#here's my angery boye
mikvere-blog · 5 years
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𝕞𝕚𝕜𝕒𝕖𝕣𝕖 "𝕞𝕚𝕜𝕒" 𝕜𝕠𝕒 𝕓𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕝𝕒𝕪. ➝ INTRO.
↳ ( CLICK for mika’s stats ! )
( vine vc ) what’s up fuckers ! i’m mikey ( the calum hood mascot on the main -- i’m a sucker for consistency ) and this is my newest baby, mika. i thought him up just for this rp and i’m heckin’ excited to write him and to get to know you all ! that being said, pls feel free to hit me up in those yung ims to plot, or on d*scord @ cermet#4735 !
isn’t that mikaere “mika” barclay over there? i heard HE joined faction two after they got back to west ham. it’s funny, ‘cause they were only on the service trip because his mother encouraged him to go to bond with his younger step-siblings. hopefully they fit in there – they’re QUICK-WITTED, but also BROODY. oh, i’m sure they’ll be fine. ( mikey, she/her, 18, pst )
mika was born october 23rd, 1996 in san clemente, california to solana barclay ( nee thompson ) and derrick barclay. at the time, solana was an artist and derrick was the owner of a small sportwear company, and on the side, he coached the san clemente youth soccer league.
pretty much from the moment he could walk, he was thrown into soccer and sort of unintentionally fell in love with it. while most of the other kids were clueless on the field or cried whenever they fell, mika was faking them out and shooting goal after goal. the only time mika cried was when the games were over, or worse, if his team lost.
as expected, most of his childhood revolved around soccer -- all of his friends were from soccer, he was always away on weekends on soccer trips, etc etc. he’s pretty much been a star player from the very beginning. 
honestly, not much has visibly changed about him since then ! he’s matured quite a bit, and in high school he had to find a balance between school and soccer, but for the most part he’s stayed out of trouble.
except that’s not entirely true. behind closed doors, his family was beginning to fall apart. unbeknownst to mika until his early teens, his father couldn’t seem to keep himself from having affair after affair, and his mother kept on forgiving him time and time again. when mika wasn’t around, they’d have explosive fights, and when he was around, they’d try to keep their voices down ( oblivious to the fact that mika was usually listening from around the corner ). 
mika threw himself even further into sports. it was his only escape, really -- he and his father had never been super close ( his dad only ever seemed to care about him when he won a game or won an award; otherwise, he was relatively detached from the family ), and his mother was too kind and softspoken to teach him how to deal with his anger. he resorted to unleashing it on the ball.
when mika was sixteen, his parents finally decided to split, and it was NASTY. his father moved out months before the divorce was even put into motion. mika rarely saw him, when he did see him, he was usually angry and drunk. his mother did her best to raise him herself and act as both a father & mother figure -- but with only one line of income, it was incredibly difficult. as she had to work more to support them, mika saw her less and less and spent more time home alone than not. mika will never blame her for that, but it was one of the hardest years of his life.
then solana met somebody new -- mika’s stepfather. he lived in kansas ( or as mika liked to call it at the time, the middle of buttfuck nowhere ) but would come out to california every so often for work, and those visits became more frequent as he and his mother began dating. soon enough, solana made the best decision she could think to make -- to move to kansas with mika to marry his step-father, who had two kids of his own.
mika HATED IT. he was angrier than he’d ever been when she broke the news. his relationship with his mother disintegrated, but he didn’t have a choice -- he begrudgingly moved to west ham and vowed he was going to get the fuck out of there as soon as he possibly could.
and he did. weeks after high school graduation, he shipped off a few states over to attend indiana university on a full-ride soccer scholarship, majoring in applied health & fitness with a minor in sports therapy.
he’s a senior in college now, and a star forward for the IU hoosiers.
after a debilitating knee injury during a soccer game, his coach and physical therapist decided it would be in his best interest to return home and recover for the summer. begrudgingly, he did -- and it’s the first time he’s been home for longer than a few weeks since he left for college.
his mother, attempting to repair their relationship and get him to build a new one with his step-family, encouraged him to go on the service trip with his step siblings. mika hated the idea of it, but decided to go after deciding he missed his mother, and that he owed her this.
which brings us to the present, and, well... now his mother is gone, and he’s pissed at the world again, because if he hadn’t left indiana, none of this would be happening to him.
that’s all i’ve got for mika right now, but here’s some wcs i’d love to have for him !
an ex ( 0/1 ) ➝ this one’s on the main, but i’ll put it here too ! mika and his ex dated when mika first got to west ham. for mika, they were an escape from his whole world being turned upside down. he probably broke up with them when he left for college, claiming he needed to focus on his soccer career.
old friends ( 0/? ) ➝ friends he made in high school who he hasn’t seen in a while ! i imagine mika looks wildly different than he did in high school, so they can be surprised to see him, pissed that he left and cut everybody off, etc etc.
college friends ( 0/? ) ➝ if ur muse just so happens to go to indiana university, mika probably knows them ! 
and of course, anything else you may think of is more than welcome !! pls hmu for some plots or just to chat, or like this and i’ll come to you !! lemme tell ya, i’m v excited to write with you all !! 
