guy full autonomy of his other half.
We’ve seen this type of contrast before with Bakura and Ryou--where Ryou and Bakura don’t really get along but have always been clearly different people, so the culpability of what they do tends to fall on Bakura. (which is a pretty GRAND assumption, I still think Ryou is a precious but absolutely still shady little bastard) So, it’s a little different that Marik considers himself two completely different people when it’s just...not the same. Marik’s alter ego is just an ego. More like how Yami was in Season Zero but a little bit more evil. Both Marik’s have the same upbringing and the same source.
It’s been kind of an interesting progression now I can look back on it, where slowly the two have been clashing to the point that they are in fact different, disparate people now. The fact that Marik points out how his situation similar to Yugi and Pharaoh being a host is almost like “well yeah, it would have been nice to see how the whole Season Zero Yami evolved into more of a separate person over time, I’m glad you inferred that, and I’ll never get to see it, thanks” But again, all that is inferred. Whether Yami Yugi eventually became Pharaoh over time or whether Pharaoh is a big retcon of Yami Yugi for the new series in order to keep the culpability for what he does off of Yugi Muto was never directly spoken in the show so it’ll be left to your fanfictions.
Meanwhile, Yugi has decided that they’re going to try and purify the Marik situation and save the good side. This is sort of the Yugioh thing, to dispel the bad forces from people and leave behind hollow husks, so yeah...it tracks. I mean...there’s very little Marik left to save, but it’s better than a husk, amiright? Better than what happened to freakin PaniK, RIP. I’m sure erasing over half of your identity will go over real well for Marik and be absolutely painless.
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And then we had a lovely scene that, for those people doing scene redraws from anime, as has been a popular trend on art blogs lately--this is your episode for Yugioh. This episode’s got moody lighting, we’ve subdued all our weird ass colors into one concrete palate (remember how green the carpet used to be?) we got interesting elements of Marik being here despite being chopped into pieces. We got so many ellipses drawn in perspective (y’all I could write an entire posts just about ellipses but I’ll spare you). It’s like Yugioh gave itself a redraw.
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I can’t believe this shot came out of freakin Yugioh.
Also, this guy was an ASSHOLE for the past 2 seasons but the show was like “time to make him likeable” and so they dropped some good ass cinematography and sung that sad backstory tune on the trumpet and you know what? It works.
Now I think the arc of Marik is pretty simple and people are pretty chill with it. But, I’m gonna talk about villain redemption arcs just in general--gonna sidetrack a little from Yugioh for a moment. Partly because I watched 6 seasons of Once Upon a Time, which is basically Villain Redemption Arc Controversy: The Show.
It bothers a hell ton of people when TV shows have to make a villain redeemable, but there’s only one episode left so they put their hands up and say “but I swear the good side of him was always good” But, does that mean Marik’s going to make up for all the murder and sending people to the shadow realm? No. He never will. Even if Marik was completely his bad half the whole time, it still wouldn’t make up for the damage done. Dead people are...DEAD.
Marik can’t actually make any choices right now to redeem his character. All he’s doing is accepting he will never be a full person ever again. Hence why he is in slices and pieces, and in several shots is trapped either in an empty glass or a window. The choice to redeem him is entirely on other people.
And that’s the thing about redemption arcs that I want to bring up--how much of a character’s redemption relies on what the villains do to “Make up for what they did”, and how much relies on everyone else to redeem them. I think the tendency is for people to assume that the villains should be doing 90-100% of the redeeming, but unless they have a time machine--they can’t do any. Even if they freakin die to sacrifice themselves it’s still like “that character was basically little Stalin, right?
I’ve seen like a million ways to write a redemption arc, but none of them, not a single one that I can think of, can ever truly make up for the things the villian has done. There’s no way that Darth Vadar was suddenly going to become a good Dad, no matter how many Palpatines he can toss into a...whatever that was at the end of that movie. That’s the riddle behind what makes redemption arcs so engaging--By all cultural standards these villains should always be tagged a “bad guy” but, we, the audience, are being challenged to ignore those standards.
And I know a lot of people see redemption arcs as a quasi-religious sort of adventure into atonement, where we’re supposed to see ourselves as the villain searching for some type of forgiveness from a higher, most-likely-a-reference-to-Jesus-power, but I don’t really see them that way. Maybe it’s because, I dunno, I haven’t killed anyone recently or possessed other people’s minds or strung them up to anchors and dropped them into the ocean. But if you see yourself as a Marik, then go for it, I won’t stop you.
