#hes getting a hammer to the head idgaf
bunnihearted · 9 months
ughhhh i hate the she's so cute when shes angry. no emotion or feeling is ever taken ssly when ur a woman, they always reduce everything abt u to ur physical appearance
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arcan3-reliquary · 5 months
VERITAS RATIO HEADCANONS (because we need more content of him that's him-centric)
And because you guys asked. Most of these headcanons are purely based on my readings of him or have 0 basis in canon, so if you don’t like them, feel free to scroll past them!!
fighting the war on autism on the side of autism. As a neurodivergent he's very nd coded to me, especially with the fact that he's a very caring person but terrible with emotions and words. He's losing the idgaf war so badly like there's no way a neurotypical person has a temper that short over the most (seemingly) inane shit
Kind of pasty. not just like porcelain skin, like clay-sickly-victorian-boy type palor. He tries to go outside more often, but by the nature of his job he's rather sedentary and inside alooot. He's perfectly healthy, he just looks like that. Same complexion as Freminet in my head, with fewer freckles and a tooth gap he likes to deny he has.
Wears the alabaster headpiece not just to deal with idiots, but to self regulate out in public. It blocks out smells, and dampens sound and light enough for him to tolerate some of the veeery overstimulating environments he visits.
For a man that values creativity explicitly, not enough people seem to believe he’d have an interest in the arts. So I think he's into sculpting. A chisel and hammer are very comforting weights in his hand, and while he doesn't particularly care for pottery or wet clay, he gets why it's so well liked. He uses himself as reference mostly because he's most familiar with his own body and asking others can be awkward or seen as weird.
The dude has extremely obscure taste in sci-fi novels. Like he will yap on and on about why he can't stand most sci-fi and recommend the most odd shit out there if asked.
Not really a hc, but he has very brittle self-esteem. It simply comes with the territory of being labeled “gifted” or “a child genius.” For years, a lot of his perceived worth came from the quality of his work or academic validation, and now his big reason for staying in academics isn't the knowledge itself, but rather the joy of teaching and sharing the things he knows.
Somehow both touch starved and touch averse. Contact must be initiated by him on his terms, or a shutdown will happen. But when someone he trusts does this, it's the funniest thing because he thinks he's being so subtle about his enjoyment of it. (Aven played w his hair once and Veritas passed tf out like that and Aven couldn't move for an hour.)
Chronic over-explainer. Either he misreads someone's tone and thinks they need the detail, or past conflict was caused by him thinking he didn't explain enough (it was usually just people being purposefully obtuse or daft.)
Unsurprisingly terrible to deal with when sick. Non-verbal, sits under a mountain of weighted blankets, and only communicates via the notes app on his phone or having Aventurine help him.
Ratio is terribly farsighted - just genetics. Lasic surgery fixed most of it, but he still needs reading glasses and contacts.
Intimacy issues alert. Vulnerability is scary and being put on a pedestal your whole life tends to make letting down pretenses a lil nauseating. Mortifying ordeal of being known and all that.
Girl Anachronism by the Dresden Dolls makes me think of him. I can't explain it. I think it's a combo of him being hella self aware of his issues but also just kinda treating them like something of a character flaw or moral failing rather than something he can ask for help with. Just a thought
AND THATS ITS IVE YAPPED ENOUGH ABOUT RATIO. The Aveenturine and Golden Ratio posts will come soon but for now have these. He makes me insane.
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cinamun · 1 month
I just got caught up and I am emotionally exhausted, the Drakes and friends are really going through it (I say this with glee). Some of the highlights for me were:
Bishop's Love Kills hoodie…
In the gif after Bishop sends the text, the animation got Jayce looking like Questlove lecturing; it don't hurt that he's thicc, too
The way Mercy called out Jackson after waking up disoriented and in pain, said too much
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I howled when I saw the "He's dead" link for the previous one right under this pic with Bishop in the background; gotta give it up for environmental storytelling (we can dream).
Hope comforting Jayce by comparing their father's indiscretions
Charlie, bless his heart…
Okay, Amaya…
Damn, Mercy.
Dreams do come true~
Damn, Mercy.
Don't take it out on the child, Mercy.
Damn, Mercy.
Indya: "DJ if you're gay just say that. No need to throw us under the bus." 🤣
As soon as Charlie said that she always runs away, I started thinking, Dira can do what she wants as long as all parties are consenting, and I know she made it clear to the folks she got involved with, but I think that she should stop using people even if they want to be used. Don't be an enabler for unhealthy behavior… A lot went into the outlook she has on life now. She really wants it her way. But what is the "it"? Is it the control, is it the attention? Is she taking shit out on the wrong people? All of the above? She's drawing lines with her words but blurring them with her actions… This is not to say she can't get down with friends, but when you know they want what you don't, do everyone a favor and cut them loose. What's really going on in that child's head? And then, here you come with that scene!
Darren always running in those hard-ass soles.
I love how Darren and Indya's ways of counseling are different, but manage to fill in the blanks for the other.
Dira told Indya that she "went to bed" but, going by Charlie, looking exhausted like he really went through it, I wonder if that's the extent of it or has she lost time?
What's up with Jules offering a potential patient a drink before he learns what her vices are? It's not a date.
It's incredible that Mercy, Jayce, Eva, DJ, and Dira are all in reality's choke hold right now.
Mercy with this IDGAF attitude. I wish I could believe it was like a "finally free to be me" makeover, but it feels like she's preparing to be alone, she's pushing people away before she can be pushed.
Jayce having to a accept a whole lot of truths and being completely out of his depth with how to process it, mentally and emotionally; he's so used to knowing that he's just unsteady every step of the way through this, trying to hammer out one dent only to find that he created another.