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Here he is,, here’s Nick
Now known as N. Tangle
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soren-apologist · 2 years
ike collection 2: electric boogaloo
several months ago i was asked by one of my mutuals about my ikes, and i figured that with the addition of little ike, i should go ahead and show my updated collection
legendary ike:
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the main, the myth, the legendary hero
not a whole lot has changed since my last post, but i did manage to finish giving him all the fun stuff i wanted like 20 DFs, floret, and ks3. still best boye, has won every abyssal battle for me except for like ullr. 13/10
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not much change here, but i did manage to cap off DFs and with the breath skills being added as seals, his build works out quite a bit nicely, kind of like what i’d been doing with legendary ike pre-refine. also even though i have his resplendent i choose to keep his og look because his one (mistranslated) line about soren and mist being annoying irritates me, because ike is a good boyfriend and an okayish older brother. anyway he’s a very good boye, 10/10
brave ike
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i think the only thing i changed from last time was the seal and that’s because he already does a good job at what he’s supposed to do, which is just standing in place and taking hits. though speaking of his seal, it makes him a little less dependent on brave lucina, so that gives me some more space for teams. stronk boi, 11/10
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now here’s one that got a bit of change. first of all i actually managed to finish his merges after suffering through summoning on a legend redux banner and being pity broken by marth twice, and i’m still really happy about that. now that darting breath seal exists, he’s able to run both it and that unity skill, meaning i get to enjoy extra insanity when i slap him on the field. i think my only grievance is that he’s not quite as tanky as legendary because he can’t run special spiral and recover as quickly, but i won’t complain. angery boye, 12/10
valentine’s ike
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i haven’t been able to do a whole lot with him because there are limits to what i have access to, but i at least gave him a nice new sword that works well with his build. unfortunately still haven’t gotten many merges on him, though i hope i’ll be able to soon. boi is trying his best, 9/10
little ike
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and finally, the new one. as you can see i’ve only managed to summon two, but i got it with the boon i wanted, so that’s nice. i gave him a dodge skill because i happened to have some extra fodder lying around, and at some point i want to change his c still to joint drive spd or def, since i want him being more about speed and bulk than attack. also i’m doing my best to get him flowers, and i’ve already managed 3 because i accidentally summoned every unit on the kids banner, so two more to go. a cute boi, 10/10
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oflockhearted · 3 years
*gently places own url here* <3
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Send me your URL and I'll tell you
@ravusnightblossom | Always accepting (selective with people I never interacted with / rarely interact with)
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My Opinion on;
Character in general: Fuck. Ravus is my favorite character in FF15 and my heart bleeds for him. That man lost everything. And fate made sure he was alive long enough to watch everything fall apart all around him. In Episode Ignis I legit almost started to cry because of the way he cried for Luna not to leave him. UGH. It still gets me. Even right now my heart just swelled just thinking about him reaching out to her glowing phantom and falling over when she disappears. God it hurt. He deserves so much more. ;o; He’s honestly such a good boy. Misunderstood, but good. How they play them: PERFECT. You got his mannerisms down completely. What’s most important to me is dialogue, and I can hear his brooding voice in your writing. Even 3 years ago when we met and wrote together! Your skill to portray Ravus has not wavered, it seems. :”D The Mun: Fox is such a gentle soul. Very talented artist, too. talking to them is like getting a big hug. ;o; And I am so happy we were able to reunite again after all these years.
Do I:
RP with them: Oh hell yeah. Want to RP with them: Only all the time. o; Who doesn’t want to interact with an angery brooding boye who would cleave the gods in twain for his baby sister if he had the chance? 
What is my;
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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astralshipper · 5 years
15x06 liveblog post have fun kids, it’s a long one! 