But, to me, a redemption arc is more of a question posed for us as viewers. Since it is impossible for the writers to ever fully redeem a character, the only ones doing the redeeming are the people watching it, who’s reaction will differ wildly from person to person, and that’s what makes it fascinating.
And like, that’s my thesis here at the very last paragraph of this long meandering rant. Redemption arcs aren’t about “hey is this person good enough to be redeemed (because that will never happen)” it’s “are you too good to redeem that person?” It’s a large scale experiment on the viewers watching and that’s why it makes people so freakin pissed and uncomfortable. Every redemption arc calls them out directly, and for some people it’s just like--the world ends or something. I have seen actual internet mobs develop over...a villain redemption arc. Which is weird.
And so I’ll leave it with my other spicy take that...you don’t have to redeem every villain when the question is asked. I mean these aren’t real people. The questions of “would you redeem this person” is asked entirely hypothetically. And that’s what makes up stories, not just the interaction of the people inside the stories, but when it affects the moral structure of the readers directly, and seeing how for some people, that can be a very intense and deep reflection. (which usually leads to a hell ton of either retconning fanfiction or a hell ton of really, really angry posts)
bro’s just told me that Yugioh is just a redemption arc for season 0 Yami Yugi. Bro and his spicy headcanons. This one holds some water though, lol.
Anyway, back to jokes.
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Again, Storyboarder just...nailing these weird ass shoes that are somewhere between a dress shoe and a boot. Shoes are hard to draw, y’all. This storyboarder. And they even made sure that the shoes looked very small and precious the way Yugi shoes would be. Little Cinderella size 5 Yugi shoes.
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Oh finally.
So it was only a matter of time before the people who actually care about being possessed noticed this situation, it just took like...a season longer than I thought it would. I’ll be honest it was quite cathartic for them to actually address for the first time in what feels like a long time “SHOOT, GHOSTS!?!?”
Although it was kind of funny that the biggest reaction to all of this came straight from Joey. Yugi still doesn’t care, Tristan’s decided to just accept this, and Duke is just slowly backing away. But Joey’s going to try and do the work that Yugi should have done last episode.
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So, lets go over the Yugioh power chart here. Tristan can punch out Bakura. Tristan can also defeat Seto Kaiba with a broomstick. Joey can kick Tristan, even when Tristan is armed with a broomstick, so hard that Tristan flew through a metal door and bent it completely over backwards. Tea, however, can knock Joey completely over with one single index finger.
How has this girl ever been abducted? Was she just bored?
Bro wants to bring up that she once incapacitated a man with her butt. Just falling on top of a guy and hitting him with her butt of steel. Was she even in danger from the shipping container when she could just bat it away? She once choked out Season 0 Yugi Muto. She was always fine.
Credit to Joey, he keeps trying, and it gives us, for the first time, a sneak peek into what it must be like for Yugi and Joey to hang out on the offtimes that Yugi switches over and Pharaoh hasn’t quite gotten the memo.
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This is in fact, the second time that she’s done this.
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(meanwhile, sitting next to Odion, is one single cargo pocket floating in the air, gently smoking a purple haze like incense)
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Welcome back Odion! I only now just realized how freakin jacked your neck is.
Like y’all his neck is wider than his head, hot damn.
Anyway, this show is secretly all about the power of big brothers, so I assume he’s going to start the mile long crawl to the top of the tower and then just...walk in...just walk right into a shadow game...?
...no one thought to stay with Odion? Like not even Serenity? Or at least leave him a weelchair? what the hell?
Odion always gets the worst wrap, this poor guy.
Anyway if you just got here, this is a link to read these recaps in chrono order from the beginning and watch my progression of knowing nothing about Yugioh to knowing a lot about random facts about Yugioh but still knowing absolutely nothing at all just like Socrates.
And here’s that shot of Marik for y’alls anime scene redraws, knock yourself out.
