#hertz ampwave
thatoneguy031 · 1 year
I've heard that people are making pinned posts, so I thought I might as well do it, too.
Heya. Y'all can call me Guy, and I'm the head honcho for this(more or less) ask blog, and I think there's a few things you should know about me:
-I'm currently in my junior year of high school, and posts happen... basically, whenever I feel like it. If I don't get to an ask immediately, don't take it personally; I'm just a bit busy with other things.
-I'm bisexual, with a heavy, heavy male lean. I'm single too, but I'm not really taking any suggestions at this point. It'd be unfair for someone to show me their face and not have me show them mine. He/Him pronouns, too.
-This is also a Pokemon IRL blog. I only evolved recently, and I'm still getting used to being a Samurott. I'm currently learning about how to battle and act... y'know, like a Samurott. What does that mean, I don't know. But I'm trying my best!
-I like making stories. Like, a lot of stories. I have tons of characters, all of which are all available for asks.
-I'm a really dedicated memer. If it isn't about anything regarding plot development, don't expect it to be taken very seriously.
-I am a huge anime and VG fan. Current playthroughs/playlist of games(Reminder, I only have a Switch): The World Ends With You(Final Remix, the Switch release) Pokemon Scarlet Hollow Knight(I'm lost, please help) Rivals of Aether(Orcane main, Forsburn and Eliana secondaries) Super Smash Brothers Ultimate(I change mains every other week, honestly) Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4(Kakashi, Obito and Minato main) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe(I'm a Dry Bones main, who would've thunk?) Brawlhalla(I'm a Mako main, and Ragnir and Onyx secondaries) Pokemon Unite(I main Alolan Ninetails, but I've been dabbling in Garchomp due to personal reasons you'll see in later posts) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild(I'm lost, help me)
That's about it for me. I don't really involve myself in any political conversations, and I begin to feel uncomfortable when I have to talk about those kinds of topics with people. But, for those who want to know: Pro LGBTQ-whatever, obviously, but I don't pay attention to current events too much. I'm also not racist, if that had to be said.
If you're into the whole p3do or zoo thing, please leave. You genuinely need help, like, now. Oh, and bigots, racists, homophobes and all that jazz can get the boot, too. And I'll slam the door on your fingers on the way out.
I'd prefer if NSFW accounts didn't pay mind to this blog, as I'm trying to make sure that anyone can enjoy this place safely. I'm just want to make sure this place isn't the next Twitter.
As for my ask thingie, the reason why I even made this thing in the first place:
There are some obvious rules here that the public have to follow:
-No NSFW asks. A majority of my characters are children(About the same age as me), and I don't feel right putting them in such risque situations.
-If a character chooses not to answer a specific question. They might have some personal demons they need to fight before bringing up the topic, or they just might... not want to answer directly.
-I'm occasionally gonna be busy making updates to a character's story before I get to questions, so as mentioned before, answers won't be given out in a timely manner. I apologize in advance if there's any delays.
Here's some ask hints, I guess(Color-coded to associate the characters with the stories)*:
-Delta: Ask him about how he feels about Hertz or his living situation
-Hertz: Ask about his "academic" "performance", or why he decided to take Delta under his wing to begin with
-Jason: Ask him about his past experiences with Pokemon or something about Jayden, or something about his friends
-Jayden: Basically the same thing, or something about being the older sister of the family, or how she feels about Cheren and Bianca
-Cheren and Bianca: How they met Jason or Jayden in the first place
-Chris, or any member of his team(Stephanie, Wave, Lucas and David), for that matter: Try to get them to talk about their background or early childhoods
Smudge, Charles and/or Katie: Their hobbies, how they feel about each other, or how college is treating them
Trevor: His music career, and/or how he got into the music bandwagon in the first place, how his current job is going and stuff
Bryant: How he met Trevor, why they're friends, or their general connection
*Obviously, you can ask them anything, but these are some good starts if you don't know what to ask them.