sam looks so tired but also what the fuck was that thing??????>?>?><>:>? is the bunker haunted god dammit not again
ASCASCASCASCAS I MISSED U. oh my god clarence he kept the name clarence i cant fucking..,,.,, pls.  domestic cas
cas honey. br o th h her r.,,,,. ,.,  guys wanna hug brotherrer..,.,,.,.,, ssosofttt..,.,,, brothiehrrhr....,,,, 
sam learned sign language again i fuckin love u bitch. me with my sign language and him with his we kick ass boom!! eileen maam i love u i wish u could go to heaven u deserve so much better..,,.,,, yes this ep is gonna be rough bc canon love interest but also sam is happy so we gonna power through this because i love elieen and i REALLY love sam and all i rlly need is sam happy so lets just. act like this is okay
yeah u fight cassie! god i love my bro.... cas sir wanna hug u. gosh im feelin bro love tonight... dean u be GOOD MOTHERFUCKER. dean stop being a DICK LEAVE CAS ALONE YOU FUCKED HIM OVER STOP ACTING LIKE HE OWES YOU. MY GOD I LOVE YOUD EAN BUT HOLY SHIT
oh shit we’re going down the bring eileen back line oh shit okay more than one episode update i am afraid ouch this hurts alright astra chill the fuck out hes not yours oof alright just
oh FUCK YEAH HOW ABOUT WE DONT KILL SAM YALL SHITS. sign language sam is still baby but alSO HEY FUCK OFF BITCH IMMA KILL U!!!!! IMMA FUCKIN UHHHHH KICK UR ASS GET AWAY FROM THE MOOSE MAN okay but really i uhhh am gonna have a rough time if we’re doing the bring back eileen thing.... esp bc i LOVE eileen but also,,, sam,,,, canon love interest,..,, it’s bad enough with season 8 and amelia and no one even shipped him and amelia, but now hes got a kickass hunter girl and im gonna uhhhhh yeet myself out
oh SHIT i forgot he screams and they hurt him and im not ready for that shit
cascascascas!!! i love cas!
no talking? bitch who doesnt want sam to talk?? his voice is amazing why WOULDNT you let him talk,,, sam sees a weakness he latches on nice boy is not nice boy, nice boy is surviving
yo cas is ANGRY BOY. i love u but angery boye not necessary... although the sentiment is a big hell yeah, keep authority figures in CHECK!!!  but also?? since when can an angel blade kill a djinn? you kill a djinn with a silver knife in lamb’s blood. just because its cas doing the stabbing shouldn’t mean anything, he should have to smite it for his species to matter. why have we been worrying about getting the right weapons if we can just use angel blades?
MY GOD I LOVE U EILEEN THAT SMILE WAS SO CUTE OMFGAHEDIFLH sam omfG THAT WAS. AHEM. OKAY THAT WAS A BIT HOT IM NOT GONNA LIE. HELL YEAH YOU LEARNED FROM THE BEST!!!  literally like sam: kills someone me: oh youre gonna be hot huh? youre gonna be incredibly fuckin hot huh? youre gonna be the most attractive person ever huh? youre gonna just sit there and be an attractive man without caring about my feelings???
good ep. good tear times. dean stop being a little bitch and be nice to cas and help your brother. are we ever bringing jack back?? i feel like jack is supposed to have smthn to do with the end,,, hes awake in the empty, you cant just DO that. billie was there and everything. surely theres something thats gonna happen from there. jack should be able to get himself out of the empty if he got cas out. i justmiss jack to be honest. also i miss belphegor but that’s besides the point theres no hope for my demon boy
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barbituratas · 5 years
tag 2
disappointmentSoft asks. I tag @asmuo @chloroleafy​ and @pievagrybis​. Lub u angery boyes.
#1 What’s the smell of your shampoo?
The back of the bottle says it’s has a lime scent, but I really couldn’t say what kind of smell it is. Just like a shampoo for men.
#2 What’s your aesthetic?
Stacked books on the table, cocoa or coffee with whipped cream on top, warm oversized sweaters, sweatpants, rings and brooches, christmas lights on my bed.
#3 What’s your favourite part of the day?
Past 10PM until 2AM. That’s the quietest time of the day and most productive. 
#4 What do you like most about the beach?
The smell of iodine and seaweed, the sand on my feet, sunsets and plants growing from the sand.
#5 What do you worry about constantly?
The future and how I’m not smart enough to make my own decisions.
#6 What are some relaxing tips for your followers?
Take a warm bath, watch a movie or listen to a podcast, go for a walk with a friend or take your pet, call your friends, ask them to come over and order food, sleep.
#7 What are some things that make you tear up?
Debussy - Clair the lune, a few scenes from Fantastic Beasts and my disappointment in humans that don’t keep their word.
#8 What are some troubles you face on a daily basis?
Envy and jealousy, anger, hotheadedness.
#9 What is one scene of a book that really made you ❔?
Can’t think of any books that make me ❔
#10 Say something to all of your followers:
It gets better and I’m here for you.
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Boardwalk bros?
Ali: ya know it's okay so sure :3
Rich: *being calm and stuff and watching egg clam close to home*
Jeremy: Rich what the hell are you doing?