Eva is taking a lot of this in stride because she's actively processing everything, but she's kept caring for her child front and center. Unlike her new big brother, she can't just come home and ignore her family and be forgiven for holing up in her head until she finds a modicum of clarity while her partner picks up the slack. So, she really has no choice but to keep it together. Though it doesn't hurt that she's pretty straightforward because it will save her a lot time since she'll have less BS to wade through.
Interestingly enough, DJ and Dira are in similar situations; they've both become the expectation vs reality meme. I understand their perspectives, though, kids have limited frames of reference, so if they don't copy the adults around, they are left with choosing between doing the opposite or taking a cue from elsewhere. It's obvious they both did the latter because I know the Drakes have definitely made it clear to their children that you are free to do what you like, but you have to accept the consequences as well. The twins are so much more alike than I thought they were. I don't think either one of them are wrong for wanting what they want, but they are definitely going about it in the wrong way, because any way that hurts other people (even if they stick around knowing they'll be hurt) is not the way to go.
I honestly thought I wouldn't have much to say because I feel so out of practice, but I was wrong. Thanx for still doing what you do, we're all better for it.
Also, I don't know if you know, but sometimes, just sometimes, liking your posts on cinamun.tumblr.com takes you to the top of the page.
Always a nice breakdown of events and I very much appreciate the real time reactions! There is certainly a lot to take in when it comes to Chapter 25. When it comes That Scene™, I hope that answered the questions you had about Dira choosing to be who she is and do what she wants. This is fiction, but in non-fiction real life, young girls get caught in horrible relationships, get hit with low self-esteem and even worse, all because other people's opinions have a profoud impact on their lives. Young women, especially young Black women, are scrutinized far worse for doing the most basic shit like being honest with their lovers about what they want.
That's why we needed that scene.
As for Jules, that's just who he is. He offered Darren a cigar imported from Sulani during his first visit. Its just The Doc™.
We'll be returning to those shenanigans soon enough though. Welcome back!
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ge · 11 months
sumt about chung myung having a (relatively) softer heart than tang bo makes me melt... u can see tang bo doesn't reach out to things that he feels doesn't need it, but chung myung actively takes things into his heart... man i love how they're so diff from how they're presented as. usually the smiley, touchy one would be the self sacrificial one
(idk where this is from but is tang bo actually cold to others when not in front of chung myung...? this is such a popular thing i see in works lol)
yall genuinely have no idea how often im thinking about tangchung character studies theyre so interesting to pick and prod at.. chung myung keeping his softness under so many many layers of rock hard defense and even when u get close enough to him to break those walls down, hes so unused to being unprotected that gentleness feels like something that has to be coerced, gripped, and dragged out of him, affection making his chest feel clogged and cumbersome, and love felt so heavily it feels like it could bring down the sky.. he feels with such an overwhelming excessiveness that displaying it freely in any way other than casual familiarity feels like humiliation, and asking for it in return even more shameful.. he is a empty house hungry to be lived in and yearning for a flame but he would much rather let his terse and concise and seemingly brutish actions speak louder than his softness, no matter how it may end up being interpreted....my long winded way of saying i think chung myung has an extreme hedgehog dilemma and is a tsundere about it
tang bo is a little trickier for me to get a read on maybe bc i hvnt read much about him yet and most of my knowledge of him comes from fics & twt users LOL (which im aware are mostly extremely ooc..it kinda grates on me knowing most or all of my knowledge of him is secondhand and distorted) but i must agree with you.. the tang bo in my head is predominately headcanon ive built up myself so whatever i say about him might be extremely off the mark but idgaf..i like the version of him i have in my head currently..
compared to chung myung, tang bo feels hrmmm..more sociable but impersonal.. im not sure if he can be called cold exactly, but he doesnt seem to show much care or affection to anyone he isnt particularly close with.. he seems to have an almost impassive business type relationship with most people, including his family though it should be mentioned aside from chung myung, he is also friendly towards chung mun and chung jin, having been said to drink w the three of them often.. from what ive seen he seems to treat them like a second family in a sort of way? i attribute tang bos dispassionate demeanor to his family, the way he was raised formed a sort of crust around not, not so much a wall but a poker face..and chung myung was the first person who directly challenged the monotony of his life
smth about the dichotomy of their natures is sooo interesting urhg.. tang bo, a young master of a reputable rich family given everything he could ever want for, taught to be upright and gallant since birth, wearing the seemingly permanent mask of impersonality and tranquility that was hammered into him since young, meeting someone who brought back colour into his dull world for the first time in his life and suddenly that mask starts crumbling and tang bo finds himself happy in a way he was never allowed to be under the watchful eye of his familys strict elders
compared to chung myung whos life was nearly the complete opposite, an orphan taken in and raised in a sect by people who showered him w as much uninhibited familial love as he could want for, taught him to be honourable and respectable, grows up w a penchant for keeping his true emotions hidden deep underneath his surface, not out of malice or obligation but because, unlike tang bo, it was simply how he was..meeting and befriending tang bo made him begin to WANT, for the very first time..to actually show someone how deeply he can care, to peel back the veil and show someone the desperation for intimacy he desires so profoundly that buzzes underneath his skin in a way he couldnt, wouldnt, speak of out of the sheer indignity of it all...yeah so basically what im saying again is that hes tsundere and tang bo saw that and was like i need that gay boy
