rxvonna · 11 months
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"We've located him, but…" The way that Mobius glanced at Ouroboros and trailed off, Ravonna knew that he was about to break something to her very gently that she wasn't going to like. She steeled herself for it against the workshop counter, but she was pretty sure she already knew what was coming.
"He's in a branched timeline. We sent an agent in. He…won't remember you."
There it was.
"I don't care." Her response was out almost before he could finish his sentence. It was pretty much the worst case scenario. The smile she felt herself forcing was extremely tight, but it was all she could do to keep from crying in that moment. "I don't care. I'm not leaving him there. He doesn't belong there."
Mobius nodded, and she wasn't sure which was worse—his sympathetic expression or the fact that he couldn't seem to meet her eyes. He'd never really had that problem before. He also didn't immediately come up with solutions or suggestions, which was his usual way of handling things. No doubt he and OB had already discussed everything before she arrived for the update and they felt there was no good way to fully get her husband or his memory back since the TVA itself had been unkind and sent him away.
If there were even memories left within him to retrieve. That was the difficult part of a broken down TVA, wasn't it? The uncertainty of what happened when it glitched somehow, no way of really knowing if it wiped minds thoroughly or left remnants behind like He Who Remains did.
But him not having his memories wasn't going to stop her from going to his branch and doing her best to bring him home. In the past, her more insecure days, she might have left him there for his own good; her mind would've made her believe he was better off..and maybe he was, all things considered. It was no secret he was the best of them both. Everyone thought so.
But now, she owed it to him to go. He would've never given up on her if the situation were reversed. She wasn't about to give up on him.
"Give me the information."
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Within hours, she was down on the timeline. His branch. From a bench across the street, dressed in appropriate clothing for the time, she watched him arrive at the building she had been surveilling for about an hour, heart leaping into her throat when she saw him stop and talk to someone just outside the doors and then laugh. There was no real concept of time in the TVA, but she knew it had been entirely too long since she'd seen and heard that laugh. Weeks? Months?
Could she even possibly get through this? She was beginning to have her doubts. Her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest and a before she knew it, she was fishing in her bag for a tissue. It didn't hurt to be prepared, and it wouldn't exactly be out of place where she was going.
By the time she looked up again, she realized he had already disappeared into the building and she cursed under her breath. She didn't want to be late. It was imperative she not be late. She jumped up and crossed the street quickly and without warning, much to the chagrin of the drivers who nearly hit her. She ignored the vulgar hand signals and yelling hurled her way by the motorists and hurriedly passed into the front doors of the building, reading the signs for her destination.
Once at the correct room—139 | Group, it read— she took a deep, shaky breath before turning the handle and opening the door. Eight sets of eyes swiveled to look at her, but only one of them mattered, and for a long moment she just stared into the blue of them, frozen. But she did just manage to get herself together and somehow smile weakly as Steve looked at her curiously. Curiously and without recognition.
Thank goodness she already expected that, not that it made her soul ache any less.
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"I'm sorry. I'm a new sign-up," she explained quietly. "Is it too late to join?"
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rxvonna-a · 2 years
Steve // @herosquandary
It really feels as though Steve will never get home. A few short errands, he said, yet here she is waiting at the kitchen table waiting for him to return, legs bouncing up and down nervously. Her coffee sits untouched in front of her, stone cold, and she's looking toward the door with her hands folded together.
She silently mouths words to herself, practicing exactly what she wants to say and how she wants to say it. Her own anxiety about the situation is pretty much sky high, but she doesn't want to just attack him or fly at him with her news the moment he walks in. She wants to be calm, ready to discuss everything rationally.
The practicing does no good, however. He has barely closed the door behind himself when she stands and walks quickly over to him with what can only be described as a panicked expression on her face. And without any ceremony whatsoever, no hesitation, and no regard for the fact that he's got his arms full of just purchased items, she blurts out what's been bothering her for a couple days now.
"I think I'm pregnant."
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iorast · 1 year
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// tag drop two: relationships
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entangledmuses · 9 months
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So its that time of year where we reflect back on the past year. Its definitely been a bumpy one, thats for sure. With suffering with PTSD at the beginning of the year, moving jobs, having my Witch of an ex Boss registering at my new place as a patient, so can't get rid of her. Losing my gorgeous cat of 17 years.
A lot of you have been so supportive over the year, through all that crap, and honestly, I don't know how I would of coped without you.
So here it is, my Follow Forever!! In no specific order!
My Main Beans:
@bchemianrhapscdy I adore you! Don't ever forget that. I love our random conversations, or constant sending videos back and forth. I adore our ships, ALL of them. And there are a lot!! I know XD haha.
@houseofwisteria / @feathersontheclyde YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE!!! I cannot count all the ways I adore you! From the moment we started to talk, we clicked, and honestly, I will never have enough Rps with you <3
@lcstinfantasy / @theolderhenderson You are so incredibly talented, but also someone who I know I can talk to at any point about anything, and now you will listen (Well... Read XD ) I adore you, and your muses.