Rich: *sniffles bc it's s a d and he's c r y i n g* watching egg clam close to home-
Jeremy: *sits next to the Rich and hugs him bc they’re all dating??* it’s okay dude
Rich: *hugs the dolphin back* ThE nONMySTErIOus gUy WaS sO meAn aNd nOW hE'tH nICe (not the real plot of sffh- duh)
Jeremy: Rich calm down- it’s okay, isn’t it good that he’s nice?
Rich: weLL- yeah I geuth *calms up*
Jeremy: *holds the Tich bc hes v small*
Tich: I'm v small
Rich: ew go a singular way tich
tich: *:(* okayyy... *goes a singular way*
Jeremy: I- *cuddles the RICH* (idk how to feel typing this)
Rich: *cuddles the JEREMY*
Jeremy: oh my god you are so small it’s amazing
Rich: well
Jeremy: *kisses the Rich* (THIS FEELS WEIRD TO WRITE- but uh- here Jeremy x Rich shippers-)
Rich: *kisses the Jeremy* (I could care less so um \('_')/)
Jeremy: *puts a blanket over the Rich* sleeppppp- you be been crying too much
Rich: *sleeppppps*
Jeremy: *is still holding the Rich bc that’s what people do when they’re dating??* hhh *is playing with the Rich’s hair*
Rich: *slep*
Thunder: hello y’all
Rich: *is spooked :0*
Jeremy: *falls off the couch* OW-
Rich: *becomes a caterpillar because he makes a cocoon with the blankets :))))))))) <this is clearly a CATERPILLAR not a WoRm*
Jeremy: richie, what are you doing-
Rich: I am a c a t e r p i l l a r
Jeremy: a cute one
Rich: *:0* all pillarth are cute
Jeremy: you’re the cutest one * boop*
Rich: e
Jeremy: I’ll be right back *kiss owo*
-when Jermey comes back-
Jeremy: Rich...what are you wearing-
Rich: *epically wearing a crop top*
Jeremy: *v v v red* w-why-
Rich: becauthe I feel like it
Jeremy: wait- where did you get that-
Rich: the children's place
Jeremy: oh my god Rich- *picks up the rich*
Rich: *epically is a crop top god*
Jeremy: I don’t know how Michael and Jake will feel about this Rich
Rich: *puts on some epic sunglasses that are way to big for him* I could care less what they think *finger guns*
Jeremy: wow- hey those are my sunglasses-
Rich: overly too bad for you
Jeremy: oh well *puts the Rich down on the Jerems bed??* slep
Rich: no
Jeremy: yesssss *turns off the lights and puts the fairy lights on*
Rich: where is cat *:(*
Jeremy: nononono don’t be sad b- I’ll go get him! *runs downstairs*
Rich: *:((*
Jeremy: *comes back with the cat and sits on the bed* here you go Richh
Rich: *feeds cat a goldfish* here you go babyyyy boiii *uwu pats cat*
Jeremy: aweee *puts his arm around the rich*
Rich: *asleep holding cat who is also alseep In his hands uwu*
Cat: *bein heccin ADORABLE*
Jeremy: *fell asleep like on Rich*
Later: cat the whale
Cat: *licks rich's face*
Rich: huhh- *awakens* aweeee hi catt *:3*
Cat: *uwu*
Jeremy: *asleep with his head in Rich’s lap-*
Rich: *slowly gets up and goes outside to play with cat*
Jeremy: *awaken and puts on the Jakey D’s sweatshirt bc he can and walks outside*
Rich: *playing with the epic tiny whale*
Cat: *epically happy*
Jeremy: this is too adorable *takes a picture on his Polaroid bc aesthetic*
Rich: *doot gives cat a goldfish* good boy cat!!
Cat: *I n h a l e*
Jermey: Richie come hereeee
Micheal: *walks in the Jake bc they were being tops somewhere else 😎* Tf is Richie doing??? *confusion*
Jeremy: he’s being adorable with cat *still wearing the Jakey D’s sweatshirt*
Jake: nah b- I think you’re the adorable one right now *wraps his arm around the Micheal??? Sure??? Idk I’m not Micheal-*
Jeremy: Jake- I don’t think you’re getting this sweatshirt back anytime soon
Jake: eh- I’ll just steal Micah’s then
Micheal: why is it always my stuff!? *:(*
Jeremy: don’t be sad!! *hugs the michael*
Jake: *hugs both of them bc why not*
Jeremy: awe I love you guys
Micheal: Well what if I love you guys more?
Jake: Well what if I love you guys the most-?Richie! Come here!