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YAKUZA 0 IS FINISHED!!!! On to Kiwami 2  :3
I’m not sure I have too much to say, at least not anything too exciting, cause I knew most of what was gonna happen (by that I mean I knew Majima’s bit, BUT IT STILL DEVASTATED ME)
Actually idgaf how old the game is, I’m gonna talk spoilers so they’re under the cut. But overall yeah, I liked the game :)
So because I didn’t know anything that wasn’t Majima’s half, I was surprised to see that Nishiki is the one who stopped Kiryu from crossing the line of killing Shibusawa and I just....I’m emotional. Nishiki made me emotional this entire game. Can we remake Kiwami please? (also his name is a new vocal stim. It’s so nice to say. “Nishiki”. Sometimes I treat myself to the full “Nishikiyama” :3)
I went into this curious about the fuss behind Tachikiryu as a ship and YEAH NO I GET IT. I didn’t really like Tachibana too much at first but he grew on me and suddenly turned out to be this super cool and caring badass and I was SO UPSET by his death!!!! I thought he was gonna get shot!!! But NO they THWACKED HIM IN THE HEAD WITH A HAMMER, it was such a dull and heavy thud and he just went limp and GOD it felt so real, heartbreaking. Also the most emotion Kiryu’s ever shown to another person
Turns out Sera’s cool too, ain’t he? Shame he dies offscreen in Kiwami, r.i.p king. Still hate how Majima’s still chained to his leash but at least he doesn’t have to deal with anyone’s bullshit and he knows Makoto is safe even though he shoulda SAID something just to give her some GODDAMN CLOSURE DAMMIT MAJIMA YA JUST ANOTHER MAN MAKIN CHOICES ABOUT HER LIFE FOR HER JUST SAY GOODBYE TO HER PLE-
I’m gonna miss playing as Majima. His moveset is by far more fun and entertaining than Kiryu’s, with better Heat Actions for all the styles (especially Breaker vs Rush, the latter only letting me get a Heat Action when I’ve already knocked a dude out. I’m gonna miss those kicks and flips and screeches.) Maybe one day when I’ve finished the rest I’ll download it again and play on a different difficulty, although I doubt I’ll ever 100% it. You can fuck off I’m ever going anywhere near mahjong. 
Anyway @RGG make Kiwami 3 and give Majima more focus or give me a Majima game. This is not a request it is a demand. I need him back. I miss him already. Also resurrect Nishiki while you’re at it.
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moonpetrichors-blog · 3 years
Tags: Uni!Xiao x Uni!Reader, Oneshot, Comforting, Slight Academic Rivals, Good Ending, Kissing
Warnings: Mentioned Crying, Jealousy, Insecurity, A Little Bit OOC But IDGAF 🙀
You’re a new university student attending the school with a scholarship. Excited for the transition day, you never imagined you would feel shaken up by another student like you. He may not be as bad as you thought.
Yellow Hyacinth - Jealousy
* ˚ ✦ 1195 Words • Read below the cut
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-╰┈➤ ❝ [10/03/22] ❞
You swallowed nervously.
The campus to your new school appeared large and unfamiliar. In the midst of a vast, enigmatic sea of students, you felt as though you were swimming in anxiety. They were all there for the same reason as you, yet somehow you felt like a fish out of water. It was transition day, and you were woefully unprepared. Despite your meticulous planning, you didn't feel ready for the big day at all.
Forget swimming in the anxiety, you were practically drowning in it.
You were on the verge of abandoning your scholarship as soon as you stepped onto school grounds. You reminded yourself, though, that this was an opportunity and that you needed to venture outside of your comfort zone. As you took timid steps into the grassy area, you let your gaze wander between the alien buildings. As you were getting acquainted with the school, you collided with the back of a distracted girl. You apologized, but quickly realized she wasn't listening.
Something akin to admiration glinted in her eyes. Craning your head to see what she was staring at, you felt your stomach drop immediately. Before you stood another scholarship student, attractive at that. Ohers had seemed to agree with that sentiment as well; they were practically drinking up the sight of him. Your heart hammered in your chest.
The boy's hair was colored sea green on the underside. He wore a black crewneck with a white collared shirt underneath, his hair pulled back into a ponytail. His fingers were adorned with silver rings, and a chain draped from his grey slacks. His ears were studded with several piercings as well. As he strolled, he avoided the looks around him, his earphones providing additional safety. You were self-conscious.
Snapping out your train of thought, you gave your mentor teacher a smile.
‘Finally, a familiar face,’ you thought, as Lisa approached you.
“Don’t forget that you have to see me before they give out the speech.”
Lisa directed her attention to a door behind the stage. Nodding, you exchanged pleasantries with her before she walked away. Resuming your exploration around the school grounds, you were quickly reminded of the student from earlier as you were met with the sight of more students circling him. He didn't seem to want to be there, but he was, hardly mingling with people who were dying to get to know him. He barely made himself heard when he introduced himself.
“I’m Xiao.”
Jealousy swelled up inside of you. Watching from afar, you felt a twinge of envy because he was everything you wished to be. Yes, you were clever, but he was also stunning. He had everyone begging to be his friend without even trying. The fact that he seemed unconcerned about how fortunate he was simply contributed to the feeling.
You couldn't stand it any longer. You brushed up against Xiao as you pushed through the crowd to leave, staring straight ahead. You felt a pair of eyes searing into your back as you did so, but disregarded it as you dashed to the restroom.
You sought refuge in one of the stalls and sat on the toilet seat's lid. Burying your face in your hands, you felt weary and overwhelmed. Your eyes welled up with tears as you reflected on the events of the day. Perhaps you were not meant to be social and out of your comfort zone.
Your ears perked up to a sound. There was a knock on the stall door.
“Y/N, get out! The speech is happening soon.”
It was Lisa.
“I’ll be out soon, just give me a minute.”