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dollofdeath · 8 years
I was tagged by @namaikiii and @lookslikerainydays! Thanks so much for tagging me~ (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
*poses* lets do this
rules: bold what applies to you
I am 5′7″ or taller I wear glasses (only in class tho bc i need the Aesthetic™) I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing (do ear piercings count lol) I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces There is something I would change about the way I look
My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin (according to the Pottermore test idk) I am an introvert I like meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (thIS IS SLIKE,,, MY ENTIRE VOCAVULARY) There is something I would change about my personality 
I can sing well I can play an instrument (The piano and I have an on and off relationship tho haha) I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well  I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head   I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute (i meNA LAST I DID... it’s been so long since I’ve been underwater so idk if this still holds true) I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months (gmdkm it’s something i tried getting in the habit of, at least last time it was warm... I really need to get in shape bc my resting heart rate is isane lmao,,,,) I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my #1 passion (This isn’t how I would word this, but I guess) I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss (do y’all consider a 5th grade truth or dare as a first kiss) I have had alcohol (it was like a gulp tho,,, like 0/10 wouldn’t recommend, why y’all so obsessed with alcohol,,,) I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (I haven’t been admitted personally, but I’ve been visiting more than I’d like during the past few years...) I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country  I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (it’s my dream to attend a sanhora concert pls i will sell my soul)
I’m in a relationship I have a celebrity crush I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship (the only relationship i need is w/ our lord n savior jesus christ #amen) I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
my life:
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school (lmao do y’all consider 1 and a half hour commute close,,,) My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live (this blizzard,,, happened last week and all the snow isn’t gone yet wtf) I have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone                                              
random shit:
I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (my talents include making a 3 mintue song last 3 hours. lmao i don’t even play the whole song on repeat, it’s like i just keep replaying the sections i love the most) I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life  I speak at least 2 languages fluently I have made a new friend in the past year
fsdjknsk i’m honestly really so exhausted right now so i’m just gonna go down my followers list and tag some mutuals who i don’t think haven’t been tagged yet + some amigos okay here we go ☆
@rukamizumi @tivanny2292 @xmiyoshi @almightymii @unnagi @burankos @into-warm-air @yliaster @nebulox @cheetahgabriella4444 @aph-suecia
you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to! and if anyone else wants to do this, feel free to do so~
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the-awkward-writer · 8 years
When I Die Young
Pairings: Dean x Reader, Mentions of Sam, Cas and Crowley
Word Count: 3.5k (including lyrics) whoops. this one got away from me. i’m so sorry.
Warnings: Death of a major character, all the angst, this is my first fic, some fluff
Based off of: If I Die Young: The Band Perry
A/N: This is my entry for @latinenglishfandomblog‘s 15 Song Fic Challenge. This is my first fic, and I thought a challenge would be a good way to jump right in and get some feedback. Enjoy!
If I die young bury me in satin Lay me down on a bed of roses Sink me in the river at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song
January 7, 2017
3:23 a.m
Dean stood in your doorway. He and Sam had just gotten back from a hunt, a bad one.
It wasn’t supposed to end the way it did. He’d be damned if it stayed that way.
You were killed.
And it was all Dean’s fault.
January 6, 2017
8:15 a.m
It was a simple hunt. Salt and burn. Two man job at most. Sam and Dean decided that they would be the ones to go while you stayed back for any emergency research.
Just as they were heading out the door, you jumped up, demanding to go along.
Dean had learned over the years of dating you to let you come with. You were one stubborn son of a bitch, and you were going to get your way whether Sam and Dean liked it or not.
Arriving in the small town, the three of you quickly narrowed it down to a vengeful spirit attacking the current owners of the house she died in.
Four hours later, Sam researched the house’s history, you and Dean exhumed her body, set it on fire, and the case was closed.
Later that night, all hell broke loose.
Dean had you wrapped in his arms in a dingy motel bed with your head nestled in the crook of his neck.
“You know I love you more than life itself, right?” you said in his ear.
Dean chuckled, “I love you too, princess,” he leaned back to kiss your forehead when he noticed the tears falling down your face.
Dean sat up some to see you properly, “Why are you crying sweetheart?”
You shook your head, “It’s nothing. Don’t worry.”
“Nuh-uh. I’ve only seen you cry three times in the years I’ve known you. Once when that wendigo killed those kids in ‘09, once more when I came back, and when we saw Marley and Me,” he earned a slight chuckle from you. “You’re really torn up about something, and I need you to tell me what it is.”
“You remember when you almost died all those years ago in that car accident?”
Dean nodded as he wiped the tears off your face.
“Baby, your dad didn’t make that deal. I did.”
That was the moment that Dean felt his entire world crumble.
“But my dad. He... he said,” Dean couldn’t form complete sentences.
“Your dad didn’t make the deal with Azazel. He knew he was going to die, so he took the fall for me.”
“Why did you do that?!” Dean shot up from the bed, nearly making you fall off of it.
“Because I love you Dean! I didn’t want you to die! People need you to save them! They don’t need me,” you could feel tears stinging the back of your eyes.
You willed your tears away, wanting to stay strong for Dean
Dean ran a hand down his face, “Dammit Y/N, I need you!”