Jeremy: Jake stooooop *leans on the jake*
Jake: noooooo *kisses his head?? Ok*
Jeremy: *hugs the Jake???*
Micheal: Did Richie die or something???? Richhhhhhhhhh
Jeremy: he probably took Cat on a walk, it’s okay
Rich: *teehee made a plan with cat so um yeah whispers* 3.. 2.. 1
Cat: *pretend bites rich's neck so it looks like he died*
Rich: AHHHHHHHHHhhhhh *pretend dies uwu*
Jeremy: OH JESUS CHRIST RICH *epically runs to the rich*
Rich: *even has fake blood and stuff cause he's really good at these kinds of things*
Jeremy: CAT WHAT THE HELL?? Rich come on..wake up..*actually sobbing bc hes v v v sensitive*
Rich: *gets up* YOU'VE JUST WALKED THE PRANK THIS IS A HIDDEN CAMERA SHOW THERE'S CAMERAS UH- *points to his phone* THERE!! *proud of himself :D*
Cat: *dances*
Rich: *hugs the jerem* teEhEE
Jeremy: *picks up the Rich*
Rich: ew heighth *clings onto Jeremy:0*
Jeremy: you’re only 6 feet off the ground- it’s okay babe
Rich: b u t th t i l l
Jeremy: *sits on the grass still holding le Rich* what about now?
Rich: better thank you very much
Jeremy: *le kiss* you’re welcome
Rich: so how do you feel about me being in a crop top *epic gaymer*
Jeremy: not gonna lie, it’s kinda hot
Rich: *blushy boye eek* i-i didn't expect you t-to thay that-
Ali: (bicycles- horray-?)
Jeremy: you asked me so I’m speaking the truth *kiss owo*
Rich: *kiss uwu*
Jeremy: kinky
Rich: you don't even know *;)*
Ali: (I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry)
Jeremy: *big blush boye* oh?
Rich: teahee
Jeremy: *picks up le Rich and walks inside* cuddles and movie- pleaseeee
Rich: y o th *snatches a blanket*
Jeremy: *puts le Rich down on le couch*
Rich: I mutht siat on your epic lap
Jeremy: go ahead *turns le tv on*
Rich: *sits on Jeremy's lap :0*
Jeremy: *wraps his arms around le Rich’s waist*
Rich: *epically puts on heathers but genderswap* love thith movie
Jeremy: you and your little heathers obsession
Rich: it'th a good movie okay?!
- latar -
Rich: *epically starts freaking out when jd explodes herself bc the fire and stuff*
Jeremy: you okay Rich?
Rich: mhmm *clearly not fine bc he's c r y i n g*
Jeremy: *turns le Rich around bc hes still in the jerems lap??* is it because of the fire..?
Rich: no I'm f-fine *still crying oh my orange juice*
Jeremy: *hugs le Rich* Rich, everything is okay now..
Rich: iM fINE *pushes germ (Jeremy) off him on my sticky cricket*
Jeremy: Rich, you’re crying-
Rich: no I'm n-not im fine. *turns away from Jeremy Oh my crunchy lightbulb*
Jeremy: Rich come on, we’ve all seen you cry before, we don’t like seeing you sad and you can talk to us-
Rich: *turns back to germ* WELL I DONT WANT YOU GUYTH TO THEE ME AS A CRY BB! *>:(* *runs off Oh my syrupy peacock*
Jeremy: Rich- we would never see or call you a crybaby-
Rich: *runs to his room shook door* ( he's way too dramatic and I don't care )
Jeremy: *knocks on the door* c’mon Rich..we don’t see you as a crybaby- you have emotions, it’s normal. And besides we know how fire makes you feel, it’s okay now, it’s all over, Jakes fine, Michael’s fine, I’m fine and you survived
Rich: I with I didn't-
Jeremy: Rich don’t say that..I love you..
Rich: that'th kinda gay-
Jeremy: rich just- open the door- I NEED to hug you
Rich: id rather not tho-
Jeremy: I know you’ll be looking for attention later then
Rich: try me! *>:)*
Jeremy: okay bye! *walks downstairs*
Later: eek
Rich: *walks downstairs* jeremyyyyy
Jeremy: *playing Minecraft* Rich it’s 2 in the morning what’s wrong?
Rich: I want h u g th
Jeremy: Rich what did I tell you earlier- shouldn’t you be sleeping?
Rich: n o. Altho I can't thleep with all the noitheth coming from Jake'th room
Jeremy: you can sleep in my room if you want *keeps playing Minecraft* they’re at it again, aren’t they?
Rich: I think-? I don't know. C u d d l e m e *sits down and wraps his arms around the jerem*
Jeremy: *puts his arm around le Rich* go to sleep shortie
Like 5 minutes Later: crunchy lightbulb
Rich: *asleep :0*
Jeremy: knew it *picks up le Rich and puts him in his room, down on his bed* (he put him in Jeremy’s room because he couldn’t sleep in his own)
Rich: *leeches onto a pillow* (cause that's what I do and if I'm rich then I geuss he does it too?? Idk)
Jeremy: *lays down next to le Rich bc they be dating*
Rich: *leeches onto Jeremy*
Jeremy: night Rich *le sleep*
Rich: *wakes up and makes chocolate chip pancakes cause they taste g o o d*
Jeremy: *walks into the kitchen half awake* Rich what are you doing-
Rich: making chocolate chip pancakes! *:D*
Jeremy: be carful- *yells as he’s walking upstairs* don’t hurt yourself!