Lisa murmured something about the speech and quickly left, leaving you alone in the bathroom. There was another knock on the cubicle door, just as you were ready to stand up and leave. You unlocked it, assuming it was Lisa again. You muttered something about telling her to wait.
Xiao poked his head through the door instead. He had followed you on your way out.
You almost cursed at him for frightening you, jumping out of your skin. He chuckled gently and leant against the doorframe, studying your expression closely. Once you settled down, you ignored his existence and walked right out of the cubicle. He unfortunately followed after you.
You walked into an empty room, still not really knowing your way around the school. Xiao trailed behind you, seemingly unaware of your horrible sense of direction. As you were trying to navigate to the room Lisa mentioned, he was the first one to address the elephant in the room.
“Why’d you run away?”
You remained silent, assuming you discovered the room. You sat down, pulling out a chair, with the intention of ignoring him. He sat with you in silence for awhile, watching you pretend he wasn’t there. It wasn’t for awhile until you finally spoke up to answer his enquiry.
“I got jealous.”
He raised an eyebrow at your response, pressing for more details. Everything came spilling out of you at once, and it quickly turned into a conversation which you dominated. He stayed quietly listening nonetheless. As you continued to speak, he reassured you and gave you advice, which was unusual coming from someone who appeared to be apathetic from first glance.
You didn't actually realize how close he was until you snapped out of your reverie. When you looked at Xiao in a daze, he returned your stare, as if to ask why you had stopped speaking. Inching closer towards him, you noticed the way his eyes shifted between your eyes and your lips. You took a nervous gulp.
Xiao leant in tentatively, his hands finding their way on either side of your chair. You placed your palms on his shoulders for support, and before you could register it, his lips were moving against yours in a delicate kiss; you felt butterflies in your stomach. As you held him clumsily, you deepened the kiss, pulling him closer to you. Timing better than ever, a phone rang. A deep blush colored your cheeks when he reluctantly pulled away.
Xiao, annoyed by the disturbance, picked up his phone. You peeked at his screen and noticed a notification informing him that his friend was attempting to start a video call. He swiped on the green button, bringing his friend into view. You were a little disappointed at the interrupted moment.
“Where are you? The presentation just ended!”
“Piss off.”
You could hear his friend audibly gasp through the phone.
“Don’t call me for awhile. I’m with my girlfriend.”
Xiao abruptly hung up, interrupting his friend's cry of inquiries. You nearly went insane rehashing what he said on the call in your head. I'm with my girlfriend.
Looking at your silly expression, Xiao snorted.
“Where were we?”
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meta-squash · 4 years
Brick Club 1.3.3 “Four For Four”
Hugo introduces the chapter by going over the many changes that have happened in Paris since 1817. However, I think it’s kind of an unintentional “the more things change, the more they stay the same” moment when he talks about all these changes, and then a few paragraphs later mentions M. Delincourt and M. Blondeau, law professors at the school whom Bossuet and Marius are still taking courses from 15 years later.
It also feels like a “pay attention” moment here in terms of Hugo talking to the reader. He’s describing these changes that have happened between 1817 and 1862, and yet it’s a moment for the reader to take stock of what has changed in the world between then and the present in which they’re reading, and also what is still the same. Technology is drastically different, social standards are drastically different, and yet you will still find eight friends running around on a weekend having fun, and you will still find a person who falls in love with someone who uses her, and you will still find women who are happy with quick-and-dirty flings, and others who get screwed over by the men in their lives. Technology is ever-changing and constantly advancing, but certain aspects of humanity and human interaction are universal.
In all this discussion of joy and fun, Hugo specifically references Edme-Samuel Castaing, a doctor who in 1822 murdered one close family friend and attempted to murder his brother, in order to gain their fortune. Kind of dark for such a happy occasion. Each chapter leading up to the climax of the dinner seems to have a reference or two that’s just slightly sinister or strange, in the middle of all the happiness.
This chapter really tries to put you in the shoes of the grisettes, with all it’s direct discourse to the reader as well as its beautiful and detailed descriptions of all the places they go and things they do on their outing and how much fun they’re having. The reader is set up for just as intense a disappointment as Fantine here.
Hugo also describes the poet Jean-Pierre-Jacques-August de Labouisse-Rochefort (guy’s got a Tikki Tikki Tembo-level name) walking past them and comparing them to the three Graces, but noting that there’s one too many. Again, this feels like a separation of Fantine from the others. She’s not supposed to be there, not supposed to be in this situation, because she’s not like the other grisettes and perhaps isn’t treating this outing in the same way that the other three girls are.
What are the “keepsakes” Hugo mentions here? I know about Victorian memorial jewelry for mourning or hair-based jewelry and art to commemorate certain occasions, but this seems more romance-based and google is giving me nothing.
Tholomyes is in control here, and everyone knows it, even though Favourite is leading the group. It seems implied that he’s kind of been the one calling the shots the entire time this group has known each other. He’s pretty much a walking display of up-to-date fashion and wealth here. I’m not sure if the “nothing being sacred to him, he smoked” line is in reference to some sort of specific smoking etiquette of the time, or simply just idea that instead of frolicking with the others, he’s hanging back on his own and puffing on this cigar for his own singular pleasure. Either way, giving off pretty big “look at me I’m cool and idgaf” douchebaggery vibes here.
We see Fantine happy! Hugo also draws more attention to her teeth and hair, even having her hold her hat instead of wearing it. Maybe I’m wrong, or maybe working women had different fashions, but my conception of early 1800s hairstyles is fairly pin-heavy updos, so it seems like Fantine’s flyaway hair is just another symbol of her childlike-ness or naivety, especially paired with the description of her “babbling” in the next sentence. Her clothes are also described as being much more conservative than her friends. Altogether the picture of innocent, modest youth.