If you weren’t crying before, you sure as hell were crying now.
“No you don’t. You are strong enough to continue on without me. I know you can.”
“No, I can’t!”
You had never seen Dean as angry as he is now.
Sam finally shot up from his bed, “What the hell guys?”
“Stay out of this, Sammy,” both you and Dean snapped at the same time.
Sam raised his hands in surrender, “Jesus. Sorry.”
“How much longer do you have?”
The tears fell down at an even faster rate, “Babe, please,”
“How much longer do you have?” Dean reiterated, louder than before.
You sniffed and looked at the clock, “An hour.”
In a fit of rage, Dean grabbed the nearest lamp and threw it at the wall. “What the fuck?!”
“Dean!” Sam shot up from the bed, standing between the two of you, “Calm down!”
You are full on bawling now as you watched him in this state. Tears are pouring down his face with his hair was sticking up at all angles. He looked miserable.
“No, Sam! She made a deal with Azazel, and now she has an hour left!”
Sam spun around to face you, the same anger that filled Dean’s features now filled his. “What?”
“Back in ‘06, when Dean was dying, I made a deal with Azazel, and your dad took the fall for it.”
“How come he’s coming for you now?” Sam asked.
“It was part of the deal. He got the Colt and me if he saved Dean. I told him I’d be more valuable in ten years, so he agreed. He said he’d send the hell hounds out for me when the time comes.”
There were tears in Sam’s eyes as he rushed forward and wrapped you in his giant frame. You could feel his tears on the back of your neck as he cried, and you cried into his chest. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
You nodded against his shirt, “I know.”
Sam took a step back and turned to Dean, “Hug your girlfriend, you imbecile.”
“Ooh, that’s a big word Sammy, are you sure you’re eligible to use it?”
No one laughed.
“Dean?” You took a step closer to him.
He ran his hand down his face before reaching out to grab your hand and yanking your body flush against his.
For the next forty five minutes, you and Dean laid in the ratty motel bed.
You hugged, kissed, and said your final goodbyes.
“I love you. With everything I have,” Dean said many times.
“I love you too,” you replied every time.
At 10:55, five minutes before the hell hounds were going to come for you, you wriggled out of Dean’s grasp.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m going into the woods. You don’t need to watch me get dragged to hell.”“
“No. You are going to stay here, with me, until the very end.”
The look on Dean’s face was too much to bear, so you stayed.
You kissed him one last time as you heard the hell hound’s barking draw nearer.
“I love you, Dean,” you could taste the salt on his lips from his tears.
“I love you too. I will bring you back. I promise.”
You didn’t have time to tell him that you don’t want to be brought back before the door burst open.
Dean instinctively lunged for you, trying to keep you out of harm’s way.
You pushed him off of you as the first hound’s incisors sunk into your leg.
Sam had to restrain Dean as the hound’s dragged you kicking and screaming from the motel room.
There was a moment of hesitation when Sam almost let go of Dean.
For a split second he hoped his older brother could hold the hounds off for just a little bit longer so he could say one last goodbye to his best friend.
Dean stepped inside the room. Damn, it smelled like you.
You and Dean had been sharing a room for almost nine years, but the scent of your favorite perfume still lingered.
Dean sat on the edge of the bed. On the nightstand stood an old picture of you and him, and an old notebook that he had never seen before.
It wasn’t your hunting journal, he knew that much.
Without thinking, he opened it to the very first page and started reading.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
                I have exactly one year left. One year to save as many people as I can. One year to love Dean with all I have. One year to research with Sammy. One more year to nerd-out with Charlie. One more year of life.
               Dean, I know you eventually find this journal. I hope you do before you do something reckless. I don’t want a hunter’s burial. I want a real funeral, even though my body won’t be in the casket. I want you to invite my mom, and the rest of my family. I want a real service with roses and satin. I want to be buried in the cemetery by the river. You know the one. I want it at dawn. Just as a new day is beginning. I want everyone, especially you Dean, to know that life goes on. The sun will rise again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, and the next. I want you to wear an actual suit, and not the cheap old one you wear when posing as the FBI. I want Sam to wear a new suit too. I want that “ugly” pearl necklace you hate to be in the casket. I want the cheesiest love song you can find to be played. No classic rock or whatever the hell it is that Sam listens to. And most of all, I want you to know that I love you, Dean. I always will. I’ve said it a million times before, but I don’t think you ever really listened. You will not blame yourself for my death, Dean. You need to promise me this. I made that deal on my own. People need you Dean, they don’t need me. Which is why you can’t bring me back. Let me stay dead. I don’t care where I end up, I’ve made my peace with it. Please do not remember the good things about me. Please. Remember my flaws; I was never perfect. Take care of my mother for me. She’s getting up there in age. I don’t want her in heaven for a bit longer, assuming she’s going there. Take care of yourself, Dean. I love you. Always have, always will.