@afrxgmcnts / @favcritecriime Again, so talented, and I adore writing with you. I feel we bounce off each other so easily, and adore all our threads so much.
@unhlnged / @ahistoryofviolence / @byronlc Our muses always have such incredible chemistry. I love how easy it is to write with you. I am so excited to see you back.
@redemptivexheroics probably one of my longest rp partners. We have so many incredible ships, and I love being able to bounce ideas with you. Thank you for being there for me, even when we have had our moments.
@thewxnderer We may not talk so much ooc anymore, mainly because we both seem to always miss each other, but I am so grateful to have you in my life, not just as an Rp partner, but a friend also.
@domanon / @happeningsinhawkins I LOVE YOU! I do miss our muse interactions, but I know I can always just jump into discord chats with you, and its like no time has passed at all. Its so easy to chat with you, and to write with you.
@fcntasyadvcnturc I miss that we don't get to chat so much anymore. Why does life have to be so busy? But I adore you, and you are always in my thoughts <3
Beans I Adore and love to write with:
I won't write so much individually here, but I want you to know if you are tagged in this section, I still very much adore you, and can't wait to write more with you.
@scinglives , @dynastymuses , @morexfuntomiss , @never-hesitate-comrade , @unitcd , @tessastormrp , @untamedlobo , @acourtcfmuses , @devildungeondm , @fantasywritten , @putyourbabyfangsaway , @puppetoffthehook (this is mainly from Stevie ;P)
Last but not least, Beans I wish to know better:
@storminmyveins , @walkedfire , @protectxthem , @potestmagice , @redxinmyledger , @daringsunflowers , @haledwolf , @xradiant , @flawedxshatteredxsouls , @fallingpoppies , @meaningful-negativityq4 , @wrappedupinlight , @fatalframez , @herosquandary , @fiercehearts , @shefatales , @neonombre , @talesfromthevoiid , @divcrse
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vannscooter · 11 months
if anyone needs to know my other accounts. i also have @apocalypsejumper and @herosquandary and @kangslayer and ... @arcyouready as a multi though not super used. am i missing accounts??? probably but i figure this is the best way to tell you all where i am when i'm not here.
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continued from [x]
Wanda had been the one to offer to keep an eye on Steve while he was in hospital, letting the others rest up and deal with the aftermath of the battle. She had made herself comfortable on the chair by the bed, a blanket wrapped around her to keep her warm while she slept, whenever she managed to get a few hours in. 
When she heard his voice, she immediately sat up, a small smile on her face that he was at least ok. “Take it easy,” she called out, “things got a little rough in battle. You were hit pretty bad...” 
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dearlybelovad · 3 years
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   ❝ Hm. ❞ She tilts her head, and even though it’s tilted back so she can look up at him, she quips;  ❝ You look taller on the television. ❞
@herosquandary​ ♥’d for a starter
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mieczlw-a · 3 years
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@herosquandary​​   said  :    or  both   ?
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        “   your  thirst  is  showing ,  steve.   “ 
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dr-foster-moving · 3 years
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Continued from meme – @herosquandary​
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“ Traffic and people yelling lulls you to sleep huh?” Jane asks with a slight laugh, “I’m used to it by now, I guess, but I did not grow up in the city.” New York was fast paced and so was working in the trauma center of a hospital, but time in her lab away from all of that to focus was really where she thrived. The double-edge of that particular sword though was when everything else fell away it allowed for ache to set in. The kind Jane usually pretended did not exist. She peels at the label of her beer with her thumb nail.  “Busy has it’s advantages, I suppose.”
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crownedjuicebox · 3 years
“I’m a king, you can call me your majesty. And I don’t think bedtimes should exist.”
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rxvonna · 11 months
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i’ve got another idea . @herosquandary ⏳ 2028 AD
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The most infuriating thing about Earth men in Ravonna's opinion was their absolute refusal to take a hint when it was not just sent their way but hurled at them like rotten fruit. Hints that very clearly implied "I don't feel like having a conversation" or "you're getting on my very last nerve" for example, which she had already sent the Avenger—no, former Avenger—at least three times in this drafty, empty hallway as he blocked the doorway she was attempting to enter.
It couldn't be her expression upon first seeing him there that invited his interest, that much she was sure of—unless he enjoyed being glared at, which was entirely possible, really. Men.
Or maybe it was the TVA uniform she was currently wearing. It stuck out like a sore thumb sometimes, especially here, but it's not like she had packed bags of clothing to complete this mission. It was simply the one bag and her TemPad, both of which were tucked in a cubby somewhere on the other side of Steve Rogers. Why an Avenger? Why here? Of all the rotten luck.
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Switching tactics so she could just get him out of the way and retrieve her things, she sighed and attempted to at least sound civil, giving him her best pleasant expression. The last thing she needed was to act jumpy or extra rude and have him snooping into her business. And given what she knew of his sacred timeline self, he could be like a dog with a bone.