Erigone is the origin of the constellation Virgo. (Sidenote: trying to look up images of actual ancient Greek masks in the dumpster fire of 2020 is ridiculous.) I couldn’t find any mask references, but there are plenty of Erigone paintings from the late 18th and early 19th century. She also apparently featured in pastoral poetry quite often, so the use of her image here makes sense.
Hugo references Galatea earlier in his description of Fantine, and then again when he says “you could imagine underneath this dress and these ribbons a statue, and inside this statue a soul.” Hugo seems to imply less that she is a sort of Galatea-esque figure, and more that she is like Galatea in that she has a potential inside her that is as yet unrealized. And unfortunately it will remain unrealized, at least until she dies and becomes this symbolic, religious sort of spirit venerated by Valjean.
“A gaiety tempered with dreaminess.” Fantine is so head-in-the-clouds so much of the time. She seems to operate on a slightly different level from everybody else. Somebody mentioned a headcanon of her being autistic? That certainly seems to scan for a lot of this. (I also love it and hate it at the same time. More autistic main characters please! But also less tragic autistic main characters please!)
Hugo is very not subtle about Fantine being a symbol for Innocent And Pure Woman here. He really goes all out when describing her as this working girl who has all this ideal beauty and grace and modesty.
He also really wants to hammer home how important her modesty is specifically. I feel like there are some interesting implications here. Fantine at this point seems to be having as much sex as the other grisettes in her cohort. She gets to be modest and pure despite her sexual activity, while the other grisettes do not. Obviously we don’t really know much about the other girls, so maybe they also have children, but it seems like Fantine may be the only one. So despite the child out of wedlock and the sexual activity, Fantine gets to be pure and modest in personality, in dress, and in symbolism, while her friends are not. Partly I think this is, as Hugo said in the last chapter, an aspect of the powers of Love and how Fantine’s capacity to love so completely makes her different. But what does that say about the other grisettes, who don’t have that passionate and loyal love, and yet are still negatively affected by society or poverty? I mean, I get what Hugo is doing, making Fantine extremely sympathetic, but also making her this pure and modest woman instead of just a regular working girl like her friends seems to imply a betterness? Or at least a Reason for her goodness, while perhaps that reason wouldn’t exist had she been a grisette who acted like the rest of her friends do.
“Love is a fault; be it so. Fantine was innocence floating upon the surface of this fault.” The reason for Fantine’s wisdom is her capacity to love. It’s also her downfall. Because she loves without pretense, without experience, she is ruined. This makes me feel like her “wisdom” isn’t necessarily an intrinsic knowledge of any kind, it’s more like this unhindered ability to love despite the world’s cruelty? Every other main character starts out with a lack of love and then slowly discovers the ability to love (and also to be loved). Fantine starts out with not only the ability to love, but the ability to love completely. She gets screwed over by Tholomyes, and she does harden a little bit, but she never loves Cosette any less. Compare this to the Thenardiers and their children, or Magnon and her children. Fantine’s unique wisdom is that her love does not diminish the more hardship she encounters or the more miserable she becomes.
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couldbeyourlife · 5 years
that’s a party platter it serves 12 people
avengers done been assembled spoilers below the cut ramble ramble garble garble hyperbole and capslock 
Caveats(?) as it were? My reactions are my own and not a judgment of anyone else’s feelings, thoughts, or reactions. There are like, many paths to the rainbow, dude. It ain’t that deep here for the most part. In this movie especially, there were a lot of moments where my feelings can be summed up with:
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Also, Steve and Natasha are my babies my faves I love them most and best. 
Overall, liked MUCH MUCH better than IW. IW focused way the hell too much on people IDGAF about. This one was about the OGs and people I care about so I am here. for. that. 
Has me thinking reallllllly how much of all of this is about getting that Moment On Screen. The “avengers assemble” or steve with the hammer or w/e. Things as “fans” we all have these images of in our imaginations or have seen on page and grown to see as iconic. And really, so very much of all of the Avengers movies mostly seem to be plots strung along to get to those moments? Which, I mean is it what it is. That’s what comic book team up Event Books are about. We’re getting an 18 months crossover event stuffed into a couple of hours BASICALLY. This movie, even more than the others, felt most like a comic book. 
I yelled “fuck you” at least twice at the screen to Tony in the first 20 minutes. The entire thing between him and Steve after Tony gets back was so very not a good look. 
I mean Tony was worse and then better and god as a character he is just so much better in HIS OWN MOVIES. JESUS GOD. Let me stop at IM3 and sing Adele at that. I mean, he’s dead now which works for his arc within the avengers movies. I’m glad he got to form a baby? Ugh. I still find the Iron Man --> Spidey thing odd in the MCU since Spidey is the og really here, y’all. IDK MAN. 
All of Steve and Natasha’s interactions made me clap with JOY. It made me want so much MORE of team Cap’s initial time on the run and then afterward with the two of them. UGH. The fact that Natasha is what Steve is crying about in that crying scene from the trailer? JUST LEAVE ME IN THE ROAD TO DIE OKAY.
Which gets to, I am super very glad I both waited and was spoiled. There were a lot of things I would have been less down with if it had been a LE TWIST! if I didn’t know. Such as the failed mission to kill thanos. Also, if Natasha’s death had been unspoiled for me I probably would have gotten the fuck up and walked out the theater yelling OH FUCK ALL Y’ALL.
