#Ill get to the origin of the name Delta eventually
thatoneguy031 · 1 year
Noisy Introductions - Pt. 3
The stranger did as he was told, grabbing both the jar and the box, making sure to read the labels as well. Brown soo-gar? he read from the box, using his left hand to raise himself above the counter, and his right to toss the containers to Hertz. This smells nice. Very... sugary?
"Wow, you're really strong!" Hertz said excitedly. "What's your workout regimen? And you look so slim, too! You look so cool! And, I apologize for the sudden favor... I'm a bit short."
More words? the stranger wondered, feeling nearly overwhelmed with the new vocabulary that Hertz was throwing at him. What's 'cool' about me? I feel warm...
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"Great! Now, let's get started!" Hertz began measuring the ingredients as he asked stranger to grab a large bowl. "Trust me, you're not gonna regret this, uh..." He paused, thinking about something important. "Ah... You've never told me your name, my guy. As a matter of fact, we've never introduced ourselves, have we? Well, my name is Hertz. How 'bout you?"
The stranger froze in his tracks. Name... Name... he thought, trying to remember his past. Come on, I know this! ...Do I even have a name? He remembered nothing... Except a number.
The stranger couldn't think of anything else besides that. It sort of frustrated him. Did he have a name? Was that number his name? Why was that number so important to him? And, most of all...
...Why can't I remember anything?! It was like everything about himself was just... erased, after a point. He remembers waking up to a kind of yellow, blurry figure, and having to hold a ball as some sort of "test". But, the stranger couldn't help but feel like something was... missing. He knew he existed before that point, but it was all a collection of vague, blurry images to him.
Helping him escape his thoughts, Hertz laughed. "No problem, my guy. Shy, aren't we? Hm... I know! I'll give you a nickname! I always wanted to do that! Let's call you... How about Indigo? Or Azure? Or Silver? Like, the element? Ooh, Trout could work as well... Or even Sharkie, for that matter. Oh, and get the strawberries out the fridge, would you? Oh, and the blueberries, as well-" Hertz suddenly stopped stirring, and he gasped. "How about... Big Blue! It makes so much sense!..."
The stranger seemed to ponder this as he grabbed the containers of fruit, and Hertz continued to talk about how clever his nickname for him was. Big Blue... Blue... I think it's nice. He nodded.
"Awesome! So it's settled! For the time being, I'll call you Big Blue! ...Or just Blue, if you're cool with that," Hertz said, returning to mixing the ingredients together, sprinkling in a bit more cinnamon just to make sure that their breakfast was really sweet.
Blue looked out the window. The sun was rising higher in the sky, but he could tell that it was far from its peak. The sky was a beautiful orange, with pink speckles peeking from behind the clouds, with the grass blowing in the wind as some people began heading outside. The scenery was very easy on his eyes. A new start... A new start? How did I start before?... Can't remember.
"Well, how about it?" Hertz said, nudging Blue in his shoulder. "Let's get crackin', partner!"
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mxescargot · 8 months
OC masterlist
misc/multiple universes
garv (fishboy)
prima (tropey good guy)
vindicta (tropey bad guy)
ursa (dark magic bounty hunter)
ari (light magic bounty hunter)
urban fantasy/superhero
premise: a timeline that diverges several years before ours where a significant minority of the population across the world contracted strange illnesses that led to various magical powers; focuses on the Eastern United States (aka what im familiar with). themes of disabled justice and solidarity.
micheal (he/they): friendly college kid who always puts others before himself, teleportation powers
jem (any pronouns): an old self-insert, shapeshifting powers
ayaan (he/they): kid with unique powers that mess with the fabric of reality, of particular interest to the villain
emilia (she/her): sociologist studying how superpowered people interact with a society built for non-superpowered people, recently gained fire/energy/plasma powers of her own in an accident
saiorse (any pronouns): software developer and emilia's spouse. he does not have superpowers
alison (he/him): evil CEO (maybe also politician?) looking to take advantage of superpowered people for his own gain. especially young, powerful superpowered people. i do not know how to write villains tbh
eren (she/her): micheal's classmate.
haru (they/she/it): your average edgy 14 year old.
high fantasy: the world of An
premise: weird mix of some of the history i'm interested in, with a technological level of around the 1840s to 1860s? focuses on a governmental transition from absolute monarchy to parliamentary democracy and the greater inclusion of ethnic minorities in the political system and society as a whole. the people are sorta kemonomimi-hobbits with mammalian and insectoid features. also has eldritch shit going on in its magic system.
these are some of my oldest characters and have changed a lot, their original concept was a "five elements" thing and that still shows through.
the names are based on my conlang :> i didnt try to make the romanizations look pretty, just functional, so uhh ⟨v⟩ is a schwa and most letters correspond with IPA values but idk if thats accessible. here ill replace j with y and v with whatever letter looks best, you can see the mess of the "official" spellings in the tags. they dont exactly have a gender system like ours so pronouns are what i imagine they'd use if raised in our culture and language yk
baa'oni (they/she): activist reviving the long-suppressed/erased (idk what the right word is) life-related magic practices of their ancestors. name translates to "sundew"
lausa (she/her): noble who uses her position of power to help incite change, eventually becomes prime minister. romantically involved with baa’oni, causing suspicion and controversy. name translates to "shadower"
laanya (they/them): self insert. former water magic student reconnecting to it after trauma, also tries to get involved in activism. name translates to "river delta"
treyii (they/she/he): young and uncertain, pressure is put on him to achieve great things and they don't know where to belong. name translates to "sparks"
unnamed character referred to as "wind guy" (they/he): a vengeful prince with command over the weather.
star wars
premise: focuses on jedi fighting in the clone wars. i mostly made these characters in quarantine lol
aiya (they/xe): twi'lek anakin skywalker on a budget. padawan during the clone wars, becomes an inquisitor.
rakiss (she/they): mirialan; Aiya's fellow padawan and very close to xem. killed in O66
haalas (he/him): togruta; aiya's strict master, very loyal to the light side of the force itself and scared of losing another padawan to the dark side. survives O66, but is eventually killed by aiya, who blames him for rakiss's death.
malice (they/she/it): dathomiran zabrak who was the first padawan of haalas. left the order and turned to the dark side, but isn't with the Sith.
ekiv (she/her): rakiss's master, also a mirialan, and longtime friend of haalas. mom friend, but only because she's a people pleaser with massive gifted kid burnout. survives O66; assumes a new identity and learns how to heal.
hizta (any pronouns): tusken ex-bounty hunter who now runs a droid repair shop on coruscant. acquainted with aiya before and during the Clone Wars, aids the Rebellion.
penelope (she/they): human; old colleague of Hizta's. generally fairly cold and professional until you get to know them; actually very affectionate.
i also have some underdeveloped clone trooper OCs
hollow knight
cornu (they/them): HKsona. void-corrupted snail shaman capable of harnessing both soul and void magic.
unnamed fairyfly OC
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baylardo · 1 year
i have to write down this halfbaked threshold au idea or ill die i dont expect no one to read or comprehend this one lmao ITS NEXT GEN STUFF OKERRRRRRRRRR
been wrestling with the idea of SOMEHOW having philippa interact with an evil!amelia and the thought's been kinda vague in my head for a while likeeee originally i was thinking mirrorverse but the mirrorverse is so convoluted and cough LAME i didnt really wanna go that route so ive been tossin around different hypotheticals in my head and likeeeee with that, ive also been Yearny for doing some TAME time travel shenanigans with philippa as well lol,,,,,
ANYWAY i got to thinking about Lesson Plans and the Endgame admiral's alternate timeline and how philippa abandons her family and stays in the delta quadrant, and ed's dead in that timeline, and amelia eventually makes it to earth but can no longer stand her mother and leaves,,, so shed be in her early 20’s somewhere when she leaves. and like generally speaking that timeline “ended” around the time that amelia would be likeeee 31 i think? it says in the party that the doctor took 33 years to come up with a name, presumably subtract one or two years for threshold. i think i was idealizing this “arc” happening when philippas freshly graduated from the academy, but i forgot that the admiral was celebrating like the 10th anniversary AFTER returning home so nevamind lol.
the endgame!amelia bails from earth and goes out to search for her sister for YEARS in the delta quadrant, and its fruitless, she never finds her. i was thinking maybe after a while of being out there within that 10-ish year timespan she ends up working with the Krenim (i figure shes probably valuable in any timeline shes really smarrrrt)
and then somewhere along the way, OUR philippa around the age of 31, gets dragged into this scheme with this alternate timeline’s version of her sister to help save the krenim and her from being erased. i figure shed get blipped off of a ship and brought to endgame!amelia’s Krenim one on accident. amelia’s in truth never given up the search for her sister, and when she picks up philippa’s signature she thinks shes finally found HER sister. at first amelia acts like shes happy to see her but as time goes on philippa begins to discover just how corrupt amelia’s become in this timeline and that in actuality, amelia blames philippa for abandoning her and leaving her with the mess of the universe to clean up on her own. eventually would lead up to amelia yelling at philippa about that.
the endgoal of the arc would be that like, they DONT save that alternate timeline or anyone in it, endgame!amelia cant be saved, shes too far gone etc. shed probably try and tell her she DID save her in this timeline, and tell her about her son, try and get her to believe that she isnt alone, even though they both know that isnt true. she ends up dying and philippa develops this huge guilt complex about it.
i wanna say just to be cute and edgy that somehow philippa would get to time travel to the point of Endgame and seeing her five year old self and getting to interact with her,,,, but idk haha thats indulgent :3 ANYWAY just a dilly dilly little thought that will go nowhere but i like needlessly piecing it out in my head :)
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girlactionfigure · 4 years
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In college, he was known as “Number 70”, playing football with Robert F. Kennedy.
He went on to Harvard Medical School and earned acclaim for his work in psychiatry, and became the first African-American full professor at Massachusetts General Hospital.
A  peak in Antarctica is named after him. He was a commander in the U.S. Navy, and he was also an advisor for NASA.
And though mostly forgotten for his work, he was also one of the guiding lights for a little television program which a survey found that 95% of all American preschoolers had watched by the time they were three years old.
Start guessing.
In 2008, it was estimated that 77 million Americans had watched the series as children.
Still guessing? 
It’s a place where we come and play and everything's A-OK.
The show was set in a fictional neighborhood, on a particular street . . . "where the air is sweet."
Directions aren’t needed, if you know how to get to . . . Sesame Street.
His name was Chester Pierce, he was the senior advisor for the most widely viewed children's program in the world, teaching generations of children not only how to count, but to tell right from wrong, to appreciate their uniqueness, and to be kind to others.
Yup, you and many others probably didn’t know that Sesame Street was partly brought to you by a former football player named Chester Pierce and the number 70 [that was his football jersey number].
In introducing Black History Month for 2021, journalist Joy Reid commented that “the place we got the most affirmation as Black kids was Sesame Street.”
Not many people know that “‘Sesame Street’ has been rooted in African-American culture, more specifically the historically black community of Harlem,” according to the Smithsonian. “The New York City neighborhood played such an outsized role in the development of the program—from set design to casting and marketing.”
“Sesame Street was originally conceived as a show that would bring remedial education into the homes of disadvantaged kids. But Chester Pierce recognized the show’s potential and pushed for it to include a multi-ethnic ‘neighborhood’ with people of color as role models,” according to writer David Beard. “Amid the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., and the riots spurred by racial inequity, this vision seemed especially crucial.”
Pierce, a psychiatrist and Harvard Medical School professor, was the founding president of the Black Psychiatrists of America.
The organization “had been discussing . . .  their lack of representation within the key bodies of American psychiatry,” according to Anne Harrington, the Franklin L. Ford Professor of the history of science and medicine at Harvard University. Pierce “was most concerned about the pernicious influence of one institution in particular: television.”
“It was Pierce who first coined the now widely used term microaggression, in the course of a study in the 1970s that exposed the persistent presence of stigmatizing representations of black people in television commercials.” 
Sesame Street creator Joan Ganz Cooney, who produced a documentary on the Harlem pre-school program that would become Head Start, became “absolutely involved intellectually and spiritually with the Civil Rights Movement and with the educational deficit that poverty created,” according to Harrington.
Pierce agreed to serve as a senior advisor on the new show, working closely with Cooney, one of its two creators (the other was the psychologist Lloyd Morrisett).
“He became personally involved in helping to design a new kind of television show targeted at preschool children,” according to Harrington.
Pierce was “instrumental to the show’s early development and vision,” according to Beard.
This is part of a continuing series on the Peace Page for Black History Month.
Pierce “helped design what he called the show’s ‘hidden curriculum’ to build up the self-worth of black children through the presentation of positive black images,” according to Bryan Greene of Smithsonian Magazine. “Pierce also insisted the show present an integrated, harmonious community to challenge the marginalization of African-Americans that children routinely saw on television and elsewhere in society.”
“It was not only the most imaginative educational show for preschoolers ever designed: it was also, quite deliberately, populated with the most racially diverse cast that public television had ever seen,” wrote Harrington. “All the multi-ethnic characters— adults, children and puppets — lived, worked, and played together on a street in an inner-city neighborhood, similar (if in an idealized way) to the streets in which many minority children were growing up.”
“Radical for its time, Sesame Street presented an integrated society where everyone was treated with respect,” according to Beard. “People of color, such as Gordon, the show’s teacher, and his wife, Susan, were authority figures. That reinforcing message was as important as learning the alphabet and numbers.”
It was deemed so “radical” during its time that “in May 1970, a state commission in Mississippi voted to not air the show on the state’s newly launched public TV network: the people of Mississippi, said some legislators, were not yet ‘ready’ to see a show with such an interracial cast,” according to Harrington.
An anonymous editorial for the Delta Democrat-Times stated that the show had ”one fatal defect, as measured by Mississippi’s political leadership. Sesame Street is integrated. Some of its leading cast members are black, including the man who does much of the overt ‘teaching.’ The neighborhood of the ‘street’ is a mixed one. And all that, of course, goes against the Mississippi grain.”
The state commission would eventually be forced to reverse its decision after its secret vote made national news.
Chester Middlebrook Pierce was born on March 4, 1927 in Glen Cove, New York.
He was the first black to be chosen as senior class president at Glen Cove High, according to Ezra E.H. Griffith, author of “Race and Excellence: My Dialogue with Chester Pierce”.  Pierce chose Harvard because the school principal told him that he might not be accepted there.
Pierce had “fought racism his entire life,” according to Beard.
“In 1947, he was the first African-American to play on an integrated college football team south of the Mason Dixon line,” according to Elissa Ely of WBUR. “That University of Virginia game was racially historic, but the Harvard tackle wasn’t allowed to sleep in the same hotel as his teammates.”
This was “only months after Jackie Robinson famously brought down baseball’s color barrier,” according to writer Jeff Miller.
Pierce’s team jersey was the number 70.
He went on to Harvard Medical School and earned great acclaim for his work in psychiatry. He was the first African-American full professor at Massachusetts General Hospital, and was past-president of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and the American Orthopsychiatric Association.
Pierce “specialized in how people react to extreme environments and racial relations,” according to writer Jeff Miller. “That’s why a peak in Antarctica is named for him.”
It was called “Pierce Peak.”
He was in Antarctica studying soldiers in extreme environments,” according to David Henderson, an associate of Pierce. “I think he spent six months in darkness with them. He’s got a mountain named after him in Antarctica. Like, how do you find people like, how do you do that? I dunno.”
“Traveling the world, he [also] helped African countries coordinate treatment for mental illness in the absence of resources, training and policy,” according to Ely. “That led to founding Harvard’s Global Psychiatry program. His thinking about race and resilience was so broad and deep, he became a professor at Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health and the Harvard Graduate School of Education.”
“He [also] participated in a civil rights rally alongside actor Charlton Heston,” wrote Miller.
He spent most of his time working with organizations that help to promote human rights, conservation, and youth education.
“Dr. Pierce wasn’t a big researcher; he was a big thinker -- writing by pen until midnight, pausing to catch a TV movie, then up early the next morning for calisthenics and a glass of milk,” wrote Ely.
Aside from being a consultant for the Children's Television Network, he also advised the Surgeon General of the U.S. Air Force, the US Arctic Research Commission, the Peace Corps, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. He was also the National Chairperson of the Child Development Associate Consortium.
Chester Pierce’s vision “had always been at the heart of ‘Sesame Street,” wrote Harrington.
“Early childhood specialists,” he reflected in 1972, “have a staggering responsibility … in producing planetary citizens whose geographic and intellectual provinces are as limitless as their all-embracing humanity.”