Rich: *made pancakes and walks upstairs* Jeremyyyyyy I have pancakessss *:)))*
Jeremy: ooooo! I bet they taste amazing babe!
Rich: *sksksksksk gives the pan* heere
Jeremy: *v long kiss* thank youuuuu
Rich: *surfer voice* no problemo my radical dude *surfer stuff*
Jeremy: *picks up me rich* stop being so cute!!
Rich: *angeri* I'm nOT cute!!
Jeremy: I don’t want to fight with you right now- you’re adorable *kiss*
Rich: *v v v long kiss uwu*
Jeremy: wow Richie getting feisty *smirk teehee*
Rich: *red boye eek*
Jeremy: *picks him up, v v v long kiss*
Rich: *even redder boye but v v v long kiss*
Jeremy: *makes out with thy Rich oops*
Rich: *sister shook*
Jeremy: Rich- you have a um- *coughs* B O N E R
Rich: oH *voicecracks* uM *hides under a blanket* tHAth fUn-
Jeremy: wow, I never knew I was that hot
Rich: have you looked in the mirror?
Jeremy: *sits on thu bed* you’re the hot one Goranski
Rich: *sticks his head out from under the blanket* what do you mean, I'm alwayth cold- *smirks :0*
Jeremy: oh my god stop *cuddles thy Rich*
Rich: *tries to escape from thy jerem* Can i have pancaketh nowwww
Jeremy: yes shortie *smiles at thy rich*
Rich: *inhales his pancakes because why would he eat Jeremy's?* y u m
Jeremy: why don’t you eat me like that
Rich: *almost falls over* wHAT- *blushing mess*
Jeremy: *in tears laughing* YOU’RE SO RED-
Rich: wELL-!
Jeremy: *rolling on the floor* OH MY GOD RICH!!
Rich: *jwj*
Jeremy: awe I’m sowwy Richieee
Rich: pft- what wath that?!
Ava: (that was possession)
Jeremy: what was what? Did I dot something wronggggg
Rich: *kiss uwu* nope!
Jeremy: yes
Rich: whyyy
Jeremy: because I'm a bad boyfriend
Rich: why would you thay that-
Jeremy: I don't give you enough affectionnnnnnn
Rich: then give me affection-
Jeremy: *jumps on thy rich*
Rich: thith youre warm
Jeremy: why thank you
Rich: eek *$qúïřmş*
Jeremy: stop moving I want loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Rich: *stops $qúïřmīñ*
Jeremy: hihihuhhdghegdb * h u g *
Rich: * g u h *
Jeremy: *:0*
Rich: *e m o r j y h t s e s s i k*
Jeremy: *kissesthyrich*
Rich: *kissesthyjeromebutitskissier*
Jeremy: are you trying to make out with me, again?
Rich: n o o o o o :o
Jeremy: lies
Rich: but do you want to make out with me again ith the quethtion
Jeremy: that's your own choice
Rich: *????*
Jeremy: you can if you want- *big blush man*
Rich: *skskskskkkskksksksks idk man*
Jeremy: wait- Rich, are you a vsco girl
Rich: ew no *makes out with thy germ*
Rich: *becomes hotter every seconday*
Jeremy: oh!-
Rich: *uwo*
Jeremy: you're a good kisser goranski *kiss owo*
Rich: *red bi* uno reverthe card *kiss uwuwu*
Jeremy: me? A good kisser? Oh please
Rich: oh reallyyyy? why would I kith you if you were a bad kither?
Jeremy: i- um- *v v v v v v red*
Rich: *;)))))))))*
Rich: *giggles* jeremy- um- you realize I'm on top of you right-?