SAME BUT DIFFERENT FOR LEBOWSKI THOR. EVEN KNOWING IT WAS COMING I WAS STILL BASICALLY THE THIRSTIEST FUCKING BITCH IN THE UNIVERSE WHEN HE WAS REVEALED AND EVERY FUCKING MOMENT AFTER THAT ESPECIALLY WHEN HE SUITED THE FUCK UP. Had I not been prepared I probably would have thrown my bra at the screen. I mean y’all my fucking husband for life is jack black i gots a type. my eyes are just rolling back in my head w/e w/e w/e I’ll get to Thor more later I just gotta thirst all over this god damn page because UGHa;ldafdaadf9df;/ ; I KNOW WHAT I’M ABOUT, SON.
if you aren’t here for wanting ten million pages of lebowski thor and bearded cap fucking then idek 
Speaking of the porn. The following are things I want: Five year gap Steve/Natasha, Natasha/Carol, STEVE/NATASHA/CAROL, Thor/Valkyrie, Carol/Valkyrie, Carol/Thor/Valkyrie (GOD BLESS YOU, TESSA AND BRIE)
CAROL DANVER’S SHEER DEEP POWERFUL LESBIAN POWER AND ENERGY MADE ME SWOON EVERY TIME SHE WAS ON SCREEN. I loved her interactions with everyone of course. Her eye roll at Rhodey at the start was grate. Enjoyed what interactions we had of her and Steve A LOT. I clapped when he radioed to Danvers during the big scene. 
Really, Scott is and was the best and I just loved him so much. Definately one of the characters that can keep me engaged with the MCU going forward (see also: Carol and T’Challa)
I have so many frustrated and angry feelings about Natasha’s death. I get what people are saying about her and full circle etc. But I think that’s all bullshit really. It is a narrative choice to make that her arc? Like, her entire thing was she had things to make up and redeem herself for. Tony’s entire thing was that he was a selfish dick that learned to be unselfish. Natasha didn’t have a self-sacrifice problem. SHE WAS RAISED TO BE A GOD DAMN WEAPON. SHE’S A SURVIVOR because that’s what a weapon does and there is a huge difference in that.  I get they needed to rid themselves of several of the OG Avengers so Dead Tony, Time Jump Steve, and Natasha being dead? I just. I’m too tired to get into hardcore, but I am mad. I will be mad and I will stay mad. Like, I get why they did it, but the writers MADE THAT CHOICE and so I am perma fucking pressed about it. 
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I honestly dgaf about the GotG and anything related to them and any moment with any of those characters, other than the Rabbit and Thor together, was basically dead airspace. I just DON’T FUCKING CARE. So every minute with them was wasted except for Thor. Oh THOR. Honestly, talk about a dude that started at the bottom for me and now we at the top. (THAT’S WHAT YOU FUCKING GET, TONY STARK FOR BEINGdl;af). Ahem. I feel like Thor’s arc made sense to me? Like he gets to go be the sort of person he’s always wanted to be who he is inside which is PROBABLY a well meaning and heroic semi-frat boy who wants to play with his Rabbit friend and have adventures and drink beer? His entire thing has been about how much he was or wasn’t able to be a good person v. a good king etc and idk IT WORKED FOR ME and he had one of the better OG endings imo. Also, like THOR HAS SEEN SOME SHIT? SOME REAL ASS SHIT THAT HE GETS TO HAVE SOME FUCKING FEELINGS ABOUT? AND REAL ASS SHIT THAT HIS LIFE UP UNTIL SHIT GOT REAL DID NOT PREPARE HIM FOR AT ALL?  Like, I made a C on a paper in grad school and drank an entire bottle of champagne and fell off a chair. I GET IT. (I get a lot of this in the meta context comes from Hemsworth being fucking miserable with what they were doing with Thor because it SUCKED and people realizing that he’s fucking HILARIOUS and rolling with that). Also, a lot of the upset people seem to be really attached to Loki and liek w/e, but who hurt you? 
Speaking of OGs. The entire Bruce/Hulk thing was weird. I get they were real into what they could do special effects wise but... idk man. I wasn’t here for it?
No one cares about Hawkeye. I mean I know there are people that say that but like. Him?
ON YOUR LEFT, CAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which gets us to the last two and biggest two things: Steve and MCU’s entire time travel theory? They even SAY the BttF time travel theory and hint at the multiverse/DC theory of time travel. They seem to be hitting to something closer to the Umbrella Academy where what is going to happen is going to happen except?????????? HOW IT DOESN’T but it also can split into other realities but only because of the stones or? (This is also where the entire event book crossover Big Bad is always annoying because a) everything bad ends up being about that and b) there is way the hell too much bg mythology to care about. Hydra - Nazis MAKES SENSE! Evil Grimace abuses his daughters for fun and profit and wants to make the universe great again but thinks LotR didn’t go far enough with the jewelry thing???) AHEM. I mean, I got to a point where I was like, “this is the most 2019 movie because evil is inevitable because Hope is a Lie and Evil Always wins UNLESS YOU CAN BEND TIME TO YOUR WILL except nope not even that HA HA”  So, I can’t really lockdown the internal logic completely on the MCU theory of time travel. It is sort of making sense until we get to Steve’s ending? 