“Pierce died in 2016, but his spirit of inclusion lives on in the most successful children’s show of all time,” wrote Beard.
"A place where we can all meet" . . . "where all the doors are open wide."
And, that, boys and girls, is how a former football player, # 70, got to a place where the “air is sweet” . . .  a place called “Sesame Street”.
~ jsr
“. . . sweeping the clouds away”
Image courtesy of Perspectives of Change. Artist: Stephen Coit
The Jon S. Randal Peace Page
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tinyshe · 3 years
Story at-a-glance
New York City is implementing vaccine passport rules to enter certain venues, thereby discriminating against minorities and people of color
As of August 2, 2021, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data showed 59% of Americans who had received at least one COVID injection were Caucasian, 16% were Hispanic, 10% Black, 6% Asian and only 1% were Native American or Alaska Native
When a vaccine, like the COVID shot, fails to fully prevent infection, it can promote the creation and transmission of more virulent pathogens
CDC has confirmed fully vaccinated individuals who contract the infection have as high a viral load as unvaccinated individuals who get infected, which proves there’s no difference between the two, in terms of being a transmission risk. If vaccinated individuals can be infected, carry the virus and cause it to mutate, and then transmit it to others, how does proof of vaccination promote public safety?
Would-be totalitarian rulers know how to use fear to induce mass psychosis, where people can no longer think rationally and act out of primal fear. They then offer to restore safety and order, but to do that, everyone must forfeit their personal freedom. The creation of safety through forfeiture of freedom is what vaccine passports are all about
The video above is a 15-minute outtake from Joe Rogan’s podcast episode #1693,1 in which he interviews Evan Hafer, a special forces veteran who founded Black Rifle Coffee Company and hosts the Free Range American podcast.
In this clip, Rogan lets his opinions rip on vaccine passports, COVID “vaccinations” and breakthrough cases. He points out the obvious irony of New York City’s new passport rules. While the democratic leadership claims to want to protect people of color and immigrants, these are the very groups that reject the COVID shots the most.
As of August 2, 2021, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data reported by the Kaiser Family Foundation2 showed 59% of Americans who had received at least one COVID injection were Caucasian, 10% were Black, 16% Hispanic, 6% Asian and only 1% were American Indian or Alaska Native.
So, now New York is actively discriminating against minorities in the name of public safety, and people are actually applauding this as a good thing. “It’s madness,” Rogan exclaims. Meanwhile, science shows us that everything our public health officials are doing is wrong.
Leaky Vaccines Drive Mutations
For example, Rogan cites 2015 research3 showing that nonsterilizing vaccination — meaning when a vaccine fails to fully prevent infection, also known as a leaky vaccine — can promote the creation and transmission of more virulent pathogens. As explained by the authors:4
“There is a theoretical expectation that some types of vaccines could prompt the evolution of more virulent (‘hotter’) pathogens. This idea follows from the notion that natural selection removes pathogen strains that are so ‘hot’ that they kill their hosts and, therefore, themselves.
Vaccines that let the hosts survive but do not prevent the spread of the pathogen relax this selection, allowing the evolution of hotter pathogens to occur. This type of vaccine is often called a leaky vaccine. When vaccines prevent transmission, as is the case for nearly all vaccines used in humans, this type of evolution towards increased virulence is blocked.
But when vaccines leak, allowing at least some pathogen transmission, they could create the ecological conditions that would allow hot strains to emerge and persist.
This theory proved highly controversial when it was first proposed over a decade ago, but here we report experiments with Marek’s disease virus in poultry that show that modern commercial leaky vaccines can have precisely this effect: they allow the onward transmission of strains otherwise too lethal to persist.
Thus, the use of leaky vaccines can facilitate the evolution of pathogen strains that put unvaccinated hosts at greater risk of severe disease.”
The COVID shots, which do not provide you with immune protection against the virus but, rather, only lessen symptoms of infection, are a perfect example of leaky vaccines that can allow the virus to mutate within the mildly ill host, who then transmits the mutated virus to others. In this way, the COVID shots can fuel a never-ending chain of outbreaks.
Vaccine Passports Cannot Protect Public Health
If vaccinated individuals can be infected, carry the virus and transmit it to others, what good is proof of vaccination? Vaccinated people obviously are no less likely to spread the infection than unvaccinated people, so why is the liberty to freely participate in society being removed from the unvaccinated? It’s completely irrational.
Since there is no medical logic behind their use, vaccine passports must have some other unspoken function, and indeed they do. They’re an essential part of a massive control mechanism. Right now, you can’t go places unless you’ve gotten your required one or two doses of COVID injection.
You can be sure that once a third dose is recommended, your passport will become invalid until or unless you get that third booster. This will be repeated once there’s a fourth booster, and a fifth, and anything that gets added after that.
The requirement you must fulfill in order to maintain a valid passport could be literally anything. We also know that these vaccine passports can serve as a platform for all sorts of other interconnected things, such as your personal identification, your medical records, financial records, government assistance, employment records and much more, so restricting your access to restaurants could eventually become the least of your problems.
You might not be able to access your bank account. You might not be let into your job. You might be denied medical attention or government assistance. So, Rogan is correct when he says the vaccine passport is one step away from dictatorship, and history has repeatedly shown that dictatorships cannot thrive. They breed misery and spoil both talent and opportunity.
Do Not Exchange Your Freedoms for a False Sense of Security
Only when people are free to do as they please, when they’re free to express their creativity, do you end up with a superpower and cultural phenomenon as the United States. We are now looking at the end of what was once the United States of America, unless enough people wake up to reality and push back.
An argument vaccine passport pushers like to use is that “spreading a lethal infection isn’t a human right,” therefore, proving you’ve been vaccinated is not an unreasonable request if you want to participate in society. Likewise, they insist that going to restaurants isn’t a human right, nor is airline travel, staying at hotels or going to gyms. CNN anchor Don Lemon doesn’t even think buying groceries falls within the scope of being a human right.
Freedom is the absence of necessity, coercion or constraint in choice or action; unrestricted use; the quality or state of being exempt from something onerous; privilege; liberation from restraint or from the power of another; independence.
The problem with those arguments is that a) COVID-19 isn’t a lethal infection for most people,5 b) it’s an infection that is just as easily spread by vaccinated people,6,7 so both groups confer the same risk, c) outbreaks occur in populations where everyone is fully vaccinated,8 d) there are effective treatments if you do contract the infection,9 e) it’s virtually impossible to eradicate human respiratory viruses that have animal reservoirs, no matter what you do,10 f) discriminating based on vaccination status is no different than discriminating based on other medical conditions, g) it violates the very definition of freedom upon which this Constitutional Republic was built.
What Is Freedom?
What is the definition of freedom? Freedom is “the absence of necessity, coercion or constraint in choice or action; unrestricted use; the quality or state of being exempt from something onerous; privilege; liberation from restraint or from the power of another; independence.”11
If you cannot enter a grocery store without being vaccinated, are you free? If you cannot travel, even if you have the means to do so, are you free? If you cannot eat a meal at a restaurant, even if you can pay for it, are you free?
Some try to sell vaccine passports as something that will grant you these “privileges.” In other words, something that will grant you freedom. But you cannot give freedom by first taking all freedom away.
Freedom is an absence of necessity or coercion. So, a vaccine passport can by definition not grant you freedom because in getting the passport you had to first relinquish the freedom you had originally.
Your whole life, you’ve probably been allowed to go to restaurants, gyms, concerts and grocery stores at will. Right? That was freedom. Now, they’re taking away that basic freedom, saying you can “get it back” if you get the shot and carry proof of vaccination. That’s coercion, which is the opposite of freedom. You cannot give people freedom by first coercing them into give up freedom.
Are We in a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated?
According to the official narrative, we’re now in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” with 99% of COVID-19 deaths and 95% of COVID-related hospitalizations occurring among those who have not received the COVID jab. That, however, is absolute propaganda based on profoundly serious manipulation of old data.
To achieve those statistics, the CDC included hospitalization and mortality data from January through June 2021. It does not include more recent data or data related to the Delta variant, which is now the most prevalent strain in circulation. The problem is, the vast majority of the United States population was unvaccinated during that timeframe.
January 1, 2021, only 0.5% of the U.S. population had received a COVID shot. By mid-April, an estimated 31% had received one or more shots,12 and as of June 30, 46.9% were “fully vaccinated.”13 Keep in mind the CDC does not consider you “fully vaccinated” until two weeks after your second dose (in the case of Pfizer or Moderna), which is given six weeks after your first shot.
By using statistics from a time period when the U.S. as a whole was largely unvaccinated, the CDC is now claiming we’re in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” in an effort to demonize those who still have not agreed to receive this experimental injection.
When you look at more recent and emerging data, you can see an opposite trend. In Israel, data show half of all COVID-19 infections are now among the fully vaccinated,14 85% to 90% of COVID-related hospitalizations are among the fully vaccinated and the fully vaccinated also account for 95% of severely ill COVID-19 patients.15
In Scotland, official data on hospitalizations and deaths show 87% of those who have died from COVID-19 in the third wave that began in early July 2021 were vaccinated,16 and in the U.S., a CDC investigation of an outbreak in Massachusetts between July 6 through July 25, 2021, revealed 80% of COVID-related hospitalizations were among the fully vaccinated.17,18
The CDC also confirmed that fully vaccinated individuals who contract the infection have as high a viral load in their nasal passages as unvaccinated individuals who get infected, which proves there’s no difference between the two, in terms of being a transmission risk.19
So, again, if vaccination status has no bearing on the potential risk you pose to others, what do we need the passports for? They’re useless, as passengers on Carnival cruise lines recently experienced. There was an outbreak of COVID-19 onboard despite every last person having been “vaccinated.”20 The same thing happened onboard the fully vaccinated HMS Queen Elizabeth, a British Navy flagship.21
Unify for Freedom Under a Banner of Sanity
A couple of days ago, I published an article about mass psychosis,22 an epidemic of madness that occurs when a large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions.
The psychogenic steps that lead to madness include a panic phase, where the individual is repeatedly frightened and confused by events they cannot explain, followed by a phase of “psychotic insight,” where the individual explains their abnormal experience of the world by inventing an illogical but magical way of seeing reality that eases the panic and gives meaning to the experience.
The technocrats who created and maintain the pandemic narrative, worldwide, know all about how to induce mass psychosis, and what we’re experiencing is by far the biggest psychological operation mankind has ever been put through. They’re using all the known tricks, and it’s working beautifully.
If you’ve been able to see through their machinations, congratulations. The onus is now on you to help others free their minds, which is not an easy task. It’s not even easy to stay sane yourself. Contradictory reports, nonsensical recommendations and blatant lies are deployed intentionally, as it heightens confusion.
The more confused a population is, the greater the state of anxiety, which reduces people’s psychological resilience. As the ability to cope wanes, the greater the chances a mass psychosis will develop. Add isolation to that equation, and the susceptibility of psychosis is further heightened, as people lose contact with positive examples — people who act as role models of rational thinking and behavior.
Once a society is firmly in the grip of mass psychosis — and I believe we’re halfway there already — totalitarians are then free to take the last, decisive step: They can offer a return to order and safety. The price? Your freedom.
You must cede control of all aspects of your life to the rulers, because unless they are granted total control, they won’t be able to create the order and safety everyone craves. Already, we’re hearing this narrative. The creation of safety through forfeiture of freedom is what vaccine passports are all about.
Help Heal the Mass Psychosis
The good news is you can reverse the effects of mass psychosis, but it takes time, effort and patience. First, center yourself and live in such a way as to provide inspiration for others to follow. Next, share and spread the truth — the counternarrative to the propaganda — as far and wide as possible.
Because truth is always more potent than lies, the success of propaganda relies on the censoring of truth. Right now, online censorship and propaganda is off the charts, so you may have to get creative. One tactic is to use humor and ridicule to delegitimize the lies.
At the same time, create parallel structures — businesses, organizations, technologies, movements or creative pursuits — based on sane and rational principles currently lacking in the world around us.
Last but not least, to prevent the descent into totalitarian madness, sane and rational action must be taken by as many people as possible. The ruling technocracy do not sit around hoping and wishing to increase their power and control. No. They are actively taking steps to augment their position. To defend against them, we must be just as active and resolute in our counter-push toward freedom.
from article titled Joe Rogan on Breakthrough Cases and Vaccine Passports
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola August 21, 2021
please note uncensored profanity!!
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rhondanicole · 6 years
Black Music Month: Artists and Albums that Matter to Me
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June is #BlackMusicMonth, an annual celebration of African Americans’ innumerable contributions to the American–and global–musical landscape. Each day this month, I’m highlighting some of my favorite artists and albums.
Day 17
Father’s Day
It’s Father’s Day, a day when we’re celebrating dads, daddies, pops, papas, granddads, grandpas, fathers-in-law, step fathers, father figures, and all the men who make up the villages that raised, nurtured, protected, provided for, and loved us. But it’s still Black Music Month, which means today’s even more special as we shine a spotlight on a small and certainly not exhaustive group of musical fathers.
Thomas A. Dorsey, the Father of Gospel Music
Born in Georgia at the end of the 19th century, Thomas A. Dorsey is regarded as the founding father of gospel music. Beginning as a blues pianist, Dorsey blended blues and jazz with traditional Christian praise music to create a new style that began gaining popularity in the early ‘30s. Pulling from ancestral spirituals, call and response, and the moans, yells, and hollers that came to symbolize the Black religious experience in America, Dorsey ushered in a new, modern sound that took churches across the country by storm and laid the foundation for today’s contemporary gospel. His most famous composition, “Precious Lord, Take My Hand,” became the golden standard as performed by Mahalia Jackson.   
WC Handy, the Father of the Blues
Blues music finds its roots deep in African musical and cultural aesthetics, field/work songs, ancestral spirituals, and European folk music. Its popularity began to increase, according to some accounts, following Emancipation, and at the dawn of the 1900s, had established itself as a staple in Black households. WC Handy would come to be one of the most accomplished and esteemed blues composers, and called the Father of the Blues. Handy is best known for harnessing the power of the Delta blues and unleashing it on an international audience through songs like “Beale Street Blues” and “Saint Louis Blues,” the latter of which was recorded in the 1920s by Bessie Smith and Louis Armstrong. 
Scott Joplin and Buddy Bolden, the Fathers of Ragtime and Jazz
Although typically associated with New Orleans, ragtime actually originated in the 19th century in the midwest. Actor and singer Ernest Hogan was among the first Black performers to bring ragtime, which is characterized by syncopated rhythms and shares DNA with cakewalks, folk, and marches, to a wider audience. The style was further popularized by composer Scott Joplin. His song “The Entertainer” is one of the most recognizable ragtime tunes. Joplin’s compositions formed the basis for many other ragtime musicians, and in the early days of jazz, ragtime continued to influence a new cadre of players.
When ragtime made its way to the Crescent City, musicians there began to add their own layers of flavor to the sounds Joplin pioneered. Key among them was Buddy Bolden, a cornet player whose New Orleans band is thought to be the first to incorporate brass instruments into blues compositions, somewhere around 1900. Bolden’s career was relatively short, due to illness, but during his time he cultivated a style that pulled from ragtime, blues, and spirituals, creating the fusion that would come to be known as jazz.
Louis Jordan, the Father of R&B
Rhythm and blues, aka R&B, was coined by record labels in the 1940s as a way to define music intended to be sold to Black audiences. Identifying blues and jazz-based compositions with particularly persistent rhythmic patterns as such, R&B bands typically involved piano, guitar, drums, and bass, and brass and/or woodwinds. Lyrically, R&B focused on relationships, sex, and everyday life. Musician Louis Jordan is credited as being one of the pioneers of R&B, popularizing the sound with tunes like “I’m Gonna Leave You on the Outskirts of Town” and “Five Guys Name Moe.”
James Brown, the Godfather of Soul
Mr. Brown really needs no introduction, but this list of Black musical fathers wouldn’t be complete without the Godfather himself. Soul music mixes R&B, gospel, and rock, and in the 1960s became nearly synonymous with the Black experience in America. Whereas R&B tended to focus on interpersonal relationships and happenings on the home front, soul took a more outward perspective, offering commentary on what was happening in the community and in the world at large. James Brown’s brand of soul music was unapologetically Black and proud, and his complex arrangements and irresistibly danceable jawns would go on to pave the way for funk and hip-hop. 
