askmew · 5 years
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the-sleepysiren · 5 years
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Made a new gijinka for Aitan i got inspired alot from @/Lisosa and @/kika-ila and how they made their pokepeople into centairs and mermaids oof i loved it so i decidet since the storyline for aitan is pretty much fairy tale i decidet to make him a centaur ? Idl what you would call a half human and half bunny
But any how enjoy !
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ask-kyu · 6 years
Aitan gathered hes courage up as he walked towards kyu still leave some space "Hello there! I really love your fluffy neck fur! Its almost like mine!" He said now smiling sweetly "How do you keep it like that do you wash your fur alot?" Seems like he fell for him lookin like a pikachu
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“But it’s not real fur. I’m a mimikyu so it’s fake. But feels nice in the winter.”
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Aitan happly trotted over at the vaporeon "ooh! You got a egg! " He says noticing it "I can help you warm it up! I mean i got fluffy fur!" He said now fluffng out hes fur
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Now the egg is warm and cozy!
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gregnas-the-grouch · 7 years
Aitan@Yemir "Hi hi! It seems weard coming from a kid but..watching you right now I wanna know how to be stronger!! Can you teach me to be stronger ? " He asks tilting hes heaed as the bunny sat down
Despite being reduced to such a little thing, Yemir’s chest swelled with pride as a wide grin spread across her face. “Ha, if anybody knows how to teach people how to be stronger, it’s me!” Yemir stated serious, hand raised and thumb pointed at herself. Only to pause when she heard a soft chuckle behind her. Turning around, Yemir glared at Baozhai, who seemed more than amused as she leaned against a tree with her arms crossed.
“You? Teaching someone how to be strong? We’d have a better chance having an Exploud educate someone on the finer points of using an inside voice. You have the finesse of a drunken Slaking and the teaching skills of a male Scyther when it comes to sex.” Baozhai stated plainly, only to narrow her eyes in annoyance as Yemir jumped on top of her, the Gallade’s face uncomfortably close to her own.
“Oi, I may not be the most fancy or insightful of people, but I know how to get the job done without any fancy words or expensive equipment!” Yemir growled, her eyes matching Baozhai as the empress gave Yemir a challenging glare. “Oh, is that a bet I hear?” The undead warrior inquired with a challenging tone. One of which Yemir did not relent upon.
“You bet yer gilded butt it is! I bet ya I can take any random civilian. Hell, someone I know that ya consider pathetic by every conceivable way and turn them into at least a decent fighter!” Yemir declared, only to shrink back a bit as Baozhai had a wry smile on her face. “Is that so? And what would you be willing to wager? It better be something worth my time too, no, it better not be one of your meat stashes before you say anything. I’m an empress, not a gluttonous brute.” Baozhai proclaimed, Yemir went into deep thought for a moment before an idea came into her head.
“What about-” Only to be cut off as Baozhai interrupted her. “Slave labor doesn’t count either. What good is another when I have plenty... Well, will have soon enough.” Baozhai chortled lightly as Yemir narrowed her gaze, grumbling as she tried to think of something else. “... I’ll say you’re a better warrior than me.” Yemir grumbled, Baozhai’s face lighting up a bit? “Is that so? Well, if we’re to have an official declaration of humiliation and belittlement, it better be in front of a lot of people~” Baozhai stated with a sinister look on her face.
“Fine, but if I win, you gotta do the same!” Yemir yelled, Baozhai’s eyes twitching a bit at the mere thought of making such a public statement. Yet, her pride would not allow her to back down otherwise. “... Very well, then we have a deal.” Baozhai stated, holding out a hand as Yemir shook it eagerly. Both ladies, needless to say, we’re being quite vicious to each other.
“Before you say anything, that child doesn’t count either.” The empress stated, pointing at the small rabbit. “What, why?” Yemir asked with confusion on her face. “While we did make a bet, my region is far too harsh for someone so young to train in. Must be a late teenage to young adult at best.”
Yemir groaned, pulling at her face as she sighed. “Alright, alright, I’ll find someone else...” Yemir leaned next to the child and whispered “If ya want to get stronger. Good way to start is by challenging opponents, always pushing yerself. But that’s just me” Yemir chuckled, following after Baozhai as the two started to leave.
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You been visited by the spooky Aitan!
Instead of giving candy to him , He gives you some instead !
Happy Halloween! 
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Thank you so much for visiting!!! The wotts are honored you decided to share your candy with them!
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So, I made a Zoibat
They’re just so cute I couldn’t help myself aahhh! Zoibat are a fruit bat pokemon species designed by @hereandtherecrystaleevee
His name is Maypop, he likes to act real cute and loving so he can get in close enough to steal your shiny things. His favorite shiny things are music boxes, which he likes to wind up and then imitate.
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vulpixisananimal · 7 years
The Crystal Cave, an original piece inspired by @hereandtherecrystaleevee. There blog is really good and you should check it out.
Made using FL Studio
I’ve been messing with the idea of making themes for different daily Pokemon/RP blogs, and I thought it would be good to start off that project here.
I hope you like it.
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dailymarshtomp · 7 years
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it’s super fun and super useful! it’s probably the move i use the most, actually.
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asklostphanpy-blog · 7 years
Aitan "oh hello! I was wondering what was in your bag ? Do you collect stuff becosue i can give u some small crystals ! "
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“I did hang my bag on this branch here…”
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the-sleepysiren · 5 years
35 and leafeon?
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dailyhoppip · 7 years
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Flower thanks friend! Flower likes friends crystals!
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@hereandtherecrystaleevee @randomlyraichu
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ask-arkray-blog · 7 years
Aitans head tilted then eyes sparkled "You are really cool looking! You have umbreon marks and spoiked jolteans fur Thats soo cool!!" The kid squeled
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“thank you!” 
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ask-teamfamily · 7 years
Aitan@Anyone "Aaaa! Fire types! I want to be flareon! So im interested how it is to be a fire type??"
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Eryn smiles down at the small Pokemon, setting her head down on her outstretched paws to be on his level. “My, aren’t you the cutest little thing…”
She tilted her head in response to Aitan’s question. “Well…I am always warm, I can tell you that. You can…feel the fire inside you. And sometimes I wake from a nap to find a random assortment of wild Pokemon come to cuddle up to my warmth. I welcome them, as they normally need the comfort a warm fire brings.”
( @hereandtherecrystaleevee )
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asksnowandco · 7 years
Aitan@Snow and Blaze : What are those fizzy drinks..? What can they do?
snow: their potions they can do near anything if we have the proper research put into them *doing a showy wave to show off their potions*
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