Also, don't be afraid to ask me any questions, either, I won't bite. I'm just a dude tryin' to develop some social circles. Ask me about anything, really. Heck, you can even send anon asks, if you're too shy to show your face(Don't worry about it, I do the same thing all the time). If anything, I'd love to get some kind of advice with how to deal with evolution and all that stuff.
That aside, there are going to be tags on this post that can help you filter what and who you want to talk to, for both your sake and mine.
Now, without further ado...
Welcome to the show!
And I hope you enjoy your time here!
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kingstreasureskr · 4 months
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Hertz Pony
Hertz the ampwave pony-ified! 👑 Buy me a KoFi: ko-fi.com/kingstreasures 👑 Comments, likes, shares, boosts = 💖 👑 Socials: linktr.ee/KingRagnarok 🚫 Do not trace, repost, or edit.
Posted using PostyBirb
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
Noisy Introductions - Pt. 3
The stranger did as he was told, grabbing both the jar and the box, making sure to read the labels as well. Brown soo-gar? he read from the box, using his left hand to raise himself above the counter, and his right to toss the containers to Hertz. This smells nice. Very... sugary?
"Wow, you're really strong!" Hertz said excitedly. "What's your workout regimen? And you look so slim, too! You look so cool! And, I apologize for the sudden favor... I'm a bit short."
More words? the stranger wondered, feeling nearly overwhelmed with the new vocabulary that Hertz was throwing at him. What's 'cool' about me? I feel warm...
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"Great! Now, let's get started!" Hertz began measuring the ingredients as he asked stranger to grab a large bowl. "Trust me, you're not gonna regret this, uh..." He paused, thinking about something important. "Ah... You've never told me your name, my guy. As a matter of fact, we've never introduced ourselves, have we? Well, my name is Hertz. How 'bout you?"
The stranger froze in his tracks. Name... Name... he thought, trying to remember his past. Come on, I know this! ...Do I even have a name? He remembered nothing... Except a number.
The stranger couldn't think of anything else besides that. It sort of frustrated him. Did he have a name? Was that number his name? Why was that number so important to him? And, most of all...
...Why can't I remember anything?! It was like everything about himself was just... erased, after a point. He remembers waking up to a kind of yellow, blurry figure, and having to hold a ball as some sort of "test". But, the stranger couldn't help but feel like something was... missing. He knew he existed before that point, but it was all a collection of vague, blurry images to him.
Helping him escape his thoughts, Hertz laughed. "No problem, my guy. Shy, aren't we? Hm... I know! I'll give you a nickname! I always wanted to do that! Let's call you... How about Indigo? Or Azure? Or Silver? Like, the element? Ooh, Trout could work as well... Or even Sharkie, for that matter. Oh, and get the strawberries out the fridge, would you? Oh, and the blueberries, as well-" Hertz suddenly stopped stirring, and he gasped. "How about... Big Blue! It makes so much sense!..."
The stranger seemed to ponder this as he grabbed the containers of fruit, and Hertz continued to talk about how clever his nickname for him was. Big Blue... Blue... I think it's nice. He nodded.
"Awesome! So it's settled! For the time being, I'll call you Big Blue! ...Or just Blue, if you're cool with that," Hertz said, returning to mixing the ingredients together, sprinkling in a bit more cinnamon just to make sure that their breakfast was really sweet.
Blue looked out the window. The sun was rising higher in the sky, but he could tell that it was far from its peak. The sky was a beautiful orange, with pink speckles peeking from behind the clouds, with the grass blowing in the wind as some people began heading outside. The scenery was very easy on his eyes. A new start... A new start? How did I start before?... Can't remember.
"Well, how about it?" Hertz said, nudging Blue in his shoulder. "Let's get crackin', partner!"
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
Happy belated 4/20, y'all!
But fr, back to the story.
The stranger attempted to explain what he was doing, but all that came out were various weak sounds.