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goose-nut · 6 years
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thanks @lidoxia for making this bc i needed to get these thoughts organized one way or another hhaaaa
The NOTP’s are self explanatory (((((related)))))
Dislike: It’s probably gonna take some time for me to grow on Kyoata but,,, rn it seems like Kyo doesnt care imo :’))
It’s ok: TaiAta? Ataiju? Whatever it is they’re p cute ((shouldve put a BROTP line there too whoops))
-Maasa/Taiju is a V important friendship im Lovi ng it rn 
-Ichiro and Taishi have a Very relatable realistic friendship Bless u staff 
- Idk why but i cant see Ryouma and Kyoutarou as anything more than close friends rn?? the ep 9 leaks might change that tho rip
- u already know whats up w/ Nanao and Ryouma :^)
I like it: 
- Ep 8 really made me like Kyoururusu a L o t omg 
-I,,, cant explain what happened here but,, Furataishi cant be Too bad hhhh ((I think my brain decided that 1. Angery Boyes go well together and 2. They’re both my faves s o))
-Staff literally S pelled out nanaju what did u expect
-Taishi damn near Executed Maasa in ep 7 therefore i NEed them together 
- u know
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elfkissing · 6 years
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Cami im so sorry this is a few days late fgghdfj but here’s your #1 Angery Boye for u
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demonphannie · 7 years
dan and phil - june 2017
first week (1-7): dan wants to eat and be alone for his birthday. phil likes snuggling with cats. politics and pizza and chill. new gaming video: ARE GAMERS NERDS? - Google Autocomplete Game! dan puts the succ in succulents. barbecue becomes floorbecue (context but dan and phil have barbecue with dan’s grandparents). phil is recognized as the dan and phil guy! dan and phil release a shirt to support manchester. phil relaxes with some attack on titan. dan liveshow! (highlights: new webcam, gonna make a new youtube banner, loved the one love manchester concert, at his all boys school when they got shots they all punched each other because it would hurt more, his grandparents visited, his grandma brought an or-rey-o cake, cake scene whom, he and phil and friends played dungeons and dragons and dan was a fucking edgelord, he went to the gym and jogged 10km and couldn’t move the next morning, he went because phil wasn’t there and he was bored, cavemen over dinosaurs existentialism over nihilism, he has nothing against wearing dresses, he’s practicing piano more, he has ten succulents) + bonus thumbnail. new gaming video: MOTION CONTROL VIOLENCE - Dan vs. Phil: ARMS.
second week (8-14): dan wants you to VOTE. phil wants you to VOTE. edward snowden and jeremey corbyn interact with dan on twitter. obligatory democracy selfie. phil liveshow! (highlights: listened to a sexual podcast when going to the gym, he ate very unhealthily as a child, beauty tips with phil: dry shampoo in hair before you go to sleep, toothpaste on pimples, don’t drop things on your feet or they will bruise, daddy cleaned us, cake scene whom, the ampersand is broken, he was gonna live in the gaming room but decided they needed more space for the gaming so now he lives in a broom cupboard under the stairs, martyn moved, he’s been watching love island, his bday gifts for dan are things phil wants, he has two coffees a day). jeremy corbyn is one thicc bih according to dan. new gaming video: THE MOST FRUSTRATING GAME EVER MADE - Dan and Phil play: I Am Bread. dan loves wonder woman. dan and phil went to wahaca (food for before dan’s bday). DAN’S BIRTHDAY!!! phil posts a pic of dan playing mariokart and it’s like pretty cute. “i don’t feel 26 but when you consider i have a 16 year old’s body and the crushed soul of someone aged 36 it kinda makes sense” (does dan know how to do math). bryony posts some cute pics on her insta story confirming they went to a sushi place and a sky bar (1+2+3). rare birthday boye pic. it stops the bees tweets from cat for dan’s birthday. phil bought dan (himself) a fidget spinner. new amazingphil video: TRY NOT TO CRINGE - My Dating Emails (tinder ad). phil almost blinds himself with the fidget spinner. dan’s life is on hold now that nintendo is releasing a pokemon switch game (and also he’s going to leave dead animals on nintendo’s doorstep if they do not make an animal crossing game). dan changed his twitter icon from this to this. dan liveshow! (highlights: birthday, comic sans, phil’s used the fidget spinner more than him, also got a weather crystal thingy from phil, dan also got sunflowers, dan HATES sunflowers, i HATE dan, terrarium of the day, his family has a pattern of giving dan colin themed gifts this time being a tshirt, friends got him a skull filled with vodka, he loves the babadook, phil is away, no phil liveshow, dan is phil’s pr agent, pokemon gotta catch em all, rant about how annoyingly perfect chris pine is, steven universe discourse, he cringed at phil’s video). also dan’s tweet for his liveshow mentioned (and friendzoned) phil for no reason. also here is some weird shit dan thought he would make his icon. wow young people these days and their exam memes. phil is a finger guns kinda guy. new gaming video: DIL GETS PREGNANT - Dan and Phil Play: Sims 4 #41. 