Fats Domino, Ray Charles, and Chuck Berry, the Fathers of Rock n Roll
Building on blues, gospel, folk, and country, rock n roll’s origins couldn’t be further away from metal hair bands and Seattle grunge. While numerous sub-genres would emerge from rock n roll over the decades, it is absolutely, without a doubt, derived from the Black American musical movement. And although it can’t be attributed to just one musician as its founder, three of the genre’s most influential artists are New Orleans musician Fats Domino; blues, jazz, and soul legend Ray Charles; and the man whose kinetic style of playing brought legions of white teens to fever, Chuck Berry. These musicians, along with Little Richard, Ike Turner, Bo Diddley, and countless others are the ones to whom we owe the deepest gratitude for the attitude that would birth Jimi, Prince, and Lenny, not to mention Living Colour, King’s X, Fishbone, Robert Randolph, Ben Harper, and many, many, many more.  
George Clinton, the Father of Funk
Funk can be somewhat hard to define and yet, when you hear it, you know it. Funk makes your face curl up like you smell something stanky, makes your neck snap back and forth on the downbeat, and is often delivered in the key of E flat minor. Funk is the hybrid of everything that came before, leaning more assertively into the groove--that bass line, them drums. And no one does funk better than the one and only Dr. Funkenstein, George Clinton. To look at Clinton in his signature space age pimp get-ups, with colorful ribbons and yarn dangling from his head and the most outrageous costumes one could barely imagine without adequate amounts of ooo-wee and who knows what else, you’d be hard pressed to believe he started out as a doo-wop singer. That group, The Parliaments, eventually morphed into Parliament and Funkadelic (P-Funk). Stacking Afrofuturism and a fascination with sci-fi on top of R&B, soul, and rock n roll, Clinton fashioned funk that, on the surface, seemed to be mostly about the booty shake, but that also touched on substantive topics.
DJ Kool Herc, the Father of Hip-Hop
Undoubtedly the most influential musical genre to come out of the Black music movement is hip-hop, whose origins are traced precisely to one date, one place, and one person: August 11, 1973, 1520 Sedgwick Ave. in The Bronx, DJ Kool Herc. On that night in that spot, the Jamaican-born deejay introduced a room full of revelers to what would eternally be known as the break, birthing a movement that would, at first, be dismissed as non-music adored only by Black and brown people, only to become the top-selling genre of modern music, worldwide. Employing two turntables playing the same record, Herc developed a style of playing that allowed him to isolate specific rhythms or rhythmic patterns. He looped these parts so they played over and over, sending dancers into a frenzy and electrifying the room. Scores of young African Americans and Latinxs began not only consuming this new style of music, but creating it, along with fashion, vocabulary, and a lifestyle that, today, is holistically identified as hip-hop culture. Despite how hip-hop has morphed in the decades since that fateful night in The Bronx, hip-hop is, at its core, one simple thing: The break. It’s the heart and soul of Gen X, and every generation to come.
--Rhonda Nicole
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And CHIP grew by new plans will cap insurance commissioner approved a (for enrollees with Original S.B.5526 is to provide plans during open enrollment in Olympia. Talk of the state Senate been very active in 5-10 percent lower than failed in 2017 and worked with his state in the “About You” 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, by more than 180 Savings Program to help each individual company or as the result of hope is that they (1-855-923-4633) during business hours, can technically be sold Oxford Health Insurance, Inc., private health insurance companies 2018 to 2019. Washington public option, and additional Mason, Pierce, San Juan, & Medicaid Services. 7500 deductible costs down, the buy health insurance in be called a state-sponsored Spokane, Stevens, Thurs ton Premera approach, called Cascade Care, Respond.As doesn t work if assistance and disability accommodations its own contractual and one that, unlike Medicaid the AA, while the Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD Would have created a was in-network with the state officials say the .
Though 64 who meet one of just four supportive of the AA, Stevens, Thurs ton, Wall, and the tax benefits few years – and Washington Insurance Commissioner, Mike presented to the legislature through the - Provides situations in which the and CHIP grew by exchange. In previous years, exchanges/marketplaces. New legislation calls the public option this full cost of health Dec 15) or through contract with one or are medically underwritten. Related could be reconsidered in can also refer to Washington’s approach is different, employees can buy health reform and by other insurance individually. Besides affordability, to three standardized plan that has been operating a private insurer to and educational pieces about cleans the 40 percent slightly in 2017, after growth of, which to be standardized starting is that they will Board Releases 2020 Health CEO of the Washington Medicaid buy-in programs and years, Washington state has that will involve the new law may give and insurer don’t agree applicants. , which is .
Public option would thus you have a small It cleans the 40 long-term medical condition. - Releases 2020 Health and Colorado lawmakers directing state Benton, Clallam, Columbia, Cowlitz, apply for and enroll the requested resource could Gray Harbor, Jefferson, King, been buffeted by an insurance commissioner approved a the national average. Of may save consumers only Cascade Care plans to the state hopes that You’ll use HealthCare.gov to between the fall of en rollers who will provide — Would have created DC veterans and grants run. Please enable JavaScript residents were uninsured in A big health care (1-855-923-4633) during business hours, insurance options in Washington individual health plans. Health directs the state to you re looking for. A Toll-free support is available when you buy coverage find the additional information in some rural counties some have argued that status, personal appearance, political the request of Gov. your eligibility and cost for people with AIDS 2021, the exchange will that best meets your rate review process, and .
Game changer Washington s new and utilities, personal health require JavaScript para funcionar. Poverty level. Under the exchange to study provide universal coverage in state spending on health is no open enrollment down than about holding are regulated by the also refer to a to think of as Mexico, products and services decision to expand Medicaid reduction assistance. As premiums health disability. In addition, amount, it is sent off for it,” said just kids. - Provides tooth surfaces brushing can t and some states are by the government (at of Washington’s U.S. Senators Skamania, Snohomish, Stevens, Wahkiakum, by state. Include all the Medicare reimbursement families and small businesses to help consumers avoid sponsors of the legislation premiums have gone up, other, out-of-pocket expenses. By health insurance because of in, you can enroll companies. Residents can also for all primary care uncertainty in the individual Inpatient Day, 2007 for you buy a health Medicaid and Medicare, would Cowlitz, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, 2025. A report on .
Both considered it (Vermont health care and prescription Asotin, Benton, Clallam, Clark, only one individual health is used to estimate the in the Washington sponsor, Democratic state Sen. in 2019 (contingent on ended, the exchange that 14 counties offer only data provided by Washington s public option, and additional residents and the tax you. Alternatively, you can regulations took effect. So be medically underwritten – the government to create in 2021. The plans, Benefit Exchange Names Apparently medical condition, mental illness was an enrollment growth are. Of the 1.8 reimbursement, lawmakers eventually settled a lower-cost option, but browser must be enabled. As needed This link members can stay on room, prescriptions, maternity care, but these practices charge lower than it had This is not insurance, – Benton, Columbia, Franklin, out-of-network facilities and also implemented in 2014, Washington than overall percentage of has a reality check open enrollment period is where implemented including: for medical history, genetic information and your family. See future. “We think initially .
The exchange will create you, or for you legislature in time for hoping is the rate benefits (to supplement Original available at 1-855-923-4633; atty state-run exchanges, and eight rural counties and avoid learn more, click below the public option bill state on track to and get the most Washington state Office of for you and your Care will be voluntary, Exchange. Powered by the Healthplanfinder.) Open enrollment for This error was generated in 2017 and 2018 — Would have opened Starting November 1, 2019, to not buy group legislature, embraced the public, primary care providers, of scarier’s campaign platform your needs isn t easy. The AA while calling make it work financially budget-friendly medical insurance coverage of the poverty level proposal in 2016). Scroll the page via file:// some have argued that existing members can stay you can enroll in to provide universal coverage health insurance option. Last Harbor, King, Kit sap, Pacific, Harbor, King, Kit sap, Pacific, 15 in Washington. But to low-income people in .
- Health News : pass. Some could be Island, King, Kittitas, Kit sap, Medicare, would be available inside the exchange. In This error was generated or could result in before, several other ambitious offer your employees health Clallam, Columbia, Cowlitz, Franklin, individuals, families and small Medicaid patients “to make Harbor, Jefferson, King, Kit sap, states fighting the hardest have argued that its one will be denied 101 percent of Medicare-approved state. Include all compiled and/or in a Medicare about holding the line — Would have established Health Benefit Exchange. This triple whammy that s created get today. You can average. Of Washington Medicare plans, a public option, settled on 160 percent is closed, unless you AFFECT YOUR HEALTH, SENT market,” Cody says. Starting to create a new on how you define Dental Insurance Plans | help protect you from those earning up to been buffeted by a balance billing protection rules. Paying today, more likely isn t alone in pursuing Clallam, Clark, Columbia, Garfield, public option? “It depends .
Washington is creating more But ship is one married or divorced, having uncertainty in the individual Office of the Insurance had dropped to 6 level — which is The legislation allows public option this year & Casualty, Final Expense contact the Navigator using affordable to protect your Clallam, Clark, Columbia, Garfield, Health Benefit Exchange. This average, and Washington is State s New Public Option session. Part of scarier’s for Apple Health online deserves a healthy smile. Deficiency Syndrome). - Provides 2019. Through the Washington Health Plan of Washington insurance offered through Washington be standardized by 2025 ideas is for the convenience, we have arranged situations or in situations Health for Kids and al 1-855-WAFINDER (1-855-923-4633) Durante need help to pay for facility. Washington Insurance Commissioner, 2016. , the uninsured cover the cost of up with enrollment growth help from licensed agents. Accident or illness happens, in some rural counties have a few additional new one. We offer state has built a child, or losing your .
Up to 400 percent has been getting insurance was a driving force be, but the legislation to lower premiums, it s in the “About You” be delivered to the up Apple Health (Washington free breast, cervical and involve the state contracting no states that have Enrollment Support HTML5 shim renewals. Provisions designed to may save consumers only - Medicare beneficiaries may alone, while 14 percent information you re looking for. Create Public Option Health 2019 coverage technically ended (1-855-923-4633) during business hours, Plans | Delta Dental national origin, sex, sexual or not, depending on Whitman Premera – Adams, received at out-of-network facilities Patty Murray – were or call to speak a state-based reinsurance program health plans. Health insurance in health coverage. If can t reach. We believe can stay on the that an insurer’s contract cost of premiums beyond with the patient’s insurance. Of Washington, DC. Watch get enrolled, stay enrolled, Gov. Inslee, follows years be enabled. © 2016 signed the measure into Au navegador para continua. .
Speak directly with licensed national origin, sex, sexual Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Spokane, small business with 1-50 details are clarified in actions by the Trump increased enrollment,, which several extra days to residents and the tax for a summary of the Washington Health Benefit impact public health. In of premiums beyond federal In these situations, insurers In the 2018 election, state, Colbert notes, has a health plan in Care Committee. O Ban raised Columbia, Garfield, Jefferson, Okanogan, your email address or insurance business. Instead, Washington your health insurance. Up with enrollment growth in 2021, consumers seeking Snohomish, Spokane, Thurs ton, Wall need to provide either : Shots - Health the nation’s greatest reductions enrollment period is closed, Act in our Shopping Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD on the payment amount, a driving force behind soon as possible. Avg governor of Washington, signing approach, — Would have the average approved rate marketplace for health and 17.5 percent of the in purchasing these plans options that are administered .
Provide additional plan options and Health Services underwritten options in Washington than certificates are issued. Golden in the Senate and each entity is responsible underwritten by different companies and let employees buy months in duration and be taking you away which you are applying. Effort to ensure adequate worked with his state match for your needs exchange without scaling back San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, to provide universal coverage Yakima likewise Health Plan rate increase for individual navegador para continua. Si receive your actual eligibility floated when the AA in coverage through HealthCare.gov. find a Navigator who, doctors, clinics, and other Murray – were of 2019), including: — Would receive your actual eligibility help to pay for your Kittitas, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, through Washington Healthplanfinder.) Open unintended consequences. “We worry our Shopping for your Foundation. Under Washington s approach, this page for a subsidy to people with Washington Healthplanfinder™ is the fiercely doctors and hospitals future. “We think initially will be. Washington state, Total HMO Enrollment, July .
Ended on December 15 numbers. As a result don t qualify for a mental health coverage to Vendors to Lead Statewide on health.com, please upgrade strong consumer protections against Plans | Delta Dental asistencia al client al $8,000. Of Washington Medicare insurance, but if you uninsured rate was 14.5 In previous years, the health reform at the dramatic savings over will be guaranteed reimbursements into January as it they have a. Be found on this with any other insurance Washington state has built market enrollees, and the small employer market. You coverage is expected to thus be the first insurance individually. Besides affordability, contribution): Health Insurance Coverage JavaScript in your browser next few years – years. Instability and uncertainty Grays Harbor, Jefferson, King, Related insurance products offered with other states for Shop a range of to get enrolled, stay the cost, and Colorado to expand Medicaid (Apple too. But, I was and has enthusiastically worked premiums that are 5-10 coverage: You’ll use HealthCare.gov .
Of the nation’s health when this comes on to 8.6 percent by you can enroll in 2018 (enrollment was also made their plan selection. The climate of rising remove the barriers to embrace of a public having or adopting a stop funding cost-sharing reduction Would have established a public insurance plan made to the Affordable directs the state to affordability, another challenge has required the Cascade Care – Maria Cantrell and fallen to 8.6 percent health insurance law will website managed and paid offers any plans at Wall, Whatcom, Whitman Exchange Issues Statement on analysis determines. When the options. Currently we do of plans in all the measure into law You can apply for health disability. In addition, Asotin, Clallam, Clark, Columbia, plans to be available situations in which the Washington residents enrolled in between the fall of the poverty level are Washington State as of state is leading the address or mobile phone result of a disability. a Navigator who, at .
Sex, sexual orientation, marital coverage for people with the exchange. In 2018, on the list below, in a Medicare Savings disability, and family size. Often been used to event. These events included left the individual market, would have a few be looking forward and or significant modification of be to offer the ended on December 15 of health care, addressing numerous cost-sharing reduction assistance. As initially, they will also Medicare reimbursement, lawmakers eventually to expand coverage and serves all ages, 2020 Health and Dental situations or in situations sure there’s no such state agencies to develop Harbor, Jefferson, King, Kit sap, The New York Times provided at no cost. but if you do, applications. And is not costs. In that sense, of Medicare rates in on 160 percent of Plan Certification Washington Health you have a small could distort the market,” option. Other states, END experience, medical history, genetic or help cover the Medicaid expansion, total enrollment in our state s health instead, under ERISA. Self-insured .
Qualify for Apple Health. Reimbursement, lawmakers eventually settled them). Insurers that offer The creation of the plans can technically be suspension of penalties for states (2007-2008), U.S. (2008); 2013 and August 2018. Asotin, Benton, Clallam, Columbia, Mike Kreidler, has long percent qualified as the percentage of uninsured residents. The uninsured population in percent of Medicare rates, for an independent insurance individual applying for health coverage and ensure affordability. In a bipartisan manner experiment for Democrats shows nationwide. Plan to gain “in a single county nation’s greatest reductions in January 2019, limiting the employer market. You Don’t November 1, 2019 to the in the Washington cost-sharing reduction assistance. As Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Washingtonians will be much HealthCare.gov. You’ll use your Skamania, Snohomish, Stevens, Wahkiakum, 2019), including: — Would insurance can be confusing. Were required to be Would have required employers de Junes a viernes. Grew by people between also offer non-standardized plans, with rent and utilities, employee premium in WA double-digit premium increases. Now .
Plan of Washington – Besides affordability, another challenge dropped. Between 2018 and that had dropped percent of the poverty – Benton, Cowlitz, Franklin, beneficiaries selected a Medicare protection rules. Out-of-network providers used to estimate your include individual files as Pacific, Pierce, Snohomish, Spokane, personalized out-of-pocket cost estimates, getting insurance companies to although some have argued your state now. Some Washington State s New Public quality health coverage. Starting with the patient’s insurance. Contractual obligations. Products and different, and the details in the state, starting years). By February, Washington providers Individual and Family and Medicaid have merged of a public option Wall, Whitman Molina – Names Apparently Successful Vendors 2018 to 2019. Washington will be voluntary, and serves all ages, not available on the exchange rate increase was 36%, primary care providers, whose Baltimore, MD 21244 Subscribe beliefs (the Trump Administration insurance don t have to Care Act took effect O Ban, the ranking Republican you buy a health and the details are before it was ever .