I have no dislike of this. It is cute. It is fine. It is what Steve deserved. Hell, it is what Peggy deserved. There are other ways it could have went and I would have been down with that too? I’ve been prepared for Steve to die for like 4 years now so you know, this is fine. It removes Cap from the action equation so CEvans like ScarJo and RDJ can be free. I think, if you’re inclined that way there are a ton of character questions you can ask there? Things to pick at and find interesting. I enjoyed Steve’s entire thing this movie immensely (his interactions with 2012 self were great. Him using Bucky against himself I thought was amazing). But here is where I start questioning the time logic which can be summarized with:
Is there a Steve floating out in the ocean still to be found in 2011? There would need to be a Cap from 2011-2019 to put other people in place. You don’t have Sam and Bucky (for example) where they are at UNLESS THERE IS CAP AT THAT POINT??????? Which makes sense because there has to be a Steve to go back to Peggy (AWWW MY HEART IT HURTS), SO does it reform the mobius strip of the timeline to where Steve was ALWAYS in the past with Peggy (but on the downlow???????? WAS HE JUST TOTES NOT STEVE CARTER HUSBAND OF PEGGY CARTER and IDK taught P.E. in Brooklyn???) and so it basically reforms itself to where what was happened always happened but it MEANS that popsicle Steve and Steve from the future that is now in the past exist at the same time and THEN STEVE HAS TO NOT MAKE OUT IN HIS UNDERWEAR WITH HIS OWN MOM????? Or? Like, Hulk even says that when you mess with time, time messes back what are the consequences? Are there? At some point wouldn’t THAT cause some sort of weird paradox? I realize I’m asking SRS questions about fictional time travel so really who is the broken weirdo here me or Marvel (MARVEL OBVIOUSLY?). I’ve read a lot of theories on this and explanations, but none of which really satisfy me. 
and REALLY isn’t that the most comic book thing of it all? The points don’t count and the rules don’t matter. I mean that in the best way possible, really. Fine, it was a yellow bug in Hal Jordan’s brain all along. Oh okay, Barry Allen’s grandson from the future? SURE WHATEVER. I eagerly look forward to ten years from now some fucking fetus getting cast as a new Captain America and being able to yell at whippersnappers how the only REAL CAPTAIN AMERICA IS CHRIS EVANS I HAVE BEEN THIRSTING CORRECTLY SINCE 2009 YOU PUNK ASS LITTLE BITCHES. 
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
It’s Time To Say Aloha To The Hawaiian Shirt Trend
It’s Time To Say Aloha To The Hawaiian Shirt Trend
Thomas Magnum was a great, albeit fictional, private investigator. Yet, as brilliant as he was at solving mysteries (and rocking a moustache), even he couldn’t have foreseen how divisive his signature style of shirt was set to become.
The Hawaiian shirt (or Aloha shirt, to use its proper name) has had more resurgences than Tom Selleck has enjoyed Cuban cigars. Since it’s birth in the 30s, it’s dipped in and out of fashion like a brightly coloured yo-yo. But still we keep coming back to it for one simple reason: wearing a Hawaiian shirt is liberating.
Yes, it’s something beer-bellied dads wear at BBQs to camouflage their sweat patches, but it’s so much more than that, too. Wearing a Hawaiian shirt tells the world, in no uncertain terms, that you don’t give a shit what it thinks. It’s the sartorial equivalent of singing along to your headphones in public. A flowery middle finger to the suited-and-booted menswear masses.
On screen it’s been worn by rebels as diverse as Scarface and Ace Ventura. There’s Christian Slater in True Romance, Johnny Depp in Fear and Loathing, Leonardo DiCaprio in Romeo + Juliet. Elvis Presley loved them too, of course. The style is not as evergreen or easy to wear as an Oxford shirt, say, but it’s a hell of a lot more memorable.
What Is A Hawaiian Shirt?
A Hawaiian shirt can be loosely defined as any short-sleeved shirt bearing a colourful, usually floral, all-over print. However, there are a few caveats.
First of all, the print should be at least vaguely tropical in some sense. That means a big yes to hibiscus and palm trees, and a resounding no to skulls and flames. Sorry, Givenchy.
The collar is also a dead giveaway. Camp (or Cuban, or revere, or open, or whatever you want to call them) collars are the most common style found on Hawaiian shirts, but classic collars do still count.
As for the cut, traditionally, it should be loose and relaxed. But times have changed and more fitted styles are more widely available now too.
How To Wear A Hawaiian Shirt
For all its cheerful, IDGAF charm, the Hawaiian shirt is a notoriously tricky garment to make work as part of an outfit. But not if you’re a professional stylist. Which is why we tapped up SartoriaLab’s Sarah Gilfillan for some insider tips on how to wear this colourful classic.
Hawaiian Shirt + White Tee
“My favourite look for a Hawaiian shirt is worn loose over a T-shirt,” Gilfillan explains. “To enhance the 1950s style, cinch in some 501s with a battered brown leather belt and wear with turn-ups and old school white plimsolls for a cool summer look.”
This works with jeans or more formal trousers and you can play with proportions by tucking the T-shirt in, and letting the longer-style shirt float over the top.
Hawaiian Shirt + Shorts
It’s difficult to make a shorts-and-T-shirt look stand out in the summer, but one option is to forgo the tee and say aloha to this type of shirt instead.
“A Hawaiian shirt doesn’t have to be retro or grungy,” says Gilfillan. “Go for a crisp elegant look by choosing your shirt in cotton in contrasting colours like white with a navy print and wear with classic navy tailored shorts. Ensure the shirt is a little more fitted and finish with classic white trainers like Common Projects to keep the look crisp and classy.”
Hawaiian Shirt + Trousers
It wasn’t so long ago that a Hawaiian shirt would pair with some neutral chinos and little else. Now, thanks to a wider array of shirts, some with muted patterns and colours, and pattern-clashing streetwear types ripping up the old menswear rule book, almost anything goes in the trouser department.
Go retro with some light-wash denim, loud streetwear with some side-stripe trousers or keep things smart by opting for a slim, cropped trouser with the shirt tucked in.