third week (15-21): when phil is away dan will post irrelevant sceenshots of what they text each other and it’s sorta sad sorta cute. angery wasps. dan’s houseplants are thriving. phil craves that mineral. new daniel howell video: The Memeing Of Life. centipede drama with documentarist phil lester (also phil doesn’t have wooden floors in his room but ok). dan wishes happy fathers day to dil? phil liveshow! (highlights: thank you for all the fathers day wishes, strong air conditioning in his “room”, he got his dad jams and hacksaw ridge, he has a big family and a lot are in australia, dan was scurred of the centipede, he’s trying to get louise to name her new baby phil, dan is worth £6, he hurt himself with the fidget spinner, not watching love island anymore, chris pine is distracting, some beauty tips, flat earth). “england more like fuckimmeltingdeargodhowcaniescapethisunbearableheatimsweatingoutofmyeyeballswhereisallthebloodyrainweresupposedtohaveland.” some limited edition merch. dan and phil appear in an anthony padilla video. new gaming video: THIS GAME IS TOO BLOODY HARD - Dan and Phil play: Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes #3. oh no phil almost went live in the bath. wow going to america (or are they). phil likes topless guys showering horses. dan and phil appear in #youtubers4grenfell livestream. 
fourth week (22-30): dan and phil #spotted at the airport. dan and phil at vidcon! night of community where dan and phil have a bicker about whose fault it was that they missed their flight to la (run down: dan lost his passport and phil booked the car late and they almost missed vidcon). also the try guys do a funny impression of dan and phil. dan explains. nice pics of the night of community. pics of dan and phil leaving the night of community. phil slept nice. youtube water. dan and phil and tyler. dan and phil meet and greet (not all the pics but some highlights: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten). lil peek into a markiplier vlog. dan and phil @ a party just eating and playing ddr (one + two + three). dan and phil with cute doggo. new gaming video: HELP WE ARE SO LOST 🌎🤔 - Dan vs. Phil: GeoGuessr. dan apologizes for being extra even tho he’s always extra. dan’s an edgelord. dan and phil are jean jacket boyes. dan and phil on the fine bros instagram story + on twitter. dan and phil and badly drawn models. dan is angery on facebook. phil is going to another dimension. new amazingphil video: DAN CURLS MY HAIR! fine bros video: YOUTUBERS REACT TO NICKI MINAJ CHALLENGE (#NICKIMINAJCHALLENGE). dan is an edgelord pt 2. they are on cat’s insta story. ACurlyPhil selfie. dan and phil in a tomska vlog (@ 22:57 and 33:00). just touched down in london town. new gaming video: WATCH US WRECK SOME LOSERS ONLINE - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. dan and phil play with cat’s new pup in this video which made my entire body tingle. wow crash bandicoot is out.
the floor is my undying love for dan and phil.
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microweave · 7 years
Answer all the prime numbers.
o boye here we go
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?my grandfather. earlier today he made one of his spontaneous phone calls to my household & told me about his travels across europe. it was nice. hes a cool guy and i love him.
03: Do you regret anything?my entire life trusting my parents a little too much, didn’t work out so well
05: What is your relationship status?single, absolutely not ready to mingle, but pining after a hypothetical future girlfriend anyway
07: What did you last eat? chinese take-away….i had too much and now my stomach is angery
11: Do you like someone?im extremely (secretly) gay for my closest friend rn and theres also cute girl in my film class who gives me butterflies but i dont know her very well
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?a few politicians i won’t name, but apart from that no, ive forgiven everyone who’s personally done me wrong so far.
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?nah
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?FUCK i could actually rant about this concept for days. theres so many variations of this scenario involving time travel and theyre gonna change things a lot. go back just to relive something? yea. absolutely. i love some of my old memories. .but go back and..change the past? thats stepping into paradox territory, i dont like it one bit. it’s basically playing god. and would i be able to return to the present day?? if not i’ll have to go through all the years between now and then..reshaping my life without the things and people i loved in the last iteration…a new life, wondering who adopted my dog, who saved my friends’ lives when i wasnt around to talk them out of bad choices…..but…..if i could just go back for 5 minutes to fix something stupid i did , then..i might consider bending the rules slightly
23: Do you have piercings? How many?ive got none because im a pussy!!! i honestly love body modification, if i were brave enough and had the freedom to do so then id totally get a nose ring, maybe a few piercings on the rim of my ear. but my parents think that’s disgusting so .
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?i’d need a boyfriend/girlfriend to do that
31: Does somebody love you?i hope so.
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive 100%. people do bad things sometimes and i don’t like wasting my energy on holding a grudge.
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?spent a couple hours messaging my best friend. we were being dorks, role-playing with our ocs and laughing about how depressed we are. i didnt get to say goodnight because i fell asleep with my phone in my hands.
59: Do you like the snow?yea i like snow..i just wish it were a bit warmer
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?i get extremely squirmish and uncomfortable when a boy calls me pet names for some reason, probal because theyre only doing that when they’re making fun of me or when they want to ask me out (and im too gay for that shit). girl tho..?sign me UP
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?does my cat count? cause otherwise it’s my grandfather again lol
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