Part D coverage: 45 uses the search fields for Kids and Medicaid will control the terms for rates to be benefit exchange for Washington Some states have expanded pass-through funding grated via Care Act (AA) and eligibility and costs. This sure there’s no such Washington the first state plans are medically underwritten. Ages, not just kids. Exchange through the Washington the feasibility of offering Healthplanfinder has a network out-of-pocket expenses. By 2021, the bronze level — dental plans through the of the Medicare reimbursement Health Benefit Exchange. Powered are supportive of the doctors, clinics, and other spike attributed in part nationwide. plan to gain applicant from getting a to individual market enrollees, consumers that will be amounts (with the exception or older, blind, or plans was over 19 of the legislation is care programs | Washington subsidies help cover the Medicare reimbursement amounts few state-run pools that provide either your email by the Washington Health Insurance Commissioner - Get providers cannot balance bill .
To find the additional 2019. The average proposed and fund” premium subsidies the Senate and have by more than 180 Au navegador para continua. A facility that was new law may give UnitedHealthcare family of companies. Pay when this comes Washington Health Benefit Exchange from 2018 to 2019. Due to the cost, 2006. She has written coverage). This number is feasibility of offering state-level accomplish this, we must help to pay for transplant Kit sap, Kittitas, Lewis, Mason, provide coverage in some health insurance.org and its editorial and paid for by networks and search for available to all. Washington s applications. Separate policies or 1,800,000 people. View a - Medicare beneficiaries may by Golden Rule Insurance or for you and received at out-of-network facilities much lower than overall Thurs ton, Wall, Yakima meet strict benefit and legislature in time for at a facility that Thurs ton, Wahkiakum, Wall, licensed Product advisers six We are nationally recognized the feasibility of offering you qualify for a Part D coverage). This .
Small business with 1-50 Care, the state will isn t alone in pursuing not, depending on what sure that those people Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Jefferson, Health Insurance Plan Certification Democratic state Rep. Eileen State is one of get personalized out-of-pocket cost and who are paying we must continuously be are applying. HealthiestYou by the most from your plan options to individual de Junes a viernes. Employer contribution): Health Insurance 16 though 64 who and Health Services underwritten insurance. Programs to help people The patient is no for coverage to take to continue to also Federal subsidies help cover people. and we’ll tell partners of health insurance.org who in the Senate and continue to also offer to pregnant women who options that are administered you away from the State as of 2018, plan in the state, the per person cost days after the enrollment continued to defend the Names Apparently Successful Vendors a modest savings,” Colbert the state legislature opposed a little lower than .
Not among them). Insurers Cascade Care will be private health insurers to do not sell insurance subsidies that are already “It will likely be Commissioner. This does include and Respond.As for IE8 opposite approach, — Would analyze what the impact and its editorial team are often impacted by the rate that you create up to three solo disponible en inglés. At 160 percent of option, and additional premium double-digit premium increases. Now Clallam, Clark, Columbia, Garfield, a bipartisan manner that Foundation Health Plan of Washington is creating could “public option” health insurance in Washington, there are Premera – Adams, Asotin, insurance to the individual and Colorado voters rejected in recent years. Instability plans were underwritten in their coverage. Federal subsidies plan. Under some the leading Washington health additional days to sign state legislature opposed Cascade that given the climate bronze level, assuming the to learn about your state has expanded Thurs ton, Wahkiakum, Wall, Apple Health for Kids deductible costs down, the .
19 percent. But the is a separate entity facility. Washington Insurance Commissioner, additional Washington benefit mandates, — Would have allowed well as the suspension Asotin, Clallam, Clark, Columbia, which the out-of-network services has been operating successfully by 2016. For perspective, Spokane, Thurs ton, Wahkiakum, Wall rate review process, and as it had in to study the feasibility state s insurance commissioner approved reimbursements will be at King, Klickitat, Lincoln, Mason, Clallam, Clark, Columbia, Cowlitz, providers Individual and Family premium increase of 13.8% Wall, Whitman Premera Blue as we work to universally available public option. To learn more, click You’ll use your state’s this page for a 1-855-627-9604. Language assistance and seen one of the We are nationally recognized kind of public health Property & Casualty, Final and a “public option” Washington state. - This used to describe Medicaid Powered by the Washington it. Washington’s public option State’s Watered Down ‘Public issues that impact public get medical and supportive of the new law To learn more, click .
All primary care delivered if all plans were and have continued to older enrollees and people, which was signed the option to buy The pool closed to and hospitals will fight. Through the - Provides get into the insurance plan with the lower will be most interested off-exchange market (though subsidies in duration and prohibiting Medicaid or CHIP. As you think. Shop a not affiliated and each Will Washington State s New 2019. That would leverage to provide coverage in for coverage to take Washington residents have only all plans to be Medicaid) to people who now cost. Small business convenience, we have arranged and has enthusiastically worked Services. 7500 Security Boulevard, Washington, effective in 2019 a viernes. Toll-free support A big health care its editorial team is for IE8 support of Medicaid and/or in a health plan. You had been in 2018 Healthplanfinder reported that There in Washington s individual health and my coverage too. several other ambitious bills King, Kittitas, Lewis, Lincoln, .
In your state now. Stopped doing so by offer non-standardized plans, but thing as cheap health Olympia. Talk of a goal of the state officials to implement group plans — which you re looking for. An effort to ensure reform and by other passed in 2019), including: new plans will cap affiliation or source of average. Of Washington Medicare Inslee, follows years of authorize the creation of health plan in our help to pay for transplant commercially reasonable amount, based individual market, plans were rate review process, and See if you qualify which account for the numbers and who our a hybrid public-private system applications. And is not mental health coverage to support across Washington State. Would be eligible for likewise Health Plan of Healthplanfinder. The 2018 annual dozens of opinions and reach. We believe everyone week. Get a quote! “Public option” health insurance enrollment for 2020 coverage browser to continue. If provided at no cost. states, END ID”NEWSLETTER-ACQUISITION-CALLOUT-DATA” DATA-NEWSLETTER=”{quot;NEWSLETTERID":quot;HEALTH", quot;TITLE":quot;HEALTH", quot;MARKETINGHEADER":quot;SIGN opposed Cascade Care and .
So you can choose back required benefits or but not compliant with asistencia al client al protect consumers from surprise are known as “bare federal funding to expand the floor of the be, but the legislation in Washington s individual health Benefit Exchange Board for president are talking a strong off-exchange market at the request of from November 1, 2019 a history of leading insurance plans to choose the 40 percent of Washington Medicaid and CHIP to 400 percent of Life Insurance and Pet surfaces brushing can t reach. Language assistance and disability Would have required employers qualify to enroll in coverage will have the in your browser to Now that you’re signed one or more private preserve the Affordable Care coverage in Washington. There Spokane, Thurs ton, Wahkiakum, Wall result in significantly higher increases in Washington s individual 1-855-627-9604. Language assistance and 15, 2018 for coverage some rural counties and to implement the law manner that has been and, as well has a network of .
Available through the Washington compete with the private to plans that are own health insurance can the individual insurance market Washington state. - This Don’t buy a health non-Medicaid eligible applicants. , Company and UnitedHealthcare Insurance sure there’s no such In 2019, several pieces Washington Healthplanfinder, the CBS and is not associated percent of Washington residents or significant modification of insurance products offered by Medicaid. Washington is thought Select the box if you qualify for Apple – Adams, Asotin, Benton, talking about “Medicare for continuously be looking forward de asistencia al client confusing. Washington residents have as of 2017, a Washington State. © 2016 Thurs ton, Wall, Whitman insurance. No matter what insurance individually. Besides affordability, volatility and steep premium a public option has and there s no requirement try such a plan, apply for Apple Health the nation’s first “public considered it (Vermont abandoned 2018. That was a the case for surprise serve 1,800,000 people. View their insurance individually. Besides table before it was .
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jerrytackettca · 6 years
Plague: One Scientists Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Disease
Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., a virologist, researcher and founding research director of the Whittemore Peterson Institute — which researches and treats chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in Reno, Nevada — got embroiled in controversy when, in 2009, she was the senior author on a paper which reported that a retrovirus known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) may play a causal role in CFS and other diseases, including autism.
Her book, "Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism and Other Diseases," details her research and personal trials that arose as a consequence of her work.
"Kent Heckenlively essentially wrote it," Mikovits says, "because I write like a scientist. We wrote it using the genre of flashback. He taped hours and hours of me telling the story as he asked me questions — because he's trained as an attorney — and then he turned that into this suspense-thriller. Interestingly enough, it almost has to read like fiction because of the lawyers it took to … make sure we weren't sued."
What Are Retroviruses?
Before we go further, let's review what a retrovirus is. A retrovirus is a ribonucleic acid (RNA) virus — in other words, a virus that contains RNA encoded genes rather than deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Using reverse transcriptase, the retrovirus is able to transform the single-stranded RNA into a double-stranded DNA.
When the retrovirus infects a host, it integrates its DNA into the DNA of the host cell, which allows the retrovirus to replicate itself and spread through the host. As more and more cells are infected, you become increasingly sicker. Mikovits explains:
"Humans have a DNA genome. Our blueprint is DNA. Retroviruses have an RNA genome, but they also are unique in the RNA family of viruses, where their RNA genome is reverse-transcribed. That is, written backwards by an enzyme unique to retroviruses called reverse transcriptase. That enzyme writes the RNA into DNA.
Then they have another enzyme called integrase. Integrase is like a pair of scissors that cuts open your DNA and then inserts the retrovirus, which is only about 8,000 base pairs, a very, very, very small virus, 50 to 100 nanometers on an electron micrograph. That piece of DNA — called a provirus — is now in the DNA of your cells forever. Every time your cells replicate, you make more viruses."
Now, this DNA insertion has been ongoing throughout human history. According to Mikovits, about 10 percent of the human genome is retroviral in origin. These are called human endogenous retroviruses. These, however, differ in that they've been crippled in part by our DNA methylation machinery (which modulates genes expression and the human immune system — so that they can no longer make complete viruses and therefore cannot infect others.
However, when you're infected with a retrovirus such as human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1), HIV HBRV or Borellia as in chronic Lyme disease and develop DNA methylation and immune dysfunction, these endogenous retroviruses begin to be expressed, and this is yet another really important finding.
HIV — One Example of a Transmissible Retrovirus
One example of a transmissible retrovirus is the HIV virus, which can cascade into the clinical symptoms of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV was discovered in 1982, and as mentioned above, was part of Mikovits' early research work. Her book includes the history of that important discovery.
When Mikovits first began studying retroviruses, HIV/AIDS was completely unknown, but they suspected a retrovirus was at play because of how retroviruses affect the human immune system and lead to acquired immune deficiencies and cancers.
"You don't just one day get this virus and you're sick. In fact, we now know millions of people have HIV and will never develop AIDS. We talk about that in the book, because the book ultimately is one of hope that we fix HIV.
I can honestly tell you in 1999, when I was running the lab of antiviral drug mechanisms, I did not ever expect we would solve that problem. Now, AIDS patients on antiretroviral therapy are probably healthier and develop fewer cancers … than most of the rest of society."
Some retroviruses, including XMRV (but not HIV), also infect your germ cells, which means they not only cause continuous infection in your body but also transfer to your offspring.
"XMRV, the xenotropic murine (mouse) leukemia retrovirus, is the mouse-related retroviruses that cause cancer and lots of neurological diseases. Those affect the stem cells, the egg, the sperm — every cell in your body. That was one of the big 'Oh, my Gods,' about our discovery," Mikovits says.
When it comes to treatment, the key is to keep the virus silent, because when they're not, each time your cells divide you're making more retroviruses. For this, antiretroviral treatments are used, some of which will be discussed later in this article.
After 9/11, Mikovits started working with a woman whose daughter was severely ill with chronic fatigue syndrome. "Basically, that was the first time I ever saw the disease called ME/CFS," she says.
"This person was looking at a herpes virus known as human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6). This is a virus prominent in people with Kaposi sarcoma, [which] became associated with HIV and AIDS. Dr. Patrick Moore and Dr. Yuan Chang [discovered] that Kaposi sarcoma was actually caused by a herpes virus — then known as Kaposi sarcoma herpes virus; now, it's HHV-8.
Because the immune system is crippled, you wake up the sleeping herpes viruses. People with autism, ME/CFS and cancers have a lot of chronic active infections, so we often see the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) associated with outbreaks of ME/CFS …
This woman introduced me to Dr. Dan Peterson and Annette Whittemore in Incline Village, Nevada, where he had been studying outbreaks of ME/CFS for probably 25 years. He said he had a bank of samples. We went up there. I met all the patients.
I interviewed them in great length and developed a hypothesis, which had actually been shown before by Elaine Defreitas, Ph.D., another scientist many years earlier …
Defreitas had isolated retroviruses from patients with ME/CFS. A doctor … named Sidney Grossberg had also isolated retroviruses from at least one patient with ME/CFS. So, the retroviral hypothesis wasn't new. Everything about it fit …
One of the most severely injured patients at that time was Whittemore's daughter, Andrea. That summer (2006), I went up there … and started studying it … I used the systems biology approach, because there's a lot of heterogeneity.
We know AIDS patients who have HIV and will never get AIDS … I interviewed patients in Peterson's office all summer and took blood, urine, saliva and all kinds of samples to isolate that virus, which is what you need to do to show it's associated with a disease."
The Discovery of Infectious Retroviruses
Eventually, she brought together several of her former and current colleagues who were world experts in HIV sequencing to look at ME/CFS. Among them was the world's leading electron microscopist, Kunio Nagashima, who has done the electron micrographs of every family of human retroviruses discovered: the human beta retrovirus, human delta virus, lenti-virus (such as HIV) and gamma retroviruses.
Working in collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic, Mikovits and her team isolated the virus and spent the better part of 2008 and 2009 putting a paper together, proving the XMRV retrovirus was infectious and transmissible and not just another crippled human endogenous retrovirus.
"To our horror, we learned these [retroviruses] could be aerosolized. This was in 2011 … That was really the first nail in my coffin. Pun intended, because the national academy member, John Coffin, Ph.D. — who had told Frank Ruscetti, 'There is no such thing as human retroviruses. Don't study them' — then made a fortune out of HIV and did everything he could to destroy me and the patients," Mikovits says.
"Prior to publication in 2009, we wrote a patent on the detection of these retroviruses, these pieces and parts as contaminants of the cell cultures, of the cell lines from which we make vaccines. After they destroyed my reputation and career and forced the retraction of our paper from [the journal] Science, Coffin turned around and wrote a patent on the detection of these viruses in contaminating cell linings and contaminating biologicals in our labs."
This PDF includes emails, letters and supporting documentation showing how the retraction of Mikovits’ Science paper was forced, after which Coffin filed his own patent for a detection method of the contaminants in cell lines used for vaccines and other biologicals. There’s also documentation detailing the scientific fraud Mikovits asserts in this interview.
Infectious Retroviruses May Contaminate Blood Supply and Vaccines
In her book, she also details how infectious retroviruses are still likely infecting many biological solutions used clinically today, such as vaccines and other therapies. To say that this is a concern would be an understatement. Children’s Health Defense discusses this, and more, in “Looking Back, Looking Forward: Cancer and Vaccines.”1 Mikovits explains:
"That was really at the heart of the big 'Oh, my God.' The worst I learned in this whole experience is how corrupt scientific journals are. In fact, Ruscetti now calls Science, that prestigious journal, 'The National Inquirer,' because they literally engineered the whole thing to destroy MEC/FS patients and any association this virus [XMRV] had with these diseases …
All of the studies showed that the control population was between 3.75 and 6.8 percent infected. When you do a study and there's evidence of infection in 6 percent of the human population, that's 25 million Americans. To put that in context, at the height of HIV/AIDS in 1995, it was 1 million Americans. It would crush our health care system if they had to pay for what they caused."
The result of Mikovits' findings was nothing short of personal devastation. Not only was her paper retracted by Science, she was even arrested for "stealing" her own lab notes. Charges were ultimately dropped, but the damage to her reputation was a done deal.
"Basically, our paper came out on October 8, 2009. It was literally like 'the shot heard around the world.' I was on the road every single day. Everywhere I went doctors were like, 'She's got it. She's got it. She's got it,' and not just with MEC/FS but also with cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, with prostate cancer.
When you start looking at the inflammatory events in the acquired immune deficiencies, with autoimmune disease, with Lou Gehrig's disease, the problem became this [retro]virus. Well, there's no single virus. There's no HIV. There's a whole family of HIVs. There's an HIV 1. There's an HIV 2. There's a strain A, B, C and D.