                            - Y/N
Dean threw your journal across the room. Like hell he was going to just sit there and be useless while you’re in hell.
Dean knows how painful it was down there. He knows how every second felt like an eternity. How the pain was worse than any he’d felt before. Dean always thought he’d be damned before you felt that kind of pain.
He was going to get you back, no matter the consequences.
Lord make me a rainbow, I’ll shine down on my mother She’ll know I’m safe with you when She stands under my colors, oh and Life ain’t always what you think it oughta be, no Ain’t even grey, but she buries her baby
January 10, 2017
7:48 a.m.
Linda Morganstern is her name.
Your mother watched from the very front row as your casket was lowered into the ground. Everyone was gone, Dean the first one to leave, and Sam the last after checking that Linda was okay.
Linda looked at the gaping hole in the earth. It wasn’t six feet deep, a strange request from Dean. He said it was your wish.
Linda isn’t an idiot. She knows what goes bump in the night. She knows what you do for a living.
She knew that Dean was going to bring you back and you don’t want that.
Your brothers and sisters are oblivious to it all. Linda only found out after finding your hunting journal in your childhood room.
Linda looked up at the sky and wished the weather would reflect her mood. The sun was shining bright, and as she looked over the river, she saw a rainbow.
You loved rainbows when you were a child. Whenever you saw one, you would stop. No matter where you were. If you were in the middle of the road, you’d stop and admire it for a while.
It was at that moment that Linda knew everything would be okay. You would come back and her heart would be full once more.
And I’ll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom I’m as green as the ring on my little cold finger I’ve never known the lovin’ of a man But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand
December 3, 2005
1:16 p.m
Dean noticed you as soon as he and Sam walked though the diner doors.
You were wearing a white dress, a little unconventional for a waitress, but Dean wasn’t complaining.
Sam and Dean sat down at a nearby table for two. “What can I get y’all?” your slight country accent was invigorating for Dean.
You had an emerald green ring on your left hand ring finger. Disappointment and jealousy flooded Dean’s veins.
“I’ll take a salad,” Sam started. Upon seeing his brother’s big doe eyes he continued, “And this big oaf will have a bacon cheeseburger.”
You smiled and wrote down their order before leaving to give it to the cook.
Sam laughed as he looked at Dean. Hearts were practically pouring out of his eyes as he watched you walk away.
You brought their meals out minutes later and Dean stared at you a little too long before turning to his food.
Sam huffed a laugh multiple times throughout the time they were in the diner because Dean wouldn’t stop looking at you.
The boys were in town on a case, of course. A few rampant vampires. Once the case was over with, they’d have to skip town.
But Sam didn’t know if Dean would actually be able to do it.
What they didn’t know was that you were also on the case. You were new to hunting, so they didn’t know you, and you didn’t know them.
You knew what the creatures were as soon as you heard the signs. It was exactly what had happened ten years ago when they took your best friend, and you’d be damned if they got away.
December 6, 2005
10:34 p.m
It was three days later when Sam and Dean finally found the vampire’s nest.
Upon entering the house with their machetes raised, they noticed things were quiet, too quiet.
The boys were on red alert, ready to swing at anything that crossed their paths.
Creeping around a corner, Dean stuck his head around slightly.
A total of three dead vamps in the room.
He stepped out from around the corner, “Someone’s already taken care of it Sammy,” he said.
“Yeah, no thanks to you,” you stepped out from the shadows.
Dean jumped and raised his machete.
“Whoa there tiger. I’m human, trust me,” you said with your hands raised in surrender.
Dean looked at you, seeing the blood soaking your clothes, he lowered his machete, “You did this?”
“Why the tone of surprise?”
“I didn’t know any other hunters were in this town, that’s all.”
“I only just started, haven’t built up my name yet,” you said.
Dean looked highly impressed. “Dean Winchester, this is my brother Sam,” he stuck his hand out.
You wiped the vampire blood on your jeans before grasping his hand, “Y/N.”
That was the moment Dean fell in love with you.
December 7, 2005
The next day, you walked the Winchester boys to the Impala as they left the diner.
“Thank you for finishing the hunt,” Dean said.