"Look, I'm sure you do, and if I weren't in a hurry, I'd love to hear it. But like I've already told you, I left something in there and I'm going to miss my bus if I don't get it. You don't want me to miss my bus, do you?"
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rxvonna-a · 2 years
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@herosquandary continued from here
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She was pleased enough with that response, turning her eyes back to the book she was reading and making it through half a paragraph before another thought popped into her head and stopped her. She slapped the book closed and tossed it onto her nightstand, turning onto her side and fixing her eyes on his face.
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"So...wait. Do you actually talk to the Hunters about me? Tell them things?"
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xagentcarter · 3 years
@herosquandary​ liked for a small starter but then i got rolling and well, here we are. 
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Seventy years. Seventy some-odd years, and only now had it become clear that freedom was attainable. When Dottie Underwood had captured Peggy in the late 1940s, Leviathan and the Red Room had originally wanted to kill her, as she’d become something of a nuisance to them. Yet it seemed that some among them thought it a waste of Peggy’s immense talents. That brought forth a new set of challenges: Was it possible to break one as strong as Peggy Carter? To dissolve her down to nothing and rebuild her in their image?
As it turned out, it was possible. Entirely too possible. And for decades, Peggy had operated as a sort of ‘sleeper agent’ -- a Widow brought out when things got really bad, when Leviathan and the Red Room needed to guarantee that their missions were indeed accomplished.
One day, she is presented with two files. One for Natasha Romanoff. She’d defected? Peggy’s brows furrowed. The other is for Steve Rogers -- Captain America. A faint bell rang in Peggy’s head, but she could not place why. His name did seem terribly familiar, but it mattered not. They’d never see her coming. 
But as she was let loose, Natasha brought down SHIELD. Hoping to find a lead, Peggy poured through the contents of the files that Natasha had spilled onto the world stage. 
Imagine her surprise when she discovered that she -- Peggy Carter, a Widow -- had founded SHIELD. The more she read, the more that she felt as if she were unlocking something. Later she realized that she was unlocking herself. 
He wouldn’t know her anymore. He wouldn’t care for her. But he had always been a good man. And while she didn’t want to heap her burdens upon him, she had nowhere else to turn. She wanted freedom. She wanted to be the self she’d read that she had been. 
And so she sat in his living room, dressed in her Widow’s suit, still as can be. There was a haphazard, bloodstained bandage wrapped around her forearm -- her tracker had been abandoned, cut out and tossed over the Brooklyn Bridge. She felt both liberated and terrified. She was without the Red Room, now. She had done monstrous things -- there was no guarantee that Steve would treat her with compassion. 
Yet she hoped. She sat, and waited, and hoped. 
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entangledmuses · 9 months
I'm sorry I've not been around. It's been busy here.
Just want to say a massive thank you to those who reached out in my last ooc
@herosquandary @fatalframez @frxgmcnts @storminmyveins @redemptivexheroics
Your words mean the world to me, I just wish I was more active lately, but I'm glad people do understand.
I have a 12 hrs shift tomorrow, then I shall be here for the weekend. Also..... new muses on the horizon. I know I have enough already, but I have a problem 😆
Love you all xx
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hydrasweapon · 3 years
@herosquandary​ in response to feeling restless
                    "No, you really can't." He sits down next to his friend, choosing closeness rather than distance. His metal fingers start to knead the meat of his right hand as he tries to find the right words; it's not often that Steve admits needing something outside of constant war. "A human isn't made for fighting nonstop. Heck, not even the Winter Soldier was, they put him on ice in the meantime. We need something peaceful, too. So if you're feeling restless…" He shrugs, trying a smile. "Pick up a hobby that has nothing to do with fighting or war. Art, for example. You used to like it. You were good at it, too."
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iorast · 3 years
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                                         » ❝ stop punishing yourself.  you wanna make up for what you’ve done?  get off your ass and do something about it.  ❞                                           ४ angst time // accepting !                                                                  » @herosquandary​
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    steve rodgers. the last person they’d expect to find in this damned multiverse was steve rodgers. and the last person they expected to take them in despite having been at the same tva, amongst the now thousand of perfectly identical ones that loki had seen. but this steve seemed to be trying to find them, too. perhaps mobius had enlisted his help?
    then came the matter of actually returning to the tva. which as they both sat in this seemingly long abandoned version made loki realize they were nervous. they were terrified. of facing their mobius. their ravonna. to admit that they’d tried to protect the sacred timeline and failed. that they’d caused all of this mess. that -- they didn’t even know how long they’d been gone. did they think they’d died? had mobius moved on completely? 
    ‘ stop punishing yourself. you wanna make up for what  stop punishing yourself. you wanna make up for what about it. ‘ steve spoke, a hand settled firmly between loki’s shoulder blades. loki hadn’t even realized that they’d started panicking over the thoughts. their breath uneven. 
     ❝ i -- i have to do something. i have to ... i -- i - i have to fix this. ❞
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