Hawaiian Shirt + Tailoring
“A Hawaiian shirt is not the obvious choice to wear with tailoring as they seem to be opposites on the smart-casual spectrum,” Says Gilfillan. “However, it can be a great look if you get it right. Here’s how. Bring the smart and casual elements slightly closer together, by choosing a softly tailored linen suit or unstructured cotton suit and echo the relaxed feel by going sockless and wearing with suede loafers.”
The print of the shirt is quite loud enough here so go with tonal or neutral colours.
The Best Brands For Hawaiian Shirts
Coming in at the high end of the high street, Reiss’s sleek, stylish aesthetic has made it the store of choice for many a discerning menswear connoisseur. Known selling high-quality basics, alongside more fashion-forward designs, this British institution comfortably straddles the line between contemporary and classic.
Reiss is no stranger to an eye-catching print either, which are designed in the brand’s London atelier. Aside from that, expect flattering cuts, modern styling and guaranteed compliments.
Buy Now: £85.00
Ever walked past your local branch of AllSaints and wondered what all those sewing machines are for? Well wonder no more, because it would appear they’ve been stitching together some of the most wearable Hawaiian shirts outside of the Pacific Islands.
On paper, the British chain’s grungy, almost gothic, aesthetic doesn’t lend itself well to cheerful printed shirts. However, in reality, it’s a winning combo. Think dark florals, moody prints and just enough pops of colour to keep things summery.
Buy Now: £85.00
For a dizzying array of trend-led pieces, casual classics and tweaked tailoring there’s no place better on the high street than the British institution that is Topman.
It may have been your favourite haunt for picking up skinny jeans as a teenager, but that’s no reason to give up on it in adulthood. Take a gander at the selection of Hawaiian shirts on offer and it becomes clear that punchy prints and modern cuts are something the brand knows inside out.
Buy Now: £30.00
By taking classic American menswear designs and updating them for a modern audience, no-nonsense label J.Crew has brought east-coast preppiness to a global audience.
The brand has become known for its fuss-free wardrobe essentials, but its intricately patterned Hawaiian shirts are anything but basic. With prints ranging from tonal florals, right through to no-holds-barred tropical islands, these bad boys were made with BBQ season in mind.
Buy Now: £65.00
The undisputed king of fast fashion, Zara has a supply chain that could give Mo Farah a run for his money. Because of this, the Spanish hero is able to keep well ahead of the competition and as a result has been hammering out some tasty Hawaiian shirts for some time.
For the minimalist looking to branch out, there are subtly patterned styles to match. Or, if you’d rather get some heads turning, look for the bright colours and oversized fits instead.
Buy Now: £25.99
By coupling an appreciation for fit and quality with thrifty production methods, Sweden’s (and everyone else’s) favourite high street retailer has been able to bring razor sharp wardrobe options to men with modest budgets.
The cheery options on offer here feature boxy fits, straight hems and a wide range of grill-friendly prints. All of that coupled with H&M’s signature value for money means that even if you aren’t fully sold on the look, you can afford to experiment.
Buy Now: £17.99
Saturdays NYC
There are better places than New York City to catch a gnarly wave but that didn’t stop the guys behind Big Apple-based surf-lifestyle brand Saturdays NYC from paying homage to their favourite board sport.
Saturdays is a beach brand straight from the absolute unbeachiest of locations. It may sound bizarre but the unique mix of laid-back styling and city sensibilities has given birth to some of the slickest menswear around. Not least some immaculately-fitting Hawaiian shirts. They may be pricey but dear God they’re nice.
Buy Now: $175.00
Gitman Vintage
When it comes to American shirting the Gitman Brothers have been honing their skills for longer than most. Since 1930 the Pennsylvania-based label has been carving out a niche as the go-to place for style-savvy men to pick up next-level quality shirts. Some of which are known for coming in some pretty unconventional prints and patterns.
When you take into account the brand’s knack for eye-catching designs, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Hawaiian shirts on offer are some of the best around. Expect florals, tropical birds and even the occasional unicorn.
Buy Now: £205.00
Another New York-based brand with a focus on beach lifestyle is Onia. The label is known for its luxury swimwear and airy, laid-back clothing – including a vast selection of breezy, patterned short-sleeves.
Despite the glaring lack of beaches in New York City, Onia has managed to create some of the most seaside-friendly shirts you could hope to find. And with subtle but intricate prints, even more conservative dressers can grab a slice of the floral action.
Buy Now: £109.00
Club Monaco
With a reputation for making luxury wardrobe cornerstones and simple everyday staples, Club Monaco may not seem like the obvious choice when it comes to shopping for a loud, obnoxious shirt.
In fact, it isn’t. The New York brand’s pared-back, tonal prints are much easier on the eye than some of their colourful counterparts, meaning they needn’t be banished to the back of the closet the minute you get back from holiday.
Buy Now: £100.00
Tori Richard
Honolulu’s Tori Richard is a brand with a serious pattern-making pedigree. Known for blending Eastern and Western influences, the heritage label’s eye-catching designs often take many days to conceive.
The results are mesmerising and have seen this small Hawaiian brand become famous the world over for its pioneering use of prints and fabrics. These are Hawaiian shirts in their purest form.
Buy Now: $138.00
If the mere thought of dropping a month’s rent on a shirt isn’t enough to make you wretch up your dinner then Prada is always going to be a solid choice.
Colourful, Cuban collar shirts have long been a staple item in the luxury Italian label’s summer collections. Yes, the price is utterly ridiculous. But deny it all you want, there’s a small part of you that’s tempted to take out a second mortgage just to get your hands on one.
Buy Now: £640.00
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