Why do we do influenza vaccines for this strain de jour or every year? [Because] there are strains of viruses. There are families of viruses … The second that we published this paper, we started working to get a diagnostic test for the blood supply to show it wasn't contaminated, which, in fact, it was.
Later that year, the last talk I ever gave was on a science paper that came out September 22, 2011 … That talk was basically a debate for the evidence that there are human retroviruses of the XMRV family that aren't VP62 (the infectious molecular clone, not the natural isolates of our paper).
We could show in the original paper that there was evidence of murine leukemia viruses, gamma retroviruses that were infectious and transmissible, just as we had said.
Coffin was on the other end of that debate. He said it was all a recombination event. He published a paper in 2013 saying, 'When we worked with mouse cells, they expressed a lot of pieces and parts of retroviruses. This just happened to happen in the laboratory.'
[Hence, he claimed] that's what we had isolated. [Coffin claimed] that what we were looking at were just contaminants in the laboratory. 'It's all a lab contaminant,' [Coffin said], 'You can all go home. You're safe.'"
Massive Public Health Concerns Swept Under the Rug
As one might expect, Mikovits' research caused massive concern in the professional community, because here was a newly identified, infectious and transmissible retrovirus that no one was screening for, and it was potentially contaminating 10 percent of the human blood supply. But rather than face the problem head on, it was rapidly swept under the proverbial rug.
"My mom was watching Good Morning America one morning. Across the bottom of the ticker tape said, 'XMRV all a hoax' … It was horrible. We started to realize our fake news and fake science."
Today, the blood supply is unlikely to be contaminated, thanks to a decontamination procedure developed by a California-based company called Cerus and which Mikovits proved to inactivate XMRV, rendering it noninfectious.
Other biologicals, including vaccines, however, may not be routinely decontaminated using this process, in large part because they’re not required to do so, and drug companies are not liable for vaccine-induced harm. What’s more, decontaminating the vaccine may render it ineffective.
"It won’t work. It will no longer be a vaccine … The Cerus method cleans up Ebola. It cleans up Zika. It cleans up essentially any RNA viruses, including HIV and all three human retroviruses. The Cerus system is extremely valuable to cleaning up the blood supply.
But they cannot clean up the vaccines for another reason. If they do, they prove Andy Wakefield right. They prove me right. They prove they've got 25 million Americans, who they have to support for the rest of their lives and pay damages [to] …"
The Price of Making an Unpopular Scientific Discovery
On a personal level, Mikovits has taken an enormous personal hit. September 29, 2011, she was fired from the Whittemore Peterson Institute for insolence and insubordination, and was driven into bankruptcy after being falsely arrested for stealing her own lab notes. (She never was and to this day is not in possession of her notebooks or any of the two offices full of her work done in her entire career.)
She explains her firing saying that Whittemore had been selling a diagnostic test and the director of their for-profit commercial laboratory was using federal grant funds to do that work (with full knowledge and under the direction of Annette and Harvey Whittemore), which is misappropriation of federal funds. Mikovits became aware of this in August that year, and wrote him off the grant.
"The Whittemores basically fired me immediately in an attempt … to get this scientist, Vince Lombardi, Ph.D. … to recreate the work while I was out of town and say I was a lunatic — that he’d been doing the work all along, and he hadn’t misappropriated any of the funds.
They fired me on September 29 and immediately locked down the entire university to me or my staff … The insolence and insubordination was I had refused a direct order to misappropriate federal funds, basically. I wasn't ever going to do that. The insolence I'm trying to learn not to do, because it probably would have gone a lot better for me if I didn't say 'F-you,' at the same time …
It was September 22, 2011, when I gave my last talk. They had three weeks to get a Science paper out there that would destroy my reputation in the ME/CFS community … Ruscetti had to sign that paper, or he and Sandy Ruscetti would be fired … [and] lose their entire retirement, which is 75 years.
That was one of the few times I sobbed. I was sitting in my bed screaming …It was 6 o'clock in the morning. They were on the East Coast and they needed to get this paper published fast by Science.
I called the Ruscettis and said, "Frank, they agreed to change the language. They agreed to change the title. They agreed it wasn't an association study … [they say] we didn't have a diagnostic test. Either way, the Whittemores are going to kill me because they're selling the diagnostic test.'
So Frank [Ruscetti] signed the paper. They didn't change the wording. [What they did] is pure fraud. Here, the head of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute published pure fraud in the journal Science, just as two years later, Ian Lipkin published pure fraud. It is fake news. It is so corrupt, everything about it.
It's not [the researchers]. It's the top of the line. It's Dr. Tony Fauci. We're only allowed to make incremental advances. When you make a discovery of this nature, it changes all of everything. This is misogyny … This is a bunch of little boys … fighting over who gets credit, while the world dies, while you kill an entire continent.
That's why I do shows like this. Because we're going to teach doctors. When doctors understand the science — and they're coming around a lot — because the science is there. Nothing about our paper, except the sequence of the virus, has ever been wrong. We knew that in the beginning."
Individuals Infected With Retroviruses Should Avoid Vaccinations
According to Mikovits, retroviruses such as XMRV affect entire families, as it can be transmitted to your offspring. Many of these families also have children with autism, which Mikovits believes may be connected to the retrovirus. The question is, what can you do if you’re infected? For starters, Mikovits recommends avoiding vaccinations.
"Until 2011, not inconsequentially, we didn't vaccinate AIDS patients the same way. It's in the book. You don't vaccinate the immune-compromised … By definition, you have an immune system that doesn't work. Why would you vaccinate them? Why would you vaccinate somebody under 3 years old, who has an immune and detox systems that don't work?
This was the key of the RNaseL story (a genetic susceptibility not to degrade RNA viruses), of the Thompson fraudulent paper [Editor’s note: This refers to William Thompson, Ph.D., a former senior scientist at the CDC’s National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases, who confessed he conspired to cover up links found between the MMR vaccine and autism].
All they had to do was wait for black boys to be 3 years old, and they would have been able to degrade the RNA virus. That's criminal. That's beyond comprehension …
The pearl of wisdom is this DNA methylation. Keep the violent virus silent … DNA methylation has to silence them. You can't inject them in a vaccine. We're injecting millions of pieces in parts of retroviruses in every vaccine, by definition (and admission).
I am working on an ongoing cancer lawsuit that says vaccines cause childhood cancer, a lymphoma. By these same mechanisms, you've destroyed the DNA methylation machinery's ability [to silence the virus]. You've simply overwhelmed the substrate. You've overwhelmed the ability to methylate.
Every time those viruses integrate, you have a better chance at insertional mutagenesis. Don't expose anybody to human (or animal) retroviruses. Use antiretroviral therapy, which are natural products … There are lots of natural products. We published on them. Those are actually therapy for these kids.
[A 100-year-old drug called Suramin] was one of the first antiretroviral therapies for HIV … [It] worked best against the murine leukemia virus-related viruses, against the mouse retroviruses, the gamma retroviruses …
[Dr. Robert] Naviaux [professor of medicine, pediatrics and pathology at University of California San Diego School of Medicine] did a small clinical trial.2 These kids got their life back.3 They started talking again. What did Bayer do? They stopped the trial and took the drug away from everyone. Now, you can't get it …
We could help millions of people get over [autism]. But when you show cure, you know cause. That's it. I would be right … Millions of people would get their lives back, and it's all about money."
XMRV Is a Significant Threat
As mentioned, there are several different retroviruses, which are part of four viral families (delta, lenti, beta and gamma). Aside from HIV and XMRV, there's the human T-cell leukemia lymphoma virus (HTLV-1) family. There are five or six HTLV viruses, but HTLV-1 is the only one known to cause severe disease.
Human beta retrovirus is another virus associated with primary biliary cirrhosis. Many patients with MEC/FS also have family members with primary biliary cirrhosis. As for which one might be the most significant threat, Mikovits believes XMRV is among the most pressing, because while HIV is well-contained at present, XMRV is not, and it appears to play a significant role in diseases of methylation.
Disturbingly, they're now using murine leukemia viruses as vectors for gene therapy and a novel cancer therapy called chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy. In other words, they're causing cancer and other retroviral illnesses.
"The same thing with Gardasil … We're causing these diseases and we know it because we're using these [retroviruses] as vectors. We don't need infectious viruses. That's one thing that's really important to know. You don't need infectious viruses if you're injecting the provirus, or the pieces and parts. You inject it, past your immunity, past your gut, past RNA cell, past everything. You bypass the immune system. They don't need to be infectious.
All you need is an envelope to cause that prostate cancer. That's a paper that was published 2013. In most of our studies, all we detected was the envelope. The envelope alone causes vasculitis … Another strain of XMRV gamma retrovirus from mice was identified by Gary Owens … associated with cardiovascular disease. This is just a nightmare that we've unleashed in our environment."
Retroviruses and ME/CFS
According to Mikovits, 6 to 8 percent of the general population are infected with infectious and transmissible XMRV-retroviruses, and in the chronic fatigue population, that prevalence shoots up to about 30 to 40 percent. As with HIV, antiretroviral therapies can be very helpful in the treatment of ME/CFS, including low-dose naltrexone.
"You have to silence the other pathogens, so taking care of mycoplasma, taking care of mold, absolutely supporting the gut microbiome [will help]," Mikovits says. "We learned with AIDS and cancer patients that if they don't have the diversity in the microbiome, just like in autism, just like in MEC/FS, it's because the retrovirus is causing leaky gut …
The nonspecific inflammation [is] the retroviruses. If you keep the gut healthy, you can heal. The primary is the diversity in the microbiome, or you can't respond to the drugs. There's a lot of hope. That's what we end the show with. There are therapies. We could fix this tomorrow. That's why I do it."
To learn more, be sure to pick up a copy of “Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism and Other Diseases,” which reads more like a fictional thriller than a nonfictional book about the science of disease.
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/09/retrovirus.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/plague-one-scientists-intrepid-search-for-the-truth-about-human-retroviruses-and-chronic-disease
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jakehglover · 6 years
Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Disease
Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., a virologist, researcher and founding research director of the Whittemore Peterson Institute — which researches and treats chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in Reno, Nevada — got embroiled in controversy when, in 2009, she was the senior author on a paper which reported that a retrovirus known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) may play a causal role in CFS and other diseases, including autism.
Her book, "Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism and Other Diseases," details her research and personal trials that arose as a consequence of her work.
"Kent Heckenlively essentially wrote it," Mikovits says, "because I write like a scientist. We wrote it using the genre of flashback. He taped hours and hours of me telling the story as he asked me questions — because he's trained as an attorney — and then he turned that into this suspense-thriller. Interestingly enough, it almost has to read like fiction because of the lawyers it took to … make sure we weren't sued."
What Are Retroviruses?
Before we go further, let's review what a retrovirus is. A retrovirus is a ribonucleic acid (RNA) virus — in other words, a virus that contains RNA encoded genes rather than deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Using reverse transcriptase, the retrovirus is able to transform the single-stranded RNA into a double-stranded DNA.
When the retrovirus infects a host, it integrates its DNA into the DNA of the host cell, which allows the retrovirus to replicate itself and spread through the host. As more and more cells are infected, you become increasingly sicker. Mikovits explains:
"Humans have a DNA genome. Our blueprint is DNA. Retroviruses have an RNA genome, but they also are unique in the RNA family of viruses, where their RNA genome is reverse-transcribed. That is, written backwards by an enzyme unique to retroviruses called reverse transcriptase. That enzyme writes the RNA into DNA.
Then they have another enzyme called integrase. Integrase is like a pair of scissors that cuts open your DNA and then inserts the retrovirus, which is only about 8,000 base pairs, a very, very, very small virus, 50 to 100 nanometers on an electron micrograph. That piece of DNA — called a provirus — is now in the DNA of your cells forever. Every time your cells replicate, you make more viruses."
Now, this DNA insertion has been ongoing throughout human history. According to Mikovits, about 10 percent of the human genome is retroviral in origin. These are called human endogenous retroviruses. These, however, differ in that they've been crippled in part by our DNA methylation machinery (which modulates genes expression and the human immune system — so that they can no longer make complete viruses and therefore cannot infect others.
However, when you're infected with a retrovirus such as human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1), HIV HBRV or Borellia as in chronic Lyme disease and develop DNA methylation and immune dysfunction, these endogenous retroviruses begin to be expressed, and this is yet another really important finding.
HIV — One Example of a Transmissible Retrovirus
One example of a transmissible retrovirus is the HIV virus, which can cascade into the clinical symptoms of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV was discovered in 1982, and as mentioned above, was part of Mikovits' early research work. Her book includes the history of that important discovery.
When Mikovits first began studying retroviruses, HIV/AIDS was completely unknown, but they suspected a retrovirus was at play because of how retroviruses affect the human immune system and lead to acquired immune deficiencies and cancers.
"You don't just one day get this virus and you're sick. In fact, we now know millions of people have HIV and will never develop AIDS. We talk about that in the book, because the book ultimately is one of hope that we fix HIV.
I can honestly tell you in 1999, when I was running the lab of antiviral drug mechanisms, I did not ever expect we would solve that problem. Now, AIDS patients on antiretroviral therapy are probably healthier and develop fewer cancers … than most of the rest of society."
Some retroviruses, including XMRV (but not HIV), also infect your germ cells, which means they not only cause continuous infection in your body but also transfer to your offspring.
"XMRV, the xenotropic murine (mouse) leukemia retrovirus, is the mouse-related retroviruses that cause cancer and lots of neurological diseases. Those affect the stem cells, the egg, the sperm — every cell in your body. That was one of the big 'Oh, my Gods,' about our discovery," Mikovits says.
When it comes to treatment, the key is to keep the virus silent, because when they're not, each time your cells divide you're making more retroviruses. For this, antiretroviral treatments are used, some of which will be discussed later in this article.
After 9/11, Mikovits started working with a woman whose daughter was severely ill with chronic fatigue syndrome. "Basically, that was the first time I ever saw the disease called ME/CFS," she says.
"This person was looking at a herpes virus known as human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6). This is a virus prominent in people with Kaposi sarcoma, [which] became associated with HIV and AIDS. Dr. Patrick Moore and Dr. Yuan Chang [discovered] that Kaposi sarcoma was actually caused by a herpes virus — then known as Kaposi sarcoma herpes virus; now, it's HHV-8.
Because the immune system is crippled, you wake up the sleeping herpes viruses. People with autism, ME/CFS and cancers have a lot of chronic active infections, so we often see the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) associated with outbreaks of ME/CFS …
This woman introduced me to Dr. Dan Peterson and Annette Whittemore in Incline Village, Nevada, where he had been studying outbreaks of ME/CFS for probably 25 years. He said he had a bank of samples. We went up there. I met all the patients.
I interviewed them in great length and developed a hypothesis, which had actually been shown before by Elaine Defreitas, Ph.D., another scientist many years earlier …
Defreitas had isolated retroviruses from patients with ME/CFS. A doctor … named Sidney Grossberg had also isolated retroviruses from at least one patient with ME/CFS. So, the retroviral hypothesis wasn't new. Everything about it fit …
One of the most severely injured patients at that time was Whittemore's daughter, Andrea. That summer (2006), I went up there … and started studying it … I used the systems biology approach, because there's a lot of heterogeneity.
We know AIDS patients who have HIV and will never get AIDS … I interviewed patients in Peterson's office all summer and took blood, urine, saliva and all kinds of samples to isolate that virus, which is what you need to do to show it's associated with a disease."
The Discovery of Infectious Retroviruses
Eventually, she brought together several of her former and current colleagues who were world experts in HIV sequencing to look at ME/CFS. Among them was the world's leading electron microscopist, Kunio Nagashima, who has done the electron micrographs of every family of human retroviruses discovered: the human beta retrovirus, human delta virus, lenti-virus (such as HIV) and gamma retroviruses.
Working in collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic, Mikovits and her team isolated the virus and spent the better part of 2008 and 2009 putting a paper together, proving the XMRV retrovirus was infectious and transmissible and not just another crippled human endogenous retrovirus.
"To our horror, we learned these [retroviruses] could be aerosolized. This was in 2011 … That was really the first nail in my coffin. Pun intended, because the national academy member, John Coffin, Ph.D. — who had told Frank Ruscetti, 'There is no such thing as human retroviruses. Don't study them' — then made a fortune out of HIV and did everything he could to destroy me and the patients," Mikovits says.
"Prior to publication in 2009, we wrote a patent on the detection of these retroviruses, these pieces and parts as contaminants of the cell cultures, of the cell lines from which we make vaccines. After they destroyed my reputation and career and forced the retraction of our paper from [the journal] Science, Coffin turned around and wrote a patent on the detection of these viruses in contaminating cell linings and contaminating biologicals in our labs."