"Ah, whatever." Hertz looked out the kitchen's window, seeing the sun rise. as the sky went from a deep black to a dark orange. "Man... I always forget how pretty this is." He shrugged. "Well, since it's morning... How 'bout I make us some breakfast, no?"
He reached into a cabinet under his sink, and it was only then that the stranger realized he had an aux cord's prong at the tip of his tail. Not that it was important. What does he use it for? he wondered. Maybe to project his sounds? Or show his thoughts on that device in the... 'living room'? Perhaps even a way to project his voice? ...I wish I had one. A voice... That would be... nice?
Hertz wagged his tail as he pulled out a frying pan. "How do you feel about pancakes?"
The stranger shook his head. "What, you don't like them?" Hertz asked. The stranger shook his head again. "...You've never had them?" The stranger nodded.
Hertz was hurt. "Wha- How've you never had pancakes before? Pancakes? Really?" He stood up and lightly nudged the stranger away from the refrigerator. "Now I have to make them! I'd be a bad friend if I didn't show you the delicacy that are those fluffy goods!" He paused, thinking about what he said. "...We are friends, right?"
Friends...? The stranger didn't answer, too afraid of offending the ampwave.
Thankfully, Hertz seemed to forget the question, or not care too much about the answer. "Anyways," he said, opening the fridge to reveal a box with small chunks white powder caked into it. "I'm assuming you don't know how to make one, as well?" he asked, pulling out a carton of eggs as he tossed the box onto the counter in the middle of the kitchen. The stranger shook his head again. Whatever these things are, he seems really excited about them...
He stood there awkwardly as Hertz grabbed some milk as well, also reaching for another cabinet which he seemed to be just a smidge short for. "Mind getting the cinnamon for me?" he asked, blushing a little. "...I sorta just threw it up there, and it's on the middle shelf now. "It's the brown powder in the small container. No, not the box, that's the brown sugar... Actually, get that too. Let's make it extra sweet."
(ooc) Apparently, I've had this part of the story in my drafts the whole time, I just forgot to publish it.
Also, inconsistencies hurt me.
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thatoneguy031 · 2 years
Unusual Beginnings - Pt. 4 of 4
Hertz let the stranger continue to hug him, as he thought about what he just witnessed transpire today. He didn't really know how to handle this. Nevermind the fact that this guy looked like a cyborg, he seemed nothing like those Terminator-like robots he's seen in movies. As a matter of fact, he seemed... sort of clueless. He watched the sun set on the horizon, and he was convinced that he heard a small, weak whimper, barely audible to him. He turned to the unknown visitor, and saw that he looked sort of scared, like he was fearing a time limit of some kind. It took a while, but Hertz eventually put two and two together. "...Do you have a home to return to?" he asked softly. The stranger took some time to think about this, and slowly shook his head. "Dang, dude... That's rough." Hertz tried to figure out what to do with him. He didn't seem to have anywhere to go after this, and he didn't just wanna leave him hanging out to dry... Then, an idea hit him like a train. "...How about you stay with me for the time being?" he offered. "I'll provide food, shelter... Heck, I even have a TV. Wanna come with?" After some time, the stranger hugged Hertz even tighter. "Great," Hertz said, patting his back as the pair walked back to his home. "Trust me, you're not gonna regret this. I'll make sure that nothing happens to you, at least until you make a living for yourself..." Living... For some reason, that word intrigued the stranger. Is... Is that what this is...? ...Living?