“It was no big deal, really,” you looked down at your feet.
“Shit. I think I let my laptop in the diner,” Sam said suddenly before scurrying off toward the entrance.
“Well, you should get back to your husband,” Dean said as he nervously fiddled with his keys.
The laugh that bubbled out of your mouth was music to Dean’s ears.
“I’m not married. The ring was my grandmother’s. It’s the only thing I have left of her.”
Dean would be lying if he said happiness didn’t flood through him.
“Then you wouldn’t be offended if I asked you out sometime?”
You laughed again and grabbed your pen and notebook from your apron. You scribbled down your number and placed t in Dean’s hand. “Call me when you have a place. I’ll meet you there.”
With that being said, you wrapped your hands around his neck in a quick hug before walking back towards the diner.
You met Sam halfway there, “You knew he was going to ask me out, didn’t you?”
Sam looked down at his feet with a small chuckle. “I was hoping to push him in the right direction.”
“Well thanks, Sam,” you gave the younger Winchester a hug too before finally walking back into the diner.
Three days later, you went on your first official date with Dean Winchester.
The ballad of a dove Go with peace and love Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket Save 'em for a time when you’re really gonna need 'em oh The sharp knife of a short life, Well I've had just enough time So put on your best boys, and I'll wear my pearls
January 10, 2017
6:15 a.m
He had done as you requested. Here he is, standing in an actual suit, and not the one he wore for FBI cases.
Sam was standing next to him, yet he felt alone
Dean stood by the side of your empty coffin. There was no body to put in the coffin.
In order to respect your wishes, invite all your family and hold an actual funeral, they had to bury an empty coffin.
Well, a mostly empty coffin. Your favorite pearl necklace and your grandmother’s ring were inside.
Dean was amazed at how many people showed up. He knew how great you were, but he forgot that other people once knew you as well.
Your mother, siblings, friends from your hometown, hell even Crowley showed up.
The tears that Dean hadn’t stopped crying only intensified as he looked around and saw how loved you were.
The priest had only been talking for a total of five minutes before Dean stood from his seat in the back and walked away from the ceremony.
Everyone was long gone before Dean even attempted to walk back to your grave.
The earth was slightly raised, the chairs were still set up around your gravestone.
Dean sat in the middle of the front row and stared at your grave.
“This is all my fault,” was all he managed to choke out before he faded into himself yet again.
February 14, 2017
9:57 p.m
Dean sat alone on your bed, a half empty bottle of whiskey in one hand, the necklace he gave you for your one-year anniversary in his other.
He could feel your presence in the room with him, so he started talking to you.
“I miss you so much, sweetheart.” He wiped the tears off his face with his sleeve. “I’ve been trying so hard to bring you back.”
Truth is, the boys and Cas had been working around the clock for the last few weeks to bring you back. Cas was able to drag your soul out of hell, but he didn’t have enough grace to bring it back to your body.
So you were stuck in the limbo, had been watching Dean since you were placed there, and now you were pissed.
“Dean fucking Winchester,” you seethed as you willed yourself to appear.
“Y/N,” he breathed, but didn’t look up at you.
“You need to burn that necklace. Now.”
“I can’t do that, baby,” a fresh round of tears started pouring down his face. “It’s the only thing keeping you here.”
“Dean, I’ve had enough time in this world. You need to stop crying over me. People need you to save them, Dean”
Dean seemed to ignore you because he continued talking, “I was going to propose to you tonight. I had this whole thing planned out. I was going to take you out on an actual date. Take you to your favorite restaurant and then bring you back here. I was going to propose in my room. I know how much you hate crowds and being the center of attention. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I still do.”
You may have been on your way to becoming a vengeful spirit, but seeing Dean confess something like that broke your heart.
You knelt down to his level, your hands cupping his face, “Dean, love, I need you to look at me.”
Dean shook his head vigorously, “No, no, no. I can’t.”
“Why not?”
Dean sniffed as he completely broke down, “Because if I look at you, I won’t want to look away. I’ll convince myself that you’re real, and then you’ll disappear into thin air. And you’ll be gone again,” he dropped his head down even further, his chin nearly resting on his chest.
“Look at me, baby.”
You saw Dean’s eyes move from his lap, to yours, to your stomach, then sternum, then chin.
Once his eyes met yours, you could see the pain, no. The complete and utter agony behind them.
“Burn the necklace. Please.”
Dean kept his eyes on yours for a few more minutes.
For a moment, you thought he would say yes.
“No. I am going to bring you back. I promised I would, and I will.”
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