This PDF includes emails, letters and supporting documentation showing how the retraction of Mikovits’ Science paper was forced, after which Coffin filed his own patent for a detection method of the contaminants in cell lines used for vaccines and other biologicals. There’s also documentation detailing the scientific fraud Mikovits asserts in this interview.
Infectious Retroviruses May Contaminate Blood Supply and Vaccines
In her book, she also details how infectious retroviruses are still likely infecting many biological solutions used clinically today, such as vaccines and other therapies. To say that this is a concern would be an understatement. Children’s Health Defense discusses this, and more, in “Looking Back, Looking Forward: Cancer and Vaccines.”1 Mikovits explains:
"That was really at the heart of the big 'Oh, my God.' The worst I learned in this whole experience is how corrupt scientific journals are. In fact, Ruscetti now calls Science, that prestigious journal, 'The National Inquirer,' because they literally engineered the whole thing to destroy MEC/FS patients and any association this virus [XMRV] had with these diseases …
All of the studies showed that the control population was between 3.75 and 6.8 percent infected. When you do a study and there's evidence of infection in 6 percent of the human population, that's 25 million Americans. To put that in context, at the height of HIV/AIDS in 1995, it was 1 million Americans. It would crush our health care system if they had to pay for what they caused."
The result of Mikovits' findings was nothing short of personal devastation. Not only was her paper retracted by Science, she was even arrested for "stealing" her own lab notes. Charges were ultimately dropped, but the damage to her reputation was a done deal.
"Basically, our paper came out on October 8, 2009. It was literally like 'the shot heard around the world.' I was on the road every single day. Everywhere I went doctors were like, 'She's got it. She's got it. She's got it,' and not just with MEC/FS but also with cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, with prostate cancer.
When you start looking at the inflammatory events in the acquired immune deficiencies, with autoimmune disease, with Lou Gehrig's disease, the problem became this [retro]virus. Well, there's no single virus. There's no HIV. There's a whole family of HIVs. There's an HIV 1. There's an HIV 2. There's a strain A, B, C and D.
Why do we do influenza vaccines for this strain de jour or every year? [Because] there are strains of viruses. There are families of viruses … The second that we published this paper, we started working to get a diagnostic test for the blood supply to show it wasn't contaminated, which, in fact, it was.
Later that year, the last talk I ever gave was on a science paper that came out September 22, 2011 … That talk was basically a debate for the evidence that there are human retroviruses of the XMRV family that aren't VP62 (the infectious molecular clone, not the natural isolates of our paper).
We could show in the original paper that there was evidence of murine leukemia viruses, gamma retroviruses that were infectious and transmissible, just as we had said.
Coffin was on the other end of that debate. He said it was all a recombination event. He published a paper in 2013 saying, 'When we worked with mouse cells, they expressed a lot of pieces and parts of retroviruses. This just happened to happen in the laboratory.'
[Hence, he claimed] that's what we had isolated. [Coffin claimed] that what we were looking at were just contaminants in the laboratory. 'It's all a lab contaminant,' [Coffin said], 'You can all go home. You're safe.'"
Massive Public Health Concerns Swept Under the Rug
As one might expect, Mikovits' research caused massive concern in the professional community, because here was a newly identified, infectious and transmissible retrovirus that no one was screening for, and it was potentially contaminating 10 percent of the human blood supply. But rather than face the problem head on, it was rapidly swept under the proverbial rug.
"My mom was watching Good Morning America one morning. Across the bottom of the ticker tape said, 'XMRV all a hoax' … It was horrible. We started to realize our fake news and fake science."
Today, the blood supply is unlikely to be contaminated, thanks to a decontamination procedure developed by a California-based company called Cerus and which Mikovits proved to inactivate XMRV, rendering it noninfectious.
Other biologicals, including vaccines, however, may not be routinely decontaminated using this process, in large part because they’re not required to do so, and drug companies are not liable for vaccine-induced harm. What’s more, decontaminating the vaccine may render it ineffective.
"It won’t work. It will no longer be a vaccine … The Cerus method cleans up Ebola. It cleans up Zika. It cleans up essentially any RNA viruses, including HIV and all three human retroviruses. The Cerus system is extremely valuable to cleaning up the blood supply.
But they cannot clean up the vaccines for another reason. If they do, they prove Andy Wakefield right. They prove me right. They prove they've got 25 million Americans, who they have to support for the rest of their lives and pay damages [to] …"
The Price of Making an Unpopular Scientific Discovery
On a personal level, Mikovits has taken an enormous personal hit. September 29, 2011, she was fired from the Whittemore Peterson Institute for insolence and insubordination, and was driven into bankruptcy after being falsely arrested for stealing her own lab notes. (She never was and to this day is not in possession of her notebooks or any of the two offices full of her work done in her entire career.)
She explains her firing saying that Whittemore had been selling a diagnostic test and the director of their for-profit commercial laboratory was using federal grant funds to do that work (with full knowledge and under the direction of Annette and Harvey Whittemore), which is misappropriation of federal funds. Mikovits became aware of this in August that year, and wrote him off the grant.
"The Whittemores basically fired me immediately in an attempt … to get this scientist, Vince Lombardi, Ph.D. … to recreate the work while I was out of town and say I was a lunatic — that he’d been doing the work all along, and he hadn’t misappropriated any of the funds.
They fired me on September 29 and immediately locked down the entire university to me or my staff … The insolence and insubordination was I had refused a direct order to misappropriate federal funds, basically. I wasn't ever going to do that. The insolence I'm trying to learn not to do, because it probably would have gone a lot better for me if I didn't say 'F-you,' at the same time …
It was September 22, 2011, when I gave my last talk. They had three weeks to get a Science paper out there that would destroy my reputation in the ME/CFS community … Ruscetti had to sign that paper, or he and Sandy Ruscetti would be fired … [and] lose their entire retirement, which is 75 years.
That was one of the few times I sobbed. I was sitting in my bed screaming …It was 6 o'clock in the morning. They were on the East Coast and they needed to get this paper published fast by Science.
I called the Ruscettis and said, "Frank, they agreed to change the language. They agreed to change the title. They agreed it wasn't an association study … [they say] we didn't have a diagnostic test. Either way, the Whittemores are going to kill me because they're selling the diagnostic test.'
So Frank [Ruscetti] signed the paper. They didn't change the wording. [What they did] is pure fraud. Here, the head of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute published pure fraud in the journal Science, just as two years later, Ian Lipkin published pure fraud. It is fake news. It is so corrupt, everything about it.
It's not [the researchers]. It's the top of the line. It's Dr. Tony Fauci. We're only allowed to make incremental advances. When you make a discovery of this nature, it changes all of everything. This is misogyny … This is a bunch of little boys … fighting over who gets credit, while the world dies, while you kill an entire continent.
That's why I do shows like this. Because we're going to teach doctors. When doctors understand the science — and they're coming around a lot — because the science is there. Nothing about our paper, except the sequence of the virus, has ever been wrong. We knew that in the beginning."
Individuals Infected With Retroviruses Should Avoid Vaccinations
According to Mikovits, retroviruses such as XMRV affect entire families, as it can be transmitted to your offspring. Many of these families also have children with autism, which Mikovits believes may be connected to the retrovirus. The question is, what can you do if you’re infected? For starters, Mikovits recommends avoiding vaccinations.
"Until 2011, not inconsequentially, we didn't vaccinate AIDS patients the same way. It's in the book. You don't vaccinate the immune-compromised … By definition, you have an immune system that doesn't work. Why would you vaccinate them? Why would you vaccinate somebody under 3 years old, who has an immune and detox systems that don't work?
This was the key of the RNaseL story (a genetic susceptibility not to degrade RNA viruses), of the Thompson fraudulent paper [Editor’s note: This refers to William Thompson, Ph.D., a former senior scientist at the CDC’s National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases, who confessed he conspired to cover up links found between the MMR vaccine and autism].
All they had to do was wait for black boys to be 3 years old, and they would have been able to degrade the RNA virus. That's criminal. That's beyond comprehension …
The pearl of wisdom is this DNA methylation. Keep the violent virus silent … DNA methylation has to silence them. You can't inject them in a vaccine. We're injecting millions of pieces in parts of retroviruses in every vaccine, by definition (and admission).
I am working on an ongoing cancer lawsuit that says vaccines cause childhood cancer, a lymphoma. By these same mechanisms, you've destroyed the DNA methylation machinery's ability [to silence the virus]. You've simply overwhelmed the substrate. You've overwhelmed the ability to methylate.
Every time those viruses integrate, you have a better chance at insertional mutagenesis. Don't expose anybody to human (or animal) retroviruses. Use antiretroviral therapy, which are natural products … There are lots of natural products. We published on them. Those are actually therapy for these kids.
[A 100-year-old drug called Suramin] was one of the first antiretroviral therapies for HIV … [It] worked best against the murine leukemia virus-related viruses, against the mouse retroviruses, the gamma retroviruses …
[Dr. Robert] Naviaux [professor of medicine, pediatrics and pathology at University of California San Diego School of Medicine] did a small clinical trial.2 These kids got their life back.3 They started talking again. What did Bayer do? They stopped the trial and took the drug away from everyone. Now, you can't get it …
We could help millions of people get over [autism]. But when you show cure, you know cause. That's it. I would be right … Millions of people would get their lives back, and it's all about money."
XMRV Is a Significant Threat
As mentioned, there are several different retroviruses, which are part of four viral families (delta, lenti, beta and gamma). Aside from HIV and XMRV, there's the human T-cell leukemia lymphoma virus (HTLV-1) family. There are five or six HTLV viruses, but HTLV-1 is the only one known to cause severe disease.
Human beta retrovirus is another virus associated with primary biliary cirrhosis. Many patients with MEC/FS also have family members with primary biliary cirrhosis. As for which one might be the most significant threat, Mikovits believes XMRV is among the most pressing, because while HIV is well-contained at present, XMRV is not, and it appears to play a significant role in diseases of methylation.
Disturbingly, they're now using murine leukemia viruses as vectors for gene therapy and a novel cancer therapy called chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy. In other words, they're causing cancer and other retroviral illnesses.
"The same thing with Gardasil … We're causing these diseases and we know it because we're using these [retroviruses] as vectors. We don't need infectious viruses. That's one thing that's really important to know. You don't need infectious viruses if you're injecting the provirus, or the pieces and parts. You inject it, past your immunity, past your gut, past RNA cell, past everything. You bypass the immune system. They don't need to be infectious.
All you need is an envelope to cause that prostate cancer. That's a paper that was published 2013. In most of our studies, all we detected was the envelope. The envelope alone causes vasculitis … Another strain of XMRV gamma retrovirus from mice was identified by Gary Owens … associated with cardiovascular disease. This is just a nightmare that we've unleashed in our environment."
Retroviruses and ME/CFS
According to Mikovits, 6 to 8 percent of the general population are infected with infectious and transmissible XMRV-retroviruses, and in the chronic fatigue population, that prevalence shoots up to about 30 to 40 percent. As with HIV, antiretroviral therapies can be very helpful in the treatment of ME/CFS, including low-dose naltrexone.
"You have to silence the other pathogens, so taking care of mycoplasma, taking care of mold, absolutely supporting the gut microbiome [will help]," Mikovits says. "We learned with AIDS and cancer patients that if they don't have the diversity in the microbiome, just like in autism, just like in MEC/FS, it's because the retrovirus is causing leaky gut …
The nonspecific inflammation [is] the retroviruses. If you keep the gut healthy, you can heal. The primary is the diversity in the microbiome, or you can't respond to the drugs. There's a lot of hope. That's what we end the show with. There are therapies. We could fix this tomorrow. That's why I do it."
To learn more, be sure to pick up a copy of “Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism and Other Diseases,” which reads more like a fictional thriller than a nonfictional book about the science of disease.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/09/retrovirus.aspx
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paullassiterca · 6 years
Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Disease
Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., a virologist, researcher and founding research director of the Whittemore Peterson Institute — which researches and treats chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in Reno, Nevada — got embroiled in controversy when, in 2009, she was the senior author on a paper which reported that a retrovirus known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) may play a causal role in CFS and other diseases, including autism.
Her book, “Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism and Other Diseases,” details her research and personal trials that arose as a consequence of her work.
“Kent Heckenlively essentially wrote it,” Mikovits says, “because I write like a scientist. We wrote it using the genre of flashback. He taped hours and hours of me telling the story as he asked me questions — because he’s trained as an attorney — and then he turned that into this suspense-thriller. Interestingly enough, it almost has to read like fiction because of the lawyers it took to … make sure we weren’t sued.”
What Are Retroviruses?
Before we go further, let’s review what a retrovirus is. A retrovirus is a ribonucleic acid (RNA) virus — in other words, a virus that contains RNA encoded genes rather than deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Using reverse transcriptase, the retrovirus is able to transform the single-stranded RNA into a double-stranded DNA.
When the retrovirus infects a host, it integrates its DNA into the DNA of the host cell, which allows the retrovirus to replicate itself and spread through the host. As more and more cells are infected, you become increasingly sicker. Mikovits explains:
“Humans have a DNA genome. Our blueprint is DNA. Retroviruses have an RNA genome, but they also are unique in the RNA family of viruses, where their RNA genome is reverse-transcribed. That is, written backwards by an enzyme unique to retroviruses called reverse transcriptase. That enzyme writes the RNA into DNA.
Then they have another enzyme called integrase. Integrase is like a pair of scissors that cuts open your DNA and then inserts the retrovirus, which is only about 8,000 base pairs, a very, very, very small virus, 50 to 100 nanometers on an electron micrograph. That piece of DNA — called a provirus — is now in the DNA of your cells forever. Every time your cells replicate, you make more viruses.”
Now, this DNA insertion has been ongoing throughout human history. According to Mikovits, about 10 percent of the human genome is retroviral in origin. These are called human endogenous retroviruses. These, however, differ in that they’ve been crippled in part by our DNA methylation machinery (which modulates genes expression and the human immune system — so that they can no longer make complete viruses and therefore cannot infect others.
However, when you’re infected with a retrovirus such as human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1), HIV HBRV or Borellia as in chronic Lyme disease and develop DNA methylation and immune dysfunction, these endogenous retroviruses begin to be expressed, and this is yet another really important finding.
HIV — One Example of a Transmissible Retrovirus
One example of a transmissible retrovirus is the HIV virus, which can cascade into the clinical symptoms of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV was discovered in 1982, and as mentioned above, was part of Mikovits’ early research work. Her book includes the history of that important discovery.
When Mikovits first began studying retroviruses, HIV/AIDS was completely unknown, but they suspected a retrovirus was at play because of how retroviruses affect the human immune system and lead to acquired immune deficiencies and cancers.
“You don’t just one day get this virus and you’re sick. In fact, we now know millions of people have HIV and will never develop AIDS. We talk about that in the book, because the book ultimately is one of hope that we fix HIV.
I can honestly tell you in 1999, when I was running the lab of antiviral drug mechanisms, I did not ever expect we would solve that problem. Now, AIDS patients on antiretroviral therapy are probably healthier and develop fewer cancers … than most of the rest of society.”
Some retroviruses, including XMRV (but not HIV), also infect your germ cells, which means they not only cause continuous infection in your body but also transfer to your offspring.
“XMRV, the xenotropic murine (mouse) leukemia retrovirus, is the mouse-related retroviruses that cause cancer and lots of neurological diseases. Those affect the stem cells, the egg, the sperm — every cell in your body. That was one of the big ‘Oh, my Gods,’ about our discovery,” Mikovits says.
When it comes to treatment, the key is to keep the virus silent, because when they’re not, each time your cells divide you’re making more retroviruses. For this, antiretroviral treatments are used, some of which will be discussed later in this article.
After 9/11, Mikovits started working with a woman whose daughter was severely ill with chronic fatigue syndrome. “Basically, that was the first time I ever saw the disease called ME/CFS,” she says.
“This person was looking at a herpes virus known as human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6). This is a virus prominent in people with Kaposi sarcoma, [which] became associated with HIV and AIDS. Dr. Patrick Moore and Dr. Yuan Chang [discovered] that Kaposi sarcoma was actually caused by a herpes virus — then known as Kaposi sarcoma herpes virus; now, it’s HHV-8.