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thatoneguy031 · 2 years
Unusual Beginnings - Pt. 3 of 4
Hertz, forgetting that he can't swim(Both because he discharges electricity regularly, and because he doesn't know how to,) scrambled out of the water again, continuing to worry about the stranger. Of course, he continued to worry about the guy. Sure, he doesn't know him, but he'd never wish death on a stranger, as no one should. However, he couldn't help but wonder why he would even do something like this. Thankfully, the green ampwave didn't have to wonder much more, as the stranger reappeared from the water with a trout in his mouth(At least, Hertz could only assume it was a mouth,) happier than... a lot of people Hertz knew, oddly enough. "Hey, look, my dude," Hertz said, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "...You know as much as I do that I don't know you, but lemme give ya a piece of advice. Don't just leap into a lake several miles deep, especially with your metal... uh, prosthetics? That's kind of a stupid move." The stranger looked at him as if he didn't understand(Because, being honest, he didn't. At all,) and climbed out of the water, letting the large fish back into it, even further confusing Hertz. "What the- Why the heck did you go in there, then, if you're just gonna let it go?!" he demanded.
The stranger leaped back, and he looked as though he saw a ghost, and it was then that Hertz realized that he was dealing with what he could assume was a child, no matter how old he looked(He looked to be about Hertz's age, funnily enough). "Gah, jeez," Hertz sighed, putting his paw to his head. "I'm sorry for shouting, alright? It's just that I sorta... I dunno, I don't wanna see you get hurt." The stranger seemed to understand as he hugged Hertz, which calmed the ampwave's nerves. For now, at least.
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thatoneguy031 · 2 years
Unusual Beginnings - Pt. 2 of ?
Hertz attempted to talk to the weird guy, but he wasn't responding. Maybe he's just shy, Hertz thought. But why would he go out of his way to to knock on my door then? The two made their way to Seaspray Lake, and Hertz set his bag down. "Now... Why did you want to come here?" he asked, and he laughed to himself. "You don't plan on drowning me, do you?" The other guy shook his head vigorously, and Hertz silently questioned if he even understood if he was just kidding around. Talk about being tone-deaf. He couldn't really say much for himself, though: He himself has issues when it comes to reading the room, often resulting in misunderstandings or full-blown arguments.
Hertz watched as the stranger sat near the edge of the lake, letting his feet dangle in the water. Then, much to Hertz's surprise, he let himself fall in, swimming what is at least a concerning distance deep. He scrambled onto his feet, and rushed to the edge of the lake. "Um, dude... Are you alright?" he asked. "Gah, forget it... he won't answer me anyway." He then dove into the water himself, hoping that this... guy, wasn't trying to drown himself.
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thatoneguy031 · 2 years
Unusual beginnings - Pt. 1 of ?
 It was a Saturday afternoon in a quiet suburban town, as Hertz sat on his couch, groaning with frustration. He had woken up far too late for morning cartoons, and he didn’t want to use his laptop to watch anything, as he was trying to forget that he had an assignment due Monday for his English class. He didn’t have many books to read, either. Not any that he would want to read, anyway.  He was actually considering going back to sleep when he heard a soft knocking at his door. “Door’s open!” he called, heading back to his room. No response. Assuming that whoever was at the door didn’t hear him, he said it again. “...Um, the door’s open!” he yelled. Again, there was no discernible response. He walked down the stairs again, and opened the door himself to see an odd individual. They looked like they came from the future, and had a pencil and notepad in their paws. Hertz was unamused. “Look, I’m not gonna waste your time,” he said bluntly, “I don’t want your scout cookies, your instant-pot, or whatever you’re trying to sell to me. ‘S not like I’d be able to pay for it, anyway.” The stranger gave Hertz a confused look, and began scribbling something in their notepad, handing it to him when they were finished. “Do you know where the closest lake is?” Hertz read from the page. “...I don’t know why you’d want to go there, but alright.” He prepped his things and made sure to lock his door when he was ready to leave.
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thatoneguy031 · 2 years
Name: Hertz Species: Ampwave Age: 16 Personality: Adventurous, mischievous, easy to excite, aggressive(Although he makes an exception for Delta) Bio:  Hertz was never really the kind of guy that you’d want to be friends with at face value, but you’d grow to like him the more you got to know him. He looked strange, he seemed sort of dangerous, and something about him just... looked off.  He’s lived on his own ever since he was fourteen, when his mother died of an unknown illness, and he’s taken the responsibility of housekeeping on his own since then. But, his life’s been completely scrambled ever since he met Delta, but that wasn’t as bad as it seemed. He needed something a little exciting, and he thought that Delta might be able to bring that kind of fun into his life.  Hertz enjoys danger, the unknown, yo-yoing, a few sports, and watching cartoons. Currently open for asks!
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
do you have pictures / an explanation of your characters
Actually, yeah, I do.
Delta was a character I made when I was first dipped my toes in the furry fandom... Sort of.
So, some context.
Before Delta, my fursona was a sergal named Marvin, an influencer that gave people on Instagram or TikTok or whatever inspirational quotes along the lines of "If a nobody like me can do it, so can you!" or "Go beyond your limits, Plus Ultra!" ...But he wasn't looking right when I drew him, so I started over.
I actually redrew Marvin last year, but he's more of a dragon now, and I'll provide an image when I can.
I was watching some videos of furry content, and I learned what an ampwave was... Yeah, that's pretty straightforward. If you haven't read Delta's story(Don't fret if you haven't, just know he isn't known as Delta yet,) the ampwave in that story, Hertz, is actually my second attempt at a fursona. Unfortunately, I lost his page due to my sketchbook experiencing wear-and-tear(I've had it for almost seven years now, and I wasn't taking the best care of it), although I remember the core parts of his design. Maybe I'll draw him for real later.
And of course, Delta. He's always had this name, but his backstory and plot of his current story used to be so wildly different. The beginning of it is nearly identical, so I won't speak of it because spoilers, but his story used to be more of a shonen kind of plot, and he would've had awesome powers, and he would've been such a badass, and...
Yeah, no. That completely went against what I wanted from him. Now, his whole shebang is more of a slice-of-life kinda thing, minus a few things that happen later.
Delta's design also used to be crazy different, but his old page also got lost with Hertz's.
For Jason, he was very... boring, when I first created him. His name used to be Blake, and he would've lived in Kalos. His starter would've been a Froakie, and of course, it would've evolved into a Greninja with Battle Bond. He used to just be an Ash wannabe, and never, ever lost a fight, ever, and he was so cool, and everyone loved him.
Again, no. That's boring, at least to me.
A few years later, I got Pokemon Sword for Christmas. It was my first Pokemon game(Legitimately, at least. My true first game was Fire Red), and I was able to customize my character fairly freely. I named him Jason(I liked the name), and began working on his design as I played the game. Experimented with different hairstyles, looks, what Pokemon I used, I was going strictly off of what I liked, and the overall
I'm not revealing my Galar team yet, because some of the mons in that playthrough set up the Sinnoh Arc, also known as my Shining Pearl playthrough.
Jayden was a similar case, though. She was made for my Shield playthough, because I wanted to learn how to design female characters(That, and Jason was already a boy, so I thought it would be fun to choose the girl, a callback to my Fire Red playthrough). Over time, I just... decided that they were siblings I guess??? Jayden was older than Jason because she happened to look that way at the time.
As for why they lived in Unova,
I live in America, and Unova is just Pokemon's answer to New York, and...
...I just wanted a good enough reason for Jason to have a Samurott.
I'll make a part 2 eventually, but this post is already like, really friggin' long.
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thatoneguy031 · 2 years
Starting an Ask Blog!
Name: Delta Current Species: Protogen Age: 4 months since creation Personality: Naive, not the sharpest tool in the shed, optimistic, shy Bio:  Delta’s a young protogen that’s just trying to find his place in the world. But, behind those blue eyes of his hides some foggy memories that he wants to uncover, involving the mysteries of some frequently recurring night terrors. He currently lives with Hertz, a 16 year old ampwave that loves adventure and was always considered the odd one out from other kids his age. Loves water-based activities and has an unexplained interest in marine biology.
Currently open for asks!
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