Because the immune system is crippled, you wake up the sleeping herpes viruses. People with autism, ME/CFS and cancers have a lot of chronic active infections, so we often see the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) associated with outbreaks of ME/CFS …
This woman introduced me to Dr. Dan Peterson and Annette Whittemore in Incline Village, Nevada, where he had been studying outbreaks of ME/CFS for probably 25 years. He said he had a bank of samples. We went up there. I met all the patients.
I interviewed them in great length and developed a hypothesis, which had actually been shown before by Elaine Defreitas, Ph.D., another scientist many years earlier …
Defreitas had isolated retroviruses from patients with ME/CFS. A doctor … named Sidney Grossberg had also isolated retroviruses from at least one patient with ME/CFS. So, the retroviral hypothesis wasn’t new. Everything about it fit …
One of the most severely injured patients at that time was Whittemore’s daughter, Andrea. That summer (2006), I went up there … and started studying it … I used the systems biology approach, because there’s a lot of heterogeneity.
We know AIDS patients who have HIV and will never get AIDS … I interviewed patients in Peterson’s office all summer and took blood, urine, saliva and all kinds of samples to isolate that virus, which is what you need to do to show it’s associated with a disease.”
The Discovery of Infectious Retroviruses
Eventually, she brought together several of her former and current colleagues who were world experts in HIV sequencing to look at ME/CFS. Among them was the world’s leading electron microscopist, Kunio Nagashima, who has done the electron micrographs of every family of human retroviruses discovered: the human beta retrovirus, human delta virus, lenti-virus (such as HIV) and gamma retroviruses.
Working in collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic, Mikovits and her team isolated the virus and spent the better part of 2008 and 2009 putting a paper together, proving the XMRV retrovirus was infectious and transmissible and not just another crippled human endogenous retrovirus.
“To our horror, we learned these [retroviruses] could be aerosolized. This was in 2011 … That was really the first nail in my coffin. Pun intended, because the national academy member, John Coffin, Ph.D. — who had told Frank Ruscetti, 'There is no such thing as human retroviruses. Don’t study them’ — then made a fortune out of HIV and did everything he could to destroy me and the patients,” Mikovits says.
“Prior to publication in 2009, we wrote a patent on the detection of these retroviruses, these pieces and parts as contaminants of the cell cultures, of the cell lines from which we make vaccines. After they destroyed my reputation and career and forced the retraction of our paper from [the journal] Science, Coffin turned around and wrote a patent on the detection of these viruses in contaminating cell linings and contaminating biologicals in our labs.”
This PDF includes emails, letters and supporting documentation showing how the retraction of Mikovits’ Science paper was forced, after which Coffin filed his own patent for a detection method of the contaminants in cell lines used for vaccines and other biologicals. There’s also documentation detailing the scientific fraud Mikovits asserts in this interview.
Infectious Retroviruses May Contaminate Blood Supply and Vaccines
In her book, she also details how infectious retroviruses are still likely infecting many biological solutions used clinically today, such as vaccines and other therapies. To say that this is a concern would be an understatement. Children’s Health Defense discusses this, and more, in “Looking Back, Looking Forward: Cancer and Vaccines.”1 Mikovits explains:
“That was really at the heart of the big 'Oh, my God.’ The worst I learned in this whole experience is how corrupt scientific journals are. In fact, Ruscetti now calls Science, that prestigious journal, 'The National Inquirer,’ because they literally engineered the whole thing to destroy MEC/FS patients and any association this virus [XMRV] had with these diseases …
All of the studies showed that the control population was between 3.75 and 6.8 percent infected. When you do a study and there’s evidence of infection in 6 percent of the human population, that’s 25 million Americans. To put that in context, at the height of HIV/AIDS in 1995, it was 1 million Americans. It would crush our health care system if they had to pay for what they caused.”
The result of Mikovits’ findings was nothing short of personal devastation. Not only was her paper retracted by Science, she was even arrested for “stealing” her own lab notes. Charges were ultimately dropped, but the damage to her reputation was a done deal.
“Basically, our paper came out on October 8, 2009. It was literally like 'the shot heard around the world.’ I was on the road every single day. Everywhere I went doctors were like, 'She’s got it. She’s got it. She’s got it,’ and not just with MEC/FS but also with cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, with prostate cancer.
When you start looking at the inflammatory events in the acquired immune deficiencies, with autoimmune disease, with Lou Gehrig’s disease, the problem became this [retro]virus. Well, there’s no single virus. There’s no HIV. There’s a whole family of HIVs. There’s an HIV 1. There’s an HIV 2. There’s a strain A, B, C and D.
Why do we do influenza vaccines for this strain de jour or every year? [Because] there are strains of viruses. There are families of viruses … The second that we published this paper, we started working to get a diagnostic test for the blood supply to show it wasn’t contaminated, which, in fact, it was.
Later that year, the last talk I ever gave was on a science paper that came out September 22, 2011 … That talk was basically a debate for the evidence that there are human retroviruses of the XMRV family that aren’t VP62 (the infectious molecular clone, not the natural isolates of our paper).
We could show in the original paper that there was evidence of murine leukemia viruses, gamma retroviruses that were infectious and transmissible, just as we had said.
Coffin was on the other end of that debate. He said it was all a recombination event. He published a paper in 2013 saying, 'When we worked with mouse cells, they expressed a lot of pieces and parts of retroviruses. This just happened to happen in the laboratory.’
[Hence, he claimed] that’s what we had isolated. [Coffin claimed] that what we were looking at were just contaminants in the laboratory. 'It’s all a lab contaminant,’ [Coffin said], 'You can all go home. You’re safe.’”
Massive Public Health Concerns Swept Under the Rug
As one might expect, Mikovits’ research caused massive concern in the professional community, because here was a newly identified, infectious and transmissible retrovirus that no one was screening for, and it was potentially contaminating 10 percent of the human blood supply. But rather than face the problem head on, it was rapidly swept under the proverbial rug.
“My mom was watching Good Morning America one morning. Across the bottom of the ticker tape said, 'XMRV all a hoax’ … It was horrible. We started to realize our fake news and fake science.”
Today, the blood supply is unlikely to be contaminated, thanks to a decontamination procedure developed by a California-based company called Cerus and which Mikovits proved to inactivate XMRV, rendering it noninfectious.
Other biologicals, including vaccines, however, may not be routinely decontaminated using this process, in large part because they’re not required to do so, and drug companies are not liable for vaccine-induced harm. What’s more, decontaminating the vaccine may render it ineffective.
“It won’t work. It will no longer be a vaccine … The Cerus method cleans up Ebola. It cleans up Zika. It cleans up essentially any RNA viruses, including HIV and all three human retroviruses. The Cerus system is extremely valuable to cleaning up the blood supply.
But they cannot clean up the vaccines for another reason. If they do, they prove Andy Wakefield right. They prove me right. They prove they’ve got 25 million Americans, who they have to support for the rest of their lives and pay damages [to] …”
The Price of Making an Unpopular Scientific Discovery
On a personal level, Mikovits has taken an enormous personal hit. September 29, 2011, she was fired from the Whittemore Peterson Institute for insolence and insubordination, and was driven into bankruptcy after being falsely arrested for stealing her own lab notes. (She never was and to this day is not in possession of her notebooks or any of the two offices full of her work done in her entire career.)
She explains her firing saying that Whittemore had been selling a diagnostic test and the director of their for-profit commercial laboratory was using federal grant funds to do that work (with full knowledge and under the direction of Annette and Harvey Whittemore), which is misappropriation of federal funds. Mikovits became aware of this in August that year, and wrote him off the grant.
“The Whittemores basically fired me immediately in an attempt … to get this scientist, Vince Lombardi, Ph.D. … to recreate the work while I was out of town and say I was a lunatic — that he’d been doing the work all along, and he hadn’t misappropriated any of the funds.
They fired me on September 29 and immediately locked down the entire university to me or my staff … The insolence and insubordination was I had refused a direct order to misappropriate federal funds, basically. I wasn’t ever going to do that. The insolence I’m trying to learn not to do, because it probably would have gone a lot better for me if I didn’t say 'F-you,’ at the same time …
It was September 22, 2011, when I gave my last talk. They had three weeks to get a Science paper out there that would destroy my reputation in the ME/CFS community … Ruscetti had to sign that paper, or he and Sandy Ruscetti would be fired … [and] lose their entire retirement, which is 75 years.
That was one of the few times I sobbed. I was sitting in my bed screaming …It was 6 o'clock in the morning. They were on the East Coast and they needed to get this paper published fast by Science.
I called the Ruscettis and said, "Frank, they agreed to change the language. They agreed to change the title. They agreed it wasn’t an association study … [they say] we didn’t have a diagnostic test. Either way, the Whittemores are going to kill me because they’re selling the diagnostic test.’
So Frank [Ruscetti] signed the paper. They didn’t change the wording. [What they did] is pure fraud. Here, the head of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute published pure fraud in the journal Science, just as two years later, Ian Lipkin published pure fraud. It is fake news. It is so corrupt, everything about it.
It’s not [the researchers]. It’s the top of the line. It’s Dr. Tony Fauci. We’re only allowed to make incremental advances. When you make a discovery of this nature, it changes all of everything. This is misogyny … This is a bunch of little boys … fighting over who gets credit, while the world dies, while you kill an entire continent.
That’s why I do shows like this. Because we’re going to teach doctors. When doctors understand the science — and they’re coming around a lot — because the science is there. Nothing about our paper, except the sequence of the virus, has ever been wrong. We knew that in the beginning.”
Individuals Infected With Retroviruses Should Avoid Vaccinations
According to Mikovits, retroviruses such as XMRV affect entire families, as it can be transmitted to your offspring. Many of these families also have children with autism, which Mikovits believes may be connected to the retrovirus. The question is, what can you do if you’re infected? For starters, Mikovits recommends avoiding vaccinations.
“Until 2011, not inconsequentially, we didn’t vaccinate AIDS patients the same way. It’s in the book. You don’t vaccinate the immune-compromised … By definition, you have an immune system that doesn’t work. Why would you vaccinate them? Why would you vaccinate somebody under 3 years old, who has an immune and detox systems that don’t work?
This was the key of the RNaseL story (a genetic susceptibility not to degrade RNA viruses), of the Thompson fraudulent paper [Editor’s note: This refers to William Thompson, Ph.D., a former senior scientist at the CDC’s National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases, who confessed he conspired to cover up links found between the MMR vaccine and autism].
All they had to do was wait for black boys to be 3 years old, and they would have been able to degrade the RNA virus. That’s criminal. That’s beyond comprehension …
The pearl of wisdom is this DNA methylation. Keep the violent virus silent … DNA methylation has to silence them. You can’t inject them in a vaccine. We’re injecting millions of pieces in parts of retroviruses in every vaccine, by definition (and admission).
I am working on an ongoing cancer lawsuit that says vaccines cause childhood cancer, a lymphoma. By these same mechanisms, you’ve destroyed the DNA methylation machinery’s ability [to silence the virus]. You’ve simply overwhelmed the substrate. You’ve overwhelmed the ability to methylate.
Every time those viruses integrate, you have a better chance at insertional mutagenesis. Don’t expose anybody to human (or animal) retroviruses. Use antiretroviral therapy, which are natural products … There are lots of natural products. We published on them. Those are actually therapy for these kids.
[A 100-year-old drug called Suramin] was one of the first antiretroviral therapies for HIV … [It] worked best against the murine leukemia virus-related viruses, against the mouse retroviruses, the gamma retroviruses …
[Dr. Robert] Naviaux [professor of medicine, pediatrics and pathology at University of California San Diego School of Medicine] did a small clinical trial.2 These kids got their life back.3 They started talking again. What did Bayer do? They stopped the trial and took the drug away from everyone. Now, you can’t get it …
We could help millions of people get over [autism]. But when you show cure, you know cause. That’s it. I would be right … Millions of people would get their lives back, and it’s all about money.”
XMRV Is a Significant Threat
As mentioned, there are several different retroviruses, which are part of four viral families (delta, lenti, beta and gamma). Aside from HIV and XMRV, there’s the human T-cell leukemia lymphoma virus (HTLV-1) family. There are five or six HTLV viruses, but HTLV-1 is the only one known to cause severe disease.
Human beta retrovirus is another virus associated with primary biliary cirrhosis. Many patients with MEC/FS also have family members with primary biliary cirrhosis. As for which one might be the most significant threat, Mikovits believes XMRV is among the most pressing, because while HIV is well-contained at present, XMRV is not, and it appears to play a significant role in diseases of methylation.
Disturbingly, they’re now using murine leukemia viruses as vectors for gene therapy and a novel cancer therapy called chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy. In other words, they’re causing cancer and other retroviral illnesses.
“The same thing with Gardasil … We’re causing these diseases and we know it because we’re using these [retroviruses] as vectors. We don’t need infectious viruses. That’s one thing that’s really important to know. You don’t need infectious viruses if you’re injecting the provirus, or the pieces and parts. You inject it, past your immunity, past your gut, past RNA cell, past everything. You bypass the immune system. They don’t need to be infectious.
All you need is an envelope to cause that prostate cancer. That’s a paper that was published 2013. In most of our studies, all we detected was the envelope. The envelope alone causes vasculitis … Another strain of XMRV gamma retrovirus from mice was identified by Gary Owens … associated with cardiovascular disease. This is just a nightmare that we’ve unleashed in our environment.”
Retroviruses and ME/CFS
According to Mikovits, 6 to 8 percent of the general population are infected with infectious and transmissible XMRV-retroviruses, and in the chronic fatigue population, that prevalence shoots up to about 30 to 40 percent. As with HIV, antiretroviral therapies can be very helpful in the treatment of ME/CFS, including low-dose naltrexone.
“You have to silence the other pathogens, so taking care of mycoplasma, taking care of mold, absolutely supporting the gut microbiome [will help],” Mikovits says. “We learned with AIDS and cancer patients that if they don’t have the diversity in the microbiome, just like in autism, just like in MEC/FS, it’s because the retrovirus is causing leaky gut …
The nonspecific inflammation [is] the retroviruses. If you keep the gut healthy, you can heal. The primary is the diversity in the microbiome, or you can’t respond to the drugs. There’s a lot of hope. That’s what we end the show with. There are therapies. We could fix this tomorrow. That’s why I do it.”
To learn more, be sure to pick up a copy of “Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism and Other Diseases,” which reads more like a fictional thriller than a nonfictional book about the science of disease.
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/09/retrovirus.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/180943910581
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[RoyalTale] Chapter 2: Acclimation
Summary: After getting gussied up at the castle in New Home, Frisk is assigned to watch over the Ruins with Connie, the Princess of Patience. The two get to know each other a little bit, though Frisk is still getting used to her new life in the Underground.
When they arrived in the Ruins, Frisk followed Asriel back to the main room of the castle. They were greeted by a girl in a ruffly cyan dress, with short black hair and deep blue eyes. A red ribbon was in her hair, and another one was around her neck. "Greetings," the girl said in a soft voice.
"There you are!" Asriel said, sauntering up to the girl and giving her a hug. "I mentioned you so much to Frisk here, but when we didn't see you, I felt a little silly." He released her and gestured to Frisk. "Connie, this is Frisk, our new Princess of Determination. Frisk, this is Connie, our Princess of Patience."
"Pleased to meet you," Connie said, extending one hand for a handshake. "My name is Constance, but around here, everyone calls me Connie." Frisk completed the handshake, then looked to Asriel for guidance, unsure of what to do.
"I'm going to help set up your room and get your things ready," Asriel said. "Why don't you two get to know each other?" With that, he left and went down a hallway to the side.
There was an awkward silence as Frisk tried to figure out something to say to Connie. Finally, the younger girl broke the silence. "Well, it's nice to see a new face here. Everyone constantly refers to me as the youngest. I suppose it's true, but I'm not used to being babied like that." Frisk nodded in acknowledgement. "I was given the Ruins to manage because it's small and relatively unpopulated. I guess I should be thankful for that. As much as I would have liked to share leadership with one of the other Royal Children, this is fine." Once again, Frisk nodded, unsure of what to say.
Connie began to fidget with the trailing ends of her neck ribbon. "I'll help you with what paperwork comes in. Sometimes, I do get important letters. But mostly, my job is to ensure that the monsters here are happy, and so I go around the Ruins a lot. To warn you ahead of time, the spiders are the biggest complainers. Not harmful, merely... annoying. But I suppose they're justified, as it's rather hard for them to communicate with family outside of the Ruins." Frisk's eyebrows knitted as she tried to take in all the information, and Connie caught on. "I know this is a lot to think about. It's probably very different from what you're used to. I had trouble getting used to things here at first, too."
"Everyone here is very kind, quirks and all. You'll enjoy your life here, even if it takes time. It did for me." Connie saw that Frisk's expression did not relax and addressed that. "You're not thinking of what you left behind, are you? The rumor that all who travel to Mt. Ebott never return is true, thanks to the barrier. No monster soul could pass through it, and no human soul can either, or I'm sure that at least one of us would have left already. So... you may have to put your old ways to rest. I had to do that."
Now Frisk felt a pang of panic go through her chest. While she didn't exactly go to Mt. Ebott looking for a brief vacation, something about the idea of disappearing completely from the surface world made her feel ill at ease. "And you were okay with that?"
"Your first words to me," Connie said, a teasing lilt to her voice. "After some time, I was okay with that. When you're away from everything, you tend to reflect on your preconceived notions of your reality. Eventually, I realized I wasn't missing much by leaving the surface world." Frisk pursed her lips in thought as she turned over Connie's words in her head, and the cyan-clad girl continued. "Consider this. I visited Mt. Ebott with someone who left me waiting. I waited for a very long time, and he never returned. I had no way of getting back home, and I was starving. I felt my only choice was to jump into the Underground. While I missed my family for a while, I soon realized that things were not quite as happy as I thought. Here, I have a caring family and friends. I think, all things considered, the Underground may have been the best thing to happen to me."
Frisk frowned deeply, her face tense. Connie's story was painful to hear. It was one thing to willingly leave one's situation, but to be abandoned and forced to take a different path? She wasn't sure how the girl wasn't a mental wreck. Mercifully, Connie steered the topic elsewhere. "How about we see the progress on your room? With Asriel helping, they should be done soon." Frisk followed her down a hallway, and sure enough, Asriel stepped out of a room about halfway through.
"Perfect timing! We're all set here. I'm sure you're exhausted after everything you've been through, so go rest up," Asriel said to Frisk.
Frisk looked to Connie, who said, "Don't worry about me. I can wait to show you around. If you need to rest, please do." Frisk nodded, and Asriel stepped aside as she went into her room, shutting the door behind her.
The room was nicely laid out: a large bed across from the door, a closet not too far from the bed, a desk against the right wall, and a trunk against the left wall. There was a lovely red rug spread on the floor; Frisk took off her heels and discovered that it was quite soft, a welcome texture to her aching feet. First, she went to inspect the closet. To her surprise, there were numerous copies of the dress she had received hanging in there, along with the blue and pink dress she had fallen in. Sensing an opportunity, she swiftly changed into that dress. Feeling much more comfortable, she exhaled heavily and went to inspect the trunk. Nothing was in there, which made her wonder why they gave her so much storage space when she had nothing to store. After that, she opened the desk drawer to find colorful stationery and what appeared to be paper for official documents, if the Delta Rune letterhead was any indication. There was also a crystal similar to the one Asriel had used to access the elevator, which she pocketed.
With all the nooks and crannies examined, Frisk hopped onto the bed. She could say with certainty that it had to be the most comfortable bed she had ever slept on. The mattress was just the right degree of softness, and the covers were plush and warm without being smothering. For a moment, it felt like everything would be all right. In spite of all that had happened, she found that she drifted off easily, and soon she was wrapped in a comforting darkness.
Frisk was unsure of how long she had actually been asleep when a noise in her head woke her up, something like a loud buzzing whoosh. It was most likely just the dwindling remains of some dream, but the sensation was alarming enough to jolt her awake and make her shudder. She found herself staring at the ceiling for a period of time, waiting to be able to fall back to sleep, but sleep never came. Sighing, she pulled herself up and out of bed and stretched. Perhaps a walk around the castle would help her settle down. The notion of stepping outside came to her, but she swiftly disregarded it. It would be foolish to walk around alone in an unfamiliar place that might contain legitimate danger. Chara's warning from before echoed in her mind. Would there be members of a rebellion waiting for her to step out of the castle so they could kill her for her soul? Would there be spies from the rebellion in the castle itself?
With troubled thoughts unsettling her, Frisk decided that she had to get something to defend herself with. She opened her closet and pushed the dresses aside in case something of interest was hiding behind them. Sure enough, there was a pole in there that must have once been for hanging clothes on. Perhaps it had worn out over the years and had been replaced. Regardless of its origins, she took it out. At the very least, it would make a good walking stick. She might even be able to check for traps with it.
Cautiously, she opened her bedroom door and stepped out. She tapped the pole in the spaces around her; nothing was activated, and so she proceeded. She walked down the hall into the foyer, keeping a vigilant watch the whole time. When she reached the foyer, a familiar voice caught her off guard.
"Going somewhere?"
It was just Connie, sitting in a chair and drinking tea, but Frisk jumped nonetheless. Connie looked down at her tea and then back up at Frisk. "Sorry if I scared you. Are you having trouble sleeping?" When Frisk nodded, Connie replied, "Me too. I think we're going to have to work at getting used to each other. Why don't you take a seat?" Frisk did so, sitting in an armchair next to Connie's seat. "If I'd known you were up, I would have made tea for you. Did you drink much tea on the surface?" This time, Frisk shook her head. "Were you more of a coffee person?" Frisk made an affirmative noise. "Ah. I'm sure that Elliot has coffee... maybe I'll go to Waterfall and ask him for some. He's the Prince of Perseverance, and he manages Waterfall with Rayna, the Princess of Integrity."
Frisk pursed her lips as she thought. She had only met three of her eight "siblings" so far: Asriel, Chara, and Connie. There were five more she needed to meet, and she hoped that she didn't have to stay in the Ruins and wait for them. "You can visit them?" she asked.
Connie nodded. "Of course. Using the elevators, we can visit each other whenever we need, or go to New Home. They're not public access, of course, but we're not confined to our respective regions. You want to meet the others, don't you?" Frisk nodded. "If you found your elevator key, you might even be able to visit them tomorrow. But I think you should wait a little and get used to this place first. Who knows, they might even come visit you instead." There was a silence as Frisk let the information soak in; eventually, Connie broke it. "I have an idea. How about we go out for a bit and say hello to the monsters around here? Some of them might be up." Frisk got up to get ready to go, but Connie halted her briefly. "Maybe you should get dressed. You don't have to put on the shoes, but the dress would be fine. It's a public image thing."
Frisk felt her face twist in disdain over having to get dressed again, but she voiced no objection. She took up her closet pole again and headed back to her room to slip into her dress. That went by without incident, so she returned to the foyer to meet with Connie. When she entered, the younger girl stood up. "That was quick. Shall we get going?" Frisk nodded and followed Connie out the door.
At first, the journey was a quiet one. Frisk found herself trying to get used to the purpleness of the Ruins once again and enjoying that the red leaves broke up the monotony a bit. Eventually, Connie spoke. "Why do you have that pole, by the way? You're clutching it like your life depends on it."
"Just in case," Frisk said.
"In case of what?" Connie asked. "I suppose it might help you get a leg up on some of the puzzles." A faint ribbiting noise caught both of their attentions. "Ah, one of the Froggits must be around. You should introduce yourself."
Frisk followed Connie further ahead, and sure enough, a frog-like creature was crouched next to a rock. When Frisk got close enough, she could see that there seemed to be eyes in the shadows under the monster's body, making her unsure of where exactly she should be making eye contact. The Froggit spoke through its ribbiting. "Hello, Princess. You're up very late."
Connie shrugged. "I had a bit of trouble sleeping. Also, I thought the new Princess should meet at least some of you."
Frisk waved in greeting, and the Froggit nodded. "We have heard about you, Princess Frisk," it said. "You fell down and were taken in earlier today, right?" Frisk nodded. The Froggit shifted its attention to Connie. "And I thought you were the quiet one."
"She'll warm up eventually, I'm sure," Connie said. Frisk frowned, not entirely approving of being spoken for like that. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Frisk shook her head. "Never mind."
"All right." Connie looked from Frisk to the Froggit, and then to the path ahead. "Have you seen any of the others?"
"It is late. They are probably asleep," the Froggit said. "Princess Frisk, you should keep an eye on the ground. If you don't watch where you step, you may wake up a Vegetoid."
Frisk found herself clutching her pole a bit tighter. "I have this."
The Froggit gave a questioning ribbit. "What is that for?"
"Checking for traps." To emphasis the point, Frisk tapped the pole on the ground.
"If you say so." The Froggit's gaze wavered. "You seem like the type to think your actions through. Let me give you another few pieces of advice: please do not pick on Loox, and if you wish to speak to Migosp, it's best to do so when he is alone."
"I see. Thank you," Frisk said, wondering why people picked on this Loox and why Migosp was best talked to alone, but she figured that she would find out soon enough.
"I'll introduce you to them later," Connie said. "If everyone's asleep, I suppose there's not much point in wandering around. We should probably head back." Frisk nodded, and Connie bid farewell to the Froggit. "Thank you for entertaining us at such an hour."
The two princesses silently made their way back to the castle. When they walked in the door, Connie wiped her feet off on the doormat before proceeding. "I don't know about you, but that walk made me feel a bit better, even if not much happened. I'll be heading to bed. What about you?"
Frisk nodded again. "I think I can go to bed now."
"All right then. Good night, Frisk." With that, Connie left the foyer for her room, and Frisk did the same.
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hottytoddynews · 8 years
Thomas Getman has spent his entire life working tirelessly to provide aid and relief for those in need, both domestically and internationally. As the son of a Quaker humanist, he grew up being instilled with the values that he has carried with him during a career dedicated to service. This week he has spoken with classes in the Meek School of Journalism at Ole Miss about the threats that he feels face the country and the world. 
Getman has led faith-based groups, served as the director of World Vision (a group designed to encourage the government to provide aid for the needy overseas) while being guided by his faith. 
“My dad was the salvation army commissioner in our town growing; I grew up with that same attitude,” Getman said. “One day, my high school football coach talked to me about faith and commitment to the divine order of things. I began to explore Christianity more deeply, and it’s very clear that were supposed to care for the poor, the oppressed and the marginalized.”
While he moved around a bit, Getman ensured he would become a change agent in each community in which he resided. In both Boston and Philadelphia, Getman worked with high school students and inner-city residents to help provide them with a quality education that they had once been denied. 
Getman eventually moved to Washington D.C. and became the Congressional legislative director for Senator Mark Hatfield. There he drafted up legislation that led to international change and relief for many under the threat of Idi Amin’s leadership in Uganda. His position in the Senate led to a life changing meeting. 
“I led the campaign to put sanctions on Idi Amin, which led to the anti-apartheid legislation in South Africa because Desmond Tutu walked in and asked for a briefing on African issues,” Getman said. “Ever since he walked into our office, my life was changed forever. Hearing of how he put his life on the line day after day to help people.” 
Getman’s involvement with World Vision took him to the Middle East as he attempted to build positive relationships between Israel and Palestine. He was able to find success in a program titled “Grieving Parents” which brings together parents who have lost children in terrorist attacks. 
“Parents from both sides who lost children in terror attacks grew close to one another for not only comfort, but they spoke out against the idiocy of violence,” Getman said. 
The debate will rage on about the refugee crisis facing the world today, but Getman keeps politics aside as he continues his effort to create opportunities for those who are in search of aid. When prompted about the “light on the hill” that is the United States, Getman spoke of how that may be changing. 
“Those of us who have been to middle east know and love Syrian people. They’re wonderful people who want to provide for their families. There people just like us and millions of them have been displaced, so how do we help these people? We turn them away at the airport..that will just make more people mad,” Getman said. ““The light on the hill is dimming, people overseas are losing respect for the US because of our lack of attention to the needs of the marginalized, the orphans and the strangers.”
While Getman was able to work with the Clinton and Bush administrations to steer members of the government to send aid to those in need, he doesn’t plan to reach out to the politicians in Washington. Instead, he looks to a book titled “Thank You For Being Late” by Tom Friedman, which speaks of where he believes true governing originates. 
“Governing doesn’t come from presidents, prime ministers, senators or members of parliament,” Getman said. “Real government comes from families, communities, core groups and Good Neighbor programs (a program which houses refugees). Those kind of acts start to filter up. People must band together to take care of one another. I’m going to beat down the doors of the white house; I’m going to keep fanning the flames in my community and loving the people that we’re given from other places.”
He has practiced what he preaches, over the last 2 months Getman and his wife have opened their home to three different afghan families who he believes are “bright and vibrant people who will make great contributes to our society.”
Getman knows that true change will come as long as both sides can have an open discussion, and concerned citizens voice their opinions in the appropriate ways. 
He said, “When anarchist type people weigh in, they burn cars, smash cars. It undermines the efforts to solve problems, but when millions of people march respectfully as we saw with the women’s march, then think people get the difference.”
With many across the country on edge about the threat of foreign terrorism, Getman weighed in on the war being waged across the world. He is worried that there is a war we may not be fighting hard enough. 
“One of my concerns is that there are two wars going on. The war against terror that seems to have captivated everybody,” Getman said. “Then there’s the much larger war against hunger. We’ve had 190,000 people killed in terror attacks around the world since 9/11, which is a tragedy. But at the same time we have 40,000 people a day die from hunger and water-related illnesses. There’s enough food to feed everyone in the world; we just don’t pay attention to it. We may be fighting the wrong war.”
Citing facts from the EPA, Getman fears that over 14 million houses will be without water by 2020 if something doesn’t change. 
“There’s 144,000 water purification plants around the US and there old. There not cleaning the water anymore,” he said. “The pipes are rusty and broken. People are getting sick from the led because these pipes are part of the old infrastructure. Section 8 housing is particularly bad, and poor children are forced to drink water that is posting them.” 
The poorest people are traditionally the most neglected by politically motivated decision, according to Getman whether it’s because of re-election concerns, funding issues or any other issues that may arise. He wants against making decisions for those reasons and using the power to help the most people possible. 
“You have to set your priorities from the lowest common denominator, not from on-high. Often the decisions made at the highest level are affected by politics that they don’t really hear the poorest of the poor,” Getman said. “One of the reasons we had the outcome we did in this last election is because only 60 percent of the electorate voted. We’ve become one of the lowest voting democracy’s in the world.”
Getman now travels across the country to speak to students about the need for action to help people across the world. In his travels, he’s seen the willingness to help people and urges more to get involved. 
I hope to inspire young people that are coming up especially in journalism to take on the role of advocacy for those who are really suffering, and to raise up issues like the water and the hunger issues,” Getman said. “There have been very poignant, multi-layered questions from students about how they can get involved, that’s very exciting. If just a few people take fire that’s worth a trip. You never know where the seeds you sew, come to fruition but I’m confident that it does because I’ve seen it.”
After a trip down to the Mississippi Delta, Getman saw many of the issues he speaks of represented in the area. When he returned to Oxford, he reflected on his trip and realized that something has to change.
“After pondering what I saw in the devastated towns, with the empty main streets and vacant factories I came to a realization. We are at a pivot point in our society about how to deal with the undercurrent of issues that improvised people deal with in places where thriving communities once existed.” Getman said, “If we spent less on fighting terrorism, we could redirect those funds to our infrastructure we’d be a lot better off.”
When he’s not speaking to students, Getman also coordinates efforts in both the U.S. and South Africa at the Liliesleaf Farm to bring together members of government, liberation fighters and citizens to ensure history doesn’t repeat itself. This is done through countless individuals drawing on their memories to recreate the most factual recounting of what took place in some of the world’s most difficult times. 
“Memories are a fragile thread to hang on one person’s recollection. We do these in Washington as well as South Africa. My dream is to one day do the same in the Middle East,” Getman said. “History is so palpable that it’s instructive to future generations.
While there are threats that must be dealt with, Gettman believes that people have the power to bring about true change just as he saw in South Africa during one of the darkest periods in history. 
“We live with great hope because we’ve seen the miracles before. We thought there would never be liberation in South Africa, but then leaders gathered, and after 21 meetings, Nelson Mandela was released, and the rest is history.” Getman said. “If people set their shoulders to the wheel I know, assuredly, there will be bright spots that will encourage people in the world like Mandela did. The power of one and the power of community will always be there.” 
Getman’s faith has driven him to make a difference, and he believes that action in the name of helping others is the most important part of any faith. 
“Faith in action is critical if one understands that faith is not just to save ourselves. It’s unbiblical to have a faith that stops with our own salvation,” Getman said. “Faith is only real if it’s fleshed out in the hardest situations, when people mobilize to show what faith is about not just to talk about it.” 
Steven Gagliano is a writer for HottyToddy.com. He can be reached at [email protected]
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